Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, October 06, 1871, Image 2

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Ontre Hall, P-, Ocß6,
TxYL^blilSdweljkJTil *1 p.-r ***r "
ooriplion* at the sa*"" 1 ' ~,K 1
Business card* of o hno, f* I<r-"^1 <r -"^
or office, 5 cent* per line, t omtnnnica
ti.n* of a private nature and obituary no-
re linos five eents.per
Jino. Business notice* in local column M
cents oer line, for one insertion.
Notice* of death* and marriages inserted
free of charge Our lriends. in alt pari *of
th* county will oUijW by tending
Hpini of interest (torn their rebootivo local-
U The figures et to the address u|w
each subscriber's paper indicate that the
subscription i* paid up to such .late, ano
answer the same a* a receipt. 1 ers* n >
milling by mail, or otherwise will under
stand frem a change in these dattslhat in.
money ha* been received
or rnti.an*t.rHt.\.
For Assembly,
P. Gray Meek,of Bellefbnte.
For Associate Judge*.
W. W. Love, of Potter.
Henri Dopp, of Howard.
For Treasurer.
James F. Weaver, of Mileaburg.
For Commissioner.
Samuel F. Foster, of Potter.
For District Attorney.
John F. Potter, of Ballefont*.
For Auditor,
Rob't. F. Holme?, of Mnriou.
For County Surveyor,
W. P. Mitchell, of Howard.
The TV rone Herald of last week hue
a column of abuse of Geo. F. Miller.
What's all that rumpus about neigh
bor, wouldu't Geo. F. bleed ?
Robt. M'Farlaue.
We put some questions last week,
relative to the position of this gonue
mau. should he be elected to the legisla
ture. ..•!
There comes no answer, he is silent,
his friends do not even speak for him.
Democrats can't go for M'Farlane,
and honest republicans may regret
their vote should he be elected.
John F. Potter.
John F. Potter, the democratic
nominee for district attorney, hails |
from the best of democratic stock. He |
sustains an unblemished character, he
has fine abilities, and the advantages
of having obtained his legal oualifica
tions in one of the best law-schools in j
the United rotates. i
Mr. Potter never was anything but
a straight-out democrat, e ask the
democracy to work for the election of .
this deservingana honest young demo- <
crat. Give him every vote. - i
The opposition are busy circulating
stories against that man of unblemish
ed character, Col. Weaver, democratic
nominee for treasurer, in order to mis- <
lead democrats, and elect Mr. Byard. ,
Democrats place no confidence in these
sayings, but vote solidly for the brave
Col. Weaver,—he is deserving the
place —he is poor but of the strictest
honesty and most unblemished charac
ter. Don't trade o!f Col. Weaver. ,
S. F/Foster.
If ever there was an opportunity to
elect a man as county commissioner
who would emphatically be the right
man in the right place, now ie the
time, by electing Samuel F. boater.
Tax-payers look to your interest, in
this important office, if you neglect to
elect the proper man, then you are to
blame for the consequences. \ ote for
Mr. Foster, let not a single democrat
stay at home, Mr. Foster's election
alone is worth every effort.
Turn Out!
Democrats the radical* are making qui
et < fforts to carry this county, by bringing
out their forces, thinking that many of you
will not come to the polls. Democrats
come up to the work, as in days of yore,
and do not let the ticket suffer, because you
may have objection to a single one of the
Don't Trade!
Democrats, we understand that trading
i# being resorted to in order to defeat our
candidates for associate judges. Col. Love
and Capt. Dopp. Trading is also to defeat
our gallant and honest nominee for county
treasurer, Col. Jas F. Weaver, the soldier,
patriot, honest roan and Christian. Put
your foot upon this outrage. Democrat*
awl give him your united vote.
Trading is also going on to defeat our
nominee for county commissioner, Samuel
F. Foster, than whom a m<e capable man
could not have been nominated. He will
make one of the best county commissioners
this county has elected for twenty years.
Ho is a thorough business man, knows the
duties of the office, and is deeply wedded
to the interests of the people of our county.
Democrats, honest tax-payers of old Cen
tre, you cannot afford to have a gentleman
of Mr. Foster's worth and capability de
feated. Vote for him, work for his elec
tion, and you serve your own best inter
Don't stay at borne, Democrats, on elec
tion day, because some man on the
ticket may not suit you, but come out, and
if you c in not be reconciled to the person
that don't suit you, why come, and give
your vote to the state ticket and the other
good men upon the county ticket Don't
make the whole ticket suffer on account of
one man, by so doing you punish the inno
cent with the guilty.
The radicals are resorting to every ima
ginable device to distract our party on the
day of the election, hoping if tney can cre
ate diesentions in our ranks, to secure some
portion of their ticket. A most villainous
trick, we understand, is going to be resor
ted to by them on the day of the election
to secure votes for M'Farlane. They have
prepared petitions to the Legislature asking
he repeal of the law library which they
are going t<> have kept at the voting place
next Tuesday and which democrats and
radicals are both to be asked to sign, hop
ing by the excitement and discussion
which will there be evoked to secure some
odd votes for their candidate. Let demo
crats beware of this trick, and have noth
ing to do with it
There will be no fraudulent allowance
often per cent, commissions on claims
which Evans never collected should
the people elect General M'Candless
to the office of Auditor General.
The laboring men of Pennsylvania
are asked to endorse at the coming
election the infamous tariff policy
which robs them of the fiuits of their
toil in bounties to overgrown and pleth
uric monoplies.
The Colored Troop* Will Fight
The radical* in this county arc in
expectation of electing M Kirllno for
assembly, because a few democrats are
dissatisfied with Mr. Meek. W . toll
these chuckling rads plainly that they
are doomed to disappointment, and
will tell them further they will got
their eye-teeth cut through the colored
voters of Hellefonte, and it these ' .jo
back on them" in this election it
servos them right; we cannot think
hard of our "colored hrethern it they
go for Meek, and thus more than
doubly ntake up the loss of votes he
may sustain from derelict democrats;
it will plaiuly show that a colored \
|r will remember a bouet'aetor and
not "go back" upon a friend, a trait
of character which is occasionally
found missing in *o*w white men.
We have good authority for saying
that the colored vote will g" largels
for Mr. Meek, and we put this at our
uegro worshiping rads with a chuck
and only laugh in our sleeve, t
Sambo going back on the hypo
critical abtilitiouist-s ot Centre county
a# many of them have already gone
hack upon the carpet hugger- in the
southern states. We are not to blatne
for the colored men being voters, neith
er is it for us to scold if it turns out
thev have the good judgment to know
that the democratic party presents
nominees whom they have rea-ou to
support in preference to those upou
the radical ticket. The colored men
of Centre couuty can not refuse to vote
for Mr. Meek, he has beou their friend
and benefactor, when radicals refit- -d
them assistance, aud it would be very
uugrateful iu that clement to do so,
when he has so generously given them
the use of his hall, free of expense, for
their balls, and for other gathering-,
during the present summer. Were is
there an instance, ye sons of Africa,
where oue of your number, iuside the
last quarter of a year, got into a "tight j
place," and on making application to
a white radical for help, you were not
kicked out of his presence ? If he
went to P. Gray Meek for hail, did he
not without a word of hesitatiou take
his pen and put his autograph on
your paper and thus keep you out of
I a pinch ? Bill you go back upou Mr.
- Meek ou the 2nd Tuesday of October
if vou do, then little are you worthy
j * *
being niggers, and your faces should
pale with shame. He allege that Mr.
Meek has befriended your race, very
recently and we cite here as proof the
uncontradicted rumor of the day : that
be has generously placed his magnifi
cent hall at your disposal, all this sum
mer, free of charge; this needs no
further proof, for you were all there J
and baJ the benefits of it. But the
REPORTER does not mean say thaj
you shall vote for any nominee upon
our ticket because ot such reasons, and
as given in the light of a consideration
for your vote, that would be a mean and
unprincipled motive, and equal to
charging you with bartering away
your franchise for the free use of a hall
or because one might have become
standing bail for your race —uo, but we
believe you, brave "colored troops who
fight nobly" to be actuated by higher
motives and a nobler sense of honor.
He have one parting word to say to
such colored men who intend voting
a part of the democratic ticket, and
that is, not to listien to any miscon
struction and misrepresentation by
radicals, of one of the resolutions con
tained in the democratic platform,
when you are about to cast your votes
for Mr. Meek ; we here give you the
resolution, so that jour pretended
friends cannot bamboozle you, and we
tell you here it is the platform we en
dorse, and if any radical attempt* to
say it is an act of the legislature by
which you must votes for M'Farlane
instead of for Meek, then call such a
radical a liar right in his impudent
face, aud give the REPORTEK as proof.
Now here is this democratic resolution,
and do not listen to any radical expla
nation of it, but vote for J/r. Jfeek in
pite of radical lies :
Rct-jltcd, That we are opposed to the
mingling of inferior and superior races,
either irj the elective franchise or hy mis
cegenation ; and that in the division of par
ties, we are in favor of keeping the white
democracy in the on<- and the negroes and
their equal in the other.
Woman Suffrage.
Judge Underwood, United State* Dis
trict Judge for Virginia, ha* written a let
ter in which he says be feel* very confident
the fourteenth and fifteenth amendment*
of the United State* Constitution, together
with the Enforcement act of May 31, 1871
have secured the right to rote to the fe
male citizens of Virginia as fully a* they
are now excerciscd and enjoyed hy male
The 14th atucudmcut make* ail person*
born or naturalized in the United States,
sttizan* of the tame ; and the lith amend
ment, it mutt be observed, make* all citi
zens voters. This is some of the loose rad
oal legislation, by virtue of which the wo
men now claim to vote, and although
jt was not intended to confer thut
right upon such, only upon tho negro,
yet these two articles taken together seeut
to be as much to (kvor of woman suffrage
as they ore ot negro suffrage. But to let
the readers of the KKCOKTKK Judge for
themselves wc copy the 1 fills and lAth
amendm< nt:
Mill * MEN DM EXT.
All persons born or naturalized in tho ('•
nited States, and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof arecitizensoflhc United States, and
of the State wherein they reside. No Stnt<-
shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citi
zens of the United States. Nor shall uny
State deprive any person of life, liberty,
or property without due process of law,
nor deny any person wiuiin it* jurisdic
tion the equal protection of thn laws.
The right of citizens of the United Htute*
to vote shall not bo denied or abridged
by the United State* or by any State on
account ot race, color, or previous condi
tions of servitude.
All who arc opposed to the present
infamous atxl corrupt spy system will
vote the democratic ticket at the Oct
tobcr election.
Salt Lake, Sept., 22. —Subpumae
have been issued to bring before the
Grand Jury, Brigham' Young and
some fourteen of his wives, and George
Sobeth, who ranks next to Brigham
Young, in the Mortnan Church,'
but they have not yet been found
Mum Circular.
A mean nn.l v illation* oiri tdut !ia
Ilooii printed and i* U"a Mug town
I broadoastbvor the comity, -landcrim
Col. Jos F. Weaver. dean mite can
didatc for Treasurer. The slnnderotti
circular charges that Col, \\ caver w*<
a renegade from the democratic party
duringknow-nothingisni and that In
I sold out the then democratic organ
" Thr ( Vntre /'fworrflt, to the I,mm
Thafirst charge is utterly untrue, n-
U\ri, Weaver never left the party ami
always remained with and worked foi
the success of our party. Hie socoml
charge is fahe, iu so far a* it i repre
suited hv the radicals. Col. Weavu
did soil the 2taper above mentioned
but he sold it to M. P. Cri*ili\\aiU
who was at the time democratic K<gi
ter, hut Mr. Uroslhwuilo ufUrwnnh
' turned kmiwnothinj* ami took tin
j newspaper over with him ; Col. il o.tvei
j was ma to blatne, ueitlier could he pre
vent it, tor it was all owing to Mr
Crw-thwaite's treachery to the party,
j Tin* I yittg circular ha* to it tin
i name* of a number of prominent demo
' erats, which are tacked to it so a:
'to utakc the carcles* reader believt
| these men were the signers of the pa
I per ami made the thaice*. But lh<
I circular, iu its close only refers u
them as to the truthfulness of the ch.tr
i ges, and hence the villauy and deoep
I tton attempted is the more damnable.
Every person whose name i;
, priutedou it denies any oonoectior
! with it, and denies the statements con
i taiued above their names, are true.
I Demurrant, now wojk with dwubb
| exertion for the election, of honeat bui
I poor Col. Weaver whom it is sought
to strike down in this infamous and nu
I just manner.
Work, Douicruts! go to work, ami
i tell these enemies of Col. Ileavcr
; that an honest man shall not bo strict
j tin down by such deviltry.
♦ <• *
M; Editor I hud hop* d that my refu
j latum of the slatidt r that Mr. Mek, our
I candidate tor mt'ly, i adoreed tha plat
' form of the radical* of thi county would
ntake lurther cainmeirt y the couree •'
I these tradiu-er® unneeaasary. 1 -honed <
clearly in rov former latter that the w hol<
| public record of nut candidate pr>>\ rd him
to be in opposition to the rad.eal ptattorm
. that 1 thought 1 had -<> eompietsly -qokixl
the gun* of the republican fillibt;-ter*. that
thev would he ofliofur?!i r -ervnt> Uo to
>:i thi* campaign.
In thia 1 was mi-takvn It seen.* 1 un
derrated the effrontery, of our political op
ponent*. They do admit, it i> true, that
Mr M. k has'a* yet done nothing that they
can interpret into an endorsement of the
principles of their party in reference to the
I Law l.ibrarv Bill." But while they ad
mit this, they are circulating husiiyamong
.•ur democratic voters as vile and con
temptible a falsehood as even their party
was ever before guilty of utteriug. To
I lower him in the estimation of the thu par
tr for which he has ■> faithfully and long
labored, twe believe to his own pecuniary
lossi and if pt*--ihle to dtCVal him next
week, or nt least to reduce hi* majority,
the malignant nd un- rtipulou* ing r.iu
j ical |olitlcian* have the infamy to assert
that Mr. UrrK has j !'•' (Ai >'/ t > nt
tnnpt the rrjxal of thr fxe 1,. \-ry Act
next winter; that he unequivocally prom
ise* to do till Jar the repuhiiCtHt* tht y Jretrc
j to hare d -oe,' via; repeal the Library Bill
and to this they add the renvoi for hi*
making this pledge, that he ireafs r/o. 1 .
iVa ei<rr*
Now Mr. Editor, ran the force of malice
go any further! To tusort that Mr. Meek
who, ot all other men in thi* county, ha
the oflc-neat shown his wiUingtics* t>> work
for the gn at democratic party in theb g
i.lature lias lxditnl thed< moeratie platform
and ha* pledged himself to the principle
of that of the radical*, to assert that to gain
votbs from the oilier parly be will favor
and work for the repeal of the "Law- Li
brary Act is almost too palpable a lie to
be noticed seriously, vet. bccau-e there
may be *ome men in our party who might
l>e persuaded of the truth of thi* charg*. I
wish room in your paper to deny the ii,fa
mous accusation anu to proclaim that our
gallant standard bearer will not under any
circumstance* carry out for the radical
the measure- their candidate- are pledged
to, as in the p*t Mr. Meek has opn ->■!
radical principles, -o next winter will find
him arrayed in ho-tility to thi* Centre
county republican platform.
He is too consistent a democrat to work
in the interest* of radical party and to do
for them what ttowr weakm - prevent
them front doing tbcm-olve* No mar,
who know* anything at all of Mr. Mit-k'i
political reoord Will for a moment believe
that he has tho slighiusi ialcnthin to do
aught for th • raiical of tin* county I
deny absolutely then, that Mr Meek will
I scok tho repeal oftbe Library Act. Neith
er la It true that be ha* proui't-ed any one
that he will do so.* But even iflhi- were
io, even if for the good of the great party
he represents, and which lie mut again
next wriuter repP'-eut, he ha* said to cer
tain Democrats or Republican- that he i
in perfect accord with the Republican
platform of thi* fUtV ; even if this were
al! true, it i no reaoii why ho should not
receive the cordial nupport of every Demo
crat in the county ; tho Democracy know
him, and know that whatever ru<- tie may
j be compelled to resort to in a jmiitical
campaign to ensure hi* election to a po.-i
--tion where he can labor for the common
good of th - people, he will never |>eriiii!
himself to be u tool ot tho oppo*i'ioi. "All
is fair in war and politic*,' und wtit w
caning cen-ure Mr. Meek tor making such
representation* to individuals as will *o
cure their vol<-, we who stand oppood Ui
the Republican platform know it w ill meet
with a persistent and ucce--ful opposition
from him.
One other slander -itainst the same gen
tleman, 1 desire briefly to notice. The ra
dical* arc circulating tU report that the
repeal of th" notorious Fhllitdt'lphia huil
ding CommUtion bill wu* defeated in com
mittee by the vote of Mr Meek. At th'
lal session of the legislature C<l. Dech
ert. a Democrat, introduced int<* tho'seri
ate a bill repealing this infamous commis
sion which vvas bv all odds tho biggest
*tca! the of !'• -nnsvlvniiia had ev
er contemplated. Col. Dchcrt's repeal
ing Wllpatsod tho dern-'Tiitu- Henale, atlu
in the House ft ;■* referred to a commit
tee of which Mr. Meek was a member. I
cannot deny that iu this committee the bill
was smothered, and that In consequence
this infamous Building Commission still
exist-. RnlafVra ,arefql and thorough
examination of the Journal Of th>. House,
I rannot find any reo rd of Mr. Meek'*
vote. The radical! therefore talipot have
any foundation for their allegation.
Every vote for Mr. Mi ck in tho next
election will bo an endorsement of hi
whole official course, ttr.d an evidence of
.Mir unfailing confidence in him. let eve
rj Democrat then turn out or next Tues
day and show tho radical maligtter* of a
good man that we are not to he hoodwinked
or deceived. VKRITAS.
• ♦- ♦
For the Reporter,
Mr. Editor:—From the open act* of the
radical politieinns, as well a* from their
covert artifice*, it is evident they arc wor
king hard to J euro tho dcctfoi) of one or
more of their candidate* by the stalotri.k
of "trading off.'" I'robalily every voter
iu tho county know- what tiiis is--tho vo
ting for a man on the opposition ticket on
Condition thut some one of the other party
will vote for a candidate on hi* ticket.
Hut every one may not know that thi* do
vice is id ways adopted by tho minority
party if they are hopeless of carrying their
entire ticket, for the sake of electing one of
their nominees. The plan of the enemy in
this campaign i* simple, nnd yet if success
fully carried out, might result in n disaster
to the Democratic party. Tho leaders ol
the radical* in Bollefonte notify their fol
lowers throughout tho county to concen
trate all their effort* to secure the election
of one candidate, my associate Judge f-jr
instance. When <>no radical goes to hi.
Democratic neighbor and says, ' 1 will
vote for your candidate f.>r Treasurer, il
you will "vote for Wagner" ; another goes
to another Democrat with, "1 will votu for
your candidate for As*embly if you w ill
vote for Wagner," und ao ou ail around:
we can see at once that while thu ltepuhii
cans, evert if they lire luithful to the prom
ise* tiny thu- make, are scatteririg their
votes among all our candidates while they
are securing many Democratic vutos for
one radical candidate, whom tlmy might
thus elect. Tho grounds on which they
base their request* to the Democrats ure
various: to otto they appeal on the ground
thut the candidate lor whom they ask his
vol", in a neighbor: to another, that the
radical candidate is a good fellow, and
does not expect to b<- elected, hut would
like to run ahead of his ticket, &c. But
Democrats should boon thuir guard against
these radical designs. We have nothing
to gain l<y trading off, and a great deal to
lose. We must never presume too confi
dently on our large county majority, and
we have no business t<> trade off our coun
ty candidates for our tlala candidates.
The history of two campaigns iu this
county shows the evil effects of trading
candidates. When ,S. T. tihugert, of Bel
lufonto, was a candidate for State Senator,
hi* friends nildtapteil t< insure hi* election
l'X liadistg off Mi tl'Hk (ur pre-enl cali
ili'Ute fur \ .eioblyl for him In lr'> s
xvhi'ii IJol MN. key, of Lock 11 a veil, xxa
tlie In in.-, in! ic cAiidltlate for Cong re*.
I' :Y"> thla district. Hl* friend, also traded
t .ft' Mr M k for him. That Mc-r. Shu
srert and Mack x did this, I* uinlrnlablo.
for Mr Meek himself has repeatedly a> er
'f ted it; and yet both of these gentlemen
1,; xx i re dcleiiletl, and their victim did not
v run -o very far behind hi*ticket.
We xxcillil then xxuril all DellliU'rat"
'*!tißaiii >t trading In this campaigii.
Chief Justice UIIUM'
(- t inciiumti, Scptcinbor L 'fhoKu*
D (purer ol toftnorruw wil I" publish t It**
IR result uf tut interview ol" otto of it
•l -ixvittl with t'hn I" Ju-
Uoc Chtt-ft ttl WitnkcallA, Wiaoonaio-
I in whioh Mr. T'hn-O wiya he couaiL
--j( era himself UU uttger one of the invalid*.
, lie DOES not hesitut# to ray that IO |-
piuvc* of the plutform adopted by tbe
|t, W ISCONSIN dcumorucy, and really
HOPES for ANU Uoairua the election ol ox
., J Senator jhwliltle to thx- gubernatorial
■ I'huir, and believe, that all that i* uo
r t\ try for tho auecem of tho national
democratic party is strict adherence,
to the ancient principles of llto party
LIE objects to the TT-o of tho tertu "new
J- doparluiV a- aplied lo rocvul polit
■F, teal refoinr- of tho dcttioeralio parly,
4 . and say- it is ouly a return to the fuit
daim TITUL principles which underlie
U the foundation of the great party.
Mr. T'ha-e weighs LOT J jKiunils, and
i- in better health than he has been for
SOIIIO year.-, 110 will return east very
j s soon, and be present at llto opening
N of the Supremo Court at Washington,
, oil tho 19th of October next. lie
feels eonlidcnt of being able to dts-
T , chargo the duties of bis olliee, but will
~ not hereafter allow himscif to perform
LT Itiuillx'SSS labor ho has done, at former
I.(period# ol his life.
R > God save the Comiuoinvealth.
1 al-" give official notice t ■ the cle' tur*
•f Centre eounty that by an act entitled
An Act turtlter supplemental to tbe act
1.1 relative to the election* of thi. OMMMi'
r xvealtk, approved April 17. A. li. ItssS*.*, it
r. ). provided * follows :
j hICTH'X 1. He i< enaeted by tfu | .V mite
~ . i Itoiisi of ReproeMttttinr* of no (hut
no in filth i f I'ejmeet poniv: in ttenrral ,l.
UnnWy met ami it is hereby enacted by the
~ !*<ifAori#y of the same. That it shall be tbe
, 'duty of the u nor, xx itliiu this Ahnniuon
jxx eallh, on th.' fir.l Monday ol" Juu# ol
lt eacli year, to take up the transcript he ha
,2 received from the eounty commissioner, i
under the eighth section of the fifteenth o!|
April, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, j
.. and proceed t. an imiuexliatorvvison of the i
t! same, by striking llierefrom tho name u I
v exerv person who is known by htm to have)
died or removed since the l*t previous a- - j
~jsc—uxei t from the district of which lie i-j
i-'tlie a.sor, or wlio-e death or removal,
. from the samo .hall be made known t"
!him, and also the names of all xho shall i
v ' maku claim to him to W qualified voter. <
.. llierein. A* *ox>n as ibis rvvtsioa i. com-i
. jplelrtl be shall visit every dwelling house!
.jui tin. district and make careful inquirx if.
v .atiy person whose name i> on the h*t li*.
: died or removed from the district, and if j
-•>, to take the -amc therefrom, or whether!
;! any qualified voter rosides tlicreiu wh<c:
■l' n:\tuo i* not on hi* list, and if so, to add the'
■. name thereto; aud in all OH where a,
f name i. addx—i to the list a tax .hall forth
. with be a*csd agaiii.t the person; and;
cjtiie assessor rball in all cases ascertain by]
II inquiry, upon what grxniud the persons"'
, 'a.-esevd ciaiin* to bx- a Vxiter, I'lsJO the!
. eoiiipletion of this xrK it .half be the xliily
{at each a-ewsor u- aformaid U prxK'-cd to,
eiiuakeoui u list, in alphabetical order, of]
ii I tho w lute freemen altovo twenty -one year-,
,'of age, i laimiug to bo qualified xyaer* in
'the xxarxl. borough, township or district of,
..! xx hieh he is the assx-ssor, and opposite each
(J of the said natux's .late whether said fr< < -
k ' man is or is not a house--.xvpor; and ifht'j
„;is. the number of hi# residence, in town;
ri wncre the same is uuiuhcred. uith the
i. : sUxait, alley and court in which situated;
0 ami win a town where tlicro are no num
bcrs, the name of the street, alley or court
. lon „ iiieh said from* : al*o, the twctipation
j i of the person ; and where he u uol a house
i. keeper, the H-cu|>ation, place of boarding,
r aii<i with whom, and if working h>r anoth
y or, the uauie of the employer, aud write
;. op|K.-it. each of said name- the word "xv
,i tx r;" w here any person claim* to vote by
1 rcn-"ii of naturalization, lie shall exhibit
.j hi* certificate thereof to the a—easor, unles-
P he ita* been for five consecutive year* next
pre veding a voter in said distrtut, and u.
k!nll case- where tli person ha> been natur
u alized, the -aiuC thafl be marked W illi the
letter "N . ' where tr* pcr<m has merely
d*clard hi- ir.lenti,>n t<> lufonic a citizen,
.•ami tlesigu* t" be tiaturalir.'d betore tli"
,■ next election, the name shall be marked
"1). 1," where the claim is to vote by rca-
I -ot; of being between the age of twenty-one
II ana twenty-two, a* j)n>)i<wl hx law ; thx
-.xorxl 'ag'-' -halt be antered ; and if the per
•n ha- moved into the election di-tricl to
reside since the last general tlwfiull the
v the letter "It" -hall bo placed opposite the
i. name. It shall be the luluro duty of each
■-j u--"-or a> storcsaid, uihui the completion
. of the duli' - herein im|xo"d, to make out
I, a separate list ol all new assessment* made
, by him, and the amounts assessed upon
•t 'cach and furnbli the same immediately l
"jtlm county commissioners, who shall immt
v i diat'-ly add tho name to tho tax dunlixxate
v of Ul" ward, borough, township ur district
,1 in which they have been assessed,
i-' Stc. 2 •> the list being completed and]
II the nsscmcnU be mad" as aforesaid, the
it same shall ho forthwith returned to thv (
ll ! county eommimioner*. who shall raii.edu-'
. pluato copic* of said lists, with tho ohior
hivation* and explnnatiou* reqqiroii V) he
>- noted a* aforesaid, to ho made out a* soon
u) a< practicable, ana piacod in tho hand* of
■; the a-sossor, w ho shall prior the first of Au
n gust in each year put one copy on tho door
or on tho house where the ejection ol thej
i- respective district* is required to be held, I
,-llbr th" inspection, free of charge, of any
ej person resident in the *id election district
[-.who ihfch xixiru to seo the same; and it!
i-{ shift be Utc duty of the saKf a*#e*<r to auq.
e from lifiiti to time, oil tho personal applica-.
i- tion of any one claiming the right to vote,
i- the name of such claimant, and mark on
i- poeitc the name "(J. V.," and iiniiu'diatcly
ajanm* him with a tax imtinp. a# iu all olh
-cr —at* h occupation, residence, whi-thcr;
i buarjer, w ill) whom he boards, or whclh*j
•1 >cr naturalized or designing bo, tni rkmg
• in all t A-'C* th> letter# opposite the nnme,
1 : " N." or "D. L," a- tlo "rt*o may ho; Iftlio;
ll{person claiming to be assessed oe nitturul
'• Izcd he shall exhibit to the assessor hisccr
l> tificate of naturalization, and if he claim*!
Ii that he designs to be naturalized before the
L!next "ii-uliig nlsc'.ion, he sluftl exhibit the
*; certificate of Ifts dcclnrqtioh of fntciition ;
c jn nil cii.cs where nny word, boronf town
-hip or election di.trict 1* divided into two
t ro more proclnoD, tho n##o*or shall aou>
K in all hi- assommonU tho election precinct
'f in which each elector re-ides, and shall
' make a separate return for each to the
- county commissioner in iftl i a*"* in ft liiili
'* a return i- rtquirod from him by the pn-
J vision* of this act; and tho county com-
Uiissioiicrs, iu iiiaking duplicate copies of
all such return#, sktfti make duplicate cop
ies of tlie name of the voter# fn end) pre
cim t separately and -hall fttrnish tho -ante
j. to the assessor; and the copies required by
.. this net to ho placed all the doors <>f or on
> election placet <>r "ii before tho first of Au-
I, giizt in uueii your, shall bo placed on door
of or on the ilio-tion place in i.aul) uf mid
HKC. 3. After tho a. c .ments linxo been
. completed <>n the tenth ilay prweiHlingllic
sx-cond Ta<-dsy in October of inch year,
r tbo assessor shall on the -Monday imniedi
„ nteiy following, make a return to the coun
r ty coniuii-tionera of tho names of all per
,f sons ii-M -"<■} by him since tbe return re
tJ quired to h" in ado by hliu by tho uoond
. section of thi* net, noting opposite each
r name tho observation nnd explnnntion re
,f quired to ho noted as aforesaid; and the
county commissioner shall thereupon
cause the am<- to ho added to the return
" required by the second section of this
r act, and a full and correct copy thereof to
, he made, containing the name* of all per
il sons so returned u* ronidonl taxable* in
if said ward, borough, township or precinct,
mid furnish, tho same, together with the
,r necoa-ary election blank *, to the
|( officer* of tlio election in said ward,
• borough, township or precinct on
(.' or before si* o'clock in the morning of
the second Tuesday of i ictohes; and no
r in II n shall be permitted to vote at the ulcc
v tion <>n that day whoo name is not on -aid
V list, union ho #nall make proof of lit* right
t to vote, a* hereinafter required,
v Mgc. Go the day of election any pcr
w son wiio-e iiiiino Is not on th® *' d I #t nnd
d claiming the right to vote at said eloction,
„ shall produce at least one qnalitied voter of
the district as n witness to the residence of
,j the claimant in the district in which he
j claims to be u voter, or tho period of at
,t least ten day# next preceding said election,
t which xx itnes* -limlJ take and subscribe h
o written or partly written and partly print
,, ed affidavit to the facts -tatcd hy him,
. which affidavit .hall define close where the
[j residence of the pet son *o claiming to be
, n voter: and th" person so claiming tli"
right to vote shall also take a:id subscribe
g a written and partly printed iiffida
, v it, Stating to the best otitis knowledge nnd
. belief, where utid xvheu lie was horn ; that
he is a citizen of the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania kihl tli" I 'nii<it State*, ibn:
It* ho* resided In iltn Ooiiintonwaalthbti"
V"r, of If tormwr'y a x'ltlaqn therein, ami
has Utuffl llu't vl/otn, tlint ho I a l".id<*J
llll'll'ilt #lx JttOUllli lIDXt plWCttcdlng Ini,|
election. tli*; lio li i"l moved Int.. th,
lKt riet fur the purpose of votui* tin roi t
thai li" hn* paid St .if" or county tax with
in too year., which iv in mititiMl hi h<ut
ten day's before eni<l "lection ; Mini, If a nut
juralloed citl*"ii >llllll lo tat" when,
| iv here ami hy what court be wm naturnl
' iirni, and -hull nl*o |iro(iuce 11 certificate of
I naturalization for examination; the *ld
iiiHilavit •hall nIo tai" when mot where
tli" lax claimed to h" |>ahl by the ultlanl
xfa* ***o*ml, ami wlicti, where ami to
whom paid. win! the tax receipt therefore
!>hall h" produeed for examination, utile*,
the altiiant shall 'tat" in hi* nrtilnx it that It
lnt> been lout or destroyed, or that ho never
i received any, hut it the person ><> claiming
.the right to vote "hall lain ami subscribe
an affidavit, that he t a native born citi
.',itl of the United Stat.- or if horn else
where, shall slate that fact in his allldavit,
and kliull produce evidence that he Inn
lieen naturalised, or that lie entitled to cil
izxin.htp by reason of lil father 1 nuturati
cation :i and thail further slate in hit ttiH
ilavittllat lie is, at the time of taking the
alii.tacit, between the ago of twenty one
, and twenty-two year#; that lie ha* roiJed
in the Slate one year and in the election
jdistrict ten day* next preceding such elcc
-1 ion, he hall he entitled to vole, although
he shall not have paid taxes ; the nid nni
Idavit* ; the said affidavit* of all pvr.on.
'making such claim*, aud the attlduviu o|
the witnces to their residefice, shall he
preserved by the election hoard and at the
close of tlit> election they -hail he enclosed
with the list of voters, tally list and other
paper* required hy law to he filed by the
return jtpige with the prothou.iiary, and
shall remain n tile therewith iu the pro
thonotary'* office, #uhject to examination,
a* Other election papers are ; if the clectiou
. officer* shall find that the applicant* pos
si -,* all the legal qualification* of voter*,
lie or they shall he permitted to vote, and
'.tie name or names shall he added to the
lit of taxable, by the lection officer., tin
word "tax" being added w hero the claim
ant claims to vote on tax, and the word
"ago" where he claim* to vole on age; the
same words being added by the clerk* in
each case respectively on the list* of per
son* voting at ttch election
Sic S. it shall be lawful for any quali
fied citizen of the district, notwithstanding
the name of the proposed voter is contained
on the list f resident taxable*, to challenge
the vote of su- It persons; w hereupon the
•amu proof of the right o! suffrage a* U now
j reuuired bv law shall he publicly made
end acted on by the election board, and
the vote admitted or rejected, according to
the evidence ; every person claiming to be
a naturalised citizen shall ho requirx-d to
produce his iiaturnxatiou certificate at the
.-lection before voting except where he has
been for ten year, consequently a voter In
lie district in which he offer* hi* vote; and.
on the vote of such person being received
it hall he the duly of the election officer*
to writ*' or staiup on such certificate the
word "vot.-d,' with the month and year,
ami if any election officer or officers shall
receive a eeond vote on the same day. by
virtue of the .ami- certificate, excepting
where eon* are entitled U \<te by virtue
|of the naturaliaalion of their fathers, thoy
: mid the person* who .hall uficrsUch second
\ ole, Ujw.it so offending shall be guilty of a
high mi-demcanor, anuon conviction there
of, be fin.-d or imprisoned, or both, at th.
discretion of the court, but the fine shall
not exceed one hundred dollar* in each
case, nor tha ImpHaoitment one veer; the
hk.- punisiiuiciil shall be lufiirtcd. n ion
viction, on the officer* of election who
-hall in fled ui refuse to make, or cause to
niak<- or cause to be made, the indorse
ment required a* aforesaid "ii said natural
isation i cliticute
SKC. ft. If any election officer shall rrfusx
or neglect to require such nr.mf of the right
of suffrage a* i prescribed by thi* law. or
the law to which thi* is a supplement, from
; a uv person offering to vole wfaoe name is
not "ii the list of xoeu.-.l voters, or whose
t right to vote challecged by any qualified
; voter present and shall admit such person
to \ -te without roqutriug such proof, every
rxou so offending shall, upon conviction.
.■ guilty of a high wisdom can or, and shall
j he sentenced fur every ucli oftnt*. to pay
a fine not exceeding one hundred dollar*
i ~r to undergo an imprisonment not more
than one year or either, or both, at the
i discretion of the court.
Sec. 7 Ten day* preceding every nlec-
MM for election of PIWMMU and Vice
President of the I'nilcd Siati i, it -hall be
the duty of the assessor to attend at the
place fixed by law- for holding the lec-tmn
lin each election district, and then and
there hear all applications of parson who*e
names have been omitted from the list cf
itsscs-cd voters, and who claiiu tne right t
x ote or whose right* have originate*! since
the saU'o wa* made out, and thai! add the
names of*uch persons therein # shall show
ithat they are entitled to the right of suff
i rage Ir each district, on the personal *j>-
!plication of the claimant only, and fortn
\rith assews them with the proper tax Af
jlrr completing the |i#t a copy thereof shall
be placed on the door of or on the house
j wlu-re the election i* to he held, fcl |fi**t
eight dy* bsfxue the ehsjWon • and at th"
I election the tapir coursix xhall he pur-ued.
■ in all respect* a* 1* required by thi* act and
the acts to which it i* a supplement, at the
general elections in October. The assessor
I shall al*.* make the return* to the county
■ commiatoncr* ol all assessment* made by
] x irtuc of this section ; and the county com
- mis-ioiiers shall ftirnDh cople. thereof to
'the eluctiuP officers in ,ach qllrn.t, In like
! manner in all reqjseU, a* U requited at the
j general elections in tictober.
8;c. tc The wiiue rul and regulation*
j .hall apply at every spnoUl clnntton. and
hi uvory separate city, borough or ward
j election, in all *e*poU a* at the general In
'elections in tK-tober.
SKC N The respective n--esors, inspect
or* and judge* of the election* shall each
j have the power to administer oath to any
j ;ei>ms claiming the r.ght to be assesses! or
t'...; right of •utfragc ur ia ri.gid to any
i other matter or thing to bo douo or in.
quired Into by any ..f aid officer* under
'this act; and any xeillftil false swearing by
I any person in relation ts> any matter or
. thing concerning which they shall he law
| fullv interregateil by any of aid officer*
, shall be uunwhed a* perjury.
Hut. IA. Th at.cjsor* xhatl rgculvc the
' -anie compeii-atbin* for tl*e limn noceasi
irily spent in performing the duties hereby
enjoined a* i* prtividsxd by law fbr the per
! t..nuance o! tlioir other dutic* to paid
by the county conimi*ione' it* it h*l! not
j IK, lawful for any wcuor to asses* a tax
againit any person whatever within ten
days next'proceeding the election to he
j held on the second Tuesday of October in
iiny ps'Rr, or within ten dpy* next hsjv.ru
i any clfiulkai hir elector* of Pn-ident
and Vicu President of the Ugitotl Hutu*
and violation* of thi* iirovlatog shall be a
misdemeanor, and subject th# officer* to
offending to a fine, vu conviction nU ex
ceeding one hundred dojlonx, or to impris
enmeni not exceeding three month-, or
'both, at the dUcretisvn of the court
SKV . ||. Hit the petition of five or more
, ciUsen* of the County, stating under oath
■ that they verily bblicvc that traud* w-ill
ho iiraciieiKl at the election about to he
held in any district, it shall be the duty ol
i the court of common nbo* of aaid county,
1 if in soMion or if not u Midge thmvif In at4i-
Uon. to appoint (wo Judicious, ..ber aud
intelligent eitifiens of the ootlnty to act a*
oveiwoer* at said election : satil overseer*
kliull bo aolcotod fWuu ilifforent politkwl
parties, where inntcctor* belong to differ
out parties, and where both of aid inspec
tors belong to the sntuc |Kilitical party, both
of the overseers shall be taken from the op
po.lte poliUual party; *aM overseer* shall
nave the right to he present with officers <>f
the ejection, during the xxlmlo time the
same is held, the vote* counted and the re
turn* made out and signed by the election
"Ulcers ; te keep a list, of vots'r#, If they sec
proper; to challenge any person offering
to vote, and interrogate nim and his wil
noa* under oath, in regard to hi* right of
suffrage at said said eluotion, and to exam
ine hi* paper* produced ; ami the.officers
of aid uleolioii are required to afford to
said overseers to selected aud appointed
every oonvencnlcnce aud tacllity for the
dUcharge of their duties; and if said s lec
tion officer* sbtill refuse to permit said
overseers to he present and perform their
duties as aforesaid, or if lliey shall be slriv
cn away from the poll hy violence or inti
midation ull 'he voto* polled at such elec
tion district may he rejected by any tribu
nal trying a contest under unbl election:
i'roriiM. That no person signing the pe
tition hnll be appointed an overseer.
Sec. 12. If any prothonotary, clerk, sr
the deputy of either, or nn v othef parson
shall affix the *sial of offiou to any nalurah
xation paper, or permit the same to be uf
fixi'durgivt, our o cause or porinit the
>iitiio to he given out, inldank, whereby it
may be fraudulently u*ed, or fhrnlsh a
naturaliaatlon eertlflcato to any person who
shall not have been duly examined and
sworn in open court, in the presence ol the
judge* thereof, according to the aet of
Congress, or shall aid or connive ul, or in
any way pariult tho |MC of any tViiiiilitls'tit
iinturaluatlon certificate, 1)0 shall be guil
ty of a high iiiisdom'eaiiorf or If nny one
shall fraudulently use any such certificate
of naturnlixAtion, knowing that it was
fraudulently isaued, or shall vote, or at
tempt lo vote fliereoji. or if uny ogo snail
vote, or attempt to v oio on any certificate,
of naturalixation not issued to hint, hcthnil
he guilty of a high inisdefneannr; artd either
or any of the person*, their aider, or abet
tors, guilty or either of the misdemeanors
aforesaid, shall, on conviction bp fines! in
a sum not cgeoediug ope thousanddojlars,
mid imprisoned in tjio |iro|Htr penitentiary
for u period Kpj fxei eiliiig llivt'u VWtH-
Hoc |!f, Aliy person who on oath or af
firmation, In or before nny court in tlii*
State, or "tlleer authorlncu to administer
oaths, shall, to procure a certificate of natu
ralization, for himself or any other pomon,
wilfully depose, deeln'e <>r un.v iaat
iter to ho fact knowing thp same to bp false,
(if shall in like manner deny nny matter to
t he l ift, knowing the same to h true, shall j
• ;hc deemed guilty <f perjury; and any'
1 certificate on naturalisation loneihi pur
jjiUaiiM )f any snch deposilidn, di oinnuloi
I or alirmatiou shall he null and volit; and
!t>hit he the doty oflhaciHirt o-ujiig th'
■II.-0, up ui proof being mad# beliift' It tat
- j wil fraudulently obtained, to take imine
11diate measure* for recalling the same for,
■ ] vancoUation, and any |>erou who shall vote;
, or attempt to voleonnny paper to obtained ,
. or who .hall in any way aid in, connive at
f or have any agency whatever in the issue, 1
1 circulation or u of any fraudulent hatu
i- riili/utlon certificate, slinl' he sleamed guil
i ty ofn misdemeanor and upon conviction!
■ thereof shall undergo an imprisonment in
I- the penitentiary for not more than two
, year*, aiisl pay a nite not more than s-nc
t thousand dollar* for every tich offense, r
t either or both, at the discretion of the
j court.
~ Sec II Aov ia.'(iwr, eluvlloo offics-f of
. person uppoiuied al an <>ver*eor, vho *hall'
neglect or refuse to perform any duty en
joined by Inu set, without reasonable or
, f lcgalca' •. shall be subject to a ponilty,
. of .mo hundred dollar*, and if any MU'smr
- IH*l| SSIIM* Miy pr*"t a* a voter who i*
. not qualified, or shall refuse to assess any <
~ one xv lio is qualified, he shall be guilty of
~ mi-deiio-anor iu office, and on conviction
1 be puuistied by fine or imprisonment, and
II ul* i be subject to an act (>r datnsgo- by
. tli" party agrievt-d ; and if any person shall
Ii fraudulently alter, add too, deface or des
troy any list of voter* made out as directed
by thi* act, or tear down or remove the
I .snuie from thu place where it lis* hech fix
n ,-d with fraudulent or luischeviou* inUin
„ lion, or for any improper purpose, the per
| son o t.ffelidillg shall be guilty of a IligL
r misdemeanor, nod on conviction shall be
e punished hy tins, not excotxling five bun-
I nriHt dollars; or iinpritsouiieut not exem-d
--.. ing two years, or both, at theducretion of
i, j the court.
u! Sec 10. Any • lection or city, ward.
. | borough, (owushin and election officer*
' shall hereafter he held on the second Tues
j dsy of October, übj<M-t to all the provision
of tlie taw* regulating thl-eleellon# sifsucll
~ I officers not inconsistent with this act, tits
. person* elected to such office* at that time
I shall lake their place* at the expiration of
( jtlic term* of the person* holding tho same
Dj at the time of sucn clecUon; but no election
. for the office of assessor or assistant asses
sor shall be held under this act, until tho
.jyi-ar one thou and eight hundred and
i; svienty.
| j Sei- Iti At all < le< lions herxatfts-r h-ld
~ j under the law. >T til ■ Coir, mon wealth, th*
~; poll* shall be opened between the hour* of
, ■ six and seven o clock a. in., and closed at
seven o'clock, p. m.
1, Bec 17. It shall be tde duty vflhoSs<erc
i, tary of tho tkuiiinoiixveailh to prepare forms
.. for all tlir blanks made ncves-ary by ibis
,j J act, and furnish copiw of the sauio to the
| county coamai winners of the several coun
,' tie# of the Comnioiiws-alth; and the county
, commissioner* <>f cash county shall, as
mav IK- necessary after receipt of the same,
j jat ilia proper axpeiis#of
~ ami luillisli to ail tho s '.ntioli officers ofj
.. lh election districts of their ri*|Hctive
]Counties copies of such blank*, in such.
i 'qualities a* may be renderi-d necessary for!
tne discharge <>f ihir duties under tin. act i
, Sec lit. That ciliaeus of this Slate l-iupo-1
. i aril)' in the service of the Stale or of (he
' i United Slates (iovernuieiiU, on clerical or,
II other duty, and Xsho do not vote where,
, thu. employed, shall not he thereby de
prived of the right to vote in their several
el eel ion district, if otherwise sluly quali
i fiesl.
1 ' I, D \V. WtMsdring, High Sheriff of
Centre county, Commonwealth of l'etin
' .ylvania, do hereby make known and give,
': notice to the elector* of the county afore-j
'(sael, that an will be held in the:
' said county oj Centre, on TUESDAY tin
' lOth dap ot OCTOIIKK. Is7l for the pur* j
■ pose of electing the sev-ra! person* herein-!
after na od, vtg;
<trie person duly qualified for Auditor
Gene a! of I'euti.yivani •.
' One ir*"ii duly qualified for Surveyor;
' General of Peiintylvani .
Otic p*r*<ju qualified for member of
1 ! A-semldy
' i Two p.-r-ons duly qualified for Associate J
One person duly qualified fur county
' Trea-urcr.
One person duly qualified fur Ikmi.ty
' Conjmis*iinrr.
Our person duly qiisHCcl fur county
One person duly qualifieed for district
■ Attorney,
DM parxusa duly <ioalifls*l for Auditor. ,
1 a!*,, hereby makv knowu am! give no
fir* that the place <f holding the aforesaid !
• els-ohm in the several huroughs and town-;
1 shit., within the e-nmiy of Centre are a#
' follows. h wit:
f >or tits- town-hip of llaines, at the puh
* lie hou-c of Mr. It..ph in the town of Av
' ronsburg.
For the townsliip of Half M->on, at lh
' kcbool house in Storuitown.
For the township ol Taylor, at the house
" erected for the purj*o*e, on the prs>jriy of
■ L-'.'bard Meryman.
j For the township of Miles, in tl^ v hool'
! horse in the town < f 11. Li tshurg.
Fur tLu t..-r.-tiip'of f otter, at the house
: K. 11. I'orter, tlld Fort.
For the township of Gregg, at the public;
: h".ie owned by J. 11. Fisher.
For tie- township ..f Fcrgusun, at the
'* sh. ol house in Pine Grove.
r For the town-hipot Harris, at thi.*chvol ;
f bmiss- ill Homlsburg
' For the lowr.ship of Patfon. at tlpx h 1
' of Peter Murray.
' lYj i*.v bxirsHtgtt ol Ib-llefonte. and
1 Spring and Beunnr township*, at the Court
'* If- ise in Hcllofonte.
For tho township of Walker, at tin
J seh'Hji House in llnblersburg
j For the borough and township of How
' nni at the school house in said borough.
1 For tho township of Ku-h, at Cold
Mi cam school house.
For the township of Snow Shoe, at the
1 school hou'o near the house of Samuel
r Fot the township ot Marion, at the
' -chool house in Jacksonvilla.
For the borough of Miiesburg. in the
r -i hool house at Miiesburg
For the township of Hogg*, at the new
r M hool hou.e in Central City
For the townhip of Hmistou, at the
' house of John Kee 1
Idi li." texsl.h'uul l'<.un, at tlie house of
* \y. I, Musser-
For the towiwhin of l.iberty, at the
scli'M*, house in KagleviUe.
For the township of Worth, at the school.
' bouse in Port Mntilda
1 For the township of Burnside, at the
i house of Js>hn B<xak.
1 j For the township of Curtin, at the ach.wxj
"j house iis-ar llobert Mann s.
) For the boroutl sif V>i.ioaviUo ami l'n-:
-iton WWft-liip. at Hiotchotd house of Union 1
' j ville.
The general ElectY- „n t h o Town-!
Ithip*| Di*t"iyt* and Borough of the co-.mty
' i* Pi be opened between the hour* of six
" and -even o'clock in llto forenoon, and
".shall continue without inleruption or ad
"ilourumont until seven o'clock in the oven
' Ing, when all polls shall be closed.
, (oiHitutioiiiil ('onvpiilioii.
j; At the coming October election the eiti
>! sens of Pennsylvania will vote ti|>on the 1
I question of calling a convention to amend
the State Constitution, under tho
! act pa-ed by tho last Legislature:
I An Aet to authorite a popular vote upon
i'tho qtieition of calling H Convention 10,
. amend thu Constisution of Pen isvlvauia.
| 1. He ii ruarlrti, At'.. That thej
question of calling a convention to amend*
. the Constitution of thi- cotutaonwoalth bin
i submitted to a vote J tho people at U)[
feiicrnl (.icoUou. to bu held o.i t lie second *
'liesday of October next, the said question'
f to be vted upon iu manner following, t.>!
. wit: In counties and cities in which slip
. ticket voting is authorized hy law. votes
, for ami against a convention may be ex-1
. proMtcd and given upon the ticket, headed ~
j! or endorsed with the word "State'' ami not
! otherwise; and the words used shall be
I "Constitutional Con vet tion" or '"against
. a Convention," and in uounlio* or district*
. in which slip ticket voting shall not be
,jauthorised by law, each elector voting.
| ll|m>ll said question shall cast a separate bal
lot. endorsed on the outside Constitu
. tional Convention," and containing on tho
[ in i. e the words "for a Convention" or!
- "agaiuita Convention;" and all votes castj
as iitorosaid shall be received, counted and i
. i returned by the pre per election otficerrand 1 .
. return judges us vote# for Governor are re- <
. col red, counted and return* d under exist
ing laws. |
See. 2. That the election aforesaid shall J
bo held and bo subject to all the provi
- -ion* of law which apply tu general eloe
i ti"ii*i aihi.rill# of the several counties shall
..give notice of this act iu their election
. proclamation tho present year, and the
Governor shall cause all the return* of the
I' aid elections, n* received by the secretary
, of the commonwealth, lo be laid before the
,i legislature at its annual election.
d.xMr.aH. Wx.un,
Speaker of the House.
i tlpwiker oftho Senate. ;
t Acfaovxp—The second day of June,
. Anho Domini, one thousand eight hundred
, and seventy-one. JOHN W . OK ART.
Change in the Mode of Voting.
I An Act regulating tho nvduof yutiag at all
election* It; the several counties of this 1
I Commonwealth, approved March '<lo,
SUCTION 1. lir it rnnrtni /'V (Ac Sennit •
, and House qf ffeprc-ratuliiv* nf tKt Ooi
i woinrenitA of I't Hii.si/lvahKt in Urneent As
, teniMjt met, and it is Arrefiy enactf, y f/, t
autioritu m" the same. That the qualified
voters of the several counties or thi* Com
monwoalth, at till! general town-hip, bor
ough or special elections, are hereby, here
after, authorized and required to vote, by
tickets, printed or written, or partly print
ed and partly xyriUUm, severally ulat-ified
a* Ibiluxys: (tne ticket ahall embrace the
names of all judge* of court* voted for, nnd
to be labelled outside "judiciary ;" one
ticket shall embrace the name of ftH -"ilaty j
—— -
j officer* voted for, find be labelled "rttalo;"*
>n* ticket shall embrace Die IMM* f all]
county "tflcsrs wt#d for, and bo Inbellod
"o#unty" Hi tiej-et shall embfuef the
name* of ftp tow nship officers voted for,
and he labelled "township;' mifl ticket
-hall erntifhi" the names of all l> .rough
officer, voted for, and be labelled "bur-'
oiigh ;" and each shall be deposited in s-p-i
.orate Wllot*hoxe*
IV Amendmeiit Constitution U.K.
' "tJgi'Tiog I. Tho right of citizens of tho
I'llited Slaty* to vote shall liot bo denied
iirnbridgesi by the United State., or by
my State >n aeootit of race, color, or pro
! viou* condition of servitude.
First nti'l Kecotnl Section of Act of
(Hittgrtaw .Mrtrch 111, IM7O.
fill ri* 1. /!' it smarted by the Senate
<tnd House <>/ Hejtet tentati res of the United
j Stabs* of A tnrrtrtt in Cotiyetf nsteinhlrd,
That all citixeM of tho United States, who
! are, or shall ho otherwise qualified hy law
to voto at any election by the people, jn
• any Mtate, Territory, district, eounty, efty
parish, township, school district, mitnicf
pality >r other territorial sub division.
r shall be vuiKlvd and allowed to vote at all
•m h tlwtioiH) without distinction at raee,
< dor. or previous rondition of *ervuude;
any Uon.titution, law, custom, usago or
, regulation of any State or Territory, or by
or under it* authority, to the contrary not
-1 w i!lt<(staling
Site 2 And be it forth"' marled That I
2if Ly law r under the authority of (Jontli• j
tution or law* ol any State, or law* of any
Territory, any act it or -hall be required
to be done a* a prerequisite or qualification
for voting, and by aucb (ksnttiluiioti or law
persons or officers ur or shall bo charged
with the performance of dutiat in furmsh
r ing to citizen* an opportunity to perform
*uch prerequisite or to bet-oute qualified to
vote, it hal! be the duty of every such
person and officer to give l all citizen* of
the United State i to tame and equal oppor
tunity to perform such prerequisite and pi
become qualified to vi" without distinc
tion of race color or pruv-iou* condition
if servitude; and if any such per.on or
xfleer shall refuse or knowing omit to give
full effect pi this section, be shall, for every
-uch offense, forfeit and pay the *uoi ot
five bundled dollar* to the peraon ag
grieved thereby, to be recovered by an
action on the uac t with full cost and suck,
allowance for counsol fee* a* the court
shall deem just, ami shall also, for every
such offense, be deemed guilty of a mifde
fueunor, and shall, an conviction thereof,
be fined not less than dive Ii mid red dol
lar*, or be imprisoned not !•* than one
mouth, or more than one year, or both at
the discretion of tho court,"
rita - . 10 of an Act of the Uonnayivo
uiu IsCgialature uf April 0 a. d. 1870.
Sec. 10. That utuch ol every acq of
Assembly a- pruvido* that only whilst frac
mcu are entitled to vop- or be rcgi*terel
•[ a* voter* or as claiming to vote at any gen
eral election or special election ><f thi*
Comqp'nwiiattii, be and the same is hereby
repealed; and that hereafter all freemen,
i withoutdi*ticlin ofcolor, ahall bnenrolled
.and regislx-red according to tbe provision,
<>t the first section of the act approved l"th
April, 18<T>, entitled 'An act further -ujo!
j plemeatwl to the set relating to the elc-|
'ti.m* of thi* Commonwealth, and when]
(tberviw qualified under the <exitiug'
laws, be entitled to at all general and tpe-j
jcial vlectioii* in tbi* Comuiuuwealth.'
I'ursuarit to tbe provision* contained in j
the vvcufy sixth sc.-tion of Uie act firt
aforesaid the judges of the aforesaid dis-i
trict* shall r->iectively fak" charge of the
certificate* of the return of the election of
t heir respective districts, and produce them ,
at a uteetiim of one judge from each dix-'
itrirt at the Court House, in the bor. of Bel-!
lontc, on the third day after the daynfi
("loclion being on FBIDAY. THE 13TH
DAY 1F Ot'TtißKH. 1871. at u H o'clock
' a m. then and there to do and perform the
(dulius requirml by !*xx of said judge*.
Also, Uat when- a judge, by sickne-s or
unavoidable m-cidutii, is uiiabisi to attend
• mil meting of judge., then the certificate
or return shall be taken chargo of by one
I of the inspectors or clerk* of the election ot
the district who shall do and perform the
. dntioa required of said judge unable P aP
j tend.
| (Uvea under my hand, at my tdßce in
llellefonte, this siui dsy ..f Sopunb. r, in
the yar of our Lord, oft*. Uiousand eight
hundred and Mvonty-une, and in the nine
ty-fourth year ofth" independ"i< <• .J tiie
i P nited State*.
avri a re
j |
(Vfilw IfrtJl, IS*,
Has on had and for sale at the uot r*n-]
-"liable rates a splendid stock ot
and every description of Wagon* both
warraulml U> be made "t the best and movt
durab'.o material*, ant by the most expe
ricnu'4 workmen. All work sent out from
the establishment will be found to be of
the highest da— and ure to gine fierteci
satisfaction. He will also have & five at
-ortiueiit >f •
of all the newest ami most fashionable
-tvie* wall and carefully uyoU and of the
i be>t itißtcrialv
' \n fnspectli nof hi* work U asked a* It
' is believed that none superior can be found
in the eoentrx - . auff^xtf.
" ]
J.E. Caldwell ACo.;
Nxt. CUKSTNi r sr., ,
Desire to envite the e.-rxecial attention of
Iparchaser* and other* visiting the city, to
their unusually large and varied assort- <
| meat of
durinjr the present season.
Courteous and polite attention is extend
ed to all who may be induced to accept a
'cordial Invitation to visit their beautiful
909 ( III.STM T ST,
Successors of P. P. Wilsou, Rcljcfoute
Have sceuind the service* uf Jnmo* 11
Steen, of Philadelphia, druggit of * . •
toon year* experiWO#, who wil' * . *
chargo of Uioir pixworiptio"- . 1 *
d ior'*n(l\ho'e*" to thoir store
K n if ..iployoessleeping within the
w j]j attend to the wants of the
7'Uulic at all hours of the night
Linn A Wilson keep constantly on
hand a large stock of
Drugs, l'alots. Oils, Perfumorr, Trusses
utid Medical Appliance uf all kinds,
together with a very large stock of
Patent Medicines, such av
Vinegar Bitters, tuul also
Pure Wines, and li
quors, ol all kinds
for medical
purposes, I
The Chcpaal,
purest, licsti
On Allegheny Htrcct.
I cn, J Supar, Hyrup,Dried Fruit,
Cenned !• ruit, Ilanw.DrMil ikwf,
Salt, Pick lee, Butter, Hour
. Oorli Meal, Buckwheat Flour,
and everything u*wly kept in a well regu
lated first claa* Grocery Mfore
ti#rS.fliii IIUIIL* GAfTLT.
f - -- _
(COAL — YV ilk*barrt CwiMtl, Chestnut
Htove, Kgg. fu roar, and foundry,
t >al -f l t quality, it tin* low
eel price*. I 'a.turner* wlllplcMC
note that our coal it housed an
tier commodious shed*.
'LIMK—Wood or coal-burnt Li roe, for mlc
t our kiln*, on the pike leading to
POYVDER.—FIavin; received the agency *
for Du Pont * Powder AT
YVriULKNALK. we .l.itl be
pleased to mealie order*front
the trade.
i Office aud yard near south end of liaid
Eagle Valley It. It. Depot, Rvl!rfu*tr, Pa.
! 'tovl FHOKTLIDOK A 00.
I ' ~
Ha* been to the extreme end of the '
market For BOOTS A SHOES
to 80-tun.
For DRY (KIQM to N * York.
For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
v.ffiKach article bought directly
from the Manufacturer, with a de
tire to >uit thi market .4V
KINK ALPACAN r*uo #Je to J3c the
finest—equal to s!,st3> alpaca*.
SUITS-from $lO to $lB, boot all
waul Ca**imei*.
CarpoU at old rata#. twig ttk cunt* to 73
cnp per yt*M, far the bet.
And celling front 12) to 16 (wttta, the be*
calicoes, and muslin* in proportion, at
Women* Shoo*, ™nwii g##d, to w*
all iLuntmer. at $1 per pair
Fine Root* from $5,50 to $7,30 tor
at the lowefl rate* and*idd at 1837 price
S l 5 1 T 8,
i from $10,01) to $lB for the best.
and if it aintirac, Sternberg will treat.
They only ark people to come and tee
<-vea if they 4d h4 wwjt to buy.
i *|Yim .\MV 11, STORK i* now i hi ii>iM
I a Urge and well a-sorted Stuck of
! Hardware, >tova, Kail*, Sad
dlery. Ghu, PainU, Sheet, Bar and Hoop
Iron alto Buggy and Wagon Stock ol
etrery deo riiiii.i!..--Call and supply your
nlrc atth* lowest puaibl rate* at
B.\ ItuMETEUS and Thermometer* at
the very best quality just received*.
Wolf* oldstand
I. it TILES TripMca.
Thi-invaluable article for now
to be had at llerlacher'* stirA, and no other
place in Centra coring;. Ladie# remember i
that thor- can 1 had at Centre
Chas. H. Held,
|Clock. B alchmakcrA lenclei
Millheim, CentreCO., Peunn.
! fUupectfutly Inform# hi* friend* and thi
! )>ubiic in general, that he ha# ju*t wpened
at hi* aew establishment, above Alcxan ,
der> Store, and keep* constantly op band •
| all kind* or Clock*. Watche# and Jewelr# .
|of the latest tvle, * ah* the Maranvllb
Patent Calendar Clock#, provided with r
I complete index of the month, and dav oi I
[the month and week on it* face, which it
warranted a* a perfect time-keeper. I
Mg-Oock*. Watches and Jewelry re ;
paired on abort notice and urarraaled.
_ xcpllUMy
a . j
i bet ween Market and Arch, foftuerly 104.
Carpet*. Oil Cloths Oil Shade#, Wick
Yarn, Cotton Yarn#, Carpet Chains Grain
[ Hag*. Window Paper, Batting, Ac. Alao,
Hruhe*, 1/ooking Glaaaer, Ac. decMy
1> ('"TinTEsM A N~N*?YTIt Y~PPYI
and CiMtveyaneer. Dcetls BntU, Mort-
I gages, and all instrument* of writing faith-
I'uli.v attended to. S|>eviaJ gUentiou given
to the collection of ibmnty and Pension
claim*. Office nonrly opposite the Court
Hou*e, two doom above Me##r*. Bush A
Y->i urn", UwOAe# Bellefunte, Pa
inusoal IKWIX a WILSON'S.!
plated forka, spoons, Ac, !i* I
aplO.iift A V iX®£N. j
P' Urge stank, all styleO'-, vs ttnd
Ajprices for men aul boya. J- .
at Wolf well known \P sund
QGALES, at \vbo~, , ... .
t, v - esale and retnil, cheap
Any person sending us eight sub
scribers with the ea#h, slfi, will receive
tno Reporter 1 j-ear free; and for four
names and SB, the Reporter C months free
Lottvrg of administration on the estate or
Jacob Gontzell nr., late of Gregg twp..
Centre county dee'd., have been grunted
by the Kcgi-tcr of said county to the un
dersigned. All persona having claims
against the estate of the decedent are ro
quested to present tht m for settlement, and
those indebted to the estate to make pay
ment to the undersigned, admi#tiwtor
without delay. J ACOB UENTZELL, jr.
aug2s.6w Adiuinlatrator
The Railroad
has J iisl arrived a I
The Old Stand
at Centre Hall,
Avitli Hie linesl and
best slock of
in Pennsvallej.
j, Hntf, Capa, Boot*. Shoe#.
large .u-ckol
FISH, the bait, a|] kind*
tl.ebeu.nd cheapo u tb. market
apr.l Wif WOLF.
hui'uiltire Rooms!
<*n*pccuuily inform* the nifi— of (Vite
county, that be ha*< uitMUmtly on hand. aitt.
make* to order, all kind* of '
HOME M*e Cbaie* Atwtr# OK **
! Hi* t'.ock of ready-made Fnmltnre il#r.
; aud warranted of good a orkiuan#bi|> aud *
alt made under hi* own immediat* #uprn •
! *ion, and i# offered at rate* a# cheap al*
! where. Thankful for part favor#, he wdi e
j it* a continuance of the niim.
i Call and ee hi* *t*ck before pnrrhat >
fUoarbere. anßl'ObS*.
IT n
I \
PkTixrt* Drc fT".
wvi widjM* no***.J?*** Ia*enaa r~
wtobaaalNaUlaa: V
S '' mSliir'iftii
a i B*aSCfit iTim i
1 y aWI lit taa *l.**l ■** taw,
. | -j aa.aa. ttona
e , WESTERS PmttstitNO Co.
a Ifuw.JTi rv. ii IWIIIHI* I In - A. w
- j Pl ißiiT>gn.tin Asr7sk, n.
§ rsmts MSr!?2tr
*>( hr rra. hr fmmr taw. TV*naCaaM>. u*
aa* Ualaly w#n*#a, ■#* can wfla aca awl*
>i ac nttnmian.
t -tjani y
*. . Mil*, U Y iTlTttt
,j Avtomgy* at Law. Bellefur.tr,
S * dl'i*B Bd. next aor to Gar
RUM'* hotel, O-ie-ulUtion* in G*rnian oi
!>-ngl#h. febltvtSif
oil N FTP* >rirK a, Atuirnay u Law.
Colleelion# proa iqly n ode and peci
given to lln-o having land* i
| property fr #a!e. Will draw up and haxu
•cknowlcdged Deed?. Mortgagtw, Ar. D*.
; aw in the diamond. nob *l,l, of the
court hoti*e, Beilcfonte.. ••cUSfCUt'
IRRXET RRocuihanrr, j P *m#~ ;
Pre#idrnt. Of ,*■*"'
(Late Milliktn. floor . ,
J And Allow Int*rv-l
! ),sr .ount N.U#,
G nl 2!i7 CBi SMUr, '-S Gold *mi y a,uJ S *
'J A £ESt Xl s - t, " rn< - v 5Ti-w
'?ne# e'.i pf®n*|>tly attendrtoall b u
j met* entnmb.d io iu ni jul.\UMf
Tl 'r Attornev at Law
'nrdd?# rfellefonte, Pn. tifflce over Key
' d 1 iiuiv 14'K'ir '
.1 TrukXKvs-j y,
Rellefonto, Centre Co., Petia'a. a|>Chif
, ., p f° nle Office in German,,
new building op ( K<!ite tlio Court lioue.
.Vt#Nr<,i ike A e. '
C. H. Gutelius,
Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist
Wliu u ]M rnutuenUy located in Aaron-burg
m the office formerly occupied by Dr. Nelf
ana who has been practicing with entic**
occe—having the experience of a number
oi year* in the profession, he would eordi
•Uy invito *ll who have M yet not givai#
him a call, to do so, and te#t the t rutHfrJ hvsm
of tin* assertion. /tfirTeetb extravJw'
without pain. niave?*K-.r J
i • goon, Gentrq rial I. if a, dSur
profeMUunal services to the cott't rs hi*
ter and atUoiulug en* of Pot
the expenhnce of 25 yv*r Dr. Ncffha*
.practice qfmqditfir.q * in the active
surgery. aplO'Cß
imt BLACK, Pbval.
!„*• urgeon. Potter Mills, t'a.,
~or# nt* pre f®, BS iorial services to the citi
ten* of t*or ol township. mran.lK'.tf
I "
jso. y , oavis. c. T. ALEXAKDKR
, Alto rneys-wt-law. Office in Conrad House,
Bellefonte, Pa.
with OrvisJc Alexander, attends to collec
,tio-,is and practice in the Orphan's Court
□ 7jan'7otf -
SL RIP, the fin At ever made, just re
jce. ved, cheap at WoiPs old stand—try it.
Parlor btoves, aud foursiaes of <4
U-rimers constantly on hand and for sale a
wuiO'ttN. lawiK * WlUthK B.
oEidln, at low prieejL at
H~ • ANDai~ Dm.r" Ih 11~ h )jl
L z* *' kind# at
' ' Irwui tYVaioi,