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'' H. i :k• ' F; t 4 4 " l , •-,- ; : - tI . 1 ;"tg • 4'..F.:11 -, 1 1 , - ; . u' - '''- - 4 --- t 4l ', -- :, , a.' 4- :74 1 ,.1 1, :•-'4 ,,,, -4. -. ,::. - ';,.t.:ic , -,1,',,::i.1. -- i..4- ....- , :_.f4f ,,,, ,.-..-• ,,, ,,:::.4. x ,. ,. 474-.1.i f , ; i-i'!„...'.,.A .„ 4 -tul te ,, ~ .-q:•-,'„ t , ..., 7.- .::-...•: ris- 4 , :ru.•'" - .. -- at. tt - a - ' , ' , u•t.7"'' -- --r 1' i.;•••• -, .‘ •.",,,--,`, ; i•r• 't t•-•. , .• : ~ - -i - ',"., .. „„ettuflut ,te•P;;,,:• . 7t...,ti:', , -., - - ,- .4-,-.• u -- 15, - ,U'r . "';'''' , ".f.'":l'',.. - it4 z....i.,, ,• , -; - -ef , -.1 , :,- -, ; ,, --- .. ,, - .,.....-..!:!•-:::',:-1:2;, , ,..7,1.1::';'?..,...z:v, , c .,, i -- ;•..., ,, :f=1,-., -- i -, ..:: - .1 -. .t -, .. ,- ,. , ... - .:.--,..';.: , .-':';'i:% - /-I'..' '';5 .. ...T'a.'... ,7 ,....';'" : ;'• 4 '•.: - '- . .. 5.. .:Y,:'''. , -;: - 9 - - -•' ' 4 i' '' , ,4L ' ' ' -f -i u ,', - i0.3it,...1`..3 ,- ,. , : - ,.r."..• - ..f.. -.2.7, • -- ,' 7 7. , 1 - 1 - ;:',.:l_:;P;e,:' , -;1c;;; : : .... 4 ~ .c.,....,,...----_,._ ~..„,-,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,.. ~..„,,,,,!- ,tL4-`,..4 i , !;' ,',i4", --:=',;', 4- P. t .: •, s , !....t , " ''''- ..,-,- 5 ;1 : , ,j. , :3,-', -. 4 - , !'i= ,- "i•! ` ,.4 _•.`,‘ '' '. ' ' i : ,: : : • ‘ • 7, - 17' . 1 ": , ; 1 1 , ; - 23:;:i.,,,; -- , :•!..,,''. ~,;,'. - , , - :1 - ' 0 , -*, '„ , „;- -,-,';.,"...,' , :zi ,.... 4 1j.;•7 • Ln_..:,;-....,, .'" '2.. ::%.,;', -1, .t , ` ` * jP, L'„•2 1 ; - ..;-.';.; - ``.;•",,N! ..„...0.-.1-...... , - . - -;.: t•,. ,- - ri.... -,' .1- t , 1 ...4- - - - --„'-‘4:7 42, ' , '-' , l .Ar. 4„ 1 .1.„ ..)--,, t , ,;,.2,,,.14.--t , ,, ''.' - .41.7,-\ vi -- -i, :1;'I" - '4:4....„.,...... , s: - , - .7- t.- - 2--, , ..4.c.;:-: ~ ,..t!-=,,, it. 44.....___ t0,:5.,„%i' ,, ' 3.-, ,,, ~4!•=, -fa''. r ''.- - ,•••4,',,•tt:''' ' -.• - • - s - etib - ' - ;t, ~1.u.•:•..",.'3, , ...!\., 4 17N. „ 7".- 1 .."' - 4 4.• ;-' 4 , -- , •• , ' .. t• -''-e i'f' - 7 - •• . - -,„tu••••:-7;e- -•i •-••. 7 7!-.1...,,, 4-..,,Akt 1 .. "i r 'L 'i i 1...:73 , ....-',, t.. - F ' 6 ,.,.r!..t i'..;.6 , ...r 't...-6 ilAiress. , e.:t- 1 / 4 i . + l !-1,.•`..-I , •Ry-.... ;'71:: ',),--..:-.; • •'-'..:-.- 4. 4 ' ~, , e,ri'4, , , , ,',4 c - k V, ,, .=-- , 1, 1 ,•.,f14.;i : tt-4 ,, ,',;..„„i 4, t , :!i.,„L , 'e! , :tf' . 1 Old America held' up its hands in holy '' : " - •r'",;'•'"' - • : i?,.,lt j ''h-:7.!.'!''l • '<'. '..'" ,- ' - ...t •-• ••7 o '''''''• - • 1 •5•1'' ' ,., i` :'''7.. 4 %,.. 71 horror at this British aggression upon Amer r , j.,;:: 1 i.. - ' l-f,- , 4 •; 27 .•iF• .- ; l rr - ''''''F. t. c7 l k-Tii.'` - t -.7 ''';-` 2 l ..,,re,,-,;,,,4 ;•. * .e•i1 .1 . , ,,,,..!,.,-. 7,- ,.,•-•!;_••. 1- ,: , ' .*:.z'trt.:7l.s.'s icon .soil, and 'loung • America said it v;mild'it care if some young man had -5e „,,,2.4.,.”4,,...,.4 fit4r. ~.,1 - ,-..' t, e-. Nf ,',"... '. '`: ~..: ,' , T ,;4,- ,e...r.q r , •••5ic4.;77 . 4 - g7u.5..,. ; ,,.'4,-,% ...rt•": ,- .7J7'4- .-- -`,7” • 1 'n f ., itrr..P . ,:e . ., , ~,' 1., . :. '5, - ,' d''' ' ;.• :" , ed the bright eyed damsel who seas lit. sft„ .. , -23,,_ ~,„Lt,„„- , i, %. si,„ , r.„.,4, ,3 31, / . ...,..1.,:.,, " 4- 4 ,- * - ' ... .tt.Wi;ro a= 4 *.904=.7, 1 '•..,,,,... J 4 , - ~,.. .J. J . 1,, ..p - .,& , ,.`A.,44.egi.At14.,,4it. ~:*4 1 .,...;.„4:14., 1 1'''''. . 4k ‘ , terall y ,"worth her weight in gold." Bat the doughty captain bore his years bravely 4"i'''F4d,-,.1 1 ,..,4,1;..,„;,„-•.•,,..„1.;i 4 f r ,, - .,if ,tu,"•*. ,- :,' t•-as. , .-,,• ; ~,,..„ ,,,,,,,,,,;-•. Le ~,,, 4 e1....-,L, 0 , ‘..,,,e .c .:6t-. 4 and his cosmopolitan manners and address ±_e,e• -,-' ,7 - , -.41.1,......, a .--- -tt, '- ~ .7, -g, -4 -,--r, l'' 7 tr - a-tu,. 4 •-'"E-t`.' - r•7 7 .".".• -7, ~..1 1- r!' u. 15Z.,, -, ‘ -i - - .v •g ••I l'. ..r • - - i'al-ii- , •_t_.•:•i74•,,...,. - ';' -- -...,-,""•-t. t• - ••• Ai .0 ' . .7.7"*"': ; , t w h o e n l the a dy hearts l - f o . f her'k u friends, as . well as of difficulties and d'isa -44.1r,7,•,:i..-...,„---;-t-u-'-•.•,-,,..,a7d•-•,,ggn,.;-'7'o4'•'.. 4-ru4.774 4 '1' '' . o*'i i'` k *:ei-i, , ** *l.l <•:' , -0 1 , A .17.1.-.,1•4'.; ~ q''e h "e 4 , A. ~,-.''', F1 44 .:.. 6% 1-.1 4, 1'v2 4- .: A'''' I;V' 4 -kM• tar .r4.ll"'i 4 i i. ire ris,!"-L...j, greements were adjusted ;'and after &time ti1 , ',.. - -t. , -,7„ 1- 47,4, ,- *..-t...:•.-o•ct k l,-•-- , ;,.0 u" ,- -'" - '".l uu.r,...,..-•.. - •,.?-4,, ,,, ,,:`,..,,,e- - g 5t,••, , !te44 , 7-7-• r --• 7 • - the Republican - eyes of us Pittsburghers Ggeteatsoq , -,;.,t...* . , - . 45,-_,:-: - -i.,,F...t,!i - ;;.i:1i 7 , ,,,:- r ,.,.....1, , , were greeted with the sight of a rather porn -41%.,,t,, ~..si.e4' , _,..h17._.•,t_ , - 7•;;..•_'..-', - ,:• - ' ,- ;'.1; ..:e!I• •:-.',•'-'t -41A - 44''''' , ...1 - • ‘..*.....- ---1 1 - ".;-. 4 -4• , 4 ,5 " . c..,3÷,7... ,- if.,!l ous, but well preserved and good looking En Lehman. The lands and tenements , of '*- .' - ..',-:_ e -3 7 1 ~ioi . - -1 .!, • ;`.:.•-! , . - r,i,_:: 1 ";.::`:• - - , .t.:! . .".....'",.. , ' , : - "I the. ;: - st ,- 't. ,,- r.:41,..% - .'..a.• - se-si„..""i -, t•"'ti-l' 7."-' 7 4 ',1';',;•.1 lady lay in and about Pittsburgh, and it0 . .0 -, ..n ~,.2- 11 -W r' , .- 4 - `• ••••,••1. t;. - Tt; 1......;•7-• ,-; 4.-,---;•0-.,-:•--,,,".,-.'447i,--,.:,.--'174'-1,-.i',-.::e' . needed looking after. The leased on ' ground rents, had not , - i .. 2, 1 7...itr,'-PPtc•ri;,' 1 :.' , *•'.:•*, 7 .:4.',.;•.....1 - :',' '..7-•:':''-t ' . , pr"ertYit'dvxcainctfledV ltiz...• u .41, 17:-. ;1,-':.-...1 f - .. - :. , i , - , ‘ ,4:,, , 5z ,, r4.,it5. , 3-1.'.4. ,•, 3-.:' , .•-:,- -4.,,13. ,, , /1 . ,: , !, -,,,,,,„:: ''....' 1. ' commensurately with other prop p er u l t y sb i a n rg the it_ district, and in their simplicity, g-.'5,• 4 'ftr,;„,....1-';'•-• .'4....,;-. , .;1'..' , ;•-'-' ,- .. , h.. 4 rt . "... - 21',1:t - C(•:-et 4 'n 7.-4;k.,... , ••• ,-,- .-' , " . 1. - ‘='-' . ..'4 '--•";" 4,, °' .. , ' , .,......„ -,4 s„ ;-, ~ , ..4 .p 9„-, ,, ,`- t o- ,„,,..: . ,3 ..., , ~,t, 44. ere hoped to see great improvements going on—palaces for hovels—. 4 ' l :•••"'4'4Zr'u'"tiztPii' - ' 7 i - It: 4 ".''''':A* - 4 , ' - _''''•lf'-', ' ...,,r7.,,,,,,r4,..i.-•-ir:_,,,s-dJ.,,, , 'k -- n. , tei - J ,, " 7. 4 4, r' , ".1•;-'se.' , .„:':-./:•4, , , lots. '''',.. A .4.`"•±_..,_'4- F '^rulg-r...,..'0 7 -'-'•" - - - c t Z.:- - :' ) fu.0 v ''. - 'f .- s l '' But a short period showed the commuril 1',7 ' ' ', ', -. . - - ,..!.4 ' 7 --e- ~ 30 _ z,;,..,, ,t -Ilt., r.-..'.`r., .g...i..!.:,:.' . i t: 1 1 ": 1- 1 f.: '; '' •" * II4V -r :L 4 :,'- {', 3l C.'. , si', 1 / 4 . 33 , i` - ....",.q; 4 ::-f - , ',:. 1 tythat the Honorable Captain, although • , :cAt.t•;.-,5,,,,,.tt 4 ,.!_rTn.:: - -;% T . 6 ,. .6,,:a. 11.475.1.,.i 1 .441:Z pt.51. , 1-5-...,..--.,--.--.,gs:"''' , 4"-',-7-c. i',l -..,;,, 'T,.. .-, ''..-i... , , , : .. 11.. - :-. i .i , r.. ~ ",..6,,,,-.,sl;tiegust among us, wasnot of us. He was quite wil ling to receive rents, but when taxes were 4,,,,„: , , , ,,..j,...,c,,, , ,.........-•, - •• • - '-',.•- - -,•i- • ' 41+ ,4, 4 34-. , . , 11yi.r.''':n.,.,",' ~,,3 .- .. ..", ,--: . ',... t., ,- Z , .,,.„ , : ~., t - I; talked about he took the bold ground of a •, , , , ,,,tu,,,_-•..,,,,,Q,.-..-.i.•,,,, -.:. - ..-.1,-, , , , ,.. , ..1." •,- - -,..u.: h u:• u '•••:- I ~,- - t:• 1. .1..- '.<'• ..'. 2 -, -...., ..---, -...., -4- ,, t i. - , - -, , , :‘ , .- , 14-=, - ,.‘54;f:4! , ,.. , ,,, , ...'...,,e; `IC ;..-n . o'4:4'. 0-4 re dieter. Our sister city of Allegheny I pu - ' u t!.. c:----- 4 e7,&u,t is'r .,-,.r . : kf- -1 - , :;: , - . • - • - i''"''' was compelled to bring suits against him 5•";:;,,1;51,,,txru4..1,.1-ei..',i'.,":- titi,•"-t. s . 4 1 1 ,,!.. -7% - :,1 ' s.,VST ',71 .- ; ,. t.z.. , tT. , .. ,, _;i , ..-1:: , -,i , "..:i...3._i. 7 . ff - r . :„..'`,;;",..3", ~.i... amounting• Juni;S:i•" 'l,;, 4 F.''''s"'",: 7° ;"'".-•:''..r.. - ! - '''• l' 'z",.i.g!l 7, , , , j*l'lle'l.t. .Zl'''::'P'al':':•7'''''.;::l-I'I'‘;':•-';1•1I-.. it 1-' paving improvements in front.of his proper -4-64. 0 , .. ,, i.,A,} , '.-'4•25;".q. ilill,tcy4 4,.Y . e,, ~.'i, .„p% ot" : 14 - i• 1 %Pe 4,*1NF,,i1z....t .., • • - .. 1 ? -. ,t , - -- ,"C1Y.7 4 ., i. ..,,....a, k ,1 ty, for which judgments havebeen obtained -ti i...- •-•w r itti, ue.itu , •• -: , -...-t„, ..-.E. -•••••4•-,f-r. in part,but the money is not yet paid, owing ' . ..4.-,• 4 -e. s'7•S , . -...-tc.7•' 7 ''l ( •....-'6 ,- - , t- '-'•-•7 • ,, tk.," e no doubt to the fact that all his ready wing ~..4.....'"' , " 6 ' , •g.e - R - li -,- ,t 1 t.,w'F . ',.3.' , .: , .-.".i.-- , ., ;. ;,,' - ',.. ;...-.-:-It-c t' required at the Dartmouth election. was -ri.et - 4-$. - -,, , ,,t-„: , ,z- , 7 , , ,, ,i , .! , -_,,.,7 - .1,..., ',......4..4 - - - 4 -4.14.4 ! , ~ ,i•t c --,,...---, - , ‘ 4 . ,.,.1-...., ~,,, 4 When the Railroad bond question came ~ „...;. . v.-- ....4^4 i-'1........;,.:.17 '4• - •‘. , , ~ - e ' ~iielt'*"e....:--'?'_ -0 - , :•l''' .-' -- ,-. ! - `4 , ' ~4 ..-.54 .: - b,u'", up this distinguished repudiator of loxes, spRINGFI, ELD,, MT. ITERIViIpf . AND f 4,, , , ,"i.,-,, - - - iit-,'" -- r,, - ',-1- , ..1 - - , '" 4- •••.-.-' contributed $5OO (about one hundred - iiiirrSßUßGil RAlLliolu ) , ..... 4:;it±,4.-,--',tz.-',4,.-.--9!-r-,f:"-d .ea 1: - :! . '"g- -. ',,. ,k.,,. - dpi. - ,5, , , , ,,, - ,: - ..7-t-,„..-t" ,- , -.....:-...„....,., , ...",,,./ 2 _...f. s -, - , . 7,4..: , ,.....;:.",: , -,..;,; --...,„r .,,, ,,,.:.t ~, pounds) to sustain a newspaper which ad- Although this road bears, inpart i the beii na n me ..g, 4 ..T.;..:.0. - ,t.-...,-.7....„,.... , ...71,...0 -- -..,,4•4-..... - 4,-,Q;'..t.,•......- "'--..W - e--.74,:;.7.-. - ; ....,:-:-.•; --:t• - -re .;.„.z..... i •.„,.„. i „ vocated resistance to law and advised the' of our city'; yet' to ns, it has thus ar, ea a ce J ''•-.‘l ki`;'4.-. %:::- 4 .!.. Z . : .. 1 ...-:"' ' ',:i! - :,-' F'.''l! - C,‘. 1 ...1.;g4...4..,,. 4 r.,.,,,..,,_ -, i ~ people to abrogate thadecisions of their own road in name only. We hay . e . just rocel lh r , ;rwct•T4l - "Y-- ' 6 :. -, 1• - ,:• - •...:'-'•ti . ' 1 4: - -7..."t• - e.i.-';: - kt - ,,--1';'i'l,„"ty, r . 1 h..i: Ec . . i k....54 - ....,,.......,.-...,-,4a,!;:..f ..,...,-....4.,:-4,1 --.:s:. !:--1...':: I we shall ncr Ang courts. Having consummated this "crown- through a reliable channel, iniormatioxi at ;i: e lS."..-'ktlftlr - 4.1' . .,!.;4 4 ,2!' r,..7.--t."‘ro„.'.!"'" in act of glory," lie appointed ag_ents ~ for seems to give assurance , that that the lo La,. .t,4 4 * '!'?''•• -7.•;'".."- ,-,•;-..; -3 -44; , n, 0.,T , ;,.._,,,i-t - 1;',: P .7 .. i, • ;, ,„" : 4 ,111,';' rI ' I-?-, •4 :4 ,,'.5-.,,=..7 1 ;z: - - :-..t,t 7 ; :•:1 J. his property and set sail with his family' for er be ch a ea di ted eect by ro s ato naze tw , a b n ut rittsbureh.an iig d the Merry. Isle of England. Proms try While in this city, just before he left it, he I kkA; - . I;,,`'"''•'2,,`''.-:1.,74.%*i---4' gincinnati,,'inaitiged with special referee to .q,. lt,* - „e,, , ,,e4.„..., -itr. i i,;;;...."., ,, ,r, ~- t , " - . , 4, - ‘-‘,. ' t. 3 ,, -;,, ,'..i-n • grt , _,.„0 - !:;-'" ...,-- • r -,-;--!7'--S.i., The information we , have, the 'lron the press, or that portion of it such aline, wl l . l ,.E.Deri be - not pliant to his behests, in any other than . • - i '.s ti' - '''''''Z'l'" -I k- 4 74W - .1 :40 .' , ..." - • ; * :'..-, '':-1 , -74i - i',.:-; , ,,j..-,.* t......i: AZ * ',:r'-' - : - ;;i• -- , •• :.1 . ,: , r.." - Y: '•'; -, ' , -.f:;•'' .- k a genteel or reasonable way, or to oft: la n y dc. th h e itif4 tra i c o k it f o ro ad m d: justifiable on the score of hberal difference of opinion, "" 31.. e, , • . I CP -1 '.. , .- 4 - • ''-.: t.i . ,7 4 ;0! , ..-:'.2. 4. -- ,1, Delaware; through aft, Vernon ; to Lakeville, - 't - r - go: 7 '4* -- e-e-4z.-P- - ; ..-, ~,. :-,.,,,r z ,.,- ; ,...e t v-, but ins low-flung,characteristic,vidga _ . °n,the A- tor-T..10w- '''''F'C',l 3, F. f,.... - 4 .4. » , : • 'e 4 '-', I 'fc. sieves and toadies to r v I r ;: 1 ) 1 1 :h 'r„.1.4 1 1;( - -II - i-hVv• i'-'•-• '- 7- -4,',.''''' , ' ' - •-:•`T'.4:"3 4 4 . •:.. - The venerableportion of the road-hence 4„,„,,,r, - L -, -..tp-.. ..• i,...-ete,..•--- • ••• . ...*•.,..,,..,..ti-..- '-• to Cincinnati. -This sistyindes is near igra .1. , - : 0 . 434 - 44' ' ,ir:, z c , *1 ~•,:, .. i . 1_..r.,,,,,,,,,, 4, rthaselaOinPaiyvittheubenbfluerrignisliPl:edllre,l:lVltasedYn this was entrusted let it drop out. Lately , . ,- , • . la . e g '-'&f' . 5,,,4-it, t ,„c 1 4x,,...,,.t• - • --- - 4--'''''.-1' ' .. , 'l'',.. , ?:=" • . c., - .. , i - , ..- -.-. 3., -, v.. l , -..... F -- -- - !..'. - ; 0- 'A t i&: - ''' . rt1..*:.."'f' ;' •-• "' '"!-' 6::6t..41' we' have got it from the very best authority, ed as soon as the rails can be trans and bridged; and the track-,rlaylng may D commenced "1 454 ;.A• ''l i f'l' Zl'..:- , :t.'; . • & -,: - 1 .:- s' g-' 1 :; " .. P . - ' 3 1't ,... ,t,r.l . that this liberal member has let off several ,4 - ;..,,, t ;4•....4.".....,..4,...,_ • ,....,;_••:. , ,,, ,4 I, v,..-, ~,_,‘, .. tic damns at the Pittsburgh Posy, Z7,,,5,7 6 /..-,- 1,7,0, - ca;ri ~ 4,.... / 4 , , ..:. ~ . .+ 1 , ,..., 1 ., ~. ~ r i ~.. ..„ 1.,..., very ,emph a ic i the 8 ringfield'and Pert o ed so o a a a to the %.--•..-i - , .......-: ~,,, „-, „•,. ~-, ..r.. 0-,. , • .. • ,,, - T .E.. l '' ~."7.,.11.,,-.'-'.47. , ,.., ; ;. 4- , , ;- J ;, ,, J.i . • ,i , “ -- „ , ..... ? „\ , ‘-,., , -,..." • for what reason any one may guess aright 2st , Vernon and Pittsburgh . road is put 4.,. w _r u, ~....-ffz . . rt. 7, ~....., 4 :,, . . • ~.."--'., '' ~,..t . _ 4}. 4:=Ar t .4. 1 .-..i?','::: 44 '-'"' -r, 6.,_' N . t .-C.a . ...i.• - the fast time. by a con,tractalready,existing,the F e ltter , -rt--,..4,.... 4 * 1 .4 , ....._.2 .1 'r•:".- 4 ".- ,- (5...4'‘,4`..,...,, -, •:;•.'-..n.::,,r,..-;'. - The history of the election of the last Fort Wayne and Chicag..?.. n itlid tie jttc 9. : ti ° ;.3....4-L.., - ,:,,,,-P...-.._ , . 2 .,7 , ;: 1 .7 - 7.-..!,',, - ; : " -- .z,..: , i. 4 'o. 1 ".;ttt l '", ;- - 7:,':.:::. , Parliamontis a beautiful specimen of Hamilton and Dayton %inroad ComParlils' are , ti. - ...;;;1 - ''Z' 4 ` - ;;•;1! . . 1 :•, - •;..-1.i7,,;-...f--7• , -;:''.,.!r;`....-0.e.1......„ ? , - 1 the . . franchise in England, 'and its purity, net - to equip and manage l a through line between. ) ...„,..,,•.-...tv---,7 . ,-c i ,,,j„,••-K..,, ~..,....: .-'..• ,'-'' .. I '-..: , ' . .c o'" 3 , ; s t-it- , ` ,4 M- - .44 , ;: , .v,1L , -i P „:7, ,. ': q-1.J.,...,1„,.: „, ii i•,_k• 1 -- .4 t,_,_. „,-...-,,. withstanding all their sneers at corruptiOn Pittsburgh and. Cincinnati, over this route. I ~i.5;,z, . .!=v m , , ,,;:git.;:x4.-,..z...-.,, i ,-;=,....i,-. ~,,,, - .1 . :,:<- ~ ,, , : :*-- F -- , -,, , 0z., , i, 4 ,4', . ....ti i 4 - E...*--.7: 4 ,1,,,1.v.rinited States. As to our repudiatbr• The route willbe managed exclusively, Ifildi - ' 131 .,,. 17 ,..i.:`• : 3 !......- 4 .„. --- •;.'7,' ; '- ' ,'7,,''.:7 - ,;"!`,,." 1 : ["; !; •:,,,' : , - ', 7 . 7..i'.. -.7 .,,, 4 ;•,;',.,'" :: .' 7 „;',...,',.."„ --I .,,",., - -;_ - :!,,,,"`„'",`„, - " - -, : 9- , t•-•#',..', -. 4 .,-, 4 "n r ' . 7. --- "'z' ~--1 1' . canvass there must have been reference to l'ittSburgh interests, whickinany , •t,'...r. - --:-.7„..„--P4-":-•._-,4,_z• 4 ; ,;•-,- ,--;• __,::, t:• - ••,....,.. f" ••-, •-•...... 4- '''' ' lt'' ' - .' 6 . ' - '6l e i' ,l l;"."4)orough as we noticed in a believe is not the case with the two routat open ...„.„ ~ ,, - -.•.7 . '.7 "; , 7•-•:.1.-e-• 4- zt. Jr -.'(,, '-• ",,' t , ,-• .! 4 "....`:"3 441 "!' ,'.. ':r .... , , g ,,, ,, -, . ' ...r - . C7.•. , :-.. "• , =•0 ,I , .3: ~ 1. , , ~L : .,,, k L ~‘ l -;,‘ ,' , ,- • ..' ~ .. !,. .-... ...,.. ,. , r '4 < I the returns for-Dart- to Cirkiniiiiti—owing to the inildenispfhlch • • ....-; .-.'-'"- 4 - •. ,-.‘ ,4 "...'• •• - ` , ; 4 .-.-•':,z .:!_. . t . `l. . i. " ...2...;:i.... y, ''.! - -i - ---- ,- -' , :- , - -- - -, :f•••1::••••:•:;1;:!.:: - '" 1 "-- 4 ."--. !:- `rolled, were 239 !--„-the the New York and Baltimore roads ha' over 31'0 , .'... ; ' :;. : ::-' ':` r-i• ''7l':- ... - ' t ..',.. ' 1 . ' 7 ..,"` .• •,;? j‘ , ; • '.7 1 -'- '' ... ...."`:.;.: 1 --,1- 1 1 ": : " -- -'F'If: ; ... Pt ,;:,.',C•'',;`,. 4 •• .- •:-.' 1 ,'..?.,, Allegheny Moms- the Little *iami Company. '' '' • •;. -;-;-'..":-. - -, ,•-:-.---.•4,1:,.., - /..,-. * :1•7.!;,..7 1-.,'' . ...- ....,....--.---,, ' --: a -T. --,:-: .... .4. ',.,':••-,..: '' ''.'. --; , '"sttlement in the . ' The distance 40 -Cincinnati, via' 61t. Vernon, -• 5 ::‘ ;. j' '- - ' ..--' .3 ,"- , . ~ 3 ; ti: --::::*:-..%''' :..-',-. r "•••:.%:- ' 7, ' r:;..:...., ~ ~ r .., ‘v-' --4 . .- 1 . '-- •• •-- - * . ". ' . Dli re; SPringlieldand Dayton is battliree , ----'4 . -'' '"""•---. '. -'r .e. , +• • -... ~. .:-- - -.„,, , ..„'v., ....„ , . • ...' • , ; -*, . , ..„, , -„, ',;-- ~.- - , . , - 7,lut more f r ee e WA - 4 . 'Vi - -,..-- ~.. I,N : ' 'f' 4-, ;, "{ fit -:-. .. „'.; ~:,- -. . 0- ,••, - .-lection of a hundred and - forty-font txlnes" ,-114 `gtade s 'vt el 'Y ‘--,; 4:: .5,• - ;.* --, i ' "-- - t.- " --,"71 * : -I f'- ' ,.- 4-1 : 4 :,:...., ;. - - ';-__ ' • - ,. (I' S- ' - . ; C11,, , ' .1;'•u 5.4 ' v tt".. , %' - ',., , ,.,,.„,,,% . .1 . -; .-- .. • ::'.... --I'l-4 .,• ; •: ,:III /",;' ' '•• .." .r • :,;-- : :_•- • - . 44 . -4 4 ,' coinci- ".;;•-•-'''"",:-•-•.• . . ---'• ..'." t,1...." - •''...' ''''- tl.: ~.` ' .:''' r'• r ., ; - "----: •4 1. -. '-,'. ' q. - . ',!'-- -. , ~..,, ' ...,' riesn the most objecticuusbleporlign of t4e,.. 11 2 0 ? be .:-,•-.:,',..:-,--.1-;,4--'..,_'-.,.---,'l-'. :''. f n'j; .=- .,:".-"..t , ',.-':- . _-. a r t 7. 'l‘ . ; - ' .l '. = • - ' '''='-', ", =.• -=-.":'' - .- l' % ''- light, and i the curves of large radius.' .In'fac,t,; r.:-_•,..1..r...-, :„..i..,", - .-. : ;••-,...;;•,, ~„. . ..:.:-,..-.4. _, , .. , ,,--7_,-.,--,.,..? --•. ......., t -;,„;.•,,,,.. ; ,' - -- ~."-. .-- ..-..,--.. • ~ , • ~.,;.,,, .r .. .... , ...... , - 4 ,4 , ,A '.....„..,t tween ...itts erg ~.. _. : -- - -',or-;-:•wlri4i: . k . .'-. 7 .,%...:.;.„'. 9 .0. y,... '' ... :, '74. :-'...1,--.----i,*",r,-.0i.,,,;0%12.) . 1 : . 44'4* " :Zr : tre A1k1 '. i.r.ir ‘. % ‘ ,..N .. k7.. ,* 1t',... ' ' i•t w r='*••- ..i-r• - •!- - -r'----; -- •••••"-- `,"""- -' - -L-t-i"• -7 -.. , - - .0;'1.74 4 "..e-e.7,4,.. , -••-• ~..,.- ....- ' • -' •• -., ..- -;.•,,,0_f ~,..-,..;., .....,. - ,,, , r,-.la3trit .A.TEletters, by the ~-,, .!..,,. ; •. - ~ t...,.. , ' .:,-.;,... ' :-,,,,.-, ..--, , r , - ,.. , t, ',.- -4 , •. , ,,.-.4,e e . ... ,, ,... , ..5 - ,•,-; - --, ..,.` ',.., --•`,_..,.'"".......,' - "'". .-..-- .. -.• `.. "•...,, ".."...... - .7 , .. - ' - '.-' ' ..- - 1 d flnancia tun -J.:. ' ' 'i '' ' '' '' -'4r .:'. . .. ' -:. - '' '.""'. '''. -.'''' ' ''''. - ..- ` 3-- " :' '' ' ' ' '''' '''•' . " : ''. '''' ' '' ' •-'-'. ' - ' 'ho speak very encetliNfiegit ..,....!;.-;,:, ....0;?-; .:. 1-,- - '1 , D ,:,'. , ,- , :-,-.. f .r, t..,`' ''' ' ' ' : '.' *-' ." 't• ~ '.1.,--1{ ' . -- r - ~" ~: "' -“,' ‘..•'-', - - ,- ,- ,-; 4- , . ‘t% -4. ', e',••"q• ~ - } ~- .- ••••• ,- ',.*. , , '' ~ - ' '- - 4 *4 ,'-41" to of general tradej;o; ':.. !'' :e. '' - - *'-' - ' :2' '' ' ' ': --'''-'' '' '''. ''. ' t Zs -- ' '''' ' -.- 7 ` -. "' ' - --, .' , '- ',..i ,'. •' ** .' ' . *- pee , Of arestontiono - . '''-ut t '' ' - -'•' •I ' I ' ''' - " l '''' ',- ' ' ' '''-'‘ ' '- '' ''""' "' I " .-I- • -.- ' ''' -*- ''''''‘ '' ' = ;''• - ' . 'i ;' - -- ....ieji` -:'. that the bad.fort44o gli. -.,......._•-- .. ,_...„„,'- -- • ..,,, ~..,,7 ~ ~.;„ • , !-" , -,..-1. ~- -,„ --,••• , s ‘..-,_•.,„, ,•,, : _,-. , ~,.. -.- ... - . 7. t r•,:••• , - • ••• -- e , are e r .,...ng a rk , ension -'• •'-,`‘.- 'r" - - -7 - t' -- ..-t.'l ' .' , -P',!':';'.. c ,.: . ;••-!: = .7.:' •' " i -,---,.- ---- ,-::- , ',.. :- - 5 , , t:: , ' ,7-' '',..`' - _ , v . A u siria will ' have the effect to hrinC l kiehe4nY,. , . '`, r.,.,. - ...,;„-,:' ..--;,-.--..\'...',. ~.‘. ,•-•,. --.: f---,7.: -.- ~.,- 3 - .• - ' , :,-e - ~•'::: .. ~.. - ; . ~ ;, , ;4 ,, „AL T . t b,c,„J t iiio t iftief t Verbfarlferi . :„•- : ....... , ,:-. ;-".. 7, ~ , :.t.,,7•,,, i '.,-- , ,,..,7, - -.. -. _-_--,„ 2-. -..-..-.: '...,.,...=:.,0. - '-,'„ ,` •••.• •.., ••-• .- to her tut+, se. ...'....-....- --- -•- ---. 4, ~ s '' •I'• ' - ' : -• l' : ;:- - ''.: '';'••' --. • ''' ..-:I -.. , - .'" ,'' It . : .::. - • - '-- - . o initead tOf ''hilotining Peace- , is ' -,T l ' o t• -I' 5,.. c „ -" u:.,-,..., ...,,,,,,- ._'7u. , t• • - 't..,.' uro,- , ' , -''' - ` - .-' • •. - " - IT -•-• '' z -:-..-%,.,.`:2 -:- K . tn -0 '. • - ' '-' , :. •,:- v-'' • : : ' ~, -- - - " " "" '- - - • ' -•• • Protr ' a'ct me . . , t . , :, - ', : •:...:::•'. 1 ' ; 2.;.- , _:: :: ~.7:.'.:::%.'.....:-r.,---!::: ety Post. FRIDAY MORNING NOTICE TO PLEASURE-SEEKERS. Those who purpose spending a tow weeks in the country can be furnished with the .Daily tst, and: thhs keep themselves advised of the current news of the day and local occurrences at home, by leaving their names at our publi cation office. - - THE! POST. Our_ WEISEL'S may be had at the counting room to-day, in wrappers ready_ for mail ing. It hi-a capital number . ; eoutaii4g twen ty-seven columns,* reading . matter, embody ing ail the exciting news a the great bat tl Ri turoPV,lhll reports 'Of-the inarketii. great variety of editorial matter, correspond ence, local news;,*o . ..,A6;: . J.nslubC of five our th mammo weekly-paper c. ,, c,rsta,,only.mie . tdollar per Npvir is the.time to sub - scribe, when exciting occurrences. are tahhig place almost daily in ah pgrts Ofthe.vMrld. THE 110 N. EDWARD W. 11. SCIIENRY. We are a day or two behind our city eotemporariesinpresenting the public with the following, from the Philadelphia .Press : The , ;United States;have been collatterally represented in the British Parliament, by the Barings, descended (rpm the Bi nettling of Phil. ridelphia, Where Loid Ashburton, the resent head of the family, was born, /799, and by William Brown, of Liverpool. of the limn of Browit'Srothers, New York. Mr. Brown has resigned ,his seat for South - , Lanclishire, but another gentleman with American connections was returned at the last generalelection for the Borough of Dartmouth. He is well known in Pittsburgh, where he married, and is thus de scribeCby' Capt. Dod,' in his Parlimentary Companion, just published : Schenley, Edward William Barrington, son of ,the late Major Schenley, thelloyal Artillery'. Born 1799; married Ist daughter of William Inglis, Esq., of Edinburg-, 2ndly, Jane Idarie,, daughter, of Sir Williatn Templer Pole, of Shute House, Devon; 'dilly, Mary, daughter ,of.: William Croghan, Esq., of Pittsburgh, United States. Educated at the Military College, Marlow. Served with the Rifle Brigade, in the Peninsu lar war, and was severely wounded at Water loo. Afterwards entered the Consular service, and employed in- the commission for the re pression of the slave trade with Spain - and Holland. A liberal;. and in favor of extending the franchise to the " industrial clags'es." First elected for Dartmouth in May, 1959. , If the date of his birth be here given cor rectly;-Captain Schenley must have foughbt in the.Periinsular campaign at the age of .6 fteen, and have been at Waterloo at sixteen. In one part of Captain Dod's Companion, his second christbm name is given as Wyndhani; in an - other, William. Dartmouth is a parlimentary borough is Devonshire, with a population of four thous and five hundred and eight. The registered electors; qualified to vote, aro only two hun dred and sixty-four, consisting of household ers paying,ilfty dollars yearly rent, and seven freeman. _Captain Schenley 'WAS elected by a majority of seven over his opponent Sir Thom - us Herbert. This Honorable Captain M. P. for Dart mouth, has all American history, as well as. British one. The first that was heard of the , honorable gentleman on this side of the water, was Some fifteen or twenty years ago, when the country was astonished with the news that • a captain in the British army, past mid-age,, had run away with a school girl from a seminary .on Long Island. .The fact was rendered the more interesting because the girl was one of the richest heiresses in Arner l ica. Her friends and relations in this city _were at lirst. greatly outraged at this seizure of the young,..bright jewel of their social cir cle; and ineffectual attempts were made to secure from the grasp of the bold Briton the immense property to which his wife was ness to Hardscrabble on Suke's run and all the Schenley castles in the two cities? - i The., are always some perso. . t. ti Thil t e,. 4 porn .. • . old twaddle in every ~. : . y, a, `- .1 especw.. n w .:. • h` , A , throu_ _., fe, , ' 4 e .2 1. •-• 'l.lel i !';', missio f P i "i ce, . • .? b . 4 1 id ~I 1 ‘t it a ' , ..,.cias ~ 1 :id ~. 0 " . 4 .; 1 honest - Men have not achieved by iitlitiveli less, laborious life-time. :JULY 15, 185% NRmstter whosgeNp_onse-no _matter what the cost or extravagance,—or bow many heart-burnings, or profound and Ilastingsorrows it marcau.se,-;therstick close to their only lesson of. / life 7 -p?sition and a pampered 44,WtAviitiie may ! Such ,characteis are good points for rl.l3;driei, pi White goelville ciety of high, .fashiol'abrlttin?fllgacy for such fellows, which Orly rUquires n goal-nominal rental, as. thuleat iiilieu'llernan.l and i the members of,„this'..tribe, - .l.i . Uiii: Many" _an im proved mothod of violating eyeiy precept of the decalogue, and -ufterWards many a patent way of evading liinvgate and it's fears, from the Queen's cousin, tile/juke of Cambridge, down to theih lowesFltanger-on at the foreign office, if he has done the State a service,•or has a friend. at Cotirt,''or - is in society. It has come to our earsAs if a bird had brought it across the water,:that"the Tionor able Captain has been . sistiei.sly annoyed at the fact that a few copies OtTitiVist reached England, and even in the brilliant'canvass at Dartmouth, to secure those seven votes of a majority, he was met by blazing handbills, proclaiming him a repudiator. Clorying in hi. 4 shame, he has' sent one of the handbills to his agent in this city, with instructiorti'6 post, in . a censpicuous plaCiin his office. No being on earth is a greater stickler for the sanctit,V-13f the parental relation than your regular John Bull; but this " noblest Roman of them all," our K. P.-Repudiator of Rail Road securities, has in his life-time made three several Sabine incursions into peaceful families and grabbed a wife, each time against the wilrof a father and mother. His last incursion was• upon American soil, and hastening back, old England gavehim a s ie ter. But now to his last repudiation of Old Mother England herself.. The following is a true copy of a paper on file in the Clerk's Office of the United States Circuit Court for the Western District of PennsYlvania: • Ufitrzn STATE, 1, Western District of Pennsylvania. I At Pittsburgh, on the 2.ii day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight, hun dred and fifty, Edward W. IL Schenley, a na tive of England, came before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States, for said District, and made the following declaration of his intention to becomes citizen of the 'United States in such cases made and provided, as fol lows:.' I. Edward W. H. Schinley, ariative a Eng land, and heretofore a subject of the Queen of Great Britan, d c., do swear that it is bona tide my intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce and abjure forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, or -state sovereignty whatever; and particularly to renounce and abjure forever all allegiance and fidelity to the queen of Great Britain and Ireland, whereof I was heretofore a subject. EDWARD W. H. SC - RENLEY. Sworn and subscribed this second day of De cember, A. D. 1830. and other interests of her realm to a man who has solemnly sworn that it was his in• tention to renounce and abjure forever ul' allegiance and fidelity to Her Most Sacred Majesty, she is less wise than we thought her. The member froM' DartmoUth Perhaps can, reconcile his American oaths.with his English one, but on this side of the water his position looks a little queer, to say ' - the least. All this 'he may again repudiate, and re turn just inlime torocognize " Hen), sweet I home," or Hardscrabble for Dartmoutg, and represent the repudiator at Harrisburg on the railroads, which have enhanced his property,audin the enterprise of which be has his security for not dying in a workhouse or living; on charity. This Honorable M. P., for Dartmouth; now sits on the same benches with other honora ble gentlemen, who have invested their mon ey in securities, based upon the faith rev enue credit and corporate property of these communities. lie was aware that his fellow countrynien were investing in securities, based upon the very, property of .which he now enjoys the revenues, and refugei to pay his share of taxes to meet these public engagements. He, an interested pirty boldly repudiates these contracts, and yet the Honorable member for Dartmouth, will' essay to bold up his head among the proud Peers of Englanti, who black-ball a man of their own order,• who is unable to pay Ins gambling debts, or refuses to settle his 'het ting book at a race course. There he claims to be an Honorable gentleulan-r-bere :he forswears allegiance to his sovereign, and.re fuses to pay his share of public obligations. We Wish Queen 'Victoria joy of her returned subject—here we have had quite enough of him. - If Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and reland, chocn.es to intrust the law-making DEATH OF HON. RUFUS CHOATE. The telegraph brings us the, melancholy %vs of the death of this diguished ad vocate and jurist. Hew as , Vain at Essex l , , glasachusetts, October bigA7o, ati.o4 , Agy iht , sixtieth year of his 4e• He peas, A ram his boyhood, an arderkloti of- ktwwl e and drew the *meaty I , 44*agesi ir* , l the moderateoPtertimier Which were afforded him. He grt a ioluat '47l)art moutla,in 1819 . , with the highest hynors of his class. After remaining ayer in the capacity of tutor ut his' aims : tered the C , mbridge : Law Shool, where he remained ...a r fely. monais t .aud.then went to tAt' - ' vih Washing r ern- e--remainet - , about a .Y9iFrjritl?.449rr*r—W;il;.if ;J.:19.1?fs ad mated , to, tlykdiap ... d 8'24, tinsl; : front that moment his course,was 'marked, and his rise was rapid. He was:a - thorough lawyer ; for each case he tins Most perfect prepar - alien; and 'to his earnest devotion' to the cause of his client, )se added the charm of the most brilliant, and persuasive eloquence. He occupiod a seat -in: the , Massachusetts Assembly; antUalso hes .Sonste for a short time, but be:dk.a not ptyrinit .politie.4 to di vert him from the paths of professional toil and professional success., In 1832, lie was elected to Congress, sad served but a single term,'declining a. re-election. hi 1834 he removed front'f4aleirt td Boston, entering at mice upon a large and iuiportant law busi ness, l and coping with the leaders of the Boston bar. For the next eight years,;his life was one of themost aisiduous toil, and the most, brilliant triumpha. In 1841, he suc ceeded Mr. Webster . who had entered the cabinet of PreSident.tarrisiM, in the Sen ate of the United .States.. Ho took fre- Utient part in the discussions, and made brilliant :speeches on the ~Oregon question, the tariff, the Courts of the United States. which'were published in pamphlet form. In 1813. at the Close of his term, he returned from the Senate, and has since resided in Boston I engaged in the most extensive practice of the law, only occasionally di verted from his labors by the preparation and delivery of public addresses. The style of his addresses in these public ora tions, is peculiar and characteristic ; It is rich; vivid and glowing, instinct with pas sion; and colored with all the hue of fancy, but,!sometimes, it must be admitted, a little extravagant and exaggerated. But Mr. Choates' political and literary labors are small in comparison with the immense amount of his professional toils. For many years be has, by common consent of his bre.thren,stood at the head of the bar in New England, and, as an advocate, probably had no superior in the country, In his death the country has lost a great 'intellect. and a lawyer of consummate judgment and uner ring tact. In all his professional relations, as well as his personal intercourse, he was a `nigh toned gentleman. ATUR A LIZATION. This question is likely to be settled definitely and practically by this government without.the aid of politicians, and President making Con• ventiona. Our telegraphic columns contain a case in point, which demanded and received the attention of our government on tbo instant. The whole matter is clear to our mind, that this government cannot take aback ward step on this subject, and that we are bound to follow and protect our citizens, native or naturalized in their political rights, wherever they go. If we have undertaken too large a contract, or promised to du for the foreign born that which is difficult or dangerous, why not back down gracefully, but certainly as the form of natu ralization now reads, we are bound by its terms in all honor to maintain and defend in good faith, its obligations.' We faiall look with in inserest to.the result of this Berlin case, which may eventuate, in serious complications, but the position or our government cannot be turrendemt without puncturing the most magnificent theme for Fnnrth of July ora tions we ever had. The Republican Two Years' Amendment. The Republicans of Ohio, to relieve their party As much as possible of the odium of the Masqichufetts Two-Year Amendment, have charged that a similar law prevailed in' South Carolina. The G,rotahia, of Clevoland, pub lishes the following letter from the Deputy Sec retary of the State of South Carolina, 'which shows that the Republicans have been mistaken in their reference to South Carolina: Orme SECRETARY or STATE. COLUMBIA'S. 0., Juno 11, '4. 9 . 1 In answer to your letter of the 4th of this month, 1 would state that a foreigner under the present law, as goon as - 'he bas taken the oath ofallegiance; and received his certificate under Unreal of the Clcrck of. Court, is en titled to all the the privilegesof a native-born citizen. There was a law in this State, ratifi ed on the 26th. of March, 1784, which prevented the foreigner from votiag until be had been two years in'possession of his certificate of cit izenship, but this law is repealed. WILLLLIS It. HUNT, Deputy Secretary of State. West Point Military Academy. The Board of Visitors to West Point Mili tary Academy, iri,their report of the result of their examination, say the expenses of that institution are but as a drop in the ocean, com pared with the advantages resulting, and that have resulted, to the United States from it. Allahe giogressivo improvements in war are hero tested and ; 'applied, and their uses made familiar, for the time - of trial. So that, on tho score of_strictest economy, the people of the United States could not devise a better nor less expensive plan for military organization and security, in event of war, than this insti tution affords. The Next Cenius. The late Congress has appropriated only $15,000 as a preliniinari:to .taking the next consus, - for the preparation of blankforms, in structions to Marshals, etc. Ample time will baallowed forlhe ielection oflellablo deputies, . and such , arrangements will bo made by the • , Secretary . of 'the 'lnterior as will secure the prosecution_of the NT cirk. with more perfectness than heretofore. Many applications have been made for amploYment as clerks, but the Census Bureau will not be organized until next•year; 'When the returns shall begin to be received. Religiouand Politica. '-tTereiniah'Shindle; Et minister of the " Ger fniin :Lutherit Church'," was', last 'member of the, 'Pennsill.:ania g~ Se nate Ilecently'the authorities or the p ; ,14,40, e 4A . ,aeelarik the holding of apolitical office incompatible with that of - the clericidC foreresigne(i Ins iniitiSterial, office, to. Wee ef fact . as - scion as..the - congregatiOn wile!' his charge can be, galtal. with a' cleigytian , Ile hfus been - connected with the ,syfxl, of ~I:2enns yliiniiifor nearly „ - . Tine Moral of Elns silusibn is widelY Vplica-" ble, and very. personal: " See; nurie' ClisiMeal„,pePti r iti it' smile irradiated the . face of 441i,j_taftint,! - "; an angel Avhispering 4 to it !" i"• 11b sir replied-the nurse "it is only the airukotaitalittle stoma:eh : " So when adittir the ,Other dm, in . - - WiltroB to . ay certain letter, from is certain • I 411 - Pfsi*V ,-- I.Se , €!4, TitSia - PAIFIPtr: 9 1 4 55949,r,t1, lAddiilksitsid , l , vlili only the wind, in hid dom. , . 4 IA -.- The Progreu of the "Great Eastern', Steamship. This collossal structW, some six hupdrod and fifty feet in length, l 4rep2rted to he,,rapid-; I:*POWebWits,-0134etion.--Litr,is 04;ectee: atifumn.l be iiiinsyltania is informed that the 'deck . t .ilpielVihistaid- from end to Muleand.tbat -thp 'numerous Skylights are all in their 'places. Three of the roasts had already been erected. The lower decks, too, had been planked, and great-progress-has - been made -in partitioning 74 intx! permenent compartments. e grafid 'sallow's in a'forward State, look: ing more like a drawing-room in a princely mansion on shore, than. the, cabin of a ship. On each side elegant cabins are fitting up, and the other saloons, of which there are six in the ship, are in an Midvanced state of construction. One.of ,the cabins has been finished in order that the visitor may judge of what the rest are intended to be. This completed department is'v, , ,hat, is called a family cabin, containing bed-room, sitting-room and dressing-room, all of them lofty, well ventilated, and possessing a much.'greater number of conveniences than could be found in a similarsuit on shore. An immense number of men being kept constantly at work, there was every prospect of the ship being ready for her trial trip on the appointed fourth of August. There is free circulation now all through the ship, there being elegant, stair-cases with carved oak balustrades,leading to the various saloons and cabins, and iron lad d e rs for the scie n ti tic or inveterately curious, who cannot beleve they have "done" the ship until they have explored the gloomy myrteries of the vast engine room. • It is expected that the ship will run at a rate of twenty miles an hour, which may be sanguine, still, wo trust that she may go on prosperously to completion, and thus justify the scientific, but daring seheme upon which she has been constructed. If she should realize the hopes of her project ors, and the designs of her architects, she will fill a brighter page in England's history than any of her victories by land or water,for she will inaugurate a revolution in ocean transit, which will bring the farthest ends of the earth to gether, and transport a whole colony or an entire army, at once, to any given point of the world's map. Worm is progreessing rapidly on the Chica go and North Western Railroad (late St. Paul and Fond du Lac) and about two thousand men are now employed at different points on the line. The iron has been purchased on fa vorable terms, and workmen will commence laying the rails on that portion of the road al ready graded. The track will be completed to a point four miles above Oshkosh, by October lat. The second installment of the bondhold ers' subscription has been called in by the Treasurer. The managers consider ths?. pros pect 3 of the road highly encouraging. The citizens of Philadelphia, opposed to the running of the Passenger Railroad cars on Sunday, have held a meeting, and appointed a Committee to correspond with the Presidents of the several roads upon the subject. They also 4 - pointed "a Committee of Vigilance to be composed of ono hundred good and true men to carry into effect the object of the meet• ing." The popular voice being in favor of run ning the cars on Sunday, it does not seem prob able that "the meeting" will "effect its ob 'act." A VSICY curious article is published in the Gazelle (le France, which affirms that in 1830, when the restoration fell, Charka X. was tak ing measures for the complete revision of the treaties of 1815, and that overtures on the sub ject were made by the French government to Rue-ia through its ambassador, M. de Morti mart. The Ga:ette declares that the Emperor Nicholas fully approved of the scheme, and that measures would certainly have been taken for its immediate execution, had not the Revo lution of duly upset the whole design. AT the lag accounts from California, two emigrants from Pennsylvania, but now leading politicians on tho Pacific side, J. C. McKib ben and J. W. Coffroth, gone out to fight a duel, caused by McKibben having struck Cotfroth fur a remark about the Broderick Convention. The Herald, however, says the matter was settled without et fight. PAUL MOILPIIIt has determined to make New York his future residence, and to enter upon the practice of the law. Bonner is to pay him up in the thousands for editing the chess de partment of the Ledger. An odd chap is 151.,r -phy about some things; reads and plays all night and sleeps till noon every day, which ho has ',right to do. "He pays his money," &c. It: three weeks from this timo most of the Southern States will have voted for Congress mon, &-c. North Carolina, Tennesseo, .Ken tucky, Alabama and Texas hold their elections in the first days of August. In no ono of them is th‘ore even so much as a faint hope for the Opposition. ELz& How's, the sewing machine man, to whom all the different wanufacturers are oblig ed to pay tribute for the use of a certian indis pensable invention of his in use on each of the various machines, has purchased Iranistan, the former country residence of P. T. Barnum. Ix the United States Circuit Court, et Phil adelphia, an opinion has been delivered by Judge Cadwalader, over ninety-nine pages long,'in the famous gold dust case, which has occupied the attention of the court for fully eight years. SECRETARY FLOYD'S health is slightly iqY Proved and ho will return to Washingn to accompany the President to Bedford Springs on Monday. Tn Boston Post thinks that Mayor Tie =inn ought pot to 0044 sp many festivals, dinners and late parties, as New 'York does not want a night mayor THE only political news of importance from Great Britain is the, fact that Mr. Cobden had declined a seat in Lord Palmerston's Cabinet. THE Insurance Company of North America has declared a semi-annual dividend of six per cent., exclusive of State tax. 0. JENNINGS WISE is again in a duelling difficulty. He may better quit before fie gets hurt. A. CEISSII! of San ,Francisco, California, shows a population , of seventy-eight thousand and, etghty-three. at Washington iy very .Acidity of the Stomach and Indlgeitlon. "IginnoT EAT ANYTHING after taking your Holland Bitters," is a remark frequently made to us. - Tcipersonictronbled with acidity of the tdorrukch, Judi- Benno's, or any (Reorder of the stomac h we would only sardry St. Its world-wide, reputation bearCestab laieg .pio no .br the many woudetdd e sit Itsieffect ed, When used for Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Lisef Com plaint, weakness of.any kind, Costiveness and Piles, it should be taken in Irina doses—say half a raaspoonfid, three, limes ailly, - before meals. ; 'Genuine highly `Ceneentrated' Bitters is_prit up in he/f: pint bottles mill. and ritailiskat one dollar per bottle. Thp t . demand far this - truly celebrated Medicine hawgaped many huitabaiss, which the public ettopldartypunst' purcbsdng, _Beware Ofltdposltiottl' fte name is bri the basil of every bottle y2ti hay. BENJAMIN vu, PX 0 1 0 6100114 No. 27 Wood,biitiOieti Fires ailal3eabad strf, Pithdohgh. 1J ~ .S T . . . 1" . 11WEITEIL , A iLiNpt, D ir, ass u ortmint of- ctru,DgE iv.s .ILEA.DY E ilaytHEIG,. of all descriptions, along with, es' Envoi Cava and Hasti Dr r **6 s', l33 * Sll the girl! Pate= or Rum.' •- '- '• - ' - M. 1.-1, .No. 24 :Mt . ai.root, second Mary, Rooms Nos. 8. ,-. , Near Advertisements. i k . cc - t il i Vl PlDiThlriSlicinalielskNavigationC o m . 7 _ dila dajr: uclared a dill/len/lot THREE -• ER Nf. Idie capnal stock of said Company pap ': • 4•1 on Alemnit ' 2 ::;• Als/41hay ;have authorized - n distribution of stock itmongst ther_idockholdeni, equal to One Dollar' per ...iihare,•fillyabla lb new stock or scrip. 13y order of the 'lloard.•-.; r '. • W.-13. COPELAND, Treasurer. • - • ' - . Office at the Novelty Works. Pittsburgh. anti' lA, 1850., •-, i vllid w HIIGW-M. BOLE, ENGINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, GREAT 'WESTERN PLAINING MILL, car. e bury and.Lhiguesne Way, Pittsburgh, Mt., will , make to order, and warranted as good RS can be made, the following machinery. -via:—Steam Engines, Turning Lathe:4 for wood and iron f Planers,for wood and iron ; Drilling Machines: HouseriandTobacco Screws ; Patent right and Model Machines. in the best manner; Shafting, Pullitta, and Hangers. of all sizes and variety; Screws, of any diameter and pitch, to fifteen feet in length, Will also Make, and hare en ,hatid, • Doctor . and Nigger En ginmr, laid Deck Pampa- for steamtsiats, ae. -lathe Shears and other Planing dono to order; .:an plane 32 inches "wide, by 9 feet 8 lne hes long. AU Order , Promptly Plttoland EaracJilo Solicitot. N H.—Particular attention and promptitude given to I repairs y o d n i Prin . flog Pressea and other Machines' - i15..1 DUCK AND ALPACA covrs AND DUSTERS, Reduced Prices. H Rs IiFELD & SON, S MM ER Undershirts and Drawers, Uf Lisle Thread, Linen, Gauze, Dieritni, Silk, Cvitun and POPULAR PRICES; L 111H-413FELD 4 SON'S, CU TEES. SU WI N 1)0 W SASE' AND FRAMES, AT AUCTION.—Thia, FRI DAY. AFTERNOON, July lath. at 2 o'clock. at the Coin mercutlSales Rooms, No. C 4 Fifth street, will be sold -4 Counters. and a quantity of Re lights, Window Sash; a quantity of Window Frames; A Counting-House Deek; 4 Chiliken's-liuggies• • .yl5 I'. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. itucEta sTuktE AT A u cTIoN.—On MONDAY. July 15th, at lu o'clock, A. M., will be sold. at No. 455 Penn strest, an assortment of Groceries, Queensware.Glass, Nails, CoUnter.blielvi ri g. Show-Cases, Platform and Counter Scales, Ac , as the owner is declin ing business. Salo positive 1315 P: M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. tItTETF . ATiitifiN7 This, FRIDAY. AFTERNOON, July 15th. at two o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms No 54 Fifth street. will Le sold—One Side-Table, Marble-top Dressing Bureau, Turned Post Bedaead. Enclosed Wash Stand, that have been well kept, been in use buts feW months. jyls P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. 'MEW DOMESTIC ANI) STAPLE DR GOODS are beftrllreaeived almost daily. jYni • C. - HANSON LOVE, 74 Market At - PL A STA sf AT E REPORTS.— x Casey; Volume S, j1:1-4 received. jyls KAY A CO, 55 Wood street. A NN' UAL DRlE.ST.—Brigfnly's Purdon's ,Annual Digests, front May M, 1553, to May i 15,1559. a 15 RA CO.. Oh ee • NEW FIRM. GALLAGHER, CRAIG & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, TEAM AND GAS PIPE FITTERS S YLUDIBERS awl FINISHERS of ail lziu.l,l of bro., DEALERS IN GAS FUTURES, AC Onlee and Wareroomt No. 124 Wood Ave Door■ from Fifth. Foundry, No. 1 5 First •t., 11. re Doors below Illonongsbels , 'Muse. • The well-known practical shill and experience. in the variona branches of liras.% Casting. Steam Gas Pipe Fitting, of the ixiiior membe it s the fine, (who will giro their personal attention to till work entriistea to thaw) should entitle 11.4 to a share of pot Ate patronage. All Ordera Promptly Filled. (y 1 ktf To Housekeepers. SomErriilNG N BIV.—B. T. BABBITT'S BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS, c R ita mannfeentred from common salt, and is pre Q d n e ti i r e til e y rio d u itle , r * e uci nt o rr r t e in x i t rn iti t T , ‘r t - i i.l s e u r a , t i n ; " ' All ar e t I d . e e manner as to produce Broad. 13ischiits and all Amlkinils of Cake, without containing a particle of -or , ' Sal eratus when the bread or cake Fs letk . edi there by,,producing wholesome results Every peril ~ , 7 Uli;leof Saleratus is turned to gas. and passes f t ithrough the bread or biseilit while baking; con.; , equently nothing remains but common .Salt.! Water and Flour. Too will readily perceive try c%,i.the tasto of this , 3alaratus that it is entirely i 11 1 4,; lferent from other Saleratus. It is packed in one pouV pape e rs t ,_ each wrap' ~,,t re l r z d;d. . .l : o .B .i T t ui. Bir,,t,b twistedt s3 ..lo o r lll o e f t e irl ~.,, Ist , tli a glass of effervescing water on the top.— , n lWhen you purchasoono paper you should pre, I uiserve the wrapper, and be particular to get the --.4 nlnext exactl y.li •e ie firat4Wand SS aboie. Full directions for making Bread with h. *derails and Sour ?Silk or Cream Tartar, wit c Q accompany each package; also, directions for, v omaking all kinds of Pastry; also, tor utaking' Soda Water and Seidlitz Powders, ......th l • MAKE TOUR OWN SOAP, • ST ITH 1 • ° ,13. T. BABBITT'S. PURE CO POTASH. I Warranted double the strength of ordinnry Pot c c lashi put up in cans—l 5,2 '4..., 3 Iris., 0 ths: and v cll.: ftis.—with full directions for making Hard and !Soft Soap. Consumers will find this the cheap loot Potash in market. " ' "Ntl l Manufactured and for sale by . . B. T. BABBITT, Nos. CiS. and 70 Washington st, N. 1'.., i 7 Ojiy'llydaw rind No. 21 India st., Boston. BOOTS AND SHOES. Reduction in Prices. WM. E. SCHMERTZ & CO., No. 31 "Fifth street, WILL CLOSE OUT THEIR IMMENSE ..tool: of SUMMER GOODS, cousi.vting of • and CHILDREN'S, Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, OF ALL STYLai AND QUALITIES, At a great reduction on former Pricer, aa they wislr to (lose Out their Present Stock o make room for FMI 0004 S W. E. SCIEIIERTZ & Ea. 31 FIFTH STREET• TO NEW CASTLE BY.CANAL: to. TO PASSENGERS GOING TO NEW CASTLE AND NORTH OF THAT PLACE.—You will not forget that the daily line of Packets between New Castle and New Brighton still connect with the accommodation train, on the ei2O, P. m., and with the 6,05, at New Brighton. By going by this route yon will save tune and money, which is a groat object at the present. time, as money is scarce, and the frost has done great damage Je26:3m.d THE MANUFACTURERS OF SA W YER'S CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE 'SOAP, after subjecting it to the severest testa known to the trade, are fully peranaded that theriais noVamily Wash. ing Soap in the United States, for so little money, haring.g at once so many good qualities, (and so few tit...counts.) OF HE,AUW— y ln•colors, firmness, surface and tex m, • t t PUR ang PPY•LIn • freedere 'trim' thrpentlne, elky, firth ollsatate grease, and adulterations.:; QUAZITY--Vor washing clothes, of every descrip tion coarse or fine; cotton, linen, woolen or silk; dyed, printed or white: for sera tar, grease, pitch, paird, oil, printers'.lnk, shoemakers' : war, etc., from clothes furniture, and from the hands' Give Give it a fair trial for yourselves, and be convinced. Remember, the name, is on each bar. Ask for a copy of the directions. ' • B.C. &'J. H. SAWYER. jeB 47 -Wood street, Pittsburgh. ...AIARION STREET.—For sale., a Tam fortable tin-story BriCk Dwelling, of flia rooms. an cellar. The lot in SO feet front, by lo.t feet dap, on, an alley; a large grape arbor, stone wall and paling in front, a frame outbuilding, la Price s2,' Onnl >Terme -018 - a curn - Envi SON, le3o , • , - •61 Market street. NESEI - BUTTKR.:=7 jars incl._ 4 ;kegsF Fresh Batter, just received and for sale by .11111.E9 A. FETZER, - tel' corner Market. and First fitreets. . _.. .. Hoek • CENTS per - yard, is what we are selling a large lot of Waidungton and -White Print& for, home being olitatyl ea,C.i. and otborasoiled---ntherWiae aplehdid good& • . . :• . ,C. HANSON LOVE,I4 Market ittieet. • . s(XP Re le i 4tlt '141,M5.°11 ( 2. Stationery gores of - SALSVEN,. "°l= stor e s 0 4 9' 3 4PO d i lill ' x8/ Thfrd StS ` .• gnu Advertise .. ......._. CITY AND COUNTY liliN :, confits NOTICE IS HERE IGI ! N'N' t ilAti in puraultnce of an act or4Ssembl • relal"k theivv: to, and the baiter of. Inctarporation, eppraried Anilli 11th, 1819. P.peketo receive sttbahription's to the Camtli Stock of the Gity:and tkltinty Inattr leaComflany ofed, city of Alleghenzwill 're.opeir:tit the Once of PETERSON, Federal street, Allegenrimi MONDILTithe llth ofJuly, add 'be cotttinue&until their ;number of shares are -subscribed, from '9 o'clocki", A:tld, to 4 . o'clock, P. M.. each day. , :„ - ; . . Josiah King, 'Titres L. Graham, Henry Irwin, William B. Pusey, Peter Peterson, John Birmingham, 0. G. Craig. - - Wm. P. Ba ulT4 James' Old, John Irwin. Sen., James Gibson, John Sampson, C. Yeaer, . George Lewis, SamuelGormly, Nicholas Noegittly, Sea, John A. Scott, R. P. M'Dowell, - •John W. Riddle, David Greig._ Samuel Lindsay, Jun, J. Longixtare, • - M. Boreland, ThomatioParleya . . D. M. Evans, Alex. filial:ds,. . , • -R. W. Poindexter, Thomsa'Donfielly; - • James Park, Jun, , James A. Gibson, D. LeetShields, , . ' • Cbr OniSs l6.4 ' 3. i y 11: t f , , . , - OFFICE OF THE • 1 PITTSBURGH GAS:COMPANY, Pittsburgh, July n, 1859, • DIVIDEND.—The Tutee of the Pittsburgh tins Company have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT.. on the capital stock, out of the profits of the six.toonths ettding;OttiJmaey ult., payable to stockholders or their legal represoutatives, on-dSoo mans.• ' JAM 'U 11f. EPF HI TT INAHArPASSM IA.hesub sri beta to the capital stock of the Pittsburgh and Birming ham Passenger Rulrotal 'Company, will - meet'for the purpose of ereeting a Board of Directors, at Una MON ONGAHELA HOUSE, in the City of Pittsburgh, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 220 inst., at 7 o'clock. S. M. WICKERSHAM, , Chaizinarkof Commissioner. C. S. Ertrrsn, Secretary.. PiWthurgh, July 12th,- 1859. No. 83 Wood street ENGINEER:9 OFFICE P. tC.B. R. I KEATING'S Owners Srrnos, July. 13,../W. j , On TO RAILROAD CONTRATOES—Propatude for Gradation, Masonry and Biillaiting; of pert Of the Pittsburgh and Connellsrille Railroad, between Pitts , burgh and Port Perry, divided in section otabotitone toile in length, will be received at said office theuntil_ =1 inst. Profiles and specifications will be shown by the Engi neer at his oftiee. - - IZ.'td MORRISON CO. I•7' O'X R "7' 1:) T.. - 14 C OFFICE at the Pittsburgh .Post,_ Fifth street, near Wood. jyl3- No: ki.3 Wow.] street Valuable ALarket Street and Man= chester Property for Sale. MEE SUBSCRIBERS, in virtue of powers conferred upon them by the wilt of the late Judge Riddle, offer for sale the following excellent business locations A lot fronting 31 feet on Market street, by 176 -- feet deep to Chancery Lane, with the two three-story busi ness houses on Market street, a two-story house in the rear of the same, and a two-story dwelling house on Fourth street. The lot has a Trout of 34 feet on Fourth street, by CO feet deep on Chancery Lane. This proper ty, from its large trout on two streets, offers a favorable opportunity to business Men desiring a good business location. In order to accommodate purchasers, the Fourth. street, extending back on Chancery Lane 30 feet, will be cold separately from the Market street pronerty. Also, a lot of ground in the borough of Manchester, baring a front on Locust street of 34 feet, ands depth -Cr 160 feet 6 inches, being bounded on ono side try Leckey alley, on which is erected a brick dwelling house of two stories, with a portico in Tron'" and having appurtenant thereto aconvement m-house and smoke house, and a stable and carriage house on the other side of Leckey alley; this property is now in the occupancy of Captain, Miller. The above property will - be sold 'upon terms greatly conducive to the interests of purchasers, bothas relate to price and time of payment, as the Executors are anxious to close up the affairs of the estate. For further particulars, price, terms. ac_ apply to either of the subscribers, or to S. CUTHEERT. Agent, Market street, Pittsburgh. JOSEPH P. GAZZAM, D., (Alice, No-? 5 Sixth street. CHARLES STALER, Atty. at Law, 14.3wdew Office, 81 Fourth street. PIANOS! PIANOS!! iv-F.Fw. Arrival ;of of Pianos. THE SUBSCRIBER . IIAS JUST RE- Cell, ed from the roneufectory of A fresh supply of tllcir The nudrionenla have all been r elected personally by he ant..crilx.r, at the Factory, ESPECIALLY RR TIIIS MARKET. .Those in want of Pianos are incited. to call, and ezame toe this stock, which nomprises.all the various styles manuNeturod by Chickoriu,k k Sons, from the plainest to the most elstorately• Caired and at prices to suit all purchasers. ; NEW STOCK . 01F MELODEONS. JUST RECEIVED-A SPLENDID NEW lot of MELODEONS. from the factory of MASON d RAMLLN, Boston, including all the atyleamade bythis firm.. These instruments have been approved by the greatest musicians lu the country--as Dr. Lowell Mason, Geo:F. Root, W. B. Bnidhury, and others—eon eequently they can ho relied on as being jirif des.: earn,. mesas. They are noted for the following - points: • ' 1. Their pure and musical quality of tone. . 2. Their great power of tone. a. Their perfect equality of tone. , 4.• Their prompt and_ asy touch.. , S. Their beautiful style of Knish.. . - e. Their durability. 7. Their cheapness of price. For sari only by JOR? B. MELLOR,: No. 81 Wood. street. Descriptive circulars mailed to any address. tinyla THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO - PHICADELFITLII, INSURES' AGAINST .- LOSS . OR DAMAGE by Fire on-Buildnaga,-Merchendize, Furniture, at reasonable rates of prorniuiri. . • -- Dinecross --F.Ratchford Starr; Wilhaniarlide,of ?Aliso A. Co; Nabro Frazier; Inc. M. Atwood, of Atwood, White A Co; Beb.l. T. TrEdiek, of Tredlck, Stokes A pg.; Henry Wharton; 3fordecal L. Dawson,' Osao.M: Stewart. of Stewart S Bro.; 301111. H. Brown, of John H. Brown A CO.; B. A: Fahnestock, of B.A.Fahnestock. A Co.; Atidfew D. Cash; J. L. Erringer. of Wood A Erringer." F. BATCH - FORD STARR, President. CHARLES W, COIF, Secretary: Prrisannalt EssEsnlmas.—Wm.Holmes &Op . J. Punster & Co, Thomas 14.110 we. Esq.;Jas. Idarshall, Esq., Allen Kramer, Esq,Nilson, Al'Elroy Co., Wilson, Payne' •t Co., Bailey, ProvrA , Co,',l.4slngston, Copeland James 13. j..yon Co, -- Wrn. - S. Lusty 4 Co. • • giLv. S. Eirtir4l4 & CO., Agents, 4.1 Wood street. awcanortaus ASD =nu Er mar 'num os Cooking Parlor &Heating Stovee PLAIN AND FANCY tirtATN. ',HOSTS, YOUTHS', WM. H. WIIITNET, CRICK.FaRING & SONS, UNRIVALLED PIANOS. .44-ALL INSTRUMENTS WARR/MED.-RI JOAN IL MELLOR, Si WOOD STRINta AITNA• &WYE WORKS. Sole Proprietor of the Celebrated PATENT OAS BURNING• AND : SMOKE CONSUMING • COO R. STOVES. Office and Sales Roome, 0c=13,2p No. 4 Wood Sired, Pifletitroft. Q MYTH- & SNOWDEN'S' ' . NEW TEA . STORE, No. 34 Fifth Street. - • • : EXTRA' 'CURIOUS — OOLONGS, — FINEST TOP RTRONEI. GUNPOWDERS, IMPERIAL.% SREAKFAST TEAS, All purchased at lowest cash prices and for sale Whole sale and Retail, at, , SMYTH A SNOWDEN'S, mrlettf 'New Tee Store. St MU street. MERCHANT TAILOII.I CORNER -FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, PITTSIIURCIII; PA. AS JUST RECEIVED A FRFSII SUP PLY of Spring and Summer Goods, which he is pd to' manufacture to order in the latest style., .treasonable rale& aPl4.lm D. B. ItOIREItS & CO:, MANIIIACTIIP.FaS or Eutaw IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH °Slrner P4 -1 . 4 4 44 VIVO,' Srae,tix I PITTSBURGH, PA. Adjournment. of Assignees? Sale; THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY OF SIRS t RHODES - -is postponed until vnalaygs.: LAI, July 14th next, By order of the ,Asldgetses. • THOS. J. PORA • • 13. 8; CHAMBERLIN, • GEO F - GILLMORE, Rochester, June 14th, 1859. - - fen ,•• I. 'IT: CHADWICK ' ' • CHADPW!.CIi. & • SON, COMMISSIOI( MERCHANTS, DEALERSD% - PAPED AND rt4cs, - And Agents for the isle of • Id:awning'Fife'Brick and - POt • Clay ' • ZC05.1.49 thid 151 liii4iqt; flair:Sit/4 RIN4TO - Cash . - lysayphr '±RAN'PS CAS.II3, VAN: of Arj Clia.9 - 117gdect sad adjatiged - in theE= iim eGautt, of Pennsylvania. .-garlaeV - B r ?, - • : ,r4l.,Cer EMNPU justwantg. NORTHDRN ASSURANCE COMPANY NO. 1, MOORGITE _STREET, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1836. CAPITAL $6,299,800 00 PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. , 2,194,111 02 ANNUAL REVENUE, for tho year ending January 3L113.55 933,734 12 THIS -COMPANY- INSURES AGAINST- Loss or Inunage by Fire, almost every description of Property. The - ,d2das f . T.frdfiat'n ofe .refeitY in all cases, based upda the lclialikiter iof. the 'ember or occupant, and the merits of the risk.. - .Losses promptly adjusted and paid without reference to London. Aspects( permanent fund provided in Phila delphia for ixelniela of losses In this rcoi&frli 1 / 3 4:111.11ifi itr : Me4srs: JaMestlPCally'&l3s.374 WOod streetf l . Johti - Flot & Co.. 173 Wood Street; Brown & Kirkpatricks,393 Liberty street D. Gregg It Co, On_Wood street;: 54 Wood. street; ‘‘' James M'Candless 8 - C0.;163 - Vr0.33 street; • Nwrnek & Co., 85 Water street; B. A, Fatinestook & Co., First and , Wopdhstai • Jos...Woodwell & Co, Second and Wood , str, . Atwell. Lee &.Co., 8 Wood street.; - ‘‘.-...--Burehtleld & Co,-Fonrth and Market. streets • -AFCandifllN - M:!tanak Cop Nyoviand Water et a Itealltalla-elelltideeta;; - - George H. Btuart, - Esq:., 13 - Bank street; Messrs. Myers. Claglioni SpCo.,4332.Msticet:atreett= " Wm. WEee C0.4.22.50nth Front street; ICFCnteheon & Collins, Front and New streets Smith, NlTllliarns,l Co.; 513 Market street; " James Grahamk Co, 25 and Letitia street 'Joseph B. Mittliell, Esq., President Mechanics Bank James Dunlap; Esq, President Union Bank; • Hon. W. A. Porter late Judge Supreme ,Conrt. J AMES. W., ARROTT, Agent, - je2Lly - Temp., offia,lo3 r ood stmt. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE— CO . . Op .PIT'TSI3I.IItCH. -- OFFICE—No. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Block. INSURES' AGAINST 'ALL - KINDS OF FIRE AND IrAIuNE RISKS. ISAAC:JONES; President; JOHN D . McCORD, Vice President; D. M. HOOK, Seeretary; Capt. WILLIAM DEAN, General Agent. . Dutzareas—lsaac Jones.C. o.llussej, TlarveY _ Capt. R. C. Gray, John A.Wilson.B.L-Fa.bnestoek, John D.MeCOrd, Isaac M. Pen neck; R. P. Sterling,Capt- Dean, Thos. B. Howe, - Robt. H. Davis. n3y2B DELAWARE RIITIJAL S-AFETY INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPOHATED BY THE_ LEGISLA 'FREEE OF PENNSLVANIA,IB3S. OFFICES. E. CORNER TUIRDAND WALNUT STU PHILADELPHIA.. Marine Insurance. ON VF EIS, . ))) . .- CARGO. To all parts ot the world. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Quails, Lakes, and Land Carriages to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANC?...n . On Merchandise generally; - On Stores, Dwelling Rouses; etc., etc.' ASSETS , UP THE - COMPAII-y, Bortil.4. , llfcrtgages; and Real . . ... $ 71,363.85 Philadelphia City 6 vs cent. Loan...-.—....«....,..106,14400 .Pennaylcania State 104,423 00 'United Staten Trea5ury.:..:.::...:..:..::.30, 112 . 00 Railroad 6* Cent. Mortgage,..- . 67,375 00 Stocks in Rai/roads, Otia and Insarauce:C . os..., ASV. 60 8i115... '331,1300 Cash on hand 42,067 $l5 Balance m hands of Agents,-Pre - nritins • Marine Policies root:IS/1y issued, and other ahm 14 del , t4'iluc the...... . . A1.?,.20 !Ott& Sithnel E. St.oke EZZEZ! T E geo mu y a n d ilutP Bu su g ain r' ;,. F t/ , :ri l'e n spa n' iti • • : Johnli. Penrose, jonei Brooke" Johu C.Davis,• • 'James Trapsir, . 8 41 um neer Nv nr. Eyre, Jr., ' it o bart, Barton , ' Jameo C. Rand, Jane . , Wm. C Ludwig, , ! 11120 . James B. 3.VParland, j'Ae l?.. " Se'a • Joshua P. Ere, lien . lu. • • • D r . Ai. Huston,- jehiu.g. sempla.-P/.!I Bugh • • aT: Morgan, • Charles Sate, t 'J. T. Loegl,d . - en . V. IL LIAM MARiNvpr HAM? Yiee Rresident. • , • Esser LTIEV"' w .' tgr!lVlisAtteeF,Tric..prtb3A,Ageturlitg.h.- . , PgiliaLpv.rr A ni:OL V.TAP -011) , . iarEl:6lSUltikliCE .COMPANY, N0:149 CRESNRT STREET, • t • • -•• oi,i,csite• the -Custom licrose, WI,LL MAXEr.XLL KINDS OF INSU- • y RANCE, eitlici Perpetual or Luinit.ekon every description of t'reperty or Merchandise; at revonable M. W. BAJ.DWLY, Vice Prsiotent,. Charles Sayea, - , E. B. English, George BrOwtt,. P. B savory Joseph.S. Paul,' • C. Shennatt - • . Magargei l / 2 - E. Wiioi , .is F. gt,ecesoaa , Seeretsty. , , , . . , • ' ', , COFFIN:Agent, " • 4.1 y. - • 'Corner Tturd and Wood streets PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. Of Pittsburgh- • - Office .. . .. .. Fourth Street ..DIRECTORS. . Jacob Painter, Roily Patterson. I. Grter Sproul, C. Colton, ", - James IL Hopkins.'A. A. Carrier, Berea Sproul,. , Mott. Voegt.tly,, George W.Smith. Jones, • 'Wade Ilatop.to Robert Patriok, 'Chattered 'Capital... 4 .300.000 FIRE AND DIAREiE f EISIM " yeacEN, - of all de scription,s. 0171CL8.9 : A. A. CARRIER, President. I. GRIER SPROUL, Seatetary Nerdants': bstirance 'CiFe PEtICWJELPEtt.k. J, X'CA.i . .*,Fieuretary Amount of Capital Stock paid in arid MvestedVoo,ooo 00 63,42 S 85 ams,42s s 6 'Wires Cargo' Risks -on the'Ohiciand - MtVissippt Rivera tindTribuMnes... Insures against lim ..., I.da=ge by Firer: Also, agamst the Perils of ttue,.So k and Inland Navigation and Tranntation. CTORS - Wm. V. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pqraroy, D.. 1. NPCann, F...F..Witmer, Rene Guilion, B. L. Woolston, John A. Marshall, Cl.as. B. Wright, JohnJ. Patterson, Elwood T. Ensey. -- _ - 1 .. , ..,.:- OFFICERS: - • 'wn,raikr - v. Isfirr, *resident: • - : • E. F. WITMER, Nies PreSident,, • ll Jr 3I`CANN. Secretary.: .., , •. i • - .4F,MSENOBiII . 1 is .phizadaphici . pi phacOpQrf: Selzer, Lamb A CO., '' Statrinntz; , justice A' Co., Tnadt, Bro. A Co., . -., -I•Bricir...ldorgpa ASltlctfole, Lane A Co., - • Pum%,,Caldwell A Co. PITTSBITROL(OFFI NO. 97 ATER STREET. ja6 - •.• - . - -It. , W. POINT) TEE: Agent. . . . ~ittsbw~h~:lx~u~a~ca: Company, NO, 18 WATER' STREET.'PITTSBURGH. - ROBERT GALWAY, Pre6ideng ALEX..BRADLE Y, Vice President. F. A. MEHAET, Secretary.. , - /Er IF . antres IfOLTYAGO GARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and :MnWseiot Eisen. and .tritnattries,. and MAlGNERLSEtlgerieray, Altd against !use and dattute by Fire, an oriet. the Perds - or. the ses , aaa Inland Nevikation. andTranspor- .D . (AIC7OBB _ RobertGalway, ' Simnel IPClui-kan, Joseph P. Garsani, M.D., John Scott, - - James Maanhall, DnVid Richey, James. W. Mailman, .Charteavisbnthnot, Alexandir Bradley "J. 1...1.6ech,. John Fullerton, Isl. F. Efart..,_ B. Robinson, SViWam Carr, Western Insurance Company, OF PITTSI;tID94,GII., cii o 4 l 9/; POS/E''PF92I4II GORPONeaeti,:r. OM:2. No. se Water atret%( Pang.* Co-'s NYarebdtulg, up Maim) Pittsburgh. Will iusure agsinst all kyip of F:ii.t.iand...M.A.ll:l3l. A* Home Institution, Managed by- Directors who are well kndwn in the community, andwho are determined, by promptness and, liberality, to mrdntain the character which they - have assumed, as-offering the best . prntec don to those who deidrwtobwirusured. • - - AsSATS;APRIV3Oth,IBS9. Stck Acliounts.. 7 . . (Mee Open Account% Prlzniwn. biotes and bins' dii,counta _ George Dareie,. _ Jr J. Wutler, -- .George W. Jackson, „James „murday, AleL'§peer,, - • Andrew Ackley, , Wirt. McKnight,. - Nathaniel Jlohnes, Alexander Nurlick, - D. au Long, - ' Smith; 0. c. w. Riaebon. ILE OLDEST AND LARGEST ;,;• Li(~to aphis Establisludeat ,the City. ;Rillii S. - PR ACTICAL .I.ITH-OtRiPHE R CORNERTNIRDAND - : i f '‘ rillY 2 P , _ . , , C . - IN,ETY,., AND DJ.J, ... , .. .. , - , COATS' AND -DUSTERS," • lu endless variety at P. 0:P 11 1:141' R . . :P -R S; R1R911P1310 , 410, eiilVderi, ua liiia3Mol 90,090 00 17,888 39 1b,387 . . 30,076 12 ••• .22 • - 8309,149 06 PITTBBIIEGH;' Pd