rntC r •* iA* v\ ■'.'-,'£&* *:V" ‘ '■' E. ’S* \ .*W • *«** .r; T-. N V * S .“•>! '.. • 1 •■, ■ ♦ <• • A ,< ■*,V '\ •■*.-. S. : » CL 4 " V '*! *■ '■ r ‘ ’ t*-.; <** v*\y via,,. •?•--> - *p- '**’;•>' v * •* .**• If .. , ** a. 1 , * t *tf tA :~ '• ■'■‘A'Sc ..' ... _ '•’' '•'.•:- '.• v;- : -.>"';■;■■>%<: •■ ' • Ai '-i?.»'V;i'i*' *■^g— ——ii i .I i i —————— _- ••* * •■ i . TO. M. FABEB & 00., STHM ENGINE BUILQF :-;' "V? •' I 6eneral MachlnlstB and 801 - I New U..P,WaH.K. !•««,»«« J W Ttranufactukk • ?r t \ ri.v •;• •, ■■'• ■ ■ lM - »•» *** hi,..-, ,•„.!,«• 4 «»#> « ;\yr*,«art?» ,>« S'-*' ♦* | q (.ivt- pHriicuiHratu*>»- '-1 ,iSP 4 - , '* * .*> . ) »Q>» Machinery {or »r . .- ' >. -', 1- \ aDd circular hhw ir v“’ » 4 H*re alro on t* <■••* *’ • { ' • .. <-1 »t«iiort none# : A l-X - v ;.;s?" AW. *» P {Q> £\V. \4 “ ' •.* .v 1 1 - chine - _.. *.'''■“ J ‘ J *»~ln aa imm6,liain cure for Hum., nr ScalJa.-g -‘‘•VC-iWM«- y"• , • « THE ,( KNESSBK LI.MMK.VI 'SV.B- J «H* Ui# iR-at remedy m tbe world for' &S«I&V 'H't l S'*! V V-* 1 - C»: ' ' r£JK ‘-KNESSKE I.lNll' bS* ** •+' f- ' 1 '/" f ; AS-Curou HoaJacUe, Toothaoho, Cl’ ' ’ “/ ’ THK('iKNES.s"EKL r * *1 UK (jKffESSF f •; ..... ISTUEBEST tv«:>l SRj •% * Is THE BE ' is TUP . Kor ... ui.v ; - 1 . SHIBT HANUPACTUBF wo - 83 WOOD sthbf- T' IE S,ti «CRIRRK HKSP' 4 0,1 r " u «' u ‘n' Irorn lh.. part,,.. ,„ frerronal ui«,ii rM imu of inch iw!'4L‘4S ! *.'7w, (: ‘^■> ""Hatf ,ven below. 7 * t-> ,nr «■• knoo-pao. IBkM WBKfe^ MPfeg»^sawfeiias» ■jaMßa IvS.vj* •“ l/'p' s ’ < 4 Vwii & %Sf3®li inM MsaaM •».*>< 45«ar v "Jt* Mas M ffmjM «&£ ii 5 ' e" V" 'v f &*? .■*«'' ’ • sCW— l V r '*??* ? r a' • .■ -•. • •-*?^s • •» ; FRANKLIN BILLIARD SALOON. itth rtreet. Opposite Pittsburgh Theatre, Tjos. maithews, Jr., propruttor. s BiLEGANT and commodious Hall r* 9 NEW M A RULE BEL BIL '■kJ‘ABLE& of the latest and moat approved myle and putern, anti i* otherwise fitted up equal to nnv in !r V ,e °t “ti»“J^d f ? r lghI ’ l ¥ r ' CDmfort and convenience's i e *l lllU! '-'l >n the Western Stales. The i/'nCSSd'iJi:” i f Riu,uuon wi “ b ° mi'v'tr"**®,? 1 r ° r ‘b o of Billiard Tables ban. ' r\ <■' * • v , i 1 JOHJS W fIcGABTHI, OIKULU, KILL POSTER Bit I i ,1,^0! othe “aWbuting »od Posting of WtiLX, CIRCIiLARS, CARDS k PROBRAIHBF! . FOR „ (>rl PITTBBUBKH, PA. ‘ ' ‘».KtUh„r K h Mom( _ ..... rucoiva prompt attention fill IiSII FKi. 1), DEALER IN' GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS SHIRT MANUFACTURER, NO. 83 WOOD STREET. The sitrscrirek respect nary „* i a ,“T- !! n mt r Blll,U ' 8 him ur„ gmu-. tisiS i'inl bi/.-* ar<> 'u i the ne--k 8“” uroullJ lh " ol >oim immediately below the U>^r«%,aL r ° m 11,8 mid '‘ le ol ' boulJor ’ of arm Uw * t * th Gf l K ’ r » Jn from the shoulder In the s^^mkmkss L. HIRSHPfiLD, B3 WOOD BTEEET: Notices. . „ TO THE PUBLIC K a r^L* L i LY 11,0 '* noranl and falsely Mod- ■ oat Physicians of all denominations, treat eocrot aed dolieatedisordenvielfsl.iise mid ja.flSl ea»M or stuatlonsooramon * incident toyoulhs Bin,il " or m erned. Became. it . BaaaaikOTpubduhoa the feet of his doing so. the ignorant boU falsely modest are dreadful'v shocked sTi ,?. ce'*n shoul Ae eanttom l! Koor “™ df- (be asm. «T 1 o “ J preanmptnons famines, SS-oTad £3 , Up " ““broona, and who ety, Intelligence, sense, *c, to dollars andssnCmS nously, meanly or illy gotten. I, fe lt ,, £££. numurol »" P«»ets sod guardians are ihLkrm that their sons, daughters and wards, i.i -lill.MJ. sickly and of delioato condition and ai.rsesJinL k „ heen reslhred to health and vigor by Ln HdAytS fitT;p" besides many before and after , ffVt C Pl £sr rasr .rrSs dally consulted by the orefesaion, as well as re , nm stri^rXT't' °' C Sr t £T 111 do&lydsw Pittsbur^^st^ee. OVERSTRUJVG fifn m grand TITE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNiILT ‘' ml the. STJJINWAVS OVEBSTRIiM OBASID MJo, r '" , T' lf "" y " ml ® Uie rme »»•< nll.i'tl*' U-*a a.I, an 1 exanun ■ tftc H.iinu Ir.iV'.-on .1 geufeman U«M pi i- superior t-. any', iran'd Ih.y have ever ptnyd U|.-n Pricy ,u- a cou-T. ~j llilel 1,1110 .* ~>ru " 1 rnanulu-lured. Opinion ol uenr'y nil Uie |,™« ~ omnenl llio-irma. m I Artabi foipwdiii,; U'««» in.ir.nMi,i, rh? nadari-uued. bam,,., nxnuiiDM .m l P “ ‘.“4 !' ‘""'T 1 l, "‘ ""I'ror.-in. nt in llrun.l Pianon, mvomeJ by H.Su.|nw.y,i,, winnn lire cover.,d V Th".?i rU “ B * “1™ rcrn *‘ '!•> homey eerS, * o * H r ** tu 'A 1*1(1 nn/truvem .• at. Ilm v..ic. ol s' * ' !U »I l'. 'IUUOUIV »„d power. » Jh* *"uud by bieinw.-ty fl improvement m much more even, less hur-h. -imager, an ,h„ „„. lc . r N . know or tx'hevo. (Jiwta, Bnli.r, O.CHUI. U rn. Mm..,n VT 'i f J lorsa "* •“■ «• Mill . Win A Hour ‘ »-rnm:nn. Wni. *' WOO.K. hrmtow, Kohl 1 tuhj lit'. I; Hr Tim 11 H. KLGBGR & BRO. No. 53. FIFTH STREET, T U^n.-C 0 rAIiTN El{S! * 1 p IIEHETO iVT ' I 1 1" ', nR h ", lw '-" n lI‘C ini'ler.nrneJ i.mlnr Ino nra. nn.l mrl« ol JAH. M'CANI.I.EMS t (xi ,1, .hnnolwnl hy limiuuon on Iho In: of .lANHAUV -n„ Hooke of Ihoir fiirn will he nolllod nl the former p'noe ol hlisinenn. No. 11M WOO.I mreet P 01 M’CANDLESS, JAMISON & CO., (succjcssoits tojas. mYandlbss a r 0.,) rpilE UNDIiItSkiNED WILL CON j- 'I INUK the DHV (JOOIM JOUBINc; BUSINESS At the oldaODri, No 103 h'TitKKT. JAS. M’OANDLKSS, KUBEKT JAMISON. THUS JAMISON. TIIK PAKTNKKSHIP HEKETOFUKK lAli‘vY g M?Kina a he ' under Ibe style ‘‘All.hY.M BAIN Jt CO., was disaolted by mutual consentoutho Hrsl day of January, 1861, "flic busi ness of the firm will be seUled al Uioir lorn nr nuton in U S. P no B t'?n ar ‘i h ; Wh " r " “ M »«*« us are nolihod to present them immediately for na»- l ‘‘n" C,n '' 1 thornselres to be indobtod, will please call and settle tbetr accounts JAMES M’KAIN, ..... J.t'.JM (IP.IB, jali.lm JIM EH m. BULKY. NUT COAL, SLACK, aIjuKIC.— V/ Haymx purchased Che entire interest of m? la’e ipttrtocrß in the firm of BAU.EY. M’KAIN i Co 'l ™ now prepared to tornish to our former customers and the otlweus o PH'sburirh and vi ~nit F generally a eui>erior qu*i’ty of COAL, NUT COAL. 81 apk COKB, in large or small tinanuos. Orders the Post OlBoe, left at the* foil House of the MononSe hela Bridge, or at the Works, wil I bo attended toift prom pines*. u Coal Works and Office, situated in South Pdtsburtrh one square abore the Monongahola Bridge. ’ l l7: ° m i JAMES M BAILEY. Tub partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the style and Arm of 0. IHMHRN & Cl), has been dissolved by tnntoal consent. c, IHMBEM. WM. IHMBEM, K. M'GOWIN, Pittsburgh, January Oth, 1861. NOTICE ! The business ok the late firm * CO., will be continued from and miter thin date, under the stylo of C. IHMSEN * SOftH’ by the uademigoeiL e. IHMSEN WM. IHMSEN, jalO PtTTSBUMSL Jano&ry &th, 1861. CHEAPER THAN JiEXTING.-jKlUO'in n*nd, remainder at $lOO per year, will mn-ehas* a hvd££7 £? ek | l i ' ,ellin K bOII9 °- & hall rooms, m^ n a J '‘ Vl,,u . e:n. Lot nl>out W foot n depth ’ nitoata oo oorner of Moritaret'a “>o or y “’ All «» ho “3' =Mj. Price $l2OO l n ' 8 CUTHBERT * SON, fo w iioal E«Uito kam\A. L--1 ___ .. _&1 Market street. ANDRKTH'S (iA RDEN HE K received a large seloct and varied stook of Lhe above named Celebrated Garden Seeds, embracing all t® 6 ®*» varieties The entire satisfaction oar Seeds rendered last year and years before, qualify us in saying l?? P* 0 ° O . l ** “brptwsed. 0 ders by mail accorapa* tt»d by cash or K&lisfhetory references promptly at tended to. Specimens of Iho seeds growing can bo seen at tbe store. BECKHAM A KELLY, Druggist., Allegheny City. •®*QtISET —Have you seen that Big ln 41an m another column, balling ROOTS, BARKS and LEAVES, for the Oherokee Remedy! jydLlydew i? },; >? • 'i J ’ • JTfesaHaittmts FOAITKLIS HALL, —AND— KOK HAI.K \\Y J\fotict-! JAS. M-CA.NHI.ESS, 11 lilETll* JaMiHUN. Tims JAMIHUN JtluSlAH KEAMEIL I ; -t f r* ' • "1 O * v V j ■ v " l . .r •» ** ». •. • s, 4* I'Vfr • - ; ‘ -*«* • • r f * j , .* - . . 1 ". »* . ' ~ • ,p- v TIIK CHEAT EXTKK.VAI. REMEIJV FOR RHEUMATISM, UUI'T, NEURWAU. |. BAUO, STIFF JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, OUTS AND WOUNDS, piles, HEADACHE AND RHEUMATIC AND N ER. VOUS DISORDERS. THE (JENESSEE LINIMENT •Wsnevor known to fail Co cure Rheumatism -59 THE OENESSEK LINIMENT certain and speedy cure for Neural" a.-Ja THK GENFB3EE LIMMENT *** immediate cure for Hums or BcalJs.-^fo THE (iENEcWEE LINIMENT *sr-l» UK) u-.il remedy id the world for Bpruini or TUtt CKNESSEE I.IMSIKNT ® 3 ~ Cur( ’" lKadacUe, Tootharhn, Cut* or Wound*.'a* TH F. OENKS.'-KK LINTMKN I ! TUK ORNESSKK LINIMENT 1 HKUKKESSKE LINIMENT! THE GENHSHEE LINIMENT! THE GENESSEE LINIMENT! IS THE BEST It KM E D Y IN THE WOltJ l IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD J* THE BEST REMEDY IN TUB WORLD IS THE BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. Eur s»lt> >o' air Dr'i ""i-if. nn.i M edi- I Viilt-ra. N. U. WALKIOII, Proprietor, I'lti.if.urgh, Pa. o whom nil onJ«T- miM ho aJJre.HiM-.|. ,j BLOOD PURIFIER. Tb.ire is noroodicino s wnin K such rapid ri-pu tJUion :u WJLLIAMB’ COMPOUND HYltUp 11F BAR BAPAIULI.A, and lOLHiili (if ruTA-iSIUM, In llie '•'ira ot a numerous progeny o( diseases. lhal owe their "ru-in lo a slrminious Ilisliiesla or Scrofulous uinl in the runsliiuiii.n an l in the Idnud, such aa White Sweb Hoe, 'I idler. Boro Ryes, Syphilitic disorders, and other d.a-aae. u,,, akin and blood. This is a reliable remedy. Rorarr, Ml Nov. 20, 1809. Ma. Wit u. K. i— /w Ml : With regard to WIL- I.IAMo' aAKSAIMIII.IM AM. 10! dHE OF pi it ABBA " i have been selling the article 1.,r s.imo fouryears, aud know the eomposiiiou. 1 hare on hand many prepend one, termed Sarsajmr 11a such as I ...usend’s Bull a Uiirley'.-, t.ujreotfa, Bands’, tirade,iburgs an I oil,era hut deem 11,a arlit-le uiar.iifaclurcd h> finitely superior to them all, .lid pniit-ipallj front U,e Taot tliaf it contains wltal it purporls i„ couiain, and the Ingredients are good. I have sol i oter f„u:[eel, han dled liotlles of it, and in an cxjieriunee of 10 years in the ding Bus,news, hare never found an article u, gn e as much saiistaeuiin. t.iur pliysieisn- Imre proscribe ilafl thry tio Cnlrtmel. You can m*ko wliat u>« you pU\ne cl'this, nc.l iJ calle.i on, 1 will unbuLimia-e the ai-oyt raenLB - V«*ry r^jH-cnrijlty, . - . , JU/I.N K VAYUY, A ire*b supply ju-u rpcoited and (••r t«tU* by ~ , , JnsKPH FI.F.MINH, toruer oi l>w»uw>n.l ao-l .Market #t auu *i| tidi 'i «■ F. M. lujU.MAN, West M.m-h.,i„,n;' Wholesale by ,Nl'. WAI.KKK. 13: Miidhfieid street. W. u Kn\, Proprifinr. I.ou-vi : t . Ky To Whom all orit-r* miiM t.<- ■ J&2)”*Thk Km.lowin' BllAMiKhflTS PUXrf Uomau.i.H ai.< t.uon from ]\ VALIRS Dr. n*urr»uTii l** r h.r-l hav loog wanted to wme U> you ami i'i).ro,s my gratitude It the Unefl- effect* that have ei|>Hnou« v ed iu my own Um »ly, and in hundred^,aye, thou-ands of other*, by ih.* uw> of Brandr«th’j» Tills, Tr.o firsi year my friend Brocknway sold your prilajo Bo*t>n. li;v 1 w*a then in • declining vate of health, and a\ friends as w. :i myaeif aupposed that my eantuy T<'ya fc .« would soon lenninat*. Mr. lirock way urge. 1 me to uk o; he iirandret h Pillh. hut having used bo much mod'em* with no good etlect, 1 waa more incimedio )vi nature lake its courwe, and calmly eobtnit to my fate. Mr. B. oljered to give me one doz u boxe* if 1 would take them a* pn-cnbed. By thi-i I saw he had great fcuth in uj.-rr, and I final y oonaented to lake them, but not a*a gift I went home and went at it hopelessly. After ul ug one box I beiym to feel l>etier. Well, hit, when I tied u*ed up mj twelve boxes I wan a well, healthy man—my wn*!.: h*Tjng «oue from J;)l pound*up to 14H j x-.uo*tm. 1 then ordered a nupply, an l between that unit* au.i tljo pre*- out 1 retwled three ihoiinsml delinrn worth of thee. In raltuhlo I‘illn, end am ,|U,io mire thnt 1 hare thereby been inntrumonul in mmn, not liuadtcda,bulthou .node of liven. Vonrn truly, Price 25 eon'.n. Sold at No. 2M Cana! ntreeu Bran dretli n Prinoijml Office; by Thomae Redpath, No 27 Diamond ntreet. Pi until rub, Pa, and by all renpeoiat.lo dealers in medicine*. imrui^T CHKISADORO’S HAIB DYK, THE DYK TME n.MA UVK •nly i>yk. THK ONLY M Ji 1 HK ONLY DYE. THE ONLY DYE. aaJ the ONLY DYE her all wh.n d**,r<* ui have the color of ilwur hair changed Willi safctv.cerUnlv. and rapidly, to any tlit*y may deatre. Maijiilartured i.y J.CiiKnT’rAl>Uiit» p Ahtor House, New York. * BoU e?«rywbcre, ani app'it>V .'■ ~ .. , \ fc .f.-.v' y <; < ■ - \ i ■ ■ . : ■ 4 V : >2 4> * w •* ’ Jpiriica. try IT l TRY IT l TRY IT I TRY IT I TRY IT! THK LENK3SEK LINIMENT; THE uKN'K-iBKK LINiM r.NT; !H E BEN E'-’bKE LIMM iA r ; JHE IiENhHSKK LINEMKXT; rHE f»KNi-NsKE LINiM y .\t ; Bruisea.’’^ Kkvikr idaino u H otwontoj, N J , May T. 1S«N). <-'• J. FA'i, M P. ....Kvr-.r analyzed. ! 11 l o l>** jx»i it m ie»h. For tt hyiutf bruwn. K«*r afMrfeol Tlwt •lefit** A., Manufactukk -ALL KINDS OF btoHin from i.'.reo ii, r.uo > . ■>- •ir- il ao.i ij|;v h'Tsi- , >n.l -m,! j., r „ n .. M . M!HV Ml!].-, Ulh.-i line,-- ‘ (iivr pHrlicuiitr alli'iiiamt■■ ihc cunsiriK-tinn m' Knifau's *“'! lor mist mills, an.i |„r MpnKl.ls, mi.lav and circular »nw mills. ' *■ ’ - Haro a!fl° on band, fim.-hed and ready tor slnnmont Lion* 10rt nntlce ’ **' n b hij.l boilers every drscrii*- Aha, tarn.,.., Boilers and Sheet Iron sopumtely, Rnd THriPty, nnd ooDiiniHi iiie inanuCaomre of Woolen Ma chinery nnj Mach.no Card**. Oor J.nce-HreWow. our machinery manufactured of me tx>t -innliiy o: material-, and Karra.m-d m nil cx-os give Mati.-daeiion. from a!I of llie country so!,l'M*- i nmi promptly filial- * liw AMERICAN IRON WORKS. JOMES A i,~A U T H, MM&ufocturcrß of IRON AND NAILS JUNIATA AND CQSEOR SHEET IRON, /a nih’i PiUat Shafliag, Pi»ion Bod», Platei,!. WAEKUOUHEH, OH Water Street, uiil 13S Flret Street, PITTrtBUIICU, An 'V^. r J 1 ? r ,A Fi-aakJm ao.J South V**u*r Cinc&L-o AVIIi I'.. RiH.EKS I.UMAit KIMiKK y. IS. MAN U t' ACTT RKRJ4 OF KOGKKS’ IHFKOViiD FATKXT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH AND (;UAIN IMtlLt, TIiIUTU, Oinco, G 8 Fifth Stroot, PITTSmiUHH. PA, PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS IiJAAc; Ju.NW.. .JNii. I. !; OYU....WM. Ji'UL’l.LOib.li JONES, BOYD & CQ„ MANUKA! 'TUKKUS op CAST sTKKU I l"« an I A. I: and aai.A ( ri t r K<;m* u:ul Kir-; cniDnuti &. soj', lit ALKRi I W TAPKK AMI) RAGS, Nos. 140 and 151 Wood Stroot, riTTsUI Iltlll, PA. ~ **' Wr "H' 1 ”* ■’Apr »! Haiidia.Min;r-.'l*no.-.. I he k'frlldiJ 11 ’ 11 ’*’ 1 T™” ' iU r< ’ r KAI ' S . Ac W. 8. MAOkIfTOSU MACKIHTOSH, HEMPHILL & CO., N CORNER Of PIKE AND O'HARA STS KAK Cl TV WAI Kll VY'i >KK.S, Pitt,- l*st,MnoiiU-i.ir---wf Mari-mu..-i, A b.-u,i,- ii.ii >* l'»t4*ui <•«<•. Matin* sTKAM k\ OINKS, * U J I'K V AiA h.-. J ft; , Z . , i m... n u...r. u.->- *„, " t UIC law .(imluj, „„ |, r .|.lir„d j,,,,. Ht> 1 work it. u,.., HUrt. matin ' u.'m i. v r»od LVi » r of our »..rk' u. m» ru pul.l.r IwLfiUjAa^'*'. W•' KiUMUi-.n U. rt;;r J', \;, \NiKI * Vat v u ;«ci i.m.vi h«r«-u.fcrr uiuil;:»iim-.i ui i;i ,. ~j j., •hJt. 01,1 Ulitill in. BULK. I LU K k A N 1> M A CIIINI s r, Aa ■•KhAI WKSIKHN ri.AINI.V, Ml 1.1, cer. J/.., Q “ i “DW a. toon U n»D l*> made, u.* foi om.ij, machiu.rv, ,t, -Mtnam Eu,(inea, Inn..!.* Lalhem for »ood ami iron . for J.„al and ,ro„ UriUm# Machine., Houaenasd ■ 1 1 .,., ' rjKhl and Model Machine., in th. Oort manner; Bbaluni;' fHidiw, an.l Hanaora, of all Ureter ,d an, diarnoter and pitch. to muo-n feet , n i'.nnth w, , Ifiao make, and laooi band, ltador .0,1 5.,. r a rio.. N and Hen* l um r :o, an ba;.^ mhotddi and other Planm* don. to order, can plan, , mciin, wui*s by P ft.-ei 0 tonn. a '‘r‘ ,Vs P'fdfy end /; .raorno Jadn-dal a -B. I y ucmjjAi uu*nuou iaxl Kiv-n u> oa l'naua K /‘r*»»«• *od oUier flrlfOdj JOHM KOUIi Minricma or BOOTS AND SHOES, A»U Do*ltr in I TRAIN GOOOt, TRUNKS, CARPET SACKS. ETC, WUOl.liS4i.li 4«( n KKTAiIa Bio. IIMI Qarkat ltr,« 1, A-l»«.n K.rm and Ltlmrt, .u. (shoe Market piac.) * pU TrrrsHt Hi.H. pi,.> v t * A.. CAI.UWKU, A UK' boa r rriit aniens a m, i,k.u.hu\ /.> UJ ill* a. HH.nd L--r!..0 > •'.MHif. ... ■ 1 uni, iw. R, i>s.— ** J * >1 K S ROB It No. N‘J JkUrk-t .-'.left, j i/< «t ru.-tiv.M Mi.loiK-OiU In* Jar*;,, HD ,j v»«.l| J.,. , hUm '* of Bo< } [M ao.J Kill _ , WIN IKK V. I.AK. Hu* *u>ck f'oruj.n*-**'. ou«* ut i*<- lart«‘**t t«. !.. :om.-i m u. t - , , v Ms*—*• ai< i i tuMr-n;* K - .u,, li'im 1 »»<•»■*, '4-1 !.,r M**u i> •) nvi Y" .j) OjUTO fUI , fU Wfii - Kin>‘ < uil W*ier Pr «.| Hoot.*. <-*H:ntrr M-rrhani. »,u,j tl,« n.v u-.Uor. an.] ei.im.m? m* h{.**k InWorti pur'-ftaMun, feri.n* a» Miro.l 11,..f I- M 1,!...! *. ~, JAMfcJ K, mu. No, nil :.Urk,H .Utrl, *® lj Tliir.l i.x.r limn il„. M.rkxt. JAMES H. CHILDS & CO hope COTTON Ml El,*, Alloghony City, Pa. kajti ncti'UKJi vr SEAMLESS HAGS, *.\U UK ’ OSNABURaS, 3‘i Indie* to 40 Indies Wide. •*ir*<>r«JorH mty be i»*ft *i 11. CiJU i>h a l'o’S 1"’. Str**«i, HiiiMburKb fw.TMt WAla'i'KH P. M AiiSli.AXj.L, HKAU..K IN FRENCH AND AMERICAN WALL PAPER. o. 87 Wood Stroet. SUipoU front, l«uweou ihamorwi Aliev nnd Fourth (i»:i iMirsmiiun HLOOD FOOl). r Pllfci ATTKNTIuN UK 1N \’A 1,1 l)S -L Physicians, Clergymen, Boienuiir m.*n, ,i U .J the public generally, is roapoclfuily *uliwted u> Die hktuk of this chemical preparation, comaming UiU V .s ///, I*UOIL, and PLHJSriWIiVS, and whii'li i* uicmie-ti m ttacomposition with the Hematic Globule, or joi 'jUkhl Id all diseasoH accompanied with DEBILITY, pain countenance and nervous derangement analysou of the hlood »how a deficiency of iho red globules' Kuddy complexion and a roay tint of the skin, is always indicative of health; while a pale, wax-like skin and countenance,—which evinces h deficiency of the red globules,—accompanies a diseased organism. Prcna rations oi fifChY have boon given for Yne purpose of supplying the red globules. but wo contend that IRON alone, i uLPBXJR alone, or PHOSPHOR L'S aione, will not meet the deficiency In every case, but that a tudi clous combination or off these elements la necessary 10 restore the blood to ite normal standard. Tins point, never before attained, has been readied in the /i/,00/, POOD nod its diaooverv ranks as one of the most scion tihc and important of the age. Its effects in CONSUMPTION are to noften the cough, brace tho nerves, strengthen the system, allay the proatratlng night sweats, increase Ihe physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by resuinng the lacking red globules, increase (he sime uto, restore the color, and clothe the skeletou frame with flesh. Ihe BLOOD FOOD will be found a spec,, fic in all CHROXIC DISEASES of the TIIHOAT or L UNUS, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Choughs Ac Public speakers and singers will find it of great uUlitj m clear ing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Tmpe,uia, Lwv CompLunls, Drops,, Epilepsy . Paralysis, 'Sno/uia, Gravel, St. Vitus' Danes, Fever and Ayus, cfc, it* efficacy La marked and instantaneous. In no class of diseases however,are the beneficial eflecla of this remedy so con spicuoua an id those harraesing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difficult Menstruation. Green Sickness, Whiles, <)*•)- n i< tti r\ *u-n.» un !*.** (i»e j* pradi •*a... con»iii»»r»- $n iha! ! <\«o hnw U.enj hand;. ) .'»n Rt XUJ l>nt«girfl. ('a! t'.;K 1 tio«] ituy never fail, tod I rt*c<> in«*r»-l liirm iii a. of ilciuiftche. .V JuNt, —I shall -on.i for a \>->x dir*c%ly, *jkl *bal 1.-l! mi tnr ►uiSWin* fn« ni hi* phl' l.rikU- J Prepared (due and it m ratlmatad ■* r from ih«- M;l: •H.rtn VU|!«.. s #UJ i.fcr "n>W in .i it iV. aiii. «r.i.l j to rinse alien turn uj business nr «tudy.on- among tm- numerous rjuvtu. of N.rrou* H-adaoh* The disordered hUUj <>f m.nd and , a . oi'l.«ni Lo iho .| relax.** lb«* tension of Lin* stomach winch always accompanies hi*.! aggravates th.* din ordered -•onJitimi of the brain. Spelling's Cophalic l*illa aro a certain euro for Mick Headache, Bilious Hoadaohe, Nervous Hoad •nhe, CosUveneas and (tenoral Lability. Among the most important of all tho groat m.-dical discoveries of this age may bo considered the system of Tnrcinntioo for protection from Small Pox. Uie Cephalic Pul lor relief of Headache, and tho us© of yuin.ne lor the prevt uuoo of Hover.% either of p hlcb is a euro *p©c'iio, whose beoetit* will be xpenanced by suffering humanity long after thoir discoverer* aro for* got leu. you ovor have tho Sick Headache 1 Ik> yon remember the throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing and do-gust at tho sight of food. How totally unlit yon wore for pleasure, conversation or study. One of the Cephalic Pills wouM have relieved you from all the stilformg which you then exponenood. For this and other purposes you should always have a box of them on hand to use as oocasiou requires. Nervous Headache MS*® By the use of these cephalic TILLS the periodic attacks of .Nervous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and il taken at tho coro- of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will bo oMnined. They seldom fall » removing the Na ton and Head ache to which female* are so subject. They act gently upon the Bowels—removing Costive- For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Female®, and All ponton* of sedentary luibits, they are valuable as o Laxa tive, improving the appetite, giving (one and vujor to the digenUvo organs, and restoring tho natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result oflong Investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, daring which time they hare prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suf fering from Headache, whether originating in the ner vous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all time* with perfect safety and with out making any change of diet, and the absence o/any disagreeable taste renders it easy 1o administer them to children. Beware of Counterfeits. The genuine bate five of Heory C. Spal ding on each t>ox. * - OoU by Druggists and all ether Dealers in Medicine. A box will I*j Bent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the PBICE, 26 CENTS. All orders should be addressed s. HKNHV C. SPALDING, 48 Cwtv street, Ho* Tork. OoUilyda ‘ *T'\ ' + v C VVtAW." *• j TLe Amalgamation of Languages. Thero is a growing tendency in this ago* to j appropriate the moat eiprosane words of other lan guagoa, and alter a while to incorporate them imo our own; thus ihe word Cephalic, whtcli is from the Oreek signifyinp' -for tie- head," is now becoming pnpulamc.l hi em.Mwdj,.,, with Mr. bpaldirg's great Headache rem . edy. Lut It wil! soon bo astd in a more general way, and the word Cephalic wiil become as common as Electro- Ivpo and msny oilier, whose distinction as foreign Words Ji ss -'.n worn im o l.y common usase until tle-v • ' v, ‘ T » I '• fii.’iiitir l»crn." ' ’ardly Bealized. Hi 'ad ’n ’ornblo 'oadachn this l.aftcrnoon h;\nii I Slipped i ulo ih<» har*oihf*cacri©.H hand snys hi u> ill.* man, “Can you hea**s in., of an ’eadarhc?” “J.ocs I. Imciic ’urd," rays •> c. •• 11. iceedmgly,” aay* hi, hand upon ll,ai 'he gar,-i:„. a Cephalic |',||, ) mnd ~,„n me ’olio- ii. aired si, .pin i; that I ’ardly realized 1 'ml 'ad an Vndrtcho. Hkadachk i.- favorilo sign by »hi'-h nampt makt-> kn.w cy deviation whatever f.--'’i' the untural stab' of t(ic* ' ram,and viewed in tins ' .-'it I! r ay be looked ou a.i 4 safeguard intended to g:vu uojk-c ol disease which might otliorwj.se escape mt.mi,,u. till too talc to bo remedied; and Us mdica imm. should cover U* ncglccU*d. Uoa-lnohes maybe dassniod under l»o names. v,z: flymptoinaMc and IdiopiitJnc. Sympif,malic iloadacho is exceedingly common and 1* tho precursor of a groat varie:y*of ■licenses, among which aro Apoplexy, Gout, Hheunue tism and ail fehrih- diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of d:>ense t f constituting sick of hep die disease constituting hUtuxm „f worms, constipation and other disorders ol !h0 bowls, as well ns renal and utenne afleciums. ! ’is. ,t-> - ~f t!i,. ] i( kri aro very frequently attended with I’ie.i'Uch—; Aiui-rnuiand plethora aro also nfloctions »h.eh ft. -111. tr !y occa.-it.-n headache. Id opatlm: Hond ■•i-'he is also very common, i-emg usually distinguished f y ihc iviinu ci »M.Troic< AoaioWie, somptimos coming on suddenly m a slab' of apparently sound heitUh, and prostrv.ng at one- the mental and physical energies, .id 111 other instancr ; . u comes ou slowly, heralded by l"pres->i..:i ff spirits acerbity of temper. In mom 11-u.n. tv me puiu is in th. from of the head, ovor one »r both eyes, and in. time- provok.ng vomiting; 1 iider this class may al-o be named Nekrniym. the treatment Of ,-iiher class of Headache the -•phaiic IM .n iuve U‘cn toiltiii a sure and aa/e remedy, •>roT.ii*; th-* most acne pains m a few minutes, and ■ Its -iiU’o power erah. ,umg the disease of which e.elv-I .<• unerring mdei. ZToy’’ lir\,h)et —Mb.-qis wants you to seed her • • is'X of t epiu,,r (iln.*, co, a bottle of Prepared Pi!la, '' .’ I It) 1: iiii.iuc that's not :-im it nmuier; bul f-rhafa. ■' •-• s!;.-r knowing w!. a it is. y<< s .sj :i o-a.i r, I .".no m tii ihe S.rk li.-a la. lie, and \i ants .-mue ucre of th. s;.mr x- r-tauvd !.rr U-forc. ii,„,,p..;._V„,i,n,i-i m. ,11 .SpiiMingCcplmlic IMlp. B '"‘ 1,1 '"f* Hilil >ihi , i,' -,',l ig i. ri-’c lim •pi 11 tin-r hi; I gi\ nc thrjMls ai.ddou'ibe U-hi! day about 11 uiur r. ‘. Constipation or Costivonosa, No ..no of tho “many ills ilesh i« heir to” is S-. pr. ■. *d.*tjt, SO liule MDderst.s.iJ, and so miudi neglect ed X- I 0.-uxer),.,,. t'fu-n original ng ;u carelessnen.-, or wdriitary habits it uj regar Jed as « •.tight disorder of b... Iiu 1 .. c., n *. queue .-o iu- anxiety, while in reality n is th.* preenr*,, r 4 U ,| c •mpanion of many of the most fetal and dangerous u.sca-es. »nd unless early eradica ted u wdi bring thu siub-rer to an untimely grave. Among the cghu-r i-v.i. ot whieh ctMjUveDtvss m the i.suaJ alien.i.,ut a »,> iac',.-, Colic, Kheiiniatism, Foul p.,e-and others ol Ido- nature, while a long tr.un of fi .gnthil diseases such as Malignant Fevers, AN-..N-S-, 1)j-m ;itj4ry, Jharru-ea, I'ysfs-psio, A|*»pl*ij, Kp '<.ps>, 1 ora.'y-,*, Hy-teno, Hyj>»*ln.ndna«ia, Mo!»n - and inaauuy. r.r-t tnd.cato their presence trJ the ysu-m bv un:* aUrtnuig symptom. Not D»frts|. world -tiU greater ser ;• > ui-iig n'l Ih.- rudoeg Ur ids Willi hi- tVphahc •u.d;rih..> or.- a- g0...1 a- h,- (iloo, Hv.vUcheii >v kh Kx. itemkkt and tbu monUl caro Facts Worth Knowing, Groat Discovery, i)H. MOTT’s CHALYBEATE BEBTOEATIVE PILLS OP I AON. A?: ai-men l ami stomachic preparation ot ! HU.S , united ol uxygen and cirbon by „3,,£! in. Hydrogen. HancUonod by iho highest Mndirm “7 ‘■"‘b m.burope and the United State*. Ijr-i-'T.tied in llieir practice. ' n ' 'i lie experience of thouieunla daily proves Lh»l nr pr.psnnioii of Iron can t-e coirip*i-e,i nil ] u Imn. tier of the btaodp Jopwat.oo ol me vital energy, Wk and I.ihenri«! oickly complexion lndmato ita neiiiev in R.n-.osl every conceivable ease. ' Innoxious in all maladies in »hicb it hai been trieii it mu* proTHtl absolutely curative* tu eacu of the follow’ ing complaint*, via: 7n ileiiiiify rVarvou., AfttUont, Omaauon, Dvtprnr.a, CsnsUpatum. lXarrlm, Dyimttru, Inapienl hmumplum, ItTuta CAfororo, Uver OmptamU, (Ja-r,mc Utadaeha Rheumn.utm, fntertntiUnl Fex era, PrnpeZs vu the fact, dr' In case*.. of (»£3*hal Dedilitt, whe-her the reeult ot acute disease, or ol the continued diminution of nervous and muscular eo«rgy from chrome cxn.f.lainta, one trial of thin restorative has proved nueoes.ijuj to an ex* tent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bedridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have »u Jdenly re-appeared m the busy world as if Just ri> turned from protracted travol in a distant land. Borne very signal inetanoea ol thin kind are attested of female sufierers, emaciated victims ol apparent marasmus •umguineoua exhaustion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise tor which the physioian has no dbma In Nskvocw Arm-noNs of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation ol this DroDara* U ,°, Q O \a oU muB ‘ l be salutary, for, uuiike the old oxides, h is vigorously tonic, without being exciu mg and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient avor ilnin^ 6 mOM J ornate cases o/cosUvoneas^rithoai auJ^,i o r pUr *‘ mT0 ’ ‘T inflict,ng . disagree- It in this latter property, among others, which makes , r “ marklb ly offeemai an.l pornianeul a remedy for i y „ 1 “ whl< i n 11 hI “ ,J appear* to exert a dietin' lan I ?orms iem 0n ’ bj dI "' H ' rslD ’‘ lo «» “"‘ieney wnicb In DrsrtrsiA, lanutuerableA* aro itp causes, a box o. iWe Mwdybeato Pill- nu oiten uum-ed for th< habi.ual cases, including the atUmdem Uc»tu;efUL\^ b™irJVni bt * Ct «‘ 1 1J Y H,uuaA * oVpn when advanced to' I raxirvAsr, confirmed,''iraaciatirc, and annaremlv mm tooishlng 16 e^eCU dave h O6O b'fth.Hy decfmve and a, ,‘ OCi “ P"o*..loM ol »«ih nod strength, debilita' ting cough, and renntlent lim'lir, which generally in dicale Iboimuj, UomOMFTios thl, remedy kaa a! |L~( pmifivf™ ° r , fr , iljnJs and pi/a ictana, in aeyeral very end Interesting instances In ScEorcLoua'runraccLoms, this medicated Iron hci had for more than Hie good eflecl ol the moat cantioua- P l r fl>'* r » uo “’ o' iodine, w.lhoul “y * a J their vreil knowniiainlKiee. y-t .d*i^Mh“° on fem ?* e “ cannot twtooconddentlj , n . r SS'“ dr “ ton ““ 4 - mthe c *«* Poculi- ■•i.‘, n |al^ I 'J^ T “*’ w ' ltl ch . ,onlc “> d iotlanimatory—in el I latter, howerer, more dcc.dediy— it mraH abl, weh reported, both a, alleriaSng JSXS.' 11 1 yyaaM!tt tirVn*' of die foinu and mu.clee .„L* ]; * TaRMITT£ WT FiTum a rnuxt o'xoe.wiiy he a creai loTta i s, , rr:.%ry , k-t- ■» oI highrenownanduaefuine»r P 1 f '° on< ‘ ho remedy has eyer bdbe uncovered m the whole hiarnry of medicine, which aim. »„ch prompt, hlnle and fully reatoralire eCecta. i.ood ewJautl ,i>mnh P J' JigedUon, rapid aoquiamun an ITm »if iJ-rsus; “■ »»*■' vl .x» n„Qt tree to any addrew. uu rece.pt o( tie vne-c All order. should l* udj.-JLi to P R- B. LOCKE & Co., General Agent*. Wl l «al I)K f;K ‘> H KKTSMtuS^wSdltrtil Wholeaala Ageon. r„ »V..e„ myil:|yd”.da A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, OYSftV^ IHVIOBRArIa CORDIAL PUHE HOLLAND GIN, FOR MEDICAL AND PRIVATE USE. What ShaU Wo Drink ? I ix'LHlu VViiI.FK’S PI'RE CtXiNIAC BRAN DY, Imports and bottlM by h.m.nll, warranted nun tnd L IXJI.PIK) WOLI’E’S PI’RK TORT WINJE, i^SSS^wKss UDOLPUO WOLFE'S PUKE SUEP.RY WI.NK, wl,“ n, ‘ ~J h “»*»ll..tho name a. Pon UDOLPIIO WOLKK’SPUKE MADEIRA WINE, mporio.l an d 1.0111,.,1 t.jr limunii f or . . TvT 1 ‘n ‘Si *' n ® r "' r ofter,! ' l •■> ihe trade in bot 1 , ‘ t ’ ui" ih war ranted perfectly pur,,. U^Vim WOLKKS i’UKK JAMAICA iHiJuwmS UUM ' SCOTai ANU All ih. hlkivo imported rad bolded br h.maolt r»nte,l |hu . »nd of the be»t ,|ual,i_ v . L TO THE PUBLIC. Iwbl Mata, mjr reputation a. a man, mr Blnndinc as « meroben l ol tliirlv year,’ residence in l e civ < ?L» Wb.llialwhaUpUaeardle.tdj. tu wut , , T label, and n certificate. In correct and can rc-’ Ih d n|K>n l.j ererr pnn-hmier t,c’"’r,M,'T.r,Sih'' u w : do " " n, ‘ i^uo ” » th ?«<■. nc. ,I„.I .d aire ihe prelerenea, ~ bore article.. nari','4 ’ “ r, ' s ' H-uUt,lu D r , . m.d, and Apodio- o . PDOIPMI) WOI.FE, “ “in.i.ie turor and Importer or tpo Sehictam Arc- THAhc Scbnappg, U hKi Wood hL noa&Gm«j*w . SMITH i PITCJIRN Merchant Tailors, Ho. 48 *£• CLAIR STREET, J. H. HTU.ETIMAKr & CO.’S FASHIONABLE HAT STUBS, TS WOOD STREET. S^u'u 0 STYLE SILK & CASSIMKRE FRENCH AND AMERICAN FELT HATS. All Grade* and Colors CAPS TOR GENT'S, YOUTH’S, AND CHILDREN, Of every description STRAW GOODS id greatvaneiy. " u CHILDREN'S FANCY lIATS in . , To mit all taniaa. All at Uio Idowost Rates at J. U, (IILLEKMAN ectator. Bonbon Edition: 8 voU- I< lacier* Liven or On* Chit f Justices’ •> »aU Coleridge* Works: 7 voIk; ' Tok Hugh Millers Works: 7 vol* Montagues Works: 4 vola ja2l jyUW READY?— KAY A CO, 65 Wood ntreet »1> VOLUME ORANTB' CASK* Iteporu ol‘ chaos arguod :a the SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. For Bale 1-y ie4 „ '■ IL WEMJIN. ao Wood rtLroot near Fourth. SUGA il~ f><) bbl« B Coffee Busan UO Uo A do EALEBS GRATE FRONTS and FENDERS IN THE STATE N.8.-Wo line the DIAMOND and ECLIPSE Coal Cook &i£gsr*°“ Linin^ - ap!B olfonrarding and dtontmission. • L RODGERS a DfLU/ORTHI OOMMISSION HOUSE. RODGERS & DILWORTH, DE4IXRB IN DR, GRAIN AND PRODDGB GENERALLY, 319 LIBERTY STREET, l'mon Itiulroad Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa.) ROBERT DALZELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS ■HMgrowom,* rimituitcH, Pa, JAMES A. FETZEB, FORWARDING ANO COMB'S-lON MERCHANT toa na iui4 b» ‘"'“nr. u UM ° D ’ L * rl > B»tUr, Seed Dried Fruit end Produce Generally, CORNER OF MARKET AND FIRST STREETS, PfITSH'.IWiI/ Pa. 4 Mweanr> K cn, 8. tind* (*« . *4 am R^urf,*! •“■“Sar A. KREBS & BRO. Corner Wood and Fourth Bta„ PITTSBURGH. DRS . STEBBINS & MUNSON, OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTISTS, Office 106 Filth Street, A KKW LOOKS above the post office. Q'.27:lyd TEETH I SIVE THEH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. C. Sr aa ,JT OVC ? 10 24(5 PENN Df(? II ° Aehoaje lormeriT occupied by oppo:,iUl chrlsI ’ 8 Cbnreh. He wifi iMon6dal H. V^Hm^.ee 0 . H. Kejeer.W. tUmk^sS^i au37Jy NAMELED PAPER C OL LABS. A PACKAGE 01- 10 FOR Sift CENTS, AT BTKKTII EITKAITKD WITHOUT PAIS V TUE USE OF AN APPARATUS used to its best advantage. MedicafgentteJnen and their families had their teeth extracted crooena. “> lh « iSSi r J& safetr of the operation, whatever haa been said hv iwuh th " fcr.vr.nKlClAL TKKTH Inserted In eyery style, JE, OUDRY, Dentist, 1&4 Hmithfleld street ftol4:lydis EXCEISIOa GLASS WOB..KS. JA. WOLFE. F. T. PLUNKETT„„T. CAMPBELL. WOLFE, PLUNKETT i CO., «us» \iiartsrf""®i d Bot * om a B P«ISf Solder, ta- ViiTL ln ,fm P 1 “4 Sheet Iron. °, n ,^ d ’ 1 lomen’s Mechlnea tut J loole. Warehouse, No. 149 First, and 120 Pittsburgh, Pa. BpecuU orders of Copper cot to anj de> •a tNUtwra «aSL*)wUw JB. WATT S{ ’ ! terry, price & CO., IMPOSTERS AND DEALERS IB . CLOTHB, CASSIMEEES. Satinets, Vestings, Tailors’ Trimmings, 4c NO. 255 MAHKET ST., North Side, PHILADELPHIA, p A . OLIVia T. TXBHT. L’. A. itAi.l. j. RISER SMITH. Hong Kong Tea Store. D. A. IT A Til» & CO.. NO. 37 FIFTH STBEET Opposite fieo. R. White is Co., * & P I3:I Y PITTSBURGH PA. L L>l ES’ CAMBRIC HANDKEBCHIBPS. AT HALF THKI a VALUE, AT *. L. HIRSHFELD’S, No. 83 Wood street UK AT KLOUR.—2OO sacks, a choice article, for sale by H. SMITH A CO, i*” . 119 Second A 147 Fourth eta. M"* CHIMNEY.— Ve have received "1 __ _ 1M WoSISSe. TSTHITE BEANS.—7 sacks “new cron’ I" |o»t rocoivod and for mile St MEANS A COFFIN OTmer Wood end Water street* EW WALL PAPKK4J,<~ choice patterns, jaat received by W. P. HABSHAIJj 87 Wood »tr« © DHIiSD APPLKti.—lfl Backs, ii) barrela justrecsiTed and for sale uarreu *>. MBAjCa * CQPFIM. egmg' Wood ana :w,i«r ii X BAiiLKY AND CjMCksEai-Oom; Sast received and ' —. • JAH.4.M?KSeb of a«rkmwxi m#. *t*. T^onnf tor and <'«iling Iteco rai AJlona, for satebjr W. P. MARSHAL!* rt * No. 87 Wooistree •» ’—, • ♦•" -* ‘ -rf *v'4/ .. I*■-: v*v<- - *'■-. , .. / -V: V’r • .. .. 'i ... ■' ' ,'. t ' ■.VTffcl *\ .: % *! r Vr.-iW'**- ' 4 ‘ 4 W S F £t must be obyiqus ls&rom¥iio you, bat to everjr attentive and iritolligent pcrstfm t the first diseases ofinfants ante chiefly fromadhK ordered condition of th{JrbOTrel<'«adifi this hon, we present to your notice for the aieWStou wad cure oi these diseases,a remedy knownas @ IWANmE COBO%, Prepared from o formula used by Dr. Eaton with M-' markable suoceas during rovcral years’ practioe.wn know it to be a most tsiubio And for infantile oomplaints, and one trial alonowUtMnb rmce you ofito superiority over every other, prepara.; tion of the kind. It is particularly roooinmecded' I '^ FOB CHILD BEN TEETHING.. And at this period of infantile life, when vour anxiotls harts are twined by witnessing the snflennpS:b?yoiir : little one% U will be foamlinTaluabTe iu Scrflatsng~tjijf mu’ denUy ofler this aa a certain relief and cure iin ente r case when given in time. It will lnrarl.hiir Btomeehsnd bowels, and its importancein Ibilirespect can hardly be estimated. v. IK CONVULSIONS, ' ? irom which mors infants ore said to die thkn from ahv other disease, the little Bofferoris relieved itu&xntaneoaL h/, aa if by magic; and in thin dread complaint atoWlig iutnnaie v*3o« Is saeft that it has teen recomnjehtied as a household word.” We now ask yi JT DR. BBOWNBI SOKGICAIx Office No. field etxeet, .PiltabQrsbt Taoia. ee ■ Dr. BBOWW is an of Pittsburgh, -and i Practice for th*' Ini Mm. His business ha fined mostly to Prtatte-i Diseases. QITIZESB ! in need of a medical Mend* ttie sore place ofrehet Tlu of diseases is a sure guarantee lag permanent by the following his adft&a^j. nererfafl to OTrelheirorgf Impurities and Sardfntbos, ariang fiom a.hexeditorytainw*^ in the form of a teikuyp^rittfhvaiidtf of skin diseases, the origmQf^hjßbSSSSSiSSS^^^V Orely ianorant •Sfl&onjr addnao, HiS &ss*«* B BOOMS AND BROOM J£4KDiiES.-' S,OOO Poplar Broom Haodha; , MO doa&alpnt Broom*, aaßortorf; 100 boxesCMtttieaXittassorted: . | 100 doaenraiortad Pali, (Hnnnar:) . SS do do, Tnta% ; do;, I ■ CO do aoo'WnnKtxiartli; ~ ■... ..? i* (S*fiS^s^ !l^c8to! ' U(MW ® Di*»o#d NEW ANl> .... * *» 1 ... ~ i i- ' , £35 ••' • oSq © OR PROTECTED SOLUTION PROTOXIDE OF BOfi'fi Cores all Discuses orisinf- from Disoi-.iei-od ■Wsestaon, Weakness, and Bad State ■ of the Blood. <* Ourra fmm Cic fcl cao bo hacl on am l «ijd to „„J *•»«*** -‘ . • Rot. Osborn UyitT ' Sjftvft'** Rot. RirWj'jfrSSf, Rot. JI. I', Webster, - Rot. Jos. 11. Clinob. '*•' ' Rot. Abm. Jackson, JlSc .wj’ V JpiSTMk, , &:Mer Rot. P. C. lleadloy. Office, 39 Bummer Street, pSosiozu .y. JOHN P. JEWETT AMD CABTEH. FOR SALE JJY ALL DR.IJGOI3T& ■’ f - " For sale hr Dr. GEO. H. KEYBER, Ko.llo WoturA' M OFF AT' S ill Slip 4 3fL ,ViSt-ui" ?• * • . .. ~ - -±-M>