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Trion ,- 7Dailyi Pipe Dollars per year, strictly In ad vance. Weekly, Single subsenptions Two Dol lars per year; in. Clubs of five, One Dollar. Departure and . Arrival •f Passenger Trains. Pittsburgh, Plot Wayne and Chicago Eat:mad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Crestlino. Ft. Wayne Express Train ...... —lll5 A. M. 6:58 A. M. 1:01 P.M Malt Tram. &50 A. M. ....... . . _ . Express Train-...--12-5: 0 P. M. - 1:45 P. M.. "Z.:10 A. M - Arrive a Chicago : Express, '.6,4T P. M. I Express, %yr A. M Returning, arrive at Pittsburgh; Mail,B I Express,3:3o P..M. Expretii,'ZlO A.ll (From Federal Street Station, Allegheny.) New Brighton AccommodationJ 9:30 A. &MP. M PenneyErania Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. 8:50 P. M. 11 . 45 P. M. 2:50 A. M. 11:50 P. M. P. DI. 12.:Xt A. M. Eit,ress Train. Mail" . Fast Line The Johnstown Way Passenger Train 11.00 A. M. 1:10 P. M. Johnstown Accommodation_..:. 2.-50 P. M. 11:00 A. M. I:rst Tartle Creek " A. M. 0:Z.0 A. M Second " " " 4:30 P. M. 12.30 A. 51. Third - '"- . GOO P.'M. &15 P:,51 Mail Train.- Express Min.:. Ceveland and Pittsburgh Railroad (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) . Leavei. Arrives. Express Train- .321.5 A. M. 2.30 A. M. Mail Train 0.25 A. M. '4.00 P. M. Fast Line— 1.05 P. M. 830 P. M. Wellsville Accommodation....... 5.00 P. M. 11.00 A. M. Pittsburgh, Columbus cat Cincinnati Railroad. (From Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves Pitts. Columbus. Are. in CM. Fast Line - 1215-A. M. 8.00 A. M. 11.30 A. M Express Train.. 1.05 P. IL 130 A. IL 7.30 A. M SW ORIIANS' FOURTH OY JULY CELEBRA nos.—The annual Pic-INIc, for the benefit of St. Paula R.. C. Orphan Asylum, will come off on MONDAY. July 4th, at IRON CITY PARK." (formerly Denny's Grove.) where everything calculated to add to the enjoyment of visitors will be provided. Curs will leave the Liberty street depot every halt hour during the day, commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M., the last train returning at 7 Well:ids, P. M. herSpris - not provided with dinner tickets, will be charged teg dents adMission to the grounds. Court of Oyer and Terminer, 4c. Before Judges M'Clure, Maynard, Adams and Parke. THE WILLIAMSBURGII HOMICIDE CASE. Court met at nine o'clock this morning, and the case of Charles Sleeker, indicted for the killing of Thomas Bradley, on the night of Saturday, April 23,1, at the tavern of Patrick Hughes, in I,Villiamsburgh, - Lower St. Clair township, was taken up. After the first reading of the indictment the prisoner plead not guilty, and being; asked how he would be tried, replied "by God and my country," and a jury was empanneled, as fol lows: Moses Sharp, William Bennett, Thomas R. Johnston, James PM*, Nathaniel Ingram, Dyehert Donaldson, „ li. , obert ster, , Bernard Yonkers,.. If. Appl e gate, )eery Redo, ohn Argrevi, George Itaynor. The jury being sworn, the'p, risoner was ar raigned, and the case proeeelled. The case fur the Commonwealth was con ducted by Distriet Attorney Collier and -I. H. Miller, .Esq., his depoty. the defense was rep resented by John 4. getpptort, and Hobert porioa. Mr. Miller now opened the ease for the Com monwealth, briefly stating the facts of the killing, which will fully appear from the evi dence, which was as below. Mr. Hampton requested, that inasmuch as there was a strong partisan feeling among the party gathered at Hughes' house on the night of the occurrence, the Court would exclude from the Court-room the witnesses who were present at the house, during the examination of any of their number. The Court thought the motion an extraordi nary one, but said if the counsel insisted they would make the order. If, however, Com monwealth witnesses' were excluded, the same rule should apply to those for the defense. To this Mr. Hampton assented, and present ed the names of five witnesses who, he request ed, mielft be desired to remain outside until csiley , . Collier said he had no objection, if the reit; applied to bdth'. Ile suggested that the Witnesses be placed in 'towns up steins, the Ponfuloqweelth 'and defendant's witnesses in 2 ,4)tirate roore matti wanted. ''Judge lti'Cluite . eltid flab 'were legal and hceinical alejectronto this manner of trig the wititessetc - who firertillere, in no con teinpt, having obeyed subpfene, and he thought It Would he Itigtt-bspaeti propeettitig to urn pvison twa sets of .witnesses without good cause. They had thine nothing to excite sus picion, or to authorize this curtailment of their libertY• Judge Maynard said he had no disposition to doubt the integrity of the counsel, and the entire propriety of the motion. But the -wit nesses had been summoned to attend this court, and they had appeared. The administration of justice was public, and the process required them to appear in open Court. if the Court o nould mOte an. order el-casing them from per- 1 St3nal iitteidanbe,itWOWlll relinquish all power I twar witnesses under - the OrbeesCbringing them herb.-the only'tnetho4 of keeping them would pelt:, ii.pitatind Cr restrain' thetri; - hi a proper plece,sPhject.l4 e: orddil of aqi.ii.t. "' ln a prop if k sage t4bNyisti be .fie,. pit Jere the Court saw notling reit cring th 'lnv : death:ln 'of such, a Measure - necessary. - Ifivertheleas,' the Court would say to witnesses that if they, Olt inclined to leave the court-roam and remain in ttie ro tunda or grounds they had full liberty to do so, but if they chose to remain in Court they would pot be expelled. This would apply equally to both sets of Witttassfar None of the witnessas,under this permission, chose to retire. . Charles Rice, sworn—Saw Charles Slacker, at the house of Pat Hughes, in Williamsburg, on Saturday *sight, April 23d. Saw 'Thomas kradiey there;F s, e were in the har-room en joybr• ourselves. ,t' Bradlef,itak:Yeinuan Pain Thomas Myer , and mysel4 hadgone up to Htighes' l' we drank there, and Bradley gave the woman -an ' order •on• the American t.ron• "fgotits t for !By cents ;' the wcitieri , had fib chitige,ReadAolltustio elate titteloagnin. Af er supper, Bradley and-I returbedto Hughes', ; wittily . 0 1 , 4, .aibliPite,y, Was there . singing it ign;q: "I'lictfflas ff.,116'144 - 4 12 ,e4 Trte`tq 4.101 . k 1 1144 Witile aringhig 4 saw BraoilOY g.g Put of the room, did not see Slacker go out, but when I - looked around he w x , L e. hen ln . ex w t i s tah a largo w Slacker e coming in .from ~e,* —-- , bowie knife in his hand, holding it up in the six ; ho said he would cut every son of a b—h in the house if the}' did not clearoat; ob served blood on the 'knife. Every one ran for the: door ; and Sleeker made a rush to wards Hughes, who was standing beside me. A - pitcher full of water . stbO'd 04 ate 4untef ; 4 picked it tip, saying : " Blacker, diop that knife, or I'll IMPeic your brains out," and threw it at him; can't say whether it hit him or not ; he stooped or fell behind the counter. He commenced throwing glasses from behind the bar towards me, and ,I did not see the knife' any more. I went to the door, and my attention was called to Bradley, who said he was stuck, when I- asked bin . ; if be was ranch the worse. He was lying down against the, silt: of the house; myself, Thollas Myers and Daniel Delaney lifted him up, and carried hinndown to John.. Cahoe's, where I took off his shirk and`, eiadned lbe -- Vound. We then ran away immedjatelyihr a clpetori dia not tfiral ;o4ri: then went ttller,ffi: batlier,i who dressed Wounds,' and Sent'hincto tilhoe's. After stopping et Hughes' for: Aft . ottier irink, we went to Cahoe's, when we found Itradley was dead. [Coat exhibited to witness.] 'Thili was Bradley's coat ; saw him wear it that evening. Do not know where Bradley Was from the time he went out till I saw him uftir he was cut. It was about ten minutes from the time he went out until . I saw him. Cross-examined—When I went back to Hughes', there wer between ten and twenty persons .prose . ,ny - Malley was sitting. on _a bencb.4lbarr en e , Ar the fire place, si,V , Mg a song, in whic2oli. :I Was EM3ll.othiny , ft-• , * -, X I . li4, fr-QQ I 4 IIII O I, Z- 1 ';.' ',J141-410Wa11.,..--g:-.--- . - • • • ' LOCAL AFFAIRS. Pittsburgh oral Oinneitsra le RaiirraiL (From Liberty and Grant. streets.) Leaves. Arrtves. 7:00 A. M. GAS P. it 8:40 A. Di Ibt tsibul4l) seeing Slacker when, I went in. I afterwards saw Slacker sitting on We counter, and Toni Morrison and Hugh M'Closkey standing near him ; drank with Slacker, but did not know him then. At this, point a recess was taken until two o'clock, when the cross-examination was re sumed.- Never saw Slacker and Bradley talking to gether; Don't know that I saw Slacker drink that night; missed 'him about ten minutes after he asked me to drink. Saw Bradley go out of the bar-room door to the road. [Witness ex amined and explained a draft showen him. The tavern is on the lower side of the road to the Six. Mile Ferry. It is two stories high,suld has a deep basement; the bar-room and kitchen are on the same level with the street.] I heard no scuffle in the kitchen—no noise. I was standing about the middle of the counter, talk ing to Hughes, when Slacker came in with the knife. Hughes` an to the door; did not see him again until after Bradley was dead., I was examined before . , the Coroner's jury, under oath. [Evidence read to him by Mr. Hamp ton.] Those are the facts I testified to on the -examination. Themai..jleghes, shorn —Went into Pat liughes',.bai-room on the evening of the 2.3 d April. Slacker and Rico were there; heard John Malley singing a song; afterwards heard deceased , singa few verses of a- song ; Bradley was Sitting on a bOx, and Slacker stood at the fire place. Moya, Rice end toy self drank after the last song. We were stand ing there, talking and enjoying ourselves, when we saw Slacker coming in at the side door, leading from the kitchen into the bar room. Ho had an upraised, naked dagger in his baud, on which, 1 thought. I observed blood, and swore he would kill every son of a b—h in thediouse if they did not, leave; he did not seeM tO make any particular efforts against any one in the house. Rice seized a pitcher, and threw it at Slacker, telling him to put down his knife ; when Slacker made towards him, Rice ran out the side door leading to the kitchen, and I went out the stree, door. When I got out, Mop, Dice and Dan 'Delaney were there. The night was wet and sloppy, and as I ran out towards the hill, I lost my cap; went down to Calioe's for a candle to hunt it : Rice, Moya and Delaney came down with de ceased, and left, him there. I remained there until he died ; he never spoke after he estate into the house. Did not see Slacker after wards. The knife Slacker had seemed to ho a large one, with a blade six or seven inches long. Cross-e..cant Ica—Been tue acquai n ted with Slacker lust winter at Patrick Hughes' house. I had no difficulty with him previous to this occurrence; one day lie caught hold of me in Hughes' bar-room, fur what reason I do not know. ' A short time previous I was ut a wake Where he was, but had no difficulty with him. There was a young lady there named Mary Howland; did not throw anything at her that night. [Mr. Collier objected, if this was intended to contradict the witne_ss hereafter, but if it was to show bias, he would not de nier. Mr. Hampton desisted from further examination.] When I gut to Hughes' be tween six and seven that evening, the person. ,resent were talking to each other. When Mailey was singing the song Slacker and Brad ley were both present : direoly afterwards I saw Slacker sitting on the counter ; Hugh Mc- Closky and Thofnas .11'orrisSti were 'standing near him. Did not speak to Slacker that night: - did not see him talk with Itice ; do not remem ber of having words with ilny one in the bar room that evening. Was not at Hughes' on Saturday afternoon. iq the e.veniag, did noth ing, by gesture or otherwise, to irritate Slacker. Did not see Stacker or BrTylley go out of the bar-room. When Lice threiv the pitcher, Slacker was vialking fror t i the side door to wards the Gunter; Rice was standing in front of the counter. After being struck, Slacker got behind the coont•r oral commeneeA throw ing tumblers; think be s.t.ruck Bice with one. Did not say to any one., glen Slacker came in, "kill the efdt Dr. A. r. :Murdoch, Rte,,r, —Held the post mortem examination on Bradley at t'ahoe'-, be request of the. Coroner. There were four wounds in nil ; two on the left slmilider, (leo, ,mpertiejal, - the abor I ,,,irmiug the cavity M the cheat, another behind the same shoulder, also superficial, and a fourth, hidow the scapu ln, also penetrating the chest —fracturing out of the ribs in its passage. The wound nearest the neck severed seyeratimportnat arteries, and death ensued from loss of blood. 'fire wounds mutt have been made by it sharp instrument, ti long one, which would require considerable force. The cavity of the hest was entirely filled D&Talled . wrp - 'n strong; bony, musenlar [dap, gay five. feet ten inches in height. Daniel Delaney testified to substantially the same facta;'astbe -reviou.; witisse.a who were prcsonfai Hun'es • ". '" William Morrison was sworn, but was n o t in the harlrdom whin Slacker rums in, Mixing ha:n.111) stairsit Mrs. Maguire, .s,cony—Was up stairs in Hughes' house op the night llrailley was killed ; I heard a noise, and ran dawn tii the foot of the stairs; Charles Hlacker was running through from the kitchen to the barroom ; he had a bowie knife in his hand ; he told me to go up stairs for fear I would get nurt. lie run in behind the counter in the bar-room ; had the knife in one hand, and took a tumbler in the other. Charles Rice was standing on the ether side of the counter with a pitcher in his band : told Slacker ":You son of a —, hiy down the knife, or I'll knock your braio3 mat." Ince threw the pitcher r.l.Sliic'ker;:airdlic"thre the tumbler at Slacker. , Bice ran-towards the Out side door, and Slacker came from behind the counter, and ran towards the Caine door. Charles Slacker plckWiifi dA,!anter in throw at the man san,g the ENT: Obt solve' one preVen fa" gfp: v.gho' ne# 'recollect Slacker was up stairs l lie twketi me to look at his head : said he thought it was cut; I looked, but saw no cat; only something like a bruise. lie asked me if his right cheek was 'not bruised ; I looked and fOund a slight bruise, below the eye. He said be had a bad heSdache, but he would not care, only lie was afraid he had killed 14radle,y. I. went down, heard Bradley wardead,and.wentrup and told him : he said if Bradley „WU dead he was wiliing to die too. When he told me he was afraid he had killed Brailley:-Jusofaid hli`hadrrun tbmknife intphiTn eo tliabp9 I==rdly Fold is out.; Whdn'T was suitadinglati ttieifotit 0g',016 stab's could see into the kitchen ;i,when I heard the noise and came down ' -the entrywas so full that I could not see. into the kitchen t lbot in that: direction, attention was dii-Oetdd to the bastrdorh. When' lacker was from the kitcherao• tlio bar-i:oons he said that-he 'Would. defend' satiAe thing t; . :o 'or 0,1 '4 '.! 11 1 1 11 ' g t4e 4904 Fit ting, Vross-Aramined—The noise I heard was like men quarrelling;, I thought it was in the bar room; could not 'distinguish who spoke or • • ... 'William Morrison., -Tames wont was --- Torrence and' his wife LeoWe p stairs, the two letter in tiPlanrhismothal)Ainlcidhi abbnortontlinme: rooM T a h n n i . k i3ttar itch s en l . ll " 4. A l lil tn eatri 'k e et d w o7 nl vi the airs taw several iseisOps; stood in the pas'sage way, and some in the bar-room. Think Slacic esr's jot off.' 'Do not' know Who :her the door leading from the kitchen to the street was open or closed. Slacker also told Me that Sam Carney bad warned him, in the bar-room, to look out for himself, when he(Slacker) got up and went into the kitchen. He said ho was standing with his back towards the kitchen fire, when Tom Bradley. came in. Tom asked him if he had over said he could - whip .anyliiib son of a --- rube ever'Walked that Amid"; with that Bradley Atitik It him, but whetheT Slacker said he struck - M . 4'dg not remember. Slicker did not stay long; think he left the house 414 not see him about afterwards. ~Jobmldalley - was sworn, and testified, with; out material variation, to h t: s t an he g oc a e s u o rr ng en w ees hic i h n , the bar-ropm. Ile `on -cross-exaMination he said was about all ti l e. Fmglisb. lords. Hradley insisted 'upon his' singing it, three times, hefore he con sented. Coroner Bostwick, sivorn-4leld - an inquest', upon the-bsxly=4Bradley, on the 24th of April. 'lScabbard!of.imlfeatMwm.l This was given to me in Hughes'-tavern by a person whom I do not - recollect;. saw Slacker the day after tlie, • =- him - to make no state PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. MORNING, JUNE 29, 1859. Cross-examined—There was no particular murk on the scabbard ; it has since been in my possession. Think deceased weighed 145 or 150 pounds. W. C. Hamilton, swore—[Scabbard exhibi ted to witness.] Was with the Coroner in the jail when he asked Slacker if the scabbard was his; Slacker said he didn't know, but it looked like it. Evr.Nl NG SESSION. Court assembled at half past seven and the evidence for the Commonwealth wns proceeded with, as follows: Ellen Jane Bradley, szcorn.—Was at my father's house on the night Bradley was killed Saw Slacker have a knife; (scabbard shown) the knife was of the shape of this. When ho came into the bar-room from the kitchen, -he had a knife of that shape. Saw him have a scabbard like this ; think he had it in the aide of his pants, in his pbcket. Cross-examined.—Havo seen a scabbard like this in Slacker's trunk many a time •, his trunk was at our house. Did not see the knife that night until lie came into'tho bar-room with it in his hand. When he came in, Rice, Thomas Morrison, Hugh M'Closkey, John Maley, Jas. Anderson, Andrew Hahn and Frederick Bytes were in the bar-room. Did not hear Slacker say anything or see him strike any one. if Slacker had made use of any language I think I should have heard him. Eire picked up a pitcher, said •• Slacker you son of a —, lay that knife down or I'll knock your brains out," threw the pitcher at Slacker and ran out. Was in the bar-room half or three quarters of an , hour before the difficulty in the' kitchen ; Slacker was sitting on a bag; he went out, and ten or fifteen minutes afterwards came in with the knife In Isis band. Philip Traverse, sworn. —Was at Cahne's when Bradley was brought in, he only lived live minutes; did not speak after ho was brought in. He WA laid on the floor, and af terwards placed in a rocking-chair, in which he died. The scabbard and the coat of deceased were ullvred is evidence. Mr. Pollock opened the case for the defense. He first reverted to tho opening of Mr. Miller, and then, after a brief hiAory of the accused, who, he said, they would show had always been of a peaceable disp,e,ition, :dated that they would prove that Thom!, had fur a 1044 time entertained a hatred agaimq Slacker, and that, himself afraid of Slacker, thin was a ideeenevrted scheme to get up a quarrel with Slacker. He had pitched on Hr.ulla y , a manor notoriety in New Cavtio, where he to a lighting charach.q. to stir tip 4 diiikalßV with hint, and whip hint. The party was col . . lected there, and wilily partially under the in fluence of liquor, Ilugheci induced one prOSP4t to thug a song, which he knew would originate a row, and be a pretest for tot attack upon Slacker. The latter, h01a.4 warned to take care of hitn , elf, kept alo,f from the crowd and finally went into the kitchen, During dun ger, where he ie. followed by Bradley, while Hughes and others go out and blockade the door. Bradlet= attack, him in the room, strikes hint in the face, afterward. , on the breast; they then take hold,: at this moment there was a roan behind Shirker who ,truck him in the back with a knife ; bo calkl to hip friends in the bar•ro.,i,o, •'they are murdering me." "Ilhe - er , Aid riclhed towards the hitchcn.'wben Tom Itughes Caine running out, and prevented the crowd from going to the re,cue of Slacker. lie felt certain of proving . these fact', and in such ft caw would claim a _lngtillable hoMicide , and claim nn no . Mr. Ilampbcp nna examined the following wittoi , c , s for the defeie:e: Samuel Carney, —Wa.: at the honceof Hughes on the night of the Abr,l. Caine duwo at ato.it seven o'clock, stoiq,4 at I';t -hoe's, and wept to kitlu:he:i at liet con eight and tin: o'clock. slacker, dohn Frederick 113.1,, Jas.. A nde.r...en ;tot! Andrew Hahn were there. When I went in, a man. whose name t hal e bine horned dobn was singing a song about Daniel tr Connell, nn n Luc near the nreplace. Slacker wa sing on a box on the other bide of the fireplace. After the smug, W:l5 nearly over, three per ''''n' , Thomas Wadley living one, went out the bar room door to the Wee( ; heard then, whisper they took Shieker'a na.ne in vain. They d fronting the door for about five minute?? , then came in. Slacker had Eno\ ed to the nter, when tleeen,e,l got in front of one of the .qhers stood beside asked Slael;e: - tis••d' the 'tong ; lie in,4 • SI&)1)l1 and t on 11 rot h said lie liked It very •Bradley mid if he didn't like It he wotild'have tO. Slacker now got down otl the counter and went into the kitchen, and Bradley f01105 ,, e4 immediately after. cr, same time tA men went out the bar-doh i doorleading Ut -the street, and went akmfidlo'the _kitchen door. Slacker was standing with his back to tlri• arc, liradlev in front .pc h cu, atiO We two men at the door. Brad Sucker if he had said he -.mid whip any Irishman on luck's Pom ~: L uker replied no. ean't say f +2l.:ewsvdsfruck Slacker or not. 4 then wept out into the bar-room and walked off about twenty , delis to Miller's porch; Mrs. till e r and Timothy Maguire came out. I heard them throwing tumbh.rs and breaking things in the house; heard Slacker talking ; went opposite the door.-- Saw Slacker standing with his hand on the counter: he told the people to go out or he would hurt them. I then went back to Miller's porch ; stopped there until I heard them say limelle•• cut. When tacker had coos hark into • the • barsroom,. while I stood • near the dOor, heard Tons Hughes say " kill the d—n son of a The bar room door leading into the street was the, im mediately %Viler' Wadley followed Slacker int o th uhitchdn'liughes "Was standing up at the counter': saw bins no where else. Never saw Bradht• and (lid not know his ;uno until after this difficulty, 0,-,..4a.c.r.amine,l—Dan Delaney was one of the mon who sat beside Slacker on the counter, when Bradley asked him about the song.— Had been at Miller's but a few moments when I heard the scuttle. Mrs. Catharine Hughes, sworn—Am the wife of Patrick Hughes, at whose house this dif ficulty took place. Slacker came into the kitchen . between. nine-and ten o'clock, and stood with his back to their 2. rtratitey.atuno in after ;incisor; and sttlicliat hint. I got up and ran out-and wi‘nt• away. from the house thirty or forty y4rds. • CresscraMined--LiSlacker had been in the : kitchen only two or Oo° miantes when Brad ley canto ini 'taker had 11%4s borne stood character for Beata. Ho boarded with me for two yeatt have heard •of some little scrim mages, 'such 'as yonneaters sdlglii get into; but none oi"tinYacciptint. • At ten &clock ()can't adjourned untilnino on. "Wednesday morning, Cross-examined—Mr. Bostwick asked who was in the kitchen ; Slacker said a man named Milholland and Mrs. Hughes. The Coroner asked him how the fuss commenced, and Slacker said Bradley struck biu on the eneek he spewed hia cheek, which woo marked We. BlackCr...said .cieW Qr leans ;• he was coming up as deck passenger bn a steamboat, and got it to protctit himself. llp said the song was the Origirl Of the 'df culls. ktirt adjourned anti, past men q'clboc in the evening. FESSENDEN'S PCMICE-STON.E TOILET SOAP. —This is a new and excellent article. It is a pure quality of soap mixed with purely pow dered pumice-stone, and removes impurithis very readily, leayipg tb,el sl;iu smoel.h and clean. It is unsurpassed' for'brdhing Or toilet purposes. - Tlibiliventor and manufacturer of this capital article is noW in the city, engaged in disposing of his manufacture. It washes as Well with hard water as son, and is a very de sirablp artiplc• FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday morning, Mr. George B. 31,00 re, Supervisor of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, between Rochester and Canton, and one of thee ection men, whose name we have not ascertained, were killed at a point about eight miles west of New Brighton. They were upon a had-car, which was run over'by a wood train, and both were killed instantly. LEG BIMSEN—On Saturday last, a German) residing near Ternperanceville, 'whose name we have not ascertained, while riding an un ruel •, "horse, WllB thrown off, and kicked. by . • • - r Dr. 31'Cook i§ell. lIEMSIE === MANAGEn.s' Banzirr—At the Apollo Thea tre, this craning, a good bill is presented Sor the benefit of the lesees, Messrs. Porter Mc- Farland. Tho Wells Equestrian troupe have volunteered their services on this occasion, and two great dramas will be performed, viz : zeppa, or the Wild Horse of Tartary," in which M. M'Farland plays Mazeppa, and the "Ren egade's War Horse, or the ;beige of Corinth," in which the same gentleman plays the part of Alf, the Renegade. We hope to see a full au dience. KNOCKED DOWN BY A RAILROAD CAR.- On Tuesday morning, a little boy about three years of age, son of a German named Reiter, residing at No. 43l Penn street, was knocked down by the bumper of a car attached to a freight train passing down Liberty street. The bumper struck the child on the head just above the ear. The child was taken home, and Dr. M'Cook called in, who examined it and found a depression of the skull, but no fracture. The injury is not considered dangerous. THE Fos - ran Faxiii.y—On Monday, July 4th, twogrand perforinances will be given by the Foster family, one at half past two o'clock in the aftirnoon, and another at a quarter bo fure eight o'clock. The "Governor" and his family are entitled to great consideration from a Pittsburgh public, and we trust they may receive a liberal patronage. The programme will appear in a few days. The entertainments will be given at Masonic Hall. AceinExx.—About four o'clock, on Tues day evening, Mr. Charles Heck, master car penter, who formerly resided in the Sixth ward, as ho was taking down a scalrolding, in Relines' new building, on Market street, fell a distance of twenty-eight feet, and was very seriously injured. fie was taken to the Me tropolitan Hotel, on Ht. Clair street, kept by his son, where ha received proper medical at tendance. Tits Newton and Addisonian Literary Soci eties, of Allegheny City College, will give an exhibition, at Lnfayette Hall, nn Thursday evening. June :30th. consisting of declama tions, CSSAVF, original orations, and a debate. The exercises will he interesting. Young's kind will he in attendance. The friends of the educational advancement of the young should make it a point to attend. H 1: flints A 4 01)}:NT.--A man named George Painter, front Clari.,o county, who arrived hork on a raft a four days since, fell front the abut rnont of the now Ft. Clair street bridge to tho ground, a distance of some eight or ton f(,,t, on Friday night. Two of hi; rib.; tore broken ono knee can ti cured and his body sovoroly brui'od. Ills wounds wore dresed by Dr. Korn. V tatl complete arrnngetnent are being made for the Coal Boat VILA.' Ag=t - , , ciation Pirate. who, ,•Tnit; otf at Will:Mahon; to. morrow. Train , will leave the l'ennFylvania Railroad depot for the grounds at IQ.IO in the morni ,, g • Fiuol • the itlewe is in cr,ltstin thfirtlir tlevy Tinkle Sewing )I:tehitir 1 , the ruc,.4 doirabl4 flew iu nro .011.1 by 1. I CarUnl.an t ro., Feilr , r3l Alb•gbeny city. Exciv+ioN Ti , Wayne and I:hie:14o I;ailroati el/4our 'ion tickets to point upon their road, good for tio foorth of July. A su \IMER, IV A IMEORP..—Now that tho seri cln for lizht,r,ify tw . tt cowl Oothi rig lin; arrived, °very gentleman i etpectrd to make hi, ap pea ranee upon the treat and in Ow parlor prop erly c ,,, Mtnol in new and , ttitalde dre3. If to feet c.ornfortable and appear to ad rant:we, of course he will havo NS in. 11. Mo & at the conker of :]Market square and Federal ttrevt, kt arrange 116 lit. A word to the wile. 1Y STVAM.--As a tootimonlni of the worictitanlike manner, perfect a r t on of thed revulattaif machines, safety, economy in fool, and the :Attention noc,sary to keep euelt nadnoornf4dt.ale, we give this certificate to Me%srs. Weis and Phillip., ca-ees,or, to Phillip,. t Co. fur their plan of hoeing by steam the Second Ward Pul4ie Seltools in the city of hit.burgh, and which tt.m nod nor Ippront, • :.1 ice wdubl recommend them to 11,p..vr.. - etittre 4atisfae non of 1tc. , 7-;,- t. 4 Li. am: ' ' It. .7‘;';',4s, dchn 7tl:llNhati, Jr. N. Tindle, t:oorge Wilson, John tVII,`OI., Director'. Skarn rfwfing. Chu Plunt!1;;, /kniers in every (las FL:tures anal-ov.l doltel Wv0.1a4410 ritst'Ariwt; rittxburgh. yki, , elf XCTIANICS' INSTITUTE.—' „, .I,Pttg lAstiltlllnn. the want of which tvl4 Lvett thy , iong felt Ly our eitilten 1 4 11014 ten: 111114 e e . the ten , len o 41 Jackman •6 3olinsOn, in the Lalayette inuldoni. En trsnee, tl5 Wood strea. tke,kiinvi„lf...: iJt perpetusl 011104(10n of the p,ftaitl4.. ths Mechanws. Nl , ttlurn , t” - rcrs avid Arti,us; re , ort ihose re.d: log information relative to tlioie bran, lus of induAry, either by extuninatiou of ,ainilleg or scientific. publications. Thane Laving article. to brim: before the i kublicwtll and It i.tr.i4tly lu their advantage to leave vain es, Mir the public ero respectfully invited to veil the institute. COULTER kV MENTZER, House., Sign and Ornamental Poulton" and Grunion. Order, loft at their shop on Fourth street near Marka, lturke's will be promptly attended. *um Cosistox SENSE Tirr Y.S sfASS. or Tun • il penis°, t. tialev„ir One hil3tuneit ;is; to the elintrary. them a god thing. let its merits be clearly demonstrated, and they will not 10-estate to give it their miitt ceiditti patronage. The nissses vati9o.l the Juilginent of a physlelan, esingerning the virtues of HOSTETTER'S turrEits, as mailie'seen in the immense irantities of this inediones that are annually soh; pyq- A , section of the land. It is 110 W feeogiiizeil its greatly superior to : all other remedies yet derived for diseases of the di gestive organs, such as deirrhena, dysentery, dyspepsia, and for the various foyers that arise from derangement of those portions of the system.' liostetter's name is rapidly becoming a household word, from Maine to Texas, from the shores of the Atlantic to the Pacific. Try the article and liwsatisliod. Sold by all druggists in the world, and by HOSTETTER- & SMtTka Manlifteft. tia'atai Yrolirlators, ant OS Front streets TUE .I,MMENSE .VOII.II . ..kIUTY OF 'TM: Eli. 7 ATIIENIENYZ, has made, a most unprecedented ~.ietruui for the &Nicht. 'Ole heti' iest , Ore'd'qi:rd i f tts turd olil nge glachiettCdn4th'tho reiteration of the priatino cuter to the hair. It trill not soil the ohm or the finest linen. Bold by B: i',..O),BNPAW# 4 CO, Zio,. GO, cornqr of Wood and kl)ti.tt En tante', pr . uggiAs generally, and at the Lahe ,PM e .Ti 4 11 P /PIEIACI 4 co. No, fo4Ohostnnt street. Philadelphia. .1029,daw. C WE LIVE BO FAST IN TIIIS COUNTRY, that the Americana have became famous throughout all, Christendom, as a hard driving, hant drinking, hard_ chewing, hard swearing people. We have became equiAly famous for debilitated stomachs, e norvated and disordered nerves, broken d . on cousthutrOA,ltrui the hunC,red ;dui one dikt34l *litth folkiv)",Upeirk the vibes which wo have 'enumerated. Countless panaceas for those ills have been advertised, but we know of nath. lug so efficacious for an irATili4 lieu of kltl9olkB GICTrOSiiOn a , ?d. k l A ug 1 . 31 11 . 0.4101.4. b X 4 1 0 PP , T,r,O 4l q PPOt 01 5 rcUP Aiwa. gm . 40;4 • • - ANTHONY MTV= uraitS MEYER, & SON, Manufacturers, and 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, No. CU Penn Street, above the Canal,: Have on hand a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, in Walnut and Mahogany of their own manu facture, and warranted equal in quality and style to any manufactured in the city, and will sell at reasonable, prices. fella !, THE BALTIMORE SKIRT.—The best Skirt in the market, made expressly to order for our own Boleti. City and country dealers supplied at a lfberaldiseount. EATON, CREE k CO., Jell Fifth and Market streets. TIMED APPLEB.-:-10 barrels for sale by • DIURnAND `.lt CONNOR, WI Liberty stree, i UN 'UMBRELLAS—In Silk and Ging harn nclosing at very low prices. Wholesale Dealers aro _ham, invited to examine our stock and"prices. Je3 EATON, CREE a CO, Fifth and Market. sts.k. CIO TON AND LINEN FRINGES 'AND BRAIDS—For Basque Trimmings--A very large assortment of all widths. Sold wholesale :and retail at ; the lowest possible prices. Jel7 CREE k CO., Fifth and Market att.. ARREL ROMATU3I.—A large supply a 'this excellent urticlo just received nt - • JOSEPH FLEMING'S, lb OOruOr DIS,USQUd fad Market street. . Et 111212,1 ~"': I Y k THE LATEST NEWS Fatal Accident on the Xichigan Southern Railroad. Thirty-Three Passengers Killed. Sixty to Seventy Wounded. CLEVELAND, Juno 28.--A train on the Michigan Southern Railroad, ran off the track last night, near South Bend. The occident was caused by tho washing away ea culvert.' Twenty or thirty are reported killed. Partic ulars as soon as possible. The stream where the accident occurred, on the Michigan Southren road, last night, was naturally but a rivulet; which was, however, swollen by extraordinary rains during the pre vious afternoon and evening, causing a flood; the woxl carried down was probably checked by the col vert,converting the embankment into a darn, and the great weight of water, with the concussion of the crossing trains, caused the sad calamity. About ono hundred and fifty persons were on the train, of whom thirty three were taken from the ruins dead; fifty seven others were wounded; the rest have not been heard from. The killed, as far as wo have been able -to ascertain the names, are as follows : Hartwell, express messenger ; Bab , bington, baggage master; the engineer and fireman, both named Culp; E. W. Smith, roadrnaster; Mrs. K P. Gillett, and child, of Stone Mills, N. Y.; Thos. Mishan, Michigan City :—Wounded; Fred, Miller. Augustus White, of liolmesvillo, Ind.; E. M. Knapp of Hudson, Wis.. Miss Hattie Knapp, of Au burnJ. ft. Gardner, of Jonesville, Miss.; Charlie Sherman, Boston ; Wm. Flannery, P. Myers. P. Quinn, C. Anderson, W. R. An derson; all of Ainsworth, Illinois ; A. A. Mier, of Ohio; Dr Rhodes, of Cle - ieiand ; Miss Moore, of Freeport: uc. and Mrs. A. G. Cur ry, of Brooklyn ; t.. Jackson of Miss.; C. Mel der, of Waukesha, Wisconsin; Walwortb, father end son: C. Bennett, of Adrian t Ck.car Warfeton; M. H.:Recall, lady and daughter, of Rockford, iliinols; S. O. Bose of Coldwater; M. I. Havik, of Charleston, \i a. i C. Gaw and lady of Otsego co. :N. Y.l A. Vansycke, wife and four Andean, of Warren co. Ohio; him self and one child seriously; Stephen 11. Ar null, of Decatur, Iowa; Mary CCAtaa of young, , town, Ohio; Miss VI. A. Porter of Hudson. Mich. Tito following are uninjured: B. W Tait, Rlsquelianne depot, Pa.: E. A. Gurley, of Addison, Vt.; Henry Crease of ; Calvin Hogan of Milwaukee. Thr train was running at the rate of 10 to '0 nibs per hour. The train coming west laiird over the embankment safely three hours Wore the accident. Conductor Osgood ar rived in thi- city this afternoon, slightly hurt. We are unable to forward any more names of the killed. The faliowing, additional killed were report ed thilatternoon : I. M'Carthy, Aolmesville, Indiana; Mnry Curran; Mr. Walworth of Adrian, Ilichb,ran : ]lre. Summer of Chicago _; a man unknown, marked on the right arm. W. S. H.S. : 3i. 31`Weaty, Fondulacoounty, Wis. corsin: Richard Muldary, Calumet, Indiana: Mr. Streeter c , ..2" Sparta, Wisconsin; Henry Fleolciz t 4er, Reading, Pennsylvania; P. B. M'Culluugh, Lawrenceburg, Pennsylvania; wo boys named Tideswelt 1 Other seventeen so 1i:8 nrcd that impossible to identify them. Thirty-fun bodies have been found up to 10 o'eloek. Other passengers are missing, sup plsc4l to be drowned. Thom injured ore not expected to live: Mrs. Reagan of Rockford. Illinois ; F. C. Smith. hanker, Wall street, New John 11. Wimpotuck : Guinn Aloes worth, Minot: Walworth of Adrian. No fault is attributed to the officers of the train by the pasengers. Three Days Liter from Europe. ARRIVAL OF THE ARABIA June 28.---7),..it0yal Mail steam. :hip Arabi.• ;;:rived at noon, with Liverpool lotus Saturday. tho 18th inet., being three days later than received by the Nova geo‘la at Quebec. There are no,loQcs to re ;t, and, according to tl;e advlceS from the seat of war, the Austrians were retreating front the Oglio to wards the Nuncio. The Allies were advancing rapidly, and concentrating their forces for a decisive Attack. A battle was expected to oc cur within a week. A naval demonstration in tho Adriatic was alm impending. Lord Palmerston has succeeded in forming a strong Cabinet, embracing Lord John Russell, Mr. Gladstone, Lord Elgin, Richard Cobden, J. M. Gibson and Earl Granville. Rowdyism in Baltimore B kLT I NronE„Tune 28.—John B. Chronistan, who was shot on Sunday evening at the Wash ington Cardens, by Wm. Coulson, died last night. C mlson is still at liberty. The 0,0t0 7 rious Joe Edwards, whn has lately bzpp indis cretly paraded be' the Publfe as a hopeful eouvcrt; tilreugh the instrumentality of the prayer meetings, yesterday, in company with another 'notorious rowdy, tleorge alias Yacht (lardner, perpetrated a 1411Vder0111 , As 4aulii upon A colored caulker at Cooper .¢ Abra ham's ship yard, and knocked down And boat 'high A. Cooper, Esq., a well known ship builder and member of the Grand Jury. They then proceeded to the ship David Stuart, and nearly murdered the steward, named Ham mond,' after which they sailed away in a small boat, but they were subsequently overtaken and arrested, but released on straw bail. The assailants are'caulkers, and were taking revenge on parties' for employing colored Caulkers. Now York Remit, ENV YORK, June 2,,f!--3he 4WlEki,etiders of I the tOhrtx.o a meeting to, raise Money to carry, ont legal procedings against Mr. c tnborini s. , The President of ono - of the Boards, 'l4r. Cleireland, elected at . . the annual nteqni,.proposed Ally cents per shara ‘,)r a pntp.,l4,lc k n for_this purpose.' This, upon the one hundred and ei glgs thetataucl shares - reported ,to, bax . o Wea isst.ted, would yield ninetx - t4rmsaad bany. s.tatetaent is Uot calettlatod to make money eret• Tho leaAa itre but little lower, and the E. iptll9t3 of cola have come from nett dep,sits. l'ho steamer of Saturday, will take quite a large sum in bars. . , From Washington. Wassucorox, June 28.—Attorney Qtinevid Black has decided that then ;5, oq form, of cer tificate in Goo c,ature, or a passport _which a State oilicer may litvifiill• issue. e says the impositions practiced upon the, ikliterate and unwary by the fabrication qf ''\ , (9,3okket'A Ages ports, led, tp, passage q law cwifiatng fuoir kssue m, l certaegOly auttiorizAl agents.' ff9P.l thO AtiNiertotut Consul at lAerabor4, 4!9. kirf frightfully innocent i.~eq lilt IICT 4I TObbed bsi the sale of these Tunow",`,.:l.'isports, and the Attorney General advises that the Notary who signed the puttor which accompvnied the despatch, be prosecy. led, be being clearly withid the penal prows. Sons of the law. From gavaaia. Ni w Yonx, June 28.--The Arrapilv . c;ty rived, from Havana, with dates to the 213 d, She brought $42.5,000 in specie. She reporta the city as healthy. 1 4 fo epidemic is prevaiding. The English mail steamer, froin St. Thomaa, which was expected to bring Santa Anna en route for Mence, arrived at Havana on 22d, but the ex-Dictator was not on board. • Eugene Fuller, a passenger on board.lhe 'Empire City, jumped piertabard - during the passage, in a tit of insanity, and was drowned.- Ide was a native' of Bestial. etabbing •.Afftsys. NEW YORK, June 28.—Therts were yester-, day two stabbing cases among Babel boys, one, in Bruoklyn, in School No. 10, where 'John Shannon, aged eight years, stabbed' Blisha Steti'ord„aged nine, inflicting a serious wound in the back. The other case happened in Char ry street, in this city, whines 10. tiiel*eYearli, tif age, named Karin, was stabbed In!tbe.nU4l4, by a saloOlmate named'Casey, and - severely' wounded. at _ . .. -..~.~r_..~. ca.._-... ,: ~ vv ~ e.. ~. 9 ce , . - ~-.'x.w=.~wx--rs.„~c..-a~.w~~.:ex~l+~:";' =.,... _ _ Proposition to Louie the Erie Rail- NEW. Yorts, June 28.—The prosition for a lease of the Brie Railroad was to-day submit ted to .the-Executive Committee accompanied by a request that the Board of Directors appoint a committee to confer with the parties propos ing the offer. It is proposed to title the road for ten years, -paying $1,500,000 for the first year, $lOO,OOO to be added each succeeding year for four years, and $2,000;000 per year for the five remaining years, with this privilege• of a renewal for another term of ten years at $2,- 500,000 per annum. The proposition is made by, an individual fornierly identified . by the Company on behalf of himself and others. From Havana. CHARLESTON. June 28.—8 y the arrival ,of the steamer Label, from Havana, information has been received thata large amount of bills of the International Bank of Havana have been returned' from London under protest. The parties interested have not been advised of the reasons for this. Sterling exchange was selling' at fifteen to sixteen per cent. premium. A few cases of yellow fever bad oceurred,but the disease was not considered epidemic. The Turf. NEW YouK, June 28.—The match between Bill Cheatham and Tar River, three mile heats, came off over the Fashion Cpurse, yes terday. Cheatham won in two straight heats; time 5.42 and 6.88. The trot on the Union Course, two mile heats in harness, between George Patekin, Lady Woodruff and Brown Dick was won by Patchin' in two straight heats; time b.Olh and COMNIERCL4L. Steamers to !arrive. York_-..1e01e Bremen -New York.....lund 25 New York.... Jane 28 York.-. July lionthampton-New York—July 9 Stemmer' to Sall. ICA DASH Wemer New York Argo New T0rk....-Galway June M Fulton..-..---,......-2 4 .1ew Nork:.....llavre- ...... ...June 25 City of Manchester. New York...-Cork, Ac. June 25 Ennapa- .Boston Liverpool........ June 29 Kangaroo-- New York..--Liverpoolate.July Stage of Water. River—Five foot eight inches in tho channel PrIMNBURGR'MARKEM Reported Expressly fur Me Daily Morning Post. PirESIDIRGB, June 29, 1850 Flour—Few arrivals and no sales from first hand& From store CSO lads. at $0,80@7,00 for superfine, $7,00@ 7,25 for ',atm do, and g1.21#1.10r extra family. - Grwitta.-Sales 100 bush. Oata at 64c; ISO bush. Buck wheat at $14:5; 40 bush. Kentucky wheat at .41,75. Bsiooss...Salps 13,000 IDs. at 7;4@73ie. for shoulders 93.44/93.4e. for aides, and 1034@103.6c. for hams. Cheese...Wm, 37 boxes W. R. at 9e. Lloso.-Sales bbls. Louisvillo at $1,25. lialt...Sales 40 bbls. at $1,25. OIL-Sales 12 bids Lard No.l, at o :4' gal. Beans—Sales G 5 bush.at $1,8001,75. Suisir„.Sale.s 13 hhda. at Sc. Mot ...Sales 14 bbls. at gal. Cerise... Sales 12 sacks at 123(o. . • Flab gales 14 half bbls. Mackerel No. 3at SG. Potatoes—Sales 75 bush. reds at $1.25. Whlsky.-Eiles 22 bbls. Rectified at Sc. Foreign_ Markets. Prr Simmer .'Coto Arabia.) . Liverpool Cotton Market; -June 17th.—The 3fessrs. Clare's circular reports that. the Cotton market opened with but little enquiry; the prices weak. but at the close there was more buoyancy. The quotations are 341 , higher. The lower qualities are more saleable than at tho commencement of the week, bat there is no quota ble advance in prices. The sales ol the week foot up C. 5,000 bales, including IWO Wes to speculators and WOO for export, the market closing firm at the following au thorize,' quotationsi...thloans Fair 834 Middlings 015-16: Mobiles Fair 734 Middlings GN: Uplands Fairl,V„; fiti. The stock of cotton to port amount to 641,000 bides, including 557,000 bales of American: Havre. Cotton Market—Havre, June lfittr —The Cot ton market closed firm; sales 05.000 bales during the week; New Orleans Ira anima/re is quoted at 106 francs, and Nevi Orleans bas at 102 f, Then are quoted 9t.',,1M0 bales in port. • LiTerPOUlßreadstulfs Market -Richardson & Spence's reports the Breadstuff, market, dull at Tuesday's de rime. Cern has a declining tendency, and all qualities are lower than on Tuesday. PllLladelphLa Market. PUILLNII2II.I4 Juno M.—Flour continues doll; sales at $5,M4QT.35' for common, superfine , wind extra family, and 4.45043,8 for fancy lots. The receipts and storks are. light; 150 661 s Rye flour sold at $4,50. Pennsylvania Corn meal dull at $3,57}1. 00 Puncheons and 500 bbls Brandywine sold on private terms. Wheat very dull; wiles red at $1,041,65 and white at $1,90(41,75.- - Rye is offered at 90c,without sales. 4.000 bush Corn sold at Mc atinat. Oats are dull, and 1.000 bush prime Southern was sold at 40c..Buckwheat hai declined. to 75c. Whisky unchanged at 270293.. e. Cincinnati Market. CISCINEI2I, June 2S.—Flour continues heavy at sB,OO ®U, for superfine. 'Wheat is steady at the last quota nous. Oats 60C.., with an active Intnticot; receipts large during the fait three 41W3. Oarn firm at 136(48•2c. Whis ky hcauy at ale. F.rovisiorts without Change, and trans actions trivial. The notes of the Farmers' Bank and Western 'Bank of Mlsiouri are placed by bankers ati per cent discount Thero is an active demand for dis counts Now York Market. NICT Your, June '2,000 bales sold Wheat has declined; 7,500 bush . sold: red 114501;0; white $1.77. Corn firm; sales =OM bush. MOM Pork firm at $11017.2.51 prime $111.1241. Cut ineata'7,N4g. O.Y. and 6.1.4Q73 , 6 (or dry salted and pickled. Lard firm at 11X,e. Sugar buoyant, - holders demanding 'an. ad.. vairletl. Linseed Oil 81(4Cde. with moderate mks. Larkk Oil 90'493. Tallow dull at lo',"gc. Wool nominally. un- New York Stock Market.. .I.7lcw.Yosx, Jima Cenlx . al 8.A.. G 1 I Bfickkigan Southern.— 8 . Canton Co Q..... 183' Galena & Chicago....... G33l', Ckireland *Toledo.... 254' 'A VALlfti Erg. 31ZDICINF:--Dr. Wilson's Tonic Cathartic end • Anti-Dyspetio Pills wore invented by a regular physician and thorough. chemist, who, after yeats of study and experience,elaborated the medi cine and introdiurd:At auccp_wdAdly hieprivate prac tice. Its surpassing efficacy in Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, Bilious Fever, do., soon spread in &tho be yond the private prachce of the Doctor, and it now en= joys intPreCedefided oplettrity as asere and reliable med icine. IL 1 4 Fidfutiatoolf flt Co., Not 60, corner Wood and Fourth at teen, Pittsl4lrib, tife' nom; the i'roinietorsl See Fill advertisement on` thethird Page of tofdai'a R. T. ..... KENNEDY: PEARL STEAM MILL ALLEGHENY 411Tiri la. T, wioNiviEbir & WHEAT RYE .AND CORN PURCHASED. 'LOUR, COO MEAL . . ArAIsWACTURED AND DELIVERED AN pITAREVROH AND ALLEOPIENY. , auTelydaw) - • 'TERMS, CASH ON-DELIVERY REMOVAL.; • -'• • W • &,D;S AV S4 REMOVED TO NO. 69 . MAR ! wErr Street, corner of Fouith;wliero they will re• ntsiu UU tho first of September,when they will remove to their new store now being:built at the old stand, corner 'of Fifth and Market streets.- , Watihes aufgo Jewelry. EINENAN 4EyRAN: .4. 42 F.J.OTiI STREET,. 4.4 Are now sepsis FINE GOLD AND SILVER * ' • • • = MINTING WATents, Of Amalie= sadEnglilh manufacture, -.- ' • " at greatly reduced pricett jelB Call and see DACIIING .13 0 S-100' second' hand . Pecking 14oxesfor sale by. . • ice W.-7. MARSHAL:C.. L CO. 20'BBLS. ENGLISH VENETIAN R • for naleliy - BECKHAM 43.1 11 en A FRESH .SIIE,A OF ..pERII, ARBOW•ROOTlnst`receiredit'• - • , ' .....4.MEPH:FLMMING'B,..... iels co rner Diamond and Market et. rNIC CHOCOLATLDROPS:-:-lilair & Wyettes Tom e` pa, _ of pure iron and e *cable, highly eateented' for their tame influence, in inaptrUng strength and a healtqcolor to inralids!espe cially for fez:Cale, end Children. For sale b Tura iinrner Smithfield and Fo W Streets._ - ItU ER I I IN W. S,. PenhoMere, Tens; PiPeilintree; Pencil • ket le'w.f•otte, Pocket Books, Reakerse for Bale by ' S. HAV 1 - • ion (klutz Wow £ & Mita& Second, sts, ' ''4'. ~ti L~~ NUMBER' 221 Paguerrean otgaeries. ROCS-MEI.S' • Anthrotnpe. and Photograph na9'i PS~III~ 70 Firth Street, , - • NEARLY. OPPOSITE .THE ppEITOFFICE Photographs, colored or plain, takes at short no tice, at Eastern prices, and warranted dal to them. BMAT.r. PICTURES .MilaitOED TO MA god colored in Oil. . Ali:B WO TYPES.-- A B4LITY/FUL AND, DURABLE _PIOLURE WARRANTED, CAN BE-lIAD AS LOW, AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS TABLIBH. MENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S Fourth street. L IFT SIZE, IMPERIAL, AND EMU PI3CeI'OGR,II..PXIS, Colored in Oil, Pastelie, or Plain in the most artistic ntyle, and at Eastern priees. , WALL'S tALLERY ,1 e 9 Jones' linilding,4fourth street- MEYER'S - al:r MIRACULOUS.VERMIN DESTROYER, The Only Remedy in the Whole World, SURF TO .EXTERMINATE RATS, MICE, COCKROACHES, BUGS,ANTS,' MOSQH/ TOES, PLEAS, MOTHS, MOLES, OKARI,WOR/LS, , • AND, GARDEN INSECTS, 1C 50,000 BOXESEOLD IN ONE XONTIL These - celebrated remedies have been extensively used for twenty-two years in all parts of Europe, and their miraculous power have been- attested by the Courts of Russia, France, England, Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony; Belgium, Holland, - Naples, *.ke, and their Chemical properties examined, and approved by , the most distinguished Medical Faculties ail over the Their destructiveness to all kinds of vermin and insects • has been certified in this city by the Directors of the various Public Institutions, Planters, Farmers, Pro prietors of Hotels, Warehouses, Manufactories, and by various distinguished private citizens. Ntunerons Testimonials and Certificates of the efficacy of these Remedies can he seenut the Depot. and Proprietor. • JOSEPH MEYER, ' Prattles' Chemist, , Depot, No. 612 Brcedway,cor. Houston at, N. Y. General Agent for the United States and Coma For. ante,. Wholesale and Retail, by the. Inventor FREDERICK V. RUSHIFON, Druggist, No. 'lO Astor I House, and 417 Broadway, Nair Yeas. .. • . For sale in this city, Wholesale and Retail, by R. E. Sellers-A Co, corner Wood and Second streets; Joseph , Fleming, corner Diamond and Market street, - and Beckham d MPRennan,'Allogheny. ' ' 'VINEGAR WARIZANTED Purp and Un- iolulterated, and to 4if- 3,1 V E Pickles for , years, the same that I have •••• sold to a majority of the Pittsburgh Gm cers for •rwatvz 'mugs, and which has taken `P Er Three First Premiums at Pennsylvania Stale Fairs, I am now of fering to the city . and country trade at greatly reduced prices. • - Please order direct. Terms Cash. A. BALLOII, 146 Water street, between Smithfield and Grant. Pittsburgh. P. =OM SAMUEL GRAY , DR.A.P.M7t, 'l'.lk.ll,olß. IVO., 52 ST. CLAIR STREET , PITTS BCRGII, Pa-, has just i - eturned from the Eastern Mt:Ms, and is now receiving his Spring Stock of. Cloths, . Cassimeres, Vestim, , s, and Coatings of every variety and style: adapted to the best city and country trade, which ' will be made unto order with promptness-and despatch, and aerates as low aa at any other similar establishment " bathe city. - mratlydaw frAgez.:l6l:4alalp(e):Wero:4:e; , WI SMELTING "WORKS', PARK, ACCIJRDY & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bot toms, Raised Still Bottoms. Speller Solder, ac., also bin-.. porters and dealers in Metals, Tin 'Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire. Se. Constantly ou hand. Tinmen's Machines and . Tools. Warehouse, .Is.o. 149 First, and 11)D Second streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to arty de-. . aired pattern. my`dhlydaw H. 11.'GEE & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, , Desle in kes,l3oldade Clothing and Gentlemen's Fur nishing Gois, corner of Federal street and Market square, Allegheny City, Pa. New, Livery Stable. riAV LNG OPENED. LIVERY STABLL, .in the rear of the Soott }knee corner of Irwin street and Duquesne Way, and purchased aline lot at.. Horses, Buggies and Carriages, I would respectfully so— licit the patronage' of my friend_ and public generally,' assuring them that , they eon he accommodated at thee. most reasonable rates' I hare' made such a.rningernerim that persons wishing their horses kept, cso, b w 411 1..i 5 • NEIL BRACELAND, a ' - - Saott House, Pittsburgh, Pa. JADIES A. FETZER, ORWARDINC AND • COMINISSION MERCHANT 7UA.TIIA 94C D 7 ! - Flour, Grail", Bacon, Lard, lintler, ficed Dried Fruit aiid Produce beim:ally, . . . CORNER OF MARKET. AND FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. • Runt wi—Franeis G. , Bailey, 'awl., William -Dilworth; Sr., S. Cuthbert & Sou, Pittsburgh, Boyd & Ott, Hejake a Swearingen, S. Brady, Cash. M. & M.'liituaki List & Howell; Alangle.it co,,GOOrge Anderson,Donlon, Paxton & Co,-Wbeeting. inaiitlptf PENN 111A.t'llINE Vireith.S. FOUND .*S T AGUT 3I,4I - 1 4, MANTIZA-CTIJIWR Steam Engines, Stinittug anaPutneal Boring Machines, • . ' : Mortice Machines, Gear Wlicelg, '• • - Ordeis promptly attended to: Han - gel9l &tar • • . ALLEGHENY: iltiltAßG-41.N8 11' , 1" -1- 1 ? • SECOND4L9ND FUNDS... one 6' Octaie, Rosewr+Od 'Ca:se, Iron Framer made by chiekoring & Bons ordy tto years old. One 6 1 4 Octave, Rosewood Case, round corners; made One& Octave, Rosewood, carved desk; made byNunas One 6 Octave, MahoFanY Case, n ado hy . Nrinns One L . .. " - " " ;N. Y. Man. _ Oars •• " . " " Garda#l3imon. , One " Rosewood " " Pape, Paris. One a " Mahogany -" • -'",, a Alti - echt One Ea ? ! gi " " Loud & Bro. , 0 ,„ 6 ,- 4 ; fA ' " - Getman make: One , ..." "..Clemente: " 14E110h, si WOOdsiretit. 31EDICAL Rokitausky's Pa-. • thological Anstomy,2 vols. Gross' Elements of Pathological Anatomy. • (Huge% Pathblogical Anatomy; with colored plates. Homer's. Anatomy end Histology, 2 vols. - Lawrence's Treatme tho Eye: Wilson on - Di:se:lsta of the Skin, frith atlas ot plaiea. Backnill-and.Tulte au:lnsanity. • La Hooke on Pneumonia and Malaria. Gopland-on Palsy and , AppopleTY. Enchson'aScience and Art of Burgery. Mopeeatectures on Surgery. Pruitt's Modern SttrierY. • , • • Miller's Practice on • Liaison's Elements of Medicine. Williams' Principles of Medicine, new - edition. - • Watson's Practice of Physic, Woods' Mideria lledica and Theranentica. my3o - HAY -& CO., at Wood street. • L. C. HEPBURN, - ATTORNEY AT - LAW AND CONVEYANEER, OFFICE \ME IL HEPBURN, selofyisl - Fotrrth street. 13.11. M ,`• ' • , . . UNDER , thilidS>;••• DRAWERS, - . . Of Ganie, Merino, cOtton, Lisle Thread, Linen and Sa t I...HIL9EfFELD S SON'S, No. # Wood stria. .0. X. DO6B. HALF - EoBfi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers