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''.| te»^ipv %S li !A3kf* T 2 **‘2r 31 ® S'^-b - tej ' ■ -1 l U@^sa3itJ?gS JyyuW w , ar^4-R^«^i -»i k, v ''' , " > ' , * K wnttWi!’’ a 4 ®%BSSSSf**j&Vv o^fs?“•*„•? 1 •,. • >Viv^3: i ' , VA r^-r 4 -:;-wf< : , ’Sr'^-V‘if -fy k *s 6^ l %*ys - "c k *v;‘ * F 1 >, t-V 1- ** s f , J ■> ■ f - s V' - *,r 1 V- 1 * fi-SS K’j'Ji'j! ".z':- 1 / ." «•’. J<,: -_ jr * "•..-. VL it' f-'-#rr>r , -'' 4 .w 44 ft •+../! _'» • •» 4 «.”**».n ' r y- »«■• »■ •. ►. . 1 \y •*-*' M 4. V» &** &*’**'* *• ** -/ * V ■' ' J f " * ;#• ' •***•+£? *i:4?sVC***j- »* ’.Vf •■• -^Ji^Jjftvi:;,. .te It - MEWE! mm pip! ; l t? t V . -■ > - < - 1 * ' r . , ■- <»3asawMs>.*,w«« , ,>—. - - - .- ~.„_ ~ ‘ • ••• J — : •“- —r—_—_n_ .?". EDITOR AND PKoniETOB Thum:— i>ai(y, Fire Dollars per year, atncUy in ad* rau'-e. Weekly, Single suoacnptioti* Two Dol lar* per year; in dubs of fiye. One Dollar. ArbltratJou Committee ol the Board oi For March and April. WM. McCRKERY, V. P. B. CAMPBELL, IHAIAII DICKEY, B. PBEBTON a. B. McKLROV. WM. MEaMA* TO LETS for sale atthis office. Col. Holtz having telegraphed to Gen. Nag ley for instructions concerning the recruiting service here, wHlther or not he should enlist another brigade, received a reply directing him to take no action until further orders. Kecruiting npw goes on but slowly, the re cent order of Gov. Curtin to enlist no more troops at present having somewhat dampened the arder of those engaged in forming compa nies. Several companies from a distance are here without means of support and they can not bo kept by the military fund, not being enrolled. A number of recruits in oar home companies are in the same condition. The proper committees should make some provis ion for the support nf these volunteers while here, as their services will soon be needed. Meanwhile it will encourage many to know that the order of the Governor will counter mand the order mentioned and order such of our troops as shall be accepted to repair to one of '.hose additional encampments, to be lortued in the Eastern part of the State. The Pennsylvania Kover Guards, Birming ham, are fully organized and ready to march. The Anderson Guards, Capt. Wm A. An derson, recruiting at Anderson's Hall, 1.10 Smithdeld street, report 00 men enrolled and ready to march at three hours' notice. The Darlington and New Galilee Rifle Company, organized by electing W. B. Welsh, Captain, Samuel Miller, First Dieutenant, Marshall Hartshorn .Second and T. U. Ms- Carter Third, report their roll full and have tendered their services. The Slippery Rock Guards, of Princeton, Pa., report themselves as ready to go into ser vice, not uniformed but prepared to go any place where they may be sent for the purpose of (quipping. The officers are Captain, J. 11 Cline; First Ideutenant, W. J. Randolph ; Second do, Jacob Shafer; Sergeants, O. J. Alford, U (J 8 leek. 1 he Foderal Guards, of Allegheny, have now eighty men enrolled. The following are the officers: Captain, J. C. Hull; Ist Lieut. 1. V. Hoag; 21, R. A. Scott; 3d, A. N. Kennedy. This company stands first upon the books of Gen. Negley for the next requisition, and they expect to stand No. 1 in the next regiment. A new company is now organizing as the Plummer Guards, under command of Major Alexander Hay, a veteran of the Mexican war. Major Hay expects to have his company full in a few days and have them drilled and equip ped at an early day. His head quarters is in the (’ustom House, third story. The Allegheny Rangers, Uapt. H. S. Flem ing, have a full muster roll, and completed their organization by the election of the fol lowing officers: Capt, H S. Fleming; Ist Lieut., 8 A. Long; 2d Lieut., John Wills; 3d Lieut., Win. Bowden. Tne first lieutenant is at present high constable of Allegheny, and a member of Lbe Washington Infantry; the sec ond lieutenant is ex-high constable, and the third is a member of the present police of Mayor Drum They will open an armory on Federal street, and drill every night . The (Jonnelavillu Guards, Captain Mekel, Lieut. Allen, report tbeir company full and ready for order* to march. 1 be two companies from Brookviile and one from Uniontown, which have been hero fur somed»)s, h-ft for Harrisburg by yesterday hlu-rnoun trmn * ! J- 1 lbe City Guards and Duqucane Greys,Com pany B, will leave in a day or two. The for mer have organized a socond company, with the following officers: Captain, C, F. Jackson; Ist L'eutonanl, J. Brookbank ; Second Lieu i-nant, T. B. Swearingen; Brevet Second, V\ allace Strain. The company has ninety* three men on the roll, and will go iuto ser vice forthwith. The citizens of Mansfield and vicinity met at National Hall, Mansfield, on Saturday eve mng, April 20th, and organized themselves into an association to be called the “Rich \ alley Homo Guards.” Over one hundred persona eurolied their names, and took the -■Hih of allegiance to the Constitution of the 4 rilled States and State of Pennsylvania. The following persons were elected permanent offi cers : Civil President, M. B. Brown ; Vice President, Jas. B. Glenn. Secrutary, D. J. Rogers; Treasurer, J. S. Marshal; Military, J. B. McCabe; Ist Lieut. Dr. J. P. Webb; 2d Lieut. Jas. W. Sea ; Brevet 2d Lieut. Dr. C. Robb ; Orderly Sargeant, W. M. Duncan. The company meets regularly for drill. The First Ward, Allegheny, Home Guard bas organized by tbe election of the following officers : Civil—S. S. Bryan, President; C. C. ilarbaugb, Secretary; S. Riddle, Treasurer. Military—Captain, F. Hambright; Ist Lieut. Alexander Hanna. The company already reach some 70 men, and have rented Wash- ington Hall, Rebecca street, as the armory, where they will drill this evening. The Pennsylvania Home Guards organized in tbe Foorth Ward, Allegheny, on Tuesday evening, and elected the following officers: Captain, W. W. Ball; Ist Lieut. W. Single ton : 2.1 Lieut. M. B. Smith. —We have learned, since the above was written, that Gen. Nngley bas telegraphed to Col. Hulls to close the military department here. Col. Campbell, of the S cond Regiment, was expected to arrive from Harrisburg last night, having reached the capitol safely. The following special despatch to tho Pott was received last night; Harrisburg, April 26, 1801. To “PiTTbUDnu Post”— Col. Campbell’s Regiment gone to York, Col. Rowley’s goes to to morrow and we go with it. Full details by mail. w. B M. W l* Diimao, Physician lo the Board of idraJib, report* tin* following tnu-rmeols in ihe city of fromjApril ltiih u> April 23d, inolusife; CHlLDai*. AfHJLTr-. AcoiJhul, i rll' oaJ . Praljl.-lrt Cuder 1 year h rom 1 lo 2.. “ "i uWi . •• 6 to 10 “ 10 lo li>. •• Ulo2o. *• A! to 30. Mates, 0; FrraaleH. 6; While, iifU.i>r>coK. , a Pikld,{April 26th 1861 Mr»ers. Editors :—On last Saturday eight a meeting was held at the Public School House, in ibis place, for the purpose of organizing a Home Guard—Matthew Henning was called to the Chair, and J. A. Young appointed Becre* iurv. Pitiy iiauma wore enrolled and on Mon day Oyoning the Guards numbered one hun dred ana twenty. Wo have been busily en gaged in drilling, and all take a deen interest. Th« indies are making a flag and will soon pre* «*eni w.oj.an?. There is but one senti* cun v uv,e. Tuo t-uiOu mum and shall be jMATTHKW iiICNNING, J. A. tec. Pres’t i vrti/kCriekk: GUARba.—TheTurtleCnek Owa.dabave organized under Capt Kunkel. jubi.Bion, Wiseman ana Stewart and ly Soigeaiu Garoibers. The ladies of r w.x • k .~ade wht-m a flag and it was pre by v.io lioverenu Win. Kelso, on behalf , u ■ &I ? ■ *°* ‘•he company pv ihe Iteverend W&tkn.ahaw r J Alkx. Murixk's, Hrfq., the new United vnaies Marshal for ibis District, was sworn in to office on Weduesday. He will make a non. officer. p ' ■ ? <*• - r .... t n * * .*• *.• •* - T t*i • ' » ' r? r,. . .3. - » .> , s^feki mt f ft ot, > n , -r w* . 1 . ~ «, *; *i • '**» ' VOLUME XIX. ®tK Pailt) P. barb, LOCAL AFFAIRS. Military Items. City Mortality .1 Catarrh Fever. • 4 Heart disea e.. 1 Marasmun null horn... Meningitis or THE ABOVE TILKU WfBI 4 From 8u to 40.. 1 “ 40 lo 60.. o “ to to 00 .. 1 “ £0 to 70.. O “ 7U to SO.. o " 8u io w . 2 “ 90 lo luo. I 2; Colored 0 ; Total, 12, ■l' V V&V'-' . .*•. i ■ • • l , • e h: -to L , ,- . *. . tf r * v . • *» - '•• •'Vlr- • • • - ; '•. ■:,.' •£ ■ . •. ■ ' \ ■ - v-^v -*v• *• •>'/ • . >;. ■ *v^Vv . . t r t •*' t ' V’\ t ’ * w • v/: . M/, *• "" ‘■* .**.■'■*' .«/■,' . . : .■■. - ' * e> ; . . Ay ©be JpUteburgb Horrible Accident.-Oh Tuesday mom >"g » young man named William Finler, of onomy, Beaver county, employed on the j e * m ° r met with a horrible acci» WHeeiine:, which resulted in his in ., Bakor was landing along e the Albemarle, and young Finler ran Dack to the stern of the latter boat to do what e could in shoving the baker out, but whilst doing go he slipped and fell, the crank attach°d to the shaft of the revolving wheel striking him upon the head and tearing his whole face and forehead oIT, and crushing hi? head in a terrible manner. He died almost instantly. Theatre—Two Nights More—Mr. D. Hanshett has taken the Theatre for two nights, and will present a splendid bill this evening for the benefit of Fanny Price. The pieces presented will be “A Hard Struggle,” the .Return.” a capital farce, dancing and singing* Miss Price is a most amiable and deserving young lady, who has done much this season to win the applause and enteem of our people. Let her have a fine house as a parting souvenir. To morrow night Mr. Hanshett will have a benefit, which as a mat* ter of course will be a substantial one. Mr. Kalton bas kindly volunteered, and the entire company will appear. Dead Body Found. —Coroner Bostwick, on Thursday morning, bold an inquest upon the remains of a man found floating in the Monongabela river, at Brown's coal work, six miles above this city. The jury found upon the deceased a note, written in February, at Hollidaysburg, and signed W. H. Bagley. The writer recommends the bearer, Thomas Lewis, as a good workman, and one who un derstands how to sink an oil shaft. Hence it is inferred that the name of the man was Tboa. Lewis. He had on dark pants, blue wove roundabout, black cotton velvet vest, and black silk necktie. Ho was apparently about thirty- fl ve years of age. There were no mar ks of violence upon the body, and the jury found a verdict of “ death bv drowning. ” Oakland Howe Guards. — Two companies of Home Guards have been organized in Pitt Townsbsp as follows: Company A—Captain, Win 11. Brown; Ut Lieutenant, Ralph Reed; 2d Lieutenant, Jos. M. Lippincott; 3 1 Lieutenant, John T. Brown: Ist Sargeant, Wm. B Evans; 2d Sargeant Wm. Sims; 3 1 Sargeant, Eli Wykoff; !.h S&rgie&nt, Richard C Hannan; l9t Corporal, David J. Davis; 2J Cornoral, Andrew S. Bright; 3d Corporal, Goo. W. Hays; Uh Cor poral, Wm. J. Thomas; (Quarter-M» # ter‘s Sar geant, Eli Wvkr-rt* Company B— Captain, Wm. II Smith; Lieutenants, Cbas. J. Clark, Thos. B. Yuune R. C. Schmert/. The Ladies (God bless and proservo them) are doing their duty nobly. For several days, at Lafayette Hall, in this city. Excelsior Hall,’ Allegheny,and elsewhere, they have been busi ly engaged in preparing lint, bandages, under clothing, &c , for the comfort of our volun teers in lime of shkness, or when wound.d Almost incredible quantities <-f these articles have boon n.ade and are »Ui! being made, to bo gent after the volunteers. Lot us prav that they may never be needed. The Second Ward Home Guards meet at W ilkin? Hall, uv r the Mayor's L [lire, at seven o clock lor clriii ID) \V edritc-day ovenirg over one hundrew active members drilled in the Court Hr.uso yard. und»«r the dinv’.ior. « 1 Glau cua H. Bonnafon, drill rargeant The com pany embraces a greater proportion ot large, able-bodied men than any w«> have s«*en, and promises to attain rapid perfection in the drill, and become a moat etlL iont r.irp#*. The Glenwiiiid Home Guards (Peeblna township) art) n.»w thoroughly organized for daily drill. Thu officer* are as follow?: Can tain, John S. Cosgravu: Lieutenant, J bn G Martin; 2nd Lieut ,R. 11. Palmer, jr.; B-ovet 2nd, R L. Allen; Sergeants, J T. D Keating, C. Nowmar, A K. Smith, John M. M» C ur*-! Corporals, Wm. H«.us", J. Uppnrman, Wm' Palmer. Jo* IL-L/.*-!, 1 bonus McCombs. r l Leru *re n* w »vi r lbu names on the muster r< i, ; . Found Drowned —The l>i»Jv "f a man was found drowrud in ito Allegheny river, near L-igan Fort, seven *tmle* b*-!<>w Kittanmng. on Monday la.-t ILj had i.n a dart twe«d coat, him* caain.'t v*->t with Taney hra-.s but tons. ribbed c*■{ a dark CuMt, check shirt, gingham nee* tie. brogan shoes, and wolleu sock*. Coroner held ati inquest upon tho body, and returned a verdict accordingly. Steamer Seized.-Tho Mompuu ,4 ramus he says the steamer Silver Wave was seized by the authorities at Napoleon, and a Urge amount of Government property stolen The steamer Skylark was slopped at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, by the cmz-ma of that place, and fifty one tons government freight taken from her Tho Citizen, (’apt. Shouse, wa, seized at Memphis, but was lot off. Oef for the \\ kst —Col. W. H. Feoples, agent for S. M. Jbceir & Co., refiners, starts on a Western t- »ur to-day. Their carbon oil is equal to and by many considered superior to any sold in the country. The specimens we baveseon are limpid,and always odorless,whilst tho burning properties are < quaTto those of tho best Eastern Keropenea. Col. F. will push the trade of Messrs. Kier *& Co., vigorously in the West. Ho is all right, sailing under Union colors. Great inducements to purchasers of dry goods. Uur stock being very largo, wo have determined to reduce it, and in order to do so, we will sell all kinds of dress goods, K«n frows, &c.. at very low prices for pur funds, or iu equivalant. Western Virginia, Missouri and other uncurrent money at iu value in exchange for dry go >ds,at C. Hanson Love’s, No. 74, Markot street. Thk Pennsylvania Central Guards.— This is the name of a now military company at the outer depot ol the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Tho following officers have been elected: President, Major John Daih ; Secre tary, George P. Larimer; Captain Wm. W. Wills; First Lieutenant, C. A. Nauiuun; Sec** ocd. Wash W. Wood; Third, Thomas M. DeArrait; Ordorly iSergoant, Miles 11. Eng land. ( iremen's Home G l ard —This body meets this evoning for drill and election of officers, at tne a*mory, over James Robb’s shoo store, Market street. Fifty men aro now enrolled, and those wishing u* join ran Ond the list with Joseph A. Robinson, Stcretary, at Robb’s store Tho organization promises to be active and efficient, being composed of the best men in tho tire department. The Guard will go into active drill at once. Another Gkner>.i> Fhyshtan.—The ful lowing, sent to the Committee of Home Defence, was accepted, with a vote of thanks : Hon. P C. Shannon, Chairman of Commit tee on Home Defence—Dear Sir . Permit me through you to otter my services as physi cian to the families t f those who have left in defenco of their country. Yours respoctfully, Daniel Fi ller, lu-1 Fifth atroot. Presentation.—A splendid Mag will bo presented to company B, Duquesne Greys, Oapt. Poland, this afternoon, on Third street, between Wood and Markot, in front of E. Kd mundson &. Co’s store, the dag having b»-en gotten up by W. R. Bateman, K s q ,of that firm, with tho purpose of giving it to teu com pany* Flags.—The citizens of tho Third Ward yesterday run up a splendid flag, at the corner of High and Webster streets. A tine flag was also placed on a staff upon the belfry of the Sixth Ward School House. More Testaments —The Young Men's Bible Society, who have generously"Buppliod 8 uppliod our volunteers with Testaments, distributing about four hundred, have ordered one thous and more from the East, others having applied for them. May they do much good iu this way. —JL- PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1861. Minute Rtkle Men.— This excellent corps of voluntoers met in then third story of tho Cumstom. House, on left hand side, fronting on Smithlield street. They are commanded by CapL Thos. Gibson, who, though young in yearß, displays quite a knowledge of military affairs, and imparts with ease the different movements to his men. They meot this Fri day evening at 7 o’clock, iu the Custom House to elect officers, when a full attendance of the members is requested, and we would urge our friends to join this superb corps as we can as sure them they will be well cared for. Meetings.—A large and enthusiastic meet ing of the citizens of Armstrong couDty was held at Kittanning on the 18th inst. James "• Brown, JSsq., presided and resolutions up holding the Administration and condemning treasoc were unanimously adopted. A com mittee was also appointed to collect material aid for recruits and their families. An enthu sisstic and largely attended meeting was also held in Freeport, at which many resolutions were passed supporting the Government, and declaring a determination to fight to the last for tne Constitution and the laws. The Friend Rifle Gojlhds.—This com pany of young men UDder command ofCapt Jacob Brunn, are fast filling up and are mak ng surprising progress in all that pertains to military matters. They are all about of one size—young, active men, with nerve and cour. age for any emergency. They take to the drill with true military ardor and are already well trained. Last night they complimented the c tnce of the Post by three cheers and a ti ger, alter giving us a specimen of their drill Presentation.—Mr. David A. Stewart, of Allegheny city, member of Company B of the Duquesne Greys, was yesterday presented with a beautiful silver mounted revolver by James Finley, Ksq , of the firm of Wilson Mer.lroy A Co , Wood street. Meeting at Shanks's Station.—A meet ing was held on Tuesday at Shaner’s Station, Sewiekley township, at which a committee was choßen to procure a fund to snpport such of the families of Captain Copland's company as might require relief. Pocket Pithed.— A man named Samuel loungbad bis pocket picked of asmall amount of change yesterday, by a stranger whom ho met on Liberty street, and who Insinuated himself into his acquaintance by pretending to hunt up for him a friend for whom he was looking. Day Police - Win C Wray and Guy. L. Smilhson have been appointed by Mayor Wil son, on the day police, in place of Hamlet Lowe and Thomas Maxwell, who have enlist, ed for tho wars. BfTLER —We are informed that in addition to the companies already formed, four more are being organized in Butler county. Good lor Butler Wiikins Guard—At a meeting of ibis couij any, hold last evening, K Grier Sproul and Chan. H. Super were chosen Second and Tnird Lieutenant*. Uow itrange and wonderful it often weem* to uh. that a medicine,composed ol »trnpie pUnts should eer’ainly search out and cure diws*«* How >ur pn -u ng that ibo •• 1 odtao *” should k dow uil preserve so lon*, nu.l veil, a sf.-rei HuU has escaped the searob of ir, *‘ | hysieiao* the world baa ever known.- Kran'-e. England and America have furnished phvsi Ctaiu. (I hriihaai inl.-Uevctu; gontlomeu of wealth and education, who devoted their time, money and laleots, to u-cover remedies to cure YWriai Disease*, and wh l.’ they Mjcceedetl m founding magnificent boepttalv and in a measure fU’ing lhe-o complaint*. their cures were n«uber Jy nur permanent The profauuoD— lOUl u,e discovery of the "Uturokee Rrmedj"—havetj, wayp followed fn their fooUtepe, dnaiujf the patient with lu *' "*■' Cr ■>' pvuonout nvneraU. This breal -Rem- edy- ww I covered by a “Bor. fr Uw»oonao. M among the Cherolcao ln.iutDn, It i» * pleasant su I it. i.nous ayrup, eompouti b>.J T'.mthe ,mpiv pUnu that grow 111 * h' < Id favorite “t inDDg ground# " Jim *o ui:(ai> in *l •• Rs-m*- 1> f.-r tho cut •• i ( (iumti r 1. u », i. I»m*i. and all mi.i iar c rop mnuv pur h.ii* lh.- Llu-kI and i ,Hin« tbe lauent principle of dmejwo before the of death” ah-'Uid bare time U> dep >eii the ‘ poieoeed arrow" In the «1-U in. It cornea to the ntHictrd • pale face" w,tb heal iDX *ork» of rrn-r -y on iu. to wbicn, worn down exbau-u*d. d st>i pau-d, and despairing au.iw weeping in h.ucrna**, and eao.aimiux. alav' as they aaw the «*e«t cup of life falling from tbalr .ipa, and V e ol anxuisfi da«binx high over their souls qow owe to th>s Great “Remedy" their very existence. I»»w advrr ;*•« ment in another c -lumnof t;.i« p* fK »r. Dk> SrsuuiNM a Mlncon havo remuviHi thotr office t<_> Ni*. HU F*mn street, near St Clair street. Dentistry.— Dr. l\ Sill, No. ‘M Fean tnvit, attends to all braDehei of the Dcr.ia rofession. DR. C. BAELZ, W4TERCURE AMD HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. AL.S J—AGKNT OK RAINBOW’S CELEBRATED TRUSS RUPTURES OOR.PKNN AND WaYNKSTH. Recruits Wanted FOR SKRVICK m defence UUK COUNTRY in the ‘‘I’I.UMMKB GUARD-s." Hoad v.ory. Cuetom Houeo. ALk X. HAY.Ctapuln JOAN J. GAME. Secretary. ap2ft.lwd QFEUAL INDUCEMEN IS to purchasers k y of Dry Goods,oura ook t«ing ao large we have deter mined t« i educe It iu order to do so, we are selling ail kind* of Dr*** Oooda, Hhawls, Renfrewa. Needle Work Ac., very low for par lundn, or Its eqaivulooL Western \ irginla, Misflouri, and other uocurreut money taken at its value in exchange for Dry Goods. ap26 C. HANBON LOVE, T 4 Market street Window curtains-For sai* by ’ ‘ mj>3o W. \> L MARSHAL!*. LUBBiCA'TfNG iTILV 3U‘ bb.s, a very superiorartjele, for nale hy 3 ll P ,y .... .HRNRY H. COI.LINB. CARJiON (>IL.—uU bbls No. 1 Burniun Oil for sale by 6 . K P. l ‘ ) HENRY H. COLLINS. LINShKDOIL —.'Li hbla received and lor sale by (aplU) HENRY H. (OIXINB. MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW REBTORED. JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CURE uF aPKRMATuRRHEA, or Bemmal Weakness, FcmaJ Debility, Nervousnefis, Involuntary KmisH'ons and Im potency, resulting from Self-abuse, Ac. By Robt J. Culvcrwell, M. D. Sent under sea), in a plain envelopo! Ou> any address, post paid on receipt of two hUrousT l< r. J 0. KLINE, 127 Bowery New York. Post tiloe Box, No. 4,646. mh2l:amdAw jpKESH ARRIVAL New Crop Teas: Oolong and Young Hyson, Of the best quality, fur sale at KEKdUSON’S (Jrooery corner of High end Wylie Administrator’s Notice. Letters of administration upon the Eatate of LEOPOLD GLOCK NEK, Jr., Inte of Pittsburgh, have been granted to the uoder- Mgned hy the Register of Allegheny County. Persons having claims •>gainst said estate will present ihem for settlement, and those indebted will make immediate paymeut to ALBERT GLOCKNER, Administrator. aj>lS:6t*Uaw No, 80 Ht. Clair reel. Executor’s Notice. LE'ITFHsS TESTAMENTARY ON THE Estate of JOSEPH HOLEMAN, deceased, late ot Franklin township, Allegheny county, Pa. Has been granted by the Register of said County, to the under signed. All persons interested will take notice, and present their cla'ms properly «uthenticated for adjust ment; and those knowing themselves indebted, will make payment immediately. JOHN BKILES, Executor. Franklin township, March % 1861. mr-kUdAfttw PRODUCE.— ‘ 1,600 bushels Peaches, 1,000 “ Apples, 3 kegs I^ird, 20 bushels Cloverseed; Oq consignment and for sale by IhZT WM. h *MITH* Co IV! UCH. AUK in pints, quaru,. and Vonlfi TXljsts, wits metafic cap, for sale br •P* J- K. WKJoDm. -.'■■•• . •? • *.”>• -- : ' *fr»U*KJy*>AB******..- * • ■•■»•• •■ v ?. *v J *■ • - ff» ‘ "V* „ \ *; *,. ’ •) r »,J , *” * ■ * . -* p / ,' S ,S+.^, ***«■-• .*• THE LATEST HEWS. England Refuses to Re cognize the Southern Confederation!! j THE STRAITS OF MACKINAW OPEN 8,500 Troops at Camp Curtin Federal Troops at Annapolis GOVERNOR HICKS CULLS AH AXTRA SESSIOI -1,500 TROOPS MARCHING ON RAII.RUA D COMMVXICATIdX OPEXED i&r , &c , &c PKaRYBYiLi.it, Id, April 25.—A« tbflre is do direct communication between Waabington end Ann&polis, the Baltimore papers contain much unreliable information regarding affaire at the c&pitol. The Baltimore evening papers of yesterday stated that the Federal troops bad reached the Annapolis junction, and the roads being prepared ihey were en route for the capi tol. Later news from Annapolis, brought by the passengers, who left last evening, dissipates that report. The New York Seventh Regiment and the Masaachusells Eighth, were encamped eight miles above Annapolis. The rest of the troops that bad arrived at Annapolis were still there. The reported arrivals of troops at Washington must be incorrect. Oovornor Hicks has issued a proclamation for the Blate Legislature te meet to morrow at h redenck city. This course is deemed advisa. ble, in consequence of Ihe fedoral troops being at Annapolis. The Sun has tho following despatches : Re lay House, Washington Junction, April '.'-Üb, 11 o clock, P. M.—A courier has just arrived from the vicinity of Annapolis junction, and reports that no troops are now in that quarter. It is thought that they have marched ty the shorter and more direct route, near upper Marlborough, for Washington. 1 hero is a probability of the opening of the travel to and from Washington by order of (i in S. oil. It understood that the Ral road i' tn pa tiy «•• 1 1 run a train at 11 o'clock Lhii morning to r Uu-ii from Washington City at -'.■io I*. M 'I ho Sun says that everywhere in Virginia the war spirit ii fully aroused, and vulunioeriDg and arming aro going on rapidly. Cspt. Russell, t>f the fitomiior Louis iana, reports that ovor 7000 troops from U.e Souih nrrivod at Norfolk, on Tut»Jay. Their dastinadon ia secret. Nen \ ohk, Arril - j —The correspondent of tlo? CoQiiutrcial Advertiser who left Charles* ton on Saturday, says Gen. Boaurogard bad not then started, but rumor said that 25<>u troops would that night eotnmencu the march on the capitol. Alex. JJ. Stephens left Mel dun on Monday for Richmond. The corres pondent saw a steamer lying off Kurt McHenry which ho made out to bo the Harriot Lano. Detroit, April 25 —Tbe straits of Macki naw is now opened. The propeller Prairie State arrived this morning from Chicago, sho is the first boat through. The Governor has called an oxtra f-ession of the Legisloure, to meet on May 7 th. Five regiments have been offered to the G jvemor, and now odos are n *. Harrihburo, April 25.—The Adjutant General's report that a 104 companies had been sworn up to nino o’clock last evening. Twen ty-four oompaniea bavo sinco arrived and tho number now in service is 124 c mpanies; tola) B,o£>B men Bobtom, April 25 —The oath ol allegiance to the Cnited Stales was administered to the olilcers and crew of the steam frigate Msgara, when all but four subscribed to it. Their names will be stricken from the roll. The steamers Massachusetts and South Caro lina are being converted into war vessels New York. April 20.—The steamship Asia arrived with Liverpool dales to the 14th inst. She brought $B,OOO in gold. The bank rate ol discount hag boon reduced tosporcont; bullion in the bank has boon increased £120,000- In the House of Commons Mr. Foster gave notice that he would move that this House does nut desire to express any opinion upon the sub ject ol tho new American Confederation, and the government will not recognize the confed eration, without security for the suppression of the slave trade. The American minister at Home had been insulted by the troops during the Easter festi vals and threatened to use his revolvor. |, He afterwards demanded of the government better protection for the future, or hia pass port. His demand was complied with. The Pope’s health causes uneasiness. Gari baldi’s health is improving. A letter from Garibaldi, declaring his dovo* tion to the king of Italy and proposing a vast national armament was read in the Chamber of Deputies at Turin on Saturday. There were nosignß of approval or disapprobation elicited from the Chamber. Lord Elgin had arrived in England. Lord Clyde had reached Paris, it was supposed on an official mission. Very warlike rumors continued to prevail at Pariß. Among others it was stated that 00,- 000 troops had been suddenly ordered to Mar seilles, and that France was about to declare her intention of prolonging, independently, the occupation of Syria. New Orleans, March 24. —The ship Niag ara, from Boston, reports seeing on the 15th of March, in latitude seventy degrees fifteen minutes, a British ship abandoned, with bul warks gone, the sea breaking over her. On the same date she saw the brig Baltimore, with foreyard oti’; hole in the wall. Saw a brig and schooner with loss of fore Bails. The Davis Guards, of Gouißville, arrived ibis morning, and were enthusiastically wel« corned. Two companies of citizen, soldiery have volunteered to go to Virginia. 7~Jr :■ • ' • r-T> •■• * BY TELEGRAPH. Very Latest. OF THE LEGISLATURE. THE CAPITOL ! ! • j TO BALT! MuRF Louisville, April 24.— The nork marke is excited ; a loading: merchant complains that he cannot get provisions from Cincinnati, nor telegrams through explaining reasons. The Nashville papors contain a speech from John Bell delivered yesterday, advocating & strong military league of all the .Southern States against a common invading foe. Louisville, April 24.-- Governor Magoffin, to-morrow, will issue a proclamation calling the Legislature together on\he Gth of May. Cleveland, April 25.— The dead body ol Mr. Samuel A. Toat, a commission merchant of this city, was found io tho river to day. PITTSBURGH MARKETS WEEKLY REVIEW. Carefully Revised and Corrected by our own Commercial Reporter. The war excitement lias caused tin almost total Mig pen.xiouof Ui.sineHH, aod consequently we have lew al terations u> make. The money market is unsettled ; Missouri and Virginia money nr© n >t taken at all, be cause inconvertible, and there is net-d of a circulating medium. Pmall hills arc very scarce. There is !itt ? e bus ness do.ng by river, though we have a good stage ot water. Ale... Pittsburgh manuiactured continues m fair demand. with steady shipments to all part* of the coun try. The established rates at proeeut are : bbU. hf. hbl-. bbls. hf. bble. Kennet...*a.oo $4.00 India #s,tn> *4,oG X 4,00 8,00 XX T.OO 3,f>o Cream 2.60®a,00 Porter.... o,ou .3,00 Apple*...The market)* we I supplied with green, at fV»o*#l,7B pr bbl, an in quality, Ashe*...We note do material change. Pots rate and Pearia at ; Soia Ash at a<«i Nitrate of Sotla at and Concentrated Lye \oU.q fill,. Daroii . I- Helling iu lot- at ? th lor Shoul- ders, for sides, W Pmin ilmn> and lor Sugar i- ,red do. Beans. ..Triere is u good demand. with sales 01 small white at 657'.ic. j»er hush Batter. .. Sales of choice roii making at ]Cls V Brooms. ... Sales at per dozen for common and for good And fancy. Buckets amt Tubs. .. The Beav.-r mantiUrlurea i»r.e«*M are as follows Buckets plain inside > dnz ], 1,46; paiute.l inside, $1,60; 3 hoop*. $1.76; Tuba, N » 3 hoop*, doaen, $7.75; No. 1, 2 hoops, sip star lwr ft lb. Cheese... The market is well supplied. We quou aalox of W. K. at per lb., anil Hamburg at lie. Corn MeaJ... ls plenty. We quote [rom nrst hands at 60. Butter Ti;; Bugar sc ; Buda7c; Boston 7c; Pilot Bread. $4,76 ft bbl. Cordage... Manilla Hope, rod.. 9c fl tt> Manilla cul lt)c ft lb Hemp ** ** ..Lie ft lb Tarred •• ..12c ft tb Hemp ** “ ..lie ft lb Tarred “ cut ..13c f* fb Pac'ng Yarn, floe .11c ft ft Pac’ng Yarn, com.lOe ft lb Beti Ct/nh...Manilla, sl,6u, 42,26(5>3,00 ft dozen ; Hemp, $1,37, s2.t>ortv>i ibrdage... Cotton Rope % and upwards, 2u«:.; do. l>elow <>' Bed Cords. 12,60(#3,e2(£4,76 ft dozen. Plough Lines 11,26; Sash Cords $6,60. Cranberries... Sales in lots at $T,6b<&S,26 per bbl Dried Beef.„There is a fair demand, principally local, at ft lb, in tierces. Dried Fruit... Comes In plemitirtiy, and we quote at 7Jm£Bu for Apples; and sl t 7t{ss2,oo ft bush for good Peaches. Kgg» ...In l>efer demand. Halos ol packed in bbis at iJlygilu' iH*r doz. Feed. .. Tue sales are limited and prices better. We quote Middling* at ft 100 ILm, Bhorta, 6. f (g»b2u; Bran at 46<$6vc; Ship Blutl* at 80616.7. .; i M meml i18«62u ft ton. Feathers. ..We quote Prune Western at 46c. from first bands; 4*f<&6oc. from store. Fire Briok...Ba!e* of Bolivar at £2&@35 ft M. FI ah... The demand is improving, but figures are with out tnnoh alteration. Halos ol No 3 Mack end tusU,oo Ihpc.. 7 eta. IJ4 Inch (fas Pipe.. 32 cts, ‘■a 3 “| 2 *• * •• .. 60 t- : :: :: ■; i ; -*■ *• U I - -Jr3o ” *-4 13 “ ..l,fiu •• ,4 [ 4 M ** •• ..1,9y •• ‘•4 .M “| Customary Jjsoouq sUowt-d. Grain . Wheat ,s without material change. Weuuotc Kxn ni H.v«.‘t*»l,u7; Mid WuiTE at $l.lO ft busts. Coax is H.-11 UK at 40»Atl.u Oats have derimed. and *o quote ut 2t{*2to Ir-rn hr-t haod- and 26«527-j 'run rora. Rabu.i is fii in at 6uo. t*,r bush lor Spring, and small lots of Rti command 60<§s67('. }>er bush. Grocertes... There i«* a fiurdemand for N.t*. Kujr Qr at *>4^ : 1 1‘ % •* »n 'Wahiy. , MoUHHfh n* steady at a K aJ - iwr old hd<] 0f« N O. to city and country; Cottee «tuH*ly at r tt> f..r Illltf Hi ft to. Hi IMTCPI tu Ijimted at |Bkj,B p«"r ton Klderi. Art* dull at K*“c > ID U-r *re«n suu IVar!, at sft, per Iron and Xall»..Tli<' naai]ii / ftc(urf*r« .pint* rtnt c urnioQ f>ar hi y B>, oihor JrjiTif Lian» in propor- Uod. f'aiU, lu tu ul. »l $11,60 ; iai. aod liti at f£7;', 7,1 and 6 i., ta.tuo. id, *3,26; 4d. icm-d, * 1,50 ; 3d «jo. $4 uu 2d ,i 0 *' n «- Spike*, 3 lotia., f£76; wrought .iu $4 26(^4,76. * Lard.... l* id demand. Vr;mo couniry i- .vllmss i -.4y‘.y‘■s< lb id i»6lb-. and te#* fc Leather... The market in •nr old quotations; Red Spanish Solent tb I Slaughter •• 26^'Ac HarDeß»_ *• I Lime.—Louisville cells r* Lumber, Green... There is bin Imio now comma U> market, and ihe figures are for partly seasoned Ihe price* ruuee—tor r-ommoo *10(al2 per 1.000 feet and Clear *20,00; Timber >« cukao loot, and shin- Klee * 1..JU0. Lumber, «Seowm«i../l h« following are Uu» quotation* p«*r 1,000 fewi, lor seasoned lumber At city yards . Common 1 m.bo&rd»,*l4,o() I Klooriug, d ros'd, 1 id <22,00 ' ... u .“ . “ ai.ou •• 1 m oak, ’ *oo,ou I-ath. l.i i> Bhmulu*» in2 t &0 j “ lUm. •• 4ioo Aleu* Pork...Wo >jUoU* New at *l* per bhl. Oil*.,.l but htUedotng. We note w sales of Allegheny, at *2-1, and Tennessee *26 uer ton. r P° l atoea...i.o.vi V-siutuuookH bring *o#Mo per bustu M.xad and Reds 3,sc. h w Powder... We quote bitmung and nnnuw at ta ke

idy sales at *3,2£ for No. 2. atJffwr bt!l°"* T U ° n ° U KU sale at *a,6o@ Suit../I here is a fair demand, with sales of No 1 $ bM., and No. 1 Extra at -p gt>CKtlnt(a, Varna, <*.o_Tlm> rulm* fia-urea are as follows : slioeun«a, * yard ; VOOHD TAJUOj Nor. 6 U>lo '2oc $ tt) No. 16 Nos. 11 And U ai ft tt> No. 17. la - ft a> No. is._ N°- , 14 - as ft lb No 19 No. la. ft lb No.au. 11c © doz. | No. 800.. lo * •• No. 000.. » © “ | No. luou. » r I caaia, lumaa 40 Chaju, assorted col’s.. 28c©&> | Camtiemck 0c © tt. - whit* -Mtoii onu, O ... J “ '1 ,¥ toW “ 50 I Batting, fanulr. 15 ® lb CoyerleUara 28|1&I - No. 1.... 13 Sib Caulking.. 16 ©ft] “ - 2.... U Sib .if***? Stone... Regular sales of HunUngdou county k I I* lon. ' »o»p«...TH(i following are lie uianulacLurera' pr>o. ™ ' I „,* '; ISale V of Cl ? ler BC< “ 1 ** t< twah. m at uih“ Dg “ »« ,U °- “ “■“•'T ™. from city scale® 41 « ton “ '.fHWW^o. per 11.,in Ueree,. Mtew in small Jots at * tb. Window Gina*...The prices remain sternly, and we quote as lollows lor cay bnuictn, in boxes of rttty leeu Witb 16 per cent* discount: 6xB and 7x9, *AOO- &*io Bxil, 9xll, 9xlil and 10x1*4 $460; Bxl3, 9x14 and’ 5x14, $475; 9x15, 10x15 and luxl6, $5,00. White Lead, Litharge, «*«... White Lena ia firm, and m steady demand at $450 * keg for pure oil f 0 * 1 ***» M> the uaoal discount Red Load net, and LaUiarage 8)4. Whisky... ls still dull and Tow. Common Rectified sells at 18jg>19c0 per . 1’ . 1 . t n j Qj d Rye at par gal., h* m ngo and quality. sb win. -.JtiTTHoanr kitu. JOSEPH EtEYER & SON, Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealera in FURNITURE AND CHAIRS ■a. 4»4 Penn Street, above the C.n al, Bate on band a large aaaorttnent of Kano* and Plain Jnroitawjlo Walnatand Mahogany of their own OKturaandnarrantod aqual in quality and style to any manufactured m tbo city, aod will a«U at raaaonaUa trt*an taaottf » e* 7- ■*skS> &*:... .\‘l; V -- .-a. Pittsbuxob, Apr.l *24lb, IS6I Between First and Second street*, where all orders will be received, and business att< nded to. W mhlB - lf GKO. CALHOUN, Agent OH 1H LOOKING AT.—We have some very fine property for sale in ML Wash ington. in lots of various sires, from 2S feet by 100, up to one acre. Some in the village, others more r. mote— with forest trees, and both level and rolling ground, all suitable lor gardening and building pur pose-. Price low and terms accommodating. The lo cution is one combining the advantages o' coantry air and ► cenery, with nearness of access to the city. For further information inquire of ~ 8. CUTHBERT * SON. a P l *\ 61 Market sL Attention Men. Q.EXTS’ STOUT A CALF BOOTS, '■PIIE UNDERSIGNED WILL FUR- X ni.li Volunteer Uompanle. with Boot* and Bboea »> prune coat. James bobb, “P 2O 89 Market Street. SPRING IMPORTATIONS FOR GENTLEMEN’S DRESS, WHICH for uovelty and beauty of style is unexcelled. THE TAILOHINO DEPARTMENT ftni ra.-ex all the u**w fabrics of the reason adapted to k.I t laaaea nod usex. We shall pay the same strict at it-niion to the style of getting up our garments for wnioh wo have always been renowed. Our prices fare moderate. ■ Rin in lots. A COM RAN V „f 100 men for the Hu.MK GUARDS, is organizing to be called the '* and 61*.; to bbb-. Kach man in expected to arm himself with a Navy Re volver anu a Sharpe's Side. Persons wishing to join, are earnestly requested to euf»r their names without delay, a book is open at the Merchants' Exchange, and also at N0..38 Wood street, St. Charles Hotel Building. ftp 2-2 «teady, with no change in 1 00 standard of height, to be 5 -f f **t 8 inches, to be called the HIGHLAND GKKNEDI HR GUARDS, to tender their services to the Governor for immediate active service. Books open for enrolment at No 80 Wood street. s3S<£3B Bridle M 140^46 SkirxiQK - tb 3*J^>&4o ■egutarly tt fl,'2u(g>l U ?i ANY PERSON WISHING TO A DOF] A CHILD, some six weeks old, will call at the ° 4c * of DR. BRANSTRUP, . noUB No. 85 Hmhhfield xt. Pituburgh. Hair luvigorator. A N EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECONOM me bald, causing it to yield Ajreah covering of 26c to 2d $ lb 27 > lb ‘M \K a> & lb There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New l ora who have had their hair restored by the use of HUH when all other preparations had felled, u ai. has in lua possession letiers innumerable testify ing u> the above facts, from persons of the highest r«- iqKwilabiluy. Jt will effectually prevent the hair fron. twnung ora V until the latest period of life; and in case* w here the hair has already changed its color, the use of the lovigoralor will, with certainty restore it to it* origi nal hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a per fume lur the toilet sod a Hair Restorative, it is nartlcn larlv recommended, having «n nggreeable fragrance aril the great facilities it ollords m dre«tno t/L hair which, when moist with the lnvigorator be dressed to any required form so as to preserve us place, wheth* er plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by tiie ladies as a standard toilet article, wbioh none ought nil 1 boin^ 10 * 11 ’ “ Ule pnoe placos il the reaeffof ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS perlunieni 10 ftt al * respectable druggists and L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of his Ivigorator, incases where uie childrens Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it removes soy impurities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal ofwhich Is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance of Its Caution.— None genuine without the factdmile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; alAo, L. MIL LER'S HaIR INVIGORATOft, N*. Y., blown in the glaas Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey street, and sold by all the principal Merchants ana Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity, i also desire to present to the American public my N ew and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIB DY, Which after years ol scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection. Jt dyes Black or Brown instant ly without injury to the Hair or Skin; warranted the best article of the kind in existence. PRICE, ONLY 60 CENTS. Depot, 56 Day Street, New York. FO.T OKKICK, ~i t Pit tsbubqu, April 19th, 1861. } ~ NOTICE.— The LETTER CARRIER of thu oSine hßTiog left with a Military Contany tor Wonhington, persons who have hitherto beenaernui I.v inm BiU pi ease call at the General Delivery windows of till- i tflee for their matt matter, until the aemaiZ ner is appointed. ap'iO *,* -c'* V" **' .. , V', ! . v. .- v. »■-# * *Tw*- * y ; 4 ,■■ I-- ,* , WJW. J. TAYLOR & CO., WHOLESALJ FISH DEALER, No. 122 and 124 North Wharves, ( Abore Arch Street,) PHILADELPHIA. D. C. ftNEELAWD CONSTANTLY ON HAND SQUARE AND OVAL BONNET BOXES; Alho. makes to order PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER BOX EB, suitable for Shoes, Dry Gooda, kc-, at Eastern prices. Corner Virgin alley and Wood street, (third story—oyer Oiuaens’Jßank,) Pittsburgh. Po. lefcl War ! War I War ! WANTED IMMEDIATELY 50 able bodied men to join the JFFFEBSON RIFLE MEN. Head Quarters, Luqaeane Greys Armory,4th street, near Mmithfield. CAPT. R. E. JOHNSON" Hancock County, Va. SAPONBFIER! Important to Families! Save Time, Trouble, and Expense. BEST |^^S mark et ARTICLE I CLVe! j|j| FOR SOFT SOAP! Oue pound equal to Six pounds POTASH!! For Sale at WUoleaale. by Penn’a. Salt Manufact’g. Co. PITTSBURGH, PA. And by nil Dra*cl»te & Grocers In the tTultod States. REMOVAL. THE PENNSYLVANIA. SALT MAN nlactunng Company have removed their office to No. St Wood Street, GENTS’ CALF GAITERS, OKNTS* CALF OXFORDS, CHEAP AT 15 FIFTH STREET. T \ 8. PI FFENBACHRR. Volunteers Notice. . HIR S HFELD, NO. 83 WOOD STREET; WILL THIS DAY OPEJf THEIR L. HIRSHFELD, NO. 83 WOOD STREET. aplo he Home Guards. Home Guard Rifles, “ UP GUARDS AND AT THEM.” Wanted. , It. CHESTER. Fmosylvanta expect* every man to do his duty." PROF. L. MILLER’S S. F. VON BONHOBBT, P. M. ■- v - - -•W* - .’.i-- ( > - *l--*/>)*■-- *s „ i WjS* >• * -. ..Vi.. J ' r ‘K ' »r i" ‘'t- > 1 1'i'" ’ { »- e , ” ff-?- ,3) * •!’*/%*£■* * , Ir „ >’.^r THE CITY GDAHDX 1 Desirous of filling thbtr, • '4' ranks to the war eompismant, , 4 tendering their set-rioe. to theaoreninieiitdlWhlri - I their Armory open f-r thatporpote evervdiMiWm« '.a o’clock i. u. until 10 o’clock r. it. aatlrihtir roSfeSi? -f jj Able bodied, unmarried men are tarifodta.i ■' .■««• By frrder of aLBX, HiSiLSSf M y fi,r ' ;fi Jaß. A. LOWSIK, Secretary. - Vg ‘-Armors". Her'lla Hall. r «g| TWO, THREE OR FOUR INCHES Wink' : U AUOER STEMS, ’ ' 4 FROM 20 TO 30 FEET LONG. " « SAND PUMPS,, 1 or superior make, and all tools uaed tor BOEING FOR 1 -if OIL. can ba had at W. W. YOUNG'S, ' ■ -■-■ , apis 07 Wood street, ~ - '''',>-^1 Q -- ,*jl feI NDIA BUB h/Tt J^ s -ho 1b , B! .**■• J'J§ fell" 1 PROp *Ll.lIfQ PSHOIL* L P NUMBER 186. JE A M ii K S W. S. HAVEN, Corner or Wood and Third'Streots. apB U«W JH. UOLL, SNGINE BUXLDEB AND MAffHTTfTHT. SRBAT WEBTBKN PLAIHIMQ MILL* Mr. Mar mi DwfHßu Ww, fSttdmrai, JH,wul make to r y tad warranted u good n cub be aid& thß following machinery, ▼!»:—Steam {wmi* woodandiron;Ptanen, Ibrwoodandiron: Drilling Machines; Htmaftn*ndToha<»oflfirfWfT Patent* right and Model Machine In oJ rulliea, and Haium,olaU state and variety :Bmin any diameter and pitch, to fifteen feetinleaglh. win lao make, and-have on hand, Dootor andHtMrSn* tinea, and Deck Pomps for ■tramhnale otT t -** tnhears and other Plabing done to order: mn - 1 — 89 inches vide, by 9 feet 6 inrrhea lons. 1 AU Prmptiy qrftrffsrf 5. B.—Particular attention and pfomatitade riven to repairs on Printing Preaaea and otharMachineaT riMHsfo J. H. FASHIONABLE HAT STOKE, TS WOOD STREET. if ij§ u I! Tarentum, Allegheny finmrty, hj THE SUBSCfiI BER OFFEBS FOB SALE . ■§ ,4 » lar «° portion qr the One bottom land on the Al- i* lagh«ny riyor, within tbs borough of Tarentdm ilHnl* the Tarentum and Cbardar’a Stations, and JL s H n wi , lhln an hours rids ol Pittsburgh, thn ri® Ptitebu-gbtknai passinf! through the canter ■ J&T-*,< v'Jf There are favorable situations for steam-mine. foun, ViSt dries, and rollingHrills,with several goodwater power*.’ -„X'- a brewery, saw-mill, and detached lots, improved nfef 'bf and unimprov-il. Alee, an excellent faro ofooehurS ’ | dre 1 .and twenty acres, on the 'Eaienttun propertraOW , 4 mi.e from the town, and under improvsment—Jeaeo “ t nearly expired. " - J The property now oflered lies within what is admitted * 1 to ce one of the best oil regions in thsAlleehenv Val- ■ " ley. In the adjomin* lands, several valmfrTeoH wella have been to Buceessfil operation for some yean, and w©Ha areuow going down allarouad, • • j The town ofTarentura, laid oat by the aubicrilwr.. is one of the most flouri&hingwithin »e fiircwt ofFstte-' : i burghe The soil of the bottom and uplandisof tutinr* “• passed fertility—one acre of it ought lb support* fs&ri* ly. An opportunity is here presented *to jmechanica. ■ •nd persons engaged'inbnßtoert. to B&e&e&mflr real' ,- >: J denoea near excellent schools, and churches of ;riwaai ' ' iy ; denominations. The principal school-house is asplen* v„ V did building, now accommodating two :hundred *£s. J arm. The sue of the tota is such as to accommodate all classes of purchasers, • t.- SPBING BTYLE SILK & CASBIKEBE HATS. FRENCH AND AMERICAN FEI/T HATS. All Grades and Colors. GAPS FOR GENTS, TOOTH'S, AMD GHILDBKH Of every description STRAW GOODS [n greet variety. CHILDREIPB FANCY HATS To suit all tastes. All at the Lowest Bates at •* - J. H.HULtERMAW * CO.*, °aaSo T 6 WOOD gT. JUST OPENING-—A .splendid- gt/v»lr of Spring Goods, among which will be found elf the latest fashions, and we would call the attention of oor ■ customers to the cheapest lot of Needle Work v and sets of the new styles. Also, Irish Idnen and Linen Bosoms. • .. Call and see at No. 96 Market street between-dXa* * mood and Fifth street. H.SS&THOH. * mh29 v GREAT SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Homesteads, Market Garden, Reiidcjieu/fce. THE bale will take place is the town OF TARENIIJT ON TUESDAY, AFBIL 30th. ' ' TKRflXS—One hajf caaii; the other hil/iu one reer ,'*■ witb interest, but ten per cent, will be dedooted for - .WnSr^uTrS 1 ’ hOW6W ’ 60 to The lots will positively be sold wlthobt resemtft’the highest bidder. Those who wish to purchase at private sale, bin'fa* quire of the subscriber, opposite Charttert Station, or of Esq. Cophoru, iuTarentuip. . sp’6 H. H; BRatJEEWRIDGK. OIL! OIL.!! * T«- iCTTI The best mineral lubricator ’ in the world,from the THOMPSON WELL, SMITH’S PERRY, tor sa'e at No. 4 Hand street, mhgfclm FOR RENT.—No. 71 Chatham street, . |t6o; No. 87 First street; No. 11 Boss street; No. 80 Liberty street; so office room, second story* #1 f - ?, Market street; a house on Mftrgaretta alley* Allegheny city; a bouse on Hi Washington* 1160 per year. ■ -n.-> & CUTfIBERr* BQN,. Ju **t a6l Market street. T)OY WANTED.—AppIy at the MiSaS., St JIJ tile Library, corner of Bt. Clair ami 4 3 Mtiat be able to write a legible hand. *b2o . v “’ iv- ,-*/> :: i. —i! -■ —=SZL—. J *l . - \ EUROPEAN AGENCW. THOMAS RATTIGAN, European AjrenlL No. 115 Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa, is -i to bring out or send back passengers from or toa&} - part ofthe old country, either by stoamer BSilinfl n SjZ : ets. • • ' • *, _t> Em-opoT UKm ’ 8 1,08 SAL ®. W»N* in an, put of Agent (or the Indianapolis and Cincinnati ' - Also, Agent tor the old Black Star Line of Sailing Pack* v - --(& J**»*®® w the Hnne of Steamers Railing between Ne w Glasgow and Galway. fell -■■"’S* SU.N DKlKtt.— 35 barrels choice Sweet Potaloes; 20 ** Fresh Kgra . 80 “ Green Apples; 100 bushels Nesba&nock Potatoes; 50 u Small White Beans; Ifo - Peanuts; 60 u Onion« 6 “ Onion Set let 100 sacks B. W. F our; 2p boxes W. R. Cneese; In store and for sale by •US. A. PETZEB, corned Marfrftt and Flint atraofau SPBING STOC OF.";; :-v^j fm PIANOS WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED OUB '7s Ant Spring supply or the unriyaUed BTEl*t WAY PIANOS, generally admitted to be the B Sr the present day; com pruiug both GBAUD A BQIIA7IV -5* PIANOS, and at NEW YORK PRICES. • -H ran’cd for FIVE YEABB. Please call belbre purchasing elsewhere, lu * , Is H. KLEBER* B«0, 63 Fifth .fc. ' V marls 8ol» AgeeU (brfitoinway. U D rlr!.|nL?% ■ M 41 "lH *• OTn,m,ia “. cramisau, pUNNlNGfAMSrro™pifiSßmftw ' V CITY GLASS WORKS-WAREHOIJHR JSX Water street, and 1M First street. Pitteh!™*’ iS 0 ".? 1 ® doers t»lo«r Monotirahela mSS,!? lhre ® Httebnrgh at, WSm&?'GtaS,'iS , — -r^afatMgW RETW A Kl> peraoowho will ai.p ~ me rumor that Co', Felix m - SJWKiXO*' NimLJTT MAHINE EBGE nWr fep«r»nd Envelopes, (or eMelw,. '** ' U\«g^ -• ' >4^ v N • - ??, .. --•••*• & CO.’S JAKE HILL. .."PH -• s§ps». ®S '*|s§ J|jJ ■|||ltf‘ UNifi F-JfW 1 * -S *ft