'> ~tfv ‘ ' ■J,v --•* * - -■ > . .v, t v . • i - • v, ‘ “:v - - • '• #.vT:.*\-\-•/■>*;•*. .•■♦♦.'s^;.-* i |? ./v.'v 1 *'■'- "■• * v - ■ \*->•'/•■ .. * f *• «.♦• i . «*' ' .. if. -u '• . q '‘*r. ■*- • I .'fc‘Sb.^j J :' *"• '-' -"-- • ’ 'i V». »'«, 4 '' ' ■'* tr I ** I ,;tfc {- fcK ■*■ . >Ar ♦;*»«. » ’ S&v 'V •: - " ! X"i%■"<■>,. ■- 1 *.. fe'SvSj^'W^:' ';-■■■ - ; ■•. •• •-■ '£*••• ■ ■►*.. ■'*' ’• Z*f «* "’ •* *, . - .-^ 1 ■•• : iA • - 'if* 1 ". - V ? £.•*:' \ «J.-A' * ’ ••’ «,'<• itwHWMAt' , » i'it 1 aa'; » > ■r ' • t A < j . • ; ■ ' ■;;.U---V. , si?? -. ' ■xSffj- »w»-'t,»v>V's w rs ! # '?v -: j j'vV ''; ■. ■?■ »-.. v, ■fi'-i- fi '-i'J '* v : ; ‘v.. j®e® -•e ;>j»r "■ '&;- r £*•.'••<*£ f ’■ a •'% > ‘ .'■: !• •■ ,! *y-* J ' * • i.- <- *, • r t-«. -.-. f? °',.V 1 P^' 'wb&m irnmm lIP p ft mmm*A ik&kr-A -*- A#*; fii&rife lg.f-8, f ' ifAf'i J'fL&.V -£.li'^' i r\ v r t t ?< ?'- Jhi-fy-L f rf . v*;-; •-.-'? -•*:- ' ' AV. : v ;-;-.<.-,-,4v : rh^>r»r: •>•.- -:<±i-z'S*/**:**;.':■■■;, ■ ... •' .r, “;■ - . A - yyy -ry: ■ : ■-:• -: : y?r "--^>. s v' • • w.*.... k . v y’> fc- *\-; «,•• v.-.-. •; •A : i4f r VjA ii: i- 1 ■%-''■ -> J 4VV p&s ERANEXIN BILLIARD SALOON FRANKXIN HAUL, If* l * rtreet, Opposite Pittsburgh Theatre, JOS. MATTHEWS, Jr., Proprietor. TH 3 ELEGANT and commodious Hall H aow provided with 9 NEW M AKULK BED BID i • l A K J I ABu&i, of the latest and most approved style 1 pitfvrn, and is otherwise tiued up equal u> auy io the country lor the accommodation of ciliwqh and stranger*, and for light, air, comfort and convenience,is Q-'t surpassed, if equalled in the Western States. The Proprietor solicits a continuation of the patronage ao uerallv bestowed on his Saloon heretofore,and assures t. e public that every attention will be paid to their comfort and pleasure. for the sole of Billiard- Tables, Ball* i!ll r i?« U^\. PoiElU, , Clm]k: > and Other articles in hia ► _ J.t7T q,c “ rJia dispone of on reasonable terms and *^jjj^h®UQMUCactnrer , s whobjale price*. ap4-ly *lj| ; JOHN W xtIcCAHTIIT, QIBZIULI bill poster Will attend to the Distributing and Posting of *ILL.I, CIBCCLAB.S, CARDS & PROGRAMME! /Vmtuementa, Railroad., Steamboat*, »blp*, Uotela, Sales, Etc., PITTSBURGH, PL sent to u>e office of the Pittsburgh Afom* JAwf, or lAuly Gaictlt, will receive prompt attention . IURSIIFELIL GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS SHIRT MANUFACTURER, NO. 83 WOOD STREET. The subscriber respectkcely announces that SRlftPd mad'* br him art* gaar an teed to ftt; wi I be forwarded to an? part ►f the l.'mon. on reosiriog from the pa.-t:o< *a d u.- t-.* rr <*r* their personal ro*at bis do.ng so, the ignomm and falsely modest are dreadm! j snooted, and think it a great at a, very immoral, and lor contamination and corrupt!an among thatr w.ves, pro-imag boos and daughters. Ihair fam.ly physician omtio ii mttS, " 'RU'-i-aoc-e tto. iw, J, . >,« ™ „ l „ MKANSTttJI 1 , ptlhlul.in.'l a lucr-tir,. pr,r. ooe miKhl be lost to thorn among atuoid, fmleal, moderi and pra.nmptooai. (hmUies. torn and ratsod in Igno raoto, sprang op aa muehroons. and «rl,o comparo Lei. etjr, intelligence. senee, Ac. to dollars and cootamrsto. »r i'lr goi'en. It is „ , ...Jieity, howor. w, that numerous and guardians are thankful that their son*, daughters and ward- i i -v.ou*lt feeble, sickly and of delicate condition and hi txsArance, have been restored to health and vigor t»v In. r'itANßTßlip beaulesmaay before and aAer maria..-* through him nave been saved ranch oaflenn.’. anuety, *c. HAVingtbe of over thirtv ycerh eim-rv enoe and olfcjiTtttion, hti W difU ° Uw ,, tl,^ nvwlJ , 1 of i sc u h f P rof£sta regard ng tho-*A in-:r imoiii-. Th noderngti-d. i.ar ng/|.v‘. *,,art lv examined ao-i pra tical‘y >h* ]mj.r-.rc*n-*r’.t in Uraa-i Piadoi*. Id rente i by 11. St- ~,w»y, m w».icr« thn Y e 2.T! , * r,UniDKHh, ' ve r# 175 ‘ uing. do h-rel-y cert.fy a—That-» re.-ult of h:i d imprurein- it. me roicn o! the Piano is greatly impure i !Q nQ *i t r : a tuitv and power, a— by Suinwa/’B tmurovomrat i«» much more ev-n b--- h:ir*b, a* Jmnch > etter proJooged, tuao ditt r»aliped in hiy oilier I’.uum with which w« n.-“ ac.i.a iiic-I 3_Tl|. nodcrstsiu.,l regard the improvement .f Mr.S:r.t.,,v «, ui-l n .el ingic nlous and liuportanl. No I*i»n-o' similar "one ruction has over bean known oru.-od. .o Dr a. the under,igne.t know rvr believe. Gustav Sauer U.c. Hdl, AVm. Masco, Gw-W-Movg.", S. U. Mil-. Wm.A. King, John N. Parer. on. far Bergman'i. Wm. mar. Geo. E. Bristow, R It. .ioldhe-k, Il.' . Ilmm KOR BALE 15 T H. KLEBER & BRO., Wo. 83 FIFTH BTREBT i»23 ORPHANS’ COOBT SALE ! Ey virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Allegheny i.'oumv, dated be * ®* JanuKry. 1&61, win i>« „i f w-.*«.d u, PUBLIC BALC, at the rot KT H'll'SK, n U»« City of Pitt?. ♦ W’v o^nKN^i; Ar ; FK UiI'ARY lath, IStiL ; SviS rn' A Ah me property of H. H Kx AP, late 01 Oh-o 1 o*u*hip, dece«*"d h I the fol • L losing deacri bud Heal K-imc. To Wit: All that eer tun piece of ground si.uate in Loserve towtsnlp, Allegheny Count}*, bounded and described aa follows. Beginning on the Eastern side of Iking Lane, st Ihe ,h“ l * "*8 We-t from Spring * on,:o " lo “K Long L ne N, 13L deg. W. f«et, then e Ewtwardly 3« fee', u)a point on Henry Reinemau - line—thence ainng ihe said Heurr £*Mw’ds* 'w "tut* f'*' E “V««!■< feel, and hence “• den. W. f-et to the p ace ol oontalumg elgh; acres, on which are eiecied a large two “SL dwelling, a hot house, tenant and ißerr^Townshm'^n 1 ?^ 111 i'°l cf B ro " nd "Hualc in Ro i- IV,.iftm d b ,' >unJ " l aQd described as follows, to wit . Beginning at h point on tho F.a»terlv ui-io of Long Lane, at the c, rner of ground 1 “t delcnted theuoa running along said lane about 108 leet 8 inches i£ a , i >ol , o on 11 " ground new owned by Chr.stian , ILjloi 1 &Z Ce r * W’lllianismr the rent cf $B3OOO payable misrm?i^ er ’’, ,S6S> at lhe yearly repairs, with e l lc f u '‘ lT «°f taxes and amount *3,000,00, of e^ H i *° in^ure 10 chase durinff VJ ,*i pT,T,l6 fi e °* leavee* to pur and br * yment rf t n ajwS leW6 **** lnter more fullj and at Urge In b K *Sf pmii^nr 6 thi « d ,he P UTcb&fle money balaxS in two winrlft f c ? nSrmat >on oi talc, anu the the p i y ® ont9 fr °m Uie date of annoallv Ba i e l_ ihierert payable semi* Premises by 1)00(1 ftDenefU the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives lo be invaluable, and he hopes every sul foror will try his remeJy, as it will coni them nothing, and may prove a Mossing. PartieH wiabiog the prescription will please aJdre** KEY. EIJWARI' A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings couii’v, New Vi*fk. Mb N. U. Walker— Dear Sir: —Kor throe years past, 1 have been severely afflicted with Liver Uw plaint, of a moat malignant and chronic character. I re sorted to a large number of remedies, but they failed to produce other than a temporary relief About an months ago, I purchased a box of “CLARKE’S LIVER PILLiV’ and after using thorn, found myself bo much better,that I at once adopted a regular system of taking them, and soon found myself onureJy and radically oared. The various ills attendant upon a disordered state of the Liver, at once disappeared. I gladly and moat cheer fully recommend these Pills as a sure and effective rem edy. Yours, truly, WM. AUSTIN. Chillicothe, 0., December 4,1860. The above but speaks the voice of thousands who have fully tested the curative properties of CLARKE’S LIV ER PILLh. Prepared at first for private practice by an eminent physician, and their menu tully tried, it is not strange they act more efficiently and directly on the disordered organs than the generality of so-called Livor Remedies. In casos of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia Im purity of the Blood, Constipation of tho Bowels Gener al Debility, Sick Headache, and all diseases arising from a disorganized state of the system, Ac., are a sure and never (ailing remedy Prepared solely by N. U. WALKEK, , . Pittsburgh, Pa. To whom all orders mart bo addressed. jr»* For wde by R. E. SELLERS, Wholesale Agent, corner Wood and Second etreots. Sold byagonm everywhere. fe24 TO THJE AFJf'JjICTii.U ! DR. STARKEY’S PAIN EXTERMINA TOR cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Blok Hoed echo, Nervous Headache. Toothache and Bore Throat Prepared by M..BTARKEY, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bold wboldkale and ret ut by JOS. FLEMING »eW lvdaw o—»- rf Marfcal at. and rtiamnnn £S3f‘ W K call the altimtiun 01 our readers To an article adrertisod in another column, called Blood Food. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be contounded with any o! the numerous patent medicines of the day. It la food for Uu biood, already prepared lor abaorpt.om pleasant to the taste and natural in notion and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then, who are snflenng from poverty, imparity, or deicienor of blood, and conßoonenUy with Borne chronic disease or w l6 °{ Bux>ll ? ' ooe and restored to health. We notice that our druggists have reoeived a aUo world-renowned allav &11 and Bohan tKn ® that it will lug, and at the bndb Ume*LJfffPif Jj?of teetb mothera and norses, who 1^ nights, procore a $2 S^":i VvV^Cstv ' - '. f ' ■ -•• *■*&** •*• *j!3sl* | v I. ■ 1 •* * Pimples Bnnlxlipd! Faces 91aniers, and oih**r dlhPfcsej* of the ekln auvl *.* i»d This is a reliable Roi'Xi.l. Mt a. Not. 20, IW.j Mr. Wjl H. K. x.— Iw .M;: Wi.nrogari to Wih- LIAM.V 8A RBAi’Rl 1.L4 AND MI IDE (> F I have been selling t t»e art.rie lor soin<« lou')oari>, and know the eomposuion. I have on hand many preparat ona, termed Sai-sapur ha. such ax I ownsenu h, Bull's, Hurley’s, (iuy~oU‘s B*ndb', liiadenhurgH and others, but deem the article manufactured by\ou ic flntteiy euperior to them all, an-J principally fn m the foci lha} il conlaiQ» what it purpor t t • .*OOlBlO, and tie ingredients are good. I hu'to< n Inn dred bo’.tU-H of it, and io an eif>erianc«- ul If> year.- ,u the drug businesa, bare oev»-r f .und ai. a* i.<*i<* to g.v*- aa rnacb wui.-facticn. »»t;r ph) a: ,i «n* fiete ,-fc«c r »b«* it as tb*-y do Calom*-!. Y'»u can make wh.»l Use jou ph-a-e uf th.n, and if failed on, 1 will perionV A fresh supply just rece.ved and f. r sale bv JOHEPH KLHM'IHG, Corner of Dtamood and Marks! st, and ail druggists F. M. B'JLLMAN, M*nche»ier. x ... Wholesale by N (’ Walter, .onvtaSrM -•.reel W. H. FoX, Propnetor. Loucvill* K* To Whom ail order*- must l- h i ire*->,-tl .U:4 • ‘,.-^4 CHRISADORO’d HA IK JJYJa. THF oNi.y I»YK. THK uNLY DYE. TDK 1 *M.V i-YK I UK UM.Y DYK THK ONLY DYK. Tiifc. o.M.Y Dl K. and the OXLV DTE r H,i wl . :•* re i-> hav.- th»- co’or of it,eir har '•hanged wiu *a fet • , i .»n' i. an -i * jell j. ; o aoy shaoe Uc y may doeir.- M*iiu:.m mud ivJ c n J:lh i aDOKi •, 6 A»t..r House NewDuk. HoU p'frtrywjic-ro. *j>»i hy aJI L/rwwkr». V BJSIJIJXjUJ, A- * .<»'<•• R'lM SfU> York. UiS/O. U. ILK'taJHLy Agent, P’tl*foo^v h PA. .a'>:J*w:l m T I <*lLowi> t Leri UK rci&uwj to Hf. \N l >KU f 11'b PILLS .u-uitiud- btt-nt:nn from IN. \'ALir-.S Ha*. *ONTD*. M. ' , M .y vs*; Dv. Hit iyjgi.ru —l-mo* Sir—l Lure «anu-,i to write to you at-d expr.TH mj grutitn ie lor tba clal fflf'ts tiini ha»e been eiper.i’cced id my owo fam. ilj.aud in buodred-,a}e, thtmiaodi i f by the u.-e of Brandret! - 1 iiiw, Tl« first jo-.r try friend HriM.kaway -,>ld juur pdL u KofL.n, I ns, tt> tu in q t,in‘> of h*Nai;ii, and mv Inentl- ni» wr-d n yB9lfhupprM.ed tr.nt my fwinh y v< .mu,e would i->on lettn:nat«. M'. Hrookway urge.i rue to tn«.f Hraud'e h P il.*. but lirv i.-ed so nii.clj med o.ue »uli no>,i>, 1 I'rff'Ct, I wasinor* icrhoeot i i(M nuu:el*Kr IIH (• > irp*\ and rnJml> hiibmii to my fete. MB. ortored to give fllt! dog n boxeo ;1 I vou! i t&5; r a ih, :n os pri*». r.Ud. Hr thi- I hi# f e li".d faith m them, and I dual y consented tou*e them, 1 t.t not a>a 1 *eut home and went al it ocm After le.k one t*oi To Consumptives. CLARKE’S LITER PILLS. A Raditnl Curt / Read l / JiMtA // / VSeeadverhaemant For sale k. mMyrUm STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS Isaac Junes....jno. l hovu.4wm. m'cullouub JONES, BOYD & CO„ MAXL'Kai.'TTUERS <>E CAST MKKI.; •ieo. hpsng. How and A. H Sti-e! SI-RI M.ri and .lAl.liK cr, ,T Kia-a and Klr-i .nw., - n pi rrsurm.it. iv l » cnaown-g cuaawici PAPER AiND RAGS, Nos. lni[ Paper ac Slami/arturora' l’ncea. Tb. PnC * P * M C "'' 1 for RAUS - w. s. MACKJNTOan, MACKINTOSH, HEMPHILL & CO., CORNER Of PIKE AND O'HARA STS , ]V FAR CITY \VAIY.K WwRK.S, Pitta- Li l , r * h< IV. Mftnuf*ctur. r-<.f Mui'kint..-!, * H.tnia r i'v 1 hH-iiiauuw (iTKAAI KA GIAMi.S f Ami SLIDK VALVE*. u 7 *ii h o,l y ] \ H - pm up Marhioerr rf Ur,-* f . A|MM . llv , Ul * S Ulti 'G. »e ace |T*pt»r«Hj vo Ui*t by Hod lhe c twi or.,four work* li IS pul'iic fMKtrotm|rn. Attfntion to oitr H.W..INTEL VAI VF Ko, ‘ HUtill .71. HOLE, TINGIN' Ii BUILDER AND MACHINIST A W “TSK-N PLAtM.V, MILL. £ ~7 °“ l Hoy, PKbOwrp*, Ph, wj| ma*a u> order, and warmnud a. good I. can be mad£ k f machinery, tu :-Bieaiu Knginea, Tnnnng '° r * ood “d iron . Planera, for woSlaod iron; JS, u “Ownand I'olacoo Screw., l“atenl n({lii and Model Machinee. in the beat manner: dhaftinii. Pulbjw. and Hannera. ol all auea and ranely ; Screw* S any diameter and pilch, to Hfteon [ool ln w ' jiao rnaae, and Hereon hand. Doctor and Nigger Ko ainea, and Deck Pump, for «teamu«,u, Ac bathe inheara and other Planing done to order; can plane 33 incite* »«te, by # (cm t inches iooa. ,Yvm P“* ™ed cad Aoraettio Sohctat « a—Parumlar attention and promptitude giren to ’~TbP*^^ rmUn * 1 '****“ “ Dj olt ® r Mechme* . Kt. I Plja ) r-»*J, •fc>*, rn 10 po. t tuio -a. . . . Kfi n !i?iD n brown ....f or * jiwr'eci i lurk. Hml 'irri* « il-lHC«H'ru liia( • la**'AutfiQrouft. BOOTS AND BHOBS, STRAW GOODS, TRUNKS, CARPET SACO, ETC., W'UOLKS.bLK AMD RETAIL, Between K.Aii Ul«rty «l>, fgho* iUrket PUc«,) i'i ITSHI’Kii ii. PK.N.VA. *>'li *• CALMVI-;;.;, a bKu u')A r rrMtlitlßßS AX!) hBALER /.V '»•' I 1 C-o't- a v.Vrjuyo, lfN 1 Tar, Piu*:, Roxtn and oi>, iarpaaim*. LMjc*?, ur f u *ud Hrar* Xmlling#, Ac. *l.l. iw *» W..*r IvT L*W Muulla, ii J A M t S FI O II It , N“- N 9 AA'-rtd Pr-cl, 3,1 from llw >!«!,. BW-„v!'» a-ut UtLnxl ,'i».*«• And Ch.Mrer/i HovU, ace*, lituwri*. Happens 0«Bi Orer*. «u >!-c> h. o ,‘ ttu-l Vo>.Ui.-' r.mr.o Kip ao4 i.tol buoe* fitor.l 'IV*. Sts.u-h Booteox, UjHTai* eto , Kf, Men’ri Kiue (*1! Wnffr-rrool Boot*. 4o 4o Bottom Country Merchant T/mtin* the cinr are InTiteJ to call and eiaruuu* hi» Muck »>eforo purcnHMuc, feelmji a*. sUftd they oan t« *w.U' i an to quality aud pncos. JAMK3 .No. W Market etrooi, . •*‘ l6 Third *lo<-r Irom the Market. C. J. F AY, M P. JAMES H. CHILDS & CO., lIOI'E COTTON iUIM.S, SEAML.ESS BAGS, OSNABTJRaS, S‘2 Incite* to 40 Indies Wide. < 4ar«)n!em may be W»fl at H. CUILDB A C< 10. T Wn«,,j PuLHOnry h. N OF IN V ALIUS, A Pliyiicmns, CU»rgywi»*ii. Soieu.tilic nofi di» public generally, in respm-ifuily sol.'-iu-J to ;{.« n.fni-i of thin nhermcai preparation, oonuunmg IK'jX, ,s/: FUUR, aotl I'HOSrHOlir.'i, ami wlu.’h ix lUr.i ichl in it* composition with tlio Hematic GlaOmc, or ttd lo all diMcajiLM accompanied with DEBILITY, pale countenance &uU nervou* derangement, uoalvsen ol the blood hbow a deficiency of ujh red globule*. Ruddy complexion and a rv*y uni of the skm, j*» always lodioative of hoaith; while n pale, wax-like *km anil Countenance,—which eviocty, h deficiency of ;h* red globule*,—accompanies a diseased organism. Prepa rations of iUOX Itavu l>oen uivm for the purpoxe <>f supplying the red globule*, but we contend that IROX aloue, SULPHUR alone, or PHOSPHORUS ulone, will not meet uie deficiency in every case, but that a judi- Clouh combination of all these element* t* uoco&sary to restore the blood to its normal standard. Thu* pvmu never before attained, Juts boon reacJiett m trie BLOOD FOOD and its discovery ranks os one of the most scien tific aQd important of the age. it* edects in CONSUMPTION are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night .••weata, increase the physical and meotal energy, enrich the blood by restoring the lacking red globules, increase the appe tite, restore the color, ana clothe the skuletou frame with flesh. The BLOOD FOOD will be found a speci fic in all CHROXIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LUNOS,euoh &a AaOwuu Brxmchitu, Choughs, Ac. Public speakers and singers will hud it of great utility In clear ing and strengthening the vocal organa, in Dyspepsia, Uvcr Complaint 4, Dropsy, Epilepsy Puralysu, Scrofula, GraveL SL Vitus’ Dance, Fever and Ague, dv n its efficacy is marked and instantaneous. In uo cl&a« of dtaoases, however, are the taneficiaJ efleotsof this remedy ho wu- Bpicuous os in those harraasing FEMALE COMPLAINTB to which the gontlor sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difficult Menstruation, Green Sickness, Whiles, dt~, especially when those complaints are accompanied with paleness, a dingy hue or pallor of .he skin, (depression of spintr debility, palpitation, want ofappeme, nnu norvoas pros tration. \Ve have the utmost confidence in recom mending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be con scious ol a lo«*s ol vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated through oewr-uj* either of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to say that in all cases of Weakness and Emaciation, and IQ %lf diseases of the Kidneys or JitiuUler, this preparation has a claim upon the attention of sufferers which can not be over-estimated. A faithful trial will be found the most convincing proof In regard to its efficacy that couid be asked lor. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have in its favor, we offer the ‘BLOOD FOOD' in the consideration of the afflicted* knowing that it will bo acknowledged as pre-eminent over all other preparations, patent or officinal, in point of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy la founded, also certificates of remarkable cares, will he sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part of the United States or ftwwdm “P° n receipt of price—*l per bottle, |6 for six bottles. Re careful in all cases to take none but that having our tao-smile signature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH .s ~[ ■ Sieern Eu'inrs three i i or.*- i . i. •tred and fitly h [«<• j.yv*or. nd minted for i, fr i M ~, H.iw il l lJf., H;* l - - . p\:ru nwx, Ke<-torie.i, «-n tue construction o: Katrine* Hiul Mac hinery tor crmt mtiK and for upright*. mitlav and circular haw molts. Have alj*o on hand, finished and ready lor Rt.,pm«un at short nonce. Engine# and Rouerb every desonn uon - * A two, lurntah Holier# and Sheet Iron H-paratolr, and wrought Iron Shafting, Hanger* and Pull to* m every ran.Hy, and continue the manufacture of W.toleo Mh- Wnuery and Machine Card*. Ot.r j>r:r-# »re l<>w, our machinery manufactured of . f>eHt quah tv of materia)*, and warranted in Alt cat.«ev to give aati#f»et,ion. from all parts of the country eolimed and promptly fined; _ _ _JWI:,J4W AMERICAN IRON WORKS. JOSES & LA EJTH, Manufacturer* of IRON AND NAILS JUNIATA AKO COHHOIt SHEET IRON. Until’i Patoat Shafting, Piston Rods, Plates,it. WABIHOUBEB, »8 "»t.r Street, end 133 Flret Stre PITTSBURGH, Aa ‘l2l°lj ° f l ' r “ k,m * ad «*wr Bv,. Chi^o DAVID B. BOGEKij -XIIMAN ROOER D. B. BOtilllPi & MANUFACTURERS of ROGERS’ IMPROVED PATKXT AM) GRAIN’ UKU.L TEETH, Office, 68 Fifth Street, '° l3 _ Pi rrsßi'RiiH. pa. tUADHUH & SO.\, DEALERS IN .3. ifmrunx JOUiX ttouit lneai«r m Ao. 100 Markst Street. Joss otU'V »u jfc. Allegheny City* Pa UAM PACicaua or . V . ; J s'- • "\\ ,V- .. s'*. . \*?*■*&*•': i TLe Amalgamation of Languages. There is a growing tendency in ihin uga’to . appropriate The most eipreesiie words of other | a .,. guages, sod after a while to incorporate them Into nnr own: thus the word Cephalic, which n. from the t.rcek, aigntfring “for the head. i.« now becoming |«pularircj tn contieoliru w.th Mr. .'iwMtag’a groat Headache rein edv. hut it will .-.on ho Heed m a mere general way. and the word Cephalic wiil become a. common aa Electro type and m.oy ethers whose diali-eiton u p reign wo; i. ha. been worn away by common !:.•>»/> Ur,:,' they "a..' iv'-j i.m.’i'- umnor ("irn." 11. »d 'ii 'orrit.li! 'oadufhc this Uftornoon I.hl'l I into U,. ImpuibcemTia* fian.i Jn lu Uit* nmn, -Chi. y. u Uv**.? mo of a& ?'• .1 La.-!.- V.rd." -.n - . ••H.. X c«ed 1 ngljr 1 " a ,y s |,i, tlan ,j upon ‘ tial 'M-gsv a I,„. » c,. r .halii' Fill. hand ,„ e \mur it .-uri'.l mi -o ( ui.-k tp»l I 'anil) rcaliaod I '«.t ' 3 ,| iitl VftduOijU Hkadacuk iri favorite sign by I w:.ui'h nair.re makes oy deviation (rhaiever i fr-*m ii lt . nniurai h;»w of th • • ram, and viewed in U.i - - ; • i it rr«\ U« looked on an 4 offguard -Intended m - Ve of d,H«H-£* which mi*ht CiU.erwiM© escape HU- Dtion. t;li (oo late to remedied; and ns judica -1 r «vt*r n-Kltctci Headaches may be cU,Hrj,-.i under two vi* : Symptoms w and I'ii-'lMihu'. S\Uij.'oiiiAtio HeaJache is exceedingly ooinmoa and is the precur-ur of a great varie-y ot j d.M-a--*. among wh ch a-e Apoplexy, Gou*. Rh*-unm iwn and u’; fobnie rJi-euee.-. Id iu» uerrou* form it i- frympatheiu- of di.-tea** oi the stomach eons'ituiing «-•; heaJ'i-he, of hep tic di-ease constituting btltuw htn.lachc, of worm's constipation and other disorders oi ihe Mwvl-, a* we,. a> renal and uterine Rfiectioo-. iuHt -of ;} u . heart are Ter> frequently attended with headache**; Arucmia and plethora are also atlecuuns wliieli frequently occasion headache. Idopatluc Head ache is also very common, l>e;ng usually disungmshed hy flu- msm* r,f »«nvu. htadacUt, sometimes coming nu suddenly m a .-.tate of apparently sound health, and pr-'s-ra-mg at once ilie rnenlsl ard phyßical energies, and in other imran'-es it conies on slowly, hera'ded by depre.-Mou of .spur, aor acerbity of temper. In moat tr.HU.neea i?.- patn in m tlie front of the head, over one or b-til and hotnetime- provoking vomiting; Und'T 1 1 u j ola.-s may al«<> Ik* named yeurnlg a. F -r the trea'.m-ni of either class of Headache the >-<'l •’nli' !' : h hate Sum found ,1 sure and safe remedy, r. wv.ny ti ,• tnos'. Acute rum- m a few minutes, and s 'Mil'i'o eradi“m; :g Urn d.aeaae of winch i 1 e.i'ln*.*: .• i- the unerring md«-x. fisaX“ i>i‘*iyct. Mitsus wiiQti you to sood her x ephono i>.ne, no, a bottle of Prepared Pilla, ;t l‘m thinking that*- not ;u-t it nauher; but perliAp* v -e M.-: knowing whet it in. Vo aeo she* nigh •ad an.i g'>Q*.* wu, the S.ok Head at no, and want* -ome 'T** ot th«< rottne ah rclaived her before. JJrujWit.— You inu-t ui*:«n tfpalding’a Cephulj. PdU. Bruhit—* k-h »ure now and you’ve aed it, here’* the tuarther an 1 g.v me the Pills nu>J don't be be ail day ibout it aither. Constipation or Costivenesa, No one uf the "many ills flesh is heir to" is preraleot, *o little uad*r*tooJ, and so much neglect- A * ‘ o**tirenes*. Often original.n* in caretenhoesa, or sedentary habits H la regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality is the precursor an l companion of many of the most faiai and d.v.geroui di.-eascit, and unless early eradica* d it will t.i.ng the HurV:er io an untimely grave. Arnoug the lighter evil, of whi- h eonuvenesH t« the usual attendant are Headache. Col:c, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, P.io* aud others ofi.ke nature, while a loag triun fd fi-gntf ii diseases such as Malignant Fevers, A»«*cssex, I'ysentary, lh/uTho**, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, hpilepsy, I'uraJynis, Hysteria, Hypochondria*!*, Melan choly and Insanity, firai indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfreipienUy the disease# nano 1 originate in Constipation, tut take on an independent it.hU'Rcu uolchs the cause ta eradi cated m KD eaf] y From all these con-,derations .l fodor* ‘.hat the di-order should receive imme)’ for ibej ar* a -enl Ucs.nnj. Twenty Millions of Dollars Saved. Air. Spa.ding has sold two millions ol bot* ij■ *. ;,n .-i ttu- i Prepared G!ue and ii i* estimated Uno h U>tde*ire- ai least ten dollars worth c>! bro- k.-:i t.:'t; nir**. tli:i-» making an aggregate ol twenty million- f .hi, :.ti«, r-H 1 aimed fr.>m u>’al l.;** l.y this val iiahh* .Dipov n IlAv.og ramie In* -- ue a household wi.r !. J.o i-'.jr pnjj/. .-«*b io ,io the world *ti;i greater scr ' t-j ''ur.-ug all :h*> aching head* with hi- Cephalic 1' «. S'- i.l they are a- pool a- hi-* Glue, Hea-Ucbea w;; ■ -r. - an.-', away l.k- -tniw m July. hr Excitkmkjit and the mental ca.ro a:vi aai r-y .n-7.ug th»* uumerou-j ''.uses of Nervous ii**adiu'ho. i !jn d - s >rdfr<'d state of mird and Jx>dy in ndoct i ■ :'u* «i -tresnmg c*'mpjiint i- a faU. biow i<. ad energy and amtuuon. Sufi->ror« by thi* dtaordor can aJaav- obtain *pc**-dy relief from these dixtreesiog at tacks by using one rtT the Cephalic Pills whenever the symptoms appear. It -joiete the overtasked brain, and sootros the strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the teus’.on of the stomach which alwaya accompanies »nd aggravates (he disordered condition of the braio. Facts Worth Knowing, SpalJinp’ti Odphalic Pills are a curtain cure foi Si<*k Hca-iarhe, Bilious Headache, Nertous Head i'.;:ho, (.'ostive:u«Hs and ‘ien»raj D«-b:l:ty. Groat Discovery, An.oni; the most important of all Iho great me-.li-'ul discoveres ol thU ago may be considered the vy-u-m of Taccin.-ition for protection from Hinal) Pox, r>«* Ct pha,. • Pfil i ,r relief of and the use of '•iu u Do lor U.*' pren ntion of Fevers, either of which i* a Mire »pe-\tu\ whose benefits will bo xpcrieucod by sufieruia humanity long after their do-oovorers are for got:.-:- you ever have tho Sick HeadachoT Do you remember the throbbing tetrplcn, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How toul’.y unfit you were for pleasure, conror-etlon or study. Oue of the Cephalic Pd's would have relieved you from all iho Mit!.*rmg which you theu experienced. For ihiN ucJ other purpemss you should always have a l ox of them on hand to use as occasion requires. NervousHeadaehe Headaefee By the use of these cephalic PILI.B the periodic attacks of Xervous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken at tho com mencement of an attack immediate relief Irom pain and sickness will be obtained. They aoidom fail in removing the Mwcnu and Head aehe to which.females are so subject. They act gently upon the Bowels—removing Cosh tx- For Liferary Afsn, Students, Delicate Female*, and all persons of udsntary habits, they are valuable as a Lazo tive, improving tho appetite, giviog tone and vipor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole nystem. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully ooodacted experlmenta, having been in use many yean, during which time they hAve preventod and relieved a vast amount of pain and suf fering from Headache, whether originating in the oer vous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their- composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety and with out making any change of diet, and the abeene* <# any disagreeable latte renders it easy to administer them to children. Beware of Counterfeits. The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spal ding on each box. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicine. A box will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the PBICE, 25 CENTS. AH orders should be HENRY C. BPAXDINO, noSlOyda 48 Qedir street, New Tott, .- - V < i - _‘l. «tj»w4ja icy rSsxz'jr, MISCELLANEOUS. ’ardly Bealized, A Beal Blessing, . * S. CiIUDOKEE BE.IIEDV 1 | T. J. GRAFF PAUL HUGUS WM. GRaFF. co o Cl S 3 O CHEROKEE REMEDY, AN LNFAILI.NG CURE Futt GoAorrbsa and ail Diseases of the Urinary Organ* THIS KEMKDY cures when a'l other preparations fail. Uia onltreiv ted.it,- rv.r. "v i; n ™' a : ui, ‘(!. eVO W.S kUA t. I prepared sold/ from d«wn BbAVbS and has t,een handed KFFI YD, Mv«*7, em ' r : n 10 »“ ua 'er. hv Ihe CUEBO- } l 14 offered to the public on its ovr, ' ,r c r? nt “;r jLPt rf " rn l“ "r d "V quekly and thor h. !' l UNFOHTUAA fK, of either sox will bo ,h „ , by “’“‘L* ll, ‘* EEHEIiy, instead of placing S, Ua, ' k or '''''frsser I its wmlfnoei’ 1 fdnktW ' !lt l ' i e very ROOT of the disease; 1 l/01l IK TO • r S ir r S l>, suseend the poison, hut t„ * Tnh on vrhirh it depends—?til u re. h Ml-iu pamphlet form, accompanying each boh *. P and permanent relief atT.-rded by ihis Jj/Trlv lo of 'j'>xoßnacßA % gleet ; 0 \xhorrf\ T < aICT J Jlt! !? FLUOR alb us, Lrv ,"s l 'l “ d uil diseases of the [Pr,e. S^‘ lU hh^n a,,t01 l iBh “' J lhe mOKt wci< ‘ D t»fic men. I fmmlhfl Moy'yoruAuxu* aJI Poisoy mt ‘ del,- rffrj 1 yor AFFECT th- BREA TB or INTER. FERE with any CLASS of BUSINESS, or require any deriiition from the usual di*L S*i l r^ u ! IHi ' DO »« H w«Anee frum other inedinne whit ENHANCER a.- ViLUR. im .i, A svv PI H F E a NA U * E '°M TAM'S, T and DELICIOUS SYRUP. Prici $2 pxb Bottl* o& Thb« Bottlm roa SA. POTTER At MERYVIX, Sole Proprietors Q ST. LOUIS MO. fl PD tatu f , i h w f» oi «« le *ni retail by Dr GEO by&ll rea P°^ lble N E W S P A P E R il' INDICATE PUBLIC OPINION. L-iun/'tj cautious, thrre u -jrcat nmtitence to U placed in A RELIABLE NEWSPAPER. FROM THE \B>V ORLEANS TRUE DELTA “There seem* to be no exeuse for thin or ur&y flair n'.w that the celebrated iismaraarT’s lvumaut iiaia KILfTORATITB cftO be hM'i. n from thk CLKVELAND PI.AI.V DEALER “When people can prop ct their Hair from the tell- Ule mark* ijf age; when they can luxuriate tn ylosav tJack 10.-ks at anadraoeed period of their hr-* when white and gray Hair can he turned to a beautiful black or auburn; when Ha,r can be made to grow upon bald , e he ° “ ', hl “ h" d " n,, i d eanuot do L, harm HAT '< J ”lto-,HKL'IBTKKET't>UA“tRW’”At o-, HK L' l8TKKET ' t>UA “ tRW ’”A KATIVfc. trill do it Thia Hair Restorative i.t, beyond iwrsdventure. the best h.ng of the kind ever invented The tacts In our poasessioD, in regard to this woodcrini prep.rattott, warrant us In onqualifiedly recanmend- FROM THE ST. LOUIS kepublican. “Many of our first citizens in Bt. Louts are speaking in giowmg term* of thi» article.” v «*iog FUOM THE CAIRO CITY GAZETTE. “Tins incomparably excellent preparation for Ihe Res "Hvrey Hair to its original color, to preserve 5* 7 f " h “K out ; “ d cure toldneea, is on sale at Humphrey A Bruwn's m this CUV. The evidence mat tins Kastorauvo Is no humbug ts conclusive Teatt monials to that eflert jn.y he round in almoel every paper in the country.” 1 FROaM THE SOUTH W ESTEHN BAPTIST, “‘■77 dy ;r’ alonB ’ a , od , uae oolj some reUa’M ResKe ratiTe, !d.f* Uoun-tre«ia Inimitable.” “ Dd *' Per botUe. W. is. UAUA!I A CO. t Proprietory Troy,J'Js-w \nrk. MAGNOLIA BALM a p carter co compliti ruxidt roa Pimples, Blotches, Freckles, Eruptions, Sunburn or Tan. This Elegant Preparation render* the Skin soft and l l; ran «, U> ' l ,* M ’‘ rUo Pnrity ' “■» ■»>« «00l Jh. h | ng ,',‘ I PP hed l " lh< ' face afler exposure to Ihe eun, and will gtv» tmmedtat relief to the Stmge ot Inverts. .Nothing poieonnus enters into its eornpoei hi’rm °. ll ““1« mmhl lie taken without norm. Jtt apul,ration tray n,.,ht (or a week, wdl cu/ r the wvr*t etueuj EimpUe Sold PTerywhere—Pne© Fifty rents a HotUe. >V* E. HAGAN & CO., Proprletorj!, Rnd rrtail V/ hLi r-.S^y 4 ? WooU Btreet » *** aJi roaponalbie deKU-n* in medicine©. ty23elyd*w DR. MOTT’S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS OF I BOV. A** 1 ' stomachic preparation ot IRON panned ol Oxygen and Carbon by oombue- V”“ h * n JJ/ d:r ?? e s' Boneaoned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. Thu experience of thousands daily proves that no preparauon of Iron can be compared mil, iu tapun Uoa of the blood, depression ol the vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion indicate its necessity to almost every oonoeivaole case. 3 lnouxiou. In all maladies in which il ha. been tried it has prosed absolutely curative in each of the follow ing coimilainis, vn: 7n fiaAfUy, Aereou. Affections, Emanation, Bosptaaia, G,sit,pars n, . Oarrkan, IWdery, lnapuast ChnawScSs Tulmx i MU ’ f&JsT wr.uai Cilorosii, Uctr Complaints, Ornate BoadacAcs. RAeumalum, InUnmUmt Fevers, PanptU on Use faetek. In case. o. GiaxasL Daatuu, whether the remi!t of acute disease, or ol the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from ohronio complaints, ono Inal of this restorative has proved auccesslui to an ex °s’r,Ul —i n ,°i d “'T n 1’“°“ r -° r written attestahou would render credible. 1 nvallds so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in them own neighborhoods, have su Idenly re-appeared in the lamy world as if |nst re turned Irom prolraeted travel in a distant laud. Some vere signal instance, of this kind are attested of female sufferers, emulated victims of apparent marasmua, sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and th? complication of nervoas and dyapeptio avTraion to air and exercise lor phich the phyalotan has no name. r.i*l, I '“, T ° m^ m ? na^of .“ U kind3 > “<1 f" reasons lamdiar to medical men, the operation ol this pro pane uon ol iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unUltlTthc old oxides, it ts vigorously tonlo, srithout being exen. ever being a gastnc purgative, or inflicting a disagree able sensation. II is Uue latter property, among others, whioh makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy lor upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and fortM them'"*’ dl,perBm * 1110 loaU tendency which in Dnnrau, Innumerable as are Ur canaes, a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has otten sufficed lor Sic moat habitual cases, including the attendent Owfieenass. Dtasautßa, eren when ndtanced to ptBKtTABT, conflmuKi, emaciating, and apparently ma* toiSahing 16 effeotfl *“ T6 1)660 decisive and an- In the local pains, loss of fteah and strength, debflita ting cough, and remittent hectic, which generally in dicate litcmiMt CovstmPTion, this remedy has allnyod the alarm of friend* and physicians, In several very grauh-ing and interesting instance*. * Si" “ ,fem * le> oannot belooconfldently in r “' urah ”' w u -" p^ 1 - t h l n ,„Srr n “’ b ° th ohre a icreat remedy and energetic restorative, and its prour*** m the iiaw settlements of the West, will propably bo oue of high renown and usefulness. J No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts suoh prompt, happv rß< ’ l °r* u ' ,e “ BecU - f*** l appetite, complots digestion, rapid aoquimtion of strength, with an unuau- L^„r.^ r r rua “ d ebwr& All Jtt *r? Qt *° ®‘ ldreiW on rwwipt of the price AH letters, orders, etc., should be addrm£«*d lo &. fi. LOCKS & Co., Gonerai Agents, ~ ‘ MAB. BESE. <&*Tqi#tti.eisracted. and Shower Bath*. »* l ff*7 Grant street. CEPHALIC PILLS, I OoTWCtemmcl end Marta* rt IRdiral. rf j gS o £ CO ■ S O fc $D CD ' £ OCi SjV'?% : j 1 . “ i^‘ LL -BiMM a siuuoiaa ROBERT DALZELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. COMMISSION AND FORWARD! 1G MERCHANTS pa. FORWARDING AND COMB'S lON MERCHANT F ‘°nri d r a“ n ’. B “°"’ LarJ * »»««■. Seed Dried Fruit end Produce Generally, COURSE OF market ASt FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURGH PA. DRS. STEBBDfS & MUNSON, OPKRATIV E AND MECHANICAL DENTISTB, Office 105 Fifth Street, a mw i« above the post office. nrov.i 4 TEETHI S«VE THEffl BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. CSILL, has removed to 246 PENT? . STREET. 1„ the hoase iormcrlT occnpiti bv vr. H E« y ** r Chrift'H Charch. He will ffive ftli the cuoJera improvements. Teeth inserted at ranoatt price*, Irom U 5 to $62 per set ™nea T Rx/ttwcs- Re? w. IV Howard. Rev. Samuel Findley A. Brad'OT, A. b. M Candlcas, M. D, J. H. ffonkins/w M’K^? iark> Dr ‘ Ge °' H ' Kej_&er - W - NlmickTSmaoi —— atx27dy- _TjSKTII KITK.VITKI) WITHOIT PilY H' THE USE UF AN APPARATUS c«m .J? bT n .? or galmnio battery are used, tad lyeaihc-'* the uma when the apparatus cm be thl"! “J ,i ' r ' l aKe- MeJic.r gentlemen and the.r families had their teeth extracted by my process, and are ready lo testify to the painless oa well as to the aaiety of the operation, whatever has been said by per- ° ° r - I iFICUL fEETH inserted in every stole. OUXJRV, Dentist, noHrlydis EXCELSIOR GLASS WOEEB. JA. WOLFE F. T. PLUKJLETT--T. OAMPRgI.I. WOLFE, PLUNKETT & CO., GLASS MANUFACTURERS, WAREHOUSE Ko, 12 Wood Street, Corner or First, Pltttbttfgh, Pa# SMITH, PARK & CO., NINTH WARD FOUNDRY, PITTSBURGH, PA. Warehouse, No. H 9 First and ISO Second streets. tti'i^« uraol ', a i e r? o £. ali Bizaa and descriptions of Cosl Oil, S ii’ 3 ' Ga S Watar Flp4 Bed Irons, Dos CoupiinVs KOn Boie "’ Stoal Mott!ds . Ptoee, Hangers ana MaChln ° Castln « B »' °™r desertjv nwfi™ i,“ m P lele tpachine shop attached to the *4 tcu 7 ’ fittlD 6 will be attend iaAKfc; superior coppKß~ivrn^; AJTD BMBITINB WORKS, PARK, M OURDY & CO., tvTanufactukers of sheathing; All Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bo! toius. Raised Still Bottoms, Seller Solder, iofaleo to girters and doalers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron r Constantly on hand, 1 inmon’stfaehlnes amf Puihr,S!f®^L OUB if l '°'Prot-eed 120 Second afreets. Pittsbargli, Ps. Special orders of Copper cat to anr de* faSVITdV. TERRY, PRICE & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMEEES. Satinets, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, Ac. NO. 255 MARKET ST., North Side, PHII.ADELPBIA, PA. JOUN V. TQLRT, -ielfcW I‘. A. HAiHJ. l. KIMiSK SMITH. Hong S,ong Tea Store. D. A. HALL & CO., 27 FIFTH STREET Opposite Geo. R. White & Co., ’ aplSHy PITTSBURGH. PA. JUDIES' CAMBRIC ~ ’ HANDKERCHIEFS AT HALF THEia VALUE, AT * L HI RWELD'S, No. 83 Wpgd street PCCpVHEAT TLOU 11. —200 sacks, a - f oaoiee article, for eale by WM. U. SMITH k CO, • lIS K»»»opd k 14? fourth «ts. CJIIMN EY. —\V"e have receiver, the Mica Lsmp Chinioev. 'I hs Chimney cnutnot uj broken by heat. WKtDON d Fto* «bu . mEStEB COVERS and rSlingjiecora- JL ttow, tor ul« by w: p. MtnTOnr.r,. fsS No,WWo«I ECLIPSE Coal Cook betZer,^*^ 10 "* Luutt e*> wbieh «“<» the toe - aplS agfonrardin# and (Eoimnissian. T 'ri^T»ari'* ; T««T -F- *- DILWORTHI COMMISSION HOUSE. RODGERS & Dll WORTH, DfcALEIiS is PLULIi, IiKAi.N AND PfiODl'CE GENERALL a 10 LIBERTY STREET, Vo™ Railroad Depot, Pittebur’gh, Pa.) JAIMES A. FETZER, rot «u 81 LA OV A. KREBS & BRO. Jfitftffjitirjfcjrs Corner Wood and Fourth 8t«, PITTSBURGH. jVVAMELED PAPER COLLAHS, A riCKAIJE OF 10 FOR 85 CENTS, AT L. HIRSH PEI, D, B3 Wood !*{ree 134 Smith Geld str< E. WATTSj »Aam a. pexjz, ew wall papers, of new and choice patterns, Jast received by W. P. MARSHALL B7 Wood str« e ZJ r ’S-'f J .'r s 1 , * r ’- r V ‘ _ ] c‘ ~ ti*{ T r ■> - " -pS&j ,> ’ >4 .;. ■■ . v:.*\^ r c--4 v o;4' -' ; •-' •* v ,v ■- '$ ■ ’ ■ .;.?• ~'* I !^iiiiiMl?l | ‘~ r "**| / « *■ %-> c ‘ ?*, ' ' i - ; -4r;\- .'* ;«’-#?&£ vV i-*ii,r.Jo£ "• • ■*■ -Q Si ► PBHUTI AJf: STS UP OR PROTECTED S0li;TI0;r PROTOXIDE OP IHOa. Cures nil Diseases arising from Disordered" ‘ Btgostion., Weakness, and 13ad State of tho Blgod., » 4™« i tom thcMV: '■M W did' Cftov^ Ru-Kt, to any 9a r “ - •• il^i/? h 4* E ”':°'fl tK,d •••: t ib-T. Arthur U Tnii V Jeww .loHawm. M.D.- *r.A*. , !W v §TiL£'Mi*’ Kev. UI> ’ ' s™? ?c Jr fsFpFtt D • iu-': I'w.'jaw £ A itT(""'”i' Wt"”narr l t“' nr:r ' Her. A It. H. C tawlpv, .iann#» 0. Dann, «. -/.V J*«w. Ilennr Cphotn, *muml Man t » S Sr' I* ’ Pmf. K ViEaWseherb, *" 1 ■ L - Mosis Grant, Eaj. . ■ Office, 39 Summer Street, Boston, hi JOHH P. JEWETT AND CAREER.* POR SALE BV AIX HRIiOfrTM’S for Bale by Dr. GEO. ». KEYSER, No. 140 Woo* at IT MUST BE OBVIOUS NOT ONLY TO' > 7™' illi t?, ere T attentive and intelligent jperaoß.-' io«t the first diseases orinfantsnnse chiefly froma dial ordered condition ol their bowels, and in thia COnheO-": tion. we present to jour notice for the alleviation ahd cure ol these diseases, a remedy known as ’™ DR. EATON'S HVFMTILE €OKDIAL, Prepared from a fbrmnla used bp Dr. Eaton with re-' markable Buccesa daring several years’ practice,.a to he a most reliable and efficacious remedy tor Infimtiie complaints, and one trial alone trill eon." race von of its superiority over every other prepara, ‘ Bon of the kind, ft is particularly recommended POE CHILDEEN TEETHING. And at this period of infantile life, when your anxious ~ hearts are pained by witnessing the sufferings of tout' little ones, Uwtll be found invaluable in Saftnim Afia-b Gums, Eedudnq lujlammahon, and Reiievi so all FOB DISEASES A TTBSDim TKETBJNQrmSseE ' £Esri&rcia^Mtsrsjf , ssag,. denUy oflev this as a certain relief and cure In everr’ case when given in time. It will invariably regulate the stomach and bowels, and Us importance in thlarWDeat' Can hardly be eßtimaled. IN CONTU LSIONS, * from which more infants are said to die than fromahv : other disease, the little sufferer is relieved as li by maocs and in this dread complaint aloneTSr intrinsic value is'suCh that it has been recommended from one family to anothor, until the tiftpo <>t fir - ftAm'' TOJTB UiFAHTILK CqAojaL h»s become “familiar as a household word.” We now ask your attention to n m subject of vital interest to jroorself, as well ns to tout » suffering child. Dr. EA'fOX'ij IXPANTH.K edit DIAL contains j. . h!>. NO MORPHINE OR OPIATE, ’ ' ' ain Aon*—For thn seburgs of the u. «t«» fc- is country, these medicines trill be lound s safe, irimortT , ui certain remedy. Other medicines leave tSe nH tem t-übject to a reiurn of the dueaao-e cure by thebe ><- medicines la permanent. Try them, be aatiafieaandbe .se cured. ~ ; - Fbulrutt o) Conpltxion, Gmoril DtbQiiy. Headaches el every kind, Inward Fever, Impm* Blood andLors of Appetite, “T™. Lrran Ooimiisvs. LrrsQsr, Loosrstas, Mixcoataa Drs. ' never fails to eraiacafe entfrely alltbeefiect*' of Mercury infinitely sooner then the most powerful oility, Nerrota Complaint* of all kinds, tbmuiio Affiso tiona. • ■ Pn*S/-jhe original proprietor of these medicineswas ”■ cured of Files ot3i years standinaby the Qso cl these!- Idte Medicines alone. Pnins in the head. Sld6, beCkl\ joints and organs. ' Baaoitatisif^—Those affected with fhjs terribledisease , will be sore of relief by the Life Medicines. - ■ "-T -.. . Boss o> Buoa to ins Bun, Socbvt, Ran Baactr Sw -t: ■■{■" taos, Scaortru-oa Kiss's Era, in the worst terms, TO* -,i,v oors of every description. Worms of all kinds are »** •' -4 ‘fp fectually expoUed by these medians*. Parent* windo'S ?•' ,‘yi well to administer them whenever their la.-ci-J y| suspected. Belief will be certain. “'t.. 4 .‘‘Si Tin Liri Pm* as* Photo Burras Pcanrr zn Bfntm.' and thus Amove all diseases from the system. yf ‘--lio t73i Prepared by DR. WILLIAM a MOFFAT, •. . - v# ■qgadvdsw Dr.QBO. KETBKB.AgH, -pm-gATTS TWBWAHUK- 4^Bl JT DR. BROWN’S MEDICAL and I JKE 7£KT^ SURGICAL Offloe, No. 60 SMITH- > -» * * 4 held street, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl* ■ ■ y '' * BROWN is on old oltlaen \ 'W of PUtsburgn, and has been In '• Practice for the last i£b#fStmnßßL&}- - war*. Hi» business hu been con* . i to Prirate and Sorgloal J 01TMEK8 AND J " J in need of a medical friend, should bo* fitil io n the sure place of relief. The Doctor ißATegularsmfdtW ~- ‘4 ate, and his experianoe in the treakcentofa eertitin Qleya - of diseases is a sure guarantee to the gjgfeflgaafehtfaW>k*, te. ; lag permanent relief by the U£A hfhla -tem fouowinghiaadvtoe. ■ ' -» . DB.BROWITS RBMKDES»> i i'S \i neyer fill to cure the wont form TflrraftWi si Imparities and Scrofulous A£fection&' Also, aUdiaeaMC ‘ 4 ludemg hom e hereditary taint, whtch'numijtalts Itself ‘i c 4 in theformof atoUer, psmlaais, audejnrestmicylbnnA > v 3 of akm diseases, the origin of whteh the patient is SEMINAL WBAKNEffI - i , . Dr. Erown’a remedies for this aianaisg- treabld' M broogh tnnoltenby thataohtjry habit eluensnslgreii, . $ ficatioD, wfclab tbe.yoongand wekxalbded o/isri give ••' ■ ■ r way to. (to their own are tea only retiahl* ■£ ~ < "5? remedies known in this ooanfryr>they are eafist and -■■■& msho a epeedy restoration of h«*lth. .... . •5, RHEUMATISM. * '*?’ Dr. Brown’s remodies d«tm fall to core (his naiufb" ' t f dieowee in a/orda*s—he will wanenta cure. Me ahOu “ 1 trout* Piles, Gleet. Goncorrhoa, Stricture. Urethal'Die* ohargee, Female weskneea. Monthly BopproetiotivDia* ' ** f%\ eases of the Joints, Fiatnla in Aiks t-fr.-. PaUs m the Back and Kidneys, Irritation of the filed* 4 dor, together with ah disea ssof auimptveoriguia ' r --. r ? A loner descrihina the coaiamixu a »-a. directed to DR BROWN, wi SoSSSiMd strectiMLai ’ -41 borrfi, Pa, will bo immodialoty answered. Momotno ;;t. aMtttoanyaddress,safely peeked aadaooipofrnmoh., . - p Office and Private Booms, No. « Smithfield atTM.' " 'iL' Plttabnrgh,Pe -ir OUT EE T. TEEKT. B BOOMS AND BROOM HAND. 8,000 Poplar Broom Haodleas 100 doa ISastenr Brooms, flßßortodr' ' 100 boxeSClolhoj Pitta, suaortod; .' -a. (A ; ■# m n '•** : **» -I • 100 "•;« ~ # - c "'‘w. . 'SodoMßCborD&tsaortod ’ -.pdf' , 3Sj» .■BMwam* Wood -•- SSS^ W; - -f- •|j rSftl, % i ''4i -- '. * r >'. V-l--’ ’ ' ■ ‘. : -k , ■:#c#Si^sSgSS '. h"!t Al’-r.iJ: v- .: S^#s®SSfeB«i@ I * * *** * V <* «*/>,« 'tr'. i mf** Mcil, ~ a %. - -£f I >' « ~ —fa V" > **«**• n *-5 «* . J’- ft ' * - * f *&*£■ > - , \W, ' ■“■t’felS * I •V'H^! r ■ *tV’ - ■ iV'r .- ' - ’ " '±:~u * j-« ■(■;. < - T "' . ;\sv t„ (• •" *- " r 4. - VK ■-. . Ic*\**V f ■- r X«£ “ * fc > t- -t .. w '• ■- ■■ ;«v i | „ v-f'" ' f .••A.’. >’► *“ .-.k yff: •■l*'**- ' fr X' r Kfy *■ 1 - t >. ■ •iv® m . - ■ ..' - .- V.-V- -VsTj-^. *-■■ ' - : ’' ■*■ . j-Jjrf • l-c/ft i: 4 -^S^jjg ' , -•: ' ‘‘ '4 ' Off r-.'-v i V*# ' v -. !i,r. /■ k ' ' ’C-'J-V i- j't. .•-Tr-fit ( .. i - ' - . ■•- <>* ‘ v. ->»■> • -X J Ki:« 'u? 1 *4 •>: ■’ M-—•p.o '• i :. *£££-■ " 4 V,. V*» '^W 1 , - . /*""