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P.,...,. 5Y5; • • i, : , •; , ..... 7 .-,,11:: : ., , , , ,-,, • - 1 , , - ''••••. - 7! - :.- -' .;..., v. ±:1; ~:,, ,:-...,,., ~, ~. : . .......; - Y ., - 7 ••':•.! , :', - ;... 1 : - !i5. , ..::: ,-- :: - 4;;!..:-.., - f'!.`;i.l'L.'...7f' f .:—:7".'''''... -, ...?.., ..,..:. ~:i., : .:,,;••,.A 7. ii:...74.••;',...:,.',-7 ,7 ;,..:: - .. 47„ . •-''.: - ,;,71r.....;,-!' p . ..... ,‘-. .ii, • ;.. ' ,: t- :: ' ,r;. ,- . 7•. • '. ; r. - 7 . .... ~,_ '''. , T "t. :., ,%,.: -• f.' I" 6. 2 . • N. mss Ilk%r 1 • 4 `' r. _ VOLUME the Pailt) Foot. JAMES. P. BARE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. .Trams:—Dally, Vivo Dollars per year, strictly in ad vanes. Weekly, Single subscriptions Two Dol lars per year; in Clubs of five, One Dollar. LOCAL AFFAIRS. Departure and Arrival of Pattenger Trains. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Crestline. Ft. Wayne Express Train - 1115 A. M. 8:56 A. M. 1:01 P. M Mail Train. 8:50 A. M. Express Train......-.12:50 P. M. 8:45 P. M. 2:30 A. 51 Arrive at Chicago: Express, .6,31 P. M. I Express, MT, A. M Returning, arrive at Pittsburgh: Mail, 89.5 P.M. I Express, 3'.30 P. M. I Express, 22D A. M (From Federal Street Station,Allegheny.) New Brighton Accommodation.. 9:30 A. M 5:03P. 11 .. 8:05 A. M . 1/10 P.M Ammy/oania Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant . streota . .) Leaves. Arrives. &50 P. M. 1245 P. M. 250 A. M. ILSO P. M. .1.23 P. IC 1?...'.3) A. M. Express Train. Mail Fast. Line The Jptinstawn Nay Passenger .. 6.03 A. M. 1:10 P. M. 2:50 P. M. 11:00 A. M. -.10:40 A. M. 6:50 A. M ....4:30 P. M. 12:30 A. DI. 11.155 I'. M. • 41415 P.M Train Johnstown Aneommodation nrat Turtle Creek " Fti‘rond a " _ Third a a Pittsburgh and anoultarille Railroad. (From Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Amves. 7:88 A.M.. 61.5 P. M ._430 P. M. 8:15 A. M Cicrelatui and Pittsburgh Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. —12.15 A. M. 2.40 A. M. ... 8.25 A. M. 4.00 P. M. 1.05 P. M. 8,10 P. M. Traia. Express Train. Express Train Mail Train Flit Line-...... lvallsville accommodation 5.00 P. M. 11.00 A. N. Pittsburgh, Ciiitumbus end Cincinnati Raitroad. (From Liberty and Gtant streets.) Leaves Pitts. Columbus. Arr. in Cin. Fast Line 12.15 A. M. 8.00 A. 51. 1130 A. M Erpresa 'Crain.. 1.05 P. 51. 130 A. M. 7.30 A. 51 tr:&"' ORIIANS' FOURTH or JULY CCLEBRA- Tum—The annual Pie-Nie, for the benefit of St. Paul's It.. C. Orphan Asylum, will come off on MONDAY. July 4th, at IRON CM PARK," (formerly Liannya Grove. where everything calculated to add to the enjoyment o vkitors will be provided. Cars will leave the Liberty street depot every hal hour during. the day. commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M. the last train returning at 7 o'clock, P. M. N. 11.—All persons u n it provided with dinner tickets will Ire charged ten cents ailintssion to the grounds. je9.9,5t Railroad Accident. On Wednesday morning as the mail train East on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chi cago Railroad, was about to pass a crossing, some two miles west of Wooster, Ohio, a cow got, before the locomotive, which was thrown from the truck and overturned, causing the death of one person and injuring two others. The cars and machinery were net seriously damaged. A new train was procured, and the imikngers reached the city about eight o'clock in the evening. David A. Brown, express messenger for Union Line Express Company, WM fatally in jured, and lived but a few hours. Mr. Brown was injured by a large box, in his care, falling upon him. •Do was a native of Litchfield, Conn., about twenty-tive years old, and un married. • -. The engineer, A. Duinere, was thrown from his engine as it turned over. Was but slight ly injured. The tiremrn, Wilton Dumereo was thrown frornthe engine, and, when found, was lying in a small pool of water. Ho was seriously injured. The cars were all thrown from the track, but did not receive much injury. None of the passengers were injured, with the exception of a few slight bruises. caused by being thrown around in the cars when they got off the track. SEILIotTS ACCIDENT AT THE EAGLE COTTON Es.cronv.—Yesterday morning at about seven o'clock, as a boy named Robert McCombs, about fourteen years of age, employed at the Eagle Cotton Factory, Allegheny city, was standing looking down the elevator from the second floor, the key which secures the chain to the shaft gave way, and the elevator, which was descending fell a distance of ten feet, catch leg the boy between it and the fender, over which he was leaning, He was extricated with some difficulty and conveyed to his home, on Sandusky street. opposite the Baptist church. Drs. Elliott and Trevor were called in, and found he had received severe internal injuries, and serious bruises on the back and breast; his fungus was alSo . lacertited by iis'teeth. Tne elevator struck him below the shoulders, and pressed him downwards, with his breast in the fender. The physicians think the boy will , probably recover. An accident of a Yiilar character occurred in tlie setae factory two years sinew, by which' a man lost his life, and since then the proprie tors have incurred a heavy expense in guarding against such accidents. The key which came out had been considered perfectly secure, and carelessness cannot be alleged in this case. The boy had only been in tho factory two weeks, and had been warned to keep his bead out of the slide in which the elevator works, but dis regarded the injunction. LOCUpT GRovE SKMINARY.—At the request ' of ap' of the institution, we copy with , pleasury following notice of Mr. Foster of, the Disp e . We have no hesitation in say ing that the institution, its principal and teach ers, deserve the high commendations bestowed upon them, &c., &e. Locust Grove Seminary for young ladies, near this city, closed its summer term and acedemic year this week. Having been present yester day, for a few hours, .we can cheerfully bear testimony to the proficiency of the pupils in algebra. , mental arithmetic, history, French, vocal music, &c., and presume they have made equal progress in other branches upon which they were examine d4O day or two preceding. The secluded yet theitql. Piiccessible location of the institution (just beyond the U. S. Park, Lawrenceville,) the fine view it commands, beautiful and extensive grounds, and pure air —combined with the excellence of the teach ers, and their success heretofore in imparting knowledge—and the high character of its trus tees, entbracing some of our first citizens— combine to rendt3r , it orie .of fl , us, bast of its hind, and render .it unnecessaryldriend•our kiiis abroad for'an education. , It commences the next-terra late in Septembef, under the charge of its present excellent Principal, Rev. George T. Rider, 4. M:, assisted (we pre5,41,a1.0,1 by thb same cow of teachers whobavi so suc cessfully taught luring the Past year. —14, 7 e eau heartily endorse the above, as the institution is worthy of all commendation. It is pleasantly situated, easy of omen, and affords to families residing in the city an excellent op portunity of having the female members edu cated in all the necessary branches, by compe tent teachersomd with the very important ad vantage of having them always near home. LOOK OUT FOR THE SHOW.—To-day the cele brated Great World Circus of Messrs. Antonio h Wilder, will arrive in the city, and this evenlng •give , a pet formane•t:m the 'T.Arrible Ifsaf!not, Fenn strbet: The Cbmpany'fs "said to ho an excellent one, etrairacing a variety of tabint, including the Antonio family. Wm. . 4 kriastrong, the renowned bare-back rider, Tom Osborn, the great two, four and six horse ri der, Johnny Davenport, the Kentucky clown, the Afagara ballet troupe, several female Naos- . trians, and a corps of acrobats, gymnasts, trained horses, &c. The horses and equip ments are all in good order, and a first class en. tertainment may be expected. This company will remain over the Fourth and give several performances on - that day. CONVICTED OF- •almfrisv. .--Onfgh US day' morning, District Attorney-Collier .made the chising-speedh to tlict'jOry: inl4tdf tif the ContinonWealth, in . the case 'of CharlesBlackor, accUsed of the killing of T. 119 pradley t at WifWilliamsburg, in April last. 4ap 24eClure then delivered an able and impartial charge to the jury, affirming all the points raised by de fendants counsel. He said he thought the evi dence would scarcely warrant a conviction for murder in the first degree, and after defining the law gave tho case to the jury. They re tired and in about two hours returned with a verdict of manslaughter. Theprisoner was re manded to jail. Tax Allegheny Conference of the M. E. church moots at 491lidayaburg to-moraow. )ittL_l A ---- b , .. T o / b —The store room of Mr. Matthew F. White, of Whitestown, Butler county, was entered by burglars on the night of Sunday last. A case of shoes, a quantity of dry goods and otbei articles were taken, to the value of between one and two hundred dollars. No person slept in the store, - which fact. was doubtless known to the burglars, who hid evidedtly made therd selves acquainted with the.premises. —A German painter, called " Dutch John," residing in Williamsburg, Blair county, com mitted suicide recently, by severing the arter ies of both arms with a razor. He was a man of intemperate habits, and kept bachelor's hall. He is said to have perpetrated the act of self destruction very coolly and systematically. —On last Friday afternoon a heavy rain storm passed over Indiana. About two miles north of the town, the barn on Abraham llootte'l3 farm was unroofed, and several large sugNStrees in the vicinity were torn up by the roots. —Henry Spence was convicted of horse stealing at Indiana, the other day, and got two years imprisonment in the Western Peni tentiary. BURSTING OP A SEWER—On Wednesday night, a large sewer, traversing Pennsylvania avenue and emptying into the Monongahela river, burst, at about twelve o'clock, in the rear of the Eighth Ward Grist Mill and Ag ricultural Implement Factory of Messrs. Munn & Barton, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Boyd streets. The ground under the boiler and side wall of the main buildifig was washed away, leaving a yawning chasm of some twen ty feet in depth, and coveringa surface of sixty or eighty feet.. The damage to the mill is Tory serious, and will render the removal of several feet of the wall necessary, the foundation hav ing been actually swept from under it. The - biller has sunk some five fent below its origi nal level, and the machinery connected with it is a good deal injured. Thn loss is not great, but the time lost in making repairs will be the most serious xesult--and it may be possible that the' firm can recover damages from the city. THE CRICKICT MATCU AT LAWILENt:EVILLE —The match between the Atlanta and St. George's Cricket Club, at Irwin's meadow. Lawrenceville, yesterday, resulted in the de feat of the latter. Thu score was as follows : St. George's—first innings 17 ; second in nings '2B. Atlanta—first innings 10; second innings Ot winning with nine wickets to go down. The play was good and the game con ducted with spirit and the best of good feeling. On next Thur4day the return match will be played on the Commons, Allegheny city, On Saturday next, six members of the St. George, play against'Messrs. Earle'ena Sproult of the 01 •m tie, at Lawrenceville. To THE AUTItoItITIF.S.—We have of late been requested, several tinsel, to call the atten tion of those whose duty it is to keep* the streets in repair to the condition of Washing ton street, which is sadly in need of renovation, particularly between Franklin street and Penn sylvania avenue. Here the street, lint having been properly graded, is abuse the level of the sidewalk, and on the upper side especially, af ter a rain, the pavements are covered with mud and dirt, rendering them almost impassible. We trust the street commissioner of the Dis trict will examine the locality and do some thing for the convenience of residents in the vicinity and passers-by. BENEFIT or Miss WEtts.—This talented and accomplished actress, so far above the average of these who play the same line of character, takes a testimonial benefit at the Apollo to-night. We learn, as we Lave already stated, that a presentation will be made to her, by a number of her admirers, of a handsome set of pearls—to which she is fully entitled. The hill is a good one, Miss Wells sustaining three characters in the drama of the French Spy, or the Fall of Algiers," and one in Kit Carson, or the hunter of the Prairie." She has many friends here, and if they but turn out in full force, the audience will be large. EXCURSION TICK ETS. —The Pennsylvania Railthad Vonipariy,, , a^th a deafro to [teem-lin:io date the portion of the public who may choose to take rixreation in the country, or at the va• riot's pie-nice and other public gatherings which will take place on the Fourth, will isme ex cursion tickets, gbbd f or - Monday and Tue" day, to and from all stopping places on the road, on all passenger trains. A. PLE4PATVII. from Mr. Henry Kennedy, who was a passenger on the sCeinner Argo for Gal way, which vessel went ashore on Tuesday at Trepassey Bay, al -Toupees that ho had landed in safety L onctarrived at fit: John's N. -U., in good health. This intelligence will be grati fying to his many friends. SE:ur-ANNUAL BANK STAT ZS T. We have prepared, very carefully, a weekly state ment of the condition of the city banks up to the lit of July. It will ; be found under the commercial head. It will make a valuable ref erence table for merchants and others interes tecL THE manufacturing Sowing 3111611in° now selling by J. L. Carnaghan & Co., Allegheny City, arid made by M. Finkle, 'New York, has, in many 'restoiets' no -rival. Thom• who use machines for manufacturing will doubtless do well to examine ip , _ THE Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company are makingapecial arrange ments to - inn 'extra 'trains over their road. Tickets will be sold at half faro for the round trip. . , • TUE SMALL. Pox is said to be prevailing at the Marino Hospital, several of the inmates having taken it, ono of whom is dead, and an other in a critical condition. Tux name of the section man killed on dui Pittsburgh,Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad, on Tuesday, was Thomas llorem Ile leaves a wife.andStartily at flow 13r1_;hton. BUILOT.A.III". — On Monday night the houseof Henry Schunk, in latwrenceville, Was entered by burglaretwho carried off, a clock and other articles. The perpetrators aro unknown. ' ' Tii prisoners sentenced in the Court o Quarter Sessions on Baturday;Ayere eenyoye. to the PelitentiarY yesterday. EfE.A.,TIDTO• ItY' STgam:—As a testimonial of the workmanlike manner, perfect 'wan or their self regulating machines, safety economy in fuel, and the little attention necosoqtry to keep each worn oomfurtable, we give this oertificate to ZdOtNr.. Davis and Phillips, fiII(3OOASCITEI to Phillip.' k Co., for their plan of heating by steam the. Secant' Ward Public Schools in the city of Pittsburgh,aad which has met our approval. and wo would, recommend. them to.the public to give entire satisfaction of heating by steam. It. Miller, Jr..l,lohrt. Marshall; 311.Tindle, George Wilson, John Wilson, L. Wileor., Directors. DAM ptil mrs, - • Steam frosting, Gas ftate,q,Ttembialcseslßmits Fourates,s, Dealers hi every descriphort of Gni FixturtStan4Twinps N 0.67 Cfoollamlief*Pl:9YoC7WV/IttBPCirgtL MEE - • . 11.-"•1 ;/. "...! F `.,". "f.• Accidents and Incidents. micorp,:race- Ins(.ltll4ton, alp want o which !ilia - opr cjitzotoi is noir olioTl under the superir,teudorice of 'messrs Jackman 4 J ohnson; thew WI/Sett° trance, fir, Wood street. It is designed for the perpetual exhibition of the products , of. Mechanics, D.ufactu rers, Inventors, and Artisans; and as a place of resort fur those socking information relative to Otiose branches of industry, either, by examination. of earn-plea or scientific publications. Those having articles to bring before the public will find it greatly tolheir advantage to leave samples. ' SVP The public are resPectfully invited to visit the institute. COMMON SENSE RULYS ,HE MASS 'OF THE P c qdfsT. ante T er Oi 4 I!PPIABTe4.. f9it lotioPhera may say to the contrary: Show theme goal thing, let remit:S be dl i cii4 hesiOtte it their itaist masses I 'Mo ° 1 7 2 .4 'ir° l itl 0. 4 Ohognlont of a i physician, ociveratng the virt ue of 14 tisTg,TTEws BITTp4s, os may bo 'seen in ttio immense timtailleS of this medicines that are annually sold in every aoction of the land. It is now recognized. as greatly superior Co all other remedies. yet derived for diseases of the di-' gestive organs, buchas diarrhma, dysentery, (tiapepsiti, and for the various feiera that arise from derangement of those portions of the system. liostetter's name is rapidly becoming a' household Word; trona' Maine to . Texas, from the adores of the Atlantic to the inane. Try the article and be satisfied. - • Sold by drUggista in the woild, and by ' - - - • - HOSTETTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, e 29 N 0.68 Walstr, and 68 Front street& PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1859. COITLTEP. & Mawrzan, House, Sign and Ornamental Painters and Grainers. Orders left at their shop on Fourth street near 'Market, Burke's Building, : mll!be promptly attended. 0603 . THE IMMENSE POPULARITY OF THE EAU ATHICKIENNII, has made a most unprecedented demand for the article. The bald have their hair restored in all its beauty, and old age is gladdened with the restoration of the pristine color to the hair. It will not soil the shin .or the finest, linen. Bold by B. L FASINE3TOCE 2 CO., No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth streets, Druggists generally, and at the Laboratory of Jules Hanel d Co., No. 704 Chestnut attest, Phlladelpbla. jeandaw Dir WE LIVE SO VAST IN THIS COUNTRY, that the Americans have became famous throughout all Christendom, as a hard driving, hard drinking, hard chewing, hard swearing people. Wo have became equally famous for debilitated stomachs, e norvated and disordered nerves, broken down constitutions, and the hundred and one cures which follow upon the vices which we have enumerated. Countless panaceas for these ills hate been advertised, but we know of noth ing so efficacious for an invalid suffenng from indiges tion or nervous depression as OLIN'S STOMACH BIT TEAS, manufactured and sold by the proprietor, at his ¬ on Penn street, near Band. fell JOSEPH IIZTIM ANTHONY METAL JOSEPH MEYER & SON, Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, No. 424 Penn' 8 , abwre the Contil,: Have on hand a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, in Walnut and Mahogany of their own manu facture. and warranted equal In quality and style to any manufactured in the city, and will deli at reasonable prkm. te26.11 MEDICAL BOOKS.— Rokitausky's Pa thological Anatomy, 2 roll. Gross' Elemonterit Pathologies.' Anatomy. Gluge's Pathologies! Anatomy, with colored plates. Horner's Anatomy and Histology, 2 vols. . Lawrence's Treatise on the Eye. Mackentie's Wilson on Disease of tho Skin, with atlas of plates. Illicknill and 'Puke on Insanity. La Rocks on Pneumonia and Malaria. Copland on Palsy and Appoplexy. Enetison's Seienoo and Art of Surgery. Cooper's heetures on Surgery. Dmitt's Modern Surgery. Miller's Praetice on Pirre's System of o Diekson's Elements of Medicine. Principles of Medicine, new edition. Watson'. Prat tiee of Physic, Wood : : Manus. Modica and Therapeutic,. nit no KAY & Cti. G, Wool street. fACK. X secondi hand Packing Boxes for sale by 4.9 W. P. R.SII ALL 11111,8. ENIiLISII VEN ETIA.N RED Ur for sale by M A KELLY, jel3 Alt-Alen:, City. MON IC CHOCOLA ' T'E DHA Wyeth's Tunic Chocolate Drops, of pure iron and chocolate, highly esteemed for (heir tool,• influence, in imparting strength and a healthy color to t PTV, clanp for fain:des and children. For Kilo by 1.. N ILCOX, m)2-1 Corner Smithfield and Fourth Street, `ILIA RUBBER tita Lis, N KSTAN Rotel, Peolo.l.l,•ra, Pon.. Paper Kokes, Pencil, Pockcl. I nk•ilands, Pocket Book• • Bankers Ca-es, for vale by W. S. HAVEN, le1:1 Corner Wo.sl A Third A Market A second 1.) EFI N Ell St'4; A it____ lA, 1.11,1,i. t-',..0..‘, , k . , Nt31.1:11 - 11 ere. hi,' - , u.. , .nr ; lo to do comar pulvens_ed do 10 do to flllll d„ . I “ 30 do Penna. A cotter ern..l.-./ .to 10 do do H do do 410 0 do do C yellow do In .t. re, and landing, and for .14 4. I.y ai.2.1 MILLI:It a tticK ET:4ON. ._ . SPON 0 ES.— A lino lot ~f tat liing Sl•otig...: fa*, M0r,,11 Tiro, "rarer Chw to, A elleap ...art-- tote f0r . 51.00,-0 !oow and n,MIII roue', For Halo Ly n79` , 1. IV 11,Ct 0,. enr Sont/dirld and Ott..ta Irtlll.ll_ - `l't I ..,1* vari,,lii 1 .! .1I brand, in stare and for wale Ly M 1 . liT LA N il A I 't , S N. db. ntr"B) lo: Lthvity strert, . _ D iu El) A P1.'1.F.5.---90 btialt. 10r edit, by Ml ILTI.AND A 11.55011, 0013 Itr; !Abort, *treat. C 1 Nt !IN S ATI SO i A I: CU RED II ANIS and Itried 11.4.4, lo tien - N', to amen. per ',Warne Belmont, at IIAWOII.III A BIIIoWN LEE'S. apB . In the laamond. II UST PUBLISHED-1; R.% N'r'S i' ASEs. a/ Viii,irmE I.—lleportn .1 ~...v., :0'01..1 in Om S., promo t' aut. of PontoIIVIIILIL By it..11j$0111I) I, rant. For sale hy bell) HAI .11 up.. La It ..0.1 atreet. _ . . _ prRE ()LIN' E 01 1., !Mil/ile ltr table, war root.,l fr,li, for ...le by JtriEl'll F1..1 7 .311N0. - t1:14 comer lharnend and Market at. DA PER BAGS, small. and large, for dru lasts, confectioners nnA Aleslens, for sal.. I.y .1. It. EI.IYIN. p.:l3ri Woat ntrevtuogr Fourth. AAE PA PEW,- Ma , le ttx pre.,-.ly for pit _cji_ tow op lax tor, /1 lot for trate al null pile*. J WEI.I4N, jisl4 67 Niood street n,,r Fourth SIX NEW STYLES PCHTKI.:I' liT TT TES, for sslo try .1 It. %V EI.DIN, 11'3° ta ‘yop,l street. nesr Fourth. S E lit A ll C A S ES, for Kale by .1. R. WEtitlN, foW (3 Wood street. nusr Fourth. 'RUSIN ENS CARD CASES, new style, for 1 JT sal e by J. It. WEI,bIN, }eau fla Wood street, near Fourth. 4UILL Too Tit PICKS, for Rule by J. It- WEI.DIfs:, 63 Wood etrnet. neur Fourth. UCKWILEAT.-200 buYbiels for sale b I 111 )0, lIENRY 11 CAALINS. ----- IDOTA:IOIIS.— . 2.OO bushels for sale by .111. ie3o HENRY H. COLLINS. CEESE,CfI E E.—Pri rn cuttiug Cheese 1,./ for nate by HENRY IL CHUMS. SUN lIIIBItELLAS, HOOP SKIR'I'S, Lace 51antlea,.Lawns, 1-Meal. and Bare g es. Aleua fill lino of Dot-mane and Stiple Dry Goode. . ictle a HANSON LOVE, T 4 bflarket street_ noMIIENCEMENT AND EXHIBITION OF 111(111 SCHOOL—The public exercises of the pupil,. of the Illgh conelating of Eremva wet °redone, will take plaeu in LAFAYE'I - rF. HALL, FRIDAY, at 7', o'clock, 31. 'Tickets can be had the Prineipale of the Wnrd Schools, or at tiro oilier; the High I3chool. AkirAdmiexion free. pystat- QiiMPINO FOR EMISROIDERY done 1.„3 to order s 10 cent!' psriaj . lLL bans 1...13: AtiSitAilrS. • corner viAe_apd caTFII34INO- DO-NE, .on horrn Machine, 3 cen i: ta . vit i i . ,at lLLßßalra, ler,l C;orner Wynn and High btroets._ MILL FEED-104 bags Groan( Scream jV lags, rocriYed on conalgameof,and for rate by 4. A. FETZER, 'e2B Corner Market tind Firm rtreets. FLOUI .- 2 12 tie, Fine Flour, r sii•itatl and for sale by Thltlo4 A. FETZER, 8 . corner Mutat, and First WM.. CH Is prime lot of Western lie sorre Cheese rooeived, and for sale byy •• .110kEd ~ F ETZER, .103 norner !duke!. .4 and First streets. Q.UN' UIf.DRELLAS—In Silk and Ging ham, cloak rig et very imp miens. Ny holosale Lesion; ere especitkily invited to examine our etiicl: 444 PriCe% jea LATON, (OW , 4 00,, Filth and Market eta • -- COTTON AND LINEN FRINGES AND BRAIDS—For Ita.Nue Tnmroingoi--A very largo aqsortment of all widths. Sold wholeKdo and retail at the lowest possible prices. 10.7 EATON, CREE A CO., Fifth and Market eta. B— AIIREL POMATUDI.—A largo supply of th,s oircenant article plat received At JD.gEPII FLEMING'S, . Je3s comer Diamond and Market street._ # AN psomE pountE SKI RT FRENCTI LAWN Rrillf..fl at' Three Dollars, same as sold e I in the stasoh At Five 11 toilers'. Also, Q glittti assort jnent Silk DuSfers mid Lace Mantles.' t eit, c,. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market street. ' - LwErREIM'FIA ur' fiusTRALP - • 6135- - • 4ANTE.—Tw. wi iyors a lly o ,p r roved and admired article, foe from ardent spiiits, pungent oils and other , dostructi re materials, cleans the hair es.pedi lion 4 ly, ren 'dere it a beautiful bright, and imparts to it the delicate fragrance of the flowers. by For sale JOSEP/1 FLEMING, 1 e 3 Corner Diamond and Market street. FOUNDRY IRON-50 tons Lake Superior Foundry iron, to arrive and for sale by- CO LLINS.__ a - Ka EHH.114(.4-0 .- bbli: ;[ n. • El,l'ilt) L s' Enicpbr l i . ; _ i . l I • • to • - do Alewives', do" • `q r We by • • - .Wll. H. SMITH .t. 00., ' . : ' jeW.c . . .118 Second. end 16711 - Vont streets. Vill'r r 4 V , ,FAN,.."6.="t 0 littellelti' fdr . sale'by , ' - ' ' ' WIX.' 1r surrint w t. _ e y 2o ßilre--2K Ipb!s; prime :, y ,ri ru i., p oci fp. vr ; o ; 4 : N e se:L b i. : ' • N:IL 131 4. 1 4111 & PC4; UPER1011;:i1 . . RD CA J P . 2.. .:— l F v o r i cif, * . . .. -63 Wood street near Fourth. TiallS4s9: foi 431 by ( . 143M) HENRY H. COLLIN; . 4(1, by BB I,S. S:P4.N IS H BEcv. Wll ßAm lTlli a lti r. t T o: L i y - sa .. 143 jell . • . .. Allegheny City. 'go; AWN. • BERAGFS, ~ DUc4LS, , sp4. UMBH.FIiIrA.9, Hcion Skirts, Lace and Silk . Ma* e ()slam Needle Work, Ac. C. HANSON LOVE, 1 827 • . - . .. 74 Market street. CNE'HOOPS--All lengths of round mitt flat at low prices, AT the gross. AS FAWN, OREN A CO, Fittla and Market sta. OE= THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Further by the Steamer Arabia. LONDON, Juno 18.—Kossuth has left Londod for Paris, with French passports. On Mon day next he will arrive at Genoa, where a be coming reception awaits him. He will have an audience with Napoleon, but no grounds exist for the report in circulation as to his plans. An amnesty has been granted to the political prisoners at Naples, on the strong remonstrance of the British Minister. The Times, in its city article of last evening, quotes advice' from Frankfort, which state the 'German confederation are understood to have resolved that 80,000 men, namely, 40,000 Prus sians and 40,000 Austrians, shall be stationed on the Rhino. . . . There are strong rumors that Prussia will issue some decisive announcement in the course of a few days. According to the prevalent conjuncture, peace is to be proposed to the Emperor, on certain conditions, and if these conditions are rejected, Germany is to enter into the war. Under these circumstances there is great anxiety and stagnation in all the commercial cities. The Tithes also says that Russia is making vast warlike preparations at all naval depots. Tho Neva division of the fleet is reported to number eighty-eight first class ships, and the Baltic fleet thirty-five sail of the lino, of which fourteen screw aro at Constradt. -••- . Tho Times accounts for tho recent shipments of gold from St. Petersburg to London, as pay ment for machinery mado to America and else- Largo Russian orders nre lying still unexecn ted to England. _ The Daily News thinks that the Cabinet is not yet complete, and complains of the man ner in which Mr. Wilmer was moved from post to post to make room for the old class of placomen. was reported that the generals under Pet r forthwith to repair to their respective stations, and it was considered not improbable that the army now called the army of the East, would soon be denominated the army of the Rhino. , . The French army of Observation on tho Rhine frontier, number seventy-one thousacd. An Imperial decree proclaims that the pub lic will receive for the interest on the national Iran, now due, either bank notes at 125 florins for every 100 florins or second government bonds, redeemable with compound interest in five years. • • • • Commercial letters from Vienna describe the financial condition of Austria as one of com plete bankruptcy. A letter from St. Petersburg says if Prussia allows herself to be goaded into menacing "tel''. Russia will concentrate troops on the Galician frontiers, and send detachments of her fleet to the Prussian Baltic ports. It is said that the 12th of June was the day appointed for the rising in European 'turkey. The political ferment in Servia wto , increas kuion9trntions in honor of the French vie tories had taken place in Greece. Passenger Railway Excitement in Baltimore. B ALT on.nr, June 30.—1 t having been un nouoced that the subscriptions for the city rail road stock were to be received to-day, a large crowd gathered at the office of the company at nn early hour this morning. During the fore neltm there was a great rush for subscriptions, and nt one o'clock about half n million of dol lars had been subscrihesl. Subsequimtly, the crowd increased, and nn intense excitement prevailed, there being a struggle on the part of some to get at the book, unmindful of the in teresta of those who were ahead of them. A. squabble ensued, during which, the clerk took the book and handed it to one of the grantees, but before it was cafe in the latter's hands, it was seized by Mr. Dougherty, Warden of the Penitential y, who bad subscribed for $:2,0,1.0) worth of the 'Lock, and carried off by him.— The excitement was increased to fever bent by this act, and a meeting was called to investi gate the proeetafing, on the spot. A commit toe was appointed and the bank recovered, Mr. Dougherty disclaiming any other intention than the desire to prevent .its destruction.- *Man of the subscriptions arc very /urge, half a m illion, It is supposo4, being intended for Philadelphia parties. From Waahiugton WASIIINteioN CITY, Jtintl ;SO.—Despatches from the Indian Agent In New Mexico, to Commissioner Greenwood., state that the Nit vsjas are again committing all manner of dep redations, regardless of the authority of their Chiefs, who aro disposed to remain at peace with the whites. Ile thinks another Indian war is imminent. • . The postage stamps, and the stamped enve lopes sold by the Postoffice department, du ring the two years and a half, ending fith lie comber, amounting to $14,000,000, 4,out million dollars worth has not been tin the pro-payment of poitage. The receipts into the Treasury, during the week ending Monday, amounted to $4,879,000, of which about a million and a quarter were derived from the customs. The draft paid du ring the same limo, amounted to $3,175,000 principally on account of the Treasury notes. There is a balance of $3,800,000 remaining in the Treasury. From 30 to 35 passports continuo to be is sued daily from the State department, nbout three fourths of thorn to naturalized citizens. Mons. Blondin Crosses Niagara Falls on a Tight Rope. NIAGARA PALM!, June 30,—Mons. Blomlin performed hie hazardous feat of walking across the river on a tight rope r in the presence of from 5,000 to 10,000 spectators. lie first crossed from the Atnerkmnstopping mid way to refresh hims'cilf with a' drink of water, which ho dreW up in a' bottle with a rope from the steamer Maid, Of tho Mist. This steamer accompanied bim to be of Seryi,ce in 'case of accident. Ile cr4issed, also; in 17i min utes and ri3turited in' 1 4tninn4es. Lose of a Steamer Nzw Tom:, dune 30.-="Tho ship Flootwood, of Boston, erilicl4 540104 front that port on the 9th of rehmry, fop the Rocioty Islands, was lost off Oape Horn, on,the 4th of Id ay, by run ning foul of an icoburg. • The ship sank in a fow hours, compelling officers and crow to take to the boats. The captain had his wife and child on board. iTho mate, Mr. Babson, and four seamen, were fallen in with and carried to Pernambuco, all being badly frost hittom Who captain and sixteen of the veil took to anoth er boat, and i 4 1 . 50p0d wera picked up. Tile Acquisition of Cuba. WA B VINOT O X , 4une 39...--..eur ex-Minister to Spain, Mr. Dodge, has published a card, in' which ho says that, 'while the prospect of ac quiring Cuhri bypurchase, under the present circumstanece, , he inauspicious, he has' never oven intimated that the proposition in any way involved the hohor'of Spain, or that the pur chase might not at a future period be effected. Ho believes the course rcemrimendeff by the President will leiul to the consutamation of .that object by ..119 \ no.rable nugbtlittion. Fro Nett?' Orlealie. • Nzw °Az/ars, J,une r ateanmbip Philadblphia, traml:AY : atm, has Nor (cLitalEr kre , the same as tke . 3aalSel's, at Tkid• Britt 8 1 :OligoT Ateviot bad arrived 494 k 4t,.*T46rnalk. fieneral Santa Anna 7m got al)ttarcl, Artless be was concealed, and Nora vu much fliaappointment manifested in ooruiequence. , Freights are slightly lower: . Storting ExChange is quoted at 1441t1 per cent. premium; Exchange on Now York, 3i® d per cent. prominm. Miehigan Southern Aceiclent CHICAGO, Juno 80.—The body of another unknown man was found this afternoon two or three feet - below the surface of the earth. `This makes thirty-eight killed. It is prestimeit that others'are buried in the , quicksand or car iipl down stream. . . The remains are unrecog ntz.edz>erhe'datid were buried yesterday Ett, Mishawakee. The funeral was attended by large number of cifitiens. - , ti y' ~ .- e. • Overland Mail Sr. Lome, Juno 30.—The overland express , nail arrived at Leavenworth this afternoon. . It brings a large mail, but no later advices, owing to detention on the route. An arrival with lath intelligence is expected hourly. The Grandeur of War. There is a lurid grandeur in a war in which the combatants are numbered by hundreds of thousands, that not only profoundly impresSes the imagination, but renders the discussion of the ordinary affairs of nations tame, spiritless and uninteresting. Christian clergymen, and the advocates of the doctrineof non-resistance, may depict the horrors of the battle field—the torn carcasses; the shrieks of the wounded; the groans of the dying; the piteous appeals for mercy ; and all those awful concomitants of agony and despair which sueseed the shock of armies; yet by common consent the victors in such scenes of horror and carnage will, never theless, bo recognized as heroes, arid poets will find their most soul stirring themes in "the pomp and circumstance of glorious war." We will not attempt to take the useless task of attempting to reconcile the apparent contradic tion which exists between the Christian code of ethics and the piactice of Christian nations. It is enough to know that war, like many other evils is ineradical, and that so long as nations have rights to assert or wrongs to avenge and men stiffer themselves to be governed by their natural impulsts and passions; by their instincts rather that - sty their religious convic tions; they will continuo to resort on momen tous occasions to the arbitrament of the sword, though all the apostles of peace were to unite together to preach the sinfulness of shedding human blood. The 'wisest philosopher, there fore, must for the most part, take the world as lie finds it ; with its warp and woof of sun shine and of storm ; its gracious amenities and its sharp asperities; its flowers and its rugged ness. There are many elements of the barbaric age still mixed up and inextricably blended with our boasted civilization ; the chief differ ence between ourselves and our progenitors being that we have improved upon their social comforts, that we entertain a more general re spect for the rights of others, and that we have infused more of the soul of goodness into things that we acknowledge to be evil. But if war hiss its barbarities, it has also its humani ties, and the finest displays of chivalric feeling are oftenest exhibited in the treatment of a conquered foe. Meagre and unpicturesque as the details of the battles in Italy for the most part have been—the correspondence and the official reports dealing with matters of fact rather than with the incidents which give color and vitality to the tremendous struggle—we •yet occasionally catch a vivid glimpse of the seene, of the marching and countermarching of the opposing armies, and of a portion of the men of which those armies aro composed. We saw, for instance, at Palestro,the Tyrolean riflemen, dressed in green and with metal cock ades shining in their huts, firing from a rise in the midst of the standing wheat at the Sardin ians under Cialdini. We can picture on the Sallie occasion the irresistible charge of the Third Zouat•es, swarthy and bearded men, in oriental costume, and lithe and sinewy as leap ords, who, plunging into the canal which separated them from their enemies, carried, at the point of the bayonet, five guns of a battery of eight, and put hors dc combat five hundred of the best sharp shooters in the Austrian ser i ire. \\•e have seen also for a moment rush by us that mixed Algerian force—the demi savage Tureen---in battalions, composed indis criminately of Kebyles, Arabs, Moors and ne gro,. decked out fancifully—a Moor passing with s red shawl wound about his loins, and next a jet biliel; negro with yellow turban of silk. coquettishly arranged so that the fringes sled! hang over his forehead ; while in the back ground are dimly seen between whiles dark eyed Italian written and half terrified children staring at the strange men from the shadows of corridors.—Bottiises Ex.-hangs. REMOVAL. W. & D. HIIGITS, NAVE liEmovED TO NO. G 9 MAR- El' Street s corner of F.,orth, where they will re main tOI the tir,t of S,ptentherot hen they will remove to their now .tore non !wire.: boil( ma the old slam!, corner of Filth and Market ntrevte. ropttm - - E FINE NoT PAPERS AND ENVEI (WES —l4 , La 12.0, Rhoads 1 Sons and othe volebrutrd brati.i, for wile 1,13 tiuner Wood d• Thud t Market I. Socond ESSENCE JAMAICA GIN t;Elt, for sAlo 1p I. L. FAUN FATocK a co.. VZ 3 Nu. CO, coruor Fourth and Wood estreot.... ECIA CORKS, for Fruit Jars, assorted VIZO. for sale by H. L. FAIINESTOC , K & CO., •ie23 No, fo, earner Fourth and Wood As. . 1 CAN PORI: OIL PEPPERMINT just reeeived and fur vale by BECKHAM d KELLY. je 7.11 Lit% CARRIWAY SEED just rt. 50 I vO,l And fur ,Al.. BECKHAM k j,•20 Allegheny cay. 500 • LDS WRITE MUSTARD SEE )114trereived and for Pale by EIECKHAN. d KELLY, eat Alleghen City. BUY S' 'IIOT C I' NS S --Attention is called to our stuck of II 0Y S' SII 0 T OUN S. They were manufactured especially to oar order, and are light, well finished, and entirely reliable and safe Parents who would teach their boys to be marksmen, should examine these beautiful wemions. CARTWRIGHT k YOUNG, jeiN, 86 Wood street. 2CASESCAI{n.MAt NESiAjustreceived and for sale by BECKHAM dk KELLY, Jolt Alleghelty City. SILK FA NS, Linen Fans, ralmleaf Fans, in great variety, at .bald. lIORNKS,77 Market street. K I :sa4S, Glovm and Mitts, selling 1j anal) nt HORNE'S, NO-11 Market street. W 1 N ES.- 1:5 more ellequot rinart3 Channagne Wine b do do pui do do 00 basket. retl. , Ilvidseiclev 0,49 ~...) do In do do `do idsgo do 10 do 13oniAleptadind Dronel 00 do do 6 do do 01 do ptn do do 5 erica 9t 71kLitit Nedoe Claret, do 10 da oduile3" elttawba do lb do do Ginger do In store, and for nalobx 411 , 1, . • 3 ulax,r. A RIcKET3ON -- -- PRUNES. , :roases in glass jars; 3 do in fancy bozos; ft casks 'Turkish; 50 kegs for Cooking. Just received and fur sale by REYDIEIL t ANDERSON ; No. 39 Wood street, myl9 Oppoane St. Charles Hotel. #I I IIE IItUN MA NUFACTURER'S GUIDE J. —To the Furnaces, Forges and Rolling Mills 0 the United States, with discussions of Iron as a cherni cnl element, an American ore, and a manurnoturod !Mi ele, in commerce and in history; by J. P. Lesly. With maps endplates. [ EAT & CO.. 6S Wood street. •_— -- tOlorm; R A Tn is ART nes BEEN brought t” such perfection that pictures taken by this process have been pronounced perfect by the scioutine world. They con be had in all their boauty and Artistic elegance, at WALLS PICTURE GALLERY, on Fourth street. 13ANKER'S CASES, MONEY BOOKS, 1 Port DlOUlliefl, Memorandum Booka and Pocket books, for sale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer, mr2.9 ' Corner Market and Second atroeti. CASE MACE, JTJS'I' RECEI vp, and to bY Un ia gi elnAlle CASK 6 BLACK LEAD for " ""Y BECKHAM A KELLY, jel3. Allegheracor, B(III . GALLONS liL by ABchiliA m O LI~'•E OIL.---50 doz., assorted ;brands, Yob r " 8* by woo4 l l :44Tad u te wb ielluM lCE 1104.4 0t*1. T, . 800 just re '. cei S vo E d an -E d for nal BECKB e AII& KELLY; ioZ) • Allegheny City F ISH. -30 bbbi. Large No. 3 MacksTO; at half bble. do its t io 14 . bble. Eastpoyt Herring. • MURTLA.ND , a CONNOR, 197 Liberty street. For Bala by raiZl SEED. BUCKWHEAT.—WO bushels prime Seed linekwheat, now in store and for sale by JAMES A. FMV,B, corner Market and Firat eta. RESII BUTTER;-7 jars and 4 kegs 1 . -Fresh Butter, just received and forAti n, 1 corner Market and First atre?ta. xO.-11.1 Wood street for rent. si.cirra! 20,000 °L/1 GERMAN SEG-AI3S- for a pp KURTI AND & CONNOR, /0,72% Noainutertl „tmt. _ L 0 1 1 ) I V A 1 1 3 1110 1301 Steamers to Arrive Tea DAVI ......Bremen New York.... June 25 .HaTre —New York_. Jane 29 Hamburg New York.... July .Bouthamptort..New York..-July 9 iiollllllolll to Nail. Weser Arago New York.. 1111TP1 LIAYI K 2 DLYS Argo New York..--Cialway June 23 Fulton ........New York..--Hforro June 25 City of Blaneheater_New York —.-Cork, to. June 25 Europs....-....- ....... _Boston-.....--Liverpool.--June 5) Kangaroo New York..--Liverpooloteluly 2 stage of Water. River—Five feet In the channel. A Weekly Statement of the Condition of the Banks in the City of Pittsburgh, During the First Six Months of the Year 1559. '4 ~ G o r.g o o o co g ..: = ^'C7 r o. Cg o o o, ;: to c. = o ors G 4 —. B• ':' , S t2""' $3" "' -an .t.' '"..S:M=4 5 4tra f o . ls.o—mw. . t .... m _,..,_V P?5O"F.:FrFrPlIT.PFTrffrrr . . . .. ... :011.0 1 1 -21 4 - 0.4 3 W4 E Rkr 7 . 001' trV.MEEZFEWEIrec 9 §M F±V,VIV-tWtSV.V.W.VMSS.V.ESELIVtP f vgx4ty.=.4o.a g r , eaLlsi-;:vatrag.glrtat--. - uggE.e. ntnsgwastteatgnscgtztagtmg f ng.F.HMEnuMinufml.l o 4 unamtutiltitilititutt tUto-Z2SWISI•Itt:MIZEMM:4,SIatiM s ;An.V.t.Pc.sIisIVIMPIIAA-SOU Es4alannEigniTiffEntE ,T;IENT;'SE'4FI PPliwl=s.s§g§§§, , ATAlMAPOO ElltganAttlEtanEEEEEs 898888888888888:=888888888 ""g""U gnRlMATiii " r " WitME§EiM,U - , .Erasa U. s.4°S74asmstaoU4t - 434E 4 : 4 : HEAMEEgtiMnEnnVn 35t33tCE1535.4=V;17442TA ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. Austouxxv Cur, June 30, 1859. The supply of beef cattle is not so large as last week, nor the demand as active, with a slight decline in prices. Figures for sheep have also declined. BEEVES. Offered by 62...Jarnes Morgan L. Kinoton . . 30... A. Greenawalt 43-.11. Merrick /4 a 17... H. Chain--Left over. 19... J. Wit/lugs (by :Myers A am.) 19 . 9.N.4/g/ile "p lb 3... H. M. Little.-- 3 21/4'231e " 18...J0hu Cook 18 3 a3;e ‘• 17...4V. Hazelwood 17 3 it..41 40 17... E. 111yit1....... .......... ...........-. 17 TM ? head 16... J. thimeron 16 234313 e IN in 16... A. Clark 18 3g3:Xe 83.-Marks I. Tratirman 83 9.44 e 45....1. 11 HMV 45 3 (0).' 0 35.-Krouso k Good 35 2,4'.04-14e " 14-.Cha.v. Campbell 14 " 1 2(d4e 13... J. A. Campbell 13 219/e " 35....J.Gallaglier 35 24gt 31.- Win Neal 31 2 1'i " " 19... C. Norton 19 01 .4 4 .‘ a 64.-Myere kGm 64 2 1 i4-ii: " 17.-Joe. Buchanan (by M. .1i B.) 17 ' 2 3 ikb 3 .V.,. " GGI fit rk 4G4 ,0141. 197 left over and sent East. Some thirty or thirty-five bead, in small lots, were driven home by their owners, by reason of the flatness of the market. SHEEP AN Offend by. o. Cfferal 46.... J. Yeatrnan— Scat East 63—S. Smith 63 $l,SAi42.,' 00V h'd. 5)... " " (lambs) 3./ 1,00 3A " 90... H. M. Little 90 2,00 Ti lou lbs. 107—William Neal 107 2.5071 " 95... IL Merrick 05 2,00 ill " " 45... Joseph 11111ahan 45 2,00 3A " " 13— '. “ (lambs).....— 13 1,50 34 head. 106—John Sifertl o6 2,00 7 4 " 16.-A. Williamson, ..._.....»....... 16 • 2,50 It 100 The, 242... A. porter "43 1,5004,003411'd. 49.-3. A. Campbell 49 2.00 'p 100 lbs.° 125-11. C. Rhoads, ........ _..-.._ .... .125 2.Z 39 " “ 4.3.-It. S. Kirker 43 1,50 77 head. 433—Campbell A Robinson, ...... —438 3,00 sit VA 130(. 1..33 offered. 14112 sold. ♦6 sent east. 163 head vent east. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Beportal Expressly for the Daily Morning Post. Flour... Market dull; sales from first bands at PA for superfine, and $7,00 for extra. From store 700 bbls. at $0,76 for superfine, $7,00 for extra do, and $7,2647,50 for extra family. Graha—Sales 100 bush. Oats from store at 5646.3 c; 200 'Ruth. Corn at $1,00®1,05; 176 bush. Buckwheat of 11,00. Ilay...9alcs 11 loads from wiles at slo®l6 11 ton. Baeosa...flales 11,000 tbs. at 73441N0. for shoulders, 93.09Xc. for sides, and Iwaloy,p. for hams; 10 tierces sugar cured hams at 12%0. Chaese...Sales 18 boxes W. R. at 90. Potatoes...Salds 150 bush. reds at $1,00431,1, 45 bb do. at 52. IA me ...Sales 26 bbls. at tilailt.....Salep 51 bbls. at 81,25. lib —Sales 14 bbla. Ilackeral No. 3 at 131,50012,00. Beaus—Soles 38 Lush. at SI,SO for small whito.. Carbe.-Sales 21 sacks at 12W012,3,c. WRslsky.-Balea 35 bbls. at=e. mush, and Zo time for Rectllied. Cincinnati Market. COMMA Rule 30.-I.7ntil the receipt of eastern news the flour market was weaker, but revived afterwards and closed firm; the sales cover nearly 3,000 bbls reported at 85,754.11,10 fbr superfine. Wheat is neglected and lower. Corn is firmer and 3430 lit bush higher. Oats are very dull, but are maintained at the last quotations. Rye and Bar/ey are nominally unchanged. :Whisky is dull at 2,5Y,0. Provisions are very quiet with a heavy market; sales of Bacon shoulders at Vic;" clear sides 10Ne. Uroceries are less active but the marketis firm, New. York Market. New You, Juno 30.—Cotton firm; sales 700 bales. Flour closed firm; sales. 11,000 bbls at $5,1545, 9 6 for State. Wheat heavy; sales 4,000 bush at S2OSOe for mixed and 900010 for white. Pork heavy at $1412% for mess and $12.76®12,80 for prime. Cut meats; dry salted are quoted at. 848 for sides andqc . , for shoulders. Butter dull at 11Q 16e. Iron dull at Oils dull ; Linseed Oil 61® 02e and Lard ell 8487 Tallow has advaneed . 3 . A with salaam 1030;11e, mostly at the hitter pries. Whisky unsettled at 26 3 / 4 (3.:hl},f i c. Sugar firm; Muscovado 5 .16 60e. Philadelphia; Market. Punantirma, Juno 30...Supertino Flour is freely of at $0,60; fancy lots sell at $7,50. Rye Flour is dull at $O O , and Corn Steal has declined ; a sale of Pennsyl vania was made at $3,76. Wheat is dull; sales of red at $1,50€61,03, and white at $1,76. Rye is lower ; sales 2,000 bush., at 67c, and some at 90c, in store. Corn is steady ; 3,000 bush yellow sold at fee, afloat. Oats exotntlsettled. Whisky is in limited demand at 27®26c., we* Tart Ow% Market. Nror 'Yolk, Juno SO. 03 1 cYbasgoalbocklaland 6E4 .1111noiaCentraIRIt—. Ai-X . New York Centrkl.—.. 11 Reading,...,...„. 4. ~ Miskouri es. ...... : . ......:. 135 Galena - A Chi0ag0....... (Vie Erie ...,... .... t , iii Pacific Mail tit. el. Co.-. 68 1 4 Kentucky * re' 1 , 4 . Virginie 61L-...... ... . ne7i, A VALUABLY, Idzinetwz.—Dr. Wilson's Tonic Cattnigtin and aitti-Dyspetio Pala were invented by a regular phyalcnin and thorough chemist, who, after yearn of study and experience, elaborated the medi cine and Intiodnced it successfully in hls private Kea rico. Its surpassing . efficacy in. Dyspepsia, Readaehe, Dysentery, BiliousTever, ac., noon spread its fame be yond the private practice of aka Doctor, and it now en joys unprecedented cetuhrity &imitate and reliable med. Mine. B. L. pahnestock 2 Co., No. 60, corner Wood IRA Fourth greets; Pittsburgh, are now the Thoirietore. See Pill advertisement on the third page of today's paper je2e:daw S.T. ynnow.,DY. W. 8. KENNEDY. fO ors. e liMoloYt . Iloghen PEARL STEAM MILL. A T.TMG.KEITI r CITY. 11. T. KENNEDY & ' OVAT Wit* ANA WAN PURCHASED. PVINFRA 99. 113 i, 1 4-141 , AND HOMINY, Di PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY antlydawl TEMA WSJ! . RN Egg tIVAINI tt.SES.2.IB2B'.2EV Sent East Prrrinlmials, June 30,1859 MANUFACTURED AND DELIVRR,ED NUMBER 22f Atguerrean (galleries. ROC El S' Anibrotype and Photograph GALLERY, No. 70 Fifth Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE sir Photographs, colored or plain, taken at short no tice, at Eastern prices, and warranted equal to them. SMALL PICTURES ENLARGED TO LIFE SlZE,and colored in Oil. mrB AMBROTYPES.- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW -AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS ESTAB *ll HEIST IN THE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S, Fourtki street. LIFE-SIZE, IMPERIAL, • AND MEDIUM , 1-10T0(31.R.11.PHE3, Colored in Oil, Pastelle, or Plain, in the most artistic style, and at Eastern priceb WALL'S GALLERY, Jones' Building, Fourth street. XSIMEYER'S'ig MIRACULOUS VERMIN DESTROYER, The Only Remedy In the Whole World, SURE- TO Fir TE.R.3IINATE RATS, HICK, COCKROACHES, BUGS, ANTS, MOSQUI TOES, FLEAS, MOTHS, HOLES; GRAIN WORMS, AND GARDEN INSECTS, LC 50,000 BOXES SOLD IN ONE MONTH These celebrated remedies have been extensively . • used for twenty-two years in all parts of Europe, and their miraculous power have been attested by the Courts of Russia, France, England, Austria, rrs Bavaria, Saxony, Belgium, Holland, Naples, ac:r s in their Chemical properties examined, and approved by : the moat distinguished Medical Faculties all over the world. Their destructiveness to all kinds of vermin and insects has teen certified in this city by the Directors of this various Public Institutions, Planters, Farmers, Pro prietors of Hotels, 'Warehouses, Manufactories, and by various distinguished private citizens. Numerous Testimonials and 'Certificates of the Malley of these Remedies can be seen at the Depot. and Proprietor. JOSEPH MEYER, Practical Chemist, Depot, No. GE; Broadway, cor. Houston at, General Agent fer the United States and For sale, - Wholesale and Retail, by the FREDERICK V. RUSHTON, Druggist, No. 10,11.stor House, and 417 Broadway, Nrw Yosa. For sale in this city, Wholesale and Retail, by R. E. Sellers & Co, corner Wood and Second streets •; Joseph Fleming, corner Diamond and Market street, and Beckham dr 15rEennan, Allegheny. deatem VINEGAR WARRANTED Pure and Un adulterated and . to Ala- V E Pickles for years,the same that I. have • sold to a majority of the Pittsburgh Gro cers for TWVIAIL rzass, and which has taken v ^4, Three First. Premiums at Pennsylvania State Fairs, lam now of- - feriae to the city . and country trade at greatly reduced prices. Please order direct. Terms Cash. A. BALLOU 148 Water street, between Smithfleldand Grant, Pittsburgh, Pm mr2`—"daw Ir. a. Jean W H. M'GEE & CO., e MERCHANT TAILORS, Desle in Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen'a,Far nishing Goods, corner of Federal street and Market Square, Allegheny City, Pa. sel2,ly New Livery Stable. • RAVING OPENED LIVERY STAI3Lx, in the rear of the Scott House, corner of Irwin street and Duquesne Way, and purchased a fine lot of Horses, Buggies and Carriages, I would respectfully so licit the patronage of my friends and public generally, assuring them that they can be accommodated at the most reasonable rates. I hare made such arrangements that persons wishing their horses kept, can be well ac commodated. - NEIL BRACELAND, Scott House, Pittsburgh, Pa- L. C. HEPBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, OFFICE WITH H. HEPBURN, No. 90 Fourth street. SAIIIIEIL GRAY, DRAPER 8a 5'..A.21,071.; WO. 52 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTS- Bußon, 82., has just returned from the Eastern cities, and is now receiving his Spring . Stock of .Cloths, Casaitnereti, Vestings, and Coatings of every variety and style, adapted to the best city and country trade, which will be made up to order with promptness and despatch, and at rates aslow as at any other similarestablishment• in the city. inr34ydaw IffAreolizie.;otoicio:Woje);)*A:o.' , u `SMELTING WORKS', PARK, RICURDY & CO, ANCTACTURERS OF SHEATHING, 111 Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bot toms, Raised Still Bottoms, S - pelter Solder, Lo., also im porters and dealers in Metals. Tin Plate, Sheet-Iron, Wire, Lc. Constantly on band, Tirunen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 First, and "LW Second Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Spacial orders of Copper cut to and y sired pattern.myZtlydawe- JAMES A. FETZER, FORWARDING AND COININISSION MERCHANT 101. 111.2 &ILI 01 ' Flour, Grain, Saeon, Lard, Butter, Seed Dried Fruit and Produce Generally, CORNER OP MARE=: AND. FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA.. • RCM To—Franeis G. Bailey, Esq., William .Dilworth, Sr., 8. Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh, Boyd k Ott, Melaka!, & Swearingen. S. Brady, Cash. M. k M. Bank, List & Howell, Mangle k Co., George W. Anderson 'Donlon, Paxton k Co. Wheeling. I:1 MakiirkLECN Oa Dikvii) tfl F 0 II N D R Y, H. WIGHTMAN, MAITI3FAvruRER OF Steam Engines, Shafting and Pullies Tong Machines, Mortice Machines, • - -- Gear Wheels, Bangers, etc., etc Orden promptly attended to. afely ALLEGHENY, VALDWELL & BRO. NJ BOAT FURNISHES 4DEALRIZS IN Manilla, Hemp and Cotton Cordaro ; • Oakum, Tar, Pitch, Rosin and Oils; • Tarpaulin, Duck, Light and Heavy Drillings, etc. . No& 68 Water, and 78 Front, eta. Watches and Jewelry. REINESIAN 3 MEYRAN, 42 FIFTH grasEr r Are now selling FINE GOLD AND SILVER RENTING w.vicars,• Of American and English manufactM•e, Coll and see. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PIANOS. One 0 Octave, Rosewood Case, Iron Prame; made by Chickering & Sons; only two years old. One %Octave, Rosewood Case, round corners; made by Hallett & Davis. Ole g, Octave, t Rosewood, carved desk ; made by Nuns One 6 Oetave;Mahogany Case, n ado by Nunns & Clark. One " " "N. Y. Man. Co. °" 6 " " " " " Gerd'g&S s irnon One 6 " Rosewood " " " Pape, Pans. One 0 " Mahogany " Albrecht One " " " Loud &Bro. One 6 " " " " German make- Ono 5 " " " " Clernentl: Ones " " " Clementi. For sale by . • - • JOHN H. MELLOR, ea Wood street EXTRA WIDE BLACK SILK LACE.- 4 -- Over 109 yards et extra wide and extra q_uality Black Silk Lace. just received by Express this day. by EA h, CREE k CO., Jar corner Fifth and Market streets: HE BALTIMORE - SKTRT.—The bit Skirt lu the market, made expressly to order for our ownsales. City and country dealers supplied at a liberal disegunt- EATON , CHEE a CO., Fiftll.4eid2liarket streeta. .0. X. DOSE. -JOELN cmaricu., JR. at greatly reduced - prices 'ela