CI'LNTUS HALL RITI'L/HTSITV FRIDAY, SKP I, Is.l. LOCAL ITEMS. LOOAI MEWS.—Our friends will >b!ljr u bv sendingin nav item* ot local inter cit, including death*, marriage* Ac., a such arc oagarly road by your friend* ii lh west, many of whom get the Reporter We would esteem ita favor If our kind pa ron* would oooarionally mail a copy he Reporter to relative* and acquaintan ce who formorly lived in Centre county and romevod to other parts, which woulo , induoe many to become tubscribcnt. 0 BLANKS. —Blank Summons. Venju Nolo#, Execution*, and Judgment and Exemption Note combined. Justice* War rant*, die., for tale at thi* Office. IMPORTANT MKN Th circulation of the REPORTER, on t lis side of the county, is now greater than that of any two papers in the county, hence business men who wish to reach the Pennsvallev irade, wih • Iviiuce their own interests, by ndvell tisinj; iu the REPORTER. Our subscrip tion list is open to the inspection of a]/ who wish to advertise. GOLDEN FOUNTAIN I'ek.—Something new and novel. He Mire and read the ad- Vortisoment in our paper, headed "Great . el Invention of the Ago," We believe the Golden fountain l*cn i* uuurpa*vd, A good pen is a aoo**ity to every man, woman and child. Agent*, here is a. chains to make money in introducing aj govd and saleable article, Jan 27 y. j PRICBsTREDUCKD. at J. Waltkb's A Son's Carriage M ami . factory, Milroy. Pa mayo, tin;. j of our patron* a have any cash on hands, and know themselves indebted to this office, on account of subscription, advertising, or job-work, will firvor us greatly by sending us the small amount due u*. Those especially, who owe us for HkS, IfBP and ISM are entreated to give us a lift by paying up. NATURES HAIR RESTORATIVE excels everything. No dirt, no sediment ' no poison! Perfectly reliable. It doe* th* < work most effectually. A treatise giving. < full particular* sent postage fWw upon aw plication to PBOCTEB Buw . Gloucester I Mass., sole agents. See advertisement. W J GOT HIM.—A fellow came hurra- ] - j n g into the REPORTER office the oth- i er day, andput the following punier j' to us: "What i* the difference be- , {ween a good dog dory aud dogged jl good storr .* Awciingtot>ea little deaf, we replid. "Two dollars a year f iu advance. The tellow not wishtuscn to beheld a* having exprwwed himself ' in ao unintelligible manner, laid down j u I W *> dollars, and gave u* bis po*t office h addrt"* tlKi lu,fm ' *hich we eouaidar* ed must ."*•** htwo about the difference * in question. Mr. John Metfc'* r > of l >e Loop, has j> - a stock of c'.oyer wit-h -4 head*. C Mr. Wm. H. Lee, pf Centre U Hill, ha* a timothy *io>, meawiriug P 7 foot iu length. This * democratic „ timothy, and wc think our friend \\ ni.jd beats any thing in that Jiuc, upon radical ground. ♦ i U The letter from our valued corres- p pondeut "J. Harrison ButU," headed * "Greea'a Gap," will repay perusal. It „ contains a bit of history from the < "dark audi) loudy'' days when the I mlian * aud the white man h'atad each other, , and often met in horrible coudicL d • 5 Oi'R EMINEEIW.—'The engineer corps upon our railroad, having, du- ring jiart of the summer, been euga- j n ged upon the location of the South Weat Penn'a RR, starting fromj. Grcensburg Pa., the Ueraid of that!* town, in it* last week's issue has the Id following to say in regard to the prin- M cipai men uf ihe corpe every word of which we endorse; their conduct whilst in our valley fr the last year was! #uch a* gained for them the esteom of our jxxtple: U- W. Leulfer. Esq., the chief En gineer of lbe Company—who h*" had ti.'rtv yftC* practical experience, and who/** reputaiw" l " > bie locating utul m-atructiug Engineer iseo-exun eive with *he Union it^lf—has been! present at various Ume* during tJie progress of the' purveys and Location' He has been over the whole hue, Hot. . the artists immediately and constantly J engaged upou the Surrey, weie Messrs. E. if, Leofler, Principal, T. A. Sny der, Asst. charge ofTran sit; A. C. Haverstick, Asst Engineer and Leveler; H. M. Carpenter, and Augustus Welty, Jiodmen. Several other young gentlemen, raiding Lett, jrere employed as (.'hainmea and „-en. Tnev have all Uam roust al duc*oe and faithful in tle discharge mi their aeeeral duties. We canuot, M sufficiency appropriate taruis, exprtpa our admi". r *ti° u of th 1, 16 +2 turns ofMtW- Leuffer. u>dcr m* Haverstick. gentlemen of tiiwr years, we think" they have uc enuaU in the State for ski/I " **•' profession. In a thorough knowledge of the prtu ciples and deUils " the profession, precise accuracy, rapitiit/ ofexeentioir. unswerving integrity and unremitting . industry, they have no any where. The Railway Company bavej been nu*t fortunate in securing Ibej services of such men. They have been. educated to the profeasion, itrj all its theoretical and practical details, from early youth; and have an experience of years that tells with decided advan tage in all their labors in the held and office. On closing the survey, a portion of the Corps left at once to complete the Location of the Lewiaburg and Spruce Creek Railroad. Messrs. Leuffer and Haverstick, remain here and are en gaged in the calculation of quantities; .and making Maps and Profiles of the •entire line. FIBR. —A barn belonging to Henry Broekerlioh, J*r Roopsburg, was des troyed bv fire, itffcredark, on 'I burs ty evening, M. The crops in the |t *e were consumed Ml* >▼•"*> lost! } , . 1 _ * • cava has been discovered,* about 'five *• Lock Haven,! in which ice* the round. By a notice j" another column, or readers will see th*t the partnership in the store, Iwtwe.* et * r kr A A. A. Kerlin. has leer dissolved. Our friend Al. we .are sorry, is go lug to leave these parts;, and become a student at the Missionary Institute at Seliusgrove. May success attend him in his new vocation, and beu'g sed of considerable vative tai.ent. ** expect he is destiued to make his mark. RADICAL NOMINATIONS. The Centre county rads, on Wednesday last, nominated , . For Assembly —Col. Robert 11 farlme. For Commissioner—Andrew J. Swarta, '' Fo?"Associate Judge, Bcnj. Ligget, of r Liberty, is reported one of the nominees. —— 0- ' ■ KAILEOAD LET. The contracts for grading our road from jOak Hall to the Forks, were awarded on last Tuesday. The portion froiu this pLcc to Oak Hall is let to Vandyke and Moore, and from this to the mountains has hren lei to another party whose names we do ttel remember. Work wilt commence shortly KIRK AT MIIH..\ O M I*,, nigtil. ih. Uig. barn of Andrew Swsrtael near Milmv. vva* destroyed by firo will :: all ile contents, al> the Mubl. of A. llirsch the stables belonging te iho tavern kept hj Mr. (,c. Hrewii, Were al<. „n flro same re nigbt, bul Ihe lire wa put out. it i* th, r work of an Ineemliary. * I > t . . ittj During the timid. r git-i i„*t Friday n [ morning, the Van. ~f Mr Lafayette Net!'. ,l jin 1 Liter tw p , was struck by lightning, i-1 by which the gable end was considerably •i'j damaged. •J I.ARUK Yll tn. Rev. Miller, of till; u place, in the Spring, planfmi eight d hills of potatoes, all the being the " culling fr.>in h"w abetter tso-il in the potato crop, than thi ,l • * • j Judge Rarreti w ill pKu. e. v *pt our I thanks for a eomplim. ntar.v ticket to the I Clearfield county fair. I♦ ♦ . ,] TSr .Vorsecy, for Allgtl-l, ha. beet, r. . naaived. The little one. alway. long for ithi their favorite monthly aud when i nothing el.e please* thorn, a copy of the I Nursery will GM, l)urL adx.rtiM-. in ReporioJ two 1 farm, fur sale. The valuable farm f Peter l>urt dea'd, invar Karlystown, at public sale, in Repor ter, on 2nd Nov. Margaret A Kara Spangler, adverti.e a valuable fariu, at public .ate, in the 1., op, (on 6th tK-t. —-♦ ♦ Fw a by the name of Green . tian. It is a ild, picture-que traiiivvme valley, and only broken bv one cleaiinr w t a leg cabin on it; trom the wild apt*araic of the place one would suppose civilisation had made her atut tier exit, and all pretentions to cultivation had iongfagvi ceased to be, yet within the walls at that cabin !n e a eror.e, who will for a few .hilling* IrU the various, the bloody trsg.aly there owe eighty yea > ago For one to listen to her reciul % truly l fotaresting. yet so weird and bhoJb'. that As limner will shrink back, mid breathe wore freely, when she her tale ha* told. |k i ago this beantifol i aah oe*J not back the ring of the clearer . age— no sign* of civilization were here, all was one unoroken wilderness The howl i of the wolf, and the scream of the panther •chood deep and full 'mid the nine forest. The elk and deer bounded wi.d and frtv over crags and steeps, swain the creeks fearlessly. Nothing to harm save thv ar- . row of the wild avag.- Periodical jour ney* were made into this valley althatcar ly time by the savages fbr the purpose of 1 hunting and it soeuis that on this purlieu- J lar expedition, the savages had been more hostile than hitherto, and that, on the frontier. Reports had been exagcratcd. True, they had been committing deprrdu- , tions among the white settler* on their route , to the* huiit'iig grounds, proviou# to this , time, and after muuh dntcntioil these re came In and the people thought it tiumanity to send aid to the frontier, i Captain Green with one hundred men was 1 ■ent to succor the white settler-, and travel- o ;ed many miles and found all quiet and ( ikcwcefnf The pioneers were Hoeing their patches of corn m peace, yet fearful of an ■ttack at almost every hour. Alter three 'j lay* rest the captain and his band bent - [heir step* homeward, bUssing the trees a. 1 they went. Night overtook them in this " transverse valley ami they bivouaced for the r night—built a triangular fire, ate their sup per, spread their blankets and laid them- t hOlvo* down to rest. As they had seen no a traces of th uitcinv. thov slept as men sleep who are inurod to hvrJh'.p. thinking ail tecure, aud never areaguid uf auiddenfoe. „ t oftcr. imagine the thoughts and foaling* % f that band of soldier* far from home, in , sa unbroken wilderness. Some no doubt thought of h me and friend*, happy wive* , and smiling children, some no doubt in 1 fanwy lifted the lateb of the garden gate J nd cri>d hosp.e .unee morv. When In ' a wild veil broke uj->- %' " nighi and a niugdercus foe rushed upon :• *' j men. . Green and his men, taken by .urprt.c no ioubt were coufu-ed and many bit the dusl ire half awake. They fought men, J pel Wi-Tfi pverp*>werel by the enemy, and •niy ope w> p#rei to tell the tale ot ' icaih. I'apt ( ji'jl lid with him ninety nine bravo men. The Jer-J were lealped the cunip pillaged and the mi age- "■ 5...4 I What an horrible Mgbt! The un-rnlng | isun shed bis golden ray* and nature searn- I efi in her merriest mood. The songster* I -ang iMr .-wv|el 'ays. But • behold the niiß|lM Jflui. silil Masts were busy ! devouring the bodies, A*v>|i nothing but ! bleached bones .poke o ifP tcrriM-' trage dy ; and from that memorable ti:q [mountain pass hue been fsllol Green ! Hap. . , , | In after years when settlers ratne ana jope::i"d clearings in this now lovely valley, i the-av*g* Ji*app*-roi, and nothing mark* jlhc plan" of HX'ful tragedy but the wild and craggy appearance ./? }be rw-. Tradition ba* it. iliat treasure U bunsu j Isomewhere in ibis ias by the Indians, and jeven old inhabitants tell the weird t*ie; j some fifty years ago. a party of hun- Iters Ware out scouting. Ihe place of rcn (deavou* fs>c n-'juro home was tlii • wnd [gap. One hunt*-/ jffrilfl first and being I idle waiting for birgop'radac, Jje thought of thU buried treasure, and commenced search; ho psserts that he excavated / awhilo in the soft earth and then run V.-.'a bayonet still lurtb. r doitn, when the point' came in contact with a wooden substance be became excited and no doetrt elaty. •jtli this new discovery that be carefully I, , Bl the cavity and markedlhe sja't , Vith the 1..'4-/!tion of returning and bring- | is g his treasure bOP>C- Ibitala# when on a i •eoend visit to the -p4 ;jp traces were there, an-1 after hours or w.mry he abal'UPPcd the quest and eonimunlested tor mat* his neighboring settler- and even l" thi- 4-/ jhe firm belief among the older inhabJiaiiU tU' money i* buned somewhere in this wild Within the last thirty years li.4;ai;> visits)*] 'hi- gap; and have mode diligent search kfU. s)>i- treasure, but have gone awav disaf iw'nbrj, ghd now the tale is tub . on a" Winters night, children s chil drrn gather close f grandfather - side, with young fates listen w'th ebildi'b inurest U tlfi# L-agrdy. and other weird talwtofihc tWWVgfM >ai!-y. known !AA Green'* Gatp Sugar Va(Ug % J. Haltßlso.v UrTIS. For the Re|>orter. From Michigan. Editor Reporter. Dear Sir: As 1 fre quently notice, in the column/ of your ex cellent paper, glowing description* of the country and crops, west of the rather of Waters," by |cr*on. who likeyour humble servant, have bid adieu to tho home t nd scensw of youth, and parted from friends and assuci -tas .U loved and f.-ndly cher ished in memory; 1 am tempted to give you a brief description of southwestern 'Michigan This beautiful prairie, inter spersed with beautiful groves, ami dotted ! with crystal lake*. i second to none in title i gigantic valley, for the production of cere al* and in the bourn o{ the Jakes -port million, of the finny tribe. All lovers of pi*, atonal spp are excellent with tho exception of corn, , which has suffered considerably from the . Irouth in July, and which it supp >-ed !■ • vielo only about 70 bushels (shell d) per £ Amies are abundant and orchard- ■ fJ ' ISl with tho de!ic;u ; fruit Iwm Ims aresf-nfce and wero injured by the tremendous io stfijim lst wlnU-r. Fnriuers are busily engage,( in L( -paring /[" "il for winter grain A gftnd plow 1 trial Wflk l ,la " 0 lhu 12th ul ' l 'V°", r VI " 1 fill- at which * large number of plows ciinty, at . , fi , lt l e,,mtniltee appokit ' ijpd agents present; ■ fnv theiu,-to ascertain, and decide, on the > The "tlrploma' wga agarded ' H " plow. iWanufa.tured at Af- L hion Mich Draft of plow, cutting furrow 'Wimh's wide and li inches in depth was *LJ |iJ _Tlre "Colorado' hug. ha* miur.- the potato crap considerably. Tho e< ? -vill not be one fourth of a crop. As , i'r Vuntly notice accounu published, 1 . have died from tho effects w'' er f \?!£rL them, let me warn your ' of h ?r* mb. o! their guard and prepare ' f e ? them thay arp trsvolling eastward) f 5" r . r„ us dungorou* when they bile for they ar , " . poUtOM promi-e vVd Water lind mush melon-arc a fair viti • •'Penliuuiig" rail roul i abuntfanr Mi .| l:lWrt u„. A froorid,- was ' ®Y"i£ citizens on tho 17th ult by tli.- f vl, ' l Ta largo crowd took the bom-iu of f S 4 '; a rion. Your delegate* hav. pre . 11,4 o ticket to tlie Democrats 'f old W'-Outre" for county officers of which you ? well may boast. With such a ftrong tick ly j <•( an ov , i ,vh<- mliig majority for thv I'cn ,j ( ; m>rats will roiili in l>irii|sh I ,to>-t- It w Veil '• Rii> 1 ot'yoit to inform the coiuinunity tha *, at thn next issue of the A'./uiAiicon the\ might ov p,-i'l an article on th, "grand j | no. II to, Y oil .iioo',l Ita vo added, howevet j thai it contained a mi(/■ ■' and fs/iAemf. 1/o/soA...- on the piity from Centre Uai, " i who cmi-o ratln i io\; -it a cave than to at i i tend your pic-uic The l.audlnrd ofCen , i iri> 11h1 I uti.i laruish u MI oxcellent con. j vtty aitce. lie liaa been amply paid. \o u ( I I .nod that he defrayed hal the exfieii..,,, ' j ' uieeal oursclve. on av count of any colisctoU*nc. of evii-doing. ' Ills iNidi iif our enjoyment find, endor.e ntem tn in any upright citifcvii and moral i t in |)ie w iiui.unity. \oti. however, are endorsed only by a a.; if of any i-<>iiununit,vs P air, frvble, w< < k-knecd Centre IlalT j did actually refuse your lordshlli* to *:- tend your "grand' pio-im Why * Si n |i v l ocalise we dot not fed like helping 1 you to defray your old bills from lat ve.-,r. liow is that account which begins some- j thing like as follows: V. P. "grand general .sim of social I eve-sores & other*; Dr To J pints To dtinks ,Vc , A closing w ith the -ug- 1 getive charge of nineteen drink, SI,VM For this rvasn we re.peetfuHy declined to contribute. We rind no fault with your mode of en joyment. Do as you like. Hut keep your ■InIMOQI '■ ■ X' BfttltlN \\ hat we have written here you can deny in print as is the custom of men w Ii > arrthe often to escape. So "Zuck cuius again with your "*r< ad' Pi, -nic of two doaen of ladies and I gentlemen from abroad and about thirteen I doaen boys from the neighborhood coining ther, to witness the ndvant of imperial I Kline the tiddler and spectacle pcdler, < i and Smith and Haunt ; representing the j 'beer and ntclael interest of Helluf >nte.) I representative* of the "dignity" of Helie foutcinwH thegiory of lolly Rome. Koiuc was never better represented _Thine till the nv xt Sec. of Centre Hall Pic-nic. I P. S. All communications must be ad dre-, d to Sec. (Communications of the above nature, , five cunt* per line.) j. DEATHS. On iirvl, in Aaronsburg, Abraham Swart*, aged about fid years. On 23r*l. in FraukUn tup., Huntingdon 1 county. Flora Jfuie, daughter of John I- Jameson, aged 1,1 years, 5 111011111-. MARRIAGES. On the 11 of May. at Centre Hali l.uihe- ' ran par-mage, by Rev. J. Keller Miller, Mr J. M Alter- of Gregg township, to - Mis, Diana Bailey of Pcnn Halt. On 24th of August, at the Centre Had Lutheran par ullage, bv Kcv. J. Keller 1 Miller. Mr. Kmamiel \\'hite ufth# vicinity ' of Bellefouie, nnd Mi?. Alice Ream, of ' Gregg township. On the 2ftth of Aug.. at the Bcf. parson- j - age, in Belli f 'nte. bj Rev D. \V. Wolf, f Mr. W. 11. Bilg'-r to Mis Cnrolim Stirie, | both of PliMsant Gup 11 RPWO FARMS KT PRIVATE HALE. I, 1 The undersigned otfer- liis valuable I , farm, about 25 mi! -c.,-! of Centre llall, I " at priv ate sale, it contain* 101 Acres of Land all clear, in addition to about LI arras of] the best white oak timberlnnd. The int- I pro*cjpeftta area (1 A-V-A 'N C U two-ttcry frame dweL ] ling house, a g—ni new hank | , □3 i K barn, ami nil neci -m the pre- 1 miscs, and al! kind- i t hdlce fruu m-ar j the house. This farm adjoin* Ja. M'Clin- ! tick. Widow Gregg. Cyrus Durst, j farm occupied tiy l liiilp Durst. j ' ALSO, another farm known as the Hor I iicr farm on Nittaev mountain, abut l miL ffoi,. C"tr.i ft nil, containing 2721 et Ke>,bf ni<4i" .l ; t -re. cmsi-t of J good young eho-miJ tiipboii nn.l The iut- t provcmeiits ara a two story dwelling hoitsi* and barn, and !->' a tenant h,>u-.' It ha* a large orchard and all kinds „f fruit, and several good-pring-of water. This farm j i* well suited for dividing into two farms , For further nartieulats apply t> tiKoUi.K DI'RST, I- p.nm 'outre Uall. n I |j (rtAI'TION. All person* are hc.ebv 1. j cautionixl agai"-t moddling in any t) manner wi'.h atol-chc*i ami n b -ring ma- > ebifie, belonging t<> Joseph Palmer and lakcn under execution f,y constable Wm w Carson, which wa-laisfuitv i a' pu lie - de for claim of debt arising froti j | S.tin'l Harp-ter' , uite. ,id , best and an | ! ger having bean fairiv kn,*-ki J down t,,| thcuml. r-i.-ned JOHN f> lIKf'KKItT. U Lept. it Polt. r - Mills, h ' hISSoLI TloS. Th" I artna rskipl fi herofoforc . ..i-tmg 10-tsyeeij Peter I,i K'-rlin r.4 A K* i iii, in tho -tore at Sinking Creek Mi';'- ha* bcni dissolved by 1,, inutiiarcoii-eiit. The l>u-inc-- willbecon-|v tinned a! the oid *:ai) 1 by P<- er Kerlin Jj, a*-i-tcd by attentive clerk* Thankful for I jmst favors h>* solicit- a continuance of the j f, public patronage. | o The hooka will be left in the hand* "i [ i Peter Kprlip, and tho-c wishing to lettb-11 their account* can 4 o by rnlliag up„n , him. PKTKR KKKLIN. L lsep.Ct. AA K I". It 1.1 N J - -A Lnige nntl Valuable Farm at Public Sale The valuable fnrid of Peter Durst, dec d, I ( lying in Porter township, on thermu lead- j , ing froui Old Fort to !?< nlsburg, will he I J offered at Public Sale, on the premises Oil Thtiriclny Novnnlwr 2titl, IS7I j at 1 o'clock, i the afternoon. Thi* farm I contsiH* 200 Acr*s f Lmul more or le*s, of which about W Acres con sist of Valuable Tnnlierluiul, the balance is highly improved and under • he best state f cultivation, and consist* of the best lime -tone land 111 the valley, which for beauty uf location and fertility, cannot he excelled by any fn in Centre j county. The improvement* consist of a Igirge two-story llriek House, Brick \Va*h-!ioti*c and spring house I*n roo Bank Burn, aOxHO, with wagou-slii.d at either end. J*o I all other nee - tr.v ,uthuildir,g. The I I pri-miso* ,re well supplied with Never Failing Water. conducted to the bam and lioii-e in metal I pipe* from tho spring close by. A'-o n Lnrgi- Orchani with ail kind* of choice fruit. Till* farm i about one mile above Old Fort, and half mile from the locution of tho propo*i I, O Ah. ('. Ill* Term* will be reasonable ami mad* known on day of sale. Kr fulhcr particu lar* apply to Joshua PotU-r. in Harris twp., or .lohii lli.ii, I in . JfiMll ITA P'IT I KK, JOHN ItiHIIKI, Lep.'im Kxccutor*. I fJ7'.-* FOR SAI.K nt Centre Hall. IJ Will he ld, at public si! . at Oi iilre Halt, on Thursday November 2nd. 1871. • TWO VALUABLE LOTH belonging to the estate of Peter Dur t. dee'd, containing about 15 Acre*, adjoin ing said town, and situate one of them on the Bru*hVglley road and the other in the rear of samo. TBRMH— will ho mutla known on day of *nlo. Halo to pomineaco nt 10 tfeloek, a JOSHUA POTTER, .I(>n N RISIIFL, Ispt.'im. Executor*. Hot SK AMI f or EOH SALE. The undersign-d off,' • at private Msaln a Iwu -lory dwelling house nini Lot. on ain street, Centre Hat! with -ta'iean,l all necessary I' and uhoicc fruit II - D, D, OSS MAN, * Qciitro Hall, m * liicliU'til liuilitiiid Vit tlciil. >c, lit iVrwiw ht/i i. i Bofjon August \ fr.ghtfti! ||'in.: lit lite station sho Part' * ! ind iiishtMltu i ..veit e k m l tele cop.-.| if, killing taeniv-oiie ph-engw< i ontrlglii, of whom three were woincn. moi | V oin*rt \ in New York mot I- * ! where, they forg I .Mr. Botllwrll V tie | count oldefah atioin, mul uimettl* d dc r iitatid* In ,lie tunc <•! nem tv iiiinly | Due Million* ut'lbd'atx. I'lie (mgrl j one lltidev of Nciv York, u Kolcixl . Irurnuiv and defaulter In the tuito of I over lln v forget u 'urgei j j stuff than thi-, taken by General [Grant from the i'ia*uiv lor the St. I • I' , it •j ih iy forget li iv the! jdi-ui ot l.uu -iiinn haa runup from#lo,-; OOO.OOU t > $4i>,1)00,000, [li eleven j year*, and (lie taxes from twenty-ouc ! c. lit- on the (JIOO to two dollar*, with ) r< .Ulih a* had in North Carolina, am! scinost ft* had in \rktui-:t-<, Florida, Texas, and Georgia. They forget that j after paying inx< - for the interest of tlie Federal debt, which exceed.- 0100, 000,000, nearly throe hnudred millions i more are wrung from the IKO|IIC —and i tlmt where the expenses of Mr. Riichnn- j nan for civil service alone were 070,-j 000,000, those of General Grant, for the civil service, are 0102,000,0tKh Ml these matters they forget, and f --lei the utmost* horror over a f.ilae turnout, of the fiscal all.iii> of New York. Rut this is a trick of scurvy politicians, and will have itu |*rnia tietik imprcssiou upon sensible jieople. Mli.RoY MARKETS. C -rrc.-tcd by Joha M Dowell. Wliik) wbent l,l*i ..Red wheat 1,10. Rye 60.,,.,.C0rn '*• Out* Jj Barley !> 4u Barley 75. 70 Clovereed 1,51 l I'oUtoe* 50. j Lard per pound 121 Pork per pound 00 j Batter 35 Egg 15 Piasterprr ton! sls Tallow 10 Fat 13 Ham 20 "■ | ■ ,i N'OTICE Til Si iIDOLTEACHERS.- By a resolailoll <>r the Board of! School I)irecU>rs of l'otter township, the common *chool of --i,i townshipwillcom mence on the first Monday >f November nest, t'j ivintinue KS day. Appliennt* for school, arc hereby *l*o .iiotitfed that the It >ard by resolution ha graded teacher*, I salaries, a* per number of ce tificate*, a* j follow 1 .Vn.'- s— Permaneet ocrtilh-ato. stl perl m .nth; No li s!>; No 1 i s as : No. H$S7 No. 'Ji $ '(i; No. 2) ir t'; and No. 31 $54. FrmaU* I'eruianent certilit ate, ?sl7; I ' So 1: >.'■ N. . 1) >il; No. )$;:, No $ 53: No. 31 s'sl; X •: -A Kvperiencd m o teacher* preferred. Bv -rder of the Botnl. I J AUNKV. I'KTEK IIOEKEB. Soo'y. l*n il t. | nug'Jj 3iu j 1 F|t.\ \ NttTICK. In n< cordancc with I, I ar act of A---nnil|v. noti ei her>-b\ i given to the cjiitc ,of l'otter, from whom i taxes for e-hikil purpose, for the pre*ent 11 year uro due, thai on nil such lave- ! i paid l >tho under,r -iiid Tfea- ircr, at hi- ; residence on or before lI tnves re- j maino.g unpaid alio l'ee, inter ).*>th next | . there *> :ll hi 1 an an ol five per cell- j tun Byerlerofthc Board. Kit HI). K I'RTZ, ' Trnuutcr. 1 IJIRLIC SAT.K The tn.dfr-iorn-d , X Uill otl-r l.i i!i ■ m tin l •'•ill -bv of Uctoljer, ]*? J, \ VAU AiILK K.\l;\l. >ituuted in P->Uer!.wnhit> Cen re- unity Pn. a!' 'ill t tilile* Kal n! R->al-burg. ami 4 mile- Wi I "f (\ntr# Hill. containing. TWO JIl'NDllKI) At HF.\ tniircif lv -. aba-.I one hundred ,V -i-vi ii- Iv ae-c# of ui) farm Uthe b*~t liqe land. in n high *tale • I-V.iltii alio*. and the baianee in the bwl nftitub r , •• e-o-itlng of link, CliMlntil Sec. A- . andl • •- -dl -oippiied wi b water by a n< ■* ••• failing running ktri-Ain, !-<.• never fail ing w ell ufm< .-1 l.-t• t Water. Tii building* oil tU'- farm are vi-ry am !>!•. < i>r,ii',il!f of a large "J #tory frame dwelling. :i tenant li 'U-, I*lgo Lank burn, wiili nil to- i--ary outbuilding-. *u-h a* wu-li house with running walcrin it, wagon luiii-ii, liuaw, carriage linui*, nog I.'U '. A■ , nil Hi fiaal iifd'ir, Al#o an tiliCll \Kl> OF CHOICE fruit uiol to none in the state, consist ing of a|ph -, peaches. i-lutm, ohcr rit-. A . Theab-rt- farm affords an op portune v for valuabh investment, and a very tlr-irahia fcoti>*. It it known n. the Inti- -i -iilr.-i -f of An into! tipaiiglor, Jw-M. TEKMM -One-third t • remain in the farm h* a dower during the life of the wid ow. Int-re-t to be (mid annually, me third to l*o |mid on confirmation of ale, the balmier- in olio year thereafter with in lcrot. To h-- secured by bond ami mort gage n tilt- premise*. M VRG.VKRT SPANOLKK. RZKA L SPA KOI,Kit. augll.Pt Kxooutor. Model Bookstore. Model Ilookstorc. Model Bookstore. OPPOSITE ()|i|nwite liIJSII !1/>I*SK Bush. BKLLKFOKTK PA Bcllefonte Pi J. I. RANKIN, I'rotir. N A run 10 s Hair Restorative Contains no L\( FDLPIII It No SUGAR OF LEAD -No LITII APOE-No NITRATE OK SIL VER, and is oniir< lv five front jh Poisonous n FOUND AT L VST! lj r>tore and prevent# the 11-nr Irotu heeniiiinK Cray, iinln.rte a a;- pearnnce, reiuove-i Puiulrun, i# refreshing to the head, cheek the Hair from falling off, and re* tore# it to a great extent when prematurely lout, prevent* Headache*, i nrei nil liuniow, cntiim-oii* eruptim*. mi I unnatural bent. AS A FOR TII K HAIR IT IS THE It EST All- XI'LK IN THK MARKET. DR. G SMITH, Patentee. A Ver, Mil--. Prepared only by PROCTER' RftOTII KRS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine i* put up in a panel bottle, rondo cxpresaly for it, with the name of the aiticle blown ill the glas*. Auk your Drug a-t mr Ni- TITHK'* Ham RKSTOKAIIVK, o,ooto any (htsoii. n! id ] l* j It* < T 111' Pl (• e d J TO BUY t'HFAP .sflUKtl, iIOOKM. is AT LIVINGSTONS . WHOLESALE HOOK STOJik'. I I iiug3s Un Belief. nte, l*a CHEAP MUSIC. SUHsCIIIPKHs t<' I*KTKU' Ml'aiOAL MoNVIII I get all the latest ,tiol lies! Music at . lie an I tw-< cents a pie. e Kv.-iy num- I her contain* from $1 to s*• worth of new ! Music; alot it can he had for 80 cent- The! j-lnly and August number* contain 'thirty I Piece* of Music, <73 pages, theet-iituaic -ir. . and In- mailed fur.'ale nt. Ad : lr.- J. 1, PETERS, &W Broadway, New I Y"fk. BWugdm. To Owners of Unseated Lands! |Vf OTICK Noli. ei- hereby given to a.l owners ui I'm eat oil Land*, in Centre ceuntt, that there w ill be an Ap ! oeal held at tne I'ouitiiissiorters' Office, in 15.-1 lefonte, >n Thursday and Friday, the 14th mid 15th days ot Septamlier next, where all person feeling themselves aggrieved by the late assessment can at tend if they seo proper. The a,- - airs oi the different p>w n-hiti* will l e in The Bald Eagle and western townships will appear on Thursday, the 1 Ail*, and balance of county on Friday, the 15th Bv order of Commissioner*. j i.ugio.4t. WM. FI'KEY, Clerk. i HRtICKEKHOF HOUSE rlm.dUium* ( if (Viitre couutv are informed that thtt I fine hotel at Kelfetoiite, ha* beencouipliTe ! y refitted and wilt he • e-opencd in the | t*e*t and most acconimodat ng style fur the entertainment of guest,, on next Monday, ; court week, i The new proprietor*, j 1) M. Johnson A Son. nr.- experienced | iiotelict*. having kept the best house at | Clearfield, Pa., for a nu nber of j ear*, ' and their plchdid management of the | -am*, with their constant endeavor* to ..,.ke (heir guests f,-. 1 tit home, are ample ' guarantee that the Brock'-rholf !l*u*c un | dor its new proprietor* w ill be belter kept ' '.han i-vi - before, and second to none in • eutral Penn'n. (Jive it atrial—with all I .I, excellent ics the charge* will be mode rate. ! / IKNTKAL HOTEL Corner".of TliTd \ ' and Chestnut Street, Midlinburg, Pa John Shower*, Proprietor. Its Central lewation makes it particularly desirnhie to persons visiting Town on huinea* or plea*ur. H. A. Tnvlor'i Livery Attached. RANKIN'S . MODEL BOOKSTORE The Depot FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS in Centre County. A CARD Wo have removed opjm*iie t■ • th'- Ititsh House and are telling out our ;4. k left from the lire at bargain*. We are settling up our books and acc4>tinU and will be much obliged to one aiul all t<> call an I settle their accounts. We would ay to our numerous and customer*, to pbt.<" accept our sine r thanks fr the! g. ncrtHis |kutronage they have always be stowed on ti*. BVRKHIDV ,v TBOVA& S NOTICE, letters to*-- tan:, nt i I- tin . stt of P-lr liiir-t. late-if I*..Hi r township, Ceiitro coun.| IV, dec'il . having been granted to the un-j tfer-igneil, alt person. Indebted to the said j e*tate nr r-ll for Hooting ll"UM-, Hut- ~ lie Mi: c and Shed#; for Laying Flat , it-d-, i|rfauo of IU Mpiare feet | ' Tliree-Ply Felt. for hoofing. I] In Rolls. 20 inche- wide, by 60 feet In| | length jeach roll wdl cover n urfas-o 10 | fe.-t opmre, or L*l # cured t>y naili'ig the edges with 3d nails ; and tin • ps. ( When laid, the F.-lt is to be painted with ■ | M.a-tic R.w.f Coaling, and Sanded. The-] Mastic RoofC.mting i miiel. ready for ( ue, and i appliesi with a jt Tarred Roofing Felt Used extensively for Shoaling House#, and for Tar and Gravel RooUnif, *.*<• for plac-1 ing under Slate. Tin and Shingle U-"flnß. It if used in parking Woolen# ami Fur# to protect them fr-un moths. lul up iivroil# Weighing 46 pound# each. . tr pound- Felt will cover a sur&ro of UAH square feet. TWO-PLY FELT. For Sheaiing House*. ILwBnir Temporary]. Ilmbling*, making Water Tight_ Pismrs. j i anil for placing under Shite and Shingle#. In roll*. 2ti inches wide by fid feel in 1 length. Each roll will cover a •urfaoc 10 fret square or !(*> square feet. , For Sheating it can be ttailcsl ujmn the -tud.ling, tunking u perfectly air tight h"aline, and sure protection fVom damp lies*. Rat#, mice or vermin will not go near it. MICA CANVAS ROOFING. In roll# containing 'AV> square feet. Ist" be laid ueros# the roof, nnd lapped *hingtc fntiiion With a lap f two inches, and se cure-! by nailing tbo edge* whltb 'A' o* tack*. This is the only Composition lb>Hng tlint does not require a tinishing coat l paint or cement Uniurrsil For Carpet Lining. Deafening Fl-mr*. and for (lilting under Slate, Tin and Shingl Rooting. Put up iii roll# weighing 1(10 pound#. 10 pounds Fo t will cover a surface 10 feet square, or 100 square feet. MAN U FACT I' RED lY TIIK PENN ROOFING (0., . 105 Nii til 2d. HI Pliilitl'l|>hla. llaug.Sin Youug and Devlin*;- CITY STORE. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : The Urgent and beat oaaortmcnt of . Dry (> noils, Clolhing, Orocerics, i 7 Hoots#, & Shoes. - Notions &c. in tire county, give us a trial and save " ir-ini l- r to 20 |ht cent, on your pur c cliiiscs. july2B. . A VMM I NISTKATORH' NUTICK Notice i> hereby given that letter* < Vdinlnis: ntioii, ovei the estate < g,' Fell, late of Mile* township, ilec'ri have ti -im graultwl the undersigned. A! j person* knowing thom*alvea iudebtad t lid ' 'la!" will |daa* makopaynieut with nil delay, und those having claim* wil present theiu propurly aulhatiiicated fu : settlimimiL Aa MA Fxt.b, J KXKIIIA It UAIKIM i 'Aijuly (X Admtß'-irHtora T lUUM ,\j July t, 1871. Notice is hereby given to all the Collect- I nr* of Hiaie and County Tear* of Con in County, who have nut settled up their du plicate for the vear* praviuu* to 1870, u come in and settle said duplicate and Utah* payment of the balance* due before tin first day of HepUmiber next, on the sqid balance* will be placed in the bands of an Attorney, with instruction* to collect the juauie without delay. Ily Order of Commissionert. WM FUIIKY, July'JH CUrA, NOTICE. Offlce ofthe Lcwi*buig, Cwntre and rtproce Creek it It. Co. Philadelphia June 13th, '7l. Notice it hereby given iliat the first in sUlmetil of five dollars p. r *hare, to the I capital stock ofthe l.ewoburg, Centreand ■ Spruce Creek Kail K'Mid CO., subscribed in the township* oi Harris, Potter, Orugg, Ponn and Haines Centre county, will lie payable on the first day of July |N7I, and subsequent instalment* ot five dollars per •hare, will be due and payable ua the first day ol each succeeding month until the ; whole is paid. Pay meet, of the above in . stalmeuts are hereby required to be made r to the treasurer of (lis Company, at tha . office of the Centre County Bunking Com pany Bel lefonte Pa. JOSEPH LESLEY, Treasurer. N. B. Any person dusiringcan pay the whole off at once. If payment* are not punctually mode the law allow* one per cent, pei month to be charged in addition. Attention Farmers of CENTRE COUNTY TOHN M DO WELL ♦/ having leased the Ware house ofCoplln it Strunk in Milroy. is now prepared to pay the highest cash prices for all kind* o| Grain Coal, Plaster and Halt, constantly n hand may'Jtfim C k S T k e HALL Coach. Mantifao tory. Levi Murray, *t his establishment at Centre Hail, Pa., keep* on hand, ami for sale, at the moat reasonable rate*, a large stock of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PLAIN and FANCY, and vehicle* of every description made to order, and Warranted, to be made of the (test seasoned material, and by the most k lied and coin|*etent workmee. Person* wanting any thing in his line are requested to call and examine hi* work, they will find it not to be excelled for durability and wear. _ aprtHHy TAAKM FOR SALE.-The subacriber I offer* at private **le the farn; on which i li.- now rc*de*, situated in Ferguson lown • hip, County ol Centre, .me mile and a half I west ol Pine Uruve. The farm eoalaius lone hundred and twenty acres of the best j quality uf limestone, one bum I red aero* of ' wlilcli i* cleared . i.nd'-r fence, and in j a high stale ot cultivation The balance of ' t w.mly wens* iaroveresl.with a fine growth ot | ; timber, the buildiug* are go.Kl and coats-1 uirnt, with a stream ot ruiiuuig water at: ilo-d mr. An orchard in full bearing ofj the ii'fv b*l variolic* uf fruit, and a grap< vtnj'irj ot the Hunt popular and *lar.dard ; varieties. Thi ploudid fariu will Iw *old • and term* made ca-y. For particular*eal! | upon or mldrco CJ M. K K I'I.KK, I uiarSl.lf Pine lllMio Mill* NEW HARDWARESTORK! J. A J. HARMS. NO. 8. BROCK KKIIoFF ROW A iivv and complete Hardware Store Ka been opened by th<* uudervigncd in Br*ck ••rholTs new building—wkcrr they aw prv pared to wil all kind* of Buildingand ilu** FurnUhing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*. Buggy wheel* in *otU. Champion Clothe Wringer. Mill Haw*. Circular and llan Saw*, Ten nun Saw*, Webb Saw*. IrwCwan Krwlfrt, Bath Tub*, Clothe* Rack*, a ful ***ort . till*. Unl, Lubricating, Coal, Unreod, Tanner*. Anvil*, Vire*, Bel-\ low*. Screw Flale*, Illaek-luilll* Tool*. j Factory Ilell*, House Hell*. Dinner Bell*,; 1on it H.lls, Tea Hell*, Orindfone. Carpen J tor Tol, Fruil Jar* and Can*. Paint*, Oil*. Varnishes received and for sale at imieV J A J. HARRIS News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The underi|(ned hereby inform* the* of I'ennavalloy that be ha* bur i'imed the Tituhop heretofore carried on by the C. H Mfi On,, and wil continue liie aine, at the old *tand, in all it* branch e*, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE A NPOIITISitI. All kind* of repairing done, lie ha* alway* on hand Kruit (Vina, of all Sites, BUCKETS, 01TP8, DIAPERS, DISH KS, AC. All work warrantesl and charge* rea<>n nhle. A share of the public patronage o lieiled. AND. ItKICSM AN, 2*t, where be la prepared to furnlah all bind*of Foreign a>1(1 Domcatlc Lbiuor*' wholeaalo •t tho lowed raali price*, which arc warran ted to bo the boat ijualitie* accardini U> their respective price*. Ilia atock coniu ?f. Kyo, MoaoiigaUela, Irlab and other Whlakiea, all kind* of Brandie*. Holland l grade on band. Confident that lie .an p!cae customer*. be ro*pect fully koliciu athaiv of public I .a" | tronago ______ mylltt JKW'IN A WILSON aro cwn*tantly re reiving new good* in their line. HARI) W A R E ofevery •le&rriplionalrcdu.r e price*- now being opened every day apIOTK Wall Paper, cheap | froUl 12 to 20 cent* per bo) la llei Lll .• 1 HI KKA LO JHJA LhS, of the be*? make from ( lb* upto I'JI.IHI; b*. | aplo° OK. u*IV A WILTAN DKV HtLtHIW. Plank and Scantling for lal* by lawix a WILMOX. j aplOtM. CKoSS-CCT AND MILL SAW'S. h. make at lawix a WILMOX. | aplO'iiti PUMPS! I Wooden Pumps, AND PIPING. The underaignod would riiijwntftillj call the attention oflbeeitiaeti* oft ontrecounty, and Pennvalley in particular. to the fact that be i* nianttfactuaing rti£ assr fUiitp, ■uade at hnt* or olew here. He use* none hut the b- at material, IIK w AKKKNT* TUKU to give *alifaction, a* being the timet laat ing and durable, ivrtaiui To TUK iti.u W.MKlCll juiinp, being arranged to let the water off and prevent Ireeaing in winter Pine. tMtplar or euctttuber pump* alwa.v* on hand. Ill* malirial for puiu|>* i* all •awed from large timber, and are thu* Scoured aguinat CThcckinjjorCrackitip All order* l.y mail promptly filled. PIPING, m>Jevflkp Wrt material, of Ave iin h scantling, joined together w il. coupling blocks, thoroughly handed, and! wai ranted to stand any pressure required for ordinary use. I'riiei of pit in# range from I- to 18 cent* per foot Send order* to *opt aaiy J. TELLER, Mile*bur*, Pa Jlurial Canes AND CASKETS. AIR-TIUIIT AND IN DESTIU'CTIBLK torn I'mtwting l Preserving the !>mul. The undersigned take* pleasure In an nouncing (bat Tie ha* *ooured the*oleagen cy in thi* county for M E T A L LIC AN I) 0 L A SS ■ llurlttl C'ttMH. ttllll Cnnkcln, which are so widely known a (o require no special commendation. The METALLIC It I' It IA L CASE, with it* present im proved style and lluih, it* entire harmony with the feelings of the bereaved. it* per fected a<(julineaU and appointment* in whatever relate* to the preservation and protection of the hodv after death, confirm it* utility and entire adaptite** to the pur pose* for which it D designed. COFFINS of all description* furnished at the shortcut notice; and all order* filled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with, and tuncrals and escort* *i|-r intended in person. HEN HY H A Kills : novlt iiellefotite, i'a \ | I 1.1.KK S IIoTKLT Woodward. P 4 1l Stage* arrive and depart daily. Thi* favorite hotel i now iu every respect one of the mud pleasant country liotcD in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the best accommo dation. Drover*can at all time* be accom modated with stables and pasture for any number of cattle o* horse*. julyHtatf GEO. MILLER. SPIN DLK SKEINS fur wagons, >ll i •#, at the sign of the Anvil. MIIIO'OB. Imwis > WILSON. La MI'S OF KVKKY VAHIKTY and | kind at ' splo'.iit* IRWIN A WILSON'S. CLOTHlNG—Overctsts, Pauts, VesU. and Ore** Coats, cheap, at Wolf ■>. POCK ET CUTLERY—aII makes - itrice* at IRWIN A WILSO Looking-glass PLATRSofaiisir. for KALE by IRWIN A Wllwo -> 10' JAPANNED TOILET SETTS. AND otber Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. apltftiS. ' law IN a WILSON. BOaLTS lor Buggies and Carriagl.t r met in use; Fire Bolts, ditto at pl 0"68 IRWIN V \\ ILKON' tIOFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large astori- J uientat IBWIN * WILSONS Philadelphia More, * In BrockorbofT* }x k. Ilibnp Mr< I. Hellefonle, where • KELLER A MVSSLR, I i bavajuat opened lhabet, cheapest, large* p a* well a* lb a ba*l assorted tck ot Uoodi | ,ri Bellefbnta. I HERE LA DIES, la tba place to buy your Hilka, Mobaln Moaainhiiiu<-a, Ilei**, Alpaca*, Detain* Ln, Brilliant*, Mualint, Calico**, Tick ing*. Pianola, Opera Planalt, Ladle* Coat ing, Genu' Cloth*, Ladle* Hacque*, Whit* Pekay, Linen Table CHoth*, Counterpane* Crib Counterpane*, White and Colarei Tarltn, Napkin*, Inaorting* and Edging. White LaceCurlin*, Zephyr A Zephyr Pat' torn*, Tidy Cotton, Kbawl*. Work lia.t.i. SUNDOWNS, Notion* of every kind, Whit- fiend* at every description, Perfumery, Ribboii.- Velvet, Taffeta and Itonnet, Cord* ai Braid. Veil*, Button*, Trimming*, Ladici and Ml*e*Bkirta, HOOP SKIRTS, Thread Hosiery, Fan*, Bead*, Hewing LADIBB AND MIBBKB BliOKw and in fact every thing that can be though; of, dtured or used la the FANCY GOODS OK NOTION LIN* FOR GENTLEMEN, they have black and blue cloth*,, black ana fancy a**imrf*, aattinetu, tweed*, mel era*, *ilk, *atin and common veating*, u, .hurt, every thing imaginable in the fine 01 K<*ttllrUK-lift vmr. Ktrdjtuule Clothing of Every Dia •criptiun, for Men autl Boys. RonU and Shoot, tn tndlett Mrtdj Matt and Oapt, CARRETS, OUdolk, Rugt, Brawn Mutlwu, HUaektd Mtu lint, Drilling, Shetiingt, Tabietlaih*. Ac. cheaper then el*e where ofQUIBN# W ABE A K<> < KKIKn cannot be excelled in qualit} w prtco. Call in atth-1 Philadelphia Store and con vinceyoucMdve. that KKLLKK A MI'S BKB have any thing you want, and do bu •mam on the principle of "Quick Sate* and Small Profit* apaOfK QUam AMP MtOPCCK AKK T*KKH ' iOOD N KWB FORTH E l'E< )PLE. S 1 AttrßCti " B and Great Bargain*) r pjl K under.igned, determind to meet tb. A popular demand for Lower Price*, re spectfully call* the attention of the public to hi* stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old atand. Designed e*- pet iell for the people and the tim*, the tar get and mu*l varied and complete assort ment of KaddLw, llarnM, Collar*. Bridle*, ; of every description and quality; Whip*, and in fact everything complete u> a first <-la# c*lahlihmeut, he now offer* at price* which will suit the time*. | |A better variety, a better quality or fiaei rtyle of Saddierv ha* never before been of sered to the public. Call and examine our t*ek and be *ati*led before purchasing* elfewhere. Determined to plea*# my patrons and thankful for the liberal hare of patronage j heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit * } continuance of the same. JACun-ht *ed the extensive .tore ol ••well, (iillitabd A Co., and addadtothem at panic primi large aiwoitnici.i of NEW GOODS, Th<*y are enabled to sell at OLD FASHIONED PRICES! \ ;r*e variut> of Milieu' Drt- v*rtm-nt and low pri,**. B>i up. Sugar, Tea Ct>ffec, Canne 1 r. uil, ! Jet!te, Itomeatie and Fn*ig:> Fruit*, Chewa and |*a>triw ot an kind#, | • ami every other i.iticle be longing P the tlroeery Department. | Thrp Whairtxt/e at PkiladefjJiin RaU C4T- Farmer*, Meihanic* and lail>rt-r [ look to your inlen rt. One dollar *avcd t a dollar in pocket. Then call and •-e nl what aP*nihinglr low price* FoRSTKIt DRVLING A WILSON, Are selling their Dry Coods and Grocerie*. *ft*Nu trouble to show CJ.hmU. If they are not a* reprmenled. we will pay you for your trouble. Don't forget th* place. *A~TITRNKK BCI I.DI NGUK ap*sHf Allegheny St.. Belief.nte P* u CENTRE HALL 1 Manufacturing Co Machine Workftj l CKNTRK UaLL CENTRE CO., PA Having enlarged our New Korxnxv mid < M Arums Shuw and Aubicultubai Wu. Stocked with all now and late*: , improved Machinery at Centre Hall, an nounce to the public that they are now ready to receive orders for anything in their line ( of business. Shafting*, ' Putties, Hangers, IRON & BRASS We also manufacture too celebrated KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now stand* unrivalled. This Reaper ha* advantage- overall othci Reapers now manufactured. One advan tage we claim for it, is the lever power, by which we gain one hundred per cent ovet other machine*. Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, w hereh; the driver has under hi* complete eontro of the machine; in coming to a spot of lodg ed grain, the driver can change the cut ol he machine In an instant, without stopping the team, varying the stublo from i to 14 inches at the outside of the machine, as well as on the inside. It is constructed of first claw material; and built by flrxl clan* ma chanic*. We warrant it second to none. All kind* of Horsepowers and Threshing Machine*. Hay and Grain Rakes, latest im proved. All kinds of Repairing done. Dif feraut kinds of P LOWS AND PLO W CASTING. The Celebrated Heckendorn Econoiuica plow which has given entire satisfaction We employ the best Patternmakers, our patterns are all new and ofthe most improv ed plans. Plans, Specifications and Maw ings furnished for all work done by us. /■jtf We hope by strict attention to bum oess to receive a share of public patronag CASTINGS of every description made and fitted up f MILLS, FORGES. . FURNACES. FACTORIES, TANNERIES, AC., AC Alt orders by mail promptly attended to I CK COM'P Dr. Crook's WINE OP TAB! nmirnton. SS2S2E ; Dr. Crook's WINE OP TAB! I El XT t* the ntsned'j to **• | OnptSCeßiuiptia jy '* ! Dr. Crook's WDfJOP TAEf Ita* cared M*>ujr am of Arttfma serf Broaehl u, ih.i It ha* taa pro- Alrthma SfOßChiUi. it#** */ Aotod, wtti yon l* 11 -i-e* presaal JOfl front I Wag > n red at** Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAB 1 RcsovMea ami I a vigor atea lh enliro aystetu. Braiu "' - fiiaritsK-fc r+m+4y lot Urn mm k fit-Mi {fitted. Dr. Crook's WIN® OP TAB I Kwwws in* Ape Hint, jfe I AppfttiU. Stooicfc. 3T&5. oZ tdvr. •*>- put* them to work t —****** th tm*t I# itiaoot. Dr. Crook's WINE o¥tAR! lu aettea ee h* Ortaar? iP* CJUIZXIC. to rapndtKiag the arte! •T o-crawe* vtkoe eth ZSZtt" Dr. Crook's WINE OP TABI I* rich hi the amAetaai • aueiiitee of T*r, mat iSTOEiS &OVQ aritli Tinifmtalili is -ow,"*ttal Strata 1 Dr. Crook's WINE*OP TABI kii,n* paia ta btww D7SITEPSIA t*s" I* a moot sgauUis Baag. , lame of the Uwr, Dr. Crook's WINE OP TABI tout twaa naatlim mih "rama(MM. UVO*** tYfKqi bf JjL Of PVfilA flUfrOl £ff DR. CROOKS jS&yg OLtMPOOhfr POKE BOOT! a#Sj|f|ifc /k WM& AtiwaZaTaT! WTamo keowafor %W/ ir Scraf&U, lenf hku WVUK* Zxstsrt, IcrefaJfiu SiMfrSM rf Ihft IfM. a:: :.ffftn;j trtz Brt ffil x 'JF/' > w3f tSfIBA W reqiirtrgg atiSflEifllA reaady to pttrJp asi inrkh th i: sod. vQ P-- WRjmyESr STBYPafPOC w ha rtods ■rL\ l\ M lisi'- f hHR i\ rn 1 &£fse^ VSkeie * gist*. h*w u^; Olive &ook A Oe. CANVASSERS WANTED FAT H Oar Own Flwaidf.* 1 An tliwwtraae* >*■*, pm iMhed H*atkl>. aetoeriprtae Kyeey —hacjpag ""VT'" A*l: •able thro—, A rrmM IHeee. bteb W. E. Unwm Prtlrtir, Dayton, 0 Tht* New Firm. CENTRE HAM*. PA New Spring Come one ;ilid all! | Just prrtvcsl giid will ' tv# !* ke|it • >ii haittl m tttl I I •tie uf Dry tiiKsli, Notaia*. lit.; wamlGu u I New sfriug Ih •estf Good a A most )h nutiful variety, confuting of all ! the noveltte* of the unto#, at lower rata* than ordinarily charged at "thcr place*. White Goods 4" . Embrou enes The finest t--rk in town, ho.h a* oqtJti y iiualilv. ami prices, >lon first cost. All we a.-k that you will CALL ANl> EXAMINE OUR STOCK before purchasing eWwherc. a* we d- "• consider it any trouble to ALL KIN OS OF IIARNXK* silver plated and Vankee llarnes* double and single. bridle* and baiters. Apr '7 Mai*hood:Howlaisl.How Rpstort l >lti*t pnb.ished, a new eilition of Mr, Calterwell s (Vlebrated K**sy onthera il eal cure (without medicine)of Speruinior i rh>- knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once _ simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer bo matter what IM# ■. condition may be, may cure hitnsalfchcajo ly, privately, and radically. %-y- Thi* lecture should be In the sand of every youth and every roan in the land Sent, under seal, iu a plain envelope, t any address, postpaid on receipt of st: cents, or two post stamps. • Also. Dr. Culverwell's "Mamag Guide,'' price 25cents. u Add 'CHAS b J* b c"kLINK fir Ce . r 127 Bowery, New York, Port-offlcs J> " 4.WW. ""P2- 1 STEREOSCOPES. II YIKWa, ALBUMS, CBBOMOS, FRAME.*. "E' 11. T. ANTHONY A CO., * 591 Broadway, Now York, " Invito the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture am importation. Also cii'tTo laxtkrk sliui..- _ki I&KAfUOSCOrBS. SK* VIEWS 0F VO-KMI E. & H. T. ANTHONY A 00 Broadway. New York. Oppotit M r.i;u,liiau Motet, , tMPORTxas AX MAKPrACTCKKaa or PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, marlo.6m