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I aasss&Sfegy*! * f •!ss§£•>■* .‘!-'i -m h «- W» p(v - H*-f_f* n-.V . r j fc* u 3;: ifA M® <■*<■ *“* ■» * ■ffiSSKVvQfb tSffctns.c tv I !vi.i. v'• E * v.-, ’SWSLA * + v V nP^}g(; } : W&k&l J -Lcivi%7 1 t 47* g **AATt ,<.*- c/w « f "tf rf I *% ’*• >r >* f - , < »- tf Sk.%'®4>v/;L **•?*? :-:_ , s’«!'*? -*« -?• t r ,> p' f r / / Tf t «IJ *■ r, .*.*■ ,• ■'!■ t ’■• ._ »'■■-*. *\ i p ii. -1 ■» .• ajLt'.- ; *■ / rf < ■» ~ .7 > p ' r *~ C 3 * V J * « 1 t= \AT ’ ■ '■- >4ji4«i,#"s '*'!'' 5- VtV F 51* •***'•*? J.(f t , _*3 -A, %;v - ** • l|h.K« 1 r ■''•V -' .r , . „*»*- . ■- *r *,*% *.n -**,.' * r . i * - * - rvi • •C e* •* V- . r \ tP r \ 4. * ' V • v" 1 - i! < t ' ,(!> •. ; - ~ Xit ,:<* : • •’ < -J ; .? ••• “• ■’ f ' . W ' "s-v -ifev' ■ Jjc p«ilq |loot. OAV MORNING, THE CAPTURE POINT. the first battle has been fot/gb^,jand has resulted in the capture of Set/all’s Point Butler. t)n Saturday it was despatched that Gen. Butler suddenly made his appearance on Friday, in Hampton, at tho head of the Vermountjßegiment. The Troy and Ver- mont Regiments had encamjied near Hampton. Tbe blockading squadron of Fortress Monroe consists of the Minnesota, Cumberland, Yankee, Star, formerly tbe Monticello, Quaker City and smaller cialU -The arrival ol the United Staten steam frigate Mississippi was anxiously expected whenactive operations will be taken arsine tbe battery at Sewall's Point This was the condition of things as tele graphed on Saturday. On Sunday afternoon the following brie] dispatah announced the result of the con flict at Sewall's Point, which is from twenty -to twenty-five miles from Norfolk. DEATH OF ELLSWORTH. Tho ..assassination of this brave and bril liant young officer has stricken with sadness the hearts of every man. woman and child in this community. Women weep hia sad fate as though he had been a brother, and 'fiaen are stern, solemn and earnest in their opinion that his death must and will be avenged. The spot where he fell will ever be a dark one upon Virginia soil. The name of Ellsworth, like that of Warren at Bunker Bill will sound through the lahd aa the key note of this war. What a promising and brilliant career was to all human judgment before I this bright, active, intelligent and bfaVe ydung man. A Colonel at 24, at the head |of a regiment of the bravest and most patriotic men which the country could afford, earn est in the cause of his country, devoted to the cause of the government whose head was his patron, his teacher and his dearest personal friend, for three weeks past hd has lieen at Washington City,— the observed of all observers, and the true ensainple bf a young. American soldier. His ambiiioh for military glory was great but bis love fod the cause of his country greater. He knew! not the meaning of the word fear, and' where dntv called him he was prompt and fore most. In the first day of bis active service, with hia foot for the first time planted' on' the rebel soil, in the triumph of a duty well performed and a victory won gallantly, but without bloodshed, ho plucked the hrst rebel trophy of the war from its standard in his enthusiasm, ami at the very niomefitof his triumph was shot down by a fellow ' countryman-—not m honorable warfare, hut | as a concealed and malignant assassin doer | hiH L>loo» {o, ‘: rns ° r V(!^fiUt„elecittob.. doubt thevou bu been almost tmkntmoWfar ■ ;f 11 •i-O- v'-'-C 2 *'%> ».W ~„ . „ . -. », --- - yJ*M~ "--.i.. _ **' . " “**•«». r, ;* t “t. u «- > B • s. .****©«# _ *'*>' jH'• I *_i L ~1 v * i»» f* r ’i-4- * T -«» 'vtVrV S~' »", <- » *' .f '<3** * *&••■ ».. ._ J• _ :./*•* ***• V .-*«i yf , •>-• -„•- ■'••• '*£' V*'-- -• --.'.■».- w C iwiiwiipnii wf hi mffl '*)* ■■. ‘ ?.‘» r -t'V•' pfaf* »u"»N - * „ • n - . I ~ .- w *■ -i ,i. -»•- - • • '■ ' > - ,;,, " +. ' t: f 4 't ■■Wh# •Nfc, n >. THE PENSSYI,VAJfIA IJTH, 1 lie twelfth Pennsylvania Regiment-, Col Uani|,hell,left Yurk on Saturday The left wing MAY 27 left alsix o'clock in tho morning, with Col. Oampbell, LeuiL Col. McQiffin and Major Hays. They have been placed along the Northern Central Bailroad, between Cockeyi. ville and York. The Ouquesno Grays are stationod about 20 miles below York. Between 2 and 3 o’clock the Kight Wing of the Twelfth Regimen left \ork, undei commmand of Adjutanl Leasure and Sergeant Major Bonnifon. The two Washington county companies wenl through to Baltimore. The 13th Regiment, Col, Rowley's, was mo, mentarily in expectation of orders to leave. The Huh 10.,k four of their tick mojnhura from the Hospital with them IWo members of tho Zouave Cadets were left behind in the Hospital W ASHINGToN ('(IKRKSI’I i NIIION OF Til 10 POST. Washinoton. Way 2.',, IN At the Capital n..\v are congregated over 40.UUU men: “the :n is util; they minis." the enthusiasm “f lb., country n unabated: men and moans r.rontlerod without stmt' noth mg but tbo unprepared conditi -n of the conn try f.-.r riu'tiuijUiionU and war munitions pre vents the bursting nl the ti ortbern masses with overwhelming [«a?er upon those in arms against their flag and country. Our vast resources and inherent strength are rapidly overpowering all obstacles, even the imbecilities and dishonesty of many of those who are placed In positions or responsi bility and trust. 1 One of the most unpleasant, yet positive aDd essential duties of the adminislration, is the necessity 'of rejecting the many tenders of troops pressing from every portion of the [ country. A delegation consisting ol citizens ffom all parts of Pennsylvania, waited to-day upon the Secretary of War, in behalf of the patriotic companies and regiments now organ* ized and offerlng to serve their country from all parts of the State, The case was ably stated and placed In its strongest light before the Secretary, who, notwithstanding the dele gation‘was composed Of Citizens of great in flu ence, was compelled to meet them with a firm denial. The country was unprepared to clothe and equip all now offering, but when another requisition was made, clothing and arms would be ready at once. The mistakes attending the first requisition would be measuresbly avoided and rectified, and the troops, when accopted would be better satisfied, better able to dis charge their duties than those contending against the present difficulties. In this matter of the acceptance of troops no doubt the country has been, in some in* stances, imposed upon. The desire to meet the patrlotio offers of those desirous to serve their country, has been token advantage of, by dea signing persons Vho are always ready to clothe themselves in celestial robes to serve the prince of darkness. The War Department cannot, until thoroughly organized and prepared, ac cept more troops until they know what to do with them. Meanwhile, home organizations will do much toward preparing men for the cares and responsibllilies of a soldier « life The Secretary of Ws> relies upon the patriot ism of the citizens of his own State to exhibit those highest attributes of a true soldier, pa tience and endurance. Those who, under the excitement of the moment, rush forward to defend their flag, do not constitute atone, the true matt-rial for ■ohiieri’. Thoao who remain at home, patiently discharging their duliea,yot holding themselves in readiuess to answer any demands which thmr country may call Ibr, at home or in the lioid ol battle, are equally de serving with the arduous and imgietuouß. When many oftho rash and violent have grown weary and faint, the Administration will look to the sturdy and faithful sohb ol the Keystone Stato to boar its standard aloft and trampl-out all vestiges of sedition and rebellion. The Secretary will not Jurgel in, fellow , itic-ns.nor will they, ir: the hour of need, add to the bur dens opprra ing the general government bv untimely complaints or harassing and vcialion* importunity The pressure of business is immense, hut the most untiring activity and zeal t *rvadu all departments. Our citizens >.f Pittsburgh and throughout the blah-, will serve their country and themselves lu-st bv waiting patiently ft is needless for mdiviJuals to ombsrras.'lboni selves by hooping up an organization from day lo day, ui. lho bop© Ifcal any prtn«r asr-o-t will be given to public affairs. Tho Hospital nursuu; department under the superintendence of Miss Uu will In, , UO u in officient operation Mr Passavant has cm tribuled four nurses from liis admirable insti tution in Pennsylvania, part of whom wero seen on duty at the Hospital Department at the Capital this day. Mrs. Heald, an oduca .tfld physician and nurse, is untiring in her do. votion and seal. Mra. Tocbmau, tbe intrepid Hungarian and compatriot o( Kossuth, Is con tributing from her stores of experience in ar mies and among hospitals. Miss Dander, the eminent sculptor, and many other competent and devoted women are prepared to give their aid to this self-sacrificing yet worthy calling. I The condition of the rick and the unfaithful' neea of many by whom they are attended, ren der tie speedy organization of thii competent and faithful corps highly eaaential. Instances unfortunately are not wanting where unfaith furattandanU rob the sick of delicacies and articles designed for their comfort, all owing to the want of proper organization which wifi Boon be perfected. The 6th have removed to their camp and are much better accommodated to the healthful fields than in their unhealthy and uncomfortable barracks. Ferrert, the Tragedian. VUIt. Alexandria. Bdwin Forrest, of Philadelphia, and Simon vi-flil: 0f mt w T ork ’ “* oul together for ° n Thursday, t 0 make reeonnoisanoe, and witnMs the election proceedings in Alex andria. They took carriage early in the morning, and proceeded direct by Long Bridge, returning late in the afternoon. No molesta tion was met with, bat they were suspiciously scrutinized by secession troops on their jour. "!??■ They passed through most of the streets of the olty in search of the polls, but noplaces of voting were discovered. Going down on the wharf opposite which the United States steamer Pawnee Is anchored, overlooking town m.n Boarded by a Virginia militia fO, ? w g P lece ' Mix inquired of the obivalrio ton of Mars, “Can you give me the ‘ n tho * trea “ yonder?” i ’ the 'man with the fowling piece. “What wharf is this we are on?” grnmy responded the great tragedisn. “I do not know, was the answer, “but I will ask the sergeant.’ Off went the man with the Z? I ‘“s f l,ece ! who ln a moment returned and gave thexequired information. “All right ” responded the great tragedian, when he and his friend drove on J orreBt ttnd Mu afterwards visited Sii? r a° f lho clly ’ but fHiled 1,1 discover the Mn^ lbOU i U J 0f ? n - vthi[, £- Th " was gloomy and dismal. Ore very largo and four smaller eeceulon flags were observed dying in different parte of the city, and lees than one hundred soldiers wore discernible. A more melancholy picture than Alexandria to-day presented cannot bo imagined. So say Messrs rorrest and Mix. What They Believe Down lu Dliie. The Memphis Avalanche o( the 17th has the loliowing choice Ini of nows : i “The f»nt of liincoln’s constant intoxication i is conhrtnod by a gentleman just from Wash ington. It appears that ho became addicted to the vice in this way: The cares of place affected his nervous systom so much that he could not sloep. His physician administered to him large quantities of opium and brandv each evening, until stupidity would ensue, and then he would fall into profound slumber. In the morning his prostration would beco me |so great that liquor would be resorted to - and thus, by a frequent repetition of this treat, ment, he has become so demoralized by the use of Hq uors as to be perfectly imbeeile and thoroughly indifferent as to what is passing around him.” r “ Porji .McHenry was still farther re-inforced by the arrival of Gen. Patterson hundred Pennsylvanian. > t baui.i.i., thi Saturday afternoon the town was thrown into a groat excitement by the re ception of a series despatches to the effect, first that figh ting was going on at Alexandria and subsequently at in* neaf Arlington Heights. The-fumor of-fighting subsequently provedho have been unfound ed. The cause ofjthe alarm wad Subsequently stated Jo be that the Federal Picket Guards at the Little Fall's Church, near Arlington, were driven by the Secessionist*; who were soon however put to flight. The rumor reached Washington while Col. Ellsworth's funeral cortege was proceeding to the cars, aDd created intense excitement. Yesterday a brief and most important dis patch was received to the effect that Gen. Puller had captured Sewall's Point, 81 of the Federal Troops killed and wounded,and between .‘inn and 100 of Ihe secessionists k d led ami wound**'l, and six hundred taken prisoners. 'Hie ‘ijwial dispatch from Mr. Barr speaks oi iln* force m \ irginia as being very larg i, Out that the government was tailing its measures wilh caution, decision and to the entire satisfaction oi* the public. Ihe latent dispatch will be found on our lirst page. Hj” the Southern mails we have some ad ditional particulars of the Sewell’s Point fight. We give below an account publish ed in the Petersburgh “Express” by one who participated in the conflict. [ Cutreapundcucc oj ll, i Ptltribunjh Erprcs- | Nokfolk, May 20.—The ball has been opened in this neighborhood, and now it may be, the war will commeuee in earnest. Last Saturday the steam tug took down a number of negro laborers to complete a fortification that had been com menced on Sewell’s Point, which is gituated immediately at the mouth of Elizabeth river, and from which the entrance into James river may be commanded. The en emy had an improvised war steamer, the Monticello, stationed off the point. The Kabokee perceiving, from oertain demon strations on the part of the Monticello, that it would be unsafe to proceed te her destination, landed her men at fioush’s bluff, a point gome two miles this side of Sewell’s where a small battery bad been erected. This had hardly been accomplished be fore the Monticello steamed up and fired two shots, both of which passed over the tug without inflicting any damage. The fire was responded to by the battery at Poush s bluff, which had the effect of caus ing the Monticello to relinquish the chase of the Kahokee and dropping to her for mer position. She opened her guns on the incomplete battery at Sewell's Point, with the intention of destroying the work. She fired in all about thirty shots, only two of which took effect, but no serious damage was done. Two companies of soldiers were at the point, with about a hundred laborers. Tbe soldiers stood their ground bravely when theshells fell about them, but there was scampering among the darkies. During the night several heavy pieoes of I artillery and an additional lorcc of labor borers were sent down from this place, a distance of nine miles By four o-clock yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, three short •12-pounders and two rifle b-pounders had been placed in pool Lion and were readv for action. They had not long to wait. Some brushwood by which the operations had been masked, was removed, and no sooner was the battery exposed to view, than at onee the Montieelio opencil on it She mounts sir gun» of the hesvie-t calibre, and for about two hours threw shot and shell alxj tit tlii- work with fearful rapidity, and often times with great preciaion. Our men returned t lit- hre with -pint, bui v, int ing experience, the guim Hrie send wul, no great skill Still several shuts fiulu the rifled canuon took effect, and about night fall the steamer was obliged to draw off ,-r idently in a disabled slate The second shot from the battery .-.truck near tin- water line, which she instantly signaled to the war vessels in the Roads by ending np a rocket. Later in the conflict she scuL up another rocket, when twosteam ers, the \ aukee and the \ ouug America came to her assistance. The Yankee took part in the engagement, but receiving a shot in the stern, which raked her deck and carried away her flagstaff, she prudent ly withdrew to a safer distance. Her ex ample was quickly followed by the other two steamers, the Monticello making headway very slowly and rolling heavily, as if partially filled with water. As usual, in the battles which have • thus far occurred in the present singular [ war, “nobody was hurt.” That is nobody on our side, except one man who got a bruised shin from a spent fragment of a ball, and Colonel Collier, aid to General Gwynn, who, I learn, was rapped so severe ly across the knuckles by a flying splinter as to damage his hand somewhat. These, I believe, are the only casualties, great or small, that ooourred on our side Special Despatch from the N. Y. ErsnioK Post MILITE& I Wabhinotos, May 2-t-Lioutenanl Pen dergrast of the Seventy-Urst regiment of New rork was the first soldier who landed at Alex andria. He was in command of the steamer Hoant Vernon, the veasel which conveyed the Fire Zouaves of New York from the camp *? . , 4J? int ’ and w " in company with Colonel Ellsworth at the occupation of the Jackson, the proprietor of the Marshall House in Alexandria, who shot Colonel EUv worth, was instantly killed by Prancts D. Brownell, of Troy, New York, a member of iUlsworth’s regiment The body of Colonel Ellsworth lies in state at the Navy Yard !n this oity, and is visited by hundreds of sorrowing spectators. The President, who was on terms of warm I penonal friendship with Colonel Ellsworth is deeply afflicted by his death. A general gloom hangs over the community. It is reported that the steamer Mount Yer non|narrowly escaped sinking before she landed the Zouaves at Alexandria. Injuries had been inflicted upon her hull, which were probably the w.'ik of secession ials h t the Navy Yard. It is believed here that a simultaneous move- I merit was made by the government forces last night against HarpePg Perry and Norfolk New and Then. Eighty years ago, Col. John (Jlbson, in a letter to Hen. Wm. Irvine, then at Carlisle, wrote as follow.b The letter is dated “Port Pitt, Jan. 28, and say«: "Since you left here nothing material has happened, except the pork which Mr. Huffna g e engaged at flannalistown did not sr« nvc, and we were throe .lays without an ounce of meat Ilnro it the highest expectations of the troops was to col regularly their rations of pork, pork, pork: hut In thj B they were ilisap* pointed Horo is a lesson for theirgraiulßons who have volunteered in the presont oonle l. Go, l grant that they may never be brought down U revolutionary rations. Thkre is to be no standing back m New Orleans. Officers have been appointed to go from house to house, and hiring o6t every man and boy who Is oapable of carrying a musket. Should any proprietor of hhpuse refuse to have j his place searched for men, is to re port the premises as “under suspicion.” Thi Kittanning Bank no fedeeme it*' note* in specie. - i ' ■*' the war hews. The Fight at Setvall’s Point. ; .'v“ * 1 «. :p- v * - "'V ». Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, lias pardoned Wra. Byorly, who Sis coi.violrd id Philadel phia last /all ofjiufcstitating. false . jetum.B;of tha«leetlon fey Congressman; in the Fourth w *[f- “ wi » shown at theame that Byerly a tfrougU ona of 4he return judges, could neither* read nor wirUe.thb Governorcoi sidpred j that he was the mere tool of others, and that hia punishment had boen quite severe enough. .KvanB R. Brady, Esq., for fifteen years the editor of the Brook vilie retired from that paper and devoted himself to his country. He says: “A calamity has befallen our happy land, which we have used our best efforts with the pen to avoid, and ward off. but that having failed, and our government been threatened with dissolution, we feel it our duty to assist in repelling any attack upon thatgov ornment under which we live, and if possible, I porpetuate *.ho sacred rights which were handed down to us by our fatheja,” Major Brady win give a good acooun himself in war as he has done in poaee. i-STfZRH from some of the honest Southern 1 merchants say that it is not only impossible to make collections in that section, but that bills of exchange on Maw York or Boston cannot be obtained; and if they could, the person ap. plying for them would be proscribed as an enemy to the South, and be subject to annoy ing visits from vigilance committees, (laid is twenty per cent, premium. Petroleum in Neiv York. The New York Shipping and (Atm-mercial Aw/, of Saturday last, says: Crude Petroleum is in moderate requestat lb and -U cents, and refined sells moderately at 66 and 7U cents, cash. Petroleum is not plenty, but it is un der-stood to be held back on account ol the low price prevailing. Tub -London Thnes has a long artiole cele brating the collapse of the American Union. As our friend Col. Drahl would say the Times is a “liuio previous." A few moths will show the “bold Briton" that the American Union has more iuberent’ vitality -and a greater self-sustaining power than it gives it credit for. It is stated that private advices confirm the report of large arrivals of arms at the South from abroad. These were shipped from Fu rope e&ly in April, and consist of over -OU,Ot)U muskets and rides, and ample supplies of pow der, percussion ftps, and machines for making the latter. Thb Fifth Pennsylvania regiment has a great deal of sickness, in consequence of the insufficiency of its former quarters. There are between forty and fifty of Its members now in the infirmary That building is a)r«dy crowded to excess. 'I hk convicts In the Virginia penitentiary are now om ployed in making gun-carriages* wagons, axes, picks, ttannol shirts, cloth for un/urtns, army shoes, tents, whoolbarrows, and intern for the wounded. The Wheeling Intelligencer says that it has reliable information aa to the number of Con federate forces at Harper s Ferry, and sets them down at leu thousand. Suftrß Utah, ►• - - lon. Beauregard I* cxpr of !>.«• Ml*,, I> ATK 1. l!i>* *K R, iho foruui/ — ore»L* ->,dU timtU uikuiuvkh lIUMiAAD BITTKRM, r»warid rsoM thi Choicest and most gnWui Tunica and Canuioativss - ‘ appro.od « INDIGESTION, SOUN STOMACH. COLIC, IUCUT.BVSX, HEADACHE, A ALL DTBPEPTIC COHPLAIHTB. Tho Wmk and Nnrvoon auould trj tu Bnua or Inmsmor ! Hat ouo aiu> o( Ui« nmlv, tout Dint bolUea.) Pnoe On« Udlnr Low. a ten poooful, BENJAMIN PAGE. Jr St Co. HOLS puopkhstobs. Bold by Lniggnta gnnynllj. Pittsburgh, p.nn’n. Srrojldwrtfsmeiits. Pittsburgh Theatre, THE FAB FAMED SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE The largest association in the WORLD, under the dtreatlon of BAMUKL a BANFORL. On Monday •Toning, May SJth, 1801, and avory ere ning daring the weak, the entire troupe, direct from l? r °T cl i* V*l* r * Hou ! , > fblladMphla, incorporated by A ®*° f hegieiature, riil appear In this olty. Tj comprises the greatest aumber of ui anted artiste ever laamaoisU Into one com nan t. It ia the best quartet ia JtfiJDßtreiay. lIUARTFT OF COMEDIANS I ORCHESTRA OF MUSICIANS ! 1 QUARTET OF DANCERS! ! EACH MEMBER A MASTER OF ART Admission 95 Gentlemen socompaaied with Lsdies, {to Drea, vlrdSi) 10 oente extra PtivaU Boxes Colored Gellerj myg~ SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Sweet’ll infallible LlDtabeuL Sweet's Infallible Linimeoi, Sweet's Infallible Liniment, Sweefii infallible iintmeoi, A oerUio out* for Rheumatism, or Nerrotia Disorders, Fofsaleby JOSEPH FI.EMINU. ftftaale by JOSEPH FLEMING. For sale by JOSEPH FLEMING. For sale by JOSEPH FLEMING. Comer of ihe Diamond and Market street, corner of the Diamond and Market street. of the Diamond and Market street. myi' Attention, Union Cavalry l A business meeting will be MONDAY EVKMINH, M«* i7Ui u 7U vciook, P. M.Brery member is requested to be present m business of importance will be transacted. By order of the mj27:ltd BROOM BRUBU.—2S bales in b/ore and for Ml* by my 27 C 'IBM ENT.— 50 barrels best uualtv Hy J oraaiio iwoieni, for Male by m -? 27 HENRY H. OOLLLNS. POTATOES.— •iOO Lush Rad Polatoea. “ N6#»hannoo# do Rod, by HENRY U. COLLINS. ERRING.—2O barrels Boltimnre Her ring, rewired by FLOWEK VASES, various patterns, for taloßy [noZll HENRY H. COLLINS. Q() BOXES STEARINK CANDLES just 'w'V/ roa*d and for salo by MIUaKR & JIIOKfiTSON. AUOin B. M’OiLVONT. M’OALMONT & KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i*BATOLiir, yjpfAjtrop.iqpiJißry, mySMyd fXH£&P W A_Uli PASEBB for sale by , \J l V* W.f.lUßfiHsLb.g WoodstfooL • Pardoned. .w.Proprietor and Manager. .$2,00 and $l.OO. 26canta. IT Id UNEQUALLED yoH PRODUCING A LUXURIANT HEAD OF HATH, Sold everywhere—Prtoe 60c end tl per bottle. . W* HAGAN * N, Y. T> EMOVaL—GEOKGK & cow. CASS' have REMOVED THEIR COUNTING ROOM Bum* and all Rheumatic from No. it Wood elreet to No. 106 Liberty street ad touting the Canal Basin. N a £'i?L° e °' 10 1,10 rr » d ® » Ibll Slock of NAILS sod BTIKKH of superior quality. - trdrihp OFFICE WEBTKRN IHBURANOE 00s >' ITS- THE WFa^uttnOMpi && dBEIH& &,*£r2«: ararauj, ss? out of the earned profits of the tut six months; TWO IX)LLAKB per share oat of which to be applied U a credit to atoqk accounts, and TWO fiO 100 iSOLLA£B per share, to be paid tb sUx&hoideW Cn or after the 13th J. M. aOEPOM, myBawd Secrete^ l CAPTAIN. i/xflsolutioix. 'iflß 00-PABTNERSfIIP HBHKTOFOKE FXiHr IMG between WILLIAM HUME And K. h. 2£Li •iMMI” ‘ ilaBol ''»*i by mutual content on APRIL •rXlind A. FLOTf, C CORNER FOURTH AND BOSS. STi J Pitlsqurgh, Pu n agent for tne receipt and bale of* CARBON' Ot liS. Keena constantly on band, end la receiving hearr and lightoiia suitable for Lubricating and Redoing pnrnoaSo which will be sold low for cash and cash dnlv y ipMnviiw ; * TTNION WALL j^APER— A paTSTfS? tbs times, for sale by r *" r - _V. P. MARgH ALL.B7 Wood street, ,B EA "" J'Kis k. ekul | tny26 HRNEY H.COLLINI HBUKY 11. HOLLINS, Q.REAT SALE OF BOOTS, BflOiKS ANDQAITBRH ! •t leu than auction prices, ukU*. Please call and see the Cheap Cash Store of J 0& «. BOBIiAJH), ” PejmijrlT^iiiiu 5 000 CANE mas, .... . .$0 Bamboo do | 4**“ BOWS * TETUHIt j *' ’• hi i ( _«*3® S35 S . . ■ , •; ■, * ■ i.. -■■ ‘.v t ' - «3S’ OF THE : PUfTSBUSGH, F&ATNE A CHICAGO R. R. CO L n.fflSDiSE Q0 -Sffifiy^ ,BKB of thA pitts *ND CHICAGO RAILROAD Pittsburgh Tusioitv. im nw company, flo. 28 6th B ?y t ? a S»y l gQi in relation to the reor the “ Kr * ement my2Hjl G. W. CABS. fTs* vrpjrrgSf soi/ADa. - wanted from fifty la sixty able-bodied young men, from ten to fourteen years of age to enroll themselves fer three months, or daring the warm-the Continental Oaaeta Revolutionary War of 1861 They will receive at the ex piration of.service an honorable discharge, and in com* pensauon /or doty performed, TEN OKBTA. For fur ger information enquire at Headquarters, Duqoesne WQ y- . mv26 ■-IJQT'A.TOES—S4 barrels Resb&QQoefes and 1 Pjpk Eyes, in good ebippioa sad f *^Sf by JAMBS A. KETZEB roy2o ooroar Marfcat and Firat aU. :e lobetto sprin CAMBRIA COKSljr,, PA., OPENS lOili OP JUNE, 1861, THIS NEW AND DELIGHTFUL n. yORT /or those seejdpg either ftWfltfrorpreaaDre, is- situated one mlle 'from the vTHafcb-bf'TJbtetto, ana four mile* Trora (hesson station, on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad—from which to Loretto, there is a weLf coqsirpctotU-lanfeßhKd, „ • C* r -r" * * K I he Springs are about 2,000 feet above tide-water, and hca J waters of (lie Hnsqaehana and Clearfield abound In front, and the mondfetn ranges are filled with mmai aHordtngUoe aporuothoae who are tnndof auchantoae moots. ■" The buildings are admirably constructed with respect to roomaud rentilattoii, and the whole fitted op with every appliance that can contribute to the comlort dfdha guest*. 1 lie rooms sia shppßed with ruoatnc spring, wa'er, in marble baHinH.aod hot, and cold hathaoneaoff door. Be h House* ,/or ladies and gentlemen. vntbV water supplied from tne lake, haring & > £''kb Ui 3ht> * ff ’ r BiUtard*Tabiee, 'i he table will be supplied with all the delicacies and luxuries that the tnartcel afford*. The Bar will be stocked with the be«t Wiues, (iueats may rely upon getting tlie purest Wines and LiquorS that oan be ol> tamed, Ifrom the long experience in First Out uot«i«, be hopes to gireentire raiwfactioD to hie gifeals, 1 »ad no palne or expose will be spared to meet ihetf vnehee and comfbrta. I The water* of theee Springe bare been analysed br eereral eminent Obemtata. and toned inonnaik proportions, ail ihoee valued Mineral propertioa for tMB ,pUr lhB “•*** *«• Excursion Tickets to Lorettoflpring* for risitora. will be issued by the Peunaylreeia Railroad Company from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and also BalUmoreTiii con nection with the Northern Central Railroad rja Hakria- A Daily Mail leases Loretto for all parts of the Union. On the antral of Visitors at Creasoa, wiu be in res uneas to convey them to the Springs, JOHMCaRBni.I. Late of the Kutaw House, Baltimore. m,2Wto-eod Proprietor. WM . TRBA.OT,, HOU&H, SIQN & OHJSAMENTAL PAUiTGB AHO CUZIEB, Fourth Between Wood * SmUbflild, PITTSBURGH, PA. myffcl/d promptly attended to. EAK CORN—IOO bushels prime Eir Cora i 3 store, sod far sale by JAR 4L FKTZER. Oorpeg MarltMand gtret eta. r FUE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL Mi»UDg between UMBB M. BOSS and WILLIAM CULKMAN, under the lira, of Bonn A Coleman 4uobma d'Molrod. WILLIAM COLEMAN. my2S-lmH Ladies English Lasting Gaiter* Tic, Ladies English Lasting Gaiters 75c. wadies ifugli.-th Lasting Heel Gaiter* $l,OO, at NO. 16 FIFTH STREET. 0 A ITERS FOR 7 fie. A PAI R . U d ll«?d aUmil COO PAID LADIES BLACK AND COLUBKD BAITKB f.frr (turn »*wt )f»ir, which »e wish u> elose out| KuRMKR PRICK $1,75, We will sell for 75 cents, f .U/ («,l IUUOIi lUOIP It. All IHR 'itU«*INAL C'»nT.*%ja L*dw» caJI HIi.I -tfvf* UiellV, WK WAKUANT THEM GOOD. W. K, MtttAfißTK & tO, f 31 Fifth Street, IPS* WANTED-A few more young men $ tSSK f«et lo iochoa, to fill up the HIGHLANDGfUSN ADIER GUARDS, who are soexmn in CoL Korpoaay*s Regiment, of Philadelphia, and will more forward at ouoe lo the KBit or warn Apply at the Headquarter*, 80 W ood street. (my2S) R. CH EBTEBTXkptauL See The Label ON the top ok each bottle of heimstreet’B nr im it able hair restorative, Has the Signatures of the Proprietors, W, B, HAOAN & CO , ui»aZ of youth, too matter how grey U may bej la concerned USE NO OTHER RESTORATIVE BUT HBIMSTBBBT’S, li In the srioliiat, tbs only rsOaits, and (As cheapaL— +W" see Lae following testimony j W. R. Mnm, SI Advafc, imlng Agent for fleimstreefe Heir J&eetoratiTe, & r ** r s*r> —The Medicines yoti httrodtfced into our swfAssws sjsaaasusa oar first oitteeni) eaye, tfcet A h»haaaMMlallof the Hair Dyes and Raatomirea of the day, bat aw aeVer i a»ed an article equal to wit* KBxoaann. That it tar Barpasaea any preparation |ht* 1 be has ever tried for Restoring tbo ot the bald and grey to itsorlginallaraiianoeandbaaatrX^ 'j> u »>?*• w. b.,h«*(i * 00, Troy, v? that they hart thd cheapest ahdFbeet BaS Restorativein wr marfeakiandffcatlt-giresaafeafaotion lu every case. Respeotfiluy youth, I J. &. SIRS Is.wntneaala-I I TIFUI, GOLD PAPJSK for satoby W. e. M4BBHALL, w Wood sire^L S.BOBLAJID, ■><4 fifth.! iiseut^nii. asssito, may ■ loth, iml 8l Hr bl l2 a den “Od Uld nanMs -~--» -w oo a^™wttAt«a.,...:.;;::;::;::::;:f-; — j§g«! • 00 IWShAwi^&HS'toi* 6,183 00 -"• W# oo ibrnk • » Sturea feinlf"of' ; t'[V£ burgh^ww—. «?6ou, F Balanr 'M440;00 •-fir, 66,9»7|76 TREASUBKR’B OFFICE, AhLEGH«HV : CO.,f>A 1 m mstSsEßfflffißWir Klwr ta «snb ward, liorou gMeWi.brtfo7H^^Swk? I sSHr«*% ; to the deduction of hi l time within three mttaafr | '“‘-WS therehf'ib «4 ttw SS!SS^ ,lU ‘ Uip,le same ere line, a?«Saato»^cSMno(^tt^e£nnS 4 ®“ <, ™‘i ,ir "S* him ttfiSnuSd sntT&tw™, ““B®* in the »ohednlrthe'^staS J |n fu»lee&peoßstiontOßUch perils tor'Se s>lSSnn the Treasurer nqrth© cohe&Dran- Pffire.W aianythneaftgritrtif*" a pSfesuras * »&£&ig&s him or hie propextMiunjr oae-tnrd, borough orloirS & wsr© wiU p®p& S? iSWSJ-'figsr-ff^i soreralnerde,«nshipß: end pteqincu of 1 on Ji%’ciockp. m, iJSh- 10 © Htt*§OTjn, on X^dpWOincfi) ainghkm. {Ufprerftetjad am w»«ij 2d Word, Ailenhenj, 3d Werd, PitteWSSTtlS SSeeSi 28to. Tth **“’ on WKBNEhday, Jpne Chertiera, FI dm, West Deer j&fridlen. tlerlleTownships South Wert, ABegES; . «c«ey, Pitt, indianara*. Pittsburgh and Duqoetne fionraehs; Ward*/Pitfe. bnrgh, (Ist precinct, June »t&. IS6V/ w ." ro * ’ nt ®^ GOODMAN Y.COULTEH, Oeonty^reasarer L. R PIFFENBACB F R ‘ WINES, BRANDtES, &a Fine Old Whuldet, NO. 6 NORTH FRONT BTRERT, EATON, MACBUM & CO., No. 17 & IS Fifth street, IJAVE RECEIVED “ ONION" NECK A ■ “Union* Welch GoeM*, fiend' g&3sas£S& GLASGOW’S ' AMBBOTYE GALLERY, —m— kax-j j# FOURTH BTRKST ENTRANCE: T° THOSE PABTIES WANTING iSSSKSSESpas-T' ~sfuffl^ < sass. ,, s2ssa:!* , !«- T’O 8T Foarth e£w4H§^slL L/HlBTlO'fefcD, WO, 83 WOOD BTREET. WILL THIS DAT OPEN TH KB SPUING UttPOETATIONS F)K QENTLKM,FiN’S dress, which tor aoTdty and beaosy of stjrla u • THE TAILORING DEPABTMEKT I h * r * a * w »T 9 boon ronowod. OuFptjSSSyS L. HIBSHPELD, WO. 83 WOOD STREET. w'* iJAIiUALN IN.DfiY GOODS FO-f < 35S^. iDV ‘ r * *“ , 0. HAMBOH LOVE. 1 ' -P? 8 * 1 ... r« M»krt«iAti 250 Neotarine Stomach Biltera, 60 BoxesOlnquol ChampAne. • 76 Basketa Ghiries Haidaick, .HSSWfsS^- .tore »dS?JS" B !“ dT f ° r P'*P°°—4n mj2i ~ of Veacinersfilp. T HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE •olred by mata&l coo»«tt,4. F. QIAJ&YhSISfS!* 1 MttaWaWf&sß^eF' jfi«« _8& k s£g ! t M "- 'ifioar oiTS I )ooi.Lß^B.^iri'■ T*^i S l S , th ßi MOST COMPLETE. .litffSffi teS"** l sohool ta tfj *°“ r . ; ■ a S®ss»*yerMH“+ Pittabqrgh! P.. WILLIAM HUM, ITS* The /j ISy BAMK lute decUred* iKTidemdofTOßp? odt psaer.on the <*pKJj«toc»f~ , o4t , of li» nraHtTWiK lei 'll li'lilliul : ~ V ;. ■Sj v fCTj: - */- v *?.+ 1 * % % *i/ ‘; ' - ■ |)r . Monongaheßj Ins #v r rrf I ft M ifi' ** * ‘ fiAPr’JXa. WOOiM^Ben’lAgeaU OFFICE MO. 98 WATER STREET. It Inara all tlnds of ArJ owJ Marml fiufa *«nce of Book Account**. Office Furnitore....... Oaib. .. "" „ _ , DIHEOTOE3: « Wm. A. Caldwell, Botot DalaelL Wm-Bea, JnblTDertS Wm l^SS tnQk ' j r"e A -, aut °Wi‘»on, tieo. A Barr? .VTirn 6 ™ 9 ' J°to Atwell, a B.Rofcißoo. R mjrai aoe; 1|» Woodborn, Rlc’dEbyir m^U:ltdAv E. P. MIDDLETON A, 880, IMPO&TEB8 OK also diaucbs nr WILLIAM BBNMETTi Vv - ; i. ■■ n * W- u ' * *V>": ", V i'vv'.* ■*■ ***T* i» « ViKiMIMM Dnletertotu tuur dyes to be dKUnxaUbad from • «f* •rtiolo; In order to be perfectly sectutt pardMMonly CRIST ADORO>B analyzed excel. SIOB DYE, Certified by ell leading CtuunieUUnolndlag CH »' ' _j • woe* POraONLESS mPKOTIVKI am.tear.g, any etude or glee? orTarown l^’ KNO^N ? :I&^K»E. Bold Me s»s“ myaOaUWilmT r “ -IRDJUtfiIVALOF SUMItEBDBESS CDNUEI.ES.— * S' a *® CMres pnlTßriMd 5 200bv ► ..< s^i-i iftO.- M. otatatf -jei 100 hf box* s *• , 100 qr 1 <* *- ' «• :ioo Valencia* . . W dk. Txu Z i,b - I ™P*> - bo*e» No”l Herring, 100 d( Soiled • do ' - 10 .do. BarHagfou do G o., woo . 40352130 |*2WtK' - I aS« i lT& 83 J *99?* v-u^nOjOCo Wte ' ,o “ ,Bn,ft f, ,, ?%Sf^ A. A. CARRIER it 8110., Ajrairts, W: R. EDIE, Sawmftt mnB:»m No. Q 3 Eoanfa etriat. Plßabntgtw P». JypIAPOLITAN BONNETS., Neapolitan Bonnets, Neapolitan Bonnets, White and Colored j Ncm Bonnets, w v ~ j trimmings, I , DrwTriminiofls* Gimps and Pompinotte Trimming*, - *-T * llTewStyleDre&aßnttons, L } [Gfopdar Laces, fttwpdHLigtf liaFkdgnga,' ‘ [QioreS,flitmfle&,'Bllli ma C»ppon Hoaitrj, rS6 I " Swim Kdglogfl and In^rtl^ ThnSoidyWEat^ : Embroidered Set*, ( - Linen eels, Linen Bets, Linen Sets, Point loiee Collars, Point Lace Collars, Hoop Skirts and COraets, Silk and Marino Undaobiirtg jnd Damm CHARLES Ompp. • JW* l -. -IH vJOarJkn Street. and segonb-haitd 1 • !' iT: i-WfOH.jUS': *t« AT UNUSUaL LY LOW PRipjES. r\N£ 7 OCX. ttOSBWOOD'fiASB in v U QANTcarwdiaga,lyw;MSowteWS^B o»^*2r£2S^*~™«^ **• OnetMMßd-jMHid 7"oet"E«ewsoa i *® n A 9l[> eecomHua^mo “ TheeedeMrnn»,Arj»if»>^t-SSr!£.s?y , ar-r~— f? P&JMBBIJiBIi. £AKS BVSSBXOB OOPPBB HHU.B s Wditis, PARK, M’CVBDY C|i ;g«»Bw»ou, , r< j Ih;TfiMirr 1 IVAiA PAffiß? »m»Kroi~~7T Mowowtat t OMTiJU A irs* the fP£NNSYLy>A]fj^ SALTjIfAV Between Btet and Saonui '&■* I^M» r^ e. r A '*•« *■ ■** , -£-*• &-v (J V t ~v »■* # * -•* ,<* ' U«r FKAXTDS *■» perpetntn} deity. Bow than era OV rIIARTFOHDi Misses’ White aodOolotedHeta, Miasea* White end (Jolpted 7r«»» Wasiu’ WbJteanct Bate Maltese TeeeCollara end Bate, Maltese tehelEeilateandßete, PIANOS STB RET. for Mfe,hy v ' ■NXojmtd teceit No, 34 Wood street, Sjf Hi V -