CiiiiTiiri tIALL RfacOSTSR FRIDAY, SKI* 15., IS*l. EM S. LOCAL NEW* -Our friends will oblige us hv ending in any item* "local inter est. Including deaths, marriages, Ac a such are eagarly read by your friends in the west, many of whom If't the Reporter. Wo w' druggist will tell YOU. SEE advertisement - Buv your school Books from hank in. Sternberg has the greatest stock of new fall clothing, just arrived, and i* Wuud to co ahead of every body in selling cheap Suit- for men and boys. Also every thing in the line of dry goods and groceries, of best quality. The excellent adds ess ot Mr. Porta ey, chairman of the Co. Committee, will ap pear in our next. DEMOCRATIC MEETING. There will be a Democratic meeting a: Centre Hall, on Saturday ov. ning. Sept. o&r.l IfCI. which will be addressed by j7bn 11. Orvis lra C. Mite hell and other c Turn cut Democrats, with drums and banners. Turn out Republicans and eon ecnrtirves and hear the isues of the cam paign fairlv and squarely dweussed. CPwe come hear fur yourselves. Ladies ara al vincited. Hy order X Wiu-|* M DAVIDFtJpai. A Secretary. Chairman. Tt shoe, gaiter and slipper w earing ventre * Coat* countr-men women 1 chi'-'ren, will find Graham A bon s ?hi "t door to Wagner* store, MkS. t bt place to buy goods^n S£ repaid n^ac t..r- - Moore & \an Dyke. l"e> are honorable men in every sense of the word, and the people along thu P* rt <* M „ line who get to dealing with tlu'iu. as well a- i .titers. will find them so. They *>tne well recommended, and intend So leave again when their work is completed, * r * rying with theru our good wishes. They will des.l fairly and honorably with our people and justly by thosr who may be in their employ. They are perfectly r.fpon ?ble parties, and we take pleasure in thus introducing them to the people along .he line. Pi,- Sir.— The Centre Hall Union Sab l*ath School will have a basket pie-nic. in * Mr Peter H J-T'S woods, on Saturday next, Mtit. L. C.VYK. R. - Ground Rrolen in PennmtUey.— JV j Contrariort at Work —The Rood JJJeehj to go to BoaUburg. 7 .rf Tuesday well deserves to be a mem orable day for the inhabi ants of our val ley. for on that day ground was btoken fur the roadbtd of ur long wished for railroad, and al! doubts tbet n>ay have existed in * the minds tome, up lo that hour about ihe construction c! thi* ftd - ur * BOW di ** jieiled, for the work of ,7** l"* h " iy commenced, and will conU. ;re ground was first to be broken tor the tlrst railroad through this portion of our co unty; but the day was ushered in with „ c j, njdy, dripping sky, and the rain pre venter' WR)' f ronj lesving their home t thinking 'he incleinaney f the weather would pre * ent * n - v Wt,rlc heingdone. Nor so however ' *&w contractors with their hands ;.nd soi.te of the citizens of Potter and Gregg, that a Jig si.ould be made, rain or thine, ant P' c h nnd shov el were ued"nnd a piece wit graded, after a speech was first made by the venerable Peter Wilson, who also l**i the honor ofj puting in the first, pick, breaking lie first: ground for the Lewisburg, Centre A Ty-; rone K. K. in Centre county. But we will | take our reporter'* note* for tho ccremon ie* attending the breaking of grttawb>u B. K., and placing our selves in direct communication with New York. This scheme, from some cause failed—whether it was front want of nerve on the part of the manage!* or not, he was not ready to say. The second disappoint, inenttoour people aroo from the inabil ity or want of disposition on the part of the Atlantic & Great Western R. K., in 1864, to make good certain representation* inade to us. Now, then, we are here, to-day, to break ground at last, after the third stren uous ctfort to get the L. C. £i S. C. R. R., under headway, and do sincerely hope, trust and believe, that this will prove a a success, and that our cherished and long deferred hopes and expectations will at last be realised. After this address, of which th* above is only a synopsis, Mr. Wilson broke ground and was followed in the work by the fol lowing named person*: R. H. Duncan Miss .M- R- Duncan, gsm'l F. Foster, Jas'. I. Forster. Jonath. Royer, J. F. Van Val zah, J. M. Curwin, T. Richardson, all stockholders, who were then followedbyth following non-stockholder* : Jno. F. Wll. gol j JI. B. Van Valzah, Jer. Condo, Jas. Forrest. C*?" Clearfield, D. W, Duncan, Ji. Gilmer. tb<9SC the cotttraiators, James Mooro aH ttll^ the foreman, Jno. I: OMl>ed P the work of breaking First spade struck, alter thJ pdd rM s Mr. Wilson, at 12:17 p. m., 1871, at station 2443, in H owned by Jonnthan K Hoy or, shout throe milc.- east of Centre liall. The w'ork will now go ahead, and in a short time hand* will be oiinKHl all along Incline from the Fork) to Oak Hall. The engineer corps on Saturday, last, ran a survey from Linden Hall to Boalsburg, and report a very feasible route, 400(1 foot shorter than via Oak Hall, and cheaper of construction. On Monday and Tuesday last the corps was engaged locating the •ante. This Una passes between Hoalsburg and the mountains south otit, and it seem* just now as though it would b fixed upon as part of the line, and the Bonis burger* are much elated with the new turn of af fairs. The grading cast of Centre Hall is now progressing, a- we witnessed on Wednes day. The cars arc now running to Miffiiuburg from Lcwisburg. LARUE POTATO I*. —The largest potatoes that have been sent to the Reporter office, this season, come from Mr. Geo. Miller, the model landlord, at Woodward. 11c sent us two which are regular whoppers, big as a pump kin, pioviding the pumpkin is not of the iargot kind. These potatoes weigh one a pinkeye, 1 pound and 10 ounces, and the otiier 2 pounds and 2 ounces List of Jurors. Ul at INui Jn draw* tat atari earn- WMII Ikinl M—its; NO A*J ot Ocl A D tsn ITBMB, a MIWIMU. Jo* AUi-wd-r MtO. U 1 Mrawr. TXWii. IVfwiMun J *.■ . W 1)1,(1.1 Moot. O W**(#. Hwaoa J a*. MlUor. . B.w*. U Lttca*. T W Huka. P W lUraSort. J. C. wilkar linn J.uuUot Iruoi Ru.h Loot* Hoo* i-eni* tsw* Tutor. W f Wooror. Kwid t- flttiW. Hutu ( So* Monti. W 1.-rdwar w-lt.t Duuol ISnut. J. a Mu(t. M. Bnw-rt Bura-tOw B VoMo Llosj J Uuuli- C- K.vvo jiijioraato Jw IVSSSw. W S W4I tent*' a E Loo** Worth O KVui O hsw Jll Crioo. tHuo* etubpobur* O Xuu, D S ttohroo. HUM * It-Dor I*7 l*mlh K H Moot IM at UnMJuvn diooo (or .N.worbor Torn, o I Coal A U. tSU. NOUMMU) eh MooUj ot !# SLiho OooUaMk, S Bowor StHTUu Jao A Kurha*. Ju Rue. Jao Bora*. A MlUor. N SoMt, w K.**r* IfSX K^ J PSMtor And tl Crow lord, U L Korr uu JuoViofcte. N W'UIUHM. KolWtoßio Jao Hohor. Conn S. Wotror. H Swart*. KOTWOOO* H M Mooh Worth JuTWrtua (Iragt Jo* Atioro WaSar: ABua tlruaa* MDoobar* S M tirooa. Uot ot rout Jmroro dan tor Noowa-bor Tana of CMrt A. IX ISTt. onuhkU) eh Sad.) Not. HUM Chas Hoaurau, H A Muub. Übwrt; Jt> (lantaor. C HoMor. OBiiaar. Boaaor HlH.nq S W.JJWIIIIUM Walker A c Gear,. V KM> I U.OM IrfU BUM Howard K PtoSekar. J•' Muatcuawrx I ntir J Brwhtjr. L> B—K+D Urr Wa. Wearer. H. Rrumna*. 11-nt, laaac Wunor. S UlUUaad l-atna A 111- k*. U Mottora _ _ _ BoUofuuo M Rank la. S Bock. W P Paaeaa. D ■s Potior M Millor. W w Boat. J C Boat. Jao Poora-aa. 000 Botturt. M Mrohai. tl IlUoarA J C Bailor Marwa II Voartck. no Ho. jr.. I C soaaloa. ll 8 Ho*. I'tdotiUr W It Smith, l orwtuoc P Loach. (Vao Manor. SKllaabotor. Saowahoo A tWaaas. H.WP J C (Nsrir. J Lyman. M Trloll MlUahwiw J M Oniaa Sunn* *a tlak Mum Joaopk Hiorl) Ul at PMII nian drawn lor Soronbar Tarm ot Coarl (uaarKini Morula; Iho hot Dvc A D t*tt. BoUrfoato J V Thorn**. W Ualhrallh. K, 8 Poaa B Koratodor. War Akaaador. Tailor 1 Coaoahoror l arawoon AUagaSaawHuoUOT How aid j C Lor*. II Dopp. H CHollor HaHawvo T Hoop Poeor Al Rlahot. Ja* SwortwoorL PhUip-l'ur* A Moalaamer*. tl L Wax. Pallor.. A Sollara. W T Thomooaa Bona; D C Aounoraiu. W H Krria Worth. t U Ma— H-m>; la* (11088 BUM Adam F Waaror. Ilaotoa: i S Tbompaoa. H W Holt. Wadkor; IM Dirrn -1 Italy. D l arpootor MUaa, Mall Kramor. t k I'owat. (inu. 000 lammoa -t . 100 MlUor. t D MlUor,*. D Far-; Laowaho* B K Hwaim Mar-...a . S Bolt* 13 EACH BBS' EXAMINATIONS The examinations not already part will be held as fbllowa, commencing at 9 o'clock a. w., at which lime the Secretary will be expected to haxe the claw organ ixed and in readiness, so as to cause no de lav. Applicant- for school* will be re 3uired to attend the examination in the istricl where they expect to leach, uuless they procure a written request to the con trary from the proper board ot director*. All .-houlj be provided with pa|>er, pen "A ll ink - . . Mile* —Kobersburg, Saturday, Sept. 23. liainea—Aarooxburg, Monday 2K. l'enii—Millheim, Tuesday, Sept '24. Gregg—l'enn Hall, Wednesday, Sep. 27 Potter—Centre Hall, Thursday. Sep. 28. Harris—BoaUkurg. Friday, Sept 'A. Ferguson—Pine Grove, Saturday, Sept. 30th- I Hallmoon—Btoriustown, Monday, Oct. '2 PalPm—llalftnoon. Waddle's school- I house, Tuesday, Oct. 8. - Bonner —Armagost's school house, rri day, Oct 6. ... ring— Boiling Spring acbooMtouae, Saturday. Oct 7. Hnow Shoe & Buriiside— A.tey'*, Mon dav. Oct V*b, at I v clock p. tu. Marion—laok-oiiville. nMicaujr, Oc tober lllh. Walker— Hublersburg. Thursday, Oct ..... ~ Taylor A Wortb—Port Matilda, Tuca ll av, October 17. Huston - Julian Furnaca, >\ rffntwday, I October 18- I'uiou —I'uionville, Thursday, Oct IV. MiU-burgJc Bojfifs—Milwburjf. Friday, October-J), Howard A furtin—Howard, Tiw-day. October H. Liberty— Ragiecillo, W nlnctday, Oct 35th. For a number of fucceedmg balurdaya, aftei tbocloaeof the regular Kaaiuination*. the Co. Supt. will be at hi* office in llelle * *ca, fur the purpu of aaaminlng Irrogu "••*nt*. who were prarantad from tarapp.. *b proper time; but all *uoh attending at.. prepared, a* nquir applicants muit c 0... i.„ ed on page 139, of the * qej£ R. 51. a lfeep'.Jt. Co. b-, OIIERIFK S PROCLAMATION. God save the Commonwealth. 1, D. W. Woodring, llifrtt Sheriff of Centre county. Common wealth of Penn -vlvania. do hereby make known and give notice to the elector* of the county afore said, that an election will be held in the said county <>t Centre, on TUKSDAY the 10th dap of OCTOBER. IK7I for the pur pose of electing the cr *ral persons herein after na ed, vix: One person dulv qualified for Auditor Gene at of Pennsylvani •. : One person duly qualified for Surveyor j General of Pennsylvani . One person duly qualified for member of Assembly. Two persons duly qualified for Associate I Judge*. II One person duly qualified for county I Vreasurer. ) Vine person duly qualified for County (Binmissioner. j JJne person duly qualified for county j Slrveyor. tine person duly qua!ifie.ed for district Attorney. One person duly qualified for Auditor. 1 also hereby make known and give no j tie* that the place of holding the aforesaid i election in the several boroughs and town i ships within the county of Centre are as ! ,'olfow*. to wit: Vor the township of Haines, at the pub lic h' ,UM> uf -* r - ""Pb in the town of Aa | rontbu T g- ...* > For the* township of Half Moon, at the I school houe in Storm town. For the township of 1 ayior, at the house erected for tlitf purpose, on the property of Leonard Meryiuan. For the township of Miles, in the school house in the town of Rcbemburg. For the township of I otter, at the house B H. l'orter, Old Fort. For the township of Gregg, at the public house owned by J. B. Fisher. For the township of Pcrguon, at the shoot bouse in Pine Grove. For the township of Harris, at the school house in Boalsburg. For the township of Patton, at the house of Peter Murray. For the borough of UJl£onU > , and Spring and Bennnr townships, at the Court House in Bellefonte. For the township of Walker, at file school House in Hublershurg. For the borough and township of How ard at the school house in said borough. For the township of Rush, at Cold Stream school house. For the township of Snow Shoe, at the school house near the house of Samuel Askey. For the township of Marion, at the school bouse in Jacksonville. For the borough of Milesburg, in the school house at Milesburg For the township of Bbggs, at tj.e ppw school house in Central City. For the township of Houston, at the house of John Ree I. For the township of Penn, at the house of W. L. MuittT- For the township of Liberty, at the school house in BagTevUig, For the township of Worth, at thp school fcmii-e in Port Matilda. For the township of Burnside, at the house of J obi; Jtoak. For tpe town-.b/ Cuitin, at the school house near Robert M*na . Fur the borough of LTnigpyiUe |f)4 pn- I ion township, at the school house of I nion . .. U w. Thegeneral Election in all th# Town ships. Districts and Borougli of (lie county is to be opened between the hours oi six and seven o'clock in the foreiiiHUt, and •ball eontinua without InUruPtioii or ad iourumeiit until seven o'clock In the even nig, when all polls shall be closed. Change in tho Mode of \ oiinj;. An Act regulating the nosh-of voting at all elections in the several counties of this Common wealth, approval Marcli SACTIOS 1 >* rnnctni Ap thr Nenri ft rf II ,Kir ot K*i>r**ntmhr* of n.s moHu-calth ..f fVaswyfaowus Unttrml At* r o.A.'v snot, om' it n AeceAy roar-trw' by too itwtAori>v •/ fA* That the .qualified voters ot' the en era I fountlee ef thU Coin rnonwiwilth, at the general township, ber* or HMcill fltviioni, *ro after, autliorii.H) and required to vote, by ticket*, printed or written, or partly print ed and partlv wriitlen, sevarally claasißed BS follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts v oted far, and to be labelled outside "judiciary : one ticket shall embrace the name of all "tate officer* voted for, and be labelled •State; one ticket shall embrace the tiatnea of all county officer* voted for, and be labelled "county" one ticket *ball embrace the name* of all township officers voted far. and be labelled "township:" one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted far, and be labelled "bor ough and each shall be deposited in sep erate ballot-boxe*. *v Amcudmcut Cuustitutiou U. ri. "Harriott 1. The right of citiaens of the United Statys to vote shall not be denied pr abridged by the United States, or by any State on nccout of race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude. First niul Second Secliou of Act of Cotigres* March 81. IR7O. StCTiUX I. Hr it riuirtni hytkr St Hi tr end ffuSM o/ Hrpirr*ntattrtt of tkr United Vtiitri of .twrnr* m tbnyr*** uf*d/(, That all citiaenstf the United Stales, who are, or shall be otherwise qualiflod bv law to vote at any election by the people, in any State. Territory, district, county, city parish, township, school district, inunici pal it v or other territorial sub division, shall'be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of race, color, or previous coudition of servitude; any Constitution, law, custom, usage or regulation of anv State or Territory, oi by or under it* authority, to the contrary not withstanding. Sac •£ And k* it fttrtktf d new bank *j|3ll V barn, and all necessary ut builditif(, and nl> a tenant home; a well ot g.wd water at the farm nouse. alo a well of water at tenant house, ana a treaui of running water through the land, and n atone* upon the land. A good youttg orchard on the pre mie*. and ail kind* of choice fruit near the houte. Thi* farm adjoin* Ja*. M'Clin .■• v \Viduw Gregg, Cvru* Durst, and r ™ |M _""ied by Philip Durst. ALBorino^: r^in ' !nowi ; 144I 44 l, 'V H " r : ner farm on NitUnv mounta.n about 1 mile front Centre - "Gaining ST2 jvcbkm, of which about l'Ju acre# con u good young cltOMiut timberland. The iin provemenU are a two tory dwelling house and barn, and alto a tenant houte. It ha* a large orchard and all kind* of fruit, and •cveral good spring* of water. Thi* farm i W well uited for dividing into two farm* For fttrther particulnt* apply t" GKOIWK DURST. ls.pGm. Centre Hall. Large and Valuable Farm at Public Sale The valuablefnrtn of Peter Dur*t, dec'd, lying In Potter townsltip, on the road lead ing (ram Old Fort to BoaUburg. will be offered at Public Sale, on the premise* On Thursday November 2nd, IS7I at 1 o'clock, In the afternoon. Thi* farm contain* 260 Aero* of Land more or lee*, of which about 30 Acre* con sist of Valuable Timherland, the balance is highly improved and under :he bel state of cultivation, and consist*of the best lime stone land in the valley, which, for beauty of location and fertility, cannot be excelled by a.iy farm in Centre county. The improvement* consist of a Large two-xUiry Brick liouae, Brh'k Wa*h-houe and spring InAt-c Large Bank Barn, fiUxhO, with wagon-shed at either end. also all other necessary outbuildings. The premises are well supplied with Never Failing Water, conducted to the barn and house in metal pipe* ffqift t);t' tpring closo by. A'so a Large tircb*f4 with all kinds of choice fruit. Thi* farm Is about one ntile above Old Fort, and half mile from the location of the proposed L. C Jfc S. C. KK. Terms will be reasonable and made kmvjy.'i on day of sale. For futher particu lar* apply io jfcshua Potter, in Harristwp., or John hlsheritfOK'iia swl. JOSHUA POTThK, JOHN KISHKL. 110 2m Executor*. 1 DEATHS. On loth In.t,, In Potter twp', Her. Dan'l Kerr, K l ' about IW ywn loliregg IW|i, on the inii in*', Mi*. Susan*, consort "f .ien Duulap, aged >M v'r, Mini 4 month* MARRIAGES. On th* ith f September t Asiou-hurg i Evangelical parsonage, It,: Riv M 8l*l, Mr. Willi tin F Smith lu Mi- Margaret K. Klntpurt, hoih of Smithvillr, Centre county, I'a Ml I. HOY M A ItKK'fS Corroded hy John M'Do well While wheat I,'Jd R< I wheyi I,lft Hy* /ki Corn tlti o*l* it\ Ilailcy tWi Uloverseed tVtii l iniothvee.l 4,in• ~. Salt "J per • Bacon 10'......11aui lit .....Butler .. Kgg* •Jl Plaster It K1.1.K FtN TK M A IIK KTS t\rrrted hy Keller* Mtis*r. White Wheal >1 'Jo, Ki' .....Barley 75 70 Oloverseed 4,50 Potatoes 50, Lard par pound l'J4 .... Porkjper pound OB Butler 25 15. I'lasierper ton #ls Tallow It) Bacon 12 HatuJU 00NT BE HUMBUGGED. The only jwec to buy AT Low Prices IS AT RANKIN'S Model Bookstore. Henry Ward fiwwekerV LIFi OF Jesus the ChrisU THE BEST PUBLICA THIS OF THE A GE For wile only at Rankin'* Modal Bookstore, Bellefjute, I'a. OUBLIC 8v LB Ik* dtidrrsigncd Jt will offer for *ale on the tub day of October, IM7I, A VALUABLE FA KM, •Hunted laPotter township* tVuire c.unly Pa. ah.ul 4 mile* Katlol bulshurg, and 4 mile* Wot of Can ire Hill, containing, TWO UUNDUKI) ACHKS, more or leta, about one hundred V •even ly acre* f said farm is the he-1 lime stone ' land, in a high -late ofcuitivation. and the balance i* the bel of limber, consisting of | l)*k. Chestnut Ac. and i well supplied I with water hy a m-ver (allin* running j alream, alaoa neverfailin ? well ofexeellent ; water. Tlie building* on the farm are very am- j pie, consisting ola large !1 -lorv frame | dwelling. a tenant buttle large hank ham, 1 with all necessary outbuilding*, urh ..a vtoh houe with running water in it, wagon house, smoke house, . arriage house. hog house, Ac., all in good order. Alao an ORCHARD OF CHOICE fruit, e-oiti'l to none in the tate, cweitb ing of applet, th aw, peaches. plum*, ch<-r --ri**, Ac. The above farm afford* en >q.- |M>rtunity for a valuable investment, and a very desirable home. It i known a the late residence of Samuel Spongier, dee'd. TKKMS. -line-third !<• remain in the farm a a dower during the life of the wid ow. Interest to be paid annually, one third to he paid on confirmation of -ale, the balance in one year thereafter with in lerel. To he teeurrd hy bond ami mort gage on the premise* MABOAKKT SI'ANCJLKK, EZRA I.SPANOLKIt, Kveeulor. A. L. aAfrra£s Watoli Maker and Jeweler, MA DIIOSBUK • , 1' K X X A. K mm constantly on hand Wat-ths-. fiilvsr Chain*. Mnsic Boxes. Chains. Hook,. Ring*. Ac . aH <>f wliiili will he ->!M E SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE which a straight nco.Ur, has a self-adjusting teii.n.n, aqd make- the lock-stitch. on iJe- alike. H..1.J complete at only S7, and wartanteo. Aim, Agent for th* Amsrieaa Button-Hols Over seaming and Complete Sowing Machine All order* |r>o|.!iy filled f OTS Folt SALE at Centre Hall. I j Will be Mild. t public sale, at j Centre Hall, on Thursday November 2nd. 1871. TWO VALUABLE LOTS belonging to tlir estate "I Peter Dur-l j def'd, containing about 1} Aero*, adjoin- j ing id town, and ritualo one of them <• the Bruh valley r-wd and the otlu-r in th>* j rear of same. TERMS—will he made known on day or uu and liil oil > Ilin" street, t e'ntre tlall, with rill hie and all neco*sary outbuilding*, and choice fruit on the premise*. and wft- | ter In the yard. The house i* K"".l new. For (other t.^ Centre Hall. NAT tfl 5 ' hi Hair RcsloraUve ('ontuitiK no LAO SULIMIUK-Ni. SUGAR OK LEAD -No LlTil- A ROE—No NITRATK OK >IL VER, mi'l i* ettliri'ly fri-r from tin* Poisonous unit # lfealttiultroyitig Drugs use.l in other Hitir Prepara tions. " Tran|>arcnt and clear a* rry.Ul, it ill not #oil the flneal fabric, perfectly SA FE CLEAN and EFFICIENT. desidera tum* LfING MM* OUT FOR AND FOUND A? ' A 5 ' 1,1 It rcatoro* fibu |fir'e* Hair km becoming Oray, linpnrt* a soft, glo*y ap pearance, remove* "Dandruff, i rfre*hing to the head, chock* the Hair from falling off, and roatore* it to a great extent when prematurely lout, prevent* Headache*, core* all nuniora, cutaneou* eruption*, and unnatural heat. AS A DRESSING FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE WEST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. (J. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Ma. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester. Mil**. The genuine i put up 'iil'li pkt.' ; l h"Ul>, a*pr',*.ly fcr lL WirtlW 1 fcfiuih .1 tl..' .. li.Mf blown R in the gin**. Ak your Urugui-t l"r AA TT'RK'a 11 AIM KKHTOK V . IVK, Mild take no s other. two three cent statnn* to Proe ter Brother* for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contain* i* worth SWM),OO to any person. Ueti.l v " fur ado nt Luotrc Hall by Wn>. VVoil . |nd HerUchfit & Ufootptljej'. < . ! Th o l lac j 1 TO BUY |l CHEAP M liotil, liOOtvH. lri AT LIVINGSTONS u UOLKSALK IKIOK STORE. . augjo. .'tin Hellcfonte, I'a CHEAP MUSIC. Si'iiacMitiKtu to Parens' Mi steal Mus, lit : gel all the latest and he.t MtUICj at one and two cents a piece Kvoiy iiuin-J her e..iit tin. from #4 to #5 worth of new M uie ; and it can he had for AO <•""<• ' ''• | July and Auguat number* contain Thirty Piece* of Mu-le. (7*2 page*, •i*e ) and ill he mailed forfiOeenl*. Ad* dre*. J L PKTBHS, stttt Broadway, New York. augßm. To Owners of Unseated Lands! N'OTICE -Notice i. hereby given to owi)Bn uf rnkctNlßO Land, in! Centra count*. that there will be an Ap-j peal held at the Commissioners' Office, In Bellcfonte, on Thursday and Friday, the, Uth and 15th day. ot Sepleintwr' nest, where all person- feeling themselvesl aggrieved hy the late iHM(at can at* j tend if they aw proper. The ac>or* ol the illtT.-rent tOWn*HIM will he in attendance. The Bald Kagle and wextern townahlw will appear on| Thurd*y, the 14th. and balance of county! on Friday, the 15th. Bv order of t'enimbiunm, augii.'" 4t. W M FC KK Y, Clerk. lilt' CKRRHOF 11' •I'SK.--The citisen* o( Centre couuty are informed that th.; flt.e hotel at Bellefolite, ha. been complete ly refitted and will he 'e-opened in the tier! ami itu.t accommodating lyl< for th | : .tniertainmont ofguMc on ne*t Monday,! ' court-week.) The new proprietor., Mer j l>, M Jebhwii'k Sur and ar> telling out nirl •tuck left from the fire at bargain*. Wei arc settling up our h-wik. and account* and • w ill he much obliged to one and all to call l an t settle their am ount*. We would .ay ' .o our RUawMUi friend, and curtotuer*, t i ,deu c apt our *uic r-tlianv. for the getterou* patronage they have always be* •toWed "*n l* _ „ i 01'KNSIIIR A THOMAS. (■raliam & Son. BootcfeSlioe Makers Next Lor to Wajpim-r A son'* Sii.rt < |lrllrli>nl*. We mat ufacture to order, tlur work i nest and durable, j Our 11rices arr very moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. We have the LAKH EST and BEST •tock of Ladle'* and Children'* shoes in town. We are r. reiving g>ol every week. We wish an examination of our good*. The Pennsvnlley trade I* especially in-j> call and -<••• our stock, we think i we can plco all who call a* to style*, j quality, and price We study to render) ati*fnet'on, and although we have had an, extended trade for year*, we have never! given a customer csut to complain. ieptl! j ffIAX Nol l* K —ln accordance with) I HI. act of Asssambly, notice i* hereby given t the oitixen* of Potter, from whom taxe* for school purposes for the present year are due, that on all urh laxe-l "paid to the undesigned Treasurer, at hi*! residence on or before loth l November) next there will be a deduction of five per cntum. Og all t*t*c* paid within one, month after said date no deduction will be* made, and that upon all school taxes •c-j inalning unpaid after Docomber loth next there will be an addition of five per cen tum By order of the Board. FRED. KURTZ, | aug'io.*ro Treasurer. (lAUTION.- AH person* are hereby j , uiutioned ftr tin*! hunting or shooting squirm* or other gain. the woodland belonging U> the larm occupied by op j All psrs-.n* found lre**p*ing in this manner w ill be dealt with according to law . :tt. PHILIP P< EST (\UTIoN All parson* ara bar.iby j raull.'ii* t against meddling in any man • r with a to" chest and a buringma chine, belonging t>> .lo*ep|i P*lm*r an.l taken under execution by constable Win. ('nron, which wi* lawfully adverli*cd at lot |ic *ale tor a claim of debt arising from Ham'l llariwt r . c !al". *aid che*t and au tfup biivifiif lippii fnirlv ItH'Hikcfl flwt t<' • i heu n.I.T-igue.l JOHN ! DECK BUT, j imptE rsUcrt Bra, Young and Devliug. CITY STORE. * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The largest ami Iwat asHortment of Rrv Roods, Clothing, Groceries, * Roots, & Shoes, Notions &e, in lite comity, give us a trial ami HUVI i from 15 to 20 per cent, on your pur 1 (cliauea. july2B 4 I)MINISTKATtJHS' NHTICE. f\ Notice i. hereby given that letter# of * AdmlnistTitlon, nv'ei the estate of I tleorge Fell, lata of Mile# township dee'd. have been granted lha understgnad. All i person* knowing themselves indebted to , -aid estate will (tlaaMi make payment 1 | nut delay, and thus# having claim# will t ' present them properly authenticate,! for • •ettleliielit. AMX A f ilk t JGRKMI AII HAIMHM. , Adiwlutrtrator*. i J Notice I. hereby given to alt the Collect- J and County Ta*, of Centre i County, who have not sottlod up thlr du* • plicate for the year, previous to IH7U, to ■ 1 roiuc In and settle said dupllceU end make pa: went of the balance* due before the ' first day of Heplemher next, on the said ' balance, will he placed in the hand* of a ' Attorney, with tustruetlon* lo collect the ' j -ante without delay. Bv Order of Commissioners, ' WM KCBKV. July* ,Urk - NOTICE Officeofthe Icwi-biug, Centre and Kproce Creek It B, Co. I I'hltadclphiaJune 13th, 71. Notice is hereby given that the first in- I •talmciit of five dollars p.-r share, to the I capital stock of the Loa lsbtirg. Centre and ( Sprue. Creek Ball Itoad Co . .utwvrihed lin the low nhip, ol Harris, I'oMer, Hreeg, I I Faun and Haines Centre county, will be < payable *.n the first day of July IX7I, and ' •üb-.oouent instalments of five dollarsjserb ! -hare, will he due and payable on the firat • I Jay ol each succeeding mouth until theji | w hole Is | Mild Fay moots of the above in- i | -talmenl* are hereby rmjuired to M made Hotlio treasurer of the Company, at thej office ofthe Centre County Banking Com pany Bellefonlc Fa. M } JOHEFII LEH LIT, Treasurer. N B. Any person desiring can pay the j w hole off at once. If payment# are not , 1 punctually made the law allyw* one per ( cent, pel mouth to be charged In additi -n. , Atlontlon Farmer* of CENTRE COUNTY f OIIN MDOWKI.L \ t| hiviriß tie w *r- , 1 house of Cop! in A Htrunk in Milroy. is now ] pr.-pared to pay the highest cash price* f.r ' all kind* ol Grain. Coal, Fla.ler ami halt, 1 ; constantly on hand, taajrJfiJm ' M Cextik HALL 1 I Coach Manufao tory.' 1 Levi Murray, lat hi* establishment at Centre Hall, Pa.. 1 keep* on hand, and for sale, at the most I ! *easonahle rates, a large stock of . I Carriages, Buggies, ' A. Spring Wagons, PtAtx and Kaxcv,! | and vehicle#ofetery description made Is: order, and Warranted, bi l ma he excelled for durability and ! wear apVjAly | V K\V HAULRW AUKHTOKKT 1 J. A J. HARRIS. NO. S.IIUOCK KRIIOFF ROW A new and complete llanl ware Store ha becti opened by the undersigned in Brock erholT. new building-where they are pre oared to sell all kinds of Buiidingand iluss*. Furnishing Hardwatw, lnm. Steel, Nail*. Buggv • heels ia #*stt#. Champion C,loU* W ringer. Mill Saw*. Circular and Ilant Saws, Ten mm Saws, Webb Saws, IceCrean Freezers, Bath Tubs. CUhe. Hacks, a fu . ■ assortment of tlla** and Mtm.f Plate of all ] sixes. Picture Frames, W heelbarna s Lamps. C-oal Oil Lamps. Belting. Spoke. Felloe*, and Hub*. Flow*. Cultivators, Cort Flow*. Flow Fotnls. Shear Mold Board* and Cultivator Teeth, Table CulU ry Shov* ••Is, Spades and Forks, leaks. Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs. llorse-Hhoea, Nails Norway Rod*. Oil*. Lard. Lubricating. • Coal. Linseed. Tanner#. Anvils, Virtx. Bel lows. Screw Plates, Black smiths Tools, Kactorv 11. lis. IL.use Belts, Dinner Belts. (Jong fislb.Tssß*llt,<)rintMN,Carisen (er To--Is. Fruit Jars and Cans, Faint*. Oils, ! Vamishe* received and for sale at I iooei J *■> II Alt MIW News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby inform* the ' citizens of Pennsvalley that he has nur I chased the Tin-hop heretofore carried on by the 0. 11. Mfg Co., and wil. continue |" the same, at the old stand, in all it* brancb- e, in the manufacture f STOVE I*ll*K A NIMH TIVU. All kind* of repairing done, lie ha* al way* on hand i Emit (!*, of all Sites, BUCKETS. UUPS, DIPPERS, , DISHES, AC. All work warranttsl and charge* reason- , able. A *hare of the public patronage so licited. AND RKRSMAN. i-epTUy Centre Hall ZKLLKH A J ARRKTT || i. dumlrr* in : I i i DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS - also all the ST.VNDAHD PATKNT MEDICINES A very large as sortment of Tot t.KT AHTtCLKH, FAKCV flood* Soap*. Ac., Ac., The finest qual ity of RAr. o a STKI.. PO.K KT K\i VK, Sei*ona and HAXon*. W A IX PAPKH IX GKKAT V A at gTT, s PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com ( pctonl druggist* at all hour*, day or night. Night customer* pu I night hell. I ZKLLER A J ARRKTT, Hi*hopSt., Belle'onte Pa. lunlfi I CENTRE HALL * Tan I urd. The undersigned would respectfjUj In form the citlxen* of Centre county, that I the above Tati Yard will again he put In Ai 11 operation, in all it* hranehea, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. r The highest market price wVll he paid for Hide* of all kind*. The highest mar ket price will also be paid for Tanner** Bark. The public patronage is solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. (JoS.'itf MILLER A BADGER. STEREOSCOPES, vtKwa, Ai. tir it a, CHBOMOA, FHAMKA, E A H. T. ANTHONY A CO.. 591 llroadway, New York, Invito the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above good*. ); of their own publication, manufacture and L4XXKHN *MUM AXU iia.VHltustKirK*, XKW vtKWa ur YosKMItK. K H. T. AN PHON Y- A CO , 591 0 Hrmtdway, New York, Oppoait Met ropolitan Hotel, IMt'oKI'ICRM AND XI AX U F ACT U KC HH OF PHOTOGKAPHIC MATERIALS. 1 mariadm ! ABAU M, HKV4OI.II A MW MAHNLK! I • RNOHT, niaiioe at., liallefouta. WINES AND LIUTU Rr THE subscriber inspevlfully calls ill* at- I tantiun ofthe public lo hi* establUtuu nt, where he I* PREPARED to furnish all kindsof FOREIGN ami lloiiiMlit; Lifluors' whoieaola at the lowest ca*h prices, which are warran ted to he the best qualities according to their respective price*. His stock consist* ■ OL Bye, Moiiongahels, Irish and other ' Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies, Holland , Oln, I'ort, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines- the best articles- SI as reasonable rale, a* can be had in the city, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, (linger '■ and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and I New England Bum, Cordial of all kind*, i HE would particularly invite Farmers, HA- i lei keepers and others to call and examine 1 hi* large supply to Judge for themselves < and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom he done when purchas es In the city. T PF* Physician* are respectfully requested u give b:> liquor* a trial. spin tTENTKEHALL HOTEL / ' JOHN HrsauLKa, Proprietor. M Btages arrive and depart daily, 'OR all POINTS, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and 1 furnished hy its new proprietor, end isnow 111 every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will J, always find the bestaccomtnudatiuas. per- ' son# trout the cily wishing to spend a few. week* during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one ol the most beau tiful locations and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and CON ' venienre. APLUM.If. < COACH MANUFACTORY. HAKDMAN PHILLIPS, AT IT IH manufacturing establishment at | Yeagertown, on the Lew is towr , ami Bellefonte Turnpike, ha* nuwoa bant , a fine stock of Carriages, Buggies, Hulkte* , and Hp ring Wagons, which UE now offen for snle a* superior in qutsiity and styles U anv manufactured in the country. They are made ofthe very best seasoned stock by first class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenge* comparison wit!, any work out of or in the Eastern cities; and can be *>dd at lower prices than tbues manutactured in laige towns and titles, amidst high rents and ruinous price* of liv ing Being inastor of hi* own situation,; anxious to excel in hi* artiatical professtoi srid free from any annoyance* in bis busi- I ness. he has time and ability to devote hit ENURE attention to bis profession and kit! customer*, rendering satisfaction alike |r I alt patrons, operatives, hi* country, aac himself. Call and examine his stock end learn hi* prices, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. REPAIRING of all kinds done neatly, promptly, IWI reasonably. Yeagertown, June 12. lttGfi — ly. DOUBLE AND HI MOLE TURRRL fowling piece# at apIO fib. IB WIN A WILBQN. , J. B KTTKLE H HOLES ALB WINE A LIUUOR HTO R E Bishop street, Bellefonlc, lu the Stone bull- \, ionnerly CE-cuuiod by the Key stone Bakery Take* pleasure in informing the public that ! he keeps constantly on hand a supply o, choice Foreign and Domestic Liquor*. AU liarrr/t, K§* end ( <4l oarrmnttd Iu CmHtaim (As quantity represented. The attention of practicing physicians is •ailed to his stock of PUKE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Ibutle ! iugs. and demijohn* constantly on hand. 'He ka. the ONLY FT*KB NECTAR WHISKY in town. Alt liquors are warranted to give satis ! faction Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot oi I BOTTLED LIIjUoRiS ' Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that he can please customers he respectfully solicits a snare of public pa* JKWIN dt W'LLSON are constantly re celving new good* in their line. HARDWARE ofevery description at redu.rr prices- now being opened every day apUTO. Wall Paper, cheap from 12 to 20 cent* per HOI la I!* 11,II' B|L" FF ALO SCA LKB. of the WT make front 4 lb* upto 120,001)1 b*. aplO'Qtt. I a* I* A WII.SOV DU KY BOAKDH. Flank and BmaUhtg for sale by lawm A Wiiaog. aplUfifi CIKOV-CUT AND MILL HAWS, H make at LIWIV T Wtuov. •j aplO'fia ~ PUMPS! ; Wooden Piimps, AND PIPING. The undersigned would re*pe.-tfully call the attention oAbecitiaen* oA.*antn]£ PUiiif, made al home or olsewberr. lie u-e none but the b* *t material, utvxmxn THKM to give satisfaction, as being the most last ing and durable, at'ricttou TO THI OLP w.MHlenj.ump, being arranged to let the water off aud prevent Irvexing in winter. l'ine, poplar or cucumber puiup* alwa.v on hand. Hi* matirial for pump* i all tawed from large timber, and are thu* Secured ngninat Checking or Cracking AII order* by mail promptly filled. PIPING, made of the bust material, of five inch *cautling, joined together w th coupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and wai ranted to stand any pressure required for ordinary use. Price, of pi-ing range from Rtto 18 cents per foot. Send order* to J. TELLER. Miletburg, Pa Burial Cases AND CASKETS. ! AIK-TIGHT AND IN DKSTRUCTIBLK ro* Protecting ami Preserving the Dead. The undersigned take* pleasure in an nouncing thai lie hai*cured the solo agen cy in this county for MK TA L LIC A Xlt OLA 88 IkiirlMl CAMCW it ml ( jiakcls, which are so widely known as to require m> • pet iai commendation. The MKTALLK BURI AL CASK, with its present im proved stylo and finish, its entire harmony with thu t'.-eling* of the bereaved, its twr fe. ted adju-tmcnts and appointment* in whatever relate* to the precrvatlon nu.l protection of the ln>dy after death, confirm it* utility and entire adaptuosa to the pur p.oe* for which it is designed. I'ttFFlNSof all description' furnished at the shortest notice; ami all order* fllleo promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with care, and funerals and escorts suiter intended in person. HENRY HARRIS novfit Bellefoiite, Pa. I LUCK'S HOTEL, 'Woodward, Pa Stage* arrive aud depart daily. This favorite hotel i* now in every respect one of tba moat pleasant country hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the best accommo dation. Drovers can stall timu* lc accom modated with stable* and pasture for any number of cattle o- horse*. julyatiWf GEO. MILLER. SP INDL KS K KIN S for wagons, al Iri Ml*, at the sign of the Atml. apIO'OS kwitit WlLsox. 1A MPH OF KVEBY VARIETY ano J kind at aplfr.fitt IRWIN A WILSON'S. CLOTHlNG—Overcoat*. Pants, Ye*t* and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolf*. POCKET CUTLERY—aII makes " nrice* at IRWIN* WILSO' LOOKING-GLASS PLATESofaUsii for sale by IRWIN.* WILSON %> 10118. JAPANNED TOILKT HKITS, ANL other Japanned ware, atthe Anvil Store apltftis. IRWIN a Wn.sox. BOALTS tor Buggies and Carriagher sixes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto at pUfOJ lawix a WILSON' tSOFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large assort -4 ufi&Ut * * Philadelphia Store. In Br JACOB DING KB. Centre HaD , Panic Prices. POSTER DEVLING & WILSON, i |i Having pu-iht *ed the extensive store ol owell. Gillilan Ik Co., and added to them < r, at panic prices* large asaoitment of NEW GOODS, i They are enabled to sell at ! OLD FASH ION ED PRICES! ! A large variety of Ladies Drxne Gouto- K j Great Bargain* in Musiiiis and Cnlicuw. Hcadv-Uade Clothing Warranted to Suit Our Cl-rih* slid Cnssitner*, Cant lie excelled TIUCIBGttOCKBY DEPARTMENT, Atoni*hc every one in nw"rticnt and l**w j price*. ' Sri up, Sugar. Tea. Coffee. Canne-1 l*uil, Jrllu-*, Ibimcrtic and Freict FrwtL Then call and. eat what astonishingly low prices FORSTKIt DRYLING *V WILSON, i Are selling their Dry t oods and Groceries dr-No trouble to show Goods. If they are not a* repre*eated. we will pay you for your trouble. Don't forget the; place. JNT-TURNKR BUILDING-** ap£*tf Allegheny St.. Bcllefonte Pa. CENTRE HALL , Manufacturing Co AND Machine Works. . CENTRE II ALL CBNTBK CO., PA I Having enlarged our New Focxdky woe ■ M acuink Suor* and AKicCbTUHAA I Wukk*. Storked with all new and late*: I improved Machinery at Centre Hall, an " nounce to the public that they are now read> to receive order* for anything in their lim of bu*inea. Shaftings, r * Puling Hanger*. IRON & BRASS We alto manufacture iue celebrated KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now ttand* unrivalled. Thi K for any o wing machine to attain, and (my ire the fir-t ami nitty first-ela** low-jo vM merlon** put in the market, Macl.ii-- without covet§46. It is also adapted ev i-ry variety of family sawing nl livb iiiaoutni'iurlng. 11 embrace* all of th Im portant and c-e*tta! elemaat* embodied in aiaciiii.c* ntwi within the jml twen y rear*. A ttaabmdun for doing all kind* ot work are made for th* machine Tlii. Public have beiiaved fr*s long tin. * [hat a r>oi eoufltla* All tnacbtn< warranted fur five year* Zunubox P. Kiusx Adm \ La*9M. aag.m. A genu. Mil my. Fs _ The New Fin#. Heraeher & Cronmiiler. CENTRE HALL. PA New Spring Guotls Come one aud all! Jual arrive*) and will kepi on hutid • lull hue of Dr> Good*, Notion*. Uiwwlw, Hat ware, Qm i n*ware, W< New spring live eh Goods A mot bt-autiAt! variety, ronaiatinr "f the novelties of the seaaon. at lower rat. than ordinarily > i.srged •>. ether places. White Goods &T Embroil erief The finest stock In b ♦ equnnli:.- quality, and BCi&f SKIHVg The best make*, latest styrkn and low rates, (Hat* and Cap* in great van- Linen*. Tuwrllingy, cneefc*. Ih-nin g, lot: (Vm l e|>. t baking*. BALMORAL SKI RTF, Spring and maimer *hawi*. In fact, wekr-;- ererythine. and wrill aeli at a vary manti : advance on first est. All ire ank thai vou will CALL AND KX AMINE OUR r-TGCK l-eforc pMrekaaiaff ehewhvte, s* we do no con*ider it any trouble t*i *b->wjro c-s . H tor Cbiwaie CUngh*, ■ r Cassglai and CWMs. It Gctf it A Cearaisr" ~a pesnandranmndeai wi|uaMiaUß r u< gw atal urn (C uMdwuh ***•* ia r red tents of Mdonblsd - coMutu=t -r-'-ftrt:"- Dr. Crook's Wli' oFtAR I K raw. sea pain in Bmls:, DYSP2PSIA. r Hark. la* maaA iliffli aga totor of the U*e*. I Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! Ilaa mode many perm.-::* -treacand health? arho Had head naablatu work *trefif& Ml Seilth. It slkmiM be jcapOn envy I inn, and it* Ufr-girmg iiwiw properttaa triad by id. m ~ ~~ _ Ttte iotiv* - n>*.li -i- • jS qualities of Poke It. Jffi are eombtaed with it ■ tftgt beat Tonic prepar Mt n DR. CROOK'S OOMPOO.XD SYRUP POKE ROOT! a Making the preper.-.t: or a i- the bee* Atemuva an-' M Mo known*> Sewfuli, fcrafelsu Tumors, Scrofcic-; Disease# of the lyct. All suffering Scoi Vvß)*' Chronic BJseues, Brc " *t-. hen-down Ccnstitu :-IS tiens, or refnirir -8K&893 ' .'find 2r. CSOOB Con. - JWE-*. —'tlx / pound SYBUP of PCS. and reliable in it* ac* t®> Sjf/ m tton. Pains in Bones, A 'in M Diseases of m • R.V |\ m j .-. : A ° ,^de,, *md le aO )' * gist*: PrspareJ oulj I. ;• 1 \i£j*£if Oliver Crook & Co. Dayton, O. CANVASSERS WANTED For tt Onr Own Ilrcslde." .."i-a^ag 1 ■aKsa.tiswdr. ■ j \V.K.()iim|>, PaMkhtr, >