CENTRE HALL REPORTER. 0 Centre Hall, Pa., Cel. 20, • 1 TERMS. -The Cvstrk Rau IUroR TKR is published weekly at $2 p'r >' c * r l" advance, or $2,50 when not paid in ad vance. llaltyearly end quarterly sub scription* at the name rale. tunglaaopte* five cent*. . , Advertisement* $1,50 per *nu*re 0 ( lino*) for'hree insertions. Advertisement* for a lonfor iMfkn), at a rwocwl ratr Business cunts of Ave line, $5 per year Communication* recommending persons .or office, ft cents per line. Communion lions of a private nature an*l obituary no* lice* exceeding five line*, five cent* per line. Rum this. The most hideous chicken we saw in any paper, was that produced by the Tyrone Her ald. It was neither a Cochin Chiua, Shanghai nor "Banty", but eeemed rather to be a crows between a bob-tai' owl and cross eyed Muscovy duck. Jeremiah S. Black, so distinguishes for his great legal ability, and pro foundest democratic statesmen of the United States, worte a letter a few dars ago, upon the nucalitiee aud frauds that are committed by men in office, and advising the people to give this matter their attention, aud lake steps to root out this evil. He advi ses men of all parties to vote for none bat men of honesty, and tells the de mocracy of York that if any men be upon their ticket who are connected with dishonest practices tt scratch such at the polls, as it will be a hundred fold better that such be defeated, than that the Democracy endorse their vil l&nea* by an election. This is the right kind of advice. The New \ork de mocracy in their recent state conven tion followed such a course, refusing scats in their convention to a delega tion that was charged with the frauds in the city aud passing resolutions strongly condcming dishonesty in our own ranks. \Ve are glad to note this, and present this matter for the con sideration of Centre couuty derooetats. who are desirous of maintaining the purety of our organization. All doubt as to the electiou of Jos eph C. Bucher has at last been remov ed. He has a majority over Judge Woods of nine votes. The official vote as telegraphed stands thus: Loi on Woods' majority 278 ; Mifflin, Bucb er's majority 278 ; Snyder, Bucher* majority 9 ; majority for Bucher in three counties 9. , Cvrus HoflTer, democratic candidate* far associate Judge, in Union county. Is elected by 15 majority. This with Bucher fur president judge, secures a democratic court, for the first time in Tuiou county. People down there will have justice now. As the, only platform of the radicals of thi3 county was the repeal of the Ijtw Library act, upon which they asked the people to support Col McFarlane. *ud the Col. failing to be elected tyon that issue, we take it to •***• thr* ,lp * *°adnive evi n. ncce that the intelligent people ui Centre county view that issue as a piece ofdemagogueism and a humbug, and fully sustain the position of the Reporter ,at the pills, as the same was sustained by the democarcy by its silent contempt in county conven tion and ignoring it in their platform adopted in mass convention afterwards. „. . , > # I Evans Arrested. The great radical thief, Geo. Evans, who stole about 1300,000 from the stale, was arrested in New York, and was handed over hy Judgo M'Cunnto to Lieutenant Hoopes, of the Harris burg police force, by Deputy Sherifl Adams, of New York. Mr. Evans was furnished accommodations at the Lochiel hotel, where he was guarded during the night by officer Swoyer. Hodge's Sentence. The sentence on the case Major Ilodge, the defaulting radical paymas ter who embezzled 8500,000, is thai ht- be cashiered, forfeit all pay and al Jo-.vance that may be due birn at th* date of the promulgation of this sen tence and that be be imprisoned at hard labor for a term of ten years in fcuch penitentiary as the proper au thorities shall direct ana tnereaftei be further imprisoned in such peniten tiary until he ahali refund to the United States the amount of his em bezzelment, and also that the crime, name and place of abode and punish ment of the accused shall be published in toe newspapers of Washington. This sentence has been approved by_ the President with the exception of tb reirnprisontnent after the brat ten years. The penitentiary at Albany has lieen designated as the place of hi* confine- UiC-llb The Democrats of Savannah elected their Mayor,on Monday last, by two thousand majority. That is a sub stantial victory, aud one that will add to the peace and prosperity of the city. MEAN.—A rascally attempt wa* made to cheat democratic voter* of Potter town ship out of their vote for the state ticket. t the election last week, by some unprin cipled radical secretly mixing a fraudulent ticket among the democratic ticket*, in or der to deceive honest and unsuspecting (ivinocrats. This fraudulent ticket was printed near as possible in imitation of the democratic ticket, but bad the dem ocratic state nominees left. otf. We espied this attempt to deceive, early in the morn ing; the '"cheats' r wcro promptly put out of the way, and a radical scheme foiled at our poll. No doubt this trick was attempt ed all over the state and may account for the radical majority. Such attempts to deceive voters can only emanate from men who have debased themselves to a level with the negroos, and the law is severe upon such dishonest practice*. London, October 18.—Advices fr A w Odessa state that eight hundred building in the town of Bugooloa had been burnoc hy incendiary fire*, believed to be the wort . of the fanatical oppressor* of the Jew*. A great proportion of the population of the are'of the Jewish faitli. opening Scene in the New l"rk lludlenl Convent ion. * It is so popular with Radical pa pors and speaker* to give account* of riotous manifestations in How YorW and charge them as fair speciutcus of Democracy, that we call the following account from tho New York Herald of the opening scene at their State convention at Syracuse on the 27th U It. It will serve to close the mouths of those who nre so fond of abusing the Democratic party, especially the Irish portion of it. 'i'he struggle was between the Conkling-Murphy wing on one tide, tho Ffinton-Greeley on the other. The scene opens at Svra cuso: '"The town was fairly wild with ox citcmcut all night. At the close of the serenades it was rumored that an attempt was being uiude by the Mur phy crowd to secure the band and giv* a couuter serenade to Conkling. On Greeleyitos, heariug of this, engaged tho baud far tho entire night, aud opened a midnight concert in Hank Smith's room. Campagno flowed like water, and after some hours spent in carousing, the baud, triumphantly {touring forth {taeatis of victory, was inarched through the halls of the \ un derbill to the inteuse annoyance and disgust of all peaceable people. Gangs of New York roughs came into town during the night aud early this morning, aud it was evident that there would be serious trouble, if uot actual bloodshed. At the time named foi opening the halt this morning the crowd "docked thither and stormed at the doors for admission. It was re ported that the room was to be packed in the Murphy interest. There wer* uo policemen ou guard, and, at out time, while the door was held |iartU •pen to admit a member of the pre** the crowd grabbed it aud pulled it wide open. A rush was made, but the gang ol roughs who stood on the inside were as spunky as the gaug outside. There was crushing, shouting, swearing and wild surging to and fro. Presently a I -tool was seen in the baud of one ol the follows inside, and then a caue with a loaded head. Both of these were used as weapons and smashed dowu on the skulls of the meu outside; then an oruatueuul iron back form ofl the orchestra chairs was seen being freelev brandished in a similar man ner. Immediately thereafter several revolvers were drawn, and flourished by parties iu the crowd out outside, while thoee inside tore the loose furni ture apart and stood readv with legs of tables aud chain to club the intru ders. -Put down those pistols"— "Don't shoot, don't shoot" —"Kill the t of a , kill him"—"Blow his brains out" —"Open the door" — 4 *N'o| a damned one of you will get in —"You'll all get in, and ejaculations more expressive than elegant were in dulged in, uutil the place seemed worse than Bedlam. By this time the police arrived, and, taking charge ol the door, couipartive quiet was restor ed, but not until Detective Benuet, ol New York, had wormed himself into tbe crowd and grabbed a couple ot the revolvers which were being flour ished overhead. Those having tickets were then admitted, and a short time the room and galleries were crowded, while a number of the roughs filled the back of the platform and seemed prepared to help along the scrimmage that might be commenced. After repeatedly requesting all parties not members of the press to retire from the platform, Mr. A. B. Cornell, Chairman, ordered the police officers to clear the stage." Here we'll close the disgraceful ac count. Enough has been given to show up that convention. The upshot of this omnium gatherum was, that the Conklin Murphy wing carried the convention, and the Fenton-Greeley wing bolted k with a defiant strut, threatened terrible things with the the bravado of a Bombastes Furioso, slept on it as well as their fevered brain would permit, aud wheeled arouud into column to support the ticket "they bad bolted from. The whole transaction is a Radical picture true to life. Republican Responsibility for New York Frauds. The corruption which has for many years prevailed in the municipal gov i crnment of New York says the World, is handled with great, but undue, elec tioneering effect by the Republican presses and orators in all parts of the country. Nothing could seem more plausible on & superficial view, or is so fallacious in the light of facts. Peo ple in other States, who have no exact knowledge of our domestic history or legislation, are easily deceived when asked to look at the two broad facts that New York City has been for years the chief stronghold of the Dem ocratic party, and that its municipal government has been for years scan dalously corrupt. But when the Dem ocratic party is held responsible for the corruption, tho most important Birt of the situation is left out of view uring these twelve or fifteen rears of flagrant abuses, New York has not been self-governed by its Democratic voters, but has groaned under an odi ous outside government imposed upon it by a Republican Legislature at Al bay* The people of the city have had no liberty; they have been bound in galling Albany fetters; all thisscand ulous corruption is the direct fruit ol arrogant and tyrannical Republican legislation. Fifteen years ago, in the Prestden tial election of 1856, the newly formed Republican party carried this State high-aud-dry for Fremont, and re tained its ascendancy in the Legisla ture until last year. But while the State was republican, the city hae been •nvincibly Deomcratic. If the muni cipality had not been a place of prodi gious wealth and great necessary ex penditure, the Republican Ligislature would have permitted it to retain the same rigot of self-government as other localities. But the large sum* which pass through tbe treasury of this vast and growing city, were too strong a temptation lor Republican cupidity. The Republicans could not endure that this money should be disbursed under Democratic direction. They sere unwil.ing that the numerous city offices should be filled by Democrats. They accordingly p<*vcrted the pow ers of legislation to impose on the city an extraneous government of their own creation. They thereby enabled Republicans to exercise authority here where the Democratic party has long oecn in a majority of three to one. The corruption which afflicta abd dis graces tho city grew, grew up under this outside Albany domination, a irainst which Democrats have always protested. It ia absurd to charge the Democratic party with a state ot tbiufrs which was impoeed upou them by outside Republican domination tn lefiance of tneir strung remonstran- Ce 'Tho Republican party ha< ruled this Democratic city fur the last fourteen y0,000 Lost at AfaniWo. — Stir ring Appeals for Relief. Detroit, Oct: 13. Full particulars; of the burning of Manisto, on Sunday j night, are received. About ten o'clock, tbe fire engines gave out, after which the flames ravaged, without resistauca, the helpless town, the wind blowing a gaie all night. The loss is estimated at nearly one million dollars, on whioh there is but SBO,OOO insurance. The sufferings of] tbe people are beyond description. Manisto peing so far beyond immedi ate communication, that considerable time was passed before their wants could be made known. The people of Grand Rapids and Grand Haven, supplied immedi ate necessities, and Senator Ferry, and the Mayor, of Grand Rapids have issu ed an earnest appeal to the people of the whole State for aid. They aay tbe latest news from Manisto mora than confirms previous reports of the suffer-j ing there existing. The necessities of the people nre imperative. They need immdiately flour, meat and clothing. Direct all supplies to Seuator Fery, Grand Haven. Tint FIRE AT FEBHSIUO — FRIGHTFUL LOtW OF I.IFE. Janesviilc, Oct. 13.—Gov. Fairchild to-night telegraphed the following from Green Bay in relation to the Ma nisto fire : The appalling calamity has not been exaggerated. Over three thous and men, women andchildern are now destitute. The loss of life has beeu very great. Not less than Ave per sons have been buried at Peshtigo aud Viriuity, and three hundred on tbe eastern shore. A score of meu, women aud children are now in temporary hospitals burned and maimed. Money, clothing, bedipg, boots, shoes, provisions ot all kinds cooked, building materials and everything needed By a family to commence life with are wanted. The people are responding uoblv but there is na danger of too mucn being roceivcu. The destitute must be provided for during the winter. FOUR HUNDRED DEAD BODIHI RECOV ERED. Milwaukee, Oot. 13. —Col. C. D. Robinson, of the Green Bay Advocate, telegraphs to Major Ludington as fol lows : . The Northern steamer ia just in. Dr. Nicholas of your city, and other passenger?, bring the terrible new? ] tbat four hundred and seventy dead h: die* have bec-n found at Peshtigo and it is thought that the loss of lift, .will reach sevet*:bitndred. This isex> elusive of the*eaßt*hnre' where the !oat of life is ferirfai. The Prarie awl Tlpfcer Flrew. M Jp 4 Vatt Estrni of (Ifenlry Buruni (h/># Drstrojf*! £ The West, which many people re gard a* a eorl of Eldorado, where mon ey ia to be bad for the trouble of pick ing it up, and where, ae I>ouglaa Jer roTd said of oue of the British colnniee, the earth has ouly to be tickled with the hoe to make it laugh with the bar veei~the great Wtet has baeu pacu liarly uufortuuate thie year, A drought of almost uueiampled acveri ty and persistence haa parched and and baked tie aoii, dried ap iu water . courses, and in ail poaeible way* been injurious to ita reeourcee, aud now, all thinga having been prepared there fur, firm art sweeping ita uable foreat lauda . from tha face or the earth. Perhaps the distrtm cauaed in tbia way, though more noiguant to thuae who are now directly suffering it than to tha future mbabitanta of uie Wwt, will last to to tbe latter aa a entiled and ataady Irievanoe. Tha prairies, too, are in antes, and what this means no owe who has uut lived iu the West can even Imagine. The (tames of tbe prai rie south of Breckiurdge, Miuu , ran faster lhau the fleetest animals, aud soon reached the "Big Woods," a hun dred aud fifty miles from where they started. There they seised upoa the underbrush, which was as dry aa tin der, and prasentiy tha trees were bur uiug in all directions, and a clear sweep of the heavy limber waa made for fifWeii miles, till the fire reached Smith ).ake. Tbe graiu and hay of the suttlera, (hair live stock and farm houses, were burnt in an instant.— Here tbe fire in the woods probably exleuded aa far aa Crow River, while that iu the prairie ran to the north ward, destroying everything materia) that came in ita way. There is, in such cases, no escape possible except lacing the flames, or tha daugeroua device of making "Are fight fire." A man barely saved his life by adopting the former plan. Ha was returning from Fort Abercrombia with five hor ses when he saw the flames behind him ; aa hia only chance of safety It# turned about and headed hia horses for the wail of fire, dashed through l burning his overcoat from hia back aud injuring hia beaata to such an ex tent aa to make them eimoet worth leas, Here many small towns were completely swept out of existence, end at laat accounts the big woods about Glencoe, Leseni, Maakalo, and New Vim ware biasing. It will give one a notion of over how vast an exteut of territory thie work of destruction ia going on to know that tha moat as ten sive fires have raged ia Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, lowa, Wieooaaio, and Indians. Tbe Michigan newspapers give moat saddening accounts of what the fire baa already done it that State. To the north of the Saginaw River, on i both tbe eastern aud weatern shores of j Lake Huron, the woods have been on : fire for several weeks, and for ten days | the cities and villages of the Saginaw ; Valley had been covered with dense | clouds of smoke, growing heavier day |by day aa the fire advanced. Tbe au thorities of these places found it neces sary to take moat stringent measure* to compel captains of tugs plying in the river to see to it that, so far as it was in their power to prevent it, no sparks should communicate from -inoks stacks to the shores; and iu Saginaw between one hundred and two hundred men employed by city authorities for the express purposes |of keeping the fires away from it. 'Notwithstanding all their tgartions by Monday nigni many bouaaa and places of busiuess had been burned in East Saginaw entailing a loaa of from twenty to twenty-five thousand doilar*. Trains were delayed, telegraph lines knocked down by burning trees felling upon them, and the beat and blinding smoke wilt for some time prevent their reconstruction. People who travel on the roads yat open, arc covered with cinders and soot, and look as though they bad bean working ia a oral mint. Rack of CVroMtoo the woods #r* fire, tod by this lima the place baa probably been destroyed. The bridge serosa the Cam river ia burned, as alto are many houses in tbe village. Hemlock City is ia ashes, and Mc- Donald tu ilouse was opened lords*- It HUiUilied one million dollars in gold and two milllpfis in green backs. The gold melted into an almost solid mass, And of course 1* fafc in the shape of bul lion. The.greenbacks were entirely con- 1 tinned, beyond recognition of course. Ths grcmba' K belonged l the Ooverniiirftfrj | and are no U>* Sha ping in woo#. A Urg e*iu)> ha Jpi'ii t>>jim>d uuUiil J lb* ally i tpu gro bcipt *up#td t <>iiie| but ihou-aRd- iiiffwn tbl ground. In tho w*lerii ili.triit women •ml children throng the trret and arc 'cooting tbeir food at email fire* built along the eurbslonas. At lea*t tell thouaand : eiwlthy btitinoss melt are to-day left pen nile A Icarful loa of life. Hue report wti that alt the prisoners in the Court IIOUMI had been roa*l*i their live*, which at the bit were nearly -petit, were ail ctjio*ed to tho tain and the cold raw wind*. Chicago, Oct. lU. Ttiore ha* bm-u a won* . dyrtul activity in ti .Soot), ltv**um of tip. Kurgt iftiinct |o-da/ fllioii N i|.s|.rji./u j have h> en ut Work rlcaring away lite o- Jbrte, removing and putting up tvtttpoiary bull'ilOiJ*, ikv. .. , . Tho action of the bank* in uiiaiilmoutiy roolving to upon their iwione** to-morrow and lo pay at once, if called fur, every dol lar da. their depuMtore, and tlic prompt nea* oftbe liiMJiance co|tipaeii-> mi **Uing their loaaee, have inapt ltd tnti'-wtai eolitl deuce. - —w-■ *+ ♦ ♦ A Muitlcrer Talking iu his SUvp. From thcUaiinihal (Mo.) Courier About th let of October lat John K riptHii. a tin peddler,left I'ototi fir uj trip turough the douuticn bordering oil Arknuea*. lie lmd about $7i)U on hia poraou. lie employed one I dtarlt-e rhouipeon n driver and luranttaul. When iu Itiuley cutinty the peddler •uw a fellow dogging iii* wagon,gpptrar ing at tintva smulcnly uud nnoti be coming inviriblc. !lo hud the utmost cotiftdeme iu Thom]ison, auil go fell comparatively sale. Ouc day, while paaeiug ulong a loueiy (xirtioti of thr ruad, ho was shut through the head from behind and instantly killed The horse* took fright ami run nw*y Thompson caught two of the Lome, but instead of reluming to the wagon he travelled in uuother direction. Meat) lituc tho murder had boou dis covered by travellers along die road i the alarm was given, and a general search for the perpetrator* instituted, but without avail. On Tuesday last Thumps- n ayriTcd at tho residence of one St. Geone, about ten mile* south of lhi city, lie was from Frankfort, Mo., mtd was looking out a location for a saloon. Bt. George had hia auspicious aroused, and iusiatod ou hia remaining a day or two aud resting himself, whiAi Thomp son fiuallv agreed to do. He assign ed him a bed at night iu iho same room with himself, and was not a liulc | surprised and startled during the night' by hearing Thompson talking in iiis 'sleep He listeotl ami heard Ititu aav : '"I aid not kill Kripjien! no, I'll lie |d —d il I killed him, and I won't be | arretted for the murder." This waa repeated several times during the' night. ihe next tuoruiug Thotupaou re marked thai he did not rest well; that (ruu Flood-. -Over iMMM> PtMAple IVrUli. l/ondon, OfliAw l?.-~The detail* receiv ed her.* pf the recent .toroi and flooi* in China, represent the Ibat of lifu ami prop erty at very great. At leatf three thua*- Mid perron* are aaid to hare {writhed. Carriage MAXWACTORY I .-**♦ | H** i . A *Jf ■ ? ***** :: Ceutyre Hall, Pa. W GEO 'II.- HAKPSTRR '•L ifsi oh ha*) and Br .ate at the mart rea • itnble rte rjflettdid ftoek <>f . CABRIAGE3. BUGGIES, i and o v atlt tWcr tption of Wa* ou both PLAIN AVIV PA BUT warranted U he made o! the be*t and mart durable material*. an tby th* ma>t rip*- rfrneed w irkmeu All wofV tent oat from the Mtti*faetieirr to envltc the <-;wTaJ attention of jpurchaser* and other* rt-iting th- eltjr. to iheir unuitially large and tariod aeort j meat of ( NEW iEWELBY. KINK WATCHES or most rkuahlk vakih. GOLD CHAINS. ARTISTIC SILVER WARE jpOR ItitrlUL ANU OTHER I'UESESTA- TiONS. TABLE CUTLERKY, ELECTRO PLATED GOODS Of FINEST BEAUTY. FRENCH CLOCK'S, BRONZEt ANI> MANTEL ORNAMENTS, Revived DTK FIT FROM PARIfc duriag the present scanoa. I CV>urtoou* and polite aiteiil'toa i* extend led t<> all who may be induced to accept a ;cordial invitation to vi*ii their beautiful ■ .lore, OI CIIESTATT ST, julH.Ctn I - ' I* ; < *" ?: - •-v ** • • " j dnttv B. Linn. I*. Bttwnxa Wimos. I.INN A WILSON, I) RUfi GISTS, Successors of F. P. Wilson, BellcfonU Pen n "a, ituve secured tho services of Jamos 11. Htecn, of Philadelphia. a druggist of thir teen year* experience, who will have the charge of their i>rc*cription'.buno*. A night holt I* attached to their store door, mid the employees, deeping within th building, will attend to the want* of the public nt all hours oflhe night Linn A Wilson keep constantly on baud a large stock of Drugs, Point*. Oil.-. Perfumery, Trusses aha Medical Appliance of all kinds, together with a very large stock of Patent Medicine*, auch a* Vinegar Bitters, and also Pure Winds, and li quors. o) all kind* fur medical purposes. 'jul.vll.3m LINN A WILSON. JtgT-Anv persen sending u# eight sub scribers with tho cash. $lO, will receive the Reporter 1 year free; and for four names and SB, the Reporter 0 month* frco. |if <■ - -o LDIIINJSTRATOIi'R NOTICE. U ttorsmf administration en the estate ol Jacob QtoiUell sl '., late of Gregg twp.. t'i litre c flB for the bW. CALL AND SEE. and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask people to come and are even if they do not with to bay. I e lerge and well assvrtad Stock ol 'lardware. Stove*, Nail*. HomeShoea Sad llery, Glaa* Paial*. Sheet, Bar and Hoop Iron alao Buggy and Wagon Stoeh ol asratjr description —Call and auppiy your N'a.s aplo'6B. FINE TABLE OUTLERY, including plated fork*, spoons, Ac, at aplOfiS IRWIN AVILBON. ROt T9, large stock, all prfce*. for men and boys, I®* l arrived •t Wolf well known old Stand. ' aJ CALEB- at whole**!® and O i-y . 18 WIN A SYILBQN. The Railroad has just arrived at The Old Stand , of WM. WOLF at Centre Hall, with the finest and best stock of GOODS in Pennsvalley. I.ADIKB AND OENTB DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS. AND GROCERIES HARDWARE, QUEENBWAHK Hata, Cape, Boota, Shoe*. ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANKED. MUH^NP, CALICOKF AND SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT or NOTIONS, SYBUFS, GOPPKEft. ninf * larfe of FISH, Uto beet, all kind* MACKEREL aad HEREIKG the heel aad ek sap rat ia the market iprtl WM. WOLF T # Furniture Rooms! J. O. DSINIKGEB, eeepecUully inform* the cdliaaae of Cvt.tv county, that he haeoonetastiy oe head,am. make* to order, <: * r.4,- < - BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, SINKS, WASH STANDS, TAtL™"™'"''"**"' Hons Manx CaAiae ALWAYS ox BA> EHsticck ofroady-made Porattore Ultm aad warranted of good workmanship 4:- all mado under hto own iw.medialm super* * •ion. aad i* ofered at rate* a* chrap aol> where. Thankful for past favor*, he sli. its a coatinuaaco of the MM. Gall aad soo his stock hetore purch> tt •Uowbere IT apJ4 * 4 ly. 0 OTTHE J AG.. Psvsavaa 1>"- ■** yva. i% OUR CSLRBRATVS _ Wsntx Wiusw6 Co. g ww. a. suit, a t tTttux iLAIR A STITZEK. Attorney* et Law. Brltetoate, t Die t, on the bisaaei next door to Oar man'* hotel Oeaeultatioa* in Germsa ot Engl ah. foblPdMf : foil y p. POTTER, Atterwty at haw ' O Oollortioaa pramtsly ami# aad epecia attoalioa given to tboee having land* w ptopeny tor sale. W ill draw up aad bav* ackn-.r,i Deods. Mortgago*. Ac. Of fice ia the diamond, north side of ths court house. BoUefeata. oc^bvtf nxx*t aaocKxaaorr, I DiHUT. . Preaidoat, Cashier. [ £*KNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO ' (Late MHlikea. Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, Aad Allow Interest, Diiccunt Note*. Buy and 5e Govoramoat Socuritias, (told aad aplUG&f Coupons. J* AS MM AN US. Attorney at Law Rellotoato, promptly attend* to aU bu in*** entrusted to him. j18,88tf a P. FOMTNIY, Attorney at Law * Beilefonte, Pa. Office over Bey bank. maylt'toWf H. V. M' ALLISTXa, SAMXa A. UXAVXa ; IS'At.LtBTg & m&YZn A TTOKXErs-AT-LA Beilefonte, Centre Co., Pean'a. apGfitf IRA C. MITCHELL, AUorney et Law Beilefonte, Pe. Office in uarman,a new building opposite the Cuurt House. mayM Science on tht Adwane*. C. H. Gutelius, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist who is permanently located In Aaronshnra in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Neß, and who has been practicing with entir* success—having the experience of a number ! of years in the profession, he would cordi ally invite nil who have as yet not giver ' him e call, to do so, and teet the truth fuluesi of this assertion. Pr Teeth extracted • without pain. may22°G£if aaSTSur- T • goon, Centre Hall, Pa., offers his £rofeeaional service* to the citizens of Pot ir end adjoining township*. Dr. Neff haa . the experience of 28 year* la the active , practice of medicine and surgery, splftl ; TNR. J. THOMPSON BLACK, Phyei . -L-fclan and Surgeon, Potter Milk, Pa., offer* his professional services to the citi t erne of Pottei township. mr2tt,4M),tf ■ MJH. C. T. ALKX AXPXa OR VIS A ALEXANDER, . Attorneysust-law. Office iaConrad House, l Beilefonte, Pa. * J. ?P. GSPHART, with Orvis A Alexander, attends to eollee tions ia the Orphan's Court. SYRUP, the finest ever made, just re ceived, cheap at Wolfs old Hand— try it DA RLO BLOCK STOVES " Parlor Stove*, aad four sixes of (i . li rner* constantly on hand and tor sale a I anWefi. Inwt> a Wiienn'r 3 rrOBN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH Xx BELLS, at low prices, at aplO'6B. Inwix * witao**- boor BelL, ail tee • kinds at T *fMT law IN nWitcoxe