V * ' ’y 4 \ -v**^ 5 '-V 1 ' 1 , •' ’ ,' •■''•' ; *' ;V '’V ,; ''' - s&'V s^ • • •• • * v- w , ,■ v -^' t ‘ r ■‘v **' " t ''• »N h ' . ~, v ‘ -V ••, ". i 1 ' -' -‘-,1-'~V ’ 1,, 1 • 'l\V-;Vtv ftSs^vv^ss^'''" ■■ •'*■ ‘ : ; ::;v ''-I*'. " : -> .> l ' ' •’ ~ .■* . ; • '-% J V 6 '1,-.'.* - V'-V; «*■ ,‘4v':.'- ,-.. 1 * *S** v *i‘< T * >'*-•»> s N^ 1 ,- ' J ; -1 fJ-;r-'. : Vt.« ,tr ■*.'•-• -j ~4; ~** 'j ii?► s f VV -< Vr>- , ‘- i -• * : V: i:At v -'■ *■* ■“ ? 1 C'tf'tP »b»«X,« ?i \ •-> £**Zk>S££*% mm : PCr^”s^t4: r < WWMMm pMiiSfc kMW4w& fe®fe?3K. If 3«vi V\ / % f ZjtUL** * '^Jbr^-'-t * t?< \ <■• "'•' v * Y V 1 ’ fc^» r c l * v rv fc - •{ rr*W r"-*'--/-;^-.' ‘r 6 trlip**}! we s r ■v'o i> < f !>-r.?•« \j s? ►„ <;’ef^iif';’%■•. tjji. : ■'»• i7j« r iiVL. y, . v . . - - ••^tss , s^^^-j;.^ v?£;; : ':7?-:'V:^'v^ f^ r •;• J h.' . 5 ♦f3;V".' ;•'. ..*:, ,\. ;„•: j-'r- 1 • > •;:•.•:•* Mr and (EantmtegUm, T L RODGERS *■ *• DILWORTH* COMMISSION HOUSE. FLOOR, GRAIN AnTpRODOCB GENERALLY, (Opposite Union Railroad Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa.) ociß JAMES A. FETZEB, forwarding and corsis ion merchant Plenr, Orail, Bacon, Lar 1, Butter, Seed Dried Fruit aaad Produce Uemerailr, OORHKR 07 MAJIKIT AHD 7IBBT BTRKKTB, PITTSBURGH, PA. Rim to—Kranoiß 9. Bailey, tSaq, William Dilworth, Sr,a Cnthbert k Son, Pittabni ,h, Boyd * Ott, HetskeU * Swearingen, S. Brad* Oas ~ M. * M. Bank, List A HowelL hSnjSa k Co, Goorte W. Andereon,Donlon, Paxton A Co .."Wheeling. mT»fc^ptf JAMES H. CHILDS &. CO., HOFE COTTON HULLS, SEAMLESS BAGS, OS3STA.BXJH.a-S, 33 Inches to 40 Inches Wide. a*-Orders may be left at H. CHILDS k 00’S. 183 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. ooSlily HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER * > t 49* Orders Hohoiled al basement shop, Grant Street* opposite Cathedral. _ marlftrdawly EUBEKA OIL COMPANY, VENANGO COUNTY, PEKIN A,, (CHARTUBBU KtltttUAßV IST, 1801. ) Capital $lOO,OOO, A. M. MARSHALL, Urea. H. E. DAVIS Sec. A. M‘ Marshall, James Forquer, J. l>. Camsghan. Office in i hat of R H. Daria, Lily of Allegheny, Pa. mhiB^md 10 «KRT DAiatl.l ROBERT DALZELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERB, COMMISSION AND MERCHANTS Dsauis or Piosocs and Pinaum e Mivmcruan, HO . 251 LIBERTY w j &EKT, nol9 Pmtauaea, SCUTHBERT & SON, attend to the • vale and purchase of R«al Estate, collection of Reo4s, Borrowing and Loaning Moneys on Note*,Boods Mortgage a, Ac., ol Market ttreet. _ JUUiV MOUUHEAU, COMMISSION MERCHANT, HO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, CARRIAGES. ROCEAWAVS, BUGGIES, SULKIES AHD SLEIGHS, No. 197 /Vm Street, l\ttsburyK, Al 4V* All work warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship. mylilydis HOTJSE, SION -AM>- ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, No, 2, Cor. St. Cl&lr SL and Ouquesne Way, work entrus'ed 10 me will be Neatly, and PromjHJy_ Executed. _ deftly S. B. & C. P. JbARKLE, MANUFAOTUBEBB J\. IST JD DBA LHBS X IST T>OOK, CAP, LETT Hi, ttnd til kind* of AY WRAPPING PAPER, lAferemored from NO. »T WOOD STREET to No. 83 BmllnUeld itreel, PITTSBURGH, PA. or ‘I mde fot .p4 K.U.BULGEH, FORNITURE No. 4ft Smith field Street,; PIT T 8 BURCH. . FULL ASSORTMENT OF Pittsburgh Msnafhctured Furniture, Constantly on hand which we will sell at the lowew rione CASH. roygtlT AMERICAN IKON WORKS, JOIESA LAVTR IRON AND NAILS, JUNIATA A*D COMO* SHEET IRON. LtfU'i P«t«t Alattiii, PitUi Mi, Pl*Ut,fct. WAUHOUUS, w,Ur SUMS, aaui ID Plrst llnat, PITTSBURGH, And ooroer of Fnnklin ud Bouth 1 «®r BU, Ohicngo MWJt. „ aLaddlFcoal oil company BRERKTON, JOHSBTOK A WILKIHS, No. 46 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa., SAVE ALWAYS on hand a superior qnnllty of LUBRICATING, ILLUMINATING RUDB COAL OIIA Alan, LAMPS of erery rariety, Wholesale and Retail. aplSdy J "HT7" LI TT LI, MBKOHANT TAILOR, «U. »* BT. CLAIH BTHJC&W, (Dr. Irish's New baUdingJ d jmy PITTSBURGH. John w iih abtii*, bill poster. MILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS k PROGRAMMES FOR Amusements, R&llroada, Steamboats, gulp*, Hole la, galea, Etc., PITTSBURGH, PA. OrderH »eot to the office of the Pittsburgh Morn rZt. or tonify Gnzstt*. Will recehre prompt attentiop MASDvaonraß or BOOTS SHOES, Sa IBS Market Street. Between Fifth and Liberty bw, (Bhoe Market PUce,) apll _ PITTSBURGH. PiLNSTA. SMITH, PARK & CO. NINTH WARD FOUNDRY, Manufacturers of all sixes and descriptions of Coal Oil, Retorts and Still*, Oas and Water Pipe, Sad Iron*, Dob Boxes, Steel Moulds, Fmboe, Hangers and a£o Jobbing and Machine Castings of erery descrip tion made to order. , . , .. Haying a complete machine shop attached to the Foundry, all necessary fitting will be c&refuU^ attend- IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &c. NO. 6 NOKTH FRONT STREET, aplthlyd Kay a company, BOOKSELI.EBB, STATIONERS, AJfD HLAMK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, NO. M WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, 1 a. A®* A full assortment of Law, Medical and lAisc U om Book a constantly p D hand. n»__ V. a. (UI.IHILI JOHN QALPWXUL, J». /"IALDWELL & BRO., BOAT FURBIBHKBJS AMD DEALERS IM Hmilla, Hemp and Cotton Cordage, Oakum, Tar, Fitch, Rosin and Oil#, Tarpaulin*, Cook, Light and Heavy Drilling*, An. apMuy So* tiff Water and >6 Froat rtwn .. t u\ ■ •* • ■ ’V if ;; - • ' '■ * RODGERS & DU WORTH, 349 LIBERTY STREET, POB THX &AU 01 Isjusintss (Kai[dss. Allegheny City* Pa. mvurAoruuas or AND OF P. O’BRIEN. '^HECTORS TOR TAB SALS OF PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, t‘l TTbB URQ H. PA. C. WEST Sc €O., a iirurioru&xas or T. T. Ifl’i* U Hi%, (SECOND BTORY.J MA.2TU7ACTU BJCB 07 EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Manufacturer# of Wiil attend to the DiHlributmg and PoHting of jobi sou® And Dealer id STRA# 80GDS, TRUNKS. CARPET SACKS, ETC., WHOLKttALE AND RETAIL, Warehouse, No. US Firm mid 120 Second street*. E. P. MIDDLETON & 880. ALSO DEALERS IN Fine Old Whiskies, DBS. STiBBINS & MUNSON, OPERATIVE AND ME~HANICAL DENTISTS, Office 106 Fifth Street, A FEW DOORS ABOVE THE POST OFFICE n..27:' ? ,i TEETH! SAVE THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. SILL, has removed to 246 PENN STREET, In the house formerly ocoupied by Dr. G. H. Keyser, opposite Christ’s Church. He wifi give ail the modern improvements. Teeth inserted at various pnoes, from 116 to $62 per seU Rinasscs—- Rev. W. D. Howard, Rev. Bamuel Findley, A. Bradley, A. G. M’Oandleas, M. EL Hopkins, w. H. Vankirk, Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, w. Nlmick, Samuel 6TK.ee. auSTily TEETH KITRACTKU WITHOUT PAIN T»Y THE USE OF AN APPARATUS whereby no drugs or galvanic battery are used. Cold weather is the time when the apparatus can be used to its best advantage. Medical gentlemen and their families have their teeth extracted by my process, and are ready to testify as to the safety ana painlessness of the operation, whatever has been said by persons interested in asserting the contrary haring no knowl edge of my process. Ja-ARTiFICIAIi TEETH inserted in every style, EL OUDRY, Dentist, noUdydis lit Bmithfleld streel. .«* FOR COUNTY TREASURER—A. FLOYD of the Second Ward. Fiitsburnh, will be a candidate for the above office, before tie Repubt can Nominating Convention. _ _ apSrdswto WOBKISOaIKN'S CAADIDATK ROBERT WATSON __ PITTSBURGH BAYNE & NEEPEE, (SUIX’KSSORS TO A. H. RoWINLi.) STEAM BOOK BINDERY BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, No. 7‘2 and 14 Third Street. PLAIN AND ORN AM KNTA I. BIN!' ING in every variety. W. H. McOee. C. Be mil per, blank: books tuns *. Ruled to any Intricate pattern, and bound in every des-rable form. A.l work warraotedto givsaatmfartioc Prices at the Lowest Bates. 9AM'L i\ KAYNK apiflmd GLASGOW’* AMBROTYE GALLERY, -IN HA VINO UK ARRAN'. Ll' MV UAL LERY.aod fitted U up iu ir.emn-t modern atvU. lam prepared to take Anmroiyp***of ail «*•*• and oi toe finest quality, Intending to •l**vr»t« my whom at tenUon to thia cla*» of pi cm m, i !<***! warranted in lUArteetDK saWslacUon u> rnv paunn- Price- moderate. * 1.. uLA“'»‘.iW, teT.lyr No W Fourth *ir-w»L gh B. 'SEE I- Y , , No. IN FIFTH BTRRKT. opp—»w ‘ »>*'• Gal. BKAI. KHTAIK. AM- wKNKHAI. A-.hM NuTEB. hwM»4, MoßTt»AuteJ an«l "tber Heour.i >r« __»£L ..._ GEO. «■' i.O'. GEO. W. CASS & CO. iron city nail works, WarcbouM, No 405 Libert) Street Ip4:3tn gOAP",’ CANDLES AND MILS. 1,010 Boxes Chemical Ulive Era*inf s*-»p. &00 do ROW'D ?v>ap IO 1, 2 and Z tt» Wor -300 do No 1 Bam fc*oap in l. ‘-land -P> 2ou Jo Oleine-. do ml Ibtsir*, 160 do trerman do m 1 It bar-, 260 do t«n«od to Woman Soap in llt baf -1,000 do Sharing and Toilet Soap m .liferent abapee aor Bummer use. 200 Boxen Adamantine Star Candles, A iw 60 do New Bedford Sperm Caodiea. **. 6- A6* 20 do Wax Colored Candles, t*. Aa* 6 do Ooacfa do, 6 do Bur do, 10 Barrel* No. 1 Lard 'hi, 6 do do 3 do, 26 do Lubricating No 1 ' . s Agr.cu turai So ciety, the tir-t premium* for i iLh, Boapa and Candle*. mhlB THE WONDBB OF THE AGE PAIN COBER. JT CURES ALL PAIN AND NlPf disease in the bod This tTUIy admirable and t*f icious remedy is noqu r.k medium*, but is the rwsnli of thirteen years of bkrd study acd The logrodmnis are the f roduc s f t H»*a.n. sod a*-i* discovered by the author of this medicine ou a ».*>t u> that country. baa used it with almost miraculous edect in private practice, ull at last he was induoed by the solicitation of friends to give it to the public -11 osed according to the direction* it not only rahwe# all pain, but cure* it a-ualiy oo the Aral application. It may be rel ed upoo for curing and giving almost instantaneous relief, (as thousands who hare used u can taatifrl to Rheumatism, Ague, timid* □ Colds, Cholera, Dreamer*, Cholera Morbu*. Petr ry. Ear Ache, Too’h Ache, Bead Ache, Cholic, Pains in UW Lira bn, Joiuts. Back, Ac, Spinal Atlecuona. Lumbago, bcaids, burn*. Chilblains, Sprain#, Bruises, Ihmplee and all Chrome Eruptions. For sale by BECKHAM Ui:K'IH STRKBT KNTRAM-fc. IiKALXR in W . U'< l iSTi* k. PITTHBIK(.H, PA DB. J. ». BOSE’S DE. BOSE 70 H TH K t* A!. K (>K Co-Parinersliip, DAVIS & PHILLIPS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN GAS FIXTURES, PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Oil Well Pumps of Brass, Copper, or Iron, with the most approved Chambers and Valves of all kinds, and Warranted to give Satisfaction. Manufactory, No. 110 Water and 104 Front Street, mar7:3mJ*w PITTSBURGH, PA. Ifiisscellanious THE MERCANTILE AGENCY, , T - J ' GRAKK PAI,L HUW,S wm - siu, 'k. PROMOTION i; PmOTRCTION OK TKADK. StOVC WOfkN. Over 440,000 Boameee Horn.** t«.l. Knit racing every City, Town and Village m me I nutnl Suites, C&DAda, and oiner British I'oaeesfione m N. A. K. Ci. DUN un A j Co; Cincinnati, R*; 1 »un A Co; cierelami. it u 1 >:in A Co; I >etrait. R' ■ 1 ••in A Co : Ch'ca>{o. R 0 L'un A t;n . . Milwaukie, R G I»uo ACo; N«w Mneans R U l*un Co. A le •TT* --A*# Cbflrieetua, RGI mu Co; Louian iu, KGL un A Co. , J? *XZ Bi. Louis, KGlhiuACo; Naahrilie, R (» Imu A CV , Associate Offices. I Itomon, K Kinne.'l ACo ; HaJiirawrc. JI < Prat; A . t Richmond. Prsu A Co. j \irol/LL> CAM, THE ATTENTION (»F rorrlgu Offices. j ff the puMic i-j uieir largo of well w»1«omh1 Toronto, li U I>ud A Co; Montreal, K i. Imnn A Go ; i ix>Ddo n . t '■ fun * Co. Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Reference HvOkH, vrith notion of rn*nge.’», prinunl : « * Uatl)-, furnished to oubernlwrs Pn<-e fl (>0 j a hi vj pr, >v KI • (k>ileotion-* promptly attended to in »H pan* i»( uu- - . .a t'ui.t*d Htoles »u upward* of I6u Houses in Pittsburgh, for wh»*m the i otfiee mokes collection*. ■ ol introduction t** l-awyer* of high eland ng aud readability in etory eecuoa ol the I'oioo wul I gmuiiti u furn *hed to ruoecritMrn tr king uii appli cation »i urn office. Ali*« Io auy of ( o uffio*»* Darned Above. tnhil dm WiH. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS ■ Eton IOIMIfcRV General Machinist* and Boiler Makers, j Near the Penn’a K. R. h«*»»«'nger l»wr»nt MANTKA(TI'KK AU, KIM'S "I- Bl«*am Kng.oe*. rang ng from i.irre u, . u* n rtr**d ano fifty bor»e power, arm Mimed f..r ••r.i M-..*s Saw iiia*t Furnace*, Fa-dune*. »• t< 1 <»i»e par .ettiar alt«»Dlj**n to IN*? .••>n*tn.--t.. n-- 1 Kng'.i.eH aod Macbtnt?ry lor en*t milU, and h-r upright*, mi..at and circular *aw rmTla Hat** an*. »*o hand. QniAbNl aod r**a>ir t- r »' at abort noU<«*, Kagioei* and Batirre every iw n> lion Al»©> furoinh Bodon and Sheet Iron Keimrateiy ai>.i Wrought Iron Bhaftmg, Hanger* and Puiiie* in .-very rarely, and continue the miuiiifadurr of W.«.i«a M* rhroery and Machine tWrdj*. Our pnoe* ar* low. our marOtOery manuiaruired •.? ib* heel quality <>f material*, and warrant**! give aaliKfaoUon. from a.i part* of ih* .-..iin.ry ■*. i. and promptly tilted GROCERY AND TEA STORE WUOLKhALK DKALKM t> BUTTER., Sa<3B, illlf ALL KINUM "K PRODUCE. tloodn Itrlirrrrd trhrn Ordrrrtl 1). 11. t-'KIU.t «*I»V •«*!?* I* i i outer M »■ 1. an 1 Uj .* .»-»»» QARPETa ! OAKPETO I HP KIX. H A LEV tv. D. a 11. M'ULU .H, 87 Fourth Btrool, H.\ V K .Il'S I uI'ENIll) a- -Pl.tM'M' a*aur Uncut of Velvet, Bruseol*. Three-Ply. Tapes try, and Common Ingrain OIL CLOTHS Krom 3 vo *4 n*w an I tx*MUUln: pa t^rm with ah goods u*u» jr foi.ou *« »» tfVn« :wnr*n *- ao» »•.‘ • u« CHAMBERS, Ciii’KCHFS, LoiX3 Eri, 50,000 roll« at 124 ct». 50,000 rolls at «, S and 10 els. Wt.vnow t'rßtaiNs. Krai Boa*t> Pai-vrs, fCjr Luuk fur If i. Siripail Front. The only place in town wb-re a full assortment of PjeDoh paper** is kept. roarlfl NEW WALL PAPER BTORE, Ho. 107 Market Street, BKTWKKN PItTII A Mil LIBERTY ST'IKKTS, The subsukiher is now hi-esinu n ix*w and larpe k "f PAPER HA.tkl.tikS, Embracing a complete assortment for Dwelling*. otfioea, Hall*. Churt-he*, to which he would re-p*ct fully mviU* the atu-nUou <»f the Public. living an naure now stock of good- recently purehAif d »n«i dlw arriving. l l'OMo in want of new goods will find them Ly ;o..king through our aeaortmont mariilyd JOS. ft. HUUHKB. MCW AND SECOND-HAND UKKIAtiKH. HARRIET R. WHITE, DBSI (i NIN (.» TO C<> MTIN UK T IIK CARRIA'iE BUSINESS, of Joseph White, de ceased, at the old Hand at the Two Mile Ruu, is alway* receiving from the best Eastern ahoua. and lias for sale at the lowest rates, KKW AND SECOND-HAND CAR RIAGES, WAGONS, BUGGIES, Ac. »pl m\ GRAY DRESS f.UOIE, NKW GRAY STRIPED AM) PI,AIN SILKS, NEW FIGURED CHINTZES, New Plaid French Ginghams, NEW SILK COATS, HEW CLOTH COAT I*, 1 *, NEW CLOTH DUSTERS, NEW CLOTH OIBOULAJBS, NEW HOOP SKIRTS, JUST OPENED W. & I). SI U G U S’ apO ~ For Kent. A STOBK HOUSE on t eiler&l and Water J\ ctraeta, AJl®gheny, suitable for a Dry Goode Tnmming or Shoe Store. mnatu a. H. DAVIS. ~- V * J »V 4 - , ft. « \ * *yi *i* • .-■ * < • K - , v. --. t :„ »5 1, _a. > ■ FOR Till; tMTTBBI IUAIi, #* A Carpetings. Testes Cottas, Ctiuxos, Ac ■'T-" .*• * * ib* * * tT • 1 MaHUPACTO'BBBS, KITCHEN RANGES, GRATE FRONTS llotxow-W *sjl A. -. among wiiicmr.li* found tho Phi. I' COAL COOK STOVKM IS THKBTATK. Tfc. Diamond, Ailvunre, Air-Tisht, Ktlipst, anil IRON C ITY W ern awarded the M Kr 4 l i' RKMIV M m ir.n State Kair hr the HKH'J C«*Al. Ox»K 4'P‘VKH Alko, FIRST f'KKM Il'M awarded to the TBITS AMERICA.*, OLOBK * ESPUBLIC, Fur tne HER! WOOD CoOK HTOVKB NOW r< I’HK. 1 he K KNTI'CE lAN and KANH.iS Premium Hu-ves arc unsurii»*«*«d Wr rail attention of DRAI.KKri AND HITLIdKKS io the largest *u*-< of GRATE FRONTS and FENDERS IN TilK STATK N M.-Wi lm« the DIAM- iNl'and RCLU’NK <- a. - Si-.»e«« anUi *v>a|vv4tiio<’ I-n ng-. whtrt, »*tan J ibe fir« t/eitrr than iroa. apl 1 * OVERSTRUNG riTr^f GRAND WK take PI.KA'UKE IN ASN'iIV iNi. •.*.*; »r Ml* )"»l imt'.lalMe nf Uie n KTBimn OVF.RSTKC.Mi BRAND PUNOS, ar.d We her j mile Ule hq« and a.; 'i*>* * i. «i. 1 •.•urn u.e *«mt f > rufe»*.„na4 femi«ma6 ha»e pr--n -irt-»d * *ap**rior to anj '.;«nd !!>ry 'Mtn »rrr u|kiii TOej *r* ■'Od»..lero-l the !---l l*.an«- V '*.**• inaQuM lured d near’j ;t»e »■:*** e*.'. i4«.J in '*, protn neot Mti* ruui» an I Ar . ragard'Oif in-.runiettU* I ! r.gg |« r*...nal;i riuume.! an t p*» !•* '*. » u.-te-i ifjr m(.r -verneQt ; n liran I fSaao**, nrenu-ilit H liu.avij. n »'.as:. the e**rere*i »innj:* are w«l K—l'he ftound by mnti;w»f‘* impr.irvnit'O! u I’.u- h more e * rii lea* * ar-fi. • ir* oger. ao J mo- h better or»».i»Qge*i Axa:, :hat r»a-.ied n .th«r P'aU-- wit/i *»*.!<■ I-. »e arw a «pta (Hal J- f it* nn*i*• r*»gr*e.l regard i!;r -tiiem [ Mr Swmaaj a* m e*t novel, inp* □ . iriije.riant V- I’ian • .1 enzu.ar r^,n»ir'.ict..uD ItA' ever leec k uo»n ur i-e-l -■• ’%! ae u»a UUderelKnel t dow or hel)eT«*s .uatavSaUet l . Hu,. WMi>"U, W M *rgan. ** a Ml, , Wot A King, j•* n S Ihii er**»c. ’ a;; Herjctnann. Wm. baar <»eo F w. lU4X. 'n.i.lie t, H ' I'trnm FOR NAI.B BY 11. KLKBKK & 880., Ho. 63 FIFTH STREET 11/ HD TTMFS OUTDONE. ti.it H min v i n uillii; to IlitO,ooo will nr *w.ui ti III) the hint \\cilarMiai in iimut, I'M **■' I' H K HA I’l’A • : AN N* h‘K MANI JL I M'l • K l Ni» I • '1! IM ■ |T IT— I. r.M, «* 0' »l \* e 1-iS) -•Oi \<> , $ 1, >| me erection. »■ ih- d«*« mug* Rappanauoocfc, »n VTjrnla. of * -'..uihern \rrr.tt * Oothirg and Wo i«*a Factory. The fth*r*» can be *t.i>»cnh®d id *wk!y ■ r nr-ntbly (natal,- meaU of any amount to null the ron vonmoct' o< the sub. ftCrtt*©r,aDd re<*«-ipt« will be m-m from umo to time in ac knowledgement of all >uro« rimitn-d. no matter bow vmail they may In*, which may be done conveniently >ti r«*fti*ge ■lamp*. gold com, current Mnk n«ite», or draft* i* u.an * »f.ttie of |’Jo niiouM t** -.n i j the t me npeeiibvt ‘be money wii, 00l t>e lost, hut oppor i.toilj wil. l ejflTi-o lo incrwas* H by like remittances ihorr-afu t, un'.il enough w aecurvd lo obtain a certifi cate of Stock. Hut if a share, or Movers! share- nh >uld t-' .u’ -onlwd N’fore that lime, the Mih»cni**r will re mm* » cert Thu* of preferred guar note-ing to toe i.older i f*«r tccu per aoQUZU on the par vaiu* thereof All the Htookbold-ra will. mareoter. receive aeon annual dividend* out of the net piofile of the Corafiany, -o ftocu a- thtur Partone* are put iu operauoo Heeidea the ai-jfw. tha person who aaba.-nbea the largest amoum. iby the first Wedo<*»iay id August, will la* entitled in premium of (MMthe next largest to JH,ikKJ; ihe next largest to $1,600. the two next argeat i" $l,OOO each i the Jour next large*! to s6oo each , the uinoty uext largest l*’ s*o each ; the nine hundred next Urgent lo f4O each ; the three hundred nex; Ivge-t to sd" -aft. . ihe one I'.mmuM next targe* t lo sldeach. Uif three Uhou-and h ur hundred next largeat to %i each, and (he per*ou who lull* to obtain either of ihe-e, m mi extra premium offl.ucu, all to he paul in Ca»h, Ken !• -uw, Arina. Milt aty or i-tuer Clothing. Ttana, t no .ar„i s>t Hum, u ii ch mny not ex.-eorl |yy 21. wtli take the largest \renuum of and th« smallest aura re mitted. if uot leas than 14 7w, wi i secure a premium of $l.OtV Ihese i lmrcs are all founded upon Real Estate, wti oh I* pledged !-u Ihe socuntv or redemption of the block, aud any ahsrehold-r wishing u> settle, can at any urn© exchange ins au*ok lor aoy of the Company’s inode at their h)we?t market value and receive * good and KU’linent warranty title. A f-w Agnta well recommended, »,li l*e cm j>l.,jf.»d at liberal r»tet% botfi to obtain subscriptions in the ••v.octc of the Company »»d to sell shares in a papu lar hormviead .-cheme. K*>r iur*her information. »ub- Kcrtpuou>. nget cie-, Ac., adore**, with a stamp cu j dosed, Uie Treasurer. ! K. BAUL>s.R, Port Rival, Virihnia. REKKRI'-NCK'J KdU rs and I’ulilrshers of Newspa pers geiierali) m tba various man-*, nearly a I of whom already hold deeds from tie in ihe Real hstaie alluded ['he Portsmouth (Ya.) Lkidi/ says "Tlila project la odo well worth ttir attention of our people, mid we assuro them nai the parties repreaenting it are lohabie *nd resfionnihie. Rc-i'les. ti.ose who are ad visevl ol the progrens oi the pUo kaj- it is in Who full tide of prospetive succes-.” The independence (\a) Anw sHye : *‘lt is really a jMtyiug enuirprise. Ihe town ,> a.rt*ady tanviUe (Pa.) Herald says : “ Here in an oppor tunity excelling anything we snow of, both in charac ter ami terms. People of proscribed means can hare a trial with la r hopes of n&lbdactory results." The Pittsburg iron City says : M We have the names of Dumeroas persons who now hold land in that locali ty sold by Mr Bunder. We would he plea>*ed to exhib it the testimonial.- in our possession to any one wishing (o enquire." mh29-.taug7 Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing, between the undersigned, is this day dis solved in consequence of the necessary abseooe of Mr. Campbell. The stock of gooda has been sold to JOHN DuNWOOPY, whom we recommend to oar former friends and customers. The books 4c., may be found in posses&ion of Mr. Pollock, at the old stand, No. 101 Wood street, who is hereby authorized to sign ror the firm in liquidation. DAVID CAMPBELL, SAMUEL POLLOCK* Pittsburgh, April 23,186 L apiUdmd MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT, AND BADICAL CUBE OF SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness, Involuntary Emissions and Im potency, resulting from Self-abuse, Ac. By Robb J. Cttiverweli, M. D. Sent under seal, in s plain envelope, Oto any address, post paid, on receipt of two stamps, b r. C*TaB. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery New York. Post- Bloe Box, No. 4,580. mhfl^mdaw Keystone Patent Barrel Factory. WANTED— 5000 CORDS OK GOOD sound while oak stave bolts, for which the high est market price will be paid on delivery. PemoLß deairing to contract (or furnishing slave t»olte, or to sell standing timber suitable for catting Dio stave l>olte and headings, looated convenient to either of the nvers, canals or railroads, leading to this oily, are requested to address, GUTHRIE A SILL, apStlm* Offioe, No. 37 Fifth street, up stairs- MISCELLANEOUS. Nervous Headache By the use of these cephalic PlLl.fi the periodic attack* of Nervous or Stck Heatlache may be prevented; and if taken at the com mencement of an attack immediate relief from paiu and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nassau and Head ache to winch females are ho HUbjecl. They act gently upon the Bowels—remoYing Q&twe For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Female#, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxa <«?«, Improving the appetite, giving tune and vigor to tbe digestive organa, and rostering tbe natural elasticity and Ktrength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully cuodncted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time they liave prevented and relieved a vast amount of pa.n And suf fering from Headache, whether originating in the ner ix/uj system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may lx* taken at all times with perfect safety and with out making any change of diet, and the absence of any rfiai greeabie lasts renders it cn.nj to admtmxtcr irtcm to children- Beware of Counterfeits. The genuine liave five signatures of Henry C. Spal ding on each box. Sold by imiggiats and ail other Dealers io Medicines. A oox wul t>o sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the PRICE, 26 CENTS. All order-' should be addressed io HENRY C. HPALDINd, 48 Cedar street. New York THE FOLLOffIXi KXDOKtjKHKXTS OF SPALDINGS CEPHALIC PILLS, Wild, i■' i.N \ I M.'h Al.l WH"M HI-ltK KKuM HEADACHE, A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE I" WITHIN Til El Ft KKACH /it these I'estimomai* were n by Mr. SpaLLl.hu, they u[}\-rd utufuesiutnable ~f the efficacy <•/' /Ai -s tr-uly Mi HrAUusa, .sir -| h»»e tried your Oprtahc PilJa, and / I*A< 'hem ■ o that 1 want von to «eod me two doLtr* worth PiM < f arti fur the neighbor*, to whotr. I gave » b-w out »he of ftr*t bni I got frt»m you •'.Hi*! no* IVle i j mall, and oblige Your ob’t Servant JAMKN KLNNKDi. Ml hr*LX>t*u. So- —l wish you to *end me one more box of your ( r{>tiA ••• Piii*. / /Wit* rocorwi a great deal of benefit from r •«**■.'. y <>ur« respectfully, Mary vnn - ioiehouse. il. C HriLniao Hkri—>ou will ptoaee send me two lioxes of your Cei-bal.i Pll- Send them immediately. tfce«peotfuily yours, .INO H. oIMOhS, P H.— J hart u sal ime St*a, Enq Flea** find molrwed iweoty-fire cento, for which send m<- *n»Uw t>oi of your Oepbailc Pills. They firs truly 'Sr -«or ISO* l Virt ever truck. i" r.«t A. STOVER. P M. belle Vernon, Wyandot Co. Q. Hmnti, Masa, Dec. 11, 1860. li <’ Spauuto, 1 for aome circulars nr large show bills, to bnng join i4‘oh*dr l*ill» more nenicularly before my rusio m«r« fl you have anything «( th« kind, please send to me. Dos of my '’UHiotsera. who in subject to severe Sick Heartache, (usually lasting two days,) uvu cured of an **acA >» tm* Hour (»v your r*iiU,®vhich I sem her. pool fully voura, ' W R. WILKES: H*fSl C, SVilDUly, .N .>. *» i 'edar MlfCoL N. Y *l, * l-.U'. i Ki. ,i ■<: |«X> /w,,. —iuuJoaed find twenty-five cento, (’23,) lor * :..«n send box of •* Cephalic PiUe.” Send to address of Kev. Wm C. Killer, Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co„ orwv I'wt/f i\o. ‘d* *. n cAorm —owe Houiae-Ke oimoif iruJ*tn< ttr. Ml Sfxlmvq, Str Mot long since 1 pent to you for a box ot Ce phalic Pills for the cure of Nervous Headache and VAXstivenesa, and received the name, and thty had so g>jud »e*ul for wort Please send by rotnm moil. Direct to A R. WHEELER, Ypailanis, Mich From the Examiner .Norfolk, t’o- ('••phaiic Pills accomplish the object lor which they were made via Cure headache in nil its form* From 1)%4 Examine*. So’folk, la. They have i*M-n tested m more than a ihousan i caaer* with cuur»- success. FTom the Dmu-cmt, St. (’loud, Minn. II you «re. or hnvt* !«c*ii troubled with the headache, sen-1 t<-r a hoi, (Cephalic Pii.s.i so that you may have l.'.ern in ra*e of an ailock, Ft i>m the Adi rrtiser, Pi uvt'iencc, R. 1. l he Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy lor headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. Front the VFedero R. R. Gazette, C 'heeago, ItL We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding. and him tinnvaiied ilephahe Pills. From the Kanawha Valley Star , Kanawha, Va. Wo ore sure that persons suffering wish the head' aoh*. who try them, will suck to them. From the Southern l‘ath Finder, Nor Orleans, Jsi. Try them ! y-~u that are atflioted, and we are sure that Your testimony con be added to tho already numerous list that ha® received benefits that no other medicine can produce. F>*om the St. Unis Democrat The immense demand for Uie article (Cephalic Pills) is rapidly increasing. Frmn the Gazelle, Davenport, lowa. Mr. Roald mg would not connect hie name with an article he did not Aaou> to possess real merit. From the Advcrk&er, Providence, R. 1. Tho teaUmouy in their'favor is strong, from the most respectable quarters. From the Daily News, Newport, R. I. Cephalic Pills are taking the place of ail kinds. From the Commercial Bulletin, Boston, Mass. Said to bo very efficaoioiiß for the headache. 49* A sinirle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLI’K will save ten times its oost annually SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. ECONOMY! 49-“ A Stitch L*t 'Tote sav» Nno.”-®*, As acoideate will happen, even m well regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furnitnre, Toys Crock ery, Ao. SPALDING’S PREPABED GLUE meets all suoh emergencies, and no household can afford to be without iU It is always ready, and up to the sticking point. N. B.—A Brush each Bottle. Price, 26 oenta. Ascertain unprincipled persons are attempting u> naJm ofl on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PREPARED GLUE, * would OAUtion all; persons to examine before purchasing, and see that the full name. j^HPADOING'S PREPARED GLUB.-» is on the outside wrapper ail others are swindling oooßterfeito. felßclydaw scientific jrurpvsf. MtaovTtux loan, Ket>. £», I*6l HiTiaroaj, pa_, Feb, 6, I*6l. Srat-c* Cuu, UcwnvoToa Oo- I‘a, \ Jajuniry I*. I*6l. ) RiTxouMtsaae. Fxasxur Co- Ohio, ) January 0,1861. ) Truly yours, WM. C, FILLER. Ypsoosn, Mich., Jan 14,1861. SAVE THE PIECES 1 DISPATCH I 41 USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.* Address, ' B ENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR street, New York. CAUTION • 1 Sfectial Jsfias. Tav IT 1 TRY IT l TRY IT J TRY IT! TRY IT ! THE GENESEE LINIMENT; THE GENESSEE LINIMENT; THE GENESSEE LINIMENT; THE GENESSEE LINIMENT; THE GENESSEE LINIMENT; THE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY l FuR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOIKTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE AND RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDEBa THE GENESSEE LINIMENT 4®“la never known to fail to care Rheumatism.*®* THE GENESSEE LINIMENT a certain and speedy cure for Neuralgia.*®* THE GENESSEE LINIMENT an immediate core for Burns or Scalds. 4 ®* THE GENESSEE LINIMENT 4®**!* me i»eet remedy in the world for Sprains or Bruises.”®* THE GENESSEE LINIMENT 4*-Curo« Headache, Toothache, Cuts or Wounds.*®* THE GENESSEE LINIMENTS THE GENESSEE LINIMENT 7 HE GENESSEE LINIMENT! THE GENESSEE LINIMENT! THE GENESSEE LINIMENT! 19 THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. ifl THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. For sale by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers. N, U. WALKER, Proprietor, Pittsburgh, Pa., To whom all orderß must be addressed. de3 FACTS FOR CONSIDERATION. gffi- Brandreth’s Bills have been before the world for nearly one hundred and ten years. The have an established character for safety and efficacy, which places ihem in the first rank of all the medicines of the day. They are purely vegetable, harmless to the tenisrest age or weakest frame, yet of sufficient effi cacy to thoroughly cleanse and purify the blood, through the organs of the stomach and bowels. They aid a~d improve digestion, and sound, refreshing sleep follows their u*e. They hare cured I hous* nds of cases of the most distressing dyspepsia Ail the symptoms of confirmed consumption have been removed by their uce, and health has aga.a blessed the once despairing iqto.uL Costiveneta, the great promoter of •iisease, >•< inlaJliblT cure-1 by these Puls. Apoplexy and par* aiyMH are as surely prevented i! the pula are perse verm gly used as soon as fullness or intense pain of the head is experienced. Tnoas&nil* of cases furnished in proof. Pnce '2£> cent*. Bold at No. 2M Canal street, Braa dreUi’n iYtncipai Office; bv Thomas Redpath, No. 27 Diamond street, Pittsburgh, and by all respectable dealers id medicines. CLARKE S LIVER PILLS. A Radical Cksrt / Read! I Baadl 11 Me N. U. Walkee —Dear Sir: — For three years past, I have been severely afflicted with Liver Qm ;4omr,oi a most malignant and chronic character. Ire sorted to a large number of remedies, but they failed to produce other than a temporary relief. About six months ago, I purchased a box of “CLARK.E*3 LIVER PILIH,” and after using Client, found myself bo much betler,that 1 (-u< e adopted a regular rystem of taking them, and M»>n found mynelf entirely and radically cared. The various i.i* attendant upon a disordered state of the Li r*r, at once disappeared. 1 gladly and most cheer* fuiij ref'ommend these Pills as a sore and effective rem edy Tours, truly, WM. AUSTIN. Cbiiiicothe, G-, liecembor 4,1869. The above but speaks the voioeof thousands who have fuliy tested the curative properties of CLARKE’S LIV ER PILLS. Prepared at first for private practice by &n eminent physician, and their merits hilly tried, it is nm orange they act more efficiently and directly on the •liHordt-red organs than the generality of so-called Liver Remedies. Id cases of Laver Complaint, Dyspepsia im purity of the Blood, Constipation of the Bowels Gener al lability, Sick Headache, and ail diseases arising from a disorganised stale of the system, Atu, are a sure and never tailing remedy. Prepared solely by N. U. WALKER, Fitts burgh, Pa. To whom all orders most be addressed. 49" For sale by ft E. SELLERS, Wholesale Agent, corner Wood and becond streets. Bold by agents everywhere. fe2* SCROFULA. WILLIAMS’ COMrOUND EXTRACT sarsaparilla and iodide potassum.—The fol lowing Certificate of the virtues of this preparation, is from a well known Physician, from Dickson County, In this Stale : Sept. 16,1862. Mr. E. F Williams : Instances are not rare where the attendiag physician (ails w cure well confirmed Scrof uta- The following memorandum is Interesting: Subject—A girl of 16 or 10 yearß of age, the attending Physician had failed to core. An anxious lather had consulted me, aod from ray knowledge of yoor prepa ration. 1 we* constrained to prescribe it. After six tattles she was considered well. She was cured of deep seated nicer and a constant drain of milky mat ter from one or more sores under tho ear. The entire lymphatic system was deeply involved. This case alone is welt worth the attention ot all; bat when added to a long catalogue of cases of great obstinacy, cured by no Panacea, nor Nostrum, nor Patent Medicine, no Secret, but an invaluable preparauou of Sarsaparilla, iodine of Poias>a. Ac., well gotten up by the Chemist, and made tamihar to ihe intelligent vhyeimao, it verv justly de serves etna, by a 1 laboring under any of tne numerous chronic maladies that afflict us. J. R. HUDSON, M. D. A fresh supply just received and for sale by JOSEPH FLEMING, Corner of Diamond and Market at, and all druggists. P. M. BOLLMAN, West Manchester, fa. Wholesale by N U. WALKER, 128 Smith held street. W. H. FOX, Proprietor. Loosvflle, Ky. To whom all orders must be addressed. fe24:tm 24 WW* call the attention of oar readers to an article advertised in another oolumn, called Blood Food, it ta an entirely new discovery, and must not be con (ouoded with any of the numerous patent medicines of the day. It is food for the blood, already prepared lor absorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and wliat one gains he retains. Letallthose, then, who’ are buttering from poverty, impurity, or deficiency of blood, and conseauently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of ton* Blood Food and be restored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also ofthe world-renowned Dr. Ka tow's Iwtawtci Oomjul, which every mother should have. It is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of uny *nad whatever, and of course musto© invaluable lor all mtanule complaints. It is also said that it will allay all pain, and soften the gums in prooees of > teeth ing. and at the same time regulate the bowels. Lot all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. 4Qp*See advertisement. For sale bv DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, Sole Agent, au&lvdaw 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh. g^^QuKay—Have you seen that Big In dian in another column, boiling ROOTS, BARKS and LEAVES, for the Cherokee Remedy ? Iy2klydaw To Consumptives. The advertiser having boon restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suilered several year* with a severe lung Affection, and that dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make kuHwn to fes fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will.send a copy of the pre scription used, (tree of with the directions for preparing and using th e same, which tbby will find a sens ccan ron Cossumptioh, Asthma, Bnoaoaim, Ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every BUl ferer will try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WIU3ON, Wilhamsburgh, Kings county, New York. A, KREBS & SRO. -t-* iv -A. 0 1 X" X CJ-AJL. Itihogpgbjirs Oorner Wood and Fourth Bta, PITTSBURGH. LA.KEBUPEBIOB COPPEB MILLS asd SMELTING WOBEB, PARK, IHUBDI St COm of sheathing: Braaierß’ and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bot* toms, Raised Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, 4a, also im porters and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, wire, 4c. Constantly on hand, 1 lumen's Machines and Toole. Warehouse, No. 149 First, and 130SecondjLtrPP* 8 - Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders’ of Copper CUtto any de* r« itrier* ■ ****'+:&* • JVotioe! A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOL DERS of the We*tom P*. B»tiro»d Oompenr, wlil , be held nt theoSoe of the Company, 7th d»y of Mir nrzt, nt 2 o'clock. P. M„ to eonswer the proprtey - - uocepunp an Aet of Burnt* villi, April 22d, ism. . apMttwv gPALDING’S C EPHUIC PIL(ln CAN BR P&OOiTBKD AT JOS. FLEMING' 8,,y , „ > Comer Urntopd **4IW»W - * r V ’K't'-'C »vn^£jfejfe^ 7 t Vi** { -f ' % < ’ ’ rV' ’ '- ’ , - i ,-s^Sfi it ■ * « « V , »* r,i // t •:,/«. “ ' 'V^^wX''¥&S* "A I *'*'*?'"' .4-v;>' ' W*.Y * >• ' -fT* . • V* ’ *\ ‘‘l ' : f4*': * 4t« \s§!x PBRUVIAir SYRUP OR PROTECTED SOLUTION protoxide of iron. Cures all Diseases arising from Dl«»aeee of the Blood. “ Pamphlets containing Certificates of cures from the til lowing well-known Clergyrnen, Physicians, nndpotters, can l»e biuS oa application, or will be forwarded on xe qao.«*t, to any address, freeofchargeJ- Ut-v. John Plerpont, Rev. John W. OlmsteaU Her. Warren Burton. Lewis Johnson) Mil. Upt. Arthur B. Puller, Roswell Kinney, H., Rev. Tnos. H. Poos, Abraham Ml)., Rev. Richnrd Metcalf, 11. E>Kiin»y,JLD., Rev. M. P. Webster, Jose d’£nsDftr', fiUL, Re?. Jos. 11. Clinch, Thomas A.-Dexter, «*!■» lie?. Abta- Jackson, ThomasC. Amory, u Rev. J. Pearson, Jr., Peter Harvey* “ Kcr A. R. R. Crowley, James C. Drum, Rev. Ilenry Ifphflm, Samuel May, “ Ber. 8. 11. Riddel, Prof. E. Vltalia Scfaerb, . Rer. P. C. Headley. Moses Giant, Esq. JOHN P. JEWETT AND CARTER. FOR RALE BY ALL DRiJOttIgS- , or sals bv Dr. GEO. H. KEYBEB, No. 140 W.ltd DR. MOTT’S ~ CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE A oi Oxygen and Carbon by combos* bon in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highpßVMedkttl . Authorities, both in? Europe and the United prescribed in their piacuce. ' The experience of thousands daily pro yes toijijnd • tent which no description nor written attesfatipa * render credible. Invalids so long bedridden aß % thh|rtß> , become forgotten in their own neighborhqodßiViHQfe suddenly reappeared in the busy worldr'dfi.,' it tornedfrom protracted travel in adistant hoik • Scare very nigeai instanoes of this kind are attested of ferule" sufferers, emaciated victims of appawnt sanguineous exhaustion, critical changeft afet tha* complication of nervous and dyspeptic avaraoatoair and exercise tor which the physimanhas nphabafe' J In Naavous Airamxassof all kinds and;fb^',reasons tamluar to medical men, the opexwloh eT thiff.pfeyhrar tion of iron must neoeasarily be salutary, fenyunHketoe old oxdes,itis vigoroaafyuutia without beings txeil ing and overheating and gently* regularly apehttie even in the most obetmate cases otooeirrenees wither >- x ever being a gastric purgative, oriSflictifig a dlaagrh -&r able sensation. ; 'v It ia this Utter property smongotoerß. whßtowahoß it so remarkably eff/v-trialand pennanent a remedy for PfUs. upon which it also appears to exert a distinct itid specific action, by disperßrng toeloGfe tefideuey which forms them. -.v • *-r -in DsHrarsza, innumezafifeasare its causes; box of these Chalybeate PiUshae for she most habitual cases, including the idteiuUttft CWltwai. - In unchecked PußßHcfti, eygn 'When s adtattOe& io Dibbtut, confirmed, - Ugnam, the eflectß have been equally deasivw -and ;as rtnlriiing. In the~locai pains, loss of flesh and strength, deallte ting cough, ana reznhtent hectic, which generally “ 'v --- Put upin neat flat metal boxes ocmtainlng ’ price 60 cents per box; for sale by druggistS and dflMsra. will be sent free to any address on receipt ortoeprice* All letters, orders, should be addr^edto*^^^; B. B. LOCKS ti Co., g> OiPa ftf, DB. GEO. H. KE3BEB. IKLWoodkfiM,.' - Wholesale Agents for "Western Pemi^>»yuiaiflyd>wds mh3o:lm&*wT FITS CURED! FITS CMfIIED! IBS GKKAT AMERICAN BEMEBIiJ ~ t ',' w rr»HIS MEDICINE HAS BBOIIQHT JL Happiness to theHoxhes'bfbandreds <>jF*PiJfclllaa~ thathave for years snffered'the createsT* bflfieticßHn having some member of their tamy‘afliiotfedjnliP l - drbacmd diseadb; * What can ferine such .' the hearts of parents; as to see their with a disease that destroys the’inttil&t ■„••• carries its rictimtmcanflcious tofhe In the AMERICAN REMEDY you so long looked for in vain—-. 4 Qure. ■ ThiatßetotodJ » Purdy Pape/aWs—it contains no can be taken with safety. ' ■■^l - Bending Jot Medicine,ehooldßiWe colsri of the case,and the Medicine will d lately to any pan of the county.'Protn ax bottles will efleet'kCure m zhpStgnfes. .. Price, $1 per bottle, or six 6b til esr fbr $5, Prepared by _ • ' 4 . 4 . Sold by JOR PEiKMINGC cor. Market:St ADW^ad. 49“A1l orders fihoold ,be addwiased STARKEY PfttHbtnrgfa, Pa:- 1 ' seWydaw ALL THE LATEST STYLES STRAP SHOES & SLIPPERS. W. E. SCHMEBTZ, & CO., THE WEST CHESTER ACAUEMY, a&S* &&&SSs^?S£i3BZ S^immelmosths.- siS^ai. 8 ' APPLES. —Eight Barrels Applesforjale by iapiai HBH»fH s COM4BS n-u-micn m.AfIS HAND l ss? garags ; Ssri^?rWW^ Sstt»6«M Btre«t, Pittsburgh. ■■■- ;, gPSBil' ■txada prisFOre ot ~°?KSs%tieiieUM.tatotpat- wll£ c»upO;as p KBSSOppr eera-tf MWoddutret’’. nt*rsiz* f mhfifl, - —• " • , SODA WATB^olßi^l^; Uui .Mir-' ,uOHASIruSM9«, ■Cor.PomiasU BV. FLUOR—2OO sack* » #!■**» H anart US Be«md*uj * - ? V a / /- - *• . ‘H-i , jr 4 V ’ > '1 ’>V ! ■ ■*•*. Office, 30 Summer Street, Boston. fills of mom, GENTS' AND BOY'S PATENT LEATHER CALF ■ &> sf * ~ KID GAITERS, OXFORD TIE?, —AND — New York fx JUST RECEIVED AT > ’-JS . , • -■™&&wmamm®m i , -S'- HSp * * * ■• . V V- • - '.' *+mi _ -rf \ Vi- •!;■* v