Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, September 08, 1871, Image 3

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LOCAL RSWB.—thir Mead* will oblif
u* bv 9\T in a.iv into
Okt, Winding deathfc warringes, A*\ (
Mich *w ojumvly M*<l by your frienia *
the w>t. many of whom get the Report*
\V<5 wotlld est no it* itafuvor Hour kind pi
row* would ocew-nnall.V mail copy <
be Reporter to relative# trttd aoqiimntnr
cos who formerly lix-0.1 in Centre count
ind romevad \e other p*;t-. Which wotll
induce many to become•utwvribvr*.
ULAN'KS —BLxiik S niiwib, V end
Note#, Execution-, end Judgment ni.
K veniptum Note combined, JtAk'it W
rants. Ac., ftcjhle ot thi' OMcW.
Tho clrcxilhtion of the Ritrowmt. 01
this shit of the coital y, U mw grwalr
thitn that uf iMiy two jwt tt> ' thi
countr, hence businfif* men who wirl
to reach the Petttta valley trade. wil
a Ivituoc their own iit Ureal*, by snivel
t sing in the KKiNiItTKM. Our stilwyrir
Lou luA U pi 1" insjicction of" al
who wiah to itlwrli*.
Got.nKN Kountmn Pkn. -Somwbini
new and novel. Be -ure and read tbe ad
vertisement in our paper, hyaded "Gr*t
(lit I! 1 Volition of the ARe <• belie vs
the Golden Fountain Pen is uiisurpaaaod
A good pen i- a n,verity to every wan
i woman nud child. Agents. here i* *
chance to make moncv in introducing *
good and saleable article. jan .1 y.
ht J. WvtTKH - A B#t * tarriajto Mnnu
Fo-tery. Milrov. Pa mayA-Mn
excel* evervtking. Nedirt.no sediment,
no IKd en * "Perfectly reliable. It d.ithe
work mod effectually. A treatise giving
full particular* sent portage free upon ap
plication to PaocTtcn Hwn. Glouoeter.
Mass., sole agents Sec advertisement, at.
Shitoh Sunday School of PWwawnt Gap,
Will give * musical entertainment, Satur
day eveniiiß. l-epleioWr tab.
Mr Daniel Kelier, of thi* place in taking
up bU potato#*, the other day, found one
stock upon which he counted lt>7 potato**,
varying in ie from au acofn ton hen*
egg- .
Of* H. R.- A> we slated in la week".
Rtronrna, the contract* for grading ur
railroad, from the Fork s about - l *" ,c *
south ot MiUheiw to Oak Hail in Warn*
tap., were awarded to two parties. The
w ,wk from the forks lea distance of
Spring Mill*, to Mr. D. M. Luu. of Potfr
wille, and the balance to Messrs- Van
ivke and Moore. Tlie contract call* for
mmiuMciax work in twenty day- from
date of article, '"Ah August, and to beeom
pietrJ in six months Wo may therefore
expect to mt men with horse*, carts, pick*
and shovels along the line iu a few day*.
The road from ill# Fork* ea-t to
Mlfllinburt; will also be r-ady for a letting
in a -hurt time and be put **dr contract.
An engiueiT corps has been engaged lo
cstiugrait from P.-onsylvaoia Furr-trr, to
Pine Grove, and theace near as possible to
I'oabburg to intersect >ur line somewberv
in Hunts town-hip for the through line.
X. B. —Since writing th? above, we have
,sn Mes-rs. Vandyke A Moore, contrac
tor*. tfeey infotm tbat they will com
mence * : 'rk on next week and c a
force of hands at work, from Spring Mill
to near Centie flail. on about 1 nulr- of
the road. Work !< commune* on Tuesday
♦ ♦" -
Ocxrv FAIR.— The Annual County
pyjr will bo held ou the 3d. 4th. jth and
fgb iff October next.
The Carrier Stun* ol the new Reformed
Church at Uouserville will be laid iD A
>n Sunday Sept. 10th.
Ptifcet IT ASI CtmiK or i llewag ,
Tmxr.— Lat week we briefly n>tii-ed the
theft of two valuable enr.-c from a geritie
■uaa residing near CUweSt'ld, Pa. The |
owner, a Mr. Rekhard, ww from home at
the tintc, but several pervowA -tartcd iu p-r
---uit and after tracing the hr*e* and thief j
iu far a- Brtrokvil'e, gave up ill. cba-e and
returner! home. In the mean time Mr. R.
returned hov c and i-u >urud. taking the
trail at Rroohrilb-. followed and overlook
the .-onndrel Mnncwhere iu At arrcn inun
ty. A* MWA a- di.-covered the thi -f i it
from llic lead lior-e and tart.*l a!
full -peod. and ljgichard after him. By a
tit-.-pcratc effort tlie distance between the
pursued and pursuer v a. won .fiprtened :
hut Rekhard'* horn- began to fait. OJ*.
however, until he ws within piUl lt,
and heflred, hiUtng the villian in the thigh.
H thenvhu'keneil hW pate, feeling cotiti
.lent that the capture yf kU victim w '*
n quo-tinn of time, nud after a ol
twenty mile* he -ecureil both thief and
JiorM* alm.ol with to sight of the New York
State line. At l**t acnunnt. he war on hi*
return to Clearfield with tin. ll.'ief and h--th
ht>r-*. —(TrorhrW R'ptMiemo.
I'uUi , wanting a good hair restorative
-a--aid gel Nat.ire. umr Rc-torer. Read
the advertisement in anviL f rvdumn. A\ e
rtt-onj.iier.il the article.
liocag TiitKr.—A horse wai -loiwn last
sear Pcnn'n Furnace. Tbe owner
( r .j "krd the bor-e .nd thief, until h* reacb
i-d Mr VliiuUidkrii • few mile. cat*, of
this r-WA be came aero*- hi. h.<r.-e
and !, the thief. He |tul!d a rewdr. r
to -hoot, but tLitW • ***■
tteld and made hi* ape. The owner re
covered hi* liorse again, #iw<*al person,
were p rKAt when the thief took to flight,
we think they should hare bmn able
to (apturc him.
For the Bepoiier.
SCBOgLf IX Ck-VTA* CoSNT* l" Wl-
Bogga.x 1 PU<'ii, w „ ?•
Bennrr •' I P*w - • 5
Burn.ide ~\ Ptl— &
Curtia ' ' Bu-h ft
Fitrgw.on -1-! Snow Shoe
rer I gprihß ;
Haines ' Taylor 1
llall Moon o Union - ft
Harris —l2 '* alker >
Howard 2J \V"rth
'tudllll.S Ueiiefisllle 'J
Lib^df'"7 ? i
Mnriow Howard.l
Uiie. '■> Philip*hurg. vw . I
; 1/niouvill* t
Total Number of School* Ibj
No. otChiaoes.w .......... !.< -
" ol riftholars rnrolled inclu.liug
" of adult *< holars m' 1
" ~f Church acccsxiom <iii party... 41<
" of Sc-htaoJ. continued *U the y ar ol
'* of School* (.hat have uniform les
■ons o-'
'• of Schools tliat have teacher.
meetings.."-. *• *
•*' of Schools that take up fji<flilar
collection. •*'
.dCdhoob that have Libraries... 147
trf Dcflomina'.ionul School*.."..
ot f'h'um kkhuoki
o n , r "* diguat*d .-..w,'~.<— ; ''J
■Vbout twi* lvc whict, b>
port have been HS accurately a*
Nineteen New. -eh. ol* L*ve been nrgjji
ized hy moan, of the (Wnty Sabbath
School A*ociatiou, and by other gfcencies,
-inee the tr-4, of January.
More thaw eleven hundred person* in fl'l
have been gathered into these new school..
School* from which the largest number
of comtnunicuii'a have been rcMigcd into
the churche., during the jear, rejmrt also
the largest comparative number of adult
8c holies.
The prosperity of the churches in the
county is iu almost exact proportion to the
*aiftere*t which they manifest in their Hah
batii School..
Tlu- Union Schools, which rp such front
a* well as from choice, for
the most imrt, in a flourishing condition.
The statistical table, gratifying as it i. in
attaay respects, plainly show* that the pres
ent <>aduinn of our county loudly call* fur
the IVitbfuJ use of every suitable means
elevating t%* standard of leaching, and
iu ore thoroughly realizing the great object,
of the Sabbath - .(hat of imparting a
know ledge of the W vr4 4/ God to the
young, so that it may he the power ol tic
unto their salvation.
A map ha* 1 en eoiiMrueted, the *am
sine aa the county map, which how* th
location etc., of all the Sabbath school* i
the county,
e in the prosecution of hi* labor* in Con
Ire county, since April first the mUttannr,
, ha* traveled six hundred and three miles
made one hundred and sixteen family vi
• it* and delixertsl twetity-aavon sernum
' and addret*e*.
ttur friends and a-w„rker* in all tmrt
I of the county hax abandant occasion t<
"thank God and take courage."
Missionary A S. S Vain*.
Hellefont", Pa., Janetlth, IfiTl.
• ♦ •
Clinton County.
The ail ap|eunting an auctioneer foi
1 Clinton county, wa* r*tpcalwl la-t winter.
The t*\e *<e-l upon all dog*, within
the limits of the city <>f ten-k Haven, shall
be |iaid to the l.oek Haven t.ibrarv Com
pany, instead of the heep fund, a* hereto.
Jbr* pmvideii by law.
An Act relating to log> iu Allegheny,
Chester, Northanipton, SchuvkilT and
louicnstvr i-ountie*,' approved th* twenty
first dav of March, one tbouaud vight
hundred and sixty, be and the *amo it
hereby repealed, so lar a* the mnir relate*
to taxing of dogs in Hie tiwnhi| of Green
and l.,<gaii, and the borough of lsogai)*-
ville, in the county of Clinton: and all
money* collected atxd to be etdlocted a*
dog t:i\ shall be nPpfopHated to the school
fund of said tow iis|ii|i* nnd borough afore
said for school purpo#**, also paa>ed last
■' i ■ a ♦ ■-■■■■■■
The candidate- and balloting* in Uie ra
dical county ctmvention, last week, were
a* follows: •
For A*emblv—
tat 2nd 3rd
A K Barlow, 14 JS It
W. W. Brown. 14 A
Ja* A Beaver, :> withdrawn.
W K Fulton, 4 4
Robert MeFarland. 32 4d
For A-S.wiate .lodge*—
Ge*rge tVlenkirk, Potter, fi
John W Richards, 3
Thomas Hoeteruian. Haine*, W
David M. Wagner, Boltotonte, 'd
Benjamin I.igget, Liberty, tt*
For Treaturer, G A. Bay r*l. by ace! n.
For Oomuiwtioner: A J. Swart* 67 —
David Paraon* 3 J. M. Kephart 4.
For District Attorney, Isaac Lytle, by
acclauiatiou At thi* point Bill Brown
aro-e and protested ••arneslly against Ly
tic' - nomination until he fully explained
his connection with ike Lvlle-Meek-Chaut
hers letter matter. Mr. "Brown not being
a delegate, the chairman, Mr. John Irwin,
jr., called him to order, saying the_con
vention would e#H u{H>n him when it de
sired to hear from him.
A VKTR* ax (iixr.~At the residence of
his son, te*>. Morri-tin. in Gu#hen town
shijs on Monday. August "iUt. ItCI Joseph
Morrison, aged about ill year*.
The Jeeeased was born in Cheater coun-
I ty, thi* State, and removed with hi* pa
-1 rent* into Lycoming county. Aftar resid
ing there for a tinia, he went lo Centre
sKuintv. and there was draAcd into the
United Sute# service, during the war of
1812, and served hi* eountry until he hon
horiorably di*eh*ret!. He again re
turned to Centre county, and was
there married to Sarah Ardrey, who
i* still lingering on the shore* of time till
her deliverer come*. He came with hi*
family to this county about 41 year* ago,
an 1 ha* lived in thi* community about 28
year*. lved and rc*|*vtnd by all hi* neigh
bors. Truley hi* was a ripe old age. He
is now gathered to his father*. fTeer/t*W
Mukk Houses. —Cuutre Hall keof* i
00 growing and improving.—There art
jo me ten new houe* ip contemplation
again, which arc to be erected Lit ween
this Htnl next spring—for eeveral of i
these ground was already brokeu last j
♦ ♦
A man in Union county got luat in
hut eorn field, and didn't find h'u way
out for twenty-four hour*. Buy vour
goods of Holler Bros, ami you will not
gpt l*#t nor cheated.
Mr. ivU Young, of Ferguson J
township, wa-s struck iij fightping on j
Thursday laat, while ploughing ip a
field. The bull first struck one of his
horssa about the head, killing it iu
stamly. and then pusstal along the
animal t lL* plow, knocking Mr.
Voung senseless (e lis# gfOWml. At
the tiiua, be had let go onu oftliajjow
handles, it was slmttere*! to piosv*
An examination reveahd tlie fact that
tiie lightning had jiawnl up one of
Mr. Young'* arms ami made a complete
circle round hi- Laly, leaving a sort
of a blue-olm-k ring. He was badly
jIH/t, but will recover.. —Watchman.
I Of*#ltftlfOM) B|10 "
At the eoutiog GctoL** Oiwyf#'*#* *fs ji4.
a#n* of Pcnnaylvania will vote upon ffci
>iuextioo of calling a convention to amend
tv. t'oi.-tiliition, under the following
set passed t>R iifji last Legislature:
An Act to authortaa h w'iPjlar vote upon
the <|uetioii of calling a Jo
nmand the C*>n*U*utioo of Pen itrlvanu. i
Sec. I. ft' it rliOKtfd, 4c., That the
SaewtL*: of calling a convention t# amend
ie of ilis common waalth be
sulmuUrd t a vo*e i,f the |eoiilc at the
ecu. ml election, to be beta v.; the *eCid
Tuesday of October uext, the *ald ques*->a ,
to Im* voted upon in manner following, to
wit. |. po|intie and c'ties in which slip
Jgckot voting U |<|thoriead by law, vote*
Un wild aga'lss* * f*!
pre*-e<i ami given upots 4k> iVfpt, headed
1 or endorsed with thr w..rd v JUto'' *J not
-itbcrwi-.-: and the ws.rd. u-ud *ball be
•'Constitutional Convei tlon" or "againtt
a Convention," and in eoufltie* or districts
in which Bf ticket voting shall n.K b.:
awthorir.s-d bv law, each elector voting
upon -am shall cart r separate bnl
ht, endorse# „„ the outside ''Con.titu
tiotial Convention,' at4 " R 'I"
in-ice the word* "for a Ci* or
"ugai'nta Convention;" and all vide* cast i
a- j tore-aid shall be res-eived, counted and I
ri-Utra*<4 b" fheprt |crelection nffl. errand
return jedgx* P tote* for Governor arere
cehed. couu-##id Mflf 1 "" un er exirt
in; law. , . „
S*-r. 2. Tliat the atertto* f>*•** shall
be held and be subject to all lb* )RP i-|
• ion* of law wbich apply U. general eLr- I
Usc Sheriff* "fthe several eouritle* th*M
give VdiC' f 'hi* act in their eltntion
nrociainattwli the present year, and the
lioveruT si,*!? e#M*c all the return, of the
.<d election*. SSeSifad by the aeeretarv
..r the commonwealth, v* Uf ]IU before the
legislnturc at it* annual eI.U.,
J aii tea H. VN SMa,
Speaker of the House.
William A. Wallac ,
Speaker of t he Semite.
Al-rwo. y.-The second day of Juna.
A#no Ho utai. trpeHiou.aiid eight hundred
emt evcß*y-OUe. s'li* 3 * " • GbaßT.
Legality of Hbb^ii#
In New York thcquetioyofthv|tglity
of Sunday marriages Is avriting ••onrtdara
ble attention inlogala* wellalcrlaaiiftiads.
Th* ri- -ecm* to bo about an e|Ual dlviaioti
ol both partina in tbl Important matter.
Ii i* held tli lit a* marriage is a lagal civil
c ..e*ract, mid that l#gl civil contract* ara
illegrt? i. -xadc on the Sabbath, it i. void
if performed on ioD day. Au interesting
te \ j> iiow pending on Rsichfter, N.
Y A ll Uifb*s#i*y/Ji'd there ret entiV, snd
willed alibis nrof.ejiy **, {he children of
his second wife, disinheriting f,f tl hi*
own children. Tlie marriage was perform
wi on Sunday. It i not clear how thi*
w'ili ivtijdnte the w ill should tliedecitson
he Kjn*CtPfdai.Tf,'firriages, butaom#faw
yersTeliayoDiyl W '.M' h <W h< - w ' ll
wuhl !)d would be broken. If H,e mur
d.i ido that Marriage* are invalid if per
formed ou that day, pu doubt many more
intciesting and p'"twl o*t* fftjl -ri.e.
I awver* will groW fat OW CoUt#t#4 right*
>tUropertv, while in ordinnrydlvgreetbey
woli'dnot pay their rent. But no decent
court will decide gaiu*l the legality of
pure marring*.
This is an age of centenary a|mi*ati n uf.
Many men that have distinguished them
selves in "rt and science were born one
hundred year* ago. and a grateful porterl
tv deem it but right to coin uiemorete tbcil
hundredth birthday. The Scott fctivitiei
I I Robert Burt.* was ren.eiuUi
...l in Mi 'A ttfW year; Shake*-
I pear# h#d wwmrwtowt* 9 **
ill liva yea" t *° onP h i"'.f rcd f bl nt'-
a v or our "free "d natioi
n ill be brilliantly observed, übii there j
I i bow looming up before u* a eal#brat)o
I I which wLI interest the whole world, and
' if not commemorated by itatuei, precN
o*l ! .ions, and bam|iiet. will yet form and in
porlant event In commercial and finanen
tie history
he 1-ate iu IJ7I. Meyer Aiuelm Kolhsehil
in ojieued hi* liule banking houi In Fran I
fort. Shrewdne-s, industry, ueonomy an
ii- Integrity made hi* venture* lucrative hi
0 - hutinctt gradually Ineroaaed. The ior
w, of the Immigrat eof He*e, who vntrttte<
- to bis keeping during the win
it, and which KtbeU'ld invest, d so bu kib
that he mad* hi* own fotune, while h
w a* * enabled to return the *lllll 111 full l<
u hi* Matron, i* well known. From tba
to event the bouse grew tamou* The Km
P*'rer ot Ati'ria gave title* of dlrtilii (lot
to all the male member* if the family
branch < *ubliUmhnt> were opened ii
London Pari*, N ple, and Vienna, am
the lioth.i hibl* be ame roeogai<-d a* i
power in the world. Their w. r>l ua* taw
King** and emper>rr were at their . all I
a government wa* at the verge of ilnanria
' r dissolution, the H.t(sehild* alone i ulil
*ave It If an inve*iment wa to be , or
n ed a* a grand *uce'*, the R uhn hildi
II mu*l plata in the market Guinvetetl
1- with every city in tho globe, having .'earn
H. telegraph, mercurial mrs-eiigers at i Mil
maud, th eonfitlenve of the world; tin
trusted banker* of millions the Both*,
j child* *rs supreioe in finance.
" Wearv not informed what will to thr
* ceremonial*, whether sin n taneou# rejoice
* ing* are to take pl-c* in tlie vwiiou.
* cilie* w here they have their establishment!
* whether the invasion will he signal a-I
" by a grand venture tbat will crlip*. all
* their f.nun doing*, or whether a ainiple
1 faintly reunion will mark an in:re*t ng
J event. Whatever take* place, the "Hd
" will regard it as befitting *o memorable
* a dav, nd will pray for the continu.il xvel
* fare .f the now venerable firm
I The third generation of Ike Kotkscb Ids
\ are on the wane Men and woimn p*
- their prime, they are teaching their chit
* j dren the Simple lesson* of ineir liv.j
unity and integrity, intelligence ami
I family concord. A hundred years of ale.
' cea* have demon.tiato.l "how good it i> for
J brethern todwell togctber in unity."
j Blessed with mo • than priucly fortunes,
! the Rothtchid* all lead in tviieroleiiee.
In aome instance*, establi-hiiiß h.opitai*,
asylum*, and college* at their *olcoapeu*e,
their purte i* alwa.v* lavish at every call
I of genuine distress. Th world ndunre*
; I them for their shr*wdne*< and iuccom:
i l*rael is proud of them a* ro'ig'oua. Ileal
i fearing Jew*, whose heart* are keenly alive
i to the crie* of suffering humanity
WANTICD — (SO) Twenty bu*he! of
good Timothy Seed, for which the
| highest cash price will be paid, delivered
, at my warehouse in Milnv.
, fi.ept.2t. JOHN M DOW ELL.
f /lAUTION.—AII person, are hereby
_ cautioned against hunting or shooting
'tuirL- or other game upon the woodland
belonging to the tarni ivctipied by toe.
Alt |*er<>u found tre*pe*ing in thi*
ciannrr will be dealt with according to law.
A. L.
Watch Maker and Jeweler.
t T
U t l> I 018 D Kq, P EX X 'A.
Kcon.ianilv on band Watche- lilvtr Chain.. Mcai BCIM,
Chain., Hook*, Riug. Ac , .11 of which will be .old .t the
very lowed price* for <nh. Aim .11 kind, of repair
ing done <>n Jewelry, Clock*, Watche. and Music
which Um t straight needle, hits . -I'lf-udju-ting ten.ion,
and m*k"i th< lock-*ti(< h, on both *ide .like. Hold
complete at only SH7, and waria tiled. Aim,
A (rent for th- Aai.rican Buttois-Hol* Over
>earning .&<( CcmpiaU Sowiag Kackiwa.
I Hep 4t All order* promptly fills-*.
A —The undersigned offer- hi. valuable
farm,about i'J piilc. east of Centre Hall,
at private .ale, ii contain.
101 Acrw of Land
all clear, in addition to about to acre- of
the be.! white oak tiuibcrland. The im
provement. area
ihagflh New two-*try frame dwel-
JiCJ 1 H g ling house. a g- <HI new bank
IM] ! ILL bam. and all noce-.arv .NIT
JHUB building-, and ul-o a
InHllc; a Well of good Water at the liihiti
farm hou>e, alo a Well of water at tenant
hoo.e, and a stream of running watei
through the land, and n-> .tone. u(n the
land. A good young orchard on the pr
mie, and all kind* of choice fruit near
the boo-e. Thi- farm adjoin. Ja. M't'lin
tiok, \t idew tiregg, Cvru* Durt, and
farm occupied by rliihn Our.t,
Aldi|. a. .iS'ter f-jrm known a> the Hor
ner fkrjn on Nli|ny mountain, about 1
mile from Cent Ve Hall, Containing 272 i
xeax*. of which about 120 Acre* con-hi ol
g'>d young r her nut tiiuberland. The im
provenienU are a two story dwelling hoi-e
and barn, and also a tenant home. It ho*
Urge orchard and all kind, of fruit, and
•avktiii |fMh| f water. Thi. farm
i. well suited r>r dividing into two fi,run
For Airtber parlicillat* apply to
l.ep.Gin. Centre Hall.
I —-■ '
PIHSOLI'TfON. —The partite rh i p
heretofore cxitu>g between Peter
iverlin and A. A. Kerliii in the -tore at
Jiifiif, g Creek Mill- hu ben dissolved by
luutuaruiiu.aui. Tki, b|jine will be con
tinued at the old tml by Pater Kerlm
assisted by attentivu clerk*. Thankful for
pa.l favar. be solicit. a continuance of tin
public patronage.
The hook, will be left in the hand, ol
Peter Kerlin, and thoae wishing to tettle
their account, can do so bv calling upon
le'|i.u < A. A K KKI.I X.
Large ami Valuable
Farm at Pablie Sale
Tha valuable farm of Peter Dnr-t. dec'il,
lying in PoUer town.hit., on the road lend
ing from Old Fort to !• al.btirg, will lie
offered at Public Sule. on th. prcno-•*
Oil Thursday iwuVßii;!;er *itd, I*7l
at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon. Thi. fann
SOO Acre* of Land
niore or ie, of vbich about ait 4'T' 1 ' < l *"'
1 aid .f
Valuable Tlmlmrlaipl,
[ the halaiu-e i* highly improved and under
| he het date of cultivation, and con-it d
I the bed lime .totie land in the valley,
, which, (or beauty of location and fertility,
eger-ot be excelled by any farm in Centre
c-iuftt*. fl* consist of n
L>l J£* two-abtry Itrick II ouae,
\ HfipV Wu.fpljoH.e rind spring hu
I Large llitlik Ii: I'M,
btlxHO, witli WAgon-.hed at either end, ijl-t
all other necessary outbuilding*. lln
nffptiao. aft' well aupplicd with
' Neva' P'bnp
conductad to the barn alld h"Ms# m tnela
pipe, from thu .Jirlllg el".'" hy, A"i
Large Orchatd
trilli all kind* of choice fruit.
Thi* farm i* about one mile above Oh
u Fort, and half mile from the location .j
r, the proposed L. C & S. C. RK.
.. Term* will be r.iM*kle and mad
kno:h >m dag f f '4b'. For tutber partlcii
k LAR-NIIJDYTOY'C.HUB Rottvx Iff M*rrl-tW|'
j; l*ep.2m lii99UM>
i A young man who hit* tried uuti
- he kUQIM, tells us that il you go to cul
foil Toitiij* lady, nil I she now# tli li
11 (gently nil the evening, ami only *ny
| ' I "yea" ami "no," you can go nwuj
aiioul nine, or n tjunrler pant, wilhuul
, Anybody'* (Voling luul about it.
ly On rd. lit I'i llefunte, XI r Living-ton,
is wife of (ieo Livingston, ugeil *boiit 1#
to year*.
*' Oil "nl in Millie iin Maty (' daughter
ol D. \N 21. eh-r, need x months, and If
in On 21*1, at lb !'i'!>nit*', Henry i tie, in
d lant son of lenae Mill i nged 10 month#
a and 10 day*
Oil Tile- lay, the £'•( '•• till llf Mi
B irhara lb .k.r, w iti M ichcal D#ek#t t
\ Gregg, township, ag<d7l -eo- and tne
" mouths.
I. 1 * 1
!■' Augii-l 4#h, HI til" : - -iilenci' |.| the
~ bride* lather, by |ti M tj Karliari, Mr.
i. Kmniiuel (' Fye mid Ml Surah V
Str.-u-e, lo h of rcrgusttn t wnsldp, Centre
~ oounty, t'u
" On the"Jiiih, l-v A Luki übie h Kq , Mr,
'* Sebastian S Illy*, ol Hcdletolib to Mi—
;• Agios M Itunkel, ol pott • ' • " 1.. hip,
v Mll.ltoY M AKK KI >
If CrAvit'U l> JtUu \( DviwcU.
| Wliiu> tbi'At l/ii ~ lit ! v#lit *t 1,1 i ,lt|t
H• i • 11i • i )11 u*
CKf •• ■ i) • * 1 i 14
Stilt • oi' |>or MS. -s ,
' Baeu.'i llk' ~...1Li.n In .... Butter JO E„"g-
AJ .....Plaster tt.fiO
Correct' I by kcllerk Mu cr.
r vVhite iVhsnt Red 11 • ltye
70..... ( nrti <*i. ia hi Hariei 7;' i
, TO CloVi r-ced i.'gi Potato## '#•,
I,*r*l p.-r pound 121 Fork per pound O 1 .!
. Butter i'o ~..Kggs|'> Flusterper ton
sl4 Tallow 10, Ha eon I'J ....UainJO
' 111' llf.lt! SALE The un ler-igried
A wiß idler for sal# on the C.th day ell
October, Ix7l,
situated inF-'tt' rt -is ii-hip, ("cii.'re c-'iiiity
. Fa. about 4 nub • East of B ahluirg, and 4
| mile* Wort of Cntre Hill, eontaitiiiig
lu-sre or less, about uae hundred A seven
ty acres ot *nid farm is the he t lime st-ou
land, in a high -Ute ofeullivalion, ami tli.
balance is the best of timb r, consisting o!
Oak, Chestnutskc. sk>and i- .sell supplied
with water hy a n\ - r failing runnini
stream, alsoa never failing well of.-xcellent
Tlie building* on the farm are vers am
ple, consisting ot a Ir.rge 2 story frame
dwelling, a tenant house Inrgc bank haru,
' with all necessary outbuildings, such a
wa#h-hou*c with running walcrin it, vi tg- t
hotl-e, smoke house, carriage house, hog
house, site , all in good order. Aio mi
fruit, second to none in the Hai,., on- -t
--ing of appl* -, (tear*, (reaches, piunts, < lu-r
--ri*s. *Vc. The above farm aliorJ* in .p.
pertunityy-.r a valuable investment, mid
very dvurablt home I*. i* known as tin
lat- residence of Samuel Kpangler, di-t-'d
TKItMS.--On*—third t-> remain in th*
farm as a dower during the life of the vi !
••w. Interest to be paid annually. *ne
thied l*. be paid on confinauiti >n of talc,
the balance in one year thereafter with in
tercst. To be ses-uresl hy bond hlul i , .'t
gage on the premise*.
augll ft Kvecutor.
Model Hookstoiv.
Model IlooksUirt'.
M<hlvl ILsukstorw-
Itl'sii n/>i;si:
Htlish 1 louse
liellefonle I'.t
I GTS FOR SALE at C.-ntre llnll
J \V ill be sold Ml public isle, at
l . ii're Hall, on Tbwr-d.sv S • • em)•• r 2nd,
lit-loltging to the c!:ite of F- 'er Durst
ilcc'il. c Uitatning ats-iut 11 Acre-, adjoin
ing -aid tow n, and situate one of them on
the Brush valley road and the other in lh*
re.tr of same.
TKB MS -will be made known **ii day ol
sale. Sale to commence at Ift o'clock, a
; -pt 2m. E*#cutur.
House and kit for SALE
The uiHlersigmal oiler- at privat*
I sail* a two story dwelling ll" I e isioi
JuZLl.it. on lain street, t cntre Hull
with atableand all ne< **ary outbuilding'
and ch >ice fruit on llie pruiiiLo*. ami -sit
ter in the yard. The house is ii- g""d a
new. For tuther pmUcular- apply t"
1 laug.tf. Centre Hall
Ilair lluslonilivu.
' S ;i
ii / *
■ ... -
f -
; ;;
I ('oiiluiiia mi LAG SULi'lll is No
VKH, an li* fit ii-ly free from the
Poisonous tun I |f .iltb-.l •>lrovitg
Drugs tircj i- sdf.i. IJ-tir Fiejuni
'• ''jVgn-pHicnt nn-1 eb -r i i ty-Uil. it •yiu
not soil tr.e finest fabric, p.-rl.**-iv SAIL
CLEAN and EFFICIENT, de-ulcn
tun- !*•*., GjIHiUT I° 1! v> " ,
FOUND' AT last;
It je-tori-s ami prt-s-'tit- the 11 or irom
° heeon,lug Gray, liutmrt* a *uft. !"•> ap
-1,1 i.cnrHiM tN riMV4w ilitii'lriitf, i*
Ul the head, cheek* the Hair from falling
off, and rest->re# it to a groat extent when
prematurely I" t. prevent# Headache.,
cure' all humor*, cuuneou eruption ,
FteuHitij uft# iv pKIH (k in,• on-
KJt> U|n|Hi' > M'D*'- IMD IfUHUHM* *
put UP In a |tli"l b"Mb'. Iliml" e*pre*-Iy
Id for It, with tin l imine uf lie it |l< *p bl'> i
-if in lh# gla*- Ask y.-ur Dnigii't tft N •
lIRKf ll a tit Ri*TRA ivr, and tie e ti"
1# other. ~
u- ;gqrßend two tliree cent stamps to rro
i., I ter Brothers for u "Treatise ou th# Hum.iii
i liuir " Tli# Information it contain- i
. worth siooft,l> to 1 r y per-on 1 "VD t V ,
Rft alb At" CcODv .Ha 1 1 l> ( )) " ll
;#. ' wiii| rUrlg£hsf & pfjnftjilJst
T lie I* I a r•
CHEAP M liUOl. liOOr.S.
IS vi
look st run:.
hi.' - '.in IV#
Sc tiscatliKK* to I* r -in-' M I'slCAl
Momiilv gel all tho latest at.il Imm i Mu\n
it mil' tl two cent* api E* viy imin
>i-r • nnt iiti nun VI t • • worth <*l in'**
Mii.iv-; mi 11l oaubehad f n Wc.uil-. Thi
litis :*ri! \*iJuil itiiiiiln*r- contain Tliirtv
p llu'ii. 72 I"*-" ii ln **t-iiisuii
size ist t w ill I"* "i ailed f•< sOi i-iit. Ad
lr.— .1 I. PETERS, !>\rj Broadway, Nrnt
Yuri. £uk®ui
fo Owners of Unseated Lands!
NiITICK N -In tel.> given u
IISI )■■*•••> I tl-i'i'ti'l i-IS tills, II
fYhtr. .. . its tl. it t!i siill 1., an A|*
peal hi*t*l lit the r.'iii'n ssimi r Office, it,
tMii-f.iiitr, i'H Thur-da y nii'l Friday, tin
tltli Hiisl litli day 'i SepUmbei
-ext. wht'rv *ll |Htr."U feeling thWDwltrri
tggnavod by the lain assessment can at
■•nil if they see proper.
The assessor* ul the dilfi relit town.hiii.
will In- in attendance. Tin- Raid
tiid v ester it township* will appear on
rimr-day, the I Itli. nd balance ofC'untT
•n Friday, tin- lAt !i
lly iirdtsr of Conmi-inncra,
lUfti-"' 41 MM IT KEY, Clerk
<>f Centre couutv arc informed that th.#
Imt hotel at Bttlfrfnnltt, ha* been roi|dei--
ly refilled ami wi 11 be le-opeiicd in tin
beat anil most al l .tliiinodnlillg it) If for till
.•iiiurtuiiiint'iit tif ifiii'ib, oti t'< at Monday,
' court-week, j, The new proprietor* M<---r
--11 M .lolitl- >tt V Silt, are experienced
1 hoteli-t*, having l.e|.t the lint house a:
Oleartirhl, Fa, for a nil nbef of jean I
and their splendid management of lh.
-am.', with their cuiutmii Midc#¥or* t'l|
make their guest# ft . I at home, are atupL ;
ituartiiteln,it ili.i llreclterh-iff Hume un
ler it new proprietors wiJl be he tor keni ■
"han ever before, and second to none mj
•entrnl IVmi a. Give it atrial with all
t* excellencies the charge* will ha mode-)
t IEN rn \i. II< ITKL.V.- V *.f flTiTd
\ ■ and t'he-tinit Street, Miffiinhurg. Fa
•lidjn Shower*, Pr-ijirietor.
It- Central Location make- t particularly
doirahli* !• person* visiting Town on j
lenities* or plea tit ro
ll. A. Taylor's I.iverv Attached.
mlSt. ly I
The Depot
in Centre Cwttty.
A t'AKD - We have rem m>J uppnih
.u tie- ltu*h 11 iii- and are - Ring out • ur
t-> k ieft from thr fir.- at bargtir.s W#
,rs -tiling up our books att-l aceount* and
wit! be much obliged t one and all to call
ti l rttle i irir trmunli. W• would -ay
0 our nutticruui Iris-nd* and ruslomers, to
lease accept our ntic re thank* f.r the
•ptser :> pair-*i age thev have aiwoj le
--t..w.wl i i..,
i tamentary t.< the Ntif of Fct.-r
Dur-t, bit if F"! -rtownsh p. t'cntreeotiti
tr, dec**!., having been granted to the an-'
dersignad*. all p'rUMtt indebted t • the -nil
estate are requested to mak - immediate j
-ettlrlcment, and tho*<! has in; claim* l!
present tin-in duly authentica!rd for pay-;
■ uent JJowni s Porn a.
.1 iv
JullLfiw Executor* (
IsiUUnd t *lalll Well ill nil • -on l!t b.-ng
• 'Jtfctisivelv l.r Is 11-•li- ' , Out-
Building- alt! She-i-. r Living FHt
11-mf*. Ol.t, . I. ,it f i ran ire. Store
houses, or AVa'l . -ith -r outside', and fm
placing SI Is. or Tiles li . !s- a ell* all
and effective tviling on the mnliT'iMtli
>ide of rafter- nl i SI#U d or I tie 11-.<t.
and a* a Ceiling I" Irani |{o*f>, i uiter
acting lleat, I'r k a, 'il •' 'iid 'ii'lili of
M nielli r-
The Ke.gK'h Felt 5 l-ut OT in n<ll of "A**
yard* in by tj inehe- in width, mid
•atiitaining a -urf.u -• of 3H --plate (ri t
Thi'ec-Ply Felt.
In Kail*, 3> inch-** wide, by Ml feet in
length ; I*oll mil will cover a *urfae* Ht
feet si|uarc, or li*.|uare feet.
11 is la b< laid a< r-* the r- f. abingh
fashion, with a lap of two inehoa, au-1 e i
cured hy nailing the edge* with *td nail ,
and tin cap*.
When laid, the Kelt I* to be painted with
Mastic Ibeof Coating, and Sanded The
Mastic Ic-of C<wbing i* iiiiaml, ready f-r
u*e, and is applied with a bru-h.
Tarred Roofing Felt
I'.ed evt- n-ively for Sheafing House*, and
for Tar and tirai el R ~tfitg, a.o f->r plac- j
ing uuJer Slate, T.n and Shingle It mtlng
It i* n<i*d in p.i. king Woolen* ano Fur
to protect th'-ni (VoHt moth*.
I'ut up in roll* weighing 4*l poo ad* each
I.'i pound- Felt w ill cuver a nirfaeo of lit)
stpiare feet.
Fo Sheiting 11--i 1! -.fittg Tenti>*>rrv
iluildings, niakinp Water Tight Floor*,
and f>r pho ing under Slate and Shingh-*.
In r-ll. 'Jit inches wide hy (VI li-ot in
length. Kneli roll will c*iver a urf*ee Hi
feet M)Uiirr or 1(11 -jtiare feet.
For Sheating it can I<* nailed >:js*sr the
lu. tiling, milking a jw-rfectly air light
h -kting. am! sure protection from damp
ties. Uiitf. mice or vermin will lot go
eetir it
|ln roll* coiilninltig 'ifl -ojuaiu fee'. 1 t-i
lie laid m-russ tile roof, nl'-1 iapihal shingle
fn*hion with lap of two irtrhei. mi'l K--
eur> -i hy nailing tlie islg.*. * hith V*i or.
Tlii* is tin* tmly Coinpo-ition Hoofing
•hut doe* not reijuir* a finishing coal ol
paint or • elii'-tlt.
UiTi-arfyij f*\l,
F'-r( arpvt Lining. Doafening Floor*, and
for puling under Stat*. Tin and Shingl •
Ho ifi'ig
Put up in rail* weighing l*t pound*.
10 (lounda fcV • will oovei ii ittrfauw in
feet rquare, or ltW'-quaru fnt.
i'F-NN HO(H IN(J (0..
lO.T South -il. Ml I'liilatlclplilii.
1 laug.'lni
Young; and Devling;*
The lnfu*t t| bast fiwirtmpot •>!
Dry Dotitls,
& Shoes,
Nolions &c.
! in llie couDty, give us a trial and aav
1 from 15 to 20 pr cent, ou your j>ui
july 2
Notiea i* hereby given that letter* of
, Adiiaout a'.imi. ifi'til khv of,
lOm.rg.. F-11. I,tle of M!le* ffftvn.filp .t •'!,
have Lean granted the nnder-igiieel All
pers-ills knowing thein eivn* IfldehtiHl to
aid estate will |doatt uniU mfnttlf with
out delay, Mild those having elaltiM will
. I ire.sent ihtt n properly autbentfinited for
etllemont. Ass* i"m.t.,
Jkmkuiau Hiinkw,
.If uly *K Adiiiitits l rutors.
/ u>\i T-fft stiFFH K.
I July IS IK7I
N di 'o la karel.y git rn ta ,1) the t'olli* l
ir of Slaiw *1 t inly !'** ••! Oi'iitge
• '-•uiity, who have not *eUh d up th' irdu
pli* ate f"f Mi# jeais prei. -in to iniU, le
> " lie In and *!< aid -tuph -le atel lua'-ie
paymri.t *f the b ilam . due before the
Brat day #fFw|ttwmber n< tt, <-n tit* *aid
haUneiM will he placed ill the It *ll'ls of Mill
Mtoiiev vol' instruction I • colli t tlx
. in u itliwul delay
lly Order i'f Ci'UimL.nmora
julyJS 'lnk.
oh. ofthe lew. lutig Centre
• and Hprip e I'ieek it It. Co
I'liiiteli lphu June Milt,'7l. ;
Notice is ti -rel-v given that the llrl ill ,
-i'llllielit of Ive dollars t,-f abafe, to the'
' capital stuck -*f the l.ewlrburg, Centre and'
•spruce Crw k Hail I toad Co., *llberlhe.| -
in the tuwn*iii|M nl Harris, I'.-tier (ireyg,
Feiii- and llaino*. Centre ••-•unty. will !■,
payable in tin- ii I-t day of July IM7I, audi
uii-equ -l iipi alui-'ii'.* of live dollars|H-r
I -ii ire, wit] I e due and payable on the first
/ da. -.1 each uicccediiig month until the'
, .!i 1* paid Fayment*-if the abora in-'
u -talnii ni- are llerehy reipiired to lie made
to the treasurer of tile C*>iii|iatty, at tha
v office -f the 'outre County Itaiikiug Cuui
... panv 11. flefonte F*.
, N 11. \ny person ■'e-iring en pay th l
t ' '-hole off a on* e. If pavmettf* are pal
J piineiuatl.v mile tbe law allow* uaw pcrj
nnt |mi month to be charged in additi -n j
Attention Farnior* of
" l having leased the Ware-'
house of (Vtplin A Strunk In M'lroy, i now
prepared fo pay the higlwM cash prices for'
, all kind* oMJrain. C>>al, Fla*ter*nd Salt j
constantly itn hand. may2fi.dat j
- I
(it T 11." Ha i. i.
„ '
Coach Mauufao tory.
L • v i M it r r it y,
tw* 4
<at hi-e<tnh|ishuietd at Ceiitro Hall. Fa.'
.keep,on hand,and f-r sale m n, r inawtl,
I ]
; r*w*, H Urif l<ek vf
, , i;
f.nrrlages, 1
A Spring; Wajfons,
Ft.*lV and Fjv*<-*.||
ind vehicle* of every dc.eription made t,
rder, ar.d Warranted, to tie made of
best seasoned material, and hy the mo-t i
• k ile<i and competent workmen. Fer*on'
venting anything in hi* line *re r<**pietel,
t • , 1! and ■miiir hi- work, they will find
dt ot to by hi -llsd f.ir I irnhilify and
w.-ar. tpfftl; j
i.w ii M;:> OH :
A us* and oawpiK* llrlwar*- Store ha- j
I. . i, "p.-u.-'l b> tie- undersigned in Brock
rh-itf new building - where they r# pro
oaretl to *ell all kinds ul ituildiugand lLHi*i
V'tiritishing Hardwarv. In-H, Steel, Nail*.
Buggy wi'- cl- in sell*. Champion (Tlothc
Writi.* r. MR' Saw* Circular and Han*
Saw'- Totilint) Sa*r<, Webbrtaws, lieCr<-an
Fr. -z-r*. Bath Tub Ctoibe* Hack#, ful
i .o-rtiio-tit of (le • and Mirror Flat** of alii
-i/,e. Firture Fratn.w, IV hcell-arrow*
L.vilp*, lesai Oil L*'ii|, lolling, rtpokaa
Felloes.and Hutw Pluwra, C titivalar, ("ort
Flow Flaw F' infs. Slp-itr M--KI il -Hrd
*ud Cultivator T<-eth. TableCutlcry. Shov-
Mpade* and K.rW. Lark*, llinre-
SefisWs. Sah Sptiug*. Hr*-w||.*. K*il>.
V..rut* It-is tlii.. L.t.l l.ubricat : nr
<Vui! Lintfwd, T.tnnur*. Anvils, \ iiw-. lb-1-
1 Screw Flairs. Hl*, t odths T--l-. j
I'i ■! >r%" Bells, lloil-e lleli- Hinuer Bell-,
d.i-lf ib-Hs.T- i llelb.'intidstotn-s. Carpeii
. if T.-'-U, Fruit Im ntid Cau*. Fnlnu, Oils,
f *riit>hc received and for •ale at
sVt.s.l v .1 A 1
News! St-p Here!
The undersigned hereby iofortu- the
•citir.iis of Felilisv alley thnt he has pur |
ielra*s*d lh<-Tin-bop heretolor*' eurricil an
by tlie C. li. Mi'g Co., and uil. <--litisU
; the same, at the <-ld st and, in sl> its branch
es. in the manufacture of
All kind# al repairing i|i hq
(aiw *> s mi land
Fruit 'till*, f tfli
All w-irk w irratitod an-l charges reason
able. A -bare ~f toe public patronage o
. It< it, I \NI KKKsM AN'
'JsepTQy It*-t|tr Itgii
dealer* in
also all the
A very largo as
sortment of T<|-
F A v ■• v Good#
fbeip*. dr., Ac.,
The flftast qual
ity of RAlii It
, ■JTKrt., I'IKAKT
Kni VK*. Sit**on
and Hawk*.
VV At t. I'arKH tx
j ORIAT Vaiictt.
FISF.SCHIFTI>NS. i <inpnindc<l by coui i
'j patent druggtnU at allkoum, day or night.
I Night eiutomer* pu 1 night bell,
Hi-liop Bt., llollefanp- Fa
lunlti 1
ran I arri.
The undersigned w-iiild n->|m tf.s!|_• in-
I form the citizen- nf Centre county,'that
I the above Tmi Yard will git in l-- j.-it in
full operation, in all it* branchy#, by them.
The higlii st murknt in-ira will be paid
for Hide* of *ll kind*. The hightet mar
ket price will hIo in- paid f.r Taimer's
if Bark. The public patruiag I# sotteited
I Satift*etion guaranteed,
VIKW*. AI.HUWa, I'll HO At Oft, ytIAMC*,
• ().
Iv A 11. T. ANTHONY A CO.,
5411 It roadway, vtw Yrk,
| I lit ite t)| gUiigtiott i.rtliU Tiiide In theii
I 'Xti-it-ive in--ul in. n( of the above good-,
of I heir own publicntimi, iiuiuufavture and
la! iinpuptntloii.
K it' H. T. VN FHONY A v CO. 591
Rruadtvay. New York, Oppuait Met
i°e rupolituu Hotel,
8. mrlo.tiu# . • - - •
A "
VHACM, aayaoi.ti* aaw mabmlk
• raoMT, manor at., IWlifmlr,
1 kV i N 4w* . Ai 4J L I(4 k U i*.
j Tha <uberibar inspaotfully call* th* at*
, Umtiuuofthe public to hi* relabiUlna at,
. wliere he I* prepaimi to furnish all kuidsof
I Foreign aiuf Domestic Liquor* 1 wholesale
r at the lowest ciwh pri'e*, wiiieh are warran
:*ml to be the best jUnlltl** according t*
their respective f rices Hi* *twk csrllsi*!*
u,' Rye, Moiiongaliclu Irlah and vtliw
. WhLkiea, all kinds wf lirandius, Holland
Gin, Fort, -Made Ha, Cborry. Blackberry
and other VV lag* lite bit articlna—-at as
reaoiiiHbb' rat* a* can be had in the city ,
' Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry Ginger
■ and (Lhrraway Itraiidb'-, Fit re Jamaica and
'| New England Hum, Cordin# of all kinds.
I' lie would particularly invite Farmer*, 110
trl k.-eptu - and others to eail and "Vanilne
Ins large u|ply. to Judge for tluunmlves
and he e< rUln of proeuritig what they buy,
'i which can scliL-nt he done when pureba*-
I ag in the city.
I jtW*Phyici*risarerupectfully request,*!
o giv- Ul* liquor* a trial. aplti
V ' .Inn * Sr * mm au, Proprietor
1 Stage arrive and dcjuirt dftllv, for all
points, nortli, * *uth, cast and wrest
Thi# favorite Hotel ha* been refitted and
: furnished by it* new pi.-pricier and is now
i .ii every rosp- c# uao of |h<- mu*t pleaaani
-'uunlry it-neb Hi central Fnn*ylv atua,
'The travelling - immunity and drover# will
always find the best - rqnt"ilnf*"fi- I'er-
I son* from the city wisliing to >m nd a few'
I I weeks during the summer in the country,
will find Centre Hall n< at the mn-i Im-mu
itifui bK-atlan* and the Centre Hall Hotel
, all tliey could deai re for com furl and can
veiitence. aplGM.tf.
VT 11 IS manufacturing establishment at
Yeagertown. on the l.ewist..wi
jand iieliafonte Turnpike, ha# new on ham
, a line thick ->f Carriages. Buggies Hulkie
and Snring Wagons, wbu-b he now offer
fur sale a* superior in quality and <tylr> i.
anv manufactured in the country. They
are made uf the very br*t#ea#uiit-<i itm l by
I tlret class practical workmen, and iiubheo
|ia a style that challenges rtitnjiarisoti will
i any work out of or in the Eastern ritite
■ and can be sold at lower price* than tboa<
j oienulactuiwd in large town* and citie*
amiilsl high rente and ruinous prices of lit
ing Being ma-tor of hi* uwn situation
anxious to excel in hi* artietical profr**iut
>nd free from any annoyance* in lit* bust
' tie**, he ha* time and anility to di oie hit
j entire attention to hi* profession and hi,
, einttwmer#, rendering ati*fi<rtkm alike ft
all patrons, operative#, hi# country, anr
i himself.
Call and examine his stuck and learn hi,
prices, ami you antiot fail to he satisfied.
Ii E V A I KI N <i
••fall kind* dune neatly, promptly, i#a
' Yeagert..n, June 12. IXdK ~Jy.
fowling pieces at
s T U li K
Bishop -tresq, ib-llefonn . in Ule ."Stum- buil
._,dmg i-iruierly uceuph-d by tile kry
stolie Bakery
Takes p!eit-ur* in inforiuiug fbe public that -
he keep* csuisUtitly ou hand a supply o -
choice Foreign ang Domestic Liquor*.
Alt fiiW I, AVp sal f"ill virrnntfii \
I- nssfni* tkr f nmtity r*prr*mtni.
The attention of practicing phyaAeians i
> vlltsi to his stuck of ,
>uitable f-r medical purjHM-s. Bottles, <
Jugs, and dcinii.dins c-insuntiy on hand
lie has the ON LY PURE N EOT A ft' \
WHISKY in town.
All liquor, ar.* warranted to give ati*-
factum. Liquor* will be moid by tbe quart,
barrel, or tier, *. He ka a large tot o
j tif th<- finest grades on hand.
("oiifident that he eau pleas# cu-t<-nter
-1 he repeetftllly solicits a share of public p*
'tron age _______ mvt tr
JHVV IN ,v W.I. as
eeirtng new gtmds in their line.
•(every description at reJu.i e prie.-- n<-a I
Inoiig --p< u .'d every day *{iKffe j
I " 1 . i. . ■ —— l ■ i - I
Wall Paper, rheap
frotu LJ tn Jl) cents per bol ta D< ili< I• l l
I>UFFA LO SOA LKB, ofthe be t mak<
J from 4 lh* upto TiMMi;),
apKlfiX. Irwin A VvttMx. j
nRY HOAKDB. Plank and' Heantling
forsaleby Ittwtx a Wiuh-x, i
j aplutin.
Clßltss-GCT AND MILL -\ \\ - i
make at lawtx a WtUHiK 1
j ; -
Wimmluii Puiiips.
Til u("bi( ••(',,-sj H-I.id r.>uecUiily <-. i!. 1
j the aUcidn.n ot thecitiz.cn, ofthmtrce-m-ity !
"Hid i'cun-i all. vin imrtieular, b< the fact;
(that he Is manufacturing
•f£ 3£3'f llulp,
! innate at hune or el-ewhere. 11# uses n*mc !
j but the b st material, it* w vrrkxv* TUtM :
to giv -• salisfactmn. a* being the tno-t i*<f
ing and
j wo-|en |-ump. being arranged Ui let the
■ witter--trand prevent Ireeaing in winter
Fine, mqilar or cucumber putqps alun.
(on band tli* ntatirial for pump* I* alll
snw<v| ir.mt largo timber, and an# thu
; Secured tigaitu>t CheckingorC'rackiuy.
! All order* hy mail prtii|>tly filb-d.|'
Fl Fl NG, tii.'tde of the be-t materisl, •!
fiveineh scantling, Jaimvl together w tb
J coupling bliH-ks, lhoro..glily b:iiid<<tl. and'
wat ranted l > stand any prooaure required'
tor orviinary umv Fru*** of pi tug range '
sept.Ally J TKLLEK.
Miimburg, Fa j
II ii ri a I Vas(> .s
Froicciing nml Proacrviug the iJitnl
j The undersigned take* pleasure in an
I uouneitig that tie luutacs-ured tlie sola agen
cy in thi* county for
M /; 7 A I. LH' A A /> G L A SS
lliiri:#! <'um*w ami l iukrlN,
, tvhioli are so widely knos n us to require n
jstoH'inl comiimudaiion. The METALLIC
! lII' RIAL CASK, with it* jire-cut tits
j proved style nod fini-h, it* entire harmony
; with (he l- eling- of the bereaved, it* per
fcrtrd adju-tlnent* and appointMeUl* in
j whatever relutre to the prcservati-m am)
- protection ol the body after death, —sllrn;
il- utility and entire (.daptin m t> the pnr
jv.. •-. C>r-which it is •le-igned,
(XiFFTNS of all deseriidions furnished
at the shortest notice; and all order, tilted
promptly night or day. The Dead laid out
with care, and funeral- and escorts ,upyr
intended in person. HENRY HARRIS
uovlt Itellefontc F -
, \ I ILLKR S 11GTKL. WomlwaVd, Fa
iv 1 Stage* arrive and depart daily.
■ This favorite hotel is now in every re. peel
L one of the most pleasant c*u(ntry hotel- in
> central Fonnsyleania. Tim traveling eom
. tnutiily u iii ulvva.v- find tin; best acoomnio
dation. ItroTur*c.au at all time* he accom
modated with -tables and pu-ture for any
I nainberofcaltl# o* horses,
julyS'MHtf GEO. MILL Kit
SFI N DLK SK KI NS fur wagon#, all si
xes, at the sign of the Anvil.
aplO'W. law in * Wiumjf.
A kind at
CLOTHlNG—Overcoat*, Pants, Vest*
and Dreva-Oimta, cheap, at Wolf s.
• I >OCK KT CUTLERY- till make. -
I nrifes at 1H WIN & WllJSO
1' OOKING-GLABS PLATES •• fall sir.
j for *ale bv ltivis* Wiihok.
111 'U'i'K. ,
j tj other da panned ware, at the An vi I. Store.
lapKffiß. Irwin * Wttzov.
*! pOALTS tor Buggio# aail Carriagber
I >-i.e-in u-e ; Fire Bolts, ditto, at
iplO'irx Ihwtg \\',pox
4 10FEH# %KH4r)ftfNtS, a'farge iwsort
t uiaut at IRWIN * WILBGNB
Philadelphia Slore,
m m ■ ■■ in i ■—i mii f*
. In nricFki*rh<<ff* block, Buhop Street,
t j Bll*font, hr
| linv. Juf opened the bwl, (bnpMl, IW<
j* Will H<* the bet <*<*(.rt*<l itiCt lifOlHKli
11 n .
I* the ida< i>tw buy your BHk#, Mohair*
Mnxaml.iiiu**, Alpaca*, Detain*,
I I.Htif, Brilliant*, Mi<* I in*, <*)•<•*, Tick
ingt Planet*. Oi<r* HiuieU. Lad let float
1 in* UeuP. Clotlm, LmUeo ha—ma, Whit
. pilttj. Lin* n Tallin C!*>ih, C-'uiitiriMinei
, Crfr C-'iini. rpnn. \Vbli<- and C'.*lut.
Turßofi Napkin* In-erring* am) Edging*
XVliiii Lace rurtln., Zephyr A Zephyr Pat
Tidy ( itk'H, rdia wl, Wort. Basket*
Motion* of every kind, Wlift llnodi of
every description, JVrfumcry, Hibbonw-
Valvvt, TmU.l* and H.i.hh, < ..rd ant
lira id. Veil*, Button#, Trimming*. Udk
and M •*•• Skirl*,
ID*)!' KKIItTri,
thread Hmittrjr, Pant, Bead*, Sewing n
LA Ml KS A Nl I! I.is Km HUOKtf
• iid in fait ot try tiiin K that can bethought
•f, duintd ur u"d in the
key have black and blue cloth.,, black am.
an. jr an.MiiitrM, Mtunvtt. Iw.-.d. tuel
irn*. ailk, .altn and common renin**, ii
thort, tn cry thing imaginable in lb* line 01
rcntlciH.il. wear.
i'c.tlt iiihilc (inthiug f Every Dia
arrip4io, fr Men and Boy*,
HovU and Shoo a, in endle** rurtri
Hot, aud Up*, CARPETS, Oilcloth
Hug*, JJrown Muslim, HU ached I(us
lit I*. 1 trilling*, .Shewing*, Tahteclotk*.
Jkc_, cheaper ti.jti rl*-where
Theirt<M*k t.rdI'EKNB W A ItK is. OKO
• 'KKIKn cannot t>e excelled in quality o>
Dull II a lib* Philadelphia Ntore and eon
*u*<e)..ur* lie* that KKLI.KK A MU
jfclU have guy lb in* you waul, and do bu
tnc*a < ih principle of "Ouj k Saia* am
Small ProSta." a|4U,fi
• rvai Attraction and Ureal Bargain*!
'l'll K uadei>ignmi. dctermind to meet th>
1. iMiiaflar demand for Lower Price*, rr
•|K-* if U lly call* the attention of the public
U. lua .lock of
0 offered at the old stand. D<-*igned e
; ~eail for :W people aI .1 the tim'*, the lar
f.i and tu***l v aricj nd coin plcto a.n.rt
oenl of
Htuldlea, 11 antes*, ColUr#, li rid lea,
• >fevery description ami quality; Whip*,
fii-J in fact everything con:(dep. to a firt
i'da establishment, he now offer* at price
which will mi it the time*.
|A better variety, a hotter quality or Inei
tyle of Naddlerv bat never before Wen of
—red t the public, ("all and examine cur
lock and be -ati.iod before purchasing
Determined t. iihwr-ny patron* and
thaukAil fug tbc liberal aimre of imtronag.
heretofore enjoyed. I rcpect{ulfy .olicit i
ocllnuatice of the amc.
JAOK DIKUE. Centre Dal
Panic Pxacei.
llarkifr punks fed the e*t n-ive atore t
i Uotrrll, (iiltilai. I Jk l'*,, and addedto then
a (nude price*large auoitmeitt of
j NKW U(Mills.
They are rnsibbd P' wll at
V .argc variety of
Lmlica* Drette
jlii. at linrgaia* in
Mualttta ami Calittitr
ill. ad." Made Clfdhing
!\Vrrani.H< to Suit
*ur Cloth - and Ca*ititer..
Can t In* Mtellit.
! k -t •ni-hio ererv one lit waaiau nt and l*
j price.
svi ap. tSugar. Tea. CfW. ( Snim* t u>u,
jeitie*. DnaiiMkand Fiatkfi KruiU, j
Chaw anl imtrin "I u. kind*, I
aud iia ry otber ;.:t cle be
longing p the (inn-fry
le|arUiK p|.
Tit i a ll"4'o J ' Wc ttl 1 IltiL*
Ij tr Ibtmuera, Mechanic* taf luiborer
Ue.k to your iuierwt. Iho <LdUr -ved
a dollar in pocket. Then call and *c a'
what a:oni'bingly lotr price.
Arc .clling their Dry C ood* and Gnviikt
NkNo Uroulde U> .how (iuuklSM
If th*y are not a* ewprr.mwd. wc *ii
pay yoi; yuqr trouble. Don't forgot lb'
a,CMIf Allegheny St.. Belief*.ate I'a
Manufacturing Co
Mar hi up Works.
Having enlarged our New bof.Mntv aat*
\|\i;iNK 8ora and Aullcm.TtlU<
WnKKi Stoekc.l with all new and late
>t|<cototl Ma* hincry at tVnire ilnll, an
aouiicoto the public that litcyae* now read *
irucctfeyigdera fur anything la ibeir lin*
| fliUriufN*
Nl l*<l manufacture ~e celebrated
wlik'k now *tamL unrivalled.
Thi* K**apor ba a*i\antage.overall lh* ;
Iti-aiK'T. u*'W mant|KU*turvd. One adieu
•.age we claim for it, it the lever power, bj
a inch We rain (Mi. hutolred per cent ovci
other utnekiuea. Another aitrantng*' >*thi
Uoi.ting a<ui lowering apparalu*. w Kerch,
llie driver ha. uuder hi. complete toMr*
of tbu inn* hinc; in coming to a up*it uf lodg
ed grain, (be driver atn ennnge the cut o:
be machine in an in.tant, without .topping
Uie pint, varying the rtuMti fr**ni 1 to lJ
inch*-, at the "Uteide of the tnaehitte. a* w< II
a* on the in.idr. It i. t nktrucud of gr*<
cla** material; atfd built by fir*t elns m H .
e ban int. W*' warrant it *econd t<* none
All kind, of Horsepower, .ml Thresfcinp
Machine.. Hay and lirain Bakes, tut* .tim
proved. All kind. **/ Repairing dou*-. I.c
ferant kind, of
P Ii o w s
The Celebrated neekendoru Keou**ui t:
plow which has given entire satbl'm to*
i We qmploy tbu bust Patternmakars. oiu
patterns are all new and of the m*wf ituproi
ed plans. Plan*, Speeifieations and Dsr
ings furnished for all work dupe by us.
jsp~ \V e hope by atrit't !ittv*r.ri*in to bu
ue.s to raoplyt* . share of public palrona;
of every description made and fitted up I*
i*C„ AL.
Alioravrs by null promptly attended to
' JK TP T..*-. s'F'OOOM P
Important Notie •
•it I*. I*t.l lu - ■'! In* U 'a**ii iVe - 1 t
tier fwl ShtiftloSttiti*,. M- fV': ©
I Hear In i Jnd thU fact i'!*• W
.ewing niS' bina eompani . the pl*i
n fntrodutinga first els- Khuti v
■naeklne .c * n-..nnli * i* l ti* i ! t
rhi. machine cnwldm ~d th* •
dmplletty durability and •:ren j th p<>
tot any -cuing meemm*tM :*Uain. .nit
re >h. 3f ' and mi* clam b> *.-p
n*< I !•- out in th. in*ri nt Mack
wHliout e.*v. f sto HLats*. ada;d* i
wr v.tt* t > f fmllt sewing * *' ii
atanufncturing It e übracaa all *•■ t
*>r<*nt and as .ctittal *-ieii'Mlt etnU-li*.
<achim-> patented witt.in th- p.* t*-, <
. C etonr nt. f*.r d -Ing a|] i n.!
work are made Sir the maehitM*.
T I'HI'HC haw* believed for a long ti
Itai a g--'I reliable •ewltir machine r>
•r m9ittfectur<*d and sold at a rasam* -W
*ric<, which, w bar# found the Wi!*
Maw Under-feed sewing machine to he
All wc ak to conviner the atari *kpt
<1 that *• e but* the best "earing mat lon
• a critical Vtaoiinatlaa of tbanvw Wila*
•nl'-fwfi-Md machine.
Machine* will be deli were*! anywhere i
Hiffitn ir I 'untie countiw. AU Rtachtr
warranted fur lw years.
" {WP V tiatsaJiUca A. LAMBM*.
*ng!SS S*n Agent*. Mtlrog, Pa
The New Firm.
Her aek jr & Cre—Htor.
New Spring (iootln
Dome one niitl al!
' ual arrind and will aiwajra.tw k
<4l hand a full I n* nf
Dry Uuoda, Notion*, Grocerka, II
rare,Qmch-war*, Wuudahd ii!*w w.
Iron, .Shit, K'tab and la fact, a wtagaif'
OMrim-at <4 ci cry thing krpt ia a
First Class Store
ow ready, and ior *al at marveloe*
M ulib> tltey will sell you the i < r
trand* at price* that wilt aa* at
VaW spring
lire*# Goods
V OMt-1 baotihl variety, eonaht'- *> *
he BovelUno of the *eaa*wt. at kow > >
ban ..rdinarili < Harged at other pi
White Goods &
Exubron eriv
rhp Bin-pf irtdir* lit Iftii, U.l n* *
. eiid firtm
Tli* Wft makes. I.U-1 -ty|e* and I*
-ate* (Halt end Cap :■ great va<
Linens. Tu• dingo. rWI,, i*euta r b
fkuritner- CLakitig*
Spring i.ud *um—lT -bawl*, ia fact. w< k
everything, and will sail at a very *ot;
advance <>n lr*t c*ri.
All w* ark that vou will
befot*- wi!vlititj <!ev** it a* **■ d*
oousie* ; it vnv tr *ible t* *.k.w
•Hvcr pl*t.-d and Vanket Home*, )-
*ed !* le hi idle* and hnliavp. p r
Dr. Crook's WDTC OF Tf
l a ttipo • *
n*e Wa arteJ *
pa—a— tan j.
Throat tad Lvap. h* aa*w u>
Si® 2,
Dr. Crook's WOT OF TA
to nnd to
Coughi k Ccegtmptba pS—atyTlo^u*.
Dr. Crook's WOT OP TAI
af tHiwa a—
to*, ttat Mbaa haw
Ae.h*w Bresekitit '■ mptiatr"'
l IP*
iMHFsdslwbl 1
Dr. Crook's WOT OF Til
toonaM ami to*
air* It* mil* —ten
innjit. StSSttST* :
Dr. Crook's WIHWTAIt'
Appetite. StaaacL I'nTntoeaa um I—*r.
Liver. ao*i pota t—a ta wcrx,
****** the to* la it : .(r*rt.
• *wl aaaftoa puia Uooo
Dr. Crook's WOT OF TAR*
It* arttoa oa Uto t
Oniaaa r Uolk pr
■ UPKIL.I. anamartiaA. *.ao
SITIXTiC. ia ripifiig—in itoi u
•ry areratoiMM vhii'i
a* HtwtWfliti r
Dr. Crook's WOT"oF TAR!
I* rtokla *a e v.
Brekea tswg Saea aua mgiX*
rM f *
Scnstilatlflßs. !
Dr. Crook's WTOE OTTAE!
Ueaxteaa p*ia ta Ktaari.
CTSTETSIA. *** * ®*-
toaamat itaMn R. ■
tomr af th* Uvar
Dr. Crook's WOT OF TAI.
It** mado away par
•ti*ag and jaritty a
t> .*1 tot nahl to a
Strength and Eaeltk.
hoaM, and itokfr
uouc praparttoatr -
JL*" ■' ' m* aativa nw-
MUalitoaa af Pak. -
ara flitoiiil out)
baM Toaw prapar
•f Iraaia
Making Um prep
tha (<•* AMWatl.e
Taala kwawator
Screfala, lacf-1
romorc, Icro.-
Ditaaaa* of the E:
AU sufwa.j t
f J fS'T
| ma oiirar Ondk i
For u Oor Ov rtfioM* "
■i mmm. ■
°| W.E. Gump, PubllArr, Bojrtoo,