W r -'^■ : ' * •/■••• ’ , X '*. • ' ; ' : £’. # • * ■ .' > ;v.- •*• ■ AiA ' *' Xo’vXSl- ’ .4, -*.?»f - *0 - * V£v V.K.tf **: - i,*\ •• * '••^-vfcC* "< - V:\Vjy *4AV V**#:;Vv’ I- % X-jl 4 * '‘■ V \» • - ’.'- 'W -I.JjiN*N’"'4VSi, ‘«> l V -ijhj* 7' hF j‘V* » -;'' : l •‘“U ■* -■-'‘■'l ■£&<&*’* v 1 V ■•: xli vy* *. us v. * *** ,>* > ,vVI vv. c .-.. , .. > •,1 SSwsftv.** x;.v. ;v?i %Ti,4% &Z*\ *• ’■ >' HMmM «: k» , 4.’ t ? * 1 HX^fe'a ®^|^TOV ,i SwwiSi :t/,- ®^^SSBS?'#s ! P*?infY?*S u te' t4 i- 1 - p th Ws* JlfatTivV** djjp^aa •■t"'v, I - »v\, r- « 1 J s«&v4si<4 »*;| S^SS ®&s£i 4^#fSy j|Ww^ s <^4 ‘•».IS-'S!2iA*J. "V *l. --« ''3 Jhs..ltf^lß*{ -, 3!». -» *i hgf i'S- fS j. . * i , si tf,i 7 -r ?«.»"> i *\>Y*TJi & t | •'= . C ,• ? /-%- r ?a *f X e r,:* '^»' .*; '.► : ••. x-. •> *m •;• xc' *<*• i_ »v \• * ..-*.,iv ,l! ' *• ■t y» k ''if .c-»;’* t * ‘j" j.-. s A r r _.r<. h- < •>< •».** --z. \ *.v nw».- * «. *v s-i.-xs . * it*- v> •> ’ . •..>:, ■ »« ’ y<( , „ ■" - •'* .:-;y--;-v. •*•• v f r"-'‘'--:*%£# &*&/#«£&f. k$lIJfJ-t I '-'ll p^Ui) FKIOAY MOUSING,: THi: W MF.HI.V POST Uuf weekly paper, containing all the latest news can be Uar man scarcely knew where to eat. his dinner, so greedy were the office seekers to “eat him.” Within forty-eight hours after he reaches Washington the gathered clouds of office seekers will burst upon him like a •Lily thunderstorm. The decisions which ho wdl be callo 1 upon to make, il he expects to re store the harmony oi lrs country, must be at the e.\ pt-u-e ol lhe friendship of many < f those who expect that hi* administration should reflect their peculiar sentiments, and place theul unnd tin* hit emoluments ot offioo. Let Mr. Lincoln enjoy his present pa geantry while ho may, if he can ei\joy it while his country is in her preseut position, for when he gets to Wuaiiingion, and begins to make It is appointments, the groans of the disappointed will bo louder than the glorili call-ins of those who succeed in obtaining p»itiuu. Now he may, perhaps, enjoy the pageantry and parade ot a yuasi royal pro gress; then he will find out that "uneasy lies the head that wean* a crown.” THE I>AV To-day is the unuiversary of the birthday of the men who was “fin-t in war, first in peace, and tir-t m the hearts of his coun trymen.” Wcolmerve by the papeis that the day is to bo widely celebrated. It is eminently tit, at the present time, that this iUv si.oild be thus celebrated. Never before in lb© history of the country has there been a when it became the peopie of this nation moreseriously loreflect, upon the virtues, the wisdom, the states manship and the patriotism of the man who, more than any other, contributed to the foundation of those institutions of gov er incut under which we have prospered for seventy years, and w inch are now thioatened with destruction by men wd o prefer party to country. In our own city the military companies will appropriately honor the memory of Washington by a parade and banquet. At Harrisburg the Democracy will do what they can to-day to preserve the integ rity of the Union. The banner of the Union will also be raised upon the dome of the Uapiud of the State, with suitable cere- mon.es. At Washington, it is expected that the Peace Cong I CSS will, to-day, lake Borne limd action u}»oii Uic propositions of compromise before them. We hope the action of the American people and their representatives, this day, will he ni di as the Father of His country would approve, if living. PHOUHBSN OK THE COMMERCIAI ItEVfJ LSION The New York llmilJ has obtained a list of factories in the United States for the month of January, lsbl, from the commer cial agency of 1 >tin, Boyd ,t-To.,the branches of which extend to the remotest part of the country, and thus enable the agency to furnish the most accurate iuforynalion. It appears from this statement that the ag gregate of failures for the last month in the United Slates was as high as *59. These failures were divided between the Slates as follows : VUU7BK3 EIPOBtED UX THE BOOKS OF I»CX, BO TO 4 OO , OCR* ISO TUB MUXTH OF J A XUAkT, 1881. Alabama-.* » I Mississippi 10 & I Miturotin 47 Connecticut 8 | New Hampshire and Dia. oi Col 11 New .Jersey Georgia 34 New York cry V 7 Iliinoia i>3 Balance of N. Y.tiUtle. 03 Indiana N»nh Carol oa '4l lows 10 Ohio 82 4 Pet>n»y*vania 86 Koniucky 3j Khotie Uluud < 8 i ‘*oolll <.*ai<>!.ds 8 Maine & 'leunoa-ee Is Maryland £ I T, 81 " ' V I Vermont 3 Minnesota. - 1 I Wisconsin at Total in railed Hlales. Bn tub N. A Provinces . As compared with the former years, the proportion of the present one is as follows • Ao. 0/ Failures. January, 1867. January, 1868. January, 1860 January, lsfto January, 1881 Here we »ee that the. failures last rnonLh exceed oven tho»o of -lauuary, 1858, when the crisis, which then arose from purely commercial causes, was beginning to mani fest itself. Iu the succeeding years, it will be seen that we were obtaining gradual re lief, until in 1800 things had so far recuper ated that, only for the political difticultba in which we are involved, this year, would -fcave found us perfectly recovered, and as prosperous as ever. With everything in our favor—good crops, plenty of money, wisdom learxied from adversity—nothing could stem the tide of prosperity except the unfortu nate political differences which have arisen out of a senseless abstraction. With these facto before him, can Mr. Lin coln anv longer lay the flattering unction to his soul that we are living in a country where "ftobody is suffering?” that the cri sis is merely “ These ftfcta and figures/tfre recommend to the particular at- Pittsburgh Gazette, which as suredjjaieadera that there waa not going to hi much of a panic after all. * * “ t •' J : • <»' < K fc l . *V/ J • „ V .*.. v"V, «*. • * ' *V ■ THE financial and military POLICY OF THE SOUTHERN CON FEDERACY'. Post. The Washington correspendent of the New York Herald, maps out the probable H#.of4hw»ew Government?** Confeder ated SUtes. fspmprivate letters and late dispatches reeeived-from Washington The Southern programme is said to be as follows: « 90 soon as the Cabinet shall beannonnced, President Davis will dispatch a commission of three distinguished gentlemen, uncreated to the government ot the United States. and alolhed with power to treat in regard to the forU, arsenals, public debt, &o„ and to negoti ate a treaty of amity and alienee. A Treffljiry bill will bo passed, empowering the Secretary of the Treasury to accept cotton m lieu of money for bonds, which are to be issued on the.Nappleonic basis. Vast quanti ties of cotton bfcye been already tendered. It is estimated that' bo soon a 9 the bill becomes a law, the Secretary of the Treasury will have subject to his order over two hundred thousand bales of cotton. Kngliah agents arc now at Montgomery negotiating with the government, and offering liberal advances. Advertisements will be issued in a lew days for sailors and soldiers. Those are especially desired who have seen ser\y the place once tilled by Washington, Juffur?on, the Adamses, Madison! Alae! how aro the mighty fallen 1 THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT The British Parliament was opened on the sth mat. by the The address of her Majesty is chiefly made up of allu sions to foreign politics. The Italian ques tion h dismissed in five lineH. The massa cres in Syria, together with the French oc cupation : the war in China and the new treaty; the condition of India and the war in New Zealand; the threatening aspect of affairs in the United States and the Prince of Wales’ visit to North America, and con ventions with, the Emperor of the French and the King of Sardinia, are all referred to in the most cursory manner. Mr* lducolii at New York. Tbe journey of Mr. Lincoln from Albany to New York city was a continual ovation to tbe future Chief Magistrate, who responded to the multitudinous calls to bear his voice again and again. He declines to speak as one hav ing authority, but defers disclosing the policy that will direct his course until his inaugural speech. By the news brought by the late arrivals, there is no doubt that the feeling in Eng land. is opposed to a blockade of the South ern, ports. We refer to an article id this day's paper from the London Herald. [From the London Herald, Feb. 6-1 | Will a Blockade of the Southern Ports he Recognized by England ! The late severe weather has made it p!a : n that a short interruption ; o|- & few outdoor occupations ia sufficient to exhate an amount oi distress, which is almotfra danger. All classes are not so well provided for rainy days as the engineers or tho buildurewhen on a&lrike, and with the multitude to be out of work is to bo out of bread. There is no help for it, but to parade the streets with a cbalked shovel, seek ing alms, or to stand ia the crowd in Arbor square until Mr. Solfe is ready to distribute a bagfull of half crowns and shillings. Ten days without tbe usual arrival of coiliers in tbe Pool, or the usual arrivals and departures in the London and other docks, and the east ern parts of this great metropolis are in tho condition of a beloagured city, or suffering like Ireland when tho potatoe crop failed.— How desirable that tbe communication between London and the outports and foreign coun tries should in future be kopt open. Against severe weather, such as that experienced this winter, tbe care of Providence is tbe only remedy; but thero are contingencies, the same in kind, lor which we may otherwise provide. How would our position be effected by a war in the Baltic between Prussia and Denmark at the cutset, and it may be by other Powors in the end ? Prom the Baltic we receive daa, timber, tallow, and various other comroodi* ties, and speaking with some precision, as British ships would practically cease to be available tor the Baltic trade, these commod ities would become more limited in supply than they are at present. The consequence would be that in proportion to the limitation in the supply the use of all of them would be dimin ished, and more or less privation suffered by those dependent upon British shipping and hose occupations iu which raw material drawn the north of K irope is worked up into different manufactured products. Hero, then, is something to ho soeu to, which, in a modi* tied form, uo doubt, threatens to reproduce in different parts of tbe country that destitution which has just been so praiseworthily rolieve.l. If, iiißtead ot being more spectator* ot another war lu Europe, wo drow tno sword and wore opposed to so great a naval power, thesutloring could scarcely fail in being frightful; and more than one of vbo great national interests would perhaps ho ruined British vessels everywhere would be driven from the ocean, bocauso the earrying s«r vice wuiiid l>o ptirloriucu without j risk of (ttpturu by neutral vessels. U iL, then, t<> < ohj. riu: u the calamity of such a| bUIo of thing* t-oiii to individuals nud the nation? Ami in the present threatening stubs of Europe who kh * v«b that we may not au» » hnVu to dual With l.iu aituatloli, unites I ho luhaoli of the lucltouenl b»tu. n is improved and thu lirttxlful al»ipd LakiSD l» uYf/t tho eVU; This id the legacy ui tho Treaty of Faria to wbi'h wo W>To pitfLaud to which tho l'j,U»*d Slllt-J- liaVu long iifioo formally roiilaod U* accede. iJjfini; tnn Froucu war wuh Austria some of our shipowners surtorod severely, but other classes were mulct only to an extool wh.ch they Could scarcely feel American vuauels received as much of the! India and China, and ol k -er iung vo) age tradon, ! as they Could carry at a premium ui XI to X u ton on tho rale oi freight pan! to Brtlisii vesaoifl, and that premium, with fcuiuo qualiU* cation, may bo said to have the exl« nt ol lint charge upon the consuming classes ol tho United Kiugdoin. Far d'tl.reul the position uf tho British shipowner. A v-atel carrying a thousand tons ol cargo fr«»m China at an ad vance of £1 a ton would clear XI,“OU mote freight than a v«»»jul without premium, and at au advance of £J a Urn would clear XJ.OOU moru than a vessel without premium. This was the measure uf the disadvantage of the British shipowner in the China trade, and were war to break out in the Baltic his position would relatively bo much ibo same. It was even given in evidence, before the Select Com nutUie of last session, that during the Austrian war some banking hi*u»es and business drum out orders to their India and CMna cor- ( re&i>oudunU that British ships should not be . employed at all. Still, by the Treaty of Fans, ! our ships, and not those of the United Slat*.a, 1 were neutral and not liable to capture*, whether carrying tho produce of France, Sardinia or Austria or tho high seas, or carrying our ewi* I of tho produce of any other country; not | contraband, to either o( the l’owor» tnuu at war. But there was the apprehonsiou that this country, notwithstanding its declared neutrality, would take part ui the contest, and the same apprehension will be entertained as often as the peace of Europe is disiurbod. War in Europe, whether engaged in or nut by this country, places us, by the Treaty of Faria, upon the level of those nations who have no mercantile marine, and is fraught with the gravest dangers to the well being of society and to tho power and dignity of the State. The United States, ttv long at they coher&l, felt strung enough to stood aloof from the pub -1,. law vf l'.urvpe. bat the secession movement, besides opening up a door for the frt.afy of Paris being revised, and made ioithout excep tion, the law of Nations, U likely to raise questions of international right, in which wo bhall have tho deepest interest. Tho United States Government was originally founded upon certain delegated powers by a cOmmunF ty of sovereign states, who have still exercised their independent sovereignty, and it is held by the seceding Stales that the delegated pow ers may now be withdrawn. If wo assent to this right wb may claim admission to the southern ports to carry merchandise on the American principle ol ireo ships making free goods, while, if we deny the right, we snail, no doubt, exclude oursoiw* from the Southern trade. Which euur.-n -m lwe lake, arid will the opportunity be mw < in! oil ul asserting i those niaraliriie tick's wbuh wo, as a tnura- I time power, nuouiu, in ihn ittorr-r.t of the tra ' ding classes of these king l-Mii*!, and With the [ still higher ok, c. ul' Wm ly of tho nation, claim to hold*' If we aru i,..**os6‘d ol in am time power and some other nations are not, it will be quite as pro I**nt to pause before wo tie our hands, as fur France, or any other conti nential power l<> h-mtnlo to reduce their arm ies to a level of ihn forces <»f tin* third or fourth | rate nations. So lung a* tnu ship owners were tho only sulferors tb-- final settlement of the question could be deferred, bill impending war in the United Stales, and threatened war in the Baltic, demand un immediate settlement of the interest of all clans**. Hint the United Stub t accepted the treaty uf Parii So far as that had reference (■> the law of nations, the fourth article of i>e treaty would require that a bloctndc ot the c >ttOH ports by the United States ships of war Would have to be maintained by a sufficient fore-’. Tho l uilod fcilatoa govern men t could nut in that ca*o estab lish the blockade, and the tirat article of the treaty would bo a bar to the employment of privateers. The supply of cotton would there fore be uninterrupted under the treaty of Faris by an appeal to araja. As the case slants, bqvy over, it la impossible to say wq&t expedients Mr. Lincoln’s Cabinet may resort to to destroy the commerce of the South. It is a reooynued principle for the belligerents to declare what is contraband of war-, unit besuies the material which the Southern States may seek to draw from Eurojie,what is to prevent cotton being sub jtd to capture by private rs, should such vessels be fitted out • What, in fact, is to prevent the United States repudiating tho neutraldoctriue altogether, and taking tbelr stand upon the broad old English principle of maritime right, and declaring that tho neutral flag does cover Southern goods, and tp&t neutral goods under the Southern nag are liable to capture? 'J\> recognise itie Treaty of Paris would note be to make the Northern States of the American Union powerless on the ocean, and the time has come when we must consider whether adher ence on our part to that treaty would not make us powerless on the ocoau also. The Precious Metals. It baa been calculated by Arbulbnot that the entire product of the precious metals, from the birth of' Christ to A. D. 1866, was £16,. 2O < J,20U I 0lK) now swollen from the mines of California and Australia to £10,600,1)00,000. — We maj aay that “ours is the laud and age of gold for the United States Mint, which was establ'shud in 1703, had coined up to 1864, at all the mints of the Union, $668,010,188; and since the last named period, at least $300,000,* UOO. Medals naturally were suggested by coins; but it is singular that none were produ ced In England until thetimo of Oliver Crom well, when superb medals were presented to Admirals Blake, Penn and Lawaon, and, sub* sequently, by Charles 11. to General Monk, for public services. The coinage of England in 1711 was $12,G00,000, and in 1816 £10.000,» 000. It is now probably, in proportion of the increase in the United Slates, at least £Go,- 000,000. Such is the effect of the discoveries in Californ a and Australia. The proposition for a national Convention of the States to propose amendments to the Constitution is gaUing favor in the Peace Conference. It will very probably be adopted by that body. If a Convention is called im mediately, we have no doubt the conservative sentiment would control it. ♦■**•>.* ", “Pome*’ ou Idticolu’s Pittsburgh Speech* In speaking of the crisis of the country, at Pittsburgh, Mr. Lincoln said, "It is till artifi ciai.'' When speakihg of the tariff, f he °°i* fessed be could not understand It, hot said, however, “There ought to be a tariff that adequate protection to the *oal and iron of Pennsylvania, the com of Illinois , and the Reapers of Chicago ■<” [Air—The Blue Bella rf Scotland.] There's hope yet, there’s hope for the safety of on.’ land! “Old Am” at Pittsburgh f-poke, And plainly showed U* hand. He’s going tn have a Tarifl made to comfort alt our noula;— And the ftrat thing he’ll protect will he Pennsylvania coals. The rai!'Sp!itting he* o snufl i the dingo - fiIJ Pennsylvania’s Iron, and Chicago’s Reaper*, too. As well as Coal and Corn, ore bound to have their duo The Oil Weils of Meoca, they will not be forgot* And IheCheeaeof the “Reserve” will not be left to roi; The Hoop Poles of the great Northwest; the Pines ol Aiich’gan; And the Copper of Superior, ara in his laritf plan. Our fisheries and our cotton fields, und our plain », and rooks, and l Ills; And l tab’s Lake, Niagara’s Falls, Vennoot’s crystal rills, And California's gol U-n sands; I’oton»a< ‘n .-fiver wavs, Theya'l are safe. Tins I'mon grand, A!.*’* tarn) plan a ill save I I*tir*u bud tu the chief, and hia brdhani fu-hoine olpsare- It if n<»v 44 artiju ' but fvriH give the country vaah. Recession now wi l hide its head, oud Northern treason. Aul opposing tacUuna will uulio ht oet» tunp ■>< oo.vA Condoled I »r the /W by Frld A I- .re, of ih<> Honk .\M Reporter. xTUo Rtportzr is published monthly, at one L»..ll*r a yuar, »u -Uvauce. oih.-.f, I'iapaitJi Budding, I'itts* N«iw KnglohJ V-rfc HUi. ... N*w '» >.tk ruy ,\kw 4or*-fy, ( ►•**‘l > X \Se>H' I l'ona> yltaulu, ) PiUf.iiiirr'ii *• luu-rior, \WI-ru ItairtWtttt* liihUKi ol Coluuilm* Muryltu-J, Bsliiinurr “ Interior Virnmii ith I'sroliua HolUlt ' uroiiim - Al%t otUA { M Kank:*X |.'»U K«*u*it<-ky 1 et) LJtW**--*' « ift o 1 mluiUft MllUo.h i W Inna M «•!»■**« Missouri..-. Karluu^-,-.IliM r»l»» N.» V.trfc, •'l‘ l l J; lUHiiuorii, 1 p->r »al. H»uW iuudn. Coin sellm# si ‘i% oTt*r BsuksM-* f tailf*. On the charge of Adnnnutratiun, March 4th, ihero will be live living ex-Presidents of the United Hiatt*. —Van Bunin, Tyler, Fil in. to, Fierce and Buchanan. Kvery one uf thouo retired rilaL»**meu Uvurs the plan uf compromise known as the Critlondon plan, or something akin toil: while Mr. Lincoln, if the Republican organa are ri^ht —and hb speeches miy be taken aa an indication of bin ! policy—r*j tcU nil compromise, and prefer* fvreo Is bis wisdom greater than Iho com bined wisdom of bis predecessors ? A formkr member of from South Carulina, has written ft loiter tu a gentleman in WfuhingLon, affirming that Furl Hutnptor will be taken at all h&fcards Tho writer pro poses to make ono of tho assaulting party, and his statement is said U> be entitled to credit, and is ao receivod by well ioforroid persons in Washington. of course, will neces sitate the striking of tho first blow by South Carolina, ll ib Midi further, that Boulh Caro lina will demand a Jreo trado policy of the Montgomery Convention, and insist upon her ; demand. Tuk Mofrlgonaory Convention has inaugu rated practical free Irtulo cm pttp*'r, admitting “ the late United Stales “ to all thu privilege* au»l immunities vouchsafed to oilier iofern? powers, unlit Iho -tth of March After that lime, it ii fair to presume, ■* liie late I hi ted Slates " will tinj thoir coastwise trade blocked with heavy duties Kkv krd y J oatfMjtf and Mr. (tulberie, two of the unmt moderate men in the Peace ( oD* lerance, have derlared that the eimpio calling of a National Convention by the Republicans will not retard the *e«M*aiou movement. This popular troupe have announced their last performance at St Jauns Liall, London. They have mot with immense success in h*Dg- I urus will relieve pain more rapid y titan any utner preparation. Bold by Druggim* generally, at 96c per bottle. SIMON JOHNSTON. Drungglat and dealer in CHOICE FAMILY MJCOlClNße,corner Hmtlhfield and Fourth »tr U. Hole Agent. i>6 fhn OKANGES AND^XEM^NS.— 60 bones Orange ; 60 do Lemon*: The ilrst of the season. To arrive and for sale by RKYMKR * bROTHERS, Soooenors to Reymer k Anderson, ell No. a& Wood street NEW MPKING DitY CiOuDS OPENING almost toll,. 0. HANSON LOVE, VM 74 Market street . r v ’ Bank Note Q.uotatiou». ur..H'!t«'ii ut pr.-Kcnl “Cft piVr-.M'tfiil, Krlj. Kl, WH. . ... par A Kart. Buckleys stereuadors. Au Biteusivc tlultl Field. ItOLLAKU BITTERS. P&Kt-ULlt) PROM THE INDIGESTION, SOUR STOMACH, COLIC, IIKAUT-QCIIN, BELIEF Fll'lll PAIN I |Uuj LA K D—lo Uird just rec’d and fwateW (feiaV \nKMt' H COLLINS. Sugar, just rec’d Q UOAa.—» .bM P £22 foit ‘ B * lo b ? 11^,,HENRY H. COLUSA OAL OIL —iMfiftrrelaCoal Oil for saieTiy (fagt HENRY H. COIUNB New hoods,— NOW styles ef Skeleton Bkirts, Extra fine Onion Shirt Fronts, M«gin Kuffios—all widths, . _ . .Saw Colo's ofZephyr and Shetland Wool, Black Bilk Velvet Dress Ballon. Alexundris and Bajous Kid Gloses, A new invoice Muaqultaire K>d'«“*«*> . Jui.l rece.ved, EatON, MACKUM^I 'IKSf ARRIVAL OF NEW 000 R BIRLHFIELR Sc CO., Barn icsi.y table linen, DOWN TABLE LINEN. NAPKIN TOWELS, CrMh, PLEACHED* UNBL’DSHEETINGS; PILLOW LINEN * MUSLIN, FINE SHIRTING MU3LIN3, IRISH LINENS PURE FLAX, LINEN SHIRT FRONTS. Willi » full aeßottmenl or Spring Good»,ju«t receitoil, lulu MONONGAHELa UttWOE, 1 Pitteburgll, February iOih, 1861. f AN ELFCTjON FOK TLLIKTEEN MAN AGERS Of the Company for Erecting a Bridge er-r the Hirer Monongabela, opposite Pittsburgh, m H s '~ MOsnA? - fe2U SUi * M’OHAIN’S DEPOT, ri'ilOS. M'URAIN, SR., STORING FOR- I warding and Comn.ieaioo Marnhaut, lata rodd Toio.-.a. Ww.hr.UM. turner Mam and BeTtuth rta, Imuiarilla K,. Unequalled adraotaaea for «.» «°™6f and rale of Oram aad agricultural Implemonta, Pro "'n' B-HHfey from Are equal to any house in Louia- Kelrr to Sample A Jones, banker*, laltt.fwd _ _ For Kent, rWw oKKltt-S t'N SMPI'HFIELD 3T I»H MusicHu>r». Filtfawow 6 MliSfcS ANB tltfflißKKSS c; A ITEIIS, ~F '1 HR HKST- Philadelphia Manufactures sKI.I.INU 1.1 »W TO MAKE ROOM FOR ISI'KIIVK «OODS, W. E. SCHMERTZ, & CO., 31 Filth Street. UENTS ’ AND B 0 YS ’ par p-.r 3 par par I'llEillll CALF WO .SOLE BUOTS, (Sewed,) SEU.INO AT REDUCED PRICES, %V. E. HCDiHIIRTZ A CO., 31 Fifth Street, «LAS««W’S AMBROTYE GALLERY, LAFAYETTE HALL KOURTU STREET ENTRANCE. H AVISO RK ARRANGED MY GAL- I.KIt V , Hiid tiitod it Up in ihe m<>-1 modern stylo; l am propped u> u»k.« Ainbrotype* of all idzesand of Urn fiaVst qnaP? Intoodiog to deiroie my whole leoilon to i hi* class of psßu.ea I feel warranted W aiuirteeiag aatLHlacUon to my 1 yr* No- S 4 Fourth street, Pittsburgh LTJBjLIC OIL COMPANY. (VIpTHI KRLY UNION OIJ. CO.) PEALEUIIX lubricating oils only, No. 120 Second Street, Til IS COMPANY ARK SELLING A 'UixMtor urtio'o of IjUbricallll® Oil. ■inch Uiajr Kuarunu-f* mjual U> I.aril Oil No 1. *1 bo PotiQHjrWani* Railr<-*-l and ether Hoad*, end many H'-lljmj Mills and Machine ehoptf are Using it lo *tlvant*v«£ Price | l( *if that cl hard Oil. M3:lwd 01. USING Gut OK 1- ALL AND WIN I KK iw H >TB, BHOK3 AND or MS, bulling itry low uii do buinbug. C«UI an.l assure a b.ryani. Rsmewbor il u at the ( UKAP CASH STORK OK frje 98 MarUot Btreet. M^l«orJrlr-8 carnage bouse Ac., all »n good order, situate at ni.out u ro»la from the Mi&eraTiUe Passenger R K., nhor, distance from MmerstUl*. Rent|2sQ per year. B. CfTTBHRRT A SON, 51 Market «tr*et frt-'U rpftb: KKUKUa UtiT B .-tory ou i.'oii^iituhou, xtia Book of Uie American Cjnulllolion KAY A ro, 66 Wood Btrt'C D RIEIi'APPLES.—W sacks, 1U bun els, iusl recoiled and for a»le bv _ _ IMRANS A CUPFIK, j n ls oorof" Wood and Water atres*« YBW SPRING PRINTS, GINGHAMS, x\ I ~aiiJ-uua Muslms »od lriab bmueu, huliountl SlllrU, ollri width. «nd all ooloru H ,ll Trcmonl n»tt*e. No. l> pjarpood, \yl KNS* ill kiO Yti' KOoTa ■yovTHrt* aoora CUiLDHK.NS' BOOTS, at D. 8. DIFFKN BACH F2*P, U|l No.IA.KUUI trail Fvr Hale. ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE bbla Crude Petroleum Oil from KaoawUa. Virginia, for Hale by VY. M. MPRRAY» feio tr 43 Market street, pitta urgA- KuR BORING rc R OIL AT BoWN A TETTLEY, ) No, 130 Wood street, SPUING STYLES QALXCQS Alfl) GINGHAMS, JUST OPENED AT W. & D. HUQUS\ HUGUS’, W. & D. HUGUS’, W. & D. HUGUS’, W, & D, HUGUS’, W. & D. Blue, purple and uhekn and K**U Hatmorul Bktrln. Just received all of tbe oewbrt stolen. W. & D. UUGUS, fo7 Cor. Fifth and market iti. rpHE IUiUSTKATED HOEBE DOOTOB | JL being an accurate and del ailed account of the 'VST* ioua dieeasee, to which the Egutiiß Haee axe together with the latest mode of treatment. ahd iIT CONOEHT HA. His. The concert will be given on AT CONCERT HA EC. JeSUt LAFAYETTE HALL For Five Days Only. SIGNOR BLITZ, JUNIOR. Tim greet HIJeBUN SV IZtRD anJ VKN IRiLoyI’IST, with all hie learned CANARY BIRDS. Adaws-iOD, 26 cents, < hddien 15 cents. Doors open ftt 7 o’clock. Performance commences at * o’c ock. Grand Entertainment every aliernoon al 3 o’clock, lor F*mil ee and Schools Children 10 ceu s. I*™** l6 cent*. Poor* open ai - o’elock. f*nte6ld_^ -A- T CHARLES GIPNERS, 78 Market Street. Embroideries, tbimmincs, rib- PON*, Flowers, Kuches, Zephyr wor f'f,‘U . H Pp,P Bkirts, Corsets. LHov«M,Ciannitetii, Ladles’ ami Omldrdfl a Cotton and Wooleo Mined Hose, Hood*! Nubian, Bcarts. Gen 4 a* Bilk Merino aod Cotton Uodera* it w and 1 rawer*-; Ladies’ CoUoo, Bilk and Merino undershirts and Drawers: Genu* Neck 'lies, Scarfs, . l '* oen .• u i K fJi k . Handkerchiefs. Lame* Kinbrovdttred iiandkercwef-, L*ce tVts, Collars. Sleeves, Embroidered, Bel* Collar* bleere*.; ThrtMid. I aers and Edging; Jaconet Edging and Inserting, Swiss Fxiginß find Insertion; .laconM Rulbti*;, Swiss Buflhng. Embroidered l«*Ce Uo, rrapo, **% Ac., in every variely, aud still ate uow of fared at EXTREMELY LOW BA$£S, j PREVIOUS TO ; RECEIViISfIj NEW HOODS. -AT- ' ' : ' CHARLES GIPNERS. A,13 , ■ YOU CAIi’T FIND AN ARTICLE. THAT SUITS AS WELL AS HEIMSTREETtS INIMITABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE. Apothecaries and Consumer* testify that IT 19 TBE ONLY KEf FABLE AKTtCLK FOR IHE BALD AND GREY, Head the testimony from Henluoky. Ma. W. A. Bell, P-dccvh J£y-,Jaiy 27,1860. Btr s— l hare wedHstasrHCETS iaiKiTAnui HASR b'uroatTM’t, and am li o n no expwirtwaiir otb-r preparation* fur the like purpose, that it is the only artirte«*& More thepuUic worthpuTchasirri. • ___ Voura truly, 1 JOHN 0. DALY Paducah, Ky., July SI, 180Ot acßses. W. R Haoaw A*Co, troy, N. Y ~ (fonts Above please atur'emenl of Mr. John G. Ihily, merchant of our dty, in regard lo flaaßTKEcr*a iMaßisu Hi;: HerrORAHYB 4 I his le-vimony is gireu after having used moat of (Do preparations now bef* re the nubile fimmmo Lo he Bair ketporitUvcs. and «th t be cmf&ertd Mnr u»u» a» to the merits of the inisMtab'e. Am out of ttie large atxe. Forward by Kaitro*d.double Che quantity we bad before. Very truly your*, ' W. A. DELL. it will REsro&* r >tttf& natural of TUKJiAIK, c where age or sickness has turned It grey, and it wiU lender it ;soft and glossy. } “ANTBODT” ; Who way u y ii, will find it does not color the *kf», botby rtUQtilßtmg the natural secret-ons at givea new life ana strength to t* o Hair, and ihlis re* atoms ita color and IresLnefe*. It cm be ured as water upoo the scalp, anti with as touch .safety—& comp' sed of oil and aummaltug rpin and fus aa ar ticle tor the loilet, has oo eqnkl. 4 faf Read this letter: Sr. Loots. Juna-Mo., Ist, 1869.-,- Mtssss. W. R HiQSN & Co: —1 hereby certify Uxati my Hair having become grxn and my head par bally, 6oM, I boofcht frcm Pwdit Reynolds, Pruggifct one (our bit boble of HKIMSTREKTS INIMITABLEHAIR RESTORATIVE. By its use my Hair was natored to: itsoiiginal color and tbiekoeas it removed ail dandruff, arrested its tailing* and gave ita rk h, gforey appear- 1 aace. I*b effects were eaiiroly d liferent from any Hair 1 Preparation I ever used before. 1 know cf several la died-and gentlemen, my Intimate Inemta, who all apeak of the “Tmmuable w as being the t>e»t and cheapest Hair Preparation in our market. I can fully it, and will refer any one td'Benry Reynold-*, DCpggUV for the truth of my Btatement'*. WILIAM BCHRYSHAM*. Read one of Uio vuaujr letters reoeived by the Pro prietors ; St Lon s, Mo, Augup* \ Messes. W. E. Rasas A Co, Truy.N. Y— Genu - The happy results attending tfca use ot HtiuntrceCts Imm. iTABts (in every eenw 61 the Word.) Hair Astorftf**, seems to demand that f ahouid give my testimony that other lediea might ntcslt by it. i have uever uAed -a Hair teat Milted to we:t. It hoe txmptMy r«t DESIROUS OF FINISH hod employment at tfcia vrr by application. fe!B SECOND CLASS HAND ENoiNE FOR -MLE.—The meutb-ta of the RBUEF FIKKCUM rruSV offer for eele thotrfland Engine HEhlEFVnaa KJJ tfl, Pfopwlß* t» receive a new Steam Fire Entrfbe. Vho Relief weighs hut 3,200. pouoda, and is as eerricea tue a* when find purchased. For further particulars ? to » or “d** oB * C. OYKR, Esq., No«tf SmithOeid street, Pittsburgh. fewcawtr JCHF BURGESS A SON'S 1 DUBHAM MUBTABD, MUSHROOM AND WAI-NUT KETCHUPS. SHRIMP, BEEF STEAK, LEMON, ■ . SAVOY and OTHER BAUOEB, BOTTLED HAM, HTRABBOUROH MVtTS. Ae, Ao, for sale by . WM. BENNETT. !»} Voo ,1 atneet New wall papers, of ne w and chelae patterns, juat reoeived by , „ w - P- ma’.vhhall, _ *•« 87 Wood etree rf'HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO^ M. fore exiPtina between theundersip io th«SHOE - AND LEATHER BUBINESB, ondi,r the naSme fend style of H. CHILDS 4 CO,* was diaeolved, by mutual" uonnent, on the 31st December ultimo, bv * the with-' drowal o( Asa P. Childs. Either of the l/ta partner*' is fully authorised to settle the bnsineaa q 7 the Firm and to use the partnership name for that rrnrnn** p * H. CRILDB. 1 >CA ?. CF n.nfl v. , B. CUIL-DB. PtTtTBUROu, January 1, HGJU The undersigned have this HiYiwaccL * <^JS r J ß<,^' nI V under the styleTf No. 133 Wood street, pl" tbeirold «and, frARVEY CHILDB,, Pirtseoaea Jenoney I IP.BI M ' a removal. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, HAVING RFaMOVED TO THEIR NEW OFFICE, Wo 60 FIFTH STBJBBT, Are prepareb to do an EXPEESa KOKWARDINGBUSINESS. '"Hitidb with all the principal dtiea and* towns m the J^nUe s 3? *? ? i - ' t ~ t ~~~~*L*iSZ*aL* "** ?' .’.S' ,■: ‘4~ * ' &V*. 7 ... .tV-4g»K- f - 3)ta» & MW* j The regulation* heretofore P^Jgi/SjSE! iaioa the payment cf tboeipen*®# ?hl*Bi2s?i?m tioo of Old Copper Cents of the u. S to the MfiU> W “ eeose oo the 20lb itut ... . • The Cents of the New laane wM be PfWiSiSgSJ, Mint in exchange for soy of lb# Gold and of the United tttntea, and also In exchange f Copper Coins if delivered at the Mint Tub expenses of tiuusponatlen of theNcw UeotSyTtottms not less than $2O, thus exchanged' sill b* wwf W «*• Mint m heretofore. JAMES BOSSfINOWDKJ»» fellsunrl Director ol ihaMmU EIIBOFJBAai I«EHeVr THOMAS RATTIOAN, Emweaa Agent, No. tisiw&ter »treeWPittiiburgh,Pi, la prepared to bring out or Bond bock peftseoKera train or to toy pvt ofthe old country, either by uteemor nibng peck “bight DRAFTS FOlbSiLftpeyeble la.eOg.pert of KDrope. Vi# , s.jl S Ife thddUHlabk StrtXlnc offiefflng Ptek etß. in I ('A L. SCIENCE, afia'aboTHwon&wcs oMJEAFijfSSf; - 4 rom perforations of }h&TY4IPANI* - Can be consulted on ami all rtiSßAsitof -’• ihp EYE AflD BAB, req«(h>*>,M6dtf«l!W.B6tiaS*t treatment. V-f tessim&«alsl . * - _ ; ... ‘r. iI-if - DR. VON MOSCBZISKER has opcratoLo* mfr&ar* {or Oeaftui*. / take great pleuure in ricasHsieaihng hifii ' v tu o very skilfful A*ri?U deserving- the a/i.is. affected wdh Deajnes*. . .. 15U2A k Cbcs>ier anti-^WetftWr PitUsbnrßli, Ja«. •9,.18Ci. rl t * ANOTHER,. ' . . ML (’Off MOSCHZfi'KSII hta (rpuated ut stereos tallpmi nor right EAViihht lino** ehea-fjlq riammhni hteu .(> nil per. ret.i rryuirintj his ierclris ifurfi iaiiste&t Ihlit they will be benefited by Mil node gfircotmbfitjoP'Diaf neeSi 'j AS. M ACKEY, Pittsburgh, Feb. I,JSBL. ItWPißnßtreet- AGAIN. My son, a Joy 13 u art of age. became JDeaf fifur aaflf -lad of UCA Itt'BV P&VR&. Dr. von aiuphiktxr rutand hlui to hit hmr'uig. if. liAhGEAMiyCo<}per>7 NwYlh-TLaat cor .of'Difunondaiad MarUelattepti. Fittsbuioh, Feb. 8,1881. FROM. ?£OKKSSO'R MONKUR BALTIMORE. «I have third*? uern Mfpa'Wlse. lifer recovered. l«nm happjr to my £on*ic«ODU»& ~\>f your MkiU ainntidgOTeut&he.hftsbeeoaaYfl&Troxtt'-ttoi'' greatest deprlvalna tlis( could b&re bglaijeg her,”; FROM DR. WINCHESTER, RA IjTIMOR&^' “Mr. ocQia[hb^weljr,tfcW (bo niQittioiertaied'iaiiitrfi)ttoi(i)r l LimselC outlor jour tr^miyjuCeelrng-wdiaiteditiyoo cannot his hoaWjph U.wtU.uo.lbe donu by pnj.pf the (irofuasioa.” 'V \ ■■S' diflng aliuxirMlcae,Ox?yon JMU** • rttotObesr VeVjr "UVbiincUyj anJihp . disagreeable ooißßg iniheear, vrhi n-eefife’Bb'tfflngnbg* •rtMtotfiolj; r«mose4* -i 4 OASSADV#' • r .... , UdWOf&»fliear ui: Ptitiisifi' us cf tlie VVt, , , A :f lVf«Wp J>a. v Vo s- M «icnfsßeit I.oweio ymx the oft&£ sight, which iJiaii a'JUoat entirely * < v* ;; . \ W/y. miQoP^hi^qhatu^ - «?* ThOjC rtßtctaJ i 4 ilia/ above, btto<*rttds s mcAMfe* aaiiLoftais can be BoeT»atDr. M.’B : tiijoaej'viiajriab toaeoneulthini. ' - : - :v y • t>r Mf i*tbp jttrmiur andinlroduoaFdf-' Utni . . . . I ■■ ■ ' -j :--b v&J i'-.-fi s'S'iWf , EAR VAPORIZER; •(; ..... ..•. , • ». v ~. • \ Ui‘ T J? ? whip*'h v hk9Tecehrea*thtr l fitjjtifefft i^3ili'i ami'Qarttuin Paco! ty;‘wid,t# ; WMbh/Wir 1 UonAßOtteof ChViiiaat' ~ ‘"‘ v,; ' : ... . . - i - £3i;q. &M?> OBSTINATE CASES ... ~ .* ; , . •• -43:.‘.■» i aVI AoPi&i&tt, have bead removed. ...,>. e *«£• apprcitioQ remrqiha mu fttWEFiror H. u:i freaimuuCr *“ T N. U.—Or. if foonded oh OiVfrtio* .principle pf ptE^lC^j^lg^ 3TTRGtOAIi prT.M* vrouil jbfece l t*J observe that fie B'i gl&si fe pntieiit* by casing" Ibenu^yek . t>f Hpa r iijg'df : fiiglft : 'lhit‘yhey'thay c3n j ■ ihnt be has a trne clsitn on their natronage^"OCUMsX“ .*******: •••/: •opfiOb; . -; •:!•.•: - * No. 155 THIRD STREET* ' •>• . li-riiK. BETWEEN SSIITHFI fe LD. AN D GEANT SIR*; r« *l»t* Lemaj be CpNSVETED DAILY, rreefftijSl, MAoMm'i. ' **7" ■WABTIFICI ALEVES INSERTED. 11 *>ljr work on the Diseases of the Eyef dedicated. Pi bt. Dtioglbon, of J&fltsrdon Meilicai Pbi l phis, b published by .Cushings A'Bailey, can be ordered through tuft ‘ E " iS ,§T Bhf <* ■» T S _. " Zi ■' 1 •■■•- Jiii- -Al-^. l JOHN 'JlO‘VanKAO, :•...> commission * mebchlnt^ TOU TITH BAI.II 0» ' FIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. T« WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, v PiTTSB u&eii, fd. Glad News for the Uuibrtufiatejrf; THE LOMG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT; LicST./ '’ “ cherokee remedy, Au uorinißg Speeirie for air' Dlse.aaca 9 -Wintry erpßs, anil o General JVTHIS “REMEDY” CUREaWHEM^AUrDTHEBi^ PEBPABATIONi » " ' " V •! #®*lt ia nntirel? u nlike every 6Ui^)p§iK' tcioe prescribed Jbr YaxexiaL Disease*, as tt ebat*inar»p 4 Mineral Poison-oiTNovccoue Roots, Barks and Liaviby in tho form ora pleasant and de&cima Syrup. *. * .&zk£k.•£%& dSf Udh Nature’s owe Yemed?, n jror r (Clap,) Gleet* Gravel, na/mineitded for Fluor Aibaa/(WslleaiafJE ? <|RiulfaKr7' complaint Uis invaluable. - .* ; 5 <*l . • a general oikraiioe and blcodpur^fkr^ii^bimiSY^ does not- ftfl toiture Scgofnlai»fl > danr OUndolar £ enriai end allGrupUv© JJtaeskSas.ccMagltMm. more speedily end permanently then may cine known, J* does this by pwjfyinyjnHietetx&qfiki & blood f Causing it to flow m all lieon*ioal par end: vigor, thus removing from the system at irojra ana/ ' pernioioaa ceases which bavniadaetd disease. *tp ell old cases of Qotmorrhaa end it bare-twilled all . medical skill, it t» especiallyrndom mended~4n old cases it nevtr faila..aaaTeceatonogtt. cares tr«m one to three d«y&- Afeirdoses ppslffwto rs* monte all tcald&u/hoot,eAcadusandpairu - ■* 49»1t40ea not effect ibe brealh, f' dua of baaing, ~ , * . •; .£ ,!:t 49rXi requires no juriptance from. other medidce. J&: 49r*It n*nl*y' otittie Toile&tabte, ; ‘ar!n ' Boom, wi'-hbut ireri r being*BUßpectedaa*^eHifcdy*s^i *#»* 'with ■ Uons Toriheirpertnonent M&ffar tviSr particulars get* Cfrculaf fr&ftti&tifa&z 4*3t ia aoldatpiwi roT42 6er Bolflo, pr UesfOr all r&fKWiaibWtSng&Blß*iiia JMiSe*SR^ f ■■ ■> Mediate*rtiroaghonttheUnitea State*»n4*l*hMeiv*> • • >!■■«-*-; *?* • *’ c. HANaoifijovts- ; fell! u Marfcafc*tS>ft >S rnMB. AN D MES. ": JMfc, . SECOND "JLc on Wedowisj, Faßn»r»>.«. *x*ir .*' i , !, ,\‘ «** '••■ 1 » ''' l r . I , > ' * i,■ ear. ;-i yb *■ **> 4’^ »-5.0*3 fife H- t U >Hvf -f •Ti# 'H iiiiffS V i- U ‘. , ~ f _ „. *•' ■■'- s .Ar •* • - >•*■■»**•■*« v^cr--. . * - iM * '■•s-1- ii?’ vi - x -'-x£: