The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, February 27, 1861, Image 2

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. Ih© editor of tho Gazette, writing froS
Harrisburg has made a discovery. \Vh>n
the President elect was in Xew York City
I’biladelphia., he was welcomed by
Hay.Or Wood, ot the former city, and May.
or Henry, of Philadelphia, in Speeches which
were regarded on all hands as models’of
courtesy. The press generally approved
.... ttem > and 'hey were telegraphed all over
the oountry, and republished. " Solitary
and alone," the editor of the Gazelle baa
all at once distinguished himself by pro
nouncing these speeches “ insulting” to the
President elect. The hospitalities of the
two chief cities of tho Union, tendered by
their municipal heads to the President elect,
‘'ar© pronounced insults by the Gazette,
and by it alone. The editor of the Gazette
may be for politeness a second Chesterfield.
- but his ideas of public courtesy aro certain
ly not formed after the models. Hear what
ha says:
‘•The careful reader cannot fail to notice the
studied insults to the President elect conveyed
Inibß speeches made by the Mayors of New
I oik and Philadelphia. Ostensibly they wore
Speeches of welcome; but there was not a word
of welcome in either. There was a stiff, for
mal, constrained courtesy, which, from their
position, they could not avoid showing ; but
’the tenor of. both speeches, is, "The country
» going to the devil, generally, and New
Xork and Philadelphia particularly, and you
•re the cause of It. It may be that you can
restore harmony and prosperity, bnt we don't
Mlieva It. *' The speech in New York was
gross In the form of its insult; that in Phila
delphia was more refined In its tone, but equally
offensive. ” *
People** a distance have little idea of
the magnitude ot the oil business in West
ern Pennsylvania. ‘ In Philadelphia, we are
told, most of the business men regard the
Oil business as speculative and chimerical in
Its character. Such is not the fact. The
product of the oil wells is already a promi
nent article of commerce, and is daily be
coming more important. On Monday, the j
Allegheny river being in excellent boating
order, three small steamers landed at our
wharf from the wells in the vicinity of
Franklin, 1067 barrels of oil. This is
but a single day’s receipts here, and larger
quantities take the Northern route to New
York city. The success of oil boring spec
ulations is greater than most, if not all
kinds of mining.. The incidental trade
which this business causes to our city, is al
ready very large. We regard it as a Sxed
fact that the oii business is destined to
become one of the greatest trades of Western
Pennsylvania, and it will not be many years
before “our substantial oil men” will rank
'With “our substantial iron men" on the
•oore of wealth
glad to learn that the business
:«<# of the city are taking an interest in
tb« i>Ul which proposes to change the finan
cial government of the county. Petitions
' Iniavor Of the passage of this bill are being
very numerously signed. Indeed, none
hut' those who expect to make money out
Of the old system, are opposed to the new
bUL The allegation that taxes of small
tax-payer* will be lost to a large amount, if
ocfilectors are dispensed with, is notfoorrect.
The experience of the city of Pittsburgh
jjrovea that in ali respects the voluntary
•ystem of tax-paying is the cheapest in the
end. 'We hope that our Senators and mem
bers in the Legislature will use all their en*
ergies to give their constituents the
fits of this bill.
• TO COtUtESHMt&jßffinS, v
have'■op .hand of
sketches and articles of a, mis(jellsiie{)®| i
..elii?wter, which it is impossible fo* usta
asrtßWf&F news is now so
freatopon ear ookhins, that *» bar* room
' 1 ,
Sit I u'k" 1 Which musl be made 0,1
y ' H ° ba s made hid triumphal pro
£««** the country, .ad - a score of
T ICh he h “ mada - g-en no
shadow of hope to the country. He ha*
shown himself thus far, a ve>y trifler. The
g sen hundred thousand citizens of the
ttepubhc, who elected him, and the nearly
two-thirds of the nation who opposed his
election, had a reasonable right 10 expect
that in this public journey, sought by him
self, he would have exhibited, at least, some
reasonable qualities as a statesman. He has
not done so. His speeches have been models
of nonsense and indirection unworthy
of a man who is to occupy the high Btation
to which he has been exalted. The people
were well aware that Mr. Lincoln was not a
splendid scholar, nor an experienced states
man, but they did expect that he would at
least have manifested a dignity of purpose
and a beooming appreciation of the powers
and responsibilities of his grave trust They
expected that when he spoke he would
speak with at least common place discre
tion and judgment. Mr. Lincoln’s jour
ney has oaused the scales to fall from their
eyes. As far as the people can judge from
his «>nduct and his speeches, he is vain and
inemcent, and on many matters which he
ought to know, ignorant. The people' look
ta vain in hu speeches for those evidences
Of vigorous thought, practical sagacity and
enlarged nationality which unmistakeably
indicate the statesman and the enlightened
patriot. He has said nothing to assure the
people and give them confidence in the fu
ture wisdom ol his administration.
But next Mondsy tho turning point must
oome. If Mr. Lincoln has hitherto been
P a part, if he hns been acting under
bad advice, then at least he must s f >eak for
himself and directly to the point. No
longer, when the nation is weeping and
groaning m the very agonies of dissolution,
oan Mr. Lincoln smile and jest.
Whether the “ crisis ” which .listurbs
the country is real or artificial, he must
then, meet it face to face. Tho nation
stretches out its bleeding arms to him for
words of hope and assurance. It looks to
him to take a patriotic position, and step
between his party and the distraction of
the Union, upon which so many of them
seem fatally bent. During the few days
Whiohintervene before the President’s inau
gurtition, the country hangs trembling in
suspense, for thus far he has given no cer
tain indication ns to whether his future ac
tion will be for good or evil. Ood grant
that he may rise above the shackles of par
ty, and in his inaugural address, give joy to
the nation by the announcement of such a
course of policy as shall save the Union
"I ■ * ' •
'•V;.?' J.v..
The Committee of thirty-four from the
emdoratic Convention at Harrisburg, J udge
: Ellis Lewis, Chairman, arrived in Washing
ton City on Sunday evening, under instiuc
i .tione from that body to present copies of the
resolutions recently adopted by them.
They first called on Hr. Buchanan, and
Judge Lewis made a short speech, which
was replied to by the President. He was
extremely despondent, and seemed to be in
apprehension of some terrible impending
calamity : iudeed it was asubiect of remark
j among the Committee that his distress of
mind has altered his entire expression.
The Committee then waited on Vice Presi
dent Breckinridge, where a speech was made
by Hon. Francis W. Hughes. They then
called on Hr. Crittenden, who was addressed
by Lewis S. Coryell; theu on .Speaker Pen
nington, to whom remarks were made by
lion. Ephraim Banks ; from there they pro
ceeded to the residence of Hon. Lewis Cass,
w ere a veiy touching and impressive scene
took place. They then paid their respects
o Senator Bigler, who wa* addressed by Ira
C. Mitchell, and afterwards to Senator
Douglas, who was addressed by George W.
Brewer. Judge Douglas entertained the
Committee handsomely. They then had an
interview with the members of the Cabinet,
Messrs. Stant.m. Holt, Dix. Black, ami
King, where a general conversation took
place upon the perilous condition of ualionol
Col. James A. Gibson, of this county, and
James G. Campbell, of Bailer, who were of
this delegation have iust reached home
from \\ ashington From conversation with
them we learn that they mink Hr. Lincoln
is at length aware of the immense responsi
bility which i« about to devolve ujw.ii him
ami that he will recommend such action ns
the Peace Congress may agree upon. A
solemn conviction that the point is at hand,
when affairs must take a turn for (letter or
for worse, seems to impress 100 minds of all-
The Peace Congress will probably take u«
filial action today or to-morrow, ami the i
friends of the country have strong j
that this action «,11 I* eudor-ed and an,- I
tained by Afr. Lincoln.
It appear. Out the ,\ f w Y„k ,„mb,nation
U> s at the eight million loan at panic rata.
wa« but partially succ*s u i. The bank com
bination, which expected to get the loan at
90, Was entirely defeated, but two or three
•hrewd broker, bid largely j u>t above the
figures adopted by the bank combination, and
get about half tho loss at la if p« r cot. The
remainder goee at verb u. rate, from tbi. to
, per cent , and it „ probable that but for
the combination# attempted, the who!., might
have laser, obtained .t rat.., iw.-to four per
cent, better thin thwo c!«U offered The
whole Him bid for reaches nearly fourteen and
a half million., or t wica what n out
would be obtained. Tbe lowest Lid. of thi, S j
percent, loan which will bran T t„d. v(o !
cant., are squi valent to fij ,« r t. on 1 par I
bid; and as the average a; wb.cb it wi.l be |
placed, will probably be about J
Ibe equivalent' at par would l> o .|J per c-m.
Thu Han improvement on tbo »tate u f thing,
jprevail'cg a monih lertair.iy Then
. tbis tune comb-naHoa io#i.t-d on lorciug the
government to pay 1J per cm. for tretucrj
nol«, and u money n, indiapoMable, that
»la wu paid for the Decnaaii.** of iho day.
There never w„ a parallel to the f<wnt
financial difficulties of t h=.a ? aver«».nK and
tho people of the country, and yet Mr Lincoln
•ay* “there i. no panic bat au artificial one,"
and the Gait,,- and Journal are perfectly pro
pared to endorae wht>. he »ay« |
During the winter the Pittsburg! Port
, Wayne arid Chicago Bail road Compan’y bar.
boon running an accommodation tr..n Irom
Economy to this Cuy. We understand that
the company h*s determined that this tram
shall be regularly kept uj, and shaii b,. eo
timed as to roach Allegheny shortly h,r„re
.even o'clock in the morning, and have a few
minutes pan six o'clock in the ey-tung This
will afford our mechanics and businsss men a
fine opportunity to seek country rcidencc, In
the ipriDg, along the boauufui Uaio, where
they can reside with their families, and still
without inconvenience attend to their bujlneas |
in the city. By the middle of M.y th„ d oub!(>
track will be finished on this road as far as
Sowickly, which will bo a great advantage In
the regular and speedy running of trains.
If our merchants, and manufacturers, * n J
dealers, desire to make sales of their large
and excellent stocks this spring, it is full
time that they should commence adve rtaa
ing their goods in the newspapers The
buyers for the spring trade are commencing
to move, and if our merchants wish them' to
I Stop here they should at once let them
| knnw what they have got to sell. The
Daily and Weekly Post, in their combined
circulation furnish a medium of advertising
which, for city or country, cannot be sur
passed. It ■ circulates everywhere, North
and Bouth.
A private dispatch received yesterday by
a gentleman in this city from a member of
Congress, announces Mr. Lincoln’s cabinet
as follows:
Secretary of Slats, —W. H. Seward.
Secretary ojthe Treasury —Simon Cameron
Tostmastcr General —Gideon Welles.
Secretary of the Navy Gilmer.
Secretary of the Interior— Caleb B. Smith.
Attorney General —Edward Bates.
When Mr. Lincoln, in 1859, visited Cin
cinnati, he was entertained at the expense
of a committee, who refused to let him pay
his own bill, as he desired to do. When he
left the city, the committee neglected to
settle, and the bill was, during the last cam
paign, sent to Mr. Lincoln, at Springfield.
As some of this committee are candidates
for office, disinterested parties are venti
lating the transaction through the papers.
It is again ."authoritatively" stated in
Washington City, that General Cameron
has been offered the Secretaryship of the
Treasury. Petitions in his favor are in cir
culation in this city. The Republicans in
Pennsylvania seem to be divided into a
"Cameron” and an “anti-Cameron" partv.
We don't think that the efforts of the Du
patch will “squelch out" Simon.
helper played out.
1, Hinton Rowan Helper, whose infamous
- book has done more mischief than any other
publication, proposed to lecture at Dayton,
Ohio, on Monday last. He had an audience
i of twenty-three persons, and he left town I
forgetting to pay forSthe use of the hall, or
liis printing bid. So says the Dayton
Jbapbrt. . .
Tract Iflua's migaame for Mareh, QV
Hunt A Miners.
THE peace conference.
Legislature, Old Soldiers and Petitions. The following is a oorrect copy of the
Mouse of BEPREitBNTATiT'Ks, m.jonly report of the committee of the
The indlgn.. “ or ui VoMl ’ Tt'h J We have not heretofore
Of 1513 can ;rL il! n 7 ° ,7“ puM " hed * Convention has, as yet.
*-»«! w.h Do imagined when thev nut fi„ a t „ *•
learned that the Legislature refused to com- is Tu UP ° n g
pliment those worthy old patriots with a pub- but not ’* " ad ° Pted ’
lie dinner. The resolution tendering the well- imously:
earned repast, passed the Senate, but when it Bkctiok , TniBTKKN '
camenpinthe House Mr. Williams attacked the Uniutd'Bute‘ Y? tarrf ° f
it with r.nooa , ota to p i not embraced within the
1 , ' ranC ° r and dominated the defenders l>mtU of the Cherokee treaty grant north of
ol the country es paupers, and, to the disgrace ? ilne ,r °“ ea »‘ to West on the parallel of 36
of the members, the bill fell. Three of vour minutes n °nli luitude. involuntary
members voted against that poor boon intended P““«h®ent of, is
to compliment men who came hither bv and at r- ““ whllBt il Bb “U be under a Terrlloi
tbo invitation of the partv in power—better oT ®^ nn } en t; and in all the present terri
could not be expected from a p.Vty wbo bo. me, thu status of persons
ever been the enemies of the soldiers, both in VI , service or labor ns it now exists thall
the war of 1812 and the late w® with Mexico. ,hal^J? M | Bed laW wbile '“h territory
Had the Democracy held power the defenders nnith*»r £ nti * r * Tutorial Government; and
of the country would not have been left stand- mom .h.n h B '*** Torr “ uru ' l G overn
ing “idly all lhe day long” in tbestreeu, with- ,atin * . h&ye P ova loulIld( ' r » r prevent the
out one friendly notice to be sheltered The T. 8 , , d lorrit °ry of persons held to
brave old follows Irom your county who u, lDV ° lui »ttary service, witnin the United
honored this place with their presence and SuYfTY L" 8 ,! 0 U<l Uw9 or U!, if oa of the
earned the flag of their country until they “ which such persons may be taken,
hoisted the same to its proper elevation on the relation. " rlfir, B out o{ Bald
dome of the Capitol, were left to nav their ’ bcb ,b > u bo subjoct to judicial
own expanses at tho United .Slates Hotfi and f!’ Knl “ DOB ln Jho Federal courts, according to
were not even escorted to or «,ignrd a place hu *>”“<>«> law; and when any te.mory
in the procession until Mr. Bdl, of Tyrone ds^ h .^r ,oUth 01 ,llid iia6 ' wllbln such b, ’ uc ‘
City, sent his own baud to do them that iavor a r!Lm .ToTr, 8 ' 6 *’ “** l' ruflcr:b ''h " h lU ‘= on '“"'
Mr. George McCombs, Majors Graham and , .Y u- rt ' <, ' lr< ’ d for a member of Con-
Patterson, with others, have gord reason to 8 e * ' * c^ ordln « t° the then Federal ratio of
fool moru tied at the gross toThich ZlTr”"'h ,b ‘"' if 1«. form of govern
.hey were subject, *fc U sb.mld cYI their Union on * “ lo,U “ d Ull ° lha
am. r for a party who are anti-war, anti soldier W. withorwi.h f “ ollDl '' w,lh lho original
and without tho common decency which should labor aT the n h .^. nVU “ U 7 SWy ' ce or
characterise American*. Where could you go smld. oon *l‘t<Ufon or such new State
booth to and anything to compare to this Sxr 2 Territory V, II ,
mcannesU The like could not be found ex- the UditadHm, * Y s° l 1,8 #c< * jlred b ?
«-i’t with a party who think more of negro cent for^.v^e'.““e" 1 J , ‘f®* 1 * ; Dor - ex
disturbers than they do of those who dofealed depots „V. commoicinl stations and
the ilr ; iish. depot. , unless such treaty shall be ratified by
IV.iuons are being presented at this lime, Tkc 3* nY/iiIYY * " f ! h °
tlu- Iloueo laving ruet ni 8 u'tlork Ycurdi* a ll ker the Constitution, nor any
jtmgu.shed member left for Washington on o™n^«/r 1 th<ar ?° f * * h * l { *><* conuruod to give
Saturday, and has not returned as ybt/110 has lru | % wiudn" 01, 0bol "' b ' (}r ™"
Y'l named for a Cabinet officer, but 7 oiled “Y, ° r ' b '’
(.ameron in tha Cab ; not thu ••-ftt" • tata#, tba r«*Ut.ou ftaiabhbh*‘J or re-
To-imas bac*. Motion has been made to pub- Vlldt InWor i7‘ '■° Ucl>n ? p( ' rM ' n ‘
ll«b the harewell Address of W.sbingu.n . ~ ioyoluouily servi'-e therein,
loge: her with tbo specs he* of ,-ioo.kers' I’al' 1 ter fern with or alen-ih Involuntary
raer and Uxvis, with tho reply d "‘ Cu . n tb ® of Columbia without tho
be published lor the use Y the i“ “ 00daDj c „f the
lon may look out to In. inundated win, ibis I C on,o„i iu.t Tn n l ' Wn,>r< * bo rto n ° l
intereating produoti..,. at th« Mate's ; Cun., nt just cc.mj*n*atKr,; nor the jower to
Butr-n they W 0,,: 1 note. .„ tb7 iaUrv i ",'h . r° ’ " P r,,h,hi; and
i 11... of -|-to d ee lb- year o„.— fooo Bringing with them to the city of
- r “ r v wul the people .to to ui. in i wn7b! J “urd n t', r Ubir‘'ior l ih
d,e n-.r--I jeii and deg-ad.d All.ghenr will Yon r a • ’ Y lb " i " w ' rt -' Wkttao
her thousands of m.j „i, v for par'lv who i , f »’voluntary service in places
deny a dinner to v, t-rati-' * IH ” r th " ? xr J, a ' !,ro Jtirtsuli, lion of the Unite.l
Tm- G -vomer transmitted to tho L» E UI», I i‘Y T '«-vi'-' J r.e. where th, „n„ i,
turn a municaliun fmm hsaas-a7klcc ! h °' "■‘'.W** 1 ’ r -‘ r lL * P“» f ' 1= k r «
for aid to the starving of that lil lekd 0,-/ : “ b ' ° r lr, ‘ n «Phfk“'uD, by land,
try. T,., L -gisiiiure . “ ; d ‘ ni ‘ : ° r m ' r - of pPr,on ‘ h * ld 10 Übor ov ih»ol
relieve tbe.u in.tanur. But il Ue people of ,o’ rr ' c ° ln BuitB or Territory of the
the Stats, wero on by public Le-une. ‘ Y “ iy ° l c.° r Su ' B ur TtirrlUjr 3'
being held throughout uY rural distrtcU—' “ u Mfohiish.eJ orrocogotud
produco mcaiculabio could be obtain.d from! } rt7i° r ? Di tho rl « hl d “f‘ig trans
the kind in heart , and, indeed, there are per- j °> l ,‘ >ucblD ** l B° rU ' ; borP * Bnd l»nd
socs in you, own county who should rnhYl ! -p ° f dl,tre8 ‘' * b »"
the largo sums they obtained from tho "Fire I N r * b » U Gongres. hare power to au
Fun i." » uicn was tr.en p.von as a charity to ! l “ r Tt7k. tlS 7 r * W ? 00 person,
i-imburse mum for ,b. Ls I h r a
I™ Wb!C “, rcp “s “ d l Ufo fourth t&'co™*
hundr. d and bV. y ‘ iVYrs! ' ta" »** “f
ditte. Wtu a ftu; ) t.vt, ih.n LWRiviihu! by »ppropr,A-.ft K»gU!*:i. n, %ru\
UrckJ d...aM *ni.h -“iaV. ♦ b art>u K h tb« xcUoo x/f th«r.r jatiu.*: mlr,.-
the ,-uiu.u, Tnis llc’ure 7u T b« U ” od f •nforcing the delivery of
• pared from the oftho.e wno wuro then ,!!fh 'LTJ™™ B» r, -> n to whom
relieved b, the charily of tho ,-eopie, l" S. h T.?' .
fuMir um iato u, WCi ; 5 ♦Kc o Tae f-iretga ii*vf* irvlo trij ib*» iru have tauned.od for renort. f/ «>«» U-itssd Stale, and
Bill. ,o place in ~-dar. Mr Craig In t -L» a lb ” . Terrlu ; iM ' / r< ’' 0 Be, ond tho pro
bii. retaucg to bank, r.for-sd *"l‘ne * 1 ’,k. limiu tberaof, are forever r.rob tiled
w.i. have some tr,.uh,e j I**. ; »>«• «• The filet, third anJ filth section.,
Ulion I/J \\ h.-a-. Lti 1 Wfi; '^ ior th ‘* «IX «.f \h* ** pmrnj
su.pen.iont And when and how „ s - menu, and the third p»fagra t hcf tec second
are, ted hereafter! Gee. Wuuk, of Bawr” 1 'll df “ cf thu Goofiitutir^n,
u-d . , l th.. I. et ,1 . „ ! ,*'/’ , * nd fo* 'for* l paragraph of the <c.-ond scctir-n
lb:- tc.Kjy, l. dr.inou. to hive 'tarnation.” foUftb arUcle there, f, .hail n.d bo
d : un.uK„,aojusod lie K se, Yt: ’^r: 1 j ,ui ih - cudsto ‘»«
h.e, and by ikt, be .h ,w» hi. j . , ,
sagacity and »„i meet the approval v f h,. 1 U, ,Lt Y“ Kr '‘V^* ; ‘ '»» ‘ k «
(..n* .i tuen ta and the great bodv of p. ,u’ ,o £sUr * ,lwJl t ,B y 10 the carter the
>-r the Wet. TnsS-r . ,e„Y U7rY ' i ‘‘ ii h “ rUB ‘ U '" '««“ ' 8 I" B >l
found empeemuo to £ ! LT 7 ', * r ‘®' Br -
Mon.h-p r Lamer. *n and Mowai-d, I 11 »« f ‘"“l r-, U fugitive,
el Ih- Cabinet will manage. Ih„ affair, of Un fro ** •"J"' 0 * k J v *' ,, ' Tt "* ur ''»««
iu*i r.tcoiain in Vol-.n wiU hm • d U / r ° m »«bi or rt.-lou* or
loi.i.d ..he Ur,.must tn c..»c l "** d
pea,-- With lhnsa who are auuggl.ig for lieu Y. Y' “* , ’* n " r thereby pr«v.nUNlard
rigtiu unde; the ConatUutmn ' vYr valiianl ' " Jc 1,1 “»> t'ur.ud of Id, remedy for the
war-in.king editor, 00, W «l J. i fi,i:,VUO
lak-, the ba, k track, as i. tb.d, habit, for they 1
w.ll find l: i. by such crabbing mat they may ‘
keep within hoariog of a parly who-« gain !
la p.under Thoy will got but liiti. aid aid
c. mf.i. t from Mimon— hu will "dispatch” the
with .ui fear t,r favor.
p<*r ceDt ,
T&* lm-waiur* wi.l on Tnuraday to
meet again oo March 6a Ttli will giro th.
dtel* patriots UuuHo see Uni r i’raauiool I aduc
au Tt ;« is all iisbl, !■ rit wili cooio cur turn
ir, K'tir yoar. *„ let the b mors go r.>an l
Uu«a Sot Look Very Premising.
Suns of lbs Mow Orleans i ■v.oslor. papers
»ro cocgratu'sHng that city c.n tho vul In
crease of Its commerce mb will follow tho
evublisiimeat of a s«p«-,.;„ confederacy. Tho
I /Vicr 0,. r rC nt of that vt v g;v«s tho report of
Uio common -of that .. ; f r February, com
|>arH with that of 1-,..,, . u ,cb certainly doe.
not bold out a rery promising realisation of
lhi» prospect. The number of eeawls In port
in Februrry sru 88 ships. 20 barks, 9 brigs, U
schooners; toul, 126. For February, 1860.
ebipa 148, barks 44, brigs 11, schooners 82;
toul 229—a falling off of orcr forty percent
for one month of secession.
Wo bear or n large number of new build
inga to be erected during the coming sea
son Among the re«t, Mr. Patterson, tho
owner of tho corner, now occupied by the
Banking Houae of Hill A Co., announces
his intention ol erecting a fine building
with iron fronts upon hia property. We
are glad to observe that in the wards on
the hill, ijuite a number of neat uew houses
of moderate size are about being finished,
suited to tenants of moderate means.
Judge Smalley decided, on Saturday, In
the oase of " United States w. Goddard Bai
ley, the hank of the Republic, et al. ”
that ihe bonds in question were intended
to be negotiable, and that, therefore, the
bona fide holders were uuuer no obligations
to give them up. So, according to this de
cision, the Btoleu bonds are to sUy stolen.
Theie is every reason to believe that the
Cabinet will have two wings, each of a trio ,
the one headed by Governor Seward, an old
Whig, the other headed by Governor Chase
an old Democrat, with Mr. Bates to hold
the balance of power.
The Branch Mint at DahJonega.
•A correspondent of the Atlanta Intelligencer
Informs that paper that the Superintendent of
the U. a Branch Mint at Dahlonega, now
holds that property, together with $20,000 In
gold coin, therein contained, for the State of
Georgia, under a written order from Gov.
The .Loan.
Tbe bids for the $8,000,000 government
loan wore opened on Saturday. The number
of bidders was about 160, and the bids in the
aggregate amounted to moro than $14,000,000,
at a fraotion over 90. None under 90 will be
Tbe entire Pennsylvania delegation in
Congress is understood to have recommended
General Cameron for the Secretaryship of
the War Department.
The Border States.
Mr. Rives has written to friends in Virginia
tb*t the convention will adopt propositions sat
isfactory to bln State. This is deemed protnii
tagpas regards the ultimate aetlea of the her
der But*.
K < r Uio J’nuburgb l J o«w
Tho Abolition jourmua mmjui to orlnco a
disposition to follow hlr. Buchanan to his
grata with tho.r Infamous attack* upon
ill* character and administration. We could
bear with a dogroeof patience to hoar ilr. Bu
chanan, while in ofllcc, abated by the venal
and corrupl sheets, fur ibeu it was done for
political educl, but when now the fanatica have
trluniphed in the election ol Lincoln, and Mr.
Buchanan aoeka retirement at bla home In
Wheatland, to have thumalill heap their abuso
upon him, it an outrage on decency Itself.—
When bla Inenda, irrespective of party, go lo
*how their appreciation of his worth by ar
ranging suitable receptions lor him along hia
route from Washington to Lancaster, these
abolition papers at ouce throw all the ridicule
and oonlempt possible upon the undertaking.
To ua it has ever bien a matter of astonishment
that, when the fact is not denied, that Europe
and America point to Mr, Buchanan ua the
greatest of living statesmen, potty politicians
and Journals will continue tuo suicidal policy
of attempting to delisuie him. To the credi t
of the gallant Democracy of Pennsylvania,
the parly that aloneiredeouij the credit of the
Slate abroad, be it said, that now, regardless
ofail past differences, they stand united to a
man In support of the State’s still favorite son.
We give tbe ondommentjto him fully and free
ly. And when in the qulolahadea of hia dignified
retirement in hia country home, he reflects that
he has within him tho proud consciousness of
knowing that hia life hus been devoted to the
best interests of hia country, and that hia na
live Stale still honors and aupporu him, tneee
thoughts can well be the solace and prop of
his declining year a. -yyr
There are in Philadelphia three hundred and
twenty-three publlo The total num
ber of acholari on the Ut of January, 1800, yras
61,746. The amount invested by the oi’ty in
ml mute and furnitiire, for tba support of
"f to 4*rt of Was
Tit (mount Appsap&rUted -ftj
iutjwww wilder, /
■ ;V' • * v \\ '■ t
- «tf- •. *
Here is ur -miW ilip / /ian.-f ot
j charter of life expired on Ike of
j May, H
Like a l*ran nevr bill of hi* own P.- „l- .
IJe ITU under the most favorable
All hi* mental UUiiks were properly tilled
by ready accounrantsand ttkdfuj penmen,
Tbui giving fair round profuse of permanent
Hu ev\\ilatun\ was eaten-ne,
and he was gladly received by ali ei.iKie* of
always punng for the full amount of his fdce.
llu pulmonary organs frequently suttered
from airy tlrafu, and his recovery from
health, often reecired
mauy -ketit from hard money
but aUi.ut, ukean old bank bill, he has been
culltd tn, and lies, for the present,
in tins vault.
And although, even as an old, torn, and
soiled promise to pay, he may have to
pass through a/icry ordeal to cleanse
him from the tilth caught oil*
the many vile hand* he
had to pass through,
Ho departed in the consolation that the
arrangements for hia linal
are perfect and secure.
Schools in PMladeiphit,
TUe Inauguration Ccreihonlea.
The programme for the inauguration cere
monies on the 4th of Mirch is published in the
Washington papers. It does not differ mate
rially from the usual plan. There will be no
military display. Should the weather prove
favorable, the ceremonies will take place on
the central portico of the Capitol, and if unfa
vorable, in the Senate Chamber.
The news from Charleston is to the effect
that there is no intention of an immediate at
tack on Port Sumpter. The people desire it,
but Governor piekens will await the action of
President Davis. •
Ihk amount of lumber surveyed in Bangor,
Me., from January Urßtto November Ist, 1860
was 166 769,117 feet. This is thirteen million
feet more than in 1859, and thirty-three mil
lion more than in 1858.
Mb. \ an Wick, who was assaulted by three
ruffians In Washington on Friday night is laid
to be injured internally and his condition la
not imp roviog.
Child, Psatt <& For, heavy hardware
dealers ic 31. L uia, deny the report that apy
soodi of their’* hed been »toppod in New Or
leans for n-'n payment of duties.
Our Theatre will re-open on Saturday
night next, and on Monday the distin
guished oomraedian, Mr. James £. Murdoch,
will commence an engagement.
il a Lihcols ha* po*tively declined at
Washington to oxpresi any opinion regarding
compromise until after his inauguration.
JriroE Myers, if Clarion, who was appoint
ed grain measurer at Philadelphia by Gov.
Curtin, has lift for the place of his duties.
Gen. II D. Post an, if. G Keenan, and
others, who have been boring a well near
G.-eousburg. struck or 1 last week.
The Haiti mors papers speak oi Mr Lin
coln', journey r.-.,m Harrisburg to Washington
Si an ••underground railroad" journoy.
A t 'SI'AVV boring at Alum Bock, iu Clar*
ion c ur.ty, have obta ned oii in small quant-
Sriostnu, with Gsrloita Patti, it Is said, will
t;ivu a grand concert In Pittsburgh before
Dr Bokt, is up tn Clarion “relieving the
Maooik Mitchell and the Uhrislle Min
•'.ro * fcfs in Now Origan*.
nxri&cs notnu
Choice.! an<l moel erMeful Tooica mod CaraioaUvea
iv. 4, n.? xdom - M
Th. Vet and Nervous should try u. or lar.srno' ; But on. s'la of lh» venuioe.
Pnt " ° M 1,0,J » r - a |2£
“<*i t-r lorngjl.i, genera:!,. Pll abttrgb, Pentfa
HKLIEF KfljM P*ljJ ,
Magnetic oil still
h r d* Ut« rrputmtoa ti h» htd for iMn. a {
“ *“Uh o, ,« ,no..r“ m, fouJ^g*^*
if’*' 4 ?' ™ JtferUcn4!
a *n» it •■/ufUf ffy am Viim'y..
w Ctf^fJ Jo* /«;
£“*' Ol tt*tt rucri a*d Sort*’
&*?*** Oil t^- n nesdncks
£*?*«* iW nnn Fro* f«t
?**“' X*i9*e*e OJ c*rt% Fre*h Wo****
Itvf? Utty-Tria Off /-ur« &**&* g-^^’
iifj .if *7l r ' n Back:
A £ C " n AJTcctloaK
‘ n, e ,.„ Et-arkta-c ( TMA'acM;
•* ' IP'Be u.l acre '
! ~ 2., f < ' r ‘ n " t ni .„d lor all iendt^Md
*n.i ,o cnJ!cEVAi!"r®IISiaSSKSr
l-our.o ftr
jgro 3.dctrtianmrt3.
J l s*"* 1• 1 ib! • h*i »it»\ #.'ia |ic tJuN~
octt A Tali •*u«a.l*4joa w deaif*d,ju bu«in» u o/
L*P?J£ ™ t ' SrX ** C *"' Ub *' xmomotad - B yt>r^rof
UTl'iHl’Run A <V in i i.l.\ MIMNO (OMPtNT l
r hi :« *
- *«. p£ b , A ,
„ TH '*- m.
;if Mf* vNi 11 t%, j ihK4nV i /UA ..
' ; ur\ m ** Un * o( lQa Voudr Men 1 , Meroan
1 *2?®* U <' l * rL * n( '" * tJI cc:n ® l*-for* the nteeuae
H T .tftler ot i-.Ho.rrt of l-ireet-.r* “ g
_»: H. KISCA D.Steaan.
IJ* iu.i iY ~ No S ' ,ret s^rgi
I if'T'sh- » lh, «’ ’ u "7 f nok I'WKLLING
“ d »*»i mtfNe muU«tLin
l< ' ,ll R R .S’ l. —A Cottaoe Hots* of 6 rooms
.o,t i *l. “° re ' of * rou " 4 - -|'«“« "f eioelleat truer
At . nuimu on ml Wash D|(toQ Kent ftlio
100 &»■•* ot i Roan* with a M D f around » br
Chu,oh - Ml W»»h,nsUh, remMO
- Marital *tr»
] () IHJZ. cukacls;
lv 10 ac« Mamagoio.
w *' i iaret,
'' Hherrr,
* Madeira
10 *• J*urt,
in »(or« »o 4 ior*a|* by
fel? '
lewbu.h.i, Peeeher,
n „ . , bushels Oororwedi
° ?£* * amwil and for sale by
w ”’ H SMITH g Co,
OlaToKs.—2oo bushels reo'd and for
_ |r s d - LT (I®?) HKNRY H. OOLI INS
r l* aeka fc' eB White 1(X) do
X Trout ro celled t)J
° V,vn ®2L!' COLLINS.
T^f^d l «r 6 ®.r hree St ° ned Warehouse
J £. RETiJER a broth ERR
\ sPR^'IJ ooolia opened almost
■*■ * d *''J r - C. HANSON LOVE
DItJSUMJTiUW.—The Partnership
heretofore easting between the undersigned aZ
uot the name of OART WRIGHT A YOTjAttu
Wh ■■ < d rrT dU ,"° lroti .. l ? Y mu,u * l consent, WM. CiWr"
WR OH? £ Ih"* < /" m V h ® J rm ' Th '’ *"»•» Wll bo
WRIGHT rearing from ihe firm. The business will be
continued at the old stand corner of Wbod nnd
mnod Alley bjr W. W. YOUNG, who alone .swSorinld !
Ui wtUo the business of the late arm. *«ujon»ed
Pirmacnoa, Feb 21st, ISSI.
Having disposed of my inter
est in Ihe frm of CARTWRIGHT a YOUNG
to Lnr t jtmer psrtner, W. W. YOUNG, I uVe pleuar*
la recomaietid! o% him to our fonner custom ere.
to the public ~aurally. WM. CA kTWRIGHT 1
riWßCsnn. Feb, «I»l lMt.
1 -A. T
78 Market Street.
'R^°’ DER 'ES. trimmings, RIBs
lAti- T fJT* I** 1 ** H uoiie *’ Z(J Pb»r wonted. Hoop
bk Oorseta, Gloves, Ga'imiets, Ladies* and Children's
fa? 1 ??!??/ 1 J^ en M J xed Rose, Hoods; Nubtaa, Soarfs.
Gen fISUk Merino and Cotton UnderaMrteaad * rawera ,
Ladies* Cotton, Silk and Merino undershirts and
Urawera; Gents' Nook lie®. Scarfs, imeo and 811 k
Haodkerohle’s. Liwiies Embroidered Haodkerch'ef**
Ho'is, Collars, Sleeves, Embroidered, Sets (dollar*
Sleeve*; Thread. I sort and Edging, Jaconet Fdging
»nd inserting, Swiw, Edgiog and Inserting; Jaconet
Bufl og, Swiss Ruffllog. Embroidered Lace Vale. I one
Ac, In every variety, and still are now of
For 8al«i -
' M*tf ■■ ■ ■
.f 11 fert-nr.
Lt i ‘ . ■• "
« 130 Wood wtroat.
Attorney tor A<tmlnt«ir.£„,.
TO.S^- f
'■s*iSSTftr s i
- BKT * M Market »t»»L j
-t-~* 88 Mutltat utrMt! td jtSrfmm^nh
“ °. r s » •PPte tree* Sad otter fnaUmjbbwvfc?’
S““ . mli “ f r° m the-Minenmlleffei;i!*erfii V!
*hon dietanoe from Mitferarllle. Rent BMW*•£?
acUT«Bßßyi|oy? r -
U Market ifreU -s
Sac ’
D E A E N E § %
* ~’i i|»: tf
EYE'i 5 AN# \ EAg^f 5
~A athn ^°. 10 ,ho Of the EYE and
their TREATMENT, a treatise on Medical andSUR
GICAL SCIENCE, and an otner on c««s of DEAFNESS
from per/orations of the TTMPANI *
Can be consulted on DEAFNESS and all DISEASES of
the EYE AND KAB. requiring Medical or Snrgical
DJ2. VOJjf MQSCj&ZISKER has operated on my Sam
for Deafnete. / faAe great pleature in recommending him
<u a very Ikilffid Audit, deeming the confUimce of aH
affected with Deafnete. ELIZA INGRAM,
Pittsburgh, J^ t S,mT“ hJP ’‘ Uld 88 W * bster ' tre6t
MOSCBZ 18RER hat operated eo euoccse
fully on my right £A B, that I mod checrf.lly recommend
him to oilpereone requiring hie ecrricte; fuly eatoflcd that
they will be benefited by hie mode of treatment jar Deaf
Titt.burgtuFeb.bmi. JAS^ A P “ K ieet.
My ton, a boy 13 yean of age, became Deaf after an nt
tack gf SCARLET FEVER. Dr. von Xineheieker vectored
him to hie hearing. H. LAhGKAMP, Cooper,
P.naa^Feb'S,'K' DUaam * “ d
recovered “ eeß M,M WL "6- her sight perfectly
bT?o^ti'ii| ! .l?i ! PPT 10 m Y eoSvtcfeiD that
<rrL.Sic , H^i}^ n<, ,'* ud ‘i? leI “ fh * h “ been "aved from the
greateet depnvauon that oonld have befallen her.”
Anderson's hearing still oootinnes well I feel
SiSKr*'* 1 ln '“*■ f ' ,r 1 advised h m lopol
mm Hilt under joor treatment, feeling eiuetled If vnn
?S%£2£*“ “ " Ul BB ‘« “ -?of
have been de f for several years, and am eradfiad in
being able to wy last, tn a, hot? Ui», d£v«l Mc£
dlMer?^M < ' n, ‘ U '‘ 1 ”® 10 he%r rer J distinctly, and the
u “ ** r ' whl » a"* >° MDoytoß
am entirely removed. JOHN U. OASSAD?V &
Bomeit Hoaee, Gin^wwH
mrMisLt oschsiskeroperated masteneoeasfnlly on
my earn, and I am no i able to bear as well as ever.
KINGSBURY, Burnet Honne,
performed a core upon
?/„ 2“, id 1 1 affled the beat read and most sofere
tUlo Pnralolsna of the West. a. P. STEWART.
alSt 1 ow " to T°o the woovery of r
wtdoh 1 bad aimoat entirely loet 9
* W. 8. BISHOP, Cincinnati.
**■ TB » original of the above, hundreds mom Tartli
monials and Letters osn be seen at Dr. M.’s Booms, by
tboee wbo wish to consult him.
lir. U. is tbe.inrentor amt introducer of the
Which haa received the highest praise from the French
and German Faculty, and by which, idler a fvw applies
tioni some of tbs most
have been removed.
d>*£arty application should be made to receive tfc *
ftiU BENEFIT of Dr. M.’s treatment
N. B.—Dr. H.'s NEW method of treating DEAFNESS
ia founded on the true principles of MEDICAL and
SURGICAL science. Dr. M. would hoe rsspeetfnlly
observe that he will be glad to see any MEMBER OF
THE MEDICAL PROFESSION whowonfd accompany
pahenta that wi.h the benefit of hia visit to this City, or
by calling themselves to witness hta treatment, either
ol Heating or Sight that they may convince themselves
thst he has a true claim on their patronage v OCULIST
and AtJRIST.
No. 155 Third street,
"»To l «“ 7 . b * CONBT,L ' rKn DAILY, from 9*. k
p T y rJT , k on th ’ DL-oum of the Eye, dedicated to
Piot. Daoglwoa.of Jeßerson Med!«l CoHepe, PhUadel
pbU, is puhlDhed byiCusMngs * B»Hey. Baltimore, sad
mo be ordered through any bookseller—that on the'
E “ by T. Tenon A Co, Philadelphia.
spßisra calicos,
spbutg; calicos,
W. & D. HITGITg,
636 Cor, flfth -and Markrtrt.
{X. U ?J ? f , A,,fi S h ®°y County, dated
uTSo{y*f ““ M,h ' COURr ®>OSE
On Saturday March 2nd, 1881,
AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. a,
.V.:*V ■
, ‘ - ' ‘I? t* j ‘
•v ■■' •/' .v.--., -.'l.
* „ , T '
iTjsS* Vuliftu aikM*-
BUSJUX :~“EumboldtA
Doors open u 6J£ Lactate u> comtnattce, TW o’clock.
W.H. Eiwaid, 'j
_ f»88 JAWS- P. ,^9.rtnroCominHtoo.
Deposits made with this Bank before the first day of
MARCH 1 , will draw rafeiWi‘from that daf& : ‘ ■ v
s&tPQU, roy, Jowro.
K -JU «, <>** “h. 16* to tte SSt^tf
Wayne and chu tgo Railroad Comma esTahtah hM -,
Hf* t Jf en < -l pTeried let »RtEcle cfitnn Pmnnf m>
that time, mil not be eoHtldd ,p rote at .afiWotlZL
By order of tbe Prea*taat»- -*
GEnUimk aAVATOJioaJitfr^T^
s*y*st* ' ■ -
eENOIVE Ha VASA ClffAPa « ~ ‘ ~
ge'-ujne Havana cigara ~ i '" ~ ■"■'•
genuine Havana higars! ' 1
MM “ r ~
Bllf *_
>or mut. jjy JOSEPH PliFMnfa,
For JV joseFH' EJEMflvli
For «8 br-JO3EPHVUSMXNfi.
- Joj-sata JjgJ<»ftPH£X>MINQ,
oomer of
corner of the D>moo J aod Market et’cei,
corner of the Diwmood aod Market street. ftffa
J N , UJ(JKJ UF < UMJiuN tftiSAh
„. e . <he ”/.F° uu ! r - 1*0.121, March Term.lB6l.
* e .“* h-r of (ho ’olom.ry a».t,nm«nt of Be-'aßUn
I“8 e > Jr - And now: SaTUKDiY, Peb 231, lMlTtho
AMO^S^» D h ourr8 ? 1 0( w - 0 Hoghart andH. Burgwin,
Assignees hs'ing teen exhioneu in Court (to Court
?h« 0 S^ t /^i/ h lf7 >th ?^ ot,inral7e n therein
the M*d account mllte
.March 23, 1601, unless cause be show a totfteooo*
For Kale. ’•
PRICE, and «rj favorable lerroi of pennen', Uw
liv for sale by
IWopd near Fr.nrih.
KAiLKUAU MAPS—Pocket Form For
«0e br ),26 J R. WEI.DEW.
2a vol. Kor eale~by
JOBS MOOla'HKino,-" "
“mb. and mbs/^t^dSdx^
TERM will commence
4 February Use ISth.
UH A *' D LATIN tancht rritboui extra charge.
1 nvl . J is a
j. M
B. F. SMYTH ™.
MincT&CTCiuna or
Warshona* * Wo.' W Witar Street,
' YOU ‘CAW : "
H **&»**WW!Ria|Wi.
Apothecaries end Consumers testify u,...
Bead the testimony from Kentucky
ouej pnrpoiL“ Swf?
V, vii.-- , JOHN Q.Tih'g
; «*e?B, Oa^S^.f 7 -’ Jalr *"• JBao
rr will ! itEmiaEjTBlBlßA7 afe r U | i
»h«r» ageor sickness has toraedUm-er .mr
li Krill render it soft and
“ -A- KT'Sr B OD -sr w
oewJUfe and f to
store. It. color nod lre,i?n«“ u^Pi^LlmS
“ "ter upon the acal* i£ wm, 0 !?
corap- sed of oil and silmaUdlar.S,S“ h .*“WJte4l
tide forthotoileMyoooemuU® *° d “ ««*•
«ra»-W. E. HjoJ k 18 'fe 1 fi. Ut,tm
S’i,^bSt%^ O Sg D
RKTORATIv£ H B l^’£?®™|gftf^S^^ffis
tor the troth of S * J ‘ Saf ‘
JS"«“* KS I Sffi l 3'Bfffe.
Ttb-torcd ever* Hair th»* W , A kVconiiijGftp
girJijood, aShSjL^iji^lShuL^
loduoed to ittffiS«Kv **gfcr. I
• mrrwTHE! d»fTEu-
The „ g „U^e“X L
otue onthe aoSIS,t **•IUaViM
Mta U.'SS^'?or N «» if?h. S"}> P*i<» MU .t «*
of the Untied mat!? £J HbJu f«k M<l B *mt ci*£
Copper ihAejy^f B f »» * K f I,M
expenses of transportation of tho miooifais
' ' ' , ! "-' ' '-/-'
■•*•»>" • ' -V.VW r ' '
T -i * *>
K'* ' '
Jf v
* grotw^nte.
"f'S iAit'Y;
■• ----R- w. WTLSOJfc
''■*4 i-siii
+ ■" * ”, - 1
, , >-* l'
- , '
■&. r» f -.''
•s»' <
V, |-
r t ""!
sffgSfeife j->-
j; : •:
H' KU:
i : : ■
J7r.’*‘-^? fcvs> * -aCr ~
i' ’ .