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"f•s&‘::1 .0 • • •is- • ••••,- - • 4z.-- 4 . 1 , 1 • - e -- • • " - A t f • • ~. •-•.* g„ z: 'f -• iS I - I - ,•T Z l6.7.‘'t . 4 ,4 • 7 • • - 5 2 -41 * e : .P7,e • • 1 r ' 3 Iv; =Ed FI , I '' ' 4 :t--,z---•,:•!.-,..-. .'` .•:"` ..~ ~.~; VOLUME XVIII. the Paiiti F. JAMES P. BABB,. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. sums Five Dollars per year, strictly in ad VXIICC.. Weekly, Single sub ,. criphons Two Dol lars per year; in Clubs of the, One Dollar. LOCAL AFFAIRS. %Departure and Arrived of Passenger - Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rai/road. .......(Frorn corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leaves. Arches. Mail and express Train............1:50 A. M. 3:50 P. M. Express Train. 1:45 P. if. 2:10 A: M. (From Federal Street Station. Allegheny, for New Brighton and Way Stations.) First Train... Second Train Pennsyitnnia Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant - streets.) Leaves." ; Arrives. spross Train. 4:40 P.M- 1:40 P. M. 5:50 A. 51. 1:15 A. M. Fitst Line 2:50 A. M. 1:45 A. M. Johnstown Accommodation.-- 3:05 P. M. 11:00 A. M. First Turtle Creek " ._..11:20 A. M. 6:50 A. M 13800nd ." "" 4.55 P. M. 1:10 P. M. .Third " " 6:20 P. 51. 6:10 P. M. PUtsbergh and Conneilscille Railroad. (From 'Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. 7:00 A. M. 6:15 P. M 3. , 05 P. DI. 8:45 A. M Mail Train Express Tr*, The Republican Delegate Elections--Two Candidates have Four Wards Each—The Bloody Third 2 , holds the Balance of Power. The 'Republican primary meetings, for the purpose of selecting delegates to a convention, to be held on Wednesday next, for the selec tion of candidates for Mayor, Controller and Treasurer, were held on Saturday. _ Three candidates had been named for Mayor, Messrs.' B: C. Sawyer, Jr., George Wilson and Win. T. Murdoch. It became evident, however, that the latter had no chance, and the struggle concentrated on the two candi dates drat named. - The contest was a close one, and the friends of the respective candidates worked faithfully for them. The result leaves the matter, un fortunately, in as much uncertainty as before. By the following list it will be seen that in the ' First; Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Wards.dele gates favoring the nomination of Mr. Sawyer were elected, and in the Second, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth the friends of Mr. Wilson triumphed. In the Third Ward it seemed to be "every man for himielf," as two elections were hold, one at the curter of Sixth and Smithfield, and one at the comer of Wylie and Tunnel. The:names of the delegates, with their in structions for Mayor, are as follows: FIRST WARD—Joseph Brown, George Wil son, John Sarber, W. F. Richardson, James T. Kinkaid, Jr.- -instructed for Sawyer. 1 SECOND WARD—John L. Boyd, Thomas F. Wilson, John Marshall, John Wilson, . _Hamlet Lowe—instructed for Wilson. - - THIRD WARD—Robert Allingham, Joseph Hastings, Henry Haley, 0. H. Rippey, Dr. T. J. Gallaher—instructed for Wilson. And—Geo. W. Leonard, Andrew Simms. : Alex. Mitchell, J. H. Robinson, John Beck, Jr.—instructed for Sawyer. FOURTH WARD—Sall:el Lindsay, Jr., Rowan ....3leClure, Nelson Hersh, Joshua Ithodes, John Fullerton—instructed for Wilson. FIFTH WARD—Chauncey Carroll, George Caughey, Joseph Kaye ' James Taylor, Thomas Harris—instructed for Wilson. - SETra WARD john Phillips, William B. Hays, Theodore Robbins, A. B. Berger, Wm. • . Culp—instructed for Wilson. SEVENTH WARD—Geo. Gumbert, William - Mays, John Hoffer, Lewis Roll, Robt. Thomp son—instructed for Sawyer. • - Euswra WARD—C. H. Bcurmaun, E. D. .Ditheridge, William - Hutchinson, S. R. Pat . tenon, F. Freiderich—instructed fn• Sawyer. NINTH WARD—Joseph Reed, Daniel Ag new, J. Routh, W. Williams, James Lewis— instructed for Sawyer. The delegates, we learn, were, generally, left - to use their own discretion as to the candidates for Treasurer and Controller. _ -It is difficult to predict how this contest will . terminate. Both sets of delegates from the :Mini Ward will, of course, demand seats in the convention, and both may get them. in - the latter- case each candidate would have twenty-five V'otes--or in case both are excluded -twenty. This will not be decided until Wed nesday, unless the candidates should agree upon A coraprOinise and one set withdraw. In the there will, 'we - doubt not, be sorise tieavy log-rolling, to induco some one delegate to depart from his instructions. But when the convention comes off. we shall see what WO shall sea. We Democrats look on much as the woman did whose husband fought with the . -bear—not caring much which whips. 4 Astorran,=-The application of J. B. M'Don ough for his final discharge under the insol vent laws, was argued in the Court of Corn ; mon Pleas on Saturday, by John M. Kirkpat rick and Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., for peti tioner, and Tiles. ilaanilt6n on the other bide. This case has occupied the attention of the Court several times. It will be remember ' ed that M'Donough was,conyieted of affilia. 'Eton with Miss Lizzie Murphy, and sentenced to pay the usual expenses, instead of which he chose to serve a term of three months in jail. A preliminary order was made for the dis- Charge of his bail -bond under the insolvent ' laws, but the oppasing counsel contending that the application was made one term too soon, the case was ordered to be put on the argument list. An ineffectual effort to do this WWI made by Counsel, and on Saturday the matter came 1;:p for argument on the question of releasing the asiciirity: It rush ably contested by the gentlemen named, and at the hour of adjourn ment the Court took the papers and promised an early. decision. ASSAITLT O-N OFFICES.—James Porter was committed to jail on Saturday, to answer a charge of assault and battery with intent to lad an officer, James Man, of the Mayor's po- Pirrter was arrested on Friday for disc.' , derly conduct, and locked up in one of the watch-house cells, where he drew a pistol and threatened-to - shoot, officer Munn, who arrested him. Officers:Clark and Munn attempted to • tiake the weapon from him, considering it den , gereugfor him to be:allowed to keep it, and in the melee the. pistol was fired at the latter, this ball narrowly missing hii head and lodging in die ceiling. The weapon might have gone off ,acoiaentally, but it was the opinion of - Munn that Porter tried to shOot him. The pistol was taken from him, and in the morning, "the Mayor, after hearing the circumstances, ccxtinitted him for trial on the above charge. This Porter is the same who made the:attack on officer Hamilton at Iron City Park, last • • wor. pft!zE FIRE Horac.—The silver fire Min to be presented to the Assistance fire Com pany of Philadelphia, by the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society as a premium for the best first-class fire engine exhibited at the last State fair, has been convicted. It was manu factured by Messrs Wilson & Sons, Philadel phia,- at a cost of $11.15. It is exquisitely wrought, handsomely adorned, and altogether one of the most ornate affairs of the kind that we have ever seen.- Near the-base is a minia ture stag,- and in various parts- are stag heads, put there in consequence of the company being familiarly known as "the Stag." A heart; one Of the emblems of the company, stands out upon'thO side of the horn; and bears the fol lowing inscription : " Firstoremium, awarded by the Pennsylvania State Agridultural Society the Assistance' _Fire Company,. :kr. the, best tlrit-clais- band-engine, exercised:2at the fair, held at Poweltkn, September 29, 1859." .A slccoND balloting for a Democratic candi. date for Alderman in the Third ward will be pad: today between the hours' of three and seven o'clock. We understand that:the rest of the candidates have withdrawn, leaving a ''clear, field and a free tight" to Messrs. Mc- Bride and Dean. The contest will be a close one, we have no doubt. The voting will be done at Duffy's, on grant street. XS& KEESEY, wife of the absconding Washington clergyman, has, with her five children, returned to her father's house, in Mifflin county, where they will find a home. Nothing has been heard from her husband or his companion. . . Lawson's Nervous Curative and Nerve Tonic --for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Spinal Dis— eases, Nervous Headache, Lame Back, Pleurisy. Tic Douloureux, Toothache, Chilblains, Chafed Feet, Burns and Sprains. at. I, Leonard Chase, of .Milford, N'ow Hamp shire, certify that for near two years and one half previous to the last of August, 1858, I had been afflicted with neuralgia, which had con stantly grown more severe, and finally affected the whole right side. I had consulted some of the most eminent physicians in New England, but received from them no permanent relief. I suffered excruciating pain, and for several months had not enjoyed a quiet night's sleep. My 'right arm was nearly paralyzed, and for many months I could not raise my hand to my head, or put on or take off my coat or vest without help. • I could not attend to my busi• ness, and had well nigh relinquished all hope of relief. On the first application of the Ner vous Curative, furnished me by Peter Lawson, Esq., I experienced immediate relief from pain, and slept soundly all night. Since that time I hav3 constantly improved in health and strength, am now able to attend to my business, and enjoy quiet sleep. The neuralgic pains have left me entirely, and my health is better than it has been for many years. Leaves. Arrives 9t.10 A. AL 8:15 4:40 P. M. 210 P.M LEONARD CHASE Milford, N. H., February 19, 1869. I, Loammi B. Ward. of Milford, New Hamp shire, certify that my wife, Rachel C. 'Ward, has been afflicted with neuralgia for more than fifteen years. At first her teeth and head only were affected, but in a short time it attacked her neck and spine, and for more than ten years has affected her entire body so that she has been, utterly unable to do any work for a considerable portion of the time. Up to about two months ago scarcely a day has passed, for ten years, when she was not obliged to lie in bed during a, large part of the time. I con sulted many physicians, but she never obtained any relief till about two months ago, when she commenced applying the Nervous Curative, furnished by Peter Lawson, Esq. On the sec ond application, the neuralgic pains entirely left her, and she has continued to improve steadily. Her appearance bas changed much for the better. She is now able to keep about her work during the entire day, and the pain has ceased to afflict her. LOAMMI B. WARD. Milford, N. 11., January 24th, 1859. This certifies that about eight weeks ago, I was taken sick with a violent attack of neu ralgia, from which I suffered the most. excru tiating pain I ever endured, in my head, face and neck. For three days and two nights, during the time of my sickness, I found nei ther rest nor sleep. I tried several remedies for neuralgia, but only suffered the more. On the third night, I was induced by a friend to send for the Hon. Peter Lawson, having acciden tally learned that ho had discovered a remedy for neuralgia. Mr. Lawson sent me a bottle of hie Nervous Curative. It was applied early in the evening, according to directions, and in less than half an hour I was in a profound sleep, which continued about eight hours. When I awoke I was much refreshed, and the pain was nearly gone. La two more applica tions I was entirely- free from pain, and have continued so. I have applied it several times, and it has strengthened my nerves. My health has much improved, my appetite is good, and I am now able to attend to my daily busine,s. I would also state that I have also tried it on my son George, for neuralgia and nervous headache, with equal success, and do cheerful ly recommend it to those catering with neu ralgia, or any nervous disease., May 6, 1859. PETER LAW:SON, Esq.—Feeling that it is the duty of those who have been cured of a pain ful disease by any new remedy to do all they can to make the remedy known, I write you this letter of acknowledgment to me as you may see fit. I have been many times, with other members of my family, a sufferer from neuralgia, and have despaired .of any relief, when it was my good fortune to, got a bottle of your Nervous Curative. I found in it instant relief, after a few applications. Since using it I have experienced a - freedom from pain, and an undisturbed sleep. Tcheerflilly'recommend your Nervous Curative to all Sufferers from neuralgic attacks in any part of the systoth. THOMAS J. WHITTEMORE. LOWELL, Mass., June 4, 1859. Ma. LAWSON:—Having been cured by the use of your Nervous Curative of. a severe at tack of neuralgia, it becomes my duty to give my testimony of its efficiency for the benefit of those similarly afflicted. I had been suffer ing for four or five months with this painful disease, and had tried nearly all other reme dies to urpose, when, with but little ex pectatio T - applied your Curative. The benelltted me much, and having used nearly two bottles of it, lam restored to my usual health. I hope that all afflicted with neuralgia will give your Cura tive a faithfuletrial. LOWELL,. Mass., 182 Merrimack St,l January 25, 1859. PETER Lawsort, Esq.—Mr Dear Sir : I can not let this opportunity pass without express ing my gratitude to you for tbe wonderful re lief I experienced from the use of your Nervous Curative for my neuralgia, a complaint which nothing previously tried had relieved. I have been troubled with neuralgia more or less-for the last twelve years. When I madethe first ap plication, five months ago, I must confess I bad no faith in any remedy. I was suffering with extreme pain all• over my bogy, myarms being quite benumbed,and my legs paralyzed so that I could. not use them. I could not rest or sleep at all, nor had I been able to sleep for months. I made the first application in the evening, by applying your Nervous Curative very freely to the head and spine, and all parts affected, as directed. / happy t, inform you that my first night of sound sleep folloy;od. I slept eight hours or more. I had triedirvery reme dy I could hear of and consulted the most em inent physicians in New England and New York, but never - found any relief. Three days before applying your Nervous Curative, I was given up incurable. At times, for six months previous to adopting your Nervous Curative, I was very much troubled with neuralgia on the brain, so that I was quite insensible at times and my mind• wandered often. I have had slight nains at times since my first application, ..hatio my o; ce, and atten. to my usual, I sleep well, and have a_good appetite. lam gratefully yours, C. E. LEWIS. LOWELL, Mass.,June Ist, 1859. HON. PETER L.A.Nrsor.—Par Sir; It. is with great pleasure that I inform you that I have used your Nervous Curative with the most satisfactory success. I have been tidubled for some years with a severe pain in my head, so that at times I was almost incapable of attend ing to my business. lily using your Curative, I found almost immediate relief. My wlfe had been subject to neuralgia in her head and teeth, so as to deprive her of sleep several nights. On applying the Curative two or three times, 'she was entirely cured, and has not been troubled with it.. She has also used it with like success for the rhetimatism. I world ad vise all who are allliated, with any of thodis eases for which the Nervous Curative is recom mended, to try it immediately, and thereby avoid much .suffering. Very respectfully yours, .19.9HT.LA. MERRILL. • BOSTON, May 6th; 185 D. PETER Liwsoy—Dear Sir : I take very great pleasure in adding my testimony ip fa vor of your "Curative;" and shall take equal pleasure in recommending and dispensing it among my afflicted friends. Having bean se verely troubled with neuralgia for three or four years, I feel competent to judge of ita beneficial effects; being entirely relieved of all pain by it. And I am happy to add that I have the moat perfect 'confidence in its_power to remove net-. You, affections. -' ' ' LOWELL, Mass., Fob. S. 1859 Yours, most respectfully, W ALDO FISHER. Respectfully yours, MRS. N. HILL JOHN. E. •HIIKFEUiI/:'*: PITTSBURGH. WILMINGTON DEPOT, May 16, 1869. PETER lawso:s—Dear Sir : It is with a sen sation of pleasure to ourselves and gratitude to you, that I take my pen to inform you of the recovery ofmy wife by the use of your "Nervous Curative." For two and a half years past my wife has been unable to attend to the family and household duties, on account of the most intense suffering from the most agonizing of all pains arising from neuralgia on the sciatic nerve. The consequent loss of sleepand debility rendered her recovery almost hopeless, and no remedy,proved efficacious, although many of them had been prescribed by the most eminent physician in the State. On the recommenda tion of J. Short, conductor of the Boston and Lowell Railroad, a bottle your Nervous Cura tive was forwarded to her by Mr. Leavitt, our worthy station agent, a few months since, and applied during one of the severest attacks of the disease; to our astonishment it afforded al most immediate relief, and has restored her from suffering, so that she now enjoys sweet and refreshing sleep. We have used two bot tles of it, and still continue to use it, as we find it strengthens her nerves every day. She now enjoys better health than she has for years. We earnestly and most sincerely recommend your valuable remedy for all afflicted with nervous diseases, satisfied they will find it such a blessing as never to be without it, or recom mending it to their friends We are sincerely and gratefully yours, L. STRATTON, M. B. STRATTON. NASHUA, N. H., March IL 1839. PErsa LA WKON, Esq.—Dear Sir: It is with great pleasure that I inform you that I have used your Nervous Curative for the cure of chilblains, and with entire success. I have been sorely afflicted with them for many years, and never found any permanent relief till I ap plied your Nervous Curative, according to di rections. I also had n very severe attack of pleurisy, and applied your Nervous Curative, and it gave me immediate relief. I consider it one-of the' best remedies I ever used ; and re commend it most cheerfully to the afflicted. YoUrs truly, J. B. EATON. It‘sd-master, Boston and Lowell, and Nashua and Lowell Railroads. Nisnue, N. H., March 7, 18: - 4+. PETER LAtTdON, Esq.—Dear Sir : I have been very much afflicted with the neuralgia for the last fifteen years, during which time T have suffered greatly with it, and have tried many remedies without receiving any beneert, until I tried your Nervous Curative for it with entire success. I received immediate relief after its application. I most cordially recommend it to those suffering with this, heretofore, incur able disease. I am, 'very respectfully, yours, AARON I'. HUGHES PETER Lewsos, Eivq.-I),iar Sir: In reply to your inquiry whether I can certify to the quali ties you claim for your Nervous Curative, I have to say, that in a case of great nervous ex citement in my family, causeAl by an ulcerated tooth and consequent absence of sleep, I saw your Nervous Curative applied with the most satisfactory effect. The excitement was at once allayed, and the sufferer soon became composed in steep. lam yours truly, IS2 A 1.7 GUOIM E Lowell, _Mass., March 9, 1839. No. WARREN STREET, BoSToN, • April ISth, 1859. ME. PETER LAWSON—Dear Sir: I deem it an act of gratitude to you and a duty toward those who are suffering from rwrvoili head ache or ant• Other nervous ..li4ease to make the following statement: For the last ten yesrs my wife has suffered severely from nervous headache, and has tried many remedies with out relief, In February last she was advised by n friend, and at her suggestion I procured bottle of your Nervous Curative. On the first application, the pain almost in,t,:trannerlusly ceased, much to our amazement. She has not been troubled with nervous headache since, and by the daily use of your Nervous Curative, morning, and evening, her nerves have (,•- come quite strong. We have recommended it to many of our friends, who have used it with the same happy result. My wife joins me in recommending it to all who are suffering from nervous diseases, as we are fully satisfied of ILA safe properties, its healing influence, and sf its beneficial effects being immediate Most respectfully yours, H. S. SIMMONS LoWELL, Mass, March 17, 185:. PETZII. LAWSON, ESQ.—Dear Sir: It gives rue great pleasure, at this time, to assure you of the benefit which I have derived from the use of your Nervous Curative cure for neural gia and kindred diseases. For several weeks I suffered very much from neuralgia, both in Ms' arms and legs. I was unable to walk, my left arm bad become nearly paralyzed, and for many nights I had been deprived of refreshing sleep. Having made use of various applica tions without obtaining Mier, I was advised to try your Nervous Curative, and 1 can now heartily testify to its worth. On the first appli cation I experienced relief from pain, so as to sleep quietly for several hours, and in four days from the time of my commencing to use the Nervous Curative, I was able to walk about the house, and use my arms quite natu rally. Since then my nerves have continued to grow stronger. I can now walk easily and without pain, and can use my arms almost as well as ever. Hoping that many an afflicted one, by faithfully using your Nervous Cura tive, may experience similar effects, and as suring you . of my continued health, I remain, most respectfully yours, SOLON W. STEVENS. BRIGHTON, May 16, 185i1. PETER LA WHO N, Esq.—My Dear Friend : On the night of the ldth of October last, I was attacked with rheumatism, 1 extending along the spine and between the shoulders. It was so severe that it was with difficulty I could sleep upon my bed. Three :days after this I was attacked with the gout, and seventeen days after with neuralgia in coy side, which confined me to the house for more than three months. When I met you on the 11th day of April in the Horticultural . Rooms, Roston, it was with clittictilty and much pain that I could walk. You told me of your Nervous Curative, and were kind enough to send rne'e bottle of it on the 11th day of April. At this time I had very little faith in any externjil applications, having tried many linimentsand mixtures without the least good effect. I made use of your curative that night, and to my surprise it gave me groat relief from that time to the present day. I have used it each night and found great relief. I would not lie without it. My business, as you well know, is that of a nurseryman, and at this season of the year I constantl ,on my feet, and exposed to the quiet a few a ;41 . 4 ....11,1n n0 doubt, when I can keep remedy, I she I be en i ~ a * ake faithful use of your feet its (Ray td recommend ilisi c iTr a -J ea . a. i l l My friends and acquaintances. I have aWerar,l . ,: done so in several cases, and have invariably been rewarded by the grateful thanks of the sufferers. There is no mistake about it; you have certainly discovered a relief for rheurna• tism and neuralgia, and it will afford mo plea sure to explain more fully the relief I have ob tained to any ono who will call at my house. Most truly and gratefully yours, E. AUGUTUS STORY. Nurseries and Gardens, Brighton, Mass. P . ET.ER Lsweox, Esq.—Dear Sir: I would here state that Mrs. NanCY G. Adams, (my wife,) has suffered intensely from neuralgia in different parts of- her body, for the last four years.. She,was affected to the extent that she could. not ran or sleep day or right, until abOut two months ago, when she applied your Ner vous Ciirative;sna by usibg it a few times, the neuralgia left her, and she has not been trou bled with it since, and now enjoys perfect health. And about the same time I got up one morning with a severe pain in my shoulder. It was so lame that I could with difficulty raise my hand to my bead. I rubbed on the Cura tive, and in balf an hour the pain was all gone, and has not troubled me since. The Nervous Curative, we• cheerfully recommend to all troubled with like diseases, and we are happy that you have been so fortunate as to discover a sure remedy for that heretofore incurable dis ease. riettralgia. Yours truly, _ . • • • - - CYRUS P: ADAMS. Lewes; April 11th, 1859. MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1859. MILFORD, N. N„ March 4, 1859. I, Jane B. Thompson, of Milford, N. H., certify that I had chilblains very severely about five weeks ago; that on one application A. 1.1 of Mr. Lawson's News Curative they were cured and have remain so . . J 88. THOMPSON. MILFORD, N. 114 March 19th, 1859. I, James Pearion, of Milford, N. H., certify that I have generally suffered in the winter time from chilblains. I had them badly this winter, and applied Mr. Lawson's Nervous Curative, which removed the disease entirely, in a very few applications. JAME 3 PEARSON. MlLFortn, N. H. March 16, 1869. I, Edwin S. Trow, of Milford, N. H, certify that my mother, widow Sarah Trow—who has for many years been afflicted with neuralgia— being attacked by severe neuralgic pains while on a visit to me last September, was induced to try some of Mr. Lawson's Nervous Curative. The first application produced immediate relief from pain, and while she remained with me, (some more than three weeks after,) she did not suffer from neuralgia. _ _ MILFORD, N. IL, February 28, 1859. 1, Abel A. Lovejoy, of Milford, N.ll, cer tify that my wifo, Mary Jane Lovejoy, has been subject to frequent and severe attacks of neuralgia for the last fifteen years. About two months ago, she had 'a very severe attack, and was advised by a neighbor to try M. 7. Law son's Nervous Curative. ,The first application gave her relief from pain. She has not used the Curative since, but only some four or five times when she had neuralgic pains, and it has never failed to give almost instantaneous relief. ARIEL A. LOVEJOY. NASHUA.. N. 11., March 18th, 18:5!1. Ma. LAwsos—Dear Sir: I have to express my gratitude to you for a bottle of your Nerv ous Curative. My wife has been suffering for the la-t three years front a bad shoulder, which has been very painful—so much so, that she could not sleep nights, nor attend to her household du ties during the day, but since using the Nerv ous Curative she has been perfectly free from pain, and is now able to attend to her family as usual. We have used it in our house for tes and chilblains, with perfect success in releaving us from pain. Yours, truly, ALMON WOOD. WILTON, N 11 March :Ist. ItA3:l This is to certify that my wife has been afflicted with neuralgia for several years and never got any satisfactory relief, until three weeks ago, when I bought a bottle of Mr. Lawson's Nervous Curative. After one ap plication the pain ceased, and 61 . y has had only a slight return of the pain, so slight that she did not think it worth while to apply the med icine. I can cheerfully recommend this truly wonderful medicine, to all who are similarly afflicted. I bought it of Ferdinand S. Hutch inson, at East Wilton, who is agent for it , sale. LOAMMI BALDWIN. .11mrcian, N. IL, April 5, 1859. PFTER LAWSON, am truly and sin cerely hap py to inform you that we daughter, Florence jann Thompion, nine years old, has quite recovered her health. She has been severely afflicted. with pains in the book, be tween her shoulders, in the head and leg!, nearly all the past winter. 1 was persuaded py a friend to tryvour Nervous Curative to alle viate. her pains. - procured a bottle and a e...d it very freely, according to your printed direc tions, and 1 am most happy 1,) state it did erad icate an, pain entirely by a few applications. She is now able to attend school as usual, and is free from all pain, and I do roost cheerfully and earnestly recommend its use to all families where there are children suffering from pain I am nimt respectfully yours. PM E T THOM PSON MR. M. I'. AlliON, Agent, Concord, New Ilamp9hire—Yity tather has used the bottle of Lawaon's Curative whip h you sent him, and 1 am happy to add it he. done him a great deal of good. Will you have the goodric3s to send him two bottlee more, by ex pre,is, at your carliett convenience. The:expresa agent will lay you for it. Yours truly, MARY L. HUTTON ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP "ARABIA," EAST BOSTON. A117,0F1. '22, 1K59. 'PETER LAWSON, K . N.-DCll,i fir: The bot tle of your Nervous Curative which you so kindly sent me, has fairly put me on my feet again, for which I beg to return you my best thanks. I had been for some days suttering greatly from rheumatism in my left leg, particularly the knee, so much so that I could not move without assistance, and when changin,,,— my position had to hare the leg lifted or sot down. 1 had also been unable to get any sleep for 6eceral nights„ when on TUPAIIy last you gave me the bottle of your Nervous Curative; and although the limb was so sure that I could not bear any pressure. still, after the first applica tion, I slept nundly, and the next morning could bear to have it (thy 1i,1,7) well rubbed. I have continued to improve since, and, I am happy to say, am now able to resume my duties. I am determittki never to be without a bot tle of your Nervous Cdrative"with me: and I ball take care to keep my tamily in England supplied with it also, that they may enjoy its benetita as well as myself. With every feeling of gratitude for your in estimable discovery, Believe me faithfully yours, GEORGE ALEX. LEWIS, Second Officer Steamship ''Arabia." LA WI-ON'S NERVOUS CURATivE ANT) NERVE Tomi:.--Sonie months since the proprietor of this preparation discovered the wonderful properties of the Ingredients of which it is combined, in suitable proportions. The al most instantaneous zeliet it afforded in nervous affections induced him to place it in the hands of his friends and neighbors, of this city, who were . thus afflicted, whether it . assumed, the type of - nduralgia or othdr mid inciter forms of I the same nervous affection. The results were surprising, and through their representations, Mr. Lawson has been induced to offer the Cu rative to the public. That it possesses an effi ciency greatly superior to any other prepara tion for the same purpose, with which we are acquainted, we can testify from actual observa tion. We have witnessed the effect it has produced in effecting permanent cures of this terrible disease. We know instances where individuals, for years afflicted, have been per manently restored to health by its use. This information is "equally shared by the commu nity around us. The parties Nyho have been thus befiffillted, are well known as among the most respectable of our citizens. They will be in moat cases the readers of this article, and will testify to the correctness of our statements. ' -33. 1 . , Lawson, the proprietor, has for many years Dow., our among us, and is known as one of our most "promk,..-.....,. t b us in e s s men. His references to the value of his Nu, - .-nue Cu .;. rativo are also persons well known to us cit izens of standing and integrity, in who u -\,,,,,,. statements implicit confidence may be placed, and their testimony may be, talt,,m as conclu sive evidence cf the estimation in which Mr. Lawson's rereedris held at home. Here, it hits already attained that position that needs no recommendation. Having stood the test of trial here, wo can with safety, and do, recom mend with entire confidence its use elsewhere, by all who may be in any manner afflicted with any ffirm of nervous disease, as the most efficacious yemedy, of which we hay°. .any knoWledge.—Lowelt belly Journal and Cour ier, June .17, 1859. Sold by Goorge Royser, Druggist, No 140 Wooci etreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. TAKEN BACK.—Wise, the supposed horse thief, from Huntingdon, Perry county, was taken back on Saturday by the Sheriff of that county. Ho will be held for trial, and we are informed there are several charges against him, on which ho will most probably be sent to the Penitentiary. 4 .6D,DITTED TO THZ BAR.—On Saturday, on motion of Thomas M. Marshill, Esq.; JiklAn J. Case was admitted to practice in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter. Sessions, Coramor i Please and Orphans' Court of.thilcooty:' ASSAULTS —On Saturday Alderman Rogers committed Francis Fitzsimmons to jail for trial on a charge of assault and battery, pre ferred by Richard Carr. mines Mullen and James M'Clatchey were also held in $3OO each, to answer a charge of assault and battery on Peter Kuntzler, alleged to have been perpetrated on Pennsylvania avenue on Saturday. The information was made before Alderman Lewis. THE Pennsylvania canal has donera fine ybus iness the present s on. The receipts at the Junction, alone, a . ve Harrisburg, amount to 513,000, find may each $lOO,OOO before navi gation closes. The "West Branch and Susque. henna canal company are making arrange ments for improving their canal. Itisdesign ed to make it as deep and wide as the Penn sylvania canal, so that the largest boats can pass. COMMITTED von - ILLEGAL LIQUOR SELLING. —Alderman Lewis, on Friday, committed to jail Mary Somerville alias Mcßride, on two charges, preferred by Lowry West, ono for selling liquor on Sunday and one for selling without license. Defendant keeps a tavern near the City Poor Farm, and West alleges that sho persisted in selling, though frequently warned. EDWIN S. now IS IT TRUE ?—A rumor was in circulation on Saturday, of which we heard no confirma tion, that one of the crow of a coal boat, in chargo of Maxwell Cornelius, pilot, which left during the early part of the week, had been killed on the downward trip, by tha parting of a cable. Wo did not bear the name, but Yearned he resided in Allegheny. Wm" the exception of a single matter. no ticed elsewhere, the business in our County Courts on Saturday was unimportant, consist ing of a few motion's in the Common Pleas and Orphans' Courts. TIIE BENCH.—Judge Mellon presided with Judge M'Cluro in the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas on Saturday for tho.first time. thbrrucr I 'num—fiefornl;40 , 4 Hampton and hams. In the 'velment else lech, 1059. of Mxell rk...Slr,ount e. the Jury fo , und a verdict for the a pl w an:l6ff with rents darnugov and six (tents costs, the plan:aid - not to take po,tession of the Property ortul the payment of f 291:,. due one of defendant, U. A. FAIINEEI , Co A C 023 Penn Wmze Loan.—The city of 'hushingh has always been noted for the excellence and parity of its manufacture of white lead. For many years it has been one of our leading tnanufacturing products. one of the eldest establishment, in the city, that of Messrs. 11. A. Fahnestock A Co. has always been celebrated for the pure and unexcelled quality of its white lead. For nearly sixteen years they hare been engaged in the business. and during that period can make their beast that they hare never placed their name en u keg of white lead that eentained any other articles than MI and lead. Their manufacture has been analysed by competent chemists in dithircut cities o r the country, and they hare invariably given their verdict that it is pure carbonate of lead and linseed oil. Their lead is not only strictly pure, but is remarkable for its fineness and whiteness. The best judge, of the articles hare pronounced It. A. Fahneatock's white teal without a supormr in this or any other market_ WO refer to our advertising columns for some notices of this article. ,lilts. \Val hrs.—This lady played the ' , art of Marina, in the e 1 iticheas of Main," on Saturday evening, to a good house, sustaining in her admirable acting. the high reputation she has gained, end to which she is well en. Mind. The piece ivnt, well played throughout, and the audience were troll pleased. To-night this,rea/ly emi nent redress will repent her greal. character of Meg Mor rie,. in the play of Oily Mannering. per rendenng of flits 4 . ..11414•1t'r un Friday night Vrf. each a It) Convint! , all thst she is ail that has been claimed for her as an ac tress. The drama et the WrOck Ashore wilt c.inclnife the entertainment, and to all who wish to spend - an evening in real-en j oyment, we nay Uovrrll.ox.---We 11:tvt• ree,lve v i from the pub' (' Brain, a ,opy of hi+ nr.w deA,rintive•— buok of the l'lttyburgh. Fort Wayne and Clot-ago Rail d:oinprt-Jog a domenption of the towns, 4Latione• country. and hnportanc w0rk , ..,0 the lino of tho road' •ketvh,e. of l'lttsnurgh and Chi - eaq". Vol Wo.tona eon net•tiono road, and . tle r rrd..utaton n Q Liable. to traveler.. to whom it .1111.- a u,ofnl C0111p..1141 . 011T1 of tnfortnation, omen mg flit a•. - 1 4 -d.tatlsti,.. my a cheap, f , rnra,-t and xnraotirn (unit. rnax:r or TIML.-1 lie new time talk of the Or, eland Pitt.bergh Railroad goes into operation The morning express for Cleveland, will leare at 2.001. and the afternoon expree. Sro sant.. place at 1:55 P. M. Two daily train. for Coltimblei, Cincinnati and St. Louie. at the hours above mimed. The morning ex. prem. for Wheeling loofas at 1100 A. M.: the mail train nt 6. , ) A M., end the afternoon exprea. at 1:55 P. M. Noern Herren Hu - ay.—This standard quarterly fey Noveints , r. Leonard :Scott 1 co.'s re-publication, 1< at lambi. It l!OtIta111% a dozen readable and interesting iv bole., on lit e Kul,eet. Among (twin are two trotthy of specisl attention. one on Canning and hi. Times, and one on Libraries. Tho book Is for sale at Hunt * Muter's. Nl..onic If rca'a Claw—That much talked of hook, or at least a compendium of it, it for cal,' Ly John W. Tice.•':, at Dave. k Rook Store. 31ECHANIC8' Institution, the want of which has been so Inn:: felt by our citizens is now open. under the superintendence of Messrs Jackman A Johnson, to the Lafayette 13uilding. En trance, ES Wood street. It is designed for the perpt-tiutl exhihition of the products of Mechanics, Idanufactus rots, Inventor•, and Artisans; and as a place of resort for those seeking information relative to those branches of industry, either by examination of samples or scientific publications. Those haring articles to bring before the public will find it greatly to their advantage to leave samples. Q' The public are respectfully invited to visit the mail lute. H.EATINO fly STE.AM.—As a tostimonial of the workmanlike manner, perfect action r their self regulating machines, malty, er,monly in fuel, and the Mile attention necessary to keep esch room comfortable, toe give this certificate to Me,rs. Pavia and Phillips, surcesaors to Phillip, A co., for their plan of heating atc.arn the Second - Ward Public Schoola in the city of Pittaburgh, 'and which has met our approval, and we would recommend them to the public to give entire aatiefactiou of heating by steam. R. Miller, Jr, John Marahall, Jr, M. Ticfle, George Wilson, John Wilson, L. Wilcox, Directors. DAVIS A PHILLIPS, Steam Healing, Gas Fttting, Piumbuig stui Braes Founders, Deniers in eresysiescrtption of Gets Futures awl Pumps No. 67 Wood and 145 First street, OttsLurgli. BREWER, ALALTSTEB, AND 110,f DEALER Pitt gtrs?t, Pittsburgh. TT A V. t N a COMMENCED BREWING A—an for tho scs,on, I urn now prepared to ftirninn my custotnern with a In addition to my regular brands, I am manufactur mg a very FINE FLAVORED BITTER ALE. put up in small packages expressly for family use. This Ale is not only a delightful beverage, but is highly recommended b the inedie .Ifaculty, for invalids, where a mild, nourishing tonic is required. I have also my celebrated WHEELING BOTTLED ALES, Constantly on hand, consisting of. KENNETT BITTER AND CHAMPAGNE; PORTER AND BROWN STOUT. Packages moot to any pact of tho city. augll;fai PEARL STEAM MILL, FInUR, CORN MEAL AND HOMINY, IN eiTTBURGII AND AIALEOINA't AULlydavr) TURKS, CAHN ON DELIVERY "13‘L. EISNER, • No. 114 Cor. 'od and Firth Streets, WILL SELL BLA FROCK DRESS COATS use to soil at • 0 10,00 for $ 0.25 Frock. Dress Cloth, fine, uso to Bell at.- i 'OO for 10,00 First Quality Cloth, " ' ff 18,00 rf.r 12,00 Week Cloth Pants, " 5,00 for 4, .' Z uperfine) " 6.00 for Cassimere suits made to order. " . 25,00 for 1 4 '8,0 00 0 -• • Also, Satin, Plush;Sille and Cloth Vests, • 1:41i ..,, GENTS' •FURNISHING GOOlOB. At very low prices.. The above is the Cash Price, andby here, has refomng to this advertisement, the above prices will be 010 claims of Irrm. Strictly adhered to .: ' . °e l l Ltielfon dency. A number of th, Convention have' withdrawn, Convention' is'iire;gl4t= and uhatithefi. NEW DRUG STORE, CDR. EAST LANE AND OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, .A LARGE folOplv of DRUGS, OLLS,I PAINTS., VARNISH, meat of DYE STUFFS, HURNIDIGILUIDS, ands select ansort- PEraFtriSZCZ,R,I3E3S- j Map, a general asaorttnant of 11..41ifitiarlir, 31. D. N. B. REETSICIAI63 .I.RESCRIPTIONS carefallyi amponadad. • I a/ • ' .1.10 GEORGE W. SMITH, suuxott ARTICLE OF I , BMII ALE. R. I'. KENNEDY... S. KENNEDY ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY & BRO.. WHEAT RYE AND CORN PURCIIASAD MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED THE LATEST NEWS afoz . • rEzn4i:t.,A.p.l-1. THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. WA-SHINCiTON CITY, December 10.—The Senate was not in session to-day. HOUSE.—Mr. Hickman, of Pennsylvania, moved an amendment to the' journal, as no mention had been made therein of his resolu tion for the adoption of the plurality rule.- The Clerk said that the resolution was merely mado for information. Mr. Hickman insisted that he had the right to offer the resolution, which took precedence of all other questions. He asked for a decision of the question. Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, wed Mr. Wash borne, of Maine,: contended that Mr. Hick man had the right to introduce the resolu tion. Mr. Houston, of Alabama, took the opposite side of the argument. Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, said that even -if he should yield the floor, to which ho was entitled, the resolution could not be entertained now, as other questions were pending. Mr. 'Hickman replied that the remark did not apply to him. - He should vote for a Re publican in preference to any gentleman who sustains this administration. (Applause on the Republican side, intermingled with hisses from the other side.) Mr. Reagan said that nobody doubted that the gentleman would vote for the Republicans and against a Democrat. Ho repeated that the object of this unlawful' attempt to act upon that resolution, was to shield gentlemen from the responsibility of doing indirectly what they would not do directly. Mr. Reagan, of Texas, took occasion to say that the pluraTV resolution was designed to enable men to vonx-Indirectly for a Black Re publican, when they - 1 , 7 4 0 t Id \ not come up like men, and vote directly for sucks nominee. Mr. Hickman—l have never nqnceded any,. where what my ultimate action would be. I prefer the election of a sound Democrat; by that I mean a Democrat opposed to this Ad ministration—an an ti-Lecompton Democrat— I have endeavored for a week to elect such a man, but I am beginning to fear that I shall be unable to consummate that work. I believe that either a friend of the Administration nr a Re publican is ultimately to be elected Speaker.— ' am frank to say, in that event, I have decided on the choice of the latter. I have offered this resolution for the purpose of .reaching an organization. If the Administration party succeed, I trust 1 shall submit in becoming spirit, lam perfectly willing that every man in the country should know my views. Let the motion to amend the journal bo put to the House to decide. Wm. Smith, of Virginia, said that the mo tion was unnecessary in his view of the sub ject. If the gentleman means to vote for the Republican nominee, he and those thinking with him can do so, and thus ends the ques tion. Nu man who has witnessed that gentle man's course for the last two years could doubt that he would at last land in the Republican ranks. Ho says he wants a sound Democrat elected, and yet will vote with the Republi cans. Who does he fool by such a doctrine as that" The members of the Democratic party are here to perform a high and holy duty to their country. I want him to be understood as a Bieck Republican, who only takes the name of Democrat for the purpose of hood winkinti and misleading. Let me ask him, would he vote for Mr. Bocrick to-day if he would rise and say that he was opposed to the Administration Mr. Rickman frankly and unequivocably replied that he would not, because Mr. Bo cock sustained the Administration in every thing it has done, and he, Mr. Hickman, was nut a believer in eleventh hour repentance. (Laughter.) Be would continue to regard himself as a Democrat, notwithstanding the remarks of the gentleman from Virginia. It is a question that will be decided by the whole country whether James Buchanan, or those who hold to the sentiments of the Cincinnati platform in its integrity, embody the Demo cratic sentiment. A lengthy discussion ensued between Messrs. Horace F. Clark of N. Y., and William Smith, of Va., on political principles. In answer to an inquiry put by Mr. Clark, whether Mr. Smith would deem it as good ground far a dissolution of the Union, if he should find the people of the North combined hs a sectionalparty against the South, Mr. Smith replied that whenever the combination of a majority is formed for the purpose of war ring on the constitutional rights of _any section of the Union, lam out. LApplause.] Mr. Clark.--So a.m.!, Sir; but you have not answered my question. Mr. Smith said ho would not undertake to say if any particular man should be elected President ho would initmediattdy favor a disso lution of the Union. "Sulacient for the day is tho evil thereof." Mr. Clu7ry,. of Alabama, made a lengthy speech on abolitionism, in which ho referred to the law in some of the States, giving negroes the right of suffrage to the operation of the underground railroad, and to the frequent re sistance of the fugitive slave law, and argued' that the South had got reason to be under ap prehension. He flaked if yen had the power of the government to abolish slavery, and ren der slave property insecure, would you do it? Mr. Kilgore, of Indiana, Ropublican,-Islo, not in the Southern States. Mr. Curry—Why, in the free States,no leggy islation would bo necessary on the subject, but you would gradually narrow and limit our ground until all would have to flee from the country of our occupancy and residence. He referred to the 'Union Meetings of the North, Which he like ned,to the song of the circe, lulling the South into security. If they were in ear nest let them give the South 'something prac tice', by repealing their personal liheity bills, /..4cas corpus and mandamus acts, executing the fugitive slave law by opening their prisons for the safe keeping of runaway slaves, revis ing their contributions for, the circulation of incendiary pamphlets, and turn out of COngress the men who insult and stigmatize the South. If. said he, the Demi.crata and our American friends should not be able to interfere for the security of the South and the protection of the Constitution, I :Ehall, counsel the people of my State to offer most effectual resistance, and shall urge, them to fling themselves back on their renewed rights, and upon the inalienable sovereignty of 'the State to which I owe my first And last allegiance. (Applause from the Democratic benches and galleries.) Mr. Kellogg, of Illinois—l would do an in sult to my feelings and sense of propriety, if I did not take the earliest opportunity to make an apology to this House for the much to be regretted Occurrence which took place'in the hall yesterday; it was an offense to its dignity; a breach of its harmony and decorum, and for it I tender to this body my regrets and apology. Mr. Logan-,,After what has been said by my worthy colleague, I conceive it to be my duty to.say to this House that if, in the excite ment of yesterday, I violated any of the rules. of this House, or its decorum, I regret it very much,' and hope it will not tend' t) mar any of my relations with the meruhers Of this House. Mr. John 'Cochiane---After this restoration of the entenfy coi - dial; I move that the House do now . adjourn. Carried by a vote of one hun dred and twelve to 'one hundred and eight. The House adjourned at a quarter past three o'clock P. M. • • • Dentoeratio Steto Convention. Airitsnotviiiv, Ga., December 10.—The atic State Convention, - now in session - - ted a resolution recommending 4 . Cobb for the Pratt .hmombers of - -I •.. LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MIT.' SMELTING ly o itacic• -- PARK, llllCUitliar , CO, • • •• AirararACTUREl3.5 OF su,}antsTG, .4.1 j Biamers' and Bolt Copier, Presed Copper Bot toms, Itarsid Et3ll - Theletornillapelrer &Meer, La, also im porters and - dealers- in' Metals. Tm Sheet Iron, Wirer *c Conatankly, on /mud, Thuustes •es sad Tools. Wareh h ouse, NO: l4 9"Pirst, and 124 Seconitekeeta t Pittsburg, Ps., eft orders Colaiu;ont fired pattern NUMBER 49. COMMERCIAL, PITTSBURGH MARKETS. &portal Ba-presety for the DiuZy . 3fornifig /tit Pmfmcsoa, December 79, 1859. Flotur...No transactions frEtn first hands. :"From store, 670 bbls. sold at 15,15® ~20 for superfine; $5.40C. $ 5 , 5 0 for extra, and $5,75®59,00 fur extra fiunily. Grain...Warer—,Sales 125 bush white, from store, at .1,1,12. Oars-75 bush, from first hands, at Itio: - Sribush . do, from store, at 60e. ' • - • liar—Sales 9 loads from scales at $l9 V ton. Unekwheat Flour... Sales 40 sacks, from store, at $ 2 ,09 VlOO IDs. - = Sugar.... Sales fo hhds N. 0. at 8,7,!,e.. ID.; 15 bbia. - do at tiq 10 bbls. IsliadatB)4. - • • • - Ilia/asses...Sales 35 bbls. (new) N. 0.,ht,50e It gal.; Syrup-Sales W bbls., 131timore. at 48c..0 gal.; 6 bbls Philadelphia, at 53C: : • ' Coffee...ages /25 sacks 12) . 0. V lb. 1 . Rice.-Sales 15 bbls., at - 5 34e^ Butter-Sides 5 bbls. 11,111 at 17c "f Eggs-Sales 2 bblst. packed at . 17e. V doz. 011 boxes W. R.. at /OM . Bewaza-Sales 50 bush.- BM6II white,6l4/P- Apples-Sales 55 bbls. at ,82,f.'.5.g2,37 bl.l. See d..... Sales 18 bush. Flax at 81,12 V bush. nags -Sales 2R, tonsinitell at 3.31 e. • HOWI.-Sales 30 head; dressed, at 5y,,c. 011-Sales 20 bbls, Lard No. 1 at Soap... Sales 20 boxes Rosin at 55. Candilea...sales 22 boxes Mould,, at 13e. Broonts-Salei 30 doz. at $1,75(t82,75. Itosbx...Sales 130 bbls. N0..1 at $3,37. Whisky-Sales 35 bbls Raab [e( . l at tlc. . gal. New Yerk Market. New Your., December 10.—Cotton 'firm; _sales 1,000 bales. Flour heavy; sales' 11,000 bbts; Ohio at 01,70@,6,00; State and Southern unchanged. 'Wheat quiet; 600 hush. sold; Milwaukie Club $1.20. Corn firm; sales 8,500 bush. old white at oem new yellow Sri and SSc. Fork steady at $16,37@10,50 for Mess, and $16,60 , for prime. Sugar firm; sales 4,000 bozos at 7c. Coffee - steady. Mol .risses on changed, at 50§51e. .Bacon steady; -sales-000 hsa..Curn berland Middles of 814 c, and long - robbed: - deliverable within three months, at Oct. Dressed Hogs firm at 7V . ,(3i 73gc. Linseed Oil is ingood demand at 65(4,50C. Hides heavy; Buenos Ayres .M3Agi•ac. : Tallow quiet at 10Y.H 10%e. Freights on_Gram to Liverpool Cincinnati Market. Cismsxer, December 10.--Elogs, at the Close of the market, presented a drooping tendency; sales 5000 head at $6,1506.50. Mont quiet and less buoyanU sales 900 bb s. at $5,25 for superfine, and $5,40 for extra s i ucrflne. Whisky active at 22e. Sugar active. and N: 0. re. high er; pales at BX@,,S%c. MoLasses sold at 42e., sva ing demand. Coffee unchanged: Cbrn advanced; sales at ale. Wheat; white $145@1,* prime red $14.9®1p). Weather clear and warmer. Missrelialeous RARE CHANCES F 0 R INVESTMENT. THE MOST COMPLETE SHINGLE MACHINE EXTANT. DURABLE, PERFECT AND CWVAP STATE, TERRITORY, COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. THE IRON CITY SHINGLE MACHINE, P ATENTED BY MR. S. C. COFFIN, Inventor, of Pittsburgh, Pa, June it1i,18,19, is now introduced to the public, and commends itself for- the following advantages:—lts simplicity, durability, utility cheapness and excellence of work... Its superiority in • . other Machines. consis Frasr, That it is provided with an apparatus by wi ich the edging of the Shingle in performed by the saw which cuts it, and which is a9AVIIhG OF .FROM FORTY TD FIFTY PER CENT. IN COST SZOOND, By the means of two treadles, the block when placed on the Machine is adjusted in any position- tho operator may desire, by which there Ma SAVING of Twenty Per Cent. of Timber. TEIIRD,--IT WILL SAW AND EDGE SIXTY SHINGLES msz The lifiehine will also erd Veneering, Looking Giros Backe, Barrel Heads, cignr Bnsee On. - . The iron City , Machine Can bo furnished complete f0r . 51.50,.by the manufq, turer in thii city; Mr. S. S. FOWLEZ and can be seen in operation at the, Planing Mill of M_ r. W. DilunOir; cor ner of Seventh and Grant streets . •-• RIGHTS ,FOR SALE. Tho inventerand patentee will disppseef County, State and Territory Rights for the sale agd meet' the I\fachtne, iin3; on very moderate ter-..Perao dea* . ir . cda'oftilieating, bannotlinda better apoottonity tbotctherfregest sir Call and azunine the „Machine. oer&daw ll • cI.i.J.LPS.--&,:'€...0., ~:'- wEozxsA.L23 SHOE WAREHOUSE, , . No. 133. Woad :Steetii," PrPFSBITRGEL" PA., HA` E• JUST RECEITE.U.THELR, EX TENBIVE and Well selected -EAL/t and WINTER, etoek of . _ BOOTS'; hanl),.,.zKEp. Of le 14test,sii . 4 In' og aEthi ona TheY PrOFtered to offer.-e over Corr, theaergeet X"r 4 M 4 . • - CUSTOM-MllJr` I==ial PAINS No. 480,TP no rya Z © PI -at A 'CI