Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, September 22, 1871, Image 2

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Centre Hall, Pa., Sept. 2*l. '7l
TERMS. -The Cisrsi Kwrow-
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■■■' 1 - - -i- 11 '
or rßti.ADCt.ruiA.
For Assembly,
P.Gray Meek,ofßellofonto.
For Associate Judge*,
W, W. Love, of Potter.
Henry Dopp, of Howard.
For Treasurer,
James F. Weaver, of Miieaburg.
For Commissioner,
Samuel F. Foster, of Potter.
For District Attorney,
John F. Potter, of Beliefonte.
# For Auditor.
Rob'L F. Holmes, of Marion.
For County Surveyor,
W. P. Mitchell, of Howard.
The temperance party in Dauphin
county have put in nomination a
straight couuty ticket. The'uominee
for Auditor is a colored man.
The radical party of Centre county
is the worst demoralized crew that can
be found in auy county in the state.
The democracy will, so to speak, walk
over the course without any opposi
tion. Even the great Bill Brown is
demoralised and out of heart and sick;
when he could swallow sixteen large
apple-dumplings without the least
danger, he mast have had a strong
constitution, but radicalism is shaking
him now like the ague, and is too
much for the stomach that could di
gest a peck of dumplings. We would
prefer seeing our old political enemy
having a little more courage; we
should like to have someone to fight,
front this on to the 2nd Tuesday of Oc
tober, and things kept a liule lively.
It appears to us as though the rads of
Centre had laid themselves so as to
save us the trouble of knocking them.
Their ticket is a weak one, it is true,
but they swallowed the nigger and
that was a great deal worse.
Well, now, since Brown, iu his Re
publican, was afraid to say a word
about the great radical steal of Evans
. A Co., by which the state looses a
quarter million of dollars, let us see
whether he will take courage to inform
bis radical readers, that one Hodge,
an army paymaster at Washington,
has stolen five hundred thousand dol
lars from the government. Brown is
very modest indeed and his reticence
upon those little matters, is only to be ;
accounted for from the fact that his
party is the "sick man," and William
does not wish further to unstring the
poor fellow's nervous system by such
news. Modest Brown —keep howling
about the county finances.
The great Radical victory in Maine
resulted in a loss of 19.000 votes to the
administration since Grant's election.
We fear greatly that the Radical joy
over the election in Maine will be
chastened with sorrow—that grief ami
gayety will have to go hand iu hand.
To the People of Centre County.
The issnes of the campaign upon
which we have entered are of greAt
weight and interest to you. The two
great parties have laid their platforms
and chosen their leaders. The party
in power is distinguished only for the
number of promises of retrenchment
and reform it has made, to the people
of the State, and broken with impuni
ty. It makes the same promises now.
And yet in the face of these we have
the statement of the hundreds of thou
sands of dollars stolen by its agent
Evans, and no effort made to bring
him to justice; but every delay is used
as a means to permit the thief and
scoundrel to eecape, because he is a
Republican, and connected with a ring
whose chief business it is to rob the
Treasury of the State. No man was
thus permitted to escape under Demo
cratic rule. He was speedily brought
to justice, and the most condign pun
ishment inflicted. The whole issue is
briefly summed up in one sentence. It
is corruption and public plunder
against honesty and the rights of the
people. The Ilepublican party have
destroyed the rights oTthe people, the
freedom or .the boliot; k has burdened
you with debt and taxation. It has
annually robbed the Treasury of the
nation of millions of dollars; hundreds
of thousands have been stolen from
the Treasury of the State by a corrupt
and loathsome ring with which Stan
ton and Beath, the Republican can
didates, are connected. All this is
done under the cry of retrenchment
and reform. The Democratic party
once in power will restore your rights,
give you the freedom of the ballot,
bring thieves and public plunderers to
speedy punishment, pay the debt in
the currency in which it was contract
ed, break up destroy ring mas
ters, and preserve the dignity and hon
or of our Commonwealth.
To all this she presents to you for
your suffrages at the coming election
men of the highest character and
strictest integrity. In General Wil
liam McCaualess we have at once the
gentleman, soldier, patriot and states
man. Few men have made so bril
liant, honorable and lasting a record,
in the annals of their country, so ear
ly in life. He comes from among the
people; he is one of them ; their inte
rests are his. 'He is a son of toil, and
whether in the machine shop earning
! hi* bread in the sweat of l>w fwj or
! grasping the throttle of hi* engine, to
guide it with it* precioua weight <4 living
! (rutting freight, iu safety through if*
incident danger ; or pleading a clicutV
| cause with eloquence and minute pre
cision ; or leading the brave boys of
the Pennsylvania Reserve into the
I hottest of the battle of Spottsvlvania,
down the slope of the 'Round Top, at
Gettysburg, fearless and undaunted ;
or raising the voice of warning or ad
vice in the l/eglslative Halls of tin
State, it ha* all been for the safety J
prosperity and welfare of the people.
Iu 180t>, General Mel'an d less was
tho Democratic nominee of the first j
senatorial district. Notwithstanding
tho district usually gave over lftOO
Republican majority, so popular is he
among his immediate fellow citisens,
that he carried the district by over
1700 majority; ami for three ream
served the party and people most faith |
fblly in the State Senate, Hi* iuteg
ritv aud just popularity extends
throughout our broad Commonwealth '
He was the unanimous choice of lh
Democratic party for the position it;
asks the people to give him standing ,
on a most righteous platform. If you
would have a man for Auditor Gener j
al who is not iu any way or manner i
by affinity,, consanguinity or otherwise
sonuected with the ring that rohs the
wople of their money, pluuderw the
Treasury of the State, and steals, the j
State securities, give your sutfrage to j
General William McCandka.
In Osptaiu James H. Cooper, we
have a young man of great moral
worth, and political strength. The
Captain is a native of Allegheny coun
ty, but now resides iu Lawrence couu
ty. In very early life, at the coun
try's call, ha was among the first to
respond. During that long and bloo
dy conflict he commanded 'Battery B'
more generally known as 'Cooper'*
Battery' of the first Pennsylvania
Reserve Corps. Cooper's Battery
took an active part in every battle
from 'Meehank*villetoßpott*ylvauia,
North Anna River, and tne battles iu
front of Petersburg.' General Reynolds
says of him, 'Captain Cooper is one of
the coolest and most eflicient officers
under fire I ever saw. Since the close
of the war Captain Cooper has devotod
his energies to the developement of
the mineral, lumber, and mechanical
interest of the Beaver and Chenango
Valleys. He is as sincere, earnest
and honest in politics as iu every de
partment of life. So justly popular
is Gaptain Cooper that Mr. Allen, Re-,
publican Senator from Mercer county, i
say* of him. 'I know the gentleman |
well, and kuow that he was a true and ,
faithful soldier iu the war, following
all its successes and misfortunes, and j
is one of the best young men in the i
State. No Democrat can do himself
injustice—no Republican can do him- j
sel injustice by voting for so deserving,
a young man a* this,' Thus we have
both Democrats and Republicans tee-1
tifviug to the worth of Captain Coo- 1
per as a man and a Democrat He is
a special favorite in the western part
of the State, and at the very home of
one of the Republican candidates will
run far ahead of his ticket It remains
for us in the central and eastern part
of the State, to up roll for him sucb a
majority as will acattef the broken and |
shattered ranks of Republicanism,!
rotten as it is iu its own corruption.
As to our canidate, for the legiala
ture, scarcely anything can be said
that you do not know. His record is
before you. To receive the endorse
ment of the Democratic party in con
vention assembled, twice by acclama
tion, and twice by goodh majorities, j
should be sufficii ut to satisfy tne most
scrupulous democrat. If more is nee
ded, we have it in the fact of his over
whelming vote at tho polls last fall.
But, even that, is not all. His whole i
legislative career is before us, as one j
who was earnest, honest, aud labored ■
continually for the welfare of his con-1
stituents. The character of legislation :
introduced and passed by him, wa.x !
such as to benefit and protect the la
boring classes, aud of his record iu j
standing by the toiling tax-payers of:
the county, he, as well as the partv j
that he represents, may well be proad.;
In eveiy contest where the interests of
the Democratic party were at stake,
Mr. Meek was never found wanting,
always at his post, ready to do battle
for the Democracy.
The Democratic press from all parts
of the State hails his re-nomination
with such a degree of satisfaction as
should make the Democracy of Centre
county proud of their nominee.
the candidate chosen for the office of
Treasurer, is so well known to the peo
ple of the countr, that it will be diffi
cult to mention him in away that has
not already passed through the minds
of the people. He enlisted as a soldier
in the 148 th P. V. For three years
he served with distinction and honor,
leading the boys uoderhim, of that far
famed regiment through many of the
bloody conflicts it passed through, ser
ving his country so well, that time
and again he was promoted, till he
reached the high position of a colonel.,
The people of the county need not be
afraid to trust him with the position
the Democratic party have chosen him
to fill. The treasury will uot be rob
bed and plundered, like in days of
Republican rule. Their interest will
be zealously guarded. Col. Weaver
is an honest, upright, temperate, chris
tian gentleman, worthy the suffrage*
of every honest man in the comity, be
he Democrat or Republican.
the candidates for Associato Judges,
are men whose reputations are almost
as broad as our great commonwealth,
citizens of the highest character, men
of noble integrity. Of the large nam*
ber of candidates presented to the con
vention they were the ones chosen.
They, like an aged christain who has
£onc through many trials of his faith,
ave gone through many fiery trials
for their political faith, and hare nev
er been found wanting. They will be
an ornament of the bench anu an hon
or to the Democracy of the county.
our candidate for County Commission
er, is well fitted for the position, not
only by experience, but also by natu
al ability. He served out the unexpired
terra of William Keller. During that
time he gave geoeral satisfaction win
ning the confidence and respect of his
associates, as well as of the people of
the county. His honesty and integri
ty never has been and neverean bejques
tioned. His highest aim as a servant
of the people will be to relieve them of
the burdens imposed upon them while
the county was under Republican rule
some ten years ago.
the candidate for District Attorney, is
yet a young men. Mr. Potter spent
many of his younger years in institu
tions of learning. During the first
year of his legal studies he was under
the tuition of John H. Orvis. Esq.,
whose legal learning aud ability is
known everywhere, and in this case
the student partakes of the ability and
shrewdness of the tutor. Mr. Potter,
spent the last year of his course at the
Albany Law School, New York, of
which he b % graduate. Hi* training
in this school, as well t* wlmt hui
gone before, 4t* htm well for the poei
lion to which the domochicy Have eall
ed him.
For County Surveyorwapresentom
of the best men mid most practice
surveyors in the State,
wm. l*. mitthki.l., mq.,
a mail of large experience, and tine ed
ueation in the scieuce of surveying
Mr 1 Mitchell was the choice of tin
Democratic party in 18RM, aud wai
elected by a large majority, running
far ahead of his ticket This fall wt
know he will be chusen by a largei
majority than ever.
For Auditor ac have
H. K. hoi.MM, Esq.,
a giKxl necouutaut, an honest, upright
christian gentleman, who elected,
he will Iw, w ill discharge the duties of
his office oareAilly and for thy interest*
of the people.
Such is the ticket we preseut fui
vour sutfrage voter* of Centre county
It is a ticket that every honest intelli
gent whit man of the couuty may
take a just pride iu supporting.
I). V. Foktnky,
Okairmuit (V. llua.
—<♦ was • - —a—
Fur the Reporter.
Mr. Editor : -Ths conlnwt botwoeo the
platform* of iho JeuiH. nuy ufCsnlrs soun
tv and that of their opponent* in the urg
ent campaign i* to online at to be without
a parallel. Our platform lay* down clear
ly and unequivocally our adheranes to
the form of government treated by our
fathers. ....
Our denunciation of the party a ban ha*
betrayed the people, and uolaled tbe con
sittulion; our condemnation of the cor
ruption and eitruvigrance of the radit-al
mismanagement of tbe people'* mouey:
the effect of the encroachment ol capital
on labor ; a condemnation of special
lation; tbe effect of tbo farming out ol
citv-governmauU by our stale Legislature;
a denunciation of the attempt to make tbe
civil *ubver*ive to the military power; op
position to negro auffrage; radical unfitness
to control our general, *Ute or local gov-;
ernmcnla; our intention to drive the in
competent and corrupt radical* from pow
er, and our support of the democratic •tale
and county nominees.
Here, then, we have a clear, comprehen
sive declaration of principle*, and one
which leave* no doubt in the tuindt of the
people as to tbe course we will puraue,
* hen we obtain control of tbe rein* of gov
ernment. I'L>oii this platform stand tbe
candidate* ot tbe democratio party wbu
are making tbe suffrage* of tbe people, and
to tbo mainlalnance of tbe principles em
bodied in it, they are uucquivorallr pledg
ed. But tbe Republican party oftheeoun
ty also presents candidate* for tbe people'*
support, and they have placed them on a
plaltorin. Doc* their proclamation ol
principle* bind, a* strongly a* ours, their
candidate* to destroy or abate tbe great
and growing evils tbat are ruining the
country? I*their denunciation if official
extravagance and corruption, tbe subver
,iou of the civil to tbe military power, tbe
attack of capital on labor, the evil of spe
cial legislation, as marked and unmistaka
ble a* our*? Their platform we give in
'Jteevlrrd. That the interest of every
tax-payer in Centre county demand* the
repeal of tbe 'Law Idbrary' art, and we
hereby instruct our candidate for Assem
bly. it eleeted, to use to hit utmost ability
alf honorable means tc have the said bin
repealed and to secure the passage of anoth
er bill which will provide that all monies
now applied as directed in the 'l-aw Li
brary' act, shall be applied to the free
school ftwd ol the township* where the
fine* are inflicted."
' Look upon this picture, and then
upon that." "What matters it" they say
in effect, if the government i* constitution
ally administered or not, weniu*t have the
Law Library act, repealed." "A* to the
charge of the demociaev that our party
leader* have betrayed the people, we an
swer the 'Law Library act' must be repeal*
rd," "Suppose the politicians ofto-day are
corrupt and extravagant, that capital is
uniting against labor, that special legisla
tion is poisoning the foundations of society,
that the miiiury has become superior to
tbe civil power, tbat negro suffrage i* im
properly forced on us. and that we have
hitherto shown ourselves unfit to manage
the general state or local government; sup
pose all this is true, are we not now about
to remove all these evils, by repealing tbe
Law Library act?" "Jim," said a four
year urchin to hi* p'aywatc, "our house is
going to be nicer than your*, for pa it go
ing to put a cupola on it." "No it wont"
answered Jim for we are going to have
a mortgage on ours." In this county then,
we have thus arrayed tbe opposing parties
in line for the engagement that will cloae
on tbe second Tuesday of October. Upon
the standard of one is inscribed the great
watrhwards of constitutional liberty, while
on tbe other it tbe demagogical clap-trap
of tbe Law Library. The sole question to
be decided la* far as tbe candidate* lor our
county office* are concerned) which avery
voter is called upon to answer is "shall 1
support those men who will carry out the
tound principles laid down on tne demo
cratic plat firm, or those who ask tbe repeal
of the 1-aw Library bill" And thia, we
say is tbe soft question. There is no other
issue between the parties, and we ask the
honest Republican* of the county in an
swering this question, to look at the posi
tion ol those, who in past campaigns, led
their hosts in the confiicts with the democ
racy. H. N. McAllister, James A. Bea
ver, ticorgc M. Yocuw and Kdward
Hlancbard, so for from adv. eating thei lec
tion ot the candidate who is pledged to
the repeal of the Law Library act, to the
State Legislature, are most earnest advo
cates of tne act; indeed all those we men
tion haTe labored to secure the veto of an
act to repeal it, passed last winter, when
there was a remote possibility that tbe in
comprehensible Geary might approve it.
These former leaders of Republicanism
then will not give Col. McFarlanJ
their support. They are no longer mem
ber* of the party whose sole platform is the
repeal of this act. All tbe honest member*
of tbe Republican party who admit there
is any evil in the National or BtateOovern
ments tbat is capable ot being remedied,
will support the candidates who are pledg
ed to tne reform of all tbe existing evils,
rather than those who have but a single
imaginary one to con^bal.
And here, we desire to notice an info
moua attack upon our gallant standard
bearer, Hon. P. Gray Meek.
A labored effort is being made by cun
ning and unscrupulous radical politicians,
to |>ersuade tbe people of the county
that uur candidate for assembly endorses
the wrong sod* of principles, that while he
cannot approve of the sixth, seventh and
tenth resolution* in the democratic plat
form, ho does assume tho same position
with reference to the law Library, as Col
Now, (without noticing the alledgt-d
want of unanimity between tho resolution*
referred to, and his previous legislative ca
reer, which, If true, are of too little impor
tance to answer) we apprehend great in
jury may be done him if the other insinua
tion or alligation is permitted to bo made
without denial.
We deny absolutely that there is any
thing in Mr. Meek'* legislative or editorial
record upon which the radical politicians
of the county can plausibly base their as
sertion that he is opposed to the "Law Li
brary" act. At least nothing has a* yet
been advanced, that cannot be satisfactorily
explained. They say tbat tbe columns of
tbe Watchman of which belt editor and
oroprietor, have contained attacks on this
act, and that a bill repealing it was pre
pared and worked through the Legislature
by him at it* last session.
Now wo may admit that he did prepare
such a bill; we tnay even admit he labored
to secure its passage by the Legislature,
and yet we do not hesitate to affirm tbat he
it not gailty ot opposition to this act. The'
whole record of Mr. Meek since tbat bill
became a law is a refutation of the slan
der. ___
What it generally known as the Centre
county Law Library act was approved and
became a law on February 14, 1806. It ap
peared among the local law of the county
that were printed in the county papers, and
wan published in the Democratic Watchman
of march 1. 18A7. M w ,
In tbo fall of that year. (1867) Mr. Meek
was elected to the Legislature, and was a
member of that body in 1868. He repre
sented us ugain in tho session of 1867. In
neither of theee sessions did he assail this
bill. He knew of its passage; he had pub
lished it in his paper; he was for two years
in a situation to agitate the repeal of the
act. and yot we And him silent. Does this
look a* if he were opposed to this law.
But be represented us again in the ses
sion of 1871: and it was his course in regard
to this bill then, a* a Legislator and an ed
itor that tho injurious reports that his ene
mies have circulated were based upon.
We cannot deny that in appi.rant incon
sistency with bis former Silence on the
matter, he did prepare a pill repealing this
much talked of act. Neither can *''• deny
that the columns of bis paper asked there
peal of the bill, and bitterly denounced it
'But, mark how plain a tale" can remove
from Mr, Meek the stigma bis enomis
would place ou him. Hi* W IDM
vetoed by Governor Geary because of
the loose uay in which it was
drawn Now can any one alledge tbat
Mr. Meek has not the ability to draw
I a private bill that it unobjectionable in
form ? We know It# reverse. He has had
ir ti much experience n • Legislator, even
T If tin |H">4B*<'l merely average IU4iU-. in
}•<! h bill bei au#eoi fu want uffxriii. Hut
he aland# pre eminent fxf )ii• skill in drn
Ming prtvata lulls. Ni only il liU talent for
tin* description of law used by member*
-from the "rural districts" l>ut the ropre
-11'! tentative* ola city constituency have
tl sought Ilia aid. 110 bad boon a tnoiubor
of tbo Legislature two previous tortus. 11 ••
! know all tbo hooka and rrooka of special
: 1 ovulation Hi* alnlitioa a* a drawvr ol
I j private bill* It*# uioro than a local repula
I tloll. .1 nJ yet Hi t repealing net rus or toed
{< Ay tkt (for trnor hern use ~f Ike way in
H a'4ifA if •<! tfruira.
There i> auotbor luct which mat b*
briefly notion! boro After Ike reto of thm
K Mi, our member did hh! seek its passu<jt
0 ooo r Ike veto.
It follows Ibon neeo*arily that our c.in
dldato wa- not oppaMdto this act To ant
il\ tbo fooliab clamor of a few personal
tVlcnda, bo prepared a bill that it might bo
vetoed. In tbo light of Ida whole legitla
livr rei -rd, radical aail*nt* have iiofouu
il dation for their i harjics
Hui they aa> tbo "Watchman haa ad
'* v oca tod tbo repeal of the bill. Here an at
d tomtit ta made (u hold Mr Meek re*|toii#l
j bio tor tbo utlcrancoa of Ilia associate edi
tor The moat violent of the attack* on tbia
Law Library act were Htdt when .. U r
1 uieltiber waa in Ilia aeal at llarrishurg; it
' ta well known that not only when the h-gts
| lature waa in aeaaioti, but before, and allien,
Mr. Meek baa been laboring to act ure tlu
!' tdvanceiuent of Democratic principle* mid
the iiomination of fitting men to our coun
ty offices, and ha* given up the entire man
agement f hi* paper to .Mr. Fury He
'• should in no degree be held accountable
for the utterances of Mr Furev.
Hut even if Mr. Meek i* to beheld re
sponsible fur the Watchman article* on this
subject, he can he readily exeuied by all
right minded Democrats. He saw that il
* wa* of vital interest to the party that hr
should represent the county in the neat
session of the Legislature. If to secure the
" support of a few erratic Democrats, he ap
neared to favor a repeal of the Library
act, L it right, I* it Just that we should de
* nounce him for it, when we know he wa*
tnoved solely by a de-ire to secure an office,
t where he uilgtii he of use to the |>arly *
We assert then that Mi. M-ek has U(t|
sympathy whatever with the Republican:
: Unarm, he aland* firmly on that of the
J Democracy, and be deserves the cordial
; support of'the whole party. VMITSS.
Sheriffs proclamation.
God save the Commonwealth.
KKolsraV LAW.
' I also give official notice to the electors
of Centre county thai by an act entitled'
"An Act luriher supplemental to the act!
■ relative to the election* of this Common
* wealth, approved April 17. A. B. IbfiH, iC
■ is provided as follows :
SECTION I. Be il enaetnl by Ike Sennit 1
' and House af Rrpresentntines of Ike Host-1
' mmecea'.tk of /Vsswfsasis in Ureteral ,li-|
' sembly em*l ami if M hereby enacted by Ik* I
' authority if the same. That it shall be the |
duty of the assessor*, within this Commori-j
wealth, on the first Monday of June of
1 each year, to take up the transcript he has
' received from the county commissioner#;
' under the eighth section of the fifteenth of
' April, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, !
: and proceed to an immediate reruoii of the
' tame, by striking therefrom the name u ■
' every person who is known by hiiu to have
died or removed since the last previous as-,
' test met t from the district of which he it 1
the assessor, or whose death or removal
' from the tame shall be made known to!
1 him, ami also the names of all who shall
make claim to him to be qualified voter*
therein. As soon a* this revision is tow
, pleted he shall visit every dwelling house ji
:u this district and make careful inquiry if
any person whose name it on the list lias,',
died or removed from the district, nn<l ifj,
so, to take the same therefrom, or whether i
any qualified voter reside* therein whose ,
name it not on his list, and if so, to add the ,
name thereto; and in all cases where a i
name is added to the list a tax shall forth- <
with be assessed against tbe person; and i
the assessor shall in ail cases ascertain by |
inquiry, upon what ground the person *o i
assessed claims to be a voter. Upon the I
completion of this work it shall be the duty i
of each assessor as aforesaid to proceed to c
make out a list, in alphabetical order, of i
the white freemen above twenty-one years <
of age, claiming to be qualified voters in
the ward, borough, township or district of i
which he is the assessor, and opposite each
of the said names stale whether said free- i
man is or is not a house- *eeper; and if he |
it, the number of his residence, in town
where the same is numbered, with tbe i
street, alley and court in which situate*!;
and if in a "town where there are no num
bers, the name of tbe street, alley or court
on which said fronts: also, the occupation
of the person ; and where he is not a house
keeper. the occupation, place of boarding,
and with whom, and if working for anoth
er, the name of tho employer, and write
opposite each of said names the word "vo
ter;" wher" any person claim* t*> vote by
reason of naturalisation, he shall exhibit
his certificate thereof to the assessor, unless
he has been for five consecutive rears next
proceeding a voter'in said district, and in
all cases where the person has been natur
alized, the same shall be marked with the
letter "N*where the person has merely
declared hi* intention to become a citizen,
and dosigns to be naturalised before the
nest election, the name shall be marked
"D. I where the claim is to vote by rea
son of being between the age of twenty-one
and twenty-two, at provided by law; the
word *age" shall be entered ; ana ifthe per
son has moved into the election district to
reside since the last general election the
the letter "R" shall be placed opposite the
name. It shall bo the future duty of each
assessor as aforesaid, upon the completion
of the duties herein Imposed, to make <HI,
a separate list of all new assessment* made
by nim, and the amounts assessed upon
each and fttrnbh the tame immediately to
the county commissioners, who shall imme
diately add the names to tbe tax duplicate
of the ward, borough, township or district
in which they have been assessed.
Hgc. 2 On the list being completed and i
the assessments be made a* aforesaid, the <
same shall be forthwith returned to the
county commissioner*, who shall cause du
plicate copies of said li*U, with tbe obser
vations and explanations required to be
noted as aforesaid, to be made out a# soon
as practicable, and placed in the hands of
the assessor, who shall prior the first of Au
gust in each year put one copy on the door
or on the house where the election ol the
respective district* is required to be held, i
for the inspection, fres- of charge, of any <
person resident in the said election district
who shall desire to **o the same; and it i
*hai be tbe duty of tbo said assessor to add, i
from lime to time, on the personal applica- i
lion of any one claiming the right to vote, i
the name of such claimant, and mark op
posite the name "C. V.," and immediately
assess him with a tax noting, as in all oth
er cases, h's occupation, residence, whether
a boarder, with whom be boards, or wheth
er naturalized or designing to be, marking j
in all cases the letter* opposite the name,
"N." or "D. 1.," as the case may be; if the
person claiming to be assessed no natural
ized he shall exhibit to the assessor his cer
tificate of naturalization and if he claims
that be dosigns to he naturalizrsl before the
next ensuing election, he shall exhibit the
certificate or his declaration of intention ;
in all cases where nny ward, boroug town- i
ship or election district it divided into two
ro more precincts, the assessor shall note
in all hit assessment* the election precinct
in which each elector resides, and shall
make a separate return for each to the
county commissioner in all case* in which
a return is required from him by the pro
visions of this act; and the county com
missioners, in making duplicate copies of
all such returns, tkali mako duplicate cop- 1
ies of tho name of tho voters in each pre
cinct separately and shall furnish the same
to the assessor; and the copies required by
. this act to be placed on the doors of or on
election places or on hs'fore the first of Au
gust in each year, shall he placed on door
of or on the election piaco in each of said
Mac. 8. After the assessments have been
completed on the tenth slay proceeding the
second Tuesday in October of each year,
tho assessor shall on the Monday immedi
ately following, make a return to the coun
ty commissioner* of the names of nil per
' son* assessed by hint since tho return re
quired to lie made by him by tho second
' section of this act. noting opposite each
namo the observation and explanation re
i quired to he noted as aforesaid ; and the
county commissioner shall thereupon
■ cause the same to he added to the return
' required bv the second section of this
I act, And a lull and correct copy thereof to
be made, containing ihe names of all |ter
ton* so returned as resident taxable* in
said.ward, borough, township or precinct,
i and'furnish, the same, together with the
necessary election blanks, to the
' officers of the election in tuid ward,
i borough, township or proeinet on
' or before six o'clock in the morning of
i tbe second Tuesday of October; and no
1 man shall bo perniittod to vote at the elec
> tion on that duy whose name is not on said
list, unless he shall make proof of his rigiit
■ to vote, a* hereinafter required.
I Sac. t. On the day of election any per
son whose name is not on the said i t and
' claiming the right to vote at said election,
shall produce at least oho qualified voter of
the district as a witness to the residence of
the claimant in the district in which he
> claims to be a voter, or tho period of at
least ten days next preceding said election,
which witness shall take and subscribe a
written or partly * nJ PGly print
cd affidavit to the fncts stated by him,
which affidavit s)iall deflpe close where the
residence of tin? PP'SOR *o claiming to In
a Voter: and the parson so claiming the
right to vote bH also take and subscribe
a written and partly printed affida
vit. stating tothe best of his knowledge and
belief, where and when he was horn ; that
he is a citizen of the commonwealth of
i Pennsylvania and thel'nlted Bute*, thai
0 lii- It it - re tdod 111 the Commonwealth olif
t year, or if formerly * s'itlaoii tWrrln, uitd
hitsliiuvcti tlttWcCrom. thai he ka* resided
r iherein sii unflllbs next pre- vi dian id
I elect ion, that lie ha* not litiivml inlil lilt
■ I district for the purpose of voting ih--reii
-'that lie lias pa i*l a Stale or county lax wilii
rI in two year*, which wa* ae->d nl iea>i
r ten -lays before said election; and, tfa nut-
J uraliacd citizen shall aI o *tafe when
if where ami by w hat court he wn> natural
i-jlaed, and shall also produce a certificate o
if naturalisation t i examination; the *i*l
'• affidavit shall also state when ami when
the lax claimed to be paid by tbe alfi iiii
si was a#*ced, uuJ when, where and t*
s whom paid, mid the tax receipt therefor
e 'shall bo produced for examination, unl-->
till) aftiiant shall state ill hi* Bifidav it that i
lint been lost or destroyed, or that hen--vai
• received any, but if the person t" rlalniiii*
J | tho right to vole shall take alul nutiM-rib
•• an affidavit, that he is a native born- iti
- Hen of the UiilUhl States (or if born oL-.
- here, shall stale thai fuel in lit* affidavit
ami shall produce evidence that be ha:
• jbeen naturalized, ur that he cnlitie-1 U eiL
- jizetiship by reason of his father's unturnll
• i Ziitiun ; i att-l sha-l further slats- in bis nttl
davit that be i*, at llis* time uf taking tin
• affidavit, between lite age of twenty on
r Mnd twenty-two years; that lie has r. -id—l
t in the State one year and in the- lection
- district ten -lav* next preceding such eleo
.lion, ho shall he entitled to vote, although
-Ihe shall not have paid taxes; the said atli
11 davits; the said affidavit* of all persons
- (making such claims, and Che affidavit- -1
. the witnesses to their residence, shall be
' preserved by the election board and at (be
sjt-lose of the election they shall he enclosed
•with the list of voters, tally list and other
■ j papers reunited by law to be filed by tke
• ; return jiioge with lb- protlioii-tary, and
llsliail remain on file therewith in tits-pro-
I' thonotary's office, subject to examination,
■(as other election pa|er* are; if the election
11officer* shall find that the applicants pos
) jSes* alt the legal qualification* of voters,
Ilia or they shall be permitted to votsx, ami
lib-'n.titie-r names shall be added to the
list of taxable* by the flection officer*, the
> word "tax" being uddt d w here tho claim
ant claims to vote on tax, and the word
I "age" where he claims to vote on age; the
- j tame Words being added bv the clerk* in
(each ease reapswlivfhr on the lists of p--r-
I son* voting at such election.
Sz . a. It shall be lawful for ny quali
fied cltixen of the district, notwithstanding
the name of the proposed voter is Contained
1 on the list <>f resident taxable*, to challenge
(the vote of such person*; whereupon the
same proof of tho right ol suffrage as it now
: rtMiuirad by law shall he publicly mad*
and acted six by the election hoard, hud
the vote admitted -r rejected, according to
jtbe evidence ; every person claiming to be
(a naturalized ritiz- ii shall be required to
• produce bit naturazation certificate at the
jelectt—u before voting except where he ha*
been for ten year* consequently a voter in
be district in which he-itTers bis vole; and.
Jon the vote of such person being receives]
it shall be tbo duty of the election officer*
Ito write or stamp on such certificate the
I worst "voted," with the month midyear;
(and if any election officer or officers shall
I receive a second Vote on the same day, by
virtue of tke same certificate, excepting
j where sons are entitled to vole by virtue
[of the naturalization of their fathers, tin-- ,
(and the jxersons who shall offer such see nd'
I vote, upon sO offending shall be guilty of a
| high misdemeanor, and on conviction there
jof, be fined or imprison, -d, or both, at tla<• ]
■ discretion of the court, hut the fine shall;
not exceed one hundred dollars in each.
'case, uor the imprisonment one vear; tins'
I like punisliiueiil shall he indicted, -n eon-1
vlction, on the officers of el-cti->n whoi
[•ball neglect or rofu-i to make, or cause t--.
: make, or cause |o be made, the indorse
! meiit required a* aforesaid -ui *4td natural
ization cetificate.
ft If aii£ electi-Ki officer shall refuse
or neglect to re-juire such proof of the right l
of suffrage a* i* prescribed by this law. or
the law to which this is a supplement, from
any person offering to vote whose name i
not on the list of a#s--s*sl voter-, or wbose
right to vote challecged by any quai-tied,
voter present and shall admit such persons
to vote without requiring such pr-tof, ever,
person so oflendiug shall, upon conviction
{••• guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall
be sentenced for - very such --fTeiis--. t-' i-a\
a fine not exceesling one hundred dollars
or to undergo an imprisonment not mor<
than one year, or either, or both, at th
discretion of the court.
Sac. 7 Ten day* preseeding every elec
lion f—r election of I'residotlt ami \ i<
I'rcsi-1011l of the I "oiled SusU-s, it shall be
the duty f the assessor to attend at th*-
place fised by law for holding tbe election
in each election district, and then and
there hear all applications of person who*--
name* have been <-mitt*-d from tbe list < f
assessed voters, and who claim ine right lo
vnia<>r whose rights have original<-d since"
the same was made out, and shall add the
names of such pertoiy therein as shall show
thai they are entitled Vo th- right of suff
rage in each district, on the personal ap
plication of the claimant only, and for'h
wilh asses* theui with the proper tax Af
ter completing tbe list a copy thereof shall
he placed on the door of or on the h-mse
where the election is to he held, at lea-t
eight day* before the election ; and at th--
eies-tion the same course shall he pursues!,
in all respect# as is resjuired by this act and
ihe act* to which it i# a supplement, at the
Seneral elections in October. Th-a*---- >r ;
sail also make the returns t<> the county
commissoner* of all assessment# made by
virtue of this section ; and the county com
missioner* shall furnish copies thereof to
the election officers m each district, in like
manner in all respects, a# is required at the
general elections in October.
Sac. ft The same rule- and regulation
shall apply at every -jw-chsl election, and
at every -et.arate city, borough or ward
election, in all sespeci# as at the general in
elections in October.
i Sz . The re- p*K*tivo assessors, inspect
or* and judge# of the election# shall each
have the |K.w-er i<> administer oath to nny
person* claiming tho r.ght to he assessed or
the right -fl suflrnee or in regard to nny
other matter or thing to be done or in-,
quired Into by nay of -aid officers under,
this act; and any willful false swearing by'
any person in relation to any matter or]
thing concerning which they snail be law
fully interrogated by any of *aid officers
shall hepunishnd a* perjury.
SKC. 10. The assessors shall receive tlio i
same compensation* for th- tin-- nece-a
rilv spent in performing lh<- duties hereby
enjoined as is provided by law for the per
fortnanro of tticir other duties to be paid
by Ihe county coiutnissionci a* it shall not
be lawful for any assessor to #*•• a lax
against any perwon whatever within ten
-lavs next proceed in* the els-ction to be
! hold on the second Tuesday of October, in]
any pear, or within ten day* next before j
any election for elector* of President!
and Vico President cT the I'ntted Btnt--- ;j
and violations of this provision h:ill he a
midemeanor, and subject tbe officer* so.
'otfeiiding t> n fine, on conviction not ex
ceeding one hundred dollors, or to impris
onment not exceeding three months, or'
both, at the diseretion of the court.
Sac. 11. tin the petition of five or more
| citizen* of the county, stating under oath
, thsxt they verily believe that fraud* will
he practiced at the election HIIOUI to be
held in any ditrict, il shall be the duty •!
the court of common plea* of said county,
if in session or if not a judge thereof in aea
tioti, to ap|H>lnt two Judicious, sober and
intelligent citizens of tbe county to art a
overseer* at said election ; said overseer
shall be selected from different political
parties, where inspectors belong to differ
ent |>artie*, and where both of said inspec
tor# belong to the same political paly, both
of the overseer# shall be taken from tbe op
posite political party; said oyer-eer# shall
have llie right to bo present with officer# of
the election, during tiie whole time the
same i# held, the voles counted and tho re
turns made out and signed by the election j
officer# ; to keep a l|it, of voter*, if they so
proper; to challenge any per*ti offering
to vote, and interrogate hiin and hi# wit
ness under outh, in regard to his right of
suffrage at said said-election, and H> exam
ine hi* paper# produced ; and llie officer*
of snid election are required to afford t<>
said overseers so selected and _ appointed j
every convenenienre and facility for tin
discharge of their dutivoi; and if said i lec
tion officer* shall refuse to permit .aid
overseer* to be present and perform tln-ir
duties u* aforesaid, or if they shall bo driv
en sw ay from tlie poll by vioknee or inti
midation nil the vote* ladled at such elec-J
tion di*lriet may be rejected by anv tribu
nal trving a contest under said election
I'roridod. That no person signing the pe
tition shall be Hp|M>inlod an overseer.
Sec. 12. If any prothonotary, clerk, orl
the deputy of cither, or any other person
■ball affix the seal of office H> any naturali
zation paper, or permit the same to be af*,
died or give our ot nin*o or permit the;
same to be given out, in blank, whereby it
may bo fraudulently used, or furui*li
naturalization certificate to any person who!
shall not have been duly examined aiidj
sworn in open court, in tbe presence of the
judges thereof, according to the act uf
Congress, or shall aid or connive at, or in
any way pnrmit tbo issue ofativ fraudulent
naturalization certificate, he shall be guil
ty of a high misdemeanor; or if nny one:
shall fraudulently use any such certificate
of naturalization, knowing that it wa#
fraudulently issued, or shall vote, or at-;
tumpt to vote thereon, or if any one shall:
vote, or attempt to vote on any certificate
of naturalisation not issued to nim, heshall
be guilty of a high misdemeanor; and either;
or any of the persons, their nidcr* or abet
tors, guilty of either of the misdemeanors |
aforesaid, shall, on conviction be fined in l
a sum not exceeding one thousand dollar#,!
ami imprisoned in the proper penitentiary
for a period not exceeding three years.
Fee IS. Any person who on oth oriif-:
Urination, if) i>r before any court in tlii*|
Stale, op .ffice* authorized to admini-toi j
oath#, shall, to procure aeerlifleutuofnatu-,
raliautiou, p.r himself or any i.ther person.!
wilfully depose, d.-. lare or affirm anyniut-l
ter to bu fact knowing the aine to lie false,:
or shall in like manner deny any mutter to,
it lie fact, know ing the same to be true, fiml
• Ihe 'l .usl guilty <f perjury; i„| nn;
{prtlfli'ffi ot naturalization Issuoftn imr
lUuniico jkf any *ncli deposition, d. laHtfioi
djor affii iAali"ii shall be null and void f in<
"lit -lialt lie the duly ofthecourt issuing tic
ii a me, upon proof being made before it tha
. *va fraudulently obtained, to take immo
•I diate measures for recalling tbe *anin fo
I- < aiK'ellalioii, and any |mrou who shall vol>
i, or aitemiit to vote on nny paper so obtaims
I- or wtioklinll in any way aid in, connive a
>f or have any agency whatever in tbe issue
d , m utation or toe of any fraudulent natii
■e ralizaliou certificate, hal' be deemed *>nl
•i tv of a mi*dmeanor ami upon eonvieiim
" tin,roof *hall undergo an iiiipriaonment il
e the penitentiary for not morn than lw<
>■ years, and pay a line not more than on<
it ihousntid dollars for every such offense, o
ir , ither or both, at the discretion of th
g .-ourt
ie it An* a**e*sor, election officer o
i- per.- , appointed a* an overseer, who hal
• negtv-et or refuse to perftwm any duty **
t, Joim-d by ttii* t, without rea*oualile o
i# legal cause, shall tie subject to a pen ill;
I- .'one hundred dollar*, and if any a**e#o'
I- .hall a*e*s any |M>ri>n a* a voter who i
I- not qualified, or *hnlt refute to ase>* an;
e one ah i i* qualified, be shall he guilty u
<• misdemeanor in office, and on convictiui
d he punitlied by fine or imprisonment, am
n also be subject to an act for damage* hi
- tlie party agricved ; and if any person thai
It fraudulently alter, mid too, deface or de*
!- troy any list of voter* made out asdirecte.
!>y tins act, or tear down <>r remove tin
<(| saun- fr>an thu place where it has been fix
ejod with fraudulent or mischaviou* inten
a tion, or for any improper purpose, the |wr
d | *on o'-ffendiug shall be gudty of a tiigt
r misdemeanor, and ou conviction shall b.
e puiiitbod by fine not exceeding five bun
-i tiled dollars, or imprisonment not exceed
-• ing two year*, or both, at the discretion o
lib* . ourt
ii! Sec IS. Any election or city, ward
- borough, township and els-ction officer,
shall hereafter he held on the second Tues
I day ot October, subject lo all the provision
c j of the laws regulating the election# of suck
,- officer* not ineonsLtent with this act; th*
- person* cl.-ctcd to *ot*h office* at that timt
.1 shall take their place* at the expiration of
e the term* of Ihe person* holding the am
il at the time of such election ; but ftu election
-(for tlie office uf *sosor or assistant a*ses
jsor shall be held uilder this act, until th*
- year one thousand eight hundred and
f seventy.
i Sec tfi At all elections hereafter held
under the laws of tli Coiumunwealth, the
l polls shall he opened between the hours ai
, ,six arid seven o clock a. ut., and ciosud at
t seven o'clock, p. m.
I Sec 17. It shall be tde duty efthoSocfe
.' tary ofthe Common wealth to prcparefortns
fur'all lb# blank* made necesary by this
a.-t, and ftimish copies ofthe same to the
- county efmml*#ioneni of the several cun
- tic* ofthe Commonwealth ; and the county
, oommi> inner* of each county shall, a*
mav be nect-s*ary after receipt ofthe taiue,
I j at the i rojM-r ex |-n.-oof the court*, procure
- and ftjrnish to all the election officer* of
the election district# of their respective
counties copies of such blanks, in such
qualities a* may be rendered mx-oaaary for
the discharge of their dulse* under thi>aeL
Sec 19. Thai citizen* of thl* State tsiupo
i ar.ly in tbe service of the Htate or of the
I' nitcd Slate* (iovernmenU, on clerical or
-itl.cr duly, and who do not vofUt where
thu* employed, shall not b thereby de
prived of the right to vote in their several
election district* if otherwise duty quali
( fied.
1, D. W. W<Klriilg, lligli bberiff of
tVulre e-amty, (oinmotiwaelth uf I'eun
sylvanin, do hereby make known and give
mitii e to llie- elector* of tbe county aftire
jsuld, that an election will he held in the
aid county <-t IVi.tre, on TI'KSDAT the
f lOti. dap of OCTOBER. 1871 for the pur
pose tsf ele- uiig the sevaral (wrsont herein
nfl. r na . ed, via;
One per-,m dulv qualified for Auditor
tJ. tie ai of Petonsyiranl
One per.on duly qualified f-.r Surveyor
General of Penaaylvaai .
One penion duly qtulified for tnciaber of
1 A.-- mbty.
Two per-n duly qu*bf.el fur As**M.-Mte
One |*-r*on duly qualified fur county
On., person duly qualifi.xl for County j
One |H-r<M.n duly qualified for county
' Surveyor.
One p*<r*on duly qualifioed for dilri<-ti
One person duly -iualified for Auditor.
1 also hereby mate known and give no
tice that the place of holding the aforesaid I
-lection in the N* vera I borough* and town
hip within the c -unty of Centre are a>
follows, to wit:
For the township of llainck, at the pub
lic hour* of Mr. Boph in the town of As
For the township of Half Moon, at lh
school house in Stormtown
For the township of Taylor, at the house
erected for the pur|Mwe, .n the property of
- r.ar,l M cry man.
Fur the township of Miio*. in tho school
horse in the town of Rebersburg.
For the uwn#hip of T otter, at the hou*e
R II Porter, Old Port.
For the township of iiregg, at the public
hoove <-wned by J. 11. Fiber.
For the township of Ferguson, at the
-h>d hou-e in I'uic Grove.
F->r the township of Harris, at the school
house in Rontsburg.
For th<- t-.wr.ship of l'attn, at the house
of Peter Murray.
For the borough o! Beliefontc, and
Si-ring and Hennur Uiwnships, at the Court
IfoiiM- in Bellefonte.
For the town*hip of Walacr, at the
school Hou.e in iluntersburg.
For the borourh and township of How
nrd at the sctnad house in said borough
For the town*hit> of Rush, at Cold
Stream school house.
For tbe township of Snow Shoe, at the
school house near the hot*** of Sauiuel
A* key.
For the township of Marion, at the
school house in Jacksonville.
K--r the borough of Miiesburg, in the
, school house at Miiesburg.
F->r the township of Hoggs, at the new
[school hou.-e in Central City.
For the township of Houston, at th#
house of John Roe I.
For tbe township of Penn, at the bouse of
W. L. Musser.
For the towpsbip of Liberty, at the
schMtl house in KaglcviHe.
For the town.hip of Worth, at the school
hou-e in Port Matilda.
For the township of Burn-ode, at the
It Wise of John B->ak.
For the township of Curtin, at lhe*ch<w<)
house near Robert Mann s.
For the borough of Unionvllle and Un
ion townhip, at the school house <if t'nhui
! ville.
The general Bh-ctlon in ail the Town--
ship*. District- and Borough of the county:
is t>> be opened between the hours of six
and -even o'clock in the forenoon, and
.-hall continue without interuption or ad
(journment until seven o'clock in the even-j
1 ing, w hen all polls shall he closed.
1 on-titutional (VfliToulion.
At the coming October election the citi- 1
zens of Pennsylvania will vote upon the!
question of calling a convention to amend j
the State Constitution, under the following !
act passed by the last Legislature:
An Act to authorise a popular vole upon
the question of calling a Convention to
amend the Constisution of Pen isvlvania.
Sec. 1. Be H enacted, &c., That the
question of railing a convention ta anffind
the Constitution of this commonwealth boj
.übmitu-d to a vote ol the people at the]
federal election to be held oa the second i
uesday of October next, tlie said question j
to he voted upon in manner following, t<>;
wit: In counties and citie* in -•hich sli;>j
ticket voting is authorized by law. vole-
Tor ami ngainst a convention tnay be ex
preosed ami given upon tlie tiek--t. headed;
•rendor-i-d with tlie word "State" and not
otherwise; and the words used shall b*
' "Constitutional Con vet tion" or "againstj
n Convention," and in counties or districts
ur which slip ticket voting shall not be
authorized by law, each elector voting
i upoll said question shall cast a separate bal
lot, endorsed on llie outside 'Constitu
tional Convention," ami containing on the
in-ite the words "for a Convention" or
"agaisiit a Convention;" and all veto* east
a- aforesaid shall he receives!, counted and
returned by the prt-persdecUoti offis erf and
return jtidgi-* as votes for Governor are re
ceived, counted and returned under exist
ing taws.
See. 2. That the election aforesaid shall
he held and be subject to all the provi
sion# of law which apply to general elec
tions;-Sheriffs ofthe several counties shall
give notice of this act in their election
[proclamation the present year, and the
Governor shall oaue all the return* of tin
said elections, a# received by the secretary
ofthe commonwealth, to be laid before the
! legislature at It# annual election.
Speaker uf tho House.
Speaker of tho Sennlo.
AIM-ROVKD —-Tho second day of June,
Anno Domini, onethoiisandeighthundred
and seventy-one. ,'AUX W. GKAKY.
Change in the Mode of Voting.
An Art regulating the modeof voting at all
elections in the several counties of this
Commonwealth, approved March 80,
SUCTION 1. He it enarlrH by Ihe Senate
~,ul Jltiu.tr of Representative* of the Otm
laontroa/th of J'rnnsylrania in General .I#-
tt mhly met, and it is hereby enartrd by thr
I authority of the same. That the qualified
I voters of tha several counties of this Com
inonwcaßh, at the general township, bor
ough <>r special elections, aro hereby, here-
iafter, authorised and required to voto, by
ticket*, printed or written, or partly print
,-d and partly wriitten, severally classified
'n* follows; One ticket shall embrace the
i urtiiie# of all judge# of courts voted for, and
t,. be labelled outside "judiciary :" one
ticket shall cuibtuce tbe name of all State
dljottl.efWYotn) ffir. an I be "Htatef
die llelrl .bull embrace th-- hainesw-i all
r- qaor.M 1 officer* voted f-if, and he UPCTTM
mUpiouaffir" ono picket shall eiobiacw the
idjgaiua* of all township nflosN voted far.
:ie and be labelled "township:" one ticket
at shall embrace tlie name* of all iMirough
e- officer* voted for, and be labelled "bor
ur otigh ; ' and each shall lie deposited in sep
ta [urate ballot- l-oxe*.
H 'j XV Amendment Constitution U. H.
•, "HBCTIOW I. The right of citizen* ofthe
U' United Htaty* to vole shall not he denied
jpr abridged hy thu United fftgtm. or hg
njany Slate in aeeotit of rae<- color, or pro
it vious condition of servitude.
First and Kocoiid Section of Act of
or Congrate March 31, IM7O.
SZ< TION 1. Be it enacted by th* .Senate
anil House af Jtrpreeentatiooo af thr I'nited
"l States of Amertru in (Amyrtf assembled,
I'hatali uilissut of Use United .States, who
rt " are, ur shall he otherwi qualified by law
" r to vole at any electkm hy the people, in
any State, Territory. diir<-t. ouuty, city
" r i parish, town.hip, school di.trlct, munici-
M pa Illy or other territorial *uh division.
,*ball be entitled end alinwnd to Vstn at all
"'jsueh eluotioii*. without distinction of race,
"J color, or previous condition of servitude;
" any Constitution, law, custom, u*ag or
?!! regulation of any State or Territory, or by
I <>r under Its authority, to the contrary not
*l j withstanding.
* : Sac 2 And be. a further rnartod. That
if by law or uuder the authority of ConsU
"* luliun or law* <>( any Sute, ur law# of any
J" Territory, any act i* or shall be required
r ." to be done a* a nrerequLite or qualification
for voting, and ny such Constitution or law
"' persons or officers are or shall be < harge-t
J" with the performance of duties in furnish
. ing to citrzens an opportunity to perform
such prere*|uisite or to hecouie qualified t>>
. vote, it shall he the duty of every such
{Rir*on and officer to give to all citizens of
r * (h# United State to same and equal oppor
(unity to perform such prerequisite and to
locotiic qualified to vt4e without dtstir.e
--1 tion of race color or previous oondstioii
* of servitude; and if any such person or
offirrr shall relMse or knuwiug>>mit to give
full effei-t to this section, bo shall, for every
such offiaase. forfeit and pav the sum of
" five hundiol dollars to the person ag
grieved thereby, to he recovered by an
action on the ea*e, with full <;ost and aueh
allowance for counsel feu# a* tha court
, shall deem just, and shall also, for every
such offense, he dm-uxed guilty of a niLd<>-
meaner, ana shall, an conviction thereof, i
'■ he fined not lea* than fiive hundred dol-i
(art, or be imprisoned not las* than one]
month, or more than one year, or both at j
" the discretion of the court,
*< Bar. 10 of an Act of tbe Pennej'lva 1
*j nia Legislature of April C a. d. 1870.
T | Sac. 10 That so much ol every net of!
* j Assembly a* provide* that only white froe
' j men aro I'tttiMai v• Ue <-r i.c ;.-gi(crt--i
'' a* voter* or a* claiming to vote at any gen
eral election or special election uf thisi
' Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby
1 : repealed ; and that hereafter all freemen.!
: without distiction of color, shall be enrolled
-and registered according to the provisions!
" J of the first section of llie art approved 17th j
* April, ltftf.l, entitled 'An act fnnher sup-t
t plemenlal to (he act relating to the dec- i
- lions of this Commonwealth, and when
.' otherwise qualified under the existing]
i taws, be entitled to at ail general an 1 spe-!
cm! elections iu this Commonwealth '
Pursuant to the provisions contained in j
f the s.-yeiity -sixth o tion of the act first 1
- aforesaid tlie judge* of the aforesaid (lis-!
j triots shall respectively take charge of the]
. certificate* of the return ofthe election ofj
* their respective district*, and produce them
- at a meeting of one judge from each di#-j'
* tried at the Court House, m tbe bor. of Bel
. lon la, on the third dav after the davofj
election being on FRIDAY, THE lffTlf :
DAY OP OCTOBER. 1871. at tea o'clock
!a. m. then and thereto do aid perform the <
duties required hy law of said judges.
Also, that where a judge, bv sickness or
! unavoidable accident, is unable to attend
such moeUng of judges, then the certificate
- or return shall he taken charge uf hy one
of the Inspectors or clerk* of t he election ofj t
the who shall do and perform the t
duties required of said judge unable to at- ,
Given under my hand, at my office in
■j Bellefonte, thisotn d*y of Sr;-u>uibar. in
the year of our Lord, on# thousand eight |
1: hundred and seventy-on--, and in the nine
jty-fuurth year ofthe independence ofthe
' United State*
* <k * r * |-
(' t r r i a r c
(Voire Hall, Pa.
j Ha* oa had sad for -ale at the IU-OI r-ia
'' sonahle rates a splendid stork of
and every deacription of Wag-n both
' warrantod to he made •>( the best and most
durable mat-rial*, and by the most expe
rioncod worknioa. Ail work sent out from
the establishment will he found to be of
the highest cla— and Hire to gine )ertect
satisfaction Ue will also have a five as
sortment of
, of all the newest and most fashionable
.styles well and carefully made and of the
best materials.
An iatpoctb n of hi* work i asked as it
i* believed that none superior can he found
in the country. # augfifttf.
el '
■1 . V
1 i
J. E. Caldwell &Co. i
■I '
[ Desire tu onvite the twpeciat attention of
: purchasers and other# visiting the city, to .
i their unusually large and varieJ assort-
ment of
during the prcocnt season.
Courteous and polite attention is extend- i
i cd to all who may ho induced lo accept a <
I cordial invitation to visit their beautiful j
| jutlftfim
Succosaora of F. P. Wilton, Bellefouto
Pent'*. !
Have secured tlie serviues uf James 11.
Hteen, of Philadelphia, a druggi-t of thir
| teen years experience, who will have the
i charge of their preseription^busine*#.
A night bell t* attached to their store '
■ door, andthe'employewisleoping within the 1
building, will attend lo thu want* of the
. public at all hour* of the night
Linn <St Wilson keep constantly on
hand a large slock of
Drug#, l'aint*, Gil#, Perfumery, Tru*#.-.-
and Medical Appliance of all kii.ds, j
together with a very large stock of
Patent Medicines, such as
Vinegar Hitter#, and also
Pure Wines, and li
quors, of all kinds
for medical :t
purposes. 1
i julylfi.3(i* LINN Jc WILSON.
■ ' ■
m s- f ,
A ■ ■
k I
n .
i. JCOAL—- Wilkb*rr Goal, Cho#Uiut,
111 Stove, Ktt(, furnace *nd foundry,
Coal —or b.t quality, at lbs low
e#t pries*. Customer* will pleaw
r note tiiat our roal it homed on
v der rotnmodioutsksd*.
,t' LIMK— Wood or putl-btimt Lime, for ml.
at our kiln*, oo the pike leading to.
)| Miloobtirg.
PO WUKK —Hating received the agency
fur DII PONT*A P-wder AT
WHOLES A LK. are hall b.
plsaavd to receive order* from
the tnyio
I ' I
Office and yard near couth end of Bald
, Eagle Valley It. K. Depot, Bsiiefuiaie, Pa. j
1 '
-I Ha* been to the extreme and of the '
market For BOOTH A SHOES
to Baatoa.
For DRY GOODS to New York.
For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
kft.Rarh article bought directly
from tl Manufacturer, with a de
alt* to auit tbia uarkSAk
FINE ALPACAS from 50c to 75c tbe
finoat—-equal to $1,35 alpaca*.
SUlTS—from sloto fid. beat all
| wool Caaaitnete*.
| Carpet* at old rale#. trow 50 cant* to 71
cent* per yard, fur the beat.
And celling from 121 to 16 cent*, the be*
j calicos*, and mu*lia* in proportion, at
i rate*.
Woman'* Shoe*, common gooji, to wen •
all cummer, at $1 perpair
Fine Boots from sa,so to $7,50 for
at tbe lovost rata*, ana sold at 185? price
from SIO,OO to sifl for tbe beat.
and if it ainttrue, Sternberg will treat.
They only a*k poopl* to come and e
even tf they do not wi*b to buy.
r |AHR ANVIL STORK la now rucoiving
I. a large and well i.rtd Stock at
Hardware, tkove*. Nail*, liotveShoe*. Sad
llery, Glaa*. Paint*. Sheet Bar and Hooj
iron Do Buggy and Wagon Stock o!
trery description —Call and aupply your-!
Uelrea *tthe lowest poaaible r*U- at
On Allegheny Street.
P. .ring purchased the entire stock ofGood
fhm I/cvi A Milter, and
arc now prepare-l to accommodate li tb< ,
old jriend# of the cubliahiuent, and boat- j
of new ones, we keep conatanUy on hand >
Coffee, lea. Sugar.'
Syrup, Dried Fruit,
Canoed Fruit, Ham*.!
Dried Beef, Salt.
Pick It*, Butter, Flour t
Corn Meal,
Buckwheat Flour.
and everything usualy kept in a well regu
lated first claa* Grocery Store
marfi.ftm RUHL* GAULT.
; I) AKOMKTKKS and Thermometer*. at
the very bc*t quality just received*
Wolf* old 'Una
I.HtliO* TrUNM^..
This invaluable article for female*, i* now
to be had at Herlachor'a Mora, and no other
place in Centre county. Ladies remember
that there trussra can he had at Centre
Hall tf.
I - ■ i ... _ ,
Chas. H. Held,
(look. Waleh maker A Jewries
Millhcim, Centre eo., Penn*.
Respectfully inform* hia Wend* and th
i piiMic in (reneral, that he ha* jus* opened
at hi* new establishment, above Alejtan |
der' Store, and keep* constantly oa hand
all kind* of Clock*, Watichat and Jewlr< ,
of the laterl *tyi<*. as also the Maranvilh
Patent Calender Clock*, provided with i
complete Index of the month, and dav 01 j
i the month and week on it free, which it j
warranted a* a perfect time-keeper.
Bfc.Cloek*. W ate he* and Jewelry *•
paired on *hort notice and warranted.
ft .
between Market and Arcli. (Virinerly KM.
Carpets, Oil Cloths. Oil Shadea, Wickj,
Yarn, Cotton Yarn*. Carpet Chain*, Grain:
Hag*. Window Paper, Batting, Ac. Alto,!
Brushes. Looking Glasses, Ac. decSMy i
1) cTTTiYEfvU AS' fVOTA iTrWlt I'
una Conveyancer. l>cod, Bond*, Mort- /
gages, and all instruments of writing *th-!!
Billy attended to, Sjuwinl attention given j 1
to the collection of Bounty and Pension
claim*. Office nearly opposite the Court
lioue, two door* above Messrs. Busli A
Yocuni's Law Office Bellefontc, Pa.
lOjunly ' |l
in meat Inwix a WiLaow I *.*
apICSS. 1
plated fbrk*. spoons, Ac, at
ap10,68 ikwlN AVILSON.
BOqTS, large stock, all style*, sixes and i
price#, for men and boy*, just arrived
at Wolf well known old Stand. .
SCALES, at wholesale and rotnil. cheap
,g#~Any person sending us eight sub
scribers with the cash, slfl, will receive
the Reporter 1 year free; and for four
names and SB, the Reporter 6 months free. >
M Letters of administration on the estate ot
Jacob Getttielt sr., late of Graft*
Centra coontv doo'd., have been grant*
by the Register of said county to tle uj - .
dorsigucd. All person# having claims .
against the fotate of the decedent a
nucsted to present them for settlement, ana
those indebted to the estate to
ment to the undersigned, admin"**™ , ,
without delay. JACOB j
aug'J&.tiw Admiawt™ wr | J
'Hie Ruilrtwul
lias just arrived ai
The Old Standi
at Centre Hall.
with the fines! and
best slock of
j in Pennsvalley.
I.AD.'l■> -II.;.,
HaU,Cap*, Cot!-, Skoo.
. *[*• * < lof
h ISH , the beat, all kind*,
the beat and cheapeat fn the mark-;
•F r 'l WM WOLF
IForiiiiinv Rooms!
' eaapeeUutly iaform.- tb<- . na*tc> of t"i iJte
county, that i, i.to* . ,;liy ors baud, wno
| make* to order, all • i. f
CORNER cr Pfiu Aklfi
TABLES, 4fc<.. Ac
IlnwK M*L ffMAir* Al.wav ,* HASP
1 Mi* *;ock efr idy-rawd* Furmtur* in bar*
' ,,<j warranted of good * orhsi-atialMP nod
alt made* under b;* own s•u:^e<i;atr*p'r^# ,
aion and i' oFcted at rgfe* at '-"bet. ft kta>
: where Thankful for-paat ftrror* he *1 i#
it* a enM*uaee of th. *ma.
Clal I and a* Iri • Mre k Wfere v oren.atr
j i(knlurr. w'H *** l
! "
/ i %o
o 5 " y %
P*t*t*o !>', . > yra, if
j Ague*. BMiia#, f*
run. Bt' lk. U T KTITttl
ILAIR A /.Kli.
At; >rt*y*; lay. Blle&tc t
Glfic t, a U-C :;d, er: ow-r l. Gar
titan'* bold. Can. u!la?.i< 8* in iivmtm
Bwgl h. fcMPffiWr
JU CjflN S I .'PuTTER, Afterary at Lav.
t olln-tioiir pttumptly made and apecia
j aUc&Uon git en to in. -< land*, oi
jpropcrtv /or *al. Wi'i draw up and havt
jacknowlcdgcd Deeds Mcrtgi g#-. A< Of
t8a in the dtgmeswi, north aide of the
! court beuae, Beilcfotne. offATt-lHf
IIEXKT aaocxßKor), 11- -r*T
Pr*<.dOaihler. S3
(LsU Mtlitko . Hooter A Co.
j And AUow InLro' i.
Dix ouci X4<
I Buy tSd Sc
Govornmcr.t Srour.Uwl, <*< >d and
| T ASTTFUaVPS, AtfcrtJcy at Law
W Belldbnte, pM'qrptly • to *ll bit
IIMHI IMH entrusted l I; 1 ri ' Jul* >tf
DF. FOItTNKY. Attorr.rj rt Jw
• Bflli-fontc, 7 office (ircr Rev
noldV bank. trayll'fil>tf
i aaasfsa
BcHefoute. Centre Co . Perm''a. ajHihtf
IB BAC. MITCHELL. ,Vt:n..-v at La*
lldlefontr, Pa, Oil<• tit Gentian.*
new building opfNUeßc the tVuri Houae.
may 6,t
XtimtOr en iAwack
C. H. Gutelius,
Snrgeon ami MpfbauieaJ Ikiitiet
who la permanent!r hvatcd in Aaii.*burj
in thr office formerly occupied by'lhr. Ken,
and who ha* bt;*n practicing with entir*
UH'cew —having the oxpericno* of u number
of year# in the prufn#,.tua, he wmdtl cordi
ally invite tit! who have :> ><•*. n< t giver
him a call, f> and!<*.-tthetrutbfuine#*
of thi# u-rcrtiun. jMr Teeth extracted
F without Pain maeftrfifiaf
b.Nkii" .Sf.lLM.yOtoanJSur*.
• peon. Centre Hall, PH.. offers hi*
professional twrrices to the citiieu* of Pot
ter and adjoining tov. iuhip>. Dr. Neffha*
the experience of isl ycat# la tl-e active
practice of medicine tuid surgery, aplO'C-8
cian and Surgeon, P< iter Mill#, Pa.,
otters hi* ptoA-r-ioijul xe rt ices- to the citi
aensof Pottet township. u.r"2P,6b,tf
xo. b. oxvia. c. r. ai i-XAMU r
Attorncys-ut-lii -v. tkffioaiuCoarad House,
Bellefonte, Pa.
with Orvis & Alexander, attend* to collec-
in the Orphan** Court.
BYKUP, the finest ever made. Just re
ceived, cheap nt Wolfs old aund - iry it
Parlor Stoves, tuid four siwes of G
U rner# Constantly on htiitd and f..r sale a
moio'6B. Htwi.v a Wi!>ox
HKLL", i>n'e s, at
aplO'fen. ! v. , s A AVilsok;
H~VSi>y R~-35Ind Dr-. nßeitr
/.* tea ' kind# at
apW lawxx xWilboxs