The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, September 03, 1859, Image 3
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' ‘ -‘` .l - . • '; '-'', ~ ' '''C' !:".,....,-,•.•,,`,... '..-e:r4.7',_ ,tr;T::'''., '. 3 ~,, . -• • -=',----- ~t.'. ..._ . ` , . ..':....t7 .1 :.::- . .."'.1.•'''', . ,':- : -. .- ,,1 -' ";-1 ---!!..•-•:,:t,.:-.,',7T,';',1.:;-.!! =EI , - ' • 7 ;:, , :f.,,...7.:.,,, ;•.,':,;„...-, 4 ' 1 t. -. 's".l "r. ~~! ! k !~. ~ s . R .t j' .4. . .... 7: q I` +'' .~• ~` .. _. INIIIIIME .. ~ ~~. a ~ _~ `! ~~ .., e' ," +'Y.y ,) - .y( , .a~;z ' {~. .' ~•~ai ' - -i ; , I • • , •- - ;:y'..,1:, , 4 1 ~-,,,•,..,:„.,..,7,:.:.:"...i.',-.Z..:.1 f.,--.....;. - 'r• ,, ‘ . .. - ..,.._; SB U ROTE POST.- Female Servants There are few complaints more general, and - none more bitter, than that of the scarcity of good female servants. The stories of Ameri can young ladies, who go out to help, and who expect to sit down at table with the .family which employs tl em, and to borrow bonnets and scarfs to go to parties of their own ; who times all things within the four walls, com mon property, call the mistress the " old woman," and exhibit in sundry engaging ways the freedom of the great go-ahead na tion.are not now so commonly cited as they once were, for, in fact, they touch us too closely at home. The general preference on the part of young WOlllOll for that class (If work which gives them what they call " their libertv, - - the equally general emancipation from parent al restraint; the efforts, well meant, if nut al ways Judicious, to open out new avenues to employment for women ; the placing in their hands many occupations heretofore wholly engrossed by men ; all have their tendency to make domestic service unpopular, and each one of these causes is increasing in its Mils - ence. Ignorant of the world, a young , rirl sees another occupying her own room and're sponsible to no one as to where she goes or ,vliat she does; she is able to indulge in a certain amount of finery : and is sometimes seen, though in more than questionable coimamy, at places of public amusement.: is her own mistress—and the eyample is far from bein• lost on her who beholds it. The latter will not, after this Teetaele, willingly become an under nurse-mad, or a kitchen-maid, or any • thing of the sort; she will have no strict mis tress to watch er her and scold her ; she w ill follow the example of her friend. She deb hee_ ately takes to absolute slavery, instead of mod erate and wholesome labor, places herself in a position of extreme peril, instead of one of safety, and the result is, but too generally shame and ruin.—London Times. The Atiantic Telegraph - , We are alad•to learn that there seems to be a good disposition in England to meet the all of the Atlantic Telegraph Company for the ad ditional capital reqnsite for the renewed experi ment of sub-Atlantic telegraph communication between that country and the United Stars. The Company have made the price per share five poundssterling. The former shares were one thousand pounds ; and we believe each share will hereafter be entitled to a vote at the annual fleeting. This reduction, while it does not prevent-the larger capitalists from inved ing as freely as they choose, will permit the thousands who were before excluded, to obtain an interest in the great work, especially as I,y special act of the British Parliament, the lia bility of each shareholder is limited to Ow amount which he ,tiMeri hes. A very largo number',' - both in England and the United:slimes will doubtless tak, Irt,• or mere shares at this price. Itocause t•ven i ,110C , S, 'kits mitt wait up• it endeavor, the plea antfeeling of having lent a helping hand to the great enterprise will be al most sullicient compensation for SO trivial a los., while if the experiment is successful, the in vestment will he very advantageous, the En glish government having guaranteed an income of eight per centum on the shares if the cable is put into operation, and so long as it contin ties in good working order. GRAND OPENING SOIREE. P R() F. ci)wRER...-: imiThrEvi:: 1,111, pupil :111 , i 1 • 911eSt, i1t , 14. - 1 , 111...q . 11,11 I t., GRAND OPENING SOIREE, On Saturday titer:mon, September ::, Ps. i 9 N. 1..) • ~•1,.••11:t 1 alell =IIIM " LE S CALEDONIANS" wdt t"tT EIGET2E AAA - UAL tat ALLEGIIENI 11'111(11,11 UL SOCIE I FOR WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO 13th. 19 th, ISth:uid 14;th Of September. 454 CISII PRE)111')1 - -; 7qI:PALS PLATES , AMOUNTING TO NEARLY S 4,003 Fair Grounds. Ninth Ward. Pittsburgh TESTS ANI) ()TITER EIZEI - I'DiN.•; ri• vt.1,1 f••• tiw .1.-1 L. 11. , \rt.. I • mestw and 11..,- , lttri4 .••••• , I•• lutpl•mwttt, Fruit,. V. etahlt , and i , twer, t S, ; 01, florse, cat p and Tad.- 01 Poultry Grrpt,ol; 'nth 11%:!, r. lie adrnit (.•41 edricsda3 Thursday and Friday • Abmillaneo g,f M al' ER vII pr, td, I I the rimum.: of m:whinery. lark: Pre meittooller,lf.., Article., sent fur ion addre,,ol either (iKa. .1. 8. N 1:11:N1111.10 1. 13EN.IAM1N K .Y. Sup,' nitendents, oari•fol' lalkh :I, with owner", icon, :1111 1 • • • ••illerire. Entries ru , atlV,i And exhiliciors ticket , . furnished HAIL & SPEER'S 1n1,111',111 \VA RElli it 'SE. corner. '• eil's alley and Penn Ntroet. after Ants,t Al. 1,59. Has and Straw i:RATIS for all animals entere.i for e and limin at lowest east. ',nee, MI entries 11111 , 11.. Intel, “II before 'll l Etili EVENINII. 1311, orSonteinhor. All a; t i d e , an d anim a l, exeent tior-o-,inuat brought with, the enclosure hr Tuesday noon. Horsos admitted 1.111 enterodprerlousi, Coniiittifiou sn i t, ;ill' AND DAV In iLICE. ADMISSION Exhiliitors All eNhiliitsrs must bee," member of the Seitity. Ten tickets; FI,OO. Fun:. to i crow. Single Admission 15 vents. Vehieles are horses will lie admitted to the izroinid iit the follow, pri , :es:—Tw.horso vehid, .25 vents; single hot - , hide, 15 routs: single horse 1,1 cents. ~.. The einZnin.' ras , •nger I::nlWny and tin• Col i I 1,11 Pl.ll sylvimia R. It: Cars a - 111 10. in non , t writ •:ounnun tFitli the lituara/s. Lot..r4 addr,,,,,i t o . R,ll:l.:irr :WICNIG liT. am,e2.5:2a - thar-,S1:: I 'or. Sta.'y., Pitt.lairgh. MARBLE! MARBLE! Jon NUCARG 0 MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &c., &c., 101,- Th., publie Invito4 to exarroto our low, :mod ...-ork Warranted. NU. LIBERTY STREET FURN IT UR. E F )1: CASIL-A full sort moot Pitt-hurgh manufactured FURN I TITRE. ornbraring BUREAU X, WARD Po dtES, And every Sri elt. needed in a well fiwni,th e d aa :12 . 4 :usortment cpf OFFICE Fl 7 'J. S Constantly on Land an.l made In order. As the carry 1.01118 ou ,11114.11 111,111 , ,, L dull, at Lii, .• , tabil,lllllVlll for CASELprio4, aro 1111:1tirranenrdinglv. Persona m went of anyttny in t h e above line.Trujq IK• advantaged FAUEINFIt & No. 103 Stmtlitield strei , L,l,elow nit) calling at J. D. FIVEINEit, .Tourr M. Inwm. B. C. Si. J. 11. S4WYER, MANUFACTURERS OP LARD OIL, CANDLES, Palm, Toilet and Rosin Soaps, So. 47 ♦food Street, Pittsburgh, Pa 11/ - 'IE IV IF llt GALLAGHER, CRAIG & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM .1 NIGAS PIPE FlrrEßs PLUMBERS and FINISHERS Of dl kind, of bra, work, DEALERS IN GAS FIXTURES, SC. Office and Warrroom, No. 124 Wood st five Dourer from Fill Foundry, No. 1 1 711,1 kit., five Doors beloly Monongahela House. The well-know, j.,actwal and exj,rieneo in the varions Manche, i , :" lira.. , Casting. Stearn end Gas Pipe Fitting, of the Jeoior melobvr, of the firm, (rho will give their Jvielitton 1 , all work •mtrti.ito,l h. them,) should entitle na to e share of public' patrona,-. All Orders Promptly Filled. jyl4:tf RE MO VA S. MRS.M. A. WEAVER'S lII.LINERV sToRE i., removed from No. 24 Flfth street, 0 No. 21 on the oppo,to ,s.le of the street. next lour 1. Er' nun, Cree nen siono,neeonti story. (Jowl HUstal M. BOLE, ENGINE BUILDER AND MACH I N GREAT WESTERN I'LAINING MILL bare and Dutaa.tme. Wov. Pittsburgh, will make ie order, and warranted as good to sari Le made, the following machinery, vie:—steam Engines, Tuning Lathes. for trend and ; Planers, for wood and iron Drilling Machines: llommn and Tol ...lei.° Screws; Patent right and Model Machines, iu the lest manner:Shafting. Pullies, and Hangers. of all size, and variety; Screws. of any - di:truster and Pitch, to fifteen feet in length. Will also make, and have on hand, Doctor and Nigger En gines, and Deck Pumps for steatnls ants , Sc . Lathe liertrs anti other Planing done to order; van plane :l2 inches wide, by 9 feet 6 inches long, :411 Orders Promptly Filled andEarnestio -- MR—Particular attention and Promptitude given t.. repairs-on Printing Presses and other Machines. jylEdyd:i4 . . . TICE P isoiClaili:Xti:lllV:lDENlV:lol • SOLE ACTING, AND STAGE 'MANAGER J. B. HOWE. PIDNYTIT T. W. C. BLACEDDILN. SCENIC ARTIST G. MORRIS, SLY. 11IIINIA,I MESAIL4. JAA. FLEMING AND REDMOND. .Elt Gro. Mon.scrw, JUN. !kir Grand Opening Festival. NEW FACE:.4, NEW THEATRE, NEW riErr,,,, Tht,tro. a Ln9t w tbAs (inside and 011 tin t , of the tuna t•0111pli•to atid 1 , 1.9ii.1.//frielit, the ....ntrYla i ll ”p. • 11(01 . the fill end wintwr sea, on. SATURDAY NEXT, SEPT. 3d, w.,,, a earefully selected Ginpany, of Talented and M-rjortrthlc A rust,. front the best Theatrical Circles in the States :And Canada,. The full., jag beittg a tlo.qo ow,ged, and who will appear every evenitet : MISS AMY EROST, from the Principal Theatres m tla "tares. MISS S. J. PHILLIPS, of the Royal Lyceum Theatre London. ISs MILLIE CURRIE. Ihe Charming Young f'.. c Worm, frotn Burton's Theatre, New York. MISS JENNIE tILENN, the piequaut Soul.reut, the R°lll LVvelllll, Toronto. MISS JULIA "TVRNISIII.L., lam of this Theatre. " MILLIE AUBREY, late of the Ravel Troupe, MRS. M. A. BRADSHAW. from Wallaek's NOW MRS. A NTELE. from the Itow er Theatre, New York. MISS LIZZIE HARDY, " At:NE3i HARDY, from the Theatre. E. E. ST. •LA IR. front the New York Theatre. •• JENNY WRItIIIT. •• cll ARIA STIR Molnils. 1.1511 AM. BLANCHE BRADSHAW; and SIGNORITA MARIA, The Spanish Wonder, only eight Vert, 4,141, will appcnr some of her most Alt DANCES, which hare won the encomiums of the entire press and pohlie of Califor nia, Spain, France, England and Anstraha- ME.. . 1 . M. 1. ‘ 11 )1\ E. the \ ming and Talented Tragedian. LEE. the Admirable Juremle Actor, of the Lyeelllll. MIL J. 11E1211 Elll'. the Low Comdme, from the Princi pal Theatres of Now York - . A. WEAVER, the excellent RopreKentative of qd M. NI .1. 'At' LEY, from the Itull'alt. - Theatre. J. Dr.SILVERI " EDWARD CLINTON. the Pleasing Vocalist. " M.S. Mt .R.TI M ER. the young Ethloptan Comedian •• DUNCAN. " Ir. MACAT'LEY. 11. W. EtiAN. I . REM.INI3 T • .1. 11. HMV E, .(e.. ON SATURDAY EVENING, At quart. , pa , 7 ” . .•It. , k. Itto pilil. , rmanfa•st Win 01111- 111,1t,11l :I I I.:‘ I , EErrr It 1% the rt. .4nia”-0.1 freqn tor- of Ow prm , spal wratt.a, In Mr. 1. , . -Ft WWI of my ti.ottl " I II " !Lair- ra,”l, Far Away:" •• AV ,, tern Alaithq," ,re: tanr-re, Mr....1..a‘ Ka, \ (tor winoll th, IL , Lotifill C 0 111...1, Ili two Acts, oiltalod " Engagement by Sea and Land." I.lllltral lima', . .Mr. 11..1. We'N..l L1et..(1311l ik•11111, . • Sh4,rt U. W Egan Mt- , )13-y M.,r11111,•r Mr. ll I M.. lirio.,i,hau \ aloorti S•al, .• 11, Mllht• 1 \\C\ I NCI. . Fly MI I. 1.1 AI'iIREY T.IRRE.NTELE Rr Iro• • IEt111 , )1 “fln T., t b. an onnr•. Is n,•,r Drama. in vt, I s ita.cen•i•r limn I; r 1 r 1 ..f mall ILO 1...r41 5 , .,,1:.• sir I 1 11141.11,1. Ei101) ...... /0, 1111m1r4 ell :in. Oar-, belsrefm 1 M. 11mm,111 of 111 , 11 1131,). 11tE,1,-T 111,' norm )1r B H i Vit.'31.1.1. 1131. y B Neu-Ault.} ~ r pm-,il Stomp M 1110 - mtmm ,'nod.. II 11'. 1-:cmo 1;,1,r ...4111104)P lin•lv . Mi.—. Amy Frm.l 1 /mop. ;imr Olt.) .. Mike, Tn tto Ity :it, It..titittfttatt F.trt•tt, written by t t 4t - )1 S. 11. r -wit,. art.l t.tittlttti TUE 110 TEL , rand Natt. , l,l/ 4.1 I.) do•r. lAttli• SI , .1: IT I \ . To ~, ,c•lt.tle Natioe.3l \ 1,11 Peace, War, Arts, Science and the I,, hnnn^ t h, T,0,1.• ! ,” ENTIRF ..n ur Ik, N.ATI , ,NAI. Tif fal . nod !11.• Ell “ttl I, .1.)1,•11 S J. l'ifll.l.lPS ET.ti N.,,•111”, ara. in 3 , 11%, propaniti.u. all of which .1111 , ir% -vrtiptll4,ll- r.•gar.l vf t•V••1 - V11.•part na•nt. 11.. -al.. a twhei LII Tirrasi•AN SEX T, AT 10, M A l, 4, I. L.. • r II F. A T R A 5 , 0 ,1,1111,11 to II c:-1t tL1• ' 1 • lu•:1trr 11/ body 1111.1 V/11/1 111 911 of 11..• (I. /PER I IPERA THIS EN ENINii. September will be purl:in - Tried C,iNCEIST. In the {)l.•ru Troni., {llll nppenr. 'nub THE EIA XII: 1.(4 - Toit. 1• 1 • 11 l.: Famil) Circle, ':.. cent, 4.1.,•ti at 7‘ 2 Ctirttim r,e. at precisely at s Pt - INT I "ZsT Or _ ' PROF. COWPERS' FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY Al NEVILLE HA LI.. Lthrrty St 'Yeti, PittAurgh. - pow)r.c()Ivi , EILIIA VING liETURN El) tortheeitv. respect folly informs the citizens of Pitts iiiirgh and Allegheny. that lie will resipen his Dancing :In the ,lINPVt• 11:111. on sATtylei IA y • sememb er and will oontinue to tem.!, the ars...mph:Amami in all i ts c arton . ”gether will) instructions intl., etiquette of the hall room and soe a d ensi,•,(;rocefui portemt of Verson. Le. All the latest and most fash ionable Ball H.q.. and Parlor Danees, its taught by him tlie Etederii rates, sueli :t.s;lAe.Citlisloutans,Gotilluns, Polish Mazourka Quadrilles, 1.1,1 Lumley Polls:, Quadrilles, tid•ilollt`4ll Quadrilles. London Lan., Quadrilles. !ilaziairlia Quadrilles, Plain or min Waltz. Esnieraldo Walt Z. N'assuvdma Waltz, Stitch tisch ~r German 'minty or Five Step Waltz, Diet hen... MOM-Im,, Espanola and Bohemian Polkas. Re down, Polka Mdzourka, Gallopade. Spanish Dance. Ever green Polka, Ce.• 1111,111, will be taught ae terms. lea,, of 'notion, will 1..• as follows: LADIES I'LA. - i—i'tuu - ., htca :mil Saturdays, front 1 P M. AN I NI nundaN• and Saturdays Cr ma 3 14, I'. NI. ENTLENIES'S Thia,layH and Sattir.lmys. hom to 111. I'. M. PRIVATE. CL \sy FOR LADIES who desire ii. Prof. Cowper Mill a 1.., give instructions I, Private Classes, or instructions given at the residence of pupils, if required. N. B.—Prof. C. Call It. t=een at the above Hall, on days of tnitton. from 9 to it, and 7 to lu. P. M., or at the SCOTT tUSE, daily. au ..t JOHN W. HcCARTHY, BILL POSTER, Will attend to the Di,trihuting and Posting of BILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS & PROGRAMMES Amusement", Railroads, Steamboats, Ships, Hotels, Sales, Etc., PITTSBURGH, PA trn-nr,ters sent to the office of the Pittsburgh Morn• tog P,st, or Daily Gazette, will receive prompt attentinn W. G. CHITTICK & CO.; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market, and 433 Merchant Sts., ARE NOW RECEIVING FROM ELT .I"E. Ow. FALL tMPORTATIoNs Etnbnu•ituz a full a ,,, irtrtient of goods, adapto,l to the present Setl,oll. These, with their Stoma purchase.. in American Fabrics, Will etuible them to otrt, to ilu Tr.], ~n o or the moot attrtetivP gto,‘ks m the nmrket. CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS Are respectfully solletted to examine tics stock before purcleeung. nugl7:2mdkw ---- • ALLEGHENY CEMETERY. SECRETARY AND TREASI7RER'S SITERINTENDANT'S OFFICE ~'~ MESE - I'ntasnattr. NEW MANAGEMENT LADIES 3 1:1 r THE PHANTOM :+110,...e Lee Ii .1 )liwank, E. T Chntni: .1 .1. I,,;llverla. Mi+• Amy Fro%t Mr, M L'rui•hvx I.l2lrdy ... }lardy =MIME American Union IMII=MiI PHILADELPHIA AT No. 31 FIFTH STREET ; AT THE CEN.S.TILRY 4 ' A Splendid Farm, OF ABOUT ONE HUNDRED ACRES, within an hour's ride of l'ittsbnigh, for Rale on lib eral ternm. Apply at this office, to JAMES P. BARR. For.ent. TWO FLINT GLASS FACTORIES, SIT UATE in the Borough of Birmingham, belonging to the estate of the late P. Muvany.deceased,tuel lately carried on by bedlie & Ulam. These Factories are now In thorough repair, and in ill operation, with all the 1 ' necessary implements and convenienees requisite for the extensive manufacture of flint glass, of that superior style and quality for which these Works have been so justly celebrated. Possession given on the first day of Ararat nest, C. 111MSEN, Executor of the Estate of P. Moly:my. Fittslairgh, June 17th, 1K59. jeivt I . , _... FOR RENT.— THE FIFTH STORY TILE POST BUILDING ap 2 UI INQUIRE AT THIS OFFICE OFFERED.—Homes to he hail in in the City of Allegheny, equal in comfort to country scats, and yet near enough to the centre of business to accommodate business men in either city, find give to them a home with the desirable comforts of city and country united. There are nixed One hundred lots of 100 feet square, some of them larger, lying between Western avenue and a din) Lane, Allegheny avenue, and the West nide of the Commons. Each lot has a good street in front and alley in the rear. Each man having about 100 feet front has room to beautify its lot with a handsome house, surrounded with shrubbery, thereby making it a colony of residences equal to country seats, with the conveniences of the cities. These licauhful lots will tie leased for twentysine years, with the privilege of purclmaing them within that pined. They are open for selection now. ThoFo• who wish so desirable a location would dowell tocall soon on TIIO3IAS 15'000, Land Agent, No. 100 Fourth street. mrls:dtf riOR SA LE.— A superior Farm of 1r.4 tames in good farming coder, in Knox comae, (Ma.: a hap., proportion of it neer bottom land: it m ottered at a great lxirgain. Enquire of TlitiMAS WI aif mrl.:atf No. 100 Fourth st.., Land Agent. PRINTING, WRITING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. Dj I. W. GRAFTON, ri , lll PAPER DEALER , 0 97 Wood at., car. Diamond alley, tr 1-1 PITTSBURGH, WKeeps tsonstantly hand, full I,sortlitt•nt Hama S., elttbra, td PRINT.NO AND WR.APP/Nli PAPERS, L it , 4!: - , tl l l , y rn F:;szr i l:l;: , Fine Writtng Papt.r, Liaits CASII PAID FOR RAGS. Jyr2:am,h,v S. GRAY & SON., DRAPIERS AND TAILOR*, No. 52 St. flair street PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JoNES JN0..1 MITI! In .11 JONES, BOYD & CO., VILINUTACFUEXLS OF CAST STEEL Spring, Plow, and A. B. Stec I Springm =IMECII CORNER R 055 . 4. AM , FIRST STREETS .1. 2 hrfT7. , ,1; P.I WM. H. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers and Exchange Brokers, flood Street, corner of Third, lealy rirrsiti*R6ll. PENN't CANNEL COAL OIL. goME OF THE (;( (2.1,' A LITT Es ( ;rd//2,-,ined cwmpl Cool Ohl. ,re hemr - - IT RI r ALS Ii AS 1,1,411 T IN IiRILLIANcy. IT IS ENTIREL.Y NON-EXPLOsIrE , IT 31.1 BP :CARRIED A /1017; IT IS i 'ON r EN! ENT FOR r:ENERA 1" , 1,7 17' if I - ILNs IFITHorTANY OPFESH VE IT IS cLE 4 I: AN!' REA t'l IFr I LV eril ITS A PPE 4RA .I'l •E IN THE. L Ml' IS on .N•A TA 1. AN!' .1 TT Rd CT/ VP: - . IT ISO ES NO T PERII A N T I.) . SOIL 'ARP I: F.:. CLorif I NG. dr ~ unilta. a biroir of tt, rme t • t eirtzre,, for • -tio! /T .1$ El/ 11/A T /I. Y (TINA PEST I E NoWY. DIRECTIONS FOR ITS USE • .. t.)n resin - m..114v :t So•citru Mfr. it . ltA .1i till! in,/ :Sin/ .1 ,,, Wn in th.• tot. "IT 1 1.1”. r n s‘lol •100 I. .•x•tetly xslll 1.11.• 14,1. ot ,t , •1...1.11., :it tir , t. .4 ME=llM2=l Pi) the iihsPriiitaiie of thm , e on 'ovum, a light that 1 . 3.11.11,,l hal to please. mar (amino , . for refining are ninv very liiirfmit all , l mitupltite, and Worn - 1g ilet.itml a grliat 1 , ( labor u- to lilt' art, pu , ,,..114,1 in prod.-in-1g an artaile tile very la . q. .1111thiy, to Si tattle PsireciAl :11tontioll of the tra.le. All order. fill,-,lat the inai•st raie. F., xd. by the barr..l, or in quantalc, to .nit 00,1 nor, by ADAIR S. VEEDER. Renner" of l'oai i hk, No rt•on'a Avento.. near Ili¢A -tr.•ot, loant3rodsw toot far front the Court BIRMINGHAM COMMERCIAL COL L CI; E, AND WRITING ACADEMY, College Hall, Diamond Birmingham TERMS, CASII ON ENTRA 9('I• For Ornamental Plain Writing 10 Tune nniuniti-.1 •• Writing and Punk-Keeping.. L T N.SHA EVER, Profei,or ofWritingand Book Keeping th H. LEITH EA D. Jn., Profesqini of C. F. W ELI y, Professor of Bunk-Seeping and Coin. mermal Calculations. REV, W. B. BoLTON. Lecturer on Ilishir:,\ and i i 011• ern! Subjects. HON. R. P. FLENNIKEN, Es-I'. 9. Ministi mark, a member of the Pittburgh Bar. Lect s iri , r Commereial Law. PHI - if'. M. F. EATON, Lecturer in Elocution. Call and see what has never 14,11 before 2Ltremplo,l I ally penman, namely: of t Irnatr,•ntal and Practical Penmanship r.rmstoi i t . vonr• yin . ..riff, its the shirt space of from 20 seconds upward, thiod.boarding at $2,50 per week. Birmingham Ferry free for students. Entrance at any time. For ,reelnlef, of oti-lutnti Writing. enclose 2 postage stamp, and naidresr, U. 11. I.EITHEAD, I.llAslxirglk, Pa. A. A. CARRIER & BROTHER, AGENTS, No. 63 Fourth Stafeet CUM.IsIONW EA LT II INSURAANCI' COMPANY, at Harrisburg, Pa. Chartered capital &wow Hon. SIMON CAMERON, President; S. S Carrier, Secretary. CO RARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia_ Assetki. 789.73. non. JOEL. JONES. President: J. It. Alteril Secretary. QUAK ER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY Philadelphia. Assets, V 24,351.42. UHORGE 11. HART President; 11. R. Coggshall, Secretary. F. A. THERSCH SONS, FRENCH ARIL AMERICAN CONFECTIONARY, IVholegale and Retail. lee Cream, Cakes, Soda Water, Gulp Props, and Con eutjona of all kinds always on hand, .13' 26 42 St. Clair street. D. C. KNEELAND K EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND SQUARE AND OVAL BONNET BOXES ; Also, makes to order PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER BOXES, suitable for Shoes, Dry Goode, ke., at Eastern prices. Corner Virgin alloy and Wood street, (third story—over Citszeus Bank,) Pittsburgh, Pa. MRS. DR. J. H. WILLSON. SELECT, PRIMARY AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL The Third Annual Session will open on Monday, sth of September, roEr:tsats-G3,50 At No. 21.31 Penn st, PittAlFgh M'GINLEY'S ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONERY, No. 27 1-2 Fifth St., opposite the Exchange Bank. M'GINLEY, AT HIS SPACIOUS M. and elegantly arranged rooms, located as above is prepared to furnish all the Luxuries of the Season in his line. Delicious ce Cream, Fruits, Fresh Ples, Cakes of all kinds, And every description of Confectionery ; nil of the hest material will he served to order, day and evening. SE) , Lffilers for parties promptly filled. Call and Jung for yourself. (iny6) M. WGINLEY. _ . MICHAEL O'HARA, JR., (Successor to M. O'Hara.) WEIOLISALS DZALIII IN FOREIGN WINFS, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS RECTIFYING DISTILLER, Nu. 151 Fifth street, between Wylie and Ross streets, 3d dour above Wylie street, keeps constantly on hand a Isrge stock or Old Monongahela Rye and Double Recti fied Whisky, Domestic Wines, Rrandies, and all articles usually Ic_ _3 pt. in Ike business Je2 BRIEF DRPOSITION AND RECORD CAP at [angle] BAY s CO, 55 Wood st, -ftletißl-;3letius: Vegetable Substitute for Calomel • awl .Blue-Plll. • BTt ANDETICSVECIET,USLE by restoring the bowel,' to their original daily and laths rrshietion, give strength to the stomach. purify the blond r,establish the Modaly condition of the digestive or and thu+ name dp-pepsia, colds, coughs, tism A , d rapniea, and ..iekness get... miry, whether chronic or, recent. The celebrated Abernethy says After Irving cared the derangement of the bowels, debility and all diseases generally disappear of their tacit acroni, even in a :Mort tiine.'"llic exiwriener of a century has established the north of the,c, bevrool nispute, 11.4 3 purg:l,3. 31111431 u., 111,113.1 lie: Isy up. ward , . of 4.nue eniiiseientious physieUms, :mil by over a million ofOM? they are ,dapplying one ol the wants of humanity. 31141 are in advanee of medical science. The above pal+, although purely vegetable. are now huowu and 11,..1 a, a -ill -mute for calomel (111, I It/117'TM r .010 . 111//n/ Nitro producing all its alteratiP. and other indication,. with none of it s tte.orgai ii , ing feels upon the solids—often crippling for life—or its Ms, action ilium the tooth and gums. The prepared concentration from the +urn, principles—the Life Addi tion Pills—is II M 11,431114! I) l' , o , +sessing the pemiliar action on the see ailing 01 . g1111,, of that preparation from mercury. tad moue of it+ sali vating or other injurious etteet,.. 'rho+, who 'Ave used them. /1. 3 1,1“, pill ,zlb,tatat or otherwt,,, award to them the highest praise. They rem,- nearer ton eoneentiated Essence of Life than anything yet made. in the way of medicine, by man. ...mgt.:pill given tinily, when all hope has fled, has often restored health. In Net, they supply an organic principle to the blonal.rilways wanting in extreme eases of sick aces- lilt people have the .0 cretions of early youth restored by the Life Addition 'fliclr value as lite pre,rrvers bepoint , Brand ret h's Vegetable ( remove from the bowels and blood of a sick pereon the cause of death Tic Lirr. Anniriox Pict, surety 'tar. elm A. 711.7 arersscrr nr ear. B 1 . 0011. RVITALITT—IIII• 11111113 e u131.3110q.!f ~1 233.3b1t. of which they a, but the enneretion. have their rn:rt ' , wary -part in the vital globules MO.- blood. and from whence dilf, till. blood ,14,113' 111, its verily tram the same 50111.4-4. (fun) a bent's lir. Brandretl. derives the life principhod the Life Addition Pills—from the Vegetable Kingdom! These pills, fIS 31.0 the are warranted pure- Iv COW-.3N° lietajhaj vols . at '2.5 and r Physicians and the public supplied by the taw,. nr -in' glee bon. at ]0..214 Canal st,et.. Itrandreilr. i' "Ince; to* Thomas Itedp4ith. No. '27 Diamond 'u,..1 Patabargli, IM,. and by WI rt,pocadde dealer, m na..11 stn ,o jr.27:ltaarta TRUTHS THAT DEFY CONTItAIM'TIO,. Rem th, follnuing (1( rel(l(11 , 11 (c, ( Errelsior flair /he, and then =ay if it lir, ,1„ “arld. It neither burns [II, skin nor Is It c010r.4 .•very burr bbn•l:s :111.1 Lnnsn , are It iv applied in a 6•w minute, It letiv., 3 0.... lip. 1110 11 , 111. It iv mar.• pf,lll,lllelll 01:1111 , 111 , r I yo:. 11 eontains nu eorrosivt. Ingredient, And latcrly. its in venter y . )11111..11 4 20+ a trial br.dwo,. o th, 1 , 3.- and :my other in existents., whether of nanvo foreign onein. cold even - inhere. and eppli••.l by all Hair Oresscrs. Cluds . r.ttsato b Srtv GEC). Jr. IiEYSER. Agent, wir.,29:1 mitt w Pit htlairgli, Pa. TO NEVI I'ALS'I'LE 131 C CI A IL. r TI I PASSENGERS. itlNt; TLI NEW EtNTLE Y . AND N h:TH U 6 TILIT PLACE.--Vral will tea forget nett the dally of Ittteket, amt New litaglitt/n train. tal (Jar L-4/, And wIlll the ti.itf, 1. N. tett. Itrlviihin 'Sy vo .17, IA I ill+ ..11 till ' , ay.. tillientld moues. which i. a great 0hi0...t at the I,l,AtAlt time, money itt mcarl.e, and the fret ha, dome Irre“t. tlnlnalle 1 111 4 1:1...11L—The G..n0r.1 und IN - uh.•-.U.. Storm, :Ind cf.rtnut.s...r. in it., And have the rn•a• and liro•ra,..! .'rut who, tiny :.r••pr1.p....r.•.J KIWI-. .tll.l tht• a..rtl I . :4411111,- , It all f• , lll , l,rlltiont4 to their In th.. .I.4partin.•nt warrant. us in ussuring our tnends Ut U r• hell,. and ('arts mrn I . • 1 ,4, r.1. 1 1Y of f,. ronfi,lPntly MT, our sorvice,4 In all the mrioti , irpartment% CURRY. NE F '! ER' h et; I . l,ltanore, February. ISL., GEO. BLETCHER, M!.uf.lotut, ,k 1 Ih•• GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG, ELASTING BAND TOUPEES, FT,I Dr 1 ,11,1 ,, t , Ornamental Hair for Ladies and Gentlemen NO. 65 MA({!{ ET STREET LONG DUFF, 141 k IN Nt %NI I. 11 INI , I VTI. (2011HAGE, "AIiUM. TM_ P111:11 AM, }:,,siN TARI,AcIAN ANI. 111 . ..11Y No. 00 Water Street FIRST CLASS BLANK ACCOUNT ROOKS, f , l* Li • IN! SLR 1.1, .F.E. 11:..'d 1111 . -111.11 \ I 4 1, 4111:1: sTOI COMMERCIAL STATIONARY P R I INT T I IST I I ‘l.l i \mlll I \ , trtrt T,lr ./rth R I 11 0 1' „i; •••••S Y f lota o rt•mor. , I to the, n., r ‘V rr-trntne. No :;”: Frirn ri•ct, rn the .\ , nlion Fr our I riorqr. Orr., of NVorr.l. PITTSBURGH COPPER ROLLING MILL. C. G. HUSSEY & CO., IMMIEIMMI Braziers' Bolt and Sheathing Copper Lor..motiro ,-4111 itoti•an atl,l G•Nbor,,,hl.•r, 1t.1%.•, ot, ,n Ith"•1: 'l'm, Tin Pl3l, Sh••••t Zino, Antimony, Sheet. Inat, Tinners' Tool, etc, Nu. :17 Pi It, Street,Pittsburgh, Pn Of Shpet Coppor t• 111 t., nuy . intitern. T HE "Li)E,T NI, ',1.E., Likhogrupliie Estubli3hment in the lily WM. SCHUCHNIAN PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STREETS, ll= IMBED PITTS If I . If 6 , If, 11IA VETHIS DAY ASS( JCIATED W IT] N , lth me. Mr. J. I)ELLOW in the trmiertAii.,. Imp - tw44. ‘,lll hereart, Lr rorolw 0,l under the nvnw and style of Lemon A I.k.llosy. JAMES LEMON. /MIN m...u.nw JAMLI rll , ' Undertaking in all its Branches LEMON & DELLOW, No. 11S Fourth Street, ARE PREPARED 'D r Do UNDER TA E_ LNG it :di itv brunet..., in the hest m 3,,,,,.,, at pran, to rim the nllle, We all speend imention to FISH'S NEW sTyLE PATENT METALLIC P.FIZIAL CAAES, f..i. the ~,,h, „1 Which they are tide event+ in this city, and of which we keep constantly on bond a complete assomm u m. ,k, reg ards beauty ,•f shape and finish, they execl all other,. Funerals will be supplied with Ilear,,, Horses ~,,,t Carria e Co promply, and at lower rater than any other as hment 9 in this city. Guaranteeinc to render sat. tott . n, they Rolled. a continuance of tho patronage heretofore so liberally extended to the old firm. lapel _____ Wg,11./1 0 DUQUESNE IRON STORE COLEMAN, HAILMAN & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Steel Springs, Axles, Wrought hints, Washer., Spikes, Bolt., FLAT RAILID /Alt BAR OF ALL SIZEA ETC- ETC Have removed to their new extensive Warehouse. Nos. 77 Water and 94 Fron4 SIN., Where they are prepared to arocuto nil order, in their line. lumnit a large and "oomplete assortment of l• quesne " manufactured goods tionstantly on hand, which they offer on liberal terms. falhaf THE PuLAR REFRIGERATOR, with Fitter and Water Cooler Combined Invoicing import:tilt in,•th.. u. t, r hotore attnizit•,l which eilableN AI E A T, EGETA lul. Es, To he kept longer, dryer, and cold. r. r.n I,ES:"-; ICE, than can done with any ntt e Ii I, ~ no w in liar; now , sit hand and for rile at T. .1. CRAIG'S, 124 .trs.m, rive does from Filth. HEPHARD_ J Il H N N (Suceet,or to flartwoll .Sltop6ortts Druggist, Cornor. Wood and Sixth st A eomplek, ~temn of DRUGS, lIEDINNRS. PAINP9 "ILS and DYF-9, constantly on hand. COUNTRY MERCHA NTS Will find it to their advantage to give IN a ,111. Mann facturer of the celehrted SOTER CAPILLI 1e24 AN ENV 1-30 u FUR THE CA ) N T Country Life. and hand-book er acne ultura. Hor ticulture, and Landscapngarderuntr, by R. Morris Cope land. In one volume, with numerous plans and illus trations. Lito4o 2 ] KAY R CO., WS Wood at. . ••r~~_- DAILY S:\LFS AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., at the new Cemmereial Sales Rooms. No. 5t ft!, lit reet. every week day. aro held publoi ',dos of goili. in all variety. suited for the triniti and consumers. from a large stock whirl. is constantly yofilenishoil with fm , ] consignments, that must be cloi.Td forthwith. Al TES O'CLOOK. Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprislng nearly every thing nestled in the-line for personal and fandly use • table entlery ; hardware; clothing ; hoots and shoes ; 1 : ,. dies' ware, ae. Hnuseltr.l.l and kttenen furniture, new and seennd-ban be:l9 and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone Chi ware; :4,w:es; opihing utensils: groceries, ke. AT SEVEN O'CLOCK. P.M., _ l'atiev articles: wale's-it eliteltat jewelry; musical in elothoic dry goods: hoot and shoe. I ook,: stationery, ke. I'. M. DAVIS, setts Attetione.r. SKCIIND-liAND CIA all INI AT AIX- Th oS - El .•ry morning and evening this week. at 10 A M., arid l'• trill be sold, at the I 'online, vial Sale, Itoc.llls. No. 5-1 Fin), curet, a large ous,gn aunt , 45t.1 .,, ti1i-liaad Clothing, whirl, Pro..k and lireqs Fancy aml Plain ea,Silliere and cloth ~ 1 1; and cloth Vests, Also. a fresh stock of Children's, lints% and Ladies Shoes. alio° P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. _ LIM] R COUNTItY SITES iN THE AI, 1: LEI:Ill.:NY VALLEY RA I LRCM li AT A ticrios.— lln •I'n UILSI Ul IN, September , tli, on the will be sold thirteen :terns of very ilesarable land In Pluto township, tins sole of Italian station, Ito the Allegheny Valley Railroad. ten miles from the , ity, 'fit, abuse ha been subillvided into four tracts of about throe and a quarter set ea. earl, which. with their 1 ,31161 . 111 knolls and forest shade trees. are lovely sites for country' re-Idences, commandingsuperb views of %Ileglielly river scenery. Each lot can he plentifully stipplteil with soft water front a vetnenteil Ramon of ea. piteitt of thirty thousand gallons at Iht. eelebraled ins. elevation of which will forr,n it eo n ti - veyod through stnall pipe, to the ~,and story of a Ailpanlng the elegant lirlo,,Tis of .1. McD. rro..n. Jame. Dal,ll. John Fowler. E. irecr. &al,, and others, this property oilers rare inilnestnenta for siaintry hone,. The right 14 way through the city ha g been gralllJ.l. in a short time several ,tdditional oniniodalion trains will be placed on the road. Ca, 1,111 1,11 . 0 the Allegheny Valley Itailroail depot at stie Ito day of sale 'Forms, one-thlr,t residue i•lte m.. 1 two years wit, interest. Titto indisputable. I'. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. 11.1WO. , i'TO 11:4; Pennsylvania. JOHN BIERER, Proprietor. .T"l' ( 1 )1111101)1(ii 7 4 AND PoPtTI,AIi HOTEL:Mr, tr•ing refitted and fortn,hed through ut, with eleglio furniture. 14 now ready far tlic recut. hot , 'rho Railroad from Councils,lle 14, Um, ntcwn will tini-lie.l early 111 July. 11i... , affording .•lieap and 111041 e of travelin4 to porHotts w e to o.4.ape the heat and of httAlatruh chiruig the heated 'fins Below i ,Illat.Al within A 1.-t, itionient, drive of the celet.rnted Pay ell, Spring, w,.1 the proprietor is tit.tormmoll to Ilttire 1144111, trouble 4n exponme. in rendering tho,c who tint hiw eornfortlible. charg,c4 moderate. myl.ctf FIRST PIZI , :111T)1 AWAKDED E ATE FAIR ti F F & C 0 . FOR TUE BEST SO ' V 301 For the hest Range , for rillllll,, and ho, W”.. , 1 t..v.• I 0 11.1cnia fid Lit Latottdr),tot, .kko ott Ituti , l. A 1,4,0 ..1 11,111112 rim Fancy ~ rate Fronh+, Fender-. Sad find 11. , 1 Irons, Sugar liej• ilea T., Kettle', Wagnn 11, li.,w-Ware. otn k A. t't Liberty street, AMERICAN IRON WORKS 1.:111-TH, lialltiLkotEln r- IRON AND NAILS, JUNIATA AND COMMON SHEET IRON, Louth's Patent Shattinz, Piston Coils, Plates,b. 9 6 . Water Street, and 13,3 Fire( Street, PITTSBURGH, LnJ ,4,rn,r of Frani:lift an.lionitt; W.0.,r Chi.•^lg" '7,17 ly STONE WATER PIPES, VI: , 0 61 IWI Tll ,1 X IN 4 11 I I.lltjtj 1"1 . :•11 . 1101r. Prlee• frpm Tst'rlyr to Thirty Cto. per Pool ROCHESTER PEARL STARCH, •11.• Mant:l3 , oircr, 1,1 HENRY H. COLLINS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH D. H. iitocnEnsi & CO., STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, l'ortter Ito.. and First Streets, PlTNltl'l:.iii. P.l I•IIADWICK Si. SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN PAPER AND RAGS, Ab.l .Ir.•nt. rm . th, ..ale 31alioninz Fire Brick and Pot Clay, air. \VT - .prow 1,1 , 11%, r LOGAN & GREGG, Importers of 111 A It W A 111 E No. 52 iVotol Street, 1 - ,.ur I tt.t., alto, St t'llttrte. • I kN, 1.3(•• !it.: , ,trot) GEO. S. BRYAN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 'I: LE 1'I( litlN, BLOOMS, No. 52 W nod st., Pittsburgh. I.r.t.,•gs—Lyon. Sliorli Pittohurgh. i',1,,•1an.1 0 Co.. Pitt,l.nrgli: I.3nvie.ter.r, 110 n. SIIIIOII Caineroti. Ilarnstiurg: Bryan. i,Ardne.r ,f; Co., Holliday...burg. In. TILE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE Co. OF PIiILADELPIIIA, INSIr NES At;AIN 1,l 1,.' 4 AG E by Fir, on Mer.•ll.lnflizo. Furniture, rea,..nahle noes of pronoun, —P. Rat,ltiont Starr; William Wliee, of Wrn m•N.... Co Nalliro M. Atwood. o f Atw0,,,1. WI., a I', 11,.ni. T. Tre.liek. 'Ire.11.•1:. Stoke. A. Co.; Henry Wharton; lortleeat L. 1,3W,1M: H. Stewart. ..f Stewart .1"1.1. 11. P.rowii. of .14.11. 11 ft.\ 11. A. 11 (:,0,11; .1. L. Erriizer. of Wool a Erring,. P. RATCHFI I I:Ii sT.IREZ, Provident. 'll A W. Seeretarv. Prrr , ui 11..11 ItrrEni,,,,,—Wlnhunt., o co, M Howe. (um, 1: rumor, EN 1., \ M'Elroy 0 Co. Wilson, Om ne - Brown 8 Co., Livingston, Copdand co., ivon \vm. S. Lively .1 co. iIEO. S. BRYAN 6. - . * Co., Agent., Can No. 52 IVOO.I IZEIMEMBI BULGER & DAVITT, FTjEtl\Tigr'lLTE4.3o, No. 15 Smithfield Street, A full assortment of PITTAI3URCaI MANUFACTUR ED FURNITURE, constantly on hand. which we Kill sell at the lowest prices for 'ash. ap2o:ly ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. TNCORPORATED 19: CHARTER PER AL, PETUAL Casa' Capital, - - ,000,000. surplus, 1s:o9, $1,1130,422 SU. I,sst, adj 11,144.1 and paid ,ver. Erupertv insured Wainst DO:GER BY FIRE, OR THE 1 'ER:II,s (IF IVL,a]II NAVIGATION, at as lilroral rideia and rule.', eni% and lair profit will permit. A. CARRIER S 1;1:IL W. H. EDlF,Surveyor jy22:6ll, Nu. 63 Fourth street, Pitt.burgh. Pa_ 1859. Second Arrival 1859 CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, AT THE FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE, PITTSBURGH . , PA. WLt. & 11. MeC ALL M REST ECT . FULLY announce that they are receiving a co td supply of CARPETING. selected directly (rota the limsirters and Manufacturers, br one of the firm. now in the East, to which they invite the attention of purehaters. A 1.., a new u.vic 11( CANT( oN MATTING, tor Summer Parlors. The latest make of CARPET SWEEPERS, et.e.,, etc., which shall be offered at the lowest rates. Jell] W. P. tr. H. McCALLUM. SKELETON SKIRTS,_ THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY N I .1% . I ernirig. at Se 2 R. WELDINTsI4O. 27 Elastic-Pen, . for sale at. NO. 63 WOOD HISEET, MEI! Audtan- AT TWO O'CLOCK, P. 31 CLINTON HOUSE, TERRA COTTA OR ANL PRODUCE GE:NEI:II.I.Y No. 25 Wool) Si., MANI' F C'rt" s 111, ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT 1 • I T r; r' ; II Manufacturers of every description of PITTSBURGH, PA BY STATE AUTHORITY JOSEPH HORNE'S, 77 Market street. ewrn chines. SIN M S SEWING MACHINES BE 1111 1 DURABILITY, AND CAPACITY TO PERFORM" EVERY NO OTHER MACHINE CAN COM PARE WITH SINGER'S New and Improved Machines, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT The Grover & Baker SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Pittsburgh Agency, No. 101 Market St. Having great!y increased their facilities for manufactur mg their CEL.R.4,I7:D Rums MSCR/XLS, with all the recent impr,..inent, hare reduced their prices, and offer for J.• n• . NEW STYLE MACHINE. Price, 850--Elemmer, $.l Extra it la no longer questioned that these Machines are th • heat in use for family sewing. They HEM, FELL, GATHER. AND STITCH he most superior manner, and are the only machines in the market that are in well and simply made, that they may he sent into families with no other instnictions than are contained in a cirular which accompanies each machine, and from which A CHILD OF TEN YEARS May readily learn how to us., and keep them in order. They make upwards of FTEEN HUNDRED STITCHES A MINUTE, And will do the sewing of a family cheaper than a seam stress can do it, even if she works at the rate of • ONE CENT AN HOUR. Isthere a host - rind, father, or brother in the United States, who will permit the drudgery of hand sewing in his family, when a Grover & Baker Machine will do it better, more expeditiously, and cheaper than can possi bly be done by hand. iii— . Svulf . cp a 'rile first , tilace in pu he estimation is now justly RC , is 'riled to tile Grover k Holier Machine, for family sew ing. for the following reasons It is inure simple and easily kept in order than any oilier Machine. 2d. 1t makes a searn which will not rip or ravel, though every third stitch is rot. 1.1. Itsows front twoordinary spools, and thus all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the same machine imu be adapted at pleasure, by a mere change of spools, to all varieties of work. 4th. The same machine rims silk, linen thread, common spool cotton, with equal facility. sth. The seam is as elastic as the most elastic feline, so that it is free trom all liability to break to wt shing. ironing, or otherwise. Bth. The stitch made by this machine us more beautiful than any other, made either by hand or machine. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS: 'The best patent now in nse.—[Easton Whig. Stands high in the estimation of all--l Erie Constitution. It is all that it is recommended--{Lima Democrat. It has no superior--[Aslitabilla Telegraph. A household necessity--{Batavia Herald. grocer .t Baker's is unrivalled—l.-Rockport:Advertiser. tliwte the wants of the housewife--(Auburn A necessity in the family—{Southern Inventor. The elleataist and best in use--{l3aldwinsville Gazette. They are the best in use--[Waterford Sentinel. The Kest manufactured—[Pittston Journal. W. irtily of public patronage--{Jersey Shore Repub. Grover a Raker have the best improvements.—{Hunt. loornat Ni it halite to get out of order—L .- Westchester Jett. The most convenient in use—{Chicago News Letter. Po-.e.., s more advantages than any other—[Nash. All ariil.4-4 are matte with it with ease--(Hasard's L.ehtetts the labor .4' those at home—{Ploughms.n. A .1,11.1 L.• 11 years 01.1 mar use it—{Farmer and Vie win sewing Alle ntown Dem. sews ...Ilk. linen. or action three Pitts. Adrocate. Is nu., simple than any other-4 A eveland Reporter. a plat in every family -[ bingdon Democrat. a...n..1 a Ininute — illeveland Leader. The in use fur families—[Bablical Recorder. IL !nab, a flue, strong seam—{Laporte Union. NATHAN WHITING, Agent, .1,13 N 0.107 Market street. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP, Protected Solution of Protoxide of Iron Combined. NStICCESSFITLLY PASSED THE ..ideal nin.•/1 new discoveries in the Materia M•sit• - I . irt ,, lthitsd...l. and must now he received as an ,•fficuy in curing DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsia, Neuralgia. Bron chitis and Consumptive Tendencies, Disor dered State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy, and the prostrating effects of Lead, or Mercury, General Debility, and all diseases which re quire a tonic and altera tive Medicine is be yond question. The { , roofofitsefficacyoreso numerousso well authen ;ma or 'Aloha peculiar char acter, that sufferers cannot reason ably hesitate to receive the proffer ed The Peruvian Syrup does notpro 0. Is' it enre-ell, but its range isl e‘teristre, because many diseases Apparently unlike, are intimately relatod, and proceedin g from one em-e. may be cured by ono rem , tly. The At,. of di,ea_ses for which 4 41watt:ft the Syrup provides a mire, is precisely that which has so often battled the highest order of medicinal skill. The facts are tangible. the witnesses accessible, and the safety :old efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. 1 . .. F-1-ergo bottles. V. or six for silt small bottles, V. six tor tti. Hering confidence in the efficacy of the n PERUTIAN .Still - , "medicinal afrent, we recommend to our brethren w the ministry. the careful reading of this pamphlet. Rev. John Pierpont, NV intiotnore James B Miles, S. Ilnitldel, Jos. 11. Clinch. I by DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, in mi:lv 1 w SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, `.EVER DEBILITATES I 1 , I , f om I.llllllPd anl I re/Y from Gums, and by •l thet, a Standard 31edielne. known • tty mll that l lntve nsed It. and ta now re ... ith ....11Motiee in I og i CI the diseases for which U. It 1..• 4,d _ 11 a l l l I,lt en l O . Plap llwr tnYl Iln1„••• 11111,1, Ilittilltld r Li a. ••••ntl. th.. I towel • . , Ili, if • .1 Ow LI V F.l: IVI tt •ro COM.' 1,,, Gyammari,l •ummer t' o Iy, Drop.)•, our 0.111,4.111,%, 1 ,- , 1 (.,r11114, Cholera r 1 cm•e, Jllll ntllcel ea, and may - ho used sue ry Family 31“.11-1 II A D C" wanly minutes., If! spomlfttll are tak , l Attack. .4 who use It are I rt it, Lao, IiZEM2 Mix WATER IN TII TILE INVIGORATOR, BOTH TOGETHER. Pelee One DoOm ALS°, SANFORD'S CATHARTIC' PILLS, Pare Vegetable Extract., and Ina :up in uL\cs CASES, Air Tight, and will' kcip . ilk atly climate. Th.• 1:r,m113 - Ca acitt e Catthirtic tt.t• I ) , 7 In. prartiNt Thr rtht:t thtly Int.rt•ttit. Ivo ths ILc PILL htl t t t•r t r , In rrvu t tl In thlttr Owo within the trench of rilL I h. 1 . ,1 , . well knowthat different CatharllCSACt detrrent portioos of the r•I bowels. rho PA.IIILLIC CA- Tr/ARTIC PII. L ha+. with doe referent° to gas well establiabed fact, k.. , :nipoundo,l from TA variety tlf the purest Vega dor Evtrarvv, ab et act • ww alike on every part of the ,Ittn,ltary canal, anti nre and safe in an eas e v bore a l':uhartle ie healed. • ..twh 4 ^ pc roogeMettlw of the Stomach, Sicepl- POLO% In the Back and Loth., Co:tlvenelo, Pala nod Somnes• Over elle whole' body, from sodden cold, which frequently, if neglected. encl.]. long COUree Of Fe. LOOO of A isp It Creeping Sen. e gallon of Cold OVer b.d.V. if ~ 4 1e1a. OWN., llendnehe, svelghl the heaal, all lat n mat ory .Dioro•esr. Worm. L e (then unntln nt, great (1111dren Attalla. mom , and many dimme,oi to abletk , to to Ineraion in this advertise+ . ff'l7. ZII) CENTS. • The Lt e'er Inwlg'oentor nod Family Ca.- ' harlar I'll la are re1.11..1 • • •he ne• "I'r t. to all the Large towns %V. S 'ROIL 11, 12. 11., Manufacturer and Proprietor.' .335 tiro atlw ny, New ICork. u. E. EMER,Ageot, No. 140, corner Wood street and Virgin alley. ' MARION STREET.—For sale, a corr.- tunable two-story Brick Dwelling, of five rooms and cellar. The lot is 31.) feet front, by 104 feet daep, on an alley; a large grape arbor, stone wall and paling In front, a frame outbuilding, ko. Price r,coo. Terms EL OMB) a SON, to Market areal. N lOJNT OF PERFECTION OF WORK VARIETY OF SEWING, R. STRA TV'S W. Market street ~iedi~al.' 0 46 ' 17419 t. Rev. Martin Moore, Thos. Star King, " Charles Briggs, i 4 Sylranus Cobb, " Edward Edmunds 140 Wood street walla at. Last two years relief, as the numerous &bow. to the temperament of the ictl in such quantitka as to judgment guide you in the iV IGORATOR, and lt plaints, litllocus At - lehronle Diarrhoea, plaint., Dyzente- Stomach, Habitual Ic, Cholera, Choir - Infantum, Plain- Fe m ale Weakness eessfully as as Ordbida clue. Itwillcure SICK thousands can testify) in two or three Tea len at commencement of giving their testtimons E MOUTH WITH AND SWALLOW per Bottle which the proprietor has than •cv only • YearL der mntl treat those 'rho and the .satisfaction which usc, has Induced mete place'. tat ItTedical. T. _ , . ._...._ ............ " CORALITE AND PORCELAII TEETH have now been extensively tested by the citizens of Pithimrgh, and the verdict m their favor is unanimous. 'Shiny have laid aside teeth. mounted 'on Gold plate to avail themselves of ,the improvements embraced in these orit new and beatniftil styles of Dentistry. tation to the Their snperiy consists mainly in their perfect adap mouth—their perfect cleanliness, being without crack or crevice for food to find lodgment, an. made of a material on which the juices of the mouth Gicannot ack they are free from all metallic tjitste, corn> nn or tarnish and to not effect the breath , is a great desideratum as all who wear Gold, Silver,Plah ram or other Metallic Plate, can testify. They also eomhino great strength with lightness, conb fort and elegance—this with their close resemblance to natural teeth render them the most desirable substi tutes for those organs ever offered. An examination will fully confirm all that has been said in their praise. N. STEBBINS. Al. I).. Dentist., 191. Penn street.;, N. B. Teeth drawn by the painless process. jel.6;dj;, PROF. WOODS, HAIR RESTORATIVE. UNRIVALLED IN MARKET. WITH IMMENSE Home and Foreign Demand. IF YOUR HAIR IS GRAY, • IF YOUR HAIR IS THIN, OR IF YOU ARE BALD, IT WILL RESTORE IF YOU RAVE - DANDRUFF." IF YOU HAVE SCALD HEAD. IF YOU HAVE NERVOUS HEADACHE, IT WILL CURE THEM. TO PRESERVE THE COLOR, TO PREVENT ITS FALLING_, TO MARE THE HAIR GLGSSY, USE WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA7 SOLD BY J. WOOD Co., 114 MARKET STREET. ST LOUIS. 1104 PATENT_ MEDICINE DEALERS, AND DRUGGISTS, IN CITY AND COUNTRY. • Sold by Dr. GEO. E. ILEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, and B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO. No. 60, corner Wood and Pcnirth streets, and by all good Druggists generally. je4:2rndaer SIIFFER NOT.—DRS, GOLDSMITH contincos N o o . b e 4 2 c Sixth e s d t s o a t i . l d i s e a s e , o P P e R nn IV ' A s T t I l or DELICATE NATURE. From a longcourse of study' and practical experience of unlitnited extent, Drs. tL di Co. have the gratification of presenting the unfortunate with remedies that-have never failed to cure the most alarming case of Gonorrhea and Syphilis. Beneath treatment-all the horrors of Venereal and Impure SCrofula, Ulcers, Pam and Distres or Inflammation cit the Bladder an , Kidneys. A liseesses. Humors, Frigh tfo. Swellings, and the long train of horrible symptoms at- 1 tending this eta, of dis, :ases. are made to become as: harmless as the simplest ailing, 'fa SEMINAL WEAKNESS—Di - N. G. ErCo. devotes much of their attention to the treatment Of thoseeases canseti by a secret and solitary habit. which ruins the hotly and mind,unfitting the unfortunate individual for either husi nessi or society. Some of the sad and melancholyelrects produced by thes-e'earlv habitaoryouth arc, Weaknese of the bask and limbs, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep sta., Nervousness, derangement of the Digestive fune bons. symptoms of Consumption, ete., etc. The fearful effects on the mind arc moot) to be dreaded, viz: LI P,4,4 ! of memory, confusion of ideas, depre,ion stunts, evil forebodings,averaion to society, self-distrust. timidi ty, etc., are among the evils produced. Such pers , ,na, before contemplating nnirriage. should consult a lame. ciatr of skill and experienee, and Is, at onee restoreir to health and happiness. Ague and leever eared. and war ranted. All letters containing, a fee. addressed to Drs. GOLDSMITH it CO-, Pittsburgh, Penn'y will meet with prompt attention, and medicines forwarded, secure from observation, and a cure guaranteed. The strictest se cresy observed in all eases. Don't forget the place, No. 42 bu h Sixth street, Pitts rg. PA apllsflydaw EYE 4111.1) EAR DISPENSARY. Office b 5 Moia ;freel, up -„'mr,.).Rafraio, VSTABLISHED BY THE CELEBRA _EA TED DR. late of London. England. A great discovery in the dense of medicine,. tieing R certain and speedy cure for restoring the sight removing all diseases peculiar to the eye.: This is uni versally aeknowl,hzed the only sat. , andsure remedy now known. It ba.q.e.en used with great success by the most skillful phy,ietaw, in Europe and America. Patients in ;my part of the country ran treat them selves successfully at a moderate oTlN.use, thereby avoiding the danger mid expen,.• of falling into the hinds Of unskillful phy,cians. This medicine (sufficient to care.) will be sent by mail or express with n0,,..- sary directions, on receipt •,t Ten I Dr. Johnson's G.:11,1.11,ml hdhrlhtle Oise for Dehfas,i and Singing Noise, in Iti7 Ear, ;Verrns Henii mid Mind thnlyinints. - Affording instant relief to sidthrers wlis have been tthirou bled. with deafness for many years. After using s remedy a few days the patient as suddenly and almost miraculously enabled to hear ordinary toned eonrerste don; in the Course of a few weeks the tnost obstinate case of deafness is effectually cured. Patients too numerous to !mullion hare been restored to perfect hearing, and Breyer rescued from the snares of the numerous dangerous unqualified pretenders of the present day. Hospital :md private testimonials and Certificates from the most eminent physivians and sur geons in England, in whose presence deaf pia - sons Mire been cured, and many lemil rot Is of pri V:lte pUtients cured can be seen or referred to. A case of this medicine, (enough to effect a ettreA will be forwarded to any pail of the country for Fifteen I ~A hrg. Address DR. -RUINS. IN, Drawer 404. °thee titt Main Si:, Buthdo, N. V. ) .27 1 r Litt' . . Health and Happiness Seenied. THE CONCENTRATED CURE, THE CONCENTRATED CURE, A POWERFUL REMEDY, A POWERFUL REMEDY, FOR WEAKNESS, FOR WEAKNESS, FOR EARLY INDISCRETION, FOR EARLY INDISCRETION, TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! VOUNG MEN WW ARE SUFFERING 1. from the effect: of.youthful Indiscretion, can be surely and permanently restored by lasing the ; CONCENTRATED CURE e.Z4, 17 A - CT ITA , A Remedy of Great and Certain Power.. This remedy is put up in small viols, sa and - can n by mail to any address. Atrial will tisfy.: Use w it for a week, and you will experience a great benefit. A cir cular containing full particulars, sent (free) on appitcm lion. Price per bottle Sl,OO. One bottle will last a mouth. N. B.—This remedy is suitable for either sex..-Ad dress F. CRUD ER. Medical Agent, iY 23 :w 74'2 Broadway, New York. PRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Office, N 0.60 alum field street, Pittaburgh, Pa. Dr. BROWN is an old citizen of Pittsburgh, and has been in Practice for the last funal;fr-ilve years— Ris bust- ness has been confined mostly to hricrtte and Surgical Diseasee. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS ! - in need of a medical friend, should not fail to find oat the sure place of relief. The Doctor is a kegulargrndu ate, and his experience in the treatment of a certain class of diseases is a sure guarantee to the cult seers of obtain ing permanent relief, by the use of his remedies and following his advise. DR. BROWNS REMEDIES never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal DitieaSeit, Impurities and ScrofulousAllections. Also, all disease:: arising nom n hereditary taint, which manifests itself in the fofrn of a letter, prs?riro,is, and a great Many forms of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient is en- tired) , ignorant. To persons so afflieted, Pr. Brown offers hopes of a sure and speedy recovery._ SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. PrWirlft3 remedies for this alarming trouble brongh ton often by that solitary habit of sensual grate ticatiou, which the young and weakminded often give way to. (to therr own destruction.) are the only reliable remedies known in this country—they are safe, and make a apeody'restoration of health • • RHEUMATISM LYr. Brown's remedies never ful to cure this Titian disease in a fete days—he will warrant a cum. He also treats Piles, Gleet, Gonnorrlnivi, Stricture, ['relied LAS. charges, Female Weakness. Monthly SuppressiouscDit eases of the Joints, Fistula in Ann, N'ervous Affections, Pains in the Rack and Kidneys,.Luritation of the Blad der, together with all diseases of au impurii. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a, s, directed to DR. BROWN, No. 5U Smithfield street, Pit.t.e. burgh, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to any address, safely packed and secure from ob servation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 40 Smithfield stree Pittsburgh, Pa. To Housekeepers. SOMETHING NEW.—B. T. lIABBITT'S BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS, QI la manufactured from common salt, and is pre'f; Q pared entirely different from other Saleratus. " All the deleterious matter extracted in such !manner as to moduli, Bread. Biscuit; and all --: A- "ikinds of Cake, walmut containing aparticle oIIARD. ISaleratus when the bread or cake is baked: there n !by pro:hieing wholesome results Every partid, Unle of S,aletatus is turned to gas. and fgtaacittil u through the bread or biscuit while bakilWie" ;sequently nothing remains but common Salt. - ;Water and Flour. You will readily perceive 6 B ;the taste of this Sal:net:ls that it is entirely dif-i6 8 I rent from other Saloratus. I It 1 :1 ; 4 packed in one round paper?, each writpl ,-" -Lt e n r tua d . 4' i l ds - . l' M ' a f :t . ur ' e " , l ; l l . t if ' ed irh ie r' a t f tit bre t° iwith a glasa of :Mertes:am; water on the top.- , I _When you purchase one pal or you should pre-, , ; , erre the wrapper, and lot pain:a:Jar to get thc , ;next exa c tly like the first—brand as above. Full direction,: for making Bread with thtvl iSaleratus and Sour Milk or Cream Tartar. will 6 each package; also, thrections for',6 8 isod k r:v7a al t,. l r kan":ld4i'llit.L'PrtTsr'dcto: for nmkul • l'Oldit OWN SOAP, /ND WITU .. 7 0: B. T. BABBITTS PURE CONCENTR.II .„ ED7 0 I POTASH. , 'Warranted denble the strength of ordinary Pot 81i2thr4P.",,1.1,thiliilgi'—,,luo/Wiom'',,;;Lribtis;fitftann`di 6 s igoft Soap. Consumers will find this the cheap-. rn st Potash in market_ Manufactured and for sale by ama i B. T. BABBITT, , 7 n i .yglyd .:3 l :s. M 3 and :o No. s 9 4 s t_ t., N. T... 'l., n India , Boston. s ' up AT±ENTEEL BOAZDLNU.—Stx genileinen kit can be accommodated With looms and boarding, in a first-class boarding bonsai pleasantiv located -on Liberty' street, tato minutes walk trom the bus) noes pal Lion of the city. For further information apply to W WRITI.IFS, at the office of the )forning tk oat, Aglita .