The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, March 29, 1861, Image 2

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Path) Post.
It is bad enough to be poor, but if the pen.
alty of misfortune is to be an intimate and
compulsory association with vagrancy, drunk*
enneaa and crime, the horrors of want are in
creased and multiplied. A bill is before the '
Legislature which has passed second reading,
that vagrants, drunkards, or disorderly per
sona, instead of being sent to the County .lail
shall be sent to the City Farm, provided their
residence be in either city, at the expense of
the Guardians of the Poor of said cities
"When the person or persons reside in the
county, then he or she shall be sent U> the
Ootmty Farm at the expense of the Directors
of the Poor of said county.
The respectable poor have hearts and feel
ings like other people, and the Legislature has
no right to condemn them to association with
the scum of society. As a means of saving
expense, the proposition i 6 perfectly ridiculous.
-Tt Would cost ton times the sum to keep the
vagabonds at the Poor Farm which it does iD
The bill, as printod, is crude and ill-di
gested ihroughout. A.b a measure of reform,
it is worse than useless. If it were not so
manifestly a piece of nonsense, it might be
well for tbo people and the Councils ot the
two cities to protest against its passage, but
such as it is no sane Legislature could for a
moment think of adopting it.
That reform is needed, we know ; but this
bill will make a bad condition of affairs in
finitely worse. The feature giving the Com
missioners acontrolin the jail, while all the
laws of the State hold the Sheriff responsible
for the prisoners, Ip impracticable, if not
Our Harrisburg correspondent seem 3 to
think this bill first-rate. We do not know
through what kind of spectacles he reads. We
publish his letter with our clear and decided
protest against the bill which he advocates.
We publish the bill below, considering that
in itself it furnished the most unanswerable
argument why it should not become a law.
Mr. Williams, of our county, moved the post
ponementof the bill. If u ever comes up
again the people of this community will be
greatly obliged to him if he will move to post
pone it indefinitely.
There is not the least doubt that the amount
paid by the tax payers of this county for the
improvement of this class of persons is more
than it ought to be. There is not the least
doubt that there is a class of officers in the city
who make their living by committing drunk
ards and disorderly persons to the county jail.
Reform is necessary. Fees are too high for
tt*e things, and the present laws give too
muny emoluments to the Sheriff in the shape
of jail fees.
But such a bill as this only shifts the costs
from the county tax payers to the city tax
payers and will increase the expense of crime.
Awork house is the thing. Let us have an
Institution where Ihiß class of persons can be
compelled to earn their own living, and re
lieve the public ot their support altogether.
An act regulating flu payment of cx>sU m nt
nor offences and relative it.- (he Jail <-< -UU,
ghcny county.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted, that from and alter
the passage of this act, no Alderman or Mayor
of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny snail
receive any pay, warrant or money, from the
County Commissioners, to be paid out of the
Couoty Treasury, for fees or costs in commit
ting vagrants, drunkards or disorderly persons,
to the jail of said county; nor shall any police
officer, constable or any other person bo al
lowed or paid any sum or sums of money for
arresting or conveying to the prison such per
son or persons, over or above the regular c im
penaaCun or pay allowed and provided for by
tbo * flbc ab-\o uamrd cities.
Mellon '1 That all turn persons who may
be committed for the offences enumerated n.
the above section, shall, for habitual drunken
ness, incor“i£;ibie vagrancy or disorderly con
duct, be se to the city farm, provided their
residence \ in either city, at the expense of
the Guard »ns of the Poor of said citie*.—
"Where the person or persons reside in the
county, then he or she shall be B'*nt to the
county farm, by the committing magistrate, at
the expense of the Directors of the Poor ol
said county.
Section 3. That the Sheriff of said coar.ty,
from and after October next, shall not be al
lowed or paid for the keeping of any prisoner
in the jail. The Sheriff, hereafter, in connec
tion with the County Commissioners, shall
select two persons to act as jailor and assistant.
The jailor shall give bonds, with approved so.
cunty, in the sum of three thousand dollars,
($3,000) and the assistant jailor in the sum of
llteen hundred dollars ($1,500) for tho faitalul
performance of their duties, and ibu jai.or
shall bo paid per annumn one ihousand douara
($1,000) payable quarterly, aud the assistant
five hundred dollars (SSOU) in like mannej,
which sums &bali bo paid by warrants drawn
by the said (Jcmmi.-pionero on tho Count}
Treasurer. But in no instance shall the Sher
iff be allowed or paid out of the Couutv treas
ury, any sum or sums for those who may be
imprisoned for offences against law.
Od the 20th, in the Senate chamber, Mr.
Douglas and Mr. Breckinridge met together
for the first time, as opponents in debate. “Oc
casional” of the Philadelphia /Vtfis.thuß speaks
of the contest between the two'distinguidied
Senators and statesmen:
“Greek met Greek to-day in tho Senate
chamber. Mr. Breckinridge, having been
rather called out by Douglas’s speech the day
before, replied at length. ThU was the first
time that the two eminent gentlemen mot
together as opponents in debate. Mr. Breck
inridge was careful not to allude to the late
struggle, declaring that ho would
have the past veiled with oblivion. Hu posi
tively stated that, though he had been iu I*-
vor of the Kansas bill, hr* always had beli- vtd
that Territorial Legislatures Lad no ngnt to
prohibit fllavery. He further denied the truth
of Douglas' assertion that the .Republican* had
yielded. If they did not do so soon, he w*a
certain that within six mpnths all tho border
States would be out of tho Union. He coun
selled the withdrawal of the troops from
Southern forts. His speech contained nothing
new, and was rather a weak effort, many of
bis friends being not entirely satisfied with
this display of his oratorical ability.
Judge Douglas then replied, dufonding the
true meaning of the Kansas bill. - He showed
that the Republicans had receded from the
VYilmot Proviso, and that the South bad now
all tho rights in ibo 'territories Bbe evvi a.-ked
for 1 It was ovidem. on an sides, thaw Mr.
Breckinridge is not strong enuugh d. b—
with Judge Douglas, iho lauor tore bis \
arguments to pieces, though uu
calmly- He emphatically declared his pi .Sci
ence for the Union unuor a-Uepubuc&n Ad
ministration. before disunion with an os im
puted advantages, ihuiw wan
dissolve the Union, as iar as the
question was concerned. His eiuqucm. *e
marks were listened to with marked attention
by the crowded galleries.
The Tariff (question is rising in importance
every day- and the groat issue that will bo
forced upon the country as booh as civ.i wa.
is definitely avoided or Drought to a ciobo, w.u
be &b to tho collection of Federal revenue
If we aro to bo compelled to yield to the de
mands of Great Britain and France, as advised
by such papers as tho New lork Times, .t.s
time was aroused. The repeal
of the Morrill tariff bill at the present time,
wouldjthrow 40,000 out of employment in
Pittsburgh alone.
Sbcbssjmh is becoming more and more,
formjiiabie in~Maryland and Virginia.
. -i **
In regard to the movement now going on in
this city to banish depreciated currency from
circulation, the Philadelphia Ledger says •
“There has been quite a itir at F^<f bur 8’
recently, depreciated ban ’
merchants and dealers have «y s j
united in a determination not tc> receive
currency at more than its ma '
Whatever dircount there may be on the paper
in all business transactions, to be deducted
from its face. This is a very good move, and
,f dealers Will persistently reluae to pay these
depreciated bills out, but will employ some
trusty agent to carry them homo for rodemp
u ■>n *in <• jin or its equivalent, they will very
pi,on purire the currency of the depreciated
irarib, and till its place with a sound and re
liable medium, similar to that in use in Phila
delphia and circulating in all the counties
aojacent, trading in our markets. The West
ern banks that now force their bills bo far
frum home, when they found them returned in
bundles, to be redeemed in specie or in Eastern
exchange. would pretty soon give them a dif
ferent direction, where they would meet with
I.‘SB opposition and remain longer in circula
tor.. But If the Pittsburg dealers pay out
the bills as they are received, they will per
petuate them in circulation, to tbeir own an
noyance and the entire exclusion of a more
valuable currency—because no fact is better
settled than that two currencies of unequal
value cannot circulate together—that of
value will appear, while tiiat which is of gr* a
or value will remain out, as no man bavinc
both gold and depreciated paper in his pocket
thinks of uting the cold until the paper is e *'
ponded. So iho gold and specie paying bill
are hid away in pockets, old stockings and in
bark while depreciated paper is slipping
steadi!v trom band to band, usurping and per
forming the entire functions of a specie and
par currency. The otly effective remedy
against a depreciated paper currency is to send
it home, and the discount is quite sufficient to
make it a paying bu.- ness h r any agent who
wil. give it his attention.
khke si*li:lh and kiux press,
l’arif is in a rtaltf i»f perfect bewilderment.
The reading population are absolutely over
whelmed in consequence of the late change in
connection with the liberty of the press. Every
one who hnfi seen a Parisian newspaper knows
how insipid such a sheet had of late years be
come, &Dd especially how enigmatical e\ery
allusion was to political aflsirs. But now be
buld the change 1 In the Senate. M. do U
Kocbejaquehn speaks for a whole day against
the policy of the Kmperor, and eviry j»l and
tittle of the oration is read nort morning by
ho amazed Parisian-., no leas than nineteen
e tluinn? o{ the .Vnn.l'-ur being devoted to the
speech. Then, again, Prince Napoleon takes
up the gloves for his cousin, and right lustily
he belabors his antagonist for hours together
A recess is taken in the debate, for rest and
refreshment, and at it again the princeiy ora
tor goes, until he has utterly demolished bis
. pponent : and every word of this oration also
appears in the ournals of the day. The l*ari
s.ans can »caree!y believe their senses.
Mr Hurl
an act to pr vide h r lb-* : r.- j-eetn 1 o', steam
boilers in t,.e . unlles ol A .'.egbeny. B. rks
and the city of rn.,adelptia 1 1 is to apply
to stationary engines, and also those on beard
ferry boats, and manes it incumbent on the
Court of Common Pleas to appoint one or
more inspectors, who -ha.. make a thorough
inspeotion on-a year of a.l b< ilers.
Tte Harrisburg correspond, i.t o! the l’bua
deipliia 1 ’ r>, says • TL.- dutl-e < ! the inspec
tor are eiaho-a'.ely set lor'.ti. but It- bill u- -vi-
deiilly drawn by aiyro in Irgu.alno matter*,
and could be improved There is no doubt,
nevertheless, that tuib an elh-c do g- od,
but tt. ro are two reasons against the I ...
One is ns imperfect eoiistrurtmi.. and the-uu-T
Is the wan', ol time to pass ll
it if stated .'ll reliable authority Ilia', numer
ous companies are now being organized within
the precinct.-, of the Confederate Mates wim a
view ('! developing their water re«our
ces acd Uie of manufaclorii'i ir,
the new republic fo' the <- f tboaf
k.nJ* of unuauj- furnished by IDe Nuw
S'.iUis, e-pwia.iy the of Con
r.-ctirV. and U w;'.: be inf-rr^J.
lul the > -ulh
iborvfvio, fr,.Ui rli-l' Ui.-r.
err.rr* nr-
v,cw < t i L • N rib
A L;.i has bwn inlr--dated
taro extending mectuima !
tiorifc, alterations, repairs and r.‘ix-nairucU-*n
of buildings,, steam engines, fixtures and
machinery in and about buddings and m.ds,
of h r-y kind, as fully a» It" sam*- are now aj~
plicalie U* the original erection or c r.Araction
and Hie luri.ti.Ling materials 1-t the har:.<- .
pr< -tuif-i. That the amount of rutL repairs,
allnralic ns and additions tLali be equal in »b!uo
to not l*-s« than f.:iy per of the prem -t*‘*
thus a.tered.
A gn-nt Jeni ol ndr itude la again tVit aJ lo
tbu uctmn of Virginia. The KijvolutioMsU
acorn lo bo gaining ground iu that Stal«.—
They certainly aro taming among the poli
ticians. We should not bo surprised to boar
of the adoption of an Ordinary of Secession
by the Convention. But fortunately it has
boon provided, that the Convention cannot
tbn relations of the State with the Y ed
eral Government, without submitting the
question to the people for ratiUcatiun or r.joc
The York legislature has passed a law
altering the customs of merchants for the pay
ment of notes falling duo upon Sunday or a
legal holiday, and making them payablo on th 0
□ ext day after such Sunday or holiday, and for
notes that fall due on a national holiday that
nmies on a Sunday payment is t- 1 bo made on.
the tuo- reding Tuesday. It is hoped that the
iovernor will put his veto on this innovation
An act has ImmiM inlr..dtici*ii into the Leg'tla
turo authorizing tli** redurtion wf the par valu**
of passenger railway shares It authorizes
the reduction of the par value ol passenger
railway niiaros t" the amount actually paid iQ»
if it is deemed advisable upon a vote of the
fr«,m Washington slate that the
Cabinet have had under consideration Uie ques*
»i An ~f .u'lnMimir,- P’, jr t I'irkrn-. and them ifl
g,i 0 «i f 1""" i" mat tn<> tun wiil be
aba n d"Oi.d hv inr i. Citu. troops within thirty
duvc thus renv'vimr urn last immediate cau6o
f o f h'.stiiniftis between tn«» two conleUuraciofl.
~f nn r who ooniompiato
"hanging their resiaonees or pianos oi business
« n of April will please leave directions
& t o'"- counting room in regard vo iheir new
location*, so that they may receive their pa
The Weekly Post can be had at our counting
~om this morning in wrappers ready for mail,
ing The price is only $i per year to single
T"K administration has made up its mind
not to collect the revenue m the seceded States.
There was Bald to be a good reason why Jack
would’nt eat his supper.
Erabttts Paulsob of Philadelphia has been
appointed Pension agent at Phuadeiph.a.
• "Wp
i! A 1 ipgh*-nv,!.fu- read 1:1 iheH- use
.‘•rn.;!,'*-.! lw l>o ;o n
JllOdHNll'' mens.
Mich Int (tie Population of the L ulled States aud Territories, according lo the Seventh
Census, 1850,'Biid the Eighth Census, 1800, respectively; also, the Representation
for the ! hlrty-Eighth Congress, and the I.osses aud gains in the several States.
Alabama, ... .*•••
Connect cut
FI. ruin
Massachusetts .
Mipsoon, •
Minoes >ta.
Nmr Murnpsbire
Now Jersey,
New York.
V>rih Carolina.
Ore non
Kti'xie If land
South Car' im*.
T<* rai
\ irizino.
Now Mexico
I Tah,
t ol Columbia,
' , . , , nt&tives i* by law tiled at-two hundred and thirty-three, who
Ihe whole number of E respectively by dividing the number of the free popular!,.!,
are apportioned among theatlv, three fifth, of the slave, is added, by the nun,
of the whl f.V "^ d g the product of such division (rejecting all fractions of a
her two hundred and thirty three, anu t P , Sute> bul „ ;h „ Im , ber and amount
unit) shall be the rat,o of of course, in the aggregate, be sufficient
£ f c r e“he°nurb:r K of Bo Ke“r; y ent d atives beio
members should be assigned to the several States
The bill l herewith inclose passed on yea
lard ay lo final passage, when Mr. Williams
rose and moved Us j,ostpoDement, ori the
ground that Ihe second section did not ans wer
him, and wished lime to examine the same
The Convention which met at the City 11»U
deliberately adopted a resolution, by requesting
the Senators and members lo pass an act ot
the ,following character, an i Mr. Williams
himself made a speoch at the same Convention,
and made no opposition lo the rosolutic ns then
presented and paso-d on. Now this would bo
reformer objects to the following section of the
bill. [ See *e<\ 2id another \ art of the ]
can any member object to *ucb a hu
mail., and Justly pr. per section as the second
Toil will provide a dome for the homeless in
place of driving them to crime, and beside*
ail this, it wi.l do away with the contemplated 1
Work.h .use, win. h would c-t the Ulal lea
thousands of dollars to In-m-lit the few at the
*iptrn*oof the many The farms are in the
t*mtension of the cities and the county, and
lho*e pe'sons who may be sent there can be
placed at semo healthy and useful employmi nt,
whicn will keep them out of harm; end sup
pose a few more persons have to be employed
to Sake charge of such pars..ns, would H nol be
l.eller than sending lb»m to a prison, to c >sl
more than sixteen thousand dollars per annum,
j it does now. Mr Williams is of the open
lon that lh*. country [>eopie sbouid pay f >r city
. tagranu. in Ibis he'will find himself laboring
i under a gttevi,.us mistake, fir from ad mat
I 1 can learn the country win not submit
■ orlger to cllv imposition It is lor them lo
p, speak out,' and at the next election letth-m
send men who win not defraud them to k.ep
- the city dear. W hat have the in ‘De
entry lo do witu city vagrants' Can Air
W";..Jani> mfi.rm the peopn
' l am tbt* m-uu-nt that tho tncm
bnr from tnis county. Mr. Burns, ha* a sooti.'ii,
' prepared bv Mr. Irish, that tbe Mayor of Put»-
i burgh shad be paid a salary of Jl.lxKi, and tho
! Mavor of Allegheny fd-". to coma out of tba
! t ou/ifv Tread -y, but no fee*. This would
i l.fUar’apply Pi ICO Council* . lor Vo my mind
: tba Trwurv of Ihe county ha* nothing t> do
1 with tba Mayor . The city laxabla* aiona elact
1 «ucb persons,with whom the county have noth
* H E to do whatever, and coruinly ibould not
| pay tiu in This .f ... wr ig. and U“‘ I'd- <“
i.c»w wo’tif'-l is wbat Uj- ci.unirj
Ttio Ta"i a:.b t**ve ibo cuui.ty and nr«
r . s;»ur.a;b.-* l--r u >od <-r had R’-*
be in*;d »Kri--. a. eodiaUL-uilv by lb#*
farmer* and iu»*‘ha:ii' *. ll d*. wbal i*
r «•:.». '.I wiii U* to U-m: j.oimt aod if Ihov di»
abal wrcf.i: u win t>- u- ihair disgrace. ft’ui
UVO without d>untli«-n of parly, who
<l-W;r«‘ a }.rop«r reform ir. county raatl'-r*.
biimiid remember those wt>'> betray tho irast
r t,j«>»•<!, a? d iuarK i.omalter when they
positions l-i doceivr* them.
Tb rt Senate anier : <joi fh •* §<*ct.».n passed by
i Uie 11 uj»o, in relation '.*> “ high and low water
I .;nep." U» exiemi th-» i;m.. to May (in place of
i Aprii) Thin wii; tt-.ow •vntletuen wb<*ai
, r«adv drew more Ui* r i ■' doilsr.-,
j lhe
L.i ail addi.
Ui continue to draw P>r m. ■ r ti. mh l'-ey
di-like lo give up in** c-ow if a. mi A- '*•’ti’!»*'. y
Tbe poor counts i* mad* l U- ruiV*r submit.
'.be party in power. Mr. IV.iriiP moved lo c in
car in the Jv-nato amend.,.er.l. Thi* gent!* 1 *
nmn appear* very wii.inii and ready to do
anything to obiig'- the citv gentry, ai tho ex
peo&o ot' tbe county. Ho win havo tome
trouble to explain away hi* vote in regard to
ibo tonnage tax.
Tho joint rtolution on the ilnal adjourn
moot, corno up in order ; several day* «\ rp
named and voted down, when it was agreed
to adjourn on Thursday, the lbtb, at noon.
Thu Governor vetoed an act entilled an art
to bold an election in Them, and gave bis
reasons in full. There are other hill* that
tbould havo met with a similar (ate, but went
scut free. This makes the sixth, with one ve
toiug tbo change in Met andleat township, in
Allegheny county.
The members have, as a general thibg,
signed a joint letter, recommending Mr Wil
liams for tho Judgeship on tho Supreme Beucb
of tho United Slates Court or a first class mis
sion, to which your oounly is fully entitlod-(60
stalls the wordiug of the application.
Father Chirqui is pronounced an imposter
by tho Kev. Thomas Biggs, who visited his
colony at St. Anne's, in Illinois. Mr. Biggs,
after a personal investigation, denies tho state
ment which recently appeared in the Lor.Joii
Hr.-urd lo the effect that the inhabitants of
Saint Anne and Ivankakeo City nad left tho
commuTiion of the Roman Catholic t. hurcb for
that of the episcopalian, and establishes his
refutation of Iheso stories by producing tho lol"
lowing 6iatiß *:
•1 eot to work to collect statistics ; visited
the houses of every French Canadian Protest
ant in tho city. W ell, wnat is the result " I
find nineteen families professiDg themselves
(episcopalians; Presbyterians, seventeen ; re.
(using to ; rofess eithor, but ‘waiting to see,’
including a few who professed infidelity, iour
teen. Total fifty. In several instances tho
tamily consisted of only one membor; in most
instances, 1 am of opinion, that those ‘wailing
to see,' are just looking out to seo Irom what
quarter they may expect to get the most dol
lars and cents. This was admitted to me by
several. My inquiries leave no doubt in my
mind that within a circuit of six miles round
the city there are not sixty Protestant families
of all denominations. Tho statement regard
ing Saint Anne is utterly destitute of truth.—
There are in all about eighty-throe Fronch
familios—Protestant, Catholic and infidel—in
Kankakee. I called on the Kev. Mr. ’Wil
liamson with reference to the above quoted
statement from tho London Record, and can
didly informed him that X should denounce it!
Union Applicants for Office from the Sece
ded States.
For several weeks past reports have pre
v&iled that many Union men in some of the
seceded States intended to apply to the Gov
ernment for appointment therein as judioial
officers. The truth of these statements seems
to be confirmed, in part, by the fact that the
President has nominated Geo. W- Late, as
judge of the Northern and Southern district
of Alabama.
e- L." . fA i
An Important Table.
.29.162 436,132 V*-4.
.374 323 111,104 4- •■.4 -T
460 161 4H'1.1.»1
11 n ,42'i l.Ty* H-V-' 1 ’'
7K.B»r,i 61.763 140 439
606.007 402 230 1.067.837
1.7 11.7 .Vi 1,7 H. 7
1,3M).470 • .. 1t36i1.4.l t 36il.4. '•
6:4,01* ZZZ ,;74 -'' s
107.110 107 111'
771 424 210.081 082 4ft 930 223 296 400 1,166. 713
•272 063 24180 V 617.762- 876.9'8 332,620 *OV.4-’
lf lo I “3,160 628,276
00.30 683.034 : 699,s 16 87, ’*>
904 614 994.514 1.231.06;
29»V,fr46 800.87' 600.626 364,000 43'! '.o'
694 622 87,422 652'44, 1.i.V.,362 114.0;
307.65* 749.112
428.779 ".42,844 771,0'.':’,
102.7 W 47 ,lo<J 20H.89'
9J.r*OT 92-097
:i70.7'.»2 370,792
*9.242 2 290 91,532
48,146 39,310 87,446
524.607. 381.682 9<KUB. r >
8,.1,470 861.470
y«8 410 9*s*Wlrt
192 214 192,214
0 077 162.022
317,976 . 817.97*- 3M(C2
4*9 319 231- 4*9.;,{,6 rt72.0:'l
3097.394 ... .. 3,097 894 .3,8*7 642
6*0,49» 28*646 8*19,039 WJI.68 1 331.f*>
1 980,329 ... . 1,9*0.829 2,339,69''
’ 132'M • - 13.29 .V:.4'-l
2*11*780 ... 2,311.’- Kti 2,906,379
*147 646 147.64* 174 621
•’*3 523 384,9*4 (J0h.607 3nl .27 1 4i>: 64'
r rtJ»*2:,>. 239469 I,' "2 747 *34.063 27:..7*4 l.l‘i'J'4
164 431 54 Ml 212...92 420 66 l-*".3' w ,r ' ■' k '\
P4u 133 47'2,»28 1,421.661 1,106.196 4.*«»,*h7 I.M
314 12,. 3W 120 316.11 31.-.ll'
•$„», ;*,9l 306,39 776.677. 7..
Ul >M,tm : 1,200.000 *3 067,21 V) 27.1H5.100 0 W*,6-m Sl.liH.'"
11 J 64 20 11,.1M> 40/200
11. b>
Tl t W£,
4vVKKi 3.t’>S7 i«s i»uii w--*'
Hakrishubo, March-
Father Chlmiul*
- - * .
e u
• £f
1 c.'_ * 5
r, RE. ~L'.V£. TOTAL c T C *
34 w:
h S*«T
:4 W-Ml
Uarrim'UH" March-,,
The House opened wilh prayer by the Rev.
Robinson, brother to the gentlemen who keqp
a largo carpet store in your city. The prayer
was solemn and elective Ibis worthy
belongs to the old Rresbyterian den, in.nation.
and from what 1 can Ram is popular with
congregation. He is a gentleman ol mild man
ners, with becoming miaiesty, and well cal u
lated to make a good impression on all wk,
may become acquainted with this excellent d,
Toe vory smart cbap wiu> in
Vhe Uazette lakes exception tn the reform b\A
miroduced by Mr. Barns. When infill
will reduce ibe expenditures <>! tbe
twenty five thousand dollars per year. VS be
ever beard of a p-'"r nian ->r y.-t woman b'-.r u
M %nl tu prison on account «>f th»*ir p<"*‘rt}
remains only for ihe oilier* of y.-ur ciu-s U>
make money oul ot tbe mi»eri**s i Lhe un.'>.
lunate at the expense of tbe C -unlV TruHi-urv
Mr Kerr but carries out tbe tfxp-cs*<*l wm of
tbe peopln wbon they nn't ' n nunly ccntfH
tion by advocating the bill so much objected
to by the city nffioials, and the convention by
» unanimoui vole recommended the tamo, us
Mr Kiddle of the Ouzels will fui y understand,
at he was a momber W'hcu d d lb's great
calculator tind out that it would mat i- t"
,end a person to the farm, why th- fact la ■
lortoua that It just co.H twenty nvc
Certainly Uo aatuto Svrelaryof the h .ard
of guardian* knowi this fa t to■. wtd. to n. nr
contradiction. Tn* calculation i-mlain-d in
the article referred to have ceao lr -m
Some drone who ait* in eaao and comfort a; tie
expense of the taxables
Should the bill become a law. nine cut .•!
ton of tho persons n..w committed win never
see tut* muds of tbe pria .n, lor when the
power be lakon from committing Magistrates,
and the lees curtailed, these unlorluna'cs am
not be incarcerated at the lnurmnus expen.c,
attending the present system. Trie farms spo
ken of are for the destitute, not to maintain
and support dronei who live . ff them and
protect their families there during the sumim r
seasons, and even keep their horses at the < x
' peuse of the public. If tbe farms are tor any
use at all, they must be for vagrants, for su .b
■ have no habitation and :r.ux; bo tared lor. L-r-
V'l.Diy Un* J*'- l» r - -l - in ' |' r T > ' r i ; v - •“
11. 'V or.> r...t guilty of thy on ok- »:.i
U» t*> in’.j r.iundJ to p'tu
\j.u pockets *-• *'fficcr». C«r a
stall officer* cai.ed independent p--.i
tn**» worthies iivo off tbo county. a:.i i
ban 1 to U-t 100 bids, and U-o County
L\ mmisaioners. under the prvfont law ary m
polled to pay in ad caiok, having i* ' remedy
w&atever. It would bo advisable and hiijMs
proper to elect hereafter, at the tAiflo Urm* t; at
Councils are elected, t:ie rxxr<-t»ry »»! lb.*
Busrd of Guardian*, then the whoio p-wplo
have an opportunity to ex pro*- 11. -*r
auh. As »t now exists, this is too !ar r uioi-d
irom tfao electing power, and then it h n|-»r»-
than probable that a man of decided qua;.liba
tions and competency would he select'd
writing the above, the bill alluded to ha.-
to second reading and laid hut f<-r iht* prwtsl.
Tne country people, without regard t»> |" ,: 'iy
should hold members rc.<|Kin»iblo her-ntoT,
should they oppose this useful and mcr.-t
act. , , ,
Officers who make per yoar ou. of .he
vagrants, will do all in their pow-r t*■ d,*!**at
ibis much called lor reform, but the p'VpiH
who are deeply interested, must look w tl-cir
own interest, and compel! the,r public servants
to do their duty or hold them tiers,maliy re
sponsible at the n«*xt election. It 1 held a teal
here I would hut only reform this, but "iner
abuses tbat prey on ihe people who have noth
ing to do with city officals 1 n<* < /.rvn ci<
dues itself much credit In advocating this re
t„rm. Wili the other papers speak out in fa*
vur of this measure of relief to iho 1 rensurv of
the County “ 1 tir.d that Mr. Harding's paper
is taking sides with the Judges, for it had an
attack to-day on Dr. I’eltsea, and an impo-d
attack ,»n W'lliiams and the County oi A.le
ghony, in relation to the o"or ia«uno B.u,d
question. Mr. liarding is said to bo tbo at
torney of the creditors of your County, and no
doubt fools a little riled at the dashes made on
the Judges by Members.
When tho bill to abolish eommittomonl- of
vagrants to the Jail at tho expenseof the
county, was on final passage, Mr Williams
moved to postpone for tho present . in thus h“
did & gross wrong to h.s constituents, lor they
demand Us passage—probably Mr. W liliunie
wishes to make some amendrnunD, bul in re
ality, tho bill does not require any.
An act l<> ropoal tho second »tX‘Lu>n of an
act, entitled ‘-an act increasing ihe width of
Diamond alloy, and extending V nion street,
in tbo city of rilUburgh, - ' approved the l u -h
day of Mav, AD, IH-uV. On motion o! Mr.
Williams, tho bill wa* postponed for the j res
An act nlainvo to tho claim ol Jaims Dig*
ham, of Allegheny county, pitted, y ;»s do,
naye This bill met with coi.aidorat-.o »>j>-
position, but members changed their t*»u-s
when it was explained.
Mr. Williams informed mo that he wid in
all probability present his mom- n.-d and poll*
tiona for tho removal of tho Supr-mo Judges,
this week, when we wiil have u lively '.im »•
A reporter from tho city 1™ here to give & lull
report of what may be said and done.
The citizens of this city were richly enter
tained by an eloquent and powerlul adiress
from Mr. Armstrong, on Kgypt, with travels
amongst the Orientals. This locturo whs
delivered at the request of the \ ot*ng Men's
OhriatiaQ Association of this tbuco. This able
man has no superior, if, indeed, an equal in tho
State, for brilliant imagination with light
cintellations of thought that sparkle at every
sentence. The audience Bat spell-bound lor
more than two hours, eagor and watchful for
every word that fell from the store house of
language, which adorns aud sheds lustre arouDd
and about the eloquent member from Lycom
ing. It was pronounced by men of science
and high literary taste to bo tbo most Aaste
and delightful as well as most instructive
address ever delivered at the btalo capitol.
The lecturer speakß fluently, and to say to you
it was instructive, brilliant, and entertaining,
would be but a faint expression of what was
thought and expressed by many of the vast
and intellectual assemblage who crowded the
expansive hall with their humorous presence
to greet the moat graoeful of men. it b not
often that the legislature can boast of one so
rich in every gift that makes man what he
hould be to represent ihe masses of this glo
rious old commonwealth, and to the disgrace
V._, i. **•
of some stupid creatures, be it s&id, they actu
ally want to sleep. It was so mortifying that I
almost loat-my amiability of temper, in the
disgust of Buch graceless conduct. Butin
every gathering you will find sleepy heads,
who think that they cannot prop up their eye
lids long enough to bear what is good. I
must not omit to mention that the ttiecutive
of the State graced the hall and devoted his
whole attention to the beautiful, sparkling
thoughts which flowtd as swiltly as the cur
rent of the Niagara. Taking it ail together,
it will not b i excell *1 this session or, if ever,
a Legislature.
"We learn with regret the decease of Mr.
William lice, which occurred at bis residence
on Jefferson street, last evening. He was pub
lisher of the Pennsylvanian during the memo
ranle contest which resulted in the election of
Mr Huchanan, tor which servicehff-was poor
ly compensated by a sight interest iu the
printing ot the Post office blanks during a part
of Mr. Buchanan's term. Mr. Rice held the
,01:0 ot il arbor Master, under Governor
Bigler, between whom and the deceased the
, seat intimacy always existed. After the
;y„M> ''r,iii„m passed in'c the hands of Dr
MurwiU. Mr. Kice commenced the book and
rarJ printing business, in which be was en
gaged until his death. He had an interest in
Some Valuable patents, which were just begin
ning to Yield lucrative returns. He was gen
i rous, energetic, and sff'ablo in his busine-s
walks, and exemplary in his domestic relations
His family will have in their bffiiction, the
Sincere sympathy of a large circle of sorrow
ing friends. —Philadelphia ln.)Uir, r ,./ H «<«'*•
fi-vIT.- ' 1
ft*7 .o;j i f 1
Slightly Seceding.
Major Ben. McCulloch, of Texas, who lafe.
lv engineered to a successful termination, the
stupendous scheme of Twiggs, spent Saturday
night last in Washington city, and is under,
stood to have been in and about the neighbor
ing town of Ah xander ever since. His friends j
here iay that the reason why he does not make
his appearance in Washington in the day lime,
is because, having seized l oiled States prop
erty before the usurping Convention of Texas
passed tneir Ordinance of Secession, he an
ticipates being arrested by order of the Gov
ernment, if lie should be found within General
Scott's reach.
IVliat f» ttie Matter t Is Anybody Hurt!
The .Vm-M Ammcim in commenting on the
speech recently made by Senator Bayard, as
serts, “ ib&t the peoplo of the States have |
agroed that the Conßiitulion of the l nited
S-.ates, and the laws made in pursuance thoroof,
sliail be tho supreme law of the laud. ’ Pre
cis-ly so. But this is not good Republican
doctrine. All our difficulties have arisen from
the refusal of the Northern States, controlled
by the Republicans, to acknowledge the Con
stitution, and the laws made in pursuance
thereof, as the supreme law of the land.
Mr Jas. h. Harvey, of Philadelphia, ta ; 1
s le n n..n im.tjd to the Senate as Min
ister to Portugal. Mr. Harvey is well known
in the country as "Independent, the careful
and reliable Washington correspondent of the
Philadelphia A no"'. ImcruM-i.
Tho President has nominated to the Senate
Carl Scburz as Minister to Spain, and has
transferred Cassius M. Clay to Russia This
,hange was unexpected, and has veryp much
surprised the Scnnlo, which was in executive
TiiK Southern ComniLss’oQori un Tuesday
with the foreign ambassadors at. Mr
in \Va>!ur.£t.<n City. This looks
very'.u ant. Thu Commissioners are on
ibo rao>t friendly terms with the ambassadors
of hn inland and France.
'l*ns statement that the Commissioners from
tb“ Cor.f**dcrato States had bad an interview
wiUj U.*' ' s ?erotary of State id untrue. Ibeir
c-jin tounutation has boeu entirely informal, but
perfectly satisfactory to thorn.
Tn k otli.-e b* gL;ars have so annoyed the
President that be is compelled to announce in
the paper* that ho cannot receive visitors on
corta;n d*v s.
S.i'Sf.* K W’N Bonuurst, Ksq , uur new
¥ n-ju-'- T jay rrc-oived olflcial notillca-
l; V. V f his b iq-Ol I. ttil .‘l.t
.m, rh i'll I n mot Din*. M irvh >’K. I s >•• Mr* MAK
•. \. i i- \ Kii\<» .l. widow of -1 >uu lurrmgh. deceased
s'. •, , s .r>
i-i Coi itv I iinoi i . February 22<i. 1 A. I>.
o' Kup nr* a u,« J‘)«N e»oBHRISU, tormaly
o: a lieuy ‘\ty, I’a.. aa*d Mity-ooe >eara tire months
I) KKIVS MAHNKI'k: mil still
h ' ! '1» i '.o r*- |«u’.jh mn ii biv> f ■ year*, of
-»w|x*rr. r 10 anyth nn yoi kuo»u for th# following
* -.a-v.jrk *■* ■ v -
**?'. f y£ ■*■■'
Death ol Mr. W illiain Klee.
<_■ 1 >- rB!-.KCtT 2) gold pieces very well <*xe-
i ir; ' n
Ham Ilf IKK. tho Wuztrd, i‘ in Pbilnd.
Kuc t*r*! on Aiturd iv, tu-U i»t 11 o'clock, A. M
from fi<»r late rf*uieu>v, No vj Fourth ntrcet.
** A i A
i\V«f- 3/a; elf ()>'■ <-| lf Sptnoi Ajectxunt:
Kent* Murutic Ol cum :\ru r n(uui;
ftcf.i « .Uii/'w/w 'A! ewre> H'«u A/i'da;
.Ktrtl s M i<pir-tur 0.1 owei / ■ ref .< 'uni .'•ore-; .
Xt-ol $ 3/w-eh' * , A. ; r«r« .Vffrnui n eodaMt
Llwif.* 3/iy'fftr CA/ nf« h'nuted Put;
Rtafs MaciuJie Ot! rurtt F*t\h tFountL;
.W-i/K'if fAI rur« .Svel/tn.i;
AW< Ou rurrJ /3itn.< in /*< SmM.;
.VcyMcCK OU rucci .V dj/ec/ww*;
Mwnetxc Oi rtire* Kar Of A* <i»d 7bo?AacA€;
AY-,f* -V OU cure*
si-eodilr a:i>l permanent y, and tor all AecuitnU aau In
uri<- wi!‘ relieve pan mors rapid y than any other
urtM. irau.'O Sold hy generally at »6c per
Ikm i,. SIMON JOHNSTON, l^ugggwt
and dealer in (’HoiCK FAMILY MEDIC IN KB, corner
Smiliihelu and Fourth Mr in. Sole Agent )a63m
B li: !l II A V K S
vkXMiur' raoMTui
m (l|( '4»-{ an.i m trnte.'ul Tomca ao<i Carminative*
in iho Vegetable Kingdom. Universally approved aa
h Family Remedy tor
Thu W®iiL and Nervous nhouM try iL ' i 1 siPo.-iTio» ' Bui 00'* * 7.e of Uie genuiue,
(hail piut bouUw) l‘nce Uue Dollar. Do«»e, a toa-
P i hburgh, Ptmn’ft.
S dd i.y OruggiHU* g- ncra •>
srrc _ _
XV ISH HATH,- m Nu. -4 ol
Will Leave Tuesday. April *id.
rrilK X 1: W PASSENGER ip>■
1 I's.A, 1 s 11 B N A >' ''l 0 . <’«pt 8. B. ,
K i* loading for lllinoUKiver direct.
wul go t-rougti without re«hipptug, aod will have
il, «nati‘h. For freight or passage. apply on board or
to .mh-.’rtd) KLaCK BAK.nESAO. Ag»nl«.
For Saint Foul*. Keokuk,'Muscatine, Koclc
Island, illiitoii. Galena, Dubuque and
Saint Paul.
TH k FAST running
Passenger Packet, ARIZONA,
t aut. Jonn Id. Conway, will learafor j&awawoHt
all of the above and intermediate
poru on THURSDAY, April 4th. Sbe will poaitive
ly go tnrotiEh without snipping. For freight.or pas
t*ag« apnly on board mh2B:td
I PAPER" is 82 per annum, 2 copies for S 3.
Specimen Copies st-ni free. mh2&:o*w
if POOR BELLE.” hv Hoyd, Jr- nn excellent
tale, complete in No. ,l Ol’R PAPBR,” the new
Pittsburgh Literary Weekly. mh2B:d*w
160 Boxes Saypr Raisins,
200 do Bunch do,
100 Half Boxes Bunch Raisins,
100 do do,
ICO do do Valencia d*',
mh 29 80 Wood street.
tO BTORY BY FLEETA, is published in foil in
«. - -
fixtures* Pumps and brass work,
OF evebt description.
OU Wen Pumps of Brass, Copper, or Iron, with the most approved
Chambers and Valves of all kinds, and Warranted to
give Satisfaction.
Manufactory, No. 110 Water and 104= Front Street,
mar7:3md& w
A -
Pu™ Of AoMßmon.-Pmat* Boxes, Single Seat
in PnTKte Box. *1.00; Parqnette “ d "S
10 oents; Family CSrele, it Colored Ganery,
c-sDts; Colored Boxes, 60 oents; Gallery, 26 cents.
Benefit cf Mias SUSAN DBWIJU
Mr Hairy Huntingdon will appear as GINGER
Tin* evening an entire new version of the
Alter which,
the kummy.
iJmger Blue
To conclude with
the youth that never saw a woman,
Mi*a Denln
-1 RATI SG iha scene < ot that Beautiful dountry,
, O a 96, tea of magnificent painting on 10,000 lent.ot
canvaas. Each scene is accompanied by ’Ocalßnd in
Birumenlal mu«io from the itnmonal lneti Melodies, by
too following talented artiste: >.
Ml'iS KATE MacEVOY, tbe Giiied Young Soprano.
MABIE MaeEVOY the Accomplishedl Harpist.
MASTER JuHN 1-PAL.DING, pronounced by *ne
Pre»*M to bo vhe Greatest Prodisy ol the day, wilt *PP®"
m Barney, the Guido, and sing several U tbe moj
I popular and * umorous songs, by h)s
eustor, will sing several livonte Duetts. A historical
and descriptive lecture by Proie-sor M*cE*oy.
Doors open at 7 o’c'ock; to commence at 8 o clock.
Admission 26 cents ; Children U cents.
.NOTICE—An atternooa performance on w bj)>b»*
DAY and SATURDAY afie noons at 3 o clock,!Tor-tlho
accommodation of families and schools.
cents: Adolts. *6 cento. mhZB-lw
J 5 TALK is now being published in
'hh kb times outdone.
ti,ooo Premia ms Amounting to $100,600,
a Ihe first Wednesday in August, IS6I
I FACTUKING COMPANY ” prrpoae to raise, ;
bv the first Wednesday in August next, a QArllAJb
STOCK of $480,000 ; to be sub cr.bed m snares ol *2O
each : 00,000 to ne returned to the subscribe rs in tbe
f rmuf PREMIUMS, as ao inducement to subscribers,
Lnd the balance, $380,000, to be applied to the erection,
at the new village of Rappahannock. In \ trgmla, of a
Southern Arms, a doUlir g and W° Jes Facwry. I *“>
rhares be subscribed in weekly or monthly instal
n>ent« of any amount to suit tbe convenience ot the sab.
-criber.snd receipts will be sent from time to time in ac
knowledgement of all sum* remitted, no matter how
small they may be, whi< h may be done conveniently m
postage sumps, gold coin, current bmk notes, or drafts
ft less than a stare of 120 snould besnbrcnbvd ►ytlu
t-me specified, the monry will not be Ion:, l.u. opp< r*
tunny will be given to increase it by like remittances
thereafter, nnul enough is seeured to obtain a certifi
.•ate of Btock. But if a share, or several shares should
I r* subscribed before that ume, the subscriber will re
ceive a certr.cate of preferred f tock, guarantoring to
■ he holders percent per annum on the par vam-* thereof
All the Stockholders w.ll, moreover, receive semi
annual dividends oat of the net profits of the Company,
-o soon a-, iheir Factories are put m operation, Besides
•ihe above the person who subscribes tbe ia J® rße ?. t 1
amount, (by tbe first Wednesday in August, )Btil.;will
t>e entitled to a premium of $5 00) i the next largest to
J\3oo; the next largest to $1,600; t*e two next
u> »1 000 each; the four noxt largest to $504 each , the
ninety next largest to $BO each ; toe nine hundred next
5!r“?t“t«0 etch; tt e three hundred nextU-ge.tlo
*2u each ; the one thousand next largest to $lO each ,
the three thousand U ur hundred next largest to $6
each, and the person who fails to obtain either of these,
I to an extra premium of {l,OOO, all lo be pud in Ca>h>
I Real Estate, Arms, Mill.ary or other UothAlß. Triua,
the larieat aum. wbioh may not exceed {99 21,
I the Ive-st i remium.of $6,000, and the smal est sum re
mitted if not lees than $4 79, wi 1 secure a premium of
I*l orv '1 hese shart-s «re founded upon t\ra. E.-ta-e,
wli ch is pledged f"r the security or redemption or the
I block hi i .rv -Iv*reholder wishing to settle, can at
B'jv u'm« hts siock l,r any of the < onQ P*“yj
laud* at ii-tr low o t market value and receive a good
anil •‘uhcienl warranty title.
te A lew Agent* well reoommended, will be em-
at liberal rates, both to obt-du subscriptions to
ti s'S-ock of the Compsnv and to soi; shares in a pepu-
Ur hmnesiead scheme For fur.her information. tub-
I fcnptioD.-. sgcccies, Ac., address, with a stamp en-
I closed, the treasurer, , . .
’ E. BAUD SR, Port Royal, Virginia.
I REFERENCE'S —Edit rs and Publishers of Newspa
pers generally in tba various dtates, nearly al of whom
hoU deeda lrom na in tlta Real *We alluded
The Portim-mlh (V*-) Doily Trmimpt Bays: “This
protect is ooe well worth the attention ol our people,
and we assure them that, the parties representing it are
reliable »nd responsible. Besides, those who are ad
vised ot the progress of the pl.n say it is in the full tide
of proapctive sucoesa.”
Tho Independence Aetet gays: It »s reaUy a
pavioß enterprise. The town is already begun. >oth
nj can ► © lost in any event." . . .
The Hjtoo Central Alabamian flays: “Flattering in
ducemenu are held out to tuofle who desire to take
risks and from some business transactions we hate had
cj h the getters up of the enterprise, we can commend
them a* reliable” _
The Danville (Pa ) Herald says : M Here is an oppor
tunity excelling anythin we know of, both m charac
cr and terms. People of prescribed means can have a
trial wnh la r hope* of sau*tactory results.”
The P ttsburg Iron fify says: -We have the names
of numeroU'* per-ons who now hold land in that locali
ty sold bv Mr. Baader. We would be pleased to exhib
it the testimonials in our possession to any one wishing
10 enquire-” mhgfciau#..
JV. ST OPENING—A splendid *tock of
during toodfl, among which will be found all the
latest fashions, and we would call the attention of our
cuiiomers to the cheapest lot of Needle Work Collars
and sets of the new styles.
Also, f riah Linen and Linen Bosoms.
Call and see at No. 90 Market street, between Dia
mond and F.fth street. H. J. LYNCH.
mh‘29 _
MICK or VERMIN of any description,
A slng'e box has been known to kill fifty rats in one
night. It is effectual ‘n all oases when used according
to directions, or „
Prepared only by JOSEPH FLEMING*
Prepared only by JOSEPH FLEMIAO »
Corner Diamond and Market sL
Corner Diamond and Market sL
per gallon, alwat t* on haud
LAUD OIL! 1. A till OIL !
s"l'l BUSHED IN NO. »,
QUA NOes and lemons
100 Boxee Messina Oranges.
100 do Brime L^monN
J uni received and for sale by MER 4 BROS.,
ujb'29 39 Wood strcel
m h2B 89 Wood street.
■* o«: n p aper.” ~
& MINER, Publishers, 71 and 73 Fifth Street,
ot}X t to the Post Office, and by all enterprising News
dealers- mh29:diw
FOR RENT. —one half of the first floor,
front ng on Water street, and the whole of the *eo
ona tod third floors of the brick warehouse No. 60 Wa
ter and 63 First, together with the privilege of a aood
vault and office room, ir.quireon the premises, t f
Will attend to the Distributing and Posting of
Amusements, Rallroadi, Steamboats,
Ships, Hotels, Sales, Etc.,
Orders sent to the office of the Pitteborrh gtforn
£w. or DniJv GmetU, will receive prompt attention
New chop teas.
variety of groceries sold cheap for cash at
Q C Cases Clicquot Champagne, pta. & qta.,
Xw L/ 15 cases Green seal ** M
00 u Chas Heidseicka u “ M
20 ** Piper « « •* «
80 ** Longwortha Catawba “ “ “
25 44 Cabinet ** *4-pmte.
Fob sale by WM. BENNETT,
mhST 120 Wood street.
/V* ** *■ . , * V
' ;W* !*/*"+"* ■■ /
utacturing Company hare remo«d their offle* to
Between First and Beoond streets, where ail orders
wilt be received, and business stt nded to. GEO. t’ALHOL’N, Agent.
Manufactured by pennsylva
nia Salt Manafac'oring Company
clear and odorless,
and guaranteed nnehangeable in color.
Constantly onhand and for sale by P 8. M. their
new office, No. 24 Wood street, between Brat and Beo
ond n<reet. GEO. CALHOUN, General Agent*
mhl&tf _
Harry Huntingdon.
corner High and Wylie streets.
> .as* -A- •*
ge® guu®rostments.
Mo. *4 Wood Street.
CapttwA - *lOO,OOO,
A. M- Marshall,
James Forquer,
J. L. Carnaghan.
Office in that of R. H. Davis, tfty of Allegheny, Pa.
kid heel slippebs,
w. E. SCH2UERTZ & CO.,
81 Fifth Street.
The load ia in one coinptete preparation- Water will
not destroy the loa They are neat and handsome.
Price $l3 and $l6. Call ana see them at
136 Wood street.
To Oil 9fen.
the Manufacturing of Boring Tools for Oil Well*
All tools warranted, lo be of tne beat Material ana
(Successor to Cartwright * Young.) . •-
No.OT Wood sireetfi* .
of Diamond allej^;
Sundries,— *
iO d«>aett Pmet, Castillon 4 Co ’a Bran d
2u - Otard, L'n pey & Co’s to;
20 M He>qait* do;
10 “ Chftuapagoe. do;
2u •• Pa»e sherry Win*;.
2f, “ Harmony Sherry wine;
25 « Dutf, Go don & Co.’s sherry Wiaej tor
sale by the doeeu or bottle, WM. Ii^NNET.
mar ,;B 12 > Wootf B treat
SUNDKlfcft. —
25 barrels < hoice Sweet Potatoes;
'i\ •* Fresh Kg?*;
:» “ Green Apples;
100 bushels NeshanDork Potatoes;
60 w Small White Beans;
luO - Pea Nuts;
60 *• Onions;
6 *' Onion Setts;
100 sacks B. W. F oar;
•JO boxen W. B.Gceese;
la store and for sale by
corner Market and Pi ret streets.
Keg and Barret Manufactory. sMuav in Pitt town*
anip, (adjoining the Cfty Line) on ' *•''» k of
legheny River. There is a Batr Mi I aud.all the ll»
cwnery for manutacloring Nail K»*in Floor Bantll
and H>xe\ and wild but Utt’e expense iA tddifaAMl
ma> h:nery »ill ma b e Oil Barrels at cheaper rates than
(Ha be made elsewhere. For fur her parttaalsn ip-
P ' T IO L. WTLMARTH, Agent.
Mwrlfclm. Pittsburgh Pity Mills, StflWßi
Braids. Gimps, Black Brussels Lace, Black Thread
Lace, Black Guipure Lace, and a full assortment of
Dre-s Boltons.
-<v • '
Jaconet Collars, Swiss Collars, Point and ThreadLacol
Collar*, Chemizeites sleeves, Point Lace Sells, Jaeonet r
and Swiss Edgings, Thread Lade and Edging.
Gilt Bair Kelts* Gilt Crotchet Netta, Bla~k Chemffle
Nets, Blue Chenulle Nets, Brown ChemiUe Nets.
Corsets. Hoop Ekir'p, . u lies’ Cotton Hosiery,
and Gauntlets.
Gents’ Neck. Ties'. »‘ . Gloves, Gauntlets, Bdk Mfd '
Linen Handkerchiefs. which we invite the- at* ■
IntioD of all, our stock being so extenaiveand i
to warrant ns to stating we can please all that will fayor
os with a call, at
78 Market Street.
Warehouse, No. 149 First and ISO Second streets.
Manufacturers of all blscb and descriptions of CoolQQ,
Retorts and Stills, Gas and Water Pipe.' Sad IrdSUv Bdg
Irons. Wagon Boxes,Steel Moulds, Pollies, Hsngereaaa
Also Jobbing and Machine Castings of every detcrip*;.
tion made to order.
Having a complete machine shop attached to the
Foundry, ail necessary fitting will be carefhHy attend*
oH (a. hwtlyap . ,
Notice to all it may coNGEffis , .~
On Friday, 19th Apnl at 2 o’clock, P. M-irill be
sold, at CQMAIKaCIAL SAL El 9 B.OOAKB«*Sto
54 Fifth Btreet. to pay freight and charges, nnle»
claimed aod settled for before day of site
T. M. Shiner, Coal port, Meigs County, Ohio, 1 Cheat
1 Box.
Chafl. Speed, care Syias Blood, Forrest Coantjr,
1 Chest, 1 Boj .
George Sahewfcert, Johnstown, 1 trunk
Gillett, 1 Chest
Valuable Property for Sale. - --
Public Auction on -tna premises, on Tuesday;
the 9ih diiv ot April next,, at the hour-of So'cloclrfJiP.Jifcv : ii
that very desirable tot oi ground baring a fronton 4K3f§f'
Clair street, of forty-two feet and eight inches, and ex*'
tending baek of equal widtn along fmquesne war. lV HO=' '
feet to an alley. Terms cl sale:—One-fourth c«»n # and Ji
and the balance in three equal annual payments with -
JOHN IRWIN, Presidenl ’
Marl3;4«:t s. Allegheny Suspension Bridge Co.
btfRRMATORRHEA, rr eeminal Weakness, B«ku»k '
Debility, iferrousness, Jnroltrotary and Im- 1
potency, resulting from Self-abuse, *©. By* fiobt i.
Culv-rwoll, M. D Sent under seal, in a plain envelope,
to any address, post paid, on receipt of two rtunplJlXL'
Dr. OrfAS. A. C. KLINE, 12J Bowery
Office Box, No.
‘liiifci,— 27 Barrels Fresh Eggs jasfc. r^
*A ceifed,aad for sale by JAB. A *'JET2»EIV' 1
jparl Corner Mar and Firot street*.
For Rent.
k STORE HOUSE on Federal and 'Water
_/%, sirotts, Allegheny, eatable tor a Dry Good*
Trimming or Shoe Stoie. . . , .
j mMßjtl B+ H« DAVIB. /
cr~jgjaK3feOßsi£.B. WHITE A hftye.reneWftd
lh€r dition to their elegant stock in the Cloak and
Mantilla department. Amongtoegreat-variety of aljlea
may be found ibe Connemara, Eugenia, Patelot, Benel
lagt, Cmju'ara and 1 Coats, In Plain, Fancy and fUA
Clqths. A large assortment of styled in B’ack ffilk*
Black Lace, Points, Pa.dots, Borooua and Spanish
Hhfcwla.' Some delicate textures in Wool and raw SUk.
Shawls, Barege, Grenadine, Armenian and French
Cashmere ditto. The stock i« now complete in -the
richest novelties ot thi« season, .
L EBBING—100 Barrels to arrive uid
. Far Bale by
TfiTEW style dress goods, cw>aS^
JLt| bhawla and Reatrewa; Carpet*, a few cholea
pwfceß low. C. flAJ'ibOli LOVE,
[mh2B 74 Market
/iIUALK CBAYONS.—SO gross reoeiTed
Vlr and for sate by bBCKHAM 4 £KLL7i L ~ J
mhk6 08 Federal •UMk i*A
*& ~ „ -
* *'
. x - «*• '-■~£t'-.^f^YM'.'.-.
■ .p: •
W. H. McGee.
C. Barringer,.
J. o. DAVI3. Auctioneer.
HENRY a. OOSUHa. ■■■■*)