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''';,; , :.,,z'-'4,:;;:--"- '''''':'l4 li ,- tir , ,- • • _ ..--, ,: ~..,i,,,e,.,..‘ I -I - vt,...,,..., ,„• , 7„. ~-.. •. _ , , , '''' 7,..,•,,,•-„.....,.11..,,i '' ”- :;" ~ ••••• ..._'•;., •1'72", ,a ‘,..2-+ e-• I`, ,' , i i .f.. s.: ." -...• ' ... - , '''• - - . • r•.% 3 • - ;• - f - . i _. * _ ~ x.~ ,'~ pc: ELMI : ' ± 4 ,~r4rr' 4 ~ i {. .~~, r~ti~ .. . LZ~ ~~4' ENE i}. t:: , 0 , <:~~-`~ ?,,^ a a MM=M2=3lBl= PITTSB Cr A Sudden Sensation. A Philadelphia paper te'lls the following sin gular story While the fire was burning at Ninth and Market street, a gentleman was passing that vicinity. 'He was a man Of large stature, great dignity of appearance, and walked with: the air of one who was above all anxieties as to the things of this world, being evidently the pos sessor of ample wealth. As he passed up Ninth street, on the other side of this way from the fire, he was saluted by two splendidly attir ed ladies. Greatly to their surprise, at the very instant, instead of a bland reception of the courtesy, the gentleman sprang into the air about six feet, and gave utterance to a yell that would have done no discredit to a most ambi tious supe in the tragedy of Metamora." As he alighted on his feet he struck off his hat and began to tear his hair in such a manner that the ladies shrieked with mortal fear, evidently apprehending that their friend had gone insane. A"peliceman picked up the gentleman's hat, an inspection of which satisfactorily elucidated the cause of so violent a demonstration. A red hot cinder,as large as a pigeon's egg,thrown from the funnel of one of the steam fire engines, had fallen upon the top of his hat, burned a hole through it, fallen again upon the gentle man's head, and burned its way down upon the scalp. RIPS:INES OF EIIINTING.—In Yorkshire there are ten packs of fox hounds, one pack of stag hounds, and five or six of harriers, equal in all to thirteen or fourteen packs of fox hounds. Thirteen packs of fox hounds, of fifty couples efich—i. - C., 1300 hounds—consume annually 200 . tOns of oatmeal, at a cost of 26001., besides the carcasses of about 2000 dead horses. There are at least 1000 hunting men in Yorkshire, keeping upon an average four horses each; 4000. horses cost 200;0001., at 501. each, and their heep at 501„ per annum each, makes 200, 0001., more. Four thousand horses empky 2000 men as grooms, and consume annually 40;000 gra. -of oats. 2000,- qrs. of beans and 8000 tons of hay and grass. —London Tirneq. iStaumaeloaloncloitoAl " '' IN ALLEGHENY'. - Fresh Goods at Low Prices. TIERNAN & GETTY, WOUULT) RESPECTFULLY announce to the that haying leased the large throe story brick tinilding recently erected on the north-ea, corner of the Diamond and Ohio Streets. Allegheny. and received a large and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIDtI, embracing, Sugar, Coffee Tea, • • • Molasses, Fish, Rice, CHEESE, SALT, and everything usually found in tii si class Grocery• establishments, whether In the Staple or *Fancy" has, they ere prepared to offer liberal induve meats to:Web as any patronise them. The stock ho. just been purchased in the Eastern Cities for cash, by on. of the partners. and selected with care, no that pa:- chasers may rely on obtaining good, fresh articles. to low cash rates. • We are determined by a strict attention to bubirie. , s. and furnishing the best goods, to merit our sham of the patronage of the public. REMEMBER THE PLACE TIERNAN S GETTY'S. N E corner Diamond and BULGER & DAVITT, Manufacturers of every de,eription of F v I:73FLIVPIRTJ.FI.]M, No. 45 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA A Mil ebsertment ef PITTSBURG-11 MANUFACTI ED FURNITURE, constsutly oil hand, which we I, sell at the lowest prices for Cash. apakly SKELETON SKIRTS.- THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY Now opening. nt MARBLE! MARBLE ! ! .„,JORN IWCARG 0 HAS A B.E.IISTIFUL EOZLECTION OF MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &c., &c., IN_ The public are respectfully incited to examine our stock. Prices low, and work warranted. jyll7ix NO. 3M LIBERTY STREET XTRNITURE FOR CASH.—A full as sox :moist of Pittsburgh manufactured FURNI embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CASKS, WARD ROBES, And every article needed in n well furnished dwelling ea well as a splendid assortment of • OFFICE FU:INITURE, Conatantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment n. for CAI3II, prices aro made areordingly. Pomona t a want of anything in the above hoe, would be advantaged by calling at FACKINER 71 IRWIN - 9, No. 103 Smithfield street, below Filth. F4a.c.TNE , :-," igiar Isrt93!h mrZ-ly B. C. & J. IL SAWYER, YJUTUFACITILLR9 0/ LARD OIL, CANDLES, Palm, Toilet and Rosin Soaps, No. sir Wood Street, Pittaburgh, Pa NEWIP I R iti. GALLAGHER, CRAIG & CO., 13RASs F9uNPgiis, STE.or AND GAS PIPE FITTERS, PLUMBERS and FINISHERS of all kinds of bra, work, DEALERS IN GAS FIXTURES, &C. °Dice and Wareroom, No. 124 Wood st., ' Ave Doors from Fifth. !leoundry, N 0.152 First st., five Doors below Monongahela House. The w. ell-known practical skill and experience in t ho 17409 us iorauc ie= of brass Casting, Steam and Gas Pipe t?tting. Of the aenior •ineaubers of the firm, (who %di Ewe their personal attention to all Work entrusted to • 'Pettl,)ahotilcientitle us to a share of public patron,,,,. Jitt'Ar .411.0rders Promptly Pilled. It' Z' 354 0 V ..4. I, . RS. M. A. WEAVER'S MILLINERY t'' STORE is removed from No: 24 4lffth street, to 0. lon the opportle nide urine street, next door to .E4ttO i th Cree d Co.'', new mere, second story. [nue ___ ."-i'l. '.. HIJGII. M. BOLE, 4d NGINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, GREAT WESTERN PLAINING MILL, ear. Ala r and Daqueene li r mi, Fttnitturgh, Pa., will make to o r.. and warranted n. , 1 good as can be made, the Skrifing• - tfillehifiery, ykr , --fi . ,_ team Engines, - Ttirping bee, for wood and iron; Planers, for wood . and iron ; Mug Machines ; Hansen and Tobacco Screws ; Patent right aadlifodel Machines, in the best manner; Shafting, -Pcilliee; and -}deneers, of all sites and variety; Screws. of any diameter and pitch, to fifteen feet in length. Will also make, and have on hand, Doctor and Nigger F..re gines, . and Deck .Pumps for steamboats, &c. Lathe Whisper and and, Planing done to order; can plane 32 itietfes wide, by 9 feet 8 inches long. - - ALLOT:Ien Pramptly Mad and Parnesflo Soticited. - N. 8.-Particular attention and promptitude given to re. .on Printing Presses and other Machines lbelythis ' --- JAMES A.FETZER, - f°RWARDING A ,ND CQAMISSION MERCHANT Vat TUE SiLE Or Flour, Grain, flacon, Lard, Gutter, Seed *led Penn and Produce Generally, COILYER' OF MARKET AND FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA RIM To—Francis G. Bailer, William Dilworth, Sr., S. Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh, Boyd & Ott, Heiskell & Swearingen, S. Brady, Cash. M. & M. Bank, List & Ewell; Mingle k CO., George W. Anderson, Donlon, Paxton &Co., Wheeling. rnyZhibrtf - _ 0"Y TWENTY-FIVE CENTS-New Descriptive Hand-book of the Pennsylvania Rail road—by George 8.-Ayres. &imaged on a new plan: all stations in regular order; - a perfdct index to the route; saves ask ingany questions; points out all the attractions; just the book for the ladies: contains no intricate Figure Tablem:Distane-eson all connecting routes. Full of in formation never before.published. Travellers west of Pittsburgh will prefer this book to the Orclintrff Railroad Guides ' because it gives all the tiecoassary'Distance Tabby to Pittsburgh; and then be comes Minutely descriptive of the entire Pennsylvania Railroad. Just issued and for sale by . W. S. HAVEN, Corner Wood & Third & .frirket & Second sts. FARM O TEN ACR4S----Si'tnatkv on the Ohio River, at 9;4 miles beloyrihe city, belween lack,and Hays' Station: 2 double frame houses: a itable; an excellent spring;garden paled in; apPle, pear, vegN6t4 plum end cherry trees; smith shop,.&o. Wayne and . Chicago Railroad, and Bearer , roact pica thromh.t.ha premlses. Price $2,000. For sale by CB. .1 • ~ CUTHBERT & EON, filliarlietstreet. r 1 RT WO ACRES OF LAND, near Clifton Station, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, at alghtridlell from theedy; 1R acres iq erdttnction; stetireaersek bottom; fine timber; small house anttata ,pcieell,6oo:,,For male . by • :“. ~a,ateL” e , !; at-CM:WERT k 50N.457.1494et street. " lIITTSBURGIT'erTIEATRE. S°Ll LE"F-F-• ACTING, AND STAGE MANAGED J. B. HOW E PEtwnm T.W.C.Buumul Inconsequence of the great eeneation of Saturday performance of TII E 11 ANTO M, It Will be repeatod this, MONDAY, Evening, Sept. tilh Dance, by Mira Millie Aubrey and Signorita Maria; To conclude with the Farce of —AUNT CHARLOTTE'S MAID. PRICES or ATUIN , IiI,I —Priv:de Boxer. F 5,0 0! Single Bea in Private Box. $1,00: Parquette and Breas Circle, chairs, 50 emits; Family Lirele, 25 eent. , ; Colored Gallery 25 ets.; Colored Boxer. 50 rents; Gallery 25 centa. A PPOLLUy I.: A 'l' R E MANAGERS PORTER & MTARLIND. 4aTThe Firemen's association will visit the Theatre iu a body this evening. Re-Engagement of the world-renwned - - THIS EVENING, September sth, will be performed. AIL TROVATORE.-Ta. Lady Leonora... 'Miss M ilner. Anaissms.—Dress Circle, GO cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7% o'clock. Curtain risen at prat:, iaely at 8 o'clocloch. FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY Al NEVILLE BALL, Corner of Fourth and Ltbcrty Streets, Pittsburgh. D ROF. COWP ER. HAVING RETURN ED to the eity,respect Cully inTorms the citizens of Pitbi hurgh and Allegheny, that re-open his Dancing Academy at the above Rall, on SATURDAY, September ad, and will continue to teach the accomplishment in all its various branches, together with instructions in the etiquette of the ball room and social circle, Graceful De portment of Person, &e. All the latest and moat fasp 'unable Ball Room and Parlor Dances, as taught by hint in the EaMern cities. such as. Les Caledonians, Cotillons., Polish Mruourka Quadrilles, Los Ell:icier quadrille, Polka Quadrilles. Setmtiish Quadrilles, London Lancet Quadrilles, Russian Arazourka quadrilles, Plain or Ger. nuts Waltz, Esmerahlo Waltz Vassuy'raua Waltz, Schot• tisch or German Polka, Cinque or Five Step Waltz, Cici; Benue, illiekin, Espanola and Bohemian Polkas. Re, down, Polka Mazonrka, hallopade, Spanish Dance. Ever. green Polka. Cicillietine Circle , Aes Ac., will he taught al moderate terms. I iays of Tuition will be as follows: LADIES' CLAS.i—Thursdays and Saturdays, from 4 to 6, P. M. AIASTF.R.q AND MlSSR , l'—Tbursalays and Saturdays fron! 3 . 1.0 A, P. AI. GENTLEMEN'S ClASS—Thursdays and Saturday's umB to 10, p. 51. •. . . PRIVATE CLASS FOR LAI - 4ES who desire it. Prof- Cntrlwr .01 ice uistruiihon, to Private, Classes, or instruutiou, gis en at the resnientiti'of if required. N. B.—Prof. C. can Le seen at the above Hall. on days' of tuittno. from 11 to d, and 7 to 10, P. M., or at the SCOTT HOUSE. daily. au z 2.1 EIGHTII ANNUAL FAIR ALLEGHENY CO. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, 13th, 14th, lath and 16th of September, 'SO PLATES , AMOUNTING TO NEARLY S 4,000 Fair Grounds, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh TENTS AND ' , TITER ERECTItiNS pr vlded 1,,r the di.play r.f the Meehanie Arts, li, mestie and Household Goods. Implements, Fruit., V - .Lahlvs 1111.{ c“vered Sheda and Stalls far Horse :auk. Sheep and Swine. and Table,. for CO3 nt Puultry. II , z t,T The pi 11,1,, admitted Wednesda3. Thursday and Friday lEEE= Abundance of STKAM P WEH ‘rlll be providod the runninF.: of maehsnery. . . Leirpe Pr offered for Mat-loner, See I irye bilk Articles sent for exliMition should be addrePsed either Gmb J. S. NEHLEY ; W. BARNHILL, Ewv. BENJAMIN KELLY. Superintendents. carefully labeled. unit owner's name and residence. Entries received and e Out - ours tickets Mr...lied at HALL A spEEics pL. i"(;-1 WA REHOUSE..•ornerC alley and Pens street. after August 29.1859. Hay and Straw biRATIS for 11111 animals entered for es hihition. and brain at lowest cash Ail entries must be tn.], on Seeretary•s books on o hefom TUESDAY EV ENINt, lath september All ar ucles and animals.except horses,must brourAlit within the enclosure by Tuesday noon. Horses admitted on Wednesday morning, but must le entered prevlousk Cbmptlition the Stale eimitralre lar d a i Vtgilent NIviHT AND DAY POLICE. ADMISSION t Exhibitors tickets, £l,OO. All exhibit., must beentrau member of the Sciety. Ten tickets, Elmo. Four tick •ts. 50 cents. Single Admission 15 cents \'elnclee and horses mil he admitted to the ground at the following prices:—Two-horse ebade, cents; single hon., ve torte, 15 cents; single horse 10 cents. JOSEPH HORNE'S • . . . . , The Citizen, Pa,,enger Railway and the Central Penn sylvania It. IL Care Will 1,3 in von,tiint eorninUln<•atlnn with the Ground, Letter, !nldre.sed to. ' ID ,liE.IIT NIANIGHT, aag,2.s:2wdbw..t.}l3 i .q. See . y.. Pittahnrch JOIIN W. 111cCARTIIY, BILL POSTER, Will attend to the Di,tributlng and Po4t.ing "1 BILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS & PROGRAMMES Amusements, Hoilromis, Steamboats, Ships, Hotels, Sales, Eke., PITTSBURGH, PA Orders sent to the office of the Pittsburgh Morn ing Post, or Daily Gazdt,. tool rocei7e prompt attention W. G. CHITTICK Ai, CO., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market, and 433 Merchant Sic, ARE NOW RECK! V ING FROM El RupE, thew Embracing n full n,ortrnont .•f goods, reinptob to th.• prevent se,t,nn. These, with their home purrhasi•-. American Fabrics, Win enable them to liner tii i h Trail, 0,10 of the mieit fitlitletlVO stitch II ID the market. Are respectfully solicited to ..XIOIIIIII3 this stock Imfore purchasing. augl7:2lndaw AI 4 I ! EGITENY CEMETERY. SECRETARY Al'N TREASURER'S OFFICE, SUPERINTENDANrS OFFICE tlf a Sl/pi•Elor (411ality NOTICE.—The undersigned have this day aesociated themselves together in the whole. sale and retail Bonk, News and Periodical business. at Dacia .t idd Fellnwq Building, No. Co Fifth atr,•et, under the stvle of Smyth k Pittock, and respectfully so , sit a share of public patronage, W. C. Swrrn SMITH & PITTOCK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, AND CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, GENERALLY Ai Davis !A Co.'*, Odd Fellows' Building, Nu. 00 FIFTH STREET. Aril-Particular attention given to packing wholesale orders. set - -- THE CO-PARTNERSHIP lately subsist ing in the name of COLEMAN, HAILMAN & CO, mclissr.lred by the retirement of William Coleman, Fsq, he haring disposed of his interest therein to FRANCIS RAHM rind GEORGE W. HAILMAN The business of the late firm will be settled by their successors, itAl 1..- MAN, RAIIM ,:CO., who hare assumed the debts and liabilities attic late firm. WM. COLEMAN, EDWARD RARE, J. W. HAILMAN, FRANCIS HARM. ALLEN KRAMER, The undersigned have formed a co - Partnership under the name of Hallman, Rohm & Co.. to continue the bust. nest of the Duquesne Works. Theyare amplyprepared to furnish Iron. Nails, Steel, Steel Axles, Springs, and all gorxls in their line on litx-ral terms. FRANCIS RARE W. HARMAN, OEO. W. IfAILMAN. ALLEN KRAMER, EDWARD RAII.M. I take Pleasure in recommending to my friends and the public .generally, the fir of HAILMAN, RAID! CO, proprietors of the Duquesne W orkii, who are amply prepare to execute all Orders for goods in their line, and solicit for them n continuance of the patronage CO liberally granted to the late ilrm. aug3l:2mco,oo WILLIAM COLEMAN. MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY. ANDERSON & PHI TESIRE TO CALL ATTENTIoN TO their several kinds or HOT AIR FURNACES, SUITABLE FOR CHURCHES, PUBLIC SCHOOL% AND PRIVATE HOUSES. Especially adapted to PITTSEITTELCI-H COAL, And not liable to coon wrm &DOT.: ate B. WELDIN'S No. 27 Elastic Pen, • fez sate a4 63 WOOD 8 . 18.0 F - , • J./ 4.,` COOPER ENGLISH OPERA TROUPE. RE .- O..PF.,I\TIN (a_ PROF. CONTPERS' =MIT FOR WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CASH PREMIUMS; SILVER NIEDAL.ti IL:r LI IA PALL IMPMiTATioNs, CASH AND Slkiln' TIME BUIERS AT No. 37 FIFTH STREET AT THE CEMETERY N C it KID SLIPPERS, J 1 . .9T RECEIVE 11 , ut NV. f: SCHMERTZ & ME= IV. C. SMYTH, JOHN W. PITTOCK A spienalld,)Parm, OF ABOUT ONE 'HUNDRED ACRES, wltlou an hones rido - or PittabureUfarnale on lib eral term,. Apply,nt this office, to nogll . JAMES P, BARR: riIIVO FLINT GLASS FACTORIES, SIT to the estate of the late P. Mulvany,decensed, and lately carried on by Lodiie & Ulam. These Factories are now in thorough repair, and in full operation, with alt the necessary implements and conveniences requisite for the extensive manufacture of flint glass, of thin supenor style and quality for which theselVorlis hove 1.41 so justly celebrated. Possession given on tho first day of August next. C. IHNISEN. Executor of the Estate of P. Mulvany. Pittnburo, June 17111. 1859. je•_.ad f F OR RENT.— THE FIFTH STORY THE POST BUILDING apt INQUIRE AT THIS OFFICE HOMES OFFERED.—Homes to be had in in the City of Allegheny, equal in comfort to country seats, and yet near enough to the centre ot business to accommodate business men in either city, and giro to them a home with the desirable comforts of city and country united. There are about one hundred lots of 100 foot square, some of them larger, lying between Western avenue and Ohio Lane, Allegheny avenue, and the West side of the Commons. Each lot has a good street in front and alley in the rear. Each man having about 100 foot front has room to beautify his lot with a handsome house, surrounded with shrubbery, thereby making it a colony of residences equal to country seats, with the conveniences of the cities. There beautiful tots will be leased for twenty-one years, with the _privilege of purchasing them within that ' period. They are open for selection now. Those who wish so desirable a location would do well tocall soon on THOMAS WOOD, Land Agent, mrlls:dtf No. 100 Fourth street. FOR SA LE—A superior Farm oh' rS4 wren in good farming order, in Knox Bounty, oho , : ti largo proportion of it river bottom hue ion is reerod at a great bargain. Enquire of THOMAS WuuLb. mrlstl No. 100 Fourth st, band Agent. PRINTING, WRITING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. U 1 I. W. GRAFTON, n. P 1 PAPER DEALER , 0 O ? Wood st., cor. Diamond alley, r „, 1-1 PITTSBURGH, -4 PlKeeps constantly on hand, a full assortment of Hanna & Son's celebrated •-• PRINT.NG AND WRAPPING PA PEIZS, 71 ML Holly Paper Co.'s Fink, Wasting Paper, H body's Printing; Inks, ,te I. CASII PAID FOR RAGS. jyttemilaw S. GRAY & SON., DRAPIERS AND TA MORS, PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ,iNAC J BOYD._.WSI. NriTLOO.O JONES, BOYD & CO., Spring, Plow, and A. EL Bteel Spring', CoRNER ROSS AND FIRST y TREETs, WM. H. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers and Exehange Brokers, Wood Street, corner of Third, CANNEL COAL OIL QOME OF THE GOOD qUALITIES nF KJ Wei/ Reined Cannel 04.41 OIL nre these IT RI YALS (LAS LICIIIT IN BRILLIANCY,- ' IT IS ENTIREL.I NON-EXPLOSI rE IT MA F BE CA RRIED ABOUT; IT IS ( . 01'ITA - LENT FOR GENERAL L'SE; IT BURNS frITHO r• T ANY OFFENSIVE °Dull; IT IS CLEARA .vr, BEAUTIFUL IN COLOR . ITS A PPEA RA NAP; IN THE LAMP IS GRNA MEN. TAL AND A TTRACTIVE ; IT DOES NOT EERMANENTIY SOIL CARPETS. CLOTHING, dr., un E 01,1,14 it IlLat t 6. kpilial, a larve !lon ',if t.r?t, r!rantng _ _ • IT IS EMPII4 TIC IL I THE LITEA PEST II(: II .F‘" NOWN. DIRECTIONS FOR ITS USE. ,i„ to a responsible dealer and loon A good coal ;atop. Secure Mtn ertrA., that they will more readily top and down in the tut.. "Print the wick with .harp aelaaoTA, exactly even with the hip of the wick-tot.•. clipping off the email projecting point. at the eortie, Fill your lamp with our oil. Tun/ up 11, at tird. so or not (n rind, the ehimney. '4LL,IO Vila greatly enhance it, ex - re..ence (or read ing Or towing by • Ity the careful ole4ervunee of these affection., yoli wall secure a Vit that cannot fail to ',leave. Our facilities for relining are now rem perfect and complete, arto liming devoted a great lea' of lahonot, attention to the art, we have auooeeded in producing no Article of the very twat quality, to which 2111114. the Caprelai att.ll[l.3o of the trade. All order. will he flied at the lowest rate. For male by the Carrel, or in quantMes to cuu cost mere, by ADAIR A. FEEDER, Refiner", of Coal 1.1,1 4 , No. 31 Peun'a Avenue, near High Ktrztet, le2g,3rmlaw (not far from ti,e erittrt lionat,) BIRMINGHAM COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, WRITING ACADEMY, College Hall, Diamond Dirtuingham TERMS, CASH ON ENTRANCE Pin Ornainentid ‘Vriting ....... ) Plain Writing In l Time untanned Writing and Book-Keeping.. I.Xii FACULTY, • N SHAFFER, Prof••, , or••f. Writu.: and R.,ol...•Eet•ping ill. H. LEITHEAD. Ja„ Profvevor of l'emmtn,lol, C. F. WELlS,Profelesor of B o ok-lieepmg fled Gnu mercial Calculations. REV. W. R. BOLTON, Lecturer on History and tiro- oral Subjeet9. HON. R. P. FLENNIKEN. En-U. H. Minister to lan tmtrk, a tneml..er of the Pittsburgh liar, Lecturer om Ournmercial Law. ' PROF. AL F. EATON, Lecturer on Elocution. and see what has never been before attempted he any penman, namely: Specimens of Ornamental and Practical Penmanship executed to mar presence, in the Oturt apace of (corn :n seconds upwards. Good boarding at s'2,to per week. Birmingham Ferry free for students. Entrance at any time. For sia•em,,,,,, of otr-hand Business Writing. enclose 2 postage stamps, and nildrems 13 23 lytinly A. A. CARRIER & BROTHER, AGENTS, No. 63 Fourth Street. COMMONWEALTH INSURAANCE COMPANY, at Harrisburg, Pa. Chartered capital, 1300,000. Hon. SIMON CAMERON, President; S. S. Carrier, Secretary. gIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN. SURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Assets, $184,. 7339,1'3. Hon. JOEL JONES, President; J. 13. Atrord, Seftetary. 'QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Assetn, $32.1,351.42. GEORGE H. HART, President; H. R. Comfit/All, Secretary. av2Silid • F. A. MIERSCH & SONS, Vff=ICAN CONFECTIONARY, .4xo. W. Pirtwl- Wholesale and Retail Ice Cream, Cakes, Soda Water, Gun, Drop., and Con feetions of all kinds always on hand. .iY 2O 42 St. Clair street. D. C. KNEELAND K EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND SQUARE AND OVAL BONNET BOXES ; Also, makes to order PLAIN AND, FANCY PAPER BOXES, suitable for Shoes, pry floods, to., at Eastern prices. cattiteVlrPiii'allep and Wood street, (third story—over ClUsens Ilunk,) Pittsburgh, Pu. joDil MRS. DR. J. 11. WILLSON" SELECT, PRIMARY AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL. The Third Annual Session will open on Monday, sth of September, attzpAsep..A44,so At No. 281 Polo at, httobtlati IVIVINLEY'S ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONERY, No. 27 1-2 Fifth St., opposite the Exchange Bank. 111"GINLEY, AT HIS SPACIOUS 111.• and elegantly arranged roomm,iocated as above is prepared to furnish all the Luxuries of the Season in his line. Delicious ce Cream, Fruits, Fresh Pies, Cakes of And every description of Confectionery; all of the beat material will be aorved to order, day and evening. 44... Orders for partiespromptly filled. Call and nag for yourself. (mVA) M. M'olliaEY. T HE FALL STYLES OF SILK HATS Also, a beautiful and durable Cassimere Hat, and every variety of SOFT HATS for men and boys, at DODDS , 119 Wood ' Street augl9 One door South of F i lth. M t RIO L, N tw S O L..REET.—For sale, a cow - =ellar. The lot is g feet e Lnt, Dw e b ll Atil offe Eve de ep, room' an alley; a large grape arbor, atone wall and peling in front, a trams outbuilding, to. Price $.2,000. Terms ea. 34 6 CUTHBERT BON, /dulcet *reek c sait - ant - go—ft For Rent. No. 52 St. Clair street PITTSBURGH, PA ILeiETARLILIMIA 07 CAST STEEL and Axles PITT.SIII - 1e6 , 11. l'A PITINBURGH.PENYA ti. 11. LEITLIEAD, Pr.nvirml. Pittsburgh, Pa. FRENCH AND all kinds, — jsFrialljotirm - Vegetable Substitute - for Calomel and Blue-Pill. gitANTETSI'g VEGETABLE UNIVERS'At. PI by restoring thobowels to their original daily and naht re/action, give strength to thestomach, purify the blood re-establLsh the healthy condition of the-digestive' or leans, and thus cure dyspepsia, colds, coughs, rheuma• [isms, dropsies, anti sicknessgenerally,whetherehronie . or recent. The celebrated Abernethy says After having cured the derangement of the bowels, debility and all diseases generally disappear of their wen accord, Pees in a short time." The experienee of ncenturYlia.s est:J.4,llod the worth of there Pills beyond utspiite, solo purgative 111/M l / 1 1101. medicine: :Miltheir hl,O by XII, wards of 4.otiti conscientious phv salons, and by ov e r o million of shows that they' are supplyingune of the wants of humanity, and are in advance of medical ScienCe. The above rails. although purely vsffetable,are now known and used no a substitute for calomel (try dearg)no Aft,..) producing all us aiterati ye and other indications, with none of its disorganizing ef fects neon the solids—often crippling for life—or its dis. tressibg action upon the teeth and gums. The prepared eoucentration from the same principles—the Life Addo tam Pills—inasubstante for blue-pill( Piled cr Ilydrarori) Possessing the peculiar action on the scoreting. organs, ' of that preparation from mercury, but none of its sali vating or other injurious elleeb.s. Those who have used thorn. as a hhie-pill substitute or otherwise, award to them 13 RICK DW EL LI NI HOUSE AN D the highestpr une . They eeme hears, tll,,neentrated ADD BIT ILi LOTS IN THE SEVENTH WARD Essence of Life than anything yet made, it, the way of AT %Li, iTioN —on TUESDA 1' EVENING, September when all medicine, by' Man. A single pill given daily, fith St halfp-ist 7 o'elock.at the t 'omtnercial Sales Rooms. hope has fled, has often restored health. In fact, they s ri sold—three valu a bl e int„., of !supply an organic principle to the blood. always wanting I griaind, situate oil time side of Overkill street, in extreme cases of sickne•s. lad people have the se- b„, tween avenue oiimi streets. having each a erebons early- youth restored by the Life .Additioa front of twenty feet, and extending hark one hundred - Pills. Their value as Me preservers IS beyond t,tunitte. , tete, on a Lodi is erected a two-story Brick Dwelling Brandreth's Vegetable n remove from toe with frame stable. sc. Alm. two lots, having ' bowels and blood of a sick person the cause of death each 3 front of twenty feet on Miller street, ‘3,lrneticm e, Tar 1.1/E ADSITIost Pitts SUPI-1.1. Tor eP.O.Vile NrersSlTT or f.ne hundred and tifty-thre feet six d e ed te s t. (:enure senses, ISLOOliA‘TrALlTT—theMitelte globules of vegetable es ascetic, and extending inchk one hundred test. isences, of which they are but the concretion. hare their . • , Title indt , putable. Towin,, one-third cash. residue in Viol roan/xi - pore in the vital globules of thol,lond. and J one and two years, with ibtereSt. from Wbellee does the blood bens, its life. its globule, ; verily from the same source fr.iin whence Dr Brandreth P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. ivt•s the life principle of the Life Addition Pills—fromX Et 't SA LEGE REA L ESTATE the V - L 1 Vegetable Kingdom! :0.10 SToCK.-Tuesday Even'g. Sept. at o'ePk. These pills, as also the Val n•roal. are warranted pa r , ,at the coniniercial Stiles RoolllS. No lit Fifth street, t i t Ii vegetable. Reutilecl respectively at 20 and Sit eent, ordei tit Executors of R. Artri'mtelicon, &calmed, will 1;e Phyans and the public , uppinal by the gross, or sin- • sold—that vAluithle Lot of ~ round. situate on the north glee hex. at No. 29.1 Canal street. Brtindreth's Prinemslimic of Penn street, 'Move Garrison having a front office; by Thomas Iledp3tb, No. 27 Diatrmnd street ' or 24 feet, and extending back one hundred ft.. on touch Pittsburgh, Pa., and by all rei T ootoblo dealers in melt everted a Three-Suers Brick Dwellin•i House, No. 301. stirs. 1 11 : 1 2-reux_ at present oeenpn.,l I,y Mrs. ArCutcheon. Also, eight shares Pittshugh, Fort Wayne and Chicago , Railroad Company stock. Term, iit sale. set P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. TRUTHS THAT DEFT CONTRADICTION Rw+d the• follcisi mg fat in relation to Eroisior /lair /her, and thrn 9ny if it 11114 no equal in the world. It neither burns the skin nor hair. It eolor4 every hair alike. Its lAA , hi. :toil hriiiirnii are nature's It I. implied in 0 feu minute,. It leave. a upon the hair. It is more pertnitnent than oilier I yeb. It emit:tins no eiirri,4lvii Anil lastly. it% inventrir eliallong, a trial between the:, 10)e and any other in whether of Dative or foreiga Feld eVorVl,there. and applied by all Hair I . 1 ,, 41•,. .111.1,11.)40, Nne. rmiA. ur i c). H. I EYSER . Agent, Pittsburgh, I'm. TO NEW CASTLE 131 . CANALL. ill trot fiirget that the daily Intro of l'aeketr between:New mitt, :nail Nevi lirmlitim =tall riiiinert tai itt The 1tec.61i111.,13:1,11 11'4111. all the 5. t, P. 11, rind With the Gvs, e. it, at New p 0,114 I,c thIS rate ran enit onto time and Mauer, tihls.h 31 11,1 , 1,en; 1.1,1,, ). r. :14 MOM. s..a . e, Mid the ire', gr , ‘t darnag.. roe. CIRCULAR.—The .nt:..erlberm 3, tram-nen:lv a General Forewn and Inwne,n.• 'O,l/1111 , +lon ihnwne..... in thy , city. an.l nave the new and tire-proof Wtwehoust, No. .'rust where they are prepared to reeelye and tell FfirPl,ll 311.1 all ~Ile, the u+11:11 Nelhne. nn all e.omuwutynints to their In the departmeni e,nir expellent, warrmte us la wipurin,g our !nomaa t the 'ln hu-que, r.•- lating to Ves,ol+ and t'aruce. he promptly rat , rpl• ed to We confidently offer our lerricel in dl the raricm:, lemrtrrient+ of tt (Thrtuneremi itßa anore, Feh rti:try,15.4 . 1,7, 1 r t 3 1 :,:f SEr 11 EW C' GEO. BLETC if ER, .Ifinttfat•turo, of th• Coloh,ted GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG, ELASTING BAND TOUPEES, r:ear T,T.IPTION Ornamental Hair for Ladira and Gentlemen NO. 65 MARKET STREET, IZEIM LONG- Br, DEALERS IN MANILLA, HEMP, COTTON ASP JUTE CORDAGE, uAh CM, TAR, PITCH AND 1Z. , 51N TARPAI'LIrs DUCE, ANT, HEAVY DRILLING No. 90 Water M F I RST CL .t Ms BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, LF .11.1 .57171, A NI )111 , F. 1.. , 111 , EIL at -4 01A , 1111,T.:11.1 L iItGIE STO( K COMMERCIAL STATIONARY P R. I INT T I N G- I .11 ,• I 1 \ LH L.. \,..p011111 REMOVAL el It' HUSSEY A CO, I:AVe I•ttioVe.l V . to that rit, Copp., IV tirehou-o, N“ Atr.,t, Ow New Iron Front BI,L, door, tro, of Wood, PITTSBURGH COPPER ROLLING MILL. C. G. HUSSEY & CO., IM=lllll Braziers' Bolt and Sheathing Copper Pre.iiied Copper Bottoms, Locomotive Suil Bottom ',nil Flat+ of all Sheet and other Bras:, Spelter, Copper, i=ol.ler, Copper If iret on , . Dealer. in Block Tin. Tin PLine, Load \Vire, SI e Zinc, Antimony, Sheet It , in, Tinners Tools. kr, No. 37 Fifth Strest, Pittsburgh, Pn II 4' Sheet come, of to any pattern. T HE 1 1 1.11EsT AN!) Lithographic Establishment in the City YIL SCIIICLIMA PRACTICAL LITH 0 GRAPH E R CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STREETS, DUFF'S COLLEGE firILDING, jy7.l I)2p PI TTS 6 U fIG 11 , I•,f llf AVETH IS DA 1" ASS( K:IATED WITH wah me, 1%, r.. 1. DELLOW In the Linden:n:4ls hu,u ness which indi lieronftertMec)lltillet , dhhler the rite and etyle uf Lemon & Lellmv. JAMES 1.17.M0N. JOHN HOLLOW /1417.8 1.010, Undertaking in all its Branches. LEMON & DELLOW, No. 118 Fourth Street, ARE PREPARED TO DO UNDERTAK ING! In all its branches, in the best manner, at prices to sun the times. We call special attention to FISN'S NEW STYLE PATENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES, far the sale which the) ate tWelit, in this city, and ut which wo keep constantly un hand a complete assortment di regards beauty of shape and finish. they excel all others. Funerals will tie supplied with Hearses, Horses and Carriattes promply, and at lower rates than any other establishment in this city. Guaranteeing to Tender sat isfaction. they solicit a continuance of tho patronage heretofore so liberally extended to the old firm " MI.EZ4I 0 NT_PA.I, _ DUQUESNE IRON STORE. COLEMAN, HAILMAN & CO., MANTIII( "CURERS ON Iron, Nails, Steel Springs, Axles, Wrought Nuts, Washers, Spikes, Bolt., FLAT RAILIIo.II , BAR OF ALL BIZES, ETU.. E, c. Have removed to their new extensive Warehouse. Nos. 77 Water and 94 Front Sts., Where they are prepared to execute ell order, in their line, having a large and complete assortment "Du quesne" nunwfactured goods ennetantly on hand, which they otter on liberal terms. THE POLAR REFRIGERATOR, With Fitter and Water Cooler Combined Involving Important principles attalin.i which enahles MEAT, FISH, V EG ETA 131. FRUITS:, To be kept longer, dryer, and colder, with LERR than can be done with any other Refrigerator now in use; now on hand and for Pale at T. J. CRAIG'S, 12& Wood Aroot. five door,. from Fifth JOHN N. SHEPIIM- (Surroanor to Hartwell & Shephardo Druggist, Corner Wood and 81z1 1t ot• A • complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PALNTR, OILS and DYES, constantly on band COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Wilt find it to their advantage to give us a call. Manu facturer of the celebrted SOTE.E. C API LLI 1e24 A NEW BOOK FOR THE COUNTRY.- 41 Country Life, and hand-boOk of Agriculture, Hor taculture, and Landaeapngardonnnin by R. Morda Cope land. In plin , voltune, with numerous_ _plans and Was tralionn. SAT a 00, SI Wood irk. DAILY SALES AT N 0.54 FIFTH sT , la the new Commercial Sales Room., No. St Filth street. every week day. are held public sales of gooils LI all variety, suited for the trade and consumers. from it large stock which is constantly replenished Utak fresh consignments, that must be closed forthwith. AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. IV., Dry CUMIN and fancy artieles, comprising nearly every thing needed in the lino for personal and faintly use; table• cutlery; hardware; clothing; boots and Nlitle, di 1,. WArP, AT TWO o'CLOCK, P. M., _ . Household and ltitelien furniture, new and ,ieerind-hand; and bedding; carpets; elegant iron Stolle China mir e ; stove,i; utensils; groeerios, Ate. AT SEVEN cryi,fleK, N., Fancy artieloe: watelie4; eloeks; jewelry; inusaeal L 11,1•4 cl o thing ; dry gouda; boot and shoem; books; stalt,lery, P. M. DAVIS. aopti Anctioneur. VLI'ABLE STIA:KS AT A UCTION.-- TI'ESDAN EVEN ING,Sept utli. at 7t,.', o'clock, at tho cIoIIIIIII,IAI Sales Rooms, No to Fifth qtreet, mll 20 rhar• .4 Exchange Hank. 40 Aar, M. and NI. li:n of IMl,burgh 20 , han, Irmtraner4 Comp:my . •;; P. 31. DAVIS. Aneaouer. R ('()U NTRY SITES O.N . THE AI, (.DII7E:CY VALLEY RAILROAD AT AUCTION.-.. lln THURSDAY AFTEItNOC.).N. September sth. on the promises, will be .old thirteen acres of very desirable land in Plum township, this side of Holton station, nn the Allegheny Valley Railroad, ten tmles from the eity, The aboie has been subdivided into four tracts of idiom three Lind a quarter sates. each which. with their I...muftil knolls and forest sha,bk trees, are lovely sit., for country cesidences, commanding superb views of Allegheny river seenery. F.aoh lot arm be plentifully supplied it oh soft water from a cemented basin of ea parity at thirty thousand gallons at the celebrated Big Spring. the eloration of winch wrll furnish It-con veyed through email pipes to the second story of it dwelling Adjoining the elegant 11)311 , ifin? of .L 4 •rossan. James • .IiMM F.,wler. E. Greer, Ewir., and other, tine property otters rare inducements for ...Pit Lary hoine.s. The right of way through the city leiving keen granted. in a short time several additional areornmoils.ion t Mies still be 'dared on the road. Car, will low:, thr Ailegheny Valley Railroad depot at one on day of sale. Torras. one-third cash; residue in one sinl two years with intern-t. Title indisputable P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. - - CLINTON HOUSE, u.r.rodt-ro wyr., Pennsylvania, JOHN BIERER, Proprietor_ TIIINf t 1 1!MODI01'N AND POPULAR Hv I'EI., afterbeing refitted and furnished through out. with elegant iiirnour, is now read) ice she rerep tem of gne.ts. Tr.• lhtilrcud fzein esinnellarillis to I'montown caul)* in July, thus affording and plea.siant mode of trnvoling to INTPOIIs WiSie to e1,..,/I„• tile heat and smoke of Pittsburgh during the healed i•irrn. Dais Ron, is situated within n few moments drive of the celebrated Fayette 6prings, and the propnator to determined to spare neither trouble or expense in rendering these tWo ieleces incids•rate. mylfl:tf - . PREMIUM AWARDED fil"I'll E SPA IR To GRAFF & Co. FUR THE BE. - iT C I? " V . 3MI For tL. 1. . . i:ange for famdie, and he-t Wood Cook fer ne , t Laundry Stor, Ado , on hand. tar, 4" HeatuL, Stoves, Plain tansyrr.l7 , out,. Fenders. Fad and Dog Sugar Rot E rieQ. Warz“n Iloirov-Ware, kr. tiItAFE Liberty Areal, fe2 At the head of Wend street. AMERICAN IRON WORKS. J ONES A:. LA-I'TH, inhl '11..11. p IRON AND NAILS, JUNIATA AND COMMON SHEET IRON, Louth's Patent Shafting, Piston Rods, Plates4r. W ARE HOUSE:, 9* Water Street, and 1132 Firhd Street, PITTS4BURGII, kn , i corm, of Frani:lin aii.l, ,, uth NV Srt Chleago mrl; Iv TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES, 'INV , ' INCH t Prlre• from Twelve to Thirty Cie. per Foot .1. It \ 1-.1.1 .1 • r..rt ROCHESTER PEARL STARCH, Wibbt.alent Matillfavffiror, Priv,: by HENRY H. COLLINS, FORWARDINIi AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, cIIEEsE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, ANI PRODUCE GENERA LLY. No. 25 WooD Sr., PITTSBURGH. D. B. ROGERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, Corner Ross and First Street•, l'ITNI+1"1:11. CHADWICK & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN PAPER AND RAGS, And Agents for the sale of Hallooing Fire Brick and Pot Clay, ..\"te. 149 wid 151 Wood .5/, ~,tr Ptlt,burgh. Wrippl rl . s.; Paper at '3lruitifaeturer..' Prices. ext. , ll pael for rag, jy-klynis LOGAN & GREGG, Importers of 11 A. li D W A E, No. 52 Wood Street, St Charlet.. Hotel. is a•rirtyAskl.rte of Lanragter.... LOGAN & Glarao, GEO. S. BRYAN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF PIG ARON, BLOOMS, &C., Nat:2 Wood st.. Pittsburgh. Ittirtririst2s —l.yon. Short, k Co.. Pittsburgh, Livings ton. Copt , lnuit k Ca.. Pittslinro; Thos. E. Franklin. Esc' Lancaster; Flom Simon Cameron, Itrynn Gardner Co,linllidny~burg.Co. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO OF PHILADELPHIA, NSU RES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE 1, by Fire on Bnildings, Merehandize, Furniture, Re., at reasonable rates of premium. Drarrroas —F. Ratchford Starr, William M'Kee, of Wm. & Co.: Nalhro Frazier; Joe. M. Atwood, of Atwood, White & Benj. T. Trediek, of Trediek, Stokes R Co.; Henry Wharton; Alordeem L. Dawson; lie°. 11. Stewart, of Stewart & Bra: John 11. Brown. of John H. Brown Az Co.: B. A. Fahnestoek, of It. A.Fghug s k ic k it c o , .5 udrew D. Cast;; J. L. Erringer. of Wood & Errlncter. F. 11:vrca Fo RD STARK,President CHARLE.S (7.1)X E, Seeretarv. }15550 511 Holmes SCo, J. Painter Co., Thomas M. Howe, Esq.. Jas. Marshall, Esq., Allen Kramer, Esq., Wilson, APEIroy it Co., Wilson, Payne A Co., Bailey, Brown A Co., Livingston, Copeland 5 Co. Jamos B.Lvon A Co., Wm. S. Larely it Co. ifilEO. S. BRYAN & CO, Agents, No. 52 Wood V,7"714W7',TT=5 1 , , ,•7M OF HARTFORD. XCORPORATED 1S10: CHARTER PER PETUAI, Cash Capital. Hurplus, July 1, 1559, $1,030.49J' SO. Losses adjusted and laud over, f 12,000,000. Property insured av,ainst DANGER BY RE. OR THE PERILS OF INLAND NAVIUATION, at as It Ltarnl rates and rules an solvency mad (air profit trill 'emit. 1859. Second Arrival 1859. OF CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, - AT THE FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE, PITTSBURGH, PA. D. Lt H. McCALLIIM RESPECT . FULLY announce that they are receiving a second supply of CARPETING, selected directly from the Importers and Manufacturers, by one of the arm, now in the East, to which they invite the attention of Also, Purchasers. Als a new style of CANTON MATTING. for Summer Parlors. The latest make of CARPET SWEEPERS, etc., etc., which shall be offered at the lowest rates. [Je99 W. D. & IL McCALLUM. RIEF DEPOS TION AND RECORD cars. at. [sawn Rex a Qa t El 11=tat. Auction dates. I=l PI T TS PC DY STATE AUTHORITY 51,000,000. A. A. CARRIER Eh BRO., Agents, W. B. EDIE, ,urroycir. No. C. 3 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, P. -_Siewing_achlnes. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES BEAUTY, DIIRA - BILITY, AND CAPACITY TO PERFORM EVERY NO OTHER MACHINE CAN COX PARE WITH SINGER'S New and Improved Machines, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT R. STRAW'S 22 Market street. The Grover & Baker SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Pittsburgh Agency, No. 107 Market Eit. Haring greatly increased their facilities for manufactur ing their Crunn Arm Fumy lificui=s, with all tho recent improvements haro reduced - their prices, and offer for sale a NEW STYLE MACHINE. Price, $5O--Hemmer, 85 Extra. It Is no longer questioned that these Machines are the best in use for family serving. They HEM, FELL, GATHER AND BT.TTCH In the moat superior manner, and aro the only machines in the market that are so well and simply made, that they may be sent into families with no other instructions than are contained in a cirular which accompanies each machine, and from which A CHILD OF TEN YEARS May readily learn how to use, and keep them in order. They make upwards of FIFTEEN HUNDRED STITCHES A MINUTE, And will to the sewing of a family cheaper than a seam. stress can do it, even if she works at the rate of ONE CENT AN HOUR. Is there a husband, father, or brother in the United States, who will permit the drudgery of hand sewing in him family, when a Grover A Baker Machine will do it I better, more expeditiously, and cheaper than can posai bly be done by hand. SP-141J03 arcuLar. lEt The arst piece in pnblid estimation is now justly ac cordial to the Gruver & Riser Machine, for family sew ing. tar the following rea.sons:—Lst. It is more simple and easily kept iu order than any other Machine. 2d. It makes a seam which will not rip or ravel, though every' third stitch ie cat. ad. It sews from two ordinary spools, and thus all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the Same machine can be adapted at pleasure, loy a mere change of spools, to all varieties of work. 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen thread, common spool cotton, with equal facility. fith. The seam is as elastic 89 the most elastic fabric, so that it is free from all liability to break in washing, ironing, or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this machine is more beautiful than any other, made either by hand or machine, O OIINS FTE REIMS: The best patent now in tise.—{ THE Whig. Stands high ht the estimation of all—{Erie Constitution. It is all that it Is recommended--{Lima Democrat. R has no superior—(Ashtabula Telegraph. A household necessity—{Batavia Herald. Grover A Baker's in unnyalled—{RookportAdvertiser. Meets the wants of the hotisewile—{Auburn Ch.Advo. A necessity in the family—[Southern Inventor. The cheapest and best in use--[Baldwinarille Gazette. They are the best in use--(Waterford Sentinel. The best manufactured—{Pittston Journal. Worthy of public patronage—[Jersey Shore Re pub. Grover h Baker have the best improvements—TM:int. Journal. Not liable to get out of order—l - Westchester Jett. The most convenient in use—[Chicago News Letter. Posiiiesses more advantages than any other—[Nash. Gazette. e... V All iirticles are made with it with eas Haaard's Gaz. Lightens the Inter of those at hom lotighman. A child of ten years old may use it—f armer and Via Will do most beautiful sewing Allentown Dem. Sews silk. linen, or cotton thee tie. Advocate. Is more simple than any other--{Cleveland Reporter. Memo . pine° in every family—[Abingdon Democrat. Sew,. a yrtni a minute—[Cleveland Leader. The best in use for families—(Biblical Recorder. It 111/1.1,1,4 a fine, strong seam—{La rte Union. NATHAN WHITING, Agent, doll Nis. 107 Market street. To Housekeepers. SOMETHING NEW.—B. T. BABBITT BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS, Q Is manufacturial from common salt, and is prel, o ,pared entirely different from other Saleratus.' All the deleterious matter extracted in such a , manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit, and all ." 1 " kinds of Cake, without containing a particle of eialeratue when the bread or cake is baked; there. ,-, by producing wholesome results Every parti I etc of Saleintus is turned togas, and passes ! U ,through the bread or biscuit while baking; con sequently nothing remains but common Salt Water and Flour. You will readily perceive by i ; s the taste of this Sotaratus that it is entirely dif ' ferent trout other Saleratus. It is packed in one pound papers, each wrap per branded. - B. T. Babbitts Best Medicinal f'. &denims,- abso, picture, twisted loaf of bread. is nti u glass of effervescing water on the top.— When you purchase one paper you should pre-? I It serve the wrapper, and be partieular to get the next ezactly like the first- - brand as above. Full directions for making Bread with tht Saleratus and Sour Milk or Cream Tartar, will Q accompany cach package; also, directions Sol rmtking all kinds of Pastry • also, tor making Soda Dater and Seidlitz Pow ders.' DI A.ELE VOITN. OWN SOAP, WITH I) .R. T BABBITT'S PURE CONCENTRATED. POTASH. iWru - ranted double the strength of ordinary Pot.. Q ,ash: put up in cans—l ID, 2 TOL, 3 lbs., 6 lbs. and u lb —with full directions for making Hard and ,Soft Soap. Consumers will find this the cheapi ,est Potash in market '", Manufactured and for sale by B. T. BABBITT, Nos Os and 70 Washington at., N 7 0 iyeitydaw and No. as India st, Boaten.l IXIIMEM SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, A EVE B. DEBILITATES. I T 14 I . ontpinut tted entirely from Gums, and Ile,llllC 3.1 e,lablialled fail, a Standard Medici., known L by all that bane used It, and la now re- On etranb,re ai l 01 ill! Ina diseases for atdcb Ii reenannended tt1011.1111.11 O, hadnlt ea up all lat.,: gig ~, t llcite cerUileat., in Inv! r, I be tune be adapted , E• ta ,do taiw, it, and art eratly on the lanvela. I itiClAlo9. Or yourj at ate, 11C e I.l\ - ER will Liver Corn- 1 t S it to to er Com - 1 ry - , Dropsy, Sour Cavil rears., Chol-,' ra Ilorbnv, t'holeral Iron, Ja undle e,i ralai mat awed war y Fatally 31,111-1 g It El. A I'll E, (mai t I y minutes, spooafula are tak-i andl, Ali sr Ito use It seal lu Its far, MIX 'WATER IN T THE INVIGORATOR BOTH TOGETHER. Pelee One Dolla ALSO SANFORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, Co3trotIND . ED ER'OIL . Pure Vegetable Extrude, m ind. put up if. GLASS CASES, Air Titcht, - Atid'ivill keep In any elltuate. The Family Ca..' tie but active Cathartic tr,eri to Ma practice More The conblantiv Inereeslng' have tone Used the PIT.Ls 11 r \pre., in roused to their them within the rehehef all. The Prefehnen well know dlintrrot portions of. the the FAMILY CA -11:1, with due reference to teen compounded from a. table Extracts, avhich ee l alimentary Canal. and are' ea where a Cathartic is ruogernente or the neer, Psalms In the Coen's-elle., Pal al the whole body, ItSquenttv, If neglected, ver, Loins of:lupe cotton of Cold e ovr neget. Headache, or! all 11. flank ma lo tort' Children er :Ulu! I a. Porlfiererthe Blood ile,a‘ It. heir, Igo 11L1111er0114 men, Dose. Ito 3. PRWE The Liver lovlgo I baulk Pills are orral fold tottelelale by the Trade S. T. W. SA 335 Broadw O. H. KEYSER, Agen and Virgin alley. ROnT, RUST &,CLARK, MANUPACIIIIIZBA /I.IID JP TALUS Of SPERM, RAPE, ELEPHANT, WHALE, LA-RD AND MINERS' OILS, Also, Straits, Hank, Shore, Tanners and Neatsfoot Oils, Sperm, Patent and Adamantine Candles, ial.2lpd Al FERRY STREET, NEW YORE. FALL GOODS! 1859. FALL GOODS 1 R tHRONS, TRIMMINGS, , HOOP SJIRI from $1 up, Received this day by Express at • . . . New Good.; received daily L. C. HEPBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW An CONVEYANCER, OFFICE 'WITH H. HEPBURN, : • No. 90 Fourth street GOLD PENS. Dawson's, Warren .k.• Hyde's, and C. L. Newton's superior qualities Or Gold Pens, for sale by BAT A ON aa Wood,aino4.. N POINT OF PERFECTION OF WORK, VARIETY OF SEWING, lediquL thin the last two years h;or relief. as the etunarous iposseastaashow. it* the temperament of *et cd In such gum:elks - u to judgment gold° you ma Coe VIGORATOH, Witt plaints, Bilious At- Chronic Diarrhoea, !plaints, Dysente - Shun web, Habitual ile, Zholera, Chole iiritantuni, FlatiF Fetnotle Wealtnesio.: cessfrill7 u an Ordina elite. It will cure SICK 'lhnusauds can testify.) Ilk two or three Tea -6,1 at commencement of giving their testUmouy E 1110LTTH WITH AND SWALLOW r per Bottle P1:111LY _.! thartto PILL kajea fn which the proprlear has PI than ``l.4.,,those years . „.. svi; - 14 Wad ,. & In al o tiga , c l Llo: lo w p tc c h e C- • - ' ' • that tillterent Cathartlnati netRTIC PIJ. L this well established feet, is% variety or the purest Tege. f 40 , :alikel on every part of the g good and stare in all eat. needed, such as De.. i i o t a huil:lar gtf Ita and Soreness over ,froth sudden COW., which 1 site, to a long course Of Fe N..tite, a Creeping Sen ._ the bady, Restless— !ri svelght 111 the head. I)larasec, Worms. In 'Rheumatism, a treat .0 rad T 011.71 d i B lam2thte=whieb -30 CENTS. . • sentqr .and Family Co: tiled by Druzgaa genera/ 1 n ”' In ail the large towns. aNFOItD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprletir. 'a y, New . York. t, No:140, corner Wad street jyklydav CHAS. No. 78 Market street. Pedicat THE PERUVIAN SYRUP, Protected Solution of Protoxide of Iron Combined, TTAS SUCCESSFULLY PASSED THE ordeal to which new discoveries in the Mt** Medics are subjected, and must now be received as sor established medicine. Its efficacy in curing DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsia, Neuralgia, Brost chitie and Consumptive Tendencies, Disor dered State of the Blood, Bale' Scurvy, and the prostrating effects of Lead> or Mercury, General Debility, and all diseases which re quire a tonic and altera tive Medicine is be yond question- The proof of its efficacy are so nnmerous,so well aathen ticated. and of such a peculiar char acter, that sufferers cannot reason- • ably hesitate to receive the proffer- "r•si ed aid: The Peruvian Syrup does notpro.. ft; teas to be a cure43l.l. bat Its range is ; extensive, because many diseases '; • apparently unlike, are intimately J.? related, and proceeding from one - - - cause, may be cured by one reme- 1554 . 1.. ••• : dy. The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides a cure, is precisely that which has so often based the highest order of medicinal skill. The &eta are tangible. the witnesses accessible, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. $l. Fluor—Largo ss. bottles, $2, or six for $10; small bottles, or six for • Having confidence in the efficacy of the "Pratnrwr Space," as a medicinal agent, we recommend to our brethren in the ministry, the careful reading of this pamphlet. Rev. John Piorpout, " Thos. Whittemore, " James 11.3 files, " S. H. Riddel, Jos: H Clinch Sold by DR. GEO. H. KEYSEB, S IIFFER NOT.—DRS. GOLDSMITH & co., No. 42 Sixth stmet. Pittsburgh, PRIVATE continues to be consulted OP all diseases of a or DELICATE NATURE. From a long coarse of study and practical experience of unlimited extent, Drs. G.& Co. have the gratification of presenting the Unfortunate with remedies that have never failed to cure the most alarming CABO of Gonorrhea and Syphilis., Beneath his trestnient, all thelorrors ofVenereal and impure Blood, Boron:MI, Ulcers, Pam and Distresis, or Inflammation of • the Bladder and Kidneys, Abscesses, Humors, FrightfuZ Swellings, and the long train of horrible symptoms at tending this does of diseases, are made to become as harmless as the simplest ailings of a child. SEMINAL WEARNESS—Drs. G. & Co. devotee much of their attention to the treatment of those cases caused by a secret and solitary habit. which ruins the body and mind,unfitting the unfortunate individual for either bust ness or society. Some of the sad and malancholyeffectit produced by these early habits of youth are, Weakness of the beck and limbs, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep. - eta, Nervousness, derangement of the Digestive func tions, symptoms of Consumption, etc., etc. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded, via: Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil forebodings,aversion to society, self-distrust, timidi ty, etc., are among the evils produced_ Such 'persons, before contemplating marriage, should consult a physi cian of skill and experience, and be at once restored to health and happiness. Ague and Fever cured., and war ranted. All letters containing a fee, addressed to Drs. GOLDSMITH & CO., Pittsburgh, Penn's, will meet with. - prompt attention; and medicines forwarded, secure from observation, and a mire guaranteed. The strictest so cresy observed in all cases. 10.. Don't forget the place, No. 42 Sixth street, Pitts burgh. Pa. apiChlydew EYE A.1'611 EAR DISPENSARY. Office 95 Main street, (2d door, up stairs,)Buffalo, N. Y. ESTABLISHED BY THE CELEBRA TED DR. JOHNSON, late of London, England; A great discovery in the science of medicines, being a certain and speedy cure for restoring the sight and removing all diseases peculiar to the eye. This is uni versally acknowledged the only safe and size remedy now known. It has been used with great success bythe most skillful physicians in Europe and America. Patients in any part of the country can treat them selves saccessally at a moderato, expense, .thereby . avoiding the danger and expense of fallingUltd - the hands of unskillful physicians. This medicine (sufficient to cure,) will be sent by mail or• express, with all neces sary- directions, on receipt of Ten Dollars: - • Dr. Johnson's Certain and Infallible Cure, for Death= and Singing IVoises in the Eat,. Ter-toms Maid and Mimi fbmplinnte. ' - - Affording instant tenet to sufferers who have been trou bled with deafness for many years. After using this remedy a few days the patient is suddenly and almost miraculously entitled to heir ordinary toned courers.a tion; in the course of it few weeks the most obstinate' case of deafness is effectually cured. Patients too numerous to mention have been restored to perfect healing, and forever reecued from the mares of the numerous dangerous unqualified pretenders Of the present day. Hospital and private testimonials and certificates from the most eminent physicians and sur geons in England, in whose presence deaf personshave been cured, and many hundreds of pri ride patients cured can be seen or referred to. A case of this medicine, (enough to effect a cure,] will be forwarded to any part of the country for Fifteen Dollars. Address . DR. JOHNSON, Drawer 404 Office 55 - Illain St.. Buffalo, N.. Y. Health and Happiness Secured. THE CONCENTRATED CURE, THE CONCENTRATED cIIRE, A. POWERFUL REMEDY, A POWERFUL REMPIIY, FOR WEAKNESS, FOR WEAKNESS, FOR EARLY INDISCRETION, FOR EARLY INDISCRETION, TRY IT ! TRY IT TRY IT! TRY IT! YOUNG MEN WHO ARE SUFFERING from the effects of yonthfitl indiscretion, can bat timely and permanently restored by ming the CONCENTRATED CUBE OR A. CR, V A. V I T. El, • • A Remedy of Great and Certain Power. This remedy is put up in small viol, =dean be sent by mail to any address. A trial will satisfy. Use It for a week, and you will experience a great benefit. -A e(r• miler containing Cult particulars, sent (free) on apphea• tion. Price per bottle $1.00.. - One bottle will last a mouth. N. B.—This remedy is suitable for either sex. -Ad dress K. CRUGER, Medical Agent, jyMw 742 Broadway, New York. PRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICA.L:Office, ;Co. 50 SMlTH field street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' ' ' • Dr. BROWS is an old citizen of Pittsburgh, and has been in Practice for the last twenty-fire years. His balmi ness has been confined mostly to Private and Eiiirecal Diseases. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS in need of a medical friend, should not fail to. find ent the sure place of relief. The Doctor is a regular grade.- ate, and his experience in the treatment of a certain class of diseases is a sure guarantee to the srdlerers ofobtain iag permanent rellif, by the usts,of his ramediea and followinghla advice.- - • •._ _ - • DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES never fail to cure the wont form of Venereal Diaellaiii Impurities andScro.fulottsAffections. Also, all diseaser. arising tom a 'hereditary taint, which manifeats itself in the form of a tetter,.psoriasis, and a peat many forma of akin dlsoases,- the origin of which the patient is en tirely ignorant. ,To persons serifl3icted, Dr. Brown. offers: hopes of a sure mid speedy recovery. - SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Prown'a remedies for this alarming trouble* brough ton often by that solitary habit of sensual graft fication, which the yeang and weakminded often give way to, (to their own destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in' this country—they are safe, and make a speedy restoration of health. . _ . Dr. Brevin's remedies never fail to ewe this :Ninth disease!, afar days—he will warrant a cure. He also treats Piles, Gleet, Gotinorrhma i Stricture, Urethal Dis charges, 'Female Weakness.Monthlv Suppressions, Dia eases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pales in the Back and Kidneys, Irritation of the Blad der, together.with all diseases of an impure o!igin- A letter describing the symptoms. containing ,a 1 directed to DR. BROWN, No. 00 Smithfield street, Pi"' burgh, Pa., will be immediately answered.l:Rale-file sent to any address, safely packed and secure from ob servation. Office and Private Rooms, Ile. GO Smithfield itree Pittsburgh, Pa. 3/21.. LOCUST GROVE SEMINARY, FOR YOUNG LADIES; T—zh..wmtmra - cm4ildiam. THE NEXT ANNUAL SESSION, "of two terms, five months each, will open on TUESDAY, THE 13TH OF SEPTEMBER, at G o'clock, A. M. The Faculty of Teachers who filled their situations with such distinguished success during the PaSt, year. continue their connection with the institution. • - On account of the greatly increased facilities for travel afforded by the newPassengerßailway, ',limited number of Day Piipile will be received from Pittsburgh. The number of Boarding pupils limited to thirty :, Barb" applications are desirable. Circulars containing general information. terms, may be bad at Davi s , and Davison's, Booksellers, enlist Kleber's and Mellor's. Music. Dealers; or by , addressing, through Pittsburgh Panothnel. augListtsep2U REV. GEORGE T. RIDER, A. M. A TICA STOVE WORKS. ALEXAAMER BRADLEY, 11131PUCTOU8 ANDLIASIII J MAI TAMMY 07 Cooking, Parlor & Heating Stoves, PLAIN AND FANCY GRAIT. FRONTS! AC* Sole Proprietor of thetelebtated PATENT GAS BURNING AND SMOKE CONSUMING COOK STOVES. OWN* and Sales Rooms, octSdylp 116. 4 Wood Strut, Pi tZebureh. QOA.P.-100 boxes Buffalo Soup for sale by k3cla2l HENRY It. COLLINB. Rer. Martin Moore, Tho.. Star King. Charles Briggs, " Sylvanus Cobb, " Edward Edmunds. 140'Woeil street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers