5, jwrrew. Treasure. Socf time-bound t* it* hold end thrall. 8> long we two hsvv shared our all. So long we have kept company. Kind Mend*, indeed, woo id probe my awl. Would draw ita scereta into day; And " Hope r un one, " for mU yon own ;* " Forgot I" another cries, -nor mm Those page* long Since laid away.* AT, laid iwn a* flower* are laid (Soaroo touched in kiytug by the hand). Ileapert from the all-unruffled bed. Cold from the forehead of the dead. And htHer sweet aa lore an told. Slßjra&ttjr* I ran not pass. nor won. nor yon— Lm an old married woman, witb household cares on my shoulders, that trill crush down my love of visits." "This will be my last visit witb you Miss Dundee." " Tbeo!" She threw sueb a world 4 re proachful tenderness into-the tsbcfcphfob the uttered that one word, that tbo maw she addressed trembled HU re- FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor VOL. IV. solve, when spoken coldly and harshly, shocked and surprised her out of the brightly prudential toue she bad foil* intended to adopt. Why had Mr. Bligb gone a war, tearing them the prey ol thia mischievous opportunity 7 " Yea; tor 1 Lawn's sake, don't apeak to tne in that way, or you'll drier m mad !" and then he got up and went to the win> dow j and |*>or Madgs saw that bt face 'vd Ivw Wty pair, aud that an exprrs •Ami af Inpt lesanass had settled upou it. She Could not bear it. He bad been so thoughtful tor her always—o gentle, aud devoted, and syuitMrihviic—that she felt aa if she must comfort bttn, let what might come of it. u Thvo," the said again, with that same pathetic cadence in her voice, "you have (wen so kind to me alwar*; I can't bear lo see you ao. Can t I make you happier. Thn> r > He turned round quickly and caught her hand*, as the was standing near to him. '* Madge, do you lore my uncle 7" Half frightened, she drew back from torn, and "I am engaged to him," she stammered. u YM, but you bave made me lore you; TOO knew J our cbance, and you have used it. It you lore him, let me go without another' of those appeal* that vou know how to make ao maddening ; it not— M*dge, Madge 7" lie bad taken her hands again, and was looking down into her hoe with a gleam of such inteme pleading alloction that for a moment he thorough a one. A very curious case ha* been on trial in one of the Pennsylvania court*. In 1 fitly n young man made a contract with Bather A Co., wool dealer*, of Pitta burgh, to furnish about thrae thousand pounds of wool, repreaentivg himself to be a nun of one John Dinsniore, a well know farmer living in Muith township He then turtle a purchase of the woo) from Mr. tKuamnre. at thia time repre tenting himself to he an agent of Barker A Co.. and the wool was shipped in aaalm furnished by that firm, the bill of lading showing that the shipment was from Dinsmore hi Barker A Co. On the ar rival of the wool at Pittabnrg it wa* taken from the railroad depot, and a re ceipt given for it signed either by the enterprising young man who waa con ducting the busines*. or by the drayman employed by Barker A 6o.—which of the two waa a dispnt* d point before the jnry. At any rate, the wool went to the warehouse of the firm, who paid the pre tended son of Dinamore the sum agrees! upon, after which that young man left for parts unknown. A few daya after ward the fanner who had been the real owner of the wool ap|>iicd to Barker A Co., for hi* money, having been told that it would be ready for him at that time, and the discovery was made that the young ma.i was a swindler, who had deceived both parties. The fanner naturally wanted to lie paid for bis wool, while the wool dealer*, having paid the rnau who has delivered it to them, quite as naturally considered that they had nothiug to do with any tranaactious be tween that individual and Mr. Dinsniore. The latter brought suit in Allegheny District Court for the value of the wool, mud, after one trial in which the jury failed to agree, gained a verdict for the *itm of £3,121.71. the judge instructing the jmy that as Dinsmore bail consigned the property to Barker A C-0., and the latter had received the consignment, the liavment of the proceeds to any third INi'rty must be at the risk of the pur ctiaser. An sppea was taken to the Supreme Court iltillditiff Soelftkw England. Iu London, there are 52,000 meiu tiers of 2,000 Building Societies which have made returua, possessing X 4.217.000 of asset* ; and the number of moieties la be lieved to be reallr double the number stated, many very important societies being omitted in the returns. In addi tion, there are Laud .Societies, which serve a similar purpose, and owning £2,- 000,000. The Building Societies of London alone will thus own aliont £lO,- 000,000, divided into 100,000 members, who constitute a very large item in the population of the metropolis. Many of the members are of the middle class, clerks and shopmen. Building Societies are even more de veloped out of London than in it Lan cashire alone is cat mated to have 1,428 societies, with nearly 50,000 memlier* ; but these are the imperfect return*, and the number should probably lie doubled. In the town of Burnley there are 8,000 members of building societies, owning shout £150,000 worth of property ; iu Oldham there are (16 societies, each con taining, on the average, I*lo shares worth £l2O each, or nearly £BOO,OOO, which may be considered the property acquired every fifteen years; in Manchester, Ash ton, "and other places. Building Socie ties manifestly play an important part, the chief supporters, according to unan imous testimony, being the ' 'mill hands." It is the same in other parts of England. Newcastle, Sunderland, Liverpool, Leeds, Halifax, and Bradford have all powerful societies; one society in the latter town is spoken of as having £621,- 000 and another has £290,000. HUNT'S Cow.—One of our neighbors, WON suspected, a few days since, of watering hi* milk. Men were employed to watch the large milk can for neveral mornings. Finally they caught him in the early twilight pouring water from the pump into the can. Some town wagn took the oaae in hand. At twelve o'clock they crept up to bia back-door, puahed it open with a whang—bruig smash ! and exclaimed— " Mr. Hunt, your best cow is fcliok ing ?" " Great Heavens 1" cried he hastily pulling on bia trowsers, and rushing up the hill to tbe barn. Nobody waa to IKS seen—the cows were all standing in tbe moonlight chewing their quids, and Hunt retained too mad to swear. The next morning when be went to get a pail of water, he found a cobble-atone in the pump--and we ore glad to aay has since ceased to water bis milk. WOMEN CAN VOTE.— A lady who re cently applied for registration in Phila delphia, under tbe last amendment to tbe Constitntion, was permitted to re gister, and ber tax papers were issued. She will be allowed to vote at the next election. Tbe whole question of female suffrage appears to be easy of solution. Judge Underwood, United States Dis trict Judge for Virginia, has written a letter in which be says he feels very con fident the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments of tbe United States Con stitution, together with tbe Enforcement Act of Mty. 31, 1871, have secured the right to vote to tbe female citizens of Virginia as fully as it is now exercised and enjoyed by male citizens. THE deposits in the savings banks in four at the New England States bare increased from 8180,000,000 In 1800 to §430,060,000 in 1870, CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20.- 1871. A Swindling Case. Hunted Ham, Two uiu were arrested iu Fraukliu couuty, Tetiu., a few days ago, aa the murderers of RltnufU 11, ltortou. The fact, of this rather extraordinary case are, that Mr. Uortou, who lived fourteen miles lielow Winchester, and uear the luouutain, wa* shot from hi* horse by some persons from a concealed place in the corner of a fence. Several Craoua heard the shot*, ami the dead dv waa found a few minute* after ward. Upon exaniinstion it wa* found that two men had Imen eouceuled in s comer of the fence, joat where the road made a andden turu into a little branch, and from where the home's tracks, and ths plane where the body was found, it wa* clear that he a a*" shot while the home wa* driuking. The ciack* of the fence had all been stopped with weed* except the one through which the pin* were put Thia Wa* jttat liefure mindowu Friday evening. Horton waa return ing from town, and aas within s mile of home, in s thickly settled coun try, there Wing several houses in sight The coroner's iury gave a verdict that the killiiig as* done by two unknown persona. The death of Mr. Horton waa tele graphed to Col. A. M. Colyar, of Nash ville, who at once commenced to make inquiries, but found that no one had left the settlement Taking two or three reliable men with him, Colyar went rapidly from houae to honsc to hear the story of "everv man and hi* family—in terrogating each separately—a* to hi* whereabouts ou the day of the murder; and at s aohool-h(>nae where the chil dren were all examined separately, one boy stated that a Wy named Bill Martin told him that Monroe and Hop Martin were out ou the mountain aide that day (Friday last) hunting sheep. Thia Bill denied upon examination. Monroe wa* was Uen first seen and hia story heard. They agreed that they left the bouse of one of them about one mile front where the murder waa committed, and that they both went up the mountain and stayed together until thev returned. But one said they came back be.'ore sundown, and the other that th*-y returned one hour after dark. Without beiug formally arrested, these men were kept uutil the wit day, bnt not allowe Ito talk to etv-h other. Soon in the morning, CoL Colyar started with one of them to show his trip through the mountain, which he did, climbing and olumU'ring until he reached a point at the top of the mountain lietween three and four mile* from home, then returniug by a different route. Imme diately afterward the other w.oi taken and directed to travel over the route which thcv both agTeeil thev had traveled to gether only last Friday evening, and he reached the mountain ly a route at least two miles distant from the point where the other reacned it. The routes, going and returning, were totally different,and no man ever took a walk with more trepi dation than did the last one, knowing that the other had first been over the ground. These two men were born and bred at the foot of the mouutaiu and know every path. This was regarded aa the strongest sort of evidence, but on examining their shoes it was found that they exact- Iv conformed to the measures. Their feet fitted the tracks precisely. Both of three men lived on a farm adjoin ing that of Mr. Horton. in sight of his house, had long been hostile to him, and bad thrcateued his life. An Anecdote of Everett. In his speech at the Amherst semi centennial commencement Professor Park said : "I hare recalled this after noon a accne which occurred thirty-six \ ears ago, on the day preceding the commencement. Edward Everett then delivtred the oration. In the midst of the oratiou he uttered one sentence which called forth bursts of applause. " I will read that aeutece : • Before the admiring student of nature baa re alized all the wonders of the world, let him ait down and kucw the nnivere in which he lives, by examining the races of snimals disporting theum-lres in their representative ocean—a drop of water.' " After that sentence, it appeared as if all Amherst College would not cease to clap their hands and stamp their feet, and yet you seem to be unmoved by the recital. * Sow the question comes, what is the reason. The reason is found in the studied artlrssness of Edward Ev erett. While ho VM on the point of apeaking tho words, a ' drop of water,' ho turned carelessly and saw a giant of water on tho table. Ho pnt hi* fingrr in tho glass, and a drop of water was suspend ed therefrom. I have it on tho Iwat authority that six or seven weeks before that oration was deliTer-d, Even tt wrote a letter to a friend in Boston asking him whether so bold a gesture would be proper." DISCOVERY or ANCIENT HRLICW IN MAINE.— The Brunswick TrUyrmA speaks of the discoveries at Pemaqnio. These discoveries were made on the Lewis farm, the Western fort, so-called, in re lation to which there is not even a tradi tion, much less a recorded history. The IVmnqnid people being thoroughly amused, have Iteeu turning np the soil within the last four weeks, and have un earthed a faced wall extending from the shore Westward in the direction of the terrace which fates to the North, toward the tan-pit, from which, within a few years, bits of leather have lieen taken. A perfect axe also ha* been discovered with an ey. for the handle (unlike that for modern axes) fitted like the eye for a hoe handle. Bits of blue crockery, glans, and tiles, for hou*e roofs, have lieen taken from the soil. Now si! these arti cles have an ago in which they were used, and when that is determined, after careful investigation, the period of Perns quid settlements may possibly be ap proximated. HRMMKN-HORKK* IN HOJ.LASD. —In al most nil the guldens in Holland is bnilt it kind of summer-house, generally paint ed in bright, glaring colore, looking like an immense flower. No matter how small the plot of ground may I>e, it ia anre to lie laid out in innumerable little lied* of fanciful design, which are Ailed with the moat grogenan-hued tulips, and in the middle is placed one of these arltore. Some quaint name, like "Abode of Love," or " Heart's Real," is inscribed over the door, and within it, at the rool of the evening, may i>e seen its owner slowly puffing hi* pipe and gazing complacently at his flowers or blinking at the reflection of the ann set in the slnggish water of the omni present canal. Perhaps you'll And two old chaps in there, their portly forms dimly visible through the cloud of smoke, while their conversation trill consist of occasional monosyllables ut tered between slow whiils. TBB MUX Bi-nnress,—The pioAts of the milk business in Boston are said to be enormous. One contractor is stated to have realised 875,000 in ten years, and ooold now dispose of his contracts for 820,000 additional. Even the poor milkmen who drive from door to aoor in the gray of the morning are compen sated for oold Angers and bine noses by the handsome profits they make, 8100 bonne per can being the nrioo usually received by the party selling out b' route. At this rate a milkman selling , one hundred cans would realise the > round sum of 810,000. hbrtmps and Hhrlmper*. What ia a shrimper t A slurimuor u Ml Individual alios* daily occupation it ia to wait the tides ou the sea-shore; an|- ratua, which ia a net attached to a stick. He wade* through the ahaltow surf, pushing hia net before him, occasionally iwua ng to miae it alwve hia head, that be may uncertain whether he luw yet caught aby of the hopping akiuy grey creatures of many leg*. tf so, he trans fer* them to the Iwxket slung by lUaaide. when he haa filled hia lawdiet he telle* them home and boila them. Then he biinga them out again and erica thetn for *ale. Thia ia the shrimper. Thousands of viaitora to Ham-gate, Hastings, and Brighton am ptvpir<*d to ataml forth and prove it; but tbev am correct oaly I in the limited sens.-, just aa ia no# vim atylea a dealer in autlla a timber mer chant. Pooh ! what does Margate or Brighton know about the abrimpa t He id to nothing. The shrimp* that And their way to the above-mentioned and a fen , other places, are but the waywanl alragg lera that eacape from the main ahoal. 1 Ontveaend ia the head-quarter* of the shrimp. Everywhere in and about that favored town, from the landing-place to the outlying hamlets and lonely tavern*, the legend meet* the eye—" Teaa Vd. shrimp* included." Graveaend, through out ita entire length and breadth, and far ont on the water* beyond, mutt be regarded aa " ahrimita include L" Every ateamer that plies between U rave send and London Bridge brings duly ita load of excuraioniata. The dealer*, with :hir i enormous haakrt meet them at the very landing-stage, with quarts and pint* already measured in anowy white cotton twgw; and, before the mer-end ia reached five hundred pair* of human law* are champing a chap and delicious chorus in praise of the tiny appetiser. The eock -11 ey ia nut ignorant of propriety. He kuowa that be ahould wrench off the bead of every shrimp, and diveat it of ita armour, before he proceeds to devour it He tries it with half a docen or to. Ji is a tedious'proceaa. He compromise* the matter by tweaking the head off, and crunching up the remainder, body and bone*. Otherwise, how wotikl he CUB* trive to get through a couple of quarts in the Ave hours that are allowed him on shore? How many shrimpers of the Brighton breed would be required to Krovtde against ao enormous a demand * in ml mis thousands—would lie ineuf- Acieot No ; the Uravemnd aLrunp haa a fieet at its command. Not a toy fleet. A squad of from thirty-five to forty vee ael* of considerable tonnage, each with its weatberbeatcn crew—berry-broWn strapping fellow* in blue guernsey*—and with nautical leg nd* hieroglyphically tatooted on their hairy sma. In the evening they be close inshore, all in • I row, extending a good street's length, lam ami trim, to fade the danger* of the lower benches an soon as the Ude serves. The " catch" ia always uncertain, home i mea the night's cruise will nut yield more than the captain and crew could conveniently dispose of at breakfast time ; while the next vnanel that eom in may have an enormous take. It ia no uncommon thing for the verna l* to land, in a single morning, upwards of two thousand gallons of the Bttle Ash, for which the cauldrons are already bubb ling. Mo important ia the ahrimpiug interest, at Oravwnd, that special ana substantial efforts have txvn made of late year* as regards the spiritual welfare of the shrimuar. It u all work and no play with the shrimp fleet. Sunday brings in no rest. The temptation to dredge Sun days aa well aa week days sorely heart, the various crew* of tin fleet, and It re quires the utmost diligence and tart to get them to church. They won't go to the sacred edifice, so the only way Is to take tlie ascrwd edifice to them. It baa been brought so cloa* that, when the sun ia in a favorable part of the heavens, the little church tower throws ita shadow <>U the brown sails. It used to lie a huiu Vie makeshift church attached to the fit. Andrew's Miasaion-houae, but a year or so aince a good ChriatiMi, pitying the benighted condition of the shrimper*, came down with a magnificent MUD with which to build the prettiest little church that was ever brbild. It will hold obly a hundred and fifty worshippers : but. when the windows are open, the music of the organ, nay. the voice of the preacher, may be distinctly heard when* the fleet lies.—Js melon Ttlmraph. A Case far a Navel. The story of a young nun of good family being incarcerated for a long time in a lunatic asylum by his relatives IU order to prevent his contracting a marriage in opposition to their wishes, as descrilied in Charles lleade's novel of "Hard Cash,'' seeuisvery improbable to American readers ; vet cases quite us extraordinarr are fWqnenHy reported in the British newspapers, and if ail the secrets of our own lunatic asylums could be brought to light, it is possible that some equally startling revelations would be made. A late Loudon paper gives the details of a case which oue would scarcely suppose could occur in the nineteenth century and in a civilised countrv. An Irish gentleman, named Mr. Alfred Marnier*. who is possessed ! of a projierty of 6*20,000 a year, and who is s partner in the well-known Rnn of Maude's A Co., at the instance of his brother and his own wife, wsa placed i in a private lunatic asylum at Fiughiss, j in April, 1809, and still remaiued iu eon- I rineuient there on the 18th of August last, although there is every reason to I relieve that he is {wrfectly sane. During the whole period of his inoaroeration, through twenty-seven months, he was not visited either by his brother !or bis wife. After a long time he cou j t rived to communicate with bis solicitor, a Mr. Lewis, who went to the asylum ' and demanded an interview with him, but was refused bv Dr Duncan, the proprietor. A clerk of Mr. Lewria hav ing succeeded in obtaiuing an interview with Mr. Marnier*, the latter was there after debarred front taking exercise iu the pleasure grounds. Filially, ou the 18tli of August, a writ ot- habeas corpus wail token out directing Duncan to pro duce his prisoner so that the necessary jitepa might lie taken for determining lii* mental condition snd testing the le gality of his confinement. At the time of application for the writ, letters from Mr. Mandera that were sensibly and in telligently written were read, and oW> the affidavits of two keepers who had attended the nnfortnnate man for seve ral months, and both of whom testefiad that he wsa perfectly sane. HORTICULTURAL SCHOOL.— Tbe Spring field Rrpublicrm says that the horticul tural school at Newton ha* been success ful during the pest summer. Eight young women studying there have speut from six to eight hour* daily in the gar den or green-houKe, doing all the Work, except the heaviest snd ooaraest, and have supplied the family of a dozen peo ple with vegetables. Each hae giv< n thirty or forty minutes daily to recita tion* in botany, Ac. One of them is about to start a green-house and garden at Jamaica Plains, and another at some other point near Boston. The reoord of the Pslant Office in England show that 202 patents for im provements in unbrallaa nave bean taken out since 1786. If aomebodv would only take out e patent to prevent the tbeft of this useful Article! Nhepkrrda and their Flack*. A niu*i)t-M>rw*liug wutak# u made Wheti pulton. tul i*vple fall to establish nitd main tain between each other a butt nii relati( c*a*a ta, the d<-areet family friend; but U livtw by ku profession, aud hia *em<* bate rceogmxed lucuey vain* aLicit ha eipect* to receive without a question. R<- would prefer, perhaps, lo render Ms aerrieaa without rwwanl, especially to tboaa whom ha loves; but be haa months to feed and pronoun to make for Winy days, and for the betp- In—n—n thai comas at laat to ail. Ho, though lore and sympathy, ami aelfde uial for lovr and sympathy's sake may have actuated hiui tn all hw daily lound of dttty, ha god home at night and tahaa down bin blotter, and enteN hia fhargrn aa formally aa if he hid baan aattiug (arm produce or tia wans. Ther*i iaa fading ia many pariabca that it ia a gift b* whatsoever any paator ntay be profited ty them —that a paator earn* nothing, ana that In all things he is the benefldary of the parish To make this matter a thousand times wocaa, than* die |>aator* not a lew who take the potrion to which the pariah** assign sham, and easiat in perpetuating the mistake They ana men whoaa hand* are always open W> raoeive whatever con>e; who delight to donation par ties, and who grasp right and left, with insatiable grml. at gift*. They hr coma so mean-anirited that tbay do not like to pay anything. Tbay are sponges opon their people and the oommwuty. Wherever they happen to be, they "Ha down "on the brethren. These ia noth ing of value that they in not glad lo receive, and there ia nobody that they are uot glad to be tndebtttl to for favor*, homathnaa they are extravagant, and bare a gramlea. way of getting into debt, out of which they are helped yearly. The abject meanness into whicu he can descend. And too fre quent illuatraiiot." among the American ministry. It {■ diocking and atckening that there are soma men who seem forced hr their parishes to lire ia this wwr. and it is atall mora dwwowforting to And man who seam tolarahly oom furtobie and ceolauted while tiring in this wsy If a man ia fit to preach he ia worth wagaa. If be is worth wages, they should be paid with all the business regularity that ia demanded and enforced tn bnsinewa life. Them is no man in the community who works harder for the money he roaetvm than the faithful minister There ia no man —in wboae work, the community ia in terested—to whom regular wages, that shall not Cost him a thought, are so im< p >rtant. Of what use in pulpit can any man he whoaa weeks are frittered away in mewn earea and dirty economies ? Kwerr month, or eeety quarter-day. ev sn paatnr -hould be sura that there wili b p&d in hia barkU. aa hia jam wages, money enough to pay all hia e** pt-nsr*. Then, without a sense of spe cial obligation to anybody, he can nrrach the truth with freedom, and prepare tor hia public ministrations withont distraction. Kwthing more eraai to a paator. or mote dimatrn— to hia work ran ba dona than to ton* upon him a feeling of dependence upon the charities of hia hl. The oSce of IM a man doaa not naa ih dignity shore that of a court-tool Re ia the creature of the popular whim, and the nrawrher without influence to those who i do not roapsrt him or hia oflke anflkdent ly to pay him the wagrw due to a man who devotes hia life to litem. Manli twwa cannot live in anch a man, esocpt it be in torture—a torture endured aim ply because there are others who de jw-nd upon the charities doled out to Good, aauly pastor* and preacher* do not waut piftn, ihey wwui wages. It is nuts kindness to ebe ottt insufficient wkriM by donation putM* and by bene factions from the richer memtiera of the flock. It is not s merit, m they seem to regwd ft, fof parishes or inditidu*)* to do this It is an acknowledgment •f indebtedness which they are too mean to pay in a biuaness way. The pastor needs it and they owe it, but they take to themselves the credit of benefactors, and place him in an awkward and a lata position. Hie influence of thia state of thing upon the world that lies outside of the sphere of Christina belief and activ ity is beyood calculatiiio. We hsve hsd taoush of the patronage of Christian jit bv n half-soofflng. Hal f-tolcrating world, li Christians do not sufficiently recog nise the legitimacy of the j sudor's call ing to tender him fully his just wage*, and to assist him to maintain his manly independence before the world, they must not blame the world for looking upon him with a contempt that forbids UproseU and precludes influence. The world will be quite reads to take the pastor at the valntlioa of his friends, and the religion he teaches at the price its professors are willing to pay. in a business way, for ita ministry.— ih, F, (J, MhJhimi, in &crttmrr'M Mtmthl? far Oc fthn THE DaowNtwfl or THE Carrara or rnr. BRITANNIA. —Not long ago. Captain McDonald, of Uie steamer Europe, on a trip from Liverpool to New York, was washed off the wheelhouee by a heavy sea and drowned. J. C. McClelland was one of the uiatia of that steamer, and upou him devolved the command of the ship. Arririug in Liverpool he was made captain of the Britonuia. On the last voyage of that vessel to New Yoik she experienced heavy weather. On the 22d alt, while a jiarty were standing on the quarter deck, a tremendous sea struck the vessel, knocking the whole party off their feeU One of the passenger* was shout to be washed overboard, but Cap tain McClelland sprang to her assistance. He saved her, but in doing so, lost his poise, ami went overboard himself, and was drowned. Life-preservers were thrown out, and boats were lowered, but lie wan uot aeeu ..iter he fell into the water. The steamship arrived at New York under command of the mate. MARRINO— The recent death of the King Of Siatn and the ascension of anew ruler Ims brought to notice a curious enntom which * peculiar to the Hiameae nation. It is called " marking the peo ple." Every nude subject of the Gov ernment must elect a Government official wham be will twougniae as his marker, aud then must have " a mark" made on th lack of pne of his wrists indicating the de|Mirtmcnt to which he is attached. All persons thus marked are liable to be called upon to render personal service in the department to which tbey belong. This system of marking is unpopular with the people, and at such times aa it is to be enforced the greatest vigilance ia required on the part of the Govern ment officials to prevent a general emi gration from the country of thoae subject to the mark. THKGA* Wznusor ERIE.— A scientific journal gives an interesting account of the gas wells of Erie. The average depth of the wells sunk is 600 feet, and they yield from 10,000 to 80,000 cubic feet of gas a dav. In toe manufactories this natural gas it Imrned without any other fuel for raising steam, and in many private houses no other fire is employed. The city of Erie Gas Company have a well pouring 4jooh cubic feat of gas a dav uito their gasholder; this, mixed , with 12,000 feet of ordinary coal gas, furnishes the supply tor illuminating the town. Km Mains tf f* saw pell. There ia a difficulty in embodying Pompeii to the mind'* eye of a reader, says writer. Yon walk ita streets, notice the houses uu either band, see the open duota, mark byways and alleys, enter the Exchange, look 'down king sire noes to the srehed gstewsy*, thread winding lanes, tramp over flanged side walks, scrutinise the curbs fretted by oarruee wheels, reed the signs beside and etiove the entrances to shops end stores, rest ia the rooms and mount the •tain and penetrate th* chambers of th* dwellings, and yet fail to carry sway the right words to ounvey your impreastooa. There is nothing grand. The plane is anything Hut beautiful A rained esstle pesetas en a hundredfold greater attrac tions. Tear the eoears from a book, lift the crust from a pie, or teienve a bnnmu of its drawers, and you have a homely Iffit exact idee of the impression your visit haa left upon your mind ea you drive hank to Naples. And yet you have hecu in actual contact with the hfeof the Pompeiiaaa, and know what they wwre doing eighteen hundred and one ysara agu, when th* fatal hour struck. We took • random walk through the streets recently unearthed. The south ern sun was shining in at open doors and through broken roofs. In the dwelling* everything was pitilessly bright. The secrets of every chamber were revealed. Th* carriage-rued botwaau the two foot path a-is of smooth flags, irregular in shape, deftly fitted, like atones in a church tower. Modern Florence is so Ksved. Wr turns corner and arc startled y the figure of a deed mar, lying inside a doorway. He lies as he fell His atti tude is preserved by a proa* recently adopted. In the hurry of the storm he had sought refuge in s porch. Bat he never crossed its threshold again, and {on cm sec how death grappled with im there and threw him struggling and fighting for life. In the baker* shop is the arched oven, with fireplace and fines, all perfect for baking bread to-day. Mill* for grinding—oooes of grit stone, convex and concave, turned oapetain f aahion by a jrues-ber-stsnd in the shop. In his neighbor's, the fuller's shop, are the charges for work done chalked upon the wall* " Them they are," as id our guide. " Your excellencies can doubt less reed Latin. But the poor men was never paid." A more pretentions trades man was the leather-cutter, not far oil Within was the table gashed with knife marks, upon which the man had cut his lad strands. He had one* been a soldier of the Ninth Cohort, sad ao announced under his name. There was in Pompeii s glut of public - bowses, sometimes four or five in a sin gle street. We stopped at an inn, on the wall Of which waa painted an ele phant, and beneath it the latin Vimla, words, which, translated, were : " Sit tins lias established the Elephant Oste ite Triclinium, with three l>eda Every comfort" * Inside are the Trichnium or dining-room. tbe dintx-Malde, and three divans few convives. II most have been a common place in its best days, and as for its comfort, Pompeiisns, in oommoa with modern XeapoiitaiuK, were nppar ently not exacting. The hooae of fliri-j ens, lower down the street is curious. His nams it written Op in two place*— in a chamber and over the front door. On bis threshold is cut ••Halve Lucrum " The Interior Is well appointed, with a i nice garden in the rear, and trellises, ! rockeries and decoration* suggestive erf woman's handiwork. Skeletons of a little dog, tortoises and two goats, indi cate that pet animals were about. The windows and doors are bordered with graceful designs s walls of the sleep ing apartments are covered with trace ries el iowwra, festoons, birds dolphins and bachantea, and fbe choice domicile j . is decorated with cones of rich colors, now called Rapbacleeque. Who Siricus waa not even If. Piorndi can make ap parent. Turning into another street, the visitor comes upon the bagnios. They are of three distinct dassm, twe of which, are happily unknown to the modem World. Rich class is designa ted by an enil4n carved In stone, placed beside the door. In refinement of immorality, Pompeii waa a miniature Corinth. Prom the common halls, where courtesans danced with gladiators, to the sumptuous boudoirs that invited aristo cratic matrons, of the luxurious cabinets frequented only by the patrician order, profligate life is pictured in coloring* and shadings upon every floor and wall. Indelicate Verses art scribbled oft tfte door*. Vile epigrams stared the un blushing Jk*ibiinn from every corner. And - at grandmother, if they axed him to. They crwnmeoat • leering away tha dishes, cartin shy clancea at me all the time. I got excited f forgot Betsy Jane in my raptor, and aw I: " Mr pretty dears, how air yoa V " tfe air wvll," they aolumly sed. " What* is the old ou *" eaid I, in a soft vaios. "Of whom dart thou speak—Brother Uriah f" "I maeti thai gey aad festive com who calk me a man of sin. fSKißldnt wonder ! if hia name wasn't Uriah." " He baa retired." " Wall, our pretty dears," em I, " let's have some fun. X*t's play pom ia the corner. What my *** " Air TOO a Shaker," they asked. " Well, my pretty dean, I haven't ar rayed my prand form in a kmg weakit vet, lint if they was all like yon peitmpa I'd jine em. Aa it ia, I am a Shaker protocapurarv." They was fuU of fan. I seed that at first, only they waa a little akeery. I tawt 'eta ptim in the corner, and rich , like ptase, and we had a nice time, kenan quiet of coane, ao the old man shoolanl ! hear. When we broke up, aw I: '• Mv pretty dears, ear I go yon have no olq.- T.i u, have you, to a innersent kiss at partin *" " Yay," tbey sed, and I ysyed. The Ftertrta Wreckers. Many of the Florida wrecker* sre us live* of Connecticut. The tow of 1 M vatic iffni to "apply a large propor tion. The Bahama* We nupjJied some of the wreck*** of thi* owmC They pp conk*, and are not ao reliable, enterprising or intelligent. The Florida wrecker, speaking of the wml * ranch like the schooner of the northern fishermen. Probably no itssel float" that equals these in safety and speed. The pilot boat* are like them, bnt' uaaallr larger. A captain and six men constitute the turns! crew. In moot in stances two veaaeb work in compos*. J A* it often happens that several **•** ! are owned by mae company they take stations so aa to cover the wrecking ground to good advantage. From Cap* Florida to Rev Went is about two bun !dm! and fifty"miles; on this ground, which ia a fatal one for shipping, the wrecking vessel* ore stationed within sight of eaeh other, and signal* are pass ed on the discovery of a wreck. From Caps Florida northward the coast ia open to the ocean and no shelter is afforded the. wrecking -craft For this reason the wrecked vessels are often not visited by wreckers for several days after they go ashore. There is a such a harvest of wrecks, in fact, after a storm on tin* coast that the wreckers are obliged to confine their duties to the ground they hare been watching. Ker, about midway batwevn Cape Florida" end Key Wert, is the rec ognised rendexToos of the wreckers. In former days, when there ware giro! numbers of ships laden with cotton posninc oat from the Gulf to our own ports and those of the Old World, wrecks were, of course, more common.. A vast amount of wealth was carried by even one ship, and if the vessel became hope kealy stranded a rich harvest was enjoy ed bv the wrecker*. This harvest, let us show plainly, la s purely legitimate matter of business. The wreckers fit ont and man their vessels or they re fitted by companies, and are legally al lowed by license to pursue the calling. As we naTc shown, they station their crafts on certain ground, and thereby net aa watchful sentinels. Should life I* in danger when a wreck is disoovcred, and should the vessel happen to go ushore in a heavy storm, it is fortunate for the sailor or traveller that these vigilant, fearless watchers are at hand. When life is saved, then a goodly num ber of stout men are ready to bargain tor the restoration of the ship and cargo, j This may be done by a private arrange ment, or by the action of the United States Marine Court at Key West The owner* of the vessel we obliged to pay certain amounts to Mch number of the wrecking-vessel as salvage. The vessel lias its share, the captain or chief wreck er his, and the crew their portion. To fully appreciate the services of these men we need only imagine tliern re moved from these nlaoes. What loss of life would there be in times of hurricane. What suffering from hunger and thirst upon uninhabited wastes, where al most insurmountable barriers prevent an escape inland. These wrecker* of Florida, far from being land sharks and pirates, as many have imagined them, are known, aa a class, to be humane, kindly mid honest I have known some of them personalty, and having regarded them only ss noble aud upright men.— Eaxhanffe. A lady writer blames the men more thu the women for ridienlous fashions now in vogus. She says: "If all men possessing a SIOO,OOO and upwards should form a league not to 4 marry any woman who mounted a chignon, how long do you suppaoe the ugly monstrosi ties would continue to be in vogue," Part* sad Faacter. m Where BO hope is left. ri left no Imr. An hansel death is batter Abb a dis honest Ufa A druggist la not iwpwoprtaWj l termed the chief pflhr tff stetety. Oar own heart, and ao* oMar man's • oftioiuo*, forms oar true honor. Prater lorn before ujst gain, for ' Mat briuga grief but one*, thf* forever. Oaeaola County, low*, with 277,M0 aorea of land, contains not a riagte Una. It is a ftufny tiling absut a dentist that the mora It* atop the faster be gats Justim consists in doing wo injury In decency. in giving thaw no of. It is shameful thing to be weary of inaniry, whoa whet we aeareb for i at salient Dog* art represented to be Me meat skillful dentists. They insert nateral tooth. It |a unraeaoitebte to tasphia baeaaaa joar clock mope—it aao not gat • with out a weight Facta should ba pot down in Mack and white ; in another colored ink they might appear ink-rad-IMc. Clara asked Turn ' Whsi animal dropped from the cloud* 7" "Therein, dnar," was tba reply- It ia an encouraging sign that tba doe tor* and lswyri* aw preparing to wane a vigorous war again* profre*kai sfcur The annual value of the jgovra am factored in England, may be at £1,000.000 sterling, Mmty 70 000 hands aw employed in the msmjmlsteoe Wrestling ia hardly an Aaawicnnajwrt, yet several match#* have taken (dace Utely in this conn try. It ia rerteinlv a laaaWntslu.ritf atettteteant than prlaa* fighting. It ia a noble and great thing *?* the bfamisbesead to ewnrethe failing* of a friend; to draw a curiam before proclaim his virtuei upon the housetop. The Oread Master of the Grand Lodge of Loooosotivc Firemen, in convention in St. Look, stated ia his address that "mora than half tba areidente tbatoocoi on the various railroad* thwragbout the world are dae to men who habitually nee intoTioating drinks." The has flat bnTwrnaea for tbeir aaaoeiatea, newe realise the ideal of womanly nature, to the convent, eava the woman shrivels sod Wesdbas out into u eofA •eMak, simpering, prayer-malting eutte The fotaate on the islands tn Ma Mm risatppi are full of giay aquirwfa. It acn these *oaimfe are now immne west, and the mar is MB of than swim ming to the Minamata abort. Tba crop of nuts in Wisconsin ia smell, and these squirrels go where they may provide for Use winter. There will ooaae n time when three words attend with charity sad meek ness. shell receive n for snore Moaned iw ward than three thousand vohuaas wrtt ten with disdainful sharpness of wit. Dot the manner of men's writing mate not alienate onr hearts from Ma troth, if it appear they have the truth. On the arrival of a railroad 'train at an Illinois town ac. ntiv, a man was oh •erred to craw! oat from trader the ten der. with Ms leer crashed a tewiMn manner. He had Mice from the engine, and although a wheri passed ovar the Umb, be dang to the tender, sad wan saved. He wa drank. The Peoria ( HL) Jforesw save: "We are setting disgusted with the lUmote river. A stranger in this cunirv find It antil he gets his feet wet \tr step ping ia it If this sort of tiring keeps on, they will have to station a police man ui th* (* thing we know, mme e**w wifl com# along and drink the ragtag ISiaess P" foMsf IMage Wftheat i skier- When I was hoy, I waa playing out fa the street one winter's day. ante?. teg tides on sMghs, and it was great fan. Boya would rather catch rides any day Man go out rrgukriy and property to take a drive. As I was retching on to one skih and to another. * uteres having a moc time, and ofttimas getting n cut from a big H*ck whip. I at last fastened like s barnaefa to the aids of .country tnan's cutter. An ohl giiiitteinan aat alone on tha seal, and he looked at me rather benig aanthr, as I thought, and neither said anything to me. nor swung his old whip o*ar tbt; to I vratumd to climb upon the ride of his ct iter. Another benig nant look tram the cotmtiyuan, hot warm bwffoio rods hemde him, and Men bespoke. The o>"l a . T V* : •* Young man, do yon ote to noe r " 5Ta pretty it ?_ Yre, *i, it ia. ands nfoahoraa draw- It.** •Did leak you to get is?" Vo air " Well, then, why did you get in?' " Well, air, I—i thought you looked so good and kind, and thai you would have no objection." . "And ao, young man, becanae yon thought I waa coo\ and ki