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'' •' 7l : , S- , ' -.•:17 - .•,.-••••1j7-7 -r , ' I - - ' ‘ , ".:2 ito ~...t. , .; , ! . ..,: ,•,'.'..,-,‘ -;- -,•‘. •-, .1 • „ • +" ~Ca • 4 R • ;!-, 1 s • ; t A .; ,r ,:ekr • ' = •1•7"..`t 4' 7 .4 7 ; ~ - 4' '';rf: 4 ; • ;41 • 4 f :ZO• g ' Veg.* VOLUME_ :XVII jiailq Pool. JAMES P: BARE, EDITOR AN.D PROPRIETOR. Toms:—Daily, Fivo Dollars per,year, strictly in ad vanco. 'Weekly, Single subscriptions Two 1)01 4 lars per year; in Clubs of five,,One LOCAL AFFAIRS. Departure and 'Arrival of Passenger Trains. Pittsburgh, Fbrf Wyse and Chicago 'Railroad. • (Fromcorner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Crestline. Ft.. Wayne Express Train......_.A. 81. 6:56 A. M. 1.01 P. M Mail Tram. 6:50 A. M. . 5:00 A. M.. 1100 A. M. 'Express . . ..... P. M. 8:45 P. M; 2:30 A. M Arrive at Chicago : Express, 6,47 P. ra.l Mail, 6:00 P.M. EiprLisN 8,17 A. M Returning, arrive at Pittsbnrgh: Mail, 3:10 P.M. Express, 8:10 P. M. Bxpress, A.M (From Federal Street . Station Allegheny.) New Brighton Accommodation.. 0.50 A. i 1 44:0P.M .. 6:25 A. 'IL 12:10P.-M Pennsylvania Railroad. ~,(From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. S:5O P. M. 12:45 P. M. 2:50 A. M. - 11:50 P; M. 4210 P. M. 12-.2) A. bl." Empress Train...-- . lkfail Fset Line The Johnstown Way Passenger Train John. own Aeeumnaodation... l'irst Turtle Creek Third 660 A. 31. 1:10 P. M. 2 - .50 P. M. 111* A.. 31. .10:40 A. M. 5:50 A. M 4.20 P. DI. 12130 A. M. ...... 5:51 P. 31. 6:15 P.M Pittsburgh and comzell,ritte (Front and Grant streets.) , I.eaves. Arnves. Mail Train. 700 A. AL' 6:15 P. 31 Express Train 4:20 I', M. 6:45 A. M. ("cveland and Pitle,burgla Rrtilroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets.) . Iteares. Arrives Express Train 12.15 A. AL 2.40 A. M. ail Train 6.25 A. M. 40) P. M.FatLine.. Aceothmeslation 5.00 P. 1 31. 11.00 A. M.' Pittsburgh; (61ambus and Cirleinnitti Railroad. s- (From Liberty and Grant streets.) Leaves Pius. Columbus. Arr. in Cin. Fast Line 12.15 A. 31. 8.00 A. 3f. 11.20 A. 31 Express Truitt.. 1.05 P. M. 1a) . 1.24 A. 51 Court of Quarter :SesslOns„ Before Judges ACClure and -Parke. TUESDAY, June 14th, 1.1,159. In the MSC: of Wm. Barclay, charms d with assault and battery on William SproUil, a night waichnan, the defense was concluded, and the counsel addressed 14 jury, who found a ver dict, of not guilty and defendant to pay the costs.. Sarah Scanlon was tried and convicted on an indictment tharing her with keeping a disor derly bawdy house in the Sixth Ward. The Court sentenced her to six months imprison . ment in the county jail; to pay a 'nominal line ; and the c. , ,ds of prosecution. An Italian nanna Alexander •Mulasza, was indict d Mr the larceny of a silver hunting. cased watch, Irons a German, Michael Tuch: sherrerr, at an ;motion sale at Smith's dry :roods store op 3!arksit street, some - three ttr mur weeks ,ince. Brosetaitor teztified that he was uttenditig the sole, where there were at Lumber of people ; tater leaving the store he Missed his watch; be next saw it at the Mayor's ;.offiee. Did not remember of seeing defetidant isefore ar;Tst. Tile watch, which was found on ' Mumuzs, was produced and identified by John Beasley, a pawnbroker, who testified that the prisoner had brought:the watch to his shop and wanted ten dollars for it. Mr. Beasley, Who had a description of the'property, given bins by the. prosecutor, retained the watch. Muzuzit could not account r6r the possession of the watch, the jury found 'him guilty of larceny, and the Court sentenced him to an itriprisonnient of one year in the penitentiary. ' Waters, indicted for ft:€saillt ancl bat terti:'''wiPriptent. I slac4 on arid. The prosecutor, Edward lir'Cann, t6tided that f'iff Siinday' evening, Apiil 17th, be visited some friends named lain!!its the Third ward. tie was a If 4.24 !ic.fendlint, who 'was in time roolp, Feb.:ill an irop skillet find struck lyitOs.l over the head; he [ben kicked hint 241(1 IlfteMnrti; sel;;eil a pkoo of the skillet, which was broken by the blow and struck maim with it. lie was dangerously ill from the wound for some fifteen days, and some of his friends thought lie Was dead. The witness became insensible from the effects of . the blow. poNelids cor:rooorated the eviuence of .I.i.'Cann and testilled that Watdra endeav ored to seiZO a butcher-knife and threatened him and his wife if they interfered. No testimony was offered for the defense, and the case was submitted to the jury with out avgnment, under the chrirge pf the Court. 'Z'bo Kisoner was found guilty in rom:ller :opt r,qm.a.3 indicted, :nici the-.Cdurt senterxed bird fe one year in tbe'Western 'Penitentiary. .Ailjodrried. A WournY lIRNEFIcrAttv.—If there is no other redeeming point hue stationery place of amusement, such as a Theatre, it is to be found in the fact that the original ohject of making money for , tbe Manager is sometimes departed from,Tand the proceeds of an entertainment de voted to some benevolent obiect. ,Such is the case nt'llie . Apollo Theatre tills evening, when the receipts , of the "'house art. to be ;devoted to the -comfort of a gentleman who 'has 'nnny rriertds' in the city, Mr: E. Day. Tlire 'thi..b . slni , 6 pc was widely known iinsi - C{o - i his is y• • • • toq' c of. Mead and heart, 'u . Vernally beloved. wa' "a fellott , of inflnihS fescand merriment:,"but he tvas'Sitrielleit '(l6},'Ff Ira ditchsb, ainTfor twO - in'd yeir from paralysis. Ms purse, wbuli had always been opened to the needy, was not tlet P, fer . 4 fslr two4 - c:srs he has beeri - siriported py 'a lodge of Odd 1- r e.liciws vap 4 Member. The object of the benept this even ing is to procure the means of obtaining prop er medical attendance in the east, as it is be lieved his malady can be cured. To all Who 0 LW AL 6410 mite con tributed will be religiously applied to the ptir pose indicated. Then let tie see a good atten dance—let the house be P..11e ap4 Yfo once ei3 . "Thddy" . PaYhtnoega-us; and gieet him as of old. Certainly no one who , •Tio.yrs him will fail to ho present, .an 4 none poglc contribute to a bettor cense, enjoying at the same time, as will be seen by the bill, a pleasant evening's entertainment. Drvinafitt-:-It.will be seco.by the atatatnent published elsewhere' that the gay ngs Bank has deblared a dividend of threaper cent. from the profits - of the last six moatlis: This is a sound' institution, the benefits a which can , be fully 'appreciated by the poor man who has a few dollars to lay by. Hero he can find a safe investment for his surpluss means, paying him a fair rate of' interest and always at hisown disposal. • 24r. ghee, 4. 411 e1i0n• - lbe Treasurer, will be found 'politc and attentiye, while p 014 I . fime 'time be is accurate . and . conveteat as 'fi business man. . • • Tug WELLF; EQUESTRIAN TROUPE will make their long, promised appearance at the Apollo Theatre - to-inorroiv evening. Every; thing has been prepared for them, and we wish' them a successful engagement: They have met with good , encouragement' wherever they have performed. During their last visit here they drew good:audiencas t and if: we mistake 'not they will do so again. — A llR.a.vv . SENTENCIC.-7lnlllol.llaitc4 States District Cottri,„ yisterdaysnoinink,:Judge L lr- Cratillless overruled the motion.for• a new trial in the case of Levi Long,. Convrele'd or embez zling a letter from the United States mail, and sentenced the prisoner to a tetira of fifteen . years in•the'Western .renitentiary.' •'Ai Linets'how beyond' middle age, he Fill scarcely survive so long a sentence. _ . NEW ERF¢IT.=4 . counterfeit $5 bill on . the Commercial Bank, Erie, Pa., is ip cir culation. It is well executed, pg. calculated _to deceive, The vignette in the centre repre sents a lake steamer, and at the ends are por traits of Washingtun and Clay. Look put far them. TIEE Frohsinn and Teutonia Singing Socie ties left for Cleveland on the noon train yester day,. in - good spirits and 'looking Wet hope they may have a pleasant time at the Saengerbund Festival, and return covered with the honors they should—if they do not achieve: . COLLINS PARK.-Another raw is announced to come off at Collins Park - tmincitTow. The weather continues fine, the track will be ingOod condition, And a fine day's sport, for those who like tart amusement, may be ezpected. 71: Ir . 17 1 . ° 41: 1 .; a:11.1 f ; r - • t%•••••%, THE . Rica. .Naw.LISDEN''Guov.E.—Wo stated yesterday that a, melee had occurred at New Linden - Grove, Peebles township, in which several. persons were more or less in jured. Mr. B.: Ruth' has made information befOre Mayor ~Weaver,' charging twelve per sons with riot. They will have a hearing this' morning; We' are informed that several par ties whose names are contained in the informa tion.weremot present, and that one is'a watch train who Only interfered ttnuell the disturb ance. ;,There were two - 1141as, the most serious of which occurred after the police loft the ground: ;'Ltwas in this melee, th at Robert Rain was struekWitli a slung-shot.. He has, made information charging Jerry Gurnbert, who, ho alleges, is the person who struck him, with as sault and battery with intent to kill. James M'Kee was.present, and we are informed that be was chased' about the ground by.a person, pistol in sand, endeavoring to shoot him. Mr. J. H. Hickman, while.returning home, with his family, in a wagon, was struck upon the head with a lump of coal. Ho has made affi davit; charging three persons,-included in the charge, of riot,' with ‘theassaillt The allhir will have a thorough examination before Mayor Weaver. A- 4 YouseMAN IIiAIiGLED Er A -.1))0.--On Tueiday afternoon, quite an excitement was raised in the Eighth ward, in an open lot on ,the skim of in.the : ielnity of Ann StiCeij r; r An'imnienseCiovidebllea.eil in a short, time, attracted thither by a ferocious attack of a bull-dog on nyoung nitin named Frank Gro ver, about eighteen years of age. It sews that On Monday, the dog, which belonged in the vicinity, had hen lighting with another dog, when young Grover sCparated them. The dog afterwards - manifested a disposition to attack Grover whenever he saw him, and on Tuesday encountered hius .. on the.vacent.lot, jumped at `him and ibiz6d hiriPby the'aini; Which, before Grover was released, was terribly mangled. Two citizens, laboring men, were attracted by the noise, one of whom seized the dog by the throat, while the other procured :in axe, and clove the skull of the feroviousalutc. lie did not relinqnish his : bold until - life was extinct. Grover's arm was badly mangled, but medical attendanee - thls at once procured, and there is no danger apprehended , from his wounds. ATMESTED.ON SusetetoN.--,-Mayor Weaver yesterday received a dispatch from J. 11. Hays, proprietor of a hotel called Witshingten in Steubenville, requesting Mimi.° worse to be arresteijit man named Charles Bloom and wife, who had, lived ; at 43, 4 Jumse, and left for this city YesterdriY morning, on a charge of lar ceny of a hlnek coat, dress and other goe'ds. On the arrival of the train, the pallies.were cordingly taken' into culiitb% but the goods were -not found in their possession. 17 , p hear ing of the couple here would indicate their in nocence. On being informed of their arrest Ilaysr telegraphed that if they would leave thii goods 10e :And pay all rlpeuies Le would net prosecute. This the nal ties say they cannot d‘i, and indignantly refused. Last evening they were at the Mayor'soillee, awaiting the further a,•tion of the hotel keeper. If they are not guilty, us ciivmmstaimes scent to indicate, they 'lave been tgadly used and put to serious hueon v.mieuee. They espresa an intention, if I lays should come here, of prosecuting him for false arrest, litrox's Ice (Ittitam SsLoON.—The heading above is synonomons with luxury and enjoy ment. The .saloonds the oldest in the city,and gained a well deserved reputation, while in the hands of the original proprietor, for having the delicacies of the season first and best. The prevent proprietor, Mr. Jacob llnbley, bas well sustained that reputation, and "I; nox s' is still the resort of all )yho desir;'. ri6nethiiig nice in the wuy refreshments. llere can be had the rarest delicacie s of the season, served:up in the best style, meals at all hours of the day or eyiming.in qtriet retired apartments, and fruits, clikrA and , lorifradiimary, choice and fresh— while the ice -.115115 turnialk-d, is known and appreciated by all. Mr. Liubley also furnishes f,Jr punks, wedd;ngs, and other social gather ings, cakes - and other refreshments, which can be relied upon as superior in quality and flavor. We commend our renders to a perusal of the advertisement in another column, and, if they have never been there, a visit to the irrio aa,.elkca ttiere need not be re- Witided 'OA it is tO Aceir)v.yr.—On Saturday evening while Mr. J. C. Watt, merchant tailor, Fifth -street, was returning front the Allegheny Cemetry in a baggy, with- hiPi mother, the hers ran away, throtvino- both }Atli f resi vt.heheo mi of the veilielesllth ilia MLitt-Ai reiToU the effects 1 f 'the fall; and iyatfimeiisible•f4 ine bourA, ‘:thile the old !lay had twp of ritisl,trok et4 80d her aria flartured. The patties wet° con veyed to their home on Franklin street, and are doing well. A tictioN SALL: OF Fur.Nrrunr..--A gentle man m. 51,111 1 .4 M No. 2, Isabella row, Alleghe ny City, will ilisj o!,,o of hip furniture, &e., morning at 16 o'elcwk, nt üblir auction -- 0 bargailis wilt be ,Mece,i. • .? '!. I ' SUMMER Cl , to,cl; of ariiele , Tor gentlensco', youths' and eltildrcri's dmorner wear may at the (--iablisb rnetif of Vessrs, Wiler; 4 . (Po:. at the corner of "Sfarlict 'r - olarc nod o , ler:it street, in kllegiteny These gentlemen have every ortho most taatcriai, wbteh'tliff poruNcilive tR the :but tanner. Their stack of gentlemen's goods-is large and elegant, and their prices moderate. They ti 4 thtlr. C;iEtanierE3, • 3igrri4N- I ca' 12:S1'ITIJTE.—ThigJr titultun, tiro want of which roar been so long felt 11 one egizeu6 h, now open, nntier the p, , upetiutetuinne. •' J=kinetn.* -••- , ine igif.iyette Building. En trant,. tis Wood Flrevt., It is designed fur the perpetual exhil4tion of - they product& of,Yectutuln4,' Bruttufactu rers, inventors., and Artisans; and as a(toen+nf resort for thorn reeking irfortgallor. reua•.: Ityr.vta.ltrinakiirti ! samples or sc.Anntaltrpf4l)ll.cl, Thoska having aiitielex to bring lsifore the public will find it greatly to their atlyantairo to litre stukples. f .abirxbo.publionr e TewpeCtftilly invited 10::#94t the institute. • - HE.ATINtIi SmCAkr.—A tPsiiinonial of the workmanlike manner, lierfect action of their self. regulating machines, safety, economy in - fuel, and the 'little attention necessary to keep each room comfortable, W. 3 giver this - cruilfleaLe to Messrs. s soul AqiiHips, snecessots to• Phillips k (:, tor their plan of healing b ~t.eain the Second Word Public Schools in of Pittsbnigh; and which has met our 'approval, and we would, rYetarlinauti them to. the . public to give entire ...atigfact.ion of lioding 'aletun. H. Miller, Jr., John Marshall, Jr, M, Tiudle , George Wilson, John Wilson; L.Vilecia, Director..' " .r := = ••- ISAVI 14 B PIfILLIPS, Steam I.(gatinft,Cin4,l:itting,..Chant'frolitnd Brass Founders, Dantett esserkstesciptiuny- (As ca and Pumps : 4°14.2 9 .z—Z10.67 NS 0(1,10 k'siv. rittulsµrit.ls (1! COULTER. & Miniwita, • House, • Sign and Ornamental Paintera,maj Grainera, unlera lett at, their 'alVon Mirth 'afreetnear Market, Burke's Building, sill be promptly attended. leen • fie! rirYbifILENS aro genertwyloto a word in praise of what are called "patent medicines." ip an fticke iit i 4lecoditof medical ethics, that physieittn , iclioqanctions ate! itA'extranch remed ies PP'Pt eg', itderfF! P.9nPiir:°ritilNclq"mqlia tion... tere are' exceptions to the most stringent rules, and many 'of the disciples 'of Esculapius brae trizially been pornpebedi by kin forea of fantaAo recom mend Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach bitters for those dis eases which are only preralentduriug the antrimer and fall. 'Mei halm ascertained that there are no ithriedies In thct pharmaSoopiri ivliieh pan eotripar,e, wilktbictean -11 ertpl I coMponnd -for the derangement of the stem. !Itipianchrof farnibes 'residing tdOng - the'linriFounds Of the Western and boutheinri'Vers;iri,nOwConviiaged thafthey hat'e found a' medicine pociihaily'aiiaitod for iheir garments, while. in other porhops of the country, during the summer months, the demand farthe article is equally large. For .salu by druggists' and dealera 'generally, every where, and by HOSTITITER & SMITN, Manufacturers and Propriettire i No. 39 Watei, sad=bB Wolk plroeta. . - . Per Wir. kiVit 89. 4 .1*: rt . 3.0 t Trit cenrcritY, 'that the ltruerieandlave beranin fiih cis throughout all Christendom am a bard driilng, hard drlnkin hard etievring, lard . swearOg people: It e: equally famous for debilitated. sionmens, o narrated and disordered nerves, broken down constitutions, and the hundred, and one cures which follow. upon ,the vices which we have min:tended. Eountless panaeeas for these ills bare been advertised; bet we know of notlt. In so efficacious for an invalid suffering from-indiges tion or nervous deprassiorras OLIN'S 131tillatie)31T. TERS, insnufictu.reli and soldiTthe prOPrfetoi t itt depot on Penn rarest. new Sand feel ; '• •~,; .. .f. • • •• 1. • 1..-• 'As • . 1. • 11,4" ".4,.. 4 4 . : 04. 1 ,••• s i" • "h 4 MEM =EMI •• ••• ti%•• • •••• • •• I • " ..; . • • PITTSBURG-11, Ii r EDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1859. PETTY TIIIEVYNCL—For a week past a sys tem of pilferinhas been extensively practiced in the Second Ward, Allegheny, which savors more Of annoyance than of • Serithisldas to •the victims. On Wednesday ;night last, the cellar 'of Mr. James Shoies, carpenter, residing near the Penitentiary, was entered, and all the edi bles carried oil; leaving 'the family minus a 'breakfast .next'day. On Saturday night, Mr. Henry Ackley, corner of Beaver and Jackson streets, suffered in like maliner., WO also hear, of similar depredations in the vicinity. Mayor Morrison should make an effort to:ciapture a few of these small thieves. STOCK SALES. 7 -Tho following Stooks 'were sold last evening at the Cooltrierehtl Sitlks I toot% No. 54 Fifth street; by P. M. DavfB, Aue, tioneer : • . If! shares Excliang6 CI •• Mechanic Citizens' Bank., " Eureka 'insurance Co. " 19 lots of G round on Harrison street, Fifth Ward, (part of the Gray estate) :Xi by , In& feet each ' - 45() 00 Joirx MOTT is now on trial, in Kittuning for thd murder ,of ,his .111 uth or; Our. neighbor of the ( 7 / 4 . l.onide heids' a report of the triur, .•Trial of un alleged Matricide for Murder." A very palpable hull, with the horns plainly visible. TILE frequent shipments of the Finkle. Sew ing Affichines,.received by tho no - buts, indient« ,their r inereasirig popularity. ' A NEW Episeopalean Church is about being erected at Braddock's Field. "How IMAIITTFUL r IS THE COMMON baying of those who see tho =gloat offeets of the Ean. Athenieune or Hair itestoro,tot Jules liauel .1. Co, which reSterels gray hair td Its fUriner color, and beautifies that impaired by disease. Sold by IL G. FAIIND3TOCI{ k 00, No. CO, corner of Wood and Fourth strooL., Hruggisla generally, and at the Laboratory of Jule Hanel 8 Co, Nu. 704 Cnostout street, Philaclelphla j•quohof JOSLTII MOTEL' Ali - MUNI ?amt. JOSEPH MEYER & SON, ? , fannfarlarersi and R'h.dor:da and Rotail dk,ater4 in FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, No. 4'14 Penn Street, above the Canal, Have on hand . n large assortment of Faney rind Plain Furniture. in Walnut and Itfaltteptiw of tlitur its it In lllll fa,thre„ and warranted equal In litliltty ntel style In any . manufte.dttred In - tho city, and UM hoil at re.t. - onable nrinft. GrZeittf . • • uyti' (.1101'111Nli.- trim ming, and ether; Hoyt.' I , •mb is 3 tr.ttich ill the Tnatrine art. whleh rut fr. by extteriunett, anti retained by prAilice. 1141.1,..r year. duvouttlttlnrt,m part nr te.osir,... or an e , tar,11.4.- Irleql. to . thy. partlett tar tle , ft - uiertentond tett id.; I'M drip p snlal sale+ 1., ofler in tilt:ad,. prps, th..t earned Ist approarle d in I.llv city. 111,..ns,nsf to call ut, s Itt HALL, :telt; Corner nod plantond :Wm. ANOTiI Eit S'A'CK lIF NEW lit If Ds ttPENI:It at it Msrl.rt 'diet 10091 and Mantilla 'ft titertiuZ• Enthrolderts, tiluve , . Mitt, :Ind Stnebilte. - ; Ribbons nod Afillitury tlmsltu Skirts and Corresu Sun nub!. in; Metes Ftirnetlinot .tend. .tnd many r..tileetl Jon Jun. IhRtNE Marl;..t. str. ..t. . . 1.4 EA NS --:A) 1.16. Small White r,ii• 1111 ;c9 HENRY H. Col.f.lNst. -•— • and J SI F. - s 1. FETZ jut El:ariae. M;mkt .1. 1; It 1 :1.II1N. nty.t (1.1 1f...: 1 t near nal li. . T• !ILES 114.1LAIES 0.1., rot vi and drfl. ii in ' K. du, 0 .0.3. , r uC (lEsT .1:\ )IAIIIi I• I I:Ells, ro o.tv oit,Lumi Q 611;41i:I;I) 177 110 - N NET MK! Es press laftt rind Carr Im- la Evros:cnEt: o 0.. 1101, • , . pERSI N 1.(4T10N. 1.1(21'11) MLI)Si , AI —Tor rell,l,llllit tat ".1" a) .Hand A 11:17.2 . ,.....111.14 dt :/il4 Cr. o ,do.. . 11 .S1:1 - 11 On . ner I , sitnotatl..nd I\l E CA Bt 11101”;.'1 , ,L1 AtIld•01111 . . 4, 1 P.ittl/I•1;:j..A1 1i1.01411). 1 ;i 1 //4( .. {. P:4ll.l:Qgil,/ An .4 ~.ftft 4,1 i d unit it on Om lie. Msultett.3e ' s " WM.on on ',ease td the skin, sd ttv., Os:. 'Peke "ft/ 1 ! "....mm. on l'oettittom, ari d C4,111.11.1.'1 P'.."lny ott.l Attp•tt4".l.". S...t.ttre and Ail of `Mt I Pratt'!" !at "i" rt! ' PI Sistem ' El"4';'tti• ot Alt•ltt me. • ' Pritimples t4ldedo.lllo. net. cddten. 1t t-ali Pr.tet.., ~f 11s) •tes M.tterui !dude . .. and ' lln•rnpcbt.cs. 1: 11 .1 irl.. L i IV•std. •tr... I. Vl\ A Itil NS -- AA, 34.0 1.1.1...• 1:1111011, Cla•Mon..' 1-1,1114; bf tine du ,In /00 .1t• tit, tbt do L• 10 1,'..r . . tab. by liI7NIIER Won.l st, o ppo s s.l**.St..l.itarl.. 1104,j. DE1LP1T!.41 . 4.V.---.l ' 1 tetl, _..lintent of l:onA ). ['or - M.lOll • , ibitr ltrotte ie. et • ' .4.. %‘11.14.N.',. Voratr of Sanitlolold 'owe! vn11r,),:,:;,. : 1, M 44. PNEct-Ar k a 8 - 0111: ,b.tfor J. A. i-I:Tzu:N. 4 . t.2 • • - Marl.t•t :1,1 t tmo hit of Ktthirtg Al , vto RR_.:' Cnr; , 43 (11 , 1,- , , a ra2VY :1114 11- , fili 4 111 It Vt.sr ,11.• 4tlt PRIME - PRIME COI'VEE.---75 . bag , prime Iti,, Fttr ta!t• MPHTLANIC& HIT I.l:Antv ROSA " • s ' „ ,• M I V More, anti fur min • - • BEil:11.01 et 1; ELI A'. ' my 4. . 411i,Itirly4 Sty... ALA WI ii Mil L1)1 NI i - LOT, on c 'Arm ) n nergq.,K.ituelltirLiir, , h, h.r kti.; I.r. .t.^ S. CUTIIIIIMV & IiON. St likttrica rarr,l. for Clil i i LOULW WOOD.-1(K burro] os. sal o by' B. to VAUNT:NM% is Op. jog Na CO: cortior W00.1,00l Fourth y.tri.ouo, . ._ . ........... . ... MAT D tit , :1 3 .117iSITP.----2 easks For Elio l'). . , B. L. PAlrir-STOCK .t. cu. les Nn. 00.,:inroor Fourth and Wood Hlrectp. HAIR DY -ChristadorciF, Bat (Thilr's, and Ifairit.on't• Ifair (or nolo 1.). 1.. WILCOX, in)"4 eornorSunllifkld and Fourth 14, ";111,1C, LISLE TII REA D AND COrl'ON GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. Also, n full nv,orl• owni. of MACK LACE Ti 117.114. at vnry _velem nu n 1143:w5, Irifth nod Marlot PA...NCY , J.HLE,SS SILKS, ,ILAILEG ES, orgaiuttos,tasole, nneat.', I:ae tifimilcs , &OW 0 %Yak CONN; Bets and Sleeves, Hosiery. S e. '• "C. JIANSUN LOW' E. 7 ‘lifarket street. CANk I.I — QQVS-14.11 leiigths of round and flat at low prices, by the gross. )e3 :EATON, GHEE h (U. Fifth and Markel, sts. ONTHE CORNER OP. TOIVNSENI) and Decatur streets, two vallial4o (elf. dwelling NOW'', each :two stories; ellen lot 24 feet front, For solo by Imyttlj B. CUTHBERT & fRIN. 51 Market st, LOVEIIING'S WHITE. SUGAR'S -33 barrels Crushed Bogart 15 do Fine Yalvertzedßitgar; 15 do Granulated 100 do B. Coffee do; .Itist received and for sale by RHYMER At - ANDERSON 39 Wood at , , ouposita St. Charles Holol. V.1111t1) ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS 1 —A largo lot of Spring and -Sarnmar (Inuits, coat pre:it:gall the latest styles, now opening at .:• tele :.' •U. -HANSON LOVE. 5,14 Market street. VINGUNINAtI- SUGAR , CORSI) 11Am.; and Dried Beef .s.e ,10 tiers arrive, per'steann) lmont, at IlAW01;111 & liRowNLEE'S, • apB • in the DinmomL AN - IC E CA. 'ES AN.O POCKET BOOICS—A 1411 assortment at set 3 HAY CO" 1„ AC 13triTFR.— i - 35 barvds good peebnd Batter, 30 ldf do do do, • ' 15 - kegs • do da, In store, and for saloby MILLER & RICKFIR3O ' N, u l t,p; i; .• , _: . fink 231 and 252. Marty ptreet. RUNES.--L 5 cases in glass jars ; •-• • $ do 'in fancy boxei; ' :5 clinks Turkish; Go kegs for Cooking.; Jost rpecired and forsalobv ' • : REYPifERAiIANDERSOIi,.. - No. SUNood street, ,myle , . ," Opposite St Clharlds Hotel OYS'•SHOT 0 UNS.—Atten tion isinyited to ou r stock of • BOYS' SHOT GUNS. 3 . . ~ . , They were 'manufactured especially, to our order", and are; Het, well; tatidied,". sod entirelY rellahle•and-nafe. Even . who' would. learn their boys tube matitsinen, thoulii examine these beautiful weap_one. ', - : i CARTWRIGHT & 'YOUNG, • je6 66 Wood street. ESE -. <, , 4 .€t - 4 75 ....... 00 49 f.. 1) ...... 49 00' 'ercelli was Yesterday evening illuminated. The Emperor tracer,od the streets on foot. and the town was goo . frie: The King passed the night at. Sorrione, a uonglho encamped troop?. The Le . elon X. ;ay‘:—lt will be observed that our telo•rraidde intelligence contains two ro.p.erts respecting tho meieMent of Garibaldi -- the satin , in origin and date, but in all other rospocti contradictory. It would be easy to avoid this incongruity by publishing .only the dispatch which we belies eil contained the truth, but we give hoth as they have reached us. It will to eli,orccil that that tie France, contain tun; tie nn. , ,,C favorable stews, relates to the Ftuto of things on Monday. whereas the defeat is rillogod to Lace ta l on place on Sunday. It Garibaldi had taken refuge in tho Swiss Canton .•f ho would have born disarmed, with hi, emir, for % and could not haven vanguard at Canto. which it on this road tf) The lielVe of the inAirroetien at Londrio and the di<srllllTPX Aus(rlita I;etidartnes, given nno:her telegram, is also dated day; ';•tl a •li:i•atcli front Turin, which is in I„.kgraphi e roarontutoicati v a with Como. an eine-, that (iaril•tildi ls. received reinforce ment.: tli••ro. 4111 the whole we are satisfied that the lior•orni is 1114 oily in the 'Hit but cc. L %I ]in} , ning contains the fallowing ti , trinii*, fifty zi1..1 1 , .....b0rdy." I'h. ,ante p.of!.:11 Ftnto3 Vint Willing to r.dotions trit but only on -outultnne- Gu iy of Sir Jam., depurtur, for Nuplei Wai pre loatmo. Thu Puri,. corrofpronl,nt of the Confini.reial t, . ofn•ritil g tinder dot.. of !flay :tf,t, fornislios of ill riivrieun citinftya who n , T.• , 0r.nn,.1 in tin• pri,on nt ifown, o,ero re on thn ti,loittnl of the an boor.l the frigod,‘ ti , w , ral ~,roritand,r of the 4th corps of tb, Fr.vid; arrtiy, rns , :ipizorting Garibaldi 'l4-ills 20,1 , 41 IrioL and it wa. intention to march on Alison. 61 . 111 r, N. Juno il.—TlO 4t0411:1 , Ship arriv..•ll nt II:Inn - ix, with Liv erp.,l dates io : 4 .aturday thy ith inst. "..'"oo • :4:11w-hip . li:ani.mroo front w 'Stay 21 , I, Ow 2d June, and I h.• V a t -tcamer tjueen from Now 1"*.1.. 11ay Ist, arri ve..l at Southampton Juno Tn.• , t , anwr I't•r4in crony Now yort: nr rit ! . ailiNiaY ale 4th intt. Th. from Italy comirtu the news of the capture a rate-tro by the Saraininns. The Victor rtuatuiol, youttnamlod in umt co, iiihio,ll the greah-st gallantry. Antitriuns mice on.k3vutTa to retake Pal e-aro but were r,intl, , d ISti . r a sanguinary en- INutliter. Th.,. Sardinian coportA ray that they capture) It qii) vri,ottes and eight guns. The IntlF.t duivatcli*frutu Turin, reports the tt , trinti, in full wtrcat turo3: , the Ticino into Lent hard v. rrhe report received by Kc.44... - Loni-rivnb+ that Gen. Carib:4,l; Lad nn . ri. With n repulso . Ly n nperior An=triaii bt . a iC Alj.peard walsncechro to-cAtet ing Cone), I.noNt run OF \V An.—The Austrians elrotis to re-take Polestro are described to have been very sanguinary. At one time the Sar dinian troops wore outflanked on the right, w h e n th,7„ marcs cam , to the rescue, 11.1111 re pulsed the Austrians. Thu Austrian version of the battle has_ not been received. The Atts trial's had nitrcated from Bailin, and a special telegram to the London Daily News, dated TuCtu,Priday; dime :41, says !hitt theAuttrians were it full rctreat across thq The Peen& head quarters were at Vercelli. Gariboldi; had been driven into the mountains bY tho Austrian troupe under General Urban, who retook Varez, but a telegraph dispatch re ceived via Turin, states General Garibaldi was gathering reinforcements, returned, and was suppressing the Austrians, hadrep:Tinted Ve ro:, and subsequently re-entered Como in tri umph. General' Mir", who bad been sent to "the aqsistance Of General Garababli, had occu.: pied NOVAIIO. • The insurrection in Lombardy was spreading rapidly. SARDINIAN Bni.7,ETTN, Turin, May 31.—A fresh victory has been gained by, 'our troops. At 7 o'clock this morning • a force of 28,000 Austrians endeavored to retake Palestro. The King of Sardinia commanding the 4th divi sion„in, person, and Gen: Cialdini at the head of the third regiment of Zottaves, resisted the attack for a considerable time, and then having successfully assumed the offensive, pursued the enemy, taking a thousand prisoners, and cap turing eight guns, which were obtained by , the. Zoudves; 800 Austrians were drowned in :A canal daring the flight. • ' • ' Another Wit took place at Confernzo, in whiAllie enemy were repulsedby the division under Gen. Forey, .of the flint corps of tho French army, after, two honrs Conflict. ,Last night a picket of the enemy endeavored to piss the Po at Corvesserid, but they were :repulsed by the inhabitants of that vicinity. The Attstrians have evacated Varo, in the providence of Bohbio, • • TURIN, Juno lst:--A second victorious con flict secured at 6.o'elock last, evening. at Pales!, tro. The enemy' endeavored to re-enter, but were' repulsed hy the division under ,Genbrat • Cialdirtf, compoerd of ,tha Zonaves and Pied montese cavalry. , The King pressed grimed Where the .fight was Most. furious, .the - Zoturies vainly trying to restrain him: .opTuesday.the Austrians attacked the Sardinian yingnard at Zeste'Calen&; and after a fight of two , hours , our troops pursued the enemy,•:across ;the Ticino } . fa The details of the battle of paiestro.say t. the Sitfdinieni Wore'af one thntiont-ihinic by the Alistiiatis - Who threatened the 'Wag 'o boats across the Sesia over which Gen. Canro . . 'B.. 54 Wood slmet. 1 4 ♦% r •.;, THE LATEST NEWS 'l3'"W" LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF'THE STEAMERS FULTON & EUROPA INSURRECTION IN LONDRIO GARIBALDI . DEFEATED. CAPTURE OF PALESTIIQ BY THE SARDINIAN The Austrians in Full Retreat. SKIRMISH AT CORFERNZA .c., &c., NEW YORK, June . 14.-L—The 'steamer Felton arrived here lasnaight. Her a4vices have been mainly anticipated by the 'North Britain, at QuebCc. She brings dates to the first OfJune. Thu following ore the latest despatches from the seat of war. 13ERN E, May O. via France.—An insurrec tion has broken out the. Volielline, and • the population is rearing en ntnsse to Lendrio,the centre of the revOlutionary movement., The Austrian Gendarmes, who hatie'retired into Switzerland, have been disarmed by the Swiss authorities, and seat into the interior of the country. . The Federal Council has despatched troops to the frontiers of the (irizons. General Carib:ll(lN vanguard is at Caniu. The telegraph to COMO is worked by Sardi nian ezwiloyees. . ft is stated that eight thousand Sardinians are at Varese, and that a Frenee corps crarmee is expected there. . . 'Mawr, 'May 20, via- Gerintiny.--Genoral Garibaldi p,Aterday mlircied a defeat by A supe rior Austrian force, and lia.4 Withdrawn into the canton of M ay :ll—The first details of the fight at Peleetro, have arrived here. The enemies were intrenelied at. Palestro, Cassatino and zaoh,, hut after an obstinate defence our troops carried the entrenchment at the point of the bayonet With admirable bravery, and took two pieves of can-non and many email arms and pri, , oneri. The loss of the enemy was very groat, but the extent of our lois to as yet un kw,wo. .- ~. a ~ I ~,,,' bert was to effect a junction with the Sing. At this juncture the Zouaves lost one officer and twenty men. killed, and the enemy, two hundred killed including ten officers. Thoatcowits from Gen. Garibaldi state thit a numerous Austrian corps having arrived-be fore Perez, he ordered the National Guard not to resist and fall back on Lego Maggiore. An. attack was attempted by our troops against. Severn° on the Lake, but without result. - NEW Oateizre, June 14.—Advices from Vera Cruz have been received to the 9th inst., via Havana. Miramon is reported to have suppressed the pronanciamento made at 'the Capitol by the priests in favor of Zuloaga, including the grant of the Church property. The Church party bad tried 3iiratuon, but the latter had arrested the principal•priests and sent them to Vera Cruz. The Liberals are _greatly encouraged by the recent events at the :capital, but it is also re ported that Zuloago has been imprisoned by Miramon. Miramon had decreed that the im portations at Vera Cruz should be confiscated, and had modified the advalorem duty. The Marquese expedition against Morella bad been driven back, but the towmbad been ravaged, and the women seized and whipped to force them to discover their hidden treasures. Tho Ameri-ans and other foreigners suffered severely. Mr. Black, the American Consul, is reported to be going to Vera Cruz, for safety from the rabble of the army. dzc. Mr. .M.'Lane arrived at Vera Cruz on the 30th ult. Senor Bonilla, the Secretary of Foreign Af fairs, has issued another decree, stating that the Americans are not accountable for the acts, of President Buchanan. What he says is opposed by twenty-siz out of the, thirty-two States of the American Union. - - General Cabas is'reported to be at Onjoca. Private parties give the advice not to cross he Isthmus in the present condition of affairs. Cheering Accounts from Pike's Peak. Sr. LOUIS, June Swinburn, agent for Smoot, Russell Co., arrived from Leaven worth this morning, with six hundred dollars in Pike's Peak gold. Mr. Swinburmproceeds immediately to. New York, to test the quality and valne of this gold. He states that a much larger amount of dust might have been brought in, but miners demand twenty dollars an ounce, which is regarded as exorbitant by purchasers. The Leavenworth Times' Extra, furnishes {he following accounts from the mines: The claims that four weeks ago were considered worthless ' now command from live to twenty thousand dollars. Mr. Gregory has sold his claim for twenty one thousand dollars, and seven other claims have been sold for the same amount.: The lead mines have changed hands for six hundred and seven thdusand dollars. The snow has disappeared from the moun tains, and the prospecting was being vigorous ly conducted. New rich lead mines were being constantly discovered at Gregory's diggings. The miners were making twenty-five dollars each per day. Arrivals from the States continue, the largest portion of them pushing. for the mountains. The health of the district is ezoellent, and the spirits of the miners are jubilant. . Horace Qroely was expected at Denver City the day after the express left. • -- From Washin gton. WANI.IINGToI: CITY, Juno 14.—The views of the administration on the subject of the neutral rights of the United Staten, will soon be transmitted to Mr. Dallas, the U. S. Minis ter at the Court of St. James, and by him will be communicated to the British government. Copie ,, of the dispatchwill he furnished to our Ministers at the other European Courts, after the manner of Sec:etary Marcy's instructions to 31inister Buchanan, while the latter rep re<ented the UniteNl States, in Great Britain, with reference to the declaration of maratime law at Paris in 18345, by Greet Britain, France, Austria. Russia, Prussia, Sardinia and Turkey, but dissented to by our government. The brief letter of Secretary Cass relative to the ridts incurred by naturalized citizens of the United States returning to their native lanai having occasioned much mis Construction, a document is in course of preparation defining the exact position of the administration on that B ttidett. And as to how far such citizens are entithai to protection by the Government. It is now positively aseertained that there is no truth in the report that Mr. Slidell has been appointed Minister to France. The Gardner Claim Refunded. NEI, - Yoga, June I.4.—The GoverpAtest ha* received the claim of $ 130 ,!). 0 ,0 creel the es tate of Gardner, the fc,:,•gk, t • of Mexican claims, and the nio:ee..• hai been paid over. W. HUGUS, TyAvE REMOVE!) TO NO, 69 MAR !' L'T Street, comer of Fvotrat. whore they Iv ill re- Tomo tilltho Om; of S,oloeilthoZOlt loth they will removo to their tolv , thwe root hitittg Inuit i tho olil tttio,t. corner of Fifth srot et stroete. troll:1m SAPONIFIER, CONCENTRATED TAYE, 48Q4 1 4.1: 1 7 , Withou; wish very little trouble. Every Make all their own Soap, out of any kind of refuse Create, combißs4 pith the '3APONIFIER. It will make luir4 w4h , r sett, wilt ck'an type to perfee hon,„l,n,liiiip nit isuliores where a STRONG LYE is re qty d, nothing ran equal it. , It is put up in One Ponnd air tight iron boxea, with full directions accoiniamying each peichage- The only genuine, original and paArad..4l article a manufactured by the • SALT MANUFACTURING COMMY, 06ice, 390 PcAn Stn PAltitiburghp Pa. Who ikhio manufacture EXTRA REPINED SNOW WHITE TABLE, DAIRY AND PACKING} SALT, Warranted Entirely Pure And Dry, Put up in various Paekages anti stylt.s. 'COL- For Rale by all Drumists and Orocers In the country. aphLlindaw•catiwe THE HIGMEST MARKET PRICE PAID for all grades of CLEAN WASHED, - ' FLEECE, ANP TUB. WOOLS, At , the ux,p p3TABLISBEU WOOl., WAREHOUSE; No. MO Liberty street; corner of Cecile alleyg ny2.¢:ltrhrafa3mwj J. L. MARSHALL. RE NEW PARK! • . . . "DENNY'S GROVE," recently tilted up as IRON CITY V • .A.11.3K Is now open for the accorninocatlon Ot;Pic-NicS, Pleas. ore Parties, &c. • ICE CREAM AND REPRESHMENTS • ir A Band of Music always in attendance. 4.g00d 'covered platform for, dancing. Jeafmaw-tf HOEVELER k MILLER AKES.' CARMINE INK---Free from corosive qualities and warranted to retain its color. ;Sold by • ' J. R. WELDIN, jell 63 Wood street, near Fourth. 'SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, HALF. HOSE, Of Ganze, Merino, Cotton, Lisle Threat!, Linen and Silk, I. lIIRSEEFELD & No. 83 WOod street. SHOT GUNS.—Just opened,, a variety of Shot Guns, which together with our usual variety, makes our stock the most extensive in the city, They ere offered at very low_prices. my CAETWELOBT k YOUNG, 66 Wood at. ;: ~. -"~ -: ~ _: ~.~ .; From Mexico. 0111=E71 REMOVAL % WMWANT*D. Finnlly can RENNSYLVANIA Wool ! Wool ! cc•ltußacmL. PITTRRIIRDE BOARD ; OF . TRADE AND NIERCHANTS , EXCHANGE., • 'Pica rtireents. • ISAiAH DICKEY, Lit. • EDWARD GKEGO, 2d N aorar&vsi, , • a'Pein_ 0E4)710E, H. TKIJESTON, • Commit/M.G./ :Aitriengion far Jun . • ISALtH DICKEY, • C. H. PAULSON,' • J. 'I3.'COSGRAVE, J. GILLESPIE, . -.13.1 PRESTON. Steam•rs 94? Arrive. . . .• : . . tiays • , .. , Bavaria ........Sonthampron..Now.York.—June 15 Arabia. Liverpool ' Boston...:.:.:june 26 Canadian • :Liverpool---.Quebec • 'June 22 City of Baltirnore.....LiverpooL.....-New York.... Jena 22 Asur..— Liverpool....—. New York....june -25 Weser 8remen...........New York.-. June 25 Arago Flavre...-....,...New York...:Jnne 25 BOYII/.34.‘,., Hamborg........New York... July. : 1 New York. ~ ~...".....-Bouthavnpton..New York....Jnly • 9 . . Steamers to - Sall. MPS . Lam ' icia DAIS America.. Boston • ' - -Liverpool...i.,June 15 Hammonia . . .... -.....New Y0rk....-Hamtanyr....-June 16 City of Washington-New York ---COrk & L'pL.Ttme 18 .Anel ..New York Havre...i........June 18 Indian Quebec -Liverpool.--June 18 Star of the We5t.....-New York......Aspinwall.....:Tune 20 Africa New. York---Liverpool—.Tune 22 Karnak , New York..:-.Havana, itc.,..Jttne 22 Argo : New. York-....Ga1way.. » .....1nue 23 Fulton ... ...... —......'..New York;...-Havre - : June 25 City of 31anchester-New Y0rk......C0rk, A0.........Tune 25 Europa Boston .... rp001......June 2iii Kangaroo - New. Y0rk....-iLiverpoolotc.July 2 Stage of Water: Three feet Watt inches. - . prrrstittlion` Nantr.Tl3. ItToria Erprasly for ,ths Daily Morning Art • Fantail/at; Juno 14,1859. 4/4ottr.—But few sale 9 from first hands; we quote small lota at 47,75 and $8 for superfine and extra. From store sales/ 1,800 bbls at $B,OO for superfine, $84508,37 for extra do, and 48,5039,75 for extra family; Grohs—Sales 275 bash. OAS at 40®57e; 400 bush. Buckwheat at 42,00@2,2.5.. There is a large demand for Buckwheat, for seed. Sales 400 bush. Cornet 95c. F10y...5a1e.4 9 loads at sui@irit ton: Bacon-Sales 2,000 Tbs. at 734Q734c. for shoulders, 03.440 e. for aides, and 10%@10 c. for barns; sugar cured hams at 123,4 c. bdies IV. R. at 9@934e. MO bush. at 95e. Lin:ie.-Sales 10 bbls. at $1,25. Oil—Sales 12 bbla Lard 190.1, at 95c. gal. 5ugar...9.316s 7 hhdis. at Bc. Melatasee...Sales 10 bbls. at 42/&43c. II gal. Coffee—Sale., 22 sacks at 123(i@13c. Fish... Sales 18 half bbl.‘ White at $ 5 a5 5 , 25 ; 21 ball . 1.,b15. No. 3 Mackerel at O. Dried Beef... Sales 2,000 Rs. at 12 7 4. ' Whbkr...dalas 81 bbls. atW3or-lt gat. far Reeti fiat!. Foreign Markets. Per Steamer lArrtypp.] . Hans, Tune 2.—There has we e kn advance of lfranc on Cotton. The ealea of the were C.,000 bales at 106 E for New Orleans fret ordinetro and 99f. for bat. On. Monday the market was considerably higher and the sales large: On Tuesday there were only SOO bates sold, the market closin g quiet. Rice firm and slightly higher; sales at 27f. se, wall a declining tendency. Liverpool Breada Uuts—Df tsars.. Richardson k Spenee'S Circular quotea'Flotit as very drill at Tuesday's decline; retell of American at Ikl. Wheat was also very dull and 2,l[@3d lower than on Tuesday. The following are the quotations: Western red WWI 3 d; Western white lea 2 , 16115; Southern its 6d@l3s. There is an excessive dullness in the Corn market and a decline of 2dej',ld is reported on all qualities; mixed is quoted at re edges Sd ; ypellow Oa Sdrettli lid, RIO white Ss Ss Liverpool I' lTAiSiCirl.4—Niessno. binhand, Atlua k Co.: Richardson, Spence I Co., Janice WHenry k Co. and others reportthe litevitOotes market as generally quiet. Beef quiet but steady. Pork quiet but steady. Bacon heavy. Lard Mill tit eus@bs nil. Tallow is slightly low er; sales at sOm GdWif,e, Cincinnati Market. Crsemaest,Junel4.—Flour is held tarrnlyatyesterdev's quotations, but there La lona activity in the market; the quotations are 17 forauporfine, and 17,15(47,30 for extra. Wheat IS in good demand; rad is quoted at $1,60@1,62. Barley !:43e. per bushel higher. Corn firm at Stle, with a tenderiey upward. Oats held rd Gee, Bald will cotnmand 54453 c. Whisky' is - fully :sustained at 9:e' . Provisions remain neglected. Exchange is easy at ;No. • The de mand for money is light. New Turk Market. Ns* You Attie 14.—Ctationquiet, with sales 600 bales at unchanged prioes. Flour dull; avJosB,ooobbls. Wheat dull; sales kook bush; Atlehigan white 5141203,75: Corn heavy; sales xpoo bush. Pork heavy at altela,2s. Whieky 11616(427e. Linseed O il GlWo. Tobacco fiat at ISVAI`Io. Wool; the :Wes are unimportant. Su= steady; New ()deans, at 0948,4", e. New .Y°2.lL- Stook Nivr lbilarke. Ynaz, t Juno 11. ChicagoLllocklakibit lifichi . gan SOUtiIEM..... 9 New' York C.antraL..-. 72 11 Centra/ bonda 64 Galena t Chicago-- GI% ‘qi - guaus Va.— 97 'Michigan Central 413. i Panama li.oltroiaL..- —129 Mr TH& EILUTII is tho moat important subject to which the attention elan be dinwted. A little pamphlet, entitled wA Guide to Health," published by H. 1.-FAUN/NU - KW Ik CO, Wholesale Danggiett4 Mara cc of Ilfood and Fourth street.% Pittsburgh; Pa, and which may be had gratis from all the agents for Wilson's Pills, or B. L. Fatuaesteck'A Vertniliago. " It contains a great amount of useful information. It is worth reading: See Pall advertisement on the third page of today's - • Jelfcdsw R. T. - KENNEDY - KENNEDY.. PEARL STE A M .31[14.1.a. ALLEGHEIrir•CITY, ' • Et. T. IILENSF:DT a:11110 4 • • wiir.qR T E,AND CORN PURCHASED. FLOUR, CORN MEAL AND lIONLINY,, MANUFACTURED:AND DELIVERED IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLEM:Mai . auT:lydior] " TICIIM WAR ON•DtLIVERY BUcIifICW'II.E.4I:.SER: BUCKWHEAT, ABED - . 1O Bushels prima NEW. ENGLAND SEED For sale by. I t !DAVID, C Haßßsp, - Como Liberty awl Hand itreets. WSCHMERTZ & Rareiust received a 1&r fikiaCke: • 4 :144* PATB 4T LEATHER AND FRENCH VAL` ' . CONGRESS GAITERS Also, GETS P.i4TE:IIT LEATHER CALF 03." FORD TIES .I'ND STRAP SHOES. ie 4 • at 31 PIM street.— Soter Capllll TS THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE TS world for the Bair. scats rho will allay all feverish eruptions of the scats 'rho hair will cease from falling off with its noo; It la a beauhfior of the hair; • , • It will will romove dandruff , It is the host hair drosilng in'ttle : vrerit It is within the roach of evorytkaty; • • . It contains no dyeing materiai It will not soil the finest how' i r ; •• will keep thes.e.onoil AAA elpau: is deliAhttlinypiiekmect Ekcack by oill dna_ggist3 at 25 ceita„; , • 1. N. nil EPHARD, Drnist. (suckeftor to Hartwell kehilihard;). Manufacturer and Sole Proprietor, • Comer Wood and Sixth' streets.. '• • • ;- • • ' • •AxamEß• MINIATURE PIANOS . , Which have excited such general admiration, end found: ouch . rapid Bala, has just teen received by the eubse.ri hers. -They are. the Most -deeiralde' instrirnients for email parlor stcambneta, eta, over conetrauted.'i Fof Bate by. H. pp, Sole Agents far the aboveanti Steinway's. Harpe r ; myle , .r 063 Fißh etvapt, New,Geedet New Geothitt.. CI_IPNER PALMER ,..,7 8. If. All, AK ET kfi STREET, have just received pes..express, a now and beautiful assortment bf Chaahlly - jaces. Gauntlets, Butts, Children's . Flats,: IWO:ate, Sisk fhtshrchasote., all of which they offer at very low prk.es. • N. B.—Embroideries at. costs - • ' - .." ' 01P111171:a PALA - MR, • ' - (Syoccasion to Van 'cosier,) eg , 78 Market street. TONIC CHOCOLATE DROPS.--Blair-A Wyeth's Tonic -Mrs:data thripti,.ol:prirtition and chocolate, highly esteemed for their tome influence, in impardng strength and a healthy color to iwridids,espe dilly for females and children. For sale by L. WILCOX, trir2B. Corner Ellinifidield and Fourth Streets. „ . , , • EMEM NUMBER 209 §l4utiTean Sanerim Mt 0 G-13:14/03 Aillbmtype and Pitotograpb riUt nikERMC, GALLERY • Fa 70 ~tltih'iltreet, zitAul sroppo s rE THE POST OFFICE tice V."Ph atcan.,...atogriiPbs, colored or plain. token at short no , ton ica% and warrantod ova it, therm SMALL PIOToSai FaiLoyuED TO LLWSITE, and colored in Chl. inra Alif Bit 0 Tor IP Rs._ jam. .. • ' . . .__ A. BEA6rliTri'An rateizE picrtraz WARRANTED CAN BEHAR AS LOW . AS AT ANY Y/RST CUR, EiTARLISH. KENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT . tel 2 ' l. *Ala.'s, iotiria stmt. H. CHILDivoi., c) 1::0 NO. 133 WOOD ST.. PA. WEAre .no* opening -oar, large and ex tensive stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Of every, varietir, and lateit styles and fashions adapted to SPRING AND. SUMMER SALES, Which' hating teen purchased prrnailudtpfor CASH, Direct from the Maimftetuieri, And selected with great care as to quality and sties. Batter ennelies we are able to otTer SUPERIOR INDUCEM ENTS To our friends Who may favor mi . with a call, ;We are Agents for .INETEDEEEIA -PATENT • • Metalio Tipped. Boots. & Shoes, For ;Boys, Youths and Children, which are highly re commended throughout the-Eastern States for thei durability and cheapness, ONE PAlRhat!ingbeen found by actual test, to OUT-WEAR THREE PAIRS of the At-Buyers will find it to their advantage io cat! and examine our stock before'PtTart3ili'alnewr4' AIEiP- Particular attention given to orders. _mrl74mdaw VitirEGAlt . WARRANTED .Pure and Un- -. adulterated, and to : Pickles for years, the same that. I have Bahl to a majority of the Pittsburgh Gro revs for twat'a rweler, and which has taken v Three Fires Premiums , • at Pennsylvania . State Fairs, 4 am now of fering to the city and country trade at greatly reduced price.. - Please order direct. Terms Cash. A. 8ALL011,146 Water street, between Stnithfieldand Grant, Pittsburgh, Pa- mr2bUw MEYER'S;''"Pa MIRACULOUS VERMIN DESTROYER, The. Only Remedy In the Whole World, SURE 2').EX:TER2IfINATE ;„. ' • " LETS, RICE, COCKROALDFS, BUGS, ANTS, RGSQUI TOES, FLEAS, MOTHS, MOLES, GRAIN WORMS, AND GARDEN INSECTS, AC. 50,000 POIES SOLD IN ON.E.IiiONTII. • These celebrated remedies have been ex ively used for twenty-two years in all parte of Euro, and their miraculous power. have been attested- the Courts of Russia, nonce; England, Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Belgium, Rolland; .Napier,,k an their Chemical properties examined, and approved by the - most distinguished Medical Faculties all ever the world.: • Their destruefiveness Mall kinds Of vermintuidinsects has been certified in this city by the Directors of the various Public Institutions,. Planters, Farmers, Pro prictors of Motels, Warehouse._s, ManufactOrie% and by various distinguished private citiisens. . Numerous - - Tentimonials and. Certificates of the efficacy of these Remedies can be teen at the Depot. and Proprietor. . JOSEPH MEYER, . Depot, No. 612- Broadway.eor. Houston at, N. Y. General 'Agent - for the United 'States and Canada, For sale, Wholesale -and in. the Inventor FREDERICK V. RIISIITON, Druggist,- No. la Astor House, and 417 Broadway, New - Yong. - - ' - • • For sale in this city, Wholesale .and • ItetaiLdiy E. Setters & Co, corner Wood and Second streets; Joseph Fleming„ corner Diamond and• Market street, and Beckham k M . Nennan, Alle lien •. . • degainto _mai) IvrrM;lti k'l', F 0 NDR. y H ~,; WI.GH*'MAAF, MANUFACTURER OF ••- • , • • steam Enghms, §4. l ti.! l K a,a4 Punks Mottle° Maiehme4 • , •L .Q:efef••• 'etc t M ier l promptly attended , • Y 1: COMP A N"ir JUL • • BdoxsELLEIis,`sTATIONERs; itLANK 0011 MANUFACTURERS; NO. 45 WOOD - STREET, • -E/4s l, s , VhPs• 'Jar A fnliaasoriment of lxiir;ldedical and bibNialia- Booki eanabkadron band. - - gMYTH & SNOWDEN'S' • `: wtt, NEW-TEA ErrOftE; No. a* Troth *freest. , EXTRA CUBIOVS .00LONGS, , FliggtT IMuNG Ys ciNs, GUNPOWDERS. - ' ndPERIALB, ENOLLEGI BREAKFAST 'TEAR , I.l4auctuused at lowest cashinicea, and Mr addaMliole mie and BAdad, LiITH 4t SNOWDEN'S ariesi ' " New - Tea Store, PUth *nu. .... . . _ _ _ . . IrGER_•t m ; rA IL ORS, Deals .13cacly Bigo t ) clothing and Gentlemen's Fur nishing Et-do:is, Owner orFederal strept,and . Market Allegheny Clay, - Wear Livery Stable. 13FAVING' OPENED LIVERY STABLJ., _La.., In the rear, of the Scott...Howse, censor py . ir w i n street Arid Duquesne Way, and purchased 9 fine lot of Horses, Haggtes and Carnage.* I woutdrespeciftilly so licit the patronsge of my fnendsmad'publin generally, 'assuring the= that they can be'S.C.Cordmodated at the .mastr;easonstaerates I have madositcharrangements that persons wishing their horses kept, can-be Wep sc. Aummomited. ••• . NEIL I BRACELAND, - ;Scott House, Pittsbur g h, p a „ IDIO ATS.._MICE.. ROACH — P.B, BUOS AND -GARDEN DZSECTS—' "Ales Rat, Reach end Mouse Extermitudor.; Iyon's Magnetic Powders, and Meyer's Ithractilotts Vermin Destroyer. ;;;. ; ; For sale bY ; JOS. PLEMENW jet - corner Diamond and Market street. , . • .• 2. eases Cliopsot quarts Champaign e Wine •. 5: do do _pia do do 30 baskets Peitz Heidsetclds qts do la ,do • do do pts do . do 10 • do Boucle ittS,snd - Dronet citsdo do .do do do - - do 25 cases St. Julien Medoe Claret do 10 Act • Ladies' Catawba - do • lb do do. Ginger - do Ise store, and for sole by „-_,•• . /MIXER & Ruicrisos. :" ,-- i1 , 7;'.' , 7:q.:i . T . !"-' ,. : 7, 14., H. CHILDS & CO
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