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ONE CAN BARTON'S OIL PEPPER MINT, for sale by BECKHAM Ai KELLY, seta Alleuhenv City, VEIN WALL PAPERS, for autumn NEW now arriving: for solo by sel2 W. P. MARSHALL ST Wood mt. FOUN DRY IRON-50 tons Lake Superior Foundry iron, arrivo and for male by up 9 HENRY R. AXMiLINS. POWDERED SOAPSTONE, for Foun dries-36 bbls received this day. 000/ HENRY H. COLLINS.' 1.1.P.110R.-1500 lbs. Refined, for sale by B. c. 4 FAIINESTOCK not 1 No. 60. comer Woodo l Fourth ntreela.' VOR PARLORS—GoId EmbroiderediPaper and Borden,. new etyle, for axle by re .2 - IY. P. MARSHALL Ic CO. liscellitorous. SILVER CUP! SILVER MEDAL! sylvanla Agricultural Soclel3 Elne and Common Enamelled 4 111Z1"...\ si! /“. (.111 1•IL tat• •ls 1 , 0 rtl; • I .•1•.•:••••; 'I, =Mll',lll ,•• , 11,1 1 MEE IGENT Fllh ( 1. I, 111 s I). I C. 111Crill RN. "F!' l, I: Vs; rki II 111.V!,rki I=l AND NoTARI PUIII.It Ctkitt.. It. .1. 1,(3e, Itobvtt. th”,ol'. ,pl 9 lAtiiiiitotttror,ol every .lep.eriplit. nl ert"rsuunuil. PA J. lIARVY 'DAVIS BRASS FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS, Im' T_7' 33 M S , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN PLUMBING MATERIALS, GAS FIXTURES, PUMPS AM) BRASS WORK, .4,gents for Allen's Celebrated Steam and Water Guages, MANUFACTORY NO. 110 WATER, AND 104 FRONT STS., PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. Warerootus, ti; Wood street, Pittsburgh, and Federal street, Allegheny City. GREAT WESTERN Insurance and Trust Company. (IFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDIN6, k , ALNI,T ST., PLULNDLIPMA. CHARTER PER pET{7AL. Authorized Capital, 8500,000. STATEMENT, MAY 18, 1559. CAPITAL—Paid in and e,nenroly mr,,ted. ........ 1.10 ASSETS, MAP 15, ISf4l. I:4.—tm nand and in Flank 4112,1,79 SS In Land:,.( Agent , 1,n27 17 Cent nwned by the Company !hunt,- Morttrage,—bearmg t•ii and:levers per cent interest If,'.l,it4U km) I teht, tine the Company, well :accred 17.74 S SI Stoelr—Par value 75.4r0 00 B 01: roeei,'3!de for lottn,,to., not yet matured, ..J1,117 43 All other -oeuritn, I ,000,00 LIABILITIEs I,,,,E.4—Ad j il,ted, not yet ..... l'uadjll,4ted A VI name, proof All othtr rlaimn NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY NO. I, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1836 t'APITAL 56,29.10 4 00 OU I'lll,l'l' l'll'll 1,194,111 04 .INNI . II. KEN c.ndint Janunry 1..‘ ):11 4 AN • IN TEES MiAl NSF I.Ntliag.. by Fire. dt.,•,•r.r•13 , 13 s. The Rates thy. 1,.1r7a! , . 1 um 411 4. 1•13:tra••:, ot the hl4 - 111, or •. ,, tittmt, lit I 11, mt•rtor Mt , rt , l; 1...-r-t. promptly toklut•totl ttrol rod Wilh 4 .llt rvbere.•ll•••• .1 pr P^4ol - rM urrr,rt,,r, M't , Illy N • •• .11; ••ir•-•,••. ob 414 1/, -,•••••t t.n .710 11 , *. Nt'Ellr., r. 4 1.•• ~•• 1., 1•::1 Nith - it %Nat, IN , •-• N .1• - ••• Ibir• shell a C••., Fourth.ll.l 31Nr1•••( 311:.,r1,11eN,L, & .nbllni -;•• kr/Eltr47l. 4, IN 1,10444.4.1 . 111‘. 144.-7, I 1 ,•••,:irt. Est., 13 liNblr. 'J.-- ,• ••••• ••'b.,:ll.•rb )1•••• ,11-• 1. Ny'rN. C.•., So:lth Frolit Nlrvet • 1311 r, Pr. o'. I=ll.lll l'tll,r, I! , trik: .1111 E.: 11112(y1`r. 10:1 +OA ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO OF PITTSBURGH OFF , II. E--No. 37 Flfl It Mr. rI. Bank Ulm k 1. , i EL , AGAINST KINt) 1)1 , 1. NINE I`4 t Pr , • 444.4114: .t44.411: , 4 I • NlN't 41Z14. Pr.-4:14 1.,. 14 '4 , 1 1:4 •4 r tAilt. 1%11.141 k.`4l ! 44444:4-r-4 =ME Chia, 11!:-. , :1.14 I. hn it ,. ...k..f0t1t 1-r M U. l' tv, rt/s'-s DELA WARE 31 urt AL INSURANCE COMPANY INct )1;1' , P.V E c. , Hz.; E.t.' Cll 11.1!..% t' r - livairance .“ • • 1., ) ntl pArt, n.IJ. .. ..... . • 01, k . 4 . 111,› 4a. • - La . .. IL-,:roa I t, j. r.-ol Nl,,rtga.ze ant ••••1% 0 1.. 4:44D vi Pr , nll,llll, "an 14 the C—tormtly 1311"CTOU, F Rt. :ilnrt. - Li. utt.t. E. • J. F. t-Ll•tito, I,lvi•arii 11irnr1:3011 John I JO., brooliii, I raqii.c., one. lu•anutS C. llittt 1, i'. 11.101, RoLiort Burton. P ti r.. .kr,tlo.l J o hn It. T. Nton.7tti. A. B. •• 1•:11.1.1A ItARTI N. Prvi•tiitent. I'. Fl Oat. lALLI /0, MA14:1111. AL:4,k. • N o vd Wtt(or PIIILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 149 CHESNUT STREET, (Ippo•lte the Clistottt WH.I. 1i1N.1),-; 4)F INsi:- R.‘Nt'l•'.. i•ittivr , ir Limited. on .•trey 1 'r.•l..•rt) or :it ritA , titiqt,lii M. W. IiALI INV IN. \ DIRECTOR,. Ch•irt, I'. R. Copt", F. It. Enitti...ll, i0.,r,;•• Prowl.. I' I'. 5..V.•1). P Julln l'bi)1011, S . 3 . .M.wargee, E. Wllut, Seeret,SY. J. i. COFFlN..ii,ent, tylly Corner Thiril am{ , treot, PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. Of l'lttsburglii. DIREL7tit;-4. • PAi”tor, 0 A Colton, 11oplillIA. A. A. tamer, Hoar,. :?prowl,Voeghtly, th..or., NY . Smith. X .1. Sour'., II:0110o . Rol,mtt Patrick, Chartered Capita 1.......... $300.000 FINE AND NIAII.INF. ItISIcS TAKEN, of all de 4k•rtpt.Lon, OTT:CCU: A. A. CARRIER., Pre,.lent L iatl EP. SPROUL B..orotnry [ jAkly Pittsburgh Insurance Company, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH. ROBERT GALWAY, President-1 ALEX. HMI/LEA, Vice Pre,ideut. F. A. RINEHART, Secretary. .Gs Insur,, against II WA, AND CA RIAI) RiSEs, on we Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RISES generally. Anti against loss and liarnage by Fire,, and against the of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transpor tation. Robert Galway, Samuel M`Clurk au, Joseph P. ilazzam. M. It., John Scott, James 3.farshall, Laval Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, J. L. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, R. Hohmann. Robert 11. Hartley, WOliarn Carr, . M'Bill. 1e4.15 Western Insurance Company, OF PITTSBURGH. GEORGE PARSIE, President; F. M. GORDON, Seeretlity (tutor No,W2 Water street, tSpaug A Cot s Warehouse lip stairoo Pittsburgh. Will trudire against all kiutk of FIRE and MARINE A Hume Institution managed by Directors who are well known in thoonmunity, And silio are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain chi, eharacter winch they have assumed, as offering the best protec tion to those who desire to he insured. ASSETS, APRIL 30th, 1659. Stock Accounts Mortgage Office film intre Open Accounts, etc Cash Premium Notes Notes and bills discounted, ID kIICTOIIB. Geor g e D u s e, IL ltiUer~ Jr, J. W. Sntler, . George W. - Jackson, James M'Auley, Alen Spent*, : Andrew Ackley, Wm. Al ""night, Nathaniel Holmes, Alexander Nu:ruck, 1). 7d. Long, _. . , Wro..HAWlirbv . . U. W. Hinkii JOHN PHILLIPS. DAVIS & PHILLIPS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION -`4lnsuranq. It;-V7 05 49,0U0 MEM t , 31 I 57 JAM 1 EMI WI:1611T, Sirra•tztr, H. NV. r.,INDExT Eft. IgPro, 97 Witt, Pitt,turqll 933,734 1:2. SA I , ETV MIMI 1111111111111 111=11 . X1.:,.1:. EZZEIE 1111131133 %ow oo _,160 uu . to UU . 17,550 30 . 1F.33i '25 :A.1,076 }344),149 05 rcuing machines. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES SINGER'S SEW ING MACHINES. THE SUBSCRIBER, BEGS LEAVE TO infirm ibri public that from this clay for:ward those cELEBRATEIr MACHINES will be cold at tho follow wq RELAXED RATES: Sew Family Machine and Iron Stand, complete...s.so 00 Sew Transverse Shuttle Machine avid Stand, com plete $75 00, —.ant Machine nod Stand, entriphs , complete 00 / No. Standard Machine and Stand, complete $1 00 R. STRAW, Agen Nos. 32 and 34 Market 7 eet. ,e2o No.l Standard Mu hluo nud Stand, complete $lO THE BRAMAN I ftlllll *VA eat/lel EIS :1 is 'rim: ONLY RELIABLE MACHINE, EVER OFFERED AT A REASONABLE PRICE SIMPLEST MACHIN E EVER }LI DE_ It u , e, two threnil , i without re-winding. NEVER BREAKS NEEDLES, .And is not balls to get nut of order. PRICE, ONLY THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS Sond Cora Cirri:tar. AGENTS WAN': ED. LATSsC Ea& s NORTHROP, NO. GO MARKET STREET, AltechPny ISIBEIM CALL AND EXAMINE WILCOX Si. GIBBS, New Patent SEWING MACHINES, NViil,ll VEI) AT THE LAST ,4; 0- Pt.ill.l , :pina, the Iliglie.ot Premium. ;,..71.1r1 , 1 r 4. F1 , 1:1 - 1 ,, 111,2...i I.y ;111 WhO have 1 T. Gm, 11-.., yr.t Iho. at, ,told for TIIF. LOW PRICE OF THIRTY DOLLARS For Sale at No. 51 Fifth St. FAIRBANKS S EWINO 3 ditai. THE GREATEST lIEBICAL DISCOVERY OF ThE AGE. R. KEN N EDI", or Roxbnry, discov -I_, it on- of our common , •a..ture weed.,+., a rem f‘iy th:.t cums EVERY RINE , Ok• HUMOR, From the Worst Scrofula down to a com mon Pimple. Two IpUttiel arc warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth to three ti.;:ttle., wilt Curt.) the worst kind of pim en the face. l'we Or throe tiottlf-t will altar the .t.ystein of biles. - 'fee fettles are warranted to care tee worst canker in -tomaeb. • Thre, to tiro I,ttle6 aro warranted to cure the worst kind of F.r,opelaS. ne two - bottles are warranted to cure all humor in 1,6 tx,ttles warranted to cure running of the ears and Notchev among the hair. Pour or warranted to curo corrupt and rmning ut.e.;ra to :we•nty 1..0tL1,, will care scaly eruptions of th.• skin. Two to three houtes :we warranted to cure the worst k ,n , l of rtugworm. Two to three bottles ere warranted to cure the most do-perste •s,e of rhenium., Turco to four bottle:: are n granted to cure the sal rheum. Fire to wilt cure the worst case of scrof ut.l. ono to three bottles aro waranted to care the worst e,se of ity , pepiCa know from the experience of thetas -mils thst h has been ,aused by canker in the stomach. One to tic., twAtles are warranted to rare sick head- u, to two lx,tiles are warranted to regulate a costive elate of the leek l+. nm to two bottks will regulato all dnrangement of klano,,. Feor enrol the worst eases of dropsy. L s piles : a tas to throe have 1 . 111,1 11 . 19 relict is 11 , War , experienced; what a merry to get relief to such tm exorectatrtm di-ease. benefit is always experienced from the first bottles, an•! a perfect cure la o:drantet when the above quantity , taken. No change of diet ever ueratssary; eat the best you can zei and entrogh of u. MEDICAL DISCOVERY • Is adimrably adapted to the Western country, where FEVER AND mttp., DYSENTERY, 111LIoU3 COLIC, IDWOUS FEVER. LIVER DERANGEMENT, Are se prevalent in their respective seasons. . 'the great c 31 1 ,, of the prevalence of thesOdiseasesis that imm, I do e secreted in their system some PUTRID AND FATAL II Cltlolis which is the source of all dis , to."t, :md indity a young man and woman in the Bloom re wanting whose faded cheeks and sunk en oye+ en their mends of a speedy dissolution. through Ile. effects of same ACRID RUMOR preying upon the vitals, and many thousands die annually from the elletas of the, humors. who, it they but purify their blood with a few bottles of Medical Discovery, would live to 3 ripe old age. Another great cause of diseases is Costiveness, For the. Elio 1.0woror) i= au infallible remedy, it 3 action 011 the LE= I all t:.,1 y.o dc.,..00. For Scrofulous Ulcers You will follow - the direction in pamphlet around the bottle. For ULCERATED SORE LEGS, You oil! rind inn directions in the pamphlet. lartEcrtexa Ust.—Adtilts, one table spoonful a day; children over teu years, desert ,poonfill; children from rive to eight years, te r a,poonful. As no directions can ta)applteal,l,. to till constitutions. take sufficient to oper ate-on the txThels twice a day. Xi: , GT ACILlitIl UT DONALD KENNEDY, No. 13) Warron strut, Roxbury, Maas. 64" Price $lOO. For sale by every Druggist in the Dulled StAteS and British Provinces. DFL GED. U. KEYSER, u444,lydsiv 140 Wood et-, Agt. THE PUBLIC BLESSING WHICH Is now universally admitted to exist in INIOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PIICENIX BrITERS, is every day demonstrated Ay their astonishing efficacy in the cases which they are announced to cure. AU the complaints of the stomach and bowels, weakness of the digestive organs and of the system generally. billions and liver atleetions, night fevers, headaches, piles, costiveness, consurnption,r lieumatistn,scurvy, impurity of the blood, or blotched and sallow complexions, noon yield to their curative properties. A single that invariably secures them the title of the best family medicine now before the public. For sale by the proprietors, W. B. MOFFAT, at trio Chico, 335 Broadway, Newyork, suidstorekeepers and druggists gonerally. noSi3mdaw SIMON JOHNSTON, (SUCCE , sk oft 901.. WILCUS,) RETAIL, DRUGGIST, Cor. Smithfield and Fourth St., Reerpo conetantly on baud. a choice turaortment of ev erything in the Drug line of Imainese. us_ Particular attention git en to Compounding Pre; oct2B SHALE. A: GLASS, ,i:ts Pennsylvania %Broad, STEAMBOAT Ati'ENTS, AND FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. CS Qnnma - cial St.. and 34. Levee. ST. Louis, MO. sts.Prompt personal attention giyen to Collectiughnd adja*ung Frelirtnr+. • MINERAL grEa.:-.:ltceived this AXIL day, three nampert , fresh. Saitzer Water: dries:um tlNPhtu Wallin, and for saw by - ABEL, Corner Fan Ana. Brant sweet& .JOSEPH IL DAVIS THE PERUVIAN SYRUP, Protected Solution of Protoxide T_TAS SUCCESSFULLY PASSED THE 1,,,h tho Materia Medi,•s ar.!ubiretrat, and nm-.L now 63 recereed AA.= Mitrfleycuring.- JD s - : E S I A. Affections of the Liver, Dropsia, Mournlgia,"Bron chitis and Consumptive Tendencies, Dimon , dered State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy, and the prostrating effects of Lead, °or Mercury, General - Debility, and all diseases which ro- quire a tonic and altera tive Medicine is be: yond question. Thoproofot ita efacacyare so numeroua,so well ardben tie deo'. and of ench a peculiar char acter. that iadlerer cannot,reason- • .1 4 4, ably hesitate to receive the proffer ,64' K 1 .4 td aid . The Peruvian Byrn p does notproi A, ~,-. r t Te. few to be t cure-all. bud its range it . 11 \ ,74; •" > extensive. because many di , ezie. \ .G -- , .. ~... apparently unlike, are irtimatcly ‘ .. '.. , "" ...' related, and proceeding from. one .-.t - n - LIIIRe. may 1, t cured by one 1i Me . 4 8 51 dy The class of de•ea , earcr which - the Syrup provides a cur, s precisely that which has .6 often baffled the In s i t order of medicinal skill The facts are tangible, t c witne s ses accessible, and the cater , " and efficacy of ,e Syrup incontrovertible. , —Large ; i ; .r , $2, or bt.T. for SICt small bottles, oz ........d. $l, or .+1 $1 • Has lug conk nee in the efficacy of the , PERLMAN SYRUP ' f 1... ame acme' agent. we recommend to our .brethren in tha 1 inistry . the careful reading of this pamphlet. ~ Rev. John nerpon Thos. Whittemore. . James B. Males, 8. H. Riddel - Jo. H. Clinch,. 'sold by 1), Le MORE TO BE ADMIRED RICHEST DIADEM, Ever Worn by Kings or Emperors WHAT? A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR! THE ARTICLE THAT WILL NAECI x RA LIS restore the color of the hair, the changing of which to gray. being an indication of a lack of proper, ecretion-, is truly a valuable modicine Prof. Wood's Han Tome is the only Fare remedy for baldness, dry rims, premature. change of color, and the -several evi dences of n lack of secretions at the Mohr of the which can be found. Quack preparations abound, anol lair tonics" fill every corner, grocery in the country. Avoid all hair tonics " unless known to be the prepa ration of =erne man whose celebrity has become world wide. Ire not let any nostrum vender experiment upon your Idar. Touch nothing you have not a good reason• ro better. is all that it purports to be. Prof. - Woods has .earned by yearn of severe teat of the virtues of his pre paration. hie present fame. Over 150 certificates are be. lore us of the value of this - Hair RestoratiYe, from par t... who have tried it. Read the following : Nnw Yeas, April 10, Wooo—Dectr Sin-LPer mit me to exprevs to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my Hair to its original -color.- A bout the time of my arrival in the the United States. it woo rapidly la-coming gray, but upon the application of your Hair Itesronitive it soon recovered onnal hue. .1 consider your Restor live ns a very wonderful inten tion, quite riffle-scions as well as agreeable. • • • •: I am. dear vir. yours truly. S. THALBERG. Prepared NS' wo s Co-114 31arket st, St Louis, and Broailway. N- Y., and sold by all drugOsts and patent medicine dealer., also, hy all fancy and toilet deal ers in the United States and Canada. - Snl.l by lir. GEO. H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood qtreet, nd 1.. FA TINESTOCK & CO.. No. 60, corner Wood IA Fourth etreets, ant by all coed Druggiats getterall7. ~.es:3mdedc General Agente LIVER iiIiiiGINATOR, NEVE.ii. I:ti r- iii.,..1: ATES., , _ - IT Is compounds , ' cn c I ref y Crtim iirtins, and lit_ he.:,.... , ...1, e.I .1.1..1,e,11.. , :.,, , ,,5in:101ei1iCine.1n,0wn e , ' , .44 , "i t. , ..i I+l.. : 1., - 1., - d. It, a:Ailn:lw re eted , a all COULarc: . ,I, 4 al , the 1t0.... for Wlseh iL ee,mmend,A. a lt line en,d 11,,,11,61 .! e I thin Lt.,, I ein, two years . be 1.1.1 alien no all hol,csi lig , ci, relict. .I, the warier., :i i ,....c1,1, olsir, lief ou-.. lull, I-c .. , 1,,, , 1 CV , , tio: coraeon'ament of the g ,o.„-; la:, ~.,..r.,. : . And us ca ~a sz:la quataines so tor ~ an _restly •In the. 1.5.1We15. Let LI, ,Letrit, Or . - 5 . . - '311,1,3.rd gr.hle'you rn. Ur: no. of the LIVE!: -1,:-, 0 , VIC:01: .v.:.-;;,:1, and II ~ , :le,re Liver Cout- l ,lltiots,l3,ll.lomt ,lt - tacks, Dyspepsia, tg Chrotar Diarrhoa. S tun tiler Cons - I5 !P i aD , le. /35:6,'" Cc-- y ry, Drops, Sour ,Stont.rh.llabOallO. 2 Costive mess, Chol-! iv, Cholera, Clinic.; ro Morlpu,. Cholera! ;1/tlCotatis. Flat u- I cum., Jitltit a i 4: C.: 4{ 0 ..11' 1 / 4 'llC ‘l, - C111,...5,1-• 1 . .0, sad may be as.rl suej- ,esseally ...., Unit:sa t y Family Metiii oir 4 tic. II wlllelu , ' , lCic. 111 , .. AI3ACB E, as . l‘heasands can t.,,ttry.? In twenty minutes, if! 'turn or titre, 'I. ea spoonfuls are lak-i Cnat i J:),[1.ez1C.0111..: of ietacic., Ai l who vise It arell4l:riving IL-f. - teml.e , Y la I. furor. i , MIX WATER. 14 THE. 310 UTII WITO THE niI:IGOR ATOR, AND SWALE OW BOTH TOGEI:ILER. Price One Dollar per Bottle CATHARTIC PILLS Pure Vegetable Extracts, and pll2 'up- in GLASS CXSES,..tir Tight, and arill idem, In any climate. The Family Ca te tut EtcLlve Cathartic used to his practice more The constAntly teerensinc Lace long used the PILL nli .•zpres., in regal,' to their them within the resch cf all. The Profession well knsw on different `onions of the, the FA3IIILY CA bas, with due reference to been compounded torn a table Extracts, .which actf alimentary canal, and are es where a idathudic ie rangements of the nest, Palos In the Pal at the whole body, frequently, if Ile:lents:1, ner. Loss of A ispe nation of Cold over. nest, Headache, orb all Ln tiara ea a tort'' Children or Adult.. Portlier ot the Blondi flesh L. heir , boo numerous! meat. Dose, 1 ton. PRICE The Liver Invlzoi thartir Pills are rem cal./ wholesale belie Trade S. T. W. SA 435 Bron.du , G. H. KEYSER, Agen and Virgin alloy. • - - To Housekeepers. QOI.IETIIING NEV;,--B. T. BABBITI BFT•ItEDICI.NAL SALERATUS, , z Q[l9 manufactured from common call, and is p U ,p - ared entirely different from other Sa!wattle. , jAll the deleterious matter ex•racted In such f manner aCal,t('-e,Vict'hiouue c e B o r n e''4 'in ß ra u part i4 aA a j i o 'S'aleratus when the breeder cake is baked:th e n lby producing wholesome results Every parti / Ulele of Saleratue is turned to gas, and passes. through the bread or biscuit while baking: co. IQequently nothing remains but :common Salt, Water and Flour. You will readily perceive 6 B !th r e e tanto of tli t is e Sal rs i ta iralus that it is entirely di , re It is I pTeT o ed one era pound papers. each ___ I per branded. B. T. Babbitts best - Medic . also, picture i t:fi:ter lost of bread,' with a giLscti,rye,enateronte you purchase one paper you should • ervu the wrapper, arid be particular to get the next .s.aF.tlyStlie the fiat-brand a fibo7i9, i7';ill directions for making Bread with this iSaleratus and Sour Milk or Cream Tartar, wfli 6 B "" ) ,Ztr each package ; alsq directiona fo tor Soda Water and . Beidlitz Palde ao, rs. s AND. YOUR. OWN SOAP, 7 0' 1 13 . T. BABBITT'S • PURE CONCENTRATED - POTASH. W arranted double the .....)trength of ordinary Potl • ash: put np in cans -- Ilb, 2 lbs., albs, 0 IDs. ancl o 112 IDs.—with directions for making Hard andie 0 ,loft Soap. Consumers will find this the cheap?' est Potash in malket. Manufactured and for sale by . AND B. T. BABBITT,- • - Box. 65 and 70 Washington at, N. X., iy3:lydaw and No. 33 India at., Boston. !! V and Weer cres , e, , Fret= the U if ~ , loeript,r,/ Swan ..lf D. t'r - Pointing out a mode at cure at once. certain and ual, hAntntrit ovary sufferer, no mattersstutt liftmen :l..t.,, may ewe himself , rlthout the knowledge of arse mar'. and at f:l , least pomible cot,therebyavold : th- numerous 1101,00 an.) quart nostrums o t theday. t.c.rithor wawa French Physician of greatattalnmenta, ,p,•nt 111.171 y years In incest:canna the nature and t ...am et, tof VII :.11. - oa'so, which annually carriestlionatuada an untnnelc grave. Sony nnticr seal to any widnru. rrcolpt of twc.puF.tage ..:hirers, S. C. r...411,-6 CO, Mu 1511114, KY. .JOUN P. MASS F IRST PREMIUM AWARDED BY THE .. STATE FAIR TO GR I L.Fr a. CO. FOR TNE BENT gr Co DW• • For the beat Bongo for fambeN and beat Wood Coo& Store. Diploma for he.t. Laundry Store. Also on hand, a Large assortment of. Ilessinn Sto J . Plain sad Fancy Orate Fronts, Fenders, - Sad unit Th - onsl..siugar tles, , Fea Kettle_ W n Boxes, II or -Ware, +te: & Libmtir street. At the hod of Wood stoot pedic!al. of iron Combined, Rev.. Martin Moore, " Thos. Star Bing, Charles Briggs, " Sylvanite 'Cobb, Edward Edzottods DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, 140 Woo'd atriet -THAN THE-- S A 'Es:rE 0 ' SAL.NrORD'S I=l • iltartle PILL Is pt.:l -112 which the propr , e'er 1,, then — ventv yearn. Lderaunct from thos, 1 and the etattlfartt,i, •—• tase. tag Induced rue tt - • thal .. dirlerent Cub,thcs t-a. is. • TIIARTLC Pia. this Il est - 011141,i 5,- . , n va.,i,,ty of the pi:re, 7:! , ...-- •••• aliku art carry pttrt 41:7 11P, • Vgoods:ld srlfi, In ail cms• I Veded.''lt'..l3l:tn ' !;ii4l: Bark ~10 Lon., until. SOTeIIC ~ ,,t UV( r LI - om sudden co;d. urilkil end lu a long course a: Fa g t 1 fa:, :, Creep, slgr -..er.-. . , .. I. le r 11,,d 3,, !,: h f.,4,,1 e ,,,,,- Eg weighs to a e tkenti, 04 Mgt-alley. liVor.r, I" Rtienzuritism, a I,..r.sat ~.. and !nal, ritae,,,, , n .•:,,i, Ike to rneutl:7n In ti,sadcertlie• 30 CENTS-.- rater a n .i CFII, Era tt.l - Drnaztsts reneral:y, and to all the large town, NFORD. 11. D.,. • Manuf,t tier :Lod Pro - prletor,. ny, New . 1. - nr ,t, No. 140, corner Wood streik jy9l dap