< ,r ;5 lA JL RtifORTER FRIDAY, SEP. SI, TOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL Our friends will oblige i. lV o.iiJing in anv Items ofloealiater i -i including deaths, marriage#,•• Mich are eagarty read by reur Meamrin the west, ny l>r whom get the R#)Kr. s \V, would eeem ita fbver if our kind pa m irons would occasionally wail a copy* W the Rsnorter to relatives ami aequaialaa- I oe* who formerly nved in Centre rounl* | and removed would I induce many to become swbeenber*. IM PORTA ST TO BTWLSW MKN.— The circulation of the REPORTER, on this side of the county, is now greater than that of any two P*!* 1 * In r 1 ® county, hence business men who wish to reach the IVnnsvalley trade, wih advance their own interests, by advcll tising it. the Hit PORTER. Our subsonr tion list is <>!*> to tbe in*p®ct*o of mil who wish to advertise. —o — GOLDS* FOORTAIK new and novel. He sure and ad vertisement in our paper, bea.Ul Wal o.t Invention of the Age. We believ* * tho Golden Fountain l'en is uaturpeseed. A cood pen is a neoeaaity to every man, woman and cbild. Agents, her# is a chance to make roonev in introducing a good and salenble arocie. J & T PRICES*REDUCED. • * at J. NY \i.vita's A Son's Carriage Manu factory, Milroy. IV niayYfim 0 ITnless veu wish a prematura death you will lot all the poisonous bair preparations 'one' Nature s Hair Kraiorative is per fcotlv harmless a any drtiggwl will tall you. 8 advertisement. ** DEMOCRATIVEETIN6. At Centre Hall, Saturday evening. 23rd Sept At Walnut Grove school house, Harris twp., Tueeday evening 261b. At Loop school house, N\ edneroiay tveoiag, 27th. N. L. Atwood delivered an able nud S - iuteres,ting lecture before the Nt>r"n' achool, nt Rcbersburg, on Inst Thure dav evening, which was highly appre ciated hv the studeuU and numerous audience. Our friend A. pneae#* the learning and intelligent* to profitably entertaiu anv audience. Ira. C. Mitchell, esq., also delivered a lecture before this institution, the , previous week, which was on a par ( with all the eflbru of that able and , talented gentleman. I If there is an honest and enterpru- j ing firm of merchants in Centre coun- ( tv. that deserves the steady support of f | Centre couuty people in general and t 1 Peniuvalley farmers in particular, it f * • is the firm of Keller A Musaer, at Belb-fimte. We will let any one sp* ak. who has had auv dealing with i in proof of what we here say. And t why? They favor the farmer by giving , .'# him the hightet figure* for his grain ; t they favor the mechanic and laboring - man by sailing him goods nt figures t which are a saving to such as buy j fr ni them; they favor the trade in £ general, bv keeping the neatest, com- t pletest best-stocked atone and moat j gentlemanly clerks in the county. I Mr. Keller has just returned from j the east, and I'euntvallev folka will , find the first stock of fall goods in , Bellefoate, on hand there now. They , have brought on n magnificent stock, , which it pays Just to look at, eveu if 1 r| folks do not wish to buy. All are in vited to go and examine their goods , and prices, and we urge our readers not to miss doing so. The Lock Haven, Nittauv A Sugar ( Valley Narrow Guage Railroad Co., held its first meeting in Lock Haven • last week. They resolved to com- mence iperatin at once, and build), their road from Lock Haven to Mill* lieim. I Where In He f John Smith is teacltine school in , Maasilloa, Ohio.— HoUidatpbUrg Stan dard. The above is false. John Smith is brewing ale in this borough.— HHH iintjdoH Monitor. There must be some mistake about this. John Smith is keeping a hotel iu this city.— AHoona Radical. You are all wrong, gentleman. John Smith is a very clever farmer, residing in Pheasant Valley in this county. — Democrat. All wrong, we are jiositive that John Smith lives only a short distance west of Millheiiu, this county, is a good stone mason, and life-long demo crat. FIRE.—The dwelling of Samuel Krire, in Gregg twp., was destroyed hv fire, on Thursday aigbt, 14th inst. 'The fire originated from the stove pipe. Insurance S2OO on house, and slot> 00 furniture, in the Centre Hall company. A sou of Mr. MTutlra, of Gregg twp., aged about 13 years, lost an eye, on last Friday, in the following man ner: An older son, James, was engag ed in putting up a coal-house, and whilst in the act of driving a nail, by a mistroke, it flew from under the hammer and struck the boy in the eye cutting it so as to cause it to run out render ing the unfortunate boy blind of one 4 J* RAT*,—On Friday 14tb.. it rained nearly all day; Saturday was cloudy; Sunday do,' Monday morning cool and a frost. We have had several Jigtli frosts thus fiir, of late. For Hardware go to Harris', under the Brockerhtf bouse, they always keep a full line. Mechanics will find it a complete depot for every discrip tion of tools*, and persona wishing to build, will find in their store every ar ticle of hardware needed for that pur pose. Their prices are auch as to leave them but a bare margin of prof it, and peraona can not do better if purching in thecity. They buy none but the beat of gooda, and tbey will be found firat-clasa gentlemen to deal with. Owltjo to the pressure upon our col umns by the Registry Act and Elec. tion Proclwoaton, the addreaa of Mr. Fortney(from which we had likewise to make some omission) and other matter, a number of communications are crowded out, and laid over lor the future. The engineer corpe, this week, fin ished the location of the line, through from LewbbuJg to Tyrone. Work is now going on on the diviaion of Mr. Lutz, east of Spring Mills, and ou the division of Messrs. VanDvke A Moore west of Spring Mills. GoodNewßf orldiers- The commissioner of pensions has revised the bounty laws and all per sons who have served in anv of the ware iu which this country ha# been engaged since 1790 aud Drior to March, 1855, are entitled to 160 acres of land. Thoae not having received that amount will be eutitied thereto without regard to length of service, provided that tbey wet# regularly iuustered into the United States ser vice. ENTKRTAINMKRT.— Tho Psnn Hill Academy will shortly close it* fkll term. On Friday eveuiug 29th inst, , the l*t dav of the term, an eulertafa | moot will be given in honor of the i board of truMoc# and for the benefit of the school. The rntfrlaiuincnt will be literary end musical, end we kuow, from what the previous entertainment* have been, that a rieh treat ia in at ore. An (XiVlml band hna bvt n rugagrd for the occasion. Wo are assured that every effort will iw made to make the occasion a most pleasant one for all who may attend. We aro aorry to learn thßt with the j close ofthia term. Prof. Truxal's con nection with thie inatiiution will ceaae. He ha* had charge of the rchool this summer and last, and ha* proven him self ao efficient a an instructor. The school prospered iw.wt remarkably utt der hi* supervision, and no tutor could hava contributed more to build it up and give it reputation, than Prof. Truxal, and his tu leuta in point of advancement and intelligence will com pare favorably with those of any sim ilar institution. The Professor will carry with him the love and esteem of thai eulire community. The following paragraph* were part of our article, in la*t week'* iwue, on breaking ground for our railroad, but were crowded out: LATER The Shovel. —The shovel with which the firat ground was broken, is in possession nfR.H. Duucan, to be kept aa a ineiuento of the great event It ia said that Bamum has offered SISOO for this useful implement. We think there is a fortuue in it —the handle, manufactured into tooth picks, at $lO a piece, which would be a reasonable price, would bring about one million dollars The spade manufactured into trinkets might bring another million, and the dirt sticking to it from tha firat breaking ground, scraped off, ■night also be readily disposed of iu little bite, for a handsome sum. STILL LATER. We stop our press to acknowledge the receipt of some ground scraped from the above mentioned shovel— real dirt from the firstground broken— onthePennsvalley railroad. We have about a quarter thimble full of this soil sent us. We prize it highly—we thiuk there's virtue iu it, and shall carry it m our hat when troubled with headache and in our vest pocket when I epidemics threaten the lacd. All stockholders in the road can cwll at the RRPORTER office and see this dirt, from the first breakiug ground, free. Through the courtesy of our young frieqd, Mr. James A. M'Clain, tele graph operator at Julian, we are able to inform the public as to the name of the man recently shot by John S. Thompson, while'tryiur to break into tbe store at Martha Furnace. Mr. M'Clain inf t* us thu his aaras was Ssasel Hutchinson; that he was beru at A'diaon, New York, ami was abost S3 years of ag. The dead msa*! brother was at Martha Furnace on Monday, and had the grave upend, 1 when ha recognised the feature* to be ihoee of bis brother. He was known as a noted harecter, and was last seen by hi# brother at Elroira, New York, on the 25th of June la* t. — WatcAwian. Are you registered? Read the Registry Act in an other en!u nut, and do not fail to register. The safest niHii thtf radicals couid fiud to make a gift too, WM Grant- He invariably appointed all such to good offices, and gave theiu upportuni ty to steal back the amount twenty fold. It wa# a safe investment to put money in Grant. Radical Swindles A quarter tuilliou bv Evans A Co A halt million by Hodge, A hundred and fifty ihouaacd in tbe New York i o*t"ffice. All thi inside of six week*, "how high ish dut" taxpayers! Brown tiger dat up. A SISOOOO defalcation ill the New York postoffiee ha# corac hi light A radical, of course, did this little steal, and we predict that he will go scot free, as have all the thieves and defaul ters under radical rule, during the last ten years. Railroad P tire haw. Don Cameron, of Harrisbugr, aud other Pennsylvania capitalism have bought the Blue Kidgt- railroad,South Carolina, and upon the recommends tioa of Ckduol J. P. Low, their chief engineer, have resolved to change tbe guage to three feet throughout tne en tire line. The seaboard terminus of the road will Iw- at the port of Charles ton. The engineer's estimates indi cate that a InisincM which would pay ouJy three ,er cent, dividends if the road tie completed on ihe broad gauge plan will suffice to |*iy seven per cent on tbe cost of the narrow gauge. Tho report of the Dead Letter Of fice for August shows that there were returned to that office as uialeliverable letters during the month 322,379, let ters. There were sent I > offices from which originated 113,679, and 25,390 were destroyed as non deliverable and valueless, and 1,439, of which the wri ters cculd not he found, wero filed for future inquiry; 596 letters and pack ages containing property were receiv ed, of which 470 were returned to their owners. Tbe reofioy divisen re ceived 2,882 letters containing fjg,.; 310; and 2,218, containing $4,346, were mailed to their owners, and IS3, containing $670, were filed; 280 let ters, containing $1,412, were returned as uomaiiable from the offices iu which they were deposited, and 1,519 receipt* for aggregate amount of $3.321, re ceived from tbe same sou ice. Southern papers received contain gloomy report* of the cotton crop. The Macou (Georgia) Telegraph says the storiu hut Wednesday was the most destructive that has occurred in thirty years. All the open oottoa is nearly or quite destroyed. The Geor gia Htanderd says the ball worm aud rust are very .destructive. The crop will not exceed half uf that of 1870. A Mississippi correspondent writes: The army worm is upon us in my riads. A planter who, ten days ago estimated bis crop at one hundred and fifty bales, now says he will net have thirty. Attempt to Bribe a Sherffl. Indianapolis, September 15.—The Journal this morning charges that W. W. Leathers, one of the attorneys in tbe Bright case, offered Deputy I Sheriff Adams one thousand dollars to i influence his actiou in calling a jury i in that case, aud called upou the court, I bar and grand jury to investigate the charge. This morning, ou motion of Mayor Gordon, the court ordered an r investigation to take place at two o' i ■ clock this afternoon, aud appointed fij. B. Taylor to conduct it. The 1 I ' Bright ca#e was then ndjourWHl until I! the investigation i# finished. Mr. , leathers wa# prominently oouoeriii d • in the 1 lem caw, end one while the dunce of the convention, blunderd at fortv-fivu wonl# out of the , tiftv. In the ninety-four |vapers ex j Hinuied there ware 2,663 mistake*! , I The wonl "cachinatiou 'was the sorest 1 trial of all, thore beeug 110 h-- than 1 fifty different sjelling Due erudite j . pedagogue #pelli*l "apostasy lltu rpyostnv. The list we subjoin, anil il may occasion some amusement to t' -( , tho young ouee front it. It is; Inter- I mitteut, heresy, billious, coercion, ec ' steer, clajionet. sureiugle, paialyse, ! licorire, trafficking, suplciou, ellipsis, 1 ajHvstasy, deleble, mortgaging, -iuj.:e --! ing, skilfully, subpoena, aWegoablc, ' iguitible, nhosphorreceuce, jeojiar dirc, ebullition, aeronautic, sibyllute, j eachiuation, vacillation, batvh.niinlian fasciiiatiou, crystallise, catechise, tri syllabt', tyrannize, ajHilogire, gnug j ing, saccharine, hemorrhage, rendez vous, Fahrenheit, Galliean, Sadducec, erysifH'las, hieroglyphica, apocrypha, daegerreotvpe, iuiosayucrasy. canaille, cannilutl, mignotinetle, kaleidoscope. DEATHS. tn Ue ln f.Hh, inst., at Linden Hall, MieUasl Wealand, >|tl about So year*. On ath, inst., in fenn twp., Kliaabetb, daughter of Daniel L.mg, ag>-l 2 \oars, 3 mouth -0 10th, insL.fnliregv twp., Kll# infant daughter of Samuel liable, ng--d al-ont 3 year*. At Jackionville. oa the J-tth ot August 1871, Mus Laura R. Johitaou, #ged fJyear*. 10 months and 22 days. Suddenly, of apoplexy, on Wed need* v. Sept. 6ih," 1871, at Oska! \ L>wa, Mr Thompson Millikea, of Bellefonte, PH., ! aged 49 year*. MARRIAGES. On the 17th, in-t , at Aaronsburg. by Rev. C. H. Keiter. Mr. Harry Weber and 1 Miss Sarah Ann Movers, both of t'eutre Hall. . ~ MiI.ROY MARKKT> OorrtH-ted by John M'Howell. White wheat 1,80....Rtd wheat 1.2"' llye 1 60 Corn ("> Out* ♦' Barley 'O i " Cloversood 4,50. Timuthysaed, 860 j Salt 2 50 per sack, j Bacon lOc Ham 16 Butter A' .. 20 Plaster 0.50 BELLKFON'TR MARKETS. Corrected by Keller a M mer. iVhite Wheat $!,, K.nl 115 - Rye 70. Corn t®. i>i- .40 Bar'ey 76. I 70 Cloverseod 4.60 Potatoes luird per pound 121 Pork ner poundoo , Butter 25 Egg-15. Pla.-terper ton 1 sls Tallow 10 Bacon 12 Ham 30 PUBLIC SALE On Friday Sept.. I'Hh 18"1, at tha late residence of Rev. Daniel Kerr, dee'd in P<4ter twp , the following per sonal propertv, to wit: 1 h->r>e, 1 4 cow*. 6 hyad of young cattle, i h-g . 2 sows and ptg. 1 two-liorie wagon, ! sled 2 buggies 1 fanning milt, hay by the ton , grain or the buhe7, 1 nloa 1 b*rr*. 1 cultivator. !§•• bed* and bedt'-adt, table*, chairs, burean, cooking stove, ten p'ale stove, iron and copper kettles, carpeting, tub*, stands, barr.i*. nnd other article- too numerous to mention. Sale t eoimn- nee at 1 o'clock, when due attendance will b< ■ given and term- in uio known by JACOB SPA.NtiLEIS. Executor HO US K AN D LOT FOB SALE. The undersigned offer* at j>rivat. -ale hi* house and lot -ituate >n Churc' j street, Centre llall. The hoti-e is a new ! tveitory frame building, one of the fin. -l ! in the neighborhood, and in on- <>f th- ! best location* in the !••* There i new j -table Op.in the lot. For futher t-sirt.. i-'j lar* apptv t< AI.KX. SH AN'S'oX. xcpEtttf JgBt>CKERHOFF HOUSE. AllegnentA' Street, I-llcfoiitc. Pit ' D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietor#. AVI STOLA#* MOTKU oouroar Alit.K KtMl-t- PROMPT AI TENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CON VKNIKN OBS—A N D REASONABLE Char- • The proprietor* offer to the traveling public, and to their country friend*, fir-t class accommodations and careful atten tion to the wants of guest# at ail times, at fair rate# Carefulhot'.ler- and go--i >t,'ld ling for horse*. An excellent table well served. A Bar -applied with fine liquor*. Servant* well trained and everything re •luisitc in a fir-tola* H i:-l Our iocs: is in the business part of tho town, near the Post Office, the Court House the Chur ch<"*, the Bank*, and the p incipal | '.u < of business, render* it the tn st eligible place for those who visit BeEeforie on bu-i --or plenaore. All Omiiibu* will carry pa.-ucngor* uml baggage to and from all trains free of charge. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Letter- t* tanu-alary to ihe e-!*te of itani.-l Darr, late of Potter township, < eatre coun ty, iloc'd., having been granted to the un dersigned. all person# indctfb d b> the -aid •state are requested to make immediiite -ettleleiueut, and those having claim* to present them duly authenticated for pay ment JACOB SrANot.KR, sept. 22. *!w. Executor rpwo FARMS AT PRIV \TK BALK X —The endersigtted sffm kb valu farm, about 2) mile* e-t of Cntr<- llall, ntiprivate sale, it contains 101 Acres of Land all clear, in addition to about 15 tier#- of the br-t white oak timberlund. The im provements area JfA New tw-o-*tory frame dw •1- JEik j JVM, ling hoa-e, u gi.d new bank 1 SJK barn, and all lieeeary oiit- MRUjI building-, and aDo a tenant house; a well ot good water at the in .ill farm house, also a well of water at tenant house, and a stream of running w-utei through the land, and n<> slotie* upon the land. A good young orchard on the pre mises, and ail kind* of choice fruit near tho hou-e. Tlii# farm adjoin- Ja*. M'Cliti tick. Widow Gregg. I'yru- l>urt. mil farm occupied by Philip Durst. ALSO, anotbor farm known a- the Hor ner farm on Niftany mountidn, ab-ut 1 mile frum Cantre llall. containing 272 At at*, of whieh about 125 acre* eomist of good young ch*nut tiiubnrland. Thu itu provm*nt* are a two story dwelling hou*- aud barn, auda!*o* tenant h r dividing into two farm* For further particulate apply t GKoRitK DURST, la>p.6in. Centre Hall. Lttrge ami Ygluablc Farm at Public Sale The valuable farm of Peter Durst, dee'd, lying in Potter township, on thnroad lead ing from Old Fort t> BoaDburg, will he offered at Public Sale, on thu premise# On Thureday November 2nd, 1871 at 1 o'clock, in th afternoon. Thi* farm contain* 260 Acre# of Land more or !•*, of which about 30 Arre* con sul of Vuliiable Timber) and, the balance i* highly improved and under 'he be.-t *tutc of cultivation, and consist* "I the best litnc (tone land in the valley, which, for beauty of location and fertility, cannot be excelled by any farm in Centre county. The improvement# conit of II Large two-atory Brick House. JwA Brick Wa*h-houM and spring hour Joun Rihel, in Gr gg twp. , jOSIIUA PUTTER, JOHN KISHEL. l*p 2in Executors J Ifnriittil Co. 'llclu't* Thi* follow In ■ i tli (i.t. 1 -mi 1 ytle List ut'Jttrvra. I t 1 N MM I ( tfti* -ti !•• RiW> Vk l V Mi.l ii Vk*%*w italfiu J* tt* M **** ** It U i W fu **n J O W Jklh't (ircg| JiMttiliv t I --#< i .<♦**<* k|ir!'t| t;%*.# i ■#•:.. W i' W mt. |f,.4Vi t llu It < ?*• f* t***xt\.-r W*!kt# lUuiot i*vihau, J H Al t> 14., rl Hutntp!# t' UU i; .1. IU HMIU t HciUt .t*u J* Iki \l •> M * ' 1 * ' J" 1 • |\*n * .re 91-Krr *, J* * **£ S At:i u,u, Jjiiti 4 l\mi h V* U-.T it t. Mir i H M *i k. wmtk -•* tft . -"t. JtM 4I 1 " \v2k*f \. . • 4*u.. Mlltaa? ur* H it t.ievu l4t t#t pent ,!■ .tw S*c uU* t' *#t i \>ar< A it. I*. (, it • - • • >•! -*• ClwkM mU'xM9M. II A Min*. UUHJ VI It*, .dn Hull r, ft/ 4 **" M< II M -•■. JJ II uUfcu.: VI'JLi .U V i, t •..! Vixim t..tr. M l % UVltti J Hu|V. 4 tWul.4 t II tu • rr, 11. K ' a ■•• * -w lUrvi. U W- r > Uil- ' \ UftlteNk . w m | HMwti,£ m t. 4 iku.* r w i ft Htoatr IVti*. UMiUx.V. .1" .It J... I - (.w H. ' 1 K' • ' 111*.to. H> .lu-.jrt*. > ti— | • o U ' j!I .. !'*;■ a l I SM • KU."ii!*far. h i •! " At Hofft J C t'ui t). J I jrwii'i. *i • Mil* .ff J3l wrutift. Sw Wa. UJ Mtii .'MMtyk Ut &| IVUt , Afn r i X lUr i < "♦*'* t- mt i ..UMWU< 1- W A D Wt lUUfc .W 1 V t'!i<>iaa*. W t-.lhriilh, K (.urn 8 ] PBN M Kii:h tla. Hat A uaU TagrUtf |(W3hw. I A I mi*.* - ,! . i t' l|, II IMHS tl A. U Her, f H H' k 0 K-- 5. '* • t'Ultti* ur * M (t lf VN ! k *t £ A lUll, Vk i ! . •- tW<*i Ul VIU nCr- A. \> llk< • iV'ur h . I li JUOCA !*• i!kin , I Wit*# J H f'l imjiHii, !t W IK I' W iti ' (Xrm UUirt) . H * t-f. ti*tk krUMf. & K t (intf • tbnng. Ao* AtV Kr* I U Mik ' Hl-tHilHttg . ft *'vrr.y I ,.*• h.-t , n I Huitua li*rica. H tU'lu cpKACHKItS KXAMIh V'jIONS I Tli' r\.:>u "Oil ,It : i i mil |m> n> follow-. ' ■ iuiw>-ff *t >•) o'rliHtk a. m., at *l> . h lime lh> Stcrlsi) ' w ill Uo evi oi. i t ha\o tl<- via i.-i-.l uuil ill ivtiiiiue**. *a a to cwu*tt 110 !i • j lay. \pp: • . v i 1 - •juirM t> atti-n I the exatninatl- n In ti.e ; .liftrlt-l whim- ihoy iij. i t ti> J - t ('■ - they procure h writtmi riij.n-it to the cot., trary trnni lliu proper hoard wi d.nn-Uir?. j AH-l. iild hi- pii'viJed With Ji|m r, |- j and ink. Md. : Kfl. urK. Saturday. >. i.t 23. Ilaln. • A n-bu-r. M •. V.< PtOR — MlUhelni. Tto-day, Sept. 'Jfy (Jri irif Penn Ha!" \V-diiclnv. Sep Potter- tVtr> Hal 1" tr day,i.'H. Ilarria II- aUhurp. l'riilay. Sept, Keren ■ l" tir I-• Saturday. Sept. X*h ; llaliiii u I" • M- y,.t Pallor, "A >! H * aehuol hoU*, iSie-da; Pet B'-ntte? \r- ajtirt"* achisol-bouae, Kri-j •lav, Oct, • •Sprii.it B -m Spring •eht -!-houae Saturday Oct. 7. Soow sot* .V BursA- .ay , Moit day, Oct. i •> w - ]■ M or. 1 t.r, i, \W!' • lay. <• Jol-er It \S*a ke. Httblyr* irp Tlurtday, Oct j jib. Tay!< r A Worth Port Matilda Tu *-) day. Octubi 17. Bu.um - Julian Puruiee, Wrdartthf. i tletnbor 18 l"no:i l*ni tiviik. Tl r-day. <.: V.i. Mileel urgiV B -c." MB. ln.rg.lrid#y. OcU'hir'.P IJo'iard X (.'.irttn -Howard. Tuoday October 'li. Lib II gl. villv. W i- Ini- Ui, Oil .! - t uo • V •>' S .tarda. .J "h--tC's . ■ ill I- at 1 • - font*, bar the ;wna>e of .-taiatn.na irragtt iartip u •a H ware j.•■-•■• u- Ift a rlppii. ...u-t e •!.'.• p- ar. ; l. a- rt.pt r. el on 1-ajre 1 I. of lUi' eit I! M M , '.Mi y-ia 1 :'- ; I DONT D£ HUMBUGGED, The nl v ; .--e to buy AT !/>w Price* is AT RANKIN'S Model Bookstore. Henry VVar.l llawwhar'a 1.1 OF Jrsus i\w riirisia Tilt: BIST PI 11UCA TIOS Ot i THE AVE For ?tlc only hi llmkin * Mink Book-di i- . Hi ll- i'titl . 5V A I*l 'I tinier 1 will op-r ; r-:i n the Oth day <•! Oi-tubcr, I-TI. A V.ILI'AHI.E FA MM. -Itua'.-d in IV'-Ti .aiiefiM'. Men r.-ount. IV.. .Mi • it 1 M. il -t. Surg, at i mile- W'.-t e flill. > • itn '.it.,' TWO lirNDHKi) ACRES, mori .r 1" . ib . tt• hut Ired tc - v.n ty acre-of-"aid farm i-th 1' ' itno tPin Ik, I in * biy>< -late ofcnit.vat and th> balanee i the Ii .t ~i titiibi r, coiisittina < Oak. ChettnutAe. A -., find i< yell *uppfjc.i with w.itur by n.-ver failing runnin •trvn-o. aU.'ti nvet failing wall ifoxwllant water. Tba huilditiK< on the farm arc vary tun p!, 'Mi.*Utiug 1 a lury ' I tory frtn dwi-lliniz. o tenant h uj*>- ,ir X" bank 1 urn, with all ncce' \ry .utbull bng*. -ucb .. wnh-h'i*e witbrunning watrrin it, wiipen hotiM. ♦mcke bou e, carriage bouw, tear houte, iVe.. nil in i;.>d order. AUo no ORCHARD OF CHOICE fruit. Kc-oiid to none in the rti.lc, -nit ing of nppb-i. near-, j■ ■ :i.-Ii -. i.l inn, .'lt r ri. -. Zee. The ah-.vc f:inn ntT'.rdt nn >p pnrtnnitv for n vnlu tbb- Inv.-tincnt, and very desirable hontc It • known n- tli lute renidancc "f Sit" cl Spanglnr, "lec'd. fKRMS Ona-thlrd to remain in the farm n- . dower during t lie life of the wid ow. Int<-ro-t to b>- paid annually, 'tie third to be paid on ce:ißrmn?l"n of -ab . the balance In one yc ir thcrenfler with In tcratt. To 1,., -eciir.-d by bond and inort gngc on the nr. inin— MA |{t; A KMT s I'A NCiI.M.K. EZRA L. SI'ANOI.KR, augll.St Xxacutor. Iters !■"!: - \ i.: . • n . j Will be -obi nubile al". .' ('••nl r. II nil. • Ti'ii in S-i • ••nb. r l-.v 1871. TWO VALUABLE LOTS tn-longiug to tin . -tat.- o| Meter Our ! dee'd, con tain ing about H Acre , adjoin ing-aid town, and ritunte one of th.-iu on the Brtnibvallcy m d and tli" oilier lit th • rear of -alii ■. TUB MS- will be made known on day >e •ale. Sale to commence at In o'clock, a. in. .IOSHUA MOTTLU, .101 l N I.ISH FL. •pt.2m. Exetttlorf HOI'SE AND ! OT FOR S A LK The underiign.'il otfrtra at private A - A > si. at u " -tori dw.-IMny liou-> at. i I, on A ain treet, tb-nlre Hall, with .-itablemid all nccei-ary otitbllilding-, and ch iire fruit on the prenjL.n, and wa ter in the yard- The boil-0 i a go.al as new. lor twtber intrUi'ular* apply h> u. i). o Ash AN, , llaug.tf. Centre Hall. The First and tin- Itrst! [The l.tirgcsl \ CIUU slock of FALL (itlOIIS! ti i -1 i,N !'A( ,il .V ! ut V, V. '. 11 -iSEIt, • it, . • , it. ijo Sir el, . I , i,... -t large* v,,! to. k oftleod 11 Ej. L I DIES, i 111(8, M-dtair Delain* iiieoa, Tick I. idle* Coat i, i e.piaa, W hiti i, . . C .-uttrpiOM and Oulwti , . N I: .! i nudEdging. A /., phvr Pa' I \\ ..rl% likel 11(H)F SK IH'f H, II iv. F . !'> . wing I. , till tS t< u i -.t - >HoEs' ' j\( ,ti i.ii' i>l; NOTION LINK POP P! A'Tf.EHEX, [( i, :n |. < l, and do bu •ne- u;! s. tjuick SnW, and ■pW.Oti . o 4 is ttufl. -ilk i ARk TAKKM f It I' I I it C(' TO BUY i I iAC ; ii ' !* HOOK a WAV LiVi/iGSTONS .VH.iLr.-ALK /SHOE XTOItE. Belief "t'c, Ma j [j j 1 ' if?. •>' y A f4. M$ h II (iTtbiniii !>on, Vt S oo Makers > .loirtoW i. >.. roii'a.Surv 1 IT-1 TFI W ma; Ufa. lure to order. Our R. rk t neat and durable. Our tri., - .ira very tno lcrntc. Wo warn.; I t > give - ilb-faction. \\ V. !. Vi: T ami BEST i : n't boe* In town, Wc . I- ev. ry week. We Vi a It evil! N :. of our gOiKlr. ■ - • , iall.V li, | : . A' : .v a, we think a p| u all who call a* to ttylM, . . v_ •, t- • W tidy to rentier j r.l nllli sijth wo have had an I ( \. >r- ii •• have never to comphrtß. •optlAtf. riAA X. N MID' 1 l'i •>"' .rlaitee with J ■•• A . n i lierwby t from whom I i tor the prmont ; i . nil ucli taxes j ,11 •! Tt. astir.-r, at hi# i it <>l Novetnhcr 1.,., • i dci'te; i>n of live |K \'l em are hereby cauth P ' hunting or nhooting . in, - - , it. upon the woodland belonging to tha farm m-v-uidad by in- VII pT-.i- i : tr>- pe*ing in thi* in. ~.r t\ i!i .<•.!. v. ith *.•< . rdiugtu law. i IH.IP HURST. Youa ;• ivA Davling, CITY STORE. W U OLESA L K AND HE r AIL The lut; st and L -t iwatrtmnt of Jh'v <*(hmlsr % ' Molhing, Or. ner of Third i I Cli -t'iu Milll nburg, MM .J • • 111 J Siiott •(>, lVopt let OR. It- Ceus-il L-ivrtt i >II ma lie- it particularly d ... I ruble to pe.-otm vi .ling Town uu bu-ine— or pleaaure. 11. A. Taylor *B Livery Attached. uu2'd,ly NOTICE llillea oft he Lewibutg, Catilre and Spruce Creek It K. (Jo. Philadelphia dune UUh, '7l. Notice i* hereby given that the Br*l in- I vlabneut of Ave dollar* iter hre, to the J capital *toek of the Lewftbnrg, Ceatreand Spntee Creek Bail Bond On , #uberltMu| ni the lown.bip. ol HarrU, Putter, (iregg, | Putin and Haute*. C.mire county, will W i payable on the rtr*l tlay of July IH7I, and : -üb*<|ueiit iiutalment* of live dollar* iter -hare, will he due and payable on tbe flrat of eu> h (ucceraling month until the rf whole i, paid NvmMiaftlM at. .*, h* f Uulmenl-ar. hereby required to be made tu the Irtawurer of the Company, at the j odtce of tbe Centre lk.ui.ty Hanking Com patty Itcllufunte Pa. JOSEPH I.KSLIT, Treaturer. N. H Any person •>*iring can pay the Whole off al once. If payment* are not punctually Inade the In. allow* uiib per cML pel munth U> ba charged In addiliou. Attention Farraom of CENTRE COUNTY I'OHN M DOWKLL having leased tbe Ware hu*e ofOofillß A Strunk in Milroy, I# now lirepare.l to j>ay the liighe.t ea*h price* for all kind* ot Ornin. Coal, Pinler and Salt, j constantly on hand. utay'Ai tim ir CKXTUK HALL r , ■ Coach Mauufaotory. * Levi M u r r ay, it •t at hi* e*!abU.hiuent at Centre llall, Pa . keep* on hand, and for .nle, at tbe mart reouabh< rate*, a targe *tck of k Carriages, J Buggies, & Spring Wagons, l'i.*is and P^ncr, It ami vebietMtifevery dcM-riptiun made to order, and Warranted, to be made of tbe ( best >ea%..n.-rk*. Lock*. Hinge*. I , Screw*, Sah Spring*. Ilor,e-Sboe, Nail#, { j Norway Rod*, thi*. Lard, Lubricating. jOoai, Lin-ecd, Tanner* Anvil*, Vim, Bel • low*. Screw Plate*, BUckmilh# Tool*. Factory Bell#, !lou*e Bella, Dinner Bell*, Gong Bell*j BeH,,lv & ,V J II A KRIS r News! See Here! TIN ANO SHEETIRON WARE The undcrigncd hereby inform* the! ciluutn* of Petinavailey that lie ha- jir J i ha-d the Tinhop heretofore carrieu on j by the C. 11. Mfg Co., and wil. luOUaur' the -am. , al the old rlau.i, la ait tu branch-; j .-s >n th>- manufacture of KfOVL IIIK A SMOi llVb. I All kind* of repairing dune. He ha* ; al way* on hand ( Fruit (!aii, of all Site*, lICCKKTS. CP PS. DIPPERS. DISHES, AC. All work warranted an i eh.irge* reason able. A *hare "fine public patronage so licited AND 11 EES MAN. •JsepTOy Centre Hall i /ELLKK A JARRSTT VT dealer* in DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS also all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES p A very large a*- sortiii.-nl of Toi -1 T,RT Attrtcctt*, Fixer Good* Soap-. Ac.. Ac., Tlte flr.e-t qual ity of It irnt Srr.it 1.. I'ocitttT KNt v K*. Soiaaoßa and R tioxx. r WALL PArm t* OBKAT V AttiitTv. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com potent druggist* al all hour*, day or night. Night curtomer* pti I night bell. ZKLLKR A .1 ARKKTT. i Bishop St., Rellefonte Pa. . iunlH 1 i t r CKNTKK HALL Tan lard. The undersigned would ropcctfu!l_- in- I form the citieens of Centre county, that . the above Tan Yard w ill again be* put in Bill operation, in all it* brntiche*. by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price will be paid •° for Hid.is of all kinds. Die highest mar : k.-l price will also be paid for Tanner'* I Hark. The public patronage i* solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. - doiUnr MILLER A BADGER CHEAP MUSICT SfBSCRIIIKR# to PKTKaa' MUSICAL MOKVHI.V get nil the latest and best Music ® at one ami two cent* a piece. Kveiy nutn- I her contain* fVni $1 to $A worth "of new • Music; and it can be had for 80 cent*. The July and August number* contain Thirty Piece* of Music, (7'2 pages, sheet-music • ite,) and Will be mailed forilOeents. Ad dress J. L. PETERS, o'.IM Broadway, New V ork. 2&aug3m. A. 1* BAJWOIZS. • Watch Maker and Jeweler, M ADHONBtKG, P E N N *A. KWI constantly on hand Watche- Silver Chain*. Matte BUM, Chain*, Boon. King*, Ac., all of which will be *old at the very lowe-t price* for cash. Aim all kind* of repair ing doneon Jewelry, Clock*, Watches and MUMC Boxes AGENT lor the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE which use* a straight needle, ha* a self-adjusting tension, and make* the lock-stitch, on both *ide* alike. Sold complete *t nly $37, and wari anted. Alto, Agent for the American Bnttcn-Hol* Over •earning and Complete Sewing Maehia*. All order* promptly filled. ABAITM, ttKTNoi.n'e waw UAHUI.* • VROMT, Hlaimr at . Hellefonte. 'WINKH AN D is I (| U o RF Tha subscriber epectfully call# th" at . tenliun of the public to hi# e*ubli*hm ut. , where he I#prepared to furnish all kitidtol I Foreign and Domestic Liquor*" wholesale | al the iowu*t cash price*, hull are warran , ted to he thu best qualitie* according tu i their reap'wltve price* Ut# stock constat* I of Uye, Monougahela, Irish and ofbet • Whiskies, all kind* of llrandio. ilollttud L Gin, Port, Aladeria, Cherry, Blackberry • and other Wine* .the bust article* --at a. • reasonable rate* a* can lie had In the city, i Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry. Ginger ■ and Carraway Brandies, Mure Jamaica ami > New Kiiglaud Bum. Cordial "< all kind*. He would particularly iuvit" Farmer*, Ho tel keeper* and other* pi call and examine hi* large supply, to Judge for tbem.elve. ' and be certain or procuring what tlieyr buy, I which eau seldom be done when purcha*- ' ng in the city. jM*Phy*ician#arereapectfully requested o give hi* liquor* a trial. aplO (IKNTHK HALL MOTEL > Julia Sr*sol.Ka, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart dally, 'or all point*, mirth, South, .>a*t and wol. Thi* favorite Hotel ha* been rrStted and f fdrnisbed by it* new proprietor, and ta now r in ovary re.pe t one of the mo*t pleasanl icountry Hotel* in central I'. uusylvania. [ The travelling torn in unity anddrovor* will jalway* And the bestaeeommodation*. Per son* from the city wishing to spend a few week* during the summer in the country, will Bnd Centre llall one ot the moot beau uful location* and the Centre llall Hole alt they could deeire for comfort and con veuieuce. apHftift.tf. COACH MANUFACTORY. HAKDMAN I'HILLIJ's, AT HiSmanu/a<-turinge*tabli*hmc!a!ai ■ Yeagertown, oa the lsewistowi anil BellefoitU- Turnpike, ha* now on I,am a Auu *ick of Carriage*, Uugg.. • Hulkii and Spring Wagon*, which be now otTer. for tale a* superior in quality and tyi. * ti anv manufactured in the country The* are made of the very beat seasoned stock by Srt da** practical workmen, and iniahec in a atyle llialchallenge, compariaou wtti any work out of or to the Kaatern eilie* and eau be sold at lower price* than tbu*. ■nanulaAHured in large town* and cities, *iuld*t bigh rent* and ruinous price* of tir ing Being maur of hi* own situation, anxious to excel in hi* artirtical profesabu and free from any annoyance* in his busi ness. he ha* time and abiliLf to devou* hi* entire attention to hi* proicMiou au<) lib customer,, rendering •atirfartiou alike I* all patron*, operative#, hi* country, ant himself. Call and examine hi* stock and learn hi# prices, and you cannot fail to be satisfied, U K 1' A I ill No of all kind* done neatly, promptly, .no reasonably. Yeagartowa, June IS, IMB —ly. DOUBLE AND BLMOLX IAMRII* fowling piece* at aplO - ON llt WIN A W1 L-M)S \IT J. U KTTKLK'S IT HOLE-SALB WINK A Liul-oK S T O li K Bubop street, Bellefotit*., in tbe Hmae buil ding iormeriy occupied by the Key atone Bakery Take* ploaure in iuforming the public that he keep* constantly on band a supply o, choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. AU HarrtU, Kry atU f .t* nerrenfrnf to contain tAc quantity rcftrcueutad. Tbe ntuuition of practicing physician* is • ailed to hi* stock of PUKK LIQUORS, suitable for medical |.urj*.ri. BoUle, jug*, and demHobn* constantly on band, lie has the ONLY PUKE NKCTAR j Wll JSK Y in town. All liquor* are warranted to give satis i faction. Liquor* will beaold by Ute quart, barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot oi BOTTLED LIQUORS Of j In. 11 nasi grade* on ban.!. | Confident that he can please customer* j be rrwpectftilly solicit* a share of public pa* jironage my lit? J TBWIN A WILSON aro constantly re evolving new good* in their lina HARD W A R K ofevery description at redu.c e price*- now being opened every day apltTflK Wall Paper, cheap .frotu 12 to 30 cent* per bol ta Rsrbi I t" BM UFFALO SCALKJt, oftheW-tmak. from 4 Ib* up to iat,(*W! I.#. aplO'OM. Irwim A Witaoa. DltY BOAKDi>, l'lank and S,*ntiiaj. for sale by Ixwtx * WILWIV j apKCUH CRG>>--t i T AND MILL SAWS hi make at lawix a Wtixixt. aplOttf PUMPS! Wooden Ptintps. AND PIPING. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention orthecitixen* oft entreeouutv. and Pennsvalley in particular, to the fket that he is manufacturing YB2 a23'f PUMP, made at home or elsewhere. Ite use* none but the b-t material, UKWarkknv* THKU to give satisfaction, as being tbe most last ing and durable, aut'aaioß To THK oL!> Wooden pump, being arraugtal to let the water off and prevent trwosing in winter. Pine, noplar or cucumber pumps always on hand. Ills matirial for pumps it all sawed from large timber, ami are thus Secured against Chet kingorCracking. AU order* hy mail promjitly filled. PIPI NO, made of the best material, of five inch scantling, joined together w th coupling blocks, thoroughly lutnded. and wai ranted to stand any pres-ure mjuircd for ordinary use. Price, of pi ing range from 12 to 18 cent* per foot. Send order* to ept.Bo.ly J. TELLKK, Milesburg, Pa Burial Cases AND GASKETS. AIR-TIGUT ANDIN DKSTRUCTIBLK run Prutccliiig aud Prreervitig the Demi The undersigned take* pleasure in an nouncing that he has secured the sole agen cy in this county for M E TALLICA X U G L A N6 Huritil Ciumm* mid Caakef*, which are so widely known as to require no •{•ecial commendation. The MKTALLIC BUKIAL CASK, with it* present im proved style and finish, tt* entire harmony with the reeling* of the bereaved, tt* per fected adjustment* and appointment* in whatever relate* to the preservation and protection of the body after death, confirm it* utility and entire adaptne** to the pur pose* for which it it designed. COFFINS of all descriptions furnished at the shortest notice; ami all orders tilled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with care, and funeral* and escort* super intended in person. HENRY HARRIS novfit Rellefonte, Pa. MILLER'S HOTEL, Woodward, Pa Stage* arrive and depart daily. Dp* favurito hotel 1* now in every respect .•ne of the most pleasant country hotel* In central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the best accommo dation. Drover* can at all time* be accom modated with stable* and pasture tor any number of cattle or horse*. july.Ttißtf GEO. MILLER. PINDLE BKRINB fur wagons, all si get, at tbu sign of the Anvil. upltfttH, IKWI.n a WILSON. LAMPS OF EVERY VARIETY and kind at apIOMW IRWIN A WILSON'S. CLOTHlNG—Overcoat*. I'auu, Ve#U, and Dres Coats, cheap, at Wolfs. POCKET "cUTLKRY—aII mnkes r once# at IRWIN A WILgO* IOO KING-GLASS PIJkTKSofaiDIa J for tale by hwis* Wiuox. a . 10'8. JAPA N NBD TOILET SETTS. AN D other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. apHfOM. IRWIN A WILSQX. BUALTB tor Buggies and Onrriagbor. sixes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at | ptCfW - IRWIN a WILSON' CIOFFIN TRIM MINGS, a large .UURT-1 / BITTUT at IBWLTF 4 WLLAONSJ *| NATURE'S J Hair lif'Hlorati^' •UWiLiw n LAC SULPHUR-N. i M SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ! ARGE—No NITRATE OF ML' •J VEU, itml U entirely frw from th-j ! POWOIIMU* am) if <-a Itb *4r#t roy iriji j • Drug* uiw.l in otlmr Httir Ft*-|>arn ", Transjotient nnd clear u crystal, It will; . Wt tell it.e finest fabric, — perf-rliy -HA FK j CLEAN miJ KFFIdIKMT. Jmidmw " lU|. I.NG FOUGHT run AND 11 FOUND AT LAST! !; It TvUn<-m miJ prevent, tl.e Ilairfr.it>> b> muting Ufujf, imparls a aoft, glv*y "* penrmue*. remove. Dandruff, < raft-usbing Ui the h ail, check* the Hair from (alUm ' JIT. and r*Uire. it to a greot eatent when prematurely pteveiils licsdarii - fu/tti all hbmT*, cutem >u eruuiuiw, ' iml unnatural fn-at. AS A DKKtfHING FuK THE HAIK IT §* TIIK BEST AK riCI.K IN TIIK MARKET. lIH. (J. SMITH, Patentee, Ajftt, Maw Preuaied only by PROCTER B Uihor. < jwolbree cet Htun* to Proc } ter Brother* for a "Treatise on the Human y Hair." The information it cy prron. lscp.it ) For ante at Centre IUH by Wat. VVuft ami Uetlariier A Cronmiller i, A CAUD-We have removed ojipaip r. to the Bu*h Ui and are telling out <>ur i, tew-k left from the ire at bargain*. We , are settling up our booh* and aecnioU and I witi be much obliged U> one and all to call | t an I .eule th.-ir acrouttU. Wa auult *} „ to our nutneruu* friend* and cu*temr*, t i pica us accept our nine re thank, for thr c generous patronage they hare al way* be- Mowed on u. , BUBXBIDE A THOMAS. GOOD N RWS FOR TH E PEOPLE, i Ureal Attraction and Ureal Bargain*! i rp 11K under* igned, d.-tvruuiid t- meet lb* j A 1.-.puUr d'-wand for Lower Price*. r< • i .pectfully call* the attention of the public to bit tock at SADDLERY, now offered at the old ttand. Designed *- peeieil r for the people and the tirn *. the lar ge*! and moat varied and com pfote amort- j • mll merit and low 1 pricea. * Sy.up, Sugar, Tew, Coffee. Canned i.-uiU, JelUe*. Ihwtritii- and Foreigp Fruila, j Cbi-eMs and |*a*srie >? > n kind*. j and every other it tide lm longing to theUriicery De|Mitment. Thry Whoftmt/e at J*hHadeJphin Hair | &r Farmer*, Mechanic* and Laborer* look to your interts.u Due dollar *aved !*: a dollar in pocket. Then call and • eat J what aatoni.hiogly low price* i FoItSTKR DKVLING A WILSON, j Vreaclling their Dry Cood# and Groceriet. j MTNo trouble to .how If they a."* not a* reprc*> nti-1. we will pay you for you trouble. Don't forget (h --place. RUILDINGtKK •p'NUf Allegheny St . Bellcft*nte Pa. CENTRE HALL ; Manuiacturiiig Co AND Mucliine Works. ' CKNTIE HAI* L CENTRE CO., P A Having enlarged our New Focxunr and M ACUIM Suor and AO*UTITI'*I VVoax*. Stocked with all <■* and late*: I improved Machinery at Centre Hail, an- ; i nounceto the public that they are now read \ j I fo receive order, for anything in their lim j I ofbu.ine**. ' Shaftings, ' Putties, ( Hangers. IRON. & BRASS We also manufacture ;..e celebrated KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now stand* unrivalled, Thi. Reaper ha* advantage, overall othe. Reaper, now manufaetured. One ad van •age we elaim for it, I* the lever power, by which we gain one hundred per eent ovet ! other machine.. Another advantage i. th. hoisting and lowering apparatus, whgreb; the driver ha* uuder hi* complete conlro of the tuaehine; in coming to a *p-tof lodg- I ed grain, the driver can change the cut oi lie machine in an instant, without stopping the team, varying the *tuhl from 1 to It inches at the outaide of the niarhine, as we'l ••on the inside. Ill* constructed of first cl* material; and built by first class mn ohanics. We warrant it second to none. All kind* of Horsepower* and Threshing Machines. Hay and Grain Rake*, latest in> 1 proved. AU kinds of Repairing done. Di r -1 ferant kind* of PLO W S AND PLOW CASTING. 1 The Celebrated Hcckendorn Economica plow which ha. giVcn entire satisfaction We employ the best Patternmaker*, our patterns are all new and of the roost improv ed plans. Plan*. Specifications and Daw ing. furnished for all work done by us. t4f We hope by strict attention to bus: ' ness to receive a share of public patronag CASTINGS ofeviiry description made and fitted up t n MILLS, FORGES, i FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, | AC., AC.| (AUur-dnfuhy mail promptly attended tuj JR T.T S>T G COlf P Important Notice. To th* Public —The Wilaon New Un der fef ShuttleSetrintr Machine. Itear in wiltid this fWet. that the Wil- sewing machine company are the piu. *>,* HI inu.eiu- ing it fir*bl' • n/t low prt<->-- Tlii* mschine e mblae- alt tha elegnr. dwplWv, durnUßtv and Mrenrfth po*- • ■' t'r an' '•" tt mni'blneto xttaiit. and the arc th iir*V &nd wnlv irsW<-> Iwrftte 4 muebimw put in the marW< f M> i> without vc v s*>'. lihrMW adapted t<> v - ery variety "f fotnily sefvfng and U/H 'ttanutnetc'-ng. It embne all efftheltn-'" portait and essential elen.->.! etnl-d!> >j i machine* patented withit> tin-pa*l two * yaar Attachriei>ts for d> ing all kit... < ( work are made for the machine The Public have baHevwl fr# long Hsue that t <■" I r tin Ida sewing machine Wild be inaufa-turei and wdd i aMUSMMMtbh*i-s ptio*, which. w have found the Wil- u New Cud- r-fre.J •owing machine to be. All we il< to onvitu-a tW OUWt *!>; pt enl tfiat •< feavr tbeboM " wlng nwiet rii , i a critical evaitiSnatbm tfhpn**w WfLon ender-foed Itiaehlne. Ifai hiuee will bo dabvarrd aiiy*rhcr> n Mifllia Ar Contra r.untia*. Alt ni i warran'eA for fire years. Zgsni.o- P. K'->-t;AGv-" A.f-xxng*, Agent*. Mdroy, P. The Now u iiin. Har achar & CronmHler. CENTRE HALL. FA New Spring Cmhhls Come one and all! Juet arrived am) will k|il o Imtid a full ime of j Dry Goods, Notion*, Gro* irlan, 1 • j ware", <• Saw spring Hi 'ess Goods A most beautiful variety, ruiiswtmg : - the uovelttea of the season, at lower rati Jinn ordinarily charged t ether pi* > Whit© Goods d" t c.iubroi erics The flnrtt go.b n ♦ qua it ty jquality, and prkw*. HOOP XBiH , ■ The hc-t make* lateM iyle§ and low t rate*. (Hat# and Gat.* i>< groat variety Linen., Tuv.liiap,apaali*. lafik g#, loth Cawimer., Ckulnux BALMORAL SKIRTS, j Spring and amm- nhswh. in fact, we keep evervthii t. and will sell at a wy tmall advance n ir*t cost. AH we ttek that t*-u uiH CALL AND EXAMINE OI K STOCK befur-- p>ift hi -lag eWmberv, •• we deM i*J>*r*r .. 4,l**. S t • l>4*o Ira , j itu. |*M fi co >■***. "*4 I m*ldUag. . >4 COOKX afi -liw.tw . .H Uw ft-ft §f | t r WW* ; Dr. Crook's WTI'E OF TAR! t. tW. *MMMt> w uaS ; for Chronic Oh-.i-h*, 1 Cooghn ao-i tv.i l* U Cwf tt t CctsamptSa# u t a: aa tf dMk Cttfw V*hiS eonCTay phju tan*. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAE! Ha* cared *o amey rosea 4>f Asthma end l-.i-si-fci- Ilk, that it ha* •** 4*v- - iSc fav AetiußX ErcscMtls. ■an l emj ii' - it r a-Wed. wfu JNa M ftdM'O ' die* pmeu yau Iteaa > - ex 4-an*d *t4>' Dr. Crook's WTOE OF TAR I K-e.itasm anil ie>f >r, ate* ib* w.P' * -in, BSSTLTTV *l e -le F.x- BSBHTt. t,ki!k;*sl r-tot t . -,.t I very rem* ilv for th* irate sod i-bditaU ! Dr. Crock's WH7 r OF TAE! OK. verm the IH*I-', . Miengthsn* tti* -i><- dpptU'A SteaSCh. Kb, r*Uxm II 1 rrr, et put# (ten i e work: roM th* for.; to die-*t, and null* per* Uaod. Dr. Crook's WIKE OF TAR! Its artie* on the Crtaifity ti'iiaa* are >S proma* m> merkest. v - .ooceda SIuILsTI". t roprodnrieq the una. fry —crwieu. ehca eth er i-omMti.r.ti*. h* tailed. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! 1* rteh ta the isiedtatosi ~ . ijust lie. of Tar, torn- Srexn aswn t*se i >th ragetatda in ' -Ms of undoubted OHltollt, ""-ska it on snrproscd for the com idneta eaumerelvd. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! Kcmotee pats in Brvaat, ITSTSPSIA ""I" or lUa-k. effe-theKccu lain* of the Uvtr. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! Ua.it rr>fnti HSSBV i>d*nK3MMi -tr-ng nt hroiUi; who X-l i-ea unable u* wach :tTMfth ttd Health, u'.udteEE*cmy bu*e, and its tife-gmng tooie propartla* tnni by | ___ H. ~ Ti>* activa n>- 4. M quslitiro of P-k< Ref r* oomhiaei - • , r DR. CB.. Tumart, Sercr-.:o Dimaw cf the Hjm . . AU gttffiriag usm ' Chronic Diica: cl u re -1 or roqoßisg a | | "jtfvP ilni Dr. CROOKS Opa- Apotad STRUT cf 70KS (W^FizSewiftod reliable in its ac- Jftion. Pains fc Betei, \ -v W s ■ RiMaaesef ix tt M fiSt/toM, rfe-es -2 jpsw; Pr*pnr-J only b* f,p -J Oliw Crook &Oe Daytvu, O. CANVASB EM BWA A '" I> For "OnrOvn Flm>l<'' An Iflnstrmted r*|T. *0 p; ' -w]|w HalMwl Monthly. hutoarrlpl j *•#• *ry lit unblr Khrnin*. A frH % 1 well* for \ !trial Hnn.pl* sad Ptwalaai tel. r ' * jW. E. Gump, PuMKhfr. Ba.vi 0