!*iJi. W-'*. . fr., '>. v*•** \ -V 1 .-V- *■ " * •■ ' • *■ >■. ......... *. *.■ .-' ■ v .-.v... w *f?r fSfSi-'' "f'. f'V- Tki V •*» |( '. .( '"• .f \ *•***• 'ttfc * 1 ■*" k « * ** l. . l *'■ •*r’"- •.■' \, -"■ *■' r > . _.. 4 -. ■*■' . :>.-V : ' I*"* ** •* ''• *' -Vv'm &iiekif±*»Jb* : ;df i:! -,-tf-s! - *«• --.UV *• • 1 . ' v i «rlv , a!aP r - ;.v; * .•, ■-vv-';’ *$ & ~ n ': *■ '. •* ■'; . •; •*• ' .*. - . J ■•A-i.''*A. v fa Vwa.M’J,! -; 1 ’ ..'■, h 1;• •'. •• ,JD vSi«V v >v,^A, 1 ; f-'r."; -*‘ 1 1 .'- i f*v« •* •- (Vj*»‘ !1>..-1..V > ’ ’w g \:i-‘ ;V l^' ■•/■' >' . rf'Ce r v V/^lv,%v; &V. v :- t ;~ r: ,i J :: -;• '-v p#sp^ ssS£3?j?£M iV* ■'f *i '.Sffjf^.^*^s.r >S ;j',|.-.; r-» '* >V./ f "n monsy; tagste^ sfim&dM? ;.~w * fc ? ? A >l '< .4 VaV> NA r>.,- .»-%,' r ,-■;. ~ t ?j ’ ' v * ■* 7 * ;4-’i ► .%,■» *, a^Srefe * - "J V’" r -*U.~' r '"tS'a (-*k£r Y »** f *»* - r V. - -;t>st; j(4-"' '••-^ r> -, --^ ■'\ IF -«•' - .:• .»■„' -. •'.- <. * • ,'. -v' '••—'•• •-' ■' :'v :: ,u4^*'.;• - ■•'. •■.yirf^ry-,;-■•-■• ■ ,-.V ■ . , w*< v -' -a>"\"' ''; fti't'.O' m PI ’ *>\ ' . •** „ S, ft '' y 4 a’SJ*- . ■ '**>. ,V.* ' r lfV•. * •'• **i *• . , , ' - TWx '"., * ,- « ‘*’ fl<>* <* ' r » h , v > * . k •>• * CBINBB OF TIM-WISTM ARRiJiGEMEKI O CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD N AND AFTER MONDAY, Nov 20th 1860, trains will Imre the Depot of the PennevlvA nut Railroad, in Pittsburgh, u foUbwa rennsylve- PITTSBURGH, CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO LINE Arrives el Leasee Arrives ai Onj raLi “‘' CLiviL.ee Caicsu., ■Me.u. «. 7:10 r. at lore *° *" Sbndusiy, Toledo. ’ .Til l ”” 1 ’ Ti * Glsveland, lunet be parth «““» »»k tor tick eta via Cleveland. o ’“etinte to Chicago by this route la aa utiick as via Port Wayne. 1 PITTBBUKGH, COLUMBUS A CINCINNATI HHOki LINE, V IA STEUBENVILLE Noohange of cars between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Leaves Arrives Arrives Arrives Pittsburgh, at Columbus, at Cincinnati, at 8l Louis 1:60 a. a. 1:40 r. x. 7iio rx. WO V. X. 1:40 s. X. 8:40 A a. Thla route is s .oner to Cincinnati, Loulev.lie, Colnm £“.* *P‘ Point- Soutli, than any other route Splendid sleeping ears attached to ell Night Trains PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING LINS* Leaves At. at Ar. at Ar. at ««*»«£• Itoohcater, WellenUe, Bt«ub*ville, Wheeling, WOAX. Iko4 ax. 8:40 ax. 6*6 ax. 826 s x WOP.M. SOOe.x. 8.46 f. X. fcOllP.x, sJi.' MOt.a 4:40 r. X 600 V. X. io'n'p 0 u*r wo ’lt »• Trains connect with Trams it/ (J. K. H. for Zane-viUe, Lmocaater, 4c WeTurSir 1 ’ 8 “ ““‘ UD “ btrtet < DepoL Pirtsblirgn. b * Pro °‘ m "‘ “ th 6 Übal ’ For farther particul.i' tapiy^' Kcke ‘ A * eot ’ ...bo . WILLIAM STEWART. AgenL At th Company a Office in K, eightStatiou. Penn si reel . F. R. MYERS, —-2~ Gen'lJTloket Agent Cleveland, Ohio via biveb and bail- Indianapolis & Cincinnati Bailroad Te%X?£ K .n“ •»«* ettc and Indianapolis, N>w A iltuw .„u l«n Central Roads lor CHICAGO ROcKntl'.vn u.‘?2‘ xfrNGTON, end all D ' Hl ’ R ' wenty-fonr hours, and at as low rates. The only roea JFJuoh ahlpments can be made from Cincinnati in he West) without breaking oolk. “ “ Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, agent, et can. amuth or W. a CU IT.NQ, agent atlaSreiceburg •UI reoeiye prompt aPention, and no charge for oom mission; ao ckorgv for dray ops or ammtuion ai Lowrsnes, Fw tartber information apply to THOMAS RATIO AN I (Ho. lift Water street,) agent of the Company, who i« gepjrod to glre rtnuwcd uonm for paaaenrera ao > gggM to InoUnapolia, Terre Haute, Lafayette, Chicago I OrawfordarMe, Charles too, pana aa ■tnoon, ao, *Oe JOHN F. CHEEK. General mrt A ustin w»Mis"aTc6, d-ST Bond *- J*“W loaned on Chocks at short dates, wIU, colder*l oconoM, *om iuid drafts bought and sold desiring Loans can be aooommodated on nuonaUe terms, nod capitalists cm he famished with good Booorides si rstmnierative prices. ILO attend to Uwgate, Renting end Leasing of Rea OfflM, No. W FODBTH STREET, lixrre Wood. S hmi »T AUSTIN Locum JBODLTC'E.— , 4 sicks Ginsing; SO bushels Clover Seed; 10 “ Timothy do; 200 lbs. Prime Feathers: 8 bbls. White n«an«q For sale b?. fno8) * : ff.’SMITH AOO TTuTTJ bbb. Fresh Koii Gutter— -4 “ solid packed « r uat received and for sale by WM. H. SMITH * CO -118 Seoopd A 147 Foarth)«v; Fine pout, SHERRY, CLABET, . and BAHIEKNE WISES tJJ for aale bj WILLIAM BENNETT, No. £0 Wood HtraeL IETEEN DWiiliLtfiO’ MOUSES KOB Boot. Enquire of ' „ a CDTHBEKT k SON, I*T 01 Market rtrdat AP PLES. APPLEsI—lid barrelps prime rarlous Unclt, just rec’d and foraaialjy - t JAE A.FSTZEIA corner Market and Flratata. • 1 ?V * i; ' \?* ‘ \ -:, i> r * *** S. '• =, M 4 » t - - • - .* * W f. *V :**•;. *8 .1 V, ~ MteooeaTule. Trams on both Roads meet at Columbus, Arrives at Crestline 10.30 p n; Mating close connections as above. Arriving at Indianan's- 8.30 i. m. u “St. Loaiß—l2.lo a. *. 44 “ Cincinnati.. 8.20 a. m. end u “ Chi Jag-j 10.40 a. m. W, B,—The tune to Cincinnati Is the same as by Steu benville. Trains on both Roads meet at Columbus, and Passengers all go into Cincinnati together. Sleeping Cars en thin train from Pittsburgh to Cin inoati, to Indianapolis and to Ohica go. Trains through to Chicago without change of Cars. EABTWARD TRAINS. Leave Chicago, (UO a. k. and 6.60 t. u. Arriving at Lima, 2jtf v. m. and 3_lG a. m. ConnecGng with trains for Dayton and Cincinnati. Arming at Crestline, 6.46 p. «. and 615 a. m. Connecting with trains for Columbus, Cincinnati. Clev eland, Buffalo and the fast, and arrirtng at Pittsburgh, 110 a. M.and 3.40 p. m. All making close connections With trains on Pennsylvania Railroad for Philadelphia and the JSsstern cities. ACCOMMODATION* TRAINS—From Federal street, Allegheny, for N»*w Brighton, 9.15 a and 4JSS p. a. Arrive at “ “ IU)Q •< “6 41 “ Leave .New Brighton, 0.50 M « 1230 « Arrive in Allegheny, BJ2O “ « 00 « Allegheny and Economy Accommodation Trains Au-gheny. 12.00 and e.OO p. «' Amve at Economy, i.oo p. n_ »* 7qq u ’ Leave Economy. 6J)O a. il « 3*33 « Arrive in Allegheny, 7.25 « ’ « a*q « TBAIN— Leaves Alliance at € A l M ‘ ®° d arrives In Allegheny at 11 30 a. «.• leaves Allegheny at SL3O p. m. and arrivesfn Alliance at 720 p x. at T?ffeA? a a iS! »l U ‘ U ?^ fl r for J ,as9en « erB &nd markeiing. 2J. 1 ** Bold for these trams at reduced rates. 4 Uau “ «>naact as foUowe Wlh tram ® ° a the Cler ® ,Mld and Pittsburgh 40 &x,m Millereborg, Akron, Cuy- for Mount Vernoo. Shelby, Ban- Spdttgfleld, Columbus, Cia- D * 3rton ’ laemnapolis, Bt_ Louis, Louis* s P rin isfinid, Sanduaky, Dayton, Olndn nsu, etc. al Cinc ‘ nQ « 1 '. etc. etc. o p. m. JHE THROUGH EXPRJ&S TRAIN leaves daily at “ p. dl, stopping only at pnncipal stations, makmc toect ooanertion at Harrisburg for Baltimore, and am- Tingin Philadelphia or Baltimore at &S 0 a. m. THE FAST LINE leaves the station daily, fexcent Sunday,) at Mi a. m, atoppingonly at Greenabarg, La trobe, Johnatown, Wilmere, Galiiteen, Alloooa, AoTcon necltng at Harriaburg with lYain direct forßaltimore. and arnrutk in Philadelphia at 6t» u. m; ACCOMMODATION THAISTS. THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Sunday,) al AjA) p. m, atopping at 1,1 *UU»°n» and running aa Car u Conemaugh nriPSI TRAIN for Braddock ~ Field leaves daily, fexcont Sunday.) at a. m. FIRST TIXI N CrccV eaveadaily (except Sunday,) at 11*0 a m SECOND ACCOi&MODAfION TRAIN forTurUe Creek ?ti excc I ,t Suudev.) »t B*o p. m. , n DA J IO r* TRAI “ fdr Turtle Creek oaily* (except Sunday,) mi 040 n m. , K®HJENING TRAINS arrire in Pitteburgh ae fol -1:12 P- W ■ p. m; Faat Line. Anoomotodation, 10:30a m; Kir«l Turtle Creek Accommodauun, 0:40 a m; Braddock-. Uon, p. tn ; Hurd Accommodation, <i p. m, *nd Indiana, coooeci ai Blair* ttite lnle Johnstown Aocommodation, Ex pres?, and Mail Trains East sod West. PITfBBUKGH AND CONN ELLS VtLLE TRAJNri ““Pfdukju ell etatlona on the Pittsburgh and ConnolU. (Sunday excepted,) aa follow,:.. MeUTYatn, 6:00 Express Train,lain.ni. Beutm. Jog Traina from Pittsburgh and Conneilsrille Road i r rireat Pittaburgh 10920 a m. and &10 p. m ■The traveling pnnllc will and it greatly to their inter est Ingoing ESat or Weak to tra.S by th« Penney] tarn. Bsßroda, aa the accommodation, now offered cannot be Summed on any route. The Road,» ba,l u t.d wti and la entirely free from duet. We can promise safet. "fieirpeSronsge?* 11 “ Wh ° m * r b,ror E<»*. “>® Oompeny will hold tnonaftfilrea responsible for person*] baggage only and for an amount not exceeding iioo. & ***' ana »ifL5T Th ® S * oe, “ ,or omillba * Line bee been em ttrer ssiwijs.-g* from passenger and baggage. For tickets eppfy to J. STEWART, Art, At the Penn ■ R. R» Passenger Station, aae! On Liberty and Grant atteets. tamiTf- ii» * **' V- V ’ e*" fbi*s3L$ T &.v.k l Jz ‘NL., ,-. .. . gattls attd Hestatr.aais. FIFTH AVENUE EXCHAnTI; OAJI BARNARD, PROPRIETOR, No. 72 Fifth Street, PITTBBURCH, PA. The best of liquors always on hand, and the Choicest Delicacies of the Season served op in the most superior manner. ' . 49*,M«aIs at all hours of the day and nighutft my 7 Jydaw. 1861. YTTE AND IAD, WEST, AND :mewtj ik, and to In ' qajcker, than CORNVCOPIiE REST AURA AT BT ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. fsOTOTANmt EAI-iMq°HOUfIE 1S 6 X'cENtS 7B apgfccUw SCOTT HOUSE, COR. IRWM ST. AND OUQUESNE WAT, PITTSBURGH, PA., B • o . m: a. kker, deSI . _ Proprietor. BZOELSIOK OYSTER MD EATLYfi HOUSE, HO. 11l WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. WBOLS&UJ AND UXAH. n»»i r^ a qi LAKE AMD EASTERN FISH, EREHH PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE OYS TERS AND WILD (SAME, All In their Proper Sea-iou. OKO. KEINEMAN & CO. S -A "V" -A- <3- E ii OTfSE , Mo. 350 Liberty Street, NEXT TO PENNSYLVANIA PASSENGER DEPOT, JOHN SAVAGE, PROPRIETOR. RAVING taken and fitted up,-with all improvement*, thla popular resort, ontmmeS » ,r WY e,J *» accommodate his old tko Public generally, with the beet the markel affords. Oysters *,ll be served up in every vnrtetv of style, during the season. His WiiX, Liquori pubUe torrte“«ce 0 “ 10 th * wa.^. c . k o e , t l rud e ‘ 1 0>M<,rB recf ‘ r - d Mansion house, geo. aurentz nn^°K! el< i r ’ ??'s BM e, L ' b ® rt T "WOeUlUst Is-Slde II.S rsnsencer Depot of the Pennsylvania Raiiroa.l, which makes it the most convenient house in the city lor pas “Ohkers arriving by that road. 1 1 1 it® proprietor haring, at considerable erpen.se, fitted up, n excellent style, the MANSION Horsfe, would re 80 “i' 1 a Bh * re of public patronage. There is ““ d,d BTAiJ I- K andextensiye WAGoN YARD, affording ample accommodation t<. traveler* and Uu. Larder and Bar wdi <* lurubibed with the best the market can afford. ftjl . T SEETIN’S OLD STAND IN THE DIAMOND, THOMAS STOi\K, Proprietor. HAVING TAKKN and fitted up, at a groat expense, with all the modem itnproTe mema, this popuJar resort, the eubecntier is prepared SSr^ o *^ *** f r end9 ** Public generall*, »ith the best the market affords. ft 3 OHTERS wiU be served up m every variety of style durioc the »ea*on. 3 3 m«n!bn 0 2?,!I nd h " foel ” TO "«'I«U1 1“ cecom- P for ihoir excellence. NI^T§S!{ B RD| r M d laKn a “ JI bam -° d tiiBARIT HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA; PA. GKO. O. PKKSBUKY, Jr t " [ Proprietors. HKNRI A. CHADWICK, l ina3.-1 y 9 ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, I'liQur the Care of the Franciscan Brothers T I mLI? stltutlo - nt - situated IX tTi«« frnV* 1 v' 0, Pennsylvania, lour Ph bL/fhd!i C re-sou Sisuon, on tbs dirvoi r..uu, between “I" 1 I^“* ,bur gh, »»» ohsru-rsd in Isis. *llO pnrn.gos lu confer lie usual Cu.iegiaie H.-nor. and Degrees. Ih« local inn of the collegers one „fu e Elu»T«';, Pennsylvania this “poruon of tbs «.2l U ? U ’ ,n,i Kovsrleai l„r Us pure b™cing air, aud pictureeque *ceuery. I'" rommeuces on iheVIRST MOV oAjY'vpVl? l " l “ 01 AUUIJ ST. und ends about the Iffllh , follo,rm «- 11 “ divide. l mto two bessH.ns c * nn °‘ r<, ‘ urn hom " b»i-*<»n the Sessions. All the necessary lor Land Burveyiuc. Ed- S Ih^Tifcl^ 1 "? ' r ' ll 68 ™ rn, **i«l me Ihsinunou Instrumental and Vocal Mu.,,. io,m. no extra charge. Students wdl be admitted from eiem years lo the age of manhood. 1 yance l4 * Duard and Tu:uon, payable hall jearly In ad Washing and use *'u Classical and Modem Languages, extra 10 Students .pend VeoaUon at the College . "I" u “““ 1~ made lo the lit. Ree. Bishop tCCon B ® v - T a Beynolds, St. Mary V Isirello, aud to other Clergymen ol ihe llusburgh leooose __ ©arriajjrs. EASTERN CARRIAGES! SgiBfrLOWEST PRICKS FOB JOSEPH WHITE, A T HIS CAKRIAGE REPOSITORY I*° M ‘!® R V n ' he lw »eo Htaburgh and iortSmTof *“* t “ d * *P*enHid end general ae Carriage*, Baggie*, RocJuwajr*, Jtr, vlhL? **¥ °?°* UaU r reoeiTm* New and Second-hend Rockaway., Germantown Wagons, Carnage*, £°Bgtea, and any article pertaining to the bu,iDe.x Irff| l ttL /e * r ’i5 t *‘?‘ Cal • x P Bn «“e*i and good buatuea, him to offer great inducement* to of , the fht'aens' PaMengcr Rallwuy from Pittsburgh, pa*, tbe door every 7 , minute.. ntri-d*w C. WEST A CO., ■uirrmcnruu or CARRIAGES. RUC'KAWaYS, BUGGIES, til’Lkihd a.NI) BLKIGHB, No. 197 Dam SLrtel. DUUtmrcK. Da. "° rk * ' rarranK,d 10 ho of the le.l material. and workmanalup, mylilyd.. BATES & JOHNSON’S HOOFING WM. JOIIIVBOIV TTTODLD GIVE NOTICE that he has BiTM^fii,* 1 !!‘ e , “ w ’ r “" l °f hi. late partner, G. h. Fe,t «Sf;srmss. ,wt ’ Cement *“ d l eit nooiX*. E “ ,r,l, "* A * pUa, “ c KIR ? AND WATKR PROOF. Hoofing (itSil i u P iomruotien* for Ujsm .f Office al Bate. A Johnson', old .bind, 76 Bmithfield »l N R * WILLIAM JOHNSON. M*,' ill - , * (ltmi Cement i. unetjualled a* a Paint for ’ ‘“ Un * tW ’ C " “ loufc “ ‘»"t. «s paint, and !—- marJ7;diw puOTUJEN, COAL AN I) CARBON OIL LAMP STORED I GUARANTEE MY COAL AND CARBON OIL h® o,e **“• bhii® markeL and my .lylea of LAMPS * r ?. I ,b *, ft?? 1 h®* ll * n 100 boxes Sugar Raisins; ISO do Sonata do; 100 Udo do do: do do; 40 do Valencia do; retmkr a brothers, ~, _ „ M0..88 Wood stnet fell Opposite the St. Charles Hotel (gduraticnal , • i ’ v c •* Vl** » *'-.<.'V ~; „•■ attk&'JtHt&rJ&gfen A DOLLAR SATTVCiS BANK NO. ,85 FOURTH STREET, CHARTERED lIT 1865. CAPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o’clock ; slbo, tJTv 3j* "©duewiay and Saturday evenings, from May Ut > from 7 to fi o&ook ; aid from hi Tember Ist to May Ist. from 6 to 3 o'clock. r»™TR? BUa j roc , e * Te sums not leas than On wcT, * dividend of the profits declared twice a m J une and Decern Ire r. Imprest has been de aared semi-ennuaily, in June and December, since the oanH was organised, at the rate of six per cent, a year. ♦ a j 6l '® B ** not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest irom the first days of June and December, compound ing twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book* At this rate, money will doable in less tnan twelve years, making in the aggie* nanv aim ONx-aaLr pke can. a rxaa. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rales and office atlOQS ’ ura^ on application at the paxsmxm. GEORGE ALBREE. Tia pnsmcTTß. William J. Anderson. Hill Burgwin, Henj. L, Fahnestock, Hopewell Hepburn, James Hardman, James D. Kelley, Alexander Bradley, John B. MoFadcJem Jobo G. Backolen, Peter A. Madeira, Georgo Black, Jobn H. Mellor, Juhn B. Canfield, James M’Auley, X J “*° A- J"hn Marshall, S™ 1 ' e “ \ Oollnn, Waltar P. Marshall, William Douglae, John Orr, John Erans, Henry L. Ringwalt, w tP John H-ShoeViherger, Williams. Haven, Alexander Bpear. ** Hunker, William K. Schmertx, £-i mrd Isaac Whittier. William B. IjaYely, Christian Yeager. SXC&CTAJLT iSD TRKASUBX&. CHARLES A. COLTON. | fol LOAN OFFICE. HENRY W. CLHXOTTI, No. 100 Smithlleld St., Near the comer of .Fifth, PITTSBURGH, PA. MONEY in large and small quantities loaned on Cold and Silver, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silver Watches, and all kinds of valuable ar ticles, for any length of lime agreed on. The goods cannot be delivered without this Ticket. Not account able in case of fire. *3B.Office Houn* from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. ]a2o WM. H. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers and Exchange Brokers, W'ood Street, comer of Third, PITTSBURGH. PENN'A. NiiOLM.lv> i S(i.\S, liitnkeiij ami Kx • change Mrokers. and iJoalers in Noi4er, No. 67 Market street between Third and Fourth street*. jia3o.ly £*Jrinfl Machines. WHEELER & WILSON’S SEWING MACHINES! NO, IT FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH FAIRS OF 18001 WHEELER Ac WILSON Awarded the First Premium at the UNITED HTATKB PAUL uHlu SI Al K FA'K; II.LIN »1S M'ATE FAIR; WISCONSIN HTATR FA'R; lOWA STATE FAIR; KF.VTITKV STATE FAfR; TENNESSk 1C ST \ 1 E FAIR; NEW JERSEY STATE FAIR: VERMONT STATE FAIR; CHl<*aG o INSTITI'T- F ISN’ILLK N! ECHaNICS’ INsTI n:TF CINCINNATI MECHANIC’ iNHTi'IU'IK ALLEGHENY COUNTY FAIR, Aud other County Fajpn too numerous u.- tneuiiou WE OFFER TO THE PU BLIC Wll EEI^ KK A WILSON’S IIIPKOVKD SKIUNG Ml- CHINE A l REI.rCKD PRICKS, with eonli deuce in its moriw as the beat and moat reliable k'aini’i Sewing Machine dow Li It aewa tijimliy wt-ll on the thicke-t and u; niat fabnua, n-agen t:.e hi>k-r-utch ;mpA«Nibltt to unravel, with tn* eaeoutial adrautage ol nuke on l«oth >».den, lortnmg no ridg u nor cha,o on the underside—is ,-!mple in conmruct un, more ej>eedy in movement, and more durable than any other machine. Wrg-veriiU lnatructiona to enable the purchaser to aen ord.tury oearna, much, horn, fell, qu.lt, u„iher. biod. and tuck, aii t n the same machine, and warnyit U lor three years. Circularh containing testimonial# from ladies of Iht highest Kland og, hla.*t and West, giving prices. 4c will b* furnished gratis on appl'cation 10 perauo or by letter ttewins; Machine Noedien, Bilk Twist CoUoa and LH constantly or hand. mys W.M. SI ,II.\ER. HOWE’S* NEW SHUTTLE Sewing Machines, A KE ADAPTEDtoaII kinds of FAMILY XJL SEWING, working equally well on the hvfue»i and beanert fahrea, making the LOCK STITCH SEAM alike on both ndi**, which cannot be Baveled or Pulled Out. Ajid for Tailoring, Blurt Miking, (Vuler Kmiua and Shoe Binding, theae hare no superior. Call and »©* thorn at Mo. 28 Fifth street, Up Stairs. »p2o:dAwtf W. B. Lancell. GROVER & BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES, Ilf ITH IN THE BEACH OK ALL, T l ?** for Seven Year-i, fr*m Hi to ~, • including liemera. Inerted i»ciuue» for m«n- Uh.c.unng a ud the curtailment of nugßUon riptiuei CoD»er]urn upon recent deruuon* of the 1 mu-d SuteK Oourle ntllrmlng Ihe vnlidllv ol the Urover* Faker', th i* w,ra P“ n r 10 furmali Uicir MACHINES with important improvements at REDUCED PRICES. fha superiority of these machine* for family inland manuiactures in the same range of purpose and ma toriaU l.- attend by the tens •<( thousand* using tbe-n and the moderate prices at which they are now sold’ places them within the reach of ad aud obviate* all ex’ ouse for tampering with those inferior and low pneed machines which hare so mtich*prejudlced the Sewing Msohine business. Every machine sold by us is war ranted for tnree years, we also give instructions free of P‘V. ch * , * er * 10 enable them u* HEM, P EI.U BAME IN^K iJ EM KR(JIiJER . *LI. ON Tfl h t 6 ® h *'‘ “ our ““d 6 f*» °f charge t'7 applying either in person or by mail. * 3 , H '—Botring Maonmos, Noodle*, Silk Twin, Cotton, etc , constantly on har.d. chatonry k Walter, Mo. 13 Fifth street, DO ** General Agents. Crums. WILLIAM MEANS, HARRISON A. CX)FFIN, General Partners. MEANS & COFFIN, (Successors to M’Candlesa, Means A Co,) WHOLESALE GBOCEBS Corner Wood and Water BU., - fe "Lfs-f PJTTBBURCH, PA. HIDLIATI BAtiALW, - WHOLESALE GROCER, Nob. 18 aud 20 Wood Street, WM. U. SMITH. WM. H. SMITH a CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 118 SECOND AND 147 FIRST STREETS, w«. Muxo, Phlta._~ -.aw! MILLER &. BICRETSO.V, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AJQ) DCFOIXXU Of BRANDIES, WINKS AND SJBGARS, NOS. 221 AND 288, CORNER OP LIBERTY AND IRWIN STREETS, AND SOLE AGENTS FOB SWEARER’S CUT ftT.ARH, PITTSBURGH, PA. IfOB, lalli, Cotton Taras, *&, * , M* < •* i .1 «?«P ' James 6 D. Meeds, Isaac M. Peonock, A. M. Pollock, M. b- Robert Robb, James Bhidle, Alexander Tindle, But the rally great relief derived frost the 4^ <*• taaspoonful, of oar medicine, BCERHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS, Ott mtirt aOtenee of after proetration, he. aetebUehed writ * reputation irhieh the boet of Imitation* and ooun* J*r*** k* T * fifcfled to anderiuloe. It li poeltlraly * Tag* P r *P* r *Bon ) aith barely iaffldeot pure eplrlte %m preeerr# it. OiMDoCUr ‘ b * ° f ““ (Hftlf Pint BottlwJ prim liil & medicine of long triod effiofte; for Pori/fimf (Ae Stood, go euentiftl for the foundation of good hulth end for correcting dieorden of the ctomneh ftnd bowel*. tl* ftftlntftry effect!. Tho f tomech will ipeedil j regnin It* ftrftngth, ft healthy ftotlon of the lirer, bowolj ftnd kidney, will soon tftke pleoo, ftnd renewed health be the qnlok remit. David m'candlehs Special Partner. For Indigestion, Try Berhave’i Holland Bitten For H eeribo rn, Try Bcerhare'i Holland Bitten. Fof Aoidity, Fof 3W tterbraah, For Hoad&ohe, Try BcrhaTo’e Holland Bitten. For L.oee of Appetite, Try Berhave’e Holland Bitten. For Coeti-renews, Try BiEMiaTe’e Holland BltUra. For Piles, PITTSBURGH. •JOS. R HUNTER. la aD Nerroos, Rheumatic and Neuralgic fbe Seal, it haj in nnmerotu lutanoee prored klghlj kwlelal, and In othere effected s decided rare. **AD OAHIIOLLTI Ike tenome highly eonccotnted Baerfesre’i HiAad O^^Dl^r I |L , V« h * 1 onl »' “d t “* u w The great ft——i g, ms Me baa tndoewd many tmitaifcM vkM lb* public should guard agulaat purah^i»g^^^^ Mmimnqf ImpatOkm/ A* OaJ mg, * _ ... . %f *my brttU y££J7 "" mm * m •* Pittsburgh, Pa, / IKLKJjtKi KS.— ~ “ VjT 100 bags Rio Co floe; 25 pockets Java do; 26 hhda. Porto Rtco Susan l s P 2 lf oh u “ t *lf H - hod.Blaok^Sj &?** ITT" Baoaod ad ffroai mj * i. - * * •*■ Jnsnpntf. Indemnity Against Loss by Fire. The fha n klin fire insurance iiTSfANT of PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 438 «uiu 437 CHESTNUT STREET, near Fifth.. Suram or Aram, .lima? Ist, 1860. Publiehed Agreeably to An Act of Assembly, being: woured »1,8962i93 % T^mifif to ’^ r9flel1 ‘ ™lue 6IJ cost. 102,995 2 5 on am P* e trilateral Sec’ts 89,136 56 1® 6 .* 7 72 d coBt - 89,786 66 Nol«6 and Bills Receivable- 1,821 00 D - 27,919 33 Th ,..i. $2,208,061 68 can Hi f T ° tUl from promiums which this company Bj law ' *™ from which have beendi made on every description of Property, in security CountI 7 at rates as lov *<>ornmunny. and who are determined S.£S??» pU, t*“ ,M * ,jberaI ‘ t J r » w maintain theeharatier Vi® 7 mimed, as o tiering tho heel protec tion to those wbc dssiroto he in.-un-if ASSETS, UCTUBKR With, 180 n Stock Accounts M o rig ay e... ” '' Office furniture... Open Accounts, etc Cash Promiara Not Notes and bills discounted muioroks Oaorgo I>amio, W. Jackson, .NaUiauiel Hoitne*, Wm. H. Smith, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, Reos J '1 hotnxu PHILADELPHIA FIHE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, AO. 149 CHESAUT STREET, Opposite (he Custom House, Capital S£to,]o<>«»—Assets Wli-L MAKE ALL KINDS i>K INSU* KANCh., either Pen* ttiai or Lunula, on r?»tt awi-npuon of i rojwrlj or Sfer. hruiise, u ?7ea.,ouot,:c r»U}« of premium. KoBKKT J- Ki V». rreudp.ijt. in- W. BA LI >\\ IN, \ ice Pici-.denL LlkKc'J'oßß: Charle* Elites, K- ti, Kachan, K B. Haver/, C. Sherman, 8. J. Mufjargee, R BLACtiJViu*, Secretary. /. U. roFKJ.N, Corner Third and Wood «:r*oU DKLAWAKE MUTUAL SAFKTV i"n -y grange company.—inguhi'iki< py lUK LEGISLATURE uF PEN Ns I VWIA* Utah “;«« * -E CO BXBK rHlßl>A.<-I> WA LXu'Tsrt PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCES,*VwiI.’ V53?0fi0r :,,t,,t * lu 1111 |,Kr ''° rLi,e v, ' ,r| ' i inland Nbl RANGES on Ooiklh. i.v Rivera, l-anali, Ij,ken. an.j krillvcn?'”'* 1111 *"“?* 01 lh " l: “ lun - FIRE IN sgran. EE on Mereuandiee nonei-ally, onSUirep iiw.,l - tlouaee, Ac. " " ' Di i icron t . —\V m . Mart.n. r.amuu.l A. -o.iij.r riicophilus PauM.ng, John N. Peuroao. John t Jani. • 1 i»qu«tr, Wm. Eyre, Jr„ Junin. c. i iluW L Wn LuJu.g. Joneph H. Seel In. R. M. Huston Gi o Lieper Hugh Craig, Charles Reliev, Samuel E. a,0k,..' J. F. I euietoQ, Henry Sloan, K-luar.l 1 inrhni/ioi,, || Jone. Brook., Spence, M'llv.nn Thom*, l), \ ;oe l*r*»a.-.leau Umx*i LrLßPta, Socreurv. A. MAU.KthA. A,- t 2l. .V. 96 Wal-r i'.,iX ur(l) itiifn's J aiarun rc Com pan y of Pillsbnrgli OOice, Cor. of Market ami Water Si». WM. BAtiALLY, President • HAMI i.i. L&A, S^en-tary. NSUREM ATEAMUO\TS CARGOES. Injures *ii.J l-uiwixo m the Na* •.jyih of the Southern and Western K.v ,-r-, Laic** u tid Bayou*, and i’.c Nar „■ I n :■ - Insarea agaln*t Loaa and Damage by Ktre, Win Bugai-v, H. o. T. M. Kv»«, J.i M Jm. PjU-lt. Jr, 0./u,., .1 HurtMlbL, ’ B. V J'* u oh, Cai Vtt. C. Young, J. L.-hUvell. Jr, r ranctb S. C. Kier, Jo>,u S. iH-vorCi John Sbijrtoa. Barclay | V( j' ' WEST KM V\( !1 Mutual Insurance Company, LoCK iIAVE„\ Cl.i.\"R>>' cuum v. CHABTEKED BT THE LEGIS LATU EE OP PENN YLVANIa; ° V * A ' njAl.il ROO.OUO | Hcuira ,v„lei ... ,13-. 3111 r pil!.S O'MI'ANY Wlf.l, I.NSI'KKdX X Mtrcl.aua-.w), l'uru.:..ift,. iui..»nur country. lriart-ryas:— Hon. J. J. P«Arcf, J. H. »' H > 1 V \>. r *'n- Hon I. <• HftrveV, Wine, friet, 1- K. J. sn»:,( u.. a' Mayer. Peu-r l'ick»on, W. Wimp, -j K / ~n Hu.N. (i. i;. HaKVKV, Iren; ' ‘ T. T. ABRAKa, Vice l*r*is;ijelit. Tut*. Km: urn, Swrfurv. . _ ')■ A. Ml’l’Lßi', AgeLt, d ... _ _ _ No. 70 Kfih -cr-et. PENNSYLVANIA CO^. Of l*it is burgh. Wo* Fourth Street OlREtriußrt. Jaoob Painter, R«i.iy l*HH"r-..'t, 1. urier SpniuL A. CuiUiD, Jiunes li Hoi-kinn A. a. Carrier * Hetirv Hproul, *N.oh. V tightly, t»e. rc* W A. J. Jotieft, Wa-le Hamp:.» , Patrick, Chartered f apitui SHOO imUi FIRK AND MAKI.N'K KIHKS T.iKU u f „| j. BcrijHioas. orriccu: A. A. CARRIER, Proßident. J. ttRIER SPKJI'i., rWreiarr [ *.y B (E KHAV E ' B HOLUND BITTEBS DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, la. ft# funccwfu] iDbodoctloo ud' qm of tth Mn«dj haa bo®n th* far t literal flood at mampow»4t “ Bitter*, * ofbrad lo rarkioa farma, (Ha a fur# bottle to • fire gallon keg, untU this ward " Bitten 'likct aaotber doom tor u grog," or tome vULainoua whlakar mi*- lub Two or three dosei will eouTtsoe the afflicted at Try Bsrbavo’i Holland Blttan. Try Barhave’i Holland Bitten. Try Barhan’i Holland Blttan. BENJAMIN PAGE, JM. A 00. ton runuxroßi, PiTTaßT'Hnn. pj BY THE Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. Of Philadelphia, On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Merchan dize, Furniture, &c., in town or country. OFFICE NO. m WALNUT STREET. Cash Capital, $229,510 GO. Assets, $303,508 96. , Invested as follows, vis:— | First Mortgage on Improved City Property, Torth double the amount $166,000 00 Ground rent, first class 2,46‘i 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 0® cenLMortgaae Loans, 630,000, cost. Philadelphia < uy 6 per c*Qt loan Allegheny County 6 $ cent. Pennsylvania Rttiuoad Loans 10.000 00 Collateral loans, well secured 2,600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Kail* road company, mortgage loan 4.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Co_. 24,860 00 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co. 1,060 00 Stock of Delaware M. S. Insurance Company. 700 00 Commercial Hank do 6,135 01 Mechanics’ Bank do * 2,012 60 Union M. Insurance Co’s Scrip jgq oo Hills Receivable, business paper 16,297 18 Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc 6£lfl 72 Cash on hand and in in hands of agents 11,386 H Mordecai b. tawis, David 8. Brown, Samuel Biapham Robert Steen, William Mussor, Benjamin W. Tinsley, Marshall Hill, 'L. Lothrop. Charles Inland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Biaaeil, Pitta. B. M. HINCHMAN, Secretary. J . GARDNER CUKKIN, Agent/ tpyifl Nurtheaai corner Third and Wood street*. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. OKFICK-Bio. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Block. TNSUKES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF JL FIRE and marine risks. ISAAC JONES, Premdoni; JOHN l). McCORD, Viet BOOK, Secretary; CapL WiLLIAM DEAN, General Agent. u° n^« C - G - HtiMe 7» Harrey Childs, Wjf- John A. Wilson, R L. Fahnestock, JohU p. McCord. Copt. Adam Jacob*. R. p. Starlm*, Capt. W (>ean. Kob’t L. MGrew, Rob’t k Daria. mr36 .$ t.i.000 (X/ 1t.160 i T-Aj 00 7,J00 4.T . i sa;-i i* . 2;.i«»6 *■» . )"4.176 U K. Miller, Jr, Jam-3 M'Aui*-/, AtrXAoJer Nu.uek, ('him. W. Wrn. McKaicht, L)aritl M. Loq*. (Slassirarj. w. CUNNI.tUHAiI b. OCSSIfUmAM, a. iwnmmtni^M »>• »:>«*» c imacia f 1lf N N ' I*> 1 *>'GUAMS A C().—PITTSISURGH Kj cm (ii.A.ss wmrks—warehouse, N 0.119 vnhut street, ami IbC First street, Puurtmrgh, Pa, three ■ lowrs below Monunaaheia House, Manufacturer* ol Iu g burnb Cay Window t.lar.s, Druggists’ Glaae Ware, and V:n«ncan Convex Glart.s,for parlorwindowu.churches a.ia public budding*. eel&ly GALLAGHER, CRAIG & CO, fc- It. Ueoive VV. Ki.mii, JoM»ph H. Phul, • Jolm Chtyico, K. Wiipr, QTKAM AND GAS PIPE FITTERS, kJ Piil-M RhKs and PIN LSH ERS of all kind* of brae* work, DEALKES IX GAS FIXTVBBS, 4C. omo. ud War.room, So. 1K« Wood at., Oto Doors from Flftli. foundry, No. 1914 Flr.t it., In Door, u.lovr Mouong.hrl. Home. i he well-known practical skill and experience in the Yimous branches of Brass Casting, Steam and Gas Pipe hitUßi;, ol the senior members of the firm, (who will gne their personal attention to all work entrusted to .hem,; should entitle us to a share of pnblic pairouage All Orders Promptly Pilled* QIIK 1 S TMAS PEESEN TS. PLATK B'AlUllittS, TiiAES AAD VABKB .1 '’• I LKMI.NU, successor to L. Wilcoi <■-7 4 C«, ccroer of Martel street ud the Diamond d rT'rl a t S'mv?'! (y“* w the busmens. ’ .. 1 h>Hlci,tDs ’’ ear'U'uJJj compounded & < 0., HdUSK, tiIUN AND OKN’aMKNTaL PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS, -■io. 135 Tblrd Street, _ p a . t. t. n ui By, KOTTSE, SIGN ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, No. i. Cor. st. Clair St. aud Duqueane Way w..rk «ulrm/e,.l lo rn« will tm Neat]/ and Hrornj'ify Exi»cuifd, OHGAN MANUPACTCEEE Kerpa constantly on hand Church and Parlor Organs, (>K EVERY SIZE ASI) DESCRIPTION. NO. 1. Three stops. 7 feet sinches hie), 4 re«t y inches wide. 'i foot 6 inches deep «:te;»“f«. , "n‘SSu^ l “ DOto b,gh ' 6 fwl euiohe * w,i u : itXf&ggtilf* 6 ioch “ “*•*• 7 *-» 3 iD *- : [eetdoep Wei7o Bt ° P?S 13 feet hifih * 0 feet fl in * Wllle * i i.i- above dimensions are for Grecian cases; If Goth ict.iM* ihojr win I* somewhat imjhei. r»>r fuel her information apni* to 81 Wood street, HENRY RUBEN, 172 Centre iireet, NEW YORK. &pl3:ly—RHt B . PliK R 1, BOOT IUE -A. K; EB, , Third Street, hear Wood, (Two Hoorn aboro the Telegraph Otfloe) After a long absence fkom th 6 Boot business, lias again commenced, end that he will he able to render general aauefMMion, acd would be pleased to nee his Termer Ho ima on hand Ihe bee^S men w,M LA ' h BMN S, and none bntthe beet of work men will reooire employment. Bauafled that he is ixjmpetem to mdge of the workmannhip and material busTi*/"'*’ attenuon to this branoh ol HHjJLEBMAU '& UO.V H AVE A COMPLETE stock of Hats, Cap* and Ladle*’ Furs, Which they offer at the lowest prices, wholesale and retal hillerman a co, - ■ 4 ... 76_Wood stteet. _ | TUAL Vases, Of the most elegant tie \J f’gnuaud beautiful patterns. Coal 11 od* and Bucket*, In great variety and cheap. FkAUKHaofall kinds-Nursery, Wire, Prussia Iron, U} ' l Iron »ud Common, Brass Tipped and Plain, at T. J. CRAIG’S* . 124 Wood street, n-ar Fifth. ''l' 1 lie manukactuKEBs of~saw~ JB. VKR’S CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, aller subjecting it to the severest tests known to the trade, are fully nursusded that there is no Family Waah ln u >° Lotted States, for bo little money, haring qualities, (and so few discounts!) !n COl ° rB - “ rmDOB8 ' “unlace and tea! ~.Vs P £' Rl ,™-J B freeclon ’ ho™ rosin, turpentine ?,n , o ,‘ fli ,al lF rease i and adulterations. QUALITY—For washing clothes, of erery des cnptton, coarse or tine; ootton, linen, woolen or silk uyeo. printed or while; lor x&ssuiq tar, grease, uitch oil, pnntera’ ink, shoemakers’ wax, etc- from Clothes, furniture, and from the hands. Give it a fair trud for yourselves, and be convinced, ttemember, the name la on each bar. Ask for a cod? of the directions. B. C. kJ. U. SAWYER. FJ 47 Wrwl wLrtwkt. P»tt«Uxireh SCLIUBEHI & SON, attend to the • sale and purchase of Beal Estate, colleotion oo Kob4», borrowing and Loaning Moneys on Notes, Bonds Mortgages. Ac , M Market street. 0024 SAW All LL Ft IK SALE WTTH"2]TcKES of Land, Water Power; 1 run of bums for use of L'ls’illery, ard all conveniences for doing a large bust nee*, bjtuaie near the 3d Lock not far from the River -. ,a * ... > m'THHKRT 4 HON, 61 Market street. SU 11ING Tli K TIMES.—WaII Paper anti Borders will be sold at redout 1 - *a7 CHLAP WALL PAPER?,—Por sale by oa7j w. p- marshall. WOUfLN 'HUO&S AT COST.—Balance of slock will be dosed oat at rosL EATON, CREE A MACRUM, 1 __ 17 Fifth if BUOiy Hi-A.I i LOUR.—fI,OUO pounds Buckwheat Flour In 60 pound sacks In store and lor aale by JAME q A. FETZBR, oorner Market and First sta. DkY FRUIT'.— ‘ 75 sacks Prime Dry Peaches n , , 36 “ « Apples; ReceiroU sod for sale by . „ HENRY H. COLLINS .1 x N 0.2& Wood stree / 'lODhitSH.—2,UOO prime Codfish, for sal V> WM. fl. BMITH A 00, H 8 Second A 147 Fourth ate 1() CENTPKINTS, BEST JN THE ~ ty , Amoral ffluru, Shirting Muslins, Linens, Pillow Casings, Shawls and Cloaks a HABSON LOVE, 74 Market etreeL JAaD. —5 tierces for Bale by J 0 (, WM. H. SMITH A CO., I® B ® 118 £ckod4 * 147 K aft? -• v--, - ti • •*• v v v«'. .• gnanranq. FIRE INSURANCE >3)3,608 00 CL KM TINGLKY, Preside® d i a x oro a s. Clem Tineley. Wilham R. Thompson, KrtaJerikc Brown, Stevenson, John H. Worrel, H- D. Carson, RoUirt Toland, Fredunck l.ennig Charles a. Wood, James H. Woodward* N It W I' I R in. brass founders, BKAUTIFUL PEEUE EB, Coal Veaea, Firo Irons, TIN AND BRITANNIA TEA SETS, *t T. *. CIiAlG'B, 11*4 Wood bt. Fito doors from Fifth (SKOOMi STORY.) bo aold ai reduce*! pric'es, by W. P. MARSHALL, B7 Wood Btree , ' l '. '-* *• - >*•' ”-< •+* - -r • - 4 '!' "■ , •-" - ■■' ■ -.Y* B. hUmuMwmsMM—Wnummw g, |*||| M’KEE & PHILIPS, CIMEBAL COOPERAGE, Fayette Street, Between Hand sad Wayne streets, PITTSBURGH, PHUT/L “• e*l»od to famish Coal Oil, Whisky, Ale, *~-S!** S. B. & C. P. iTiARELE, MANUFACTURERS 37,900 00 80,000 tiO A.35T22 DBA c, EH S XKT T>OOK, CAP, LETT) ft, and all kinds of ' aTeremoiod m -' 4l No. 33 Bmlf afield street, PITTSBURGH, PA, ap9 irH»Caah or Trade for - Kaot. B. C. &. U. SAWVER7 LAKD OIL, CANDLES, Palm, Toilet and Kosln Soaps, Ko. Wood Str.ct, Pittsburgh, P» IVM. CLA¥TO.\, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTEB, No. 31 Diamond Alley,near Wood St,, PITTSBURGH, PA. V* ft—4 U orders pmmptlv atuoddd ta UCIUXO W. &OOK&TS .7........ ~...7."p. 801MIC* FOURTH STREET. UPHOLSTERY, No, 86 Fourth Street, near Wood, The subscribers manufacture and keep constAUlly oo hand every article in their line, tis: Cornices, OrmunenLVXirtai n Good&,Comfort*, Feather Beds, Wattrasses ol aJi kinds; also, the celebra ted Patent Spring Beds. All kinds of shades, Blinds' and Fixtures. Aa#“ Prompt attention given to all orders for filling and laying down Carpets, Oil Cloths, Ac. ocU7:lyd ROBERTS A ROENICK. A FULTON, IiFLL AND BRASS AA. FOUNDER, No. 70 SECOND Street; Pittsburgh, Pa-i if prepared to furnish to order, CHURCH, STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND OTHER BEI.IJS, OF ALL BIKES, From 10 to 10,000 pound*. o.ol? E , LL“ made h> order. STOP AND GAUG E Lot ES of all Hlzee, for Steamboats MINERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER BAILINGS, and every variety of Brasa Castings finished In the neatest manner. BABB IT-8 ANTI-ATTRITION METAL; FUU rON 8 PA TEN 1 MKKALLIC PACKING, for Steam ® n^D#,R - . ap2&ly_ OLDEST AND LARGEST Liihographie Establishment in the City. Will. SCHUCHAIAJV, PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER' nos. n END 19 FIFTH STREET, BREWER'S BUILDING, aoH PITTSB a&QB t PA GEO. ULETCIIER, Manufacturer of the Celebrated GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG EL A STING BAND TOUPEES, JCS I7IRT &BGRIPTIOIV flf Ornamental flair for Ladiei and Gentlemen, NO. 65 MARKET STREET, - m T J _ _ PITTSBURGH. PA. Witi. j. TAixuii Al. uo., ' WHOLESALI FISH DEALEB, No. 122 and 124 Aor tli Wharves, ( Above Arch Street, ) O. 1. KVKELAUD CONSTANTLY ON HAND SQUABE AND OVAI BONNET BOXES; i” order PI " AI ‘ N AND FANCY PAPER BOXES, statable lor Shoes, l>rj» uudmr«h. Pa. jeO:i CABTWRIGHT & YOUNG, (Successors to John Carttmght,) Manufacturers and importers of Pooket and Table Cutlery, Surgical and lie nut imente, Gems, Pistols, Pishing Tscklo, out, No. 8e fbeygive special attention to the rmmufkc luring of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repair ng with punctuality aod despatch. aplT ,J AS - AiUN'ONGAHELA PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the publKj that he has rebuilt since Lie fire, and having en larged his establishment, au.i tilled it with the newest and most approved machinery, is now prepared to fur ai.h flooring and planing Ijo arris, scroll sawing and re sawing, doors, aash and shutters, kiln dried, frames mouldings, box-making, Ac. Iram * a » South Pittsburgh, September 7,18 ST. j a 20 ALADDIN COAL OIL COMPANY: BHJSBETOJf, JOUSSTOA £ ffILKIi'B, No. 46 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TTAVE ALWAYS on hand a superior MRlffiS r OOAL L Ji , S£ ICATUiB ' ° f ” VerJ Tari Wholesale and Eotail FHn.ijr axYMxa' RKYMKB t * AN Mb KRUI “«™^C^ e S N Ft?nONER^ ~ v"’ J M . LITTLE," MERCHANT TAILOR, HO. »-» gT. CLglB BTRJCJCT, (l>r. Iriah’s New Building,) _ djiiij Pittsburgh. STOCKING EMPORIUM! CHEAP ARC DUE Bl* M. DALI', Stocking Manufacturer. C'S E hi’ IF ST - AND market »u liftle to the season. Ho sella prim vrtlcles u Low Pi ices. Cell and examine. " o*Remember, M. DALI has but one itore, ud the on the corner nl Kifth bl. and Mart el lay!’ HOTICB. I A l ili! I RSON WISHING TO ADOPT A A CHILL, some six weeks old will call at the U “S> .. DR. BRaNSTBDP. do2B No- 85 Vmlthfleld at. Pittsburgh. WILLIAM CAKE & CO., Wholesale Grocers, IMPORTERS OP WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &C. ALSO, Difltillers and Dealers in FINE OLD MONONBAIIELA BYE WHISKY, AC. 327 and 329 Liberty Street, Jl>Al T PITTiBCRaB. PA. Wigs, Wigs, Wigs, AND ORNAMENTAL HAIR, of every description and Latest Styles of Fashion, mmn -ed bj 5T R. CAMKRCfN, No. SIpSmB? The snbeenber haring resumed business In PlflSnrirh wishes to inform his former friends and patronsoftKi ettj and surrounding conntrjr and wonlda.ll.b-L.. tendon to a newaudbeauufui It puts all former plans of wig-making in the Saia ““ thefSZS 22£&,‘ff3.'3i £g» FITS CURED! FITS CURED! THU GREAT AMERICAS REMEOI. This medicine has brought Happiness to the Homes of hundreds ol Families kua* have for years suffered the greatest affliction, in I** 71 their family afflioled with /hi* drMdfcj dtaeaae. Wh* c™ bring of “ ' r ggfipffs guards, u ms nv viofotr ov h jutxcruuM oi PHILADELPHIA. * . —if 4-. »v ‘U - .; .. 4 » ._• vS J "'' s -'v' r '-*-'^’ i '\ fc v,^"p4fe&i^S ' < : - , ' '„>. nr-- - »,>' i;i 4-, V- '••?.... '.v -^vV: * * *i } 4 t * ,i w c i - - »; f ' * i > »/., ’’ -v .. ;- j 4 ' Vi"’’" '■' ■ Win. BEIVHA IMPORTER AMD DEALER IN , BRANDIES, CORDIALS, WINES, on Old fflonongahela and Rectified Wbliky, So. ISO Wood Street, ~ Kttstjntjn, Pa fe22:6m B. P. mi>DLETON & DUO. IMPORTERS OF '? WINES, BRANDIES, See. ALSO DILALBBS IE Fine Old Wliiskies, NO. 6 NOBTH FRONT STREET, feaaiyd PHILADELPHIA. gfatotao and gepre. w. A D. RINEHART, BAXDfIonnUB ASS sum a AlttODgflt TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SE6ARS, i'OIV AKtSTHAL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENUINE HAVANA CIGABB, Virginia Chewing Tobacco; WOOD STEEE3? J Under tbe 8t Cherlea Hote, ocil iroftssttonal. H. W. PAfTEatfojr. PATTEBSOIV X DAIYBOS, attorneys at law. KI'HN’S LAW BUILDINGS, Diamond Street, near Grant. |,w )' PITTSBURGH, PA. «• F. L FCi»7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, £f o • 79 Grant (Three doora below the Court House,) r*. i» brachemridge, ATTOHFEY AT LAW Office, No. 135 Fourth St.,' PITTSBURGH, PA. T CHARD K S 1) ICiEN ” * ATTOB.NKY AT LAW, Office, No. 91 Omni .trui. n ear Fifth. jftl-fcly Pittsburgh, PoH*i- WM. 11. WniTKEI, notabt i»xjißLia OFFICE at the Pittsburgh iPoK, Kflh wroet ami Wood. • a a. k, x> . T SCOTT, DEN TIBT, • Has removed to the home kttelyoaoueled'by Dr. W. A. WARD, JXo. S7B Penn Street, (South aide,} third door above Hutdalmt, Office houra from 9A- M- till 6P. M. reptdy JO S E JPH aTI>~A MsV DENTIST, So. 97 Wylie Street, Flttetrargh, Rtrißisci Dr. A. M. Pollock, D. D. Brace, Esq, Dr. Hallock, Theodore Bobbins, Ruesell Erretf. Eba. •' royl-fcly I AMES A. LOW HIE, Attorney fit Law. Sflrt end Ct.e^n^ 8 * 1 ’ PiU ‘ ibttrgh ’beSreeAffinith. jr J.EU Is. SELDEN HAVING RESUMED te iBE PRACTICE OK DAW. may bcrcfler be found el hi» office, No. 122 Fourth street, H Pitobuigh. AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to # G. W. Biddle, No. H 4 Smithfield street. Office hours from eight to l o’clock, and from & tot o'clock. felfcly iapmtan ©nllerits. ROGERS’ imbroljpe and Photograph rater rtunu< GALLERY, CHRONICLE BUILDING, Ke. TO truth Street, NKA.RLY OPpO&ITK THE POST OFFICES to *"*■»%«* PE OPL ES’ GALIEIT, 93 WOOD STREET, Corner of Diamond Alley. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECT FULL \ announce to the cituseiiß of PiUEbunrh*n'"«Wuts Taken. Bills Probated. rj U ARLES”W7LEWI^LDERMAn7 - ' AND IS-OmoW/UfltlCl OP TO! Wim OFFICE ON mu COitNEB OF WYUB AN D FIFTH BTREETS. busmens connected with thia office will be e^ 6 r arofAuotnlj - To the member of the Bar he tenders hie eerriau u Cominiuuoner to take Depo.itiona to be Sd ta\S ktgd «e ? verv dSk * JAMES W. WOOD WELL. FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, WHOLESALE ARB RHTin., T7MBRACING every style of Pumltwo, ifix-r. ,^£SL Mah S*¥V>. ““ Walnut, suitable for rErlors, Chambers and Dimop Hsyama. oan*i tn ■.. r. tn Now York and PhiladelphhalndM 40 LOWER PRICES. Ererv article made by hand, and Warranted. k»-Cabinet Makers supplied with any uuantltT nt Furniture and - Chairs, on reasonable ternm. Rnc.nf and steamboats furnisfiod at theahorOMt nottea. w£!i rcon«, Noe 77 and 7« Third street, PiSbwX'Pe ■pURNITURE~K)K CASH.—A fufl an- P,ttBb,u: K h ■noauffietared FURNI. BUREAUX^ BOOK OAftyca; , . „ , WARD ROBES. And eTery article needed In a well famished dwell,.-, as well as a splendid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE Constantly on hand and made to order I. «. terms on which business is done at the?i* 1 ® only for CASH, prices are madenSlitoJfa* p£^’ hlM,lt <® ass*-“*~ SS-s j. D. FACDHiaf 0 ' 108 BmiU,ltold str »«‘. below Fflh. Jobs M. lftwm c. u. ■ — Office, Counting Boom or Dispatch Building. AGENT for the purchase and sale of Heal* Fatale; the Houtiog of Property and CfllWtiH.. # Puroh.se and tale ofKoeLa iSnSSSSte?' jnoSitai CSHMS«S 81 Ponrtl ‘ St., year Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. R w. D.&H.M'CALLUM B3PECTFULLY ANNOUNCE THAX UMi thsy ara no* receiriug, tog ß njpplt^l VELVET, BRUSSELS & THREE-PLY CARPETS PINE AND LOW PBiCED INoLu N I ia oii. ci.othB, SHiSmS l®s§s hoi hoi Fos jtnrcj!! P YOU WANT SOME GOOD NEW and lover tbea *t aa/oUier hoSe .F rul ‘ Notice, R^Tu~ TH iL7? a <*». "upplied t»«.i£?*£T- Carbon and Coai oS*afinrtSf th« at *tr»r* pjtoe*. mn * HwpV 5. <&,<