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SrBBBiHi w their office to Ho. 19, str “ l s•> o*« B /i!’•«- -V/ J * -'*• - •I'*' sjf*s #*• e«. flUfcLs' V‘V- - “ ',•■ / .-* O »* v ■V*;.;- x 1 " ■ '. s*r ** ■ht . * • t • -• * v I'*** ■*. *■ ; < i‘ * V; /: fc •»• .. 'v • • .• ► —.v. ~-"i .... . ■; vw« * VOLUME XIX. &i)e JPailt) |J.>ot. JAMES P. BARB, GDITOB AND PROHIETOK, TsusDally, Fire Dollar* par year, stnctly In ad* ranee. Weekly, Single subscriptions Two Dol lara per year; in clubs of five, One Dollar. LOCAL AFFAIRS. |8 Arbitration Committee ol the Board of Trade For March and ' m April. WM. McORKERY, V. P. B. CAMPBELL, ISAIAH DICXEY, B. PRESTON, 8. B. MoELBOY, WM. MEANS. TO LETS for &a.ls atthifl office. More Spiritual Assistance. We invite attention to the following corres pondence between a committee of the Epis copal clergy and Col. Jarrelt, commander at Camp Wilkins. The example here set is one worthy of all commendation and general imi tation, and the Reverend gentlemen who now offer, their services to perform religious ser vices in camp, as well as those who have pre ceded them in so doing, will receive the hearty benisons of many a soldier and citizen. 7b Qol. JsaacfT, Comnumding at Gawp FFiAtms : Dsim Sib—At a meeting of the clergy of the Episcopal Church, held on Saturday, the 4th Inst, in the vestry room ol 8L Peter's Church, Pittsburgh, the undersigned warn appointed a committee to comtanaioate with the iVimm«nfiant a! Camp Wilkins, to the following effect: That the Episcopal clergy of Pittsburgh and vicinity, do hereby offer their services to the officers in command, at such Umea, and in such order, a* he may see prop er to ’designate. Invoking the selected blessings of Heaven upon “f/i* Prcmdentof the United States, ami all other 9 to authority,” upon the patriotic friend» under%ow command, and upon coat hi ul tonal liberty throughout the world, we have the honor to remain Very respectfully your obedient servan's, D. C. Psaa, Hector of Christchurch, Allegheny City. & M. Van Dusks, Rector of St. Peter s Church, Pittsburgh. May 7 th, IWI. Rkvsexhd Buls :—Your ; communication dated to-day la received. In reply 1 have to slate that I receive your proffered services with the respect due your sacred of fice, and with the gratitudeyour generosity deserves. In these times of trouble and of tribulation, the eye* of;ihose called to the defence of their country turn naturally to that benser under which they were enroll ed as faithful soldiers and servants of Him whose mis sion was that of peace. Bits, their eyes have not turned thither in vain. The cboeen servant* of God, the priests around the altar have themselvea elevated the standard before the hosts, anil,' coming down from the steps of the temple, have inspired the soldier* of the world with the holy enGm”**™ of the soldiers of the cross. Such has been your action; you have not been required to soil your boiy vestments with the stain of battle, but jour part is no less important nor levs noble than had you bees so required. You began your work long before we began ours. In the first sacrament of oar Uvea, be fore ear Infant minds had yet learned the idea of war | under yoar sacred hands we pledged ouraelvas to fight i ha t-stti"* of the Prince of Peace onto our and to the pure examples and .ofty teachings of our clergy do we owe In a great measure this outburst of loyalty that has of late made the world wonder. God is willing we shall fulfil our pledge. The object of our present action is the object of that very pledge. The govern mjniw uphold ia a result of Christ’s mission- It was founded on the doctrine of peace, and to preserve peace nignt as will prove that our peo ple, notwithstanding the troublesome times, appreciate genuine merit. PaCRAOXS TOE THE VOLUNTEERS. —Major Mellinger is in the city soliciting contributions of women socks and drawers for the Shields’ Guards. Donations left at Parker & Lowe’s. Smithfleld street will be thankfully received. Lieut Gdbk of the Lawrence Guards, is now in ibd city and packages left at the Mayor’s ofSee up io this evening will be promptly de livered by him. Lieut Lowe, of the Port Pitt Guards, has obtained a large supply of necessaries for his own and other companies. He has several large boxes of goods now at the depot ready for shipment, and is still re ceiving valuable contributions, for which he desires to thank the citizens. He will take with him at least 1,000 packages for camp Scott These gentlemen will cheerfully de liver small packages and letters for the camp, entrusted to their care. ‘Fotran Dbowhxd. —The Johnstown Tribune say* : The body of an unknown man was found in the Btdge Slack water, on Monday night, the 2flth uit. He was supposed to be about th£riy.flye years old and had sandy whiskers. His clothing consisted of three shirts—one flannel, one oheck and one white—new dark rest, black casinet coat, drawers and linen pants with black cloth over them. A one dollar bill and 76 cents in specie was found upon his person. From appearance, be was supposed to have come from the Johnstov ron works. Du. Srßßßim & Mbssoh have removed their office to No. 191 Penn itreet, near 9t. Clair (treat. ■ r%r ; 'i Y": V f L ■ . tt* < •• T ; • .«* •» ‘' iV* <•*■*'• " 1 »m m+ > + **4 ft t 4 S » ‘1 ,i' t- f if». .• • .. *. 0 i . ft? k >’ , . . S' t • Camp Wilctns, Ms; Tib, 1861. Bank Note Quotations* •' ‘ ’ ■ -* •<*••' , f“* - ~ ~ r —■- - “*;• |B g' ■Jj ‘ ■ A New Militia Bill* Mr. Burns, of this county, has introduced a new militia bill into the Legislature. Its most important provisions are as follows: Tho first section authorizes the organization of a Re serve Volunteer Corps, to be composed of eleven Regiments of Infantry, three of Cavalry and one or Artillery, the same to be clothed and equipped as Bimil&r troops in the United States service, and to be liable at such times as their services may be required, to be called into the service of the United States, or Na tional Government. Section second provides for the establishment of two or more Camps as Camps of Instruction; and Section third re quires that the troops be drilled theroln until perfected in the military art. Section four re lates to the pay and rations, which are made the same as the United States service. Sec tion five requires that the troops shall, at all times, hold themselves in readiness for service. Section six makes it incumbent on the Com mandersin-Chief to procure arms, uniforms and accoutrements for the troops —the captains of the different companies to give security for the safe keeping and delivery of the same. Section seven relates to the election of officers. Section eight empowers the staff officers and Comman der-In-Chief to make all useful regulations for the organization and equipment of the men.— Section nine authorizes the distribution of one thousand stand of arms to the people of those counties bordering on the Virginia line, to be used for home defence, or in such other service as they may be required to perform. Section ten empowers the Governor and Adjutant Gen eral to procure suitable arms and equipments for the volunteers now organized, and to con tract for remodeling all the arms of the State which may have become unfit for service. It also provides that before any arms are distribu ted to the Home Guards or other companies, they be sworn to support the constitution of State and of the United States, &c. Camp Wil k.ins —Twenty-four companies are in camp at Camp Wilkins and the strict* est military discipline prevails Company and regimental drills are regularly gone through with, and the volunteers are improving rap idly. Col. Jarrett, the commandant, having been ordered to join his rogimenUlhe Eleventh, stationed Wayne, West Chester, Col. McLane of the Erie regiment, is now in com mand. tie is a thorough soldier and a strict disciplinarian, and under him the camp will soon be a model for imitation. The captains of the companies now in camp beld a meeting yesterday, Capt Jackson pre siding, and Capt. Fleming Secretary, alwnich the following was adopted. Whk&kas, Col. JarrelL, the commanding officer at Camp Wilkins, has been ordered to join his Regiment, now stationed at West Chester, the Captains of the military compa* nies now in Camp, unanimously Resolved, That we most cordially approve of the course of Co). Jarrett, tbe Commanding officer of the Camp,and tender him our warm* est regards as an officer and a gentleman. Tax lu-duss Still at Work —in pursu afioe of tbe request of Miss Dii, who stated that shirts for the volunteers were much needed at Waahington City, a number of la dies assembled at .Lafayette Hall yesterday morning. Mrs. John Irwin was choseo Pres, ident and Mrs. McCormack Secretary.— Enough muslin to make at least one thousand coarse shirts had been contributed and the work of making them up was systematically divided. Two hundred pair of socks are to be sent forward at once. The ladies are to meet at Lafayette Hall daily until the work l« done. Presentation. —Tbo ladies of tbo Liberty street M. E. Church have presented the Fed eral Gonrdr, Capt. Hull, with a beaotiful flag. Tbe presentation addresi was mode by Rev Eadsley and happily responded to by Mr Mnrpby* Orderly Sergeant of the company. The pupils of the First Ward School also pre sented OapL Hull with a fine revolver. The employees of Eaton, Macrum & Co., lately presented to their follow employee, H N. Ba ker, who has volunteered in the Pittsburgh Rifles, a variety of articles necessary for cam paign duty. The whole amounted to $2O. and was a very getting testimonial of regard. United States District Court. —Before Hod. Wilson McOandleaa, May 18th. 18*11. The case of United States vs. Alex. K Poole, charged with embezzling letters from the United States mail was brought to a close to day, resulting in a verdict of not guilty. An indictment for robbing tbo mail has been pro Sared against Poole and a true bill will proba ly be found at tbe present term. The Court will again assemble at ten o'clock this morning. Tab Court of Cotnui-jn Pleas is m»w in ses sion, but no cases of public importance have yet been tried except that of Hogg vs. Cleve land and Pittsburgh Railroad Company. This was an appeal from an award of viewers, as sessing damages for the location of the dofeß> danU’ over pfaintliTi ten acre lot, situate near the Marine Hospital, below Manchester. Mr. Shiras for plaintiff, and Mr. Loomis for de fendant. Verdiot for plaintiff in the sum of $760. par no sale ... no wale Promotion. — Capt. John W. Johnston, of the “ Ridge Rangers, ” has been elected CoL of the 14th Regiment of Pennsylvania; and Captain Richard Coulter, of tbe “Westmore land Guards,” Lieutenant Col. of the 11th Regiment Both these gallant gentlemen did good service in tbe “ Westmoreland Guards ” during tbe Mexican war, and we doubt not will make excellent officers. E. J. Keenan, Ksy , editor of burg Democrat, is engaged in recruiting a com pany for tbe General Government tie will make a brave and fearless soldier. Old West moreland has nobly responded to the call for volunteers; her daring and hardy sons will render a good account of themselves on the day of battle. Thb officers of the Pittsburgh Rifles are : Captain, L. W. Smith; First Lieutenant, Evans B. Darlington ; Second, J. P. Beatty ; First Seargeant, Hartley Howard; Second, J W. Chamters; Third, U. W. Ouston ; Fourth, Paul Zimmerman; First Corporal, R. A. li’Combs; Second, W. A. Robinson ; Third, Reuben Long; Fourth, C. h. Hindman ; Commissary, K P. Darlington. The Negro Encampment on Bearer Creek, the numerical importance af which has been very much exaggerated, has been broken up, as the movement, a raid upon Virginia to avenge the death of John Brown, did not meet with much favor among the colored population of the North. ACCOUTERMENTS FOB G KB. N EQLEY’s BRI, oade. —Our citizens are responding as liber ally as possible to the call of Gen. Negley fos belts, cartridge boxes, ■*’* n ■-The Fulton A ru lerr of ine Wilk ,n- uuaid. who, to On their roll wivfi practical arul*eu*u and othn gJKxi nu iwo*. to form a company of Plying Artillery Apply to CapUUQ WilUains, Wiiktna <»u*rd. tujT New goods just opening and will be ottered at pr oes U> suit the ttroea, being purohaaed in Philadelphia at lea* tbao coat *nd wh! be sold (or par funds at a small advance. Call soon and get bargatna. H J. LYNCH. tny7 V 6 Market si, between &lh and Diamnud. ATTENTION ! — Twenty young men, be tween the ag« s of • 6 % sd itf, are wanted to fill out the complement o 7 * Du<|> oe Cadet*.' Armory in 3d story of Custom Bon**- < •> k« open between the I <>ur* t API t ON WI. LIAMS of 4 ami T p M W i • Hecretary myT] FIRE CRAKERS Boxes KireCrark era. No 1, it»M raenvou aod for sale by KKYMKR A BROTHEKB, ny 7 I*6 and 128 Wood si. PINE APPLES. —A prime lot of freah Piao Applet, iust receiv'd and for sale by KKYMKR* KROTHUKH, myT 126 and 12s Wood si O HANGEN AND LEMON’S.— 100 Koxe* MoHsin* oranges 100 " M Lemons, Now landing and for sale by KKYMKR A UKuTHKKB, myT _ 126 and 12« Wood »>• C(K'UA NUTS. —2UOU Fresh Cocoa NuU, i usi reoeired and for sale by KL’l MLR A NKo'I HERS, myT 126 and 128 Wood *L NATBOHA OIL. Manufactured ry pknnsylva uia Bail Manufacturing Com JI.UJ CLEAR AND ODORLESS, and guaranteed unchangeable id rolur. ••THE ILLUMINATOR OF THE DAY CooßtenUy on hand and for sale by p. 8. M C., at tbelr new office, No. 24 Wood street, between First and Beo ond street. OGO. CALHOUN, Genera! Agent* mhiaof W. ooanweaaM, r>. otnrniwouAM, a. oimaiaoßAM j> »bmw« 0. DtTIQAB. CUNNINGHAMS & CO.—PITTSBURGH \J CITY GLABS WORKS—WAREHOUBE, No. 11W Waier »lreet, ami IM First street, Pittsburgh, three doom below Monougahela House, Manufacturer* of Pittsburgh Citv Window Glean, Druggists' Glass Were, and American Convex parlor window*,<*lmrche» and pubiio buildings L iii|UCILAGK in pints, quarto, and umall IYM iera.w)th meUlio cap, for eeie by ■*•*7so J R. WBLDI N T ARD AND LARD Oil)—2i>o LarreD I A OO keg* Lard; 80 bblt. No. X I*ard Oil, for sale h 7* [myB] K. SELLER* A CO. YYOatfiTTKK'S BITTER-*.—so' dozen li received and for sale by BECKHAM A KELLY, m hgfi 68 federal tract MEDICINE CH KSTS.—The largest took in the city, for sale t v BECKHAM A KELLY, m h2A 09 Federal street ’J-kTS±cis is no use INTRODUCING TESTIMONIALS AJlho’ we have very many cf them, FOR THE MAGNOLIA BALM: For when the Face is covered with unsightly Pimples er blotches, the sufferer cares only to be directed to use some toft and reliable remedy. iron MAGNOLIA balm will cube THE MAGNOLIA »J{g T OABE QF piMPLE g IN A SINGLE WEES. It is so iaft a remldy that the couteuU of a bottle might be drank without barm. Physicians look nth wonder upon Us speedy cores, for it nas heretore been thought absolutely necessary to use of or mercury to core Immediately ; but the Maohoua Balm contains neither. It is the most elegant and neatly put up aaticle for aale anyweere, and be obtained of all our Apothecaries and Fancy wooas Dealers. 49» Prioe Filly Cants a Bottle. W. R. HAGAN k CO., Proprietors, Troy, N, Y. Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, No. 140 Wood street, agent for pUi»Knrgh a^6 Notice Pennsylvania Volunteers. A LL THOSE HAVING CLAIMS OB J\_ bills due them ou account of the Pennsylvania Volunteers in the city of Pittsburgh ; cost of transport tation of troops after orders to inarch, and for quarters, subsistence, Aon are requested to present the same irn* mediately at th* office of R. ROBSON, A CO., No. JISB Überty street, PittsburKh, properly authenticated for settlement. SaM'L B. ROBISON, upgiind By order of the Governor. Extra suuar,cukei> dried beef. 6,yOU pounds for sal* by i mjH F. SELLERS A OU. •*- V J r> “* '* THE LATEST NEWS. BY TELEGRAPH. (xoiierniuent Troop* StregYli euiug their f'ortiflrn- lions. KIOTERB ARRESTKD CONTRABAND GOOD? TO BE STOP- PED AT LOUISVILLE. COURT HOUSE BUBHBD. Patriotic Action of Maine Ship- OwA«ri. Great Freshet in Maine. MAJOR ANDERSON ACCEPTS THE KENTUCKY BRIGADE CONVENTION OF MEDICAL < OFFICERS. CAUKTS FOR THE AR M Y Southern Troops in Virginia. FORTIFYtIVCI NORFOLK .SKCES.SIOX OF TFXNESSFK A XI) AIih’AX’SAX CONFIRMED. Harrisburg News. AKTILLKRY KKGIMENT MOVING SOUTH Union Demonstration in Wheeling. HEIVY FULURE IN PHILADELPHIA NAILED WITH SEALED OH DEBS. Haltimobb, Mb; 7 —The troops Bt the Ke -1b; House are active!; engaged to strengthen - ing tbeirposltion b; throwing as breastworks by ibe Western track, nod digging trencbes Partim b/o bringing down teams trom the u« mill np the river, Laden with lumber. Three hundred troops are stationed at thapoint where tbe trains stop. A. rigid search for contraband goods Is made at this point. Tbe troops at the Kela; House captured a quentit; of grain on the wn; to the mills up Lbo Palapsco, and compelled its deliver; at tbe Hoik; mill", where the; can turn it to account when it « ar.mnd without incouve u wuio made to da; id parties cbargwl v. ui paiticipaiion in the at tack on tbo MauarbuaotU and Penmylvnuia tr.op*. Yesterday and to-day passed qatelly There U a regular stampade among suspected parties, and many of tbo rioters havu disap peared. Uarrisbcku, May 8 —Two companies ar rived from Meehanlesburg Ibis morning Six unattached companies are now in camp at Chambersburg, beside three regiments Another regiment will go thoro during the week, and one more to West Chester, making r„ur altogether at the latter point- A severe debate look place in Senate to day between McClure, Finney and Smith, upon the bill establishing the Homo Uusrd of l*bil adelphls. Moasrl. Finney and McClure ob Jecud to letting the bill go further than secs ond reading until the general militia bill, pending In tho House, shall pass Anally. Mr. Smith urged the Immediate passage of the bill. It was Anally laid over for a second reading. The discussion between Mr. Finney and Smith was full of sharp personalities. WuEii iNo, May 8 —A large Union meet ing was held at Ringwood, Preston county, on the 4th. Resolutions were adopted ex pressing unalterable opposition to the ordi nance of secession ; favoring a division ol the State and to vote for a delegate to Con gress. Delegates were appointed to the Wheeling Convention. Nothing has been heard from the Kana wha region. Advices from various western counties in dicate a great increaae in the Union aenli ment. , . All the necessary arrangements are being made for holding the Convention in this city, on Monday. Fourteen counties have thus far appointed delegates. A great deal of enthusiasm is manifested over the receipt of 2000 Bland of govern ment arms, which reached here to-day. WasuiNuToN, May a.—A regiment from Louisiana arrived at Richmond on Monday. 1,400 Tennessee troops, and a battallion from Alabama have reached Lynchburg. At Norfolk there are about 4,000 troops, Including two oom paniea of Georgians. The authorities were fortifying Norfolk in all directions, Including Craney Island, and, In the erection of batteries, were Impressing persons to labor upon them. A fortification has been commenced at Hatterai inlet, in North Carolina. Portland, Me., May B.—A freshet has oc curred in the Penobscot river, which empties into our harbor, and several paper mills have been carried away. Every bridge between Bebago pond and Sacnrappa is gone, and the bridgo at ,tho Cumberland Mills is in great danger. Borne damage has also been done to tbe Gosham Powder Mills Tbe people are vacating their houses along the banks of the river. Frederick, Md., M»y B. —The Court House was nearly destroyed by fire shortly after midnight. It Is supposed to have been set on fire. The probabilities now are thatthe Legislature will adjourn on Friday, until July 16tb. At a caucus of members of the House last night, it was almost unanimously determ ined to abandon the proposition for a State Convent! in. Philadelphia, May B—A party of fifty West Point Cadets passed through this city last night to Washington, where they will be commissioned as Seoond Lieutenants to fill vag&noies caused by resignations of secession* ists- Washinotoh, May B. —A special despatch to the Alexandria Gazette, dated Montgomery, May 7, oonflrms the reported secession of Ar, kansas and Tennessee. Salutes were fired there in honor oi these events. Washington, May B—A Board of Medi cal Officer* will convene at the Naval Hospi tal, New York, on the Ist of June, for the ex amination of candidates for admission to the Medical Corps for Navy. •vj -•* tJ-'»-» - Fort Kkxrnev. May 8.-Tbo Pony Kx. press passed here at 4 o’clock p. m with San Francisco dates to tho aflernnon of the iith of April. 4 The receipt of eastern nows to the loth iust., advising of the taking of Fort Sumter and the probable commencemant of civil war has had its effect upon tbo business community, oausing all to observe tho utmost caution about new investments. While it is believed that California will suffer less from civil war than any other Sute, the apprehension of ser:ou« business derangements bore, is seriously en*» tertained. The effect of the war news is moat perceptible In embarrassing treasure move ments. Last night a ineeling of bankers was belJ, to deteruiiue tho beet policy to pursue about shipping treasure to Mow ork by Ocean steamers, but nothing dotinite was ar ranged. The inaurance agents refuse U in sure treasure against the huzards of war. The Eichange market is consequently very much unsettled. Some 9*!gbl drafts on New \ ork wsre purchased at four per cent, to remit eastward by tc-day s Pony Ex press. Some of the York treasure shipped hence by the steamer of the first ot -May, will probably be transferred at Aspinwall to the British West India mail tine. It is difficult to report at the present time what the peculiar sentiments ot California is in regard to the war policy of the adininiatra** In y»n Francisco, although uo public dem unsir&tions have taken j>laeo, the general tone of conversation seems to sustain the Presii dent at all hazard* in his efforts to preserve the Union. Tbo Legislature has rejected a bill calling a Congressional election for the May, tin? objootof which was to elect two members ol Congress in time to take their seats in the ex tra session. The bill was defeated in the As sembly bv the combined strength of theßreck inridge democrats and Republicans, evidently for the reason that liny feared the Douglas Democrats would get the moat advantage from the Union sentiment of tbo State and elect their candidates, if the election takes place so goon. Tho arrival of Gen. Denver to assume the command of government forces on this coastals the subject of congratulations by many, al though it is not belioved any suspicions ot the loyality of the U. S. officers were justifiable. Gen. Johnson, however, reaigned some weeks ago, and it is commonly reported that ho is about to depart for the east to join the army of the Confederate States. The Catholic school bill has been defeated in tho Legislature by a large vote. It is understood lhat Senator McDougail will depart for Washington 01 the 20th ol May and Senator Latham on tho Ist of June. Latham is to receive a complimentary dinner at San Fraucico and some kind of demonstra tion in his favor is preparing at Sacramento. Gen. Lane, after spending a few days in this city, hai gono to Oregon. Louisville, May 8 —Gov. Magoffin’s Mes. sage says : Tho semi-official announcement of a pacific policy on the part of the Federal Government has been broken. It has involv ed the country in civil war, and if not success*, fully rosiatod, will prove fatal to the liberties of the people. He charges the President with usurpation in croating a standing army, mad with sectional hate to subjugate or exterminate the people of ten or more States. He says that sevon States have established a confederacy which sooms to receive tho cordial and undi* vided allegiance of their entire aopulation.— He thinks that North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas, will soon join it, while Missouri and Delaware, whore public sentiment favors a like step, are considering the propriety of joining the confederacy He declares the American Union dissolved and that war ex» ista. , to. He asks whether Kentucky shall continue with the North and assume her portion of the enormous war debt, being incurred; whether Kefttucky shmlTOßetare ber-own mdependaace and single banded prepare to maintain it, or make common cause with the slavo holding Stales. Governor Magoffin does not propose to discuss the subject, but refer* it to the peo* pie. He thinks, as the Legislature was elected two years ago, it is better to pass a law for a Convention, and the election of delegates. Ho regrots that hi* proposition to arm the Stale was not earned out by the last Legislature.— He" eomplimonta the Commercial Bank of Louisville and tho Southern banks for tenders ing money to procure arms, but be says that he fears from tho refusal of other banks, that opportunities of obtaining largo supplies of effective guQS and munitions of war have been lost. He recommends tho issues of $l,OOO bonds to soouro funds for arms. Ho compliments the ability and accomplishment* of the State Guards and speaks of the co operation of the Executives o! Ohio and Ind’aoa for the preser vation of amicable relation* and trade, but *ays that thoy cannot control their lawless cit* irons, and think* that an armed col’ision will prevail along the whole border, unless effect ive measures bo taken to prevent it. He says that hi* proposition to tho general government to suspend hostilities till the meeting of Con gress, met with no success, and asks that &1) party fooling bo extinguished and that Ken tucky immediately maintain tho peace, honor and safety of her citlrens. Wash inoton, May 7. — -Brigsdior General Cocke, commanding the military troops and defoDcos on the Potomac border of Virginia, says, that Ueneral Buggies has taken up his quarters at Fredericksburg. He (Cocke) is to lake a position in front of Waibington, and in connection with the com mending officer at Harper's Ferry on his left, and thus cover and dofend the Potomac border against invasion from the North. Ho adds - “The capita! has nover boon threatened bv us. It is not now threatened. — It is beyond and outside the limits of the free and sovereign Btate of V irglnia. "The North has not openly and according to the usage of civilized nations declared war on us. We make no war on them—but should the soil of Virginia or tbo grave of Washing ton be polluted by the tread of a single man in arms from north of the Potomac, it will cause opon war.” The Charleston Courier says that the Col lector of that port has boon instructed by the government of the Confederate States to clear prtvato vessels and cargoes until war is declar ed and the will of Congress made known. General Beauregard has left Charleston for Montgomery. The entire Jersoy troops have arrived in this city, and elicit much praise Trenton, May B.— in the Senate this morn ing the loan bill was amended so as to author* ize a lone of two millions of dollars instead of one million as in the House bill, and in that shape the bill was passed. It is believed that the House will concur in the amendment. A bill authorizing the Governor to raise four regiments for the State service to purchase ten thousand stand of tbe best muskets or rifles, and as many field pieces, with munitions of war as the Governor may deem necessary, and to alter the 4,000 or 5,000 flint lock muskets owned by the Slate, was passod by the House thiß morning, and amended in the Senate. Bills organizing the oily of Newark, Tren ton, Rahway, Camden and Bordentown to raise money to support the families of volun teers have been introduced ani will be passed. The Senate resolution of thanks to the Gov ernor, the President, &c , were passed by the House to-day by a unanimous vote. The people are highly gratified by the com mendations which the New Jersey volunteers received from all quarters. We have new sev eral companies which will compare favorably with any troops in the Union, either volunteers or regulars. From present appearances there will be no difficulty in raising all the men called for to serve tor three years or during the war. Augusta, Mr , May B —At a meeting of leading ship-owners and commercial men of the North, a resolution was adopted tendering their services to the Government and pledging their ability to furnish thirty steam vessels in sixty or ninety dayß. A committee has been appointed to proceed to Washington and urge vigorous action in the premises. Philadelphia, May B.—The Fiisl Artil lery Regiment of Pennsylvania, Col. Patter, son, started South this morning by railroad. ">.-i 'wi' v- 1 Annapolis, May B.—The Mew York 20th Regiment arrived from PerrysviUe thifl morn H ing. Thev will proceed shortly U> Washing* t.-n. Capt. Schuyler Hamilton, from the Relay House, reports that the entire line of road to lhat point is in quiet possession of our troops. Gen Butler is expected here to-day. The steamer Thos. Sparks, Lieut. Crosby, U S. N , has arrived in port with a light boat which was stationed off' Windmill Point, and the convoy in tow. The latter exploded her boiler at tbo mouth of the Patomao, severely scalding one man. Her men were transferred to the Thomas Sparks. Lieut. Crosby reports having found a light boat 12 miles up the Great Weigbcomoco. Her crew managed to escape, leaving a warm breakfast behind, her iog showed that the armed scoooner had taken possession of her a month since. Lieutenant Crosby saw 200 cavalry on shore and the country was moving. The importance of Annapolis as a military depot is daily becoming more apparent. Im mense quantities oi military stores are daily beiiftr received and distributed by Quarter master Turnley and Capt. Meyrs, of New York, his assistant, who are bringing order out of chaos. Capt. Smith, of the 13th New York Regiment, will command at Annapolit. Harrisburg, May B. —The Quarter-master General's report made to the House to-day shows the following results: Sum total con tracted in Philadelphia $69,439, paid $21,- U 00; unpaid $47,000. Supplies worth $13,- 139 had been Bent to Camp Curtin. The Commissary General reports the cost of all urticlea purchased at Harrisburg for Camp Curtin at $24,342. This is in addition to soy,uuo expended by Quarter-master Hale in Philadelphia. The report of the Select Committee on that portion of the Governor’s message rel ative to the killing of troops at Baltimore, was made this afternoon. It recites the facts, and demands the punishment of all persons taking part in the murders, and the release of all citizens of Pennsylvania who were unjustly confined by the Baltimore authorities. The bill recommended, author izes the Governor to take such measures as he may deem best to effect these purposes. Louisville, May B.—The Surveyor of Cus toms has been instructed to prevent the ship* ments of arms, munitions and provisions to the seceded States, including Tennessee, North Carolina and Arkansas, and to intercept all such shipments passing by or going through Louisville. Boston, May B.—The United States steamer Minnesota sailed at ten o’clock this morning with sealed orders. Louibville, May B.— The river Is rising with 11 feet water in the canal. Weather clear. Mercury Cl degrees. Washington, May B.— Major Anderson has this evening, with the consent of the President, accepted the command of the Kentucky Brig ade. PITTSBURGH MARKETS WEEKLY REVIEW. Carefully Revised and Corrected by our own Commercial Reporter. pmasuass. May $0 Tor Plain Hams and for Bugar oured do. Beane—There is a good demand, with sales of email white at 66@70c. per bush. Butter—Sales of choice roll making at ft ft-. Brooms... Sales at t2,00@2,60 per dozen for common and for good and fancy. Backets wad Tubs—The Beaver manufacturer* prices are as follows: —Buckets plain inside fi dos en $1,46; pointed inside, $1,60; 8 hoop*, $1.76; Tube, No. t 3 hoops,« dozen, $7,7% No. I, 2 hoops, $6,76; No. 2 $6.00; No 8, S6AO; No. 4, s4Jfc No. 6, $ 00; Keeler** No. 2. s2Jfc Half Bushels, eealed, $4,76. . Buckwheat Flour...ls selling tn lots at SL&o V too lbs. Caudles—The following are now the current rates of city manufacturers: MooldsllQ.lt k; Minora’Dip star 10c ft lb. Cheese... The market is well supplied. Ws quote sales of W. FL at per IK, and Hamburg at Uo. Corn Meal-la plenty. We quote from first bands at tM&bbc. per bush-, and from store at 6SM6?c Craekere...H*ve recently declined, ana we now quote as follows by the bhl : Water Crackers. 6c g ft. Buuer 7c; Bugar 8c; 8oda7o; Boston 7o;Pilot Bread, H.T6 ft bbl. Cordage... Manilla Rojmj, coil.. 9c ft lb Manilla Rope, cutJOc ft ft Hemp “ u lie ft ft Tarred “ .d2u ft lb Hemp M ** die ft lb Tarred “ cut .dSo ft ft i*ac*Qu Yarn, line..llo ft ft Pacing Yarn, comdOo ft ft BafOtnU.. Manilla, $1,60, W dozen; Hemp s2,uo309,76 barrel, and $6,00055,26 pr. half bbl; Lake Trout $B,OO E'Jit ft bbl; Lake Herring, ft bf. ddL; limore do. $7,00 pr. bbl. Halifax do. $6,00 : Alewivea, $6,0006,26 Codfish 4>on l m.boexd*,,].V» I I'loortng.dreiSiurLtgMO Cl® l SijOO I M Itn.oak. fIOuOO ®.**» qnote ljewat tftpei bbL 0U1...UW No. 1 is stood,, and solos ore mads at 88 ®? 90- ® O, *> W“8» W@»a Befinod Ctod, quotes at eOQtt V uli UibncattOK st UaMa, ud onoo aifltUled at 25@2a0. Petroleum (cnide)Belt« at SS®»c per packages paid for. Linseed is swing »t —‘ ' *■ W. *..»* - * *v ■ : J-* *?*s*■■ \ A' •» t jT ' .1 V new and second-hand AT UNUBUALLY LOW PRICESr; S A OlJfj 7 OCT. BO9EWOOD CASE, ELE- J GANT carved legs, lyre, Ac, nude by Bared; BA .••$3 con k Co,—a magnificent ixuttrnment~.'.t~...~9Btt ‘% ! & One oct Rosewood, case, round corners, sc, * />**jj] made by Raven, Bacon 4 Co- SOO One 7 Oct Rosewood case, carved desk, pedal, etc, £l.3# by Hsya k oOn New York, remarkably cheaper 236 -' Ooe 6W oct. Rosewood case, of carved cask, etc, H bjHasleton Y feft , One f oct carved Rosewood case, of beautiful de* , -?~,4Z£ sign, by one of the beat New York makers— J\J~4 very cheap....... mm.**—.NßA One secondhand 7 oct Rosewood case, full iron ~ •.-i'S&s frame, eta, by Chickerlng k Sons, -very One Mcond-hand 6% ocu Rosewood caae, full iron- ; ‘\V>fs frame, etc, by Onickering k Sons IN One second-hand oct Rosewood cage, round, corners, by good Boston maker. ISO One second-hand 7 oct Uptight Piaho, by Chiokcr ingk Sons, nearly new.... 270 One secondhand &£ Upright Plano, by GUI ert .. 180 One second-hand A oct, by I*>ud*Bro...~ 00 . One second-hand 0 6cliorr.-.. . M . M. : w. . M..^;'fio^^i One secondhand 69£ octGennaa Piano, One secondhand 6 ootMahogony caae;«....„..^„ M i ; 'S#' : One secondhand 6H oot. Mahogany caaeu..£>&•&•.;< v» Those desirous of purchasing a aheap vPittoehonld ot fail to call and examine the above lot JUST RECEIVED A Lot of Two Sole Calf Boots, , SEx-uxisra- at cost YOLVIVTEIIIBB. W. £. SCHMERTZ&CO*, Sundries. — HommeP* Extract of Coffee; Mason's BlackiD® Coffees, Bogan and Teas, with a fine a«#tttment of choice family groceries, tiways oo band and for sale at D. B. F&BOUBOCeS, ap24 corner High and Wylie streets,. Deposits made with this bank before the FIRST DAY- H? MAY, will draw interest from that data. TO PILL UP THE BEH TON GUARDS. VOLUNTBBBB WHO DESIRE TO SKEHERVICB end protect end defend the Union agtliut all ene mies will enrol at the. Custom House etorr).—' They will be properly cared for end well olothe boaf.’ ter how oneightly It wee before. Price M cents Sold everywhere. w. QASAS k cth, PropcletoM, >- TjmHi-ffyiwr ft AOn AG&NTBvranted to sell SIX ssw UUUU nmimom- two eery recent, end of meet mine to tunilims elljmy to Agent*. Bend *"*£££* HS Med* Sommer Importation GEO. R. WHITE & CO., 25 FIFTH STREET, WILL HAVE ON EXHIBITION A varied stock of goods, adapted to the coming, season, bought at rainoue sacrifices to the impovteßr. Their assortment is most complete, in DBESS GOODS, BERAGE ANGLAIS, Plain Printed and of all widths. Checked Poilt de Cheveres, Very Gtaeap. phdn and Embroideredy.narrow and wide. Plain, Embroidered, Striped and Barred, all widths, very fashionable, FOULARD SILKS, CHECK SILKS, Very mnoh in demand. French Printed Jaconets Organdies, New Style Embroidered Grenadines f n rich colors, and for seoond ntouralng. Spanish Black Lace, Guipure Pointß, A Now Article. Per Foot 1)4 inch Gas Pipe.. 88 ots. 2 “ u 60 234 “ M “..90 *» 8 “ M “ ,AfO « 834 44 « « .0,60 “ 4 44 “ “ ..1,90 « In all colors. A« this to the cheapest stock th< •d they can, with ooofiuence. asst imUtoos that the shore goods ' ■ >Tgr offered in this market. BURKE & BAB "D EAD THE FOLLOWINi tMtUoonUl in regudto r "J- Bran* Gent Of theStdof Febroejy, 1880. aS v. PalntHhopa, f UWa^mttSSS^Dwe^nuid^doireu. FamtiShojvwhare theheetwas.i* of youijjuko of Bafn, contaiaing S^hSuraMt^^n^ecSra?! We most, cordially recommend The abovaßafes, of ersty-aiae, on htt : ».&3*?WlßimifcB At the OldEatabllebodßafe Mom „-•», >■' m • • ■r I".' . I' V>, IJ *7' . ' *• K NUMBER 208. PIANOS JOHN H. ITfELLOR, 81- WOOD STREET. Attention Volunteers! WITH HEELS, SI Fifth Street. BAVINGB BANK, No. 65 Fourth gtroit* CHAB- A. COLTQW, TUMOW. More Men Wanted* BeauUftUly Clear! Pure and While 1 , WHaTT ON MONDAY, IStli INST., - MOZ A-rjABKaXT^JS, FRENCH POPLINS, —AND— FRENCH CHINTZES, —AND— square: sh GRENADINE STAND AGAIN TRIUMPI m«lT:dawtwl DRS. C. M. FITCH & J* f>HYs!ciANB FOB MfflSAg»ag®» " .1 A»DcmpOT t , ; $ ' iSnia oomptinitiwl wtthiJ^oWwßgEtHilloß*K» : wM . OFFICS-.181 OONBOIVTATIOS FREE AUllol quMtionii J*MS.yS&Sf fcm* who wfshto ootwift d* hr , UTINDOW CURTAINS—For Bale fcv ® ff mbSO « ,*•*.-** . • > . - ~