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Pittsburgh, Fbrt Wayne and Chicago Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, PitLsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Cresnme. Ft Wayne Rfreis IC 8613 A. 111.•• 101 P. 111 Express Train.- 12:50 P. M. 8:45 P. M. Arrive at Chicago Express, 6,47 P. M. I ....... 8,17 A. 31 B.e turning ; a rive Pittsburg - 13 Mail, 8:2.5 Expresa, 3:30 P. M. I Express, 220 A. Id (From Federal Street Station, Allegheny.) New Brighton Accommodation.. 9:30 A. 31. P. St " 5:03 A.. M. 12:10 P.M StAikmak: • (Prom earner- of .Libertymmi Grant streeni.) Leaves. Arrives. 8:50 P. M. 12:45 P. 51. 2:50 A. M. 1150 P. M. 41:20 P. M. .1220 A. M. Express Train. Mail s Fast TlM'Johnstown' Way Pliiisenor Train 6:00 A. M. 1:10 P. M. Johnstown Accommodation_.... 2:50 P. M. A. M. First Turtle Creek . -....10140 A. M. 6:50 Saeond" DI. - -TD.3O A. Al. Thiid MI 6:15 RAI FittsDaiyh and Chnneascafc Railroad. (From Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. Mail Train 7:00 A. M. 6:15 P. 31 Express Train.. ........... ........... 4:30 P. AI. 8:45 A. AI Clactland and littshargh Enamels/. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. Express Train 12.15 A. 31. 2.40 A. IL Mail Train 6.25 A. M. 4.00 P. 31. 1.05 P. 31. 8.30 P. 31. Wellsville Accommodation 5.00 P. M. 11.00 A. M. P.ttsbargh, CUILIrnbILS sal C.lnrinnch Railroad. (From Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaven Pitts. (4iluinbus. Arr. in Cin. Fast Line 12.15 .4. M. 8.00 A. 31. 1130 A. 31 Express Train.. 1.05 P. M. 1.30 A. M. 730 A. Al Treatment of Fires In Russia , It is generally conceded that nowhere in this country can there be found a loom prompt and efficient fire department than that of our city. We think the superiority of the volunteer over the paid tire organization has been fully illus trated here, and we venture to say that in no city of equal size in the world is the tire depart ment so cheaply maintained. As a general thing, the fire organizations of our country are superior to those of the older nations of Europe, with their ponderous machines and military precision, and at. this time we think it not in , appropriate to publish the following, as illus trative of the fact. It is from the pen of a cor respondent of the Springfield Republican, now sojourning. in ,St. Petersburg: A remarkable institution of St. Petersburg is the Fire Department, and one of the most • farcical entertainments to be met with is the sight of a company with its apparatus going to a fire, and its management when arrived there. In the first place comes a herald on horseback -,1114 in -uniform, dashing down the streekon a fitll run, to announce the approach of the cap- Win of the company. From an eighth to a quarter of a mile behind follows the captain h~it self, clad in full military dress, including a lbn sword and white gloves, and seated - in a isarouche drawn by throe horses abreast, going at the top of their speed. Now comes\a short platform wagon, also drawn by three horses, ~on.the top of which stand half a dozen of Men and an engine, made precisely like a common garden pump, but having two and a half times the power of that worthy little ma chine. Behind these will usually be seen an other wagon carrying in addition to fifty feet in length of two inch hose, as many soldiers in „gKetit coats and helmets as can well pile on to , and then todr br five otlicr Vials. - carrying each one man beside the driver, and a small silted barrel, lying datwise, and having a square hole in its top, for convenience of dlling it by Means of,buckets. .A standing reward of about fifteen dollars to. the company which first matches a fire, •. causes the drivers to whip their horses into a furious canter, and as the train dashes along the street, exciting the pride, admiration and awe of the untraveled natives, the whole sight is so ludicrous that a spectator, who happens to _have, seen the fire brigades of other cities, can iklth ditlicillty"repress - inch noisY laughter as • 'puts him in danger of going to the lock-up for boltifiions . behavior. `Ohe'e arrived at the tire, with melting horses and empty water casks, all interest in the burning building appears to cease. The cap. Alis,„ irthis,carriage, takes up a. positioe,which .ifiiirdirthe aged view Of the flames, while'tlu' urn go deliberately to unbending the fifty feet t o e, .v i tti l its.three-eightS of 'an inbh nor.- ke, and, after everything has been arranged with •military precision, the water casks are -ordered off to the river to be filled. When . One or these returns, it is connected with the Pillnpa, the brakes of winch are set in motion givtlie rate of twenty strokes per minute, (by ,'teal timing:Al thec watch,-) while-the man holding the nozzle of- rho-,discharge looks out for same elevated - positliA from which he can throW water into the - chamber windows, and if Ile .fails to secure a convenient berth upon a „ pile ; of dry goods boxes or a cart's tail, - the probability is that you will see him, in the f:qurseqf ten plinutes, in the second story of a neighhoring him.Se;witli his hose passing up on the- outside, and playinfrom the window of into i This nto the other: plan works to the titttiSketion of ail concerned, while the barrel Of water bolds put hut after awhile the "ma chine', begins to •Islick air," and then comes a lblid•,hurrah and cessation of operations till another cask can be backed up end attached to the suction of the Torrent, the Niagara or the Cataract, or engine of, whatever aspiringttame happened to be imposed at its christening,: • Of course,...kuoh'-appfiratitS;ind - -indnagemen t , " 4. have 4escrilic4 cap produce no • effect apon the 'flames' until_ the, Wilding is burned Afti7sdia=thei Ilici , hoeiimes• 'concentrated - en the ground floor, when, if the. house be narrow, the engines will play horizontally, and most japly effect a tnal] saying of charcoal. The alla of brick houies; being on average three ' feet thick, never fall down.; -bind noticed that white a portion of the men were toying ' with the pumps and water casks, another set went wildly to work, smashing all the win dows and chopping holes, in the.roofthiwhiie yet others rushed on in advance of the flames', pitching sofas, tables and pier glitmes out of the second 'and 'third story windows on to the pavements, the fall, of course, dashing every thing to. pieces. conduct Such in countries of older civilize nsually 'esteemed the work of meni t i : hoeing 'tinder tbe effects of temporary insan i , bet, after seeing it practiced by regular ' drillM t fireMen, whose interest in saving prop erty, or., even their own lives, would never lead to any spontaneous action of the kind, I came to the conclusion there must be some philosophy at the bottom of it—an idea in' which I was confirmed by careful inquiry of amintelligant Russian. According to his ac- ' client; the' furniture- of a burning house is thinvim out solelV with. a view to prevent its feeding thuAatnes, by creating a draft through the windowtarld roof in order that they may constutte the timber work as soon as porsible, Ind thuS pibvent the greater damage that would result to.the walls from a confined and slower combitition. flatcafte#4 3 l l 4l:l;49 txely altogether upon the nrectepartmenl. It is customary to invoke tnt,stipernatural aid. ...4s•soon as convenient ter a fire has broken out,all the priests in'the neighborhood assemble and march in solemn procession around!the flaines, , bearing pictures of the saints, and other insignia of office,, and uttering - prayers in the Sclavonic tongue. Great interest is felt by residents in the vicin ity in the route which they.take,fineause it is believed that the' flames' will not spread , be yOntyt; but am not, aWare ttat ; the priest ars it alt particular ' n the 'se ject,`eicept to avoid intense heat; tied Allow such streets and Opeti_spaces as are broad enough to make it tolerablycertain the flames will norreach be- Y r oi4"tliere. • I' '' 4 l.)in•l'M4- "Ey'ABLE," ,Fred Kent, :Sank Ryah, Kate•Denin, and other actors of merit, are.,ehmedtor .the present season at the /4414 - , 16 Ttiqop}. ..14isa .Vaughan, an ith.t: rail oaf sterling merit is' to V the leaclieg (11A, fine array - 9f stars iniseettent . mariagate anticria iiroaperousaea.: they may not be duel -r -, I ____. • . b . 4 ) 0 1 t ... .\ ..i „ li ' ttt __ • : The Cooper Opera Troupe. Last evening we had a rare musical treat at the Apollo Theatre, in Verdi's grand opera of "II Trovatore, or the Gipsey's Vengeance," as rendered by the Cooper English Opera Troupe. The company is a superior one, the 'principal singers being fully up to the required stand ard. Miss Annie Milner played Lady Leonora, and won all hearts by her splendid singing and unaffected acting; Miss Payne, as the Gipsey Queen, Azucena, did ample justice to her role, while Mr. Aynesley (kook, as the Countde Lune, Mr. Bowler, as Manrico, and Mr. Rudolphsen, as Fernando, performed their parts in a manner extremely gratifying to the audience. The instrumental part was fully equal to the vocal. Mr. Cooper, the manager of the company, is a perfect master of the violin, and almost makes it speak, while the piano accompaintnent was superb. This evening we are to be favored with the beautiful opera of the " Daughter of the Regi ment," in which Miss Annie Milner personates Marie, the Vivandiere supported by the, full strength of the troupe. We scarcely know how to express our admiration of the prima donna of this troupe, Miss Milner, as she so far ex cels any other that it is difficult to do her jus tice. Her voice is fine and her execution bril liant; in the higher register she is perfection itself, and her trills and continuendos we have never heard surpassed. Her powers are well exemplified in the air, •' Lo ! hear the gentle lark! " which is really enchanting. She is un questionably a superior artiste, as well as a beautiful woman, and has won the admiration et all the music-loners and critics who have listened to her. She has received many en conjoins from the press, wherever she has ap peared, but they were all merited. Mr. Cooper is no less deserving of praise, for it is rarely we hear a more accomplished musician, the simple and difficult being alike to him, while the notes which fall from his instrument are indeed ex quisite. Messrs. Cook, Rudolphsen and Bowler, and Miss Payne, are also meritorious artistes, and the whole combined form a rare attrac tion. The company will remain but a few days longer, and we would advise all who have not yet heard them to visit, the Apollo before their departure. Dar Goons—THE PITTSI3;;RGII STORE.— We take pleasure, this morning. in referring our readers to the advertisement, in. another column, of J. P. Smith, of the Pittsburgh Store, No. 92 Market street, that establish ment having been recently re-opened with a full and complete assortment of dry goods. Mr. Smith is an experienced salesman, having been employed for many years iu the leading establishments of the city, and we -feel war ranted in saving that he will give entire satis faction to all who may tall. He has already renewed his stock twice since the reopening of the Store in June last, and he is obliged to leave the city again for the East, to-day, for the purpose of replenishing. In a week he will return, when be will be prepared to offer to the public a complete assortment of new fall goods, of the latest styles. These will be offered at low figures, and we are contldent that the establiaihment will retain its populari ty, and that a ready sale will be found for all. We can knowingly commend Mr. Smith to the public as an active, honest, through-going business Mall, affable and attentive, who, with his assistants, will deal fairly and satisfactorily with all who may bestow their patronage. TOILE? ARTICLE:I.-04r young friend, Jo seph Abel, proprietor of the new drug store at the corner of Fifth and Grant streets, is fully prepared to supply the ladies with articles for the toilet and perfumery of every description. Ile has now on hand a large collection of hair, tooth, nail and cloth brushes. taper,,, toilet bot tles, puff-boxes, extracts, and an endless vari ety of soaps of every description. domestic and impotted, oils arid pomades for the hair, arti cles for the teeth and complexion, with an in finity of line extracts, essential oils, and co -I,,godS. Indeed, every article employed in the mysteries of the toilet, usually found in drug stores, will be found here in abundance, and Mr. Abel is proverbial for his attention to business, and his politeness to the fair sex, vvho are the chief patrons of his store for articles in that line. He has also a large assortment of drugs and medicirms generally, and does a large prescription business. He is deserving of all snectias, FINE LaNnsr.teE. —Mr. W. C. Wall, fmm whose pencil have emanated so many lino pro ductions, has just completed another One land scape, of large size, which may be seen at J. .1. Gillespie's, Wood street. It ie a view on the Conemaugh river, at Fltrt:.L;addie imp, and any one who has aver vibite,...l the locality will at once reCognize the picture, it is so accurate and truthful. The grand 'maintain scenery is admirably portrayed, and the river gliding smoothly at the base of the hills, adds much to the general effect, while a warmth of coloring pervades the whole which atamps the picture as a master-piece of landscapo painti pg. Those fond of inspecting worke, of art will 'lnd this a meritorious picture, and we trust that the art ist may soon receive the reward of his labor. Key EPTIoN oF HON 6 ', ,‘ Hot'il.AN.—Pur suant to previous notice the Douglas Club of Allegheny county held a special meeting yes terday afternoon, at which Jacob .M'Collister, Esq., President, prerdded. On motion of Mr. Barnett, the President, Sainuel Harper, the Secretary, and .lames P. Barr, Esq., were appointed is committee to re ceive Judge Douglas upon his arrival in tha city, and escort him to the St. Charles Hotel. \ I On motion of D. H. Hazen. Esq., a special : commatee on finance Wan appointed, to receive contributions to defray the expenses incurred in receiving Mr. Douglas. The following gen tlemen were appointed, viz: James Irvin, Jim. Mackin, Dr. G. B. Keyser, William Bennett, Charles W. Lewis, D. ii. Hazen, and Charles Barnett. On motion, adjourned. PITTSBURG TEMATII E. —"The rhan torn," was performed to a . good audience at the Old Theatre last evening, every part being well sustained, while the roaring farce of "Aunt Charlotte's Maid," was received with thunders of applause. The dancing by Senorita Maria, the Spanish wonder, was excellent. as were the interludes. This evening, the new patriotic drama of "The Golden Eagle, or the Privateers of 'iii, ' will be presented, with singing and dancing by Millie Corrie, Miller, Aubrey and the Spanish wonder, and the farce of " Aunt Charlotte's Maid," repeated. SITES FOR COUNTRY RESIDENCES.—ShouId any of our readers bo desirous of securing such, we need only refer them to the advertise ment of four country sites, on the line of the railroad, in the Allegheny valley, to be sold by Mr. Drvis, on next Thursday afternoon. They combine beauty of scenery, and convoni enhe of 'access from the city, with such addi tional inducements as make them surpass, ' • desirableness, any other available locality. ' THREE _PERSONS .I),Ftolynnp.—As two ysg ladies and a man were returning from a P meeting the other day, near Wellsbuq e Y undertook to cross the Ohio in a skiff: en about the middle of the river, the skT i ,7 with water, and all three were drown, Miss ladies were Miss Worthington an s t Bell, and the gentleman a Mr. Ch —r —• schoo Mlittsrowr ScrfoOLE3.—The p to twoorn , l house at M'Keesport beitig too inr it was de modate the large nutntle.r of P li ge Board of termined at the last meeting Directors to organize a high ,Priacipal, and W. Blackburn was apppinxd principal of Mr. E. W. Mouck was app • • Fool. Mr. J. the common school. _ • _,e city nas been lerv , Titx gas stock held,lmont obtained in the led upon, under the against the city, last United ,States CrJelrich s & Co., on Sten spring,in the misers Railroad bonds. The benville and tfind the city had better pay stock is valuato be sold. up tbamalb -The managers of the Isionon- D rvr ,ge have, declared a dividend of four m th e i p in the capital stock out of the profits steiz month: For the Pittsburgh Pont. IN THE NIGHT. She sleeps, and does not dream that I Keep watch the live-long night; l'oiso lonely pacing in the shade, Now in the broad moonlight; And now as comes some blissful feeling Beneath her latticed window kneeling. Happy the dreams, and sweet the rest Of souls so pure and bright; Whose hearts are flagrant all with truth, Whose steps lead to the right; Who are sometimes sent to worlds like th In love, to teach us happiness. To-night, to-night ; ah I what would I Not givo to see thy face. To have one lingering word from thee This loneliness displace; And from thy casement, where I eland Mark the white waving of thy hand. Ah, no! eh, no I she slumbers on Nor knows the watch I keep, Nor little dreams that lore like mllO Thus hoverw o'er her sleep; Alas I the loves that purest burn Have °firmest the taut return. Sleep on, my beat beloved: sleep on -11 l watch the lion-long night, No mortal arm shalt work thee harm, No hung thing affright. Oh that thy heart would rhoosr hut me Its life-long watch to keep o'er thee. POSTPONED.—The bearing of S. G. Lang don, charged as being a party to the forgery perpetrated on the Citizens' Hank, has been postponed until next Monday, his counsel hav ing requested 'a delay (Dillaye) until that time. A further commitment was lodged against him by! Mayor Weaver. CHRIST CHURCH has been thorougly reno vated during the past few weeks, and the inte rior now presents a handsome appearance. It has been cleaned, the ceiling repaired, and the walls of the organ loft, as well as the ceil ing, beautifully frescoed. The church will be ro4rpened for service on next Sabbath. TUE Birmingham and Pittsburgh Railway Company seem determined to complete their work before cold weather sets in. A large force is employed on the road, and it will not be long ore cars are running upon We are glad to see this ; passenger rails - ay-a aro a great institution, and „ the more the merrier.'• PREPARATIONS for the County Fair next week are being actively made, and its fair to be a fair exhibition of our manufacturing and agricultural resources. We trust that all who have any thing to exhibit will endeavor to send specimens to make the display as credi table as possible. VALVADLE REAL ESTATE AND STOcKB Attention is requested to the sale of very desi rable property in the Fourth and Seventh wards of this city. Also, to bank, insurance, and railroad stocks, by order of executors and others, this evening. at Mavis' auction rooms, A fifth street. ONC side of tho Hand street bridge has been newly painted, the inside wbito•w•ashed, and now window frames, of iron, put in. The upper foot wall• is now being repaired and that side of the bridge pai n ted, au that it will soon be much improved in appearance. Tub tit. Clair street sower, the construction of which has been such an annovance to the public, is nearly completed, and the street will soon be tit for travel. The improvement is a valuable one, and will, periiapt, ;•oecitn pense for the itif.eil‘'nfettee We hope the taerribers of the tivinnastle Association will bear in mind the inettlnt: this uv'e•tiing, fur the purpose of taking measures to celebrate the second anniversary of their or ganization by a parade. All should attend. SVIT has been instituted. before Alderman Johns, under an old Act of Assembly, against Samuel Ward, for running his title of 'omni buses lto Itakland) on Sunday. The ease has not been finally disposed of by the Alderman The footsralk over the St. Clair street bridge was not completed in time to be open to the public yesterday, but it will be thrown open for travel this morning at six o'clock. ANToxio DlFittic 4 A, of Lawrancnville, waa, yterday; o6Eurnitind to jail F.,Nuiro Jimmy, of that borough, chargod with s,lling liquor on Sunday. Wi.. are glad to see that 2tir..W. S. Maven, who mot with so SeriOM an accident on Mon day last, tw recovered sufficiently to return to the city, and resume his businus. BACK AU•Jx.—Uliver klanna, the horse thief, who escaped from the 'Penitentiary SOIIIO weeks ago, was caught at Erie last week, and returned to that institution. A Houma on Diamond alloy, c,e.w Wood street., took nro on Votmay morning, but was extinguished without the aid of the fire de partment. hiliN'S AND Boys' ct.ovntigo of every va riety of style and material, manufactured et.- Presslf for Us, and decidedly the best stock over offered in this market. Gentlemen and parents will Lind it to their interest to call , at our establishment, corner of Federafstreet and the Diamond. Allegheny city, befor.; purchas ing elsewhere. A strict adherence to our sys tem of large sales and soall profits has given the name of w. & Co., an enviable pro-aminerice which n , coMpotton has hitherto disturbed. 11:9,...As THE EVASONS OtANtir, most per sons retiuire tu !Ate r mad Yet effective cathartic meth- Harry o ff te foul aecurnulationet from the atom azh, which, if f w tnitted to remain, induce _ WILSON'S HEPECtLE PILLS aro the beet Eengral family rriedicite tioV in use. They arc ispire& and Hold by B. L. Fa tiarSTOCI k Wholesale auggits, and Proprietors of B. L. Fahnew tock . a VermifttErfi o e 6o Wood Stroot said at retail t druggists everywhere. ()JORGE W. SMITH, BREwEI MALTEIM, 4! 1114.1 , DEALER, Pitt West, Pittsburgh HV I NG COMMENCED BREWING .;r the semoo, I atu pow prepared to furnish my ow let's With 4 BARRELS SUPERIOR OLD MON• I t/ tj oNOAIIELA RYE WHISKY, ' u store, and for e by M. 0101 1 ARA, in., SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF FRESH ALE. 151 Fifth street, between Wylie and Ross streets. ad door above WVIle street __ —. . n addition to my regular . brands, lam manufacturL a2 --- ,g a vert' FINE FLAVORED siTTER ALE. put uptujNE THDUSA NP DOLL,LARS--S4OO in mall packages expressly for family use, band; the remainder at Orli: ail a two yea,,, will This Ale is net only a delightfid beverage, but is hig4urchase a comfortable house afoul' rooms, with a lot ecommended by the medical faculty, for invalids, writailf ground 20 feet front, by 100 deep. Fruit and etiade mild, nourishing tonic is reluired. i have 'abib Itrees, h•dran &c. Situate on Webster IL, Allegheny. debrated maga° B. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 !Utica( street _______ WHEELING BOTTLED ALES, Constantly on hand, ennatating of RENNET? BIT AND CHAMPAGNES PORTER AND BROWN ST' Packagers Mont to any pert of the city, Aug; .. .1118,crie:mer 1ig5a.....,-Tic.-:—Thi InstW-`, the want of which. has been ao long felt by our ° is now open, under thi s upertniemt,,„ o ,„ o f isra Jackiwin,l.Jotnison, I We LiipayetteThundi_Er,_; to t heir s` nta g e t° trance, a wood street it is deaigned for the ''''''''' invited visit the exhitattun Of the rd,#°_,,,Cta . of blbehanion, Aeanttli snort for uTthiatusavtwetsep:po:Bubmr.oll:thg_anieedganntilMoctlr; e i 4 :::t 4 t f i r o u e n t:o6;13:(3-Xn7, lea or scientific 'priblicas2-ouriT.!ltograeoahati.vving antic •o bring inatituto.: . ' HeATTNAT_ ,STA'AIf• —As - a • ,1 1 2 0hial al the worgineg meace er, Perf.act anOtef their self ,. nes, safe ty ; econor.f infuel, and the regulatinkbooosaary t o k ee n ee l root, comfortable, ule a/te l'oertifle ate to zit a,` Rsvls and PhilliiPa, we g ive •S Phi/lips & Co, ° ll ; i l leir , .pLen of heat l ag sucCestgi /l ad Ward pope Schci...io. the e n d by steatiod Amid, loo k -- ,,A Our approval, and wa Pittsblymtnatid them to - he public to giro entire wealas of heating hp steal. OX *Li eatiefir,n JWilson,r, John Mareall, Dir Jr.,ect M. Tlne, Geor ß e . R. L. vitiors. dl Ni,lis DAVIS Gry evoy Stir. dap{ of 6as lit?prtnnung and Bra es ss otnutee;, Fixtur and Pum So. 67 Wood and tFulet, street, Pittaburgh. ps 4160, , f.•• + 15 :::/tEri4 '1 . 1 * trOtlite, Sp • ' ' • • wall'ani. Grainer'. Orden, le at tear Mirka; Burke's Building, 411si lbSi„, DR. EfinITETTER'S BITTERS have receiv ed the wannest eneonims from the press and people throughout the Union. As a valuable tonic for the cure of Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Constipation, and general ner vous debility, it cannot be approached. Every day cases of its great effect are chronicled through our principal public journals. There is nothing equal to the enjoy ment to that which the afflicted experience when using fhiavaluable specific. Its mild tone, its sure and vigor ous action upon a disordered stomach, and the cleans ing of the entire human body should recommend it to all classes of our community. All thatwill be necessary to convince the skeptical of its healthy effects is to pur chase a bottle and be convinced. For sale by Druggistu and dealers generally. HOSTETTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, scs No.sBlVater. and 58 Front strenta ger JULEs HAUEL'S EAU LUSTHALE HA in Rateroaanva has been approved by the beet Chemists iu the country. It stops falling hatr.llivee new rigor, deans the scalp, and adds fresh beauty to the Hair. Sold by B. L. FARNESTOCK Q 00., No. co, corner of Wood and reitrth greets, Druggists generally, and at the Laboratory of Jules Ilauel & Co., No. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. . . • .1-'l7/101,1 yna. JOSEPH DEEM, et SON, m Manufacturera, and Wholaialo and Retail Drillers in FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, No. 424 Penn Streit, above the Canal, !late on hand a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, in Walnut and Mahogany of their own niantl flunure, and warranted equid in quality and style to any manufactured In the ray, and will cell at reasonable prktes fe2tilf GEO. BLETCHER Manufacturer of the Celebrated GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG, TIT.ASTING BAND TOUPPRS, LND LPZBT PLICLIPTV, er Ornamental Hair (or !Mies and Gentlemen, Na. 03 MARKET STREET, D. 111 LUDO . ............... .EDRADD D crr 1 , 01•T4 & DUFF, DEALERS IN MANILLA, Ctil - ruN AND irrE CORDAGE, OAKUM, TAR, PITCH CV ROSIN TARPAULIN DUCK, AND HHATY DRILLINti. No 90 Water Street. FIRST CLASS BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, OF ALL S'ircZ; sizEs, MADE To ~ IWER, OR SCA) FRuM THE :•.HELV LARGESTOCK OF COMMERCIAL STATIONARY P , Pt 12 , 7"1" I 1•1 - Ca. .41 it. toranet... eIfiCULRS 1, HILL MANG, PA3,IPfILErs. WEN/VAL. 0 G Ii 1J AS EY have reninvoti kj. to their new Color Waroilcl.), N 0.37 Flay.t•tretet., to Itit• Nalr irGra Put Block, three don, tr,,•l of Wood. PITTSBURGH COPER ROLLING RILL. C. G. EfUSSEY & CO., 4.+;Xci,rtr, ~f Brarierr Etatattd Sheathing Copper, PreAmt - ,1 Botttryi, Inimmotiye still Itiitioin and Hata( t'LZI,I. and „ t i„. r B r „ ;41,•1tt, 0 - ppoir, ecirr,r ,te. I ieitier. In lilock'in, I' Plate, 1,1141 Wire, Zinc. Antimony, Sho.l..mn, Tinnet,' , No. 37 Pint; 9tcrt, Pittsburgh, P. Stlevt Culver e antpulern. farb.4,lm.l T HE D LARGEST Lithographic Fablishment in the City. WM. CHUCIIMAN I PRACTICAL LITH 0 GRAPH E R CORNER THI AND MARKET STREETS, DUFF'S COI_LEG3t7ILI.INIis, fy2lly2p - PI TTSP I , R(i l'A. - _ IIIAV ET II DA Y ASS( 'I AT El 1111 I . wail , no, Mr. a:LIAM tu the Undertnhalig Lcn //1•"4. Whlt'il will 11.11, lu. enndu,lo,l under the name and gyle Lyme fkllnr JAME 4 LEE( oN. Joan DELLAW 341 CR 111,01 Undertakg In all its Brandies. LEVI DELLOW, No. 118 Fourth Street, ARE PRidt}:/-) T 4.) DO L7.I)EIZTAK INI: to ito, hnanchen, in the bent limuucr, nt iirlee.l to stir' tune,. .4 , „ „01 nnoltk•ntinn to 1 , 19 EN NEW STYLE rATENTALCASE, b.r the Hale o r which ( h ey N olo agent, in Ono Cu,, and of winch we keep , ns ,y ori hand a complete ro.sortipi.rd. A. mewed. beatk.`"P• and 61, 1 4 " b• 4 /.7 exert nn p tibero , 4. supplied with ilearoes. Horse. and Carriage, p r ly, and at lower rate, than any ether emtabhohrne• t hb. (14 7• Guaranteeing le rattler eat o,feetion, uolleit a eontinnanew of the ratronaz,, h eretofore &Idly , wx.touded to the old firm. I apifi A:ENT ONTA-1, DirwrlNE 1110\ STORE. COIAAN, HAILMAN 4 CO.. taNtrykc-rUItXR- 4 pg Iron, NI, Steel Springs, Axles, ‘Vraught Is, Washers, Spikes, note. FLAT "' R on , nAR OF ALL SIZIN, ETC.„ ETC. moored to their new extennre {Warehouse, No m / Witter anil 94 .Front 5i,.., wh,toy are prepared to execute all orders to their F IT line and complete assortment of Dn. ~,,,,,,w oil ti goods constantly ou hand, er on, liberal 'terms. fetal! JounV . IV."eRii.WFORD genes &Counsellor at Law, AND iNoTitttit plitturc, DAVENPORT, IOWA• ofscial attention given to collecting and souring of e ver Ram 'to—sleriarnish Letulevy, E 3. Roberts, E..i, Capt. R. J. Gram Roberta d Mellon. Attorney,. torn 100ACR2S OF PRAIRIE AND TIM BER LAND, well Watered, situate in Franklin county, Ransaa, 2 3 miles from the county ooati l 0 acme,' in cultivation; log cabin, &c. flood timber—walnut, oak and hickory. Priceliii4. For sale by wig ft CUTHBERT & 80N, 61 Market street. CALCINED MAGNESIA a large supply . nt* this highly esteemed and popu L i rtiele Just received, and for sale by L. WILCQX, .13'27 oor. Smithfield and Fourth sts. FIRE BRICK.L-The - attention of our man ufacturcrals directed to our Fire . l3rick, which will be found to be of the very best quality, and warranted to givo perfect satisfaction. For sale in any, quantity,' at reasonably low prices, by __ _ CHADWICK & 80N, No. 1461 aid 151 Wood Pt.,.Pittaburgh ' QOAPS, SOAPS.—Received to-day, a large i s , lot of Low's Cleaver's and Wright's Honey Soap, Brown Windsor Soap Palm Soar; Cocoa Nut. Oil Soap, ' And for sale by JOSEPH ABEL, atlVk_Lorner Fifth 'and Grant streets. kor BBLS.. SICILY CANARY SEED, just reeewed and for sale py Rug= BEimium A KELLY, Allegheny City. AMES Hr & CO., Pork Packers and -- " ° 131 ES c n f r AiriniL'AoPrrßMAHains' fell:kip • PittBbµrgt JUST P UBLISHED -GRANT'S CASE, VOLUME I .—Report' pf cssea.sr_gue . ct 4k the Su preirice Court of Pennsylvania.: By Bojpoarrap. (+rant: For male by "ell) KAY- I. -00.45-Airodd street:— LENTS' FURNISHING GrIX)DS, an ele- N_KgantaasaTtnenc EATON, ans 00, .17 4 comer Fitth And MoitoltiOts, lE=BEV! PlrMiunmi, Pt .1. It WELT,IN, 6.21;(.1.1 street near Feurth TR 51 At I N tiS. and Itt,tto, mot., it•.%; ,tut t• , our N., —t—r. r , tN, t'REE rt E•tor.nnti Ntr.rhet .t . troetts EN". , 1.1 •• IS I 1 Nr; (;n4")1 ,, - k t•r,vlt..., ‘,l,pt,•„ ~ , 1, 1-111/1, •tik.l s lit it -; I k 1%1-:- , I -1- . .1.1•A E Inn the mnris.4. tp.unpi n 1 (I, p.l j,,sEPII Itoltl.‘Nts ~•.i Mnrkvt .1.431 ES 4.. EIETZEIt, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT hat Tlir SUL Flour, Grain, !;aeon, Lard, Dotter. Seed Dried Fruit and Produce Generally, Vo EN ER it/ MA ER ET AN IT I'l EST sTP.E. ETN, PITTI-titultht I, 1 1 1 Ecru ro—Franyer TT. ibrllyy. 1.1.1., Wllham I,lw , Trlt,, Sr.. S. CTTO,I,•rt A syn, PTIT,I.TTr E I I . Pend A • et. Ili ,T,YII A STTebritio.u. s dtr,..1 . . T .T-IT 111 .0 11 IT.TIT I, ' I-1 A Howell, :11.:11,;It• A T 0.., troorgy 11. V telyT -TIT. 1 •yleon. Paxton A e,., \\ I. hug Illyl (.._.) N I , / , ,) ,.. . r , 1,;/„. \ ,, V ii i , : ,, .. ‘ , : i .1 ; . V . : ,, F , 1 , V ,, i:: . ( I ~ ,E , N , : , r , S , ~,, _ , N I : :N I rtt.-1-41 t;et.rt:e M ,1, ro, krr,ul,o4l yin .1 Ilt ,4 pl,n. li! , IntTou. in rt-Tular YrT/er, ato tad., to U. n.ii:, !MVP, inking lunygeTrityny ; IT,TIubT TTinT ill Tre..T:TraebyT-, pert the h.ttl, to, tit, hhhet, ~• in t",n,., ITTT TriTrlyToy FTgury Table , : 1 1 1stan.,. yr, 111 , ..11,...1,11,, r..,111.- I M 1 , ;1 , 1 .•1 1, t, Matt.. toner I•croro iciblod,od. Traveller. ivi,i 41'M -burgh TT TII pi T.l. r Hy- 1. , ..1T Ty , the ordtoarT Itailburd 1.111,1 e, 1,,, ,11.•• 11 giV,... , :di 011 1nk.,,,,ry I . .TY.tatree l'abl•-•+ TO Pitt•dear,;ll, aryl tbyl, by• I romes minutely de , riptisy of the Tystiry l'enn , ylV,l T la I itallro.lld. JI/SC 1 .,, 111,1111.1 fer Tylle hp `V. S HAVEN, AuTT:AI Corn, Wood & Tlerd Ii Markot A S. , •,.nri , t. _ Al , A Inf 111: 'PEN Acio . N - -_sitwit.• on tho init. lb Tyr.al , T l ., InTle.l.•ly, they:ry,lTT•l.een liillteTek and 1104,,' Strrtlyil, 2 TIytTLITT IT•Tute 1.1.11,.', a ,±0.t.1.•, n,‘ e‘er,ll,TT vritirn C .. 11 . .ii Is ',Ca , . I On, appl, pcar. peaell. ;duet and Therm' troy, ',null, .IToTT. Ay 'Ph, F T I 14 ayue :TETT' 1'1,...Tge Itadroryl, and •• 1 1 T•aler ,and f ..", tin rough ire, pretr., , , 1 1 Tleo S7.OUTT. For Fall , 1. .el S crTIIEFIZT A T. , TN. ...I 11Ar1.tt •ViTT.I. -- NEIN ILL. \ I'A PERS.- -11,T1TITIC AlT*l.lrl 1 i Medium anr ll-1 •• , o1 ‘i Tbith , . '..lr._: , •.Ty I. yl thy oknolo Titobiled ou band e”: 1, f.TT T•aly I. er TTyl KAN .t iI J , 1,.% 41,,,..1 ,t r. T T . 11- `'i _F' •i i T ii_ci AMA RI N DS. juHt 1 ., ..t•it-t.tl I v aug24 oornor Diamond and JOSEPH MarketVLF:llllNa, Parent. SCETI n li., Ruilk-.... T r sale by sea J. E. 'WELITIN. • Cll _ ALK CRAYONS -200 Fl;.,., received and for solo by .1. R., WELDIN -•-" - _ _ M ACA RON 1.-20 brtxt-s Italian: do. IV boxes Arry•re•an Vermirolli.-151 boxes Italian, -._ do. 15 .. American, I I On hands and for saki lo; 'FtFAIRER. .I.NDERSoN, nnw.:7 Nu :19 Wood street, CITRON.-5 rasp„ " Leghorn." on kw( And REVI%IER ANN.:W:IIN, ting 27 No.aa %Vood •opposite at. t:harles Hotel. GENTLEMEN'S FIJI:NISI - 1ln'; (3( )0 1 ) S. city, of all kinds, as good and as cheap any in ilo at EATON. (RgE corner Filth and Market street, A BEA UTI ULPI R RPh,togral is writing by light. ' Th e outlines of tl tuitirin form, taken by thth_process, and couehod by the Artist', pencil, must lie portent. Tho w who want such Picture ran get them at WALL'S, augZblw Jones' Budding. Fourth street. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE— acres of excellent land, situate at twelve mile. the city. nod Mc miles from Ferrysville—wen improre t having WO aeres in cult tvation, 30 of which in meadow and 82 acres in prints timber; adapted for a stock farm, being well watered—Pine creek running through the farm. Also. it superior location for a !sill. A good two-stony dwelling house, grain house, &c.; also, a tenant house and stable. Large orchard, and and great variety of fruit. Churches, schools and mills convenient. Can be divided into two farms. For sale by aag27 S. CUTHBERT & SON, Al Market RIENTA TOOTH WASH—A del ‘..5 compound of gumsand aromaties, cleansing e to ihe teeth, healing to the gums, a fragrant to the mouth.— Sold by L. WILCOX, H'27 corner Smithfield and Fourth .vie. MEDALLION PENS.— Por flexibility Nord to x quill. For Pali , by Sol J. R. %YELLIN, 63 Woodstreet. near Fourth. APPLEs.S.-2,6 bbls. choic,, Apples,just r ceived and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, sngSt corner Market and First streets. IiANKEWS CASFW, MONEY 1300 K; Port Monales, M , lnomn,ltn Books and Pock. Hook. for Bale by W. S. HAVEN Stationer, corner Market nod Se cond street+, E VER. Y 1' ARIET Y of Domestic add Sta ple D ry Goods, always on hand, and as low as dui be found anywhere. Pleas'e call and see them. • Au g:75 O. RANSON LOVE, 74 Market ----- street. r—et.NE DOLLAR SKI —; FINE STEEL SPRING', , - White and Colored, just received at BORNE'S. 77 Market street, ORTY-TWO ACR OF LATCI ear Cliften Station, Fort Wayne Chidago Rilroad, at itut eight miles from the city; 12 acres in cultivation; 2 acres creek bottom: fine timber; small honse and sta ble. -Price $1,600: For sale by 804 45. CUTHBERT- & SON, 51 Market street. LEFT, at New .41011. t York Cost. JOSEPH HORNE, kual9 _ 77 Ma.rkotstreet. R. WELDIN'S No. 27 Elastic Pen, • Dar , Weak NO. 68 WOOD =MEET. . PTEMBER 6, 1859. SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. The Ready Family Soap Maker; NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, LABOR, TIME AND MONEY IS SAVED BY ITS FOB SALE BY ALL STOREKEEPERS. .11 AN 1 'PA CT UR El, ONL Y RF TII Is PENNSYLVANIA Salt Manufacturing Company, 396 Penn St„ above Canal 5p30.41-tuath pURE SALT PURE SA UP!— THE ONLY WARRANTED PURE AND DRY Table, Dairy and Packing Salt, Is nptrulfacturt,l Lr the 'eunsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company, 300 PENN STREET, ABOVE CANAL ftrOkgo-tuAt h DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA NORM'S DYSENTERY MIXTURE. TN offering this zno.liciu, to the public, I j claim that it not only brings .seedy relief is to the mitforer, but that it attacks the disease w tt, Calidel.:t.l eradicates it entirely from the 4y,tern. l_iwito4 to its very rare virtues, it MIS on the liver, correct, all the derarm ed secretions of the ;teen, and invigorates the whole system. !Co family should be ITiO1013( a Little in the house, for it is adapted alike to the most tender and (lel icate of infants, a, well as the stoutest and most robust of MC. By having it always on hand, and taking it upon the first appearance of an attack, you allay - say, 'yourself from mtlerma and expense. Many death, from Cholera eould hare teen avoided by tamely toing this Mixture Many vertifmates can ho niaamted, but we think the peYV;eople earl bf,s; judge after a trial, and more ,awf e t_ nt l nffer s upportin g named persons as additional te,tirnony,all that is a.skel for the laarrhm, and Dysentery Mixture. The Pd`roans are known in our oommanity John Wrigley, A. Seherer, J. P. Knox, John Pr:trick JaMeslienney, Jr T. K. IVl*Klught, R. Swan. Prepared solely by the sol , eriher, at the Trn:: !Jo; of J. .N. Satrawan, M ffu liEl.l- Corner Wood and Sixth sts.,Pitt,hur;Th. Prier 2Z, e,lits per Is-tae, mu_.7S,Lndta-trio . _ MINIATURE PIANOS. ?FM JUST RECEIVED RT:74,l=z;;;;OL'i =OEM MANUFACTORY IN PHILADELPHIA ‘‘. `WPF:ttI,R MNIA.TIIRE PIANOS id'They .r.• purifitet initdek.ti neatnetetitnil volltp.,lt)e• ferm i wtt att teattetnetiti tif !one The pulite aro ti• , peetfdlly invited tit it'd] £111111.,/11111t. H. t, N i t. Fifth tititey.t, NO.. Agent, rid ilift If iiitinitr e rir 13F1,4 I , e.t skirt in tln j_ .•.,y 3‘ !I. own It, ti“.l at EATI tN, CI:EL .1 1)1 eerner Fifth and Marizet -t Merchant- and deader. Atippilo.l at a.,14,01 :4/Iranete I. • Fi 0 41f E MARBLE ! MARBLE ! I JOHN HICARGO MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &c., &c., 0 9 _ The public are respectfully invited to exotrono Our Mock. Pners.low, and work warranted. iy121.14 NO. 388 LIBERTY STREET. - p NITIT RE FUR CASEE.—A full as s,rtment PittiMurgh manufactured FURNI TURE. embracing BURFIA UX, WARD ROBE, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, as well rei a splendid assortment of Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only . teens on which business In done at this establishment 19 fi.r CASU. pnees on Imlay. accordingly-. Pertains in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by tolling at FACKINER .t No. lea Smithfield street, below Fifth. 1. I). Facazatc, Jens M. lawts. • - LARD OIL, CANDLES, No. 47 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, P IiEW FIRM. GALLAGHER, CRAIG & CO., TEAM AND GAS PIPE FITTERS, ps.umi; F. ft.` unJ FINISHERS' of all kinds of bnos DEALERS IN GAS FIXTURES, &C. Office and Wareroom, No. 124 Wood st. tire Doorx from Fifth. B. R. Harbour, Paniel tlunint•l Andrew Dasld Lfird. Capt. Alen. Huy. Foundry, No. 152 First st.,tive Doors below 31 onongahola House. The U.'ll-1,11,,V11 pi - neut . :Al skill and experience in the tr,,e,t,,— of lira,t Casting, Steam and Gas Pipe Fit of tii.• ••••xiatr members of the arm, (who wall cteo their :mention to all work entrusted to entitle tic to a share of public patronage. All O rders promptly- Ft E., isir O 'V' A. " 1 . „! 1 !1: ,ov o,i WEAVER'S from 24 llll F L i n L h ' street, Nk tt ••11 th•• 01.t.0,t0 yule of the street, next door to E.ttoo. 1%0. now store. second story. [au 1 GM M. BOLE, Eft t L DER AND MACHINIST, tt EAT W I.:4;I'ERN PLAESING MILL, cor. Mar. Pittsburgh, Its-, will make to r. o, dr:silted as good as can be made, the toli,,A 1 g 1 , , , 1111,.. vs. eta:—Steam Engines, Turning ier n0...1 and den; Planers, for wood and iron; t:rgss,,,i.Nlaeltine,.-.lifdiSelland Tobacco Screws: Patent rlgt t Madlifies. in the best manner; Shafting, of all sizes and variety; Screws, of .sol .il3/11r-t., All.l pad], ti, fifteen feet in length. Will :eel have on hand. Doctor and :Nigger En a.•l I Pumps for steamboats, &a Lathe other Planing done to order; can plane 32 mob, by 9 fort. Si inche6 long. pr.,,,,pf y F,/lei and Sornostlo Solicited. N I 1 —Parr;oular attentsen and promptitude given to npacr, Pinning Pre+-es and other Machines. IPENIIISILVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Ixlitimllls.—The Ninth Annual Ex p.ths. I State Agricultural So `th .2,, h and linth days of September next. tin 1.. the irlueretary remove to the - I, ho PlulAdelphu. Society fnr the promotion of No. Q., rect. Philadelphia, where ol "iltr: tot ,ho Exhibition will opened. 1.. der, n.1 , 1i - e.g.o.ii to the l . i....eretary at Harrisburg... John Phdadeltilna. or Charles K. Eagle, Bustleton, ine.et wall attention till lot September. ('ID T.-tiIt:ART, President. fld , rra..S... re:dry. it.ttait. for exhrhitatn ettrried no all the Raifrom! tt ttte and t'rent. free of charge. ,arn /I /111-1.-,I A NEW ,;()SzPRING WoVEN ix . SKIRT with a lately patented Is a - different wel fr.ini any other in Ulla market. and much . treneth..itlia:ty and form. Sold only by Ivltt EATON, CREEd CO, Fifth and Market streets. PcK Er) tin"rEß.- .'.:, bur,! , , 0 , .. 1 p1. , k,1 Ituttor, to tilt' I do do, IS keg, d,.. do. In 21110 V... anti for Kale by !HILLER. 4: RICKE'rSON. sr24 Nos ?Xl and 223. Llbertv !strew. 't AV ELI, STREET FOR SALE - A Lrl,l; or hall, ,ix rooms, Lath room ••••lial and attic: sloule treog and shrnibery.- Lot 22 fec it..nt 1 .1 'u dt . ..p; very I.lt , a,ant 1.......... all in good or Pr-o s.2.aoa. Terniq mig4 k BON. 51 Market eL 111 81 - . 11.1)1 Xi: itr die "Old Poor 1 pun. car. Priee for both $450. jThree 20' by 12,, on Washington street, Manchester. Priee f.-100 Forside by lib ERT d SON. 61. Jiarket st 0 I Li,i}r;t.l-1-,;,1:11,)),M,,,(,-2,iLi.111.:1e.°1,,Nr1d8R,1:1141,-rldkj—N2s sl of land. a dwelling house. stable. en. 4, Price io, $7O 1 ; halinioe at "no. veal - . For sale by s. (I. , THRERT .t 90\}311. 21 Market street I CAL WOR - KZ The Conini-d of ; 3 vols. The CCLI , ./t1,,1. of Peru; 2 vols. Feld...rid std INaliella:;role. the Seeorid: 3 rid, Charles the Fifth ; 3 voila. lhogrilitli,al ;old C ritienl.:illliani es; 1 vol, CO, 63 Wood street. A(i FA it. FOR SALE--115 sores, ...1.. - - A_ t o ne!.•. iroin tho vity, on the Perrykville Plank Road I liwellizir I lorPie 01,1 rooms, iradl-honse, pump end a ell of s.,fi water: a brick barn, stable and carriage orehard of choice frnita brick spring ...toile,. a dwelling finished off for a store and d The fences are all in good or der, 70 oulttv3tll,ll • halanee in fine thnber. Gar . 1 1' 1.1. E I:TON '8 Superior White and Phi' 001, ;mil a Gill line of 41 kitidc of Domestic and staple try 1 40,15. alitave en hand. /IA NtiQN . .I..OVE' T 4 Market street. I.:L SPRING DOLLAR d0,.0n. n hi,• and onlomd.'to arrive this day. Mi.i.oht.w, :out •ipplted at, a eirmill advance. . E:AT(IN, CREE a CO., Oornor Filth arid Market erg: J EliS F. N . K.ll ES, 3 ERNEYPEACHES, tin.. 1,•1 of Fr, ,h Jersey Peachez+, basketsy,reCeiTed thi , Jay, . • r,,r , al.• . D. C. HERBST'S, Corner Liberty and florid streets. 1 ()()0 LRS TITRE CREAM TARTAR ink, re...eh - 0.11,1nd for sole 'Br BECKHAM it BELLY, Allegheny City. 41-. P L'ER I ()R. ARTICLE of Pure Ohl _ Ryr. WhiNky, r:An be procured at JOSEPH FLEX ING'H, corner of Diamond and Market street. TIR I.:SS - "Tli I MAU NGS, Embroideries, Ho ss•ry and Glocc, kmds of Summer Goods at C.4:1, 14. close out 14etoro remarui. .4 : - RATON, CREE & CO., ~.1"..• Fifth Cld — Market sta. 27 T IQui if{ ICE.-1.0 ctis,, Sicily; 5 eases Ca- IA lain...inst. unsaved anal fbr sale by ' • IiEDIEIt & AND.EIONi. aug27 :19 W0.,1 , treet, opposite St. Charles Hotel. _ Tii E liN Ll - PLACE to g6t aLgoo Cigar, 1,4 at JOB- FL.P.MM3,,..3,' Maint...4 corner Diamond and, st. ED I Uhf, !temp and Cap Blank Books, .if all •ii3 - li, and sizes, made tia the beat rammer. isitglil RAY & CO.: 65 Wood etre( t. _____ 50 LS. S U P. CA Rll. SODA, just receiv ed nud for sale ny BECKKA.III.6: KELLY, Allegheny City. COTCII ALE AND PORTER:- 4.easks Blood', Scotch Ale; • '• Tivnieurs India Palo Ale; I.,ntigoltrae,r,RintosticETsoore, - Ji\ . $1,:;00. IN .EASY PAYMENTS, for a properly ,n the'city, that rents for $o per Year. 3 thrmuroorn tenements, and One of 4 rooms, With a lot of ground .5 br no feet. For sale by • . • z alio) sIA "I'Lf 111.:HT & SON, 01 Market 'street.' 4aSECTION OF LAND, in Boone county, bleu, for „„1 f ,,.53 per nem. 506 acres of land in VL ago county. Pa., at $.3 per acre. For sale.by a le' TB S. CI 7 "IIII3ERT & SON, 51 Market at. 0 DWELLI.NG HOUSES, and esa Houses, for rent.bi - .:••. . . . aUO2O S. cUTHSERT o SON, 51 Market at \1P.,,,,.. DURANteS ItIeTINE, or . . Crystalized- Castor Oil Pomade,' removes id'once„--tlizifX-li Itching. and all cutaneous crunno 2 FAssagla eat.: ' ff, a DJ ii 10 - 2. , •.DiG'S, rnr24 . • corner IY ,r,lfarket street._ ' no 1:1 1 A.RR1.,..T.R ' -;- atEtOITS,This ;umo. 1.1 nvall , ' . . ins stood the test onong use, .d stilt-( head of the numerous prepare do. ' : A large supplyjust received, and for t.f L. WILCOX, t ear. Etzoidelebiand Fotatbsta. Stistellnneous lIAS A IIEACIIIITL Burt-nay OP BOOK CASES, I) F F C E FURNITURE B. C. & ICIAWYER; YLENITP4C7MM 07 Palm, Toilet and Rosin Soaps, BRASS FOUNDERS, CUTIriSERT S 50N.51 Market at. IVIRSET PEACHES NUMBER 281 Nquerrean galleries. Z 2 .00-ER.S' Ainbrotype and Photograph GALLERY, No. 70 Fifth Street, Iv-EARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE JET Photographs, colored or plain, taken at short no tice, at Eastern prices, and warranted equal to them. SMALL PICTURES ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE, and colored in Oil. norB L I k--i-li-E, AND MEDIUM FITOT.O Colored in Oil, Pa.stelle, ofPlain, is the most artistic style, and at Eastern prices. D OTOG RA pH, A.MBROtyPE, .ME- A_ • LAINOTYPE AND DAGUERREOTYPE GAL LERY, Cbr. Fifth and Granistreets.—The nubseriber hay ing fitted up rooms in ArTIGHE'S BUILDMG, is now prepared to take Likenesses that CANNOT FAIL TG. GIVE SATISFACTION. Call and examine the enlleetion. PENN RALCRINE WORKS FOUNDRY, IL WIGIITIPIAN, MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines, Shafting:and:Ponies Boring Machines, Mortice Machines Gear' Wheels, • Itangers, etc., etc; a 5 Orders promptly attended to. dy ALLEGHENY, E SUPERIOR COPPER MILL SMELTING WORKS:, PARK, IVCCURDV X. CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bet toms,. Raised Still Bottoms. Speller Solder, itc., also im porters and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, Am. Constantly on hand, Tinnien's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, Ise. 149 First, and Second streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any de ired pattern. myzayd...• WIC M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, IRON FOUNDERS, General Machinists and Boiler Makers, NEAR THE PENN'A R. R. PASSENGER DEPOT, PITTSBURGH, PA., MANUFACTURE ALL KrNDS OF Steam Engines, ranging from three to one hun dred and fifty horse power, and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Factories, etc., etc. Give particular attention to the construction of En gines and Machinery for grist mills, and for uprights, mulay, and circular saw mills- Have always on hand, finished and ready for shipment at short notice, Engines and Boilers of every description. Also, furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron sewately, and Wrought Iron Shafting, hangers and Pales in every variety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Ma chinery and Machine Canis. Our prices are low, our machinery manufactured of the best quality of materials. and warranted in all cases to give satisfaction '"Orders from all parts of the country solicited, and promptly filled. mr=i6mdavr WY. EIYETIL Dean s. PARK. JA.IID3 PARK, JR SMITH, PARK & NINTH WARD FOUNDRY PITTSBURGH; PA. Warehouse', No. 149 First and 1:10 Second streets. Manufacturers of all sizes, and clescriptiOns of Coal Gil, Retorts and Stills, Gas and Water Pipe, Sad Irons. Dog Irons, Wagon flo=es, Steel Moulds, .11les.l3angersand i ll P st i- : n Ebbing and Machine Castings of wrery descrip tion made to order. Raring a complete machine shop attached to the Foundry, all necessary fitting will be carefully attend ed to. rriv2S:lyd‘w 110-OFING.--GUM ELASTIC IMPROVED CEMENT, AND CANVASS ROOFING ;,FEET, CEMENT, AND GRAVEL ROOFING Aqprrs FOR Patented Asidielitc Roofing Felt. ROOFING. MATERIALS FOR SALE, With Instructions for Applying. Ou, Roors REPAII22I3 5 Smithfield St., between Fourth and Fifth. J. IL HiHerman Jas. Colloid, HAVING ENTERED INTO PARTNO -81111., for the purpose, of carrrink on the HAT AND CAP BUSINESS,; (Under the name and styli , of ' I EILLERTITAN S: COL- Wit DO would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they are now receiving from the manufacturers, and will open THIS DAY. an entire new stock of ITS, CAPS, AND LADIES' -FURS, • Of the newest and latest styles, to whieh we invite the attention, and solicit t % of those cleaning good : , in our line. • NO. 75 WOOD STREET., Three doors'from.Fourth PITTSBURGH. 'PENITA CENTRE HAT • STORE HIRSELF - E.T413 & SON, • ...DEALERS IN • GENTS' FITRATISHEIVG. GOODS SHIRT MANUFACTUREBs, $3 Wood litre et . The subscriber, respeciftillv announce that Smarr made by them are guaranteed - to fit; will be forwarded to any part of the Union, on receiving from the parties sending the orders, their personal measurement ih inches, accenting, to the formula given below. - - Remember the size must beearefully and accurately taken, as all necessary allowances are made by the cut ter of the establislirnent. First --Size around the neck. Second—Size around the wrieL Third—Size around the cheat,a miediately, below the 1 arm-pile. • - to' the middle of shoulder, length of. arm to wrist joint. linee- . Fifth--linight of pereen, from tho .shoulder to the pan. Ibis plan is quite unique. and wai be of great Tithe to gentlemen at a &item,, who tied it impossible to ob tain at home, Shirrs to satisfy them in style and 111 Also, on hand, a full assortment of Shirts of our matt tifactnre. Any orders addre•ised to us byteoft, mini, will be promptly attended to. . P.'S.—Rlease state by what conveyance they are to he ship,,,L . • $ . h. HIRE t HFE lin ' x SON, ..i9SO • No. SD Wood street. T 1i . , ... 4 ' ,1-N E'L A A:' , ;l .l Atili,!, ) ,',',4 o l',.-, after subjecting it to the severest tests known to the bidet are fully persuaded that there iv noFamily Wash ing Soap in the United States, for so little motley, having at once so many good qualities, (and so few discounts) OF. BEAUTY-1n colors, tini mess, s surface and tex to ATI% lr ''—lr. freedom from rosin, ' tu.gentme, clay, fish oils, stale grease, and adulterations. OF QUALITY—For wnshing clothes, of every descnp lion, coarse or fhtet eatton,bnen. Woolen or silk; dyed, pritited or white: for 1:11.A.500 tar. grease. pitch, paint, oil, printers ink, shoemakers' wax, etc., from clothes, furniture, and from the hands. Give It a fair trial for yourselve and be convinced: of the Reme dire mber ,ons. the mate is on each bar. Ask for a copy cti B. C. &J. H. SAWYER. 15 S. • h . , 41' Wood street. Pittsburgh' • RAILROAD SPIKE CaIIEPANy: Jose Dilworth, D. W. C. Bithiell;" (SueceAtors to Porter. Rolfe d Slut,)3ll.`i LTA CM REP-9 or BAILEOAA SPIKES, CHAIRS AND BOAT'SDIRES, .of W!iter and Cherry alley ~IyTTL'iR URPIL Jfl ~' HIA~CT`ATHIy, . .. . , • NU, AIW .BOLT •F'ACTORY.;. ratent,got,Presiod Nuts of all sizes on bund, and dbiti_ ufaetured. Also, Bolts for Bridge's, Illaelnue, Agrieul_ ugamantements, ke., farnisheft at shortmotace:' Warehouse, No. 114 Water street. au .td RNA? SCULLY & CO. firkins for sale by jyll WILLIAM a. sacra a 00. BEE PTBST IMPERIAL, WALL'S,4 GALLERY, Jones' Building,Fourth street Corner of Fill.ll awl Grant street.. BATES 8 JOHNSON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers