The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, September 05, 1859, Image 1
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Arrival of Passenger Trains. Pittsburgh, Wayne and Chicago Railroad. (Pram corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Crestline. FL Wayne Etpre6s 'Tram ...... 6,56 A. M. I:01 P. M Mid Train 6:50 - A. M. ' Express Tram. 12:30 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 2:30 A. M .krrive at Chicago: Express, 6,47 P. M. I Express, 8,17 A.ll Returning, a rive at Pittsburgh: Ma 11,1325 P.M. I Express, x:9O P. 51.1 Express, 2:20 A. 51 (From Federal Street Station, Allegheny.) New Brighton Accommodation.. 920 A. Mt 6:20 P. M .. 6:05 A. M. 1220 P. NI Penury/omila Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Loaves. Arrives. Express Train. 8:50 P. M. 12:45 P. M. Mad " 2:50 A. M. 11:50 P. M. Fast Line 4:lXi P. 51. 1235 A. M. Tice Johnstown Way Passenger Train -090 A. M. - 1:10 P. 51. Johnstown Accommodation...... 2:50 P. 51. 11a0 A. 11. ritst Turtle Creek •"' _....10r.40 'A:SI. 6:50 A. 31. Elacond " 4:O'P. M. 1230 - A. st. Third " " " ce.,) P. M. 6:15 P. M 'Pittsburgh and Ormitiln4lle Rrigroad. - • (From Liberty and Grant streeta.) Leaves. ' Arrives. Mall Train 7:00 A. M. 6:15 P. M EXpress Train 4:30 P. M. 6:45 A. M amie/and and Pittsburgh Railroad. sFrom corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. Express Train 12.15 A. M. 2AO A. M. Train-.-... 6.25 A. 51. 4.00 P. AL Fast ,Line 1.05 P. 51. 5.34.1 P. M . : Wellaville Accommodation. ..... . 5.00 P. 51. 11.i04 A. M. Pitt/burgh, 0.111171 th. and Cincinnati faxilroail. (From Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves PAL, C.iliiinbaa. Arr. in Cin. Fast Liue 12.15 A. M. ti.oo A. M. 11.30 A. M Eipreas Train.. 1.05 P. M. 1.30 A. M. 7.30 A. M The Firemen's Procession Saturday was bright and beautiful, and if the clerk of the weather had been a member of the Firemen's Association, a more lovely day would not have been gotten up for the occasion of the Firemen's Parade. At au early hour those who intended parti cipating might be seen, with their uniforms, On the street, or busily engaged in making their final preparations. Half past nine was the hour appointed for the meeting of the different companies on Penn street, but it was an hour later before all the firemen were on the ground with their appa rittus. In falling into lino the tongue of the Duquesne was broken by some accident, which caused a further. delay, and it was not until half Past eleven that the procession started on its route. Then the Duquesne was left behind, have the damage repaired, but the company fell into line after the halt for dinner. The procession moved in the folio vi mg order: Chief Engineer George W. Leonard, and orliitanta A. J. Coppice and Jas. Petrie. 4. carriage drawn by four bay horses, in whlcli `were Mayor Weaver, Mayor Mor- Awn, and A. W. Gazzam, President of the Firemen's Asscicifttfon. A carriage drawn by four gray horses, with William Eichbuam Esq., City Treasurer, Henry Lambert, City Controller, Captain WM. H. Hart' and Captain E. F. Pratt, old 2 carriage drawn by two horses containing F ! xiCAtief-Engineers of the Fire Department. 'Two carriages, two horses each, containing the press. • ;Two-horse carriage, with officers of the Fire men's Association. Three carriages, conveying members of the Firemen's Association. The Eagle, being the oldest company in the citY;; headed the line of firemen, preceded by the City Brass Band. They turned out seventy strong, and wore a neat uniform, consisting of white pants, black coats, red capes, and green hits. The examen wore red and green shirts, and black punts and hats. The engine wa, drawnliy sin bay horses with white covers, anti voutridessho. wore white pants, white shirts with'. blue collars. and glazed caps. On the gallery was a bible, the presentation of which is elsewhere noticed. The hose carriages We're drawn by four horses each. One of these was surmounted with nine little girls, dressed in white, and representing the companies in the Association. The other was trimmed with tisd, blue, and white silk, and decorated with Nrpaths. The members walked four abreast, and looked very well. Nest came the Columbia Hose Company, independent, of Allegheny, as the guests of the Allegheny. The members, numbering forty-five, wore white pants, blue shirts, with crimson collars, and Kossuth hats. Their hose vatilage vogi 440 , 044e1Y eeeerateci: r The AtieghenY fclllowed, with sixty-three men, Ivqaring White pants, black coats, fire bats and capes. :The hose carriage, ornamented with ied and blue Slit: /11.1 auwerB, Wa..l r. by the members, and the engine, neatly orna mented, by six grey horses, with outriders. Smith's band preceded the company. ' The Dumiesne followed, the company, corn- 1 prising sixty men, preceded by the martial band of the Monongahela Artillery, composed of nine boys. The axemen wore red shirts, black pants and red hats. The hose carriage was pin by the,tuembers, four abreast, in black costs, pants, capes, hats and belts, and white 'vests. The engine, drawn by six horses, with outriders with black pants, red shirts and blue jockey caps, was draped in mourning for Ar thur 'MINI, their late captain, who was re cently killed in New Orleans. Then came the Neptune, with a force of Rinety men, the strongest company in proces sion, with the East Liberty inertial band. The members wore black pants and coats, blue capes and hats, and drew their hose carriage, which was not decorated, but looked neat and clean, being the only carriage which showed hose. The engine was drawn by six horses, driven from the gallery. The engine was decorated only by one largo tmuet, presented by Gen. J. S. Negley. . The Niagara succeeded the Neptune, with severity t l l 6l, at the ropes of the hose carritieiv, which was handshmely 'ariayc-d. Their uni fa mwas black pants, black colds, White vest?, flue hats and capes. The engine, which was flrattn, by six horses, mounted by bpys, &eased In white pants, blue jackets, jockey caps, red topped boots and belts, was decked with flow ers, and surmounted by a pair of horns, orna mented with ribbons. ;The yi g i . lant WM next in order, eclipsing in 'neaaessand military discipline all who prece dedibem: The delegation was headed by Young's Brass Band, and numbered eighty three, drawing their own hose carriage, ac companied by "Bob," the dog belonging to the company, as faithful as any member of it. The "tiger hats" worn by the axemen, formed a feature, and attracted much attention from their novelty, having been purchased in the East for the occasion. The members wore black coats and pants, hats and capes, white vests and gloves, and walked six abreast, keep ing step perfectly. The officers rodo in an open carriage. • The engine was drawn by six I orses, with 'buff covers, trimmed with red, and a lager y'iii*the corners, led by negroes in jacketsand pants and jockey caps. This comPany.apPeared to extellent advantage, and was universally admitted to present the finest appearance of any in, the procession. The Good preceded by Marsh's Mar tial Band, came next, and turned out about sixty men. They were dressed in red shirts, black pants and belts and black silk hats, and drew <a new hose carriage built for them by J. 'P. Wilson, of Diamond alley. The engine was drawn by six gray horses mounted by boys with red jockey caps, white pants and blue shirts, and on the gallery was a miniature ship, with four boys dressed its sailors. The :Independence followed, with thirty eight men, wearing black coats and pants and„fire hats. The axemen were dressed in blue shirts, black pants and hats. The hose carriage, tastefully decorated, was drawn by the members, and the engine by six horses. Byerly'sJ3rass Band accompanied them. The Fairmount came next in order, as the guests of the Relief. They turned out thirty strong, with black pants, white shirts, Kossuth hats and black belts, and drew their hose car- raige. The engine, bound with - wreaths and garlands, was drawn by four horses, in charge - - - _ 4_ I I blarb 0 1 -. 1 ttt_. The Relief succeeded their guests, with sev enty-five members, dressed in black pants, rod shirts and black fire hats drawing their hose carriage, while four men, as fire wardens, rode on horse back in front. The axemen wore white pants, red shirts trimmed with stars, and black hats. The engine, tastefully decorated, was drawn by six horses mounted by boys neatly dressed. The rear of the procession was brought up by three juvenile fire companies, the " Relief Jr.," " Fairmount Jr.," and another. Their apparatus was neatly decorated, and did them credit. At half past twelve the procession halted on Water street, and the Companies dispersed for dinner. The Firemen's Association, with their guests and the press, dined at the St. Charles, the Eagle and Good Intent at the Girard House, the Allegheny and their guests at the Red Lion, the Neptune at Beck's Hotel,Seventh street, the Niagara at Sourbeck's Dining Sa loon, and the Duquesne and Vigilant at their engine houses. The latter had a tine collation served up with all needed refreshments, both liquid and solid. At half past one the procession was again formed, and half an hour later reached the Second Ward Park. Here a very handsome pyramid had been arranged, on which were eleven little girls, dressed in white, each wear ing a crown with the name of one of the com panies and holding in her hand a largo wreath. The front of the frame work on which they stood was decorated with a picture of the Goddess of Liberty, surrounded with green wreaths, and an inscription in large letters •' Honor to those who protect us." As each company passed in order a wreath was pre sented, the recipients returning a boquet to the young donor. The credit of this arrangement is due to the ladies residing in the vicinity of the Park. It was designed by Mr. Reuben Williamson, who with Mr. W. C. Murphy, was the chief mover in getting up the demon st.ation, which formed one of the most pleas ing incidents of the day. The streets were litjrally lined with specta tors as the proem.ion passed, especially in Alle gheny, where the crowd was dense, with a very I ur4.e excess of female;. All s a wed delighted with the display, and the universal opinion that the parade exceeded anything of the kind ever witnessed here. The Association may con gratulate themselves on its complete success and the general satisfaction rendered. The route of procession was, very long, ex tended over fully twelve miles, and it was near ly six o'clock before the place of dismissal was reached, when the companies were dismissed, and returned home thoroughly fatigued' by their long march. The best order was maintain.l during the day,. and in the evening there was less; drunk . - enuess and disorder titan is LiSual on such occa sions. Many of the firemen visited the Then atres in the evening, where they conducted themselves properly. te um from Abroad A. lad named Jesse Ingrain, nephew of Mr. Reyno4l4, Ticket Agent at Uniontown, had his legs badly crushed between the '.bumpers," on the cars on Wednesday last. He was sit ting on the platform, with his feet hanging over, while the car:was being tranferred to iLs place iu the train. His wounds were dressed and he is doing well. —A man named Robert Bennett, of Union town, had his hand erushed,while coupling cars at. Leton's Station on Tuesday last. One linger was completely severed from the hand and the others badly mangled. —A man mimed Birch, shot on the farm of Mr. Enoch Priggs, in Canton township, Wash ington county, on Tuesday of last week, a large bald eagle, which measured over six feet from tip to tip of the wings. —On Tuesday last the house of Mr. Robert S'imp- , on, about a mile from New Castle, took lire and was entirely destroyed. about $300; no insurance. --Wednesday night three stables iu New Castle, boning to Dr. Love, Messrs. Levis & Hazen, and Win.R . Tubbs, were burned down. The horses were saved, but the inaniwate con tents destroyed. Loss $1,500, —Some theives entered the warehouse of Mr. Abner Leonard, Big Beaver township. Lawrence county, last week, and appropriated a large quantity of bacon, eggs and other arti cles. The thieves have not yet been caught. —On Sunday morning hr-t. the. house of Mr. John Hamilton, about is mile and a half south east of Mount .Ihekson, in North Beaver town ship, Lawreme county, Vitta entered by some thief, who stole two jars of preserves, a dol lar's worth of sugar, some jewelry, books, &c. —On Thursday of last week, a little son of John Weaver, six years old, residing about two miles from Bald Eagle Furnace, near Ty rone, went into the garden, and was bitten by rattlesnake, eleven times, just below the knee. lle lingered WI the next day, and died in great agony: —Bears are uncommonly plenty in Blair and Clearfield counties. Recently two citizens of Oceola, Clearfield county, went nut to watch a dwAr ielr tered three cub bears, which he killed. mother came IT, nywh lur:111" , .4, ;11 . 0 faler long and fearful struggle, he also killed her. On Monday of last week. two young lcsdic of Tyrone, on their way home from the country, were pursued by a ehe boar and two cubs al most to the town. The ladies were much frightened ; fearing they be attacked. Opening Night at the Old Theatre Long before the doors of the Pittsburgh Theatre were opened on Saturday night, adonse crowd had collected on the steps, which con- Liaised, to during the evening, until at the rising of the curtain every seat in the house was occupied. The audience assembled was a larger one than the building has contained for years. The interior of the house looked neat, clean and gay. The overture by iho, orchestra was tine, and Mr. Belk gave evidence of line powers as a musician and leader. The perfor mances passed oft' well. That, capital comedy "Naval Engagements " was admirably render ed Miss Amy Frost as Mary Mortimer and Mr. Howe as Lieuenant Kingston were fre quently applauded. Mr. Weaver was warmly welcomed back to Pittsburgh by his old ad mirers. At theclose of the piece Mr. Howe was called before the curtain, and made a few ap propriate remarks concerning the future man ag,ement of the Theatre. r. l i yeaver was also called out and returned thinks for the warm reception even him at his re-appearancq no Pittsburgh boards. The stock company is a good ono and was well received. It embraces some fine actors, all good in their line. The strange drama of " The Phantom " was well played, Mr. Howe personating the chief char acter, in which he won much applause. He is unquestionably an actor of much merit. Mr. Mortimer, in an Ethopian farce, made a happy hit, and was called out. The Spanish wonder, Senorita Maria, only eight years old, astonish ed the audience by her Terpsichorean display, and the other . interludes were equally good. The performance closed With - a grand allegori cal tableau, in which the whole company joined; and the finale was, a master piece of stage effect. The epilogue was spoken by Miss Phillips, a fine looking woman, and an excellent reader, who will, we are sure, be popular. The entire performance was a success, and was, we feel confident, the inauguration of the most suc cessful season of late years. This evening the drama of "The Phantom " will bo repeated, with dancing by Miss Millie Aubrey and Senorita Maria, concluding with the farce of " Aunt Charlotte's Maid." PRESMS TATION . —On Saturday morning, previous to the starting of the Fireman's pro cession, a presentation of a flue bible, ,I.ook place at the Eagle Engine House. During the repairing of the Liberty street M. E. Church, the congregation have been occupying Eagle Hall,and as some return for the privilege, the young ladies connected with the Sabbath School presented the Company with the bible, to be kept in the ball. The presentation was made on bahalf of the ladies by Mr. M'Far land, and Mr. Samuel M'Masters replied on, the part of the company. The bible is a su perb, ono, having cost twenty-one dollars, and bears this inscriptionve •• Presented to the Eagle Fire Company by the young Ladies of the-Lib erty street M. E. Church Sunday School.", ANNE REYNOLDS was found exposing her person on Fifth street, on Saturday, while fn toxicated. She was arrested and sent up ten PITTSBURGH. MON DAY MORNING, S Meeting ot the Central Board of Education. The Board met on Saturday evening, Sep tember 3. Present—Messrs. Kelly, Miller, M'Auley, Negley, Oyer, Sergeant, Varnum, and Singerly, President. On motion of Mr. Negley, those candidates for admission to the High School holding the following numbers, viz: -2,3, 6,7, 14, 15, 18, 20, 50, 51, 52, 68, 67, 70, 87, 105, 112, 205, 208, 209, 212, 215, 201' 214, 218. 219, 229, 231, 233, 234, 238, were admitted. on motion of Mr. M'Auley, the following was adopted: WnEawas, Prof. M'Lean has declined the appointment of Principal of High School, ROolved, That the Board proceed to the elec tion of a Principal. On motion of Mr. Oyer, Mr. Dean was elected Principal. On motion of Mr. Sergeant, Mr. Dickson was elected First Assistant. Mr. Oyer moved that Latin be added to the studies. Yeas—Messrs. Kelly, Nagler, Oyer, Ser geant and Vartium-5. Nays—Messrs. Miller, M'Auley and Sin gerly, Presnient—B. • Mr. Oyer moved that German be added. Yens—Messrs. Oyer, Sergeant, Varnurn and Singerly, President-4. Nays—Messrs. Kelly, Miller, M'Auley and Negley-4. Lost. Mr. Over moved that Drawing be added. Yeas—Messrs. Miller, Kelly, Oyer, Sergeant, Varnum and Singerly, President—G. Nays:—Messrs McAuley and Nagley, 2. On motion of Mr. McAuley, so much of the Resolution as declares that a second Mule Pro fes:st- or be appointed be repealed. Mr. Nogley moved to elect two Female As sistanta. Mr. Varnum moved to amend, by electing one Male and one Female A4sistant, lost. Yeas :—Messr, Oyer, Sergeant, Varnum and Singerly President, 4. Nays ,—MesiArs. Kelly, Miller, McAuley and Negley, 4. Un the original motion of Mr Negley : Yeas:—Messrs. Kelly, Miller, McAuley Negley, and Seargeat, 5 Nays:—Messrs. Oyer, Varnum, and Singer Iv, 3. on motion of Mr. Neginy, Miss Nftnrl, Maitland was elected;'Assistant. Co motion the election of the second Assist ant was postponed. Un motion adjourned. County Palrw The Venango County Fair will be held on the 21st, 22d and 23d days of September, at Franklin. The Etulenton lVeoango county) Fair will be held on the last two days of September and first day of October. The members are making extem:irti preparations for the exhibition. The Crawford County Agricultural Fair will be held on the 14th. 15th and lath of Septem ber, at Meadville. The Fair atConneautville (Crawford county) will be held on October rah, ilth and 7th. The Mercer County Fair will be held on the 2Sth and 29th days of September. The West Greenville (Mercer county) Fair will be held on the 20th, 21st and 22d days of September. The Lawrence County Fair will be held on the 20th, 21st. and 22d duce of September. The Clarion County Fair will be held on the 7th. nth and 7th days of (bAisiber The Butler County Fair will be held on the 27th and 2sth days of r;eptiiintiiir. A PoLIA. MEA -There win: a fair audi ence at the Apollo Theatre on Saturday even ing. The concert by the Opera Company pn,sed off well, embracing some fine pieces. and the comic otalra of the ••flixir of Levi-; whif,;ll followed • was also admirably' played. A portion of the Firemen's Association was present, occupying private holes The opera for this evening is '•11 Tro awn, - the compa ny play it with tine effeet, and it should attract good audience. The dramatic eompany engaged for the son at this estalilishwent are dully arriving, and, among many new faces, we ob , ervc number of the old familiar couatenar ee , ul other days. The dramatic season will com mence oil Monday next, at the close, of the en gagement of the Cooper opera Troupe FIEKNIENS St:Print—Am saturday nv ping, after the di remen paraetc, the Al ittghilVFi re Company, aCtbe invitation of•the Columbia Hose Company, of Allegheny, visited that city, and partook ut an excellent supper, at liartje's Hotel. After supper the meeting- was organized by Mr. Montgomery of the Allegheny call ing on Mr. Barker, President of the Co lumbia to take the chair, this be did in a Lent and' appropriate speech, which was enthtlei'us tically by the members of both com panies. Ur. Keyser, President of the Alle gheny, responded on behalf of that company, after which they adjourned with three loud cheers for their host Mr. Hartje, and returned to their homes, well satisfied with the day'y pro ceedings. K I.A SF:MIN/11Zr, li. M. Kerr, princi pal, assisted by his' accomplished .lady, will cinumence it fall tone to morrow. Both are popular and .uccessful instructors, and the school is admirably conducted_ The attend ance last session good, and will' doilbtless increase this term. THE second annual exhibition of the New Castle Park Association commences on Wednes day next, and will continue three days. The Association oilers liberal premiums and there is no doubt it will bring together a vast con course of people. The Park is located a short distance southwest of the borough. Cu ARLES LAFFERTY, R young violinist of this city, formerly leader of the orchestra at the Apollo Theatre, died on Saturday even ing, of consumption. He was a fine musician, and highly esteemed by a large circle of ae uai n lances. M.O. W. 11.—John 'IT.' OrlSlneyer lives on Virgin alley, and on Saturday ho got drunk and abused his wife, who made complaint be fore the Mayor, and bad him arrested. In de fault of a floe of three dollars, he was sent up for ten day:, . . . SuDDEN Tht.fterit.—ldirierva liaunders, a col ored Cyprian, died suddenly, of disease of the heart, at her residence in a court off Tunnel street, on Saturday. The Coroner held an in quest, and a verdict was returned in accor dance with the fasts. THERE is a spring on the farm of Wm. Y. Davidson, North Beaver township, Lawrence county, the water of which petrifies moss, wood, leaves, itc., that come in contact with it. The water has a peculiar taste. MEN'S AND Born' CLOTHING of every va riety of style and material, manufactured ex pressly for us, and decidedly the best stock ever offered in - this market. Gentlemen and parents will find it to their interest to call at our establishment, corner of Federal:street and the Diamond. Allegheny city, before purchas ing elsewhere. A strict adherence to our sys tem of large sales and small profits has given the name of W. H. M'Geo $ Co., an enviable pro-eminence which no oompetion has hitherto disturbed. MECIIkNICS' INSTITUTIL—This Institution, the want of which has been so long felt by our citizens is now open, under the superintendence of 'Messrs Jackman Johnson, in the Lafayette Building. En trance, 65 Wood street. It is designed fur the perpetual exhibition of the products of Mechanics,Manufactu rers, Inventors, and Artisans; and as a place of resort for those seeking information relative to those branches of industry, either by examination of sam ples or scientific publications. Those having articles Co bring before the public will find it greatly to their advantage to leave samples. ,The public are respectfully invited to visit the institute. HRILTYNG BY STEAM.—Aa a testimonial of the workmanlike manner, perfect action of their self. regulating machines, safety, economy in fuel, and the little attention necessary to keep each room comfortable, we give this certificate to Messrs. Davis and Phillips, successors to Phillips & Co., for their plan of heating by steam the Second Ward Public Schools in the city of - Pittsburgh, and which' has met our approval, and we would recommend them to the public to give entire satisfaction of heating by steam. R. Miller, Jr, John Marshall, Jr., M. Tindle, George Wilson, John Wilson, L. Wilcox, Directors. DAVIS & PRILLEPS, ~ Bleats Seating, Gat /rotting, /Numbing and Brass Fourickrs t Dealers in cum description of Gess Fixtures and Pumps No. 67 Wood 4nd 148 First street, Pittsburgh. REstoN ArtoN.--Capt. Alex. Hay has re signed his post as librarian at the rooms of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association. On the occasion of his handing in his resigna tion complimentary resolutions were passed by the Board. His successor is Mr. Geo. E. Ap pleton, attorney of New Brighton, an ex-mem ber of the Legislature, and a gentleman of fine literary attainments, who will doubticsi .1111 the position ably. MR. ROBINSON, of 'Meadville, who was re cently robbed of a quantity of clothing has been in pursuit of the thief for some days. It is supposed he went to Clarion, where he is dis posing of the stolen goods. TIFF sales of summer clothing furnishing goods at J. L. Carnagliiin & Co's, Federal street, Allegheny city, continue. Boyers will find it to their interest to attend them. Tut: Dkciplea commenced, on Saturday lait, a protracted meeting, at N9rroal Glean, about two and a half miles east of New Ca=tle, which will continue ten (111V5. GEN. lIEEsoS, of Uniontown, fell through a hatchway, on Tuesday List, breaking two or three ribs, and recoiving other injnri. , . Re is recovering. TII E Ward Schools will open to-day, after n vacation of several weeks, and the little OD I'S will resume their studies with new energy. THE: new SL Clair street bridge will be opened for foot passengers to-dar. THE SEASoNn l ttA iue, Mont 1.. - -sons nnitlire to rine a mild yet effeetne ...nth:in, Medi eme, to cony off th.- 1 . ....1ni.eum0hnh.0% from the et4,rie Keil. which, if permitted to remain. ....Mee WILSON'S 11E:ADAC:FIE P 11.14 tile the heat-genet,' family toreheme mow th They are prepar. , l and .n 1 I br H I. FteNrsrocr. & Co. Wholerale Dnig o pqq, and Prep, letor, of H I. FalifeY tock'a Ver'nano. Ni. 91 lVned +tract 4”1.1 xt ' , Lad .Irug4,la orywh, GEORGE W. SMITH, BREWER, HALTSTER, AND HOP HEM Pitt St Pittabnrgh A VI NG (74)MMENCED BREWING JAL 6.1. the •..,...,n. I am tirm prepm-rd m furnish tr, srpERRAL ARTlci.r. OF FILF- , 11 IL.F In Wal , iltn.ll to In? regt.lm 1.ra".14. I ntn nnnnufat tnr .:ig ft very FINE FI.AI tthElt BEI TER ALE..I m up." slnn.ll packftge, expre....Nly for family Th:+Ale o not only • .1"11•11tful breveraw.•.l"it 1.1.41t , y reeommimdod 14 the mod," fm - mv tli.l-, whet, • mild. mmr...lan• oam w re.lim".l I Imre aln., ..eletmited WHEELING BOTTLED ALES, G.n.tantly kNI) PoRTEI: tilt m.ut.t4, sny psrt ill.. v]ty. rtur;ll COULTER & M ENT7ER, Si , 411 gtid Ornamental Palntern and Gminara. Order). latt at tto, ahop on Fourth street near Market, Ituthe. Itutithug, will be promptly attandotL antn • Wl DK. IittSTET;I4;'S liiTTER., hare reveiv ,.,i the wutuiot eneonttn, frtttil the pre.• and p•uplt• thrclugthtlit the l'uton tt cnhtaLlc ton., for thp cur, .if I an , l ger lot z • it entift ,, t approxi•lii,l Furry day gnu ~l i, • ••1 -,•• rhr m. , 9rd throti:ll outprincipa/ e.thal to Pia mem I.i ma , Mara 61 , 1.4L1 ,, null l.•Ile, .t• oun a .. t1'43. UPOII a , liskirdort , ..l :mad deati• ing ,4 the entire' , hniiirm lush 0,0111,1 I.•e ,, iutuewl it hi all 1•1:4.1.. -, of ”iir ei , wwatinity that will holit , , , ,,ary VII, iii , a• thi..1,141,11 of it., healthy , 118..••• a I , v nosT E M1tUt1f..,1,4 • 13 1 / 1 1 N0...1S Water. fiuld C. Frotht Ntr..tx );;et - JULYS II PE Ifs LUSTIc.II./." II AIR r 1.. t. /,on in Ctintin-is in the country It •tcp ralktuz l‘tiir. gin.— nett or, nieninii awl luicl4 ii. gni Hair Sold I,y , B L FAIINF>,'ToCK t W., tic ooruer of Wood and Fourth strom,, g,nerully. the Lit!Aor,tory Ituoa Raunl I Co, No. 701 Chestnut street, Ptuiadelphot atlgnd .lAtt. T HE NEW PARK! I,RoVE." reemblly fitted up al. IRON CITY PARK, 1. now open (or the ujo Av. WE CREAM AND REFTINTIMENT9. ohr A Rand of Muaic always In attend:tn., A coed /mvornti platform f,r danolng. Hi 'EV THE LOYALH.A NNA HOUSE, L rietills:, • TlC{;;' IZ6 E AND 11'ELL VENTII.- LA'f FA) HOUSE, Idea,lntly bwated irdion a ten yard of the Penn'a. Railroad. is now open for the re ,option of slimmer melt re. A tine ten-fin alloy ha, recently been ecoeted on the prenoles, and tine thtlung attar led non by ?rel.fel/ her C.l,arge.4:lo.H.i, l nn, lyl:lAm:wfato 'lt AA. NC . f' 'Proprietor. ysiou SA 1, E.— .1 FIRST-CLASS DIVEL LINt• 1101'8E. Ni atrtaq, one of mo-t urahle luoatlung ut Ihu city for n privato ro-blonce. Th.. I wrist. is oononoMom,oomparntivol v mot, and 11tt..,l op with all modern improvement, and convr•tlion,,.. The lut Is about I:3 reef front, by Iw feet deep to i. 12 foot alley, and has on it n large leek Fir terms nr Mrther information, apply M . _ . 1 1 .2 t 2: Psell:ht,tiniord4, 4 ? Fourth acrret. IT LlQUOR:A.—Families can buy a bottle of Rhine. Port, Madeira, Teneriff, Sherry or Malaga Wine. Also, Cognac Brandy of different brands, v e ry Oil Monongahela Whisky, Champaign° in quart, pint and and half pint bottles; reduction made by dozen or half down. All the above for sale by the quart or gal Inn. . . wishing natilterated lignors need not MCKEISEN, 101 Third litrort. ap2.av mu JOBEPE MEYER & SON, Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Deniers In FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, No. 494 Penn Street, above the Cat 1, . - . Ham on liana a large wnrtmord al Panel and Pkun Furniture, in Wnlaut and Mahogany of their own manu facture, and warranted equal in quality and style to any manufactured in the city, and will sell at reasonable prices foW:tf JOHN N. CHAWIFORO, Attorney Sr. Counsellor at Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, DAVENPORT, lOWA. Especial attention given to collecting and scoring bums of every kind. RE/In To—Jeremiah Dunlevy, Sr., E. J. Roberts, Esq., Capt. R. J. Grace, Roberta & Mellon. Attorneys. lupin 175 BARRELS SUPERIOR OLD DION ONGAHELA RYE WIIISKYon atore, and for sale by M. O'HARA, la., 151 Fifth street, between Wylie and Ross streets, Xea 3d door above Wylie street ON" THOUSAND DOLLARS—S4OO in hand; the remainder at one and two years. will purchase a comfortable hope of tour rooms, with a lot of ground 20 feet front, by 100 deep. Fruit and shade trees, hydrant, Ac. Situate on Webster at., Allegheny. aug3o S. CUTHBERT & SON. 51 Market street. 100 ACRES OF PRAIRIE AND TIM BER LAND, well watered, situate in Franklin county, Kansas, 234 miles from the county seat; 10 acres iu cultivation; log cabin, &c. blood timber—walnut, oak and hickory. Price .i.BOO. For sale by Rug S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market street. HUSBAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA large supply of thin highly esteemed and pop ho article just received, and for sale by L. WILCOX, 1Y 27 cor. Smithfield and Fourth sta. FIRE BRICK.—The attention of our man ufacturers is directed to our Fire Brick, which will be found to be of the very best quality, and warranted tc give perfect satisfaction. For sale in any quantity, ai reasonably low prices, by autipl csADWICK s SON, No. 149 ard 161 Wood st., Pittoburgh S _ OAPS, SOAPS.—Received to-day, a large lot of Low's Cleaver's and Wright's Haney Soap, Brown Windsor Soap Palm Soap; Cocoa Nut Oil Soap, And for sale by aug26 JOSEPH ABEL, Corner Fifth and Grant streets. 311 BBLS. CANARY SEED, just I- , received and for :We by BECKHAM & KELLY,. - Allegheny City. JAMES HOLMES ,CO., Pork. Peckers and dealers in Bacon, Lard, Sugar Cured Rams, ac,, corner of FIRST AND MARKET STREETS, fallF.11( Pittshurat PTEMBER 5, 1859. THE LATEST NEWS BY 'ME r_.. - E GI-R.49.P la - _ Arrival of the English Sportsman, Grantly Berkley. Nr:w Seat~, September 3. -Thi• Says : Among the arrivals at the Clarendon 'Hotel, in this city, we are pleased to record that of Hon. Grandy Berkley, the celebrated Eng hunter and sportsman. This gentleman has visited the United States Mr two purpo , ,, His first design is to go to the West. to hunt the elk, the antelope, the buffalo, arid the other animals which hold undisputed pos session of our extensive prairies and forests. For this purpose he line heakllght his hounds, and he intends to enter with siiirit into the sport, so that he may find abundant material for his adventures, which he purposes to send to the Field, the sporting paper of the English metropolis. His next intention is to visit all the Western farms and plantations. and to wit ness the operations Parried on upon them, in regard to the curs and rearing of stock. There can be no doubt that the honorable gentleman will meet with a warm and generous reception front the true-hearted and sturdy sons of the West, who will gain a great deal of informa tion from hint concerning English sports. in all the branches sf which he is so proficient. while, on his part, he will not fail to gatlisr some useful lessons from the hardy American sportsmen of that beautiful country. Let the Western sportsmen brighten their rifles. and keep their powder dry, for the hunt will soon begin. From Washington W Aisl3 I Nor" 1, September .I.—The government has been advised by Gen. Harney, II( his pr , iceedimr in taking possession of the island of San Juan, and the steamer of to-mor row, will convey to him a reply. From what her, transpired, it is reasonable .to infer that th • position of the Administration admits of no o promi,, tt 'wing sotislied that the island belongs to the United States. I Itficial notice is given: that in all elves in which pre emption declaratory statements, founded on bona tide actual settlements, and cultiva tion made prior, and up to date, and tiled by sealers before the oth of Getoher, the direc tors and receivers are directed where the pre emption claimant are unable and au qot prove up, and pan for their tracts, it or before that 61110, withhold such actual and cultivation acts from public sale.i in Minneimta, to tali, plaro in I)...tober and November. The Seen•tary of the Interior has informed certain :minimalist,. in i4t. Loui s , wh o a s k e d that the public lands in KarinllS and Nebraska, be withhold from private entry a(tei; ti m e Lima, Hof the public mles, that the V re4ident is of the o pinion that the law invests hitnwith no pow er tO grant such reirwst. The ! . . 4 1.111.0 Department has been informed by Mr. \V right, Minister to Berlin that it is not true, as reported by many American newspa pers, that several American Ciliz...ns are in the Prussian army. He knows none. The President has rec,gnihesi lietnrlch Mul ler as Consul for Urenitu, at Savannah, Ga. Meeting in Baltimore BA LT! moat:, September 1.--The law and or or meeting for to-morrow evening will be au immense affair, and the spirit already manifest ed has had its effect tipat; tno rowdy gangs. A full Miler ti,l,ettt ticket will be nominated. Our cit}r I, certainly bad enough but the sensa tion reporters have eselfzLrertited recent events. The Into steanohip outrage is an instance of this spirit of exaggeration. At the investiga tion the affair forty-t wo witr ie , t A, z. examined and vet not one e ith et - saw heard . . f any videne.7 to th: , females on board. TM other the 61:ory a. 4 originally publiA ,A appz?nre,l to hare been equally magnified. CUL , September -trike on the Mi. higan Soutberi. Railroad still ern tinny,. a ,trilr , rs cent t Adrian to-day for the vllViu , ke id arrang ing matte 7E. 1.. p to seven u clock this even ing had been effected. Du ring the nei.pitiution no train War: an.,wed to Ma. A meeting of the citizens Laporte last night ex preAsed their sympathy to the ell, ployeee, arid offered to or otherwise. Mr. Bliss, the President, arrived at Adrian this evening. Arrival of the Steamer Argao. T. Jeasg, N. F., September —TM United States mail steamship A rago, Captain Lines, from Havre, and Southampton, on the 4th of August. passed Cape Race at oue o'etoek this afternoon. We aro incilued to think that the despatch has t'(le a unintentionally misdated and that the Arago passed Cape Race on the 2d. The screw rteamship, Anglo Saxon. from Quebec, arrived at Liverpool, on the ':id of August. News from ";sl:ew Uompeo Si. Louts, Suptember a.—The Arizona cor re pondon of tho Rrimhlira7+, writing. from Tubuc, August 17th, says the express from Mag,- delena brings intelligence that independence was about to be declared by Sonora and Chi- • huahua. Uov. Pesq Mere was Ottoed, tit the head of affairs for some time past. l'esquira has been retai , :iag large supplies of cannon and small arms. Ammunuition lt•ts increased. The army amounts to nearly three thousand men. REMOVAL. W. & D. HIIGUS, HAVE REMOVED 'l'4) NU. 60 MAI NET Street, corner of Fourth, where they trill re wain till the first of Selttiordeer.when they will remove to their new s'orvi now being built at the old stand, corner of Fifth nail Market streets. mpiotm MAN I LLA PA PERS.— Dauhle. 14etlituu, Medium itnd Crowrt Maude", w Stock of the various qualities op, Loud sail for sato low. met KAY CO, 55 Wood street. .ARSIIONT SITTER F RF:3II TAmARINos, just received by JOSEPH FLEMING, attg2t corner Diamond and Market street. SCHOOT, - BOOKS, for sale by 01 J . R. wEbnkx. Cn ALK CRAYONS.-200 gross received and far sale by .l. R. WELDIN. MACARONI. -2O boxes Italian; do. 15 boxes American. Vermieelli.-20 boxes Indian; do. 15 " American, On hands and for sale by REYMER et ANDERSON, ang27 No. 3 , 3 Wood street._ CITROINT.--6 eases "Leghorn," on hand and for sale by REIMER & ANDERSON, aug,ri N 0.39 Wood at., opposite at. Charles Rotel. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, of all kinds, as good and as cheap as any in the city, at EATON, CREE it CO.'S ' atig27 corner Fifth and Market streets. ABEAUTIFUL PICTURE--Photograph .. in writing by light. The outlines of the human form, taken by thilprocess;and touched by the Artist's pencil, must be porfect. Those who want such Pictures can get them at WALL'S, suggfelw Jones' Building, Fourth street. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.-182 acres of excellent land. situate at twelve miles from the city, and five miles from Perrysville—well improved, having 100 acres in cultivation, 30 of which is in meadow, and 82 acres in prime timber; well adapted toe a stock farm, being well watered—Pine creek running through the farm. Alss a superior location for a mill. A good two-story dwelling house. grain house, Se.; also, a tenant house and stable. Large orchard, and and great variety of fruit. Churches, schools and mills convenient. Can be dividecrinto two fartns. For tale by engin' .0. CUTHBERT S SON, 61 Market et. ORI ENTAL TOOTH WASH—A delicious compound of gums and aromatics, cleansing to tho teeth, healing to the gums, a fragrant to the mouth.— Sold by L. WILCOX, ir27 corner Smithfield and Fourth sta. MEDALLION PENS.—For equal to a quill. For ealo by J. IL WELDIN, eel 83 Wood etreet, near Fourth. bbls. choice Apples, just re ll& ceired and for sale by JAME?, A. FETZER, augsl corner Market and Firer streets. BANKER'S CASES, MONEY BOOKS, Port Monales, Memorandnm Books and Pocket Books, for sale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer, my2B • corner Market and Second streets. EVERY VARIETY of Domestic and Stu ple Dry Goods, always on band, and as low as can be found anywhere. Please can and see there. O. HANSOM LOVE. Market street 111 NE DOLLAR SKIRT, • • FINE STEEL SPRINGS, White and Colored, Just recaived at antrl2 R°W " N V S % /7 Market street, A Strike • 111 3 :its) El Al Stage of Water. Rivor,lav,A fr.l water in the channel PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Rep.-tat far as Daily Morning Post Pirrsrmunr, September 4, lEla Flour .9'l/.• imultet is brisk. We Imre no sales from first, band. From store we note tales of 1200 bbts at $5,1205,25 for extra, and $5,500 5 60 family - lue bush. Kentucky White Wheat at $1.40: 310 baali Kantuoky red at $1,15; 310 bush. Medi ti•rninexii at sl,3;i; 100 bush. Rye at 90c; 100 bush Corn, fit 95i- 210 bush. Gate, at 40c. Huy s loads from scales at $134Z)17 ifk ton Corn :Ural .c , ales 15 table, at $4,20. Rags =sly.: 1 t..n mixed at 3)4c.14 Sugar In !ids N. 7%@834e. Molasses 2u bbis. N. 0. at 41c. Coffce...tisles sacks at 12.3,412%c. Bacon _Sales bull() tbs. shoulders at 11.6®Xe. ; 3000 nt “ , 1.• : hamß at 10L‘,..410%c. ; ZOO t•tlr , •1 , 1" kt 12 Cheese.. S.alos 70 bows W. R. at 7Xl4gte. Fire Brick...Sale-15,We coinreon and extra Roil- 2fKrj:;: - . 1 , IQ)O. Salt ..Sales 100 bbls. at f 1,25. I.lm e bhlm. at $1,25 Peach e Sales 25 baskets Jersey at $225. %V Illaky...Salos 5u bbls. Rectified at 28a.; 25 bbls. 1,1,1 kys nt f I ft ballots. Commercial and Financial Matters in New Nast. • September Zl.—The Stock market, after andcnt ,pasinodc• movements during the week, closed heavy. with tendency to still lower prices. The hes,- os-t deebne to-day is in Michigan Central, lialeruL Rock Island. and Miehigan Southern, which. on an average, are about I%•i/.lc below yesterday's prices. Chicago. lb,lington and t/inney were in demand at an advance of 21 >y rent. The Cool Stooks, as well as the Pacific Mod, were firmly held at full prices. The State Stocks tend unit ord. did the prices to-day are 5.. , ,V 3,4 c better. In Railroad Bonita tliti principal business was in the issue o! . Erie and Michigan Southern; Erie fourths fell to :e.: the ttrst , sire tts hid; Michigan Southern Sinking Foals sold as low as 54, and the First Mortgage at 72%; the rose to 47, being an advance of 2'p cent. over last stilt.. The Money market has a very easy appearance. and the incre,ed activity m business circles, Inatead of producing a higher value for money; seems to con tribute towards establishing lowc.r rates on all classes of ”blicui ions. lieQt sixty day acceptances are now placed :it cud prime four an d six months paper at 7@7%. Th.. roll ra., are .i.,.(e2143 N cent. New York Market. NEw YORE, September:S.—Cotton heavy; COO bales sold. Plur ticelincd; mkt, b r as sold. Wheat declined; 6500 bosh sold. Corn buoyant: sales 13,1110 bush; Mixed BO@ Mess Pork firmer at $14.57.,1)15t.-. prime heavy at itlo,Leelu.c2!... Sugar dull and heavy; Cuba Cc_ Coffee thin; sales 11,ZA ha t o at ' t ots at:1 1? .4( - 4113c for Rio, and I,.insveil Oil dull at .s.Si9c. Hides ad vatced, the week: Ituenos Ayres 33 . .4 . t?tt".71.4 Wiit.terri Tallow quiet at 10;":-1,410-Xc. Whisky dull at '2.e.C,2C.c. Cincinnati Market. Siducnilwr 3.—Flour culittnnew as reported ycsterday; suipertine $4.50a.4.60. There is no change in [I,. Gra 11 nn rk, r, and ss uiot for all descriptions of Prodiu, Pro,s,ous held - more firmly, but buyers' 4 d. T,..,"1 , 114.1.1id to sellers' asking; figures for rIO meats for bacon shoulders, and S!,.<.'@fi%c tsr side,: bulk shoulders 64tie, sides 7!.','; Mess Pork f 14.00. Whtbky T.k. and steady. R. T. KENNEDY_ W. S. KENNEDY. PEARL STEAM MILL. ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY Er. BRO., WHEAT RYE AND CORN PURCHASED. FLOUR, CORN MEAL A•ND HOMINY, MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED IO AND ALLEGHENY.] TERMS, CASH ON DELIVERY PENNSYLVANIA, STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCLO...TY. VXHIBI Ninth Annual Ex the Pennsylvania State Aricultural So eleiv. with he held at Powelton. Philadelp hia, on TUES. Tfll'llBl//11', and FRIDAY, the th.. 2 ,111, hhth and :Sahli ibis of September next. On the 1.,t of September. the Secretary will• remove to the Room. of the Philadelphia Society for the promotion of A cue •olt orm No. 6'26 Chestnut street... Philadelphia, where boot, of 'titry for the Exhibition will be opened. aild,,,ed to the Secretary at Harrisburg. John ,ewers. Philadelphia or Charles K. Engle, Ilustleton. will meet with attention till Ist September. DAVID TAGGART. President. (1. E1.L9T13, B..retary. all- Goods for exhibition carried on all the Railcoade en the State. to 1.1.1 from, free of charee. A NEW 30 SPRING WOVEN SKIRT- With n lately poton,teci bustle. This Is a different woven dart trout any other in this market, and much .uperl, at b. airength, quality and form. Sold only by EATON, CREE d CO,, .y la Fifth and Market streets. DACKF.D RUTTER.- !strrels good Invoked Butter s 10 bir do do I.; kegs do dPs In store, euld for Aalo by MILLER & RICKETSON, anti lion. T2l end 2611.L1brirtv sues*. XT(t. :17 (X)LW ELL STREET FOR SALE. briel,..brolhng, of hall, six. rooms, bath room, collar and attic; ...bade trees and shrubbery. Lot 22 feet twat by ho deep: very pleasant looanoaa, all in good or der. Price $2.h.10, 'terms easy. anti B. CUTHBERT & HON. 51. Market at. 1 . ( 1 WCI lit' I Li)i LOTS, in the " Old Poor pion..theghony City. Price for both 1.150. Throe hrpldiy lota, LV by 12S, on Washington street, Manche • tor l'co, orkoh. For sale by GOTH BERT & SON. 61 Market at. ( - 1 NE Ml LE FROM. CLIFTON STATION un the Pm...burgh and Cleveland Railroad-2Z eon-. of hind. a dwelling house, stable, etc. Price $;00 hdhince at oue year. For Bale 6g S. CLITFIRERT & SON. le 01 Market street. PRESO )"1"t"S HISTORICAL WORKS. The Con.pict... of Mexico; 3 voLs. The Conct3tsst of Peru; 3 cols. Ferdinand and Isabella; 3 vols. Phillip the Second; 3 vols. Charles the Fifth; 3 ‘ola. Lliograplheil and 1111.9oellanies; 1 vol. Iv 7 A(100-1, FA RNI FOR SALE-115 acres, it, front the city, on the Fern-shine Plank Road. a Dwelling Rouse of rooms, wash-house, pump and well of soft water, a brick barn, smble and carriage house; cost Si,soth orchard of choice fruit, a brick spring house of t! stories; a dwelling finished oft for a store and doing a good business. The fences are all in good or der, In acres in cultivation, balance in fine timber. Gar , den paled in. Priee angZt S. CUTHBERT & SON. 51 Market at. PIT LIERTON'S Superior White and Plaid 5: Flannels, and a full line of all kinds of Domestic and Staple Dry Goods, always on hand. ang3l C. HANSON LOVE. 74 Market street. _ E STEEL SPRING DOLLAR SKIRT. —lO dozen, white and colored. to arrive this day Merchants and dealers supplied at a small advance. EATON, CREE k CO, aug2 Corner Fifth and Market eta. JERSEY PEA CH ES„T ERSEY PEACH ES. JERSEY PEACHES A fine lot of Fresh Jersey Peaches, in baskets, received this day, and for sale low, at D. C. lIERBST'S, Corner Liberty and - Hand streets: 1 0001 .13S. PURE CREAM TARTAR just received and for sale by BECKHAM g EELLY, nng2.2 ASUPERIOR ARTICLE of Pure Old Rye Whisky, can be procured at • • JOSEPH FLEMING'S, aught corner or Diamond and Market street. D RESS TRIMMINGS; Eriabroideiies, Ho-'j gen. and Gloves, and all kinds of Summer Goods . ' at Cost, to close out before removaL EATON, OREE k CO. _aug'27 • Fifth and Market sta. J4IQIJORICE.-10 cases Sicily; 5 bases Ca labs, just renewed and for sale by dSIDEILSON, auirri 39 Wood street, opposite St. Charles Hotel. , THE ONLY PLACE to get a good Ciga,: i s at JOS. FLEMING'S, • ang24 corner Diamond and Market at. MEDIUM, Deany and Cap Blank Books,; of all styles and_ A sizes, r i att a dd ., 1r 55 Wood thtb st l inai ref ter , S augl9 50 BBLS. SUP.CARB.SODA, just i'eceiv ed and for sale toy BECKHAM & KE4LY, Allegheny City. COTCH ALE AND PORTER.- 5 casks Blood's Scotch 'Ale: . 5 Troment's India Pale. Ale; • " London Porter, inatori - 5, and for OP%) .: 'MILLER IIICKETSON; : ONLY 131;300, 'IN' EASY • PAYMENTS; for a property in - tire-city, that rents for $2OO Per year; 3 three-room tenements, and one of 4 rooms, with a lora ground 23 by GO feet: For sale by aug2o. . •FL CUTaBERT 8 SON. 61 Market street. ASECTION OF LAND, in Boone county, lowa, for sale—s3ker acre. 500 acres of Lend in Venango county, Pa.. at ' per acre. For sale by on: S. CUT k SON, 61 Market at. I We WE LIN e HO I 'ES, and two . Business Houses, for rent by tnITHBERT bfarket n*, NUMBER 280 paguerrean (batteries. ROQ p. s mbrotype and Photograph GALLERY, Ho. 70 Fifth Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE Air• Photographs, colored or plain, taken at short no tice, at Eastern pt-ice ., and warranted equal to them. SMALL PICTURES ENLARGED TO LIFERIZE,a.nd colored in Oil. LIFE-SIZE, lIIPFRLIL, 1= 3 13 0 'l' 0 S, Colored in' Oil, Pastelle, or Plain, M . the most arttsile style, and at Eastern prices. WALL'S GALLERY, Jonos' Building, Fourth streeL PHOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYPE, LAINOTYPE AND DAGUERREOTYPE GAL LERY, Cbr—Fifth and Grant strata.—The subscriber bar ing fitted up rooms in INPTIGHE'S BUILDING, is now prepared to take Likenesses that CANNOT FAIL TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Call and:examine the collection. A. LANE, jyll4:ly Corner of Fifth and Grant streets. PENN MACHILNE WORKS FOUNDRY, H. WIGHTITAN, MANUFACTURER OF Machines, Steam Engines, Shatting:antlyntlice onng Mortice Machines, Gear NP heels, Hangers, etc., etc; Orders promptly attended to. ably li flllni WO. VI 03 to):;erOrariaii:e 6 1 * fo 4 SMELTING WORKS:, PARK, & C 0.., MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bot toms, Raised Still Bottoms. Spelter , Solder, &c., also im porters and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron o Wire, &c. Constantly on hand, Tinmen'a Machines and Tads. Warehouse, 80. 149 First, and L.." 0 Second streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any de ired nattern. zny'lltilydaw WM. X. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, IRON FOUNDERS, General Machinists and Boiler Makers, NEAR THE PENN'A R. R. PASSENGER DEPOT, PITTSBURGH, PA., MANUFACTURE ALL KINDSOF Steam Engines, ranging from three to one hun dred and fifty horse power, and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills,Blast Furnaces, Factories, etc., etc. Give particular attention to the construction of En gines and Machinery for grist mills, and for uprights, mulay, and circular saw mills. Have always on hand, finished and ready fogehipment at short notice, Engines and Boilers of every description. Also, furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron separately, Wrought Iron Shafting, Hangers and - Billies in every variety, end continue the manufacture, of Woolen Ma chinery and Machine Cards. Our, prices are low, our machinery manufactured of the bent quality . of materials, and warranted in all cases to give satisfaction. ilirOrders from all parts of the country solicited, and promptly filled: mr226rodaw SMITH, PARK & NINTH WARD FOUNDRY PI FTSBURGH, PA. Wareliouve, No. 149 Fir,t. and 11:0 stroeta. Manufacturers of all side , and descriprona of Coal 01.1 j Retorts and Stills, Gll,l and Wider Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagordßoxes, Steel Moo Is, I 'Mlles, Hangers and Couplings. • Also Jobbing and Machine dastaiga of every deacrips non made to order. Having a complete machine shop ached to the, Foundry, all necessary tilting will be carefully attend-, ed to. mv2Saydaw ROOFING.-G ELASTIC IMPROVED CEMENT, AND CLNYASS ROOFING ; FELT, CEMENT, AND GRAVEL ROOFING Patented Aspheltle Rooffing Felt. ROOFLNG MATERIAL' FOR. SALE, With Instructions for Applying. OLD RWF➢ R2P1121, 75 Smithfield St., between Fourth and Fifth. J. &HiHerman & Jas. Collord, - RAVING ENTERED INTO PARTNER - 2 SHIP, for the purpose of carrying on the HAT AND CAP BUSINESS, • (Under the name and style of HILLERMAN .1 COL LORD,) would respectfulfy inform their friends and the public generally that they are now receiving from the' manufacturers, and will open THIS DAY, an entirenett stock of HATS, CAPS, AND LADIES' FURS, Of the newest and latest styles, to which we invite the attention, and solicit patronage of those desiring good% in our line. NO. _75 WOOD STREET; (Three doors from Fourth et. PITTSBURGH, PaNIPA. aug27 L. HIRSHFELD & SON, DEALERS IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ..kND SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, No. 83 Wood Street The subscribers respectfully announce that Same made by them are guaranteed to fit; will be forwarded to any part of the Union, on receiving from the parties sending the orders, their personal measurement in inches, according to the formula given below. . • • Remember the size must be carefully and accurately taken, as all necessary allowances are made by the MO' ter of establishment. . First—Size around the neck. Second,-Size around tho wrist. Third—Size around the chest, immediately below the Fourth—From the middle of shoulder, length of arm to wrist joint. Fifth-. Height of parson, from the shouldwrtck fibs knee-pan. This plan is quite unique, and will be of great valnoto gentlemen at a distance, who find it impossible to ob• taro at home, Shirts to satisfy them in style and fit. Also, on hand, a full assortment of Shirts of our man ufacture. Any orders addressed' to us by mail, will be promptly attended to.. P. S.—Please state by what conveyanee they are to be RIRSFIFELD a SON Y )73300 No. 63 Wood street. THE MANUFACTURERS OF SA W.- YER'SS CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, alter subjecting it to the severest tests known to the trade, are fully persuaded that thereis noFamily Wash ing Soap t n the United States, for so little money, having at once so many good qualities. (and so few discounts.) OF.EA In collars, tirinness,, surface and , bal. to a P PI/ e nY . —ln freedom from rosin; txu'Penfln e . clay, fish oils, stale grease, and adulterations. OF QUALITY—F - Or witshing clothes, ofeverydescrtp tion, coarse or fine; cotton, linen, woolen or silk; dyed, printed or white: for iitesnio tar, grease, Pitch. Paint, oil, printers' ink, shoemakers' wax, ate, furniture, and from the hand from clothe", s. Give it a fair trial forlour , ?elve, , , and be convinced., Remember, the name uon each bar. Ask for a copy of the directions. B. C. .t J. H. SAWYER. jeB Wood street, P4sburghl, RAILROAD SPIKE COMPANY. Jos.Diiworth, W. C. Bidwell, (Sucassors to Porta, Rut& a' a - ett.) MANLTACITTLEP.3 JP RAILROAD 'SPIRES, CHALLIS AM BOAT SPLKES, Cor. of 'Water et. and Cherry alley, jy2afty PITTSBURGH. PA. HIA'yPATHA NUT AND BOLT FACTORY Patent Hot-Pressed Nuts of all sites on hand, and man ufactured. Also, Bolts for Bridges. 31aehinery, Agrienl tura! Implements, ac., flarnished at short non °.. Warehosisey No. 114 'Water street. . ani*ly. KNAP. sctrux a cu. B 1. ) 11. EFL-10 firkins for sale by ou, wiI.TJA hi H. HSUTH OD. - AND f EDII M FE= BITES & JOHNSON.