. . . ." dAJL REfCmTER Fill DAY, SEP. 29,, 1871. LOCAL ITEMS. L id it, NEJTi. -Our friend* will >bllge 'iv sending in >/ local inter -t. including death* marriages. Ac., as ..ich are eagarly read by your the we-t. many of whom get the Reporter. U'e would esteem it* favor if our kind pa |.„;i. ,.jld occasionally mall copy of t ,e Reporter l relative* and acquainUn oo- who formerly lived m Centra county sr. j removed to other pa.t#, which would l ire many to become subscriber*. IMPORTANT TO Bumnms MKN.— " r ho circulation of the KKPORTRI, on this -id- of the county, i* now greater tliHti that of any two pao n in the countv, hence business men who wish to reach the Ponnsvalley trade, wib Advance their own interests, by advcll tiring ill the UKPORTER. Our suhscrir tion list is open to the inspection of al/ who wish to advertise. GoLUKK Fot* \T aIN Pen.— Somethiiw n, t ,-vn i novel. Be sure aud read the ad vcrtisement inonr p.mw. headed 'Great. „.t Invention of the Age." e believe the Golden F.-untain Pea i* unsurpassed, i c.hhl p*'i i necessity to every man. Soman and child. Agents, here Is chance to make money in intrvriucmg . good and saleable artu'le. Jan .. y. PRICES - REDUCED, at J. WAt.TKR * A Son's Carriage Manu tectory, Milroy. Pw mayAffm. 0 - S, 8. Wolf end 11. D Van Pelt, have lea*e<~ J him, last w ek, and made search for the , bullet, a hieh we arc t-'ld he found litdged < in a bone of the thoulder, and the doctor < fears amputation of the arm may be neces- Loor ITEMS.—A friend sends us the fob , lowing items from the Loop: i Win. A Kerr drilled 7 acre* of wheat on i Tuesdav afternixm. John"BW-k has a pumkin which weigh* i M^Confer ploughed up snakes in one i TI CSLT- " , Hesjrv Fve Sh>t four grey aquirrvl* and | a large "IK-er near his father s residence one afternoon. Geo. Hatter shot 5 rats at one #hot. , The Icxn> drum corps and pole cat city , ttrine band under the supervision of *un- | TIRV VTDBF AMERICA* I* AND TOT? < jvI'R.UIA IFRPFI TTMIPJ nightly with mnr- | Vne Milrov gentry are below par in the , L THE KAIEROAD. —The work of gm- 1 y ding our radr.Koi i? still progressing. t On the division east of Spring Mill?. „ we understand, men are al work at c throe different places, as also on the division west of Spring Mills. The forces nt work, thus tar. have been small, a* lb; contractors were disap pointed iu tiieir exjmctetionx of ob- f taiuing a plentiful supply of lalmrer? in lite valleV. benee brought no force* 0 front other parts. We understand tliat next week 150 men fttnn the Middle- g creek road will arrive and be put to work in Potter township. . There were some rumor* of a diss- -* greement between the Snowshoe tomp. " and the Penn'a RR. Com p., which was likely to cause the construction of the v branch from Be.lefonte to Oak Hall to ( fall through. But we are authorixed to sav, upon undoubted authority, that no" difficulty or trouble of any kind has vet taken place between the Penna ( RR. Co., the L. C. d: S. C. RR- Co., and the B. & S. 8. Co., to justify the Teports current, that the Penua RR. f Comp. made any move to defeat, lack in this ,etu ' r ' I would much' x'ther you wwld we ityoup if ziz:fcTTSTs SiSTJa "i number ..rtoniauiw " *"' r " as my wife had take I off Cffcaxionally but there were many wn . Ael V " any of your worthy rea dcr* should have any doubts as to the trt'D' "'the above, thev can inquire of John . Vileii or Jacob Mu'sser, after they come bo tb fail. I feel exceedingly hap|y to hiNT l ''*t /" u . r so iong wished for K. K. i* in ;Hich condi tion that it is likely to be made.- J that when it is finished I shall lr* e pleasure of taking a trip cast on LJ !U soma of you coining west. Thu F* rt the county is blessed with good health ttiu summer "so far, and good crops e!>e cially corn and oats, wheat ia not so go<*i all over the country, some yield twenty to twenty-five busbol* to the acre, while oth ers only ten to fifteen. I had iof an acre in wheat which made me almost thirty-two bushels, good plump weak I bava now twenty town loU, all in a square ptece. ex cent three, which lire on the other side of the street. I am fully satisfied with the change 1 have made, yet I have not lor gotten iny good old friends of Old Ceiitrt. lam very anxious to hear from home a* 1 might say, the Reporter is a reporter in deed. A word or so politically. We will have a liaid struggle this fall .some have strong htpes of a victory in thu Bute, 1 hope it may be true. Here ln ,'Crawford county the radicals are working with double power to elect a radical represen tative, ft is already proven thai there is money in one of our Bucyrus baffkiqready to be paid out in that direetiie-hie wa held on Rlkhart atreet Ind., on Saturday lh sth . in*t. I'hrc school* united on the occasion. Quite a large number of *pectators were ' |>r*ent. Able addro-so* were delivered r by Dr Frtnk and HOY Shaffer of Klkhart Ind , after which the table, groaning with the w eight of edible*, wa surrounded and the hunger appeased K\ry thing passed i of pleasantly. The school* adjourned n*< ) die. The burglar* who attempted to rob the store and po-t office, in Kdwardsbuif * Mich., also wounding Mr Kennav in ee ' -aping, have not yet been arretted. The wounded tuan i* able again to attend to hi* business. A pair of very valuable , burse*, and boggy, belonging to' Mr. Hitch ' cock of l'orter twp . were stolen the night following the attempted burglary. A , large reward was offered for the anprehen ion of the thieve* A few data later the team was found iltSlurgi*. Mich., fastened to a poet, having been driven into town | during the night. Tiie robber* escaped but w ere hard pressed by pursuer*. Cast Saturday evening a stranger entered the store of' Mr. Kennedy, and stranger yet, a naw hat found ila way under hiscv>wt, but one of the assistant clerk* espied it before the stranger got out, and as a maU< f of fact the lint W-'t returned. The purleiner made a few threatening remarks to the clerk, iwho by the way t* always ready lo wait on cust, mrrs) and who very cooly waited on him, by applying a handful of bone to hi* pkis in such a manner that lha would be thief, measured his length on the fi>*>r. and lay insensible for a while. Ila left the store a disgusted, if not a wiser man, carrying instead of a hal, a severe eut on hi* chrek and also una back of hit head received by the care less manner in which he swung it against the counter, while dropping More anon. Htaav. Ai/vorusiary, .Vie A, .Vryf., 18/A 1 Tl. Fer the Reporter. Party Organisation. The tkini additional rule needs d for the regulation of our party organiaalion is ene defining the qualification of the voter* at the delegate election*. Who shall ha eati tied to vote at the delegate alactioas of the democratic party * The answer would sevui to he easy enough None but dem ocrats should be itermitted to vote at such elections and til democrats should he. The difficulty arises from the want of a I rye I as to what constitutes a demo crat. One person will say that this man is a democrat, while another would say he is not. The rule should provides simple and easy test which could be applied at all times and bv any body. If one should in unre into the abstract political Opinions of the voter, and thus by comparing such opin ions with the principle* laid down by the fathers of the party as the true principles of government, in ordertoascertain wheth er the voter was a democrat or not, it would certainly be an impracticable test of his right to vote. If e person has heretofore been a democrat his vote should be receiv ed without other evidence or questiun. But then Forney and liickuian and Butler claim that they are democrats and have never deserted the party with which they formerly ected hut thet the party ten theui. Pryfessia** of democracy are not enough therefore to entitle a man lo vote at a delegate election. The lest should be, did the voter support the regularly nomi nated candidates of the democratic |>arty at the last general election? It he did, then be is entitled to take cart in nominating the ticket to be voted for at the next general election. If however the person offering to | vote has heretofore been a republican, he should be given the right to vote if he j will give his pledge of honor that he will support the detn.-erotic ticket a: he then next general election These two simple tests are all that should be required to en title any one Us vote. A fourth rule necessary to b- adopted ie one fixing the woinnrr in which the voting shall be done. In aonie districts they vote by ballot, in other* rira wee, and still iu others by marking. This should be made uniform all over the county; and ge would suggest that the voting should be by j ballot as being not only the /atreet way by wbit'b >1 can be done, but also because tl I conforms to the mode* of voting practiced j in all election# pee4xJ 'or and regulated by law. But whether the sniitlg • ®y bal i lot or otherwise it should be uniform iff i) pa n* of the county. A Daw oca AT. I>., y,ip Hgnt ait honest ami cabin person tor iMonif gyjjnn tamer, then i v ;>l c for S. F. Furrier. 4\4. Jan. F. Weaver is one rif the strong*"* "W* popular men upon the iu,W * t P *°P le a,! know he will tin."' 1 ® *" (MMtntJf treasurer. His elm. 'f wltbo ; a blemish, and the prop..** mutual could not get into safer hands. . for Col. Weaver. j Evans stole $300,000 of the state funds, and ia a radical agent. Hodge stole half a million, ami is a radical official. A radical clerk in the New York portoffice, is a defaulter in the sum ot $150,000. Chorpenning, Cessna A Co., radical jobbers, stole half a million from the national treasury. Boutwell, radical 6ec'y of theTreaa ury, reports defalcations among radi cal collector*, amounting to $20,000,- 000. Will you vote the radical ticket in October, iu the face of these stealings ? Iok out for falsehoods shortly be fore the election, and slanders against the nominees upon the demoertic county ticket, circulated, as usual, by the Bellefonte Republican. Voters don't be deceived by any roorhack* started by the notorious Bill Brown. Old Centre enn roll up 1000 majority for the democratic state and county ticket, if every democrat goes to the polls. A desperate effort will he made by the radicals to make votes for their nominee* for treasurer and conty com missioner. Democrats don't Ire led astray by radical falsehood* against Col. Weaver and Surnu. 1 F. Foster, our nominees, respectively for treasurer and commissioner Tltey are both honest, deserving ami capable gentle men, aud can Ire relied ujion if chosen, as tbey w.ll Ire, for the position named D. 8. Gray has been put upon the rad county ticket for District Attorney, in place of Lytic, wbo died of the Ly tic Chambers correspondence. John F. Potter, one of the roost worthy young men in central Peuna* is the democratic nominee—he stands fur above Gray iu point of ability, le gitl learning, experience, and in every other qualification needed for that office. Potter is the poeple's favorite, and he trill be elected by en over . whelming majority. The big seare*crow and humbug in the platform of the Centre county rads : Act A'o. 2., the humbug as now taken up and piuyed by the radicals: Don'tf*H to register You cannot register after Saturday next Remember this, an t register BOW. ■ J. B. Bolt, of this place, has sub i eou iracted to gradi one mile of the \ railroad, a ebort distance west of our ! town. >• Tlgorotts War on the lormoiw. r Salt Uke City, Sent., 10-Th a Grand Jury for the Third District '' were eti)>aiiiicllepleofthe ret of the country are atnenaole to the laws ot the United Steles. Those who obey the law , must be. sltall lie, protected in lite i rights. Tin me who do not must au swer at the bar of jurtiee, and those men of influence who in practic-- defi antly trample upon the Uws them selves. and ny precept teach oilier* to do so, should l>e the first to feel the firm grip of the law rather than the obscure men wliorn th y have misled. Gentlemen, it is your duty and mine to enforce the laws Let us do so without fear, favor, affection, prejudice, or hope of reward. • ♦ • Ths following is the ticket put in nam. (nation by the radicals of thi* county; Afinkly—Robert M FarlanJ. Trtaturrr -Geo A Bavanl Asaoctafe Jwifge*—David M. Wagner and B F Liggett. Cowse %Uetonei —Andrew Swarla. At? ax AT Orrxa—Peters' Mu-ioal Month)v fr October is at hsnd, containing fifteen heautiftii |>ie*-es of Music, printed from full siso music plate- It can be had far thirty cents The Publisher alo offer* to aend, post-paid, for one dollar, six back numbers, containing from ninety to one handred piece* of choice new music, worth at least SA> Send your order to the Pub lisher, J. L. Peters, Broadway, New York, and our word for it, you will get your money's worth. MARRIAGES. On the 'ifith Inst, at the Centre Hall Lutheran parsonage, by Rev. J. Keller Miller, Mr. Thema- Scholl, and Miss Elisabeth Homati, both oftireggtownship, this county. On the 2?th inst.. at the residence of Mr. Wui Kmrick in Centre Hatl, by the same, Mr. tieerge U. Kmrick, of Centre Hall, and Misa Anna Bell Pinniagton of Ear lay-town. On Si. Aug., by Rev. W. 11. (Iroh, Mr. David llouser and Miss M attic M. Stover, batli of Uuuserville. On ?lb inst. by the same, Mr. John Bubb and Miss Jane K. Stoner, both of Potter twp. On ths i 42 years ad T months. On 12th ini at the rv.i'ltp f of John Kunkle, Centre Hill, Samuel Philips. eg 4 ?2 years, 6 months aud 18 day*. On the 13th inst., at the residence of ty'lU. Bible, near Centre Hall, after a >brt but severe ill!'**'. John II Bitner, aged 16 years, 7 months and |ti 4*/*- On lfthinsL.in Mite-twp.. Mary Kre*ta Condo, aged 1 year, h months. On 17th. in Millheiin, Kiuina. daughter i uf J. W. Snook, aged two uiontha MII.HOY MARKETS Corrected by John k| tioweli. wheat 1,30..,. R*d wheat 1,26 ...Rye M .' t6 Oats 40 Barier caSS-;."? Salt 2 50 per aack ••••- Bacon 10c Ham 16 Kgg* 3) Plaster V 60 BELLKPONTK MARKETS. 'Corrected by Keller A Muster. sVhite Wheat $1.20, Red 116 . .'Rve 70. Corn 10. Oat* .40 Barley 75. 70 Cloverseed 4.60 Potatoes 60. Lard pr pound 121 Pork'ner pound 09. Butter 26 Eggs 16. Plaaterper ton sl6 Tallow 10 .Bacon 12 Ham 20 Prospects of HIGH PRICES FOR GRAIN. The undersigned have'taken possession •f the Warehouse at the Mill, in Milroy, (formerly occupied bv Reed & Thomson,) and are now prepared lo buy all kinds of Grain and Seeds, at the highest market prices, for CASH. COAI., PLASTX* and SALT, constantly on hand, for sale, as low as the lowest Farmers of Centre county ere respect fully invited t give us a call. We guarantee t.i give satisfaction in all cases MCMASIGAL& BROWN. *ept29.Siu. A I)M INiHTItATI>RS NOTICK -Let ters of administration to the estate of Michael Wieland. late of Harris twp.. Centre county, dee'd.. having been granted te the undersigned, all person- indebted to the taid estate are requested to make im mediate settlement, and thn-e having claims to present them duly authenticated for payment. D. T. WIXLAVD D. llaaa, 2h*ep.6t Administrators, g R( >CK K RHOFF " HOUSE. ~ Allegne-iev Street, Bellefotite, Pa. D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. Ari aT CLASS HOT XL, COW TORT ABLE ROOMS PROM Pr A ITEN DANCE ALL THK MODERN CONVF.NIKN CErt-ANI) REASONABLE Charge*. The proprietor* offer to the traveling ! public, and to their country fiienda, Brt class accommodations and careful atten tion to the want* of guest* at all time*, at fair rates. Careful hustler* and good suhle ling for horses. An excellent table well served. A Bar -opplied with fine liquors. Servants well trained nnd everything re quisite in a fir-t clu— IIot 1. Our location is in the business part of the town, near the Post Office, the Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p inripal places of business, renders it the most eligible place for those who visit lieilefoete on busi or pleasure. An Ottßiibua will carry passengers i and baggage to aud from all trains free of charge. WO FARMS AT PRIVATE" 8 ATE. —The undernigned offer- his valuable farm, about-21 miles ea-t ot Centre Hall, at private sale, it contain* 101 Acrea of Land all clear, in addition to about 15 acre* of the best white oak timberland. The im provements are a I New two-story framn dwel- JHTTTIa ling house, a good new bank llj ■ barn, and all necessary nut- JHIUM building*, and also a tenant * tiouse;'a well ot good wa'.er at the main farm house, also a well of water at tenant house, and a stream of running water through thtrland, and B" stones upon the land. A good young orchard on the pre mises, and ail kinds of choice fruit near {he house. Xhi* farm adjoins Ja*. M'Ciin ick, Widotf Gregg, Cyrus Durst, and farm occupied by Philip Durst. ALSO, another farm known as the Hor ner farm oa Nittaiiy mountain, about 1 tnile from Centre Hall, containing 272 ACRES, of which about P,s acres consist ol good young cheanut timberland. The im provement* are a two story dwelling house aud barn, aad also a tenant house It has a large nnd all kind* of fruit, and '* several good spring- of water. Thi- farm e is wall suited for dividing into two farina . For further particulate apply to r - OEORGR DURST, lsep.bui. Centre Hall. Til K ORKAT MAOU'AI. e HAIR FORCER! ' WHI farce * beautiful #t of Whiskers or II Mustache In from lwt> to lhr* months, on a any prwi over 12 years old It Is uni of the best preparations to make th whisker* grow, that < qr wo known, tine boll I* of I* It U sufficient to produce a vary strong II hoard It doe* not In any way ilaln or in IttN the akin. Try It—it ia no humbug Price M oonta |>r bottle, or four for $1 • So nt by mail, po*t paid, lo any mldr***, oa il I ro,-ijt of Price, Ad.l row, WM. 0. WAG .. - NKK, Arendsvill#, Admit* 00., l'a. •ept'JU ly. i |Ttrs AND LOT run SALK. It IXI Tho undersigned oflora at private i a!o hla houae and lot situate an Church j •trrel, Contra Hall. The houae la a new • two alory frame building, one of the finest . in the neighborhood, and in one of the beat location* In the town There iaa new • alable upon the lot For fulher particu t tare apply lo AI.KX MIANNON. '' **pt22.tf a fjtrg ami Valuable Farm at Public Sale r , The valuable farm of t'eler Durat, deo'd, Ivlnc in Potter township, on the road lead " j iii from Old Port to B.ntsburg, will be • ! ottered at Public Sale, on the premise* i On Thursday Noitmbar snd, 1871 rjat I o'clock, in the afternoon. Thia farm , contain# 2tso Aerca of Land , more or lota, of which about 30 Acre# con ait of Valuable Tiuiberlaud, the balance i highly improved and under • he hetl -late of cultivation, and ron*i|sof the heat lime atone land in the valley, i which, tor Iwauty of location and fertility, , cannot be excelled by a.iy farm in Centre | county. The improvement# conaiat of a Large two-story Brick Houae, brick Waah-houae and apring houta , Large Hank Barn, AOs HO, with wagon-ahed at either end, alao all other narsaaary outbuilding#. The premiaea are well aupplied with Never Failing Water, conducted to the barn and houae in tuetal pipe# from the apring cloaa by. A'eo a Large Orchard wi|b all kind# of choice fruit. Thia them ia about one mile abeva Old Port, and half mile from the location ut the prepottJ L. C AS. C. KK. Term# will b r*aonabl and made known on day of ealr Hor ftither particu lar# at>plv I.' Joahua Potter, in Harrietwp , or John RUhel, Us Gregg twp. JOSHUA PUTTER, JOHN RISK EL 1 •<•!>. *im Kiaculora, rpRACHERS* EXAMINATIONS. X The examinations nut already past will be held as follows, commencing at 8 o'clock a. at., at which time the Secretary will be expected to bate the class organ ised and in readiness, ao a# to cause no d*- 1 lay. Applicants for schoula wilt be r- 3 uired to attend the examination in the ■ strict where they expect to teach, unices they procure aw ritten request to the con trary from the proper board ot directors. All should be provided with paper, pen and ink. Harris—Boaßburg, Priday. Sept. 28 Perguson— Pine Drove, Saturday, Sept, 30th : ilaltmoon -Stormstown, Monday, Oct. 2 Patton —llalfmnon. Waddle's school house, Tuesday, Oct. 3. Benner —Arinagost'a school-house, Pri day, tV-L ti spring —Boiling Spring acbool-liouae, Saturday. Oct 7. Snow Shoe A Burtiside—Askey'a, Mon day, Oct. Bth, at 1 o'clock t> in. Marion -Jacksonville. Wednesday. Oc- I tober t Ith, Walker Hublersburg, Thursday, Oct. 12th. j Taylor A Worth —Port Matilda, Tuee j dev. October 1". i lluaton—Julian Furnace, Wednesday, J October IS. I Union—l'nionvill*. Thursday. Oct 19i 1 Miie-burg A Hoggs- Milesburg. Friday, October "At. Howard A Curtin— Howard, Tueaday, October 24. Libertv Kaglevitle, Wednesday, Oct •Jf.th For a number of aucceeding Saturdays, j after the close of the regular Kxaminationa. j the Co. Supt, will be a! hit ofllce in llelle | fante. I"f tne purpose of examining irregu- I lar applicants, who were prevented fr-m ! attending at th, proper time; but all such mow Pricra |H AT RANKIN'S Model Bookstore. Henry Ward Beuecber • LIFE OP Jesus the Christ, THE BEST PUBLIC A TION OF THE AGE. For sale only at ltaukin a Model ' Bookstore, Beliefjnte, Pm. PUBLIC MALK.-Th* undersigned will offer for sale on the tkh day of October, I*7l, A VALUABLE FARM. situated in Potter township. Centra county Pa. about 4 miles East of R-alsburg. and 4 miles West of Csntre Hill, containing. TWO HUNDRED ACRES, more or ls. about one hundred A seven ty acres of said farm is the best litn# alone , land, in a high stale ofcullivatlon, and the balance is the best of limber, consisting of Oak. Chestnut Ac Ac , and ia well aupplied " wiih water by a nevar failing running stream, alao a nevvrfaillng well ofexcellent water. [ The buildings on the farm arc very am ' pie, consisting of a large 2 story frame dwelling, a tenant b-mse large bank barn, 1 wi'h all necessary outbuildings, such as wa-h-h..use with running water in it, wagon 1 house, -moke house, carriage house, hog • house, Ac., kail In good order. Alao an i ORCHARD OP CHOICE • fruit, second to none in the state, consist i ing of apple#, wars, peaches, plums, cher > rit*. A'. The above farm afford# an op ■ portunitv for a valuable investment, and a very desirable home It is known as the i late' residence of Samuel Spaugler, dec d. TERMS.—Onr-llnrd to remain in the farm as a dower during the life of the wid ow. Intercut to be paid annually, one third to be paid on confirmation of sale, 1 the balance In one year thereafter with in terest. T<> be secured by bond and mort gage on the prutilise- MARGARET

ain strict. Centre llall, with stableaoff outbuildings, " and choice fruit on the premisos, and wa l ter in the yard. The house is as good as new. For lutber l-'jlaug tf. Cantrt HH I ' i The First r 1 ami the Best! i : The I -arrest I & CHEAPESI , Mock of FALL GOODS! JUST UN BACKING at KELLER A MUSSER, In Jrj.- render satisfaction, and although we have had an extended trade fr yaars. wo have never given a customer causa to 3"AAX NOTICE.— in accordance with | , all at't of Aaesambly. notice ia hereby ven to the ailiggn* of Potter, from whom taxes for school purposes for the present year are due, that on all suah U*e# paid to the undersigned Treasurer, at his residence on or before !sth of November next there will be a deduction of five per centum. OO all Uxea paid within one month after said date no deduction will be made, and that ftpon all school tax** re maining unpaid after Decembar 1.-th next there will be an addition of fiva per cen tum By order of the Board. 1 y FRED. KURTE. augt6.3m .Treasurer, Tonng and Bawling# CITY STORK. XVHOLESA LE A.ND RETAIL The Urgent ami heat assortment ol Orv (ioculs, w ' Clothing, Groceries, Boots, & Shoes, Notions &c, in the county, give ua a trial and save from 15 to 2U per cent, on youe pur chance. ju|y2B. CENTRAL HOTEL* Corner of Fbird I and Chestnut Street-Mi HI inhnrff. Pa . John Rltowera, Proprietor. IU Central Location males it particilarly desirable to persons visiting Town; on business or pleasure. H. A. Tuylor's Liv*ry Attached. un2fi.)y NDTH'K.—I-eiterfi tes i XV tamentary to the e#tate of Daniel 1 Derr, late of Potter township, Centre #<>un -1 tv, dee d., haying tieen (Wanted tw-iMe un dersigned, all persons indebted to (he said ! estate era requested to mak-- imniediate , seitUlvnient, and those having claims to I sept2t.lt, K*ecu|or. NOTICE. Office ofthe fjewisbuig, Centre anil Spruce Creek R R. (Jo. Philadelphia June ISih, '7l. Notice is hereby given that the first In- I stalment of five dollar* per share, to the capiut slock of the Lewisburg, Oeatreaad Spruce Creek Kail Road Co., subscribed in the townships of Harris, Potter, Gregg, Penn and Haines. Centre county, wlllbe payable on the first day of July I*7l, and subsequent instalment* of Iv* dollarsuer share, will be due and payable on the ftrat day of each succeeding month until the I whole is paid. Payments of the above in | sUluienta are hereby requirwtl U be mad* >lo the treasurer of the Company, at th* I office of th* Centre County Ranking Com , pany Bellefont* Pa. JOSEPH LESLEY, I Treasurer. I N B. Any person desiring ran pay the i whole off at onca. If payments are not > punctually made Us# law allows one per i i oent. pel month to be charged in ad-liu n Attention Farmer* of CENTRE COUNTY JOHN MIX - W K!. 1. beving leased tbe Ware i iiouse of Cuplin A Strunk ia Milruy. is now \ ■ prepared to pay the highest cash prices for alt kinds of drain Coal, Plaster and Salt, < constantly on hand. inay'Jf.flm ( Oairn HALL Coaoh Man ufao tory. Levi Murray, I I I *1 hit üb)Uhmei!l t Cfotre Hall, Pa. 1 'xrejMOH hafiJ.and for aala, at tha muaC j raaaonabla rata#, a large stock af 1 i i Carriages, i Buggies, J a Spring Wagons, \ a li PLAIN and PaNer.j jp and vehicles of wary deecriplion made to order, and Warranted, to be mad* of tb*j„ beet seasoned material, and by the most j skilled and competent workmer. Persons 1 wanting anything in ku line are requested j 1 u> call and esamina hi# work, they will find J " it not to be excalted for durability and j 1 wear apr ly I __________ ______ Y*W HARDWARE STOHE! ~ J J. A J. HARRIS NO 4. BROCKKKIDIPP ROW A new and complete Hardware Store ha seen opened by the undersigned in Brock- ( •rhoC# new building- where they are pre -ared to sell all hinds of Bulldittgand Hous, Kurnishing Hardware. Iron, Steel. Nails. . Buggy wheels ia setu, Chsunpion Clothes H Wringer. Mill Saws, Circular and liana |, taws. Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, IceCrean j Preexera, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a All. L -ssortment of Glass and Mirror Plat* of alij t -iaaa, Picture Pramea. Wheelbarrows Lamps. Coal Oil Lamps, Belling. Spokes L Felloe*, and Hubs. Plows, Cultivators. Cor* Plows. Plow Points-. Shear Mold Board-u *nd Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Mhov-; sis. Spade* and Porks. Locks, Hinges •iorewa, Sash Springs, Horse-*bows, Nails, Norway Rods. (His. Lard, Lubricating. Coal, Lmseed, Tanners Anvils, Vice*. Be!-\ leers. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Paetorv Bells, Hous# Bells, Dinner Bella, Gong Bells. Tea Bell*. Grindstones, Carpen ter Tool*. Fruit Jars and Can*. Paints, Oils. , Varnishes received and for sale at |„nAUy. J AJ. HARM* f News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Th# undersigned hereby informs the citiaens of P*nnval!*y that be bet pur cha*d tbe Tmabop heretofore carried oo' by the C. H Mfg Co., aod wil. continue i the same, at the old stand, in all it# branch es, in the manufacture of NTOIK IIIK dk BPOVTIXtt. I All kinds of repairing don*. 11* has I always on hand I Fruit tana, of all KtW, BUCKETM. CC^M, DIPPERS DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charges reason- I able. A share of the public patronage so licited AND KKKSMAN. I 2s*p7oy Centre Hall , - | A JAKKKTT dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS also all th* STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. A very large as sortment or Tot- LET ASTICHI. Fa Ncr Rood. Soaps, Ac., Ac., The flaest qual ity of Kiioi ST XXL. POOEXT sK|vga,MciaoM and Htauh*. WALL Parxn IN GEBAT VAKIKTT. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com petent druggists at all hours, day or night. Night customers pu 1 night hell. ZKLLERA JARRBTT. Bishop Mt, Bellefont* Pa. lunlS 1 1 CENTRE HALL Tan lard. The undersigned would respectfully in form tbe cltlxens of Centra county, tbet the above Tan Yard will again be put in ftill operation, in alt it* branches, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price will be paid for Hides of §ll kind# Th* higfaeet mar ket price will also be paid far Tanner's j Berk Tbe public patronage i* solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. dcfi.9tr MILLER A BADGER. CHEAP MUSIC. SvaecatNßM to PKTgaa' M i'IICAL MONVULY get all the latest and beat Music nt <>ne and two cents a piece. Kvety num ber contain* from $4 to $& worth of new Music ; and it can be bad lor 30 cent*. The July and Augu.t number* contain Thirty Pieces of Music, (72 page*, sheet-music i siae.) and will be mailed far AOrent* Ad- - dress J. L. PETERS, 488 Broadway. New York. 2&aug3m. { " ' JL k. aANTBSS, Watch Maker and Jeweler, MADISOBBUKO, PEWH'A. -Keep* constant! v on hand Watehee. lilver Chain*. Haaie Bex**, Chains. Keek*. Mags. Ac., all of which will he sold at the very fawe-t price* for cash. Alao all kind* of repair ing done on Jewelry, Clocks, Watches and Musk Boxes ■AGENT Jor the IHfIME SHUTTLE MEWING MACHINE evhivh u*e# a straight needle, ha* a telf-adjustiag tension. , and makes the lock-*titch. on both side* alike. Mold complete at only $37, and warranted. Alao, Agent far the American Bntteg-Bela Ovar eeamlmg and CsmpleU fiewiag Machlaa. All order* promptly filled An ATM, amraLO'x MARBtaj * raoNT. aiaaor at, Bellefante | WINES ANI) LI'QUO-RS The subscriber reapectfully calls the at tenlion of the public to hie estabitsbm nt, where he i* urepaied to furnish all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Liquors' wholesale at the lo wast cash prices, which are warran ted to b * the beat qualities according to ibeir respective | rice* Hi* stock consists of Rye, Mouongahela, Irish and other Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies. Holland Gin, Port, Maderia. Cherry, Blackberry and other Win*#—in* best articles—at a* reasonable rate* a* can be had in th* city, Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Ginger andCarraway Brandies, Pur* Jamaica and New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds. Ho would particularly invite Farmers, Ho tel keepers and others to call and examine hi# iarg* supply, to judge for the.in*elv*is and b# certain of procuring what they buy, wbich can seldom be don* when purehas ng ia the city. JMrPhyaic-an* are respectfully requested 0 give hi* liquors a trial. ap|o CIKNTKK HALL HOTEL. / JOHN HraNOLia, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, aouth, east and west. Thia favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by iu new proprietor, and i* now in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania.] The travailing community and drover* will always find tbe bestaci-ouimodatioio, Per- ■ sons irom the city wishing to spend a few week* during tbe summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most beau liful 10. at ions and lb# Centra llall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con venienca. aplCTfiS.tf. COACH MANUFACTORY. HAKDMAN PIIILLIPH, AT HIS manufacturingesublisbuteni at Yeagertown, on the LcaisPxsi Mini m l Irfoiite Turnpike, now i foam a fine stock of Carriages, Buggies, Muikle and Spring Wagons, which he now offer far sale as superior ia quality and style, t anv manufactured in the country The* are made of th* very best seasoned stock hi first class practical workmen, and fiuisheo in a style that challenge* comparison witf anv work out of or in the Eastern citl and can be sold at lower price* than tho*. menu!*.lured in large towns and cities, smt.l.l high renu and ruinous prices of liv ing Being ma*tor of hi* own situation, anxious to escal in hi* artislical profe**i*M and free from nay annoyances in his busi ness, he has time and ability to devote hit entire attention to his profusion and bit customers, rendering satisfaction alike U all patrons, operatives, his country, ane himself Call and examine his stock and learn hit prices, and you cannot fail to be satisfied . RtPAIRI N part* a soft, gtomv at-! pcanutiM', iwuovaa Dandruff, 1. rehashing io ibe bead, chock* lb* Hair from falling! off. and mature* it to a gt*ni e.tciil whet., prematurely loet, prevent* ll* adarhe*.' cure, ait buiitura, cntaneuu* eruption.,] •'Tj l "'ural heat. AH A DKK&ISIi FGKTHK HAIK IT In THE HKNT AX. HULK IN TUB MARK XT. DK. li SMITH, Falentea. Ayr, Ma* I'r.peied only by J'Hot'i'XK BKOTH-j KK-H, Gloucester. Max The genuine to I l>ut up in a panel bottle, made egproaalyt for it. with the name at the a tide blown i in the a lax. A*k your Druggu t for N*- Tl'ac a ltaia Itgavoa* . ivg, and take no] other #w-nend two three cent Mamp* p. Fruc tcr Brother* for a "Treating n the Human Hair. Tbo information it contain* i. worth ftirtf.OO to any peraon !oi> ly For *ai at Cactra Hail by Wm. H'oll and Ueriacber A C'ron miller. A CAKD. -Wa have removed opposite to ibe Btnli Huuu and are telling out our Mock left from lb* fir* at bargaii.t. Wr are settling up our book, and account* and will be tout b obliged to oua and all to rail j ali i *ettie their account*. We Would say! to our autnenxu friend, and cu-loiurrs to please accrpt 'Jr sine re thank, fir the generous patronage they bava alway. be-' •towed on U* IH KNsIDK A THOMAS GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Ureal Bargain.l r PIIX undersigned, detertutad to uiaet the A popular demand for Lower Fries* re- i •pectftiliy call* the attention ol the public to hi. *tock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed aa-' pec tall for the peopla and ibetituthe lar gest and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddles, Harntw, Collar*. Bridles, of every description and quality; Whip., and in fact everything complete to a firat class establishment, he now offer* at price# which will SU.I the timet. I |A batter variety, a better quality or finer Style of Saddlery ha* never before been of sored to the public. Call and •-.amine our; took and be satisfied before purchasing*: elfpwhere Determined to please my patron, and thaakfitl for the liberal share ot patronage heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. JACOB DINGKS. Centre Hall.' VIW FIRM. NSW UtMlflS AND' Panic Prices. POSTER DEVLIXG A* WILBON. Having purvbi *ed the extensive More of Howell, Gillilat. 1A Co., and added to them . at panic price** large amoitment of NEW DOORS, They are euablsid to sell at OLD FASHIONED PRICES! V large variety of Ladies' Drew Gugci j Great Bargain* in Muslin* and Calicoes. lb-ad v Mad* Clothing Wtmntnl lo Suit t | Our Cl-.Sh- and Cassimera, Cart W rifvllvrt TIIKIK (JKot'KHY DKPAKTMKXT. Astonishes every one in assortment and lo j price* Syi up. Sugar. Tea. Coffee, Canne i iruils, Jellies. Domestic and Foreign Fruit*. Cheese and paatrie* i a.! kind*, and every other aitlele be longing to the Grocery Department. They Wholesale of UtiUJe/pkin Rat * (♦" Farmer*, Mechanic* and Laborers look to your interest. One dollar caved is a dollar in pocket. Tben call and • eat what astonishingly low price* FORSTIR DRV LI NO A WILSON, Ara selling their Dry C od and Groceries. MhSo trouble to *how Gimdi.tl If they are not a* represented, we will pay you "for your trouhle. Don't forget the place. grTUKXCK BUILDING "Aft ap'/.Hf Allegheny St . Bellefowte Pa. CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co AND Machine Works. OKNTKR HALL CENTRE CO., FA. Having enlarged our New For.P.T ano \l acutak Hnora and Aowa'tTt'iu Woiu. Stocked with all new and lata*: improved Machinery at Centre ilail, an nounce to the public that they are now ready to receive order* for anything in their tin* of butiac. Shafting*. Pullies, Hanger*. IRON & BRASS \V* aDe manufacture ;ae celebrated, KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now stand* unrivalled. This Reaper baadv*ntaft**o*eraliolhei ! Reaper* now manufactured. Una advan tage w claim for it. u the lever power, by which we gain one hundred per ccnt over other machine*. Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereby the driver ha* under hi* complete contro of the machine: in coming to a spot of lodg ed grain, the driver can change the cut ol he machine In an instant, without .topping the team, varying the .tuble front 1 to 14 inches at the outside of the machine, a* we'] a* on the inside. It i. constructed of flrtt cla material; and built by first class mi chanics. We warrant it seeoud to none. AH kind* of Horsepowers and Threshing Machine*. Hay and Grain Bake*, latest im proved All kind, of Repairing done. Dif ferent kind* of PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heckendorn Kconomica plow which ha* given entire satisfaction We employ the best Patternmaker., .our pattern* are all new and of the most improv ed plan*. Plans, Specification* and J) an ing* furnished fur all work done by u*. We hope by strict attention to bus no*, to receive a share of public patronag CASTINGS of ev-ry description made and fitted up f' MILLS, FORGES, FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, AC., Al Alt order* by mail promptly attended to 0* ▼P22ajAAF'QCOM'P Important Notice. To th* public-Hie Wilami Ken Un der feed SbolllffSrwirg Muck in'. It.-ar in in nd tht* fact, that the Wii rfHj •awing machine company are the pioneci - ill introducing e fic.t Hlutflr machine at a msfi#hl •i d low price. Thia tnacblna c- oiblne* all the -!c?- c<, • inipUeity. dumLHitv and strength ps**We fi>r sdv sewing trtachinept attain, and tl ■ I are the first and only l!rt-> U I d H 1 machines put In the market Mncb'- - wltie-ut nv srftt li h .In* adnpte-t b ery variriy f family sewing and ltgl ' manufacturing. It embfaeoa ali of (1, n j pwtwt and mwnlinl element* nabsi i>sa * fc nmcbinrs patented with!'- the pi- : twet: • iynnr*. Attachment- for d -tig all k i.<; • I work are made for the machine, i The Public have believed fr a l-mglite that a good reliable cawing machine coil be Kis.ufiH'tumi and *ld at a twaonable price, which. have found the Wp#>n New (*ndi r-feed sewifig marl-hrtg to be All we ask to convince lh* mwt akepti ral that we have the Wat sewing nwchim a critical csaminaUtsn of the n -w Wlkm 1 Under-feed machine. Machine- will be delivered i , Mifflin or t'onlte counties. All aMChinc : warranted for five yara. F.gattLov F. Kaiag Afivo A bi - 1 aftftffll.Uta, Agent-. Mifgoy, Fa The New Fira. Heriacher &. Cronmiiier. CENTRE HALL. PA New Spring Goods Conic one and all! Jttat arrived and will alwy/}*e kept ou haod ft full line of ; Dry Uoodt, NuCiona, Urocrrie*, Herd J ware. Out cits ware. Worn) and willow wart Iron, Salt, Fi*h and la Diet, a m*gniftce: ; assortment ofaverytbing kept in a First Class Store. now ready, and for a> at marveiou* |o rate* GOOD* VKRY NKAK ATTHK OLD PRICES. Mualtn. they will Mrlt you the verv brand, at price# that will a* nieb you Now spring l)rex# Goods A most beautiful variety, conritting of ai I thonovetUM ftb**ca*u, at lower rate than ordinarily charged at other place*. White Goods Sr . Embrouenes The finest Mock in town, tso.it m a juantit.v quality, mad price*. NtiOl SKihtS The best makes, latest Myle* at-tllowcft rate* (Bat* and Can. in great variety Linen*. Towelling, check-. Denla g, uMft ' Caasimer*. Ciomkiag*. B A LMORAL SKI RTS, Spring and summer shawl*, ia feet, Itkiw everything, and will call at a very *m#*l advance on fir#t curt. AH we ft*k that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK j before purchasing elsewhere, a* a c do no 'consider It any trouble to hw ciw-dt. ALL KIND* OF BAKEI> : S. silver plated and Yankee Barn*" d>ui e j and si ogle, bridle# and halter* apt IT Dr. Crook's YHI'l SF !H I • . I: * ( ' # |aiiXr .. Ha fc**:" • 1 ■ Amlalltt|t .TJI V' J ntrihf fttg* n—>miawt -st f'tagft flew* *rt feat* Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAI.f t* sae ■iuw '< > ■>. Ui tnaMwr Coqght k Ccsrmptiss e ; y Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAB! lift* ffIMMMNI HfflMfett* "S' ft< MM firMUdMi* It*. Rtal tl ibft R a-ft t,' A* AgUunft. Breachitß. 6 -te4,• ill foot-* jev 'S o*r- frstsM joa man I* r str. a she l Dr. Crook's WIEEOF TAB I fig-ao* • si- I • aw- Um **-> *j * webwt. tsrriv .sWHUHit- )er k rasd hOliir*. Dr. Crook's WTK r OF A H—ilw in-:. ', ... _ , str,-nc< l as tfce - Appetite. Staauch. u. -i.i u.c , -. T.lves *>-< pt them Ba < . j !■*•■• *W toot M 4 - ens m-ikes pare I i. Dr. Crook's WTKE OF TAB! It* mow aa w> am both } •• „ H"i msrts-t. ,' -ti!-- < * SIUSETiS. pg'ji .<> rvpemlwh.# the ut.ji srj •.rtniuiu wbea • n the meJ ■■ r J . . tu-I : s cf T*r, ■ .IM- StOatß fiowa t.ns.) V Ih r u aONtieiHs of aadoubwd CcaitiittLcs. " Ja "• * hKh .t ua n-r - later of the Livrr. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAB! It as mute manv nersoa* strong an ! healthy wha h .4 twan nnaUe Iv work Mmiaropcrtic trn-i by I Ul. I — m The *c; *e tu- K <)nsl i e! P • ar- Uc-i Ten.' (*"*' >• JjfijE DR. CiiSfOß ' , SYRU3 ■ : POKE BOOT! Making the gtvpami""' r arfutSf Bk Ja the hoat Alsn ivs a . 'TT Tone.- known t-i Screfali, Sciufft-: Tumors, S;:o.. • Tissascs d tie E;- I All gafftriag tions, or rftquirlr. 1 m3S3Brt*s 6it rttaoiy to purify tz " wm vEA3 fturidt tEftKood, wP2l"viiiftik?v\'' ~Sad Dr. CE3OES Cei.- todrtHfttto In Its ac iWvW'W B tios. Pains in Beset, /*• m r \ A' use of it I ffSsf Oliver Creek i Dftyton. i; ■HftftftngftHmftftftßUK'' CANVASSERS IM3 77 For **Onr Aa Illaatratesl pvpc-i. p:'- ••- ll.tirg Mouthly. Nuberriptio.: Ir' ■< ■ ftl.su. Every Wubaerlbep reeettea it >• wable Ckreae, A Fruit Ciccc. • * •ell* tor ftft. eM 8 cent SUua# *r Maniple and Preualnaa List. A*W W. E. Gump, Publisher, Ray ten, 0 ' -