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''. ..., '.- . • ', , , ~- :'•':,.:•,.. •L.;:.'• ' ~ c 5 l ; , ' s' ‘-.: . eignatil ..-k a•' '.~l V PW %P R:.. t j~~: .~ a. Mal 0 NE • , , - sr` " =MO ~ _~~ _. ... MEE . ..,_ -., , -,? , ... c ' •~ ~+' t MEM % ,;.• -5 .;,.:*• .4..••:f7,. • ,17." gluz Vithsburgh Vast, Ainte and Pubiit_hext 'Ems; Morning j ABundays Aszcepteelj BY JAMES P. BARR, AT TB NORTH-WM? CORAL& 07 rani AND WOOD @Tgp► Terms : Five Dollars a year, payable strictly In ad -12100%. "Brr.dollars invariably required if not paid with in the year. illkirVlinale copies, Two Conte—for sale at the counter In the Oftioe, and by the Newsboys. RATER OF ADVERTISING Tin Linea One insertion, to Two insertions,........ 76 io 'Three insertion.s, ..... . 1 00 1 00 One week 1 7660 Two weeks, ........ _.... 300 200 160 100 76 Three weeks, 400 265 200 120 100 Onsmonth . tOO 325 50 150 175 TWO months 700 465 50 235 260 Three months 900 600 450 500 300 Four months_ 10 00 . 6.65 6 00' 335 450 Fire months. 11 00 7 ar, f, 50 365 550 Six months 12 00 000 600 '4 00 660 Nine months. ..... ....- 16 00 10 35 800 535 900 One year 20 00 13 35 10 00 665 12 00 Standing Card, sir lines or less, per annum 10 00 OBANCILIZLZ ATCPLILSMIS no square, per annum, (er,clusive of the paper,)-25 00 Marriage notices, 50 cents; Death notices 25 cents. SATURDAY MORNING POST A MAMAIOTH WEEKLY, .ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, IN CLUBS OF FIVE, 41Ingli.ElabscrIptions $2l Per Annum. CaIViAIN9 ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF THE `I)4Y, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commercial, Lo. ,cal, !telegraphic and Miscellaneous. The Paper being of the cutout. sirs, and neatly print. -ed, on Ane white paper, in large, clear type, will he found by the subscriber to give better satisfaction than any paper publish.] in Inttaburgh. Those who wish to take a raper from Pittsburgh, trill 13nd the SATIIRD IX 'MORNING POST a safe and profit ble investment. Address JAMES P. BARB, Editor and Proprietor. POST JOB OFFICE. BARR & MYERS, BOOK & JOB PRINTERS, Corner Fifth k Wood Sts. Pittsburgh. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING, Executed in the finett style XIIL 49. X X-a XR!.. itilnuatrcial, rrcantile murk, At, staort notit,e, m mastonable term. 4 Part.leulfor attention pool to the Printing of POSTERS, Plt OGR A 311 ES, &c. _For Exhibliaorut and eirrinew. LARGE ADDITIONS OF NEW TYPE & MACHINERY ILLCE:TTLY BEEN ltAbL TO Tills LSTAIIII.9II.IIII2iT, The faothliPA for turning out Work With promptness and despatch cannot t r excelled lip any other attire in the city. Itsine,ss UNITY DASIS. col"( 4411-1-IP,L (Firm cf I. S IT. Phillip,' DAVIS & PHILLIPS, [Suoceel.ors In Phillip+ it Co.] Brass Fowaders and Finishers, PLUMBERS, GAS & STEAM FITTERS, EZZEI CHANDELIERS, PENDENTS d BRACKETS, STORE, NO. 67 WOOD STREET, FOUNDRY AND SHOP, No. 146 FIRsT ST. S. R. Ag: C. P. MARKLE, Printing, Job and all liindq of Wrapping PAPER, WAREHOUSE, NO. 27 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Alir•Ragn bought at market price. m •8 PHILLIPS a; CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WHARF BnAT PHOPRI FT( ) 11S. AND SHIPPING AGENTS of Illinois Col:Aral Anil road. Mark Goods. in all rase% to our cars. no27•lydaw—dla T OS. FLEMING, successor to L. Wilcox Co, corner handk streot and the hamond, keeps eon,rtantl v on a full assortment of DRUGS. 3YEDICINE CR ESTS, PERFUM EBY, and ally articles pertaining to tho business. ilip• Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded hours. tsky . _ WALTER P. i1d.11.911141..- ...TOSIEPR L. GLIXIIin. WP. If.ARSTIA & CO. ; Importers' • and Dealers in French and American PAPER LUNGING.% No. S 7 Wood fart et, Pitishurgh. 1119- Sale agents for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Delicourt Parts. tut 7 Pittnue =limn UOLLII.7 J. J011112./YJN. REV MER & ANDERSON, (suace:isors to Joshua Rhodes S C. 0.., wholesale dealer., in FOR EIGN FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CONFECTIONERY, SUGARS, &e., NO. 89 Wood street, opposite the St. Cbarles Hotel, Pittsburgh. J. m LITTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, (Th. IrkehN New Building,) AFULTON, BELL AND 131tAss • FOUNDER, No. 70 SECOND Street; Pittsburgh, Pa.( is prepared to (brand: to order, CRUMB STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND OTIIER BELLS, of' ALL SIZES, From 10 to 10,000 pounds. CRIME BELLS made to order. STOP AND GAUGE. COCKS of all sizes, for Stesniloata. MINERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER RAILINGS; and every variety of Envs Castings finished in the neatest manner. rlit- RABBIT'S rANTI-ATTRITION METAL; FUG TON'S PATENT MERALLIC PACKING, for Steam Engines. T WILC 6 - X, APOTHECARY AND DRUCAHST, Cbrner of Sinilhliad and Fourth Street. Having resumed the Retail Drug Business .at the above well ICIIO,III stand, established by me in 1848, (lately known as S. Abel it- Co.'s) and having enlarged and improved the same, I shall endeavor, by close personal attention and careful supervision of the business, to merit a continuance of the patronage here tofore so liberally bestowed. Pure and unadulterated medicines alone Will be kept, and a full assortment of articles usually sold in first clans eMildlehments always be on hand. will Prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours. 41iiir• Country Physicians furnished with pure eines at-lowest prices, L. WILCOX. nol Corner Smithfield and Fourth streets. SKI( UEL FALINESTOCK, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No 74 Wood Street, Pittthurgh. The- subscriber has received, in addition to laisi fall atock of Hardware, and a very heavy stock of Meat and Sausage Cutters and Stutters, and a very large stock. of .Iqinlfzint Btoelthil,altoossew:gisoorlia intri nt r of terau:;i'os;.'rhrilc7 will he on t t ' lle lowest terms, market, - :.5e27 SAMUEL FAIINE.STOCH. COUNTRY RESIDENCES FOR SA.DE.— A valuable property of six acres, with a good dwel- Img house, orchard and garden, three-fourths of a mile from the city, $5,000. Also, a desirable Property of 20 sores, at four miles from the city, with good brick dweb iing house; 500 fruit trees, grapes and small fruits, 6,000. Also an excellent propeity of 33.5 acres, good liOna0104)0 frUietreeS, at 4 miles from the city, $2,00u. The tibove are all in healthy and pleasant locations, and immediate pes,dssiori can be had. S. OUTNBERT k SON, }Lull Estate Agents, M. Market TEAS.-A choice selection of Black and Green Teas, in store and for sale Wholesale or Re. tall, at the Pagoda Tea Store, earner of the Diamond and Lharnoad fotri HAWORTH BROWNLEE 11/ACARONI.-25 boxes Italian;, VERMICELLI—:S do do; - OLIVE OIL-2,5 dozen genuine, in quarts; 25 do do in pints; do L flasks, just received and for sale by ucca, in Florence REYDIEP. Sr ANDERSON, 39 Wood et., op Lite St. Charles Hotel. CORN . MEAL.—. bbls. 3i ez a ; 30 bbls. Choice Unsifted Corn Meal just received auditor sale by JAMES A. FET?..ER, ap9 corner of Market and First/de. ATo 00_barrels for salt? by .1" MINIM H. Miami& ranee ¶.t ore • Is Week • yeek. • weak. 5 g paper IDRIN A. Ifitn. - - MANSION ll'/[SL, (-; Eo. A I 1.-NT?... Proprtetor, N 4, 344 Ltl,rty -tr.. t..pp,t I,,,fitter Dtigt. ttIV Penn?ytra,l,3 lualies it the ninFt , onveni,ut pr.• •••nvers arriving Lr thit ruari. pmpnctr4 liseinc. ttf 4: ,, n,tlcrnblo lEtt..l1 Ett..1 up. in exeollent M t tri Ftt 111)1 111,1 solicit n share untrue Iht•rn , ataPlpl s ,plenolul vllen./Vt , U' 1 Al!!.. Artorgiinv 41.0, ii.,,antn...1..t".n to tre.v4.l..r, and t.•am , ter , . an.l ft,r a, ill furni,hp.l wnh market e.,n r..ttord. 1,1 y pilfrmen. ell A IMES W. L 16, A LI) ERM AN. A.lll ri , TrICIO .It7TI,C OD rrte PCI^C. IgUNME:=3=IIIIMI Sir MI concievii ii il with ttis+ of,e mil Utif'd to with prnirrilitniii, k i „,i lour with Pi:Aroi of Attorney, TAI,, L. 'teat _ - - To the motoLor of tho I, (rode, C.lntnl.-quut•r to tahe Itopos.to•us 1. , lo•II... 1 . 4 , 11:1, Of tirl. :ul,l / 0110 of tho Mall] I, LALvfol L•• tl.e. CI:) .3,1., fueditlt., ULtli; ”. t:l kind/in, very t. hut, BAILEY :I'. K EN, thcf, ri,mort,l 1,:•• r 419 CHESTNUT STREET, North Side, Below . the Girard House, PHILADELPHIA, Wte , re they AI, tpJa or,,:s, at , Imported Jewelry, Plated Warm and Fancy Goode, To wr,,.•n tio.y .$1:. 1,1,3. Or 111, Silver-Ware, Watclara. Diamonds& Pearls mrlGf.m .PDII 'mom Pm) lt t House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS, No. 135 Third Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Pltt•bnr (flitirational. 13IRMINGI1AM 4'1E1111ER! 'IA L L E, College Hell, Diamond Illrenfoghorn Fi , r On:tame-m-1i 1 1 :ritimf - ----- Plain Wr fa Writ4l3grits.l 1 , A r L.? ? N.SHA FPI.% au -1 LEITHEAP, Pri , rce-, er C. F. Prircecim .1..1 .. , 11 • rnemml Calt.U1:01011,. JUN. NV. B. iii,LTON, Let mrcr ri...1 era! titillircte. HON. H P. FT., .F.NNIKEN, Er-t' Y 31.1.tntes mark. a member a t U e P1t1.1t.U1,...t1 ..ti Commercial La'm, - , PROF. Lt F EATON. Leetnrer {':dl and N'e What 111° /10 - 1 , •1 . 1., . ,.n :Ma 11414.-.1 In any penman. narnr.l7 irnuneotal and Prarttral Fenmanatop ere-oni yitntt `.1 , .. 1" , of trom upward , Grail lanarffing pz, ItnninOtarn For.p Gc'fnr , nnipnt, Enn an, a ant 1,11,. , r , .1 .fk , il/t• t,f off -101114 Liktrah , a.l O . , and ',dire,' i v-1 I via w H; ;\I) SEM N.‘ RY, nod, the var....f the finnerl,nt n , near LATRORE. E.. , I7sIORELAIN I , )UN7V, Nn In the Cellege are tatteit P. e,r E n glob li:duration. _ . In the 134..rninary,Lb0 Mattnqnkfle, 33 Ithetorir,, 4n r 1 the ditterrnt v,"„,,t„ -. of 1110 f., ern,lnion /,,,trym••1,11111,' to the h - I,ltht/tl.l The torn], for board anJ Tuition are /SO Mr 1,, 1,, ul.fril annually, •Inctly in .1 ran ,' , . and Frew.), and of her NOSUVett. /I/ hunting,. hlu.ir, font, no extructiargea.exePponr re,ronp,n,ill,4l of instrunwut:‘ Medicine, IPwhmy. Roth., ry.form('Otto 1' it IFgell. • 1 , 4 particular% apply to thw furerto, of 11w6 The Coll , ,gian• year bera• on Ow 1. t and 4,44 110 t :Ili of July following. PATH Ell ti P. 1.1 MN!, furvei...o PITTSBURGH jyl3 N Ft's /00 Frail Inu3Alinond., 'on 10 Idles Bonita., " Lag Enaiol WtUlutn; 100" rt , .; bbLq troth l'ov,ui Nit. 60 Lag!, iiraZlllab ('n.ti. Not.; 1000 tnt,ti. Ground Nuts; cow copoti Nuts; Juin received and for sal. by N0.:39 Wood 4troot, mrlo Uppositin BL Chan., /Iota! S hoe. UN ILT IE I; nr:.-1 30- • •Dried A pplea•—pared ; " Dried Applev—imp. •I; 10 dozen Corn Broome ; Go bozo,. N. I Starch; 100 hue. White Weans; huntlirm Cream, Medium ao bouid e c om „, Wrapping Paper, in adore and for side by JAM FIS A 1. , .. rzi• - dt, Corner Market and hunt streets. CUFFEE-3VUsackaEip, jusLlullai] ig int (or sale by WM. “p'2,l St:cund and Front 'meet, SHAWLS, DRESS- 11100DS, NEEDLE Work, Mourning Goode, and Domesti,a, very li, C. HANSON LOVE, No 74 Market streeL .1 6 SEPH HORNE, No. 77 Market Street received another lot of the 'NEW MATINEE 8 . 1.0 IPA', and Douxlm, A: Sherwood's supenor SKELE JOS SKIRTS, a lib the adjustable Bustle. Also, white and Corsets, in all sites. te2l F T OF THE SEASON.-100 boxes Sweet ()ranges, received this day—for sale by REINER h ANDERSON, No. at) Wood street ODDE. , ,ite the St. Charles Hotel. GOCERI ES—.—livorything commonly ji kept in a first class Wholevalt. and Retail Grocery and Wine and Liquor estabhmhtnent, can ho had on the most reaminable terms, at HAWORTH a RHOWNLEE, in theDirllT' Q ARA TOGA WATER.—A sur. -- ,Finf e on greqe Water, also Empire Spring Water, tress from , aratoga, just received and for sale by , L. WILCOX, corner Smithfield and Fourth at, S YRITPS.- 0)0 uozen Lemon Syrnp; 10 do Raspberry Syrup: 10 do Strawberry Syrup; - 10 do Pme Apple Syrup—for sale by ,pple o i - OTATOES.-135 bbls, to arrive, and fo ~,e by (mr26) HENRY H. COLLINS. 13ROWN'S SHAKER VALERIAN:._ ;Toes for eale by B. A. PAFINESTOC & Corner of. Wood and First streets. S IRUP AND MOLASSES,: 25 bbls. New York Golden Syrup 50 " N. 0. Molasses, in oak barrels , 'tore and for sale by HAWORTH & BROWNLEE, fes2 in the Ltarnend. AN IL A CLOTH PAPE R.--A superior article, large size and extra teayj r _ set • SAY & 00, on Wood street. - g Diets and gesfauranfs. SCOTT HOUSE, Car. Irwin street. and Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PA., MARKER & GRAHAM, Jy22 PROPRIETORS. CORNUCOPIZE RESTAURANT, BY ELI YOUNG; FIFTY' STREET. THE ATTENTION , OF MERCHANTS and others is directed to the , establishment, which Las been recently fitted up loft he purpo,e :Wording a SUBSTANTIAL-EATING EuliSE IN A cr,vntAL LOCATION. Country folks attending market are par ticularly invited to all. Ererythtn pertaining to an lIATIMI SALOON mill always l.e found - , of the rreThe,t the market nftord.s. apr.glaw CLINTON HOUSE, U.4170..V.7`111P5r, Pennsylvania, .. , .TOHN'IITERER, Proprietor. THIS COMMODIOUS AND POPULAR HOTEL, after beim: refitted and furnirlied through out, with elegant furniium, is now ready for the recep tion of guest , .. The Railroad from donnellsville to Uniontown will be finished early in July, thus affording a cheap and pleasant mode of tnmeling to persons wish ing to escape the heat and .roke of Nibs/int:Wl during the heated term. This House is situated within a few moments drive of the celebrated Fayette Springs, and trouble or expense in rendering those who visit hen eomfortable. Charges moderate. myltlaf sEEToN's OLD STAND, IN THE DIAMOND, JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Having taken and fitted up, with ell the mod,rn im provements, this popular re...,t I. the telt , enber is pre pared to aecontun.date htg eugh.nterg and the puble• generally, with the hest the market qtford, (tygtor, Ntll ba• r.errad up in eVt'ry %.,rtety •durtuv the eagon. His Wit .e.g. Lupton; and Alps ho ,it reootraneudut r I wadi, for their e EXCELSIOR IYSTER AM) EATING HOUSE, NO. ill WOOO STREET, PITTSBURGH. WIDA,DS ALL AND ILDIALL FLAW. IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH, HiESII PHILADELPHIA AND BAI.TIISIOIcL TEp_s ANI, WILD I,AIIE, All In their Proper Stain.. liEO. REINEMAN & CO FIPTH STREET. BAILEY & CO., AT WH0LL.5.113: AND HrTAIL. WRITING ACADEMY TERMS, CAsil ENTRA • U I 111. \I,. •;-* •rsovea Glum Am. ARLES - W. ~WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 44 Also practices in Lyeorning, Centre, Clearfield and Cambria counties. a❑gls EITIRSON • • • • 0 II aura. WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the 18w, tinder tbe firm of SIMPSON h RIPPEY. Offices No. 94 FOURTH STREET... AMA.J DUNLEVY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC C •g D . JseoTT, ENTTST • lid, removed to the home lately occupied by fir. W. A. WARD, No. 27H Penn St (South solod third door abort, Band rdreot. 1/4. ()Moe boor. from PA. M. sill 6P. M. frokly JAMES S. KING, DENTIST, otts REmovta , tug OFFICE AND DWELLING To No. 100 Fifth Street, coRNER OF' en EItEY ALLEY. Where ho, pniron4 and friend, me invited to call. f. 121) J AM E.S A. Li 1W I? IE„ Attorney at Law, V,lrt h PiltAurgh, tx , twvvn Smith 'lll.i Cherry Atli,. dt4l,ly 111 L, Stm!eon llentist, s - acce:isor to H 1a,1,11,. No. 11l tdreeL by- , litiry hour, fndn elOal to 1 o'clock, find from 2 Mints and Xiquors. %%U. CLAVTON & CO., iiII , LLIALI AND kITAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, N. 37 DIA/lOND ALLEY, EAR Wool, ,!iIIiEET, PITT ',:)? vno ir, PA. *3- A I % , , V4 no 1,1 , 1.1313 , 10,4, u . Ct , rry laud Cogtilk , k r.ii,,11..., , q.l :th•twisrull.:A au .1 ItortAl• - ‘l.Whi.ky. of ri, vo•ryht-t aoraltty,. doll: ,lot E. P. MIDDLETON b HMO. IMPORTERS oF WINES, BRANDIES, &c. A 1.1.( DEALIMS IN Fine Old Whiskies, - ..11., 5 Ni)ltTli FEuNT STREET, - -I PIMA 1 , 1.17.P111.11 JOHN BRIVAH, & CO., ICIi.,LVA Li Z. 7 ,1 WINES AND LIQUORS, 1 A NI) RECTIFYING DISTILLER:4 p ho. 155 Liberty Ntreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. AICS S. a oo t0k5,1,1 , .... , il; 710.1..+, GM,. '%i iln. r,,,J,, In 1 SW I I:. 1 - 1.1114 .I ‘i it t .i. i. -; 151-r.i. it: 1=1.1..,:rv, 11.%1<1 t 1,. re 1 , C..opt.c.sry, 7. i 4, :, • , , ilf ,(111. 0 E,VI,I.IIY Zobacco and ,segars. ukr U. RINFAIMCF, la L•1 71 ,11,-LA LPN. LLALLA 3A AU lIIIXIXICP T011441'0, SNUFF AND SMARM. L VON RIitiTHAL, GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, Virginia Chewing Tobacco, WOOD STREET, lut:niture TI PORTA NT NOTICE I. 11FELIN FURNITURE, i I ~ i t t t ANKE ft.tk, ANK, 110:1!>l. I. F. . it 4! f.fl., 4 f r. f,t ta.. (4! , ,,r1 an.l ractory. t!. , .411 , ,1, F. ‘s• ytliM 1tt..1,Ly." Vint, •41re.1•- ;• n ,Ln Iho 11,1 J*l,y. pr .git • f hi.rtfif sr.l' n t. ptf, I...te• N il From 11/ In •1b net. tent - E It I ti 11. 11. lII' &N. Vt11)1 it F.1.1n JAMES W. WOODWELL. FURNITURE . AND CHAIRS, ITIII/LESALE AND RETAIL, I, I MPRACI , r4Pry • Id. , of Fur ni lure, m.),. , orry . all I 11 Mllllllt, , tljtAble for .11111 . 11, .1 !tail! 411. fig Ifoortr., orirml In All) 1 , 44. ,krr.l f•tol4tl.-11.1i1.4,1r.0.1ed lIVEIt Ev. , ry art, 1.. n0..10 ry Ilan 1.11..1 Warrant. Qi F Makor.. vrtlli am .itotut.ly of Ft:flora.• nod cn tra , mat,lf. tr.roi... Hotel, l.• 1 f .1:to lat rt. , rhortarat notice. Warr. tOtol/1., "rf.r.l ktry,t, Patlat,urgb, turf O t f arriages. JOHN S. SHAFFER% Carriage and Harness Repository NOS. 7 AND 9, ,iit 1 , 1.1h1"Nli A1.1.E1 DECATUR s•rRt:E BETWEEN TUE I+lAldioNt. AND I.IfiERTT ST., Carriatrott stored, 'old and holight nn eolllltll3lion. IRep/M[lg ailn, promptly. Porot t too, (tom ihe etaintry will find a large assert:Tient of i'IKRI 11t;iiiilEs1 AND IIAILNIEsN, When luill please !HA to an 1, quality.ittitt piles. CARRIAGE BIANITFACTORY, ANIi EASTERN REPOSITORY. JOSEPH' WHITE HAS , JUST RECEIVED AT Ills RE- Posauit Y. situated near ills Two Mile Run, be tweeii Piitshurgli and Lairrencetille,aspleuilidsuidgene rsi tvisorttnont. nt Cartiagett, lii glen, Bulkier, etc. Hie arrangement s are Hell that he isiustau3tly receiving new ulna !WeOna liana VPLOVICA, and the pu b l ic may rely on always Hinting a Voila htilell on band. also UMW licliottlro, to order on short notice, OARRIAOF:I, 1 1 1 7 00104, arid all pert/mung to the business. With eighteen years pule:teal experience in the business, and has well knorgu facilities, he Batters himself that he offers great Induce menu to purchaser. Sir. The establishment Is located on the route of the Excelsior Omnibus Line of Coaches, passing the door every fifteen minutes. seLndaw I _l l C. WEST & CO., IhILKO7ACTITRIR9 OF C AR-RI AGE - S, ROCRAWAYR, FILIGGIE9, BULKIF AND 12.LF,1011.9, Na. 117 Penn_ Street, Pittsburgh, .Prt._ 4B- All work warranted to be ot.tlte best materials and workmanship. my litilydis Put Vatents. THE LAST FAST. THE CLIMAX G-BAINTAN. ri-iirE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BOUGHT 1 the right to manufacture, in Allegheny and Arm- Strong counties, the Climax Grain 'and Seed. bbn, the factory will be found at MUNN & BARTON'S, corner of Boyd Areet and Fourth street road. Farmers will find it to their advantage to call and see them. They take the premium everywhere that they halo been•ahown. They are neat, cheap and the fastest ever known. . W. INGLIS, notklyd.aw J. STACY. COLLAPSING DRINKING CUPS.- . A BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE FOR SHOOTING MEN. • They are eaatlyearted, and yet When expanded form one of the best Dritiking Cups carried. To be hatrit • BOWN & TETLEY'S solo NO:, .138'Wcjod progessLon4l. LOCI HAVEN, CLINTON CA, PZNN'A E. SIMPSON, IN H. HIPPEY OFFICE—No. 91 GRANT STREET IZ.)_ rl. STREFI P;11 , c1:1;1!1;II, A r orwarding and o:omniission. WILLIAM H. 1 . EAT' tN, Commission Merchant, NO. 216 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Airot r.r lir-4,A. A c,..• 00;i,.,h 1 • Arto.lctUrn and Itll4o 11,1, ,o,„ , 10 , 11-1 it. It • 1,1 h• JOII Ai 31 00ItII f: .4 , COMMISSION MERCHANT, YOB 7111: tr. or Ph mKrA 1„IND BD NO 71 IVA'f Elf STREET, BELOW MATIRRT, J*l4 i'f Trsh l' 1859. Second Arrival 1859. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, AT 'tUE FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE, PITTSBUROLL P.A. W U. H. Mil ItESPECI'- . FULLY aumoutico (boy aro racwalug e , ..yud muggy of CARPETUSti, tialeclod dirootly from !tn. Importenry and Idanufacturrne, hy non of tho firm now in thy FA.1,14) whoqi thvy Invite the an,,bri o n o r purchament. A 1,,,, a new ntyly. of PANTIIN NIATT/NO. for Hummer Parlor, 'rho laty,lo malco of CARI , ET sWEEPERN, nt , , ate., which 41.101 Iro otterod at they lowed rate,. (pill lk , If. IfreAl.l.l.llll. crricE (; -w,. lutvc On liana RCM PA And STRAP SHOPI4, which we nn, $1 ,42()O -F RSA L E.-----A dwelling house or hall, fire rooms And I , llar,ou Ann strain, Allegheny, With lot of ground In foot front by 110 deep to Hobitoton ',treat. Also, a cottage house on Robinson street- Pnce for all, sl2vo Terms easy. 1020 S. CUTHBERT & SON. 61 Market st. T EAs ,)}, EXTRA FINE QUALITY BELLING VERY LOW. The best assortment in the city Kill always b found THE PEKIN TEA STORE, Nu. 38 Flfth Strut, Near )Yuri. JANNEri ' " 50 GR. AYER'S WORM CONFECTION, for sale by HARTWELL & SHEPHARD, Druggists, fe2l Corner Wood and Sixth streets INNER'S COLLECTION OF MUSIC FOR THE VIOLIN,. consistmg of CoTTILLIONS, • QUADRILLE 9, _ WALTZ/ 3, AfARCIIE.3, LIORNPIPES, ItLELR, JIGS, FANCY DAlf/13, and other spular airs, arranged in an easy man ner for the violin. • Winner. Price H cents. Copies mailed on receipt price. For sale by. je2s JOHN H. MELLOR, tH. Wood street. REAL JAPAN BLACKING.—This fines timablecomposition,-with half the usual labor, pro lre.9 a moat brilliant jet black, affords nourishment to tho leather, and is free from any unpleasant smell. For sale wholesale or retail, by BROWN''S ESSENCE OF J A litA GINGER 4 L.In excellent family medicine, for sale wholesale and retail, by JOS.: FLEAUNG, le3o comer Market stand Diamond. For sale by Jeal UNDRY IEON-50 tons Lake Superior j ri k YE WOODS.-400 barrels chipped and Foundry iron, to arrive and tot ' _l_l ground. for sale by. ap9 • HENRY R. OOLLINS. B. A. FAHNESTOCR CO, iN_ CURTAINS---At Wlaoleaale c't poor. First and Wood ats loin - NV.lqt, toy tale. bi j IVELDI'N'§ 303 PEN; for sale at mrin -- , P. AtAtqtnA.tr, Co. Nq• St WOOD ST. oft , , DOLLAR *.SAVINGS BANK, NO. 65 FOURTH STREET, CHARTERED IN 1855. O PEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wednesday and Saturday eveuitw, from May .Ist to November Ist, from 7to U o'clock ; and No vember let to Stay Ist. from oto 3 o'clock. from Deposits received of all sums not less than ON! DOLLAR, and a dividend of the profits declared twice year, in June and December. Interest has been de clared semi-annually, in June and December, since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of June and December, compound ing twice year without troubling the depositor to call or even top resent Ida pass book. At this rate, money will double in less titan twelve years, making, in the ague. rate /.10/12 AND ONLMAIS PER CZIPf. A rLIIL Rooks containing the Charter, By. Laws. Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on applioatiou at the office PILZEILDTST. GEORGE A LIIREE. opowell liephuvir" Va°' 26ThE 7To g iari 11. Shoenherg Jam., :Midi° er, Jas James llerdman, Hi Ho b ert ll , Kb e e :k , William 5. William J. Ander-I:Ion. John G. Bacltolln tilirs7"9. P. A. Bfadeira, John H. Canfield . , ' John 11. Mellor, J. Gardiner Collin, James /5. D. /feeds Alonzo A. Carrier James M'Atil, ' Daziii Campb' Walter P. Maryr 1 John S.Cosgra droll, Wilson Hiller , 3 'Mi. Henry L. Itin , wait Charles A. Coll Y o e ti, John Al. Sawl . er, ' William Douglas Francis Felix, , George S. Seidon, / 455 .1. L. F'ahnestaelr, John D..Seidiy, James W. Hallman' Alexander Tiudle William H. Haven, Theolstid Crubsta's , Charles linap, Isaac Xi' hitu,r. tier BiCRITAZT MTh TlMetitllat. • CIIARLF,i A. colifi,N, WM. H. WILLIAMS Bankers and Exchange Brokers, Wood Rh eel, corner of Third, jeasly rirrsiwnwi, DIIIVCAIi, SHERMAN & CO., Corner of Pine and Nassau Ste., New York, ' leeee I...tter. of Credit and (Irmatar Notes for travelers, avaitahlo in all the cities of the fl.nit,.lStatesi, the We,t India I.lands, C 1,., rimilor those in Noel, extensive ea.. in Eisrepe. stirlO,;nl AUSTIN 11X:1175 Ittxuatb_ A USTIN IA H/M ,C: cu., Urnleta in Protni,ory NOlett, guhranti all Se flints , . for money. :tloifey loaned csu Cheek. at short dotes, u,tt, ei , lhaeral Itet'untarc NOTEM AND 1i1t.% FTS Alas his if.fs. l'enteut flr.inng la - nfiss ran to is.•eolninesiassol on reasonedfle terltt, eat, tro hi:find...ft with good meenntlefs at re inunerotira pri;fei. Alto, attend I. the male, 12enting and Lefamun, of Real Eat Uttit.e. No. frJ I,t IItEET, at,ore AUST b, La slf.h.,/.ol.nry Put,ho. - -•- 11 41 1,111 ES Si 155, HankfT4 and Ex . (*4l' fir , ..kers, and i n A , N•vptancra, (lord. Sits, and tuna Not.. Ca. , tern and 11. i',ll , 4,/,•n• Mato in %It Ow c11.;,-. throail!.ot ttie niainNiMato,t. I rorvil.rl in 1,, ,hit,. rkr , •Ur relit pap,. No. t:7 Mark, ta.!..,+.4, Third and Fourth •trt4.1.., ilirocers. WILLIAM IiAGA LEV, WHOLESALE GROCER, Nos. 18 and 20 Wood Strootj 'art it 14-11. /J. nll WM. 11. SMITE' S CO., WHOLESALE GROCE:RS, 118 SECOND AND 147 FIRST STREETS, Fr. MILLS/t. ....t V.Z1.0.1,t/ MILLER ItICKETsoN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, nu riL. - !4, WINKS ANI) k..": A NI , Z.:. ( -, !:`,Tr: n. 1.1/..4.1./1 1,t175. I.! ; 4 1.1: . , SWEARER'S CITY GLASS., Purl •titritcat, I. Iron, Nails, lotion Tarns, lc.. Con stantlr on Hand. La la at [Vatit,6 16 ill, 16 111.”‘A li 6 rx 111766 M'CANDLESS, MEANS & C 0.,; U, In a a Y', j WHOLESALE Glt f/CIERS, CM=rl NA11.4. (,•rrw r TARltqc AND MASL'PACTIALOI4:RN6I:-.4,1.1 A LARtiE STheli ii Gent's Patent Leather And terenett cal( CONGRESS GAITERS FIFTH STREI.:I W. E. SCHMERTZ & CO SCHOTTISCHES, JOS. FLEMING, comer Diamond and Market street ERRING-10 bbls. _Eastport, new, 10 do Alewives', d o WM. H. SMITH & CO., 118 Second, and 147 Front streets. Mutual Insurance Company, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENH- SYLVANIA. chs hGtr ....... ,00,000 I Pranium :Mee , E 1,12,3.13 rl l .ll - 1 f.:O.IIPANY WILL INSURE ON Suildngs, alercliantli,, Furniture, .•e., in town or country. Diarcrokti =lion. J. J. Pearce, J-13. Hall. T. T. Abram', Hun. G. C. Harvey, Ct o Crist, D. K. Jaektitait, Chas. A. Mayer, I'eter Dickson, W I kite, Thomas Kitchen. /lON. G. C. Presuleut. 'l'. T. ABR.., Vice President. Taos. KITCILLI, Secretory de= INSURANCE COMPANY, WILL INSURE ‘WAIN:i'l' ALL RAMC 4, F FIRE AND MARINE RISIL9 AS6I . 7I'S—MAY 2thru, 13.59. :itocti, iuw /011 s, payable on deniand, and me mired by two approved iialnes 5115,500 00 Pills Flee,.lvilble.. 38,G45 '-'9 FiillB 10. counted 800 00 115 spars 3fechanieB Lank Stook, cost 8,185 00 10 " Citizen,' Built 5,171.00 40 " Ezell:men Bank .. ..2,00 00 50 ~ al; wof Pilt,burgli .. " 2.750 00 ltdanee of !took Account., 0,054 !ei I.lflit, Furniture 400 00 Ocili . DIRECTOR-L. Jane, A. ilutele ,, on - (:eor•e3 A. Berry, 44" m. B. Holmes, ' John Al'Denit, Robert D:11,11, ' Wilharn Rea, • ' Wikon Mille Wan. A.(71 Jeserh Kirlipitre.k, tes-2:1 I - Indemnity Against Loss by Piro. pIIE FRANKLIN FIIIE INsITRANCE A ~,M PAN V (3i' Pill / , ‘6F.LPHIA. )tier, No 115 4::7 CI I EST:NUT STREET, near Mith. ST,C.}I2nIT • 1 00,1, I -I, PIA/. heel Ap c,c1:19 A 11,7,1,669 1 .77,7.4 71 :4 1 J 71,7 r) 4,61,8 40 47.,0u7 ethie GL) lewp,rxry 1,/ato ,a 1 I',Jl I aeraS.....l, (prc ie tit 1321ie ($"45,667 72.1 N6tP41.1,1 Hilh If•-••,.11,1,1., 01ta,,52 , 3 T1,..,.h1v thth I. Litt , ftltatly wt c. t law. .rt. th.gi th -t.lo - L o,•• t.e..ti rulthe.l. coti t v ofol - 4 rty, isT"sn 411.1 th , ithtr,. fa,- .t• tft• ..Aliftt.lllll - 111 t Saw.. thPir 14 ,, ,t - p.,tnt,,,t, ft thirty yearE, they hat,,E5 tat /11.111.11ligIrti Mtlit.att, of lv ii,,t. Ott f, la sifk , ratti. , yid...rice of the wivant..9,.... ..f I ii3Or dr t.. 11, the sillily p.-.th.n to m"et with , Vlthititth.- ttll iltthtlthet, ja..l.ltiriug the year 57. DfI2CTOR, (F...irli , W 1'ir,17.•,.. A1. , .1.•.,1 I. I.f.vr•., 741b1,4 Wti.,,, 1."1.1S Lr.... - ... 1, :r0rt.1.•...v: ,t,t. 1.,,.... 1.v..v, .1ikr...1. II 'll.ltli, } - ,,1‘va..1 ( ~.... r)41", r,..... 11 L....1,yr+, 1r.• ,, 1e , F. 51,., t ILA:?. Iv ISAIWIII.R .. ~ l'r... dint. 1.i.W.111f. l' DALE, 1 ..... I'rv...lr.L.L It .1f .1 STI.rI., H...,..t..v Jr.. t....m. .1 .: 11.0 .N ER C...FFIN. At...nt, my! , N... 11.., : ..• L... r 1 r..r.t 1“..1 11.0..1 vtret.t., FIRE INSURANCE 1:1 Tfl Reliance Ilutual Insurance Co. IRi it,11.1111:7 1.11/litlll I'..rpottial. Merchrtn Fur r 0., la c.plintry. PI TTPllll.ltti . R. t . ' N"r vR. CIVITAL $177,1)31 •7 o/a I,r,q.prty, t! 00 C.C.. 1.11•,. r.s. Vi.v(uiy ,j 4 I.lla. I,lLn-111311411