f£37s*i - .\ v, *> '' ■V; ".' r> vv.v:■ ; -'••:/ - ■- a v*>*■** s i * ** * v 1 * , :V?.**»*V** *f SJ -' , 'v J - * I'"” *■' $ V'v f® l« v SAVtoif- V-.; ,t:>- *;r '. - i ; 4 V <••,.&” >{*k.'o? s >;-V* fc*\ ►• ! * *> -' ‘i *s& r " '’V^V: ’ •MwA<*%'dfcV*«!V*sYN ',*t\|!ja2i*~j\ *' J «’t‘, i .'■ rc>‘‘Vv>*“£Ts ’m*'u-jXw*'kve*-' i„ v 1 cr*,' ♦*p-.N iV v r'-r:.#,vt? 'c>- 'V - ;•* s^/svsa s&M'%*'%i'i *% •; sr c ; Vi£*# SfeK'v ( "fe'S r; ' - ••• •■■. i f 1 4 * f Vfcy* • Hi 2v^^\vrr,' W^^st/*2ai&V«s •>1 1l hr: * .; s BS” ss*jfei-*is&3r£5 s *jfei- *i$&3r£ Iff# *«V? » p ; x, < 3 ••• << ..n.n - <_ . im&Jv* ”> -/ v vff ■ /rsy-:^;' •- As.A^; .' « - »i. * *•, * .•/ Ijf « '' , , ' t‘ . -■■vy ■ ■' .'-'W'S s *' ■ ■ • ■■* Sef- -•■ ' ' • 'V-% . .. ,' ' y?>'' ANKLIN BILLIARD SALOON, frasklih hall, street. Opposite Pittsburgh Theatre, JOS. MATTHEWS, Ja, Pkotucoa. TH 3 ELEGANT and commodious Hall is sow provided withO MEW MARBLE BED filL i«l\B j TABLES, of (be latest and most approved style and putern, &ud is otherwise titled up equal to any In ths oountry for the accommodation of citizens and a'raagera, and for light, air, comfort and convenience's aol surpassed, if equalled in the Western States. The PrDpriotor solicit* a continuation of the patronage eo .icerally bestowed on his Saloon heretofore, and assures t e iiQbixc that every attention will be paid to their comfort and pl &suro. M. IL—Agent for the bale of Billiard Tables, UnP? Uioui, Cues, Points, Chalk, and alt other articles in hi? ine, which he can dispose of on reasonable terms auo *t> ue manufacturer’s wholesale prices. aiv*- 1 <■ Jons w McCarthy, savcnai, BILL POSTER, Will attend to the Distributing and Posting of PILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS l PROGRAMMES FOR Aauiemenu, UallroatU, SU«ub««u, Bhi pa, Hotels, Bales, Ete M PITTSBURGH, PA. Orders sent to the office of the Pittsburgn Mom- Post, or Daily GniAtU, will receive prompt auentmo L. HIIiSHFELU, DEALER IN GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRT MANUFACTURER, NO. 839W00D STREET. f|IHE SUB-SCRIBEK KESPKCTKULLY A »nnounces that SUlKl'd med*i bv him areguw amevd to flu wi!l be forwarded to any part »*( the Utuon, on receiTiug from the part;o> se.d nj the cr »er»* then personal measurement of inches, aocordiugto the for mula given below. »iee aru nd the neck. . S*comt Bir* around the wnsL Tfurtt Bixe around the ohest, immediately be ow the arm pit*. tburVi- Krotn the middle of shoulder, leugth of arm to wrist joint. FiflK. Heigbth of person from the shoulder to the knee-pan. Constantly to stock a full assortment of Sturt* of our manufacture. Any orders adtVessed tu me by uuui, wdl he promptly attended to. L. HIR3HFELD, NO. 83 WOOD STREET; |«OT TO THE PUBLIC. ESPECIALLY the ignorant and falsely Mod est Physicians of all denominations, treat secret and delicate abuse and easss or Btoations common A incident to youths of both aexe&snd adults, single or mamed. Because lh Baasvrup publishes the fact of his doing so, the ignorant and talsely modest are dreadfully shocked, and thine it a great tin, very immoral, and lor contamination and corruption among their wives, promiamg sons and daughters. Tbeir family physicianahouioW caution* to keep them in ignorance thailhey d< Ihe same as Ln BRANsTRUP. (except publishing) lest a lucrative prao hoe might be lost to them among etuwd, falsely modert and presumptuous families, born and raised In igno rance, sprung up as mushrooms. and who compare soci ety, Intelligence, sense, Ao, to dollars and cents, myste nooaly, meanly or illy gotten. Hlsto j üblielty. how©v» or, that numerous parents and guardians am thankful that their sons, daughters and ward", f i rvjoualy feeble, sickly and of delicate condition and arpearanoe, have been restored to health and vigor by fa. BRANBTRUP besides many before and after marrow, u through him have been saved much suffering, anxiety, mortification Ac. Having the advantage of over thirty yean experi ence and observation, consequently, he has ituperioi skill in the treatment of special diseases, and wbeh daily consulted by the profession, as well as reoorn mended by respectable citizens, publishers, proprietor* of hotels, Ac. Office 84 Smithfiela street, n««r iAamonf 4 street. Private communications from ail parts of tb* Union strictly attended to. Direct to OYERSTRUAt; GRAND WE TAKE pleasure in annouc- ING that we have jn«t received one of the In uni table mOWiV'S OVKRSTKtiVU GRAND PIANOS. and we herewith respectfully invite the pnh'.io. one aid all, tog've us a a l. au 1 ox imioo tne I'ro.Vs -touui Senttema'i bare pronouu *.e,l i< s iperior to any Grand ley have ever played upon. Tney are considers I ihe best Piano Fortes niauafa;t irs-i upio'on ol u-ar.y all the grea e*‘ atid ms- prom nant Mui;ouuu kuJ Artiste regarding these instruments. Th-* auilers ; gQeore those rema'mng. do hereby i-eruiy I—That as a result of said improvement, the voice of the Piauo Isgre.-uly unproved in quality, quantity and power. )•—Tin e’mod by Bteinway’* improremoot is much more even, leva harsh, struntcor, ana much * etier nrotooged. than thtt realized many other Piaoo with which we ora acoua.nted 3—l ha undersigned regard the improvetneot >.f Mr. Stomway as must novel, ioge nioos and imp irtaot. No Piano ol similar cous-ruouun has ever been known or used, so fir as the undersigned know or believe. GNutav Salter, U. C. Hill, Wm.Ma.ioo, Geo. W. Morgan, B B. Mill , Wrn A King John £f. PaPeroon, Car> B-*rgmann. Wm. tasr, Geo, F. Bristow, Robt Goldbeck, H r Thtnm. H. KLEBEIt & BBO„ No. 53 FIFTH STREET, lass The oo partnershie hereto- FORE exia uig t>etwert grib, )al7:lm JAMAS M. HULRY. COAL, NUT COAL, SLACK, A COKE.— Haring purchased the ontlre ioier««tof my late partners lathe firn of RAJLttY. M’KAIN A Oo. f lam qow prepared to tarnish to our former customers ano the cititens of Pit sburgh and n-laity generally, a superior aoal'ty of C*'AL, HUT COAL, BLACK and GORE, in large or small qumtio*. Orders sent through the Post Office, left at the Toll House of the Monouga hela Bridge, or at the Works* wil 1 be attended to witn promptness. • Cpal Works and Office, situated in South Pittsburgh, one square shore the Monongahela Bridge. pTasn JaMß* M Ra TLEY rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE 1 existing between the undersigned, under the style ana Arm of C IHMSEN A CO, has been d evolved by txtntaa! consent. C. IHMSEM PossßffxoE, January 9th, 1961 fIIHB BUSINESS OF THE LATE FIBM JL of C. IBM6SN M (XX, will be continued Irom and after I bis date, under tbe ityle of 0. IHMSEN * SONS*, b? the undersigned, CL IHtfSEN. WM. IHMBEK, Jalfr PiTTWOMH. January 9th, 1891 pHE A.PEBT UTNTiENTTXO^S3OO7i hand, remainder at $lOO per year, will purchase a twontory Brick dwelling boase, of hall and fire room a, hydrant, valuable grape Tine, eic. Lot about 24 fpet front. *7 00 in depth, situate on comer of Margaretfa and M3tdle alley a, city. Price (1200. In quiry of YinTCRETU'S UAKDKN SKKDa.—Just ■jf received a large select and varied stock of the *boie named Celebrated Garden Seeds, embracing all theatreW varieties The entire satisfaction ear Seeds ren * \. , ‘ ,-• -f' *U- *’ - . y • v- JRiasallaittoua * —AND— 3Jo tiers. BOX 800. Pittsburgh Post Office FOR BALE BIT Notice! JAB. M’CANDLRW, ROBERT JAM.RUN. THOA JAMIRUN JOBl AH REAMER. roTTCET WM. IHMREM, K. M'GOWISf, NOTICE ! S CUTHBKRT A RON, "L Real Estate Agents. _ 6l Market street. 5- ? '. Jtyrdal hollas. The Very nut! So Doubt (IT It! WHAT? W).T, Hmmslreel-> H«r Restorative,— hi «..ry body who u»<»« it recommends it. huui tft-frvv»n*r«»--nric« to o*ms, and $1 per bottle. vv. K. HAG AW A CO., Proprietory t it Troy, New York. IKY IT I TRY ITI TRY IT l TRY IT l TRY IT 1 THE UENE39EE LINIMENT; THE UKNE33EK LINIMENT; THE GENEHti.EE LINIMENT; THE UENKSSEK LINIMENT; THE GENESEE LINIMFNT; the cheat external remedy I FOB RHEUMATISM, GOVT, NEURiLDU, LUM BAGO, BTIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, . PILES. HEADACHE AND RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. THE GENESSEK LINIMENT *#*la never known to fail to cure RheumalDtn THE GEN ESS HE LINIMENT a certrin and speedy cure for N**uralg'a THE (iENESSEE LINIMENT an immediate care for Barn« or Scalds. THE UENESSEE LINIMENT Ute best remedy in the world (or Sprain* or Bruidea.*®* THE uKNK&SKK LINIMENT CWHlures Ueaiacbe, Toothache, Cute or Wound*. I ‘la* THEGKNEBBEE LINIMKN I ' 'I HE uKNKSdEE LINIMENT *i HE GKNESSKE LINIMENT' THE GENEBSEE LINIMEN'i I THE GENESBEE LINIMENT! la THE BEST REMEDY fN THE WORJ.D IS THE BF.iT REMEDY IN THE WUHI.D iS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. For mle by all 1 ruggt*<« nod Medicine De-alem. hi. 1. WALKER, Proprietor, I'll'aburgh, Lu . To whom all order* mint I* Addre*-*«d. -‘-a BLOOD PUHiFIEH. There U no medicine gaining such rapid rcpu* tatiou ay WILLIAMS* COMPOUND SYRUP i»F SAR SAPARILLA, and lODIDE OK I*OTA UM, In Hie cure ol a numerous progeny of disease*, that owe tiunr origin to a etrmnuous Diathesis or Scrofulous U;ot iu the conaliUlUou and in the blood, such iu» Wh ti- Swel ling, 'Letter, Sore Eye*, Byptidibc disorder*, and other llaeanefl ol tLe ftkiu anJ bl-.od. This i» u reliable remedy. Kot>N*t, Ml-il, Nut 20, IsM Ma. W* H. F. x.— Deu< Sa .- With regard to WIL LIAMS SAKSAPRiLLA AND lODIDE OF POTASSA," 1 hare been seiiiog the article lor some louryoar , land know the composition. I bare on hand many pro par at one, termed Sarsaparilla, fuph a* l ownsend s, Bull’*, Hurley's, Guysoti’a, Sand*’, Graflenburg'a and other*, but deem the article manulactured by you n - finitely •uperlor to tbom ail, and pnncipally from the fact «-h«f itcontaiuH what it purport* to contain, and ti « ingredient* are good. 1 hare sold over fourteen hua dred bottles of It, ana in an experience of U> years in the drug buaineea, hare never louad »u article to give a* much wailsfscUon. our phjskh’U* here present* :ta* they <^Caiomel. You can make what use you pleft*eof this, aoJ H called on. I will personally aubwtanhaie the above slate menu. Very respectfully, your*, JOHN F M’AYuY, A freeh supply juat received and for aaie by JOSEPH FLEMING, Corner of Diamood and Market »t, and all druggist* P. M. BOLLMAN, West Manchester, it. Wholesale by N U. WALKER, 128 SnuthlYel-t street. W. H. FOX, Proprietor. Lou-vii*- hv. To whom all order* must h*- *4-» g KoLLuWUO l *o »o BKANDKE TH‘B PILLS demands aU- ntma from IN VALIDB : HiMaowvos, N. J , May 7. DWW. Da. Baurnirru Dear Sir—l lure long wanted to write to you and ex pro •» my gratitude for the benefi cial f-flecu that hare lu»ld jour pill* in Bumod, I was then in a declining b>alo of heal Hi, aud my friend* as well myself *upposed that uiy earthly voyage Would sooo •erminate. Mr. Brock way urged m« touke the Brandmh PRla, but having used so much mttd cioe with no good effect, I wu more Inchoedto let nature take it* courae, in I calmly submit to my fate. Mr. B. orto'ed u> give me one dot n boxes il I would take them a* pre?cnbed. By thl* I saw he had great faith in them, and 1 fiually consented to taxe ihem, bui nut as a gift. I went home and went at U moat hopelessly. After taking oo«* box I began to feel bet er. W’elt. sir, when 1 tad used up my twelve l»oxes 1 was a well, healthy niAo-my weight having gone from KU potindaup to li- ptunJ*. I theu ordered a supply, and bsuwoea *hat time and the pres ent 1 retailed three thousand dollars worth cl these In valuable Pdis.aod am «iuite sure tha'-I have thereby been instrumental in saving, not hundreds, but thou sands of lives. Your* truly, Price 25 cents. Hold at No. 2M Canal street. Hr-oi- IrwUi's Prmoips. uttlcejbt Thoma* Redpath, No. 2? Diamond street, Pittsburgh, Pa-. aiiJ by respectable dealers in medicine*- Imp*'* 1 CH±UiJAl)biiO T S HAIH DYJsi. THE ONLY DVB THE ONLY DVF TilK (INLY DYE I'Hfc ONLY DYK - THE < »NLY DYE THE ONLY DYK OALY DTE Kor all wbo dsn.re to have the eo'ur of their hair changed with safet r , coriun'y, and mtmii >. io any s l.sde they may desire M ho'.factored l*y J. Ca Kid IA DO 80, d Astor House. New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all h*)r I*rew»r». C&iota&o&o, No. ti Atior House Nev York. GKO. K. KEYbEK, A>:«nt, P -, .;«l*urL , h. Pa. (a'iS;J*w:lcr,T To Consumptives The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weolts Lry a very simple remedy, afi«r haring suffered several years with a severe lung allecuon, and that dread disease, Consumption—la anxious to make fa: Dew a to his fellow suflerer* the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will aend a copy of the pre aoription need, (free of charge,) with the direction* lor preparing and using the same, which they wi.l nod a Sima cuaa roa Cossowptiok, Arraiu, Baovcuma, Ac. The only oh.ect of the advertiser in wm. mg the prescription r« to benefit the afflicted, aad spread io formauou w hich he conceives to be In voidable, and he hopes every s of ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, ind may prove a blessing. Parties washing the prescription will please address REV. KDWABU A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings county, New Yo'k.^ CLAB&E’S LIVER PILLS. A Radical Qif< ! Read] l Read! 11 Me N. U. Walkek —Dear Sir :—For throe re&rs past, I hare been severely afflicted with Ltver ibw piaint, of a most malignant and chronic character. I sorted to a large number of remedies, but they failed to produce other than a temporary relief. About six months ago, I purchased a box of “CLARKETH LIVER PILLS," and after using them, found myself so much better,that I at once adopted a regular system of taking Diem, and soon found myself entirely and radically cared. The various ills attendant upon a disordered state of the liver, at once disappeared. 1 gladly and most chocr fully reoommend these Pills as a sure and effective rem edy. Yours, truly, WM. AUBTLW. Chilllcolhe, 0, December 4,18 M. The above bat speaks the voice of thousands who hare folly tested the curative properties or CLARKE'S LIV ER ptT.i A Prepared at first for private practice by an eminent physician, and their merits tully tried, it Is not strange they act more efficiently and directly on the disordered organs than the generality of so-called Liver Remedies. In cases of Lifer Complaint, Dyspepsia Im* panty of the Blood, Constipation of the Bowels Gener al Debility, Sick Headaobe, and all diseases arising from a disorganised state of the system, Ac, are a sore and never falling remedy Prepared solely by H. U. WALKER, Pittsburgh, Pa. To whom all orders must be addressed. Kir For sale by R. E. SELLERS, Wholesale Agent, corner Wood and gecood streets. Sold hr agents everywhere. feM IyWK call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, culled Blood Food. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be contounded with any of the numerous patent medicines of the d»y. It Is food for the blood, already prepared lor absorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and what one rains he retains. Let all those, then, who are suffering from poverty, imparity, or deficiency of blood, and oonaeauentiy with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this moon Food and be restored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Eavo**B larurau Cobdul, which every mother should have. 11 is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must oe invaluable tor aU Infantile complaints. It is also said that it will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teeth ing, and at the same time regulate Lhe bowels. I*et all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless mghU, procure a supply and be at once relieved. y 4®“See advertisement. For sale by DB. GEO. H, KEYSKB, Bole Agent, aodtlvdaw 140 Wood atrooi. Pittsburgh. TO THE AFFLICTED 1 T\B. BTARKEY*S PAIN EXT ERKIN A- V P R Hearalgia. Biak He*d, tche, UtrroaM HeadsalM.Toolh«ofae»b?Bow Thro*. -• BW** 1 *7 . _L>L-BTAaKES, Ptttabarfrb, Pt Bold whotouhsnd ret.U to JOB.i'LKMIN9, *e*dyd»w oaaeroflhdwt'M.udCiimoip. * -v i -- .A- .:- : *. \ • ' ' •■iV- .. ! **»♦ C. J KAI. M P Ever pnalyred. .Owuru 10 lx* poi* >ale i* For a liviok browti For a perfect i.ia<*k. ..That .lehr* Jeteouin That :* lasUiilaixvwija. ",‘XW JRisttlknwttS. WI. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS IROIV FOCINDERS, General HachlnUta and Boiler Makera, Near the Peon’s R. R. Passenger Depot, PITTSBURGH, PA., MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF Steam Engine-*, l'ri.n, three to one hun dred and fifty h»r**o power, and amted tor Grist Mills, Baw Mills, Blast Furnace*, Factories, etc. Give particular attention to the construction of Engines and Machinery lor gnat u:».U, and for upright*, muiay and circular saw nulla. Have also on hand, tiniahed and ready lor shipment at abort notice, Engines and Boilers every descnp* tton* Also, Boilers and Sheet Iron separately, and Wrought Iruu Shafting, Hungers and I‘;..hes in every variety, and continue the tnnuutaciure oi Wooleu Ma chinery and Machine Cards. Our prif**« are low. our machinery manufactured ol the best quality of maternal*, and warranted in aU ca-*er to give satisfaction. from all parts of the country solicited, an. promptly filled- le2l:d*w AMERICAN JOSES & IA U T H, Manufacturers of IRON AND NAILS, JUNIATA ANO COBBON SHEET IRON. Laotii’i Patent Sbiftin*, Piston Kadi, Plalte,ie. WAREHOUSES, VH Water Street, end 14* First Street, PITTSBURGH, And ooruer or Kmnkltn and South Water Bts. Chicago feaiily DAVID B. JtcXiEKS LUMAN HUGER D. It. ROGERS A SOIV^ mahu/acturkbb or ILOUEJftS’ IMPROV ED PATKXT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH AND GRAIN DRILL TEHTU, Office, 63 Fifth Street, hdJ PITTSHURitH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS lb aac Junes.... jno. l. huYd~.wm. mvtj.w F CA>T >TEKL; »lso, Hpring, Pic - oiid A B bi* eJ al'Rl ,M*M aud A\J.K,“\ corner Hobs at,-I P'lr*(. »tree!f. n-I'3 PlTlSldl'Ri.H. Pa. I w. ctLtrwtc*. CHADWICK & GOV, DEALKiW IN PAPER AND RAGS, Nos. 149 and 151 Wood Street, fITTHUUKUH, PA. lVfx-r at Manufacturers’ Ibices. '! te bigbeat market prtoe paid in L*»!t lor UAUB, A, ) J 12-dia ■ w. S. KAL.'II.ItOUH .... .’ UMIEIIKU. ft r UiHT MACKINTOSH, HEMPHILL & CO., CORNER OF PIKE ANO O'HARA STS., Near city water works, i'm* burgh, Ph, Manufacturer* of Mai kiuto-h A linnp hjll'o Improved Patent Oscillating STKAM KN GINKS, and bLIDE of &!! and best .style*. Having put up Machinery of large capacity and of the beat quality, we an* prepare**! to do i.uary Jotr btng, and sClint work iu im* iioe. trusting that by proinptneHx and the character ol our work to merit public juktronagf*. We rail nnecutl attention to our BALANCED VAL\ K OSCILLATING KNGINHA, as combining advantages heretofore oohUaudoU in Li.is nivyL, Pn~, wul mak e to order, aod warranted an good as cau be made, the following machiuvry, ta. —St*am Engine*, i'urtung Lathe*, Tor wood ano iron ; PUnera, for wood and iron ; Uniting Machine*; Houm-.o and ToLaooo Screws; Patent right and Model Maohtnea, tn the beat manoori Shafting. Puiltea, and Hanger*, ol &li ueca aod vanety ; Screw*, of any diameter and pitch, U» tilleco foot in length. W;il glfro make, and have on hand, Doctor and Nigger K-rn iic»-*s and Deck Pump* for BieambaaLe, An Lathe mhears and ocher Planing done to order; can plane S 3 inches wide, by 9 feet 6 toche* tong. A.ii Or tart EarmaiUj SoUeUni. N. B—Particutar auenUou and promptitoUKk.S A>:> I'KA LHK:> /A Siania, Ueuip aud Coiton cordage, Uoknm,Tar. Piwh, R.«*>id an.i (>tle, ■Jurpaulina Du. k, Li.hi nod Heavy !'<■ il.u;*, 4u. «pH:IV id U'fltAP *r.( J » Fr»n» -iraeU i.KhiUS.— JAMES it U B U , Nu sb Maikrtl bireel, Sd Jour fiotn the Market Wholesale and RetaU Ifealer in BOOTS AND BHOES, Hu lurt revived and oocn* d hi» lar*cc «ud well hri«*«;uel Hti>ci cf BuH/rS and HUufcX auit«l»l« tor FALL aud W*NTFK WLi It. Hi* *’ock i-oniprij** i our of the Argent oHnortmcoiM to t>e h>und m iho uity M ,!•»€•#’ aad < 'hndreti'n Hool-k, bL »e.», UA.Usri». Slippers Gum Ovens Sail.la! s eu- Meo'H, li.»yV aud iotrie Hip and BuOlm, Shoe*. Oxford 'i .*», Gaiter**, Scotch Booteaa, D|>or»a «u-, eh- Mcd’h Fine Call W*ter*Pr»*ol He muled an to qUAlny sad price** JAMES H‘ 'HH, Rw Market fireet, *4l/> Third d•*•***, ,V’ .. ><•**•* +:! MISCELLANEOUS. Nervous Headache MeadaKsbe By THE USE OF THESE CEPHALIC PI LI-4 (he periodic Muck a uf Nervou* or Bu-k fjeadachs may be prevented: and if taken at the com mencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and siukoc** will be obtained. They seldom fail In removing the Hastau and Head ache to which females are so subject. They aot gently upon the BoweN-reiooving CVfiew- Kor Liltrary Men, Students, Delicate Female*, ami all persons of sedentary halrits they are valuable a* a Laxa tive, improving the appetits giviog tone and \ngur to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and Ktreogtb of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, haring been id use many years, during which tftne they hare prerented and relieved a rest amount of pain and suf fering from Headache, whether originating in the ner txsu* t*ysi*?m or from a deranged slate of the etouxzch. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all limes with perfect safety and with out makiug any change of diet, and the absence of any dutiyrteahle tmti * endet* it easy (a ndmkiuter them to Beware of Counterfeit*. The g*Qu;ne have five rigaature* of Henry C. Spal- ding i n each box. Sold by Druggist* and all other Dealers in Medicine*. A !«x will tie sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the PRICE, 25 CENTS. All orders should be a.idrtkseo t > HENRY C. wPALDING, « far at's-L N«*» Yo tt coxa, caacwicii THE FOLLOW INI. EXUOKHKUKXTS OK SPALDING’S CEPHALIC PILLS, WIU ruNVINCr \ LI. Willi nI'KKKK KRnM HEADACHE, A SPEEDY AND SURE (JURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH A i these Testimonials were unsolictited by A/r. SpaLDINu, \hey afford unquestionable 0r..0f vf the efficacy <>f this truly Ms Srauw*.,, B e a few oat the oi first box 1 gr>t from you Sand the Plds by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servant James eknnkdj Mh Srxibi>a, s. —l wish y«u i-.- *yud roe one mote box oi your IVpnabc IMl?. I Kan rt&xecl a grnsl iUai vi be/ur.: ft ./«t Yount respectfullv. MaRV AMN s'IuISHUL'HE. H L. HriUtur* Si' :—Y«u »ill ploiu*« neuil me itru I'• l /iui< n.j •*,{■ V i j/ vo"' /'i.lj, anJ find flifift .c tftal Iha-t «<• Tried. H 1.. MP4LDIJM. K*q 1 wish lor goint circular* or largo -how bill*, lo bn your Cephalic Fdl» more particularly before my custo mer-* |{ hair aurthlng of thv k; :id. pittas* t>t*od lo liie. i *;ir ~f my • u»t<»mt»r», nho u» subject lo Before Mick Rc*.la<-ht*. {Usually iwo days.) ri-Jrd 11 alUu>. m ly yr.ur / iU», which I sent her. ff i .rkii)iy'‘. No, 43 t)edar Hired, N. Y. iH.ar Sit —Inclo«*l tlod iweoi* five cer-ui, lor n'htrh seud box of •• Ophuhc Pill**." Send to addresi) >( Kev Wui. C. Filler, Reynoldsburg. Krauklln Co., >nto. )\*. /V. 'ua--'. »t> < j rhtir"\--cu*' U’ ■da,-he atam! i j.an. -i. Mh SPal' IfM, Sir - Not long si no* 1 *»-ul to youior a i»ox of Ce phalic Pula fur the cure of Nervous Heauache and < .-<*uvfcn-«ft, and r*<.-*iv*d the name, aod th,y nod <-• /.-■dun et -tt-it 1 » t* i-iducei <■■ >tnd ’<m the Dci-t--toL, El. Child, ,V, :-t. If yuu are, or 1.-tv* Win troubled with the headache, send for a bo». (Cephalic Pills.) so that you may hare them m case of au at tick, Plain Iht Ad .t / liter, Piuvidence, R. J. The Cephalic IMI- are said to be a remarkably etfeo toe remedy lor headac he, ami one of ifte very beat for that very' frequent complaint which has ever beou discovered, Ft on, the H cufem K. JL Gored*, Chicago, lU. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pila. Ftotn the Kaitawhti Ti tllcy SU ir, Kjxuawhn, Vu. We are sure that peraoua auOertng with the heed ache, who try them, will stick to them. Fiutn the Southern Fath Finder, .Ww Oils mo, lat. Try them' y-u that are afflioted, and we are «ure th»l your testimony can be added to the already numerous iM that has received benefits that uo other medicine can produce.* Ftom t/t St. I.ouis Democrat. The immense demand for the article .Cephalic Pills, ,s rapidly increasing. From the Ud'ctte, D to possess real merit. From the AAvntUer, ProrUlctiet, £ I The testimony m their favor is strong, from ihe modi respectable quarters From the Daly Lent, aY export, R. J. Cephaho FUl# are taking the place of all kinds. From the Commercial, CYncinr.jft, Ohh. buffering humani y can now bo relieved. single bottle of BPADDING’3 P RKPARED DLL £ w.ll save ten limes its cost auuua'.)y.“©& SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. .SEaLMNG’3 PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. SAVE TUE PIECES! KCONOMY J9-‘ A ernes i j Tixi Sjivu Xoi"t, As accidents will happen, e»en in well regulated families, it Is very desirable to hafe some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys Crock ery, £O. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can aflord to be withouiTu It is always ready, and up to the sticking point ‘'UdfiFUL IN KVKKY HILSK. N. B.— 1 Brush accompanies each Bottle. Price, eetfta As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PREPARED GLDk, I wotua caution al£persons to examine before purchasing, and see that the foil name, PREPARED OLUE."I£» is on the oatnde wrapper; all others are awjndjing ocuntertetu. felS&ymtw - - vv -it j, * k,- Lf r *>- is 1 >- *»■' - - + ; scientific pur-pose. MitoxrjLLt, Conn , Feb t, isdl UAtiaroaa, Pa., Kwb. C, brat;- * Caxxx, Hr*TiN.>iu.» Co. Pa, \ January 15, l»ril } A. STOVER, P. M. B*lh \Vtdou, Wyandot Co- O. Bxvsair, Mass, Dec. 11, ISsvj Ke**pec‘tully vourn, W H. WiLKLH K:.i BoLwhuao. Fbankuk Co . Cmo, 1 January ®, 1-M. , liulv tour*, WM. t\ KILLKH. Y y -ILAMI. MIOU., Jan 14. l&dl. DIHPAtCH Address, BKNRY C, SPALDING, No. 43 OEI>AR street, New York. cautiow. Judical. UR. MOTT’S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS OF IRON, AN aperient and Btomaohio preparation ot IRON purified of Oxygeo and Carbon by cornboa- U"0 in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by tb EmaciaUoru Dyspepsia, Constipation, Dtarrhaa, Dysentery. Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis Salt Rheum, MtsmenslruaHon, Whites Chlorosis, Liver Complaints Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, inUrmitUmt Fevers, PunpeU cn the Face, *k. in cases of Gxxxsai Dxbilitt, whether the result of acute disoa. or ol the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an ex tent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten In their own neighborhoods, hare su ideal? re-appeared In the busy world as if just re turned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some yer? signal instances ot thi« kind are attested of female sufferers, emaciated victim* of apparent marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air end exercise lor whioh the physician has no name. In Nxxtoot Amtonoas of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation oi this prepara tion ot iron mast necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously ionic, without being excit ing and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the most obstinate case* of ooetiveness wiihoui ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagree able sensation. It is this inner property, among others, which makes it so remarkably «3ermanent a remedy for Piles upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency wbicb forms them. Ln Dtxpxtsia, innumerable as are itr causes, a single box of these Chalybeate I*lll* has oiten sufficed lor the most habitual cases, including the aitendeut Oostxoenc&s In unchecked DunanceA, even when advanced to DrsxjrmßT, confirmed, emaciating* and apparently ma lignant, the effects hare beeu equally decisive and as tonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debdlti** ting cough, ana remittent hectic, which generally in dicate iJrapxßST CoxsuMpnox, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instance*. In Baxoruuws TvanocLosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good eflect of the most cautious ly balanced preparations of iodine, without any any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confidently in vited to this remedy and rsstoratsvs in the cases peculi arly affecting them. In RucKATisa, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latter, however, more decidedly—it has been invari ably well reported, both a* alleviating pain and reduo ng the swellings and sUfloes* of the joints and muscle* lx lamrnnxn Fxvxas it must necessarily be a great remedy and 6nergetio restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, will propably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered Ln the whole history of medicine, which exert* such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, complete digestioo, rapid acquisition of strength, witl. an unusu al djuDositioo for active and cheerful exercise, imme diately follow its use. Put up ut neat Hal metal boxes containing 60 pills, price 60 cento per box; for sale l«y druggists and dealers Will be seat free to say address on receipt of the prioo All letter*, orders, eta, should tm addressed to E. B. LOCKS & Co., Oeneral Apeuts. 20 N. Y. DR. GKO. H. KEYfIKR 14u Wood street, Wholesale Aireut* for lVnn’a. tnv2l:lyda*:>* A SUPERLATIVE TONIC,DIURETIC, A *Z> DYSPty^ AND IHVIGDRATING CORDIAL PURE HOLLAND GIN, FOR MEDICAL AND PRIVATE LSE. What Shall We Drink V DoLPHn WOLFE’S PURE C.HJNIAC BRANDY, Im;»orWd ami bottled by him*elf, warranted pure and the beat quality. w>th bis certificate on the bouie, and his seal on the cord. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S PU RE PORT WINE, Imported and bottled by himself, put up for medici nal use. with his certificate on the bottle; warranted pare and of the best qoality. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S PUEK SHKKIIY WINK, Importod tr..l batiled b, huzuell, ;ihe uune a. Purl WI DU. UDOLPHO WOLPK’ti PUKE MADKIKA WINE, mponed and bolded by himself for private and medi cinal use. the best wine ever ottered to the trade in bot lies. 'I he Wine is warranted perfectly pure. UDOLPHO WOLFES PURE JAMAICA RUM, ST. OROIX RUM, SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKY. All the above imported and bottled by ranted pure and of the best quality. TO THE PUBLIC, i will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant olihiriv years’ residence la t h e oity of New York, that what l acd testify to with my seal, my label, and m» certificate, Is correct and can be re lied upon by evert-purchaser. Physicians who use Wines and Liquor* in their prac tice, should give the preference ■_ he.iean.clea. For sale by all respectable Of. , , gista and Apothe caries. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Manufacturer and Importer of It: e Schiedam Aro matic aohnapps, lft, 20 and 23 Beaver street, New York. Dr y mutual rousent oo (lie first of January, 1861. Johu Morrow having disposed of his interest in tiie same -to Andrew Hartupee, whi will carry oo the business as usual at the old stand, erner of F.rst and Short streets, and who will settle all the business of the late firm. ANDREW HAKTUPEJS, JOHN MORROW, IhrrssoßOH. Feb. 14, 1361. Huriutf diMnosfcdof my intere«t lathe late Arm of K. HA BIT PICK A CO. to ANDREW FURTUPBE, (do hereby cheerfully recommend him to my frienda aa fully oompetent to carry oa the fame, and solicit for him continuance of the patronage ho liberally be* stowed on the late tlnn. JuHN MORBOW. Pittsburgh, Feb. 14, 1861 feli J. H. & CO.’S FASHIONABLE HAT BTOBK, 78 WOOD STREET. SPBING STYLE SILK & CASSIMERR HATS. FRENCH AND AMERICAN FELT UATS. All Grades and Colors. CAPS FUR GENT’S, YOUTH’S, AND CHILDREN, Of every description BTHAW GOODS lo great variety. CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS To suit all tastes. All at the Lowest Kates at J. H. HILLERMAN & CO.^, mtM 76 WOOD ST CUPPING AND LEECHING, by MR. * MRS. BKBK. extracted. Hot, Cold and Shower Hatha. se!8:ly K BEBE. 177 Grant street OPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, CAN BE PROCURED AT JOS. KLEMING'H, 1 Tomer fiiamon.l anrl Marlrel t*t oWTnSADY uD volume urantm* case*, ltd ports of cases argued !u the SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. .1. K WKLDIN. 3d Woo 4 street near Fourth. For sale by fe4 Jt&Tkv J. B. Rki*iP (Late at Miller <* Rlcket^on’*.) HKY N E K A. B H;0 THKUS (Successor to R*tke» A avdheson) Wholesale Dealer* to FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS,CONFECTWNEKY,BUUABS,FIKE WORKS, *O. No. 39 Wood »t, and No. 113 Second alrool, Oppcsite St CLarlen Hotel, yiTTUBVHQB SUGAR.— 60 bbl» B Coffee Sugar; ■JO do A do do; Just rac’d and for eaie by . RKYMER* BROTHERS, fell »io. SB WoadeUaat TESTER (jOVEBS' arid Ceiling Decora- Dona, for aale by YY. P. MARSH ALE, i«4 .. ■ So«iJ Ktfj&iiuigsci » •. . T- J. HUGOS .WM. GRAFF. Westerft Stove Works. G-R.A.FF d 3 OO MANTJFACnraBHSj WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF tb« public to their large stock of well selected Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, KITCHEN RANGES, GRATE FRONTS, Hollow-Warc, Ao- among which will be found the BELT COAL COOK STOVES IN THE STATE. Th. Diamond, Advance, Air-Tight, Eeiipie, anu IRON CITY, Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the State Fair Cor the BEST COAL COOK STOVES. AUo, FIRST PREMIUM awarded to the THUS AMERICAS, GLOBE 4 REPUBLIC, For the BEST WOOD COOK STOVES NOW IN USE. The KENTUCKIAN and KANSAS Premium Stove* are unsurpassed. We oall attention of DEALERS AND BUILDERS to the largest stock of GRATE FRONTS and PENDERS IN THE STATE N.a-We line the DIAMONDahd ECLIPSE Coal Cook 3tores with Soap-Stone Linings, whioh stand tlie fire better than iron. aplB cjjonrardiitg and (ftonnmssUm. T. L RODGERS COMMISSION HOUSE. EODGEKS & DILWOETH, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCfi GENERALLY 349 LIBERTY STREET, Union Railroad Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa.) tO&fc&T DiLULL lilfM *. UUUIXM. ROBERT UALZELt At CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARD! 1G RERCHANTS -A*D- Dialsbs is Paodoci lht> Pirrsßoa a Mastmarc&fte, >O. 5*51 LIBERTY * KEPT, noifl . PntaEUßon, Pa. JAMES A. FETZER. FORWARDING AND COIIIS lON MERCHANT Flour, Clrala, Bacon, Lax J, Batter, Seed Dried Fruit and Produce Generally, OOK2TBR 07 MARKET AJTD FIRST STREETS, Sim to—Krandß G. Bailey, Eaq, William Dilworth, dr_ a. Cuthbert A Son, Piitaum jh, Boyd A Ott, HeiskeU k Swearingen. 8. Brad* ttaa *.oL A M. Rank, List k HoweU, Mangle k Co, George W. Anderson, Donlon, Paxton k Co., wheeling. my2Bdptf A. KREBS & BRO. PRAGTIOAL J[itluroi[aj}lutrs Oomer Wood and Fourth Sta* PITTSBURGH. DRS. STEBBINS & MUNSON, OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTISTS, Office 105 Fifth Street, A K$W DOORS ABOVE THE POST OFFICE nog; lyd TEETH! SAVE THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. CSILL, has removed to 246 PENN • STREET, la the house formerly occupied by Dr. G. H. Keyser, opposite Christ's Church. He will give sll the modem improvements. Teeth tasened at various prices, Irom $l6 to $62 per set. Rinaiina— Rev. W. D. Howard, Rev. Findley. A. Bradley, A. G. M’Oandless, M. IL J. H. Hopkins, W. H. Van kirk, Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, W. Nimick, Samuel M*Kea u27dy PAPER COLLARS. A PACKAGE OF 10 FOR J)ft CRNTB, AT JL« HIRBHFELD, ja22 iso. 88 Wood »tree E. WATT Sj TERRY, PRICE & CO., IMPORTERS AMD DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Satinets, Vestings, Tailors’ Trimmings, he. NO. 266 MARKET ST., North Side; PHILADELPHIA, PA. loon r. teret, DixiSLs.Fßiußi oum r, tsbbt. dOlilT u. a. hall 1. Klftßh hmithl Hong Kong Tea Store. D. A. HALL & C 0 HO. 27 FIFTH STREET, Opposite Geo. R. White £ Co.> apl3:ly PITTSBURGH, PA. A DIES’ CAMBRIC HANDKEB CHIEFS, AT HALF THEIR VALUE, AT L. HIRSHFELD’S, de22 No. 83 Wood street SA U C KS, ' P.CKLES, KETCHUPS, MUSTARDS, Ac., A - * *.*»: 'V__. ■ ■ ■* N&Sj. inllaneons. ALSO-IMPROVED f. A. 01LW0RTH> VOX THB UU 0) PITTSBURGH, PA. i- . -*• r >»-. ‘-V - **. tf* . (. ' . **• > *,'V* .-**■ '"■ ‘"' : ; v r -'V!^lisi?®il^M ■ j - ' A,.... ••'] .. -3e 'i ■• - : - ’ -:•:, • V^* r ' <: '£*'*#&&s& ' ..' ! • ■■• .-.•.-»v.^r ; ►*,’ - .£ :f - ■* - «■ JV ,/ 1 ' '►' < J * % * . .-.• ~ v -* ' >' ' ;.*» ..V:'.:*'_l^ 4ffa* ■ :% - T^-ti^X" 1 "•"t' «.• T-,- f '4.W r s - 1- . ' '*:J:£y ■ ? t*f .• *'*V Vi * ■ r *■ «**• VrSis;. • *• , (PWli£n}i p JL © JL- © P E H TJ V I A=Mi s OR PROTECTED SQCDTIOifv 0P *< .2li ,4 PROTOXIDE OF IR«£fi .J Cures all Diseases nxisin/; from DlSOJ^firoil:}^ Digestion, 'Weakness, and BiUrJ36&t&> c of the Blood. ' '• ; Pamphlets containing Certificates of cures fpomthe lowing well-known, Okrgyroeo, Physicians; oml can be li&d on application, or nili* be quest, to any ndilreß*. free of charge:— . i- Rev. John Pierpont, Rev. Johtl WVOira&teihl ’’ ■ Her. Warren Tlurton. Lewi- Johrron.jlt.lfc ••-•<* Rev. Arthur R. Puller, Roswell KlnneyV'Wilhy ' * Rev. Aug. U. Pope, f». H. KendalL A Rev. Qordon lUihlns, \V. U. ClUiihblnr. SI.IPj v Rev. Sylvaons Cobb, IVajvjlE-lUiw, Kev. TUos. AVlilttomore, .teremlhh Stop*, ■& Jler. Osborn Mtrlck, Jose AntODlo ; B«iche(t.iltt®^ i ' f '' Her. Ephraim Nute, Jr., Mnrcellho •Rev. Tnns. 11. Pons, Abraham VrffaSoQvJfiDr-,';^-''' *' -Rev. Richard Metcalf. IT. 14. Khmtfe'Sir.u, r? Rev. Jl. P. Webster, Jow * Rev. Jos. 11. Clinch, ITiomW'Af‘lNp&fe»rtteM.- : Ret. Abut. Juckaou. Thoapis tJ. Rev. J. Puarsoa. Jr., Peter t . Rev. A. Jt. It. Crawler, James 0. - »••■ Rev. Mcnrr tJphaui. SnmupllHajy 1 ••■:• W,-.. I}^ Rev. ?. H.'Riddel, Prof. * *' < '4i§ Rev. P. C. Headley. Moses Grant,' , -*• •• .ygjjj Office, Summer Street, t JOHN P. JEWETT AND., oar notice for the alienation «Ba y ' cure of these diseases, a remedyfcnowß’as • '■* OR. EATON'S ENFMTILE COSfliliiv Prepared from a formula used by t>r. 'Eaten wftbiirQp yrtar>nhii» ancles* during several yeara* T practif3S» wn know it to be a moat reliable and for complaints, and one trial «»0^. Tinoe you of ita superiority over every otbarklinpißW* And at this period ef infimUle life, when yonranxlaaa-, hearts sew pained by witnessing the sritfenngs- ol ybhr little ones, it will be found invaluable inSoft*Mng*tm7> Oum& Beduebvj InfAtnmaiion, and ggifewng- oZfMßpgKfc FOB fiffiKASES AT TENDING tunS Gold can hardly be estimaterih]? biiftiw of your children, bat raauralj,throaghW?«>w disease. We earnestly recommend you, thenßfpre» to lose no time in proamog a bottle, thafcyottißtty.tomat? hand a remedy which will never iad 'tQ 'relietftiyhnr child in time of need. It #». md «m* “T»Koone^rtft?«A*^SW'Ainn£E'idi|i®hia Tide you can reiy open* Price© peed only b Jj HIJHCH & bUPoli^3ft : '^ No. 400 Broadway, New ToiS** 1 ?;* And «rt<> b T Iham, «|g« lnttoborgih- aoll^dAweow PRROT MB JWiO«lfc MOFFA T» 8 : 4 VEGETABLE «UFE PILI& p .. j —ADD— <' <6l PHGRNIX BIT TER B.' 3pHE high and envied celebrity L these pre-eminent Medicine*. hate a&nired { e tat erUble efficacy in ell the jiiaeasea.whudMJMftl i--*4 profess to care, has rendered the usual prarooeoCgttfcy ‘ ! •£3= png not only unnecessary, bat anwatfby VS to »U oases of Asthma, Affections of Oifl-Bttqitflin' Kidneys. ‘ BiUou9F*Mn and Hctr Cbmpiainit, <= *-! ' 5* In the South and Wert where these diseases 1 pram * a they will be found invaluable. Planters, hrmariift Tt- * f-i others who once use these medicines, will uew sttq * *"' » v a wards be wtthoat them; Bilious ChoUo-and J9enott\~',&' Ijooseness, Biles, Cosdveness, Coldsand Coughs, ChoHc.- ? J .\ Gossun Hinsons, Daopbiks, uemoitJmh?* this distressing disease should delay using £hese.tMdK> . ${ ones immediately. j. A • , }s S , - * '4 Faro am Aetna--For thfc scourge of . country, these medicines will be found a safe. wp*adjr\. .. ..^g and oeriain remedyv Other medldnea leave ther-sy&* <» tern eotyect to a return of the disease—a ctuttby.lfcwft , „>J medicines Is permanent Try them, be eatisfieoandJM . .sss§sj cored* >.,538 ji buhwst of CompUxian, Qtncni Lkbiiiiy. .... > j . ..-ysa Headaches of every kind, inward Fever, mjrttrkr Blood and Xoes of Appetite, „ ■*. _ -'SjJ iavsaOonvLAißtß, Liraosi, Loqsckss, Maaorott iha* never Cue to eradicate entirely aU tho! effects $g of Mercury infinitely sooner than the moat powerful pteesntion ofßarsaparQla, Sight Sweets, Nervous He* s> Cluj, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Organic Altai- 1 h. „£;|j Hunt. » _ PxxikF-The original proprietor oithesemedwlneaWAS • oared of Pile* of& year* standing by the use at these •>- Life Medictnea atone. Paina is the head, rate,, back,• ' '?i aflected with this terrible diaoaaa, rf} will be aure of relief by the Late Medicines. >, B7- 4s - BmnsPcurt raaßiomr ,t® and thtw remove all diseases bets the system. ’ .. >- ■■.'■ri Preedit™ DB. WILLIAM B.MOFPi'iy' tio.aa& Bio»d way, (Modal BniltUng,)."?. T. „ 4i ‘“rMf'S- KFW-B M.PV***?. TikivAit uisßAHm Jr Da. BROWN’S MEDICAL end SOEGICAL Offlo*. >*>• w S Url H \‘ field atteek, Pitkeburgb, Penasjb "St? - BROWN of Pitta burali, end baa been la for khe Uurt fewafySM has beeo ooa- KSS mSS7 to Prirae tad Sarjaoal Diseases. j m 'if* - ■ y Xv' v '| 0111ZKNS AND STBAHGBKS ' ,•- . ,!ffl In mud of ajoedtod friend, ehi'uid not M to Spdgit? « r*h ef - TheDontor Ik a Teaolsrgttfduv „y * M irf'S^iSnSperieoM ln *b®treatment ef« certain olisnt 5,. - ' Jffi S%IMMaU»Sr«gp« TKntM tothemßerer»*la|W»hf'i ’ by the u* or h’a ramedloa'ehiiy • foUowingUfl^gJ^ R()W j PBBEME j >IKa imMifiliea aaAfioroUloUs ABecuoGß. Afro, all cßsfcra**. --SM HESySSm « taint wb\ch rouilfeetrltfttttis psoriasis, and a great many forte fl- j-vs& of skin duiasea, the origm of nrhiah the patient U ««; tirelyiimotattt. Xopersopanoaimeted.Di.BrowixoCel.. topis ifa nu-a y~£. ijpt Dr. PKwrn’B remedies for this alarming trouble -..fe' ! txoojth ton oftan by that eotitary habit of sensual gratf „ Id - Canon, which th* young and rrsokmicdod often pro nT uTvto their own destruction.) are too only relishje, '»t*D*lkd; ' \ 100 boxes Clothes Yisa waorted; ■ 100 dosfc&asuMed Pula, (Haraar,) . 36 dpjjSa do . Tnbfc v do! W do Zli: H*. W da: ‘ —- 100 Pestch BjMfetK!' T ‘ ’• | to dcaen Charna, at. aimed 1 ’ 49 nella Messrarct. '--■e '-'~v "'V>*-v2. ? r ' ■ ■■ ;-i, 'v: '• -4, - *4^-" *' -» *. - . : i. : '■ft', f. w. t "W ■"-• - It*'*,** V . -* t , r - V 1- •>' * . •; •>.»<>■#,•< -.*w***r % \ > - ", s '. ■ * j/’ '«■ -> v - (,-M ■ \ A - •’i- •> r-X-V'iS -v%? ~ - *&t ' * ; n V -‘ ' ■ff. * -Mrs' / * ' . jrtswrj’-' K Jf " ~ iV-‘ ► -K’ r - ' - ; ••' ;k -• & - . '•*■'“:< v *■* -* **Wi f*...‘ • v *-'x •‘£'sJ -■» , , 1? * * A - l >■ ?>V,. W W' v--V:, •' .•--* '5..-$* '.'•: ; >V' s .^'^: " •,--" .r. " * 4 * l _ ’ '._ »S?i W ~ .'-’ ,> '« r* J » ? /*» ;■ -v43! •• ‘ >■ -.' .J^.l , ■ ■:'• 'v'Siifti xlJ'-isi&B ,'*ir*V.4’' •■ ; ,"^4' ; • '• 'Sfffi ■"jib: J . feS j —- - «. • ... • iv. r-.-V : a* ••.‘ : .- ■ .'i-r- r v? ■ t<- 4 . {> % u S # \ , ■Fvh "■ V. s' ■cri&ij V "’ V' ] 'w v ao^* : < i v>*?Sd ( ! ’V'- **‘- >t VcV“' V’' S«=t - * •> -N- V's'.t .‘i *••»*>.* -n; Si-■-■: