The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, July 15, 1859, Image 1
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' gsbee, the former pastor, having been trans to smother field of labor. : • • -- 4yw *-,•• ,44 , • 4 . • r, tr` • • :v 4 g;" • - _ -!• „ - • '"‘ , • fi A • , - • • 1- 1," , ; ; • r' t-<4 4 ME= _..~.: ,: ~:, MBE ENE • . .sS• - ' 4: 1 4! t ,2111:`; VOLUME XVIL the Paito Pool. JAMES P. BAER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Tram —Daily, Five Dollars per year. strictly in ad *mice. Weekly, Sin gle _ sua. iptiona Two Dol lars per year; Cluba of eve, Otte Dollar. LOCAL AFFAIRS. Departure and Arrival of Passenger Trains. Pittsburgh, Piet Wayne and Chicago Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Creathne. Ft. Wayne Express Train::.... ...1215 A.M. C.'..;13 A. M. LIMP. M Mail Train.- 6:50A. AL Express ... . . P. M. 8:45 P. M. =0 A: M Arrive at Chicago: ExpreExpress,— 8,47 P. M. I Express, 8,17 - A. M 55,..._ arrive at Pittsburgh: P. I Express, 3..10 P. M. I Express, 220 A. M (From 'Federal Street Station, Allegheny.) New Brighton Accommodation-. 920 S:M P.M " 805 A.-U. 1210 P. M Penszylamia Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets. Leaves. Arrives. t E 4.2 ress Train— &AO P. M. 1215 P. M 280 A. 14: U:5O P. M. Fast Line 4/0 P. M. 12/0 A. M. The Johnstown Way Passenger Train Johnstown Accommodation.. llrat Turtle Creek . e.cond " " .., ~ ::::. il Y. if. 64 T. ii . Attsburgk and ClnMcf /grille Radreak (From Liberty and Grant streets.) ' Leaves. Arrives. ~ , Mail Train. 7:00 A. M. 615 P. M Express Train 4:30 P. M. 8:45 A.. M , . aerdand and Pittsbrgh Railroad,:: ., .. . , 0 1 (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. Elxpress Train.. ... . . .-........... . .12.15 A... M. 2.40 A. M. Mail Train. 6.25 A. M. 4.00 P. M. Fist Line .... ' 1.05 P. M. 8.30 P.M. Wellsville . Accommodation 500 P. M. 11.00 A. M. Attsturgh,.Cblumbus and ancinviti Railroad. (From Liberty and Grant. sneers.) - Leaves Pitts. Columbus. Arr. in Cin. Fast Line 12.15 A. M. 8.00 A. M. 11.30 A. M Express Train.. 1.05 p. M.' 190 A. M. 3.80 A. M ATTEMPT AT SITICIDE.—A degraded wo man, named Ann Reynolds, was found lying on Ferry street, on Wednesday evening, It was at first thought that she was intoxicated, but on removing her to the Watch-house, it was ascertained that she had taken a large dose of laudanum, with the intention of destroying herself. Dr. Tindle was called in, and by a liberal use of emetics, anceeeded in removing the Opiate from her stomach. She recovered golo the liospitol yes terday. This la. not her first attempt at snicide. One year pgq, while chambermaid enthe steamer "Clare t:nem," she attempted to throw her child over board, failing in which, she actually jumped jet* the river, with the child in her arms, and Was with difficulty saved from drowning. She also made a similar attempt during the up ward, trip cif the boat. She has led a wretched life for some years, indulging freely in intoxi cating drinks. COLA pa SOLIEL.—This hot weather mani fests its intensity in the numeroua.casem of sun stroke we hear of. On Wednesday, in addi tion to the easeuoticed in the Pos4 there were two othera- Graham Shaw, a brick maker, of the Seventh Ward, was found insensible at the corner'of Ferry and Liberty streota, and con veyed to the watch house. A'workman at the Allegheny Gas Works was also stricken down; both recovered. On Tuesday one ease termi nated-fatally on Troy Hill, and a carpenter named Sloop was attacked on Ohio street, Al legheny. On Wednday, a horse, attached to du-omnibus; waisteickeri dead in Manettcseer. Test4rdaY was not so Watchdi WeYs prece ding, but yet we build 'Of twit caieg, one in lianchgtet, and one in the Ninth Ward, neither of which preyed fatal_ Paring the vegtintlance IV the . ..heated term" too Lunch ParO Mullet be elercise4 in guarding against these sudden and prostrating attacks. CAMBRIA COUNTY IT EMS. —A house in SitainillinTgb, near Johnstown, took fire on last Thursday evening, but was soon extin guished. The proprietor commenced remov ing the furniture, and the first article he took ~c,t - F es a "fiddle," which be stowed away in ail'ont , house.—Mr. Jonas Zoder was slight tS Satu . r t dayl by being thrown_from a wagon, in C,onemaugh borough.—On Fri day night, a dark brown horse fifteeen hands high, right hind foot white, and white star ,in forehead, worth one hundred dollars,was stolen from: the pasture of Mr. Jacob Helsel, Sum •whd ors a•reVard for his Ocolay t .-'=-L.Orf W_j•diiesAdaY; Ferintitind Wer th, Vis held to bitil'for incticiri, en 'oath of rgaret tiaiiprstan, an interesting 'German girl of eighteen, of Conemaugh borough. • Csicarr Marcu.—A grand cricket match is on foot, to come ()Ton or about next Tburs daY: ' , The first - eleven :of tho -Olympic club issued a . challenge to any twenty-two citizens, which has been aCcepted. Nineteen gentle men, out of practice, will take the field against the Olympics, beaded by Mr. Cheesman, and Earle—the latternnecellentbow ie. will place either on the Allegheny Commons, or at Lawrenceville. Dinner will be served up by Col. Joseph Frick er: ' The Olympics are fine cricketers4but with such odds against them they must look to their ENGINE Buitanm.—We wish to call atten tion to the advertisement. of Hugh M. Hole, engineer and machinist,"in another column. He can be frund at his shop, in the Great West ern Planing Mill, corner Marbury street and Duqueine Way. !Sfe floes ail work usually mete at such astablfshruents, including steam gtigiPe4; lattetts, - an machine of . . . , ayery Zriptiap, and general mat worlr. ticular attention is given to I'd -iring -printing -prims, 'ant Other -Machines. Mr....1;t01e is :,a thorough. -machinist,- and his work can be relied upon tuE being properly ex ecuted. . ArrotairA, -DascErrr.--Yesterday evening the „Mayor's police visited a house in a court ca Grant straotTbetween Second and 'Third, ikriPtlby A.coldred Wrotutui tamedlolcey Mills, Complaint having been made against, it as a disorderly house. Doleey, and Sarah, her daughter, with three white Women, Ann Snaire, Letitia Aikins and Mary nicks, were arrested and committed to Jail to answer. Ann waire waa arrested on Tngsday night, but the VirslYe , Pachaiged tier under a pporpise to leave tbe city forthwith, which it seems she 414 not HEAVY ROBBERY.-A man named G. W. Arnold, was robbed on board the boat beftreen Cliveland and Buffalo, the other night, of a pocket book containing some eight hundred dollars in notes and money. His wife was with him, and both were left wholly without means. Among the papers taken was a note from Clark & Co., of this city, for $537. Arnold hails from Clarion county, and was on his way to Wooster when the robbery was perpetrated. The notes and money were taken from his pants, - which were under "his head. SUDDEN DEATH.QiI Wedoeseclay night, Mr. 0. K. litunbright; his wife and child, re tired. to be 4, his wife, who Was fltiont thirty four years of age, enjoying her usual health,and at three o'clock in the morning, she did not complain. However, on awakening yesterday morning, Mr. Hambright found his wife lying dead beside him. The cause of this sudden death' is'unknown, as Mrs. Hambright had been quite healthy. PREEIBYTERIAIC-Thil Board of Publiesition appointed by the last General Assembly; will meet lu_the ..econd U. P. Churcb, , PittsbUrgh, Bev. Fames Brestley's, on Tuesday, the 19th jeet-i at two o'cloairm. The following per sons are the members , of the Board: Revs. James Badgers, , D.:D.c Jamer;Treatley.V. C., Qincent,Jo hnC. Brown,David 13.:Kerr,th D.; gessts• /4:Candless, Win. Stevenson. Charles Arbuthnot and James Robb: -• COLLiros PARK.--The managers of thiiplag of, amusement are determined to keep up the interest They announce a prize of a lina gold goblet to the best pacer or trotter that has :lever made his mile under 258, in public. The en tries will close to-morrow. 04-_ _ -~ i Q-00 A. M. lilo P. M. 250 P. M. 11:00 A. M. .10:40 A. M. *5O A. M 4:30 P. M. 12:30 A. M. , 1,„," . 24 ~$ • 1 • ... .., •.,- • . . . . • ' - '' - ':: - ; - ::'r:•;',.!.':.'. .:::.:,'. . . ~... „ -. --- 1 -----: ••,• . . . - - ..... . . . .. ....... ..... . .. . ~... .. _.,,... . • ~ , , •:. , , , " - • . - , . •V' •., • - , .. „, , ... ~,,.,. , . . I. - .r. . ~ , , , ~ ~ ... ' I , ' •,...., ' . . ~• , . ~-.. _ '. . ::: ,' .;; :: :7 ' :. -. : ..' ' . , t -', i .. - :- . 1 : : - -!' 1 ' 'i . .1 .' 1 ~ ~. , . '. :, .:: '.:' • , : ' ~ . . .. .' :- I , '. ‘ . i . .- . : t .o• _ ._ .L.A I( I . -...r. , . • ~ , . . .. . .. ~..... , • . . • .... FINGERS MIITILATED.-A boy named John Bradford, aged 'fifteen or sixteen years, employ ed in the press room of the True Press, had a portion of the flesh torn from the two middle ringers of the left band by being caught in the machinery of the press, yesterday afternoon.— Dr. Geo. L. McCook took off the bones at the first joint, which were laid bate. The boy suf fered much pain, but endured the operation manfully. Clanton - Comerv,—Last Friday, as a Mr. Curtis and his son,a Mr. Ekin and Mr. A. Davis, were bringing a canoe load of metal to Emlington, when, in passing, Patterson's Falls, thocanoe sunk, drowning the son of Mr. Cur tis and young Mr. Davis. The bodies were subsequently recovered, one at the mouth of Clarion river, and the other at Parker's Landing. RownosmlTints.—The National Barge Club haye sold their four oared row-boat, the M. F. Cassidy to the Atlanta Club, for seventy-live dollars: The Vigilant Boat Club have also sold the Josephine, a four oared row-boat, to a club of gentlemen in this city. The price paid was one hundred and twenty dollars. She is to be kept at the Belvidere Hotel. PROCLAMATION.--Mayor Weaver has issued his proclamation, requiring the . owners of swine to keep them shut up, and of dogs to keep .them - muzzled, otherwise they will: be dealt with according to law. We trust tho ordinances may be fully enforced, as both aro nuisances of which our city should be rid. As addition is to be mado to the Allegheny Cemetery, fourteen acres of land have been purchased by the Board of Directors, from the estate of the late Wm. Sernple. The price paid for the land was three hundred dollars per acre. It will be added to the enclosure during the present season. CourrrEararr Osz DoLtast BILLS, on the State Bank of Ohio, Harrison Branch, Cadiz, are-in circulation. They are of two descrip tions, some being nearly perfect fac-similes of the genuine, and not easily detected, while others are so miserably executed as to deceive none who are posted up in bank bills: CATTLE KILLED liT ,LIGIITNING.—On Sat urday, the 24 instant,during the thunder storm, four very fat cattle helouging to Vaptain Joe. Shepler, of Itosiraver townsllip, Weitmoreland county, were killed by lightning. Two of them were oxen, very valuable. BaosteJAlL.—LewisShotts and John Young, confined in the jail at Butler, the Cornier for barratry, and the latterfor fornication and bas tardy, made their escape one night last week by scaling the walls. Sheritl Idet:andless offers a reward for their apprehension. 41 TIM new style of white shirts introduced by J.L. Carriagban,Sc Federal street, Alle gheny city, is an undoubted improvement as to its comfort and fit. A good fitting shirt is very desirable. CALL.—The Baptist Church, at M'Kees port, together with that of Green Oak, have extend ed an unanimous incitation to the Rev. John Powell Jones, recently from Wales to become their pastor, which he has accepted. A ItKa* military company, called the De Kalb Greys,thas just been -organized in Butler. They parade for tlio fist time on the 10th of SeptembbT. I +hey ildeted bilkers on the 4th inst. PROF. ti. W. littEl : : cif.this city, has been teaching a class of vocal music, in Johnstown, for sortie time. At a reoent oshibition his pu pils Acquitted themselves creditably. DENIED.-Tl, - : papers in the vicinity of Pulaski, Lawrence county, sae that the two men shot there on the Fourtfi are not dead, but recovering, and that the perpetrator, Ger hart, has been admitted to bail. THE Allegheny Conference of the African Zion Church, recently liel4 in liolli llyaburk, adjOnined MondaY. No 'busi ness of ; local interest here was transacted. BEDFORD is said to be all life just now. The In parer says visitors are arriving at the Springs in large numbers, qci the?t a fair pros pect fors diking seasom. Hex. B. A. PURVIANCZ, of Butler, leaves for the West this week. He goes to St. Joseph, Mo., which will probably be his future home. THE GEORGIAN COSTUME would just now be very agreeable, but as it would scarcely be good etiquette to appear in public with. it, we must approach it as near as possible. To do this it is only necessary to call on Wm. IL M'Gee & Co. ' corner Federal street and Mar ket square, Allegheny, who have on hand and make to order p peat variety of light, cool, sumnier clothing: They have also a full as sertraent of .youth's and gentlemen's dress goods, made up in the lateststyle, and at prices which cannot fail to please. HEATING BY SWUM.—As:a testimonial of the wprimenlike mflunqr, perfet action of their self: f i e t gl a tt t ime=t• y jc.d ec4 R /If r.l%fack it. a: r li tab tte , we give Ms certificate to l'ilessrs. - Davis and Phillip, successors to Phillips & Co., for their plan of heating by steam the Second Ward, Public Schools in the city 01 Pittsburgh, and which has met our approval, and we would recommend' therm tchtlw. ztllep.W 41 . 7 c entire satisfaction of .iteatieg by steam. ' li. Millst, Jtiv!,lottp Zarshall, Jr., 2,1. Tindle, George JohntWitsonvitWilear., Direotors.. AVIA 45"VE .I. ' Sari Sorting, Gas Pitn, P • and arms Pbuncterg, Dealers - in Sverit deseripticm of Gar uses and FtgliTsr dell:14 o. e 7 Wood and 148 First street, littlibtFahi 10 ' • Lirielames' • •IssrrnrrE:—This Institution, the want of which has been so long felt by oar citizens is now open, under the superintendence of Messrs "6 ' 411 "Q hl3,o lt ; iti 1 -40 4.l4Xelin tnidttlg• En trance,-651Vond'gtre t. It ti - designaa for the perpetual exhibition of the products of Kea • hftnufactu rers, Inventors, and Artisans ; and as a place of resort for those _seeking information relative to those branches of industry, either by examination of samples or scientific publications. Those having articles fo' bring before the public will find it greatly, to their advantage to leave samples. - • , • • • Si' The public are respectfully invited to visit the institute. COULTER & MENTZER, MOUSO,, Sign and Ornamental Painters and Grainera. Orders let at their atiOp on Faurticstreetnear Market, Burke's Building, will - be promptly attendant • sem CO/4104 SENSE RULES TEE MASS OF THE people, whatever the misnamed and misanthropic phi losophers may say to the contrary. ShoW them a good thing, let its merits be clearly demonstrated, and they will not hesitate to give it their most cordial patronage. The-mieses have already ratified the Judgment - of a physician,concerning tie , virtues of _HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, as may beiesen in the immense quantities of this medleinesAliat are apnually sold in every section of the land. It is now recognised as greatly superior to all other remedies yetderire.d for diseases of the di gestive organs, ouch as diarrhoss, dysentery, dyspepsia, and for the various (eves that arise front 'derangement of those portions of the system. Hostetter's name is rapidly becoming a household word, from Maine to Taus ; from the shove! of ,tbe Atlantic to, the Pacific. Try the article and he satisfied. Sold by all druggists In the world, and by h i an EOSTEVER an - tr o lTH, WBl4, and 68 Vol t a ' esti * A WONDERFUL PREFAELTION iS that of Jules Reuel, the Eau &thentonne, or Hair Renovator, which Is the most efficacious remedy for restoring die hair evef 'mom Hold by B. L. FdIiiNEETOCR & CO, N 0.60, corner of Wood and Fourth streets, Druggists generally, and at the LaboratorY of Jules Reuel 4k Co, N 0.104 Chestnut street, Philadelphia., jylaidaw iter WR LIVE BO PAST IN THIS COUNTRE; that the Americium have beceene famous throughout all ebrisiendom, as a hard driving, bard drinking, bard .cbai4g hatd_.ewearing;people. We hiil , o .beoasne equalty.lantona for., dehtlit.e..4 Woervated sad dieo - rdered nerves, broken, down constitutions, and the hundred. and one cures which follow, upon the vises iiidCh. We have ettimeMted. bat 'mammas for these ills hive been advertised, bat we 4now of noth inß ao efficacicai for an inialld Suldering fIIM3 tiOtlor nervous depression as OLIN'S Err9mAenßrr ,7lll3B, manafactared and sold by the,proprietot:,- at Ida data on Paul atm; pear Bend. - . COUNTING HOUSE, SCHOOL AND IaKET ENIESTANDS.—A treat variety at •• .1 --,- •,'"> • - :L1 • s ;; ; 4 • PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1859. THE LATEST NEWS BY "I"EII.MGVELA.PH. Naturalization of American Citizens. WASIIINGTON, July 14.—The Constitution of this morning contains a copy of a despatch from the State Department, recently sent to our Minister at Berlin, on the subject of naturali zation. The case is that of a naturalized citi zen of the United States, who is a native of Hanover, and who, when he left his native country, was neither in actual service in the Hanoverian army, nor had been drafted to serve in it, but who has yet, upon his return to Han over, been deprived of his liberty and compell ed to perform military semce: The 'Presi dent and Cabinet concur in the views expressed, taking the ground that the moment a foreigner becomes naturalized, his allegiance to his na tive country is severed ; he is no more respon sible for anything he may say or do, or omit to say or do, after assuming his new character, than if he had been born in the United States. Should he return to his native country, he re turns as an American citizen, and in no other character. In order to entitle his organized government to punish him for an offense that might have been committed whilst ho was a subject and owed allegiance to that govern ment, the offense must have been complete be fore Isis expatriation. It must have bone of such a character that he might have been tried and punished for it the moment of his depart ure. Our minister is instructed to demand the release of the naturalized citizen in question. Further by the Canada Nnw Yong., July 14.—The mails by the steamship Canada, which arrived at Boston last night, have been received here. The fol lowing latest intelligence is furnished. The London Times city article of Saturday morning, reports considerable activity in the discount market. The Rothschilds had taken the new five per rent. Hesse Harmstadt loan off three million guilders at ninety-three. Baden was about to issuatwo million guilders worth of railway bonds at•ninety-four-and-a-half. The Morning Post says that Miller Gibson will become President of the Board of Trade, in place of Ccitiden. The Paris correspondesi of the London Pest says that the King of Sardinia has refused all dictatorship, 'or protectorate, in the Papal States. The steamer Canada reports that she struck an iceberg on July ninth, at 1:45 P. 4., in hit itude 4.804.5, longitude 470.47, carrying away her bowsprit, cutwater. and the upper part of main stem. All the damage- were four feet above the water mark, and did not leak. She will be ready to sail at the appointed day. From Washington Ws.sursioroi•:, July 14.—The :Secretary of the Treasury, Postmaster tleneral end Attor ney General have decided that, in consequence of the invalidity of the title, or the impossibil ity of the American Philosophical `Society to fully convey in fee simple to the United States their hall in Philadelphia, it will require further legislation by Congress before the buildings for the Post Office and Court House purposes can be proceeded with. The order for the sale of the' Bank of Pennsylvania property will, therefore, for the present, be withdrawn, the commission, consting of the above named Cabinet officers, preferring to re fer the whole matter to judgment and eon sideratioh 'of WO 'next clongreSS. It is rumored tlta2 Ilessrs. dentilngs \Vise and P. fI. • Aglott fought a duel yesterday, et Lake Drummond, which is twenty miles from Norfolk. While the gunner's crew were engaged in their usual battery practice at the Wtedungton Navy Yard, to-day, a sixty-four pound gun, which, it is said, had been tested in 1851, burst. Two of the gunners, James H. Wilson and William Nokes, were instantly killed, a part of their head being blown off, and their bodies thrown a considerable distance from the gun platform, besides eight men were severely wounded, and two slightly wounded. Charles John Gardner, brother-of Dr. Gard ner of Meiican ansi 'who Was indicted for Ilia swearing, in his brother's ease, and forfeited his bail, by, absconding, having recently returned to Washington, was to-day arrested by the ,Marstml, aild is now in custody. 461151 t. 'iron} . t4e - Cro l a - °gums, 0 Sr. .140 1 VIS, II 14.—News reed red at Leav enworth from the mines, last night, give the following details: The prospecting has been prosecuted a considerable distance south of the present diggings, resulting in indications equal ing any already discovered. 'Good leads have been struck seven miles below Jackson's, on Clear Creek; also, reported rich discoveries near Boulder city. Building is being vigor ously prosecuted at Denver City, and the pop latiortis steadily augmenting. All indications point to a re-establishment of confidence in the steady development of the Ksixsas mines. The quartz machinery, lately slipped from hew, when put ifioporation, will more fully test the value of geld bearing quartz 'discoveries. Death of Rufus Choate BOSTON, July 14.—A private dispatch from Halifax, states that Hon. Rufus Mpg? (lied there on- T4i3sday.a4ornoon-. have peen reccirod.- • • ECOND The Rufus Choate died iathis city on yesterday morning. His health had continued to improve ciurtng*s Slay - I,le.riT until half-past six o'clock, ou'',Chut'sday arching,' , khen the at tack cominenced, ntiq:clds'et.l 4is 9areer. He was tit (a L Vl sa i a ß' 'C'39l C4'tPk r tWo o'clock-g4Fiescinyen ho died, Hip rOuiniP win be Whorl to Ito:4w , A--' ont. . Inter- A meeting of the bench and bar of this city has been called to prepare an address of condo lence to his family. Mr. Choate was sixty years of ago, having beeh bdrn at Ipswich, Massachtisetts, in Octo ber, 1799. He was preparing for a travel through Europe for the benefit of his health. Railroad Survey ST. Lows, Juno 14.—A parry of engineers left Wyandotte, this warning to surrey the Kartsaii Central' Railroad to Fort Riley, ono hundred and fifty miles in length, being the first, railroad surveY west of the Missouri river, and another line toward, the Pacific. Appointment. WASISINQTON, July 1.4.—J. J. Springer, of Pennsylvania, has been appointed United States consul at Dresden. REMOVAL. W. &D. H GII S , HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 69 MAR KET Street, corner of Fourth, where they willre maki till the first of September,when they will remove to their new store now being built at the old stand, corner of Fifth and Market streets. nriyktro nal'Li Jar= stemoirr =TEL JOSEPH MEYER, & SON, Manufactnrers, and - Wholesale and Retail Deniers in FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, No. 421 Penn. Street, above the Canal,' Rave on hand a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, in Walnut and Mahogany of their own manu facture, and warranted equal in quality and style to any manufactured in the 'city, and will sell at reasonable whew fe2641 SILK AND GINGHAM SUN UMBREL LAS, at great bargains. EATON, CREE CO., jy4 Fifth and Market streets. barrels fresh for sale b L IME--250 y )ems • HENRY H. COLLINS 50 KEGS SUP. CARB. SODA, Newcastle, Jas and for aide by ' • mpg " BECKHAM k KELLY, Alleghealy. Cray. COOKING EXTRACTS, assorted, for sale IL/ by B. 'L. FAIMMITOOR OD" len No.lll, oorner Wood and Fourth stream A 0 BBLS. SPANISH WHITING for qale by BECRILOI a TrFrrJ,T; jel3 • - Alleghenytity - - ÜbKINS' gross- for sale : Ity by B. L+FAHNFBTOCE k CO., ill No. al, cornet Fourth and Wood streets TWO BUILDING LOT?, ON WRED f3TREET, Wilkinabur& for age; toricelaibotb, (jel4 S. CO BERT & SON, M. Market at '-- OUR HUNDRED - AND THIR -ONE PENN STREET% Look at no. 4.11. Por sale by SON, 31 Market stmt. • '•-•- • " ' ' ' • " t~ h~ "FWD ~~ r LK • ttr ` •-t. ' . American Wines. is a matter of profound surprise to thought ful and intelligent persons, that so little atten-, tion is paid in this country to the raising of grapes and the making of wine. With soil and climate of the most favorable character,in Penn.; sylvania, New Jersey and various other States; with every natural advantage for growing grapes on an extensive scale, this profitable business has far too generally been overlooked. We are quite well aware that there are flours ishing vineyards in this State, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, &c., but the grape is by no means as extensively cultivated as it might be and ought to be. Few crops are so remunerative as this would be, and it is astonishing that so little attention, comparatively, has been given to the impor tant subject. It is a matter which is quite above our comprehension, when every farmer can make his own wine at least, that we should import such vast quantities from abroad. We have long been perfectly satisfied that the uni versal culture of the grape in this country, and the general manufacture of wine, would do more for the cause 'of temperance than all the coercive statues ever invented by the fertile imaginations of the fanatical advocates of the Maine Law. Even what might be considered a substitute for the grape, which grows so profusely in al most every section of the country, has been al most as generally disregarded, so far as the ma king of wine has been concerned, as the grape itself. There is sonic shadow of excuse for the neglect of the grape. It requires care, cultiva tion, nurture ; some kinds do not flourish well in certain climates and in certain kinds of soil; some require great care in order to effect a com plete naturalization; but the common black berry, to which we now allude, has none of these drawbacks or disadvantages. 11.31 able correspondent of ono of our agri cultural periodicals points out a method by which every family can obtain a plentiful snp ply of the most healthy beverages known, and that too at a trifling expense, if they will only take a little pains and exert a little ener gy. In the matter. The blackberry, of which there is such an abundant crop the present sea son, places a most desirable wine within the reach all who are blessed with a trifle of per severance. Every family can make a sufficient quantity for their own use, if they choose to try he experiment. Those who have tasted the sweetened com pound which has sometimes been presented fur their acceptance, under the name of blackberry wino, will sruileat this recommendation to our friends to engage in its manufacture, at least to a sufficient extent for home consumption. We have no greater adtniratiop for the insipid trash which is sometimes called blackberry wine, than our neighbors ; but if they will fol low the directions which have been placed in our bands, and which we herewith st:bjuin, they will Lind that wine of a flavor can be Made from the common black'corry, which grows without care and without cultiva tion. The plan is this: Take the ripe fruit, rub it with your, hands, or a wooden masher, in some suitable, vessel until the cells which contain the juice arethor: °uglily broken ; the berries should then be placed in a deep and not very wide tub; to each gallon of blackberries add from one to two pounds of sugars common brown sugar will answer, although white is preferable, of course, Nita them well together, and for each gallon of berries then 41 one mart ofboiling water; let them remain in the tub twenty-four bows, stirring them occasionally. The heat of the water will cause a sufficient degree of fermen tation without the aid of anything else. Skim off the seeds and skins,which rise to the surface and at the end of tlie twenty-four hours, let the juice be run into a nick ; whatever remains of skins and seeds, strain through a cloth: When. the ..cask is filled, put it in a cellar or where it can be kept cool, with the bung left opest. Keep some of the juice in a vessel from which the cask may be titled every day, so as to allow the scum raised by the fermentation to pass off. in eight or ten days trio - 4 4 may be closed and the conketa treated EU3 you would any other vviuo. From each gallon of berries treated in the manner indicated, a gallon of wine may be ob tained, not costing over twenty or twenty-Avp cents. What is there to prevent ou, fanners and others frpg rtilkiAg their pyilk wine, and plenty of it 1) - (JaKS Ft)R SUMMER READING.— L. hutch's Ourioatties of Literature, 4 yids. Nstites' Anihrosiarne, edited by rirlienrde; 6 vols. Hawtherne's Novels and Tales, 8 vols. Lougfellow's Prose and Poetical Writings. J. h. Marvern Works, 8 vols. Currer Ben Works, 3 Ocilit. • Mrs. darcieson's Works, in blue and gold, 3 yoke Putnam's Choice Stories, 4 vols. - Trewlawney:s Recollections of Shelby & Byron. Lord Dutrerin's Letters from High Latitude. - Douglas derrold's Life, by his Son. Douglas Jerrold's History, arranged by his son. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. To Cuba and Back,. Vacation Voyage, by R. H. Dana. The Cavalier, by G. P. R. James. • Fressilian•and his Friendy, by Shelton INTKentis. The ConYalascont, by N. I'. Mosaics, by the outdo: of I.alad NI the Solitary, SAIII/101rthOPMAISIVY. • Salad for the eveiral. HAY .8 CO., 8,8 Wood street. ILM FOIL SALE, on LIR) Perrys ville FPlank Road, title miles from the city --contains 115 acre,i—lu to One state of cultivation, tlv . ic.lkog' Of oil rooms, well 'of water mid pump . 'a brick tarn mid at4ilo, (arraign home, two story 'brick spring hotim—or3liard of choice , fruit; fences all, in good order, “Ixotd. 45 acres of choice timber :oleo *mote houeo and xturev: now &Wig a good litminess—gardci, tuna!! (rafts. elirubberyotc. Foriwiee and derma apply at the office of 9 . CU'!; ,4IT Obi, lei_ 'Real Agt V ,;51`Market WI NFIS.— - - • , — , 26 oases etioquot quarts Clows wa Wur • 5 do do JO • 30 basket! , Vow 1101 . 46ov:10s tl aci CAo i 9 1 0 . 'i 3 / 4 1 , . 10 7*. Oa o 9 0 o lioac lo pis,and Dronet qllll do 5 0 do s tio - ' ' :i las do do 116,16assia .• ._- „Linen MedoeClaret 10 do Ladies' Catawba do 15 do do Ginger do . in ~tor, and for sale by. °P' '' 1 , 1 , vial I._ & V i iCl{ETS,olll___ . • . • • _ il ~. 51;c01 , 041 A 144 AbtO DiA rEa. -- - kJ 6 isislis Blood's Scotch Ale; 6 ."I"rument'm India Pale Ale; 2 " " London Rorter, in store, _and for WO by (apa) MILLER iRICKETSONo ODD FORKS TO SUIT ODD KNIVES . Odd Forka'to suit Odd Knive; Odd Forks to suit Odd Knives.: at at BOWN a TESLEYS, tov ' • No. latt WoOd etivot. Currit IittUSILES.---A good assortment et cha). Brusheti on hand and for sale by • L. WILCOX, apZil Corner of Sinitht3eld and Fotrrth Streets. SOAP. --1W boxes Buffalo Soap for sale by jell HENRY ff. COLLINS. 1859 NEW POST OFFICE DIREC . TORY, BY D. D. J. LEECH, For sate J. R. WELDIN, Jy B n't Wood street, near Fourth. THIRD ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS. —A large lot of Bring - add Seminar Goods, com prising all the latest st les, now opening at 1010 C. HAN ON LOVE'S, 74 Market street. TOBACCO, of various good brands, in JL store and for sale by • MAIRTLAND k CONNOR, myW • . . 197 Liberty street 800 LBS . SELECT JpICORICE 11QUT, Just received nod for finial)) , BECKHAM' k KELLY, IoW Allegheny City TIE LARUE & CO.'S LADIES' ENyEL OPES-All sizes and qualities, for sale by J. R. WELDIN, jer) 63 Wood street near Fourth. - MES' NEW WORK.—" The Cavalier," el an Historical Novel, by G. P. R. James. je2o KAY & CO., 55 Wood street. ON THE *CORNER OF TOWNSEND and Decatur streets,two valuable brick dwelling houses, each'two stories; each lot 24 feet front. For sale by [inyal.] S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market st. PERRY & CO.'S NO. 29 PENS—For sale [pm J. R. WELDIN. HUSBAND'S CALCINED ATAGNESIA. 6 gross for sale by N. L. MINE:STOCK t CO, mrli No. 114, corner ircerth and Wood street& bbls. fresh, this day receiving bi Imf26) HENIOLL coma's. LIME ---150 bbls. Louisville' Lime - AR- stile by . Canto • HENRY H. ooLLIII9. lIERRING.-50 barrels for sale& TRAVELINGSETrs collard andSleeve.4, selling at cost, at . . JOSEPH - EMINE'S, TT Miuket st. INE FRENC • COLLARS—A choice lot to select from, at New York cost,•• 1 • • - 303: HORNE'S, 77 Market stmt. AIR BROSIIESAND - CfAMS-=A. good' asacaizoent stall kinds, 4 , JOS- HORNE'S, 77 Market'at. rya SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS—FrOm 76 cents, to the finest gq.mmsion, at jyo JOSEPHHow.wa, 77 Market street. - 4 .0 . 2-- ••( •• • COXIKERCIAL. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE AND 'MERCHANTS' EXGHANGE; President. WM. H. - SMITH. roe Ateidenfi ISAIAH DICKEY, Ist. EDWARD GREGG, 24 Treasurer. • N. HOLMES, Jr.. GEORGE H. THURSTON, Genital/ea of .4;iitrutOn for June. *, ISAIAH DICKEY, V. P., . C. H. PAULSON, = .J."B:COSGRAVE, J. J. GILLERPIE, Steainers to Arrive. • ',Air • • 'DAM Scothazopton..Neirlork.-...Tuly 9 111109 New York Steamers to Sall. SHIPS LUTZ 701 OAT H Arabia ' 13oston..:— .. Liverpool..-July 13 Bavaria. New York Hamburg.-.-July 15 Vanderbilt New York Havre......-...July It City of Baltimore---New York..--LiverpooL......fuly. 16 Asia New York Liverpool_....July 20 Arago New Y0rk....-Harre,te-....Ju1y 23 Weser New Y0rk......8remen........Ju1y 23 Vigo New York - Cork, ae July 23 Csaada.,.Boston Liverpool..... July 27 City of Washingtou-.7few York Cork & Llfpl July 30 Stage of Watee.. River—Three feet four inches water in the channel ALLEGHENY CATTLE !MARKET. ALUXIBINT err; July 14, 18/59. The market is exceedingly dull this week. The Eastern demand is good, but the disposition is to give low figures for beef cattle. The local demand_ tntling. lo sheep there is some improvement, both prices and demand being better. UNION DROVE YARDS.' John Allender, Proprietor. SERVES • Offered by Sold- Price. 5... J. W. Collin G 3e it to 17... H. G. Eaton 17 2 1 " 52... Morgan & slaholm 12 41" 16... J. G. Stump 16 a 34...J0hn Cook 34 15... G. F. Todd 15 2 4 2 3 5 a .-.Little a Able- ......... -.....-... 22 $21,1k bead. V....Wtn. Walden 22 1% 3e 111 Ib. 20.-James Burble 20 2 20._ H. Canttield....- 2) 2 " :17...Char. Manful! 2345@&14 head. 27-. Win. Hazlewood —... ..... -. 27 2% 11 lb. 16....Sanattel Warren 16' $2l - 00 lit head. 16...1.). C.Crum 16 , 29,00 6...Wni. Adams 6 2 4434 ipp. 9.- Peter 'Woods- ............ -...-.. .9 2% ,. 13... D. B. Te - ' - 1,4 e . _ :skijor it Co ......... ....... 13 214\c 14.-J0n.51E4 shim 14 2 3e " :2-Marks t:Traurman ....... -.... 72 2 (0) 4c " 15... J. N. Buchanan 15 2 ." 122...51yers k 8r0tber.....---......122 .2 24... J. B. Huff 2.1 5_ 4i43Xe 35...Crucuse .5 Good.- 35 2,44.Wie " X.....lames Tomer left over. 26... J. Noble -- sent Nast. 16.-6. Holden-- 23.-Thos. Alexander . ' 40.-Alex. Moore 7w offered, GIG wit!. 114 left over and not East. SHEEP AND LAMBS. No. Were. Wired by. Abbl. Price 210..J0tal Emmett_ 247...taaae Huffman Sql fl 21...0. Be . den. . . .502... C. ia.t.bbu " 0 193—Willlaril NeVl -.--..........1118 3345 i 100 La 18... (larnba. 16 1,50 head. 125...11in. 1tnir.....-..- 125 302 100 ta. 500...4 S. Phithps, aoo uo 7 it " 73.:1 , . I.PKinley 73 3.00 11 ' ac.,.0. 51rinfull, (1amb5.).....-...... 913 3,00 151 ahead. 100... Peter Ivory, 100...50e5.130002b. 221... Wm. ()Niel,. __WA 3,00 IFt 1001bs. 32... IL S. Ekes, (lambs,) 32 140 it head. 180... Wm. Adams. .180 2,50 it 100 La. 32.....1.). IL Taylor 2 C 0.,.............. ZZ 3.00 14.. TyO...W. 3. I.afTertr, 50 . 2,00 it head. 42... " " - (lambed ..... — 4 2 1 . 50 ?i 4 " 70... C. E. Brainard 70 4 60 1 4 " 3590 1831 sold. --- • 1909 pent east PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Reported Brp ready for the Dogy Marling /tat Prestiotaß; 3abl 1it4, 1159. SP 4RV• • •• 1)1, . 1 1 w 4 4eolizßa2- From Moro, 'Was of 785 13 41 q 4 atkONEK2I.fOr for extra 4 , 4. 901 ,6 , 5 %)314 for szbrik pristrs...BBles ITS bush. Corn from store at 9:496c: itO bush pats at 514:052c; 112 bush Buckwheat at 70c ; 215 bosh Tennessee,SibestatV,43. 14 loads froirCscales at $12416 se agar.-Sales 11 Idids. at 13(469, IRolassaa...SalsatTi tiNg N,EI, at414)112c ip gal. cc.1 . 611...,5fi5s /4 swats at /23fi12Vic „ Chasse...23ales 45 boxes at 7%4141)ic. for W. R. Sala-Sales 115 bbla. No. I, at 61,26. Mud ft:lir...saes 3,000 IDs. at 123 Sc. ; Racialt.Ades 17,000 Rs. at 7344/7%d for shoulders 133iaa for side% And 10%4)103S for times: 6 Norma sugar cured hams at 1214 c, lirlah...'Salia 10 hbla. Mackerel No. 3 id 411,18 t 8 half bbla Lake White at 13,80. 011...9410 18 Lhia.l,,arti No. 1 at 92 . 3W.ic . .. la Ration. Whlstr...l3aies2Abis. RocGtfed;al2Bc cash, and 28' @We otiti o. Philadelphia Markeit areMumma, 'July i 4.1. t r wok% Wes 'aconfined jo r t e VAlNnts . a i t 1 0 . 5 00 for . s tt c ;U ., and ellViifil: febeipls conl i &tt. very 'am Sind l 4 M ock' is SlVereAsing.4 Rip FR% Is steadY to" Vadi cc, *t %,10.- 2rl P in. bruited Mod. Wi la les oAnxin ; es?, . h ted at PAD, Rndrialgiciii4 7; 600 bils old red. laza ssdd /40 sin mix. hot 9 100443041,20, ..,AOO Yasketd Rye WIA WO IA 860... Ate Mes; 3 ho o o Mtn Pine. Oa t: uwardweAßold at 390; and ow bets ponnamanta wag sold at 4104041 e. 100 casks be Nulls were sold IA a%c, In Batt at /169i091 s‘q l 9..e4 Ellti it OW. mid attouldOrs 0 7 M015e. stAty,.. A. 19 W ky steady at 97628 e. By atvock to. - sisd, ;VW togs *RIO Cofree was syld at 10@ . ' Cl..iiatl Market. Ita t Cniannun, July 14:—Flour has deelinoj Mtn f %cr , and buyers' views are not above kl;09 col' ;. at 85,000)5,35, but the marital is very tiniett b - is well maintained at ILO lfet 'fild.'99lA o , l .f9r white. Loa ts lower, ItcuA ctilt it 751., , steady at moue. -Olati 415 . 4900 a. parley Is Amer e. - Whis lzy atilt at 1'.41, Ganeeries. are A:nov.o44lva Provis ions tirmor. Bacon is in fair demand ; - *es 190 hhds at fillillo for ahonlders sod sides; -bulk 1490144 i 99. - Exchange is firm at % onthe Wt., , . . '—-• - - - ' New York S , Kock Market. • v Voax.,'July 'Hinds Centrist R Missouri Illinoiseentrigboods.. 83 6 ' MichigiinCenind Mich. Southern - 25 .... .......... .. . . tics/Tor t o inattLe l TODEICP; O9..6 's. i••• ,q 8 a Reading-- .. ....... .„„.a 4 New York IlUrket. Nair You; July 14.--Collon;.sales 800 bales. Flour heavy; sales s,ooolabli. 'Wheat dull; sale! _t6oo b u shels. Corn buoyant aaless 38,000 bush; mixed UW 8 034 Yellow 92c. Tallow Ann at lle. Mess Pork $15,90018,00.. su gar steady, N. o. 006% <l•Mitscondo Oaryos.- ; • R. T. KENNEDY .. .1 . W. R.SBNNEDY. PEARL STEAM MILL LTAIGELENY CITY, - R. T. KENNEDY di B 110.; WHEAT ETP !tnt caatii pvAcEboED. • FLOUR, CORN MEAL AND HOMINY, _ MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY. .- • . AuLlYdeW] TERMS, CASH ON DELIVERY ON E, TWO AND THREE BALL FRINGE}--for Basque Trimmings. A good assor4 meat at low prices. ,jet EATON, cREE* co, Fifth and Market Ma BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GM GER for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCK d co; 3e.23 _ No. 00, corner Fonn.h and Wood. strooto.- - QPECIA CORDS, for Fruit Jars,. assorted kJ Elm (or mole by B. L. FAHNINTMK. CO., jets • No. 60, corner Fourth ood Wood Ms.. DaYR EBS ' CA B EBI AND 'POCKET BOOKS—A foil assortment at • . • Jea 'KAY* 008. a wood SILK FANS, Linen Fans, Pakaiser : Fans, ts JOB. HORNEWIT-Market street. 1113 IFLE 3 . - 41JST.RWEIVED, A, VERY lA, comprehensive addition to our stock of Blabs, which can be bold at Very low rites. • ; _ , • YOUNG, • Mins ' " • 'Wale Wood "street. ' li I NNET RIBBO 13.-=-X • ~ • New:York and Philadelphia anotlisna Mitdeb " can sell cheep to hillhners. JOS. HORNE, 77-Martet. street QTOCKINGS, Gloves. and 3.7 _ r ea _l3_l_s 6- CASES -FAST` INDIA 'CASTOR OIL for Jule by _ • BEIMULDI * - $3240; /Wuhan . rlO -. ITNDRY METAL-300 tons extiti .w 1 Anthracite, very soft, for sale try Vatt JOHICKOORHEAD.- 400 barrels - Prline N. 0. Molasses, Oak Cooperage; 30 do St. James, S. /1: do; 2/1 do Loveringsllrst 01;1014 Syrup;- - SOO bags goodie choice BioCoffee;. 75 Pocket's choice Java dcr, • 125 Half Cheats Young Brion, Imperial, Gun Pow der, Oolong and Pomhing Teas; 100 boxes assorted brands Cos,'S's & 10's lump To: bacon; 10 kegs Covington stz twist Tobacco ; ' ,76 ; do BL Garb. Soda; . • • 6 barrels Alum; 10 do Dairy Salt in Sacks; 2f) begs Grain Pepper; ,. l6 do-Allspice 6 20 poxes No. 1 Soap; 100 do Chemical Olive Soap; . . • • . 26 do German do. 30 do Variegated or;Toilet Soap;; • 50 dozen Gin Washboards; 60 do Buckets; 30 do Tube, assorted sizes; , 100 do Brooms; 60 boxea M. R.• Raisins; ; • ai do No . l Norfolk Chocolate; 40; do Madison Starch ; , 60 bales No.l and 2 Batting: . 30 barrels Bleached Elephant and Whale Oil; 10 do Strait's Tanners do , 20 do Cod do do 10 do Rosin •, do . '2O do N. C. Tar. In store and for sale by • • spy MILLER & RICKETSON.- ; • EDICAL. BOOKS.— Rokitausky's Pf 3- Mlhological AeatOmy, 2 vols. • .Gross' Elementsol. Pathological Aruitotny. Oluge's Pathological Anatomy, with colored plates. Homer's Anatomy and Histology, - 2 Toh. • Lawrence's Treatise on the Eye. , Mackenzie's " • - . Wilson on Disease of the Skin, With atlas of plates., '. Bucknill and Take on Insanity-. La Hooke on Pneumonia and Malaria. - --• .. Copland on Palsy and Appoplel7. Ertchion'efictenorand Art of Surgery:' • • Cooper's Lectares on Surgery. Dr./Are' Modern Surgery. MlileYs Practice on • " Pine's System of •" • .Dickson's Elemeriti.of Medicine.. • . Williams' Principles of Medicine, new edition. • Watson's Prattle. of Physic, ' • Woods' Malaria Medics and Therapeutics. , my3o KAY & CO. 65 Wood street. p •;--5 . RUNE 9. cases in glass jars -. ;, 3 do in g lass boxes; - • 6 casks Turkish. 411 " be kegs for Cooking. Just received and for sale by , • REYWM,4* a ARDERsoN, _ • No. 39 Wood street, milli Opposite St. Charles HoteL TaHE IRON MANUFACTURER'S GUIDE —To the Furnaces, - Forges and Polling Mills 2, United States, with discussions of Iron as a chemi cal element, an American ore, and a manufactured arti cle, in commerce awl in Justory ; by J. P:Lesly. With ma .s and . . es. i la° SAY. A CO.. 55 Wood street. FISHING TACKLE.—Having for several years made the buying and selling of FISHING TACKLE • m important &Mare in our business, we hare now on stand by all odds the best variety of go!xls in this line to be found in the city. Frofesslcmal br knettene Fishermen will find every thing in the shape of Malting Tackle at low prices.. • Jen - BOWN & TETLEY, No. 130 Worxt street. - DEFINED SUGAR.-- 10 bbls. Eastwick's standard crushed Eaer ; 10 do do coarse pulverised do 10 do • do tine do do • 30 do Penzut. A coffee crushed • -do. 10 do 4 do , do do do o C ye/low " In store, Ruck livi4ng, skit fovside by aptfft ' .M.H.LEH & RICHETSON.- IVN.T.BRACE Tin OPPORTINITY of buy -44 Ins SPriag At reduced prices, at the Cheap Cash Stare or JOSEPH 11-'BORLAND, litt Market s 4 second doordirom Fifth SUN UMBRELLAS---- Monm's New Woven Skirta, French an Chanillate cos, kc.., to. A. nice assortment of the above on hand, and for sale by GOPHER. k PALMER,(successor to Van Gorder,) te.N TS Market atreet. artaAOUSEL la S EAU LUSTRALE pp- RANTS --This universally approved and admired e, free from ardent virile', pungent ails, and other destructive materials, cleans the hair cauedthously. dery It *blatant:l Ibelght, anti imparts to a the delicate fragrance of the Cowers. Por Male bJ_ JOSEPH P oILIMPING, 1•25 Canter Diamond and Harken Aran. fOMESTIC CIITLE R Y.---The best assort went of - • IVES POR.KB, POCKET KNIVES, • . , CARVEIIB, • • • 6tII:€6°I3I4 .RAZOP.S. In the vAty. led) be lbend on our shelves. • nice., to - tted %' ,4464 . - CARTWRIGHT t YOUNG'S, Jy• No. 86 Wood street. PRESCOTT'S HISTORICAL WORRS.-- ;Th e Coop:hst of ltazino; 3 vols. . . . The Conquest or Peru; 2 vols. Ferdinand and Isabella; 3 vols. ' ' Phillip the Second: 3 501 e.... . - . . Charles the Filth ; 3 vOls. ' Biographical and CritiCal Idlacellanies; 1 vol. .il7 KAI' a CO., 65 Wood street. D&SILVER'S LARew s MAP. OF THE" Beat of War—contiMing * full map of Europe,' an t rkati ;par , o f f y l r tfp PoiliA ittl , the lv .:,.;t o t d stn t. • ILSON'S 'HISTORY OF THE- CON- . , quoit of Idexico,ttith Iltyperklis 'illustrations. In e vol., fivO. 'Ur] ' • KAY A ui, 65 Wood st. , 1.9.,. LETTER AND NOTE ENVEIr• CEP of all quaities, for sale at. the -Stationery stores of W. B. RAVEN, . • OM cor. Market it Second and Wood & Third sta. nRANGES.-50 • boxes lie.iirta Sweet; re l.,/ Fe-Wirg clay,ikb4 tot awe by REY/OR- A, ANDERSON, :yl,? 811 'wood obrioidts Markus Haat Q 1,0411,1 .4 ;TUFA ;OUT, at a great retlue tiou ill 11,600, Lawns, Organdies, ,Barege,s, Duca% Ries: Robes, ne; marked down 'eery low,' eiose them oat. IIANSON LOVE, - ' - 74 Market street.' a N H UND_RED DOLLAIti' *ER " YEA.E.—No. 23 Vine street—Om tenainents of tbree'rObma eack and one" of fear rontqa tCith a lot of ground, 25 by- ea fant,Rtlkkoss43tek emsPaP. No SO W et 'Market' t.; SEce7./0-tli a choice land , in — Trie . reuxitz, ova; We section Ora:mica land in Franb• la county, tows, for sale at $3 per acre, by - 12 ' B:CUTHBERT SON. • on Market street, bettreiisi t ruiranzid4brUlCiitit, for sale by -J 1 - aITRBERT i 80DiAlle to - • AND, LANA LAND,--In Ohio, yir iA fur nalebyy rt aqS sox, ea maket D IXON'S BLACKBERRY, CARMINA - 7.411 tgr .581° bY I3. FAEINV3TOCIe & CO., Cita : No. Mt writer-Fourth ivad Wood streets. F RENCH EMBROIDERIES ,- at cost.cost.4 • ' • conier AM A azlldarket.43Fr%s'. SIXIARS.--100,000 GeniiieS Setrs,•4itler est brands, VivzsdoutoattrowLEE, ' • In the Mainond. ,FattPIRR OP: AUSTRIA; Its Rise ew and Present AbbottFOlVenll it t,,C6 o,s6 ~.4 street O. 431 PENN' STREET, a Brick Dvirel= ling Helms, tor' ale at the Rest Estate Hillon'ot 2 El. CUTHBERT k. SON, 5.1 hterket street. , I ILL FEED-104 bats - GToUnd Screan k lngo; meisod on coisignment,and-lbr sale by ,1, A...FETZER, 078 Marketnnd First streets. INE .FLOU R.---12'bbla; Fite Flour, re- . mired and for sate by: JAMES A. • FETZER. lon . corner Market and First streets p h TEW WAIL PAPER.—Third aririwir - f - c - m the Season. -The ansorthaelaS always coiriplete at e old stand, No. 87 Fir?* street. - . . jest • -W. T: Iikt.SFIALI, & Y o. Afl BOXES CASTILE' SOAP for sale by •• - iikr. ..• - . . • BECEBAAS * KELLY, - lel9 Allegheny City. filE G A R -CA SE S,' fpr sale by sq - - • • - - -•J. FL . WELDIN, • ICNt .. ~ .L. .al W . 0011 street, Dear Fourth. TA.I . OBIMY ka .,OLOVES, GAUNTLETS and kikmarked down very low. 4 ' • ELTON, CAME &CO.. FM and Market sta. pp ANKER'S 'CASES; MONEY BOOKS, - . Part Monies, , Memorandum Books and Pocket oks, (or sale by .W. 8. HAVEN, stationer, coM • - ' - , corner Market and Second streets.- • ____ 1 CASE MACE, JUST RECEIVED and for sale by , BECKHAM t KELLI, • jelE , Allegheny my.' F , IS H .—lfaelcerel, Herring . and Lake Fisb, of all kinds, In store and for sale by , jeS - HENRY IL OOLLIV" 'ORIKE • COFFEE. -L - - 75 - pi .Cofftedustraraiied. Bar aataby• BIORTLANT!. . . • F 1,91130 bliLs. - - " .. 1 7 1111111 11111111 1412b13. Fast Etening. For side' • ThAND oomszoß, IST Liberty sine- itb,. I . g HOUNEV4 . ?to. ri Market *tract' - 10. PAPE, and - Double Medium Bused , 1•10 as - SAY & * -00, 65 Wood etre ; • ASSET, 13ONN,la, FPPW. LL-4 Bristol Beird,for sale by • aidl comer of Mar. 8. k ak et liEN alld Mond9altrilar risteMnitous. BOOTS AND SHOFS, FANS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, rown, MT:Ur NUMBER 235 V4utnvan . Ambrotype and Photograph 11931. GALLERY, . No. 70 Ftith Street,' • - • . ~ . ~ . NEARLY OPPOSPPE Tar, POST- OFFI CE air- Photographs, colored or plain, taken at short no tice, at Eastern mice* end warranted maid to them. _--- SMALL PICT .E.S colored JD mi. MISLAIinIED. TO LIFE SlME,and .- - . matt__. A M B R TYP E S.- • A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE - .PICTURE wARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW .•• AS. AT ANY FIRST CLASS :SJTAIALIBII, MENT IN TEE 'COUNTRY, AT , f e u: " VIiAiD9I L IFE-SIZE, impERIAL, artri tdEDIUBI .1: 1 M30'1' 0 CtFt.:2l.Pl-IS, Colored in . Oil, Fasten°, or . Plain, in the most artistic stile, and at Eastern priees.. , • WALL'S GALLERY, jeB , , • Jones' Building, Fourth street: p fr.% mollztil*3oA 63fVfigOv*:W!,-• W.9R-11S; , PARK,- IYVCSJIIDIT UANITFAMR.gI2BOF SHEATHING; 111 Braziers' andßoll Copphr, Pressed Copper-not toms; Raised Still Bottoms: Elpeller.Solder, ac., also im porters and dealers in - Metals. Tin. Plalc,Shcet Iron; Wire, As. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 First; and LlOSecond streets, Pittsl=Pa. Special orders of Copper cut lowly-de sired iny29:lydaw WA_RRA.NTED' Pure and Un adulterated," and to - Sir•SWVE Pickles for years,' the same that ,r .have . sold to, a majority of the Pittsburgh Gro cers for swan TrA23, and Which has taken Three First Premiums - - at Pennsylvania. State Fairs, I am now of. ' fering to the city and country trade at greatly reduced prices. ' Please order direct Terms Cash. • ~.. . . - A. BALLOU, US Water street, . - - between Smithfieldand G PittabiLlt,u%l. JAMES . , A: FETZER, FORWARDING - AND COMMISSION -MERCHANT Inoue., Grain, Bacon, lard, Hatter,. !Hed Dried Fruit and Produce Geiser*ltyp coitxr.o 'OF' mArtmet AND FIRST: STlCitirj PITTSBURGII, PA. . • . . . • Rota ro---iranels G.Riiley, E.,, - Willil - oil Dilworth, Sr., S. Cuthber, ASon, Pigaburgh: Boyd A Ott, Helskall itweartnge S. Brady, Cash. M. 4 M. Bank; List - dc Howell, Mangle lc Co., George. W. Anderson; Donlon, Paxton &.Co., Wheeling. m •et. ^ 19ENTII ItILA.CHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY,' • 11. WIGIITMAN ANUFACTURER OF nog Machines; Steam En iaa . hallthg and Pniliaa . . Mortice Mari:cams, . Gear Wheels Hangers, ete.etc Orders promptly attended to. - aStly • ALLEGRErnr.- CIALDWELL & BOAT PUBNISHPkg &DEALERS IN Manilla, Hemp and Cotton Cordet Oakum, Tar, Pitch, Rosin and Oih4; aTalin, Thick, Light and Heavy Drillings, etc. 3 1 : 1 Nos ea Water, andlB Frmt lifewLivery Stable. _ AVING 'OPENED' LIVERY 'STAB - Li. in the rear or the ticott House, .corner of Irwin street and Duquesne Wax, and purchased a Sae lot ot Horses, Buggies and Carriag,es, I would respectfully do licit the patronage of my fronds and pnblic generally, assuring them that they can be accommodated at the most reasonable ratea I hare rnadesucharrangements that persons wishing their horses kept, can be well ac , commodated. ansr_am Pi Scott Howie, ttsburgh. Pa. B A 'GAINS N SECOND-RAND One. 6 Octave, irtosewood Case, Iron Frame; made by Chickering & Sons; only two years old. One 04 Octave, Rosewood' Chte,Tpund corners; made byHallett & Dans. One& Octave Rosewood, carved desk; made by NUIM9 One 6 Octave, Idellogany Case, n ade - by Clark.. One 6 " - " One 6 " " Gerd'gASinann One 6 " Rosewood" Pape, Paris.' One 6 ". Mahogany " " Albrecht One 53 •". ' " Loud & Bro. One 6 " " " German make- One E. e 5 " " " " " Clementi. On " " • For sale by . OTIN IttELLOR, - • A - PLEASANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE AL_ —Of 70 feet front on south avenue. Allegheny, by about 250 deep to Rebecca street, having a good-two story family mansion. ,well arranged for comfort and 'convenience; portico,liall and eight maxis, tatirrooro. hot and cold water,gas in all the rooms; a brick stable. and carriage house; shade trees and shrubbery. The. whole is in good order and will be_ sold_ ata btriptin, Terms easy. Immediale'possession can be hal_ i elB 8: CUTHBERT d SON, 51 Market street, 2, SALE ACRES OF EXCELLENT LANDEOR . 12 acres in ecdtivation, balance-in woods, dwelling house, stable; garden, ae.;' A aodr-htil Jag .water..-Bimateat revearrules .ftem the city, end one mile from Clifton Station. Price $1,400. Terms,--FOU in band:and s7oCtin one year: • • S. CUTHBERT a SON, 51 Market st. GREAT INDUCEMENTS are now offer et) to those who wish to by BONNET RIBBONS, FANS, 9U N ifIttR , R•ELL Sa E.IIBROIDERIES A 1,41:) GIPNER , - - 71 P ALMER'S, ' t 'l7/ 2 VISH-204 packages Lake Herring ,t 4:- ga • 00do Mae.kerrixLl grel; . `," 75 do H, [l6lBl. 1 Y HT B.txmuNH. For ssieb; COALOIL 1 COIL. OLL -COAL OIL too this refined a IECi BOOKS—On the various Bity. For sale by etq KAY .4 CO, 55 Wood street. TIIST PUBLISFfEIRANT'S - CASES, VOLUME 2.--Reports or calms arAtteci to .the Su f?reormzeCboyurt ,ifeitr.trisilkriteS.:3:sll-enniisgrte IDURE OLIVE OIL suitable for tablersv!tr rentectfreett, for Bat e byy jostpH • jezo corner.lDiamon d sad Market st. ACKING BOXE 8,100 second. hand le9,v Packing Boxes aal l. mmts eb 130. 9/1 -1112ILS. ENGLISH VENETIAN -RED %, for aide by BECKHAM A KELLY, jel3 ••• Alleghen Cit-. TONIC 'CHOCOLATE DEOPS.t:—Blafr & WYetles Tonic L'hocolate Drops, of ptue iron and chocolate, highly esteemed for their tonic influence, in imparting strength and a healthycolor to invalids, asps mally for females and children. For sale by WMCO%; myZI Corner Smithfield and Fourth Streets. NDIA RUBBER GOODS, INKSTANDS, llRulers, Penholders, Pens, Paper Knives, Pencils, ocket Inkstands, Pocket Books, Beakers Cases, &c., for sale by - W. S. HAVEN, jel3 Corner Wood & Third & Market & Second, eta. ARSES HOLMES j and dealers in Bacon, Laid, Sur-- ic, corner of •FIRST AND AIM:MET ,p. • faleely A T A PRICE—A- VE);«,`!..L.'4. - -; A - will be sold comic:OT . hag of five rooms, with a 1^,.• two streets, in Allegher , jell S. CUTF CINCLYNA' and Dried.. Belmont, at ; - awa ,;. Fourth streeC du - mtirias at- 81 , Wood street.