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"* 'i'.f 1 ' '-*\ • . * yr* - 4 ?»; * • } v .. . t .• i .. . , " ®l)e Path) Poet. TUESDAY MUKNING, MARCH 19 COLLECTING THE REVENUE. We hardly think it probable, although it is possible, that the government will make the collection of the revenue at tjjp South ern ports a test question. It appears clear to our mind, that as long as affairs remain in their present condition, the Administra tion will find it as impracticable to collect the revenue in the ports of the Southern Confederacy, as to reinforce Fort Sumter. . She Eastern papers are filled with the particulars of great Naval preparations for some purpose of other, but we warn our Republican friends not to get their back bones too stifi on account of this fact. It is doubtless true that all the Military and Naval resources of the Eastern States have, for some motive, been concentrating as if for action at home. These movements do not well agree with the policy ot peace, which the abandonment of Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens would intimate, yet the common sense ol the people tells them that they are not taxed for the support of an Army and Navy to be used against any por tion of the people who paid for its estab lishment and who contribute ior its sup port. It is against the spirit of union which made the government of these United States, to use its Military and N aval mate rials againt Americans. They will never be made the instruments of Administration chastisement against the South. It is true, that the President says in his inaugural that he will faithfully execute the laws in all the .Slates. It is his duty to do this, but there are no laws by which lie is impowered to use the Navy to blockade American porta, nor by which he can collect duties in any other manner than at ports of entry. A vessel destined for one harbor ■ cannot be ordered to another to make an entry and pay duties, for the 9th section of the 2d article of the Constitution expressly says: “Nor shall vessels bound to or trom one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another.” This is one of the laws which Mr. Linooln is bound and has prom ised faithfully to execute, and to neglect to do it, or to compel any other course, with out authority of law, would be a violation of the general principles of commerce and maratime law. The present revenue laws provide that importers may ware house their goods from a year to three years, when desirable. If an attempt were made to collect duties at the mouth of harbors, it would be illegal and impracticable. Foreign vessels bylaw must deposit their papers with the Consuls of their respective nations before making an entry, and when the entry is made it must be made-at the Custom House. Surely it is not intended to ship the custom houses and consuls to points outside of the. Southern harbors. There is no law to warrant the collection of revenue on the high seas, nor to employ men of war for the purpose. Tf?l law requires that it should be done on land and at ports of entry. There are a variety of minor duties devolving by law upon the officers of the Customs, such as examining cargoes, weighing and measuring them, Ac., which cannot be done out at sea. If it were not it is impracticable to collect the revenues except on shore, and We do not think any effort to do so will be made. In executing the laws, the President must be subject to laws and can only act ‘ferithin the extent of his ability/' But aside from tho question of legality and practicability, this matter of the collec tion of revenues must be considered as a question of policy bearing upon the one great object of preserving, re-uniting and perpetuating the Union. Thetateof every thing now depends upon the wisdom of the government in deciding the question of peace or war. The indications are that war is not contemplated nor desired by the new administration. The country does not wish fjr war. An attempt to collect the revenue in the ports of the seceded States, certainly if illegal measure* are resorted to, to accom plish it-, would inevitably lead to war, and for this we ate not prepared. We have neither the Bhips, the men, nor the money to use as engines of destruction against our neighbors of the South. ;rhe best policy of the administration in regard to th r - collection of revenues in the ports of the seceded and confederate States, \i that of masterly inactivity. The abstract question ot right can be decided hereafter* The law has not provided that American ships and men shall be used against their fellow oountrymen. The peace policy is the only safe policy. ITEMS TELEGRAPHED TO THE AFTEHNOON PAPERS. The Oazetie says: On Saturday the Presi dent solicited the written opinion of each mem ber of the Cabinet concerning the withdrawal ot Major Anderson from Fort Sumpter, when all .concurred in approving General Scott’s recommendation excopt Mr. Blair. Mr. Lin coln will now decide for himself. Ordershave been sent for the troops on board tho Brooklyn and other sloops of-war, now stationed near Fort Pickens, to land them im mediately and reinforce Major Slammer. An attack from the revolutionist! is apprehended, and this precaution is therefore deomod proper. Hon. Thomas Corwin will accept the mission {0 Mexico, if the instructions conform to his policy. Secretary Chase must go into market imme diately for part of the loan last authorized. The Chronicle says : The Commissioners I from the 0. S. A. have received reliable in formation that they will very soon receive an official reply to their communication. It is believed and currently stated at Washington that it will express an earnest desire for peace, at the same time declaring that the United States Government will, in no way or mannor, consent to recognize the Confederate States as forming a separate government. Several officers of the highest class have re signed at the department. The Cabinet was convened in session on the question of an extra session, ui a generally thought that the calling of one can scarcely be avoided. Congressmen Yet to be Elected, The States which are yet to choose Kepre senUtives, and thsir times for election, are as follow: Connecticut -April 1 North Carolina c Rhode Island April it California,. ~ Virginia. DtUj 23 Maryland....” Tennessee Aug. 1 -JLftDftas.. «ov\6 Kentucky.... .......Aingrtf Only two of the Boceded States have chosen ' “K lll BepresentaUves to the next House— South Carolina and Florida. The others would have chosen in August, September and October— possibly may do so yet. The members already elected stand thus ■ • Rsjrablioena.... 102 | Democrats M Oi those to be elected, the Bepubficans "will probably have seven. If the seceding states should elect and send to Congress, there would e bat a small majority either way '9 1 s, v ,' a * «»s>.*- •* / ■f.ti#*. ■ . > -\ ■*• ■' i'lk * ~S { i . .'/“V '"'-He y .V‘ f*' Interior Custom Houses* The Montgomery Congress propose to im pose a duty on cotton going northward out of [ the Confederacy by railroad. The Augusta Chronicle wants to know how that duty is to be collected, if custom bouse officers are not to be tolerated except at seaports ? Bo far from dimishing the number of those officials, it will bo found necessary largely to Increase them, at least to have (&em stationed at the intersection of railroads. There is likely it appears, to be a double set of interior custom houses, one on the Southern borders, to collect the Southern export duty, and one on the Northern borders, to collect duties of foreign goods imported, duty free, through Southern ports. These will be now obstructions to trade, which will be found very inconvenient in praetical operation. It is announced that the Southern govern ment of the South has appointed William L. Yancey, of Alabama; Judge P. A. Rost, of Louisiana, and Colonel A. Dudley Mann, as special Commissioners to England and France, for the purpose, “ first, of securing the recog nition by those great powers of the independ* ent government of the Confederate States; and, secondly, to propose such Southern commer cial reciprocities as English and French states men will not be apt to decline. Thomas But* ler King, of Georgia, has also been Selected by the cotton States to visit Europe, to make ar rangements for the direct trade from the Con tinent to the ports of the South.” Most of the leading New York journals may now be said to be edited by tbeir Wash ington “reporters, or, at least, to be “Wash* ington reported” by their editors. Greely got new boots and a black umbrella, and went long ago ; Mr. Raymond got a dispatch on Saturday night and left insianter ; Mr. Dana got a hint of this and followed suit; General Webb did not follow, because he had already gone ; Mr. Spaulding is also up, and a brace of bis coiaborers ; the Chevalier Wikoff repre sents Mr. Bennett, and Mr. Bryant merely went to eee what’s going on. Stephen C. Foster. The New York Xews thus speaks of our townsman, the author of so many beautiful “Songs of the People.” Stephen C Foster, one of our most popular song writers, has been on a flying visit to Gotham. He is the author of. “Willie we have Missed You,” “Gentle Annie,” and about a dozen of the most successful melodies that have been published in America Per* sonaily be is not a clever looking fellow. He is of the middle hight, has a dried up counte nance, and, like many poets, does not dress elaborately ; but he's a treasure in the land, is Foster. The success of Christy’s Minstrels in Eng land has led to the formation of a band of Fe male Minstrels. They are nine in number— one, however, occupying the post of accc:u panyist, in addition lotbQMnale conductor, and are picturesquely dressed, and have their faces, arms and hands blacked in the approved fasbion. Their performances are very proper ly deprecated by the press, though, for a few nights, the novelty of the thing attracted large audiences. Tins week the governiii'-nt i? expected to come to a definite conclusion a* to the disposi tion of the troop* now garrisoning Washing ton. Well-informed persons believe that all the available soldiers in ibo Department of the East will bo thrown into iho forts at Tortuga? Pickens and Monroe. There will, however, be retained in the national capital a tolerably efficient guard. Thk Commissioners appointed by Caroline county, Virginia, to purchase arms, bavo bought in New York $B,OOO worth of rifles and carabines with sabre bayonets, which were distributed on Monday Vo the volunteer com panies of that county, who have uniformed themselves. These arms will kill at a distance of 1,000 yards. Foreigners Now.— Passengers for Savan nah by tbe steamship line were notified that their baggage would be subject to the scrutiuy of the Savannah Custom House officers. The officers, it is said, make a very rigid examina tion, and aliow nothing but the strictly per sonal effects of the passengers to pass. Thk Gazette thinks that Mr. Lincoln is not disposed to conciliate tbe border States, but only counsels the abadonment o' Fort Sumter, because it is necessary. We sincerely hope, tbe Gazette is mistaken in ils low estimate of Mr. Lincoln’s patriotism and love for tbe Union. The New Orleans Delta says that the South ern horses, which are chiefly relied upon for Northern races, will bo retained at home this year, and tbe Northern raees will be very tame affairs. This is hard for the sporting gentry of tbe North. The Washington corresnondent of the New York 7Vtsunr of Monday, 6tates that Fort Pickens will not be abandoned by the Gov ernment, and that a speedy collision at that point is highly probable. Tho forces of four Stales are collected to invest or assault it. The Post Office Department will commence this week the appointment of postmasters lor the small cities, towos, &c. The number of applicants would almost surpass belief The mails are ladened with letters from local con testants. The Republican majority in New Hamp shire is now reported to be only four thousand, and may go even lower than that. This is the smallest Republican majority that has been given in New Hampshire for some years. The senior editor of the Journal denies the authorship of the “ Traitor at Heart ” ar ticle, which was published in bis paper. The denial is a symptom of returning sense, and Is a credit to him. The heavy draft vessels now at the Brook lyn Navy Yard are not to be fitted out for commission just now. They will merely be put in ft state of readiness. number of entries upon the Watch House docket during Mayor Wilson’s term of office, from February Ist, 1800, to February 15, 1801, —& little over a year—is 5,944. Henry Russell, the ballad singer and composer, has taken up his residence at Bou logne. Two dollar counterfeit bills on tbo Bank of North America, New York, have made their appearance. The Academy of Music, in New Orleans, is now used for a circus. Thk Hutchinson Family are Hinging in Philadelphia. Christy's Minstrels have been lately per farming at Liverpool, England. Catharine Hayes, is making a successful concert tour in Ireland, her native county. Lt is said that the copy-right of “ Dixie’s LaDd ” has given the author $4OOO. We are indebted to Col. Caspar Gang for favors from Harrisburg. Now is the time of year to commence plant ing fruit trees. Hay is selling in Philadelphia at $1 per hundred weight. -t "VY* The ever lasting Boom question occupied the attention of the session the whole of the after noon, and not as yet ended. Speeches stupid, eloquent and witty, wore delivered, and an effort was made to rally party drill to come to the rescue to Lam*, the distinguished and truly elequent gentleman from Lycoming —but all in vain, for it is said that the friends of the bill had received the bounty and bad to shoulder the responsibility—thereforo party' is nowhere when tbe spondulics are fluah. The Boom will go a booming through, disregarding the party war cry—and Mr. Armstrong will bo laid over, and all others who think with him there is nothing like Motalic Pills to submerge party —could you by any manner of means procure from the celebrated Doctor hy&er his bracing straps for weak kneed politicians, and also bis much renowned strengthened plaster to be applied to diseased back*. Tne Doctor could do a thriving business here by estab lishing an agency—well the fight reminds me of the man and the bear—-1 will see if 1 can which whip* The good of our country rcquir- B their expulsion (lor the future) from the Halls of Legislation. The Gazette and its correspondents are ap* parently considerably exorcised »s regards tbe reform bill, I can inform them from present indications that they will get reform to tbeir hearts content, and the bill which 1 send you will be a reform in the proper direction. The correspondent who signs himself Aoti-tax, thinks ho has hit a tender part wiih tbe domi nant party, by stating that It. H Kerr intro-, duced resolutions in favor of “ Buchanan, but with characteristic falsehoods, remark* that Floyd and Cobb was also complimented. If it is of any service to tbe Gazette writen to be informed of Mr. Kerr’s politics, 1 can tell him that person neve* domed his predeiiction for his partv, nor docs ho “jump Jim Crow, as others do who now talk loudly lor reform, to make a place for themselves and their fami ly connections, at the expense ol tbo taxable*. Tbo act authorizing tho appointment of high and low water linos in Allegheny county, which was repealed by a section drawn by Mr. KeT, this act already cost the county the fol lowing largo amount of which the people of the county were no more benefit led than tbe much abused people of South Car olima. Commissioner, John Morrison, drew Win. Dilworth Jarae« McClelland Wm. Ward “ H. E. McGowan, Surveyor Howarth, (for atones. Printing, Did the boasted Reform bill of the reformers reach this? 1 think not. And why the Judges should select an officer of which the people themselves can have co sav in, is more than 1 can well understand Are they fearful that the people wfill not select tho peculiar friends of the trained band, i*fo>u]d the bill pass? Then let the sovereign voters decide who they may desire for the position. There are a select few who live and hang around tbe Court House to pick up crumbs, disregarding what table they are under, so that they may be comforted It is fortunate for some individuals, who can have their family so parceled off as to subsist ■ on all parties; and. no matter what king pre vails, eorno one of the ever-accommodating spirits can there lie in peace. I am for tbe people p&sai-g on all matters that pertain to their welfare, without dictation from the cock ahoop insolent e of the meddlesome politicians. The Judiciary Ommnfoe, tbe most impor tant of all the committees, met last night, and passed on several important bills. 1 got from a distinguished member of tbe same l tbe follow ing information : “ An act to abolish tbe .Nisi Priua Court, with an amendment to take away tbe original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court also, an act to take from the Supreme Judges the appointment of Inspectors of the Peniten tiary, and that hereafter the Governor shall appoint five persons, for fivo years, * no to go out every year; also, relative to State Re- porter. Tbe act repeals the law in regard to minori ty opinions being published, and authorizing in place of sheep, and to bo bound in call, and to take away the tax on writs of errors and appeals. Mr. Williams, in place, an act relative to the claim of James Lignum —for time lost, oc casioned by detention when working at the State Tunnel. Tbe Senate is not in session to-day. These ovr-r worked patriots have relieved themselves from the cases of State for to-day, but will moet on Monday with renewed vigor and strength, to do battle in the cause of the Com mon wealth. Speaker Davis is at this writing, rushing private bills through a‘. a rapid rntn IRONSIDES. “ YOUR CHOICR FOR ONE DOLLAR.” We have in this city at N o. 5b Market street on*.* of those cheap jewelry establishments such as have long made such an exilement in Broad way New York. The articles offered for sale in these shops comprieeoverything in the jewelry line—ring8 f pins, studs, brooches, bracelets, chains, clam shell cameos and other cam*'* cut stones, appa rently made of petrified putty, California dia monds, and imitations of the various precious stones set in a substance more nearly' resem bling gold than any of the numerous imitations heretofore offered as .-übstilutes for tho genuine article. Not only is the imitation complete, but in many ca?es the j-we'ryia in excellent taste, entirely devoid of the gaudy appearance attaching to articles of this sort, and ia well calculated to deceive even D*e best judges.— Tbn articles offered for tbe dollar are pretty and useful, of course ail sensible persons know that five dollars worth of cold cannot be bought for a dollar and understand that tbe jewelry ar ticles are simply skillful and beautiful imita tions. They are made of a newly discovered article which is thus describod in tbe New York Evcmny P>nt. “The new and really beautiful material so closely resembling gold ia a recent French dis covery known to the trade as oriede. The component parts are—pure copper, IUO parts ; zinc (or tin), 17 parts ; magueaia, (» parts ; sal ammoniac, 3 0 parts; quicklime, 1.8 parts, and tarter of commerce, 0 parts. Such, at least, is a published recipe for making onede. The copper is first melted, and other materials are added little by little, tbo zinc is added last in small grains thrown on tho surface of tho mixture, and stirred in till thoroughly fused. The substance produced not only looks like gold, but is very similar in fineness of grain and density; it is malloable and ductile, can be drawn, cast rolled, and even beaten into leaves, and is susceptible of all the manipulations to which gold is subjected by artisans in that ore. Every one remembers tbe*U>ry of the person who showed to Demidoff a lapis lazuh breast pin, expecting to astonish him with its beauty and rarity; “Ah: yes,” says Demidoff, “I have a mantlepieeo of it in my bouBo.” The newly-discovered oriede, which at present is used extensively in jewelry, pon and pencil cases and watch cases, can be produced with such comparative cheapness that there is no reason why' it should not come into general use for articles of utility as well as ornament For carriage and harness trimmings, sword hilts and scabbards, and even fur gas fixtures and a number of articles now made of plated metals, tho oriede will doubtless, ero long, bo used—particularly as it costs but little if any more than bronze, and has this advantage over electro-plated goods, that it will wear and retain its resemblance to gold as long asil may be in use. Counterfeit ten duller bills on tho Wllks barro Bank are in circulation. Look out for them. DtsfaT' HKH from .Pensacola represent that all there is, as yet, vory quiet. *iu SuDii&v mo-ning, March 17tb, at nine o’clook, THOMAS BOLAND, ayed T 3 yawn. His friends, and ihoi»e of the umily, are respectfully inTitod to attend hi* funeral, without further notice, from hie late reaideaoe on Point street, between Penn and the river, this morning, the 19th met., at 10 o'clock to proceed to 8t Mary’s Cemetery. On Sunday,* March 17th, of con*nmption, George Fletcher, in the thirty-ninth year of his age. His funeral wilt take place from his late residence, No. 15 Market street, on Tuesday morning, at half past ten o'clock. The members of Ml. OliTe Temple of Honor, No. 63, and the Fraternity generally are invited to attend. A GOOD DWELLING HOUSF FOB BENT—So. 11 Rosa street, hall, parlor, dining, room, kitchen and six chambers, bath-room, gas and water throughout the house. Rent $250. 8. CUTHBERT k 805, mar 19 M Market street. HARRISBURG LETTER. Harrisburg, March lb. • • Al. V *) fo ' ■*- * i .J • ■' - ** ’ 4* * . - B (E E U A V E S HOLLAND BITTERN* PSKPiKsn fMM THE Choicest and moat grateful Tonics aod Carminatives in 4he Vegetable Kingdom. Universally approved as a Family Remedy tor INDIGESTION. SOUR STOMACH. COLIC, HKABT-BCaS, HEADACHE, & ALL DYSPEPTIC COMPLAINTS. The Weak and Nervou* should try it. Riwae* op Imposition ' But one « /.a of the icnuu)", [halt pint bottlea.) Price Cue D>-!lir. D<-*e. h tea- HfKIOOfU 1 , BENJAMIN PAGE, Jr & Co. SOLI. PROPRIETORS. Sold by Druggists generally. P.uuburgb, Penn’a. RBLIEF FROM PAIN ! REED'S MAGNETIC OIL STILL holds the reputation it has hnd for years, of I eing superior to anything yet known for the following 'iir poaes: Reeds Mag-c'ic Oil cure* Spinal Ajtertiwu; Reeds Magnetic Oil cures Fnirnlgui: Heed's Magnetic Oil ewe* Wain J ts; Reeds Magnetic 01 cures Ulcers and Cures; Reed's Magnetic Oil rum% .V■> Bark; Reeds Magnetic Oil cures *V.» ivn* .-Db.*'ite a; Real's Magnetic Oil cures Ear tiche ami Tbuth n<->te; Reed's Magnetic Oil cures Rheumatism; speedily aod permanently, and for nil irru/rutaatM 'unes will relieve pain more rapid y than any other prejutnUion. Bold by Druggist** nenerally. at ?f><- j>er bouie. BIMUN JOHNSTON. Drugggwu aod dealer m CHOICE FAMILY MKDU LNRb.corner Smith field and Fourth atr t&, Sole Agent. >adttm Sew fT-=» A STATEMENT <»F Tkl K IUMm iU.N <>K THE BANK OF PITTSBURGH. Motmav Morning, March 1 I ■'ol. M LANS. Louna, Bills and Discount*— Real Estate und Ground Krui Stocks and Miscellanies....... line hv other Banks Bank Notes and CTlecks. Specie liabilities. Capital Btock jd.Niktx-u tx> Profits and Earnings - *2o«'. KV »i 4o Unpaid 1 nvidend** aud Bus pease Account 4.' I »uc to other Banks Circulation B* ,■> »- The above Statement is coiT'-.u.. i-> me knowledge and belief. JoHN HtRI'EK. I Sworn to aud »üb»rnU*d lhi- Nth ilav . M • u 1 ■'ol. U*forc ine, mhlv ri. SM ITH. Notary Pul he 11 —STATEMENT uV iHr. r.\i jiA.'*'«E OF. PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh. Manh l-'h. I- !. Loans and Discounts. ilDw. ...4 pe<‘it* m Vault •' of) I titled Btate*. l'roasiirv .\.u«- *• -• *■>' "■ Checks and Notes of other Bank « i* .eo Due by other Banks. .. . I o. Capital Stock i itvulautm. .... IvpoMU. [me to other Bangs Contingent Fund and Protiin. 1 certify that the above Statement i- correct to i >1 my knowledge aod ladief. H. M. MURRAY, i Affirmed ttefore me. this D'h dav of VniC/<, l'i,i roarl's C H. IsKaKLL, NotH'% i‘u*• c ■, STATEMENT uF THE MERiIUM?- aST k?F MAN U FACT UK E KS* BANK «>K NTIMU L.,H Pittsburgh. Monday. March I l *' 1 Capi'fd Block Due l>?t>o.Hiu>rs Due other Banka. lautnaand Dtacounls • f Coin • . - ' 4-- • - Notes uIIU Checks of oilier haulla.. 1 •*>•' t-* >v Due by other Banka The alsive State merit is ■ •.,[ r»*et and true (• ■ ;i n : • *: ~ my kuowledge aud belief. W. H. DKNM• U'liu • Sworn and subserilxui me. tin* lain uiy Feb- A. D. lNd. inarlw W.H. W H ITN F.'», Notary PuM • STATEMENT oK niK ll«'X ' . 1 i i ,\ '* h Pm.-burgh, Muroi: 1?, 1 ' Cubital H ock >*••■ ■ * Loan-* Htil Discount.- «. i*:• Din* i’> other Banks - • *'• > '■* ' N >ies ami Checks of other Ban rv - <. .■>f>ecie . *' i 'ireuiiitmn ‘ '- 1,1 " Due u> oilier BaukK C-41- • < l >ue to Dej>omtors.. • • D This BtaU‘tnent la corre<*i aocoi i.ng -i:»•- mv W n..\* ledge and Ixdiel. JuHN M\i."rrD • n-b-r Afhrmod uulo liefore me this dav marl'.' W H. WIUTNr.Y. V.'-ir. i' - - STATEMENT UK THE iTTUr.N* iuMx. Mh'i-o Ir . Lcnuih and Dipeouol- Com ui Vault Ni tei aud ChecKs o| oili r Bjif,**** Due from Banks aud Bankers LIABILITIES CttpjuU Stock Circulation l.V}x>Hiuir>* Du>' to othtsr hank* Tnc above HLatcmeiu h curt-c: t>- w *• i knowledge and behe r OLO. T. VA N ! • RK>. c Affirmed i*efore roe thi» IMh dav ./ mini* HAWL. HAKi’KR. Notarv I’uf it.-. -4*' STATfcMKNT uF THK Mfc.UiA.Nl'* b.V.M of i’rrrsßi’Rjiu. M-uid»«v. Marc liabiliti**. Circulation I>Uf to oihor bank' Dm* to liepoMtori*. assets. Notw* and Hill** I'i«<'ouuwd~. . . Inn* Oy oth»?r Bana» Non** ami rubric** of oih»*r Bank.- Specie in \auli The abovt* RtAU'tnenl >;< oorreet »<■ in* <>;' mv knowledge Rod beneL . M'(.RKW. Ca~hic;, Hworn before me, this 18ih day nt Marcn, I marl 9 F. H. Notary J':i:»J STATEMENT OF THE ALLEUHE.N \ Pittsburgh, March lu, I>«'■ *. assets. Capital Stock ••• c y>) Loads and Discouuts. Due by other Bauks Notes and Chocks of other Batik* LIABILITIES. Circulation Ime to other Hanks li'.'-d ■ Individual Ik'fKiHits «» ... '*.*> ■ -‘o The al*iv<* Statement is correct t«> the bo-wof my kin-w edge aud*behef. J. W. COOK. * »»-hier Sworn and Kuh«cril*'d me, this IMF day m March. 1861. man 2 WM. H. WHITNEY. Notary I'm : - STORED FREIGHT AT ADCTIoA NoTIOKTO AU. IT MAY CO.Ni . Uu I'r:d»v. 10'ii Anri hi i >' sold, at CDMMEKCIAL SALKS ROOMS. 34 Fifth Street, to p.y i mu c.i r>' claimod and settled f«>r f«• v•• rfay »t' «= a*.- T. M. Shrtver, C;.a.i ort. M-ng < ' vU.dy. üb. 1 ' Chaa. Speed, care Syrua bmod. Forre«t tv,. u . 1 Chest, 1 Box. (jvorge Schivorkert, Johnaiown, Pa., 1 trunk. Gdlett, 1 Cheat. mhlB:ltaw4w .1. <>. I'M VIS. Auctn n*-r DKPHKCIAThin’t ( tt kK>c i.—ln* n*w n* (ji£y 1* a copy ota paper which ha* he«n r un»-d ve.> generally tiy the retail merchant* and trader-»»! ih<- two cities ftOil vicinity ; We hereby agree tnat on and after lif'< the 21 at mat., we will receive lor debt* due u-, and lor rner chandise. the Hank Notes of Mu-mi it. V ir.uirj. 1 'iiu-.i-. lowa, Wiz-ooDHin, (or rdy other d-prec nted money, only at their value ut the Hruk rr'a uni -« 'I he circulation of this moo*y among-t ,u i- a s'-rmn evil, and the discount on it very oppressive m all olh*m*h. so much *o that we have no reeou se but to adopt tho mode of driv tag it from c rouati>n, i»r make such nu increase m prices as will defray our loss up-ui -uoh currency. We earnestly reijoe-i the 00-operatu»n m tins mnv,». meat of those who have not lK*m culled upon, .'■•gneu by the .Merchants and Traders generally. nildo HEEL WAITERS <}.<•". LADIBs’ HKKh GAITBKS. Si. oo. Lftdiei’ II at Gidters. SI.UC LAblkS' HELL GAITERS, 91,1>u AT THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STOKE, U. S. I IFFEMUCHKH. mill* No. i.i Fmti stfeet. HOKI'K'I I.TITvAu S-n iK'M —A rvgula: (j- l £> ,l> meeting of this .*sL>A V, i inst., at 10 o'clock. A. M. A.-(her-* wilt be *p-cime - ol rruite, Flowers, Plaots and l'oinesuu Wm*- > hibitev JAS. A. KEIZER. ronrio __ corner Market *nd F* \ .-is- o. POTATOES. — LUO Bushels Choice Nc abannocks received, and lor sale by JAS. a. FETZER. marlQ Corner Market A First -treet-. ROLL BUTTER—a Barrels Fresh Roll Butter mat received, and f >r -ale by .1 AS. A. FLTXFi:. niarlO Corner of Market and Fu.-i ,-t: •'•t». SWEET POTATOES.—;IO ll.mvh r,oi« Sweet Potatoes juat received, and for sale by JAS. A. KETZ'sIR. marlft Corner Market and First s.roeL.-. GOUS. —27 Barrels Fresh Eggs just ie ctuved.aud for wile by JA q . A FETZER, marly Corner Market and Fir»t ureets. H~ *umm¥l*s'extract of coffee, warranted to be good, For salq by D. B, FERGUSON’, marlD corner of High and Wylie streets. LIME. —250 Barrels fresh now landing and for’aa'e by marl 6) HENRY H. COLLINS. LI N&EELD 01L.—20 Barrels tor gale by marlfi HENRY H. COLLINS. * . rt - ' ■,*!*_. iAmußcments. PITTSBURGH THEATRE LtSgEEAXD MaSAUSB. TfUUftURK& Paines o? AwossioJt.—Private Box©*. $6,00; Single Beat ia Pnrate Box, $1,00; Parqueae and Dress Circle, chair*. &0 oeats; Family Circle* 25 cent*; Colored Gallery, 26 cen a; Colored Boxes, 60 oents; Gallery, 25 cenu. LLOYD’S MINSTREL’S. Fiit*«»n p-rf-rmerti • Tlio K.iteof the Profenaion * 1 trill apjcar in their utiappn'm-’hiibl© Ethiopian Eiter- Uinmenti*. This turn i-.ompHulol rtr*<-ola** artut*, select e.l from the mo*t pojm'ur troupe* jo the L .ion. I de ptmi* the list of of elars ' Bi!i' Hindi. Charley Fox, li. S \Va>ni*o| 1. All 'tm A*une, Gustave B.d mx. A Lehman, i \n.in-u N. 1 >ehl, H.’Wilke*. i:. H'aaa, J Ets'iread, A - . BrUtkopf, Marier AUa-rtitii. W. Burnea, and Cool White. To com-rence with THE WIDoV-’S VICTIM, frn. Waul- v ONE DOLLAR STORE. The citizens of Pittsburgh a-e respectfully informed that wv have takeo the-tore at No. 56 Matket street, ]ui...*y 48.i:>- ut 4*-*.>.44* 77 F >R A SHORT TIME ONLY, lor the purpose of cloning out an immense stock of jIKWi KLKC.VST JEWELRY AT t RICES SEVER lifC FOUR BEARD OF. LADIES' ah I'd OF CAMK". LA i>i K bl dS ( » i'A KH' N I•E, L \ ! 1 1 ES‘ M-.l'- t'K LAVA. LAI'IKK bK l S Ur Mo-lAC, l.Alur.V .-LIB uF u>RAl>. LAIhK- tit AH : * CHAINS. Lai»Jl*X CH AT KLIN’ K CHAINS, Ld'lK n I.CK CHAINS. laihey watch ch a ins, LaDII-j:' BRACELET b. HKoocHK-, KAK RING J , BRLAS I PIN.-:, “f every vle anil variMiV. among •, m nv he f Mild KI-BV, F. vA M ELL 81 >. BRIL LiaNT-. f-UViKi:. JK'I. 10.d.n >"l i INK GARNET i iVV \. lu I. VA.>K, HI KHuN T Wldi\ . Ac. «,kw ill-* i n a w a rcii t kai 'S, (. KN n.LM KN’S V*'b] CHaJN.H. (.iKNTLhMKN'S Kwu UIaINS. gKN 1 Lb,M KVS GUARD CHAINS, old 1 LF.M K v H S'l I'D AM* sLKF VK bUTIt'NB, i.KNI'M*.MEN'S BREAST PINS. <. KNTI.KM KN S SCARF PINS. -.uiy t. 6 GENTLEMEN'S HEaVY RINGS, CHILDREN'S NKi K CHAIN'S. CtiILUKEVS Ntit K LACES, CHILDREN'S ARMLETH. CHILDREN'S BRACELETS. T« KiETHER WITH I.'H'KKTB, MEDALLIONS. i ,ol.L» PMNS, PHNCII.s AND TUMBLES, CHARMS. W A i'CH KEYS. HOOK", ic IN ALL AN ENDLESS VARIETY, 71 4- Ail ot which me M>i 1 without regard to cost at V.\F DOLLAR J ER ARTICLE. UV, wou'ii har° •» .j.-iinc.'v unJer-tood thst this en ure -luck wa« MaM’FACMI’KFD FOR THE RPX3TT LAK BFIAIL ’1 RAI»K. *cd tea-, it is iVo7’because the articles are of an inferior quality. \YK KEEP Vi ACd'h’N .. u»DS, WE HELP N * 4 i’ • !' 1 * N CALL AMibKF F* ’lt YnUHSELVES. All thp-c ut>ti>-ard < ■ pfi-'es were brounht about by the LFKE'.'I- oF THE CP I-H, »u<‘h an opportundy will —Mom .'ver n-cur again P.E.nEIIBEa THE NUMBER. A: .1 r-ri.l and exaniini- me ’;ar.ils»*ine*t bTO( k OK JRWKI,R¥ IX THE CITY. BKAI Tll’lL. 81LYKK PLATED WAKE UlUtI Itiudid as*.- rimeo; -jf F A.ZSTO'Sr GOODS, Ah - ‘ wi.i **, .-onit-s under cur ONE HOM.AK StLEJI, we hpl, K LG AKDI. L-tS < >P COST, and ala): f-ifv charge you < I N F D'H.LAK for atiy arucie y ’U may sep c-. 474' 77' ■ • Ti.KMS i »K HALK-i'iSH UN DIXIVKRY. AI person* fiH?e sn e>|.i'«l op or:nm:v of par cha/ont Ktich arU'‘.n- a.« they rosy IiOL 1. \ K . T..e «.KK\T -MMNaL i'N !: i»OLLA K6i UH w'„! r>#> op-.. Tom . a. «. until s :• x.. until tin.' mock : cio-*«-tl o>.r l.t.iie-* :vn 1 have now au oppor’unit f puri *:h-'nr <*N! [”.>L..\K more than could U f.»r f !<■ or *v ti f 3 > uu Isi.sWf B.< GREAT SALE! No. s<» Market Street near Third, A. BOND JARRKTT, Aeent. f arm lor sale. r J'' 11 K >l' US' T.I HER OFFE R.S FOR SAJ.F. 1. m • Farm nnnn which he now reside.-s situate in Hose vovrn-h p, Ailegheoy county. Pa., fire mile# from rui.-our',"!. on itit* Per y-vdlo Flunk Road, containing .s-vm r v -><.••• •• of Und; Farm i» in a g*-od sta e ol cuiu vs.i !i. T::- imnrovpments are one Log House, odo Log Ham. •>»•* Fra --e House and Frame Pam. and two Orchard** -d choice I’nnt of &1! kinds, raid Farm will I** sold *l •<•/*'' her. < r divided to su t purctiasf*rs. For i.irtlis pa;tion!ar« ‘u.piiro'ci t::a subscriber, on tae preiiur. .. .-uaHl:dmw: IMNIRL BURNS. WALL PAPER-NEW STYLES. SPBI.\G SIPPU mow OPES ED. 1*0,048 f >7 ENTIRE NEW PATTERNS, Parlors, Dining Booms, Halls, Churches, Chambers, Lodges and Ollices, Public Buildings OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ma UHl.l: , a i i'LAIN' OAKB. t -r pHnnelliuß ;iud FiallC BlllldlDgK, • • v' .'h to: care comprising ■ • stuck of PAPER HANGINGS EVER HKOITtHT TO PITTSBURGH W;;] Im' *-1 id /,o jr for CASH or RAGS' Those having b* >ti tf. pHpcr, Kb *ulcl I'U.l BE PORE PVBCHAeINO ELsK " i ; i Ad 75,000 Pieces Cheap Paper, 0,8, 10 and 12* Cents. Plores Window Shades, "i.ouo Pieces Pl*ln Paper ol Every Shade. and examine, at marlr-it Hmithtie'd Bireet, Pittsburgh, JA MKS \V, <: kA k I’, Commission and Forwarding Mur-han*. anU*d to my c»re, for whioh charges v, i j u> r.-aMonan>. hefereuc*-: L. K. Forsythe, St. !/*»v Co.. Cm o.r.uai.. .Mi'>ni-<, ir*i.x.t * Craitf. Philadelphia; M’Arthur, ti)nn*ji'..iiiKiH, Sew > ork; W. C. M’Lowell. T. Ewing, Khqn«s Northuo A .‘o, Kansas J. W. Hnrbndge i Co., New »rit.nn*, W. W. Weston. .Memphis l'ennock k Him. Pittsburgh; (» W. Cans, Pittsburgh; P. H. Bail, R. I' Adams, Chicago, W. F. Cooiiviugh, Burlington, Iowa; W H. t. Burlington. Iowa; Capta. Connely. bowman, and nver mon •’••nerallv. mhl*:6m IK Mil KWIULTKI) WITH OPT PALS ~ BY THE USE nF AN APPARATUS where! y no dr.vg*» w r battery axe used. C'd*i advantage. Medical gent.emen and their families have their teeth extracted by my process, and are ready 10 testify rh to the aafntr and painlessness of the operation, whatever has been aaui by persons interested m assorting the contrary hsvingno knowF ♦•dge of my nroo K*. K fi KICi AL TEKTH inserted in every style, li. ()UI>HY, Dentist, noUdvdis 134 Smithtteld street. XV4LLSA.fi LLAYTOJV, WHOLESALE £ RETAIL L,iQ,UTOE. MERCHANT, No. 37 Diamond Alley, Near Wood Street, •O* Always on hand Blackberry, Cherry and Cognac oBrandts0 Brandts Old Monongahola Rectified Whisky, mhl6. 1L LEASIis.—PRINTED FOKMS FOB original leases and for sab-letting, for sale b» ... J. H. WELDES, millB to Wood street, nerr Fourth. f - * * Vl>. „ ,WM. HENDERSON. A, E. LARK. Immena© Succees! tmc -t>.» k • M'-ivra <>r am. hut \-, aCiTION BALES, A\:' lI.U I Nil ALCrK'N BALKS, CAL!. I.AHI.Y AT THE J. SHIDLE’3, PITTSBURGH, PA. .- •.v ' t-..-.: ;*■■ >/C^Vv^V* f - ■ ' C %L ~ 1 ''"'''-'^^i'W.Sx:' DAVIS & PHILLIPS, \ BRASS rOTJNDptS AND MANUFACTURERS,' PLUMPERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, MABl r sCTir|pß9 AND DB&R8 IS GAS FIXTURES, PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Oil Well Pumps of Brass, Copper, or Iron, with the most approved Chambers and Valves of all kinds, and Warranted to give Satisfaction/ ; \-J ■ } H 5 > Manufactory, No. 110 Water and 104 Front Street, mar7:3rnd&w ~3Jetc 1 HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE DEAF. fBE ETIIFMAL EM INOALAfOB. AY IHBTHTJMENT INVENTE3 BY Dr. You loscliziskcr, Through which he has been enabvd to euro the MOST OBSTINATE means CASES uK DEAFNESS—cases in which every other hato fa.led, and all hopes of relief given up.— Thin i* no idle statement. Us troth is attested by hun dreds of geu'leraen, whose names are familiar through out the Union—STATESMEN, PHV j ICIANS, LIW- Y ER-*, CLERGYMEN AND JUDGES, witnesses to the fact. Tre iQHfrument is now brought ioto daily use at his Office, and invariably wuh great SUCCESS. Tbofte who suff-r from DEtFFESS, do matter how aggrava ted. or how ioog its standing, should not despair of DR. Mi »d''HZISKEK’d SUCCESS ns an OCULIST AND Al T IUR* r , U' -1 one should entertain a doubt. Fince his arri val here he ha» published abundant trstwiumi, from res* peotHble citizen* of PITTSBURGH trial his REPUTA TION is well founded and sih'li as to entitle him to the FULLEST CONFIDENCE. Ha i>eg« to say to all who suffer from any D»set.«es of the EYE OR EAR, That he cun tie consulted for a LIMITED TIM E LONG ER in PI ITBBURGB, at bis O F3TX OE, No. 155 THIRD STREET, BETWEEN 9MITHFIELD AND GRANT BTB., Where he may be CONSULTED DAILY, from 9 a. m to 5 o’olock F: ». • EYES INSERTED. The fallowing are some of the nsraes whose testimo n ais can be examined at Dr. Von Moschaisker’s Office. They have been entirely restored to their hearing by him. HON. SENATOR PUGH, O ; HON. JOHN M’LEaS, eon of Judge M'Lean, 0; F. WILLIAMS, M. D., Cincinnati; I- B NEWELL,Comman- er U.B. N.; CAPT. CHARLES L. KILBURN, U. U, A. BOTLEB, Preaideui Tenn. Marine Fire Insurance Company; G. B. LAM.vR, Es-h Pres.dent of the Bank of the Re public, N. Y.; R. BADGE, Esq , President of the Goodhue Fire Insu rance Company, N. Y.; L. GLOVER, Esq., Director National Bank, N. Y ; JOHN STEINTHROP. Esq., uT Warren st, N. 1. W. S. BURNS, Astor House, N, Y.; GIRARD SMITH, Mayor of New Orleans f ANT. BLANC, Archbisnop of Louisiana; REV. J. J. MULLEN, Rector of St. Patrick's, N. o.; T K. WILSON, EdiiorN. 0. Pics}une.; DR.A.C.ACK.LEN, N 0; HON. R. A.HUNTER, N. u.; DR. A. DONALD, N.O; DR. C. L>ELAR\, President rf N. Board of Hen Ith• F. M'CULLoCH, Supreme Court, N. O.; LIEUT. DIRBY, U. S. A; i-lotin Potemx.) PITTSBURGH: JOSEPH PEARSoN, street. Lswrenc<*ville ; THOMAS MOORE, First >tre*t; H. LANGE AMP, North Corner of Diamond aud Market street*. JAM K 3 MACKEY, Jr , 260 Peon street; this list hundreds more could be added, and can be seen at the Doctor's Office. DISEASES OP THE EYE. R. It. BW MAHOTAcmmsB or ' EVERYOESCRIPTION OF F [J it If I TUBE Ho. 45Smtthfleld street, . FITTB BURCH. , FULL ASSOB^ME^TJ'P Pittsburgh Mannfiictnred Furniture, ' Constantly onhand -which we will sell Rt the ioWCfif ______ iwmww fAf OABH.- my2&lir-y SIGHT 08, BEABING, Hyatt’s Patent: Tllnmina ’’Hies All Maladies of the Eye {.as long as the organ is not entirely destroyed) are REMOVED and SIGHT totally REST' 'RED, either,by MEDICAL or SURGICAL treat* N. B.—AFTER THE FIRST OF APRIL, Dr. M.wUl not undertake any case that will require lengthy treat ment. Early calls will insure the Pull Benefit of His Treatment, EITHER FOR BY TUB USE OF THE Ethereal Ear Inhalator, IX OBSTINATE CASES OF DEAFNESS. Office: 155 Third Street. gOAP, CANDLES AND OILS. i,OCO Boxes Chemical Olive Erasing Soap, 60 ) do Rosen Soup in J, 2 and 3 "ft bars ;;, '0 d j No. IPa m froap ml, 2 and 3lb bars: Ax) do oieme do in Ilb bars, J6o i!j German do in Ilb barn, .’6O do Knead to Woman Soap in lft bars 1,000 do Shaving and Toilet Soap in different shapes and sic »s. 600 Boxes Miners’ Candles, 1,000 do Hydraulic Pressed and Mould Candles for Summer use 200 Boxes Adamantine Star Candles, 4s, 6s A 6s. 60 do New Bedford Sperm Cand'es. 4a, 5s A 6s. 20 do Wax Colored Candles 4s, 6s A os. 6 do Coach do, 6 do Star do, 10 Barrels No. 1 Lard Oil, 6 do do 2 do, 26 do Lubricating No. 1 ud. 10 do do do 2 Oil, 60 do Carbon Illuminating Oil, 26 Uo Coal do do, '.'a hand and for safe, by b. c. & j. u. sawyer. To whom wbm awarded, by me U. S. Agricultural So ciety, the first premiums for < bis, Soaps and Caudles, mhls BEMOVAL. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAN ulacturing Company have removed their office to No. 84 \\ ood Street. Between First and Seoond street*, where all orders wilt be received, and business att tided to rahlB:tf GEO. CALHOUN, Agent. NATRONA OIL. Manufactured by pennsylva nia Sait Manufacturing Company (JLEAR AND ODORLESS, - aod cusranteed unchangeable in color. “ THE ILi UMINATOR UK THE DAY ” ConsLautly ou hand and for sale by P. 8. M. CL at their new office, No. 24 Wood street, between First and Sec ond s' reel. GEO. CALHOUN, General Agent* mhl'bif * EUREKA OIL COMPANY, VENASfcO COUNTY, PEWJVA., ( CHARTEHRD ESBRU ARV ’ leT, 18G1.) Capitol ...... 8100,000, K. M. MARSHALL, Pres. H. K DAVIS, Sec. A. U Marshall, ‘ W. H. McGee. James Forquer, c. Bemuger, J. L. OarQAghan. Office in that of R. H. Davis, City of Allegheny. Pa mhl&6md a j* • Wanted.— iuo shakes Of p„ ft. W. * O. R. R. slock, tor which cash will ibe paid Addreas, PETER BHIMP, mhlg.ila Chicago, fIL Hard times i hard times i Boots, Bhoea and Gaiters selling at an awful sac. nll0 ?® t , JO i. H. BORLAND’S, mh!B No. 08 Market street, 2d door from Fifth. OIL LEAFES.—PRINTED FORMS FOR original leases and for sub-letting, lor sale by ... J- A WELUEN, 1111,18 6.1 Wod street, near FilU). OIL LEASES.—PRINTED FORMS FOR original leases and for sub-letting, for sole by ' „„ „ J R. WELDEN, m ** l * 68 Wood street, near Fourth. .. „•... *v , *drmc: PITTSBURGH. m&trroas .juN-UA \N - BS§J| ■a*o*a *' *v . /s^- 5 > 'f^y l If! s* ’ *■ '•- 'v'S# • * - * - ■ ’V '> .! t ■•■ r ■■/.tV&’.tti y - ,*-T -v“'-^>'ftV 'V-v'-^>'{*‘ ~ *■! ,* ijut-'fZt* ,*./ 1 ‘ riTTgBPRCn, P 4 terttstiiwnisi JOSEPH HOBM’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRIMMING, MILLINERY —AKD—» TsTOXXOIST HOTTSE, Wo, 77 Market Street. New good? received!’ daily throughout the seseoo. Straw Bonnets-aqd Hau; Palm Leaf and Willow Shakers; Bonnet Rib 1 ona, F oweraaDdßaches, Bonnet Ma’enaU of all kinds. I'resH Triicromps. Embroideries, Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Cloves, Ct»rset?j Zsphyn orated, Shetland Woo], Tidy Cotton, and A roll cf4foUons. An examination ol oof sWCk is solicited. raarls;lm JOSEPH" nOnsTE. HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTER, P. O’BRIEN. 4&- Orders solicited at basement shop, Grant Street, ppoeUe Cathedral. Ot’KlMi DK¥ OUUUS or all kinds. 0 C. HANBO&EUVK, 74 Mftrkeietteet. SPRING STOCK OE fffll pianos, mil WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED OUB first aprmg supply oftho unrivalled: STEIN WAY PIANOS, generally admitted be tbeBFSTof the prenen day; oompnsina both GKANDArfiQtTARE PIANOS, and at NEw Yoßif PRICES. They are trar ran*«d for FIVE YEARS. F?e»ge call and before purchasing elsewhere. h. KLKDER £ BRO., 53 Fifth st, ‘ m«rV> Pole Agents WPtwnffw'a Uomrtlcd Pianos. PARLOR SKATES! PARLOR SKATES. THE USE OP THESE SKATES imparts a perfect knowledge of the art of SKATING ON ICE. as welt si furnishing the most pleasing and healthful exercise ever presented to the public. THE O.VIA PLACE —>OR THE— O-EltfTTirN-E A.RTIOI.B, 31 Fifth Street, J r ,l W. E. SCHMERXZ & C 0„ Valuable Protierty far sRlf. v : WILL BE OFFEBED FOB SALE : AT Poblio Auotttm on the premises} Tneadaf, the 9th dav of April next, ofcthohourofS o'clock, IMS-, that very desirable iot,ot Hround haYing a Clair Mtreet} offorty-twd feet aadfeighr inches; and eX teodiog ba*k feet to an alter, Tennsoi isalej-HOnMoartheatwhKid and the balance m three equal annual paymenis*.with interest ‘ " JOHN IB WIN, Allegheny SqgpeoaicH? Brpjge o ' FOR LIGHTING BASEMENTS, cel lars, AND coil vaults. Wewould respectfully solicit an examination ot sample* at our Warehouse, No. 150 Watot Street, ANDERSON A PHtttlTS, ’ Agents'for BROWN BROTHERS, Chicago,- Illinois SECOND CLASS HAND ENGINE-FDR f\ SALE.—'The member* of the RELIEF FIRRCOM- \ PANY offer for Bale their Hand Engine as \ they are preparing ts receive a newSream Fire EturtiMr. The Relief weighs bat 8,200 pounds, and is as aerricea* able a * when first purchased. For further paracoliurff’ and t*rms, aply-* to, or address C. Of ER, Esq., No. 17 Smitbfiold Street, Pittsburgh. feflhdswtf To OH Men* PARTICULAR ATTENTION PATD TO the Manufacturing s»er»ht: Independence, Kansa*, Le&veu- LiunUMiaQ worth,'Weston, St. Joseph, and all j n For _ milr9 FLACK, BARNES A Ct>„ Agents;" MB. AND MBS. TETEDOtJX^ — SCHOOL JOB. YOUNG LADIES, 148 THIRD STREET, THE SECOND TERM witl comment on Wednesday, February the 13th COmmenC « FRENOH AND LATIN taught without extra achrge. CEVEN HUNDRED DOLLA.RS! For assess? BilUßte Terma.-»300 in baud; balance 1 and 8 marls a a ’ TH BEBT 4 su - M Market «t $3OO* N 'i . ttAN V ANOON3TWN" , goad dwelling HeiaaSd Lol Sn s,efcSrnS ot “m f '” “ !n ? Ci fc Ti '« five rooms and Garret TerESF » maria Batat«Agema, M lu.ket atKU. . m«rtfrd*wlT • * D. ARMSTRONG, _ Prothonniarv. ' -> »■ . .. • . * * X . A* ftWHJHI * - r ■ - f,-. *,’• .-7 - ~ rf* I . *• J „ - rtfH 4**l -mi , ;V* vj*f oa»- .*- ?.r-5.-’; vfv . - *• ••'‘-v «**»---* ■ • • .r . • ~ --• *'‘ * • ‘ i • - '., k : * j * r ;'-i* j ••'v , - ~r . n ‘'i I • - • -V?. ,:• ■ I