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' .'"..: '.....'''' .f....ci *4::::.- c . ,..`, 5, -..,:. ::'-. • :-.:::,- • .-% 7 " . ..• - • - ~..` ',-' ~ •- • , ' : ' - : - 71', -- :',...';',,,,,,- z , '.— -,,- ...:-. i - „ , ::',1,,.:, : ~,' ~ ,, :- ' ,4 ; - ' ,, -2 -'7-:',-.- - '.;...-., -'.!:-..-;-',,, ...• ....- —i 1 1 ..-, •:: ~,,,...-• .-:.-;.--,. i 0 r. ,-,.. :i, ~;,-,...,;y...-.4.0' . • ;:, ' %I . ; ;-:;,...:.,-. c ~.i,':.•-..1-..trZi,,:i -,. ' • . ffn ME= 11. 4, - `,4 • s • • e:Zr.- t." € . , EMI MEM =SE ESE +K ~~- 1 { -VOLTJME XVII. PaN past JAMES P. BABE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Tiants:—Daily, Five Dollars per year, atnctly in ad ranee. Weekly, Single subscriptions Two Dol lars per year; in aubs of fire, One Dollar. Departure and Arrival of Passenger Pittsburgh, Ft,rt Wayne and Chicago Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Crestline. Ft. Wayne Express Train...... -.L2:15 A. M. 6:56 A. M. 1:01 P. M Mail" Train IMO it. 'M.• Express P. • IL . 8:45 P. M. WO A. M Arrive at Chicago Express, 6,47 P. M. I Express, .8,17 A. M Returning,arriveht PittsbUrgh: Mail, 13:5 P. M. I Express, 3:31.l P. Mf I Exprens, WS A. 31 (From Federal Street Station, Allegheny.) New Brighton' Accommodation.. 9xlo A. M. feW P. Id " • *O5 A. M. 12.10 P. Poinsykania Railroad.: (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives £l:so P. M. 12:45 P. - M. Y. 50 A. M. 11:50 P. M. 4.104 P. M. A. M. Etpreas Train. Mad DMZ!! The Johnstown Way Passenger Train • 6.1:9,A. M. 1A P. M. Johnstown Accommodation 2,50 P. M. A. Si. First Turtle Creek " _...10:40 A. 3f. 6:50 A. M tiszond: " " _.... 4130 P. M. 12:30 A. M. Third " traU P. M., 615 P. M Pittsburgh and C.se,q/seills Bni!road. (From Liberty s^ r4rant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. - 7 , .9 A. M.. &15 P.M -41:45 A. Itl acrevid nod Pittsburg,'. (From corner of Liberty and Grunt streets.) Leaves. . Arrives. .12.15 A. M. 2.4 A. M. 6.25 A. M. 4100 P. M. 1.05 P. M. 820 P. M. Mail Train. Express Traln... Express Train_ Mal Train Fsst Line_ Wellsville Acciltornodatiou 5.00 P. M. 11.00 A. M. Pitteiorgh, WautAlus and Coirinnoti Railroad. (Prom Liberty eii4 lii - apt streets.) Leaves Pitts. Celumbus. 4rr. ii ein. Past Line was N. 8.00 4.. M. 1.1.30 A. Id ilinpreesi Train.. 1.05 P. 11. 130 A. 11. 7.30 A. N Court of Oyer and Terminer, Sc. Before Judges M'Clure, Maynard, Adams and Parke. MONDAY, Juno 27th, 1859 Court met at ten o'clock, and a jury was Cl3l - for the purpose of inquiring into the sanity of a colored girl, eighteen years of age, named Betsy Bird, residing in the Seventh Ward. The testimony show,ed that she had for some time been afflicted with habitual mel ancholy, and that a few days since she made an attack upon her mother, Amelia Jackson, with a hatchet. She also committed a violent as sault upon her sister. After these occurrences the mother Made an information against Betsy wr solely 5i the Place. it unsate to allow'her-to reihath at large, and she was nom inated to pill. Since her inCircerfition she has lieen kept in the third tier devoted to females, and lies manifested q il i speraition to throw herself over the coiridor ainstrade to 14e stone door below. et'r this reason the liheriff and jailor !}aye hasteaed the ininiry. The jury; found that the girl, -in her present condition, was unlit to be at large, and the Court consigned her to the Western penrisyl vania Hospital, where she was conveyed dur ing the day. Commonwealth vs. Andrew Rice, indicted for larceny in taking and carrying away from the wharf, during the steamboat conflagration on the 7th of May last, a bag of pepper, the property of Messrs.-Clarke & Co. Rice was seen carrying the bag up the wharf, and when accosted by a watchman, alleged that it had 'seer, gii en -hire—ty a person whom ho sup iosed to% be ri - matiii the boats, for his exertions in saving freight on the wharf, in .lqiit:,Ohich he had 'rebored fur Morel:him an hour. ho defense proved that We titd stopped .n the corner of liarkei. and 'Water streets to tle i f p hole in the aH4 that another per ;on assisted him put it on his shouhier. A good character was proyen, and that it was his business - to assist in loading and unloading boats at the wharf. It was contended that the defendant had no felonious intent in carrying away the property, as he was, or believed he was, entitled to it as salvage, for saving other property, especially when directed to take it. The case was submitted without argument, the Court charged the jury, and they found a ver dict of not guilty. ktugb of Collins township, vas lined teaidolhifs and c'eSts,,Ml selling liquor. without license.• ' - "No business was transacted in the afternoon, as the 'District Vterney had Tloilli4g , to pre f,24L tic:4g4tpv t 9 Toi t uty Tonl ention ? Following it a list of the delegates to the Democratic County Convention which as sembles ou to-morrow, so far. as we have ob tained the names PITTSBURG!" . First Ward—John Roth, Frank Bailey. Second Ward—John S. Cosgrave, Charles Barlett. i; Third Ward—C. W. Lewis, John H. - v1 1 14 1 , 31 '• • ...F.'ourtli Ward—William Anderson, John pOsels. ' • • r fth qacicin, Niel (11LIon- P 'lis.th Ward—Ale;. 31'ilwaire, Henry Rear T4.4in - clad Tor di4ruesltiekmore 1 . 4 r Vouhty reasurer.) Seventh . Ward—Thomas Barbln, J. N. M'Clowry. - Eighth Ward—Chris. Y. : , , q) and William Griffin. - Ninth Ward—William 3.l.oriand, tirq 'iDiatit1 1 —;,Tt'c!nuis Sy wen. - "- • • - 4eOpm4 Ward—John H. f l er&e, ff.qnry Slug: yer. Wrir4L-,P. W4ll:Oc. ErEMI:M! -Squill Pittsburgh—James A. Blaekmore, John S. Murray. Birmingham-Dr. James Kerr, William Symmes. Monongahela—Patrick Geoghegan, Thomas ;:ernan. Sluntpsburg—Jacob Manehlaster—Williaiit'llall and Edward ( 15rak Se " wiekley—Dr. Ale*. :Black, Wtp.lis. (Ttistrneted foiblackmore ror Veasqter.) 141F.1-P°ll-71VITI:AVVICItQPIRIIRWi4TriP, TOSCN9FLIPA Robinson—R. R. Guthrie, Matthew Harbi eon. Chartiers—Hugh M'Afee, John Siggert.' Upper. St. Clair—T. IL Douglass, Samuel Morton. (Instructed for Blackmore for Tress urer ; Dr. Calahart for Senate ; John Murray for Commissioner.) • - . . . tteatir • gayette , ....reterson Pjus,, (fristiucte4 for "Slacktnore fo'r Trgasurer Dr: *Magian for Senate ; gia J. M'Cabe for Commissioner.) Lower St. Clair—James M'Kain, Peter Haberman. ComemussvAnv BENEFIT.—The frequent-11 era of the Apollo, and we hope many others, will be glad to -learn that a complimentary benefit has been tendered to . Mews. Porter & AflFaileg, Niqieall of 1 .10 e 041 4 4 1 11QP 4 4hieh 10 t4e place lo , tnotrnw evening : These gentlemen have.been laboring egainsts bad business and other difficulties' for scone time, and now,' as the close of the' season ap proaches, they deserve some compensation for their labors. The bill offered on that ciccasion will be a, geed-fine, we,hope.tqeeeh good audience present. T Daima.--Meairs. H'ii'nt=di Miner send ue a o. .224 of the Standard _drama. `,‘Art and T siTbini re qVi l i • a t /t c i i t ° "g l tiarrtiabd 175 of • the liter "drains, a threp, arct comodk,fflititled'll'phniphiesjorfn Cham fer'," by Dr. .T.11. - Werner. • Tim real interest of every one will be bast sn prooted by selecting in their dreas'an article. truly . good. Notice the advertiserne4 of J. L. Carnaghan & Co., Federal street,: Alle 7 gheny city. They are largely in men's aid bo • s' wear. . , * Fos Atrurrou.—Will M. Hartzell, of the Di'spaich, will be a candidate for Auditoi fore' the Democratic County Conventions on Wednesc -\ • f r •-•‘ • - *r, MEM . i „ F ... • :,-- ~ :, ': *.:. I) --.. .!.... :::. . ' . 2 .;.: :1 ''J i':l. 'F.:, ': 5-..........,.,„:„!„.,..:,.., .... •„ ... _. ... .•-...,.. -.b...•:,..... ~...:.... ..•. ..... .......,..... ~ ~.. 4 ,-.. ) ::,.. tt ......__ __• . :,[..,_„..... :.....:... . .. . , , ~ ... • ... . .; Tr , ,: - . t 11251 . . . ...L ~. . . . . The Launch of the Albatross. The new eight-oared barge of the Eclipse Club, the " Albatross," waslatinehed last even ing. Previous to her going into the water we had an opportunity of examining her, and she is truly a model' of perfection, and a piece of workmanship which, wo venture to say, has no superior in the country. Some three weeks since we. gave her dreiensions, in an article from the New . York News, but we will give them again. She is forty-eight feet in length, has a breadth of beam of four feet six Inches, and drawi, when loaded, eight inches of , water. The siding of the boat is of white cedar, a com pact and light wood, the whaling and cutwater of red oak, the knees or skeleton of well-sea soned dogwood, and the seats and backboard of solid mahogany. The latter is abeautiful piece of wood, highly finished, and bears a silver plate with the name of the boat, the builders, and the club to which she belongs. Tho rud der head is of silver. All the equipments aro of the same excellent character. The club have expended much time and, monby in put ting on the finishing touches and preparing her for the water. She has been beautifully paint sed spad varnished, and. the outer surface is as smooth as glass. The painting is the work of William Kunkle, and reflects much credit on him. The artistic skill displayed in the decoration of,this model craft should secure iiim'ssliberal Petri:Maga frees the boat clubs of the city. The members have also procured a new uniform, which was worn for the first time lalt evening. The colors used on the occasion are one of two very handsome sets, presented by the lady friends of the members. The cost of the - " Albatross," as she lay in the water, exceeds three hundred dollars, in cluding a set of twelve spruce pine oars, of the most approved manufacture, purchased at the sates tune with the barge. At the appointed hour, seven o'clock, quite an assemblage had collected in the vicinity of the floating boat house of the Eclipse club, at the foot of Irwin Street, and on the Hand street bridge a bevy of fair ones were in waiting to witness the launch. At a quarter sat seven all was in readiness and the boat was aunched forth on the broad bosom of the Alle gheny. The crew, arrayed in their now uni form of bright red shirts and white caps, pre senting a neat appearance, took their places in the boat, and the Albatross soon sped up the river at a rapid rate, plied by the sturdy arms of the oarsmen, and accompanied by the " W. H. Darling," the four oared row-boat belong ing to the club, manned by a crew in the Fame dress. - She sat the water elegantly, looking - . "a thing of life," and oven more beautiful than in the boat house, and as she moved off, smoothly and majestically, n'spontaneons shout went up from the assembled spectators on shore and the craws of the fleet of hosts on thitriver. As_ sho mov4 thrbugh 'tlio vca er, she' seemed like `t`a thihg of beduty anU joy forever." She is suctl'an tiehieventeiit boat building as the Eclipse club may Well feel priud Of possessing. We wish the members of ttib 'club many pleas ant iN:curs,ions sp heir nely blrge, and trust that both crew an 4 plait 'may escape the many ac cidents in!•:ident 'to boating. , ' kpow wo shall be secorele4 hiV Fhie }fish by qlo many lady friends of the members, whom we shall nut characterise by the same geniirel term used by our New York coteraporary, the ibirtilig girls. Hose..—An informal discussion took place in the Select Council, last evening, relative to the procuring of additional hose for the Fire De partment. It was conceded by all that they were highly necessary, but owing to the deple ted condition of the city treasury and of the contingent fund especially, from which the means could alone Le obtained, no one v could &visa tintt6ttiOd of ”rtitirig 0)0'16 tid7unless from the sale of the stemn fife engine '/Citzen," of which there is no presCpt probability. So the subject was allowed to dror,ang tiler° Would se^ . to be hope ;In incriesed etreeti voness of the dep*pi t etit tirpes4' frdm 'priyaid sub scription_: IIIISA LGU IS4 - V4IS yO4Tlgill4y, the star of the equestrian troupe now performing at the Apollo Theatre, is to have a complimen tary benefit, on Friday evening,whon a tine bill will be presented. She is a daring rider, a clov er actress, has a sweet voice. a tine form, and all the requisites for popularity. Wo learn that a number of gentlemen are using their exer tions to make her benefit a handsome ono, to which end it i y.oposeg to procure Tor 'ner fin appropriate testimonial, , to tie pathikly'hisAent ed Co her' tin that' rsdhasi W e tin w of no one more deserving' the honor. tottit..LlNEat.—We T:oul , 4ite4 alolition e lA\ evrtiscippit, (NCI , / ere, of Itrz. 'Oal brath;--orner tliE,i and 'Wylie streets, who has rectmtly opened an establishment there. She wiy; formerly the forewoman in the estab lishmefit of Mn. Parker, on Fifth street, and gained .a ':great reputation for taste and beauty of fi ish. Our lady friends should bear these fac in mind, when they wish to purchase "a t if lov of a bonnet," lir any thing in the line $ f l i Cl Lit iCa —cc i l. 'r .l.l ll ATen--"Pire AthsTita Cricket Club .6f 411eglieny city, have challenged the' SL Geote's club drOaldaild, ito a noitrii is to trikii piaci:. Let.weeti the trilo bn'lliursdity, in a field irear u llWrduch`tlle.' rioth clubs, though coMposed clifeEfy or f>oys froin ' fourtden to twenty, 4aye 4 nti elm; of gncal l player.4. t.li Mernhefs Pic Ole t. tieorge's c ith %aye ilso made- a matatr , against two members of the Olympic club, which Is to be played at Oak land on Satuiday. • . Tux Commissioners of the Pittsburg and Birmingham Passenger Railroad met:last e - ing, pursuant to public, .neths„ at We Elt,Nich plus hotel. We nude:stand We two thousand shard "*ere sdUseritied:' Some . ei..clitemkut was got- up hifore'the books 'opetied; which promised a ro*:, but as we are not inforMed to partidolus, lye await tilither 4efeloptn4rits. ALLEUED ASSAULT ON A WOW.—.—A wo man named Catharino Long, who }fives on the bank of the Monongahela ri , ior",/ made infor mation before Mayor Waiver, yesterday, against one Joseph Lp(heringer, a German barber. Sho alleges that became in and want wd one of her, hired ,girls to go and dritilt Boer hit him. - I1 se 4A refarti utiet her 'got whenstrnkliar on the !wad and pushed het' violently. T.,otheringer: Ny'as arrest e4 and ho d to4011'4: 4.ccstrEnn AND EGISTERED.-A. cornmu nichtion-vras read InCouncils last evening, from the President; 9t - the Citizens' Passenger Rail *kV Company, notifying . that body that. the p_vse4lyl t t hetr4; granting the right of way. and other privileges to the Company, had been itecePted and' duly registered in the Controller's office. MILITARY 'Kerefolt—T.he 4ackson "Blues, Pat/V."11a% aild the Pen.Vsylfania Infaintry, Capt. 4e g ley . , will sisal on ex.cursion for Ifdiionghela• city,' Friday evening, by the Brownsville boat. -They are invite 'guests of the lifongithels, Artillery, Capt. Cooper, and a grand dinner is to be •served up on Friday, at •NaUVOO Grove; near Mononghola city. The companies will 'return on Friday night.. • SOME ten days•sinee, six men; it is alleged, 9.141 4 1191i49 0.11 BentTyl vama avenue, 4 o l too o'clock in 06 Mnstppg, fritilialaitiikAl,cplorl mpg:wi g L , .t . l44p.Fas alone .in tha tiaaae, and took. away, some Aida and other' artiela. *ties aro net knotin, and consequently. no arrests bays been made N9r'So.,Sotee parties have circulated the report that Capt. Torrens, of the ,ferry boat Julia, which ...runs below. the old"; bridge, in .tende4to stop the boat after this month: The gsphain. desirm, us to say he has fla ipteptioti of .flomf 41D1Iliug' Of 'tile'kiinl;hutna thifOntra g• run her until the bridge is finished.' r4t;anw? the ; , Offititirr,ren voa.lanceivot.—John:• Terr, who hai- been employed in the eapacity of a servant about - Neville Ball, *as arrested and conornittetirojaby Mayor - Weaver, on Mon day,'-charged faith - the larceny of a violin, worthi $85,. elnd. two, booking glasset,.l,worth $7 50; frOth•Profearr Coypu. ' • -:• , . , ennuil t ereminittion of pupils itt the NY 436 tern ..- .lutdir944Y commenced '9oterdaYl and will continue come ditys. The exorcises show marked proficiency in the 'stridence. IMENIEME HEM PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1859. Regular Monthly Meeting of Councils. The City Councils hold their regular monthly meeting, at their chambers, last evening. In Select Council, Mr. M'Auley in the Chair. A communication from citizens of the Third ward, asking for the widening of Webster st., from Seventh to Washington, -was referred to the Street Committee. A petition from property holders in the Ninth ward, on Penn street and Mulberry al 7 ley, between Morton and Taylor streets, coin. plaining of the grade and of certain stagnant ponds, and asking that the City Regulator be directed to make a survey in view of changing the grade. Referred to the Street Committee and City Regulator. Also, a petition for the grading and paving of Carroll, between Penn and Smallman ate : , Ninth ward. Referred to Street Committee.' ' 'A petition for gas pipes on Grant street be tween Fourth and Diamond, was• referred to Gas Committee. A resolution was passed authorizing the Con troller to draw his warrants on the contingent fund as follows: To Kramer & Rabin, for in terest and exchange on temporary loan $493,- 25; Richard Hoag; for serving tax 'notices in the Fourth ward in 1858, $8,80; Isaac. Mor ley, City Regulator's bill of time w0rk5417,25. The Water Committee reported the follow ing, which was read three times and passed : Resolred, That tho Water Committee be and are hereby authorized to lay eight hundred feet of water pipe on Smith street, when graded, the cost to be defrayed out of the current ap propriation. The special Committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Central Board of Educa tion, reported that they had examined the books and vouchers of the Secretary and Treas urer. In the hands of the latter a balance of $8,410 99 remained. The report was accom panied by a detailed statement of the accounts of the Treasurer, showing the cost of the High . , Ward and Colored schools. The repcqt was accepted, apd a resoletieri pasied requesting the Central Iloard topnblish tho detailed state ment at the expense of said Board. A. communication from Dennis Smith, ask ing COLIACIIII to extend the time for the pay ment of a paving assmament on a certain estate on which two orphan children are dependent for support„, was referred to the Finance Com mittee, with histreetiees to tile City Splieitor not to instittito procefulinga until thb Commit tee shall report. In all of which action Common Council concurred. An ordinance wag preFentcd, granting cer tain privileges to the Allolxhony Valley Rail road.'Company, and after paiing, a secec.tt ing referred to the , !slizr.,zeo t4otranTitee for revision. Common' Colin ell con ctifr (1' and re ferred the ordinance badic'to the special Com mittee in charge ofthe' subject. In Common Council was nrese?l,,e.lcrerirt of the Finance Committee, yoiering!iqdinanect to prevent city officers - dealing in city war rants; adversely to transferring $1.506 front, appropriation ti o. 13 . to ':.slo. 7 ; wad adversely to the purchase of tngine House rind lot'Ey the city. renurts were . read, arid the cornmitteeilischarged._ 31r. t r)ai, R Dlsollitiou tp p , ;{)' W. P. Rich ardson 4; Co. $llll, for a Ostrom in Common Council chamber. Read three times, and passed. Mr. Barr, an ordinance to extend the sewer on Cherry alley, from Diamond street to Vir gin alley. Read and referred to the Commit tee on Streets. Mr. Floyd, an ordinance fur regulating thu care of hose at tires. Read amt r;; ,, ..rr:-.. - 1 to Clommitter; en 171:e Engines and'ilostO M Carapbelf,`front - the FlYialale'Cornroit ' tee, an ordinance 'extanding the hours for the keeping open of the City Treasurer's which was read three tiries no t . ' ,e 3. r. 'pimpVeti:front V:in'sn'ec‘ Commit tee, an ordrialiCe - tri pr6veirit Hie in city warrant; ,y pity ofilre.Vi a)li:culstion. Read three In all the abord, S. C. concurred. On motion to take up the petition of dealers in the Diamond Market House In variety goods, etc., to remain, the yeas and nays were called, and it was decided in the affirmative by a vote of II ayes to 10 nays. A long discussion ensued open the huckster question. The :action of S. C. re?. um. .. - ..lLarseu In, and the petition was refarresl•to the' 'lln~ket Committee, With thstntetions 'to report at the next meeting olcouncils. Mr. ttailey, from Comn , iittee on Claims roil Accounts, reporteg 4 rescyltioik to paj b. t ot.p c ip,g 0 ,1 1 , g 0 . leis penis. ;414 over tm4er rules ; also in fa vor of paying Chas. H. Armstrong 825,23, which was adopted. Mr. geed, an ordinance repealing a certain section of an ordinance passed 16th of May, 1857. Referred to Finance Committee. Mr. Norris, a resolution for water pipes on Roberts street. Referred to Water Cum- ktr. ltobb, A resolution to vay U. M. Philpot, latei tax:collect/U-02'We Sistli a?d, 1 V24,•-'9, whiclr was lost. ' 24r. parlington, a re 52,11.44 4 .1 tireet . ilikr, 0 1 . 0 itirter to Obi t ONII . I . OI'S of the burnt lau 'to 'T:ertiot'ecthein ilirthwittu which straViaoce-4. a 341. 1 4 Tesolutkia requesting tbe Dia mon.4 Aritot itot{te Associittion to make to VAltincits, Al their next regular meeting, a printed statement of their receipts and expen ditures title(' their organization, which was adopted. The above items of business not otherwise noted; did not reach Select Council, that body 'riving adjourned. V. V. a.ijourma. . •‘• . AlurrtiEtc lion s tietnuTßlkL.—ln the Oyer and Tornyiner Court, to-clay, the me of ()has. cliMg,e4 Vitt; Phi killing of Thomas lAradlal, at 44ughes' tayern, in NV illiameburgh, on the night of Saturday, April 23d, will be taken up. Tats, Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Booms, No. 64 Fifth .street, will be sold a quantity of Bank and other stocks. Also, real estate in the Seyepth part of v, , hich is tiy-order 004 rt. *• I. Dpip Coo* hays receiyed fr9fll **MT ViVflef , Aliitlu bquji with eabove title, containing a number of exccb : lent practical, economical receipts by Mrs. Vi ctor. It is worth having, and costs but a trifle. AT the Apollo tbis evening the equestrian drama of " Mike Martin" will be performed, previous to which Mr. Arnold, of the Wells' troupe, gives his imitations of celahrateik ac tors. , - , Tun alarm. of tiro-an Monday morning, shortly before one o'clock,'origibated 'nt P~yl Is' (pas golse tbe Wt I t Y4id. 4 14 Urn It..y gut in tile staPk,:butBooll eltin. guls ed. _ A SuMMEIL INAnnuonx.—Now that the sea son for light, airy and cool clothing has arrived, very gentleman Is expected to make his ap al earanco upon the street and in the parlor pro - erly costumed in new and suitable ,dreEs'. f , he desire? to feel comfortable •and'aptiehrlo - yamtagb, of course he will have Wm. I. 20- Gee 4 Oa., at {he eorper of garketsquire,,and Vedesal street, to arrange his fit, A worn to the win. * Mlcitaarfee' Ilfeariuxx. Iniktautton, the wantef which has been so long felt by nur.cltirene is now open, under the superintendence of „Illessrs Jackman t • Sininnon, in the Lafayette Bultdinig. En trance, C 5 Wood street. It is designed for the_perpetual exhibition of the products of Mechanics, A.Unnfartu rers,l Inventors, and Artimis; and as a place of reitott, for thosp eaeking Information relative to %me I;l:ranches pf iraustryi et by - exsinlilatfon satwjes dr. scientifte'phblibiedna. • Those lunring_ cies td bring 'before the pablidiplf [ tact it greatly to th ir adrintage leave . satpples. Air The public are :respectfully initted ti; jisit the ClilTLTrit Matt Tram, House, Sign end Ornamental Painters and Grainer& Orders left at their shop ea Fourth street near Market, 'Burke's' puildhigi oil prompt# attended. . • .. • Bar Noirs need, have ray ht4ris or a bald pate whenthe Vegetable Eau Athenienrie of itdiu`a Babel maybe used. Its effects are magical and infallible. It has no deleterious ProPer43, 0( 44 aolct. by 1.6 pa,n2 19.21X11 4 Ffo4o,' er of Wned and Tetuth streets, Dr aggle/I generallt'apd al the Labozatory of Jules' Hanel t Co, No. ind, Chestnut statrat. Pliaatidpettc jelBalset . c • _ THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. One Day Later, from Europe. Arrival of the Steamer Nova Scotian. • PAETHER POINT, BELOW O,EZBEC, June 7. The steafnship Nova Scotian passed this point' bound for Qu +bee, at half past four o'clock this afternoon. She left Liverpool on the lath instant, and furnishes one day later advices than the.steamer Brenre - M., . UHEAT BRITAIN.—Lord , Palmerston was Making good progresi in *the forthation hf his cabinet. An authentic list of its members was expected to.be- made public; on the day of the sailing of tho Nova Scotian. Rumor gives Lord Irginth Colonial Secretaryship- Richard Cobden the Board of Trade, and air. Glad stone the Indian Secretaryship. THE SEAT OF WAIL-A: despatch from Turin, says that after, ,the retreat of tile, Aus trians from Bologna, :the Cardinal legato de parted and the municipality proclaimed Victor Emanuel, dictator. The - King of Sardinia had issued an order of the day extolling Garibaldi's deeds of valor and awarding him a gold medal of the military or der, On the nth instant Napoleon moved his head quarters to Gorgozoll. The Austrians were evacuating Modena and were in full retreat towards the river Oglie. An official announcement appears in the Weiser Zeituri.o, that the Emperor of Austria will forthwith assume the immediate command in chief of his army, and had ordered a new position for the arruy, Which . Will tie taller up in the hest manner. An order had bee;i ko3Ae4 for the revbiliza- Lien of the Vrttseteit Artny. Large reinforcernenta to the allied army were about to leave ?ranee. Additional by the Braman Ne w agile 27—The London Times, speaking of Palmerston and Russell, says: 'Roth SiCSO in Prance, a better agent for the re organization of Italy, and fur the creation of ' that federal union which is all the unity possi ble under existing circumstances. tit era the ' question to be confined to the present 11„.4e0f i affairs, the police to he In t rzucii miglitho stated in aithstria It flying homewards. Flnneo l an'd Sardinia are pursuing her across the Adds'. Venice is about to be attacked im mediately on the east, and on the south the whole Vennisula is rising mai n s' . 44r, and ex pelling her A saygarrisons; the'onlyadviee giYelf 'l= that Austria should itecounno outs herelf to tli<so phinful circumstances, j ust as England admitted the ihd,epe.n4since of the United States, aml f• ranee lies twice submitted to the dictation ot invaders. There C. 411 he no glory gainc4 'by studdiurn and .. even V ietX.:Tialtit resistance to the just claim; ai a great nation, and it is untiii,e su wugo n war where even mil- Way success Incur mural opprobrium. No doubt this and similar considerations will be in duo time urged upon Austria by the two Min isters who have undertaken to divide the re sponsibility of our foreign relations." There is no doubt entertained that the ~Conv ention between Russia and the Rothschild= will result in their being constructors for any further loan Russia may desire ;c In I-0,40n a tone-took has LicOn . containing nil the English correspondence on Italian affairs. Thelatest note assigns to Aus trians the hut responsibility for 411 tho miseries and calatnitha iuevitahly t.,!nasequer4 on von diet V.llOl th:e. eye ~ t havig averted. The Lomb 4qifuNc.4:::.c.: the 14th, saysthat it is Relieved that 'Lord Elgin has been offer ed the Secretaryship of the Colonies. Mr. Cob den will have the option of the Huard of Trade, and Milner tiitsson will also enter the Cabinet. Sidney Herbert will probably be Minister of War,' Sir H. Bothell is also spoken of for the latter office. Sir James Graham, the Duke of Newcastle, and the Duke of Argyle ha; u do. dined to juin the now administration. The London Times', city article or the 111th instant says that. td,.e Az,t. - ,lneats trot, ..tlussia soar ainunton ber neutrality appear to rest on ho &finite authority, and are perhaps mere ly eneoufaged, at 'Berlin to meet the excitement in the other Gernnut Stag. •Irly telegraph trom London to Liverpool— Lomivu Juno 15—The Daily \'e r, says, that noitutborized statement of the composition of the new government can po,sibly appear be fore Friday. The Ilfratd of this morning, in publishing a telegram from Berlin stating that. six Prus sia corps d' armee have been mobilized., says • of course this means war. 'Il'? advent of cord Palmerston's .7iiinistrY 'has evidently; indfic€4l, her 'To fake tbit'decislte 41.3 p and join Austria. ITh72. ' English vp:eple 'will 'now' perceive the trtithuf . what we before' assqt.,lll that the Fail of Derby's goxernipen alone pruserved Etirotio fiom beingluyol.yed ip . gen'eral war. .4441•7•4i.5fr says thAt fatal , Lord John nc.c.epte;l the Foreign Office, any office ho might prefer was offered to Sir James Gra , barn who declined, from infirm health, but at the same titue assuring Lord Palmerston that he cordially supported the ministry. Pants, Tuesday night, Juno 1.1.--Dn the 12th, the Emperor removed his headquarters to Gorgonslon. In the afternoon. he supecin tended the throwing of brAges acros . s the river Adda ; s~ soul as ISris'iviS completed, this army begin' the 'in'ositilient,' ivhiCh • was 'competed " Arrival pf tltie ‘Siettruar ,TOrllkeilaea‘ NSW ORLEANS, Juno 9j.—The stearnsh , p. Tennessee is below, bound to this port, with Vera Cruz dates to the 2.2. d inst.. The Con clude, which left the city of Mexico with 0,000,- 000 in specie, on the 28th ult., was seized by General Robles when forty miles from Vera Cruz. A commissioner has bten sent from Vera Cruz to negotiate with Contra' tli.Ohl6,s for the liberation of. the speelii, but luid accent pHshed 'nothing. It is reported' atilt the Frepeft arid' - English Miaisteh had errauged co.; 4V.lll:ting «ie spe.gia ciu hoard au Bagiiih Rap Yrssel gt aeombu. Mr. d, Lane, the Unites/ Mates Minister, had sent Captain Far ragut of the United States steamer Brooklyn, to demand the release of! the American por-: tion of the specie s amounting to two -, utillion dollars, but the result of his mission had not transpired; - General Robles ordered the specie $ laSsialp wd aboard a British vessel off klae'raDolos; the commtMa t Or rarklSOol. 'to - receive .it p not- Uhl thi3 • Orders' of the gp g llo and Brunch :Ministers. The Cmiducta remains et Becontida; nuclei AWlti px4i , 1 16 . V 0 irac° ):)., nll : ckqe4 ior a mil ion of 4tltica.9r the 1- 4 ° , 4 ( 0 0 4. Alt the Eng ish aubjects are ban titled from the Capitol. , • The English fleet had been ordered to Vera •Crue.' l There is no political news of , impor tance. ' - . . From - WasIMMEtoP : WA4IIN (nos . , `2l.,—lnfdriratien has beeii incetved b from, douri) reigur(lect as thor, oughly Taint le gixing tlie patticuiaric,of the contemplated Fillibuster descent on Nfea'ragua. The names of certain parties who sustain Gen. Walker, with arms; and money are given the enjoyment of the benefits of the transit. route to compensate in part for the expenses Gnu; in.. curred. It stated, that the expedition will sail about the middle of August; that 0. party of Fillibuiters ionde4yous in Florida, and be' eioneyed . tO"i_l'entiiil America in the. Shot - tish Chid: ' I ' - ' - :r Whether or not the informationls' strictly trae; it is' certain that oar actvernment ileayor to arrest such enterprises, the'orilers to 'our naval vessels for this purpose heretofore issued being still in full force. General Jerez, before he left for, istimiragua, was fully informed of , the Illibusterbiemove-; ment. • . • ItielMlas has been .ordered to the coin- man of the slOop of - war Constollatitin, the flag ip_ of the African squadron, in Place of est •Wilson,. who his boon condemned. 1 0 0 t (teslk• ma; iotended to return to the United in the steamship `lttoses VaylOraut, he was detained in Central America by the unex pected reception of despatches from the State epartment. • v . ; r 4. it >ar Arrival of the Overland MaiL Sr. LOUIS, Juno 27.—irhe Overland Mail of the 3d, arrived on Saturday. The newa isun important. - The Arizona correspondent of the Republican says that another revolution had broken out in Sonora. The Apata Indians had taken the field in favor of the Gondara rhurch and party. The revolutionists cap tured several large towns; and were daily re ceiving additions to their numbers. - Fire--" Tom Hyer" Burned CißcLErituc, 0., Juno 27.—This mprning, at about ono o'clock; a destnactive fire broke out in the stable of the American Hotlse in this place. Thirteen horses were burned, and among them the celebrated stallion Tom Hyer." The loss is estimated at about $5,000. Fire caused by an incendiary. Nominated NEW YORK, June log Taylor wag, on Saturday, nominated for Congress, in the Second district, by the anti-Slidell Democrats. REMOVAL. . . • W. & D. HIIIIIIB - HAVEREMOVED TO NO. 69 MAR- K ET Street, corner of Fourth, whete they will re mom till the firet of September,when they will remove - to their new e tore now being built et the old mend, earner of Fifth and Market street., m Iztm VV" HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS are now generally conceded to be unequalled for their prompt action to tdleviating and curing all diseases of the stomach. Their superior 'excellence and conse quent renown is readily accounted for, from the well known !set that they are made under the personal se pervisiou of the propriete4, iq strint IllePortlance with' pharmaceutic science. Its use is always attended with' ;he Most ta.nencial reenits, and in eases of &Mins De bilitx, ilonstipatiou, Flatulence, and other like diseases caused by n disordered stomach, its curative powers are of the meet speedy and powerfUl character, and ex reeds any other preparation of the same claims betas the public. For sale by druggists nd 446}ers :generally, eery where, nn4 ROSTETITA, d 133dITH, litauefecturers and Proprietors, Nu. 68 Writer, and 68 Front streets ger Wit LIVIC' 80 PAST IN THLB COUNTRY, that the Americans have becarrie famous throughput all Christendom, as a hard driving, his drnakiag, hard chewing, hard sweannz wr.mse. • ...We have became equally fe,;r4liat bar debilitated stomachs, e nervated ems alSontered nerves, broken down constitutions, and the hundred and one cures which follow upon the vices which we have enumerated. Commie:4 peewee for these ills have been advertiand,biat we know of nab trig so erauscim;s f,,a: an invalid, suffenrig from indiges cicaa or nervous depression as OLIN'S STOMACH BIT TERS, manufactured and mold by the proprietor, at hie depot on Penn street, near Hand. 1512 io; ST4AI.I.—As a testimonial of tht, workmardilo na.triner. perfect action of their self. ?Oxidating' machines, safely, oecnomy in Mel, and the little attention necesaftry to keep each room comfortable, Re OW tbia oortilicate to Messrs. Davis and Phillips, stir:Logien to Phillips. ! Co., for their plan'of beating by steam the Second Ward Public Schools in the oily of Pittsburgh, and which has met our tty.provid, and we would recommend them to the public to give entire satisfaction of heating by steam. K Miller. Jr Johu Marshall, Jr, M. Tindle, George Wilson, John IVilson, L. Wilcox, Directors. DAVIS t PHILLIPS, &ram Heating. Ckta Fitting. Plumbing and Brims Founders, Deal= in every ,Lmeription of Gal Axturct and Pump: No. 67 Wood and 148 Ftrst street, ritWORN/ 4 dolod yid A.B it,i t ', AUILAINQ VIP, on Carson At rett;South Pittsburgh, for pale by 5. CUTHBERT & BON. M nrkat stroot nE t.A RUE ENVEL (lll4litie3, for sale by J. It. WELDFN, GS Wood street near Fourth. je7l 1 - ANI E:CRT.INV WO The Cavalier," an Ili.tnneal Novel, by 0. P. R. Jame 9, JeAl KAY Cll. LS Wodl sstrFet. RE Elle! RE OF AUSTRIA; Its Rise . ar..l Net.ent Power, by J. S. C. Abbott. RAY k CO., 65 Wood street.. Watches and Jewelry. "REINEM.IN & MF / YRAN, 42 FIFTH STREET, Arc note FINE ...OLD AND SILVER lIDNkI.Nt4 WATCH a 4„ .tmericanniad Etki,letA ,t grcatly reduced prices. Jell nil awl ewe PLEASANTF.F . IDENCE FOR SALE —lei 7G fretfront on scattli avenue. Allegheny, by • sat -.o Owl* to Rebecca street, having a good two ,to r family mansion, well arranged for comfort and conyeniente; portico, hall and eight rooms, bath room, hat and cold water, gas in all the rooms; a brick' stable and carriage hones; shads trees and shrubbery. The whole is in good order, and will be sold at a bargain: Terms easy. Immediate possession can be had. iolS S. ClrrEl BERT Et SON, M Market street. . LIME -25U barrels fresh for sale by jj Jets_ HENRY H. COLLIER. F iSii-2.00 paCka,ge9 ti - lit . e Ilerririg; Ice •bkilie Ftsh ; .10 4 , .. r 7s' 4 0. 1 a 4 Mact ert erel; . . .__ j . tern DEN m NY H.OOLLIKE. For sale by - ' • riwiRQ,NIit...kIsriTFACTI,TR.F.,R'S GUIDE o the Pyroace;.. Fowl and Rolling. Mills tne Vaitcd, Atates. ATM thAt usiions'of Iron fa< a chenu- Cal element; an American are, luid a manufactured arti. cJe, 41 commerce and iu Inatory ; by J. P. Les!y. With map 4 andylates. [jeW] KAY &FOIL 45 Wood street. W. a. ....... •40/1 . CALDWFU, Ji. CALDWELL & BRO.: • - BOAT FURNISHERS 41' DR4LERS IN r e • and (S")t Tarpaulin, Duck, Liglat and HaaryDratir.g.‘atc. d Nee. 68 Water. and 78 Front sta.. .. looter Caplllll IS THE BEST PREPARATION IN6, Is 1 world far the Hair. - ' ' • it will allay all feyorialtaanptkos hf fitaalfk -,. . The hair w , ll pease (torn falling off with use:ti l+ 115eautifier of thellsin It VII IVITIOge dandridt; it la tr e e..st hair droning in tho world, ' t Is within the reach of everybody; t contains no dyeing materia; t will not god the tined hneru lt will keep the scalp cool and clean: It If. delightfully perfumed; • • It is sold by all drug setts at. ^3 cents:: J. N. SHLPHARD, Druggist, (Successor tO HartWelist pr Marpfaotureran d a le ptOr., ie.: Dania Wo Ruda streets, IXON'S • VILACKBVRRY XS 'ME for sale by . . • is,FaiIIESTOCK k CO, tee. th l / 4 .eorner Yourth and Mood. streets. IIAISK 7I -1500 lbs. Choice Country roceiveil on eTaleriVc4itt. by. owner Market 10313l , Firvt stteeta. TAV E - RYV ARIETY of articles in the Dry • Goodnllnks always on hand, and aslow as can be found arotherc. l• - j 023 C.ILANSON L0VE.,74 SlYf CH II koceit:Eo- i*" 300 boxes 2 , isjpi reeetee4 tlocktrAl REYISIXR A ANL j 023 No: 39 Wood st 4 °DPW Us • St. anis* ifoiel• QARDINES.:-20chses 1;3 a Idnrtnes bcand, - Anat redeAted and Ibr We .a.EYMES a .AIVMR.BODI ~ • . • .I . "A W*Cst St, DePOSite St. Chute* Hotel' . FiILIIRD ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS! —Marge lot of Spring and amain Goods, corp.: pnsing all the latest styles, now opening at— ielo C.' HANSON LOS,l43faiket street: Co . r lEleES'E— by43oo prime :. 001. co fg ERRING„ --At 11. " • E. 5 HOLMES '&ork _rackets -0 - ae;iiers• in tist•im, CO., 6gr fed df ex; Cotuer ." MAT AND MAR ET RE I , vt : • talCtlylYitts VT A PRICE-A 'VERY ,14).W xi. Will be sold a coznfortableitwhistory frame dwel hug office rooms, with a large /ot.of groaned fronting on two streets, in All . City. Apply to ..• jell • 8. CUTHBERT 41 80N, .Marketstred, , A DWELLING ROUSE,,IiMitrAyWar 21,, FOR $6 A AiONTri, i t tik% I;ruge of o ,itroundi situate in Alleg i le?.alki SAM - at the 'k w =lab , dell.o. OUNHBrare . ' SAM • ' • • • ••• • • • 6K44404-strSet• CASEBO MONEY-BOOKS, - 111 Port tifonainsrlderntuulithrEtookrlzicl - Tocket Bpoks, co - , HAI(EN f Statioxyg„ All - 23 , coiner_Mark* And Bectod direets: C . : 4 . - A e — S by - E . E1,, - 3 . :(l:7 BEca ßECK luthi VED .kir j ad y,for CAS ' TRIESVE BLA - T a:No •kg Bale by BEClLtear !TALLY, jel3 . . , • • . ;Allegheny Ch: 0 GALLONS FLAXSEEDolliforsale 0 by BEcICEIAN 1-113 ELLY, - /1379 • Attepeity Qq. _ 1019-ROTOGRAPILY:--,-, TutsAgi..riCts: acts: .111. brought to such perfection that pictures taken by . , this procets..hare been .. pronounced .parfect by the, ,.- scientific world. They can. be /Arita all their beauty' .. lel*. _----• ' • • , • ' ...• ' - Me4OOOIIA.TE'DTIOES:4-' Blair- do awl artistic elegance, at • • • WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY, .-, , .i i , . +A9.• =ter o jile.ch oi ,H di t i r r t ii":-. 0 .. c - . my2.xlw on vourtikedmis. - -, i pure anti end - bighlresusemeatar tuar tbnic inSitenee, in 20 000' - sale b OLD GERMAN SF4I - 4 ile 3 for perdng strength and s.healthycolor toirrrelide espe many for females and children. For sale yb { 1 111URTLAND it CONNOR, • WDLANI y - ray2o NO.VI inhOrti Street A • °PI Corm . Smithfield. sari Fourth Streets. . • - . COMMERIMIg. bteem~ia tc AA i,'e. . . , . • Liverpool York..-June 25 ..New York.... Jone 25 .Nacre ...New York--June- 22 • Heinburg.'......New York-- 1 : Sonthainolon..New York.._Julyr, 9 Steamers to. Salt - • LILYS TOIL OATS sews ..... Weser Ar5g0....... Borussia.... New York... Argo New - Y0rk....-Galway Jude 23 Fulton .Jorie.2.s City of Mancherter..New.,York...-Cork, Europa. . . .. 29 Ifangareo..- - New' Yorit...-.Liverpool,Ac.July 2 - Stage orWater : ' . Itive—this feet - later In" the andtmel. PITTSBURGH izei)orta sivrailm forDas , Arcnn6l9,lbff.- Pasimbak, irate 2; 1859 Flaur:.`.lsto sales .tiere istatfeicklay frolW Bret . ftandi r From store we note sales of COMAS: at.O,SU@7,OO for -superfine, $7,0004',25 for extra do,' slid $7,Z(0,82 tor ex tra family. . - 120 5 : 13c ; Buek 11• y . . Bat es T Walls froth scales at :0014 'll.ton. Bacon... Sales 19,000 tbs. at ”,ggriNc:-for 9}¢ge9y 4 c. Ear aides; susdlo%®l63o4ar Llotierces , sugar cared has at 120130:- -` Chease.“Salesllo'beiel W,ll.- at 9(09y,c.' • lfileadas..:Salea 03 bash mild] white at ' Votiatwea...Sales 275 bush. at $1,301,5.- 011... Sales rt. i)bls Lard No:1, ar3:o9se.* gal. Lined—Bales . 22 bbls. Louisville at SIX- Bugar.:.Salsal libds at 80. flicarusawa.,...Sales 2B Ms. at 41@430.* gat. Coffea...aaloa 43 baga at 1231:1e. . . ..W141!/4-1341e3 14 bbls. ut.290A10. for Rectified. ' • Forelgtt Markets.. Per. Steamer-Nora Station... : Lirerpool Ccdt,On Market, June 14-4 otton be stow of thepnees are unaltered, and the market clear d !Inlet ibosatea of three days foot. up 19,000 bales includ ing 3,500 ba!ea to axPartera , and IMO balea -aPeailla . - . State of Tride--4'he Man - cheater adricei confine fa- - voralde.. Abetter dercutnd - for All .kinds •of -gcsidti has sprang up, but it has had no erect upon the prices. Liverpopl NeadVtalra Market.-.l%feasra: RichardsonA tipence aOtielltar reparta Flour very. doll, and declined 3 04 d. Aulerican is Footed at 10s Cd®l3B t3d, but finds no buYers. whftt is dull, and has also declined .34}44 ,White Western is quoted 10s®12a t3d. Corriclo..ad very dull, with a slight decline on all qualities mixed is quo. ted at Gages 4d, yellow at 6e adepts ed, and:white at as® 8. Od. Liverpool Provisions Tifarket—The circulars report provisions generally <bill, but with steady prices. Beef aim lA% wadi. Pork dun but steady. Laid dull. Tal low quiet. Bacon quiet. - ' . • Liverpool Produce Market.—Rosin dull at is for corn. mon. 13ugar, firm. Turpentine Spirits steady at 42u.Ashes, Pots Mall at ZIG, Pearls also dull at: 6d(a.3ls.' Oilx sales unimportant- - London Markets.—Tallow is quoted at 635. Linseed Oil 28a 6d. London, June 18th.--Consols closed today at 93 , ,V;64 M,.. 1 1 for account.. American stocks; the latest sales of Maas Central R. IL are at 43W044 discoUnk Illinois 7. ° free lands 85 34 , g 2 4 New .R. R. fifi@S7; Erie Railroad stock NA: Pennsylvania Central. IL R.., first mortgage, 90®95. '• • • • Philadelphia Market. . Prmanstems, June? .— The foreign news has increas ed the dullness which already prevailed in the; bread stuff naarket,and prices of all descriptionsare droopiuk; 2.000 bbls Western extra sold on private terms. and I.ow bbls extra family at ft. Superfine .offered .at $ 1 3.14 but without buyers. Of wheat the receipts are armill, and there Is but very little demand for it; small - RIMS of red at $1. 60 (41. 00 ; elute - at $1,7041,75... Rye dull at 60c. Corn dull, and has declined one cent; I.CIOO bush yellow sold as 854a//u Oass dull 'at 46@47. Coffee quiet in con. oeCiAeuge of the announcement of an auction sale of 3.000 bags Rio on Thursday. Sugar is 'advancing: In . Provisiou.s there Is more ,doirig; 109 casks canvassed barns sold at 11al2c, and 100 casks of shoulders, in salt, at 7 . 4. on sixty • days. Whisky steady at - .X , c; a lot of choice Ohio sold at 2834 c. New York Market. New You, June 27.--Cotton steady, with sales of GOO bales. Flour declined; sales of 4,000 bbls. Wheat lower; 840113,000 bash. • Corn firm; sales '8 2 ,00 0 bush. at 031 40. for Northern Yellow. Iron-is lower atAoo@=.so. drill; Linseed 6144030.: Larded 9009234 e. Tallow quiet. at 10 , 7,:,c. Whisky 131 , ar , firm; sales of ..S,OOO . boxes at 6-34 . G0,4,.e. Coffee - steady , with sales of 1.000 bags st hew Orleans Molasses is steady at 40@ 42e. Freights on Cottop to Liverpool dull at 4d. ' Cincinnati Market. . • Cricmxim •Iwae '.4-7--Flow . dull, but not quotably low er;4l3oerfine SAOO(4O.ln. • Wheat $1,30@1,35 for red, and kuNghice, the market is heavy. ; .(kits droop. toga 524:53c. Barley 60663 e. Corn is held at 82c. Whisky is less active, at mc. Provisions are dull; sales. Itic - t•for Won, shoulders and sides, Bc. for bulk sides. and 400 bbls. Me. pork at. $15,71 There is no change in the money market-. • , Chioago kßocklsland baN Mums Central R R„.-. GO Lacrosse laud grants.. .1% Michigan Southern._..:; New York CentraL-- Pennsylvania Call.-- 83% New 'York Weekly flask'Statement. Nsw Yoax, June "7--qta , Bank Statement, for the week ending Ratur4i, exhibits a 'decrease in loans of 345.01; y decrease in specie of $1,432,000; a decrease in circulation of $66,000; and a decrease, in net deposits of aer T?' 4 VZLFtSt. Wh9, so frequently from sickness incident to the fatigue of a journey, loss of rent, change of Rater and:of:diet, should *always be Prorided with Di. - Wilson's Bemisdie Pills, which is a reliable Medicine, to rellere them. I Prepared and sight by B. L. Fahnestock d Co, Wholesale Druggists, and Proprietors of B. L Fahnestock's Vermifnge, No. GC; corner Wciod and Fourth streets; Pittsbutigh, Pa. Sea Pill advertisement on the third tap of tc-day's JOIELPIT =MI anTnont, nsnts. .;,. !TOsT4 I 4 Mrg" l 4 l :o4:4?N, Manufacturers, and; V1P9 1 9 2,2 U! ‘44to : PAW' , Pe_alete FUR NIT URE IND CHAIRS • 4144 tre64 ! above the Canal, Tfave•on has . d 'ionoillneut of Farici-aed Furniture* in Waltudand liihogaiiy of theit own nialm. facture, and warranted equal in quality, and etyle td any rrucatifactured in the city, and. will aelVat reastatable R. T. VEART;Mi =AM LL . ... • . ALLEGE:ENV' CYTYj It. T. KENNEDY WREAT RIB AND „CORN. PURcH.A.SEIi' 114011 R, CORN MEAL' AND EMMY,' TN PiTTSBUB,OH AND , 147 747.4 . 1 !).- ; TERPA . P4 , 4 I .c4i, AFflAviltY MiTQIIELI4:S. P.ENS.e--Fcri sale b): .1. K. WELDiN, topt 63 Wood street neat Potuth• FRES)I Alt A: AL-1W base, Palermo - Oranges; sweet, and 100 brixes-Prilertico'Letiordb, just feFevnati "F "Yr s P d atTa b l i kimEits°W„ i. Jen No. 3£lWood etto • • • • to sLchscrieb.Rote), INALVRII_B.UR -USIKAST4.NEIg, Rutem . Penholders, Pens, Paper, aniv.o4,P,encils, carol • Itstands,- - Pocket Bookl4Tatiatera ha, (oriole by •, XIS Corner Wood . lllfird itareond sta-; -ViXTRACT . LIQUQII,IQ, - - r VSensei for sale ..T.; remtcx c. 3. N0:430, corner rduitlM-Virotte&ets, 141 HE BALTIMORE .S : 11M— ho best., Skirl in the rikarlseirralule expressly to order for our. ow 4 saes. qqy and eo_yin_tdealers supphed. et liberal dlsoormt: - EAToN, CAST CO, , Fiftliehd Market streets. DRIED APPLEB.--10 barrels..for sale by IdUVIAND k corms, Libirowees: • my2o 1101r4LUIDYES,1-ClltilitixiOro's,' Batelaitilor's lA_ Hazirk's and Harrison's Hair Dlua i lMT -.,.; . _ in e -'cor'ne'r taimitittlehrand Fourth sta: ,Q L N AlliS : FV,i 4 14--Irr - Silk and Ging -16"44:14 0108 441 et vigrloakpnots , -iiZtaaesalaDeialers. are aspecis E iWett to ar,annoo our stook aad rites - agSrsiAavFitth sad iwiret - et& • 4OTTON AND ZINEN:-F , Ritiatip 41.1)38A1N-- -, For ~131Alaa Trimmings —A very wie• ' assortment of all widths. ,Sold wholclale and retaika andowastpossiblattrict , s;. leo• -BATON. Ca= Ca, FlAtkanAzarket,itiC ARRIM PA:MAW - M.7A large nuyoy,, =ll, this areelleitt atlas jtiat JOSFACnanneiti : Jab amid Dialtiond and Market dreet. • X. Tiekingaiel;Toriargi* a hand leg E "//ASElat LL Co. On 843 . : "DV EV • DI; AtV :11.TOBILtirtICELLY,. Azima.. .15.1122LX... BRRMITDA ow,&oox~uac at 1 . -• dater Disanoncfsad Market at • Mt 0 Ca. 33 'EL B • AnabrotyPe and Photogiaph A 4.1 E Ple. 70 Pifth Street, • PholOglmPk% coloica.or plain;telcan t shirt no tice,At_ _Er!se l rn prices, and warranted to than'. ~,:smALL• MIRIS MiLAILGED TO IoWE NZ/3,2nd colored in OiL , • _ mrd R 0 T P S. - ' . A BEAUTI.P ANDJAFRABL.E PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN BE lIAD AS LOW: : AS 'AT ANY FIRST .CLARE ESTABLD3H. "[SENT IN . TRE:COUNTET. AT foLl LIFLSTZE, ` Colored in Oil,.Pastelle, or Plain, in dm moat artistic tyle tuld . at Eastern prim.... WALL'S GALLERY jeS • Jones' iSuildins,'Fourth street 'll-MEYER'Sr MIRACULOUS VERMIN, DESTROYER, The Only. Itemedy in the Whole:: World, RATS, RYON,' COCKROACTIES;BUOS, ANTS, MOSQUI : TORS; FLMAS; MOTES, -MOLES GRAIN WORMS, 50,000 BOXES SOLD , IN ONE MONTH These celebrated remedies have been extensively usedfot twenty-two years in all, parts - of ,Europe, and their mimes:llona power have' been attested - by the Courts of:Russia, France, Engianda t/M Aa:LEW Prussia, )3eVara, Saxony, Belgium, Hellen Naples, ac, and their Chemical properties examined; ands roVed by the most distinguished Medical Faculties over the Their destructivenesstoallkinds of verzninandhasects has been certified in this city by the Directore bf the vatious , Public Institutions, Planters, Farmers, Pro prietors of Hotels, Warehouses, 'ianufactories, and by various distinguished private citizens. ' • . Numerous .Testimonials.and, „Certificates of the efficacy of these Remedies can be seen at the Depot. and Proprietor. . - .JOSEPH. MEYER, " • Practical Chemist, • Depot:lgo- 612 Broadway, cur- Houston et, N. Y. General Agent for the United States and Canada, . For-.sale, .Virliolemile - and Retail,' by the Inventor FREDERICK V. RUSHTON, Druggist, No. 10 Astor lionme, in& 417 Broadway,'Nta , Yolx:. • - • Far sale in this city,. Viholes.sle and Retail, by it. E. Sellersl A' Co., corner Wood and Second streets ; Joseph Fletaint4.' corner Diamond . and ,Mautet strait, ant) Beckham S It'Kenuan, Allegheny.de:la:ern . , VINEGAR! - WARRANTED Pure and Un- adulterated, and to . Arii- V E Pickles for gears, the -same. that l have •••• ,, E sold to a majority of the Pittsburgh Gro• errs for ?WE= TIL3XI3, and which has taken ^`, Three F/rat Prearanma - at Pennsylvania Stste Fairs, I ion now oft faring to the city and - country trade at greatly reduced prices. Please order direct: -Terms Cash. A. RALLOLT. Ltd Water streak ~ between Smithfield and Grant, ' Fittebtarr,h, Pa. mr=daw 301;LA.PP.P. Br. TAILOR., • NO., 52 ST., CLAIR STREET, '.PITTS BURGH, Pa., has just returned from/he Eastern cities, and is now receiving his Spring StoCk' of Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings, and Coatings of every variety and style, adapted to the best city arid country trade, which wIG be made nplo order with promptness and despatch, and at rates as low as at any, other similar establishment in the city. - 1-- - - ' tualyclaw 3:400:110101;iti*tqlOtt 41,41 SMELTING WORtir, PARK - lIIPCIURDY & CO AI • ANUFACTURERS OF- SIIEATATN43 - , Braziers' and Bolt Clipper Presied Capper Bot toms, Raised Still BottomsSpalter Solder, also im porters and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate. Sheet Iron, Wire, &c. - Constantly on hand, Tintnen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, ho. 139 First, and =Second streets, - Pittsburgh; Pa: Special orders' of Coppeectit to any de sired, pattern. - .nly2adydaw Reading- . Missouri es. - Sal?, .Virginia 963.4. Galena k Chicago— - Cleveland 4t PitisVgia. e • .- V . AALOREI,. " Deal. :in Ready Alade nothing and Gentlei:net - a Fur nishing Goods. corner of Federal street and Market Spare,Alleghenyilty,'Pa.' ' " rcl2dy HAVING OPENEDIIVE - RYSTABLI drithelear of the Scott .Honse, corner or Irwin• street and Duquesne Way, and purchased a fine lot of Horses, Illiiggies and Carriages, I wouldrinkietftgly so fitat:the patronage of . myfnends and publiczengrally,. alsiwing them that they 'can be accommodated at the InOkt Prisynable rtAtes. haxe madeauchatrangements thak'persons wishing their horses kept, can bo well se. zornmantaLed: ' . NEIL. BRACELAND; 0.• Scott House, Pittsburgh, Pa FORWARDING AND COMMIS S ION.: 'ffiEFIOAMT MR RUE aiLL OP . ViMir; 6riill9•Tratiiitt Lard, Butter, Seed :Dried Print and Produce Generally, ..var"'"" OR .31.A.P.SET AND FriesT "STRZETS, ;• ti t... • PiMSDEGH, PA. /WU To—,FraneiS -CL BaUPY,.Es4-. William Dilworth, Si.; S.Vrithbeitt•Son, PitWbargh:BOyet k Ott Heiskell, Sweatinon. BrAdyi,Cash.,M. List k HoWell, Mangle &Co tieorge W. Anderson Donlon, • faitOni& C,0,„ rai2t2pti PENN :‘.IIIACILINE WORKS nrwmit - Owen= &aeries. KlD.aa . OPPOSITE THE POBR!.OFfiICE WALL'S, Fcmrtb. tared. SURE TO -EXTERMINATE AND GARDEN INSECT'S', LC SAMUEL GRAY, Nets ; I.lver'y Stable. .IADIES A. FETZIEIt, FOUNDRY,- ; • 14AtlETFACTITAER, or - JEitearn7Engirm, Stialting and Parties Boring Maebbaes, • ' , `• - • Itortt&y M pines,- ' • Alice • eve.. etc .(1146"r°111144 albeCilkdi‘kALLkiliENTY. - "BARGAINS IN §fiCON43 , IIAND. PIANO 3. Om 6 Octave, Rot ewood - Case, - Iren Frame; made by Aickenng4Sens.;..only , twe TearsA:ddq. '854 Octave', TbSseiv4ed Case, edadd'arners; made ..>Y k„.:Pswisi • ,• • ut; 8 3 4 Oetareateeenned, carved desk; made by Nurma Oaf, 6 Ortayp, Satogany . Case, n ade by Minns Clark, a: GerdlOrakirnon Ozie(o " " Teogewinal - a ... a '" =aria. Ono 6 - --5.1501vu1y 14. - sk - „ " Lend Bro. Oae 8 . a "Gerinatv make. Oee 6. , - : ''' """ ‘ trt r Cleln eUti. One '" "- " Cleimati. ; Far.snieby • L ;. JOHN H 'TitTITJ,OIt, • ""'" 81 Wood street. 1300E2.-LYRokitausky's , Pa -0.11,,-,thological Anatomy, ' . • Gross' Elements of 'Pathologies' Anatomy. 1 .431dge's - Pitnelogical.AnstErny,,witheolered . plates. . Mortices Anatomy and Histology, 2 Poll.• _ on" She Etre: . -• . . Mackenzie's.- SidtOrith atlas or plates "'lsl ßa itieke on 7neurooniii rl and Malaria. O iCapland on:Palsy-and - : . Erienson'a Science and Art of Surgery. 'OewwieitLectares on Surgery. Drtutt's. ModernSurg,ery. _ Miller's Practice on • "- . - - - _ Pirre's System of ‘. Dickson's Elements of Medicine. - - Williams' Principles of Medicine,, new edition. Watson'ePractic Physic, 'Wood? Materui Medina and Theranentics. -.T . m 330 " . ' KAY B CO- 80 Wood street. L. C. HEPBITRN, - ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONTETANCER, OFFICE WITII H. HEPBURN, • . . : . . No. 9(i Fourth etcee elglyis :SIMMER • - - 1.7 DER4II. H. TS, DRAWERS, Of Gauze, Merino, Oottoii,Lislo Threal, Linen and Silk, mksIfFELD & SON'S, No. 8l Wood. strse& .HALF HOSE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers