The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, February 22, 1861, Image 1

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TO LETS for sale at tifis office.
’ -b rV >
Stye Paiitj poet
Tasus; Diuly.Fi ve Dollars j*r yoar, atncUy In ad
ranee. Weekly, Single subscriptions Two Dol
lara per year; m Clubs of five. One Dollar
Arbitration Committee of the Board o
i • : Trade -
Fjr January and February.
i ...| ■*! eiLLEBPIK, ÜB. PAULSON,
IVaßhlugton’s Birthday is to be Cele
The secession troubles, which threaten the
dissolution of the Onion, seem to have a pow
erful effect in increasing* respect for and re
newing a decayed desire to honor the natal
day of the Father of his Country. The people
of Pittsburgh, as loyal and patriotic as thoso
safe ° f * ny othaf olly in lbe l: ° ion - have (partak
m ln S of lha general feeling) determined to cele
brate this day with more than tho customary
eclat. J
Do this occasion the military will be out in
fullWoree, including the xluqueate Orovs,
Jackson Independent Blues, Washington In!
fantry, Lafayette Blusi, and Putiburgh Zm
aves. The two companies last named appear
•>n parade Or the first time. The Lafayette
Blues promise to make a Use show, both iu
numbers and appearance, and they havo been
drilling closely in anticipation of their Jrbul.
The Zouaves are also well drilled lor the oc
casion, and will look well in thoir neat uui
lorm, which is very similar to that of the Chi
cago Cadets. With these additions a finer
military display than has been seen on a sim
ilar occasion for years may bo espeeted
For the accommodation of military com
panies from a distance, who are expected to be
present, the hour of meeting has bem changed
-from 11 o'clock, a u , to I o'clock, i- u ,
when the military will assemble on’Water
street, iorm and take up the hoe of march.—
The companies will be reviewed in Allegheny
Oily. We hope the expectations of a fine parade
which have boon raised may be fully realizsd,
as they now promise to be.
The banquet (military and civic) at City
Hail, in the evening, gives promise of being
even more interesting than the parade, if me
may judge from the preparations which have
been made. The hall has been handsomely
decorated with elegant pictures, appropriate to
the occasion. Young's band will be in altend
anet, and the supper is to be served np by Col
Jos. Flicker, of the Commercial BuslauranL
the language of Gen. James iJ. Negley, cor
responding Hocrotsry of tno Oommittee:
" It is not intended merely as a Jubilee of
pleasure lor the young and thoughtless, but the
commemoration of an event which gave
America one of its greatest benefactors, one to
whom is ascribed unbounded publio service,
one whose memory a grateful people should
venerate with chute and tender recollections,
especially when our joy is mingled with sad
ness and the dark forebodings of the present
awaken patriotic feelings in every bosom ; to
contemplate with great earnestness the trails of
character, counsels end measures of one whose
highest ambition was his country's welfare.
flu 1 life has immortalized the day. Tho beauty
sand sublimity of its anniversary should find a
•cordial/espouse io every heart, call out the
youngsad urdont to join in public cclobralion.
*nd speak ia a touching voice to the retiree, to
the aged and sober-minded. The occasion ap
peals to the national pride of every citizen,
especially of Pennsylvania, which has ever
been irite to the Delon. The arrangements for
the banquet are not embarrasad by sectional
Interests. The management has been entrust
ed to Our moat respectable citizens. Mo opper
. tunity has been' afforded tor speculation—the
regulations Insure satisfaction to those ladies
and gentlemen wbo do not usually attend pub
lic festivals.”
That these intentions will be fully carried
out the names of the committed are a sutii
dent guarantee. Everything that can con*
rlribule to the horn fort of the company ha* been
«4soei The hail doors open at 0 o'clock v. j|.,
the banquet will be served up at , after
vWhlcfc toasts, speeches, Ac , will be the order
t 4 the evening. Dressing rooms for ladies and
gentlemen have been provided. Indeed, lbs
arrangements are so complete that none can
/ail of securing the fullest orjuyment, and we
eh.'ll be disappointed ii the banquet is not oue
of C'he uioet respectable and entertaining affairs
evor bC ! <* in the city.
A nun. her of our merchants, desirous of
paying all p"oper respect to the Jay, have
agreed to close their places of busu<t*4, and
from all appearance Washington's birthday
will be better observed b-*ro then for many
years past.
MoE£ About thjc Sswicklit Coupaxi's
Well.—A letter from Franklin, under date
of February 18th, gives some additional infor
mation concerning the well of the £sewlckiey
Company or Fronch Creek. It sayi :
**On Saturday lost wo bad a new proof of
the boundless resources of the oil producing
regfon oT Venango county, while at the well
known as the “dewickley Company Well, "
owned by Judge Warner, Messrs. Flemming,
Tralee, White and o*t>urn, situate about two
miles above Franklin, on French Creek. The
well was bored to the depth of GOt* feet, which
many considered far bdowlhe oil, and It is
said that the company were boring upon the
last fOot, after which they intended to give it
up. ; However,'while the men were at supper,
there was a terrible explosion in the well, toro
ing out a great stream of oil with such force
that it took tire and burnt off the cable which
held the tools at the bottom of the well, with
other things which catuo before the fast spread
ing flames. They finally succeeded In putting
out the fire, and were able to save about 100
barrels of the oil, which is running rapidly to
wast& it is expected that when the company
w prepared to save the oil and removo it
well will yield Beveral hundred barrels per
duy The least agitation in (ho well produces
a steady * ncremB ° 0 f th® B*®** flow of oil.
No more ai S ° attbiB W(m der/ul well at present.
Oil is being Bt.' uclt * lmo>l but «*« 80
common a circL' a “ l:inco ber ° tb »‘ il “
tnucb spoken of b y, “«>•» interested.
Be*l estate U rapidly vlrsndng in price.
T»Kam:s FusD.-lho ton oonUi
battona to the Emus luad w. v ® ****iv*xl »t the
Mayor** offloe yealcrday:
Veoghtly t Kopp - MS
Ciiixea* of Brady'a Bead *3
Aljuta Lodged o. U Brady*i Bend ••;••• * u »
A_ H. (dumber*, Ibelr clerk* and e.“■
o « o ‘&r=z:=zv= ' S
B Beeyer.. * K w
Amoral prevtouoijr reported.
Amonnt remlUsd.
OokaxcTioir W-e stated yesterday that the
sarcophagus for the remains ofHenry Olay had
been taken from this city on the steamer Line
den. We have since learned that we were misin
formed. The tomb was shipped from here per
-Adams' Express," the company agreeing to
catn’rlt jrtt. The railroad companies bad
made Ute same agreement, but as they could
not get it through to its destination by the 22d
iaat. lt wu given to the Express Company tor
transportation. We cheerfully make this cor
rection, for the commendable patriotic spirit
displayed by . the company deserves U.
Bkeiodbly ImjubSd —Peter Moilen, an ore
mlnerj'residing on the Island, near Johnstown,
was seriously hurt on Tuesday by the prema
tura discharge of a blast. Bis face was severe
ly.burned and disfigured, and two or three of
Ida fingers torn off. We helieve be received
no internal injuries, and his speedy recovery
is probable. ’
Sob&TI or the Peace —Mayor
yeatwday held to ball Patrick McfMflHJ
Sooth Pittsburgh, on a charge of Barely of the
onoath of Benjamin Bantbury, who
allege! that on Wednesday,Mr. Quin, while in
hlafionto, drew a knife and threatened to kill
Both himself and his wife.
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A Sxrml’s Joke—On Thunday, Justice
\ ictor Scriba, ol iteaorve township, com rill L"*l
to jail Dr Augustut Aehenbach, . barged with
V'~c«y to the amount of SJ, on oath of l.
W. Kolkenbeck,” Dr. Francis llardtmeyer
acting as deputy constable After being com
milled Dr. A waa takon before Judge Mellon,
on a writ of habtaa - ll,s counsel
slated that the whole matter was a juke ibu
Information having boon brought upou a hook
loaned lo Dr. A. The Uourt, however, could
see no evidence of the Joke on the face of ihe
commitment and refused to diaoharge the
Doctor, but admitted him to bail for trial If
this waa done iu a juku it may prove a serious
one to totua cwnctsriicU.
St AH BSD - A UO AO named iK)CU4O*ok Jtf*
gnire was slabbed in the right side at the -Ofd
House at Home," on (Irani street, by a stran
ger, unknown.. It seems that Maguire went
Into the house and allrckod a man who waa in
the bar-room, whon tbe slrangar, a small
man, tnlericred, telling blm he ought not to
attack any one In such a manner. Upon this
Maguire •'pitched into" the litUe man and
threw him upon the floor While h« had him
down the stranger stabbed Maguire in tho
rignt side, but it wss not until the man had
left that Maguire discovered that he was nut
lie was taJun lo Dr. Murdock’s' office, where
his wounds (not very serious; »i redressed.
Person s c—Dan, W Boa- K,n . general
representative of the interests of the f Ft. W.
it C. B R , at Chicago, has been the recipient
ofa dozen pieces of magoidcvnt silver piab-,
iT6S6iiit-<i by the Cbftinbof of (JodiuiofuQ of
Milwaukee. Tney were givs'ti u a ot
the high appreciation m which ti>#y hold him
a« a loan, and railroad officer. PrUnd boaa
ba« the wolJ d wervod reisuuUuo of b*>ng lh«
boat ticket agent In the country He hai
been lofforiog wub a tevero attack of the J.p
therm bat t< rapioly recovering, and inland*
opening a tuit in connection with the
railroad office.
IiJE Hcvt.VUI.KNT S<riC7». of
Allegheny cHy, aq ft*»ocfhUon thai b*i i|ui«Uy
been doing much tu rtUi©*© the diotro* of itm
worthy pour, have exhausted all tbeirlut.d* In
charily, ard Incurred a heavy dobl. Tu« d«
mand' for aid aro alill preutng on ibum. In
Uiii emergency, Prof. Kidd, ib©
from Cincinnati, b»« kindly cfferrkl u> givo one
of htr pleasing anj inalruclivo ©nloriainmvnu
for their bon*hi, on neat Tueaday evening at
Oity HaU Wo are confident that the claim*
of to worthy an object will nut he unheeded
KouutHY —On Saturday night,th» ‘.»ih mai
the grocery and hotel of Arthur K’rk, it,
Sharon, Ai\.“"er tounty. was entered by bur
giari, and robbeu cf S’/'J ir» paper money, $2
in silver, and ninety one coppers. Twelro or
fifteen pounds of tobacco, and acm« whisky
wore also taken. Suspicion rests on u man
named (jundtlcy, as one of tbaJperDOtratori
He was seen the noil morning with a r.olJ of
bills, and the sauio day left town b»r pa/U
unknown. He was sunt to the l\>muuioary
from that county a fear years ago, for itoaiing
a watoli at M-iddlete*.
Blitz gives a grand holiday oihibilion this
afternoon, at thru) o'clock, for faunhtM.—
Young's band u engagotj, and ail the huje
folks expect to have & good lime seeing tho
wonderful canaries and hearing th« uiusic.
Tho performances thus far havo been w<dl at
tended, and the Wizard's tricks afford a-nuec
ment to young and old. Wo think l.tfaywile
Hail will hardly bold all the young folks that
will want to attend to-day aod to morrow.
OirkLAKD Park A bill has boon road in
the Bonate by Hr. Irish, incorporating tho
Oakland Park Association. Jt empowers the
corporators to bold one hundred acres of laud,
with two thousand (with the privilege of in
creasing to four thousand) share* at s'i6 each
The objots of the association are to be gym
nastics, cricket, baae balJ, etc , and tho im
prpvepient of stock, horses, cattle and mules.
District Oust.—jn this Court, yester
day, a verdict for plaintiff, in tbo sum uf $l.-
028, «u relumed in tbe third ease of Alle
gheny City va. Wm. M- Darlington and wife,
suit for grading and paving. A ault wai
brought by Oallender’a hoira againat Wm.
Wilkins, traatee of their ealate, roaulting In a
verdict for defendant, under the charge of the
A New Oil Company.—The Nonpareil Oil
Company, consisting of eeverai of our moat
enorgellc young men, waa formed on the 18tb
LIU t, by the election of Dr. C. King, Proal
dent, and J. E Love, Treasurer. Thla terri.
hory is on the Kanawha, near tbe B. A O it
8., and exhibits tbe moat flattering surface
Indications. They commenoe operationa tbia
2U3 60
™ i,99C 62
tpa m
A Centeksaeiak Gohe.—Benjamin Seat*
tergooddied at tbe residence of hie son Joseph,
i« Butler township, Columbiana county, on
tbe 16th inst., and was followed to the grave
bv a large concourse of people, last Sunday.—
Ur B was one hundred and one years old.
Be saryed honorably in tbe war of 1812, and
was one of t±o pioneer seUleraof that pari of
tbe State.
Ihscrakce om tub Fomt Watke.—-Tho
steamer Fort Wayne,Capt. Samuel Barr.wbiutf
was sunk atShnteNo. 18, above Memphis, on
her way to tbia oity, ia insured for f|2 000—
V&.000 in the Western, $6,080 iu the gitreka,
and $2,000 in the Pittsburgh Insurance Com
Cambulia County Delegates. —At a meet,
ing of tUe Cambria County Democracy,on SaU
urday P Bl ’ ®2 rus h* Pershing was chosen Sen*,
atorial,>Dd R. D Johnson, §. B. Kemlo and
Edwartft B- Dunnegan, .Representative dele
gates loft* 18 Otato Convention.
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Bow Outrage in Allegheny-A Dwelling
Bobbed aud then Hired.
o' C Vo n et W M <lnCfl u‘ iy U ‘« bl aboUl h " lf P“t two
o clock H ri . Beman, who wiih her husband,
~“ arlo “ K. Beman, occupied the front
r y room °t their rosidenco on the cor
ner of Kobinsou and Sandusky streets, Alle
gheny was awakened by a stifling smell in the
house, which Mr. Beman, on going down
•taira, discovered to proceed from some bad
clothing in tho parior, which was on Urd. The
names wereaoon extinguished, and it was dis
covered, on examination, that tho sloepine
apartment of Mr. and Mrs. B had been ent
tered and robbed of a gold watch and chain
worth $BO, belonging to the latter. The watch
was in a bureau drawer, which also contained
a considerable sum of mouoy, but tho thieves
had left it untouched. A piano cover was also
taken from the parlor. Toe clothing had been
carried from the kitchen, where it had bean
left to be washed, though tho dinning room
into the parlor, and fired, by the thieves who
■a m h ° U,e ’ after flrsl closing the doors
tight. Tho carpet waa burned through, the
□ jor charred, and tbo rocker of a cane-scat
chair partially burned by tbe Spots of
grease, dropped from a candid in the search for
plunder, wuro aiso discovered. Appearance*
indicated that the hall do t was opened by
moans of an outsider, ts the door was found
unlocked and the key missing. There is eutne <
mystery about the adair, as many vaiuible '
articles iu the house were left undisturbed ]
Tho police are socking traces of the neroetra- i
tors of this bold outrage
Akothke On. .■strike—a correspondent
of the Un;.nHe suys : -On Wednesday last
one of the richest veins or oil thst has y.-t been
discover!d up here was struck in Walnut
? B v. , Th ° Well ls on & lf4cl °wnod by l.tmb
m M Ororg, snd is situated on the north side
ol tho Allegheny river, oppose the middle
Walnut Island. When the voin was struck,
nothing unusual occurred ; but as soon as iboy
commenced pumping, tbe oil flowed cor.ta
ueously, and now continues llowirg. with a
little assistance from the pump. To day (Fri
dsy) Mr. I.amh bes boon kept tm.-y procuring
barrels, and floating them down to the well
It is now yielding six barrels [>or hour uf pure
oil, and could bo niado to yield more if tlm
proprietors had sufficient vat mum. This well
is only two hundred and salty flve feel deep,
and on account of operators being able to dig
to the rock, instead of driving pipoa, property
on this side of the river is much sought after "
Wo were present last evening at the drill of
* ® c lttibur S* * Company composed
of the young men of our city, who parade for
v e brut time today, in company with tbo
uquesne Greys. The company was organ-
Jzed shortly after the visit of Lho Chicago
/zouaves, last summer, and then numborod
some eighty members. The company did not
go into drill then nor until about tho first of
i*Mr which time they have been
drilling regularly under instructions. They
expect to turn out twenty live or thirtv mein,
bers on parade to day, exclusive of the officers.
i abort time they have bo.»n
drilling they go through the maoual of arms
and infantry drill very well, and they will,
with their new uniform make a creditable sp„
pearance. The uniform is very similar to that
or the Chicago Cadets, consisting of a scarlet
cap, black enameled front, b ! uc jacket,round
lng from tho cheat, trimmed with a scarlet
and yellow band, ornamented with stool but
tons, and under it a blue sfciit, bLff leather
bolt, with brass plate, star in centre; scarlet
pants, and light leather loggias Tho otti.-ers’
uniform is s cap like the privates, bluo cloth
frock coat, black enameled belt, red s lk sash
and scarlet pants The effect of the wlnli
is tine, and the uniform is decidedly tho hand
somest wo have seen. The command- of ihe
company has been tend, red to J.,ehl. K BJ
din Hoberts, of tho Greys, who Iris (f„r Ihs
prosentat least) accepted, and will parado with
tbo company today. The other officers arc;
rtrtt IXrutenant —G. W. Tanner, Se.,„,t
l irittenanl— Li. U. Onus'.a ; /-'.r,/
Sergeant —T. J. Armstrong. A..W r
Sergeant— Jas. U. Stewart With the ~e-.
fection of drill this corpse will soon ai.ju:r.-, it
must soon be one of lho beat and most popular
ib ihe Lngauu.
KIMiD K«.»R T U K'J W| N o Sfu*k> -Ull W'.tJ
n<**J*y Wta. H Murd..i,b. who
.rivos a (urDlluro car for Ale**/*. l-Vk'-i. r
Irwin, Srnkhflflvl gtroul, was driving down to
lb.* wnr«ru« in i, bo was attack*! by thrmi b.ya,
win ihr>w au.ncw til him, U-at him *b ut Ui.i
ami face, and, not content with thir, fol
lowed bim Lo the shop, wblrh they hl<i<p *b n. V J
Vwo of the buy,, i'ainck UouwJ and
Kelly wor» arrrtU-d, taken belore the Mayor.
a»id lined $6 each lor disorderly conduct.
“The bTK"fci,£>T Man is ih «: \V\,iw ‘
Dr. Winablp, o( B -ston, iboAmtrican S-unp.
bon, wb-.can hit I,mm ]*ouhd». is U> vi.-livor a
lecture on ibo advantages of phy»iral tracing,
at Concert Hall, l.» m*Tr<»w tm*n,ng. ur»d«r
the auifdcttj of tbo I’itUburgii Utu.naVu- A#.
tociatiuQ. During the l»*f',uro he will ribibil
•otno of hia wonderful feaU of eUtmgtii
l atom Michael a buy of tmvon
b-rn, arrtoletl for anabVing a p** ket book
from a lady In the Diamond market, who
««»p©d Intn one of Alderman Rodger*«
officer*, while being taken t • pru..n, wa» ar
retted again on Wtainoadey night, arid ndged
m Jail to await hla trial, yesterday.
V KtDirT —ia tbe Court of Common h’teaa,
yeaurdav, tbe ewe of K>ng & McCullough t»’
Urrio Newtoc, which iua been on trial »*v
era! daya, waa conclude!, Uio jury returning a
verdict for the plaintiff.
Dmti 3 trt —l»r C Sill, Sil *dlo IW,
•treol, attend* to all braru-tuw v ( th« D-rntal
Da. HtEßiiiss <b M t . j<uihiU, have
formed apartoerablp and opened an office at
106 Ktilh atroet, aeeond door below tbe Cathe
dral See their card
Kunboliinn. <44 WhnUin uj ku.j ta
••• Pmu * treat, abaft tlta taaal,
{s**• om bm4 a Ur*» ommwmm mi Paaar tad Ptea
Pure hare, ta Wataut and fSthogeaj of a osaau-
tad wartaeUd ojuai ta tad ctfl* u> ta*
>naAuiar«urad ta Ua oKy, Mad wUi m*l m rtaM>Qtk>«
«*r»a MlNi
Imporlaiit hi Kamiii*!
Sjve Tone Trouble, and kapfn^c
, ~
One pound equal to Six pounds
IMI T A S II ! !
Peuo'a, Salt Manufact’g. Co.
Aod fey *U k>rxuUMt« t, tn lb« Ualt..l fltatAa
i K. W0LK&......K r. PLUNKKTT T. CAMFH&I L.
ULAN* th\ii u;hhi:kn,
Bfo. 12 Wood Street, Corner of First,
RAINBOW >•! t Kl.iaiK V I LIU TKl'ftS
.t«i I, i hm i i m ki K.i.i' M*f
Qlank Books for Railroads, Steam
boats or Commercial Houses,
ruled to any order and got
ten up in the beat style.
MANUFACTUKFKS of sheathing.
.'.Bnuters'And Bo|t Copper, Preiised Copper Bofr
toms, BaJeedßUß Bottotau. Bpeltertiolder, A<Valsoim*
porters and dealers in Metals. ’l'm Plate. Bheef Iron.
Wire, Constantly od hand. 11 mxnen’a Machines and
Tools.* Warehouse, No. 149 Firei/and 120 Second streets.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cot to any da
ad patter* • tatfrltdarv
Warehouse, Mo. 149 Fifat and 130.1geoood sireots.
Manufacturers of alt irises and descriptions of t'oaJ Oil,
Retorts and Stills, (tea and Water Pipe. Bad Irons, bos
Irons. Wagon Boxes,Bteel Moulds, Follies, Hangars and
Also Jobbing and Machine Castings of erery descrip
tion made to order.
Bavipg a complete mac Line »bop attached to tbe
Foundry, sU necessary fitting will be carefully attend
ed ttt feXLdjdev
♦ *
r " ~ \
**' N
** .vt.*'*,
1. f;
The New /.ouave Coinpauy
- Mrs*.
For **>«- «| ** Tlirfi Milt t;
Pl(t« burg)., Pa,
Al-SO-4UKNT >ir
W. S. HAV£N,
* . *i->V
»• \ «> “
- " *«1 *
Congressional News.
Washington City Items
Mr. Li a coin’s fieception in
&c., &c„
The Democratic State Convea-
11 A KHLSBf Rii, Feb J 1
i be S;.*‘r Convention assembled
at Brail's lUll llii* nfwjrm-uu *1 ilireouYluck.
There ww a very tu.l ftltei.diUiro of delegates
The «>i the Democracy of the wore
Hon. \Y 1 1! lain U. \Wlah, Cl-* t. (u.-tn i’l He
I K uiicralit-Suto Gouiin iU«:e t i-ull ij ;h*j (' is
veutio| to order. an 1 made an eloquent and
patriot# rpcech.
Hen J, b i ci*■ ,>r, Hod. John W Ma)»
n»rd a*d John K q , w*r** n<»m--
naU.-J lor Winporary cbarmeti, when iim.
Cri'Well tu*»\ t*d that Henry ]) |-\, 6 ur.
Ol \\ .--liniTflaMil I «* t hcs**u jie*Ui*iJif*nt chair*
man !») u« . laiualn n, which Wkj tdiri-..] au.J
[. us i hoem.g
Mr Io»ior. upon taking the Chair, returned
h»» thanke lo tuu Convention h r tbe honor
conferred upon him. Ho tpobu feelingly of
the dutrwtod ilalo of Ujo country, and laid
lhallho cauao wai not the fault of tho Demo
crat!, and that they must unite, heart and
hand, lor the preservation of tho Union. Mr.
FoaUr made au . l.queol national speech,
wh>cb wu revei v» d with wild applause.
Commit Lot* on l>. gaoi Nation and Contested
•Stal! were f»pp...uled, sfwr which tho Conven.
lion *Jj urm>d W toe*t again at half pant sevuo
o clock in the evening.
A; the oveoiog ■e#»»vu, the Committee un
organizaUun reported one Vice Priftwient, and
one &ccr«ury »rom each 3ei*aton»l dictrUa uf
tb« 3ui<\
Hun. William U Willie made au eloquent
»peocb Gm» Ft**tar followed Mr Witte.---
Ue laid it was impossible that Use Republican
parly c-ouUl administer the affair* u f the gov
ernment up.-n the principles laid down in the
L-hieagu platfercn Lie at length <u a
*tra nof glowing oloquoaqe and patrioUsw.
after which the Convention adjourned until
Friday morning
Wa.-mvott.s Cirr. Kwh.
Mr DooiuUe, oi Wi»c«t}aio, prvwented the
petition of ctUicns el Milwaukee, numerously
signed, asking Congrau toJ*Un 1 by the Con*
♦ tltution and tawi, and to Tnako no compro
mise with traitorf
Mr Powoii. of h f . the petition
of dliaem of WiaouMlo, io favor of the Crit-
tenden ri solution*
Hoars Dixon, <•( C--».n, an ! ii.'girr of
Pa. j>'(wonted nuu*«ruui p*HU,>n« 7<.r the
Border Slate ar>4 Crittcodm r«r*<buUotoa
Mr It'agg >•( N C . p.'-«r.ul.?i
Uaia • f Mr t iingiuii , r<? «*.i-yVod S maWr fr-.»m
N 'fib l aroi ;i&.
Tlio v x>fii»'.<- ro*um<*d UiH comiJorali -u of Lt*c
Util fur ihi' uf U»«i |*. •»-t*»l •orviou
> mi ib« vaU*, wl; i-h Wu laid over
Mr llu/it*‘f uM 4, »a J tbst tf tbe States
•frrtf in lU l nu-Ti wo iutd no right in ml u fV
th<* j«*«Ui benefit*. lUhuIJ nut be to on f.-ro«
the law, fur lfc« puatal law* wure not r«*‘*ted.
\N •« »* ut-l ?.•■*. M.Jvrukr, u'der lU»*
U ic. U> pui».*b MftU'i tu lh*i »»>. »lui hi*
the m jircajiuti i f.»u» fwlinii, atw rebellion, In
Ui>< '<■ ;! iwai j tu txi but ilrp* v,:,tch wuuM
end In u»ing fj rc« *gaui»l tk-i »rt'r\l;ng Stale*
M r 1 )ooll lll ** said :t wm a ino%*(>rn v( pea,*,
not of war. It was otu July u» arknowiedge
ami f• • r 1.-0 Utc chaß«pa uf lb* day Whut are
u.<> i-’w iJua.* which wu bavit lo um>i ' Kirnl
U.c-ro '.l U -' Ido* that slavery i» a bif**»w.g at d
a pro] sr ilalo of 4<xi<*ty in a I'«*|*uStie. Tbu
iGca ;« ..oi adiutlUJ 11v lb- m a who framed
tbs t •oniUUition. but it wu Ibo idea of Mr.
I alb ■*u n . All others had caul :t Wai an ovil,
luciallv and pulit'iC^Ty
Mr Ciitigmal), ul N C, wl.ej Mr
Ca.huun raid Lbat *lavory was a
M p UuoiiUle *a;4 tbol Mr. I.’aibouo tusdo
the declaration on the lluor of Uio aenatu, that
it wHA ibo Uat and uu'-l iUl> 0 baits of free ■
u.*inutu>ni Thu luoi despotic in the
Southern Stat- H, ami throaWns to destroy '
ororythiDg unless ad united and revognuad.
Too iir»t demand was made of lb«j Democratic
parly and became that parly w»»ul j hot fully
admit Ibo id’t >1 was destroyed. To day.wiih
mm in tboir band*, il i« drinr mined that we
• hall make a now ConstitiUoii, and carry
slavery into Um lorritorieji where it never ex
Died Uo hoped that Ibis bill Would he passed
as one of ibo means which wul give jH*aco to
tho I’nmn.
Mr. Hunter said bo was glad to hoar that
this was not a uieasuro of I'oumnn, hut bo
thought it was nut necessary to pass it, as ibo
|’o»t(uai>U)r General bad all the powers neces
Mr l’owoll, of Ky., si«»ko against tho hill.
Ue raid if it was passed it would give the
power of a despot to the Head Clerk of the
Department, and destroy the liberties of the
Mr Fesaondon, of Me., said he thought the
o juato,* vwj drawing un his imagination for
such an assertion. The bill limply gave
power lo tho I'ostrawter-Geoora! to suspend
the operations of the laws, and relieve him of
tbe necessity of any attempt to enforce the
law*. It is most eminently a measure of peace.
The secret la that gentlemen want to force us
lo acknowledge that secession is lawful. It
soerns to bo the simple truth that gentlemen
want lo l*l us have 2; measure of peace, with
out we acknowledge this.
Alter uearly three hours wero spent in ex
ecutive session, the Senate opened the doors
and proceeded to tbe consideration of the mis*
cellaneuus Appropriation bill, passing several
amendments ot tbe Committee of Finance.
41 hvo o'clock ibo Senate took a recess until
iiouriE-Mr. Davis, of Mass , from tbe
Select Committee of live,to whom was referred
the President’s Special Message of the Bth of
January, made a report as to the stationary of
vessels of tbe navy, in such a manner as to
neglect the defence of tbe whole Atlantic
Coast during the prevalence of lawless vio->
lance. The number ships they say, lying in
port dismantled and unfjt for service is £B,
amounting to the aggregate of 874 guns, none
of them could be repaired and put under sail
short of several weeks time.
The House resumed tbe consideration of
Mr. St&nten’s volunteer bill.
Mr. Bocock, of Ya , resumed and concluded
bis remarks commenced yesterday, contending
that the bill proposed to attempt to enforce
the Federal laws independently of the civil
power of Ibo country. Ije could not say what
the border slave States would do in tfil eyefit
of the pwsagfi of the bi 17, but he knew Ibat
Virginia U committed and her honor and her
interests require that she resist tbe intended
warlike aggression on the other Southern
States. If the bill become* a law, be hazzard*
fed the opinion that iu less than three months
all the slave border States, with one or two
exceptions, will be foond standing with the
seceded Stales He argued that tho Repub
lican party is hostile in Its orgari?Z4tinn, b<-
causo Us corner slono U In opposition to tho
extension of slavery, and iU rallying cry
the decJarytion that Southern institu
tions are to be circumscribed and oppressed,
while those advocated by that ptt'ty are to be
extended. In coocluaion he ea:d that the Re
publicans adhere to their platform with more
tenacity than to the Oonstition, and in the
name of the Constitution, which the bill vio
Utes, in the mime of his constituents who were
to injured by if; in the name of his Common
Country, whose peaci was lo bo destroyed, per
haps never to be restored, ho denounced and
execrated the bill.—(Suppressed applause in
the galleries.
On motion of Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, the
further consideration of the bill was postponed
till Monday.
Mr. Adrian, of New Jersey, proiontod a
nir-tnorial from Jersey City, signed by 1,215
persons, 200 <.*f wlmm Republicans—also
u memorial from New Brunswick, signed by
over *»o0; they pray for the adoption rf the
Crittenden proportion, or other Consliluliuna!
mode of adjustment of the National ditii
&c M &c, t
The repost of the Committo of Thirty-tbroe
was next considered
Mr. Barrett, of Mo , spoke in condemnation
of the Republican party and entered hia pro
Usl against secession as unjust to the border
slavcholding States. He said those which had
recently c-mfedcratod together ought to have
remained in the Union and therein fought for
their Tights, but the flr*t movement toward
c onion would unite Missouri and all the bor
der SlttU-s to resist it.
The Heine proceeded to tho eonsideratio l ef
tbo Senate bill to provide /or tho payment of
ibo vx pOTj»ea incurred in Oregon and Wh'li*
I r:gton for tho suppression of Indian bostilitiog
in ’•>'> and ’oO Tho bill appropriates s3,‘l’jU
(HI 1 ), •'•••• ...
The House reduced tho turn to lees than
: (mm).ixh.), but nitbout deiinite action tho
li .>ii»o adjourned.
Phh.adbi.fiiia, Pub. ir J . —Tbo train with
I•' n«'* wi ami buho arrived at Kensington de
( ul at 4 i/clock this aPernoon, and wore es-
Oi*rJrd t<> iho carriage in waiting, Mr. Lin-
C"!i. s barouche bring r.ihspicuous by tbe gay
p'um*gu « f f.-ur white horses. Tbe procession
then formed in line It was beaded by a body
of mounted police followed by a cavalcade of
citiaens representing, in politics, all parties,
and tbe Ponriayivan’a dragoons. Tbe Presi
de Tit elec*, with tbe Chairman of tbo Com
mittee and President of tbe Councils, bis suito,
tbe Committees of the New Jersey and Penn
sylvania legislature*) and a large number of
ct.iaens in carriages pPoceedjrd over the line of
march. Tney weio ha hd everywhere with
patriolio emblems and aintufestatiims of aboal
000 hundred thousand people gathered along
tbe line of march. Tr»« weather was cold and
threatening. Oa tbeir arrival at the Conti
nental Hotel Mr- Lincoln was conducted to
tbe balcony and introduced by the Mayor.—
Tbe noisy multitude below greeted bis appear
ance with wholesale c-beenri*. but, with tbe
Mayor s welcome, bis reply was unoeard, ex
cept by lbo*« in the immediate vic : nity. Mr.
Lincoln displayed great earnpfetnH*a in the de
livery of bis speech which caused the mass to
reflect bis patriotic views in deafening ap
plause. Mayor Henry in reieiving Mr.
Lincoln referred to tbo calamitous con
dition of affairs which left few firesides
without iu dreadful visitati ns. The
mass arc weary and sick of aelti*b ache ms
wily plots, and selfish politicians and
trust in statesmen and tbo patriotism of Mr.
Lincoln t> restore peace and prosperity. He
regretted tbe thortstay of Mr Lincoln which
precludes the Intercourse of merchants, manu
facturers and mechanic*, to afford clear dis
discernments of thdr great interest. Mr. Lin
coln replied:
H is true tbal there is anxiety amongst
eiUipn*, but the d}«satb lied are unable to point
to anything in which they are being injured
or about to be injured lienee be toil instipid
in concluding that the crista was artificial,
bet those who differ from mo point 'out ff
•übslaQUal didlculiy Ue did not deny that
this anticipated panic bad done cons ; derablo
barm H« would be mc-*t happy to fulfil the
bot«e of the Mayor
lio brought a heart to the work: it was
to kpeak of p'ans proposed, os bt* would
•peak utHoiaily on Monday week. When he
did p]*e*k bo won d take such grounds os were
best calculated Vo reatoro peac»*, harmony and
prc»p. my of the country, and lead to the per
poiouy of tho nation and liberty of these
fiJtaUs and people. He assured them be should
do nothing Inconsistent with tbe teachings of
tho Constitution and Dec! trail on of Indepen
dence. He then retired for supper and nitae
qut*oily held } levee.
P 1:1 USM, tVb.-1 —The Bteam*bip Nova
Scotian la signalled below. She furnishes tele
graphic advices from Liverpool via Queens
town lo Ihe lMb insl.
Kxoum> —The Louden Tune* money or
ticlf *a>B that an improvement on Thursday
in iho Paris bourse caused an advance in the
Kngliah funds, dosing Urm. Tbe discounts
wero active, and tbe bank did h large business.
The position yf tho Bank of Franco continues
to improve.
The recent veto of the Kmperur of Ruo&ia,
of the arrangemout of an exehango of gold
fur silver, is attributed lo political feeling.
bos been a large increase in the remit
tance of specie to India, which is said Vo bo tor
tho purchase of cotton.
The London Amci regard* the vote* of tho
Prussian Chambers, in f*vor of Italy, as cal
culated to chock thg warlike inclination of tho
courts of Germany. Lord John Bussell's
speech on Tuesday, is regarded in Parts os
extremely warlike.
Gakta.— The besiegers have blown up three
powder msgo/. nes, destroying the side curtain
of the citadel. 'J'he garrison a»Kol fir an ar»
misiiooof two days to bury their dead. Cial
dini granted the n quest, besides tending ne
ce«-ariHs for the wounded.
TtiKatv.—Tho Kussisn Ambassador baa
niKisonted a strong nolo in reply to the Grand
Vizor's report, reiterating tho sentiments of
Kuasia. Tho Sultan coutinuos £rm iu bis re
fusal to s-jsont fo tbe prolongation of the French
occupation of Syria. Tbe commercial crisis
continues at Galalx.'
Tho Montegruse are ravaging the villages in
the district of Nieiasep, killing men, women
and children, and burning tho houses of the
tnhabit&n is.
Commercial Intelligen^s.—J.iykrpool,
d.—q no sales of cotton for the week have
been 49,000 bales, including 0,000 for specu
lation, and 11,000 for export. The market
oper.ed active, but tho American advices in
connection with the unfavorable reports of tho
state of tho trade at Manchester, caused a de
cline of tl. Lower qualities are very
Jar, and have boon otferred at a decline of }d.
Ihe sales today, Friday, were H, 000 bales,
jpolqding iOOO for speculation and export.—
The market closed quiet, ut tho following
authorized quotations : Hew Orleans, 7j for
Mobile, for fair; 7t for middling
upland; for fair, and 7 for middling. The
stoek of cotton in portia 019,600 bales, of
which 647,000 bales are American. Messrs
Howell & (Jo.'s circular quotes the decline for
middUng at one sixteenth, and common frd on
the weed; fair qualities are unchanged, tbe
market closing very dull. The Breadstuff*
market oloslDg very dull. Corn is firm.
Fort Keaunky, Feb. 21.— Tho Wes ter a
stage passed at four o'clock, I*. m., bringing
the following items of news; v
Dbnykh, Feb. lfe.—'fhere is a gopd of
eioitement about the newly discovered quartz
mines, near Platte Canon, 22 miles from Den
ver. A number of rioh leads are reported
found, and prospects of one dollar abstained lo
the pound of quartz.
The weather continues pleasant, and many
persons are leaving for tho Blue river country.
Washington, Feb. 21.—between
ten o-oioclc this morping, a w* D dow awning at
the War Department, caught Ure from chim*
ney sparks. Un tbe messenger hoisting the
window to suppress the flames they were blown
in the Secretary's room, scorching the papers
on the latters table. Tbe early discovery of
the fire was fortuoate, considering that tbe
not fire proof. The Secretary,
who early enters on business, was present, and
first to give the alarm.
. *•. ■•v;'*'- 'Srt'
New urk Feb 21.—The siaaihßhlp Kan
g'iroo, from Liverpool and Qaeeflsiown, has
arrived, with telegraph despatches to the 7th
1 be House of Commons bad rejected the call
on the government for a reform bill.
The Paris MoniUtur confirms the reported
cession of Mentor and Rognebonre to Prance.
Latest—London Feb. 7tb._The negotia
| tions relative to the Danish questions have
been temporarily suspended. The impression
is strongly of a pacific solution of the
question beingSaiTived at. Paris advices state
that the Catholic party in the French eham
berfl will propose an amendment to the adding
of tho Emperor, protesting against the revolu
tionary policy of France in Italy. Tho Lon
don (ZWy article concerning Hr. Cobden is
more circumstantially contradictod. So far
from los'ng. by investments in the Illinois
Railroad lie is receiving & handsome income.
England had boon invited by France to
slop Garibaldi’s career, but declines on tho
pit* t bat thy Neapolitans ought to be left to
settle their own matters themselves. A letter
from Genoa states that while the elections
were proceeding in one of the Communes of
tho pruvineo of hleesina, a party of Bourbon-
Juts entered tho hall and butchered, in cold
blotd, the President of tho electoral colisge
and bis two sons. b
Comm am jal—Liverpool, Peh. 7. The
sales cf cotton for three days wore2l,ooo baits,
including il.ooO hales for speculation and
export. The sales to-day, Thursday, were
• JXtO bales, including 1,000 for speculation
and export. The market closes dull, at a de»
dine uf ; 1 since Friday. The Manchester cuntinua unfavorable ; breadstuffs
steady ; provisions quiet.
Ixjndun, Feb. 7.—Consols ciosed at SI 2
ill ' * '
Four Keaknev, Feb. til —The Pony Ex
press passed at 3 o’clock P. M;
«A.v Francisco, Feb. G.-3:40 o’clock P. M.
The exciting topic in ban Francisco is the
heavy failures ot dry goods merchants. Yes
terday the old established house of TaafFep,
MtCahill & Cu., was attached for debts due
San Francisco creditors, amounting to $338;-
OOO; the entire liabilities represent $1,3U0,000
of which some SGOO.UOO were a wed in this city
and the balance in the East. Their assets are
unascertained, but the creditors seem to think
themselves secure. The next failure is that of
boloman 11. Bohn & Co., importing dry
goods merchants. The attachments levied
amount to $090,000. Then followed attach
ments on the retail dry goods store of Thomas
Brady; there is some prospect that this house
will compromise with their creditors and
weather the storm. These failures produced a
panic in the dry goods business, which hes
oeen astonishingly overdone for a year past.'
Taaffee, McUahill & Co., owed ban Francisco
hankers about $200,000 on which they were
paying two per cent a month.
Forbes’ warehouse on the corner of Green
and Battery streets was partially burned dn
the 4th, destroying about #16.000 worth of
merchandise, mostly hided spd horns.
Tnere is hut very little late news of inter-
The Legislature U doing bat little, waiting
tu have the Senatorial election (jumtlon settled.
1t id understood Uiat the advocate! of Denver
will put toriJb their besteftorls U) bring on the
election this week. H.
There has been no action op ihe Micon reso
lutions yet, and the discussions continue tak
ing a very wide range. v
The Sacramento Union credits the report
that there are 800, or 900 men enrolled in San
Francisco as Knights ot the Golden Circle,
whose object is to favor establishing a Pacific
The whites and Indians in the vicinity of
Uumbolt Bay are reported again at war.
Thirteen natives have been killed in one on
A Union meeting is to beheld this evening
in Alinada county, across the bay from San
Francisco. E lward Stanly and OoL Crockett
fete among the speaker* announced.
Washinotos City, Fab. 21 —The Becrc«
tarv of the l retail ry to-day, in response to
the resolution of the House, submitted elabor
ate documents in which he says it is believed
that the duties on imports continue to be col
lected in tno ports of entry in Carolina, Geor
gia, Alabama, Louisiana and Florida, and
that vessels are entered and cleared in the usu
al manner. But, so far as the department
has been advised, tbe colloctors assume to per*
form tbeir duties under the authority of the
-Slates in which they reside and hold and :o
coivo duties subject to the same authority.
Only about half the t dicers of customs in
theso M-aies hove resigned their commissions,
while Uo others appear to have' entered on
their duties to the government of these Slates
without considering it necessary to perform
this official ceremony, so greatly has the mor
al tone of individuals been impaired by the
examples of disloyalty to the Union.-
The documents transmitted embrace the cor
respondence relative to the New Orleans mint
Ac. In speaking of tbe general subject, the
Secretary says that throughout the whole
course of encroachment and aggression the
Federal Government has borne itself with a
spirit of practical forbearance of which there
is no example in the history of public society,
waiting in. patriotic hope that the empire of
reason would resume its sway over those whom
excitement of psssion has thus blinded, and
trusting that iho friends of good order, wear
ied with submission to the proceedings of
which they disapproved, would at no distant
day rally under the banner of the Union and
exort tbemslves with vigor and success against
tho prevailing recklessness and violence.
Atch Ison, Feb. 21.—The deputation from
the Pottawatomie*, consisting of three cbieis,
catuo in yesterday and applied for relief for
the tribes. After sitting a few moment! in
Uen. Pomeroy’s office, Sassombane, a venerk.
tie chief, arose and addressed the General as
fellows: “We have heard you are a great
father of tbe whites j will you become a father
to my starving people' Two of my tribe
have died aljeady, and many are in danger of
starvation if not immediately supplied. Our
wivus and childron were crying about us when
we loft They said ‘if you come back empty
we will starve.’ Annuities are cut off. Tra
ders will not send us food for wo have no
money. Our horses and cattle are dying
t ? , nu We left our home* on
Lake Michigan. My wigwam Btood where
now is the great city of Chicago. We were
removed from Council Bluff. Never in my
life have I seen such suffering among my peo
ple. If you will keep us we will live, ifnot
we will die. ” He is a fine looking Indian,
and spake fluently, with great emotion. He
represented 250 of his trine in most destitute
conditio, which i* poroborated by statements
from that part of the country. Gen. Pomeroy
loaded their wagons for them with provisions
which will last them till spring. H
Detroit, Feb 21-The Republican State
Convention, for the nomination of dusUoe ol
the Supreme Court, met at Lansing, yesterday
and nominated Randolph taanninf for
tion Resolutions were adopted to maintain
the Constitution without compromises Per
feet harmony prevailed, The Legislature hat
Uken no further action relative to the appoint
ment of Commissioners to tbe Puaoe (jonven
tion. M one will be appointed, 80
Yi asuinuton, Fet.?l — c*ni ,
turned lrom Florida by direct^,lf sw
tary of War, to resume charge of the Wash
ington aqueduct,, leaving Major Arnold of
the artillery corps, in charge ol the fortlfC
Lons at the Tortuga*. fi e represents “htt
they are m good condition to resist attack from
New York, Feb. )Jl.-The President elect
(eft the city at eight o'clock.. His departure
wss witnessed by an immense assemble of
oilmens. Salvos of artillery were fired. The
cunard steamer Africa w4s gaily decorated
with flags, and fired a salute of twenty one
guns on the departure of the President's train.
HoNTfifiMßliV’ Feb. 21.—1 t is understood
loat Mr. x&Qcey declines a seal in tho Cabinet
at tbe suggestion of friends. He prefers to
represent His government in -Europe.
„* " ..
■/*’ b-v.
‘ »V * .■ 1.-
V VI V r‘
• •••';* k >,
y : ■ .
Nino feot water in tie diaritmf;'
PIITSinUCiAS MAil|SE , tg.
Reported Bxprvsty for the Daily tXarkjftg:
Pitwsutmn, Ki kriwv'iTaC'lfflsi*
Flour ...Dull si )*sterda>’> figure*.AOiejßl«f
102 bblr, In JotK.Ht «ftjjrfcjiV* -'
family, $5 76&'i,SS fir Diu«*>— Vprir« ig/s **.
1 for utr*, ss,7ft^}. p «,SS for extra f-.rnHy, aad for -Xy
lancj— ■>■,.■■ u-fa .«•■ •'
2o9,.bu»J». W>r«, ftt £tv; 16a bush oa« >p4
fct2s@ cc. ’ ’ ' 'V"
Apple»_gii bblH ai ■ -r -;.. .
Cheeßew.SaiOß a£'6ox*aJW: i. at IOo.SHb;-- fj
. n s4
Molassesvlealort So bj>is._N. <>-, *l M.igbl yp ftgaJ. wjj
Coflee. ..Sa|i/ 8 « incktfiHteat J , -»4
Scea...‘-ai* B %
Fl *** ..? ii. "2$
J»uur.„!iii w 7 ‘waeUyy at 13&Ua ( . a. .•.
Hyt F10ur...*.!,* lo bbl* «t ’s<& ’ h " ;V . ?3*4i
Feed..jJui,»s j lotl fehr^u.ff- Wtti; *
ggs....'iHl«a 6 bU.j at 1 -.. .it'/;-, -i • .
OH...Halos „ bUi. Ut.l Mu. 1 ui 90-jajiftl. .
8a11...5»!e« SO bbla. No 1 n .«$
Beaus...« H icB Gj bush KnuU ViltUd.M &60-, ’ "... '•r-’-J
WliUky...3nldt- :il hb*s itectifieU Hi r&
Cmcliuiaii Hfai?kiit> r ...
C» oimuti. February 21.-Kveni o g-t|»^.ii?icaaJ.ifey.
FiourJifls fi 'mu <ft aotf 'lie Jems'iiif'fSqcute'ifaTUstf'
~uperfiuu i» Djt B-Jeabio u: t,T*rsH.»o..fthafrfliro^T^Vv.
Wm-ut is good at fall pr»CM6,l»oti'?r)«-H^e : hj-'lcTrtiia^iiil!<
O.IH firm lit •.( tn Lu:u al the riUhtoy>taticrM ,V f <
Kvb h*g a-Jvnu.TU to » u ti ih tn *" *'
!‘ kleM of 1»j0 bus I ,Mi. l'n-ViHioD.-s noijijbit.of
Importance in du.n£ an<f prices mu n r -mir:r r hclimra - t-Al
renm 11 bmp t.uutw tuai krt 1 , .!eo«le..!« lipt, ' -’ B Ba
»o ehtjoge 10 1;,-t een K aw 1.11.1* Mt,»r v 3
<% OHO wyn u tf,, o at utgi:,: ,m,l rt„u|) tola, hf i
se«-in the r. Ui! W4jr at !t:: „:11. t l,e lan 3of tSoTanK *< - - .^g
t«OHUB alakiy. . ■•.,
Aux„hs«» Cm, Pofc, 2J, iBel.
Th«.tuarkdt Uaa iiuprcrad > hulo aia«> Usl wefcii
the Ka-laro donmod UJek a 111 tie tel U r-' fTfcdi'liWQ
uodorguue do important ohaogw .‘ / »• ' • • »
No. Offered. Offer (d by.
14.. A Tacber
15.. 81ue...
18.. John Wall nee
14.. Robert Gibtou &.
36.. Philip Frederick...
16.. Oliver Duck
14.~HTueker.... ?
18.. E A i.'avia
13.-Samuel Adama
2'. ...John Buchatton
17.. Wm McPadden
32.. Bush ....
18.. Patteraoo
10.. H Kilgore
18.. W H Eagle
K Smith
16.. Wm Smith..—.
21.. .8 Vail ..
16.. M A W Kidd
18.. 5.C Parker
Ift... K 8 8ut1er........
33„.Jatnea Harrii'k
le...Jaa 8c0tt..........
Oft-Styera A 8r0....
Ift .-Geo Aliller
00... Fraurrain ArMarfca
OCB offered.
4>2 told.
120 Sent Eael
A<x QfferaL Offend by.
WU...JfiAAboU.._ 7.
2&~Jartna!l A Robbins..
Hl...John MoElroy
95.. ShoemaKer
.♦J7—U tt Gardener..-
1&‘2„. H KlbWy:
•M— Philip Frederick.....
Sao... Wm uolmea
li—W , , .
14—W K Smith..
191.. N Quick;
61...1ea5e G
1775 offered
1576 Sent East.
Ojftrel (tf&'td h-j. Soid.
Rodmant Jt do
I‘* . Kr*nk i’r»oe.... M
)4... Job Prod more
14.. Rjce . ’
13.. 8 8 P Lytle
36.. Is*to Hagens..-
11.. Hamel
h-j w wtutf rd
No. Offend. Oja-ei by. Sold.
Jl7...Juvinai! & H bbins
Soo. H l)oiii{B & Brainard
80.. Thou C«o»rby
30.. Philip Kreuericfe
K. «. Bl LGiBBv
I*o. 43 fliulthfleldklreet,
Pittsburgh Mano&ctared Furniture,
whictl wawm •***s&*
Another supply of tnis Superior Wine;
Another mpp'y of this Superior Wtnfc
Aaotlwr supply uf ibis Superior Wine;
Another supply at this Superior Win«
Another supply ot ih s Superior Wine; ,
Anolhey supply of this Superior Wine;.
Beeeived by JOSEPH Ft-EMWIKe, i
-Becetyed by, JOSEPH FLEWMIHa!
Betapyed by JOSEPH FtdiMMlNei .*
coiner of tbe Diamond and Market > tre> L * f . t
eorner of the Diamond and Market st<edl!
corner of the Diamond And. Market street. tel 9 -
ax>j o crj*iNi bo ■ v .. _
The sale of the property of:\ '• /I
HOWARD H. RYAN, deceased* oa FenT£tr©o%
tn tbe City of Pittsburgh, was adlpirrde'd totiike
ix -ran city of Pittsburgh,
- - C' : o
•-# v*§sT
At the «ame time uqJ pUoe, »til im Hold, by X’St'Xv-Xl?
the Admiolstratora, Nineteen Largw VVind6W\BlirfdAtOH 1 " ~5:V2|
the Spring Hill premise*. JOUK J, : MtTC3JEf*if- -X i '£j
‘ J. hi: FAA 3,, V
fel&;2t Adm{qiB rator*of’R. H.
i 4J&VAW AliA^V
, ■ ‘-s-i
J. N. Hl KAUB’d LAGEi BB?E, v f. .‘'jSg
Hire au.i good, particular!} fqr i»aiUyuxa,c*u .
be had at tae Wine anil ilitg »t 6e«r SOoou . - ><s?»>: ■***■
jaSOamd J BO?,H< >**•<»» OtamondW' IP*
AT 10 O’CLOCK, A< [tl,
P. kliui J-IH'K"' TMTS■ 43
<ut« n ;*sSS
REV HEH * ■'& J&I
(Successor lo iici srtt A .'.
. W trolesate3)<MCw* *®- v .Af *4s
Oppesiio 8i cOri« m - ■ ytrimii&m W-’W r '
‘Pailey, ■- KAKKKCL & up:;,; t
JD practical' ' ®K- : ; •’ $
i. pLUltBEBfli“ I
Ita BOU&TH W&EBTr ■■■;,■!>-«*•■■■:■■ j]
v AW SviiUiJUli tp ~
' PLUMBING done in sli j^HkSfcv;,,v 'J
bmnclios. jo s neat ami substantial TTiutmcr/
;,JB“ ftlrticnwr at****i<S4'f»w«f u> . «4i
pJ?p,n.|*!n l —vW-.»-, I%*' :j|y’ >-/
Nhw IKHHI, »'■</i..vfeT J Ki*ali ‘ 5$
»rrt*.il .if S|-r 114 li y u „ w rii !Sl, wMh '
6«oo<o,rrplfcu-. c tulia&XV)YK.v a* T 3
falB HBuut »t*»
' •;<
s«- '■ *; r ■ >'*> 4/ .
" r ' ‘ ‘ ’4 £jr
*- '>■' '’/./,
m ': '
■■■ • ' !||
NCMiwrri* -
S^fjeof Water.■»
John A tl&idvr, ihppcictot,
&UL .- -
n 9,«>;uQoa
\i v!'-
23 akcr'- “
82 3 J4@3->?e " ,
lfl ■ 3;ac‘ (l i
IS . ••
IB • *■ ’
IS ' s3.l>jf^lolft
as • WB>
.... 19
... ’ i.‘ aufsjso^i*
19 f i'Jglc •••>=,
09 2!340 “ !a
to 2}4^^ ; ' ; '"‘‘‘ 1
. -PriuZi -‘
Sent East vt
M •'• - X-.
13 - Cc V %
::: i|«
.frfiff • fife*.
Seat Emu
" *< r > *! '‘t* -' -- vy j_. cj.~ •
•Ck. -'Si-Z&Z&Sst £gt-
‘‘"T" u . a,
i \\ 'X'
' ,•>*?
r f i a .
* W,-.
v , $$
»,„. - -fi-
* v*? ■
■ :i
* J ■ ,
; if .t
. _' I