* l£v -sy»——*^i f* V ' i&fet ;*iwm: V'_." ■■*’_ ■?»■.. ' +. ••» »>* •?/-■-: ■. «;• K . | *£* '' , h * ~' -* » \ „ 'H v V V** '• vv ;. - f w;v~ "f tr. MSgSfl * 5 * „ * *>4sSh&H> v r f * s i - ■«* N »* c * s? v r - v > U i-&4itok> ' r - - -psv.v*, ’ *.. «w 4 ii - 4 << >. »i '** ‘*- * - ' .V; - >iT- T {£> V 4 * * , , 1 I&r £sa& ! mz&n • ►**>: hv- >,* 4''^'< . -■ ,4 l** A t »■ 1 W *3 ' **' w S j s>V^ k * ' j t^ <1 t^v ( Ci *‘V4: ' |; '' , t^' t .HwueaUojruuiha «R>” | iD^rv U. *9 w< w. .. ■«*eiij»aJ»Jalu l Hiimlourtn*rrted. bwsm ' * 5 ITifvt kts» .;♦••" ?*;•.. *wm« jt , publishes Ovelsctof biidoicia »i, vS»t Uiiyj •.• :■ w^rS.%'.,*: *i?!},:_f7*if ft» -J and taisely mtntesi art* 'insudful j ehock- ' I 1 >' N _, cr* b tcreal ain, Tery and 1*»- : f.. - I •*“'- bio.** i.*^! E '- >f > 4 ( -; ' n»d liiiii »^pfj ~L ' 1 sjMBSg k ?*«ffeyi * >- '"‘t ■-Ait*-- -?* ,t; '4^^ A SS-^r<^f r ?^ ;P S. \ -( ' J>v < t v 'A\»i | ''v 4.4 .*v «v : -►•ft. , y%sBte J & t r r*, v ,: Vt : .« ) f v * " y*wT' :--;v l c^••A^v ,4^•-^;,^;••:^''-'•'V','•• . vv:-- • *v « t •' e public that every attention will l*e paid to their Ct/inforl and pleasure. N. B.—Ageut for the &&le of Billiard Tables, Palin, Uirtn. Coes, Point*, Chalk, and all other article* in h»* ln»-, which he can dispose of on reasonable term?- and all ue mAQUfAciurer'B wholejale pnees- af4-ly JOUN W AIcCARTU*, omul BILL POSTER, Will atteud to the Lh*tnbutmg and Posting of KILU, ( IRILLAUS, CARDS & PMIDRAMES FOR Auttiiemtuti, Railroads. Steamboats, Ships, Hotels. Sales. Kfite-, PITTSBURWH, PA. *9- Orders r-ent to the offtce of the Puinhur*!. /bat, or ix*uy C/.ueUe, ivdl receive prompt itteulii.n L. SliiiSilFKLl), IIUALKU IN GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, AND SHIRT MANUFACTURER, NO. 83 WOOD STHEET. 'Flit BUH3CKI BKU KK'I'KCI'KHU.Y X. aunouij.-e.- ih-it btllKl'd -Ti.i 1* l.r [.i >i HMJ guar ameod to fit; mm 1 f >. -W-d iu huv p*rt -I tr.c I '.mm. on reomvio* from Um p«*rtif< -•> d n . f »• ■ i n-r- ihe-r personal m**ns.irorru.n: „f iu<-tms. arvorJiniMo the fci muiajiveu below /•i rst 6u’ * aru n 1 l!irt -Ser/mi. Sc i eru md the wnq Mtrd. BUe :irOUU i the otmaL, ittitile-11-ul. l<- Uio arm pit-* touitK h roin the ncddle of->u!dor. .I. of aiui to wrist j Jin' r>ft\ Keighth ul pore >:i from the nli.mUer l.» the k iee-pan. Cotmaull? in n full «>»-c.rt»nrjii »f Sim u ul our minofacturo Aoy o-d-r- a 1 io u,< i.y w;ii be prompt, y atteodod to. L. HIRStIFELD, NO. 83 WOOD STREET }*5M JloUces. TO THE PUBLIC. AI.LY the tgoorant and falsely Mod- Cl e« Pbytoetaas of all denomination*, treat secret atd dwlicat® Ui«*jrU©r^.:»oLfabu*© aod eases or stuations common A incidenuc youths Wr ot both Bexes,aaJ*dulu<, lunglo or married, beoau «e I>i Eaucsracr publishes the fact of bis doing »-i, iheigoontni and taiaely mtsiesi art* dreadful y shocked, and th:na u a jcreal sin, Tory unmoral, aod lor contamination and corruption Ui.nr wives, proraujiw son* ar.d daughters. Their physician sbouldVaj caubo.it to knap them in ignorance ihatihey Jr ibe name aa l>r BBANoTBUP, (except pubiiMhiug) *•« a lucrative pnuv l#i« might be lohl lo Ibom among **tui/’ii, lalsclv roodcf i and preMumpUiou? families bora aod nu>Wl to lger ratic©, sprung up a» nmabroons and #bo compare so* i ety, intelligence, weune, Ac., lo dollars and cents, tSTKt*- riotpily, meanly or my lymen. U »»tc { >ibheity, howet* er,thatoamerouH pareo(hand are liiankfn) that Iheir sons, daughters and ward-,) i *v.oualy feeble, sickly and of delicate condition aod at pearxnce, hare been restored to health and vigor o> i n. I'KANSTRUP. besides many before and afu-r maroav ’ through h:m haye been saved much aullering, anxiety, mo rune alien Ac. Having the advantage of over thirty years experi ence and observation, lie has superior skill in the treatment of *r-<**4al di*«*o-«s, and who is doll/ consulted Lv the profession, as veil as recom mended by respectable emsem*, pubUiiber», proprietors of hotelaAc. Office Si Smith !i old street, near IXamond street. Private cuminuoiveuonr from all paru< of the Union strictly attend'.*! u>. i *i«sct to Ue&lydAV OVEItSTHUNG GRAND WE take: PI.KASUIIK IN' ANNoUO- I.NO Uul We bare )U-t received OUe ul the ,n STEIMVAI'S OVEESTRUSti GRAND HANDS, Rad we invite thepublio, one arJ ttil, lo g' * •* U-4 a n i. »m l exa.iiitie ICie :* mi >. lrofea*.onal gentleman bu-e pronoun “-ad i *• ip«-nur any ir pi iye l up .n. Tnev &r< oo:i-idere1 the treat Finn » F..rt.-- nmouhi t :rri '* OpiD'ou ol ueany ail the greats- an 1 in-m ji*om ueut Mow >'.au.i and Art’sts regar Log irorso msir-iment*. Th•» undera gu«d, having { pernou.Vlv examined and pra-tically te-teil th** improve ner?t iu brand Puuk*, inventelby H. Stemw y,m which the covered pirng* areov-rairuQgaKnve i!. j«e rr nw qidi;,din«- jl, the v.. c*> ol tne l J *ati » y improv*- i in-j j »l t.. fiaviii and power. Si —Tli - n 'Uni by st#*m war's improvement i uutch more even, less har-h. - ronaer. ruuch t utter prolonged, than that i i any other P.auo with which we are acquainted 3 l'hi uaderantned regard the improvement c.f Mr. Su n*;iv an moat novel, inge nious and Important. No Pninool Himilur construction lias over been kaunn or u- -d, >u fir hr the undersigned kooff or believe. Gustav Sutler. U.<' LlilL Win Mason, Geo. W. Morgan, ,H. I*. Mill , Wm. a. King, John N. I'afen-uu, Carl B-rguiiun, Win. haar, lieo. F. Bristow, lt.-bt. uL at »KN O’CLOCK., A. M., Aa tho property of 11. H. RYAP, late of Ohio Town-hip, deceased, a’l the fol lowing described Real Kuato. To Wit: Ail that cer tain piece of ground hituate in Reserve towDsbip, Allegheny County, bounded and described ai loilows, Ti» : Begiunlnc on the Euatern side of Lung I .rue, at the dietahce of 416 feet N, 13*j deg ffa*l from Hpnng Garden Lane; thence along Long J. ne N., deg. W. feet; thence Etitwardly 3v*7 feot to n point on Henry Kememan’a line—thence along tho raid Henry ReiaemftQ’* hoe S- deg. Baal, feet, and thence B. 6SJ4 deg. W. fe, tcuianl house and stable. AlißO —AJI that certain lot ot ground situate in Re* nerre Townahip, and bounded and described ms follows, to wit: Beginning at a isjint on the Ka-terly t»i Je of Long Lane, nt the corner of ground l»»t described : thance runniDg along .Mid Line about HW feet 3 inches to a point on the ground now owned by Christian Waeltis thence runniag along aai 1 ground ttouth-Eaat wardly about 3£J feet to gr junl qow oh ned by Henry Reinetnan : thence running along said ground about 78 feet and 3 inches, to ground cd the-»id Howard H. Ryan lael described : tlioace runningslong e«td ground North-Weatwardly about 327 to Long Lane, the place of begining. contnming H* 60-100 {►erchos, more or I*oB, reserving the coal. ALSO—AII the undivided one third P“rl of all that * oerUinstrip or piece of laud. 3 turn* m K»*«-rie town- f ship, and liounded and described ns follows : Beginning ( ,*0 the Westerly side of a private ruid, known ftM the Hobioson Ro id on the Northern line of s piece of land bsiootrng to flexuy 0. Retneman ; thence by the said line N deg. West 630% fseti thenco bv line ot j land ol Augustus Hartje.and perpendicularly to tho : tn« aforesaid 20 feet j thenco B. 86% lfi. to said private road, and thence along the samos. 2d dog 6t) mm. E. 1 about 20 feet to the place of beginning. A* BO —All the undivided third port of ail the Ooal underlaying the surface of all those port‘ons of land conveyed to A- Reineman, by W. Robinson, Jr., and wife, by deed, dated July 14,1864, recorded in D«ed Book, vol. 121, p. 84. which ftAid A. Reineman and ux. had, Prior lo Apni b, 1869, conveyed to sa.d H. H. Ky«a, U. O. Reineman, Augustus Hsrtje and Clirtshan waeltl, the coaluuder the 8 seres first ab >re descr.bed ) ALSO —AU that other certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the West side of Ferry street between Four;h street and Diamond Alley, in the City of Pittsburgh and bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginning on Ferrj street* at the distance of 6j feet from the cor ner of Fourth street; thence Northwardly along Ferry street 40 feet; thence by aline at right angles witn F- ny street 6S feet; (hence by a line parallel with Ferry street, 40 feet: ihence by a line atrght angles with Ferry afreet, 63 feet to the place of beginning: being part of the lot No. 841 in Col. wood’s plan of Pittsburgu* on which is erected a double fjur ttory Brick Building —being the aamo property.whidh H. H Ryan deed, by tease, dated July &i, ISfit recorded in D*ed Book, vol. 141, page 464, leased to W&rdrop A Williams for the t«rm onoUyears, from October l, 1868,«the yearly rent ci SS3O,UO > payable quarterly exclusive of taxes and repairs, with covenant of wiid lessees to insure to arapuutaooo.oo, with privilege of said lessees to pur °^ 8 ? J “ n fi n P on payment of $6,600.00, ss in and by sata lease may inter Glut more fully and at large 0F BAL&—One third of the purchase money In sand at tho time of confirmation ot Bale, and the balance is two equal annual payments from the date of the oouhrmatfoa of sale, with payable semi* | annually, to be seen red by bond and mortgage on the premises soli, wuh leave (0 issue sc-rc factaa forthwith pay principal and interest at the stipulated timet* For farther information, apply at the Office of Palmer 87 Fifth street or to J. M. Funs, Pwmiyinmaarena» John j. miixihku, J. M. FAAS, jtfiOdd Adroinlstrotors H H. Ryw^.TWM. T—Hive you seen that Big in- boiling BOOTS, BASKS and }s£AVRB, for the Cherokee Remedy f )y2Wyd*w ; w ;jV * . «* • . s' ■ - , . ■ , V**St£? r ** g ?**‘ r'-' l ' ' i , ' / TH K LIMMKN T ft#*' iir«-t iit t idid.c, Twtiuudie, Cut* or Wliiii.l- *u9 It 1i I E HKtT KKM ELY IN 'J HI. WuKLD. /or i- If 1 y a-! 1 and M edi -me 1■« slej i. N. 1. WALKER, Proprietor, 1M si-urg!., I’a 'Tv » hoin a'l or-K r-mn 4 t*> h.J i>, I. BLOOD PUHIt’IEH. There \* i-.» medicine huch nipM n j.u biLivu as W 11.1,1 A Mts' » o.M iMl' N ! > .-A KIT 1 d- m K S l Pa 1< I LI.A, and T 'ld DK oK P* « ! \-«Bl t: a. u me cure ol « iH)mer> u 1 pro/ -i.. .d d onwiu to a -uii'ti.i -us Kv.he the i'OQfil-uIH U mi l lb the t.|."-d, -.;-j!> m Wli lr- >!»<*. T- *•*«• *T-- s, I- j....r : 41id ll.e rkiu iiuj 1-. ...J i i,in ML W« H E s-/'ri- >», Wkl, lexaiJ to WJ I LI tSL' SAK.TAPK.LL\ ammo; u>m-e p. >TA-v\. i tuifti been neiluig the art i m mr -i-iu# louryi* •». Mid anow ihe . vui|k>-11...0 1 b>\e on ! «u I prep&xal iortn«*vi Sar«u)>«u- ia. »• :i-j’. a.- 1 .» . Huil’a, 1 itarteuliur/j' &tU o:L< r», but *l»eni ih« artioin maM.N-t red b) ) fia'U'iy pUf*«rior l*> Vfiom al<. an l pf :nr|w: .1 (r tux:., fuel it CuQtalnß W llfcl I] 'UffKtr - -to O ■ lid t r lDgri-U. W.ll |.!|J'.|.UU - . tic (jlu-c'cU umm they lu Calornt-' Vimj c«u juako w!i?ii u-«! .u: pi. nr.J -t cal>.l utt, I will p*-rsooa!:y m 1 b*Uania-»* ih** tli-Jlu »ui«- meals. Very ru*p<-oifuiijr, y J*>h.N P .n'AVu^ A fresh supply just receivo*.! ao■ M. lv.il I.MA.N. Wt -i M«nci.*->r, m Wholesale by I* l' NVll.i\KK, 1-r •VTmhfie’.iJ »*:v W. H F*iX. I'r«.pm-t*»r. Uxianiie, Kt To » bum all or. U-t >* iniini hr CHHISADOaO’d HAIK DYK TH K *>M.\ Li'K. THK * > *•> L i l>\i. TH i; < iM.Y I>Y K IHK i *M. ¥ 1 K l UK uNLV 1 \ K lUh O.M,\ hi K ttOX HOO. PiLtxliMrc/', Kui ii.l who J *.« re i« h»ve th*- color of l ipi' I a r -Vet', .'ts: i*t» j, itbre#*erß. S'* '• Autir y* my gratitude for tb* benefi cial rrtecu tbat hate i-eeD oxper.enced io F iny owe f*m i!j, and io huuored-, aye lbou-*nd< of other*, by the UfO of Braodreth’* I ills, The first yt«r my Iriend B;'»ckaway -oli your pills to Boston, led*. I was then ’ii * declining t> ate of boaMh, and net friends as well n yt >*t ij i:.u'. in/ let uslur<-take it* *•-,un»e, fto l calmly submit to my fate. M B. odered to gj?e me cdu duz u b.-xas ii I « oul J take th* m a’. pr,'*cribed. By 11:ii I saw l.e hsd great faith in them, and 1 tioaPy eubHcaled to t-tae them, but nAas a gift 1 vent home and went at it m-.'-t liopeu'-'rly. Alter taking ou« f-ox I l >cgau to feel t«t’cr. \t idl. mr, w Lon l Lad Used up my twelvi) liotei* I was h ni-il. healthy natn —m> weight having gone from BU pounds up to 16- jw.und*. I then ordered a supply, aud b'-tween that Lino and the pres ent I reta 'ed three thousand debars \»orth of these in valuably pills, and am -j llte Mire that l hniothereby been itistruinentsl tn sating, but hundred-, bid Ur u sands of litch. \ ours truly, Price '2b cents. H-kd at No. 284 Canal street, brsa drotb'e Principal Otfcct*; Uy TijOiJlas Red path, No T> Lhnmoud street, Pittsburgh, and hy all respecuihie to medaune*. Tbo advertiser having been restored to health id a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years wilh a severe lung affection, and that droad dieeise, Consumption—is anxious lo muke known 10 his fellow nuflererb Ibe mean* of euro. To all who dnaire it, he will B«*ud a copy of Ibe pre scription used, (tree of charge,) with the d.ructions for preparing and using Ibe same, which they wi'l find a Buui cvkE poa Consumption, A at qua, BaoNcttiTis, Ac. The only ob;oct of the advertiser in sem-ing the prescription is to benefit the alllictad, and spread information which he conceives U> be invaluable, and he ho{><»a every out ferer will try his remedy, as it will coal them nothing, and may piove a Meaning. PatUen wishing liie prescription wtJ! please addionu KKV. EiJWAHii A. WIIJuN, WiliiatnrdiUigh, Kings county, New Vo»k. Mb N. U. Wai.os —Dear Sir : Kur three yearn post, 1 have >«eu -everely afflicted with Liver Cbwi plaint, of h most malignant and chronir character. i re sorted to a large number of remedies, but they failed U> produce other than a temporary relief. Atoutsix mouths ago, I purchased a Ixji of M CLA KKK’B LI VKit PI LIjB,” and after using them, found myself bo much letter,that I at odco adopted a regular system of taking thorn, and booq found my«clf entirely and radically cared. The various HU attendant upon a disordered al«i«s of the Livci, at once disappeared. 1 gladly and ip<<»-t cheer fully recommend these Pills ax a *uie and effei live rem edy. Yours, truly, WM. AIbTLS. Chillicothe, *J n Deceml>er 4,18 M. The above but speaks U»o voice of thousands who have fully tested the curative properties of CLAIiKE’B LIV ER PILLS. Prepared at first for private practice by an eminent physician, and their merits fully tried, it Is not strange they act more efficiently and directly on the disordered organs than the generality of so-called Liver Remedies. In cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia Im purity of tho Blood, Constipation of the Bowels (iener* al Debility, Bick Headache, and all diseases arising from a disorganized state of the system, Ac., are a snre and never failing remedy Prepared solely by N. U. WALKER, Pittsburgh, Pa. To vbom all order* must be addroened. M&- For Kale by R. B. SELLERS. WholeHaio AgooL corner Wood and Second streets. Sold by amenta eygrvwhare. f«» 34 DK. STARKEY'S PAIN EXTERMINA TOR cores Rheumatism, Neuralgia, &ck Head ache, Nervous Headanfee, Toolhaoho and Soie Throat Prepared by L*L.STARKLY, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold wholesale and ret ill by JOS. PLbMINO, se2B.lyd*w <*f M. and Diumnn “l®r*W¥ call the atienuon or our rutuiura to | an article advertised in another column, called Blood Food, it la an entirely new discovery, and mast not be contouaded with any of the uamorous patent medicines of the day. It Is food for the blood, already prepared ior abaorpt-on; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and what one gains he retains. Lot all those, then, who are saddling from poverty, impurity, or deficiency of Wood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this Blood Food and be restored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also oTthe world-renowned Dr. Kitow's Ixtajitcls CoanuL, which every mother At,tr-J V* to contain no paregoric or opiate T *Sf iS£;.lts , “ ,er l and of °°orse moafte iayaluable fte aB lnlantile compiiunLa. 11 i« alao aaid that it will sof !? n 1118 K uma >n prooeaa of teeth. “ m8 “ 1 ? 8 'be boweia. Letall mothra and ncraea, who haTe endured amiooa dare ! SuevSf * proBuro » »“PPU and be at 99 Ami advertisement. For sale bv . - . . Bole Agon; aaWTdaw 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh. .... -•/'re i v.v’.' • . . • • • • • v,j si «’ ■ * 1 • <>)»#»• *zm *» - • •■■. **»**• - ... ■ « ■ r,- t*rA\s}3£-/ \ ',\f >: ,">• V ■'. <:'•-•» "//(i.'Kfcfcv *i>/- ’, l> ■ ■ V . .-*•■■■,> ! i, l: s-' 1 ‘ ' -■ ~ ; K »' •* r fecial Notices. Pimples Banished : Paces Made Clear! HOW T By one week’s use of the Mu./nohii l\jhn. A perfectly harmless hut eiejjant and ©flectuid prepara tion. Price fco cents per bottle. Sold everywhere. W. K. HAGAN A CO, Proprietors Troy, N. Y. TRY 11'! TRY IT 1 TRY IT 1 TRY IT I TRY IT I THE OKN KS3F.K I.IMM LNT ; THE UENEaSEE LINIMENT; TOE GEN’IWKEE LISIMKYI: THE GENESSKF LINIMENT; THE LINIMV NT; TIIK GRKAT EXTfc Ui'AL IUiMKOV I H"K RHEUMATISM, GOIT. NTLRiLoU. I UM BAGO. HTIKF NECK AM' .’"INTS. SPKAiNM, BRUISES, (JETS AMJ \V i »UMH, PILES, HEADACHE AND RHEUMATIC AND NEK VUUS LIS ORDERS. THE UENEssKK LINIMENT SAMs never known to tail to cure Rheumatism THE GENESSKE LINIMENT -•aris a ceru iu and »peodv cure tor Voira'/ •» ‘ uft TUK t»KNKkSEE LI Nlvi tM an immediate core for Rum- or Scah's.'&ft THE <. EN ESS EE LIN l M KN T ftAf-ls the host remedy in the world for Uprau.tt <b F.K LIN IM KM' 7 HE IiK.N J S.SEK LI.NIM KM' 7 HKGKNLs-KK LINIMENT' TIIK (iK.NLSSKK ! INIMh N I*l THE ‘JKNESSKK LINIMENT ' IS THK LEST REMEDY IN THK WORM’. Is 'I HE HE-T KKMKDY JN THK Wi>F!.L IS IHKsHfoJ' Id .'JK 1 IN TtiL Wukl.L IS Til K HE-4T K-MKlir IN TUK WuKI.L. Ko. nr y.t s Kter ttuaJyred. :U o 0. (.• :* .Lie -h . ... For a hv.og br.iwii ror»Ki «**t • !«wk I hitl .iuii-■» .l-U-eiu.‘ii 1 !mt lUSUiliaiUXrllft. and tbe O.\LY DTE HhM»O5TOa, !<. ' , M:iy 7, ISCO. To Consumptives. CLARKE’S LI VER PILLS A Radical (Aire / Read / / Read !1 ! TO THE Ai’Jj-irlCi'ihij ! 1 < >1 V‘ • . » -tj*:'* 4- ■« V r STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS General MachlalstK and Boiler ilnkerh, Near ibe Per.n’n R R r Mantkai irut; all kini-s ui bteiun Lnymer-, irotu three iv 010 Jmn aied and iv’v h*.r»e p*a»lt, and buuetl for i»r.-t .Mi!.-.. Saw Mid-, B u-t Flulh,-,'*, I u- ‘.or'*.*•<*, eic. (»ire particuiar ntieni.wu to the exuairuction ol Lnyiner and Machmor) !«.>,- • n.< nub. , and for uprightn, inul.ty and circular r** ri'il'.s. flnve also on hand, t'mjehtKi nnd ready 1m siiipmeui at short neuco, Engines and Botlern over? dorwinp tlOO- fft Al*i!ers and Sheet Iron Wrouglit Ire:: shafting, Uaii]?(*n« and Pump*, m evyr ranciy, and cooumio the iD ch.nery ami Machine Ciirdn. y utir pn.-i r, :ce u.a, (>nr lutu-iiinery InxuLi'acfiire.i ■ Hie be.-t quaiitv of tnaleriule, ai. 1 warrableu iti nil c.h--' Uj KIVe aalishietiun. 1 fl#“OMeri iMm ah purln of i:, e ,‘fa.niby **ohnied,an promptly tinea- \— .i»w AMERICAN IRON WORKS. Mns'iCacturars of IKON AND NAILS JUNIATA ANO COSKON SHEfT IRON. Laulb’iPaitßllihafUßs, I’ition Rods, |'hl«,Ae. Va Water Mtreet, aisd iUd Ftra< atrac F ITT F B l' 11(4 H , Afl.{ f-oruf>r . B. 11WU fiiS3S & Sif MXHUFAI-I'L'itKtU or IIOHKKS’ l ai'KOVKI) f ATK.NT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH PITTSBURGH STEEL ISA At JGNJ.t. JON&S, BOYD & CO., Mam KAr'i rKi;!is up cam* > t \ \ I.K>. <'wl w n 'IS FAPKR fid ..thrl Noi I4D and 154 V»\.od Slrool, >}■»»>-r h; nla- '.,r. ,»• i . hi , ••--vi tnuf L «-l ‘ j.rivw p* - l >u l v : k V |>lfcdls » - XU (IMmu MACKINTOSH, HEMPHILL & CO., NKAK cirv W.VIhU Wi-Klis’ i.;:-. hurt!, I’*, I H.-ll.ir IMI'- hr,;»r • •••i I'.m-i’ .w- ; sTKAN hI.N - tUXKH, »> iMili \ AIA h", •<( *:> -d— at,. | r.-.t * l y '*"* Hur. nu j*.j i.jj, SJ ru»h i.cr t r.f u' •*; a--.' vai I ul the >j' Jot* t.l.rf. Alt.l *-A,- 1 tf.i. i,.. u ~y P r 'liiputtM .1. I l 1«. ■AIIf• I* . ■ r a* K mf-r.l I 11. |MtUi>l.s„ • u •** "r- •—i iu ..ur b m.av >.; > \a:a i. LVIIM, f.'MNh- M.iMo.r.. hwrvw. Un.v.la.i,. .| .[. Kj.L:**'- »,l ,b.ii i 1 *K -ILL, »t,.| arid ■ : .ra’.li*. |R j. , fj B3IUU ti. S&0&.&U 'K'NuINK BUILDER AM) MaCUKSIaI, A J WfiKi’kiiN Pljtl.NJNis N i Li. At* ». fcury oaJ Ifuj, t\UMrury\ PtL. wJi mate., to order, and watmnted ae good m no U> ma in, ibe toliowiaa inactuovrj, in —Kngines, 'l'xiru.Dg Latcea, for wool «n.j troo . Planer*, lot and .r«;ti ; Drilling Marliine*, Kcuseaaad 1'.>1,a.-r<. n.-rsws j Paj.'l.. right w»d Model MaciiiQ&n. ijj ir»* Pubies. and <-r u'\ »•«.-, ayd tar.oty . . i SC) diameter *nd pile It, tjhiu-u lead >ri length, o .., gi<*o make, and b*>* on bnn.t, Ducw.>r xnd Nig/pr La iioe«, and lteck Pump* for al-unbuet*. kc ■ ntieurn aiitl other ihajiioi' >toue i.» order, can plane 22 inches wui.-, oy t< f«t*i e 'ui'hea lon^. AU Or J-\U mlunti P.'trntsiio .SiAcifed N U.—Porurubir atlenuoD and pfocr.nOlQt'.r U, pairs rvQ prmuug Troases and ouxer Machine* TIVtT I >• BOOTS Ar.J Dealer m uraw soaos. Hums, cispei urn, etc, Beiw. v i, W . A. till' »IU !i> CALI. * «t I-. J a. CALUWtLL A BKii., BOA T FVJihl.-ilJB&i A ,\n IIKA I.BUB IB MimilA, Heiup and ion “ale «m. Tur, Pilch, R- *m and IMia, Tarpauiinn. L'nck, aud H.utrr Dr,llmgr, Ac. splAllv N.-« ’■» IV.tt.r «r,,i 7a Front atr^ala tiutius.— No. Kb Market Street, 3d ih.or fiv in it,« M,u-Li*i BOOTS AND SHOES, lift* insi r<*<:eiveck priAe-, ol«- of Uu lftr£«- -t aAeorttii**oiB t<. b« fouod in th»* city Ladih 9 ’. M.nseH’ and QUUIi ,-n‘w Rt>x-. Mtioea, t.atUarv« Kip and Calf booUfY nlioes, Oxford Ties, Gaiter**, rtcolch KooU*©?*, i )per£ oUi. etc. Met n Flue Call Wa»er-Prl Pouoni lk-)if*. Country Mercbani.'* vsiuug the my are mritisl to cab and eiK.’ninc hi.* *iock l.t*lorw )>urcliN-ing, feeling o.**- riurted they .'an be *u,i*d an b> quAluy and pneea. JA M '.-'A P.uKK, No. ftV Mnrkei riraet, scli ‘ Third iloor from liie MnrK«t. r J. Fa v. W P JAMES H. CHILDS &• CO., HOPE COTTOK HI LEM, SKAJMJLESS BAO.S, OS3Sr-A.BTJK.C3-S, :t - I Inches to 40 lucli«a Wide 4ew“Oru«-.» nti*y tw* l'«fl at li. k IVS., l»-3 Mthhi. »*m-.i.iirw’>• <»<♦:> l It WALTER P. MARSHALL, 1-KAI.KR IN FRENCH AND AMERICAN WALL PAPER. o. 87 Wood Sti-oet. striped Front, beiwean Diamond Alley miJ Fourth Stroel. 1 |h7; Pi I ' 'bVilU. BLOOD FOOD. TUfcp ATTKNTkOf OK IN VAMDS, Phynwian*, t-’lerKyrneu, Scientific men, and the public generally, In respectfully solicited to ihe mf-rus of Hum chuUJi'tal preparation, uonumiog IROS.SVI.- [’HUH, uud PHOSPHORUS, and which lx Ideti'ieal ui iia composition with the Hematic GL&ula, or blood. lu all diseased lux-ompamed wuh DEBILITY, pale countenance and nervous derangement, analyses of ttie blood show a deficiency of the rod globule*. Ruddy complexion and a rosy Uiit of the skin, in always indicative ofLeah-fi; while a pale, wax-like akin and countenance,—winen evinces a deficiency of the red globules,—accompanies o diseased organiHin. Prepa rations of IROy have been given lor the purpose of mpplyin* u.o red globules, nut we uonteud tiiat lUOF aiuu«-, SVLPUVR alone, or PHOSPHOR US alone, will uoi meet the dtitimeucy in every cane, but thill a pidi ciuos oomhluaUon of alt these elements is necessary io restore the blood to its uorm&l standard. This point, never boforu atUmed, has boon reachod in the BLOOD FOOD mad its discovery ranks as one of the most scieo lific and important of the Its effects in are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night sweats, increnno the physical and mental energy, eurich the blood by restoring the lacking red globales, increase the appe tite, restore the color, ona clothe the skeleton framo with flesh. 'I he BLOOD FOOD will bo found a speci fic in ail CHROFIC DISEASES of the THROAT or L UFOS, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Choughs. 4c. 'Public speakers and siugers will find It of groat utility in clear' log and strengthening the vocal organa, in Dyspepsia, iJoer Complaints, Dropsy. Epilepsy. i\iralysi&, Scrofula, OraveL SL Vitus’ Danes, Fever and Ague, etc., its efficacy is marked and instantaneous. In no class of diseases, however, are the beneficial eflecis of this remedy so con spicuous as in those liarraaalng FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which tho gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, each os suppressed or difficult Menstruation. Green Hickncss, Whitts, dk, especially whon these complaints are accompanied with paleness, a dingy hue or pallor of the akin, {depression of spirits debility, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous pros tration. We have the utmost confidence in recom mending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be cofi bciouh of a lo«» of vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or bodily powers ore prostrated through occr*-u« either of the tntnd or body, and we deem it our duty to say that in ail cases of Weakness and Emaciation, and m all diseases of the Kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has a claim upon the attention of sufierers which can not be over-estimated. A faithful trial will be found the moat conrinomg proof in regard to its effloacy that could be asked lor. With thq above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials We have in Us favor, we offer the ‘ BLOOD FOOD in the consideration of the afflicted, knowing that it will be acknowledged os pre-eminent over ail other preparations, patent or officinal, ia point of usefulness. •'Circulars giving ihe Theory upon which this remedy is founded, also certificates of remarkable cures, will be sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part of the United States or Canadas upon receipt of price—ll per bottle, $5 for pix bottles, tie careful tn all cases to take none but that having oar fao-emile signature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New fork. And sold by them, and by all respectable Druggists. DR. H. KKYBEK. Sole agent, aufeaooAVd I4h Wood sL, Pittatarrgh. •■sWJGte**-*'- Wti. M. FABER & CO., IKOT* FOMVDE9SS!i, i* ri I'SfltdU.ll, k* A JOKES &. fij /% 1 T 63, WAafiiiOuKK#, AM* (ill UN Will I.I.TKK 111, Oilice. 08 fifth. Sirect, Pfrc-'DI Ril !i. PA. V' L H*)T 1> .. M’l.Tl.L 'I -.p uii '■ K'.: • 1 »u « Uitf", ah &. st» •«, l i..\ KK* l K AMI) IiACLS, I’ll I* r* H t JV\ CORNER Of PIKE AND On AKA s:s JOUiV ttOOB -A.3M13 BHOEB, Vi HuLfcf'Ai.E AM' RETAIL. Ko. I (Ml fiarkei ktre«t. J AJI E 8 II 011 U , ifitoirSaU and Retail [foxier m Alleghony City, Pa. ’s' r -- s ’ ’ > N * *' iy . . „ i. . c7}- ■ <“ H C . * h- . , MISCELLANEOUS. TLo Amalgamation of languages. 1 There is & growing tendency in this ago to 1 appropriate the most esiire?9i>e wcfds of other lan guage* and after a while to incorporate them imo our own; thu« i he word Cephalic, which ia from the i.rees, nguilYtog “for loe head,” is now becoming popular! .ed u: c- unerlr a with Mr. Sp.ildn g*« grew Headache u-:i\ ' t- !). ' U’. :! A.i: -•vOIi 1*“ t’~td ID ll more gr*Ueritl \\„v t»nJ *'• :o.» h:*- Uvu m.'rn ahhy ! y '■«tunit>o Usage ».^i,j ;| ir y vn, "iinliiv atiii luthd manor born Hi 'nd 'n ’ucrib'.c Vadncho this haflornoon iirtfi'J 1 -tepi'i'i Hit.) Liii-- itHpoihecaurlt'.H hand eat- i.: to tat* lona, **Cun jou heasfi rue of uu 'earache!” * it hfl' he VM,” say- ’hi*. ‘ H''X<-t-edmg])V y.&y? [,[ upon'hat ‘he give me a C.-phalii: I’ill, h a nj u.,u me uiiu- it fured lor -o ipiu t ilia' I 'urjly reah/.-J [ '».j \ w j »i> VjulHi-f.e, 1! f.AIMCItK la fio.u 111* rirt’.lirHl Plate I'l lh- 1 la-u, 1.J.1 Tm-WCi] i U it.j, cM ii i-Viy (••• luuke-i «>.. u*« a -.ileguuM mlwi.le.l i. g v- Of ilnaoh ulni-li iii.J.l oti.erwi-- •t'l. Min.a. till li/o i.t! .* l.e rwu:«*.t!fJ ; «tud n» ,ml;c-.e 1.-'i.- .ih'-ui •. rever > •«* ui-g.efted ii-'H'l icher* may tv -i ’*• i uc i'-r iv i tun. n *i r**ul vu•;\ . ’illll'llj' 'Ah,c!| »-.• \ !>< '[•’» 1 ) , I iwli‘ p KImMIIIi’i mi ri).| nil iVbr.U* •li’-e-i*-! I '. lu ■ * fi-rrn n •• l - 'if -I i 1 ‘ hr P-1 i l ' .il-fi-f* ' Vilalii.i lilli! In ,'i. '* w , lf ~, _ roll 'LI ■!. J ■llll-r Jl-rf rl.. r? . ~| ' ■"■t-, u.< v.-ii h- rrti.ii ,md utenai* «:!<*••. ...m 1 ! ->i - <•; t n‘\ iI . \ •)(l : -jllflil!) nUoU-lC'l .11) '''’Vll'li'-, Al;."-'l|ill u>l I plrt.'pTU Ul •• kI-ii BtVll'U.!•.;•» " '"!■ ' 1 ■ • ■ u ! • '<• ii tr vl'i .)[.ja;.r He. ; • M ililr • ' '’-M Afr-ltP -Dll I-S *m«« f\iililOj' i-h -U'J u-ii l ) ■< /i; •• >.| h p,-iw ■ iili v -■ -no 1 health, iu:d [•i • - :«t in ; Hi*- rip-tit ■! >u m ol Hie 'iKi'l. iiicr otif 1 ' l' >; • • Bill »*>!!>' ill!'- I'lOVuU )l|{ Vl IllltlOy •!.. • , . 1 ins) :»i -"he L < .Vur r -r ti, »■ r, ,«'iip tj. ..j i-u:. • . i-- wf Mend e t*.• ! .< • i .. . r ln)t-I. 1. 1 . ,J.| » -life ttli.l >ul«* [• r ,r : I iG?' f • 'y(. --M:. -ua. vuii i* \ o.i u; t<*: >! h o * "i ' • , :»« i. i. go, b . ! I'ii J’. /' U.'. ' PL 111 -M; Co nali pat ion or Coati vox: ess. N" ;>o i.f tb»* iv l! is 1.-.-ir l •/' i: P • »*d a* ( OM**n <*: Jltiu! u/ 'll ' OT Se.lfCUvl J it i< - » d Ull.r t»SLjIV rn».i|(iA. I* I W ' l»ru.*c lho -U'o-rer l.» au UQtlUlf*Jjr k*"«to. th*• hjl.’er n ■> >'C rtin. h lit lh»* l» l 'l »' Kll.L. 19L1 are J 11»». tuc/w. C* -l.r, lUi<*Utmtl.4U», Kotu I' I'.ic- mi i uUi-i- lika ualiirn, while b!o:i^ Sratli ul rr j ; dl..i nlic'h MAitgUßlll t‘“»or'a, A'iouvus |/>»ebUX). 1 n:iri!. ••*, iApoplexy, I'BiAjyn.a. Hutifti*, H j ln-niln*«M», MyUn «*lr»l' Bin! !n*i»ur)' f-r i ;o'li>*u!e U,.-ir ;iM‘»t*niY id ll.u i > ilii* fvi»rn: n#- »>iopioin htn. miire^i.»*m.> ill's UlLimnl Pi .P ( .Lb.iplUjoU, till lAii' on htj l«-nl n the i« sntili- CHtevi ii) i. ii übiiT Kr'-m sl.l t/i**i«*> oon•id«*raliur.s it Uisi i:i<* h.-or.l'T •••.••> , i1.l re*-.-iTo imroedißi** BU'-n: jq tfi.i'Li'ViT . ■•‘••h'N Had Qo p©r»on ithouid O'-,;.a- i t— k . t t !-n . ; i ud'c l'iil« oa Uin tlr-t ap ji-'B- *:)(•»• nj iMinii-ur:, n* i.n'ir u»e *:d ei }>•• Ujr ui'i 1 jou** uf ji<*«jne taid dijxiruy ih*i* •ijU’. |{l';\lM' fo>« to lluriuui t.ll* A Real Blessing J'-.yiiritin —WcM, Mr?. J _>nes. bi.w ii that , J/ i 1 »oot,>r. 81l ' the full y--U •*eol c.r.rr i me n -uvi :« cot r minute*, an I 1 wt«h you Wv.p; 1 .■o* id rei'-re t»o thui ! ' ho tiare them ‘mu ly J h-w ~im-\..i, *u tv t at any HaU fpr ;ry -.alp- Hi. ». i find they iif\trr hi au.l 1 re-cvrfi n.*-o'i 'm dmi >•*>♦*•> of lli>4Ldachi‘. M< ■ . i Mini] »«mi \ : -t a b-»i hreoily, »l>l nha.l :uy fi --nd*, f.r H. r «- u • c*W ■j T .vonty Millions of Dollars Saved. Mr. bhj sold two millions of U>t Up." ! /..• t i'rvpßft*-! iUji-sO i il I* <»Utilrtlwd 11:a; ik>u«p i<rv- ki-fc 1 viri; '.irp tt.i. - making an w.'rotate ol lwe>nty m,i'i..un (> 1 !• .mi * i m«*d frutu i,-tal !■►•»* l<) tin* rsi nrftDfvn Hm.iirf iniblr* his '• 1 U»j H ti .ixeliOtd vr• >m l.e ir.*w jKJuo.i ii* do world still gTvalor *rr V..-0 l y ■ mug M ! tin* lU’hing head* With !i;< <>phalir I' i", and I ’.;ipy sir** r.- a> l.i*» tihir, He«s a WK..D \ks;i«l; aw**y !iki* i-novt iq July. ttru' kk ti t iTiiMKS i Mid tbo mental care aud rui <*y .uoidi'n’. to clone K'.UiutH'n lo I ~r •tudy. arc amonc th« uuruorou.i riiit*.** ol .Servou* iitv*durh«. 1 '>•' diHjrd"ruirfH*ing at tarts by using one ol iheOphallu Pill* wbt-never the KymptotitH apjK/ar It quiet* the brain, and swot' ►>■ tli** MtmlQ«vi aud jamne nerve*. and relax™ th*» i«qw >'o <*f tij« rtomi'-U winch always n«-compaoio* mi i nggnirai*** ih>- J:-<„rd»Ted oodJiUoq of tb« brain Facts Worth Knowing. Spalding's Cephalic Pills aro a certain cure lor Si.’k Hoad*!*:**!, Bilious Headache. Npvvuuh Head ■trim, v\>t*iiTPU*-*" and (h-nvrai lability. Groat Discovery, Amone; the most important of all the great ui**.;.'*h! 'lm.'uviinr'K of Oils* Rgo tM»y l>e cousldi .» tliL/- -iii© IRedicitl. CSsl':R«>}[iEE KEjWEDY! pi '-it- CHEROKEE REMEDY, AN UNPAILINI. CUKE KOK (iuaorrhieti and all Diseases of the Driuary Organs r |''lllis KKMEDV cures when all oiL.i A preparation* fad. h i* r-nttreh unlike <«virv other compound; ( > oofainiu>' AO MI.\kBA /. fOi&oy, SAUSROUS DRf/U; ax Jl 1 1* prepared u l .\ .1 IAL of'oid.or »0x will be r-j mjU hj tiding tins EEMEDY, ii-V'-nd of plfteirig the me.iiv ol e'.trii- ouaok or Prolea-Hur. i fi‘ h BEMIID )' HtrikeH at the very A'OOVut llm di.-ea.-:-, "" m not sr.ipiv ;<■ .-it*peod tilt* poison, hut i<> itEMOVh THE (A VS/: ..11 u! i: i h it dejtend.*,— Pull • rr... i: cl painpl.iM !t>r.n, .•*<• each K.;- tir.— I i.i -‘jr.-.iy cud {K'.T.oiii- < r>‘ i*-' id -r.jed l»y Uos- Kotocd;. to tt i| eA.-«* of irjS'/HIUKXA, UI.F.bT , *i UA > TED '/'LEE EL COR ALBUM or j i. 1.1 '1 U'tHßblA.) and «:i dw-i-es of the L’r n I my Organ*. ha- aMOLud.-d the- tno-t -•imliti • :u«-i. . , j :i.e a. - !- '1 Lid .)v r.' • I. i.iyy*M>.die:»fuj( all '.r m SYS'} EM tail /.• i .'uO/C \ ", EM the un.-t J. i • •i.'e tl'-U* : .jm. S-r‘ ' •lot'- .7 OFA Eh 1-A in- fiiiEA / U >.r I 7E V ri.;.R who any CL Ate of h'Lo.'A/-vs r- ;i ... *uj d* * -it..jn iroiu the c.-nal tiv' !>■ i'.<|inr«*'» n.» Hfiata’;- •• fr<>ni other itedu'uo. «U»-And whet •<- YALUJ'. >* t-.« K\ nr.!, .i /..,/;.%•< 7<«t ail sa t.. }.■■' s !•*•» / » A.'A .\m Dd DEUCIOEs SY.l’r ill I I'C". K-jTTL; oh 1 HK.-.A HoTTLM k-u $6. I'OTI’KK aV MIHtWIN, Sole Proprietor*, ST. LOUIS MO. Hold in PiUj-burgh w.‘io,t«e«ilo an 1 re’-ao by Dr. GEO. !| KKVbKR, and oy al. re.*{K. u-.i.id ia the Lu.u;«i .Suit*-*. lyildydaw NEWS PAPERS INDICATE PUBLIC OPINION. MiWuu.t, fA' >'3' I.lf thm i-r )Uu. UiiiMsnuj r'a iixin keiTU'i-tTI > f L..n !>o (.*.! " Pftt'M I UK ( l.fcA IJANI) PLAIN “VVi.un inu pn-t ot i?»wir Hu:r from the toii !,dr u> ak" of lt\ey rao luxuriate iq #].„..y k. •u. *ii * !vano* . (>of.od Ih.-ir :i»• rtl.t-:* - ».a.- Mi l tiiuy Ha / « an >-• mrat.l to a t emihfu. t.V-lc 1 * u, *..•••. H«t fiau 1 . mad** v• gn uj>*■ n ),a|«j '• * ’■> *• • ! ' ’-‘O ’ ■•• ioUt*, I OHO :j ot lln Nil* Hariri r. •*.- * .Urt,;iJ.iL i!‘ 1 -1.--; KKF‘I ’S !i AJUK K- , <_*. KA!i\ K * 'i i il< - i :..a H air Kent' •: ;\e m, f-oy Mid P* ' i < i-u I‘. I If c Ih-i*l • iii bg of ►ho klud f» rf ill Ict.lod. 1 n.) Irt.-lx Iti out IQ r«*#:inl lo ll,ln ».»O|tuui:i>‘«!!j recommend- Kk.i.M TH K ST. LOUS HLIPI HLICAN «.f our n.-»t (.itiMaDi* a Ift. l>>ui« are speaking • n glow.ug term* of Ujio article.” FKuM I HE CAIRO CITY GAZETTE. u i hin u.M-inparablT excellent preparation for the It.-- tomu pQ - f lirejr Ua.i l.i iU origins' color, lo preporte H *ir I;utn fwiirg ou*. and lo euro ba'dno**, t« on SHi«* at Hurjrt' .r.) A Brown -id imn city. The endeiioe t.\u lb - K..*u>nun« t* no bumbo# b* coocluaiTe. 7c»h m.piim - > uim tifttxt tn*y t.>e found in alux*i «Ter> paper ui the country.” PROM THK sorrii WESTiiHN baptist. dye* alone, and U*o only ».-oi© rc/taVj Rasto rati> r, !.ks H inmiUilde.” boi.i ' ork. I H h MAGNOLIA BALM a rrarter atd coarLcr* avasor rc>a Pimple., Hlotcliev, Freckle*. eruption^* Sunburn Or Tan. Tin. iii.,:;,:]: Preparation render, the BklMsyfl and f.’.-nh, impnruug to n a MarUe Punt». Il Apot cool and refreshing if applied lo the face'after expSTur* to ihesun. and irul #it« immodwtt ret.ef io tho titmga ot insectM, .Nothing p.>ieoooun aotenj mu* ita connx»ai tioit'.e might utkoQ witiioui harm Hi nnpUcatiO'-i rvc rv niyht for a n ttX, vnll cui c the tr-: cin uj rtmjx'aa rtoid cTerywhere—Pnce Fifty Ceou a Bottle. . E. II AG A X d* (JO., Proprietor*, SoM ;n and r»lai) lj In. t»EO. il- 140 uoii MUt-eX, knJ t>? ail ret*poDnibie dwkl.TM in ro<*Hirm«—. Jv“ir*vlr»l*w, OR. MOTT'S CHALYBEAIE RESTORATIVE PILES *Or IfSOft. AN aj*er»ent aad stomachic preparation oi iku\ purl Cr-d ot Oxygen and (Jojbou by oorabus- Uol m Sanctioned by thw highest Medical Auuionuea, both in Europe and the United State*, and prescribed m unetr practice. The experience of Lhoci.saod* daily prove* that no preper*tn.n of Iron con be compared with iL Impun tie* uf the blood, depression 01 the vital energy, polo and oiaer'n*e sickly complexion indicate itsneeesaity m •.•very conceivable caee. 1 u•:oxic:-. r. in u]| maladies tn which it has been tried, u ha* prov-.-j abn-.'luwsly curative m e.vdi of the follow* rag complaints, nt: in IteisUtfy, Scrvuua Affteixcnity tiowiatMon. Dys;>vpsih, Q/ruitpatun, .'fvrrrh cen, Jnaptmt iXmtuiu ptum, ScrofuUna 7 t*WcWc«u, S
  • " %V» • : •v . ' . *|V J. QRiFpj ■ : ■ <• - . .' t « r. r a Western Stoye lVflsrks. 2? “A* ■ cto CO. W ,J ULI> GAM, THE ATTENTION OF Y 7 the pi,1.1,e to tl.t-T larKd rtock or well ejected Cook, Parlor find Heating Stoves, KITCHEN RANGES, GRATE EROfiTS, 3iii.i4jw.WAH2. k>\, amoiii: v, 'orb will be found N ». SEL r COAL COOK b'i'OVKS IN THK nTA I K. Th Ail\uncf, Air-Tiehl, Eelipie, ami r " r**r.lrd the HU- i- PREMIUM .1 th.. State Fair t. r It .. hJ*;T COAL t '«»K tiTUVKn. Alro, FIRST r'iiKMIUM :o ib<* TRUE AMERICAN, OLOBE St HEPBBLIC, Hr the BhJI tt.Kl.i COOK Vi'OV Erf SOW IN ÜbK. Iti«- K l-.N } Luii )AN K Premium Stove** are UDsuroH.—,!. v.v <“J! ttfj.ni,..., of I*KA!.KRB AND b. Ii.I'TJ--' Uj me etovk of G RATE FRONTS and FENDERS N.8.-We line the DIAMONLand KCLIPSK Coal Cook HU PiTTSBOB a Majnr7Acrga»a. NO. 451 LIBERTY - . REFT, n ‘ ,,? _ I'irrsßUMß. Pv. JA3SES A. FETZER, FORWAROIRG AND COMSsIS lON MERCHANT Floor, Crain, B*.con, Lari, Butter, Seed Dried Fruit and Produce Generally, COHN KB, of MARK ST ANX> FIRST BTKKETB, fUr*BtYV_i. ra Q,.„ (. bttiljy, rW WilJiAin Dilworth, br. S. Cuihben A Son, eur. e W. Anderaon; Donlon. t aiu n A Ccl, Wheeling my2B:2ptf A. KRESS & BRO. jntitflfipjjim's Oorner Wood and Fourth Bta v PITTSBURGH. r oStla DRS. STEBBINS & MUNSON, OPERATIVE A.NL) MECHANICAL fiENTISTfI, Office 105 Fifth Street, A FEW DOORS ABOVE THE POST OFFICE. TEETH I SAVE THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. CSILL, haii removed to 246 PENN • SI It E CT, id tbo houee lorraeriv occupied by Dr. (. H Eeyaer opposite Chrisfa Church. He wifi (pr.* all U,o modern impruTemenla. Teeth inserted at ranoua pncna, Irom *l6 to s&} per *eL UarascMoa—Rev. W. D. Boward, Rev. Samuel Findley, A. Bradloy, A.G. M’Candless, M. D-J. H. Hopkioe, W. SI \ anturk, Dr.Oro. U. Keyeer, W. Nimick, Samuel au27:ly A.MELED PAPER TICOV. N. V A I'll K.V.K UK 10 FOK Jdfl CENTS, AT TKKTH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIK By the use of an appakatus whereby no tinigs or galvanic battory are used. OoiU weather is the time when the apparatus can be used to m bent advantage. Medtc&l geptiemen and their tumbles had their teeth extracted by my process, and are ready to testify to the jminleas as well an to the safety of the operation, whatever hao been said by per* hops interested in asserting the contrary or having no knowledge **f n»v proc ns. I*l FICfAi. TKKTH Inserted in every style, ii- OUDRY, Dentist, 134 Smilhfleld street EXCELSIOR GLASS WORKS. ja. wolff p. t. pi.unkett t. Campbell. WOLFE, PLUNKETT & CO., GLASS jfIAJVUFACTUBERS, WAHEiiOUSE So. 12 Wood Street, Corner of First, Ijr Pittsburg!., p». SMITH, PABK & CO., NINTH WAR!) FOUNDRY, Pittsburgh, pa. Warehouse, No. 148 Finn and 120 Second rtreeta. Manufacturers of all siatsa and descriptions of Coal Oil, Retorts and StJla, Gaa and Water Pipe, Sad Irons. Dojz Irons, Wagon Boxes, Steel Moulds, Fulhee, Hangers ana Coujpimg-. Ao*o Jobbing nod Machine Castings of every descrip tion-toad* to order. Haring a complete machine shop attached to the Foundry, ttil necessary fitting will be carefully attend ***** fesfiSvdtv LAKE SDPEBIOK COPPER MILI. AKS BHELTING WORKS, PARK, M’CL'RRY Sc CO., Manufacturers of sheathing, Braziers’ anti Roll Copper, Pressed Copper Bow touis, Raised Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, 4c., also im porters and dealers m Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron- Wire, Ac. Constantly on hand, 'J inmen’s Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 First, amt 120 Second streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any de ed . VSJlytit-cr TERRY, PRICE Sc CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Satinets, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, Ac. NO. 255 MAKKET ST., North Side,- PHILADELPHIA, I*A. JC-HX Y. TSftTIY, dellhlv L>.'a. HALL.. 7. J. RiBKK SMITH. Hong Kong Tea Store. D. A. HALL & CO., MO. 27 FIFTH STREET, Opposite Geo. R. White & Co., apl3 ; ly PITTSBUBGH, PA. J AIMES’ CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. AT HALF THEIR VALUE. AT L. HIP.3HFP.LiyS, No. 83 Wood street OUGKWHEAT FLOUR.—2OO sacks, a * v choice artiole, for sale by W.tf. H. SMITH & CO, }**-J j 118 Beeood 4 147 Fourth ata. MICA CHIMNEY. — We have received the Mica Lamp Chimney. Ths Chimney cantnot be broken by heat. WLLDON & REINEKE, ab 164 Wood etree. . \tTHlTfi BEANS.—7 sacks **ne\v crop* l? just receiyed and for tale by MEANS 4 COFFIN, iali_ corner Wood and Water atreata New wall bapeks, ok new and choice patterns, mat receded by W. P. MARSHALL 'ail S 7 W-wi e DKLEU APPLES.—io saukA, 10 barie^ )us: received and for wile bv • r ‘ ii. MEA NS A COFFIN, jals enrua Wood and Wfl! er streets Rye, Earley and ia>kn 68 tacks Ear Cera; SO bushels Spring Barley; 25 do Prime Bye; .» Suat received and for sain by b. . „ , JAS. A. EET2SR j fFIEOTERiOjyEIWj and Ceiling Decoraßi JL’wmu,nrf Wohr w. p. Marshall, : No, 87 Wood streo t , V *■' ’ r ' ■* <* «. ' <. , V MiaTUFACTUHEHS, AI.SO— IMPROVED IKON?v; *v. , ‘ * 1 N Sf'U l'’ * -tj!r %:i{Ko'a V. • ’ X„-r -\- ■ '■■•■■ v;• . •;. ’ < ?%K VJriS ; ' X.->-- "" ' .--■•■ ■’» ■ ~. ~ . - ■., _ . j, •. . , \f\\^.. > e V - V r - r > r . * 3 / ./ 7 , r # < s “ r * r , ' vVjwsf^ •■ • ' -• •> ■* 1 Sfs? Vj- " ,- ‘ V^S£ , ;/^k , r *J “It- * \ __ ,j~ “* ■■ Y - ■* * ‘?* >*r »i •< f * w^s>-*' '* • * irj I™® Jta © vSHfi/ Jr © yptyiy PEHHTU3I SYBUP OR PROTECTED SOLUTION PROTOXIDE OF IRON*- Curer; all Diseases arising from Disordorad' Digestion, \\ cakne- 1 *, and Sad *StatO- • of tlia Stood. 1• “'' to,nl ”» Ortiflratai of curei-from artful r w HowWtia, tuS offers, tnr »m bo fbr4iWsa-i*.r2 qo»t, to any tuMrw... foM ofchargo -a- ■ ,i r if"’ iv’ h ™ ri^ p 'i? t - n ' T - Jo! >“ Olmstead • Krv. Warn-.i Rurto;». 1 uvru l-ihn--v» xt rv l(.-r. Arthur B. Fnllor. litmrc, Kor. A„ B >- T , I*. I. Itov. I. Urdus l.oblB». w. 11. Uoahoim, M-hu Kf>. bj Ivaj.iiM Cobb, > ridcla Daua. XI T> Itev. Tli&s. Whitt emore, Jeremiah btore. ii.o. Ju!s. OJ/oru Mvn. h, Joso AntonioS.mchta,Ml)., Jlov. Ephraim Nut*. j r ., M-ircctiao Araniln,.Ta,j>.*- Krv. Too*. 1L J'cmi Abrabam VVenddLSofcJi *a lu.‘V ItW harci 11. JJ. Rianey, M.&. - .v- Rt'T. M. I*. Wubster. .k»*p M.O* . « v ■Rev. Jos. 11. Clinch, Thomas A. Daxtnt T u»itsts y.T Wl.. I,V Dr. liKo. H. Ki-:y?Elt, No. HO WpoA«: c~j iO a § meS “* S ; i m MMMMmm IT MUST BE OBVIOUS NOT ONLY TO you, but to every attentive and intelligent person; * that tho first diseases of infants Kiue chiefly from a' dis ordered condition oi their bowel**, and iatbia connect tion, we present to your notice for the alteVtatlWr »ad' ; cure ol these diseases, a remedy known as ~ ■ DR. EATON’S , . liY'I , 'AATII.E COIiJMAE, ; Prepared from a formula used by De. Eaton witn x&v markahle success daring several years* •ptactiOQ&pe'* knot? U to be a most reitubie-aad efflc&ciOttsjiUDOdyf lor infantile complaints, and one trial alotts will vvnoe von of its superiority over every other jnwpstfrl boo of the kind. Uis particularly , with thisierrible disease will be saro of relief by the Lite Medicines. Kosa or Blood to tbs Bun, Scbbtt. Bai* uvos, ScßorcLi, on Kjku'p Eva, in the worst forms, UR cere of every description. Warms of alt lrinds iore feR factually expelled by those medicines. Parents will doi well to administer them whenever thelresistonee suspected. Belief will be certain. Tea Lm Pius axd Phosix Ermas Peefyik* BIOW, and thus remove all diseases fromfhe system. ' Prepared by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, No. 835 Broadway, {Mcf&ti Bailfia&N. *. . . , For sale by all Druggists. r , lk *e2&lvd*w Dr.GEO. R- Kb.Y'ttiiß,Ag*ti t F I lrithqggq t T>RIVAIE DISEASES.— ML DR. BROWN’S MEDICAL aod SURGICAL Ofcoe, No. W SMITH* ' MSBE^SMS& field street, Pittsburgh, Pennflyl* IsSffifStSßr^A T SHOWN Is an old citiaea of Pittsburgh, and has boea ia Practice for thft U*t tacnfrfitie uenra. Hla business baa been con* Sued moaUj to PriTsie owJ Surgical CITIZEHS AND STRANGEKh in need of ft medical friend, etoold nct-ffeU to'itad dot#" the sure place of relief. Too Doctor is a regular ate. and kua experience in the treatment of of Aianowftw [a a sure guarantee to the BUflerereof obtabfc Isa permanent relief, by th© use of Itfa foficwinirhis adrioo. DR. BROWN’S REMEDIES nerer £■& to cur© the- worst form ol VenercaXlfesasee* Imparities «nd gcroiulou* Aflections, Also, all aQbmbS. ariMnfl ftom ft hereditary lain*, which manifest* itaS?? in the form of ft tetter, psoriasis, and a greAtmaiiy fiorSl of akin diseases, the origin of which the -patient feta* tirely ignorant. To pezßona soafilicfed, Dr.BroTm'ofler* hopes of a tarewßogpoedrTooQTerT. Dr.- ‘Prowtfa remedies fbr'tbia 'irtnHft*' 1 trough tonoflea by that sobtaary habit of sensual fixation, which the young and woaknrfnded often MrfyX. way to, (to their own are too only romadios known in this dx^tir-^b^v make a speedy resUsadon of heuth. rheumatism. " Dr. Brown’s remedies newer fa*l to core this „ disease \nafa* dqu»*~he ynll Warrant ft cure. Hhiftmn' treats Piles, GleftVSoaaonhaE, Stricture* Urothal BE charges Kemalo Weakness. Monthly Snppreaa tnnv. eftnes ox the Joints, Fistula m Abo, Kentons ACecd/ma. Station Jar, together with egof «a bwnrirfiiE. A tester dosOTibinttUie syiaptins., directed 10 DR. BROWM, Ni &!EM bureh, Pa, will be tamadutelT sfinremL - sentto any address, safelyraked tit-1 m » i i serration. : T 0 - i Office and Prirate Rooms, PmWrßltji | PUtflhnrgh. Pa. • BBOOJIB AND BROOM Poplar Broom Basdls& KW doa Eastern Blooms,- 1 “zii i, J 100 boxes Clothe* Eiaa saeortech 25 do do tdW dS: Wdo : ©oo Wufiilbofcrds; * '^e l 100 4®', ' -Willow &udfqfo* ...... WPoadißoakets;' — -:W dossiChtirD^oßsorted ■■•* ■*vß.U.;Jx£ Vsi& andlaltptiijriijßma ui %ou4 and WBlow, ecßfijrtirS? mfinr ? ’“ ' ‘ S®|ii ~i2 ~ % rv&a {ui i £*i'dk M ✓ i -■■os < ' • I- jl. --i '■ism '1" . : '■-■*£ . • -At; ■■ i H ■ ; \ A ■ 1 !.. i \ "A.' ■» - T** * r \ ' >** ' -- . ..*• *'>- - ' ■» *■■ i'- -■ i_v ’ "■* < Jr K* 4 *+%* * * -i " *T* * V;.‘. . . ■*>.* ijV.3.. > “ afS i' - ? t ... ■" ~ - . , w \ *•*■ \' ! -y: } .» .•; >..' v .j •' v -rfJs - *? c * < a *» - v %• I - v' - 1 •-.•’■ . ■■ : ... ' f' : ’J§t ' ■ ■ ■: . . ;i r .i j 1 V • ■ "i'i . v' r?* . - - - Tjjf si •. "4 ‘*»' A >■s • • " . if K V »• • vs_fi °i.’' -y,ri££,4:‘ sf; ■■ w hM t/ - ■ tw’V’ i>.k • ■• •• V* ■vi \M$pS - --.*iJs. '- "■:• •«>£. i^&rxSZ'' ■% t 'i’tfStS rt : i; \ *>*s