The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, November 11, 1859, Image 1

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MEIN Pailo
Lectures on Chemistry.
SuPasme Coln:---Before Chi of Justice Low
rie and Judges Woodward, Strong, Thompson
and Read.
TRITIViIiAT, November 10th, 1859
Teams:—Daily, Five Dollars per yearotrietly in ad
vanes,. Weekly, Single siaserytiona Two Dol
lars per year; in Clubs of file, One Dollar.
Deimxt.nre• and - Arrival of Passenger
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad.
(From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pitt:Murgh.)
- . Leave Pittsbnrgb.. Crestline. Ft. Wayno
Express Train........12:15 A. M. 6:56 A. M. 1:01 P. M
Mail Train.— G:5O A. M. •
Express Train. 1250 P. M. 8:45 P. M. =0 A. Di
..B,IT A. M
Arrive at. Chicago
Expresa, ....... P. M. I Express,......
Returning, a rice at Pittsburgh
Mail, 845 P.M. I Express, =0 P. M. I Express, 220 A. M
(From Federal Street Station, Allegheny.)
, New Brightort Accommodation.. 1r.30 A. AC 6:20P.M
.. 605 A. M. 12:10 P.M
Penwwfvonio Railroad
(From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.)
' -'
Leaves. Anives.
Express Train. 9:05 P. M. 1245 P. M.
MAI/•• . A.: M. IL3O P. M.
Fast - Lino 4:20 P. M. 1220 A. M
The Johns - Myra Way Passenger
Train -
Johnstown .T Accommodation_
First Turtle Creek "
Sar.mnd " "
Third "
. 6:00 A. M. 1:10 P. M.
2:50 P. M. 11:00 A. M.
-..11:.. 4 0 A. M. 6:10 A. M .
400 P. •M. 1230 A. M.
60 P. M. 6:15 P.M
Pittsburgh and anmellsvillo Railroad.
(From Liberty and Grant streets.)
Leaves. Anives.
Mail Train. . a . . 7.00 A. M. 6:15 P. M
Express Train 1:30 P. M. 8:15 A. DI
aercland and Pittsburgh Railroad.
(From earner of Liberty imilGraat streets.)
Leaves. Arrives.
Express Train 12.15 A. M. 2.40 A. M.
Iliad Train 645 A. M. 4.00 P. NI.
Fast Line 1.05 P. lit. 8-30 I'. M.
Accommodation 5.00 P. M. 11.00 A. M.
Pittshurgh, Cohintbas and Cincinnati Railroad.
(From Liberty and Grant streets.)
Leaves Pitts. Columbus. Arr. in Cin.
Fast Line........ 12.15 A. M. 8.00 A. M. 11.50 A. N 1
'Expreiss I'l - ail, 1.05 P. M. 130 A. M. 7.30 A. M
The Schiller Celebration.
Unfortunately for our German citizens who
wished to celebrate the birthday of their great
poet Schiller, the weather yesterday wcs dark,
wetandlowering, and the turnout in the proces
sion of the morning was not so large as was anti
cipated. The cortege consisted of the Commit
tee of Arrangements in' carriages, the Orators
of the day, Brigadier Gen. Negley and his staff
of officers, the Alleghenyßifles, Washington
Infantry, Jackson Independent Blues,Pennsvl
vania. Infantry, Birmingham National Guards,
and the Turner Rifles. The German Cavalry
Company did not participate. The procession
formed at ten o'clock and marched through
the principal streets of the two cities, presenting
a good appearance.
At three o'clock in the afternoon a large as
semblage had congregated in Masonic Hall to
listen to the orations. After an opening over
ture by the hand, D. L. Eaton, Esq., took the
stand, and gave an eloquent and able sketch of
the character of Schiller, alluding to and giv
ing some extracts from his works. He was at
• tantively listened to. the address occupying
about half an hour. - Rev. C. Walther now fol
lows'. in a second address . , in German, which.
„judging, from the enthusiastic applause of the
audience, gave general satisfaction.
In theevening the hall was again filled to its
utmestcapacity, to witness . the most pleasing
exercises Of .tha occasion. Rev. Walther de
lisicred an epilogue, Mr. A Charles recited the
-"Song of the Bell," Young's ochestra executed
a fine overture, and the Teutonia and Froshinn
singing, societies sang a concerted piece, " The
Song or the Bell," with great credit to them
selves and to the delight of the audience. Then
followed the tine tableaux illustrative of Schil
ler's "Lay of the Bell," which were admirably
perk - need by the Turners. The costume: were
good and the arrangement tasteful. Thu last
weer!, coronation of the bust of Schiller. The
Rrogramme concluded with a - chorus by the
singing Societies and, orchestra, and the audi
ence retired well pleased.
The entire programme of the day was well
.carried out, and reflected credit on those of our
German fellow-citizens who took such an ac
tive part in making this demonstration- in
honor of their beloved.poet.
The body of a man named Wymer,.of Milford
township, Somerset county, was found in the
woods, about a mile from his residence, on
Sunday last, having been shot and killed, as is
supposed, by another man named Pritz.
The facts of the case, so far as we have been
able to learn them, are, that the deceased, in
company with Pritz, had, some eight or ten
days previous, gone on a hunting expedition,
from which the latter returned the same even
ing and. reported that himself and his compan
ion had parted in.the woods, and that he knew
nothing of his whereabouts. This statement
appeared plausible, and no uneasiness was felt
until the protracted absence of Wymer induced
the belief that sonic misfortune had befallen
him, when search was instituted and kept up
for severandays, with the result above given.
When found..the body presented no evidence
of decomposition, arid an examination of the
wound induced the conviction that the ball
bad entered the back, immediately below the
shouldek-blade, and , came out under the heart—
s fact which makes it strongly presump
tive that he did not commit the deed him
self, although it was apparent, from the
position of the gun and other cireumstance!i,
that the object of the perpetrator of the mur
der, if such it should prove to be, was to con
vey the idea of self•Oestruction, and the en
trance of the ball, instead of its, egress, below
the heart.
Pritz, in view of these circumstances, was
taken into custody, and upon his examination,
the fact was elicited that himself, (although a
man said to be fifty or sixty years of ago, jand
Wymer's wife, (quite a young woman,) were
on intimate terms, and this testimony has
strengthened the belief of his guilt and evi
denced the complicity of the woman, who was
also arrested, and with Pritz is now confined
in the Somerset jail, and will probably be
brought to trial next week.
, In addition to the above, suspicions are said
to exist-that arsenic was also administeredlo
Wymer, as a quantity of that article, it is
asserted, was purchased by Pritz a few days
previous to, Wymer's disappearance. If this
be true, it would doubtless account for the ab
sence of decomposition in the body, as arsenic
is said to possess a preservative power of this
THE Mzacruarr or V ENICE.-41 l who were
pre:sent at the readin g of " As you like it." by
Miss Davenport, on Wednesday evening, ex
pressed their unbounded admiration of the
manner in which she recited (for it was far
above the ordinary readings, we are wont to
hear) that admirable comedy, and we doubt not
they .will be equally gratified to know that this
evening she will favor us with a second, when
her selection is the beautiful play of the
, t Merchant of Venice." We doubt whether
there is now on our continent a female artiste
who can equal, much less excel her. The mod.:
ultitions of her sweet voice are so exquisite, and
her command of her features and truth of ex
pression so perfect 'that- they impress each
character so strongly . on the mind of her auditors
teat it cannot be mistaken. In the pathetic
parts she is especially happy, while the by-play
ss full Fas well rendered. Wo advise then, all
who desire to spend a few hours in the most
tleasing planner possible, while at the same
ime the will reeei , se instroction, to _visit
gasonie hall to-night. It is the last reading
we shall be favored with by this estimable
lady, and should be listened to by all who have
a taste for the, beautiful, and an appreciation
for the good. .
TIM administrators' sale of fine furniture,
at. the wareroom of the late H. H. Ryan, Dis
patch Building, Fifth street; comprising all
his superior work in rosewood, mahogany, -
walnut and cherry, will be continued this af
ternoon, at one o'clock, with an entirely, new
supply. The rapid sales are approaching near
the close of the stock.
L./Luca Yr.--.. Tames IleForron, a resident of
Kittanning, put up at Gephart's hotel,ln the
Fifth Ward, in Pittsburgh, and on Wednes:
day . morning, 2d inst., his money, aniountitg
bri.sixteen dollars, was found missing.-z-Arvi
strong DcTocrat. •
THE Ittox CrTr . COLLEGE, Pittsburgh,
is now ttOat largest . Commercial School in this
country.--Pittsburgh Dispatch.
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Five Day's Later From Europe.
' Stage of Witter:
River—Two feet three inehea water in the eh.erniel
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As will be seen by the following correspon
dence, a course of lectures on this interesting
science will be delivered during the season in
this city. The time, place and subjects will be
announced next week : -
Prrmsnuami, PA., Oct. 17,,1859.
Sir:—Having heard ofyour high attainments
as a Chemist by letters from distinguished gen
tlemen, among whom aro Profeisovrs Silliman,
senior and junior, Hitchcock and Bacon, and
of your "brilliant and thoroughly scientific
lectures" in Boston on your favorite science, a
science closely connected with the, comfort,
health, and - life Of every individual; and as
Professor Silliman, 'sonior,, in a recent letter
justly remarks, 'intimately allied to the nu•
morons and important manufactures" of our
city, we hereby invite you to deliver a course
of lectures on that subject in this city, the
present season, believing that they will be
highly interesting and instructive, to us, they
being illustrated by numerous and striking ex
periments, and also remunerative to you.
(Signed) Very respectfully, yours,
Thomas Bakewell, William N. Shinn,
John Harper,
A. W. Loomis,
41. Ham pton,
Charles Shaler,
E. .151. Van Dusen,
R. Biddle Roberts,
O. L. B. Fetterman,
S. Schoyer, Jr.,
C. Hasbrouck,
Robert Woods,
M. W. Jacobus, Edwin H. Stowe,
Henry Kendall, W. Bagaley,
Thomas M. Marshall, W. Palmer,.
John Graham, William J. Morrison,
George W. Jackson, Harry Woods,
Samuel Bailey, Daniel Armstrong,,„
George A. Berry, John J. Muse,
William Bakewell, James. P. Sterrett,
W. B. Copeland, John
Josiah King, James I)altell,
William F. Irwin, William Morrison,
Isaac M. Pennock, M. Whitmore,
William F. Johnston, John F. Jennings,
11. A. Weaver,
J. K. Moorbead,
A. W. Foster,
George R. Riddle,
W. Phillips, Daniel b. Eaton,
N. P. Sawyer, Richard Beeson,
M. G. Gushing, David W. Roll,
J. P. Penny, James M. Christy,
H. Burgwin, Henry Palmer,
W. Negley, • R. Beer,
George Shirras, Jr., F. W. Jenkins,
Samuel Palmer, N. V oegbtiv.
To:Mess:N.7ll)6las HakeWeli, John Harper,
William F. Johnston, H. A. Weaver, A. W.
Loomis, J. K. Morithead, and others, Pitts
GENTLEMEN—The Invitation you bare been
pleased to 'extend to me to deliver a course of
experimental scientific lectures in your city
during the present season, is at hand.
Chemistry is, indeed, my t•favorite" science,
and, in the manufacturing int-trilts of Pitts
burgh, doubtless hag a large influence, and this
mainly of a practical ,chttracter. Rightly to
combine thoory and practice, and thus trieduco
laws which 'shall connect the every-day ern•
ployment or men with those eternal principles
laid down in the Divine mind, is the true mis
sion of Science.
With the hope that such results may follow
in our case, and wo be thus raised to a ccintem•
'dation of the great Author of Nature. I aceept
your invitation. and shall be ready to serve you
at. such time and place as you many hereafter
Thanking you very sincerely for this expres
sion of your confidence;
1 remain, gentlemen,
Very truly, yours,
(Signed,) Grmius F.- Time x¢.
Bosros, October '23, '
NEAFIE:d BENKVI per annourcv
elseWh&e, Igeafie takk a benefit at
the Pittsburgh Theatre this evening, when
such a bill in presented as must attraet a large
audiiince. Mr. Nestle is a tine representative
of tragedy, and with his excellent voice and
fine presence, commands the admiration of all.
In this city he has many enthusiastic inituirers,
all of whom we hope to tea grace his benefit
to-night. The principal pieco is, the thrilling
play of "The Corsican Brothers," in which he
has gained a justly deserved celebrity, persona•
tins the brothers with great fidelity'. In com
edy he is equally as happy, (which fact wan
conclusively shown by his personation of John
Mildmay on Wolnesday evening.) and in the
character of "Don Caesar de Datan" he will
not fail to please. The entertainment will be
worthy of* liberal patrenage, and as this is the
last appearance of 31r. Isrealle, we hope to nisi
the house filled to overflowing.
Coutifla AND COLD-14,(anka.
The health of the huatan, depund4 in a
great measure an habits of regularity and care
ful protection from the sudden changes of tem%
perature incident to our climate; 'Wet feet or
a sudden blast of cold, has. produced an obstruc
tion that has frequently laid the system under
a contribution from which it has never recov
ered., These are the seeds which bring around
a cough or cold, which, unless early and care•
fully attended to, end In consumption, from
which few recover. The cough or cold is al
ways etired . by a bottle or two or-Dr: Keyser's
Pectoral Cough Syrup, and sometimes even the
latter disease, but very rarely by anything.
It will always ease the complaint, however,
and as it costs a mere trifle, it should be tried.
It will surely never do any harm. Sold by
Dr. Keyser, 140 Wood street-
THE RETHEEVORP .CA4E..7 - At tho opening
of court Yesterday morning, Judge McClure
ruled out the letters of Miss liivoly, offered in
evidence, as containing no matter calculated to
shed light on the cause at issue. The time
until nearly five o'clock was occupied in exam
ining witnesses for the defence, tending to dis
credit the testimony of the girls. A few re
butting witnesses were called by the Common
wealth, and' other evidence of like character
will be introduced to-day.
,The case will most
probably go to thejetry thig afternoon.
ATTEMPT tr TAIL DEuvxn.Y.—The priso
ners confined in the. Portage county•jail, at
Ravenna, Ohio. made a desperate attempt to
break jail last week. A stone was removed
from the wall, through which one of the Steu
benville counterfeiters, named Conn, made his
exit. The alarm then being given, the jailor
succeeded in keeping all beads inside by rap
ping them with a cane as they projected through,
one after another.. One adventurous , fellow
finally wrapped his head in a blanket, and
made a desperate lunge. The jailor then drop
ped a brick on the blanket, which caused its
owner to retreat*. The remaining prisoners
were soon fipell rod.
FooT RACE.-A largo concourse assembled
on West Commons, AllegbOny, on Wednes
day, to witness a foot-race between " Dutch"
Clark and Jelly Davis. Thodistanco sun was
sixty yards, for a purse of two hundred dol
lars. Davis was to give an advantage of five
feet at tho close, which ho generously did,:,but
not an inelinibre, according to the decision of
the jndgos, who announced it a dead heat, and
the race was drawn.
••€# ' •
TAVKB, -WO can recommend to the public
Mr. W. E. 'Booth, who manufactures brewers',
distillers,' and = railroad — tanks to 'order, on
short notice, warranted secure and tight. His ,
establishment is at No. 197 Webster Street;
where carpenters' sind builders' work is also
done neatly and promptly.
A LAD named Miller, 12 years old, bad his
foot badly crushed on Saturday morning last,
while attempting to getout of the way of a
frieght car on the Pennsylvania' Railroad, at
Summerhill, Cambria county, on Saturday
BREAK.-A broak occurred on Thursday ,
last, in the nine mile level, below Tarentum,
on the Pennsylvania Canal. Boats were de
tained for a couple of days,,but resumed their
trips on Saturday evening. - -
TILE Butler American says five times the
usual amount of buckwheat was put in' the
ground this year, and ten times the usual crop
harvested., - '
A sues weighieg ode luindred and seventy
potinds, was killed near Shade Furnace, Cam
bria county, 18st week, and sold inlolinstown.
Taw scarlet fairer is previdelntin the vicinity
of Johnstown, And several deaths have al,
ready -o"ceirried.
Hertzog vs. Hertzog; Fayette county. Ar
gument continued by , FUller for defendant in
error, and closed by Miller contra.
. Pittsburgh : Connellsville It. R. Co. vs.
Cochran ; Fayette county. Non . pros. taken
oil and cause argued by Fuller for plaintiff in
error; the Court declined hearing Howell
contra. .
Fauns vs. Linsrnan; Fayette Co. Argued by
Pooch for plaintiff in error, and by Howell &
Ewing contra, and closed by Kaine for plain
tiff in.error.
Russell's appeal —Thornton's Estate; Fay
ette county. ' Submitted , by bench for appel
lant, and by Keine for appellee.
McCracken vs. Elder; Greene county. Ar
gued by Downey for appellant.
Eagon vs. Call; Greene county. Submitted
by Sayers for plaintiff in error, and by Lind
sey, contra.,
Court adjourned at half past twelve, to meet
this morning at nine.
named Lewis 'Lane was arrested and commit
ted to jail in Washington, on Sunday, charged
with setting fire to his house and attempting
to burn his family, having locked the doors.
His wife jumped out of a second story window.
She alle g es that ho had a few days previously
attempted to poison her, the meat, after being
thrown out, having poisoned a dog. A-pack
age of strychnine NMI found in Lane's pocket
after his arrest.
Morgan Thompson, of Morris township, Green
ecunty, aged about three years, was burned to
death on last Stinday. It was left hut a few
moments alone in a room where a Eire was
burning, when its mother was alarmed by its
shrieks, and hastening to its aid, found it en
veloped in flames. It was so severely burned
that. it expired in a few hours.
Flat; IN LA WREN 4. EV 1.1. E. —0 n Tuesday
,vening, a small glar,4 works, situated in the
borough of Lawrenceville, near the Arsenal,
caught lire and was totally deqrOyed. It wan
owned by 211 r. 'Riley, formerly foreman in Cur
ling & ltobert.>on'g works, and the principal
part of the building had been put up by him.
Mr. Riley wan not in.ured, but intomt.rebuibl•
ing immediately.
Tux sole of wtstchos, silvor plated wore, nn:l
jewelry, nt•Wilt.on'A cstablishtrosnt., No. 11:2
Rood stroot, near Fifth, will tontinuoa by
auctionocr, thin and
at two and feven o'clock. This op
portunity to obtain ruliablo nt v , ry Lew
pricem, 'hould not be negloctol by thou, d,,i
rons of ntir ruch articles.
AnoTIIER Ir. Art H , ,,x , n4 rare will robs
ay grow oil: of ibo mint crlntrat Ig•
h.. ltAwrti" and •'.l4,wphir).•_" Th.. owricrt
If lattrr w. undersinn.l, tw , n en
loavoring to ievurt• n b at Stith stlairh to be,:
he former. fi torn oo t e!t
urehas one
Urn minard: nt yetvrday that Om atilt 6
trate.< and Coludabh• - v treat all in
the Rutherford trial trim tooily:
er.urt r-a.C1.4 V , j ail yro.terday, th
commitm. , nt. up to dark only reach in ele-ven
all of the ordiLary charact..r.
Pt'l.l . rr, •I;4 , 1". Dr. Adatr...A,
Cinet•;and, and Erv. 1.). :1. Ycr)-..,, o f tbis
-itv, r•irhao;;t• volpats 11,•%. 11r.
Alain* is orw, of . th•• I;rst ,tivin, the Statt•
THE niiie ¢ad tirrn Gir the !iiintich. , q , r
n+ , ng,r Railway hay reilern
ftin,t, and u rkno n will kl/iUrlo . :{{ 1. i
iriin wilt ire Lore in n
A y o uso r E L L .,iv contlnvd in ihnCorot
binna county. Ohio, jail +i,nt!rt
liroko Jail irixt and i= n9ve ittinrizp.
rowar.l of S:H is oir , r,si G , r his ni.vrchnnvior
A S. ,,, CIATe ruc , r-SISTr.-11:0 47:.conior 11A
spr.intr.,l Goorgo Jkldg.
of A rm.ltrong 4 , :"unty. N 0 itdwri,
wnrd, drprea.od.
Toot winter approitehep, and will
rim! warm Mitt comfort:o4e
they can obtain cheep, well tool fgohion.o.l:, -
rtolf., and of the held and inott sub, tantinl ma
terial, nt the to.trthlirillllCTlt of W. 11. 3.1c(:.*
A:. Co., corner of Federfil mrect and the 11in
inon4. Allegheny City. Their stock of fall
and winter gouda if large and well f , elected
They employ the beAt of workmen and always
please their caMorners.. 1 hey rice ei , peel3l at
tention to bop: 0%11 and look M.
their good A.
Pltt Ktreri. Pittsburgh
for the wnaton, t Ito now pruiated to htrll:o4
ctittoint , b vtith a
In nj.littnn to Inv frcular tinnd.. I am tnanuritetor•
mg awry FINE FIAI:t MEI/ BITTER ALE. pot up iu
small package" capre.sly for Gandy 1100.
' rid. Ale I. out only& delightful lteverage,loit lit highly
reecnnurended by the tooth° I faculty. for lovalld,,orhert ,
mild, nourtuhing tunic N required. I have n 1, ,, my
ConfttAtitly on hand.: con,tqting of
Package. sent to uny rxu - t of the city. migll76m
HEATING BY STEAM.--AA ft testimonlid
the workmanlike manner. perfect action of their welt.
regulating machine., iiatity, economy In fuel, and the
little attention necessary to keep each room comfortable,
we give thin certificate to Messrs. Darin and Phillip,
sucee.sors to Phillip. k Co., for their plan of heating
by St.I.RM the Second - Ward Pitlaiie &Moats in the city of
Pittsburgh, and which tuts met our approval, and we
would recommend them to the public to give entire
satisfaction of heating by steam.
K. Miller, Jr., John Marsludl, Jr, M. Tindle, George
Wilson, John Wilimn, L. Wilcox, Directors.
Steam Healing, Gill Fitting, P/innbing and Brass Thunders,
Dealers in nrry ikairription of GasF7xturr.s and Pumps
No. 07 SVood and llb Mrst street.,
INfiTITUTX.—This Institution,
the want of Which has been no lung felt by our eitizenn
is now open under the superintendence of Messrs
Jean =k Johnson, in the Lafayette liuitdmg. En
trance, 65 Wood street. It is-designed for the pertwtnal
exhibition of the products of Mechanics, Manufactu
rers Inventors, and Artisans; and as a place of resort
for those seeking information relative to those branches
of industry, either by examination of samples or
scientific publications. Those having articles to bring
before the public will find it greatly to their advantage to
leave samples.
W The public are respectfully Invited to visit the
COULTER & MENTZKR, House, Sign and
Ornamental. Painters and Grainer& Orders left at their
shop on Fourth streetnear Market, Burke's Building,
seillße promptly attended.!Om
This is now admitted by the medical profession as a fun
damental principle of healing science. It Is wlsely'pro.
Tided by the humap economy that whenever anything
wrong in the physical system the natural forces of the
body are. brought to boar to expel the disease. The
great Win therefore is to strengthen the natural powers.
This has been kept in view by the skillfhl compounders
of Dr. J. Hostetter's Bitters, which operate to give fresh
vitality to all the organs of the body. The effect of this
medicine upon the stomach, liver and the kidneys, aro
promptnnd decisive.. The patient who is Wise enough.
to quit drugging and try the Bitters soon feels as if ho
bad taken a new lease; of life, gamins he continues the
use of the article, he is overjoyed to gad the streams of
health coursing through his frame. Let all from whose
cheek the.bloom has departed give Dr. J. Hostetter's
Celebrated Bitters a trial.
For sale by Druggists and dealers generally.
. _
Manufacturers and Proprietors.,
N 0.68 Water. And 58 Front street.
zoom. Nit= -,I*1110!IT 1113119.
mariuthetutere,' and Ightdevale and Retail Dealers in
4st.-Pern Street OIOVIL the Oanaly;t
Rave on Band siarge atisartment or - 21 .acq and 11113:
Furniture, in Wainat and Mahogany oftheirbwn mane
actors, and warranted. equip ,in quality and idyls to, any
=factored In - .the c3ty, and vrill sell at reasonable
From California—Arrival of the Over
land Mail.
Sr,' Louis, November 10.—The Overland
mail oftho 17th ult. arrived last night.
Gen. Scott arrived at San Francisco on Sun
morning, 16th ult. and received a most
enthusiastic reception. As the steamer enter
ed the bay, the battery at Fort Point fired a
salute, being the first gun over fired, from that
fort; which was followed by a like welcome
from the batteries on Alcatraz Island and the
revenue cutter Wm. L. Marcy. On the ap
proach of the Golden Age to the wharf, the
steamers 'Sonora, Northerner, Clipper and*Twi
light each fired an honorary salute. The va
rious military companies and thousands of cit
izens awaited hislanding at the dock. Gover
nor Weller escorted Gen. Scott to, an open
carriage, which, attended bythe military, pas
sed through the principal streets of the city.
which were deco - rake - with Bads of various de
vices and thronged with multitudes of people,
whose cheers were ineasiadti to the Oriental
lintel, where, being loudly called upon, he
made a short speech, remarking that the re
ception accorded 'him, in. its unanimity and
universality, had- rio astonished and confounded
him that words were Inadequate to esprms his
sentiments. Speeches were also made by Gov.
Gen. Clark, and E. D. Baker. It was
understood that Gen. Scott would leave for
Puget's Sound on the afternoon of the 17th on
board the steamer Northerner.
Among the parsengers to leave on the
steamer of the titit.h. weriaGencral Lane, Sena
tor Latietng Stout. Congrmaman elect from
Oregon, John C. Burch, Congressman elect
from California, lion. .1. C. MoKibbin, who,
it i 4 understood, vinit4 Washington with a
view'of becoming a candidate for Clerk of the
House, and Bayard Taylor.
Major Dodge. Indian Agent of Utah, ar
rived. San Frandsen with the atrvicors of
ti Mountain Meadow Ma.44acre, five women
and the children.
The overland mail of September 26th reach
d San Frnneixco on the 16th, by the steamer
rum 1...4 Arn4olo4, after being twenty da2,-f
Indication 3 are that another fillibuitering
peditior, againxt Sonora" is organizing in San
Itaiiintla continues dull and prices
unrioatigod: trade with the country phowr-d no
iinprocriiirilt.. and the city jobber,: are buying
nothing. UUlciai raturns of the wheat crop
from fourteen counties shoves the product to be
three and n half million barbels - against one
and thri-e quarter million bushels, from the
counties last year. The ininsense increase
is snpjxscd to be goneral, which VON render it
nocessary to esport bait the whoat product to
New York. or Australia. Ovcr eight thousand
1111,01 , 1 a have airvwdy been - chipped to Aus.
TM. ship Davy (siocket ottilesl the 14th
L. for New Y jrk with a earl;' of wheat.
Twelve or fourtsf.n r•wa?a were over due
otri the , Atlantic porta
Isietiteitant Ninwry, t•f A rinonta ennui n• a
ssttngcr by this mail. rtporta continued
, i,re•lattons or, tho mail company's stations by
miust.s. A fort], of 1. 4 )0 troops had it'One to
ns 11.4 the A vaetss.
Arrival of the City of Baltimore.
Nwx 10.—Ttm atorim,bip
'ity bring% Livr:rraNOl ad; iev.A to
•.:10.1 tilt , at tf-prk by telt , graph.
Thr.l.”4 , of t„.to attamor Royal 1:11411 ,, t, trout
Ikott-alia, is ewolrnw.i„ Nearly blurburalrmt
be; finciAnd, from
b“.4,,a to N , :cv!earl, WA% driven
*asp , gale. it; 11M , yhead hay-
Lot. Gr,At 1-:;.qprt; r‘Ki& out th ,, gab , ta;
ote•lit •m t.r affair' , in NapittAl4 - 0.1 alartn•
til,l a fight Wm th , etglit to tit re : nding-.
Garibaldi had i.tiost a strong prla-la•
ation to the Neap"!marl.
I , llk N, ,:.—Pants,iVvlu;:v;as.—Theltiais
•,r War has placod material of war at the
iii'p4b , :ll of the Spanish Government, and de
" :arol that the Einta , ror wilt ritwirt the tniti
15ry .1.4-ratins of Spain in thrt War rigairot
Morse' -44 in a similar way to ttooe made to
Po-4.1m."14t darlog the late' war.
Tho illoiit,tailoaet says that }'rte will not
‘tand the action of England to the Sitor, Canal
Tv ItX es. W t7. , tulaintinoplo *friars the 7th
~r had been receicod. Four of the
Ile late onapirney had been condemn
dto death. - The condemnation tind created
n ferment among the popubsec, and direct
threats of vengeance had mtchnl the palace of
Su Ilan . . .
Tfie sb , ntoiegrina havo I , olrAn to corm
rota atroviiica 21.11httli: the Torks.
ITALY.- Wed—The Minister
of Justice tins corowntieneo of liar+
Catiu•stion bring tranitferroti from' 'l'm
rat to Milan. •
Tuesday:—The Austrians have
evitrunt..l five cantons of the district composed
~f Otir t tnnoon and 1- - ago
Sr A IN.—Arndt - id, October 21.11 arching or
dors have Is-en given to the troops which are to
join the expeditionary army against Morocco.
Marshal O'Connell will start At the end of the
Week. fleneral enthusiss in prevails among the
T tr. Rover, Cll Awr in.—The only part of
the ship standing on Wednesday evening .was
a small part of the stern with the wheel and
screw-lilting apparatus. She struck at three
o'clock on Wednesday morning. and broke up
at seven o'clock. Before striking, her cables
parted, one after the other. She tried to steam
the coast, but the wind blowing a hurricane,
she drifted ashore. Several bodies were
washed ashore, and the majority of them were
greatly mutilated. Men were pickin up gold
sovereigns from off. the 'rocks, and an efficient
guard was much needed.
Livicitroot., Thursday.—Reporters have ar
rived from the wreck of the Royal Charter.
They state that the vessel struck at 2 0'C11,05
A. sr., the strain being too great for her cables:,
One heroic sailor swam ashore and made fast
a hawser, by which several lives were saved,
And morn might have boon rescued had rig!
the vessel parted in two with a dreadful crash.
The passengers and crow were either killed by
the falling masts, or perished in the 'eaves.
Four hundred and seventy persons wore lost,
and thirty-one saved. All the women and
children perished. The bullion, it is expected;
will be recovered. A largo number of wrecks'
are re rted on the English mist, with much
loss of po life. No Amertcan vessels are men.:
Arrival of the Atlantic froth California.
Nnw YORK, November 10.—The steamship
Atlantic has arrived with California dates to
the 20th ult. She brings over $1,600,000 in
gold. The Atlantic loft Aspinwall' on the 2d
instant, up to which time the .Vanderbilt,
steamer North Star, hence on the 20th ultln
had not reached Aspinwall.
General Scott arrived at San Francisco on
Sunday, the 10th, on the Golden Gate. Tho
steamer was received with salutes from the
battery at North Point by the steamers in
port and the clipper ship Twilight. Ho landed
at noon, and was escorted through an arch of.
welcome erected for the purpose, from the cen
tre of which a wreath ,was General!
Scott - passed beneath in a barouche. Ho vita"
officially welcomed .by Governor Weller. He
departed for' San Juan :on tho 17th, on the o
steamer Northerner, which arrived- amid ea--
lutes from all points. She was accompaniel.
by the steamer Shubrick, which returned to;
the city the same everting, after escorting the
Northerner out of the harbor.
Chicago Election.
CHICAGO, November :10. 7 —The returns trod-
Wisconsin • are very incomplete. The Mil
waukee &ntinei to -day says, those received
confirm theepinion , that the entire Republican
ticket is elected by a handsome majority. 'The
Republicans retain the ascendancy in the State
Illness of SenstaX;
Nrsit Toast, November 10.—T-The... Tribuni
says frSenator Douglas lies:seriously ill...with eits
attack of gout in the stomach; which has grad
ually asCiiiided front the feet, to the preeknt
dangerbils position. 'llislitiong constitution is
the great reliance of his physicians.
Sr. Jorrx,N. F., November 10.—Thesteam
ship Hnngarian, from Liverpool with dates to
the 2d inst, has passed Cape P.aee, and furnish
es advices only eight days from Liverpool.—
Her dates are five day's later than received by
the City of Baltimore, at New York.
The ship Charles Holmes, from Liverpool,
bound to Mobile, was totally wrecked during
the gale that has proved so fatal along the
English coast. All her crew perished.
The Emperor Napoleon has written to King
Victor Emanuel urging him to assent to the
Villa Franca agreement, so as to carry out the
treaty of peace with Austria.
The steamer Hungarian sent into this port
forty-two persons that had been saved from the
wreck of a vessel from Labrador, through the
exertions of the Captain and crew of thesteam
er, at the risk of their own lives. They behaved
most heroically, and deserve the very highest
The Hungarian proceeded on her voyage.
She is bound to Portland, in accordance with
the usual winter arrangement of the Canadian
line. The Hungarian passed the steamer In
dian, from Quebec, bound to Liverpool, on the
3d inst.'
The liungarian arrived out on the 29th ult:,
and the City of "Manchester and Canadzion the
Another heavy gale had occurred on the
English coast, but no disasters by it to Ameri
can vessels had been reported at Liverpool
when the Hungarian sailed.
The Liverpool papers continue to furnish
information regarding the wreck of the Royal
Charter, but no now facts had been developed.
The prospect of recovering the half million
sterling of gold were lus encouraging,although
extensive preparations for the purpose were
beim , made.
ITALY,—The King of Sardinia had received
a letter from the Emperor of France urging his
ant to, the terms of treaty with Austr ia Among other things Napoleon makes the fol
lowing demand :—That the Duke of Modena
shall be rfx.:alled to his state; that the Duchy
of Parma shall be united to Piedmont; that
Tuscany shall be augmented in territory, and
restored to the Grand. Duke, and that the pro
jected confederation of the States of Daly shall,
with moderate reforms, be carried out.
Garibaldi bad arrived at Turin to hold an
interview with King Victor EmanueL His
reception along the route had been most en
thusiastic. Ile everywhere received the ex
pressions of the faith of the people in his
course. and their reliance in him to exert all
his influence with the King in their favor.
FaaNs'a.—The report that France intended
to aid Spain in the war against Morocco,in a
similar way to the support given to Piedmont
during the late war, is officially disclaimed.
Thu Dike de Padua has been removed from
the French Ministry of the Interior, and ilur
nault had been appointed his successor.
SPAIN.—The preparations of Spain in the
teilitia against Morocco were being pushed
forward vigiimusly, and it was expected that
otrensive operations would beconunenessi about
the fith inst.
The Zurich' Conference had reassembles' to
take actior. on the treaties agreed upon between
France and Austria mapacting
Count Karolitve repments Austria in the
Conference, in place of Cunt Collerado, de-
All the treaties would hesigned within
• few days.
It is isserteii that the Congress; of thu rower*
will the Place with the adhesion of England.
The ship daeols Bell, from Foo-Chao, bound
to New ork, put into llong•Kong on August
Ist, leaky, and proceeded to Whampord to dis
Trial of Copeland and Cook
CHAR EATtaW N. November W.—The court
remained in si..isrion until nine o'cli)ek, when
the jury in the cars% of Cook rendered a ver
,ii,,e or guilty on the charge of murder and in
llefore tt u jury retired to confider upon the
verdict. Mr. Voorhcfs. delivered a most pow
erful :111.e:0 in favor of the prisoner. which
drew tears from the eyes of the most embitter
ed of 'his auditors.
This morning a motion for a new trial for
Cook, made by his counted, WEIS argued and
overruled by the Judge.
Mr. Harding. the District Attorney. refuses
to sign a hello. }mos. in favor Of Stevens, de.
mantling that ho shall be tried by the Virginia
State Court. The Court has, however, handed
the privoner over to the United States Marshal,
paying no attention to the objection of Mr.
It is rumored that Green, Cappe. Copeland
and Cook will all be executed on the tame day
with Brown.
From Washington.
ASIIINUTIN CITY, November 10.--J. 11
Lewis has been appointed Marshal of Wiscon
sin, vice M. J. Thomas, deceased.
eligible information just received from
Utah, tastes that Judges :Sinclair and Crude!.
tough aro on their way to Washington. Mr.
Ilartwell, the Secretary of the Territory, ar
rived here yesterday. It appears that there
continued to be frequent murders and assassi
nations, but no arras are made, as the Mor
mons systematically hbatrnct the course of jus
The opinion prevails among the Gentiles that
the Courts will be useless, unless the govern
shall change its policy. General Johnston is
so restricted by instructions that he cannot
move to afford the necessary protection. The
continuance of the army at Camp Floyd only
serves to add to the prosperity of the Mor
mons, by means of the large sums of money
spent in the Territory for supplies,,,
Bark Reinzi Foundered.
NEW YonE, November 10.—The bark Re
inzi, of Boston, from Peru, of the 19th of
August, thundered on Septetnber 2d, in a gale,
when in latitude 25. 60' and longitude 95° 17'
West. The crew took to the boats. The boat
containing Captain Seabury, one passenger
and five seamen, finally reached the coast of
Peru, near Tumber, after twenty-eight days'
exposure in the boat, and undergoing intense
suffering. The other boat, containing the
mate and live seamen, is supposed to have
foundered the night after leaving the bark.
One of the seamen on board the Captain's
boat, died at sea from exhaustion. All of the
men and tho mates belonged to Liverpool.
No. lit tor. Wood and Fifth Streets,
COATS use to sell at ......._.....510,00 for = 6,25
Frock Dresi Cloth, fine, use to sell fit.. 14,00 for 10,00
First Quality' Cloth, , • • 18,00 for 12.00
Black Cloth Rants, " 5,00 for 2,25
" (uperfine). " 6,00 for 4 , 00
flassitnere suits made to order, 25,00 for - -18,00
'Also, &tin, Plush, 811 k and Cloth Vests, -
At verylow Prices: The 17,,b0y0 is the Cash Price, and by
retorting to - this advertisement, the above prices will be
gtriolly Whored to. • mat:tabs°
after „subjecting it to the severest tests known to the
trt4e,sre fully persuaded that there is noFamtly
ing Soap in the United States, for so little money, having
sconce So many good qualities; (and so few disoounts)
OF BEALITI- - In colors,.firmness, surfaCe and Mx
turogenerally._ - •
PCRn'Y—ln freedom from rosin, turpentine,.
clay, fish oils,"Mtle grease and adulterations.
• OF QUAI.,M% - - - Arer Ing clothes, of••.e, .descri
Non, coarse or fine; cotton, linen, woolen - or stir' dye
printed or white: for salaam tar, greasa,pitith, paint,
ml, printers' ink; shoemakers' was, etc., from clothes,
ftlnalrevaltdirreri the hands.
Gilre.44 talrfshalor yourselves, and be convinced:- ,
t Remember . , the name is on each bar. Ask for a copy
of the dLrectsins J. H. SAWYER,
al Wood street, Pittsburgh!
Atlsons . iiCrrr, Novernber 10th, 1859.
The offerings of beef cattle are hiavier this week than
last, but figures are lower. The demand is about equal
with Eastern and home buyers. S . heup and Hogs trring
fair prices.
John' 'Afklitier; PropriWor.
Sent EELst,
No. - Offered by
40... G. W. Welst; . . ..... ----
22.-William G. Thompson...
40... J. Johnston
20... G. Collier -
33.- William Irwin
18... R. Miller .
21.. J. F. Moss 11 2 (8.3,1 , 1
18,..Idorgon & Mah01m....-..... 18 . 2 1 4®2%
Beam 40 2
50-1. Brill hart ao 1 . ,444
t.M.-T. J. Roll . 2 . '64 "
17.-61....6183ahan 17 • 2 ("43 "
, 10-G. Beck.-..., 10 2Y "
34... E. A. Recd. 'l3 ' IWO .„. "
Zl...Cash&Collins(Thompson) 22
4.-Moore k Breckenride 4 2 (332y*20-.J.N. Rogers
14.-Isatie Norris. 14 2 @WA "
49...C.8h0ernaker...._.- ........ 49 23%.
20.-Anll k f101den...............- 2 / 3 2
18-A. Scott 18 74. , "
'&)... H. A. 3lurrick '
34... C. Brainardßro 34 ` 6 ,48i 63
20._R. H. Davis a ) 2 (6 3 / 4
18...5. R. Cryot —... 181 1 6 , t1
36.-5. Burrell, (by Hutt). 36 Is_ n(
13...11. Fullerton " -...- 13
2 6 .1...N0ah Kerr 27 119.00 'p head.
63-Cook k Ivory 33 3 14(4 31,6
I:M.-Myers & 431 Z . "
S3.S.Marks & Trautman 83 ' 23.,e,63,3
OW offered
710 Fold.
310 sent East
1.159 head offered-417G ec.nt'east:-300 left oVii—and
GS3 Bold at $1,1.1, $l5O, and per head. ..
head offered and sold at 331, t4:l'5 , X,Cf Th. according
to else and quality. • - • •• • •
Papartoi Exprasly for Ma Daily Morning FOIL
Prrreistrzaz, No - rember. 1 ,L 1859
F lour -.FigureA continuo firm, and odes light. From
more gales of sdo bbla at 15-1.,57 5,00 for superfine, SS,M
(,1.,5,25 for extra. and $5,C24.5,75 for extra family. Fancy
brands 85.754 , 6,03. • • ' •
G rain ....‘Vutax--Sales 380 bush• red from Steen at
11,250,1,!2 , :c1e0 tatsh. white at depot at $1,15.. Oars-4C)
bush at depot at 40e.: In do. from store at 43444e,' C.O/LT.—
Sat. , :4.3 bush at dep,t at C2C9' Rra---Sale,i MO bush
tram store at nae. - - • •
Ilaeota...ln declining; 440 note sales 3,20 n tot Should
cr. at and 1.000 Ma. SitiC9 at 1040 ?lb. •
Pork...S.ale. 13 I.bk at $ 16 . 66 -
Ilay...Sat, 16 Irradm from Krales at sl7iija. ton.
Straw.. Sate 5 lrats froth •,calc.A . at $l4 ? inn.
Cheese_ aslc< :~'loxes W. p...5t. - 9!0-
tltilorta -Sari IGO 70(n,: c.« 1:0 tblp. No. I at 514001,12
Seed...S..dr. 5a bt«tt. 41,,ver at 144,37(44.50. •
Apples—Salo. 100 pt.a.z at p.. 150.
011.....5-11,« 14 1.4.4.. lard No.l at 900. ?, gal. .
Potatoes-Salem AO bosh Re:daft : con store at 330.113
161/11 Nt«tiantoncks A 4.444440. . •
14 agar...Sale.* 12 hbd..„ N_ O. at 5r4844'e...
.6101aaaca_24alcs 1.01 bbl N. 4-t at 4n di:t. 44, -'. 1 4 0:
Cotrie._!-.70.0s 13 rack+ Rh) at 12 j 71.0.
IttaltV...galea 1,44 a. ROOlllB4O at ......6143^30.1(4
Phnsdetphta Market`
dll Dr.t.rmu, November unchanged; the
..epury for export is hmitei; wales SOO bbls. Superfine
and extra at 14.75, and to the trade at these fig
une.. n ti to tt.fiX.l.7.lV-for. extra family and - finny lots.
Rye I.l.sur and Corn Meal unehanged. Wheat comes
forward slowly, but the demand I. limited; sales 4.000
bud; at $1.750i1...741 for red. and tleUrail,.lo foe white. Mye
ev 11.4 on ...rival at !fie. for Pennsylvania, and Sfie for
Southern. Corn quiet: :1.000 hush yellow sold atEle for
old, and 7i1...1.7:er for new. New Oats steady at ittlfderte
Some In te of the new hog protium- have been reeerred
' , ilea of Sr. .1.11,1,, , new bulk siika at 6 1 411".`9v... 20 hhdo
qtenblers at 7 , ;a7l4r. for pith . days:turrels fifess
l•ork sold 111. fla,Z2, cash- 5,0. , 0 - Ina. Ohio . Flax sold raft:
New York Market
tiro foci. Novembeilo --cotton erm: sales:Mt.)
including ilasti Niles in :muslin at 11 - r; St for New Orleans
middlings, exclusive of freight; upland middltnipt 113 e.
Yliior buoyant; sales g,7W bids. Wheat; S.ile's . S,GUO 415/4
rod si,tern 11.ir2ti': white 11. W, Iffilvraukle club $ 1 , 1 5@:
I,lcv Chicago spriiiiir 11,1.10ft - 41,1g; lowa springtl,l4. Corn'
ha-, advanced: sales i.f 10,500 bush.' Beef steady at 0,1M 7
40. 6 . 5 4 Pork heavy. 13acon dull and heavy: vile, 1000
lba. Cumberland middles, deliverable January and Feb
ruary, Lard firm and active: sales WOO bblic de-.
It verable the next four months, at 105.5, and WO gee on
the spot acne. Whisky firm. Iron quiet at
Talloscipiet at 11 1 -Alitic -- Ashea are unsettled; Pots
81.12%; Pearls Mi„0004,31. Sugar firm; Muscovado CiNfp
o e. and No, lfarana 11. 1 - . Coffee firm.
Eorelgn Markets.
Steamer Hansarian.)
London -3iarket—November 1. fireadstuffe are Tile{
but eteady ie peers. Tea slow of sale, bat the prices are
• -
London Money Merl:el.—The Stock exchange having
been closed on the ist inst., the latest quotations for
eonKols are those of 1u aiAtinst. ; That Money market
lass deebtedly more stringent, and there was an active
demand. American seennues are generally unchanged.
CObSOI.9 closed at taxia963.i Inc money, and 1Uy,496N for
Linsmi Oil is quoted at '27a esi: Irma pig is at
I.narpwl Produce Market-Tallow iswtthout change_
ots closed sternly at 27a Ca Pearls steady at 271% 9d._
Cincinnati Market.
Notemer. is more active, at
yesterday's figures, but the demand is not so,
Wheat dull, at sl.ts for red. and4l;ls for white. Corn
firm at 43444 e. Mate quiet at .45e. ; Barley. in . Mir de
mand Rye steady at 75c. Whisky is dull at
25c. Provisions unchanged. Mesa Pork. $13, 50 -‘ Lard,
in keg, at y:5,6245;1'5. No change in the money or ex
change market.
Baltimore Maiket.
. .
Batsmen& November 10.—Flour dull; Howard street City Mills $3.00. Wheat Steady; the offerings are
small; white 2.1.,:10,f51.4tk red $11,20,g1;25. Corn dull; white
and yellow 80(it,S2c. :Previsions quick Mess Pork $ 15,25;
bacon sides loc. Whisky at
Pittsburgh, Nov. 344, f
of this Company, to serve fortlaree'yearis will be
held at the Banking Douse. on MONDAY, November the
14th inst., between the hours of 11 o'clock., A. M., and 1
o'clock, P. M.
November I, 1.859. . J,.
IL .----7' Ra T nYi i- h . 1 1 ; 11ES
0 this day declared a diVidend of FOUR
PER CENT. out of the profits ot the last air. months,
payitble to the stockholders on or after the 11th mat.
ntadd • . Cashier.
Priviraratin; Novemberlat, 4 lBs9.
hare this day declared a Dividend of FOUR
PER CENT, on the capital stock out of the profits of
the last six months, ,payable to - stockholders on and of
the 11th mutant,
E. D. JOND3, Cashier.
PrrranTraClll. Nov. Is 1859. y• .
ANCE COMPANY; have this day .declared• a
Dividend of THREE DOLLARS, upon each share of its -
Capital Stock, out of the earned profits of the last Six.
Months, payable to Stockholders, on or' after thdillth
noatii) • ' "F.M. GORDON, Seely.
• • Ittorrurrr - iiTsir,,,
; - Prrrsntraan, November 10859. -
11.T.LIE DIRECTORS of this BANK have dila_ yAia
declared dividend of. FOUR PERDCJIDIT,
on the capital stock; out of the; profiU of the 'last six
months,,payableto'stockholdeni or ,thelf •legal-repte
sentatives after the 11th inst. . : ; r .
no2:td • JOIIN M.AGISFFIR,Cashier.
- EXCHAliatil
cr DIRECTORS of this Bank -have this' day'
declared &Dividend of FOUR-per cent.- out of
the profits of the last Biz Months, Stockholders, or
their legal ropreseinalli will be paid on and after the
no2lot ;. ILK Cashier:
.- ., ~ ~ ~ . .M ECSAIiICS' BINE; LEd:
...,.......? Zipt 1;1859. - • ••• .
fr .-..",.. THE PRESIDEN7 arid Directors of this
t.t.,Y • laavo this dardnclared a Dividend'of FOUR - per .
on the Chime Stock ; out of the profits of the . last
six months, payalde to the Stockholders, or their legal
representatives, On or after the 11th Met. ..
no .10t. - - .., - GEO. 17. - McGßE'W,Tiislihir
"DENNY'S GROVE," recently fitted tryi es
Is now upon for the acebinniocation ot, Pro-Niez, pleas
tire Prtrtie;,
ICE . C11.E2051 - ANR . RElskiiiisiEN - 74.
isar A-riand . ormiweatway. attendance. ihgood_
covered platform for thawing. . . , • -
Jeadnlaw-tf " ' "IIOEVEtEII
LATEDlEDElHE,:.plealuintillocitted within a 'fett'
yard 'of the Penn'a. Railroad, s now open•for the re.''
oeption of summer visitors. A fine ten-pin alley ha,,
recently been erected on the premises, and fine flshim•
afforded near by. 4.11 Cr aim stop hens. Charges moderate.
ylA4rityfsma CHAS. W. PLUM, Troprietora
gi g uerrean •Taßtrim
o maR, s - - • ,
rnbrotype and PhOograph
.G.AL.LEI. - R..Y
No. 70_ Fifth Striiiat,'.
; NPARLi:upposrt THE pon
43rTwo Silver IFfedatefind Two Dipapm. - . liwirded:tor
Photospraphs. Ambroty pee,
_and Life Site Mthrea.
colored in-011 on Canvas_ . • • • _ oeWs
Colored in . Oil, Pastelle,„nr
style, and . at Eastern pricet...
Jones' Stildtn tourth street.
Q 13
LERY; Cbr. Fifth mutGnmtstrcets .—The frobetriber Rat ,
ing tined up roams in M'TIGIIE'S ,BUILDRiGhIa now
pr wedto take Likenegie that CANDRYT - -PILIL
Call eiainiife the e . one'etion..
Corner of Eiftti and Granr, streets.
MR JOHN= • •"'•
WOULD revectetilly the
~.Tradies, and Gentlemen of Pitibburgh, tbs . t be is
_preitred to give 'lessons on the Violist,' Guitar, Mite
and Cornet Fortenns. ae, address • ,
; se'r2ni "JOHN KEI.a, Yittsbni• h 'Theatre.
chased the -interest of ;hts late partnts; G:8.
BATES, in the ROOFING BUSLNESS, and is •the sole
nuu3ufactere and : , .loaler in the:folloiring three dictinct
kinds of Roofing:— -
_ lat. Gum Elastic,, Cement r lErelk and Can
2d. `li ipreied Felt, Cement and Graliel
3d. Patent,English Asphaltic Felt Roof—
- wairan ted FIREAA! WATER PROOF. Roofing
Matorial for sale,svit, printed instructions for using:
fico at BATES Masa; 75, Smi43t
, ,
gunc -- 03rnent is unequalled as s Paint for
Metal Roots, tasting twice. ZS long, at least, as,taita_ tpaild
cheaper. SeiclMll(
31,11:p1 ?air, nt
_ .
- •
Warebotake, No., /49 Sint and 130 Second' attvieta:
Manitfacturers of all size 4 anddeacriptianaor Coal Oil,.
-itetortlt and Stills; Gaa and Water Pi pe. Sactaren, .156 g
1 ron4„ . Wagon, ik? zes„Steel Moulds . , Faille., Hangers altd
(--7° l2,4o Ll Yotbing and itS4Ottine;Ciatings of ivory:tiescrip•
non rrtado to order.
- Having 4 complete 'machine l'ehdp . tittatfied to' the
Foundry, ail treeessy fitting Ni;fl be c4roftillysittertd
ed to. ravMildstv
T. A Irg SUPER - ion cOPPEIC 3iMiG
PART, , 111YellitD1 7 : & -CO •
Braziers' and Bolt Copier, Pre..-ed Copper Bot
torns, Raised Still Bottom Spelter Solder, to., also im
porters and dealers in Metals„ Tin. Plate,- Sheet IMO,
Ac Constantly on hand, Tinmen's 31w - bine:a and
Tools. Warehonse,,No. I.4v_First, and =Second streets,
nttsburgh, Speclal orders of Copper eat to any da
rted pattern. • -, _ rarzeiyam.
._ ~.:...amawst eases
Importeis of zra
El A R
No: 52:-Wooil Street,'
Foal... Doors above St. Ctuirles Hotel .• P ars.Busq,s,
oa Hama; tats of Lancaster— k Gaseo,P#rgh
GEO. S. BRYAN - 8i CO.,- -
- • ... FOR THE SALE OF- - "
BLOp2IIB, /1617.,.•;
No, 52, Wood at., Pittsburgh. -- 7.:
fissinizaces.—Lyon,Short.,S; Co.,,Pittslxvgh,-.Liiring
lbn. Copeland A, Co 4 Pittsburgh:Thos. aleranklin,Easei.,
Lancaster; Eton.
Simon Cameon; laislmo Mian
'Gardner:A Co.;flolidayaburg, Pa. .
I by Fire * onTtuiidnag Merchaue&, Foraitor9,4e,
at reasonable rotas of premium.. • . a .
DIRECTORS —F. Ratehford cirrilYißiaroWiroe„.o4l47m.
M'Kee A. Co.; Nalbro Frazier: Jno. M Atwood; of Mai:od,
White &Co.; Benj. T. Tredick,,of Tredick, Stoke" #.004
Henry Wharoin; Mordecai L.TaWsoO; GoO-If. Stewart,
of Stewart A liroz. , Joho H. iSrown,,of. Johnii. , Browri&
Cu. - 11..1t. Falitiesniek,of B.A. Fahnestock A Co.; matron
B. cash; J. L. Erringer, of Wood A. En-Inger. , •
F. BATCHFOR.D.STA.R.S.,.I.reakieIot.
CHARLES 'W. COX}, Secrentry. ' -
Prrrsncraoa Rxrearices.—WmAiolmea &Co 'J. Painter
& Co.;Thomas 31`.11owe, E.. 44., Jas. Maratuill, kagellen
Kramer, .Esq., Wilsom; jne , &
Co, Bailey, .Brown A Co, Livingston : CoP#uoill.
James B.Lyon - &-CoVjirm. S. Lmrely & Co. • - •
GEO: S. BRYAN. CO., Agenu, •
• - 52 Wood street.
111,&C J 0373 • 9.ll.3iiata
01 1
Corner Rosi and FirsX_Streeter,.',.
•:' PriTgati
_ J 041:N 111. 7 irGr 0""
. LEM A 11 . 141n17111 saICSION 01- ; ... -._
~• ,
EncicEntres, - I)lssta,iBrickA4,',
HYDRAU upeEivrtNT,
Attorney &Colnuellor•at'lLaw;
• • --"
Especial attention Oen to - collecting and acts g
claims of every
Run tc.--Jiaremish Dttntery, Br
' c Roterg& Attainifri;!':tiPip
q - lt ;
BUT 4 tt . D AV:liror
lrbitsfactztrers evwy description
.ps - c:rpt.w•i3'r . crXm6
No: 45 Swithlleld ' Btreet,
• •
A Cull assortment Of PriT9BlJAthi'ilAN6F/oroll.'
EU • - ,
FURNITUAE, conAtaht.lg'on. =id; iftur.ll,'irkliria,
sell at the Idwest prieeis for Cosh.'
their 2everakinds of . • ; .•-••
AN!) "P.RIV.O"R BOIi 1
And not liableio cmciAn wlmc
Frnell'Enibicilcre . iii,a 4
•-.SA.TO3; CR:Et fr SfiCattM.B, • •
oct Ncl , -17. - Fifth -street.:.:,
1 icINA foruld by: - '
-111: _I; iMEZAI I I MIN; -
rrALLOW.2,OOO poundo lo arrive.and for
sad by' se2ll - A MOS U. COLLINS.
I hhds., e, :aid fair Sugar
„ n u ll g co.
WAL 11.
for sale by
jQ I,RAU•tor A 1)• for sale F.