The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, November 08, 1859, Image 1

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Frederick. Von Schiller-His Works and
Character-e The Centel:Wel Celebration
of his Birthday.
We are extremely gratified to observe that
, ..
our German friends are so unusually active in
their preparation for the "feast of reason" they
propose indulging in on 'Thursday, and in
which we r
Ameicans have been cordially
vited to participate. We are also happy to
learn that a number of American citizens are
receipts and Expenditures of Allegheny taking an active pale in the preparations for
The Auditor's Report ty. f. Receipts and Ex-
thiapleasurable occasion- - as it seems to be the
penditures of Allegheny county, for the year dawning of 'a more cultivated taste and a closer
1868, is now ready for distribution at the Com- alliance with our citizens teem over the water.
esdierieners' office. We have made a brief ex- Wo haveoften wished that the worship of the
Iminatiein of it, and find that the receptis during
the year amounted to $125,543 43, front the adorable dollar, which seems to be the one idea
following sources: of Americans, could be for a time .dispensed
Tax collectors, $99,535 32; Thomas Black- with, and a taste for poetry and the arts culti
more, Esq., late treasurer, $927 68; N. Holmes '
& SOD, temporary loan, $10,416 20; Jacob To
voted- The want of such cultivation is mani
mer, temporary loan, $623 GO; John Beatty, test every day, when the millionaire of wealth
- temporary loan, $500;-H. D. King, temporary hangs his walls - with costly daubs and fills his
loan, $2Ol 54; Jacob Glosser, temporary loan, book case with "glittering gelaeralities,"select
s3oo; R. Patrick & Co., temporary loan, $200; ed without taste, not because he can approci.
A. Crouch, temporary loan, $500; William ate even these, but because other people have
- Perkins, - eemporary loan, $2,060; Mrs. D. C. them, and to demonstrate that he has aplethos
' . Kemmerer, temporary loan, $125; R. A. Ba ns - rie purse. These exhibitions almost force us
man, Esq., tines, $9 00; A- McMaster's, Esq., to believe in the old theory that none but paint
- fines, $2 34; H. J. Rogers, Esq., fineses27 75 era can appreciate' fine pictures, - and none but
C. W. Lewis, Esq., fines, $74 57; J. S. Ham, poets fine thoughts, but the preparations for
, Esq., flees,' $3 67; L. -S. Johns, Eels:, 'fines, the appropriate celebration of the anniversary
$5; Thomas Daft, Dsq., fines, $4; John M'Kee, of the birth-day of the great German poet and
Esq.,,fines, $18; Michael Lipp, Esqe . fines,sll; dramatist, prove that there is an appreciative
S. B. Cooper, refunded, $l5; Joseph Hilands, admiration of these twin sisters of art growing
Esq., sale of an estray, $8 70; J. H. 'eleElein. up among those "who know, not how to curve
ney , l um b er , $3 ; J o h n Bir m i ng h am, E sq ., l a t e a graceful line or scan a poetic one." It is the
Prothonotary, fines imposed on sundry persons, advent of an era in progress which it gives us
by District Court, $245; Jacob Tomer, refund- pleasure tie reaped:sand froin it wepredict for
ed, $25 GO; George Duphorn, Esq., fineseeee., our German friends such an audience as will
$4 02; Unseated Land Tax, $8,692 76; Re. pay a deserved tribute to the bold genius of echo
demption money, unseated lands, 51,005 68. mild man Schiller," one that will see and feels
It will be seen that the city aldermen pay the many beauties. handed- down to us in the.
but small amounts into the Treasury,' and that glowing language of the Rhine.
the sum paid' in by Alderman' Rogers and Schiller, who was cotemporaneous wij
Lewis, both Democrats, is quite respectable. Goethe, shares with hint the admiration of „
compared with the rest. country Men and of the world, and his merits
The expenditures during the same period fully entitled him to 'the adulation showered
run op to $126,041 10-leaving a balance due upon him-for few men have startled areerde
.theTreasnrer of-$497 67. The items are, as ;lighted, the world' of poetry, with 'more whetfollows: than hee-hisinfetterecl imagination see to
- Assessors, $1,732; Agricultural aperosria- burst forth and paint in glorious colors ye in
tions,sloo;Attorney General's frim;s2,7l', 04; uto details; and it was his peculiar cie rafter
Auditors; $658; Bridge building - and repelling, that he transported all spirituel obj tseento
see to
47; Books and stationery, $1,067,71; the sensual world, and converted thelfreeto aCa
Bridge viewing, $7; Cash paid Clerk to m- magnificent picture.:' Is it, then, strange hat
. zniseioisers; $l,Oll 75; ' Commiesianere ex- his enthusiastic countrymen should elelirefat in
p ee me. seeeee 50 ; commi ss i oners , pay, $2,- honoring his memory.
081 29; Counsel's fees and commission's, $572- The place of his nativity was Meealeen the
30; Crier t o Co ur t o r Quarte r Sessions e SS.B3. duchy of Wurtenaburg-the data' November
75; Coroner's account, including . Juries' pay, 10tb,-1769. He was educated at the Military
$336 15;, Clerk to Court of. Quarter tensions, School at Stuttgardt, his parents intending him
$2,2'68 80; Constables' fees, $lB9 fee Coro- fora surgeon, but during his student's career
monwealth Witnesses, $2,658 27; CMtingent his dramatic talent exhibited itself, an be pro
and ,miscellaneous expenses, $2,99310; Cur- duced the tragedy of ." The Robbef.' Which
reecy, discounted, $149 90, Comnissioners' filled the mitbusiestic and se rental youth of
fees, State Roads, $74 40; Clothing and bed- Germenv with admiration, dife aroused thee(
ding for prisoners, $549 61; Crier a Supreme from their habitual lethargy to sigh for the
Court. $36 50; Deficit in State Tax,61,950 97; adventurous life of the hihway. Under its
'Election expensas, $3,034 29; En;ineers to influence a number of students ateleeirssie de e e
• Court House and Jail, $344; Fuel tad Light, serted their colic-ere with the avowetiefairpose of
.$763 93; Fugitive apprehensions, $471 65; forming themselves into troop banditti in 1
Funeral expenses, $261 15; Grad Jurors, the forests of Bohemia. This phi te was written
$935 30; House of Refuge, 511,0731 G; Inter- in Schiller's vigorous youth, while still inexpe
est on loans, $5,197 81; Interest Ss County rienced in world character, and looking, up with
Scrip, $lO - 84; Interest on Alleghey County reverence to his standarde, Leasing, Goethe,
Coupon Bonds, $1,995 30; Interec on Rail Klopstock and, Shakepeare„lfor between the
Road Bonds, $1,712 86; Interpetors in robber chieftan and Richarji. Duke of Gloster,
Coterie, $7B; Indexing, $325; Infirmly, $lO5- there are many points of 'issemblance. Then
• 08; Jail fees and prisoners allowane $4,703- followed, as the fruit of his maturer dramatic
56; Jurors Court of Quarter Session, $5,774- efforts, "Cabal and Love," full of powerful
47; Jurors District Court, $5,654 55;Late and impressions and highly wrought sentiment,
former Sheriff's, $5l 32s Medicine, for Jail, calling forth tears and smiles, creating bitter
$144-66; Mayor, Aldermen and Ju.stees' foes thoughts and sweet emotions, with the aged
$7,939 79e0Eficers' fees in Court care, $2OB and youthful, on the vine-clad slopes-of the
74; Half of eight mill tax refunded, $3,359 4e legendary river of song ; e The Conspiracy of
Prothonotary's fees, 5242 36; Postage, $7 75 Fiesco," which, like Byron's " Hours of Idle-
Physicians to Jail, $434; Post Morten exam: ness" at a later date, brought down upon him
nations, $160; Premium on fox scalps, $52 e ; the wrath of the criticsrand spurred him on to
-Printing, $1,124; Road Viewing, SS96; li- a glorious vindication in e Dim Carlos," a corn- 1
demption Money, $743 61; Recorders' feu, position of higher and more refined tone than
$4 87; Refreshments for Jurors, $1,019; Rai its predeces=sors, natural, subtle and mystic,
Damagesesl,l92; Repairs to Court House al yet marked with his youthful extravagance of
Jail, $1,947 76; Superintendents of Cori imagination, and displayin g big peculiar
House; $202; Scrip redeemed, $23; State Aud arrangement of characters and incidents.-
staves Court $410; Tipstaves Supreme Court, $123 5. This piece added to his reputation, and gained
le of Quarter Sessions, $1,421 him many friends, among whom were the critics
Tipstaves District Court, $1,411 50; Treasur, who had censured his earlier productions. Then
, -rues.-compensation, $1,247 05; Transcriblne followed a volume of poems, prominent among
duplicates., $1,624 16; Transcribin g dockets, which was the "Lay of she Bell," 'arid others
$1,009 18; Temporar s y loans, $16,880 17; of equal Merit, which placed him still higher in
Taxes and'costs refunded, $3,746 51; Treasur-the temple of fame, and moreover procured him
er's sales, $4,860 7.7;' Watchmen to Courta wife of good family and fortune, who read
Heise and Jail, $739 25; Western Pennsyl-bin works,-feleie love, and sent him a matrimo
vania Hospital, $2,253 50. Total, $126,041 10.nial . challenge, which he accepted. He was
The amount of taxes collected in the wardsnow appointed, by Duke of. Saxe-Weimar,
of the cities:was as lollowe : • Professor off History - and' Philosophy in the
Pittsburgh.-First ward, $4,113 77; Second University of Jena, having already written a
ward, $5,847 65 ; Third ward, $9,959 53 ;history of the "Revolt- of the Netherlands from
Fourth ward, $9,310 89; Fifth ward, $5,910 96;the Spanish Government." While in this
Sixth Ward, $3,144 '79; Seventh ward, 1,466 86;eapacity he wrote` hie. celebrated ..“ History of
Eighth ward, $2,009 30; Ninth ward, $1,600-the Thirty Years' War," and gave also to the
41 : Total, $43,564 16. - world of dramatic literature, " Wallenstein,"
Allegheny. -First ward, $2,570 68; Secondeoted for its historical, truth, full of dignified
ward, $2,998 56; Third ward, $1,885 00 ;style: and touched, i a the love scenes of Thekla
,Foorttewarele 6,270 09; T0ta1 e 512,724 33: old Piceolomini, with the sweet poesy -traits
*. - The amount of taxes assessed in the countyif his earlier ns
coeositions. " Maria Stuart "
was 5135,252 82. dm displays- .
an impressive tenderness and
The total amount of outstanding taxes ielepth of feeling, while it containe gems of rare
$80,230.34, divided thus :-1850, $3OO 75; ioetic beauty.., The e Maid of - Orleans " is
. 1861, $77 93; 1852, $1,049 73; 1853, $664 18equally haepy, depicting in glowing colors and
"1-854 ; $2,048 34; 855, $579 30; 185 G, sl,6ls:audy array :the. in and, patriotic girl..
63; 1857, $7,043 51; 1858, $66,851 12. - rho e Bride Of efessina," a romantic tragedy,
The items which go to make up the sl,7l2iighly colored, betrays more of the peculiari
-86 credited to interest on Railroad Bonds proles of the German" literature of the day than
as follows:-Amount paid Thomas Blackmoreiny preceding it. Schiller seems in it to have
interest arid 'Protest A. V. R. 8., $216 50eealt with the mystical, ideal, eireatny irnagis
Wm. L. Richardson, A. V. R. R., $3OB 64;11eations of thapertod, tending towards spiritual-
H. Latrobe, C. R. R, $BB 85; Kramer .ism in a high degree, more than with the real
_Rehm, A. V. R. R., $1,058 87; Thomas Mend natural. The -plot is deeply interesting,
Howe, interest on time warrant, $4O 00. and well developed, carryin g th© reader pleas
- The actual deficit in the Treasury (the debiantly forward to tbedenournent. Of a different
of the County being $237,020 40,) is s 32 , 29 fesharacter is the "Ghost-Seeer," full of strange
99, but the auditors say the unavoidable ' aseancies and fantastic thoughts, "grand, gloomy
sets will swell the amount to $171,852 49.• "rid Pecelearee A "History of the most Memo
.. ~aci „ -
rabbi Conspires," written prior to this, at-
TELE V:ALIIIC. Or (leers Lunas.--We adviseracted much attention.. Schiller's latest work
our readers who are desirous of preserving thevas " William Tell," and it was his best. It
Usefulness of the lungs and bronchial apparaes a grand production,- worthy of all praise,
ties not to defer .taking medicine in time ferehowing forth the grace, purity and vigor of
their cure. Most of _the consumptive caseeis poetic genius in a high degree.
which end fatally, are the result of a small be Schiller died at Wiemar, on the 9th of May,
ginning of a cough or cold, which .cSiuld-bilBos, in the prime of life, being only forty_
easily removed by a bottle of Dr. Keyserelve. After 'death 'the highest boners were
Pectoral ' Cough Syrup, now put up and sold ashowered upon his memory, and his early de
fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. It has himease was regarded as a national calamity.
abundant evidence of its vast superiority "oveWe know not what the world of , poesy; has
most remedies, and those who resort to it ilost, and `can ` only 'speculate' . upon what lie
time willsavengreat. Ile& or suffering frorgave it. It cannot be disputed that as a Peet,
those disagreeable diseases which are so preys Schiller stood' on the topmostround of the lad
lent, during the winter, and spring months der of fame and in the front rank of the utte
You can get it at Dr. Keyser's Drug 'Store, le dying armeeof genius, while as a man he will
140 Wood street. 4 e ever be surrounded with happy memories, as
1 pure iteeoul, noble and generous in nature-a
type of the grand, the true and the good of
mankind's chosen few. To pay fitting tribute
to the memory of such a man is a work of love,
and in doing this the greatest possible encour
agement should be given to those who have
been exerting themselves to make a proper de
monstration on the centennial annhseeeleiei of
. hiebirth. i
--ee-------- The programme for the occasion is an op-
Tem AIITIKERFOAD OASES will be taken tpropriate one, and we hope to see it well exe
'in the Court of Quaiter Sessions, at nine o'cloccuted. In
-the morning a procession of the
this morning.. On motion of District AttorneGerman aesociations of our city will form in
Collier, the Court yesterday ordered the issuinprocession, accompanied by the military and
'of a • write of habeas corpus ad testifrando, Duch of our societies as feel disposed to join
bring Fanny Cowatch and Annetta Johnstonhetri, end:maecla through the principal streets .
two of the witnesses, before the Court, fronf the cities. In the evening, a brilliant en
the .11012.40 of Iteflige. : - -,-, . , ertainment will be given at Masonic Hall, by
he Frohsinn and Tentonia Singing Societies,
Tan 011. PETER still rages in the mouratainesisted by the Turners.- The "Lay of the
"ous districts of Franklin and Crawford coun-ell" will be -rendered in suitable music, Muss
ties. Sites are being taken up with avidity,ated - by twelve' beauiiful arid 'Striking tab
and a number of capitalists from this citrandeux, the costumes and scenery for which have
other points _have -commenced operations -en procured at great expense, representing :
ee Should large deposits of oil be found, we may 'The Workshop; workmen empleyed in the
expect the speedy construction of railroads in tesery. - 11. The Bapfism; child carried to
that now remote region. rch in its mother's arms. 111. Farewell;
child grows to manhood and leaves the pa
ial roof. IV. The Return; the youth comes
is sees; and falls in love with threplaymate
is youth. V. The Bridal; he marries her.
' The Mother at Home; showing the wife,
eundel by her family, engaged in house-
I lduties. - VIL The Coatin g of the Bell.
1 The Fire. IX. The Funeral. X. The
eiution. XI. -The Battle. XII. The
BS'ast. Concluding with a tableau of the
Ming of the , bust - of Scbillei. This bust is
111,Work 9f art, having been fashioned by
e Meyer & Stout, Penn steeet.
Se 011ie - mt. indications this ovation will be
a gsocceoss, onit.we hope, forlhe faine of
thoeit may 66;-, 01ii. German
e.,eeeeeityiegiet up fetes in 'good style, "and
this be aoeseeptlon to the role.
SUPREMA COURT.—Before Chiefiustice Low
rie and Judges Woodward, Strong, Thompson
and Read.
cTipue Wee Five Dothan per year, ad
may, Magda ankserlptiona Two Doi
' laze per year; in Crabs of the, One Dollar.
The following opinionsNOVESIBER were read and judg
ments entered to-day:
Pennsylvania Railroad Company vs. Porter
—two cases ; Cambria. Affirmed, Per Cu
Wible vs. Burford; Armstrong. Affirmed.
Per Curiam.
Kerghley vs. School Directors; Westmore
land. Affirmed. Per Curiam.
Yeager's appeal; Mercer. Decree affirmed
at jietitioner's cost. Opinion by Lowrie, C. J.
Separate opinion by Read, J.
Johnson vs. MeCree : Butler. Affirmed.
Opinion by Lowrie, C. J.
Gilliland et al vs. Rhodes; Armstrong. Re
versed and rewire de noro awarded. Opinion
by Woodward, J.
Putney vs. Carothers et al ; Clarion. Af
firmed. Opinion by Strong, J.
Phoop's appeal; Armstrong. So much of
decree as orders appellant to nay the costs re
versed, and as to remainder affirmed. 'Opinion
by strong, J.
Mershon vs. Hood & Co.; Westmoreland.
Affirmed. Opinion by Strong, J.
Overseen of the Poor of Bell township vs.
Overseers of Canal township; Indiana. Order
of removal affirmed, and order as to costs re
versed. Opinion by Read, J.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad Com
pany vs. Protidfet, and same vs. Bigger: Wash
ington. Argued by Craft for plaintiff in error,
by Wilson and McKennan contra, and closed
GOP. Hamilton for plaintiff in error.
ceall vs. McCall; Washington. Nnn. pros.
lien vs. Markle; Washington. Argued by
on for plaintiff in error, and McKennan
ydpa' Executors -vs. Lcydas' Executors
'a-slengton-yoArgued by Watson for plain
till' in error,,.and Wilaowcontra.
"r.M.r I III M . 4 4
IhsnucT Comdr.—Before Judges Harnp
tii:p and Williams. •
• lIER 7th
he argument list is stiIINOVEM being heard in this
`uurt. heard
Judg WClure, Adams and Parke.
NOVEMBER 7, 18riti.
Commonwealth vs. John Dignuto, charged
with assault and battery with intent to kill, on
Christian Kline, on the night of July 13th,
1858. Prosecutor being sworn ••titled that
, 0 1.
on that evening, defendant an co others
visited his beef hall on SmithtliTh street, near
Fifth, got some beer and refused to pay for it.
They went outside and began tearing down the
shutters and behaving disorderly otherwise.--
Witness went out, when, as lei alleges, Dig
, rfurn approached and struck him with some
jharp instrument. On returning Myths house
he found himself badly cut, and went to bed,
his life being in danger for several days. The
other parties were arrested at the time . ; but
,Dignum was not caught until 11 veer six weeks
since, when ho was arrested in St. Louis.—
Quite a mass of testimony was offered, sonic
corroborative, other contradictory. Mr. Sei
bentek appeared for the prosecutor and R.
_Biddle Roberts, Esq., for The defence. The
case occupied the entire morning and a part of
the afternoon session. The jury retired at four
o'clock,and at q - uarter before five returned with
a‘verdict of guilty, with a recommendation to
mercy. The prisoner was remanded. Mr.
Roberts made a motion in arrest of judgment
and for a now trial.
John Walls of the Fifth ward, pleaded
guilty to selling liquor without license, and
was sentenced to pay a One of $lO and costs.
Martin Freidenrick, of Sharpsburg, was
tried for selling liquor without license. De
fendant had sold under a license issued to a for
mer proprietor of the 110112 C, which had' not
been transferred properly. The jury found a
verdict of guilty, and defendant was sentenced
to pay a One of ten dollars and costs.
FLonzsicv..e.—Before leaving the city,
Mr. Florence, who played a most successful
engagement at the Pittsburgh Theatre last
week, desired Mr. Howe, the manager, to re
turn his sincere thanks to all the members of
the dramatic corps, for the admirable manner
in which his pieces' were rendered. He assert
ed, that never in hti theatrical career had his
pieces been played more perfectly, and with a
greater regard to detail.
J. MILLER, Ewe , tho new District At
t6rnev, had the oath of office administered to
- him by Judge McClure yesterday; in open
Court, on motion of Mr. Collier the present
officer. Mr. Miller's duties commence with
the December term, and it is thought be will
make an efficient officer.
HOSIERY,—AVe refer to the advertisement
of M. Daly, corner of Fifth street and Mar
ket alley, the old stocking manufactory. He
has on hand a large and complete assortment.
of woolen stockings, hose, socks for men and
women, embracing new and original patterns
and styles. Call and examine.
man named Jacob Stoner, re
siding near. Berlin, in Somerset county, com
mitted suicide, the other day; by banging
himself in the garret of a neighbor's house.
He is supposed to have perpetrated the rash act
while suffering from derangement.
MR. D. W. CLAIM—No. 03 Market gtrect:
Sir: I feel indebted to you for the fine
Silver Watch you saw proper to give me this
afternoon, on purchasing a book at your estab
lishment. Such liberality deserves success,and
I freely commend the public to give you acall
as your assortment is large and handsome, and
prices very liberal.
Yours, 8 - c., Sxstx. ParrEason.,
City Tax ,Collector, No. 80 Liberty street,
TILE winter approaches, and everybody will
need warm and comfortable clothing. This
they can obtain cheap, well and fashionably
made, and of the best and most substantial ma
terial, at the establishment of W. H. McGee
& Co., corner of Federal street and the Dia
mond, Allegheny City. Their stock of fall
and winter goods is largo and well selected.
They employ the best of workmen and always
please their customers. 9 hey give especial at
tention to boys' clothing. Call and look at
their goods.
DIRECTORS ELECTED.-At a meeting of
atockholders of. the Pennsylvania Insurai
Company, held yesterday, the following Boi
of. Directors for the ensuing year was electe
Jacob Painter, Body Patterson, Henry Spro
C. A.' Colton; A. A Carrier, A: J. - JoiLes,
YOeghtly, I. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampt.
Hobert Patrick, James H. Hopkins.
CARZPOL PARENTS always make provisions
beforehand for illness which may arise in their families.
There are two medicines which should be constantly
kept in every hOusehold. They are WILSON'S TILLS,
a well-established family medicine, and B. L. FA/SNEfid-
TOCIt'S VERMIFUGE, which has never been known to
fail where worms existed. They are both prepared and
sold by B. L FANNESTOCIC B CO., Wholesale Lyng,-
gist., No. 60 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Sold at retail by. Druggists everywhere.
Pitt Street, Pittbbni•gh
-LX for the season, I am now prepared to furnish my
customers with a
. ,
In addition to rity brands, I am manufactur
ing a very FINE FLAVORED BITTER ALE, put up in
small packages expressly for family use.
This Ale is not only a delightfuL beverage, but is highly
recommended by the medicolfaculty, for invalids, where
a mild, nourishing tonic is required. I have also my
Tam extensive sale of fine furniture, by or
der of administrators of the late H. H. Ryan,
will be commenced this morning, at 10 o'clock,
imthe.Wareroom in the Dispatch Building,
Fifth street.
Coastal:lo3 , oz' blind, consisting of KENNETT BITTER
Packages sent to any part of the city. ausll:6n3
THE ALARM OF sum last evening was occas
ioned bythe burning of the roof of a house
above . the Diamond, on Anderson street, Alto
zheny, which was, however, soonestinguished.
HEATING )3 Y a testimonial of
the workmanlike manner,-perfect action of their self
regulating machines, safety, economy in fuel, and the
little attention necessary to keep each room comfortable,
we give this certificate to Messrs. Davis and Phillip;,
successors to Phillips d. Co., for their plan of heating
by steam the Second - Ward Public Schools in the city of
Pittsbnrgh, and which has met our approve, and we
would recommend them to the public to give entire
satisfaction of heating by 'steam: • •
R. Miller,. Jr„-John Marshall, Jr.,. M. Tindle, George
wg.9,34„jogn.Wilson, L Wilcox, Directors.
Prrrsnotton, November 7,1851. -
D. W. CLoats.:--Please socept 'my
thanks for: the elegant Silver Hunting Case
Watch .1 received at your store on FridiiY
eve- Joan - D. BAILIT, •
thlperniteakat Bolling-mill, Pittsburgh.
Steam Rea t - Gas PYtting, Plumbing and .P rase Foundri4
Dealers in evarv4aceriptum of Gas Futures and Pumps
No m . 67 Wood and 148 First street, Pittsburg
1:4 7 - . ', -- b - .,i.•.:•. - '..-:-..41.- - tt - L .. *.. - •: .. "ti - ./4t;;-•,:b
Attempted Wife Murder and Self Des
The vicinity of the Third ward, Allegheny,
was thrown into a state of considerable excite.
ment on Monday morning by the announce
ment. tbat a German named Andrew Baker,
residing Main street, between East Lane
and Walnut, had murdered his wife by stab
bing her, and then attempting to kill himself
by the same means.
On investigation it was ascertained that the
report was somewhat exaggerated ; but the facts
were still serious enough. The circumstances
so far as we could learn them, were as follows:
Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, a woman of about
fortyyears, mother of several children, and wife
of Andrew Baker, a - German of about fifty,
was seated in the kitchen, engaged in cutting
up cabbage for saur kraut, when her husband
desired her to perform another household duty,
which she refused, saying she had not time.
Ho then seized her by the right arm, and draw
ing a pocket knife, with a blade nearly four
inches in length, plunged it into her left side
in the region of the heart. It is the opinion
of the physicians that the knife was turned in
the wound. -With the same knife be then in
flicted three wounds in his own abdomen.
When discovered,liusband and wife were
both insensible, and bleeding preflisely. Al
derman Scott was informed of the circum
stance, end immediately visited the premises.
Mrs. Baker recovered sufficiently to make an
affidavit, but the husband was not in a condi.
tion to be removed to jail, Dr. Baldwin was
called in and examined his wounds, but gave
no opinion as to their probable result. Dr.
Walters was subsequently sent for, and stated
that without close attention they would prove
fatal. Ho suggested his-removal to the Hos
pital, but Alderman Scott did not think it con
sistent with duty for bith to do so, and in the
evening, when it was theinglit be could safely
be removed, he was committed to jail. Last
night his life was not considered in danger,
provided he was properly attended.
Mrs. Baker was more seriously injured than
her husband, though no vital organ was pene
trated, the difficulty in the way other recovery
being the floW of blood into the cavity of the
chest. At a late hour last night her recovery
was a matter of serious doubt.
Baker is a worthless fellow, drunk frequently
and suffi2ring occasionally from msnia potn.
He isa shoemaker by trade, but works only
occasionally. He has frequent quarrels with
his wife, and only last Saturday went before
Alderman Bell to make information against
her. Ho but recently got out of jail, where he
was sent for abusing his wife, It is to be hoped,
should himself and wife both recover, that the
serious results of his desperation may lend to
needed reformation.
alias Mullen. and ,Tamos Kirken, were before
the Mayor, on Monday, who fined them fifteen
dollars eaelf and costs for disorderly- conduct.
They went on Sunday night, about half past
ten usekek, to Kelly's tavern on Diamond al
ley and liernand , d liquor, which he refused to
furnish, saying ho did not sell on Sunday.
They then became violent and Mr. Kelly or
dered them out. On their refudrig, to go, ho
sent to the watch-house, and Lieut. Clark, of
the night police, went over to arrest them,
when,on his approach, Williams drew a revol
ver and tired at him. The two were finally
captured, taken to the watch-house, and in the
morning, treated as stated. Kirken paid his
line, but Williams could not liquidate, and was
committed twenty days in default.
A Womas: Etuv Os - art.—An elderly lady
named Mrs..Pfeillex, residing on East Lane,
near 'Ohio street, Allegheny, was walking
along Ohio street yesterday morning, when a
hired man In the employ of Peter Schotts,
butcher, came up, driving his wagon, and, in
avoiding another wagon, which NMI striving
to pass down the street, the horses ran against
end knocked her down, one of the wheels of
the wagon passing over her body. She was
picked up and conveyed to her residence, and,
meantime, information having reached Mayor
Morrison, the driver was asresbA and held to
bail to answer a charge of assault' and battery.
Mrs. Pfeiffer's injuries aro not of a dangerous
No young man named
James Maddox was arrested and taken -before
Mayor Weaver yesterday, charged with the
larceny of a number of articles belonging to
the wardrobe of the Apollo Theatre. On ex
amination the charge was found to bo without
foundation and 31addox was discharged.
night the second hand clothing establishment
of an old colored man in the cellar of the Post
building, was entered by burglars, who broke
three padlocks from the door, and robbed of a
quantity of clothing, hats and shirts. The
broken padlocks were found, Sunday morning,
in the hall of our office. No clue has been
found of the thieves. This was a rather bold
operation, on the great thoroughfare of the
city, especially when the game was so small.
B RCILAR Y. —On Saturday night the grocery
store of John Trautman, corner of Carson
street'and the Diamond, was entered and rob
bed of some two hundred pounds of butter,
valued at twenty-five dollars, and a keg of
wino. On Mondny, John Dedham, Baptist
Rouser and John Stroup were arrested on sus
picion of being the parties who had effected the
entrance and taken before Esquire Symmeti,
who committed them for trial.
son yesterday committed John Dougherty to
jail for further hearing to-day on a charge of
malicious mischief in misbehaving himself at a
party in. East Liberty, at Mrii: Bolton's hotel,
where he, with others, Maliciously abused a
little dog, and threw stones, bottles and other
missiles through the window, one porter bottle
striking a young lady on the head,
TAKEN OVER.—Jailor Small yesterday took
Abraham Thayer, Charles Woy, James
Scahill, James Davis and Valentine Deary,
sentenced on Saturday, to the Penitentiary,
where they are to serve out their respective
terms—the two last named ten 3'eara 'each for
Ma. NEAFIE played Jack Cade in.his usual
impressive style,- at the Pittsburgh • Theatre,
last evening, to a good audience. To-nightbe
appears as Virgimus, the Roman Father, sup
ported by Miss Emma Cushman. The after
piece is "Cool as a Cucumber."
PROCESSES.—Stowart Elmo) , ,was yesterday
committed on a process for costs in a liquor case,
John Walls, hi default of flue and costa in an
other, Edward M'Cann, charged with riot, and
Michael Bright, of Tarentum, foi• passing coun
terfeit money.
Tits - anniversary sermon of — .ltev. Dr. Swift,
on Sunday morning . and evening, attracted ' a
largo audience to his church on Beaver street,
who listened with attention to his interesting
reminiscenses. It is to be published in pamph
let form.
THE BOAT RACE between the "Roberts" and
"Josephine" comes off over the Monongahela
course at quarter past four :this afternoon.
Bets run vary high, both sides feeling confi
dent, and the contest will bo the most exciting
of the season,
A raoncer is on foot to convertthe "Patter
son estate" lying between the Sharp , burg
plank road and the Allegheny river, into
park. It would be an agreeable summer re
sort. . •
TILE. Eagle Fire Company offer their hand
apparatus for sale, being about to have a steam
tire engine constructed.
THERE wag no performance.. at the Apollo
last evening. ' We did not` learn whether or
not the establishment had closed for theseason.
iu-scitemes' I . 2 iSTITIITIL-1.1118 In UttttJo
'the want of-which bas been so long felt. by our citizens
LI now open under the superintendence of Zellers
Jackman &Johnson, in the Lafayette Building,.: -En
trance, Q.Wood street. 'tie deeligned for theperpetual
exhibition of the products or Mechanics, .slanf.nth
rers, Inventors, and Artisans; and as a place of resort
for those seeking infonnition relative to flood blenches
Of industry, either by evarar. • son ,of stranplet or
scientific publications. Those. Wing articles to bring
before . the find it grritiyio their advents& to
lesve samples.
Air The public are respectfully invited to visit the
FARTHER POINT, November ;- he steam
er North America passed here evening on,
her way to Quebec, with Lifer... dates to the
20th. She will be due at Quebec about noon,
Nothing had transpired in regard to the pro-.
ceedhsgs of the Zurich Conference, or in rela-.
tion to treaties of peace.
GREAT BRITAIN.—AII the Cunard steamers
leaving Liverpool for Boston via Halifax, are
hereafter to call at Queenstown, and will thus
be enabled to bring one day's later news by tel.
Sir J. Dean Paul and Straban, the ex-London
bankers, have been released by a pardon, after
enduring four years' -penal servitude.
The strike among the London builders con
tinues, telling seriously against the men who
have remained idle. They have resolved to ap
peal to the public for aid in supporting their
Parliament has been prorogued to December
The Paris correspondent of the London Post
asserts that negotiations aro going on to c 01.„,..
plete the arrangements for a joint teftion
against China, The correspondent of t the Lon
don Herald, on the other hand, repeats the
statement formerly made, that the preparations
by Franco aro suspended.
SPAIN.—At Madrid it is reported that. the
Ministers stated that they would not have re
course to a loan, and that the floating debt
would not be augmented.
Accounts from different parts of Spain cons
tinue to speak of great preparations fer war,
and troops are collecting in all parts, destined
for Africa. A Paris letter states that General
O'Donnell had started.
A Paris letter in Le Nord asserts that Lord
Palmerston had declared to the French Ambas
sador that England would not suffer Spain to
occupy both sides of the straits, and will op
pose it by force. The English Cabinet, it is
said, will make the question an European one.
The London Times' Paris correspondent sas
that tho convention between Lord Palmerston
and the French Ambassador, as reported in' Le
Nerd, caused much emotion at Paris, while the
French Government had asserted that it would
not change its policy as regards Morocco.
Spain had rep4ated its disavowal of the am
bitions project attributed to her. .
ITALY.—It is reported at Turin that M. Ca
borunda will soon he succeeded by Count Ca
vour, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pope had returned to Rome on the 20th.
The reports of disturbances at Palermo aro
confirmed. The conflict began on the 9th and
lasted till the 11th. At Bagliara, near Paler
mo, quiet was restored, but Palermo was still
in a state of soige.
At the conferences between the Pope and
the French Ambassador, it was stated that the
ordinances granting administrative reforms are
ready and will soon be published.
Paussia.--Great preparations were making
in Germany for the Schiller festival.
The Prussian Minister of police has refused
to allow the projected torchlight procession
at Berlin. A democratic demonstration was
Monocco.—lt was expected that the Spanish
forces would attack by sea and land, and after
wards occupy Tetrian and Angieri. The
French expeditionary corps was ready to take
the field. It is stated that the French soldiers
taken prisoners on the 31st of August were all
burnt alive by the Moors, and the French
troops were burning to revenge the outrage.
Russts--The reports of the intended inter
view between' the Emperors of Austria and
Russia are unfounded.
Arrival of the Overland Mail.
ST. 'LOUIS, November 7.—The Overland
Mail of the 14th arrived last night.
Great preparations are being made to re
ceive Gen. Scott. All the military companies
and soldiers in the Mexican war will meet him
on his arrival and escort him through the city.
All classes of people are preparing to pay him
their tribute of respect.
The creditors of the Chorpenning company,
mail contractors between California and Salt
littke; have attached the stock and other prop
erty for debts, amounting to thirty thousand
dollars. It is feared the mails will be suspend
ed from this cause.
- .
Oregon dates to the Bth of October had been
received. Five hundred and fifty emigrant
wagons had arrived at the cascades of Wash.
ington territory.
The shipments of gold from Victoria in Sep
tember was ono hundred and -ten thousand
The miners at Fraser river were doing well.
Business at San Francisco was slow,.and but
little doing from first bands except by auction,
sales of India goods, that way, being quite
From Washington.
NEW YORK, November 7.—The Herald's
Washington correspondent says that though .
diplomatic rules, and perhaps prudential cod.'
gideration, preVent the State Department from
disclosing the exact state of affairs to the pub
lic, it is believed that serious difficulties may,
and probably willgrow out of the dispute be.
tween the United States and England, in re
ference to the Island of San Juan or Bellveue,
in the straits of Juan do Fuca.
It is generally conceded that General Har
ney was entirely right in taking possession of
the Island for the protection of the United
States citizens there, and for the maintainance
of the rights of this country to the Island un
der the Packenhana treaty of June 15, 1846.
The President will submit the correspondence
to Congress at the opening of the session, and
will ask for means, money and men to enable
him to defend the rights of our country, and
uphold the honor of its Bag at all hazards and
to the last extremity. The same correspondent
also considers the return of Mr. Dallas before
the holidays, or early during the session of
Congress, as possible.
The Propellor Ohio Sunk—Loss of
SANDUSKY, November 7.—The propellor
()hie, bound from Buffalo to. Cleveland, with a
cargo of 350 tons morchandize, when ten miles
off Long Point, below Erie, on Sunday morn
ing at two o'clock, a heavy gale blew up, and
she sank in tett minutes. There were seven
teen on board of whom Thomas Corbett, second
mato, and Michael Dunigan, wheelsman, are
lost. The remaining fifteen drifted in the
yawl-boat without oars, and a high sea, and
with little clothing for Sheen hours, when the
grop6sY - A uatox picked them up and brought
them to this port. 'The Ohio was owned by
the-American Transportation. Company,. and
there is said to have been . no.iniurance.
Railroad Accident.
BELVIDERE, November 7.--The passenger
train of the Belvidere and Flemington Rail
road, which left, here at six o'clock this morn
ing for Philadelphia, was thrown off the track
by running into a rock when thirteen miles
below here. The engine is a perfect wreck,
and the track is torn up for several yards. No
person was hurt.
captured Slavers. ••
BOSTON, November 7.—Advices from SL
Helena to the 16th of September, received
here, state that two steamers captured on the
coast of Africa, had been condemned there.
One was called the Stephen T. Townsend, of
- New Orleans, and the other was unknown.
The Pardon of Ossawattomie Brown.
RICHMOND, November 7.—lt is ascertained
that under the laws of Virginia the Governoi
cannot pardon a person convicted of treason to
the Commonwealth, except with the consent of
the General Assembdy, declared by'joint reso
lution. This rids Wise of all responsibility in
the matter.,' ::What the Legislature will do is
not known, •
_ , Brooklyn
Nair Toss, November 7.—The United
States steamer Brooklyn sailed this afterahon,
with Minister McLane, for Vats cm.
Later frinir Texas. ".
NEW ORLEAINS, November-7.-.:-The steam/.
ship Arizonia has arrived. She brings Browmq
villa dates to the 2d.• ....
Cortenas' band'cOnfiriue 'their depredations;
threatening fire and Sword.'
On the 20th, 30 men entered the city, and
fired one round; they were-dispersed by the ar 7
tillery and fled.
On the 24th, a number of men nuirched
against Cortenas'with - carman' and hownzeri
and drove the giiard Trom- his hmik es they
proceeded they were, surprised;
cade and lost their cannon and hovritz.ert they
finally were defeated; and four'were, wounded
but none killed. Cortenas subsequentlypsnt
letter demanding of the-eitizenraf Brownsville
the surrender of, the Sheriff and others'to save
the deitruction of _the town. .
A general panic prevailed it BrOwnsville
the city was barricaded and •trenches dug -
attack was hourlk expected. It is , repol-ted
that after taking Brownsville, Cortenasuitends
to attack Brazos. The Mayor, of Brownsville
appeals to New Orleans for four hundred men;
as the citizens are worn out and the . Rangers
had not yet arrived from Northern Mexico.
Sixty fellons, released from the. Victorirl
prison, have joined a guerilla band, and are de•
restating the country.
The election is proceeding quietly.
Salute to Amerieatus at Tanis.
Lavellette, in a letter to the. Secretary of. thei
Navy. dated Naples, October 14th, says, that
he had the American Consul Mr: Nicholson;
to Tunis, in the Wabash. It waa custorhary,
to salute the English . and ..French .Consuls
whenever they arrived or departed, but no`
other such officers were siirulaily honored.`
But L. 9 our treaty with Tunis placed our Con=
suls on a footing with the most favored nations„
and the fart having been explained, •the as
thorities cheerfully accorded a salute to both '
Mr. Eavellette and Consul Nicholson.
The carriages- of the Bey vreraln waiting sb
the lending, where our officeraviere received '
persons of the highest rang and escorted to
the Palace. The interviewiwas very
tory. the Bey saying that, he should endavor'.
to cultivate the most frienly relatiOns with the;
United States. Lavellette adds: - I clearly',
discovered that our presence was having a ben-i,
eficial effect on the new government,-and
pecitilly with referenCe to the 'position - of - our'
Consul. lam satisfied the'short trip to Tunis'
will conduce-to the best interests of the United
Senator George will, at the earliest period of;
the next sesion of Congress, bring for Ward the;
Pacific Railroad 'queition with more than his'
usual energy. : - •
Prom New Orleans.
Nsw s , 7.—The election . '
was perfectli quiet. .
In the Fourth district the:
Democrats elected one' legislator, one justice,}
and ono tax collecter.. 'ln the 'rest of the. city 4
the regular Anaerican ticket is elected by a large'
Pittsburgh, Nov. 3d, 1859:
theW" of this Company, to serve for Crave years;: will be
held at the Banking Houses on WONDAr, Nowenther the
14th lost., between the hours of 11 o'cloe.a,A. 8.4 and 1
o'clock, P. 3 1.
JOHN D. SCULLY, Caabitr.
November ,1,18.59.
I.l4rry , Bank have thia dayPRESIDENT
deelared•a dit Dl Idendbf FOUR
PER CENT. out of the proete of the laat.aix months,
payable to the stoekholdera on' or after thellth
uo2:ki • J. W.. 00011 , Cashier.
CIT S' :A. •
' Prrrsarraou, November 1et,•169.
have this daV declared'a Dividend of POUR.
PER CENT, on the capital steek out of:the profits of:'
the Last six months, payable to stockholders on and of-'
ter the 11th instant, '
no2:10t. E D. JONE 3, Cashier::
Prrssamtes, Nov. Ist, Ifieti. '
ANCE COMPANY, have this day declared a
Dividend of THREE, DOLLARS upon each share ot its
Capital Stock, out of the earned profits of the -last Si x :
Months, payable to StoCkholders, OA or atter the Ilth
inst. . ( '-. , ..p. ht..GoitDoN, : .
Prrrestaton, November 1,1859. j
[OaTlf E DIRECTORS of ' this BANK have this day
declared a _dividend of . FOUR PER•C.MIT
on the capital sto . ck,"out of the profits of the last IfiZ
Months, payable to' stockholders or their legal repre
sentatives after the 11th hasty •
n 021.4.1 • 7011 .N11AGOFFIN, Cashier:
. .
Nor. 184 a.
THE DIRECTORS 'of this Bank hlst , ave this day
deelared.a Dividend of FOUR per
_cent. out of
the profits of the' last Six Months. .mzektiolders, or
their legal representatiTes, will .be al on arid after the
11th Institut:
n02.10t - • EL M. kRIRRAY, Cashier.
Prrraloscia, Nov, 1, 1859.
THE PIIIS3LDENT and Directors' 'orthis k
1t.,3 7 have this day declared a Dividend 'of fOUR per
cent on the Capital Stock, ont of the pfollte-of the Mast
six months; payable to the Stockholders, or their, legal
representatives, on or after.the 11th inst. •
~-. .
notlet ' • ' - GEO. D. - 111tGREW, Cashier:
Ambrotype, Daguerreotype,
No. 64 Fourth Street,- •
air Pictures taken in all the various styles of the art,
at reasonable .0021
3011.1' T. LOGAN
Importers of -. •
. . No. 52 - WeolL.Stroet,
Four Doors aboTe St Charlea
teXlm P.rrrsaiizoiir.
.. . .
ottng e ,Bteun Engines,
Mortice Machines,.
Gear Wheels,- --
. Hangers, etc, etc,
Orders promptly attended to
, .
mie. A large experience kn the !MAI;
txrd Mauna, especially for Penalons mad lancle, •
pared him to
pecta of anemi prosecute such claims taith the beet
.-• .... ' '
z `
_ •
Naw You.
Orleans roiddlutit . •--
are quoted at 11%. "
irbotil for Statg. CV,
$1 • 1 ' red Wasik ^
2,13 ; Caga 1 E0 2 "
yellow at 9 811 , 09e4'..- :-
steady; new SOW. Pork blow'
actcrC sales 1,500 bbL Orsakbetz,4
and February -delivery, at aosxm stir,.
do, December and January- dellseay aaa,:s
Roo steady: silet 1.000 delivery
Lard /114 , 01/... Wyk firm. otagararm
Coffee rna at Ilea*. Molasses Artie
. , Cincinnati Ittatimirt. ;• •
OaKERSir4 Noverner 7.-••The.•Flotrr unuiretkiti .•
the Yorrner quotitions. - 6 better trine Wu
late. in in the day, bet no; improvenserit
transactions.. Wheat was dull, and low - er. Aim
submitted toy but there: vat 'mbre-, -erflos
close at $1,05 for red end $1,1061,115 forAtbite. Cackle
in steady detruind at , t2o.' Oat firm itt
dull at ale. Rye dull -and lowerru/se de. Whlrit7.
active at 25A4e...ahere bis,ehange
the market is Ten. quiet. _Hogs are new et. bse
there Weft. no ewe s &Om the peaty *Wain.
awaiting the weather. Therelelaechitltgeht
New:l(o2-k Weekly Dank zatataanw . 2"
lirrYoax,lioeturiber 7.—the Batik m et
seek seek ending . on Saturday, shows a Incresea Putzt
ti on; $ 35 7,0017t an tnereasein lowne,Sl,
specie, sa,q2o,ooct and anincregen dupannwSPIUSIL:
ALLEGmrn - r Orl'Y
R. KENNEDY & 131110.,.^
In OM, COPS MEAL AND /10311;tr,
huaruFecrulum sico muMaw
kUTTBBIM3M At'i/),4r4:EMUM
Z., EJ-SNE11!;
110. 114- Cor. Wood Jut& Filth Mugs, •
• - • - -
COATS use to aellat j ip pp ror $ 436
Dress Clothteuia, a l e
' o son at. /400
Valit %AMY :• ; 18,a) .3;0
Blade oth Pouts, " ,
_6,00 tar ASA
•-• rsuperfler" . 6,00 'rot • is,o3
Cassitnere suits Made toorder, ." Are -
• Also, Satin, Phosh; Silk sad Cloth - Vests; • : 2
At very low rulers-. The above-lathe QM friahlwite
refembg to this /4Tel - tint - sent, the abot•Priesia bib
G_B Bum Late of Lauciutter—anezir*Gbia*littga.
GE©: S. BRYAN &00.,
• • -.„raii nit sir: OF
•PIG :180111;” BLOWILS4-613.-i'
st wo:a2 Vrood -
• airmwroco.—•jdon, Etta& Co., Pitlatoustk, thilitil
to~opelaad At Co., Pttobargh;,
Goviner & Co; Ifollidsobur&Ps. • _ _ . :
. .
OE JpinzAnitiopsia., -- 1
MUMS AG&I:NE3T, LOS& 011 . -Dafites
bj Fire on Braiiinge, Metecheree4eh rp ... TnettAmtit%
ativianiableviste'*'ornretnin' ne ' .
Dans= •- , F-RannYard Star
APEeeta Co.:Nethircirrerien Jan: M.•Aternid. of Atlentsik
-UMW Co4;l3erkj. T. Tredinici of TrteMak.86111.4.434
Henry Wharton; Mordecai L. Pawsoa; cieo.ikftlitert,
of Stevan A- Brin John :EU Brow* or , Solisillawilli ilk
Co; 11/t. Ft bnestock, of EA. Patnnsinek 4#04; Aerdemts
IX Casts J. L. &rinser, of Wood- rkinene. •• "
P. RATosposz attalkftiokisat:
.pitary...., • -
Pretnerson nnum -, .. - - Wen - Eamiukt Co J.
& Co, Thomas M. }lawn; Esq., Jas. ItLerine4 o2
&erne_ ,r•Teq, Wilson, M'Elroy # Co ? Wink , it
Co.; BliiieFißrOlitr it Co, 'Livige Co. ,
Japan B. on & Co, Wm. B. Lerelyik C 0..: ...4_.. , t 7 - ''-
KO. S. ICELTA.M de 00.,
' No. 62 Woiidigthilit2
- , • ASSIGNEE'S - SALE' OF 11EILIS111 It?
tha.COUST- ROUSE, in that ity:Cd .PE0030641111"
tiny county, Penn's., on TUESDAY, dm
s b
orember,l262, at 2 o'bloelt, P.
21,idi•She. '-
interest and claim ofJA.2lllb ElldlmF,L
to, about dye thousand autos of farts' •. ,i
the State of.Minnesota,..near St. PaolitotA.,_„: ~ % • . - a
the of - lowa , ' noir'lduscatine-Da . 7-. . ' • '
..._ Z.. . .
_Rapids„ Fort ,Dasmototio, Foci ' • • , NNW
lAke arid ' "Mason City; State o- • sem
of Ohio,. near Toledo; mid. Van Wert a ; xatila
town lota In Si. Paul, St Aothooky„ AO_
Le Croommt; Anoka and Stillwater, nuonesakt.,._ te
City, NVlsoonain ; ClaTtiond,,____
..._., 1 0th] &iverrw,
Lecompton Kansas' and ..,"meta,,ploontio,.. :, : •
l i ft p . , ph,Ls, deacri2tionscd'PrOpillii
be seen at toy aloe, Ivo. lie girootrevelpes.m.s.,„
Terms cash, Pmchaoar*Ayinit lost Driller.
. .WAL.IL-
octletddcatw swot* of Jas. itlakety.
.. - -
--- . .. ..,.
-Ad iniffistratoeslVoice, •
X ' or.iicE is hereby given ikint
Azttonibtrabin: on the estate wf IW---:
ME, late of Lower at..Ostr towaar t ,d. -dr
bave been vented by the Sagliter of AIL ,
to the onderalgoad. All perm= did** . • ' - - 4 c =
are reveated co make payment, sad that ~:t
will prevent them to -- - .. JOHN ' MA
. , .
, norhenntn, 1 -WI tharculbu46 , - Lower Sh Wear* ^
G -
Pao Losses only. AgenVa cane, -corner . , pad
1 Mood street., MttsbUrgb , " aliPital talld• 4Swer
es- West of the leromitalea; not" - instiseld la
Company, or who toVelloalla doing so, vi g_• 114
lice is cols city more convenient than ,
the Noma office at Phlladsilhia.t. '
Ins made thrm Wit /1100Nry
apt,' at Ea .- • .
,House of •i9a'of
arid Wood streets, will rsoilsepsom .-
' . -... . JOEL JON ' -
J. B. Amin, t3scretar • ALTB.ED •
L .
Refer to— Hon _ Waltery. a
.N. Lowrie
beWm. Di.
~8 -.l lClf * ln...Eaq.; o':: •
All, Esq,inx
'bony H. N. Burronictis, lonia r - '
.77 7 7 ---- ts. s. f. 4- . ..."..... • .• 1 t -• • ••-' .. ....• ~
r IaCILI.D W. ,