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",!•_•,..ti.-,--,:'," -' 4 :.. 4 .-,, -•;'• :, ` , '••••_;- - '''' , ~ 'ei, •" "-- ,-- i- • 4, ' A ' • ','"-47-"""- .---r- • ' -, '!. - ~..,...' -,=e: '" "...... - 1 - ' ;•' ''` ~ :,...r * •:.;,,.. - -.' • ',. ' .. 4 •-• - .:'• •" ' . ' C a • ; - - * •-• •• • . • ••:1 - •-, . • ' =~, ~.... ~ /› - 1-'- , - o , •,-. , . . , =EMI " I _1 ~ y t a'`h~ , 1~ t . , , •:- • • • .` EWE ' r--r 4" - illiE MOM • ghg Pittsburgh post, and Puiaishal Every Morning, (Sundays excepted,) BY - JAMES P.-BARR, AS T 1M1171.14T8t 00BNIN 07 MTH AND WOOD ONLINTO. Terme: Five Dollars a year, payable strictly in ad •anoe. Rix dollars invariably required it not paid with in.t.,l2e,yoar, T in w o l cet ie copies , Two t ; i t e o N Ce ews nt i e: 3 — y. fo . i. sale at the counter One insertion, 5 0 Two insertions, ....... 75 ......... 77, Three insertions,..... 1 00 i 00 One week,..- ......... 1 " 60 Two weeks, ..... ......... 300 2 00 150 100 75 Three weeks, . , .......... 400 265 200 1,25 100 One month....- ......... 600 335 60 •1 60 175 Two months. .......... .7 00 465 60 2 35 2 60 Three months 900 600, 4 60 300 300 Four months...-...... 10 00 665 600 335 460 ?IVO months. 11 00 735 560 365 660 Six months ....... ........12 00 800' 6 00 400 650 Nine m0nth5........,... 10 00 10 35 800 535 900 One yearln 00 13 35 10 00 665 12 00 Standing Card, six lines or less, per annum 10 00 ceaserasue LT,PISISIALD: ne square, per annum, (exclusive of the paper,)-25 00 Marriage notices, 50 cents; Death notices 25 cents. 'SATURDAY MORNING POST A MAMMOTH WEEKLY, ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, . IN CLUBS OF FIVE, %Ingle 'Subscriptions - - - 92 Per CONTALNS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF THY DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commercsal, Lo cal, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. The Paper being of the lAEGGST stns, and neatly print ed. on tune white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give totter satisfaction than any Paper published in Pitt,burozh. Those who wish to take a vapor from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY 91011N1Ni; POST a safe end profit. ble investment. Address MORIVIXE POST JOB OFFICE. BARR & MYERS, 8008 & JOB PRINTERS Corner Fifth ft Wood Sts. Pittsburgh. U!.lX,2_El.9 . 3llZeLa.!a PLAIN Sc FANCY PRINTING, Mt 46. I .x. Ito AL 121 , Canuatrrial, Mercantile tt• Alai 'a ark, At. short notice, on reasonable terms. Particular attention paid to the Printing of POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, Six For Concerts, ExJaibitions tend Circuses LARGE ADDITIONS OF NEW TYPE & MACHINER KITING 11C12171a HILT lIADIt TO VMS ZS rhe facilities for turning out Work with promptness and despatch cannot be excelled by any other office In the city. J. HIHIST DAVIB. JOHN PHILLIP& /OIL EL Lan& [Firm of J. & H. Phillips.] DAVIS & PIIILLIPS, (Successors to Phillips & Co.] Brass Founders and Finishers, PLUMBERS, GAS & STEAM FITTERS, CHANDELIERS, PENDENTS & BRACKETS, STORE, NO. 87 WOOD STREET, FOUNDRY AND SHOP, No. 148 FIRST ST. Pittsburgh, Pa. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, Printing, Job and all Kinds of Wrapping PAPER, (WAREHOUSE, NO. 27 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. isir.R.g., bought at mark t 4 pricer. myB Forwarding and Commission Merchants, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS AND SHIPPING AGENTS or thinois Central Awl road. Mark Goods, in all cases, to our care. na.l7l.ydaw—.llo JOS. FLEMI.NG, successor to L. Wilcox d Co., corner of Market street and the Diamond, kees constantly on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, ifEDICINES, MEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY, and ally articles pertaining to the business. Sir Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. 'e9: WA.1.111 P. lI•21913/1.1.- ...103f.P11 L IMUEMS. WP. MARSHALL & CO., Importers • and Dealers in French and American PAPER HANGINGS, N 0.87 Wood street. Pittsburgh. Itii" Sale agents for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Delicourt & Co., Paris. au7 PHILLIP HiTYYR NAM? 1. AITDCL9OI. REYMER & ANDERSON, (successors to Joshua Rhodes k Co, wholesale dealers in FOR EIGN FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CXE , IFECTIONERY, SUGARS, An, No. 80 Wood street, opposite thn St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. a 2 M. LITTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 54 T. CLAIR. STREET, (Dr. Irish's New Bending,' FULTON, BELL AND BRASS .FOUNDER, No. 70 SECOND Street Pittsburgh, Ain prepared to furnish to order, CHURCH, STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND OTEfER . - - - BELLS, OF ALL SIZES, • From 10 to 10,000 pounds. CHIME BELLS made to order. STOP AND OAITGI COCKS of all sizes, for Steamboats. MINERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER RAILING 11, and every variety of Brass Castings finished in 'the neatest manner. oir RABBIT'S FANTI-ATTRITION METAL: TON'S PATENT MERALLIC PACEINP, for- IR earn En Fadaly APOTHECARY AND TJRUGGIST, arrner of Smithfickt art. Fourth Street. Haring resumed the Retad Drug Business at the I libink well Known stand, ed by me iu 5 ,;,48, (lately known as J. Abel k Co.'s> and having enlarged and improved the same. I shall endc,nror, by close personal attention and careful supervishan of the builinesS, to Merit a continuance of the patron age here, total* SG liberally bestowed. Pure and unadulterated medicines alone will be kept, and a full assortment of articles usually sold in first class establishments will always be on hand. Prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours. ieir Country Physicians fbrnished with pure medi cines at lowest prices. L. ViII.OOX. nol Corner Smithfield and Fourth streets. SAMUEL FAIT:NESTOCK, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN • . PorettrA and Domestic Hardware, No 74 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. The linbnriber has received, in addition to his fall stock of Hardware, and a very heavy stock of Meat and Sausage Cutters and Stuffen3, and a very large stock of Sleigh Bells, loose and on strings, of a much guperiot quality to that usually sold in the market, all of which will be sold on the lowest terms. ee27 SAMUEL FAISNEBTOCK. • Ping of six acres, witla a good dwel ling RESIDENCES FOR SALE.— h A ou v se, aab . or l e e har pr d op rin er d y garden, three-fourths of a mile from the city, $5,500. Also, a desimble property of AI acres, at four miles from the city, with :good brick dwel ling house, 500 fruit trees, grapes and tonsil fruits,lo,ooo. Also, an excellent property of 46 acres, good house 10(a) fruit trees, Ac.; situate at 4 miles from the city, $2,500. The above are all in healthy ut pleasant locations, and immediate possession can be 8. GUTH:BERT A SON, je.24 Real ,Rstate Agents, 51 Market tn. TEAS‘—A choice aelectlion of Black and Greenapln store and for sale Wholesale or Re tail, at the Tee Store, corner of the Diamond and Diamond ley. fe2l ItrACARONI.---25 boxes Italian; .011 VERMICELtI-25 do do; - OLIVE OIL,--25 dozen genuine, in quarts; 25 do do . in pints; 5 do gamins, just received and for sale by Lucca, in Floreners REYMER A. ANDERSON, aplo go Wood Ed., opposite St. Charles Hotel. CORN MEAL.-30 bhls. Choice Sifted, Meal; 30 bbls. Choice Unsitted Corn Mealjnat received and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, spa corner of Market and First eta 110 .4 X. . iy for sale by apis ECM iL OOLLUIEL _ . '... 1• . _t RATES OF ADVERTISING. nom. T•t•• Om • le Week • • •••1. ••••• bPGa 50 JAMES P. BARR. Editor and Proprietor Executed in the finest style. Ni us ne, s s lards; ict.ntractuarzi PHILLIPS Ai. CO., PITTSBURGH HAWORTII & BROWN-LER. Votels and Sesfaurnnts. B. tt. 2rtARNIM, SCOTT :110IJSE,i Car. Irwin strict. and Daquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PA., MARKER & GRAHAM, )y22 PROPRIETORS CORNIICOPI/E RESTA,URANT, BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS and others is directed to thiaestabbsliment. wlimli has been recently fitted up for the purprate of attordlne a SUBSTANTIAL EATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. Country folks attetiding market ore par ticularly invited to call. Everything pertamma to an EATING SALOON will always tie found, of the freshest the tnhiket afforde. ! ap29:daw SEETON'S' OLD' STA:SD, ~ H,E DIAMON JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Having taken and fitted op. with all the modern im provements, this popular resort. the subscriber is pre pared to accommodate his old customers and the public generally, with the best the market 'Morris. tlyslers will be served tip in every variety of style, during the season. His Wibes, Liquors and 'Ales he fools confident in reeommendin p to the public for their excellence. noltkly EXCELSIOR OYSTER AM) EATING ROUSE, NO. HI WOOD STREET,. PITTSBURGH. WIEOLLsALE AND RETAIL EXAURs IN LAKE AND EASTEILIV FISII, FRESH PHILADELPIILA AND BALTIMORE OYS TERS AND WILD GAME, All in their Proper Season. n0241] GEO. REIHEMAN & CO. AIANSION HOUSE, GEO. AU RENTZ, Proprietor, N 0.3.14 Liberty street. just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad. which makes it the most convenient house in the city for pas. sengers arriving by that road. The proprietor havii.g. at considerable expense, fitted up. in excellent style. the MANSION HOUSE, would re spectfully solicit a share of public patronage. There Is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, affording ample eeeommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar :will be furritshisi with the best the market can afford. Idermen. CHARLES W. LEWIS, A LDERM AN, AND LT.-01.1C10 JUSnca of TUE FLAcc. OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AN FIFTH STREETS. sir All business connected with this offioe will 14. at tended to with proMpLuk,.. ,4 all kinds done with legal accuracy—suety as Deeds. Mortgages, Bonds. Power of Attorney, Av.. Titles to Iteal Estate d. T. the member of the B.: ho tenders his sornces as Comme.....toner to take Depos...t . ons to be read in the several Courts of this State, and ic.'sewhere. Ills writ. , is one of the main Police Stations o. the city, and , e. sequently his facilities in exectitaig uNeliaost , of that kind are very desirable. fi•lU:ly BAILEY & Co., BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fiee-proof, White Mesh store, 819 CHESTNUT , STR E ET, North Side, Below the Girard House PHILADELPHIA, Where they are now• .44;ning a atocit Imported Je4relry, Plaited Ware•, and Fancy Goods, To which they imite the rttgnbu❑ of the filly er-Ware o W atches, Diamonds & Pearls, AT WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL mrl6:fim JOHN THOMP4iON & CO., House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTERS ANIIGLAZIERS, So. 135 Third Street, PITTSBURCH. PA. • DErr'' , NEW I PEIfI .I I. SITEET t}F THE SE %"1 - id , WAIL embra cing a full Mnp of Bump°, and,. anpleto mare. of Sar dinia and Lombardy, Ategria and Italy ttie whole bodicd in one roper imperun Ahem. sire 36141 inches, furnishing ruck reliable g....gt , apia.l.J cannot be procured from any other ',our.,. Ttio. dieei also contains usher io. can-I . IIIIV .-01111.11e4 (non ite teat reliable atithoritie.,gtving• tl)e strength of tbe arm,. and navies of the Powers of Eur , ,pe, irlth Islet :wren tit• of the Leaden and tlenerab. of t.he oppowmg ftnni..s. the present struggle. Also enrr- , •t and bartibwinie is, tr o th, of bon.% Napeleon Ern p•rur of . Alex ander 11. Emperor of ; Franc.. Jo..pi, I . i'mpertir of Aivdria. and Vietdr Emanuel II . K.tig sa.-4.linia. For -ale by W ii. HAW. EN. corner Wonli •11.1 Tillf.l, lop! )eZA. Metrltet loot Sisl'oriil streets. J. At I 1,1,1 N(i AR, 31( PN4 iN (1, , , I f rdll.L. word! re.preetfally infia-rn the ;while, that he has rebuilt stn., the tire, and harm.; f• 11 l a r g ed hr. eitai,lishment, and filled .1 with the fivat- t ...11T4 most aporored machinery. p. now prepared to for mish flooring and planed boards, ',row) ..na and re ...awing. door, 5.3.4i1 and fun dried. (ramie., ranuldinga, box-making. ke. South Plttsburgla.SepterniArr 7, Ifis7. CARP ENTEIL WORK., -Carpenter Work, Ft.,pwring and Jobbing will i.e prozoptly attended at the lowest cash prier., and Lilt• .ittle.4 by railing at the t.:EN;I'ILAI. - Nil IA >. Water atr*-net. between F. - 4 ,- rd and Bearer. Allegheny tim hand and will be made to order. Moulding , .l fr.r., &miters, Sash, Framer, Shelving, Floot - ing, etc_ hart fig mane but the beat wood working mavbitiery. We are s onar,ared to fill all ordera from budder, routraci,r, and others. J. k H. T PHIcE, • • . Central Plannait non Between Federal and Bel , f`r, AiliVjruy, Pp. G R"' 150 Watts New Orlonne Sugar; bO bbla Cinched _ _ 25 do Cotten do; 6Z do Ea.stwir_k . 3 Syrup; • 250 do choice NeW Orleans Mittasm - te: Intiereen prime Pace, for sale by wm. N. SMITH A etr, aP36 (18 &wood, and 147 Front street.. FOH RENT—A oottzuze house of hro. , rooms. large yard and stable, two Milo, from tho c. iy, on the Braddock's Field Plank Rood, $5 per month For Rent—A dwelling house of nine rooms, two aern, of ground, garden, fruit trees, eie, near Minerttvdle -3.4s a year. For Bent—A large and comfortable hoe.* on Steven son sheet, eleven rooms, gas and wainr—•324o. For .Rent—A large dwelling house, garden, shade tretss eta'. ea_m 4 : 3 %e house and stable, on Hardt lane, Alto ghe cy . For Ront—A warehouse on Water street_ For Rent—A small store mom. on Third street Apply(.. B. CUTHBERT A HUN, ap2l. • Cl Market street, FOREIGN NUTS -100 Frail Irtica Almonds, Haft shell ; • 10 bales Bordeaux " " " Sicily " -'• " 30 " Hard " CO bags English Walnuts; 1.00 - Filberts; 54) IrLIA. trent, Pecan Nuts; AO bags Brazilian Cream Nuts ; 1000 bush. Ground Nuts; • 6000 Como Nuts; Jail A - oceiyed sad far sale by REYMER S ANDER.SoN, SU N DRI ES.— lop bus. Ilried Apples 30 • Dried Apples—plural ; ; •12 ,10 6. •' Dried Apples—asp • l4 Zell corn rooms 100 bt. e tiht l Stara , . , 300 bundles Crown, Double Crown Wrapping Paper, in store and for sale by JAMFS A. FE'rZER, eat Corner Market anti Fast streets. COFFEE.-200 sack.; Rio, just landing and fox sale by WM. It SMITH & Co., 111126 Becotd and Front xtreet.n. SRAWLS, DRESS GOODS, NEEDLE Work, Mourning Goods, and Domestiem, very 10%- e. HANSON LOVE, fe2 7,0_74 Market rlrePt_ TOSEPH BORNE, No. 77 Market Street, ti/ received another lot of the NEW MATINEE SKIRT, and Douglass it Sherwo<grs superior SKEL& TON SKIRTS, with the adjustable Bustle. Also, white and gray Mechanic Corsets, in all:sizes. fo2l IRST OF THE SEASON. —lOO boxes Sweet Oranges, received this day—for sale by REYMER a' ANDERSON, Celt N0:39 Wood street Opposite the St. Charles Efotel. ICIR. 0C E I ES.—Everything commonly kept. in a first elms Wholesale and Retail Grocery and Wine and Liquor establishment, can he had on the most reasonable tertian, at HAWORTH d: BROWNLEE'S, (821 in the Diamond QABATOGA WATER.—A supply or Con grass Water , nleo Empire Spring Water, fresh from SaraOgo, rat received and or felle by L. WILCOX, s py corner Smithfield and Fourth Bin YRUPS.- 200 dozen Lemon Syrup; 10 do Raspberry Syrup ; 10 do Strswberry Syrup; 10 do Pine Apple Syrup—for sale by POTATOES. -135 bbls. to arrive, and fo sale by (mr2S) HENRY H. COLLINS. BROWN'S SHAKER VALERIAN gross for MR , by B. A. FAHNTOCK CO, Corner of Wood and First streets. SYRUP AND MOLASSES.- 2.5 bus. New York Golden Syrup' 6u r N. 0. Molasses, in oak barrels, in store and for sale by HAWORTH & BAOWNLEE, Cola • in tba Diamond. AT EAST LIBERTY—Five and-a-quarter acres of land, bounded by the Railroad and Turn pike, with a stream of water running through it, a very desirable location for residences, and convenient to the eity„ will be sold by d. CUTHBERT SON, el Market street. TH A Y ER'S FLUID ( EXTRACTS.-A assortment of Fluid Eitraets from the cote• brace ratory of Thayer d Co, just received and for sale L. WII.AXIX, mrl • Corner Smithfield and Fourth sta. ALOT—Not, s" Corner Lot"—lyt, LARGE LOT of Embroidered Bands, for sale at •New York Goat by _JOSEPH' HORNE, jyli) 177 Market street, =ME .Tnoius GE.uum CHARLES W. WINGARD, Also practices in' Lyeonong, Centre, Clearfield, nd Cambrhi euuntio, !wan 'I. SIMPSON 0. n FUMY. E HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED tocether in the pmetwo of the Law, under the fire, of SIMPSON di RIPPEY. Otliee, No. 04 FUIIRTII STREET. E. SIMPSON, U 11. RI PPM". JAMEA DUNLEVY, SCOTT, DENTIST, romiort,l to Ow i 1011.1• ocouplea by fir. W. A. WARD No. '27S Peon Street , (South sttle.)0111,1 /141/ - Ottiro hoont frert, Cl A. M. till SP. M. fao2dv JAMES S. kING, DENTIST, If AS REM( )VEI , II IS I..FICE No. 100 Fifth Street, cuLSFR uF CHERRY ALLEY. Where his potrumt nod friomls me invited to rail. (4.121 y TAMESA. 1,4 )W RI F.. Attorney at Law, CP °fro,. Fourth ,treot, I.oiwoon South field and cherry Alloy. arllay WALM, Surg,ni 1 h•i. succes..w to .43. NV Middle, Nu. 1.t.1 Mottlitirld '.treeL Pty. °Moo loot, from “glit to l 0 . 16 , 6. ond from 2 to 5 ”elock. feuly. ZAines and "iquors. Will. CLAYTON & CO., WIIOI22IALE AND xCr UL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, No. 37 I hAMOND ALLEY, NEAR Wth)l) STREET. Pi Trsli ( 1 12011, PA. Ad - AN lay. ~ n hand. l'horry and Cow,:mr ‘.1,1 Mor.ngtinela told Rvottfied 1”•ky. of 0., very Legit qualtty. E. P. MIDDI.ETON BRO. Impt.gc ERs uh WINES, BRANDIES, &c. AL,I DEALER , IN Fine Old NO, r, NORTH FRoNT E ET, pi:lp! JOHN IMVAR & CO., 11td1,11.1 Prkl.£l3 IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. 155 Liberty Strrel, Pittsburgh, Pa, h a n.t. M,..11,7‘11 , 1s 1.11.1 . 1.1..rry, \VIM 1'11.1,y, IL,q.i..rry, and 4,lau.•r g . alma° and .t‘gars. w SIN:I:HART, • mocrinc-rx. ILLIt Ain Dr4l-1:6 j. 9 ALL CP TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGABS, ap31:27 N 1:2) STI:EFT. L' ( E ' AnlisTuAL, ru.. l / 1 .1,1 GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, AN 1) Virginia Chewing Tobacco, WOOD STREET, ttw. 0.11 PFITSI3[I-0.11, PA N C‘ )NSEQt' EN (A.: 1,Ec1,1 N 1 NG 1,1 Gam .1 It I'll'N, his I Mill! I, d. • :ill.l (11.1 z Faet..ry zn wll-1.• I 14.• I=l I. , rturut) t.J ptirolla , o, 1., i 4-.— I..•rtig put WAVER 'PHAN URVAI JAMES W. WOODWELL. FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, EMP,RA('I •I; ovary st of Furnitur, , , 11,4ew00.i. Slwheelwr;- Wltheit,•enitnhle lor Parlor 4, Chanthern unj J , lning Keene., e4 i llal to non ) In New Yerl: and Pleltelelplea. and nt l•:very arti , le made by hand. and Warranted t'adinet Maker, vuptilled with any quantity of Furniture and Chair, on rea..0n31.1. , term, llotela and mtearniamt, furni , dwd at rho Yhi t,ll. r"omA, Not 77 and 71r Thud htroet, Pataburgh, Pw mr1:1 yd CARRIAGE MANTTACTORY, No. 39 Wood xtreet., Opposite Bt. Charles Hotel JOSEPH WHITE HAS JUST RECEIVED AT POSITORY, situated near the Ts o Mile Run, be tween Pittaburgli and Lawreneevillo, sph n• oil and gene. nil assortment of Carriages, lingoes, Sulkies, etc. Ilia arrangements are such that he IN 'otstantly receiving new awl second hand vehicles, and the nubile may rely on always litAng a good stock on hand. Ile duo man ufactures to order on short notion, ISUGGIES, and all pertaining to the business. With eighteen years practical experience in the blueness, and his well known Laalitaab he flatters unwell that he otTers great induce ments to purchasers. The establishment is located on the route of the Excelsior Omnibus line of COLLCIIOI3, passing the door every fifteen selOaLbw JOHN S. SHAFFER'S Carriage and Harness Repository, CUR. DIAMOND ALLEY AND DECATUR STREET, Carriages stored, sold and bought on commission. Repairingtione promptly. Purchaser:, from the country will find a large assortment of Which will pleue them, both to qualityjand prieo wiyiblyw CARRIAGES, ROCHAWAYS, BUGGIES, suLicial AND SLEIGHS, .lllir- All work warranted to be of the beet materials and workmanship. myl2dydis THE CLIMAX GRAIN FAN. rpHESIJBSCRIBERS HAVING. BOUGHT the right to manufacture, in Allegheny and Arm strong counties, the 67inuu (rain and Seed Rot, the factory will be found at MLTNN & BARTON'S, corner of Boyd street and Fourth street road. Farmers will find .it to their advantage to call and ace them. They take the premium everywhere that they have been shown. They are neat, cheap and the faeteet ever known. W. tNGLIS, J. STACY. DOT CIAY FOR GLASS MANUFAC TUREES.—The attention.of glass maufactarers is requested to our Pot Play, arbleh.ts a suyesier article, and cart be said at about one-half the price or Gerrnari Clay. Orders for arty amount trill be W pro l in p tliy SNn ded toy No.lADandlslWDWatC,KPlte4burgh. professional ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOOKIIAVEN, CLINTON CO, Pews ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLI.O OFFICE—No. D 1 GRANT STREET 0 _A_ FL ID - ,furniture IMPORTA NT NOTICE FURNITURE, VANEE Kti, CANE, V`, NI:111, I'..r•nn• In N.Oll 1 F•.IrI'I It. aOl to, tik,.• n nat. op- From 10 to 25 per Cent H. RYAN, No ^. f. 7 t virru s'ritEET WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, (Karriages. EASTERN REPOSITORY. NOS_ 7 AND 9, BETWEEN TILE MANION:O AND LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND HARNESS, C. WEST & CO., ILLIVJPACIVILLII9 OP No. 197 Pam Street, Pittsburgh, Pa patents. THE LAST FAST. na: 3 3'd*W DOLLAR. SAVINGS BANK, NO. 65 FOURTH STREET, CHARTERED IN 185 5 . OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock,. and from No vember let to May Ist. from 43 to 3 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums nut less than Ora Douss, and a dividend of the profits declared twice n year, in June anal December. Interest has been de clared semi-annually, in inns and December, since the Bank was organized, at the rate of sin per cent. a year. Interest, it not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal. and bears the slime interest from the first days of June and December. compound ing twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate. money will double in less titan twelve years. making, in the aggro- gate BIGHT AND ors-11A1.7 PEA CENT. A TEAR. Books containing the Charter. By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the odic° HopPwcll Hepburn James Shidle, Jurnem H. lie Hoy, Rupert Robb, Isanc M. Pennock, II Bprgwin, TEVXTEIB. John G. Backoten, P. A. Madeira, John li. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Collin, James It. D. Meeds, Alonzo A. Carrier, Jillllo,l3l'Auley, David Campbell, Walter P. Marshall, John S.Congrave, Wilson Miller, Charles A. Colton, Henry L. Ming alt, William Douglas, John M. Sawver, Francis Felix. George S. Seiden, Benj. I. Faline.taek, John li. Scully, James W :Hallman, Alexander Tindle, William S. Haven, Theotntld Umbetatittor, Charles Kim's, Isaac Whituer. EEPRZTART AND TRAMPED, CHARLES A. COLTON. DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO., Et..A..I•T 33.. M Tt.,S Corner of Pine and Nassau Ste., New York, I Mile Letters of rre,lit and I 'ireolar NON, for travelers, availahle to all the fatie4 of the Hutted StateS, Culisda. the West India ',lands, eto., similar to those in such eXtellSice Use in Elortipe. mrltOto 005110 11100. D. LODltlit AUSTIN Li m (MIS fi 191., Dealtin: in Promissory Notes, Bonds, Mortgage., and all tie comes for money. Money loaned on Cheeks at short dates, with collateral securities. NOTES AND DRAF"I'S HOW - 111T ANIf ('01.1). Persons desiring Oral iirc.iontissisted on reftsonnlile terms, tend capitalists ran in furnished with good aeon - Men at reffltinerativer priees. Also, attend to the Side, Renting and (Awing of Real Estate. (office., No. Ail FtiCRTII STREET. above \V sot. fulfil:ly Al'f;TIN 1.'031 IS, Notary Putflle. NOLNIES &Si Bankers and Ex . chan k !.. Brokers, and 1 veal,. in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, GOid, Silver and Bank Notes.En hange on the Eastern and %Ve,tern of,e , tantly for sale. Gollections made in all the eines thr..Wlit•llL the United States. Deproits re,el ved iu or funds or cur rent paper, N,,. 07 Market street lan %few] Third and Fourth *treeLs. roars. WILLIAM 11AGALEY, WHOLES ALE GROCER, Nos. 18 and 20 Wood Street, •HM:Lt WM. H SMITH WM. 11. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 118 SECOND AND 147 FIRST STREETS Wu. MILL:a, ll:ccry,,, Plttlmrgh. MILLERS RICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, BRANDIES, AVINES AND SEGARS, N , I:21 AND •Z-7,„ ,ItNEI2 of , LIBERTY AN :-TnEr:rs, 4 NI) SOI: E ,1:7 NTS FOR. SWEARER'S CITY GLASS. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, tr,, (Lc., Con stantly on Hand. Iror2 M'CANDLESS, MEANS & C 0.,. WllO I. E SALLE 4 RICERS IRON, NAII-S. uorroN TARNI, AND PITTn RC I:fill MAN OF ACT l'IIK , (11.:!•1 titALLY, an.l Ifqt, .Curt t. A. °availing and Talumissizr. WILLIA3I U. Y.E4T.14:, Commission Merchant, hytn NO. 216 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IT Agent for Hel,1)))).k A C.. ')) I 'l,3mpawn)); I)utrh Cemi)3nv Amsterdam Aim; •tri.l Mall SO. IlolS I M . 10014, 131 - 0111.11,e4, VW.. 10 ( . 11,/•.10 Ifous, 0101 iu tore. JOAN )1 00It II , COMMISSION MERCHANT, mETAI, AN ik1.,)7,1s IS() IA W ATM: sTit r ET. ]I\1:1(1'9' N ()TIcE Tt) i; ENTS. Wu lia‘u tiont'slout Lrat her amid Frambult Calf UN G It ESti GAITER ti, And sTR.t w aro st Mug km, ql SUMMER MILLINERY. Children's Clothing Enapori MRS. M. A. WEAVER HAS OPENED AT No. 24 Fifth Street, (UP STAIRS, IRON CITY Mtlat!=l1III of the lAtexxt stylns. CHILDREN'S CLOTHINO kept constantly on band, and made to order. Esdratico—Next door to tho Tr ranting Store, toward inyl4dy Wood street. $ 1 200 -F OR SAL E.—A dwelling house of hall, five rooms and cellar, on Ann street, Allegheny, with lot of ground 1M feet front by 110 deep to Robintum street. Also, a cottage !muse on Robinson street. Price for all. $1:100. Terms envy. te2s S. CUTHBERT & 801 i, 61 Market st. T EXTRA FINE QUALITY - _ BELLING VERY LOW The he assortment in the city will Always be found nt THE PEKIN TEA STOLLE, No. 39 FVIh Street, Near Wood. 1 225 S. JAYNES. 5 n GR. AYER'S WORM CONFECTION, k , for sAlo by HARTWELL h SHEPHARD, Druggists, W./ Corner Wood and Sixth streets WINNER'S COLLECTION OF MUSIC FOR THE VIOLIN, euDsioing of COTTILLIONS, SCHOTTISCHES, QUADRILLE, POLEAB, WAVEZPII, MARCHES, HORNPIPES. lit Els, Jens, F AN ,. Lissces, and other popular airs, arranged in an easy man ner for the violin. tiv S. Winner. Price 50 cents. Copies mailed on receipt Cl' price. For sale by. je2s JOHN H. MELLOR, al Wood street. REAT, JAPAN BLACKING.—This ines timablecompobition. with half the usual labor, pra duces a roost brilliant jet black, affords nourishment to the leather, and is free from imy unpleasant smell. For sale wholesale or retail, by JOS. FLEMLNG, corner Diamond and Market street. BROW N'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER—An excellent family medicine. for sale wholesale and retail. by JOS. FLEMING, Je3o corner Market st and InainonL _ _ - - R ERRINo_io bbls. Eastport, new; 10 do Alewives'. d o For solo by WM. H. smrrn 0 co., jo2o Us Second, and 147 Front otroMo ._ _.___ VOIJ NDRY IRON--50 tons Lake Superior Foundry iron, to arrivo and for Halo by ap9 ILFlilll' B. eOLLLN.S. W1 - N - 1 - /O - W CifferA t Wholesale and Retail, for rale by mrlo W. I'. MARSHALL A CO. 1 3 EANS.-100 bushels, for sale by -WH. H. SMITH" & co ap4 ll B Second, and 147 Fourth atrooto. 5 00 LBS. HOU SULPHU it— nor ...1.31 ..- - ' HARTWELL a SIiEPIMHD, - Druggists; fen Porno: Wood and Sixth alroota. Ainandat. PIIISIDENT. GEORGE ALBREE. VICE PRISTDICZTH. John 11. Shoenbergur, Alexander Bradley, James Ilerdinrin, A. M. Pollock, M. D., William S. Direly, J. An,lereon. PITTSBURGH. it. LI I'NTER. Plt t•burgh, Pa PITTSIIITHCII, PA T I' A A I.Al2“1: '4ll,clt W. E. SCHMERTZ & CO SUMMER MiLLINERY, 3nsnitirnce: WEST BRANCH Mutual Insurance 'Company, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENH.. MiZEM Cash Otpi r. 00,000 Premium Notes $1 1 "..1 4 : 1 rPHIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, &c., in town or country. Piarcroas:—Hon. J. J. Pearce. J. B. Hall, T.T. Abrams, Hon. G. C. Harvey, Chae. Crist, D. K. Jackman, Chas. A. Mayer, Peter Dickson, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. ABRAMS, Vice President • Taos. KITCHIN, Secretary. J. A. LIPPERT, Agent, • No. 65 Fifth street. _ MONONGAHELA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PITTSBURGH. JAMES A. HUTCHISON, Pr.tdent HENRY M. ATWOOD, Secretary OFFICE, No. 98 Water Street WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FIRE AND MARINE RISKS AS ETS—MAY arra, 1559. Stock, Due Bills, payable on demand, and se cured by two approved names 015,500 00 Bills Receivable- :0,045 do Bills Discounted SOO 00 15 shares Mechnnies' Bank Stock, cost 6,165 00 40 “ Exchange Bank " 2,050 00 50 4, Bank of Pittsburgh " 2.750 00 Balance of Book Accounts 0,054 OS °thee Furniture 400 00 Cush 01,113 04 mg,Ml3l HENRY M. ATWOOD,Ht-cretary. IHRECI'AIRS: James A. Hutchison, Geori.:o A. Berry, Wm. R. Holmes, Robert IcalzeLl. William Rea, Jusepl, Kirk patriek, Wilson Mille John M'Devitt, myln Wm. A. Caldwell, . Indemnity Against Loss by Fire. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPLI lA. N. 435 and 437 CIIEWINUT STREET, near Ftft h. S•uicvsax or A..4SZTS, J.LNUARY 1,,t, Pubtirhai Agrecobly to Ao Art of ANArnitao. being Fir , t Mortsrrtges,nmply secured . f 1.7:11.680 b 9 Real E.late, Ipresrut value fllKi.lil3 61.1 not. 77.764 71 Temporary Loam. on ample Collateral o. t.+ 5'6.530 '29 Ska•lis, i prevent valor (V 56,667 72,)1,,t 71.5471 :SW., and Bills Itecelrablo 4,668 40 42.01.17 30 5uj.d6,3...% Gl Ttn• only pr.dit, from premium., a - Lich this company can divide by lase, are from risks which have been de t.•rmined. • In,tranee mole on every desieription of Prop. rty, 2211 d Country, at raten tt.- low are Cull,l,lellt Wit Since their neorporation, a period of thirty years, they have paid lorses by Fire, to an amount exceeding Foot - Million:. of Ibllare. theireliy itifordirig iivideneo of thu advantages of Insurareie. %veil the sillily and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.l.,,SeS paid during tho year IR.'S. SIO6,SUL I=l CharleA W. Bancker, Mordecai D. Lewis ; TiMias Wagner, DaVid S. Brown, SAMIIe! lir:mt. Isaac Ltn., Jacob IL Smith, Edward C. Dale, George W. Richards, George Flll., (ALAS. N. BANCR.ER, PreeidenL EtiwARD C DALE. Vice President. WA!. A. STE Seoret..ry pro t.cm. 1 GAEL) ER PUFFIN. Agent, my In Northeast eprner 'ftord and Wool •trees. FIRE INSURANCE BY Tug Reliance Mutual ',lnsurance Co. Of philadeiphOk, On Building, , , 1.414...,.1nr Perpetual, Aferchan dize, Furniture, 4c.,in town or country. OFFICE NO. WS MAL:SI'T STREHT. CAPITAL, 4177,931. AMON,' 4 2 46474 43 I 11,4 folluw, rlz First :11tortgngo on Improved City Property, worth ,lonflu , Ow amount $751,610 00 Pe nasy I ran. I{,u r,ad Co.'s cent. N o n gags, Lonlin. Mow. Allegheny C. elniy G 11 cent. Penr,ylvanin MI=M o'lly ~f philad•ica.k.ri ? ct.Penn'a ILIL Loan. iri.noo 00 Pennsiyirania linalroici Company Stuck .... , . .... .4,000 00 ‘;-k of the Retiarda• Mutual lu:or:lnt.." e 0.... 10,1 oon Stork of Ciincity Fire Inenraui, lb • 1.050 . 00 si.e , k of Delawaro M. 0. In,nrant.-e• Company. • ISO 00 1 iiiii.n SI. liciuntnee Co'. Scrip • 3. , d) ou lid!. It.,,lvaida, tatsint , a prip.r 30,573 4:1 Ina,k Accoimta. accrued lutereel. CO 7;311 04 Ca, It un hand and in Maui: ' listaZ vc; $271',.47s .E.M. TINGLEY. PtemAlt.nt. Di atcioltv: Ciolll 7 ' 1,,,.....,• - • F.3".1 , 1..1 BiBllll,M, n. 'llinon R - Th0rni.....1. 1•I ,- .14•rt Steen.• Fr...lerll, Brown. \i film .13 u,....,T, e. , rnellt. Steco•ln.nn, Bonia!inn W. Tingley Ita: It. \\ land, Mar...hall INI, II L. Carson. Z. Lot tu,p, Holc•rt T..lanel, t'. hooter Li land, Fredern•l. 1,111:ig .1a....1, T. flirting, Chart., S. W. 1.!. Stimuli Bowen, Jl.ll , 5. W lll'i 1,V.ir.1. John Biz,ell. PIMA. it. M. II INCHM.t.N. Scorotary. f3.I;^:!'NER ALlent. Tnyle , NorilleftSt corpt.rrot.rd uu t Witp..l street• 014111fati011al. ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, Under the idic qJ the Franciscan Brothers, C. 14 1 -1111.1 t'e silts ia4., THIS INSTITUTION, natu fut Edneati,,nal Litfor.l.4 tat the nm.. talent* that ea. In, de,:red for a eathtlii,e luVuunnu. It is located all the 1110-t 4a,11/1) and Pleture,,ine tortma of the Allegheniefa, dktutat four tattles from t. re,on Station, on the direct nun! rotate. between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The .t•hoh,t 14• year coa111101100: the first of riel , Letnber,.tel will e10...e oh the Ira dsy of July . . . TerION for Hard. tnoluding a thorough English 11,10110110 eollrSe, Ore $lOO per mlutun, 'rho Clasatos and .51o.h•rn Languages form an extra 011ATIZe of $lO por annum Wa•dittu: and tt,. or livdding $lO For farther partloulars apply to the superior of the 'Zvi . ..moven eat IM. mr.de to the RI. Rel.. I.r. O'Connor. tori:daw 17 tSC EN 'I"S ( ) E AND SEMINA under ,-are of the Benedictine Fathers lei, I. iitE, Wl.l.l'ftli • BEL A N EOENTY, Ea. s. the ar, tau g ht no. br...0..11‘... or E'n g ird. Education, Itt tho Somittary, tho !Anthem:lnes, lii,tory. Rhotone., l'hilo..phy, olr., and tho dttlerent hrtmet e,.. hi h ;her orti‘ll4lott 01 . 1l,t'fill to tho,e!tspring to tho Priosthoo.t. Tlok trrnim for 17.urd and Tunion are 25 , 0 per year, to t,o Not ernit-nnnintlly, strictly in :tdranre. - 4,erman and French, and other kngtingeq, Drawin g raluting, Hume, form no , extra charges, eiei:pting SOlno r‘woinirellmation fur the nso of ol,trutnputs, Medioine, Wmiting, hooks, Stationery, de., Conn extra eharnem. For particulars apply to the Directim4 of the College. TM Collegiate year begins ou the lot of September, Red ends ou the of July following. FATHER ti. B. LUMM, Director of the College. $ 4 ,2 000 FOR A BRICK HOUSE and two lots of ground, on Bank Lane, Al legheny City. V.l.s(ki for ;1;;; arms of eholeo land, and dwelling house, at 4 nuke from the oily. $.1.,00 for 115 acres of land, ni sixteen miles from the ray, with good Improvements. $1.1,00u for 'kJ acres of lend, at four miles from the city; ood dwelling howaa , torn, stable, ke—orehd of from,g 400 to bee trees, all under good fence--coal of good qual ity. The improvements on the place are worth $4, 5 0 0 . These properties and many °there are fur sale by S. CUTHBERT 3 SOS. Real Estate Ageuts, 51 Market street. BRANDIES —Warranted of the best quality. Also, a complete assortzueut of Wines, Whiskeys and Gine, of superior quality, kept constantly on hamlet • JOSEPH FL F. M I NG'S, jet& Corner Diamond and Market street.. • VANS, • FANS.-2,500' Palm_ Leaf Fans,r sold by the ease or single. Silk, Linen and Paper Fans, at low prices at EATON, CREE & JY 4 Fifth lead Market ate. VALUABLE INFORMATION TO RlTlLDERl4.—Mouldings, Window Prames,'Panel Doors, Shutters, Sash, ALtudols, Sc.; in fact, every kind of woodwork net in building; all made of goal -mate rials by the best, of workmen and unrivalled machinery. Braekets of every pattern furnished and scroll , sawing done. J. a U. T. PRICE, Central Plimingllills, . Water street, between Federal and Beaver, Allegheny City. SAUNDER'S VIOLIN SCHOOL—Anew and Scientific Self-Instrutting School for the on an entirely new• method: intended for beginners, amateurs and teachers. This 'work is , particrilarly in tended to give the scholar a short, thorough andkciere title method of playing the violinUtt all its branches, in lest than one half the time than is required from any other work ever published or Introduced in this coun try—by George Saunders. Price.so cents. For sale by JO NJi. MELLOR, :so. SI Wood street. It of the ruing , . iny24 Copies mailed on reeei. I[lloUltE *TILL, (3 4k11.13A WINE.--1 . have on hand a urge supply Of pnre Still Ctitaieba Wino for medicinal purposes. Those wishing anything In this litni shoUld sill and eiamine stock before purchasing elsewhere. OS. FLEM.I.IIO, • mrl7 r,rnir Ilismnrd •mi Market Or*. t CfIEESE.-200 boxes extra prime cutting Cheese for sale by Jya r AKE 1181 E-200 packages for sale by . J 15 1, HENRY H. COLLINd. lIITE BEAKS-50 bushels for sale by v • je2o WM. H. SMITHS CO. SYRUP -2s bbls. prime Syrup for sale by WM. H. S3lllll t CO., je2o Second and Frontnte. SUPERIOR RECi)RD CAP.—For sale' by J. R. WELDIN, 6...._ R. Wood street near Fourth. iIEESE---50 boxes choice Goshen Cheese just reeeived.and Tor sale at ..HAWORTH A BROWNLEE'S, of the Diamond and Diamond alley. bbls. No. 2liosin, on hand and for nolo by B. C. J. FL flAVirYigll for ealo by Wartieen.t, new Fourth' ted wELD ge ni rinin , e, rni CnEor -300 K—On all the Banks, forsale tr. Js WELDIN, ZS Wood sheet, near Fourth. To Young Men. ALL :WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM the effects of youthful excess, self-abuse, or the debility arising from Sexual Disease, can be surely and permanently restored_ to perfect health, strength, and vigor, by using the - - - - - This most valuable Medicine is prepared from a r ceipt of an eminent Parisian Physician, and is constant! used in Europe with never failing success. It wit thoroughly remove all NERVOUS DEBILITY, SEMINAL EMISSIONS aim IMPEDIME TS TO MARRIAGE, And will restore the Sufferer and the impotent to a state of perfeet manly rigor. It will thoroughly eradicate the effects of either MERCURY or DISEASE, From which so many thousands are continually salter in g without knowing a remedy. The cost of cure is trifling. One bottle williast on mouth, and is suitable for either see. Sent free by ma to all parts of the United States. Price, $1 per Battle. - D. H. ANDERSON, 381 Broadway, N. Y. N. B.—A Circular containing full particulars and direct. lions will be sent with each bottle, and free to any ad dress, on application. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. meaiiimdtw-riod Address, PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANSPOR TATION.—ProposaIs will be received at the Quar termaster General's Office until 12, 31., on the let day of October next, for.the transportation of military supplies during the year ISilo and TSGLou the following routes:. 1. From .Forts Leavenworth and Riley in the Terri tory of Kansas, from Fort latramie, in the Territory of Nebraska, or from any point on the west bank of the Missouri river north of Fort Leavenworth and south of latitude 42 deg. north at which a depot maybe establish ed, to the posts which aro now or may be established in the Territory of Nebraska south of latitude 44 deg. north, in Oregon south of latitude 44 deg. north and- east of longitude 114 deg. west, and in the Territory of Utah north of latitude 40 degrees north and east of longitude 114 deg. west. 2. From Forts Leavenworth and Riley in the Territo ry of Kansas, and from the town of Kansas in the State of Mis , ourl, to Fort Union in the Territory of New Mex ico, or to any other depot that may be designated in that Territory. 3. From Fort Union. or sue!: other depot as may be des ignated in the Territory of New Mexico, to the Twists or depots that are or may be established in the 31ilitary Department of New Mexico, except Forts Bliss and Fillmore. The weight to be transported eachyyeartyill notbe less on either of the routes than one hundred thousand pounds, nor more on route 1 than ten millions of pound.% and on routes 2 and a than two millions five hundred thousand pounds each. Proposals will state the rate per hundred pounds per hundred miles for which the transportation will be per formed on each route in each month of the year, and may be made for all the routes collectively, for any two of them, or for each route separately. Bidders will give their names in full as well as their plates of residents, and be prepared to execute bonds with good security in such an amount as the Quarter master General may determine. Contractors must be in readiness for service by the let day of January, 1860 ; and as transportation may be demanded at any time for the whole weight to be trans ported during the year on all or either of the routes, tiley will tie required to have places of busines or agen cies at or in the vicinity of Fort Leavenworth, Fort Lar amie, and Fort Union, or other depot in New Mexico, at which they may be communieatea with promptly and readily. Each proposal must be accompanied by a guarantee, signed by three nr more persons known or satisfactorily certified to the Quartermaster tieueral, setting forth that if the party proposing shall be awarded the contract, they will enter an obligation for Its faithful performance. Proposals will be endorsed as follows Propows/8 for Army Thinspertnnen, and Ilene will be entertained un less they fully comply with all the HUl:d:diens set forth in this advertisement. The nght is reserved of rejecting any or all the bid that maybe made. qUAR.TEILILLSTIE GENERIL'S OFFICE, Washington, June 27, 1550. jy4anwatlOctl Public Sale of Orizaba Iron Works, Sophia Furnace; kc. . Y virtue or tutliority, , vested in us as Ws trustees for certain creditors of Pollard M'Cor n le - t . and in pursdance of a decree oFthd pri,t rict Court of Allegheny county, in the Commonwealth ofiPennayl- Santa. in N 0.3 of November term. 18;s8; we will expose to public eale, at the Merchants' Exchange, on Fourth street, in thC city of Pittsburgh, on the lath day of Sep tember. WO, commencinc :all o'clitick, A. M., or at such tune end place to which stud sale may be then there ad journed. all the following descilbed 'property; to wit The land- and tenements composing and appurtenant to Unzalat Iron Works and Sophia I. urnace, situate in Pollock township. adjoining and adjacent to the borough of New Coati, in Law renconounty, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: A piece of land boundect. north by Neshannock creek: cast he the Pennsylvania Canal; south by other l a nd of said tiust.and west by Ne,ldtanock creek.containing one acre more or lett, ou which are ereuted a blast furnace, known by the name o f Stqd tin, 4o feel square and 45 feet high, casting honse, tuyer •hout., cinder home, stock house:, boiler - house. cmnne house, engine and blush with three boilers in boiler lions, and five extra boilers so and complete, lar,ge brick stack. A pteco of land. tteginnina at rn.rth-t3tott corner of Col lin,: Val 101 Neshannoek creekzunning thence north 471 1 west 19'2 feet, north -17!•.,.. e ttstlsl feet; thence along said mill lot 28t:: feet to the place of beginning., on :shuck to o trick oiliee and a liliteksmith shop.• • A peen of land of one sere and 4 perches. more or beginning aka post tier Lock N0.2.,0n Pennsylva nia Catiol.ktpipipl south k 200 feet to a post on said eau di: thenne sown east 11.10Nleat:ton poet on Neshannock creek: then‘e t,outt. kkk:itt - west 2,(A1 Sect Lc s•c,i oreek In n ito,t4 thence ,outh :M u - east 2493.. feet to the place of beginning: on which is erected; Otolling Min. the main hinlilingls4.lby . 2l4, feet:wit h.tihechMltaieh ed. its winch ore is 'Filling furnaces. 5 heating furnaces, toilers and engine, suffien•tit to drive all the machinery in said mill; bar roils, small tills. nail plats and muck squcer.ent. shears, Sr., 5 nail inachine& find one wrianMt stoke miehine, and a brick warehouse. ta by 20 . A rim:, r iamb beginninz, nn the canal at .icilrikiest ommer of mill lot, and miming south.lllC west 130 feet .doing wtd L ama]; theme south ratter east oo feet by Land or 3.. t .1. 0. Wliits: 111...ne0 000(0 2' coat 151 feet by street:thence we.,t 24 feet t.. a 1..1:4; tht.nee south,2°eatt 130 feet by an alley: th ence 15 feet br . J. a. C_ White, to mill I't thence along :aid lot to tine place'of begin comAning one4cilt acre, more or less, on which is 111ofgiatist.gg 4O br 112 feet, engine and toniler winn ctla.:lkiaPry for 24 1pA114; sta 3 '!‘',fnnlne , 140 0 . 14 SR situated circular..ast,t, hr 51 feeL with niaehibert for gpramig etay to make fire brick. and a brick-drying house o, tr tem, partly on said lot and partly on land of.l. .4' J. C A it of grotuol. No. S. in White's addition to New Ca. 4. Ismaded on the north and east bystreets; south by lot No. :, and west by .Jefferson street, 54 feet; fidnt . lir lrm fet. on which is a brief: co.tper-shop, 211 by 4o feet, arid earp,oter shop 12 fret square. A pleec of laud in Neshannock township, Wog south oC Eastbrool, rool. coutaitung 3%min-es, more or less, tee log p a rt o f t h e ib!,,pson tract, purchu.sed hi P. ; ye°, iniek front Diana littopson, sithAte about I!,imide Prom New Castle. on the Eastbrool, road. • A lot of ground,lKinuJed north by other land of said trust; eitstby A. Loud Crairtirthitotith by 'White's heirs, and west by Jefferson street, on which is erected a brick dwelling house. The alane de,crthed property will be sold together, as a whole, Also, in separate parcels, :IA described: lit: undivided half of 410 acres of land, more or less, iu ,Na•slianneck township, bminded math by 'CraWfiwil; east Pearsob, l'yle and others; south by Thoimmeralla, and west by '3 faitland and Craw rd, abounding with coat; :Mont 230 acres cleared; goal banks . ..ironed; a u=mber of frame houses, barns, sheds, stables, coke ovens, Ac., erected thereon. A piece of land in Neshannock township, bounded by lands of William Alexander, James Boyle and John M'Kee, containing 30 acres and 130 pe'rches, on which is erected a plank house. a log house, a frame stable; about 30 acres cleared; also a good spring of water. Four contiguous lots of ground, to Pollock township, bounded on the north by Cunningham and others:south by White; east by Vogan and others. and west'bv on which are erected dwelling houses, stables Ac. A piece of land in the borough of New Castle, beginning at the north-west corner of school house, on east side of Jefferson street, near the bridge, over Ne shannock creek; thence north 88° east 130 feet, to said creek; thence north west. 43 feet thence southt33 l 4° west 281 feet, to Jefferson street; thence south I° east 15 feet to the place of beginning, containing one acre, more or less. A lot of ground, 60 feet front by 160 in depth, iu the borough of New Castle. bounded north by street; east by alley; south by Jacob Lint, and west by Jefferson street, on which erected a frame stable. A lot of ground in Pollock township, ip' r White's addi tion to New Castle; beginning on Mill street; at the cor ner of lot No. 2; thence south 2° east by said stride ,50 feet; thence south 88° west by lot No 3, 150 feet; thence north 2° west by alley 50 feet, to south-west corner lot No. 1; thence north 88° east by lot No. 2, 150 feet to the place of beginning. A frame house and lot in Pollock township, bounded north by Nesiiiumocl; creek; east by Jefferson street; west by -; east by A lot of ground in said township, bounded north by Wallace; east by by an alley; south by Dickson, and west by Croton road; being 50 feet in frontby 150 feet in depth. Moo, a tract of land, of about 428 acres, in Sugar Creek township, Venango county, Pennsylvania, known as the Saw-mill Tract, being the same described in deed from Pollard sl'Cormick to said trnstees, dated d August, 1855. A more full and accurate description of the property to. bbi sold trill be furnished from the deeds, al the time of sale, or previously, on application to the trustees. -TERMS :—One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the acknowledgment of the deed; one third in six months, and one-third in twelve months from the time of sale, with interest from that time; ,the deferred payments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises; one-third of the amount of the first or cash payment to be paid when the property is struck down. ISAAC at. PENNOCK, July 28.18.59-6w:th rip 11 E CHEAPEST PIANOS IN ''HE UNITED STATES.--Just received four Rosewood round cornered 63,f, and 7 octave Pianos, manufactured by C. H. Hays & Co - , Norwich. They are made with a full Iron frame, with French Grand Action; and made in all respects after the designs of the beat makers: C• 3, octave's for 3175 00 7 . " " 200 They will be sold only for cash, as the very small com mission charged for selling, and the eitretne low prices obtained be the manufacturers win not justify them to on credit. For sale by me 26 JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood street.. SUGARS.—N. 0. Sugar, Crushed, Lump, Pulverised and Coffee Sugars for sale low, by the barrel, at HAWORTH A BROWNLEE'S, _ ce'..t _ . in the'Disktnend HT:NAY Ti. COLLINS AT THE CORNER oF BAIN{K, sT lanes, Allegheny, two lots each 25feel front by se deep, and a bock dwelling or hall, two parlors, dining room, kitchen, wasta-house, form chamber:4, and finished attic, a good cellar under the whole house, hydrant, Am. For sale by S. CUTIMERT & SON, mrl7 , 81 Market street. NEAR THE CITY, and in a healthy. [aid pleasant location, we have for sale, a two-story Fnune Dwelling House and um acres of land. The house contains a hall, dining room, parlor, kitchen, wash-house and five chambers, good grates, and closets in every room; a well of softwaten stable carnage-house convemenk about GO fruit trees, IrraPe&i ac”: ac- Prtee $5,000. 9. CUI'.HBERT & SON, an • IS 61 Market street. NEW WALL PAPER.—Third arrival for the Season. The assortment always complete at the old stand, No. 87 Wood street- W. P. MARSHALL k 00. RICE -10 tierces prime for sale by J.= WM H. Man 3 co. ffledital. ELIXIR DE VIE. . awup~~ WILLIAM. K. NIMICK, - CHARLES RNAP, H. BRADY WILKINS. SaUrmt4r. THE i PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO , RAILROAD,.. - . Completed 'from Pittsburgh to:dile:lgo' WOODRIJnoS SLEEPING CARS ATTACHED TO ALL THE NIGHT TRAINS. . THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE OF'CARGI : ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1852 Trains will leave the Station, corner of Liberty zed Grant streets, Pittsburgh, as follows: " - • Leave Pittsburgh. Crestline. . Fort Wayne; Express. 12.16 A. IL G:56 A. M. 1:101 Express 12,50 Y. y, 8:45 r. x. ARRIVE AT CHlCAGO—Express, 8:47 P. ir.4 PI.X.PrW 8:17 A. K. RETURNING. ARRIVE AT PITTSBURG LI—M &2a P. 114 rapreal 3:30 P. Express, 2.e..13 0.. 31. ACCOMMODATION 'TRAINS, from Federal . strea . Allegheny, for New Brighton, 9:20 s. m., and 5:'2.0 Y. 14 :- From " Cala " 12:10 .. - Through trains connect as follows . . At Alliance, with trains on the Clevellual and Pittsbiargh Railroad. At Orrrille, Ohio, to and from Millersburg, Akron, Cur . hoga Falls, etc. At Mansfield, Ohio ' for Meant Vernon, Shelby, San . . dusky. Toledo, Detroit, etc. - . At Crestline, for Delaware, Springfield, Columbus, Cis. cinnati, Xenia, Dayton, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Lonla- vile, etc. At Forest, for Springfield, Sondosky, Dayton,,Cinein• Dan, etc., etc. At Lima. for Sidney. Dayton, Cincinnati, etc, etc. At Fort Wayne, for Peru, Lafayette, Ind, St. Louis, and intermediate ports in Central Indiana and Illinois.. At Plymouth for Laporte. ' • At Wanatah for all points on the New Albany and Salem Railroad. And at Chicago, with trains for all points in Mud& lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota.. • . . . For further information and throi.gh ticketa apply, J. STEWART, Ticket Agent, Passenger Station, Pittsburgh H. C. STEVENSON, Ticket Agent, Passenger Station, Allegheny Through Tickets for sale at the Ticket Office of the Company on the line of the road, to all parts - Grata United States. J. J. , HOUSTON, • jet:, General Passenger - Agent, Pittsburgh... M7I7M I MVM I :TMMI On and After Monday, April lltft. Pennsylvania Central Railroad. NINE DAILY TRAINS. THE THROUGH MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every morning, - (except-Sundays,) at 2450 stopping only at principal stations between Pittsburgh, - Johnstown, Harnsburg, - Philadelphis, and at all regular stations between Johnstown and Harrisburg, connecting at Harrisburg at 1 P. x., with .train for Baltimore direct, arriving in Philadelphia at 5:00 P. I. THE FAST LINE leaves daily, (except. Banda , y,. , at an.) P. a., stopping only at principal stations, rnabug direct connections at Harrisburg for Baltimore, arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 7:1B a. a,. f THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station . every evening at &AO P. If, stopping only . at Greensburg,. 1.8.- trobe, Johnstown, Wilmore, Gallitzin. Altoona. hea. con necting at Harrisburg with the train directfor PatitalliOre, and arriving-in Philadelphia at 10:00 st. a. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: _ _ THE JOHNSTOWN WAY PASSENGER -TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday) at 0:00 o'clock, a. is., stop • ping at all stations, connecting with Indiana Branch Train at 10:50 a. Si, and arriving at Johnktown 110 T. Conemaugh, Si. THE - JOII7.CSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily, (except Sundays.) at 2;50 P. Si, stopping at all stations, and runningg as tar as Conemaugh„ • FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek. Bridge leaves daily. (except Sunday,) at 10:40 a. a. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek leaves daily, (except Sunday-) at 4:20 P. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN .for Turtle Creak leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 020 P. a. • RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittaburgh as fol lows i--Express, I=6 P. a; Mail, 11;50 e.m; Fast Line, 12:2o A. a; Johnstown 'Accommodation e ltoo a. a; First. Turtle Creek Accommodation. 6:50 a. a; Second - Ace. comrnodation, I=o P. a; Third Accommodation, 8.16 P. M. Trains for Blairsville and Indiana connect at Blairs ville Intersection with Johnstown Way Passenger Train East and West, Express Train West,aud the Johnstown AccommOdation Train East and West. _ • PITTSBURGH - AND CONNELLSVILLE TRAINS, stopping at all StatiOnS on thu Pittsbuigli hod Cennells- ville Road) leave daily. (Sunday excepted) as rallp=- Mail Train, 7100 1. a; EApress t, --- ing trains from Pittsburgh and Connellatille oaddF rive at Pittsburgh 6:45 a. a., and 6:15.e. it; • .• - The trateling public will find it 'greatly r to their inter est. in going East or West, to travel bythe Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered.caneet bo surpassed on any other route: The road is lailleatiirl with stone, and is entirely free frem dust; we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor this road with their patronage. PARE: No New Tork----....513 CM To Baltimore,..-. Philadelphia. 10 00' Lancaster-- Harrisburg, $7 45;- Baggage checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York: Passengers purchasing ticdets in car, will becharged ONE-HALFCENTPERMILE in addition to the Station rates, except from stations where the Company has . nit Agent. .. ICE-111 case of loss, the .Company themselves - rtepensible.for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO.. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has b employed to convey Passengers and Baggage toin from the Depot,. at . a charge not to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and baggage.. For tickets apply to .1. STEWART, Agent, At the P. R. R. Passenger Station, api? ' On Liberty and Grant streets. Cleve - 11nd Pittsburgh Railtoad. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Apra 2", trafni bill leave the Depot the P,ctrusgivania .Railicntli (Pitt, * burgh, as follows ;-- •• • . . ist Pittsburgh, Ch.retand and Chicago Line.—Expres , trams leaves Pittsburgh at 1215 A. X, and 1.05 P,111,-for Cleye land, Buffalo, Toledo,,Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicagf s And the North .West. The L. 05 P. X. train connects ar.Bay,ral with trains for all points on the Timarawae Branch. Passengers clewing to Bodo Chicago via Cleveland, must bell:Vic:Aar to ask for tickets Vs CIPPPI9Xd; 4 er - I ,l 4Pres trains leave at PI, 41 LOO P. x; or 'Wheeling, Zanesville ' Cirelevillp, cot bus and Cincinnati. '1 he Phls a. it. train slime at.W - eft rifle. Steubenville and stations below Steubenville. 'le 1:05 P. x. train stops at Wells Ville and stations below Wellsville. , Mai/ Train leaves at Cr.f.ts e. )14 stopping at all Way,f3ta tions on River Line. • Accommodation Leaves at 5:00 P. N.; ruining to Wells. Mlle only, stopping at oil Way Stations 11it atp4 four i ts t o to iNaCiiPiiiiS 4 Urt 44 Vi 4 MR' beilpiiip , ,.VitSt . .EFPce:9 at 1425x*na.Firfm41 if, ; fps 3.4 await, coignibus, D p d 'u s,APAIN; • I; and , , 41, pp*. the South West:- • , , The Express Train rims through from Pittatairgh:to Cincinnati, without change of cars. Splendid Sleeping Cara attached to each Express train. Passengers desiring to go to Columbnaylificimnitl, etc., or any point beyond Columbus, by the - abort line, must be parnetlar to ask for tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through and handled free of charge. Fare always as low as any otheT Mitt°. IPP4 c 01 .1.3m3 , Lions certsM. -"' •• , , - . Tbrozitik Ticket; can be procured at Pittsburgh: Ifir rialStirgh,'PlillEttlelphia, New. York Mad ftost 4 .3'.: r "n" . : , V. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent,.cleieland. • - . t'JNO. ST.RIVAT, Ticket Agent, Fip27 Liberty Street Depot, Pittabui% h. 109. Baltimore and Ohio CoA : HE BALTIMORE .A141) ..1 011I0 RAIL RO kD COMPANY are now prepared to reoelva forwAd tlerellandise under through hdli ladiabc to• nail 'from I.III9I3tYRGH AND THE EA B: • - .. . • Rates"..guaranteed to be eerally favorable wittathose of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, or any. other Lille. For infor m ation as to rates, facilities, etc.,, ete.,,aoi cation may be made by letter or trperson. to e" r of the Onderaigned agents: ... . - 7. . . i ~...,4 At BOSTON, Moses Potter, corner State and Wastdpv ton streets.. • - •• ', • . ..- ''',- ' ' '' " AttlEiV` taftg,' Perireit 228 - 11rdadway; 'bore the Astor .ffotzse.. . , rrhtt At PHILALPELP-EliA: 61 . 11,0 40' 'a • 9°wi°Elo corner and Cherry srtrests. - •' ChesuAt tn piiLLA t DELpoiA, Cot. Eelly, corner Bizth.irad streets. - At BALTIMORE, J. T. England, Cainden Station. At PITTSBURGH, J. A. Catighey, 144 Water Street. VI- Particular attention Of memhants; rtianuttictuters and•-stOppers :generally, 'of Pittsburgh; AilThgbeby and rieuaity , is csdled to the facilities bt this '/VaW Roth. as compared with'othere, and their patronage and - Wets are respectfully solicited. , HENRY MEARS, jalnitf ' General Weight Agent B. A. 0: R. R.Co. MEW ROUTE . RIVER AND 1~ RAILROAD. . • n Oircinxutti, Connecting at - Indianapolis with Terre Hatita,• and Terre Haute and' lton Railroad, to St. Louis and Lafay ette and Indianapolis, New Albany ~and Salem, and Michigan Centrals far' cmakeot;,.ROCK ISLAND, BURLINGTON, and all intermediate points. Througli Priight Train. to: IXDIANAPOLIEVVIR HAUTE. Freights orrifd from innaTi ar Lawre9ondlnis_ loss time than by any of other route by tann t linar . ariqgPi. and at as low rates. The only road by whi ablgammta ra can be made (co Cincinnati t breaking bulk. o the i"eit-withobt. Consignments made to GIBAONB,4Iips.4I; at an thumb; or, W. B. CUTTING, Agent, at'Lawrermelattl& will receive prompt attention, and no charge for cOln miasion; no ehargefor drayage or emanation elle:wpm,- . or further information apply to THOMAS RATIGAN, (No. 115 Water street,) Agent of thecominn k y, who is prepared to give Truman rurzrns to Indianapollajferre Haute, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle,t Craw fordsville, Charleston, Paris and Mattoon. a —a- . H. C . tom; rrseidoi JNO. P. CHF.WR, General Freight Agent. ixtre'- _ Casitrare. x44i2ijimputiar abysm) rirtnamar.f.;:: • " MX= L.lttllVlrtM CURLING, ROBERTSON. & UQ.,, ; .l4,aftu Lecturers of Cut, Pressed and Plain Flint (LAi WARE. Warehouse, No. 17 Wood street, corner Front, Pittsburgh- . • Sire All-other-kinds of Glassware - and Windoir Was at low market priccit. . ' • A. & F. M.ARI3INI4, D1P0W11223 'AND - 11121rUnC1122:63 ar CIGARS, AND GENIIRAL COMMISSION MECIEtCHANTB, NO. 45 WEST LOMBARD ST., /3ALTEIdOkIidD. We invite the attention of the trade to our larsutali well assorted - stock of German and Domestic, Our facilities for importing,: as well as the variety. oar assortment are unsurpassed by any house in the Wales while large contracts made by one of the firm dttrintthe dull times, in Germany, enable as to hold ont extra in ducements to our friends at_present,, s e ssa y . - Tu r A Tit. MULLER'S - CELEBUTkti SPARKLLN6I BOCK and MOSELLE Waa.:, imported and for sale, by F. :MARBURG seta-ly • . Sole Agents, Baltimore; Md. G E H --A RDWARE AND cUtLE- R .6,3 „ zsay And fil A sale low_ligtmw A. F. RBUlte. Md• CARTWRIGHT (Sttectssors to Jobn Cartinighl,) • I. , MANUFACTURERS AND LIIIFORTIMS' ai, of Pocket and Table CaUcry. Surgical auct Deattal Iluzmmeute, Gums, Piatola, F. eto.latang Tackle, eta. No. 8* Wood. pees They mlaLlitteutionto thozosaulkoi taring of Truss Jobblog aa3Noutt_ I..wy poxim• and doapalak. Vet: _ . =II ...-ur?:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers