1 , 1 . r . rsß URGH POST Postal _lncident. A. young man from the rural districts went to the Post Office the other day, with a bank. note for a dollars worth of stamps. Ho was told that paper money was not received. He went for Spanish quarters. "Wo don't receive them now," Said the attendant, " for more than twenty cents a piece." • The countryman thought Undo Sam mighty particular, so ho went and obtainod.a dollar's worth of coppers. " Now," said ho, on returning to the °Moo, and laying down his pile on the window of de livery, "1 guess I can suit yet." The man inside lookod at the display of cop pers, and coolly replied : "Wo never take more than three cents in copper at on'o time—it is not a legal tender above that sum." The countryman looked at the composod of ficial for the space of a minute withobt stirring, and then belched out : "Look here, you—ain't you almighty kind of particular, for fellows backed up in such a jail as this 'ere ? You don't take only three cents of coppers at a time, hey? Well, then, s'pose you give me three cents worth of stamps, --anyhow." . The official very politely cut him off a single Stamp, and passed it out, for which the country man lsid down three cents. Ho was about to pass away, when the latter cried out: , " Look hero you! that ere's one time. Now .;'pose you give me three cents worth. more on 'cm !" Uncle Sam's clerk was not slow in discover ing that he had caught a Tartar. Re turned his back to the window, and asked : " How, many coppers have you got ?" " Well, only about ninety-seven of 'ern I had a hundred when I begun." "Pass.them in," was the gruff reply. "Pass out your stamps fast, and then I will ; but rteckiiiii you won't ketch me agin." The stamps were passed out, and the cop pers handed over, when the countryman wont off, saying: " I S'pose because a fellow holds office under Uncle Sam, ho thinks ho is smarter'n all crea tion ; bat I guess they larn't somethihg that .time." antwrants. pITTSBIIRQH THEATRE.- . flocs LVILSIZI, AND MANACIaI _J.'S. HOWE. STAGS ............... A. WIAVCI. Doors open at ny, &cleft; oommence at 7%. GM-Fourth appearance:of the celebrated Actrees, Mrs 0. P. BOWERS. THIS EVENING, Dec. =I, will be performed, JANE 'SHORE: Jane Mrs. Bowers. Duke of Gloater Mr. J. B. Howe DANCE. MI&I BLANCHE BRADSHAW. To conclude with HOW TO GET A WIFE. Mors or Anima - am—Pr 'vale Boxes, 15,00, Single Reale in Private Box, sl,ook Pan - pate and Larose ehainx 00 cent.% Fanhily Circle 25 eerikr, Colored Gallery 25 eta., r.olored Boxes, Weenie. Gallery, 25 cente- prrrspxygxm AT EXHIBITION.- THE FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION PITTSBURGH ART ASSOCIATION, WILL OPEN, Monday, December 19th, AT MORTON'S MALL, FISTS STREET, Opppaite Postoffice. Gallery open from 10 A. M. to 4 P. Id., and fret to 10 o'nleek m the evening. Admia sion 0b eta. &won TiekoLa, 60 rt.., dol7 NEW CLASSES, NEW CLASSES, prow FORMING. PROF. .COWPERSI FABRIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY Al NEVILLE HALL, Corner of Fourth and Liberty Strain, Pittaburgh. PROF. COWPER, would reApoctfully lu form the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, that he is now forming New Classes at the above MB, and will. continue to teach the accemplishinent in all its various branches, together with instructions in tho etiquette of the ball room and social circle, Graceful De portment of Person, Ac. All the latest and most fash ionable Ball Room and Parlor Dances. as taught by him in the Eastern cillo‘such as; Lee Caledonia= Cotillnns, Polish Mazourka =trines. Los Launder Quadrille, Polka Quadrilles, Se °Gash Quadrilles, London Lancer Quadrilles, Russian Mazourka Quadrilles, Plain or Ger man Waltz, Esmeraldo Waltz, Vaastiviann Walt.; Schnt tisch or German Polka, Cinque or Five Step Waltz, Mc, L - tange, Milliekin, Espanobt and Bohemian P01k..1% Re llown;Pollablszourka, Gallopade, Siv.nish Duce, Ever green Polka, eicillienne Circle, Ac., kc.., will be taught nt Moderate terms. Dais of Tuition will he as follow.: LADIES' CLASS—Thursdays and Saturdays, from 4 to 0. P. M. MASTERS AND MlSSll—Thursdays and Saturday. from 3 to 6, P. M. GENTLEMEN'S CLASS—Thursdays and Saturdays, from 3 to 10. P. M. . . PRIVATE CLASSES FOR LA who domlre IL Prot Cowper will also give instruction,. to Private Classes, or instructions given at the rerodence of pupils, if required. N. it —Prof. C. can be seen at thosilsw Hall, on days of tuition, from 3 to 6, and 7,1, 10, P. M..or at tho SCOTT HOUSE, daily. dole JOHN W. HcCARTHY, MIMIL&L HILL P Will attend to the Distriluiting and Posting of RILLS; CIRCULARS, CARDS & PROGRAMMES FPP .a.musameetts, Railroads, Steamboats, ===l 11;9rtlere sent to the office of the Pit/stem:oi Morn ingr"tv or Daily G=4143011 receive prompt attention A. KREBS & BRO. Jithopaphoos Gamer Wood and Fourth Sta, PITTSBURGH. I. W. OILDWICT.- CHADWICK & SON, COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, DEALERS IN PAPER AND RAGS, And Agents for the sale of Motioning Fire Brick and Pot Clay, Nod. 149 (=I 151 Wood BL, near gra, Pittsburgh. 47V - Wrapping Paper at Manufaaturers' Prices. Cob mdiFfor 'roo t • .trti.o BEST BEIVIEDY, ND.i. . . the one that all Doctore reeonimend to secure good health, is, wear thick-eoled BOOTH IYSHOFB, such as will keep your foet from the cold. JAMES ROBB, No. 69 Merkel street, Lisa now on hand, s largo stook of Ladies', plisses and Children's High-Heeled and Thick Gol:rode Boatel, &cote, Gaiters; Slippers, lc, &e. Mon's, Tict and Yontbs' Boole, Shoeos, Gaite kc. MEN'S CITY MADE, Doubl s, e R B ol r e and gan Upper, F rs, rench 0%11'13008L Ladies' High4loeled, Double 8010 GLOVE CONGRESS and BUTTON GAITERS; and ache in determined to sell CHEAP FOR OARH, all in want would do well to mil and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. deb!, JAIdE3 8088. 310101180 N & krummtrE, imbrotype, Digaerreotype, AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, No. 64 Fourth Street, __ PITTSBURGH. Sai-Pirtures taken In all the yerlells Styles of the art, at reasonable prices Dolly G B. BRYAN, Late of Lancaster--Loaas A Garen, Fitt'gh. GEO.'S. BRYAN & CO., _- COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE BALE OP • PIG IRON, BLOOMS, &C., 730, 52 Woad st., Pittsburgh. _ 11.inguacms.--lijratt, Short) & Co., PALO:trey Llringa ton, Copeland & Co.„ Pittsburgh; Thos. E. Franklin Fag Lancaster, Hon. Simon Cameron, Ilarrisbur Bryan Gardner A Co, Hollidayaburg, Pa. 3.32,8:am TILE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OF PRILADELPHIA, INSUEES AGAINST LOSS OIL DAMAGE by Piro on Bulldogs, Merchandise, Farnituro, &c., at reasonable rates orpremium. flu —P.Ratahford Starr; William WEee, of Wm. Wire° &Co;.filalbro Frasier; Jno. M. Atwood, of Atwood, White k Co; Beni. T. Tradick, of Treslick, Stokes & Co.; Henry Wharton; Mordecai L. Dawson; Geo. H. Stewar offitewart & Bros diihn H. Brown, of John H. Brown k Ce.; B. A. Fiihnestock,of B. A.Pahnestock *Co.; Andrew D. Clash; J. L. Erringer of Wood & Co; RACHFORD STARR, President. CHARLES W: COXE, Secretary. Perrssuaan Sarsssiscra—Wm. Holmes &Co J.Painter t Co., Thomas M. Howe, Esq, Jas. Marshall, kik Allen Kramer, Eaq, Wilson, WElrey A Co, Wilson, Jim Co, Bailey, Brown k Co, Livingston, Copeland & Co., James B. Lyon * H. Lovely & Co. -- RO. B. BRYAN C 0.,& Agentqf - i No. O Woodiarea: :ORS T. LOGAN ..... 11()G.101. & GREGG , Imporiera of No. 52 Wood Street, Vour Doors above Ear ObazieeDotel, TB90808• CLARIEVS- LIVER. PILLS. 77.6 Beat Ilitvativ6 Puri,er before era al and Becatuaawkd Dy DEL ClLa.azz, the inventor of these celebrated Ms. is Justly distinguished for his eminent obi - Unease:id scientific research- For3o years In his extensive practioe he experimented in bringing the great desideratum of a remedial agent to act as a direct purifier upon the hu man system. In this ho has boon eminently suocessful, as the numerous certificates from celebrated physicians show. They aro extremely mild in their operation, at the =no time noWerful and effective in removing dis ease. They never givvo pain, as do most purgativee, but allay it in all cases. In acute cases they are more speedy in their relief than any Pill now offered. The proprietor is pleased to announce that ho has per footed his arrangements for supplying the trade to the fullest demand. N. U. wm.ann, Proprietor. Pittsburgh, Pa., To whom all orders must bo addressed. B. For sale by It. E. SELLERS„ corner Wood and Second streets, Wholesale Agent, and dealers everywhere. n 024 THE GREAT REMEDY. °encase Liniment. ger Tins CELEBRATED PREPARATION has no near equal in nil diseases requiring an EXTERNAL AP PLICATION, ouch as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Burns, Old Sores, and all other aches, no matter what their name or nature. This Liniment is the result of years of active practice and careful research, by the cel ebrated Physician, DR. WM. (MATURE, of Brooklyn, N. Y., whose reputation as a man of science is co-exterutivo with the country. For many years it has enjoyed an en viable reputation, not only in private practice, hut at large, 119 `he Greatest Remedy In Use. Let all who are afflicted TRY IT, es it is warranted to sabot speedy and sure cures. For sale by R. E. SELLERS, Wholesale Agent, corner Wood and Second streets, and dealers everywhere. Prepared solely by SORE THROAT PLAGUE AND .SORE Trinesr.—This quality of seizing hold and causing the expulsion of depraved humors, is possessed by no other medicine than BRANDRETII'S PILLS. They operate only upon the tissues involved in, that is affected by the disease. In fact they seize upon those humors, not so much from preference as from natural affinity, because their life is below that of the surrounding ports, and which,aettling on the Moues of the throat, that is, around the throat region, produces sore throat, Pars thrc,al Joingue, and the severe headache and fever. Within an hour after four or six pills are taken, there is felt a peculiar creeping in the part affected, a sort of collecting up of the diseased humors ready for expulsion. No hnzt or weakening effect can ever arise from their use, because they cannot act upon healthy parts. Taken early they prevent all organic diseases. Oh, how important la sick ness, to use that medicine which only extinguishes the disease, and leaves no evil effects behind. Sold at No. Zl4 Canal street, Brandreth's Principal Office; by Thomas Redpath, No. 27 Diamond street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and by all respectable dealers In med +- eines. , noll:lmrew 6011 E YE DISCONSOLATE. —How many are there are now lying upon beds of sickness, boistered up in arm chairs, or creeping about their housoa, from the effects of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Canker, klrysirs , las, or some other ill that "flash is heir to," when they might be enjoying a pleasant ride or an agreeable walk, and breathing the fresh air of heaven, instead of the stiffed atmosphere of the Rick chamber, if they would tint use a bottle or two of Rennetlra Medical Discovery. We should not make so confident a abatement were we not fully prepared to Rultstantinte it by personal obser vation, and the testimony of those whose word ran not be disputed; and under these circumstance/a, we fell constrained to speak in favor of this great Medical Discovery TO THE MEDICAL FACULTY PROF. DEGRATII, :—At intervals, during thirty years past, my wife has liuen sdhject to Rheumatism of the most violent rasi,--sity four times a year—sometimes no severe as to make It !loco , - Amy to administer large doses of thu Tincture of (lime, um and Morphia, and to rock her like an infaut in a large rocking chair, to induce any repo,. Having Ire, quent correspondence with my eon, (No. 103 Chestnut street, of your city,) I inforuesl him of on atteok she Lai about the middle of tact month, (January ' ) which wk. of such sevority as to completely pariahs° the system. Ito, in Zile anxiety for lila mother's !vol . C.iro, sent me n bottle ofyour Celebrated ELEVTRI( but as I am one of tho practitioners of medicine in our plaro, and not a proselyte to any kind of medicine, I del host tate to give it a trial. However, on reflection, I conclu ded to try it, which I did. a Ix:rear/no directly up to the lotter,knd after the thief or fourth application oho br own° rather paasive, and before ono-third of the bottle MLR used, not a single vestige of the disease remained in the system, and she gull continues well, although she rode out n distance of fourteen miles without a removal of any of the symptoms. I therefor() fool it. my duty, for the sake of suffering humanity, and alto fully behov ing that merit, under all circumstances, should tn• re warded, to forwalal this testimonial. I am yours. truly. JOSS- r.,IILKINGTI)N, M. ti.. New Gretna Postrilllce. Burlington Co, N. J. P. B.—Any communication for me will he received by seldrtmeing to the earn of my eon. (Moreliemt,) No. U❑ Chentniit Arent- Price 25 cents, IA cents anit fl per bottle. Cbution.—lle sore aril wit De;RATH'S ELECTRIC OIL. It in the only gomine. For Halo by all ttnipivpan and .tlealera. deg:ll7lday. Hundrods of heads of hair are ruined by the 11,10 of dolnteriotp. I'yon, for which no ecinnhfic withori ty in rovoAsiblo. CRISTAPORATS EXCELSIOR DYE, On the contrary. present, 1110 highest scientific mete, tinla. It has l/1241111 analyzed by Dr. CHILTO, who stand• r.t the bead of our Experimental Cliemilu, and be Xt/Li, In his certiticato that. notlung injuriowi" entera Anto ith eompeUtion. Thie UNQUALIFIED APPROVAL, Addort In the well Irnewn fact that it to the movt reliable and the meet natural Ito ever manufactured, him given it =hien,. pro,tige, and the salsa are running up frotn month to month, with a r:tridity that Fever,ly onergia, anti roeinireee ei the propeletor. Sold tem/wadiere, and applied by all flair I.ll , Nment Csnrr*so,Ro. 0 Astor New York. GE,'). Li . KEYSER. Agent, Pittsburgh, P. P/TlBUrrAill, P.A. cioltlmdim ESPECIALLY the Ignorant and Falsely Modest Physicians of all denominations, treat Fl:e crot tu d Delicate Disorder, Self Abuse and Diseases or Situations common and Incident to Youths of isith sec. en, and Adults, single or ruarnoil. Pecan. , Dr. 13BAN S'Ili.UP publiehea the fact of hi. doles so, tho amornnt and falsely modest are dreadfully shod:cid, and think it a great sin, very Immoral, and for contamination and corruption among their wives promising sons and daughters Thew family physician should be cautious to keep them in ignorance that they do the same as Dr. BBANSTBUP, (except publishing ) lot a lucrative prae tico might be lost to them among stupid, falsely modest and presumptuous families, born and raised in limo ranee, sprung up as rnushroonii, and who compare soci ety, intelligence, moose, do, to dollars and cents, mysto nously, meanly or illy gotten. It is to publicity, howev er, that numerous parents and guardians are thankful that, their sons. daughters and wards, prononsly feeble, sickly and of delicate condition and appearance, have boon restored to health and vigor by Dr. 1311ANSTRITP, besides many before and after marriage through him have been staved much suffering, anxiety, mortification, de Ilarmg the advantage of over thirty years expen once and oerration, consequently, he has superior skill in the treatment of special disease, and who is daily coasulted r lthe mrs t or, Re well sa roam mended bytes lo ci s, putihahersi.Proprietors of hotels , ffico 85 Smithfield street, near Jimmied street. Private communications from all parts of the Union strictly attended to. Direct to BOX 800, deCklydsW Pithsburg,h Post Office. -.MAD CHADWICK. CITIZIAN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, December 19th, IMO. DIVIDEND.—Tho President and Directors of It eY' this Company have this itay_declared Dividend of THREE DOLLARS PER SHARE upon the Capitel Stack, applicable to the icaluction of Stook Notes held by the Company• cleZSait f34l±. MA_RSHF_R.D. FOR MAYO R .- -lii:HENR Y -Kai, UMW 'herd ward, will be supportod as a Democratic candidate for Mayor of Pittsburgh, by doff. MANY DEMOCRATS. ters,ooo AGENTs WANTED-I—To welt four now inventions. Agenta have made oar V s io oo on one; bettor Mut all °tiler cupilar agoncjos. Send our Warm. and get 80 pages particular% grata. octB:l3w EPIIIIAIII BROWN, LoWell, knits. CUPPING AND LEECUING, by MB. & MRS. BM& SW-Tooth oxtractod, Rot, Cold and Bkowor Baths. eualdy F. BEBB. N 0.177 Grant stroot. RE BOLE, 4eNGINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, GREAT WESTERN PLAINING MILL, cor. Mar ried Duquame Way, FriUsburgh, lb., will make to o r, and warranted as good as can be made, the following machinery ids :—Steam Engines, Turning Lathes, for wood and iron; Planers, for wood and iron; Drilling MachinoN Henson an dTobeceo Screws,* Patent.. right and Model Machines, in the best manner; Shafting, Pales, and Rangers, of all Buses and variety ; Serowe. of any diameter and pitch; to tittomi feet In length. Will glee make, and have on hand, Doctor and bigger En- Sinea, and Deck Pumps for steamboats, ko. Lathe inhears and other Planing done to order; can plane 12 inches wide, by 9 feet 8 inches king. AU Onetra Promptly FT/Wand SarnesUo &UdlnL N. B.—Particular attention and promptitude given to repairs on Printing flews and other STOCKING EmPOßltrim CHEAP AND DURABLE. M. DALY • 9 Stocking / Nanufactu.rer , cORNER FIFTH ST. AND MARKET ALLEY has on hand a tremendous assortment of. olon Stock' ngs,Hose, .90C ks,Co mforts,Oloves, Hoods, Sucks, for men and women, together with a very exten sive assortnient of all descriptions of goods in his line, suitable to the season. He sells prime articles at Low ream ODE and examine..*. air Remember,' N. DALThas but One tdore, and that Is on the oornet.of Fifth et. eadlisuirot alley.. not, HOLIDAY PERFUMERY TOILET kiLTIOLEEI, at JOSEPH FLPIIIN9I3,Drug 14tore r ? '4433 oor. of fitirked at. atid.liiitiond. g•geriai N. U. WALKER, Propnotor, Prrrsnuson, PrcN L, To whom all orders must be addressed DR. GRO. H. KEYSER. Agont. No. 141 Woo 1 N o'o4 t. MARTYRED HEADS TO THE PUBLIC, HAIR 13RU8HEEI, and Pls.tellantous. CLOSING OUT SALE FANCY GOODS! .T. 3EI icr MI 'S, No. 24 Fifth Street, TO BE DISPOSED OF IN 30 DAYS ! ! The Goods Must be Sold. PRICES NO OBJECT 1 1 TRIMMINGS, Ribbon:, 0 Hoods, Hosiery EMBROIDERIES, WILL BE SOLD BELOW COST. All we would say, is, you would find it your Internet to COME IN AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK, which w LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED— end which must be turned into eneh province. to Janu ary Ist, 1800. GREAT BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED J. RUBQ, No. 24 Fifth stroet. Pitt.Nirch. Pa. Kcal -Estate Auction Sale. ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th, at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the premisos ; valuable. Itent Renate, bountifully situate on Scotch Bottom, Peebles township, formerly part of the Wood estate, near thn line of Braddock's Field Passongcr Ftrulroad, lately chartered And e xpoctod to be In operation in a short um:* making it easy of access, and within a few minutes' ride of all parts of tho eity adininlng property of lion tic.rgo Demo, lion. M. Swartzwelder, ilsgeley. Kiwi, and others; also, of the proposed Depot of Uto Con uollsville Railroad. This la the most delightful spot in Allegheny county for • country residence, surrounded by scenery not exeellisi In the West, commanding splendid view of the Monongahela ltaver, the cairns of Pittsburgh. AtLeglieny,and bonaigh of Birmingham, and at this partieular time the kind of proprirty most in de maul by the ems of business end mechanic, who ere anxious to learn the crowded stricets of ite, city, and se cure for themselves and families a plow-mit country home, such es IA new offered 1111 t, rim, so ling as to to within the reach of alb 'Clio gromels are laid out in OM, of tr ,, m ow , to three acres each, reek's.' a ricovenient size for dwelling, nubhoutes, garden ant pleasure grounds A plink of the property will be di. tribiltad previous to coin, and 4 . 140 to seen at any time at the Howl of Mr. J who will gie, any 11:f", trittiltqa 'fern. of Pals, onofonrth cash; balance In throe equal annual payments, rich fond and mort.ve and Intent:A added from day of ssie. thiCA.l Wigs, Wigs, Wigs, AND ()ItNAMENTAL If Alit, of every descrihon nod Latost Style.. of Fnrhton, Liman tortured by J. R. C MILCR(.)!.ii. No 84 FOCT.TIT ST. 'rhoouto.onhor having re,Lllntvi bIIAITI , SM 113 Plelethllrgh wwhes LO inform his former !non+. and patrons of the and sorrotioding eountry.ll.l we, Id rail their nt ununn ta new an.ll,auti fat SF:IA , - A I i.II'STI W It lams all former Wac, of wig•roaking in the shade. It.. ments are lightne.n, ilurabditi, not liable to shrink. laiarn Nastily all over the bumf, and inky and Fracefol alipearnoo.i, r 1 vria.i.; *Le du, iniimenla the forehead trio.. /-11,114`4 , ero h 1 ins - de,' to call And exArnine his new mute of HAKI, HALF- \\*l4:!.. , and WIGS.. They to .1‘4,1•, With the }wavy :Intl formal appnatemco so murti ofln 111..% 4,1,1 ,t, to, ,021 AVM. J. TAYLOR & CO., WHOLESALE FISH DEALERS, No. 122 and 121 North WharTea, ( At.re Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA 7F:IN A tiTilVif WORKS. ALEXANDER lIRADLIp;V, ■AN CIinTLILISI& DIAL= vaurrt Cooking, Parlor & Heating Stoves, PLAIN ANTI FANCY ORATE YRONTS, 6C Knlo Propnelor of tho IV iMMMIZMMUBM!{II2II2N COOK STOVES. Office ant SAle. RoOmw, netrzly2p N`n 4 W I . reel. r1(14hur.,44 /44 0 .D. 7 d.r.. DUFF, DEALERS IN AIAN I lAA, 8631 I", COTTON AN) ;ITT! CORDAGE, OAKUM, TAR., PITCH AND ROSIN TARPAULIN DUCK, AND lIKAVY DRILLING. Ma. 90 Water 9 A. I. CARRIER & BROTHER, AGENTS,. No. 63 Fourth Sttort. I at mONNVEA LT II INSURAANCE COMPANY, at Harrisburg, Pia Chart Prod capital, 1.X0,900. [lon. BIMON CAMERON, Proablant; H. 8. Currier, Reerptary. GIRARD FIRE ANDIS!,III.INE iN 8171LANCE OuMPANY, Philadelphia ',sant" 785.73. Hon. JOEL JONES, Proaident; J. B. Alroril, Socretary. QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, pidbuldribia. A5taitx,11.T2A,..151.42. GEOLOK U. HART, Prasident, 11. R. Coggeholl, Secretary. aeajd EUROPEAN AGENCY. RATTIct 4 , Europenh 'Agent, No') 1.16 atreet; Pittabtligh, Pa, is prepared to bring out or wind book laisaougarii from or to any part of the old country, either by steam or selling pack ets. _ . SIGHT DRA.FTiI FOR SALE, payablo (Dimly part of Znrope. Agent for the Induanapolia and Cincinnati Railroad. Also, Agent for the old Black Star Ida° of Sailing Pack ets, anT for the lines of Steamers sailing between Now York, Liverpool, Gtaajow and Galway. oollely • Irinnn4.*torrrh„ on STONE WATER PIPES, FROM TWO TO SIX INCH CALIBRE. Priem from Twelve to Thirty Om. per Foot. ROCHESTER PEARL STARCH, For solo Wholesale at Monufactarops Price' by HENRY H. COLLINS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, two =tom= MIX& EN CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. jell No. 26 WOOD Err.. PITTI3IIOBAII. PENN ITIACRINE WORKS FOUNDRY, WIGIYTMAN, MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines,lihaftsng:and;Pl/11106 ring Machinoa, Mortice Machines, Goan liangere, etc.. etc Orders promptly atiorKtod to. araly ALLEGHENY, Nuir AND BOLT FACTORY. Patent llot-Pressed Nuts of all sizes on hand, andman. ufacturod. Alan, Bolts for Bridges, Machinery, Agrioul tural Implements, Ac., furnished at short notice. Wareholuns, No. 114 Wetter street. augtly KNAP. scvirx 3 CC. 1113=13 X'KEE & PHILIPS, ENIPRAL COOPERAGE, Al ITEM 1111 W tiOTOILT ON Fayette Street, Between Hand and Wayne streete, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A 1144Ve arc prepared to 'tarnish Goal Oil, whisky, Ale, Molasses sad BARRELS, at the atiorteat ®d on the most rearesiable farms. ae2l3y , Stoves, Grates & Ranges DIPLID M A S I Awarded by the Late Allegheny COunty and Western Penn- sylrania Agricultural BISSELL & Co., No. 235 Liberty Street, MANUFACTURERS OF COOKING, PAitiAnt, AND HEATING STOVES, Fine and Common Enamelled GRATE FRONTS AND FENDERS AND THE CELEBRATED CAPITOL AID EAGLE Gloves and COOKING RANGES. If yen want the BEST 4300 KING RANGE that is made, call at BISSELL (.4,c CO.'S. If yon want a COOKING STOVE that cannot be my panned, call on If vnu art. budding Inman, and want the HEST GRATE FRONT 9 and FENDERS, v4ll on BISSELL & CO., KC° No.= Litx,rty etront. i pp, HA li 8 , _ 114 4.04 i, lIILLERMAN 8E COLL6RD, WELOLZ.SLLI LSD RIM'. DIALZDS HATS, CAPS, AND F(IH.S, Are duly mecum); from mann !net 'iron% no unlit.° now And comploto "tuck. 75.pitood 'treat, ige2l y . 11R 3 dorm, from Fourth. o UV STATE AUTIIOMITV• ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. INCA )U0 HtATED 1S19; CHARTER PER- I. 1.1-7111A1.. Cash Capital, - $1,000,000 July 11,1111,,Ln Wt. Isujna s.ljugtn.l T aut Pro ,, rty ul. trod I)ANtiEli. 111" PiRI: Mt THE p 01. , INLAND NA VItiATII)N, nt n. 4 hborztl nil mil,. Its .01votp., and lair profit r,'.l p”nutt. A. A. CAIWZEE A 151:.0.. Agtmt.,, W. 11. F.Dlit„ Surropir. !,^2:2 - 6u, No, Fourth rtr,t, l7ttrlx rj h, I'a THE IRON CITY TRUST CO., No. 256 Liberty Sitreet. DANK IIF DISCOUNT, EXCII A NtIE ANTI I.EINViIT Capital Stock ........ ....... ... ....... 150,000 Capital ltsprearlated, over 1,0014000 Sr. - alinttwita Ata ill:, I SDIVII.V.ALLT ret, Par ?Ina, ' lira CUT - rot:P . } TP , PI% 4 , 1 on , pportt. 'ALL MONEY'S allmved to Tom am Y.r n drioi Treao, WILL DRAW 1NT1.:121.:•4T. ipht rx ..kkorm an Ulf , E-udern ao l Wr,tern civr= t•mistAntly for Kale in ..tune to .001 c.•'.le,.:ciona in,in in all Ow pnaemal cntinn is tlio tlniuvl Mate• and the CatlA./.44, and P/WCKEIki PROMPTLY RE-Min - ED tn any 410- ,411,1 point, on day of maturity DIRC , TOII., Manrlirovl. Alexan.h•r ' 4 J. Ildl. WanarnSnb,ri., WCant.Yll:, henry 51Tull,mgh, Itot.ert Andamon. G. E. WARNER, Pr....lent R. C. SCHMERTZ, STEPHEN G. DODGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ow^ A lArgo .•Sporion4'. In the wljtintm.nt of unpor writ clalm,„ fwr soul hurts, has pro p:uAl hum to prooacuLo such clAirnA with the b 0,4 pros• pact.. of .rworoub. not lES=ECI ATTORNEY AT LAW A,Y9 c:(ViyRIAR, MINI ..1141.1 4. lILItRVI, CUNNI NG If ANIS & M.-PITTSBUItti H CITY GI AHtl WoRKS—WAKEIiOIISE, No. 119 ator atreol, and ILO Firnt Amor, Piwalturgh, lh. three doors 11.olow Monongahela Uritoo, Manunteturrrio of llt.hititirgh City Winilow tilatot, DruggiaLis' Gls,. Ware, and AtnericanConyifx G la:actor parlor wlndows,ohitretion and public hullding. sololy MARBLE! MARBLE!! JOHN lIVCARGO MONUMENT; WIAVE SIONES Bildt:in:re' a, Poste, PLASTER PARIS, HYDRAULICOEMENT, octll NO. 896 LIBERTY STREET. 4-ttolaey Ss counteubi; if Law, DAVENPORT, lOWA. Fepn•ial altenUon given to collecUng and enuring !alms of every kind. Rim ve—Jeremlah Dunlevy, So., E. J. Roberts, Eng., Cant, R. J. Greco, Roberts a Mellon, A Ramey. lapin a. R. SWIRL T. R. DITITT BULGER 8a DAVITT, Manufacturers of every doecription ol N'TMELIVITIMIELM, No. 45 Smithfield Street, . P.TTSBURGIII, PA. A full assortment of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTUR ED FURNITURE, contdantly on band, which wo will sell at the lowest prices for Oaah. anZtly EpWII. S. BIITLER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CINCINNATI, OHIO, ooczr:em• THE ATTOTIOIi OF MEN 11 4. }JUDE- A: BATE MEANS Is Natal to • .ffor for:salo of forty of tho moat BUILDING - Log in the Second Ward, Allegheny City. Tho prices are Pulted to the hard times, and time will be given to Butt all purclmsera For particulars Inquire or , : ALEXANDER HAY'S, Barveyer, Corner East Common and Water street. nog Allegheny City lIIOIIII.D W. SOBTITS P. 10/WICK M=tl FOIIRTH STREET. lIPHOLSTtRY, No. 8 Fourth Street, near Wood. rir HE SUBSCRIBERS MANUFACTURE 11. and keep constantly en c lutrid every Wide in their lino, via: Cornices, Ornzimonts.Cortain Gmde,Ctom forte, Feather Bode, blgtrasses of ill kind% also, the celekra ted Patent Spring Beds. Al} kinds; of shades, Blinds AUGLEIStarea. aa-Promp' laying dowi od.l7:lyd II RAN' jUIL ceUxmuus: SILVER CUP SILVER MEDAL! Society. BT&SELL h CO AGENT FOR CLAIMSI WaNatington. D. C L. C. HEPBURN, • . 1./FFICE WITH 11. ii EPIiIJRN, :su. Vt? Pootth .11ePt I!ODUI C. DUNCAN. LI • LUOTI7I - 1 MIMI= 421 F JOHN N. CRAWIFOHH, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 48 Public. Landing, HARVY PHILLIPS. I T JOSEPH B. DAVIS DAVIS & PHILLIPS; BRASS FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS, p trrhammp.l3, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, DIABIIPACTIIRERS AND DEALERS IN PLUMBING MATERIALS, GAS FLUOR N, PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, OF EVERY * DESCRIPTION. Agents for Allen's Celebrated Steam and Water Onages, MANUFACTORY NO. 110 WATER, AND 104 FRONT.STS., PITTSBURGH, PENNI A. Wareraoms, 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh, and Federal street, Allegheny. City. ntig3:6mtkadp LIVINGSTON, COPELAND & CO., Proprietors; MANUFACTURE " FAIR %OTC'S PATENT PLATFORM SCALES^ of every variety, for Weigh ing Live Stock. Hay, Grain, Ore, Coal, Iron, and for nil purposes of Morchan dining, whether dormant or on wheels, with hoisting lover or without. Iron or Wooden of all Innden Col TIM ns. and of all classes and eapavitios,fromßailroadintritosos down to the small counter seaTo and balances. Also, they am the Pantentoos and only manufacturers of the unrivalled antis Faced Do - ar Locket ) and LATCHEti, for right or left hand doors, of ovary sin) and variously trimmed and finished. Coffee Mills, Paint Mills, Corn Mille and Shelters, Sausage Cutters and Staffers, Bolts, Self-Shutting Gate and Shutter Hingiss, Bed Cantors. Axle Putties, Wardrobe Honks, Fire Iron Stands, &c., An., together with evory variety of Maleablo Cast ing 4, and DOMFATIO HARDWARE generally. . n 024 c 3ttuing 31Carhings. t$ :4 430:4 1111 M VOM 414 Z 4 01 pf: SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. rilliEt SUBSCRIBER, BEGS LEAVE TO .11. inform the public that from this day forward those CELEBRATED - MACHINES will be sold at the follow ing REDUCED RATES: Now Family Machine, and Iron Stand, completo...sso OD New Transverse Shuttle Machine and Sland, com plete - _475 00 No.l Standard Machine and Stand, complete 490 00 No. 2 84ndard Msehlno sad Stand, complete $lOO 00 R. STRAW, Agent, Nos. 32 and 34 Market street. Ansuranni. NORTH - 1712.N ASSURANCE COMPANY NO. 1. DOOM/ATE STREET, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1838. 1=!! PAID PE CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.. 2;194;111 O 1 ANNUAL REVENUE, for the year • ceding January ...... 033,134 12 TCOMPANY INSURES AGAINST j. Lc.. or Damage by Ftro, almort orery doocription of Property. The Natal of Pranium ore moderato, 4E4 to all CIISMI, tamed upon the charm:tor of the Milker or occupant, and tho merit, of tho Promptly adittatod and Paid without roferenco to London. 4 rpeaut pertnysanf fund providat to delphinfor patimaitt of lone en 1.41.1 country. NSFIIIIINCIN IN rITINDUNAILI: larnew 1)1*CuIly a Co., 174 Wood street; John Floyd & Co.. 173 Wood atroot; " P.rown a Kiri:patriot:a, 11CIbony strew. " 1). lirom A Co.. 09 Wood shoot; " M'Eiroy k Co., 64 Wood stroot; " WCandleros A Co., 103 Wood atrnet " Nlrruok aCo 14 Water street; It. A. Faltnestock A Co.. Fold and Wood .lo.; Wrlo.l/AN/ A Co, Second and Wood rd n.; 1", A CO., A Wood street: " Hurt:Wield A Co., Fourth and Market streeta LlNlnadle)at. Means& co,Wo4NiundWatorpte il-G/L/aNe/41 IN FRILL NtLIIIII if ,r,o, 11. Stuart. FAi, 13 Hank etreet; ' Mea-0,. Myer, Cis4rhorn & 22.2 Market Ptrnet; 3.l'lies a Co., =South Front street: " I)lCutcheon A Collins, Front and New elroets " 50u1!.., W illiam,, L Co., 1113 Market ntroet: " Janie. Graham A Co, al and 22 Letitia alma! .linrph PreAdont 31 , ,rhann., Bar,L Jam,. i nntlap , EI.I, PTONirie UlllOll lion. W. A. Porter, late Jud,:n fiul.romo Curt. JA W. ItlitiTT, Agent, del • Offidn,' 103 Wo . od atroet. GREAT WESTERN Insurance and Trust Company. FIcE IN OGIAPANY'S BUILDING, 443 WAIALT tir es PunAnnnut. CHARTER. PER pyTcAt.. AothorlacdCapital, •500,000. :-,TATEM 31% 1 1., MD. CarnaL—Pal In and .rtirely irave.tna AStirrzt, MAY CAsa—On hand and in Bunk.. --412,570 In 11-Lndr t,f AgentA 11.017 17 ovrnad Ly (ha Gom pally ilond, aryl Mortgagg•a—t+,ring six etnd por rent. ititPro,t. 152,U40 00 Vola, Coiripn.ny, viol] Nocaral... ..... 17,749 El 73,450 00 6,ll•rn,Nrahla for loan., 1.., not yet mata mi.. 20,117 43 AI! nth, 15,000,00 1.1.4111 lirriEs. 1.c. - zvs-6 , lju•qt , cl, not yet due ....._$ 6.313 4 INtadlui.tod 7,031 67 Aw6.lllngin,.f Num DO All other claim , . 23.574 67 J. WRI(i irr. iiocrolary. Agra, D; Willer et- Pabhtirgh. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMF'ANT An. 149 CHESIIIT SIREEf, 9,jool(top thelCustorn House,' WILL MAKE :ALL RLNI)SOOF INSU 11ANeF., either Per teal or Limital, on every deseriphon or Property or Merchandows, nt reasonable rat,+ of prerntom. Romier P. KING. Prestlent, M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Putt:4:74,llw, E. K. Oopcs Ifielorge W. Brown, Joseph a Pool, John Clayton, E. Villor, Chart 4 , 4 I . ll4(tish, I•. B . SaTury, (1. tilit.rman, H. J. Magargne, F. 1:1-Accputw, Herr %Lary J.O. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood tdroota Western Insurance Company, OF PITTSBURGH IMMII=EiMIIIM 0/rtes N 0.99 Water street, (S pang d Co.'s Warehouse up stairs,) Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of FIRE and MARINE RISKS. A - limo Institution managed by Directors who are well known In the community, and who are detarmtned, by promptness and libomlity, to Intent= thocharacter which they hare assumed, es ollering the beet protec• lion to those who desire to bo hig*od. 4483113, 4PRIL Mti, 1653. Mock Accottrite 41 00,050 00 Ifortgage--......- 2,160 00 °Mee furniture-. 250 00 °Clash port Aocounta, eta 11,22 1 0 22 25 .. 15,35 ?random Notes.. ........... . ..... .........-....... 39,976 12 Notes and bin. diacouni_cal 153,389 29 DISIOTOILB. George Davao, K. Mina, Jr, Onorge W. Jacknon, James itrAteley Nathaniel Itolmea, Alexander Nienink, Wen. IL s m ith, Chem W. Riekebon, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Spoor, Roos .1. Thomen ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE...Mo. al Fifth 81treet, Bank Block. INSURES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FIRE AND MARINE AMR AAO JONFS, Preaklent; JOHN D. MoCORD, Vice Etesident; D. M. HOOK, Secretary; Capt. WILLIAM DEAN, General Agent. Dammam—lsaac Jones, C. (. Linaaey Harvey Childa, Capt. R. C. Gray, John A. Wilaea,ll.L.Filincaleek, John D. MeCoTcl, hone M. Pennock R. P. Starling, Capt. Wm. Dean, Than. M. Howe, Rat. 11. Davia. my7B PENITENTIARY BOOTS AND SHOES. ASUPERIOR ARTICLE OF BOOTS and SHOD§ aro offered for sale at the Office of the stern Penitentiary, low for cash or approved paper. consisting of 123 dosen Uoarse Boots, sewed and pegged ; 162 " Monroos " 46 " .Calf and Sip Monroes, sewod 74 " Hip Boots, sewed; 7 " Boys' Coarse Boots, sowed end pegged; 10 " English Ties, 40 " Boys' Coarse Monroos, sewed and pegged. " Womans' Boots, sewed; 8 " Boys' and Youths', sewed. ALSO—MBChB' . 78,800 Chocks, a very superior article—warranted fast colon; 200 dos Three-bushel Tow Bags, admirably suited for the farmer; 00 " Tow and Cotton dn. Persons wishing to purehnso any of the above articles can ho supplied by calling at the Office of prison. defgly JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Warden. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. P. scrinirmcitEß, B• AKER AND CONFECTIONER, would .I_,P•reneettellyinfor r nViencle and the public gen orally that he to now p tetnnaieh everything in the FRUIT, CARE, AN CONFECTIONAUY on a . -.net - paillatlafactory terms - ober N 0.11.11 DIAMOND ALLEY, the place ;..jyrtinselves tof the Holtdaya. • . • • detato p0 :7 9/1.5..50 dos. Corn Brooms, for sale (M2l HENRY H. ROLLINS, ZbITTS3BI7RGIamt LIVER INVIGORATOR, ... NEVER DEBILITATES. IT Is compounded entirety from Gums, and 1 has become an established faeraStaodard Medicine knOWII , , and apprnred by all that • hare used it, and la now re anruhl In with cowideneo in e i, all the diseases for which It la recommended. It has cared thouganda 1 ". widiln thalami' two years who had given up . 11 hope, of relief, as tho oa.oaroo. unanlicited acatilieatos fumy poiseedoushow. The dose mast be adapted to the temperament of the 2 Individual taking b., and us- cd in loch qua/sillies as to act gently onthe/Joyride. • Let the dictates! of your uso of the LIVER IN will cure Liver Com.- g tack., . Dyspepsia, Summor Com ry, Dropsy, Sour Cost] re 'loss, Choi ra Blorbum, Cholera • lone,, JauntHoo.„ es, an My he cued ate. __.. ry Family Medi- pi HE A.DACII.E, (as twenty mlnlates, I spoonfuls are tok attact. All who use It are fa us hear. HUE WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER, CATHARTIC PILLS, $8,298,800 00 Pure Vegetable Extracts. and Pot olt In GLASS CASES, Air Tig t, and will keep in any climate, • The Family Ca- • ,thartie PILL is a ren tla 1.4 skive skive Catharlde which the protuloter ha. yardle hi, practice more than 'treaty year. The constantly isiercasing deemed from ,Mao Trim haven ciaalthe P/LLS l a and the satisfaction a !deb all names" In regard to their •-• we, has Induced mete plate them wlthin the reach atilt C. Tin Prothadon well 'know on tit:throng nortions of the The PAHILV CA tm, with doe reference to boon rompounded *ran a rik. table Extracta, which net alimentary canal. and are g et. where a Cathartic is raagomeette of the neve Paine to the Costiveness. Pat n the whole body, frequently, If neglected, err. Lots of Appc- Sutton of Ctid over am. Headache, or all In flammatory Childrener Adults. 04 Portlier of the Blood Leah It. heir, too onmerom wept Dose, Ito S. PRICE 30 CP:NTH. The Liver Invtgorator and Family Ca t hurtle Pills ere mulled by Tirangtata ge=ally, and gold wthoicsale by the Trade In all the hark, theca. R. T. W. SANFORD, M r . D., 114narPteturer arui Proprietor, 335 Orondwor, New lror3c., G. R. KEYSER, Agent, No. 140, corner Wood Arne end Rrgin dt I ' Tdrm Gemmel hon.w . e, — from o and al3 diwasea arising the habit r and alter =ram rem the umpolaithect ,71 N lialaariet, if. D. of, - Notting not a mode of enra at once certain and ual, tor a Men every sofferor, no tuatterwbat Macon woo. ,213,y corn hlmarqf althont the toowledge of even o).itt. .11 At 0, :raid pfwatblo oast, thereby svol,l - plaCk3 Und grad 111011011M3 of tbOday. The ant!" ,r woe;French Physlcten of grestattelrnenta, •im.nt mAn years In Investlgatlng the nature and .: ter th:s L,esso, which annnalli ausleattedreanda ono owl,. omen Bent Under end tel any diril.lls. it ret,of two jaatnge eglarnpla. Addyrrza. it C. PAINE it CO., Loutsvtue. EY. 4) 00 -; 10417 05 49,000 00 LITHE I'IIBLIC BT.PQAING WHICH IS now universally admitted to exist in MOFFAT'S FE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS, is every day demonstratod by their astonishing efficacy in the eases which they are announced to cure. All the complaints of the stomach and bowels, weakness of the digestive omens and of the system generally, billions and liver all - echoes, night foyers, headaches, piles, costiveness, eansum ption, Impurity of the blood, or blotched and sallow complexions, soon yield to their curative properties. A single trial invariably secures them the title of the hest family medicine now before the public. For sale by tho proprietor% W. B. Menu, at his office, =3 Broadway, New York, and storekeepers and druggists generally. no&3mdair M.,463 1 CIS,9vO 70 WM. M. FABER &CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, kieneral Machinists and Boiler Makers, Near the Penn% B. B. Passenger Depot,. PITTBIIIII3.OII, TaANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF Steam Engines, ranging from throe to one hun dred and fifty horse power. and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Factories, etc., etc. Give particular attention to the construction of En gines and Machinery for grist mat, and for uprights, mulay and circular saw Have elan of hand, &milted and ready for shipment nt sl,cri. riutit*Enai nee and Boilers of every description. AI:so, furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron sepentely, and Wrought Iron Shaftinrusliangers and Pulliee in every vacuity, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Ma chinery and Machine Cards. Onr prices are low, our machinery manufactured of the host quality of materials, and warranted in all cases to give satisfaction. 44-Orders from all parts of the country solicited, and Pranteqf Quell Boll:dew SA I'L GRAY & SON $309,149 09 MERCHANT TAILORS, Wm. McKnight, David M. Long, "wen HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE and VARIED ASSORTMENT of Goode for Gentlemen's Wear, MAKI UP TO ORDER And rates as LOW as at any similar establishment in NO. 19 FIFTH STREET (1617 Valuable Property for Sale • • • - or Exchange. 205 ACRES, in Somerset county, adjoin ing the town of Somerset, will be disposed of by the underaigned cheap for cash, or in exchsulge for property adSaoent, or in the city of Pittabargh. The farm is well improvod with valuable buildings and barn, and Is a desirable location for a stock or dairy farm. lmme• dlato attention indetdred. Apply to MARTIN CONN . RIALY, Penn st,_ - detlrodaw or,. J. D. Rod. , • Sonaersek Pa. KENNEDY MARSHAL ATTouriia•AT LAW 0 the Oftice diourn - M EL t Ho LOONS BUILDING. Bifflis 7:l trbet, . fate use. del gWEET POTATO W.-15 bbls. for sale b oda HENRY - EL CIOLLINa IntditaL SANFORD'S , udgoaent guide you In ibo VIGOICATOR, end It plaints, lillionsAt- Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints, Dysente- Stomach, Habitual le,-Ckolera, Chola- InSantum, Plato- Female Weakness... oesehOrsa ark Ordlina.• Clue. Itskilleareamic. tbougarda . can toatlty,) in Iwo or three Tes sa at tatutztencemont at 'I giving tbeir teallimony Price One Dollar per Dottie. ALB(); s.a.Erronws COMPOUNDED FROM 'flat different Cathartics set Angels. i77III.RTIC P I I'. I. this well estaldished fart, • y the purees re,e. v.i.t en ovary part nt ine 'good and safe In ell me needed, such u.- lDseh itom a ae n h Steepl if and Soreness over re= sudden clt!, which d In 111 Inns mans , et Fe. We, a Creeping Sen. lithe body, %jest cots weight In I he heed, Diseases. Worm,, In Rhea mat Is in, a treat • and many diseases to aided) to meutlo 1p advertios- IRON FOVNDER.S, NOTICE. No. 19 Fifth Street, OF THE UITEST AND MOST APPROVED STILES, WHICH THEY WILL IN DF23IRED MANNER, Siedir t al. THE PRECTIVLA.N SYRUP, Protected Solution of rProtoilde of IronCoMbined, TIAS SUCCESSFULLY - PASSED VIE 11 ordeal to which new discoveries in the Mator Modica are subjected, and must now be received MP an 'established medicine. Its efficacy in curing DYSPEPSIA, libsotions of the Liver, Dropsia, Neuralgia, Bron chitis and Consumptive Tendencies, Disor dared State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy,. • and the prostrating effects of Lead, or Nerciir l y,- General Debility, - and all- diseases which re quire a tonic and alters tive Medicine is be- • yond question. The proof of its efficacyare au numerops,so well a elite a timfed, and of such a peculiar char actor, that sufferers cannot reason- • " • ably hesitate to receive the proffer. 4,4,„ ip ed The Peruvian Syrupdoes notprc. • r-•-• , • : fess to be a cure-all, bat itifrange extensive, becalm:, many diseases ••• fi t , rtfrti"! • apparently unlike, are Intimately. , related, and proceeding from ono - ' , cause, may be curedby. one reme-, - . 285.1.• dy. The claw of diseases for Which the Syrup provides a cure, is precisely Unit Which has so often baffied.the .luer. it st order of medicinal skill. The facts are tangible, C.A, witnesses accessible, and ilia csaL . 3tv and efficacy oft to Syrup incontrovertible: - $l, or twit, es, $2, or six fur VA small bottles, $l, or six forss. . . Having confidence in the efficacy of the w Prammix Snurr," -as a medicinal agent, we recommend to our brethren in the ministry, the careful reading of. this pamphlet. Rev. John Pierpont, w Thos. Whittemore, " James B. Mlles, w S. H. Riddol, w Jos. H. Clutch, Sold by Itev. Martha Moore, Thos. Star -.Sing,., . Charles Brim, " Sylvaaas Cobb, " Edward Edtetmds -DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, 140 Wood atrceu I T A CO 01 Ho ILO WI kyJli ai TH,t..N THE- RICHEST DMIPEIti, " . Ever Worn by Kin - is si t Emperors WHAT/ A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR! • - THE ARTICLE THAT WILL NATU RALLY restore the color of the hair, the changing et which to gray, being an indication of a lack of proper secretions, is truly a valuable. medicine, Prof. Wood's Ham Tome is the only safe reinedy-for.. baldness, . - nese, premature change of color, and the several evi dences of a lack of secretions at the roots of the hair, . which can be found. Quack preparations abound, and "hair tonics" flu over corner grocery in the country. Avoid all " hair tonics unless known to be the prost ration of some' man whose celebrity has become world wide. Do not let any - nostrum vender eperimentnplin your hair. Touch nothing you have nos a good reason to believe is all that it purports to be. Prof. Woods has earned by years of severe test of the virtues Of his pre paration, Ids present fame. Over 150 cortiticatee ere be fore us of the value of this Hair Restorative, from par ties who have tried it. Read thelollowing.: Nsw Toss, Aprill9, 1858.—rra. Wooer—geor ar:—Per mit me to express to you the obligations I am under fir the entire restoration of my Hair to its original color- About the time of my arrival in the the United Staleo ll was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your Hair Restorative it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Beaten - dive as a very wonderftl invetv.l lion, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. I sin, dear sir yours truIy,S.XHALBERG. Prepared by 0. J. WOOD Co 4 Market st,„ St. 1:0(1 and 112 Broadway, N. Y, and sold by all druggim, and patent medicine dealers; also, by all fancy and toilet deal ers m the United States and Canada Bold by Dr. GEO. B. BETSER, No. 140 Wood atrobt., and B. L. FAILNESTOCE .t CO., No. at corner and Fourth streeta, and by all good Druggs = nerally. aeramdaw THE MOTES DISCOVERY Img AGE, Dr..D • KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discov oral in one of our common pasture weeds, a rem edy that cures EVERY. KIM! OF HUMOR, From the Worst Scrofula down to a com mon Pimple. ' Two botilea are warrazite4o cure a nursing sore month. One to three bottlei will cure the Worst kind of pim ples on the face. • - ' - Two or three bottles will cicarthe system of. Wee. -.Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the stomach. Three to fire bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of Erysipelas. 'One or two bottles arewarranted to cure all humor in the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. . . Four to six tattles are warranted to' cure corrupt and running ulcers. Fifteen to twenty bottle, will Cure theily eruptions, of the skirt. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm. • - Two to three bottles are warranted toeure the most desperate four °f b r o h ttlos "q' r la ,rranted to care - the eat rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrof ula. One to three bottles are waranted to cure the worst case of dyspepsia I know from the experrieneeorthous- ands that it has been caused by canker in the stomach. One to two bottles aro warranted to cm* sink,. head ache. 00141 One to two bottles are warranted to regulate a e state of the bowels. . One to two bottles will regulate nil derangement of the kidneys. - • Four to sit botiths cured the worst cases Ot dropsy.': One to three Nave cured the worst clause of piles ; retie; is always experienced; what a nierey to get relief in such an excruciating disease. .. A beneAt is always experienced from the first. bottles. and a perfect cure iswarranted whenthe above quantity is taken. No change of diet ever necessary; eat the best you can get and enough of it. The MEDICAL - DISCOVERY • Is admirably adapted to the Western country„where FEVER AND AGUE, DYSENTERY BILIOUS COLIC, BILIOUS FEVER, LIVER. DERANGEMENT, Are so prevalent in their respective seasons. The groat cause of the prevalence otthese diseasesis that, many have secreted m their system some PUTRID AND FATAL RUMOR, which - is the source of all dis eases, and many a young man and woman in the Blood of We are wasting away, whose faded cheeks and sunk en eyes warn their Mends •of a speedy dissolution, through the effects of some ACRID HUMO i teying uponthe vitals, and many thousandoi die an.n Morn the effects of these humors, who if they but purifytheir blood with a few bottles of Medical Dtamm.), would Ihre to a ripe old age. • - Another great cane of diseases is • Costiveness, FM this the Discovery is an WARING remedy, its action on the - - - - LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BOWEIA, Is all that you could. desire. For,, Scrofulous Ulcers You will follow the directions in pamphlet around R othe bottle. For ULCERATED SORE T.rr-7, Yon will find full directions m slwisunolllet - brinCinOtal sea lll3L—Adtins, one table apoontul a day; children over ten years, dessert epoonfub children from five to malityeare, teaspoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to_opero eta On the bowels twico a day. DONALD KENNEDY, - 30.120 Warm:drat, Ecoibory,lifass; /Or Prine $l,OO. For sale by every Draggiai in - the United States and British Provinces. • • DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, is 140 Mood ta, notlydaw To Housekeepers. _ a DIETHING NEW.—B. T. BABBITT'S BEET MEDICINAL takLEHATUS, Is manufactured from common salt, 11[111 is = , • • • entirely different from other. Bel • 0 0 the deletenous matter extracted to such manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit, and all binds °yolk°, without containing it wbele o AXI: . I. • • when the bread areakeisbaged; • by producing wholesome results. Fiery • _ U els of Baleratus is tinned to gas, and . through the bread or biscuit while baking co . Bev:tautly nothing remidurbut common Balt, Water and Flour. You will readily perceive the taste of Sslaratus that it is entirely • 6 format from other Baleratus. It ia packed in one pound papers, eachirra per branded, " 8.. T. tt's 1 1 '004 Medici ..,; lleierninti" also , picture, twisted loaf of with a &ascii eam•vesenag water on J.ba to When you purchase one-paper you should . - 4, , serve the wrapper and be particular togel the r ' next exactly like the drat—brand as above. Full - directions for making Bread with thi Saleratos and Sour Milk or Dream Tartar, will peat' each package; "I s , (brochette f. g e n .,. ...,„i,, , , , a it i e 1. a. ark kinds ol it. - Ida : tor making u • 11 MAKE V' , OWN ^BOAT,' .. . 7 I (In . - 17 0 a T. BABB' .... URF. CONCENTItATE. Warranted . .e_the strrngh of ordinary Poti, 6 8 , v,:.„... -u -r._ .i= lcvr al: s .:il:TEL , 3 l ' h2L' e s arcit i ldi 84; _. Anatanens w/11 pi:id this e cheep s!. Pedant . A market. - - - Mantitaasered and far sale tly - : . IND . . , c, 68 d . w B.T. hh BABBITT , - ! B. 70 - ay diir a. an all "I d No.ag /M I at, Boston. L i CnitZi;. :7 0 . . E I al t fo r A m ß e:fie l i el 4ln of s ' oP P . M''e rnn al - »- ( a )l v d s . 'at JOSEZALTitEmrNG'S.' 4 *Num Marko!. Areas 444 i Diamond.