Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, August 18, 1871, Image 3

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FRIDAY, Al'ti , IS tSt.
b'JCAL XSW3. -Our friend- will oldie
hv -ending in any Ueni* l local iutei
• t, Including deaths, marriages,
uch are cagarly read by your li-ien.l iii
the west, many of whom get the Reporter
Wo would e*teen it * favor II ; wr kind p
irons would occasionally i.mi' a copy ...
lie Reporter to relative* and ncptatnUoi
out who formerly lived in IVntrc eottnlv
art 1 removed to other pa.!, which Would
.tidncv many t become subscriber*.
.tl. VNKS H! oik S-.i.uwon.*, Ycndu
tote*, K\eoution*, and JuJgliniit all.!
Kv ■.notion Note combined. .lu*ti e War
rants, &c„ for sale a* thi- ' 'tWrv.
The circulation of the lit POUTER, on
thi* aids of the county, i* now gicatet
thau that of any lw pan-1* in thi
counts*, hence hu>ii s* nun who w i i
(o reach the Pcuusvtt.lcv trade, wih
Advance their own intciest#, by udveil
tising io the IiKIMRTKU. Our suhsrrii
tton lis! is ojH'ii to the iuapoctiou of al/
who wish to advertise.
GOI.Ikn FOVXTAIX I*k\. Something
new and novel. Be sure and read the a.l
verti-emcnl in our paper, h< .nl.-.i '' ; r*at
o*l Invention of the Age. believe
the Golden Fountain Pen i* un-urpj--. d.
A cood ih'll i> a ii.-. .• -ity lo every man,
woman and child. As.nt-, here I* a
chance to make lu.mev in inir.-.lu a
good and saleable article. jail .. \
at J. W it rr.u's .v Soil's CarrLgv Manu-1
factory, Milro.v. l*a. mayAiun 1
According t" the puhlisluil >t. tc
ment, the bvirough of llellvf. ntc has a i
debt 0fW5.484,87.
There will be a meeting of ibe IK-moera
cy, am! all mlur,. who are opm.-od loth,
misrule, public plunderfg and wholesatt
stealing |Hliey .'I the Kvpull.caA party
held in the
Court ilousc in ik'Udbnte,
on Tuesday ev eniuc August the _ '.i. w ...v h
wilt be addressed by
our distinguish -d iin.Ji.lu'.-- ' •• Amiitoi (
Gel e:al, an.! •.• vr > . >■ -a cltiK.n, and
ur.tirirg democrat,
of Reilefonte. . .
Come from all i.. - * the c nitty and
hear the cre.t |w>tiltcal • - t the dav
dis*-u-- Iby e-" ... ii .. ■ i:m..-r land, j
theu:. " tiv order of the ColuiuiUce
D." F. FoKiXKY. CliAlrtuan '
llir>ch A Bro ylilroy siiil < i sinu* t- *
MJI ckrthins cheaper than any other M
tablishment in thi.- section of the .-tate
You can scare, tiu.i al'.-i.i s\ai.cy lariuvr.
but what he w ears a | air of pan: a coal
or a vest, bought .'I llirs.-h lrc , n d wby
Because they sell cheap. r- d t ett. r cloth
ing than elsewhere, and purchasing ot
them, there is always a saving of money. '
Try them.
The weather for nearly two week* past |
has been very warm the therinomelor rang- |
ing fromto >1 in the shade, b<• liave
had occasional thunder *li..*n d tiring .
thi- time, which prevented vegetation from
drooping under the excessive heat.
FitL-Bellf>ißtrlii I another fire. Ou last
Saturday night, the foundry ot -Mr. l-:.a.
lloupt was burned down. It wa* the work
qS jiii incendiary. \S e did not learn hi-
K>s-, but wc have no dvui>t there i* insur
ance on the property.
THE KK. LKTTISCr.—There having
b<x!i an unexpected delay in awarding
the contract for grading tuc road be, . Wt
have jut ascertained that such w... eau-e..
by -iskus*-- of chief-engineer teo. NY.
Leutfer. Mr. L. in a recent letter to Me.
Duueati. says: "1 have been very si. k
*m onlv able lo travel 10-dsy. 1 exiw-et
Pr. - t Miller ha* been greatly delayed • I
hi- contract matter, but there - no help
for it, I will go to hmi immodialely and
make up for lost time.
Some of our people objected to an -rrow
gauge nilnmu, because they imagined
they would pr*ve unsuitable for ilio tran
jM.rtati.'ti of live st.wk. I hi* objwti<>.i,
we are pitas* d to note, no lias any
leg* to -tand u{Ka, a> w- -• > by a * in ula
letter from Mr. Scuyler. C. E . • is the I'eii
♦er narro-.v gauge nal. in wbieh be -h.-w
--that rn.mal- will liealT.e 1 1 better trans
ju.rtation than bv the wider gauge. <>.
jthe plan for stock ears he "our plati
* ive a tar space *1 by 8 fvi-t jh-i animal,
-with conveniaiiges for wu'.ei ing and fee
J'ng in tr:.it, with a ear weight of abou
Htli psamds per animal. The cattle eland
to the direction >f the train, re
ris'ing any tendeney lo lii/e* litem down
, r liuif tie ui, Kmi.iiy by far the mot
tuiimnr luodeof trnn-i:. In -tork car- at
present u>,d on bread gaugt -, the animl
tave but 1 It. b tnclu - by 8 feet space,
■with, ui any practuab meat.- ••{ ecdiuc
„ r wau-ruig : are pi ccd acre** the line ol
ar g.'Hivn j* a helpless pil'.ioii; while,
even w'Mi tlo- • disadvantages, the *ai
weight is l " ,aw lul* l ,< r
Pic-Nicsi. Lit.' week 'Saturday in par
ticular, i there was ~lilc 4 ra K <- fur,k "" kv
iu the valley. The Ri ' Sabbat 1 - .tliw.l ol
Aaronsburg. had a piwufli' a R r " Xl ' mat
that place, tin same day the Sabbath
• school of Union church had a pic-nit, al
the Sabbath school at Spru etowu, and tin
Sabbath reboot of Potter M All tlurtH
celebration* pMArvd off very pleasantly and
to llie delight of the little ui;d at e;. .1
there •ouii abundance of nice and good
things in the line ol cat able.- and rcfrcsb-
Ibe rtmval!ey pic-nic imiic off on Fri
day, near Uciitrc Hall. It attended
mostly by parties from a di-tance, who
spent the afternoon and evening in tipping
the "light fantastic toe. '
For the Reporter.
George Val'ey Union -übbath school held
it# aonullcelebration in Mr.Grove'* woods,
adjoining thd c lurch, on S turday Aug.
12th, Upwards uf hundred p.-r-on
vcre in attendance The forenoon wa-d< -
voted to addressc* by (Jen. Buchanan
Prof. A. E Truxal arid llv, •, K. Jiiiler.
The exercises were enlivened m.u- •
by Mr. McCool - Mit/ring class. Mr. W.
C McCool rcque tcJ, by the supctin
tendent to make a few remarks t>> t..c
school, which were very appropriate am;
he urged the parent* on hi the good came.
The dinner table wa then *et and we
partook of the good cake* and other deli
cious things t< our satisfaction, after d.li
ner we played and s*i.f)g til! evening.
Every thing pa-sed off nicely, the old a*
weJI as the young seemed to • njoy tlipm
laelve? hugely. Much credit i* due tin
. emergetieyoung men who labored so ei.r
lasttly to Disks it a success, and situ to tin
pariWU who provided so liberally f< r tli
OCci'-n, MV tlieir reward be great.
A. S. M
—— *> -♦ •
/! AXLiEREItU. —fcft!, J. All artioli
rnhv he maintained Its- ;j female,
whether married or single, to r&tnycr
for tvards hereafter spoken, iiujiuting
uuehastity t> her, and it shall not h<
• necessary to or prove ew-ciul
damaged in order to jjiuinluiu such ac
tion. Iff such actions H. married uo
man may tmc alone, and voiy rpgovery
therein shall he In r soie and &cjv*rnt
Six:. 2. This act .hall take effect im
The slmve is a copy ofuo aat passed
ly the last legislature, and we direct
public attention to it, in hopes that it
jyitkj have the des red effect of pmreut
jng young and thought let* j>er?oi)g
from put lung a too free use of tie
.ehariKJur and reputation of young la
.dies. It >* 100 olien the case that "per
-sons, who from maliciousness or
•a reckless <f ali social eivil
iity, throw out against the
ehustity of female?, whip* fl/hers
who from some mistaken notion! #-
tempt to repair an imaginary wrong,
toy inflicting a st*ip reputation ,
and should W made fed the omise
quvMiccit of tlieir acts by punisliinoiit.
1 In l Inw in ijursiiun, wan fully debated
and found itecvs-iuy to put a atop
to a growing evil in modern society.
A young man. formerly, could stand
' on a corner and siprt tobacco juice
... v.'i ti '.'lilydie-* .villi luipunitv: but
■ ihe i-i-uvt* iu I'liilmtelpbia took this
m iI :* i ia band and punished severely
a . .-ini who had In-tn caught ill the
■ art. Ihe decision o, the ounl gave
notice al oi.ee to those who were ready
' tu commit so.b dastardly outrage*,
vv! at Ihi ii punishment would he if cult*
' v;eteh and it had a v. i v salutary ef
! feet.
I ((!. il l Si.rn.it ill fAc* J-'ilMIMf.
N< vv il., July -in, Spieia! ealde
li-p.ilc'u - ud.l hut little to the infor
iioatii.n ivceivial of the vba adful famuli
• a IVi -'it. The drotilh last year in
! the cent to I and southern previne.-*, and
, tb. e.n* .pet. i partial failure of the
I crop*, caused gnat .|.'*tiiution and
misery all winter \t tie same time
t a ,\e> were ii.. . asv .l on the people
of l.aiistau, which brought on famine,
utniig numbers of jwople to leave
th< II home*, and a tvnMNjuent decrease
o taxes UN the tJoveruiuent. I'tie new
Government promisod to rai-c not
Iv the unal *oiu. but sti I nre, and
t s oppression diMvc the n-t of ll •
CJUiitry jOvplo from their l.otnrs. aud
thronged the cities, which pay in tax
'eb "I ho failutc of the cn.ps in lairis
{tail wasnadored more disastrous he
can-' ti c other prvviuctw, which most
ly rt;'s. opium, cotton and silk, depeu
i S"1 on it for their grain. The results
;u. Ispahan, Yetil, Kirman and Shirai
were t< rrihle by the end of the winter.
Before the new crop the cities were
crowded. The wheat at Kirmau rv**e
nine time* its u*ual pritv, and starva
tion began. Yetd raises opium, and
as the people could buy uograin, they '
ate gm-- and rvrnts. In K horassana ■
the jHH.ple sold their children to Tur- i
eomaus to save their lives, and in oth* 1
vr provinces the pe.ple ate their chil- ]
dren, having eaten all their domestic
vidian's and even the vermin. 111 Is •
;:• hau men w. re caught digging up ,
. rv-e- to l'ec.l th-ir starving families <
with, and the pestilenceinennae pience '
hi* committed fearful ravages, fine- 1
half of Persia is said to he depopula- i
The Wonderful. Wonderful Most, i
lis Ketnurdinart/ Mineral Resource* — j-
Almost Fabulous IKm/M at Our v
I.k'ors —Mountain* ami Lake* of 1
Minerals— i Wonderful Discovery.
Occasionally there Are to be found '
it) Western papers stories of the fahu- '
lotis mineral wealth of the West which
are tvKi often received with lhat iucred
olity which is liestowed on anv stories •
that s'liack of the great \Vi>i. Rut a *
New V rk gentleman, Mr. I>. P. XVeh- 3
stor, of the hcal smeltir.j; works, well t
known for hi- connection with minium
work.-, ha- recently visited I'tah Ter
ritory, ami of >. tne perti<ti* of that re
oin he send- an account which sec in- s
to justify much of what in previous re- t
port-has appeared extravagant. XX'rit ,'
ing front Salt IjtkeC'ity to a gentle- v
man of this city he-ays.*
Thinking it might be interesting to j
vou to hear something from this new |
Eldorado I will try and give you an *
account of mat 1 have seen ami know. '
and what I have iteard and believe. t
I arrivts I hereon .Julv l' for the jmr
pose of piircha.-ii g silver, lead, and 1 !
silver iad ores for our •melting vorks •
i f utnl plenty of bullion ami oris for ,
-ale. Tbi re are mines heie of every
description. There ate within a ru- j
dius of ](HI miles more than one htin-: 1
Jre I filver, silver lead, ami ©pperjj
mines, two or llir.e antimony mines,F
ind one bismuth mine, where the ore
crop- out on the sui face for more than •
I ,Ci.'o ft 11. Metallic birninth i- worth J
hi the New York markit {o.oO ixt j
uud. An Knglish ioiii|ianv has 1
ticught om-half interest in the Roth- '
fordmii.es in Itii.gl.aiu Canyon, t r
3200,000 in gold I visited the Km j
ma mine rit ha party of scientific gen-.
tlemen. We .-jx-iit two days tliere i
and examined every |art of it. It is
a wonder of the woild, a perfect Moit
to Rristo cave Aftei pa-ring through
a tnnrel 375 feet in length we came
into a va.-t chaiulier als.ut 80 feet high.
70 feet lot g. and 10 wide, from which
there has h-en taken within a year
12.0U) ton- of Qr-t oln- ore. From the
b'.th of June to the 13 of July there were
t,}!W) ton* nUi. out, of which S.OK) tons
w-re -• nt l Kng'a&d "1 *olil to smel
ter* here. That ore brought t|i<-m a net
profit of $1". X per ton. About fifty miners
•re at work breaking down ore from the
solid bank* of ore on every *ide, and one
man with a pick can break down u ton in
half an hour. It is n- soft a- an ordinary
earth l and requiring nothing but a pick
ai;d shovel to mine it. XVe went down a
shaft about *io feet through the -olid mass
of lir-f-elw ore, and there were no sign*
of i < l.'.ij the bottom. I nderlying the
whole area of tlm clihiii'mt, and a* they go
i down, the ore becomes richer in silver.
From the development* already made, it
i- believed li'nt there are million* of tons
of it in the mine. The mine declatcd a
divnl. i ij Inst mouth of o per cent, on it*
capital of fA.'fW.U", and it will declare
1 an titer thi* in< nth. Tiny are now taking
.nit from 80 to 100 ton- of firt-ela#s ore per
dnv. lb-side.-the Eiitma mine there are
(it or Sen other mines within a few liun
di< i taking * ut from five to twenty
f d ore p'-r day, among which are
th Fiag-taff. Moi.tcsuma, Itrunir, and
t>av- U| ri. are all in Lilt'e l'- tUu
' w 11l lbg Cotton wood tliere are lis
" many i*.,.ip acttilig out good ore. In the
A iiieriei.ii Frk l|;grp ptp about the same
Mil j r liiine, I
• u i i.ot equal tothe 6ui"if Kmuia. Bing
' '.lain Canyon lias about twenty mine- tak
• ing ..tit g- d sre. Tin-New English Sinel
- Company ha. five ,-r si* of the best,
and it is getting ready to put upeiglitsmclt
' ii.g furi iu-es. which will be completed in
" about ninety day*. Stockton, TintieOphir,
1 and o|Jjer mining district* I nave im*. vi*i
" .<i but t .•••! reports from them in
I the -li t.oe of bullion fs".„' gae'l of tlo-s.
plat# llut the precious metal* i jre not
the only resource* of this country. Yes
[vrdu\ a get tleman showed me a piece ol
pure muriate of ammonia, chemically pure,
i %v Jiicl* -> taken from a mountuin of the
• -amc notorial. In that there i* enough lo
I .upply the whole United State* with a fer
i t;!i>-s ,\.ntiier tot; iue he knew ofa solid
hiil of alum. li. - Oj;yer*aliou with Sena-
I tr Nye, he said tliere wru it. Nevada a
• v.i-t mine of nitre, a solid mountain of
sulphur, ar.d salt enough to suit the world.
t- I know of mine* of sal soda where there
e are millions of ton*. About thirty miles
fr.p the railroad, near the Humboldt, i* a
bora* laky Jji-lynging to an English compa
ny. That company , P p raj)king a canal to
C bring th" water to 'the and there
, erect evaporating works The latest dis
' i c ovcrv, though not the least by any mean*,
j tj (fJ discovery of an ore, an assay from
i liich bolitll Ml#*!® g !,ve a button ctintain
-61 ing an aiby ofptff/fony and alummium.
e I have a spccitmw uf Mt and metal
• w hicii 1 intend to yet unatygeg, p* gnd out
" Jmt combination is necessary to smelt it
r | a , we siio-lt ore* of other metal*. If this
I- Amtild prove true it will be the greatest
e of the ago. Everybody in Utah
i* down upon the Union Pa-ilie liailrond
■-bi' flvi B :,ts 011 orj from ?1 > pr
i# * *oii to's'-J wlttf} from Ogdeii to Omaha.
,'steps have Mr build a narrow
i-Ktip railroad leant a point about
BITLVW thi* over t> Georgetown MI>I DCMVOI
through |li. Middle Path " ' tmrlVom
~ the l r t*h fYnlrwl roml, now buddine, <>|
•>* miles. Till- I'tah t'oUtrwl will I ' "'lll
phled down 1.1 a point ||||||"-M' to Denver
in nlmui II v <-nr, niiil -li.'iilil Hi. i connect
! .villi Dniior, gtm.l ly I 1' Dl*
A iluti easing '* w.uug oc
curred AT K#IHVO nil I 11.--- I .l v II I VIINT
II 1-2 o'clock * lit., ttiHl *'ll i I gloom
over the whull' tiiwii Mr* '.•*. la
■iv from Philadelphia. who had arriv
ed the evening previous al i <■ Uetiovo
House i.I |H tnl tin' sum met *"•. *t
tempted torn** tin 1 rlvri '=
company A iill n young girl l>. twceo IS
:in.l 1-1. named 1 I rich, on u visit to
lo llcnovo. Tlio fmwr ' Iho jad
illi' while in deep water, and in reach
ing to get it upset the bout nnd b> th
were ilrowuiil. The alarm wns givgn
lv some little girls, and a*-:- nr" 4 -' was
soon nt hand, hut it ili.l •'' * ! ice llieni
from tieitb. Mrs. Ii wa in the water
onlv five or ten minuUa, we me tolil,
Mini the little girl was in lorty-two
minutes The htlland of the lady
wit.* expected oil the tmiu th:tt night,
with hi* two daughters, hut I tore he
.it rive I the ileoil Imdv I"* wile was
on the return trip to the city where
*he Inn I but recently left happv
home, with the prospect of long life
Ivcfore her, ami it may la* tlur ho ant]
the children, full of joy fhl anth |uitioii*
of pleasure in their mountain retreat,
uncon* nouslv [w*-*el upon lite r.>ad
the lifeless body of the wife and mother
they were going to meet. 1 lie ea*e i*
indeed a sad one. — octal
Turnty PtmOMti Rurntd in the
AV.-oif rv of Five Hoilics
I'iinton, l*s., August II V lire Usoip
. \plosion .M-.-urr.-U thU morning in the Ea
gle shaft, bv which Uenjslnin Dnvis v>
in-tAiitly killed >ml twenty w. iki en were
i iipriA "n-.t b'hind the debit*, with no
ne-siu of s*E>|*e until elenr. JHV .v. 1 lie
nieu are prubsbly all .lend, or will be be
fore reached.
Scrauton, I'M , Augu.t II Ihe LHIIC.
ol flvoof tlievicl Ui.ol'lhe I'ilt-t n di*a*ter
bav been r.*e.vere.l. A ■' -'dy of
men are at vvorv removing l!-. .! -Sri* and
every effort b Iw-ing made to re ver lbs
lodic, of thi*M) who are known t J T ■ IN the
Mort Radical Thietiiu; s HMJHHI
to be Accounted For
Philadelphia. August lE— Th. Evening
Itulletia thi* afternoon contain n ex|M
ti*n cl mt lillccitl -i o*© g "■
l.ction of the Pennsylvaiiin w: claim*
from the general gvivernmeiit. Amounting
with ilitefe.t to over t*A>. which ba
llot been accounted for.
LoiJon. Augaat il.—-Th.- M t OMII
tunnel • a complete uec<—• 1 tie an
nouncement was ma.U' thai it i- to he for
mally o|K-n-.-d in September
lkOHtit.KY. —The house of Mr. John
Miller, of Gregg twp.. Uuiwtt county,
wit.* recently entered by thieves and
S7OO in money and over $4,0" > in notes
i "r the Reporter.
CUIU Hill, At >• . I • • u. T1
Ibar Editor— Having some mi e ago
given you a short drtaii >t tny tray-l
through vatious s.x-tiuiis ofOhi ■ :• wt-li a.-
Pennsylvania, giving a briel history of
the physical and manufacturing n-pect . f
v vriou* sections in said State > t contlu
mg myself | rincipally to Law ranee coun
ty Pa., I deem it prudent to give yut
iiiaiiv reader* a few Concluding remark-.
Having finished my bu-uie-- in L.w ran. e
county, and being greatly indue. .1 by the
de-ire of seeing niv old fviei.i'. and ae
quaiutance-in conn ction with 1 >ving to
tread again the soil of myownn live coun
ty; I left New Ca-tle lie- 0,-
flth nlid was an\:iHily anti j .: ng tin
happy meeting of the loved on. - ~*. home.
The train sped uwny at the rat .• mile
p. r hour and so ere many golden hour.
liad fl -.l I wa- borne into the i,-.d-t of the
grand maiiutas-turiiig eity of Pituburg.
Here 1 again s|ent a few mom. i t> in e.il
ling u|M<n my Iriend J. W . "I Y\ -hI
•tn-et, but on account of hi* ab-euee 1 ha—
t -ned to th(le|K>tand therv< ..u i the train
just ready to leave acr-> t'.e am lent
Alleghany. Being pleaaal.t'y ■ deal the
train moved slowly away anud tlie cling,
ku-tlc and din ol business. My travel
-oemcd in no way unplea-. Nt, for numer
ous towns and village* int'-r-. r-.-.l tl.i
loute. Again I n-*t pb-n-ndly d.-ligli
t.*l in ero-ing the picturesque scenery
Alleghany—but esjieciaily wa attention
again directed to the l|or>e t-lloc H lid
peakiug in language loud . lliati mortal
tongue woulde—ay, ofthesk.lltulaJvaiiee
ment of art. While thu- my mind wn
thankfullv enjoying the . .n\. ienee of
iitodcrn fmlti-trv: the train wt • rapidly
l.orne into the niid-t ,f AltnotiH. -tatiding
galv arranged in her garb •!' ild-Utry,
beauty and prosperity liy tin- lime the
familiarity ot my own county, l. nut a more
apa rent, and some of my friend- met me
and reduced the hours of oy travel to
1 arrived at Milroy. from winch place 1
timk the stage to Potter* Mill-. Here 1
*t >pped a short time at the Klitan Hoil-e
kept by M. L. Lcitxell. I •- truly sur
prised upon entering this spacious build
ing which has lately been refitted, • that
now it is an honor to the community and
I e-p. mks the energy, industry, aildta-te of
the proprietor, alter partaking nt n I,arty
dinner I rcpnircd t< the -turih old veteran
of delli'H-racy i-l'l- W XX . Love. Here
my reception a|>|a'qsi'd U> b< very enthusi
astic; my friends all giving me a hearty
•hake of felh.w-hip which 1 rnu-t lo artily
returned. Y- u recoll.-ct in my di-cri|s
tion of Lawraitce c< unty i spoke very
favorably of it forimprovi un lit, m art and
uiiu-ual advancement* in m< ra itv, but
since I am again in old Centre, I am m.-l
implicitly* constraint*! to lMji. te that this
county, will out rival it in every depart*
mentofart, science, morality • well a* in
r.'ligious agencies. Old Centre -tand linn
fear n<4 any of your rival bounties in thi*
old Key stone Stale, your - i! i- u< fertile
and your harvest us countiful u* any can
be. X'our agricultural alL.inment- stand
pre-cminintlv li'gli.your adv nnceuieiit in
art -peak in thunder tones through vour
mountain* and over your plain-. It i
echoed bv the Bellrfmite V Spruce Crick
KK., ami soon it will by reverberated by
the L. C. dc 8, C. R. E. uiit.l the whole
county from cud to end shall c-ottnd .vith
•pirit enterprise industry and tr-ev •ranee.
I>. 11. L
House ani i or for sale.
The uiiiter-igned offer- at privnts
-ale a two #t'>ry dw r'liii. li-uif ami
-* Lot, on uiit -Ireet, ( . litre Hall,
with stable and all iii'ce--ary out mild ng",
and choice fruit on the prcini-cs, and wa
ter in the yard. The hoil-c is ,i as
new. For luther particular apply to
U. I) OssSIAN.
tl..ug.tr, I'. lllru Hall.
D IfAiTTft!
At Stiriiig Mill" on the f>tb <.( .\ugu-t,
John Loyu Crawford, aged 7:1 year", 10
month", and days.
On the Sth of August, in <regg twp.,
A unie Sophia Ib-t btel, ag<d moiitli>, and
111 Uays.
On thu 10th "t Aokl**i. be hoiiseo the
brides father, at Aaronsi iig. by Rev. 1 .
H. Reiter, Mr, Freeman D L"- of Mill
beitn, and Mis# Alien A. Verger, ol
KIEMtIT m A i. Is KtFT
Corrected by John M'Dowell.
White wheat 1,15.... R*d v. bai 1,10 Rye
dO Corn lio. Oat* 50...... Barley i">
Clovcrseed 6,00 1 iuiuthy seed i,OO
Salt 2 60 par Mgl'i! .
Bacon 10e Ilain Iff ...V'RmII.T 'JO •. Egg-
M Planter 0.50
<Jo#r©cted by Keller t Miioer.
tVlute A'beatsl,2o, Red 115 .'Rve. ...
70....... Corn 00. Oats .in Barley 76
70 Cloverseed 1,60 Potatoes 60,
Lard pgr pound 121 Pork per pound 09
Butter aUk'..M„bai*i I "c Piasterper ton
|lsTallow 10..'..".ipicion u... ..IhiP>2o
fAABITHSOAP, Win. ilagnii and .le
il ous soup, Dobbins' st'litis, Jessi
Oakley's soaps, oldeastlle, pure, Palm soap
Eldcrling-* a;,", 1 " l variety ol
other soaps, in
Whitman's celebrated confections,
Whitman's celebrated chocolate,
Baker's chtcolate, Smltl. - chocolate,
China Ginger. English Pickes,
American Pickles, ut
, 1)1 iil.it SALE Tii- .. i
| will nil ti i ill- .'ii ti I'. li .
Oitutor, li- I.
• dilated 111 I'l'llirtnw llwli 11, Centre county
I'a u lii in I I mill' En-lot It" d-hiit": ni"l 1
'mile- Wo.l "i C.i.tr, 111 I t ."i I .
in..ii' *r I* iili.i it ..in' lui'i l .I A ■ vi* i
tv acre. "i iiil farm t* tin 1 i 11in !
Imiil, in n In ;li tiiti nfi'tiltll i 'il
balance i tin' In' t nl 1 limb • li ■ i
I link, I 'lit" 111 lit Ve -V" ,*l"t .-eel! I I'l • 111
1 wi.it water i , ii mtif tiiiiuii. i inning
dream, al-oa HtfVi'f IHIIIII ;' il ■ >-■ V i
Till' III! Illilltf" I'll tllll til II ' >. *ut-
I (ill', I'rtlt O-lllig "I II lltlK llllilll'
■ln I*l tinv .1 tenant Ii 'ti>i in I mik tmrii,
uiili all iii'i'i h. \ iHillitt Ufli ll*
wn-h li.-ii uitlirunning *• ' "■
hou-c. •innki' ltoui*, I'urrin; . *' lii'il
ll.lllM', V ■ HII 111 If** i| "111. r V .
i fruit, 'in! In i."till in ill.' -i iti , • hi.'' -!•
J ing uf apple*, near-, t'l'.ii li , i'l .mi i li. r
Iru*. Ac. Tin' above furm for.L mi up.
jporluitlt* t"i it v ulii .li).'ln N i!, and .i
l ull de-irahle home 11 .- k ' till'
late rc-ul* ii, ■ i'l" Samuel Spau • , dee'd
YKKMs "n -tlnnl i" .11 in tit.'
farm it* ii"WiT during lln' lit tl.o wid
on Int. tl i lii< (i.int .inn . fly, .iih
third In' i' ti l iit i "nil: in tii.
th bli" in "ii ■> • .if ti. r t ui|h in
terv-t Y" he -ecunil hy I ml mil mort
gage "II th. Jif i'ln
M \ It* • VliKi I' A wLKK,
I /.I. V I. Sl' VNi l ! It
nitwit M Ev <cutui
Model Bookstore.
Model BuoL-l*.re
Mutlcl li""!.
Brsn iifusK
liuslt House
lirllefmiti' PH.
By virtucof-ttmlrv wr:t- I
hhf an t IAI'ITI /".ii" "' i t. I ■ it "!
the Court *>l Cmi'MiMt I* - •■!' CVi.in
county, in' it" (undirected, n.il 1- .
iil I" public -ale, at the t • urt II • ii.
Bel let 'tit '.i M nJay t! " ■ • :
Augll-t A D, 1971, the f ' . I
All till .ehi, tdic and i !■ o* ■ n
ilalit, in ami In alt IIIUM* tun x :ni trails
of piece* "t lalnl tilualril in Potter town*
-hip, Centre county Pa • m
d"*i Smith l'i laiul of Di.nl.. r., " i-t (•>
land of C\, Wi 't ly laii i • ! A I' nr.'*
South l>v .iMHtaiHin,' '. • more or
let*. Tlie other thereof, I minded >u tin
Sortli by land ot S Pari.,
of A Con row, South by h. : ! I >1
IV-I by land of S. Park*; . ' tin: F'"
it*re> more or lc- Sci*rd : INCH ill e\e
cutioti and to be old i - the (Tojierty ot
tie". \\ Pou-t.
ALStt \t| that certaii i tmiin
lioui.* in the borouxh "f p:.i i-l.tirn . i
corner of ('• litre X l'ine -ti. I Fl"' *auii
being "ii North tVutre tr> > t 'Jtl l< t. ami
on Pine .tr.i t "V feet, ami ! '. or j.i. i. t
ground and t iriilage A. ; ni. iant t<
*nid building Seiaed. la' • ■ > Vreiitn'U,
and to be I'M a the {>r"!> ty it John
A UM \it that ei-rtam tract of pirci i !
land aituate in tlogg. t '\*nhiti Crtilr.
county Pa. bounded and ile., rib' d a- f •!-
|M; n the 9FF|H HV I Jmol
Varnell. Ku-t by land ni \\ i
South b\ land of Adam Wal r ami \\ .(
by land "f W in. Itutler. i oiilni. nig
acre ami allowatieet thereon en. l d n l<> -
hiueaiid "'able, aitbn yon g or. hard ,V>
Seiaed taken in i aeeutioi t In - 'lda
the iimpi riy of A A W
Al-itl Alt the right tit'- nn.l inti • ••"!
defendant in audio the t"lt. g n I < •
late- All til certain | i •'
tract* "f hind i;uale in Hi.'ll t"*i:-hi|
Centre oiunty. Pa. tin. . f. mth
aarraiitc name ,f Pet. li m. <
taining 4dncr< • nnd I V*. N
An other tln-revf. in thi * '"
Thoina* Kdaard", cofit" • • • - •' ■
|M |a ri he-. N" Ik A i :l • I
warrantee name of ICOIMOI ii
ing 4St a.re* Hltd I'V'peri 1. •. N • t ■
reatdlie of the tract 111 the U.I .'eetiai i
••fThoina- Ciraiit. contain ! . I*l' •
lftt perch" N" 4S An.-tl . t'.. ■ tl.
warrant"- name of Thoin .- II . .nta n
ing Mmw ''-"l fcMpara tea So i
al* |art- ! trait- N. . S- in > urv> i
til in unrr.ijil* name- <>f W m I' i on..
Martin Mvr h.-gining ' • T "'J
I nd . f \fr * Hrah J II .' ■ ! M W
Hah- them .• I'oiig land II W 11*' |
NoCh 0 1 K I? Mrcbwlwi . •••' thence
South I C Kt VI |H-r h.-, tlienec South
Jlf K bj'erche-. thence <■' W • ti
jw-ri he- thci ci- South t . V, 1§• * < I"**
thence South I W. iti- t' j i ■
thence North \V. 47 4 t"" '"• " !••.
thence along land of -aid Mr- SaTaU J.
Ilnlc N rth or K ■?' |" " )•' 1 I'
thence along -aui" North I M tH | r
rkti t" j'laee "f Imgininff. cut.lining -t
acre* an'f till |>erclic- men ure. And
at*" lot- N" \' r l I'-Kt. P.'l, mI I I '. in the ;
Imrough "f I'hiliti-hurg, mid the '|Uar. i
boil nd ri I In North Kth -ii-.1. Pine -li' . i
Athertu - hti.e. nnd Sjoi: • HMI in |M
borough of Phili|iburtr Si d taken in
execution and to be *old the ) . firtyol
K. W llnle
iliSO A certain lot
•ituate ill the borottgb "I P'• ' joh.irg < • i
trc count v. Pa. bounded ■' N rt > ' i
land of .lame- limine, "i t J:.■ Ko ! !■>
Laurel -trect, on the South by llii'i -It' '
on the W'e-t by Prwsu< il" -in .t. con
taining ) an acre more or !••, thereon
erected two dwelling hou-i -t 1 re room,
-table and other out building-. >.ir.id ta
ken in eaccutiun ami to ' c -old a- the
l>ro|a-rty of Cleveland V Fleming.
A LStV— All that certain town lot -ill a'
ill the village of SlnbtoWli. in lii-h t ' a i
"lii|. Centre county Pit wml marked on tl;<
id at ofwii'l village a- bt N" 'J I, and houn
ded a- follow-: (In the North W c-t >
Jack-oil -trect. oil the North KK ' l-.v < ■ >y
-trect. on tlie South ha-t by l"t No ll'.
the South W'e-l b Calli 'un 4reet, being
jll feet l"llg Biol nOfcet w i-t- .th ■ -'lie.
ted a d.veiling hou-e. table A. i "
taken ill execution and to be •!■! nf to
pro|M'rty "fS. 11. Willi on
ALStI All the right till Mild illlere-t
of defendant, in and t". all that < ■ rtaiu j i
ot gp'tind -itllate iti the bomugh ot llellc
fonte. and lying "li S|iili/ t ct, and <
tending hot. I-<a'U-t alley, loljojni
lot* Of Philip Itciiner on the North i.ad
South, and known - l"t No. IS", in tl"
general jilaii of -aid t"Wt, thereoli er<'et> o
a hou-e ami out hiiihliitg. S. : I Ink 1
•li (M|Uthm and hhe ■■ Id I - tfafl |.ro|" r
lv of .lamcn M Hill.
'A I ,80 All that jdank fl II dWi
hou-e. two 4'irica high, with ii front <>f
feet, It*.' feel ill depth, -itua'e in n in. - u i
or tract of land in'Kergu-on town.-iup; I
joining land* ofShorb Stewart At o. oti
ibeKwrth M Ka-t by land*ol Juaeifh rib.
on the W'e-l. and on tin South by lam! oi
M. William- The ground • ven dby -a i
building, ami -u much "tto r nii <1
mediately it ijiicclil i'. |t be Itecei ■ty
for the ofdlnary and liaelul purp • ■ -tl. ••
of. S i/.ed taken iii cxecuihtn and | i"-
•old a- the propcrtv "t .lonti Krh,owner' l
reputed owner. all'l Jo- I'h It I'.lb ' U
traHor. .
A LSI I A certain I"! of ' - l
•itiiute in Itu-li tow n-h p ' i.' e cut ity
Pa bounded mid deaci H'eil at -I . \y-
Inrinnim t a |a>-t cormi l land*
M'Clellan and "ti the Pl. lii -t.urg mid
II llefoiite turnpike load, i Ullliillg l'i ••
Boutb 91 W ■ iilpi*• !• ; "I'l
I bv land <>f Si'Clelhui Soiitli W ' 1 r
c(ie to a po-t on line < i iuiol -"! "I a D r
by C"il Co. thence by - • >1 line South
•>4 C Ka-t lti.eicln- to a • • til" - *aW
M'Clellan, tlience South . \\ C t '■ I" ' ■
ch! t till* plttif *t I" ft'l'i ' k l ' 'MllllillMil
6 Here*, till t'l'iirpd, >•••> i t.i •* in \ -
' culion and t<> he -old i the p ojierty "I
Levi Kcyuol !- Aw i'-
ALSO A certain I"' •un ' • , , u
in the l",i.High of Philip-lon •• i' •
county Pa. 'luiain|i at,.. ■-• ittli by
Prc*qUl*le -trect oil the S iby LilUrc
•treet, Ka-t by lot "f John P i Jit •!. m
on the Wc-t by North tltiii -tret mn
known a-lot N" 2irj. in t' ■ gmn rn! | lm
i of raid borough, containing one-fourth of at
acre, ni"tf or loa, thereon ciected a i\
I tory frame hou-ennd "iitl'uil'lin - Sci/o
n taken in execution and l" I" -old a- tin
property of William Smiih.
ALSO —* II that certain iwo !ory frann
dwelling hiiu"ituii"' I F I TL.E 1. TROUGH "
Bel'o fonte Ceiitrl'P'Ainty Ph. >n Ihl'Soiit'
.. *ide of Logan ntr li-iiig .ixte. n h
, twenty-four leet ami th" l"t or pie: i •>
ground and eurtillnge iicpuitenmit thereti
' Vmimdi'd on tlie Ki -t I > l"i "f Kd\vitr<
Luke nil the South \\ e-t hy lots "
Melb rinot A MeCiirt'crt.V, and "ii th
North ly L'lu'ait Ih -I i,.->l la, i ,i i
execution nliil to he -old U" tlie |,|Opel l> <
(leorgc Cru-e.
Sole to commence at one o'clock P. M
of -aid day.
D. W. WOOIHtINCi, heiitr
, Shetitts office Bvllefonte Pa. Aug , S, T
Tho Doivc
in I'enln Couuiy.
\t \lt I > Wo have rein tv. .I "ppo-iti
(to the Itu.li f |.. i... and are •" lin Ml o
•I" -k I.e. IIOKI I e til at hiii gaii Mi
are ' tiling up "ttr Imok- an I aeeounU um
! Will III.' much obliged tootle Hid all local
I mid <.ettlc their account*. W. would •>
to vu, aumoroua Iriendi and cii'toniera, t
plea- m . )-t ur *lne< rth n'- for tin
u. ~a .nag" they hi a alwtiy < be
-: owed . u 11.1
.1 d N 11*1 ,v i i|tM V'-
c.\ MP MKIiTIN'.
I h(" "ill I e > Cmnl'lUi-. ti k : ,Id un.
■,. the I'ii-j "I thi b.i \ 11, l on, on
jth 1 owl "t tl> Wm HLbel. l i Poller t|i.,
I eoili lie" Ml. e Oil til 11-t 11.-! The I ell*
I oil- publii are cordially invited t>> attend
and till.' pait in the exer< "* of the iw'.-ea
•II I'l.ii, will be a Children'* Meeting"
Maid at-'ii' iiitahln time during the en
, -t0.,1111 t ! it hi'!. ft ■- tmtn W will lie
lie ti 'to ! - preacher* -talidl to which
■ -r, i:• - nd it- iTi i ho l -. o lle. are
till' it* V >l' d t" bring the ' little one-."
\|t Ii :.'!.-( ring po-itiiely foibidden
ui ldnllo ..oil-pne-elibed by 1..W Itiedi
except iiy p rmii'ioli of the-uperiliteiidelit
d the in, . ting S D. Itt xM x„ I o\,
P'r In cliarge.
m|'i tALNtll'l i 'lb under- ./in d
~ :II •' . a>' I I :|* Ijui ll*
li.,r I, ',.g I, . I 1., < p.- U*M ti1.,1
ill") wilt not he •i' •"< I !• er.ot any build
in..: to 1 curry on ant So no* win l to
.id' f ilia i *:,iji r ..ml ex., p.oi. -iich
tiavc i'criiii- i oi fi.'io the t'oicuiittee.
Kli.t- >;titnb.i .git, S.-'' i*. I.i Mu- .-r
II I) I',.'tier, It v. stoat, K Ki.- iii'T,
\ d. • X r'., I " ,
N . • > I ereby given that the aocouni
•I ii M S, hwciiek A M l Hockey, a-
JM L Wirt, haa bora rlf.al in
• iui, t. mm i P!ca •"! ( nlu* Couiitv,
Pa ,!< Vugu-t Term, IH7I, r>nd uiibo ol
|o> 100 - nr. tll< d on or before th third day
ot > ml Term, tliev will not be heard.
july'JSdt /Vo/Aooofury.
INX Kt "C'l't >H'S NDTICK letter te
j I o, ' -,n to the .-t tte of Peter
I'.. ' I potte: to* n-lnp, ( Clltr. COUU
• vie*; .. . having hvcvi grant*"! to tho un
*l -'' i/iicd, all pcr-oi*ft iudri'tcd to the-aid
*-tat" ' I*'juc.-l'>l !■* iiuik" iliitui-diate
• t'. l mot, atd I' I- " claim* to
r.* ,! tl., in dnfy authe itimiti il for pay
ment. 'Joaltt V PoTTEK,
JollX ltlaUKI.,
iul.lt.'*. K \**eutr*
INS iifv. y S. r., <ni tin* prcmive*
*- *! to iiiol. about the 1-1 of
i . i t v **, ■• it four \*at old,
with a white -p <t *• at forehead and one
n her hind leg, and 'l iving a -malt hole
nil i r.giti car. Any one furi .hing in
f -mn her w tb.Hit-, w , | be uit*
.hi, "warded.
..'■Jlr -t S iUl'ttt .1 v xil a**N",
Spring Milt*.
I I*. u] ... l rti 1 wel: in alt c'i o *:*• Im lit;
■x*e: -** !y u a >'.r Polling Hon- 'hit
luiid ti.gr* ' ! sl* 1-, '■ r L.*v ng Kht
1t... i - tiutt* r. Lining (!r.I >**ri. J
...ti. .*r W.. I-. - ttlo-r .'.it-id .* I f i
'..icing si t' 4 "t 1 lie- It I* :>*' i-ll'-IIJ'
nd i tTeetive t *•. .ne • •* the i'id. " o*|h
•i I of rartei- *d n Sl.lted or Tib d 11 ■ *"f,
vnd a- a t'l ib' gto iI tl I. I-. counter
. ting Ileal, Fr--t. ai d Condcn.-.i!' 'i ol
Tlte K g!i-!i Felt i* put 111* in r*dl- i-flSoj
v ,*r.l- it* length, by :i- iiiehc- in width,and
■ n'tiit, ng .* -urface of 'J*' -pvarc feet.
Three-Ply Felt.
In K 11-. iio hc- wide, by SO feet in j
etiglh : each roil will eo <t n >urftaM 10
'eet *pl.at. or 1 *1 • ,Urc .*•••!.
It i- tg I>.' laid act *• the r**f, -bingle
fa-hi<'tl. With a lap ot l • lil*'h*'-, at.<l Mr
•uivd by uaiti'ig the edge-with 3d nail*
Old t II * l|*
Wh n hod. t'.. Kelt ■to W p.aii' <al with
Matic it"'>f Coating 11*1 Sanded Tlie
Matn lt " t Coat'tig i m v *l, ready for
'e, and ! applied with a bru-h.
Tarred Rcofing Felt
f-id i vt* ndvely forSheating llou-et, and
or Tar an I Orawl Ki oting, a *o for plac
tig under t-la'. 1 Tin atid -limgle K adlng.
|l i it- d in pack iig M i*oleu unit Fur
u-ir.i n ; tii ni fi m moth-.
Put .in "i roll- w. gb'ng 4-*> | *und each
1.7 pound- Felt will cx r a urfa*-e of PC
-IJU V **•' feet
F■: * h "g IJ"ii e lt""9ng T •miavmry
i.u g Wake! li.'hf Ft art
ri! f >r , *a* i.g under Sh.te and Shingle-
Is roll-. . ; .he whie by b<l in
length. Knelt iul w il! cover n -urfacc lt>
h-, t -I,nare or 1U rpiai' feet
For Sl.e.atillir it . Il be ntli'id upoH the
I t'ibiing, I, iking i i '.tly air tight
I ii-ating and ule pot • ■tl Iron, damp
I ae— lUt*. Niive or vif.n n wii! not go
fi*nr i
In r.d i-oiitMili tig 'Jdl |Ure fiat I- to
lie laid aero— the r.Hlf, ami tai jaal -hillgle
l'ii-hi"ti wuli laj "f lwo itiche-. and m*-
rured by nailing the mlgi wbuh "A> *•*.
t;o k
Ti> i the only ('oinpo-ition It.-.lii.*
thnt doe. not riajulre . Sni-bing . oat or
I puiiit or • emetit.
U/ji£iP/'bd rbll,
For • itrpci Lining. D if< njng Fl at d
for pitting uud r State. Tin ami Shingl *
lloofin •
Put Up It rol - weighing lt't JM,und
id O'lind- Pet will i >rer a -urfiye U 1
feet -iptaie, or tiki -nuare fe-'L
|,7 South 2tl, St lMiilmlclpliiii.
I I tang '.til
Yonug and Devling,
The hirp'st and I • .-t a-sorttm fit o!
Hrv (mmmlS.
I in the county, give ti* a Dial and snv
front I- r to 'J<l per criit. mi yuur pur
chtt-cf. julyiiH
/ 1< it UT Pl!' u l. \ MAION
ij U erca- ti " lion. Chmie- A Mayi
Pre ident of the coin' of Common Plea
in th, '-'•ill ludii'ini l)i-triet, con-i-ting*
tlie liinnti. - <*J Centre. Clinton nnd I'l. a:
j ttehl. ami Honorable John Monte man .li
i the* llonorabl. \\ llßam Alliwu, \.• *** hit
Ju ig**- in t'eiilr** eoiiiity, liax i ig i-.m
--their l*rnejf. h, :|) |-i,ig ipjj,. t| t .- j„v
j it* i * A. I'. IST |, to ni** ilnvei ,| f
I, iioldi'ig a *tift of Oyer and Tei .niuei an
, <l* ! i inl Jail Delivery and tjuartvr •
-lon- "I the Peace in Itellefoli'e, f.*r ill
,'**un(v of Cent re, nnd to cniioiin ice <*n In
.. Ii !* Momlax of Augual lU'xt, t-eing th
I vslll ilnv of Aug. IS7I, and to continue <*n
w ■*_'{./
N-.t i- iherefote !iot"hy given to th
o*vf< ur, Ju-te i- of the Poaee, A I nut*
a (1 C.iii •able ot the -aid county **l Cet
I ire. th t they t.e ii ami there In th •!
nr*t|*ei'per-'."- i t Ii in th ' for.
( i no .a • i -:ti*l ilnv, with ther rec.*ril*, ii
(1 |iii-ii .oii-, ex *uiinnti"ii-. mid t o'ir ow nr<
„ j ine.iPvraaei' , to *b* lh**-r thing- which I
their office appertain- So be done, u'l
( j th *-e v. !*o are hound in riH'ogiilxanee- t
|( . |. i-cctlte agaiii-t lli" jn -"liiT* that are*
-hall he in the Jail of Centra Mimty, I
..., then ami t>* nro-e. ute ngnint tli:na -it i
I be ju-t
j, I (Hv iti un4<'r my Inuid, at Iteib'fonte. tl
j •jftlrvl'iy trf Miff. oi'Hi'e yieaV'oi'otir I. •*-.
~(•! IST 1 mid in the ninety-lourth year of:!
i,* ; In.h'iM'tlden*'*' d'tlm In led S a •• ,
: (1 1> W. W'tDDHINti, .X7,, ,
~f: / t iiN I'l: A L ifilTlTC c..t ,V r, f Tim
."•jl. I Clie-tiitll Sin-el. MiStliuhiirg. P
Jjj i .|.*hit Hht.vtc:*! Pi,'|iil* i i
j It- Ceiitnl L * Ht'"n mil,.— It :i**i'i*nlar
j <b irab!e to per' >o vi-IHnn Tow ii on
j hit oil*'** or plea-ti* •
11. \. r.tyhir's Lix ry Atiached.
71 I jut23,ly
; \ Notice i* hereby given that letter* of
,V .1 mini t albui, ox ct fit*' etat of
I |'oil, latcof .Mile* loWniAip, dev d.
have be.'ii granted the ululer-igneil All
per-oti* knowing tholufmlve* imlobted tu
al.l *'. late will |d.<a*e make payment with
out ilcla v. and lho-e having claim* will
|ir*-ant ihoui propmly authenticated for
lej -cltleiiicnl. Anna Pelt
■ M JKHI UIAII llAlkg*.
c jyfvjuly.nt Adpjini.** it. r.
1 | Mil
Notico i- hereby given to all the Cnilect'
~jorof Staic ami County Tax* * <*l Centre
.. County, who have not aetlled up tlcir du
plicntc f'r the x*wr previout to IM7O, to
* onto In and acltde -*<i*l duplicate and make
pnynieiit of thu balali'i-v *lue beforit the
Hr-t day of September next, on the -aid
I balance* will lie placed in the band* of an
~ Attorney, with in-truciion* to coll. t th*
tame without delay.
liy Order ><f Coiiiml>>ioner*
July 19 Obri
Tv i Ml. <• oi it.e Lewi Uttg Cleft l/el
mid Spruce **•• If P. C'•* '
Philadelphia J * I dh, il ,
Notice i* bet*'F> g*X.-a {. *t .It* ■ !
„ (talment of live <2 >lT*t (I r *h:v . to tin I
capital -took of th>' LeW'i-burg, (Vntreandj
( Spruee C •* t* Hall H**a*l 4' *. tub crlheC
111 live luwn-blpe of llafH*, Putlwr, Or|Bg
Penll and Maine*. Centre comity, will IM
pay able MI tii*- t i y o! July IHJI, ami
•ub qU'ni in*. . uiii' *i ti • i*',r let
• hare, will he due and payable on th* lir-t
' day ol rit h -uee*-ediug ni • dh until the
* hole i- [• tid Pay ment- ' h at*ove lli
-talttien:- .re t ix i jm i ' > i< tualt
' to the Ire *-u .f "I th I o I .any, at thr
office *>f the Centre County Banking Com
pany ltellefonte Pa.
Tr iurer.
N II Any pern • .■•iring• ut pay th
whole vtf ut on* e. If ;-a', n it- are not
I punet *all> ma>in tl*.- liw* all*w> one pet
• cent, pel month lo be charged in additi n
Atteniion Faroiers of
having leased the Wre
h<HUe offopllfl A* Strunk in Milroy. ivn.iw
. |irei*ar*al I* pav the High -t v-li pri'e foi
r all Kind- ot Orain Coal, Pla t.*r and Sail
. con-tautl. **n hand maytSWu
: Coach Mixunfaofccry.
I- v* r i M :t r r :t v,
*; hi* e-ta'tll-hnielit il Cen're Hall, Pa.,
j keep- ..a ' illd. and f*r -tl. at the on*.
ren—'jiaMe rate*, n large -' ck •*!
A- Spring Wagons,
Pt. V! x m* 1 Fix V
vnd VeUic.C-ofex cry de*er.j*".i*! in ol" t
•rder, * I Warranle.l, t* b i.*d* <f
heat ea-<itie.i material, and by the m •*'
.kiH' d and i iiup.-trtit work n. * . l'er-on
' wanting any thing in In- liu*' are r*-*|Ue*Ua!
. io call and ex amine hi- work, they will tinvi I
it ii>*t to l*< excelled f>r durability an*!
' wear aprSCiy
• j
INAU7I FH sA LK ll*.
* . at private-*!etl*e !a— *n whet
,| he now re.i.le., Uuat.il i ft -rgu-.m tow n
' -hip. County of tVutre. one nine and a hali
I W. -10 l I'tne <t"X'<" 1 tiro . .4! .1.11
me hundred ami twenty acre-of th" t*.- ,
J quality of li.ue-Uft* one hunt re i a.re. "tl
,1 whieh'i* V Cared . under g ••• i tencw, and 11 \
! 1 high tub'! cilUivad.'ii Tnchalan- -*• j
.wetiiy acre- i-eovercd wlih si i" growth •< ,
' luiil.er, the budding- re g.l .1 * i c1 • j
; lient, with a -tteam ot lUi.nii.g wa! *r a
10-*|.*r. An or- t.act in 1 1-1 tearing o
' he or* h.s-t xariett<•! fruit, * id 1 graja
Iinv atd ol the moat popular and -< dar i
Tin- -j.lend.d farm will I**' "*il evieup
ind term-made en-y. For particular-call
ivton or ad*lre
MM/SI I! P. " ~r" ■ "•
A io-.. . *.o,j>i> : 11■ •r t >l'*re l*a<
in-**n opened by the undcr-igiicJ in Br** k
-rhott"- i' W huilding when* they are pre
pared 1 -il all kind. **l B. Idingand ilou*.
, Furni-' ng llar-lware, lr-e, Steel, Natl*.
Buggy wii eel* ill -e!t- <' .anvpion Clothe
Wringer. Mill Saw*,. C'i: ular and lh.ro
I.unoii s.iwW * " Sun ■. I ' ' 1 >■.
Freer■ :* Bath Tub-, Clothe- l-*k-, a fill
. m of tila-and Mirtwr fhhrfil
fl -ice*, i'n lure Frame*. \\ li*"**!lvarr'*w-
Lamp-. Coal <il I. imp*, li !tsn~ Spoke*
j FclliM'*. and llub. P|ov. • c ;!'.ivrt*.r. Con
Plow • Plow point*. Sic r Mold 80-it*,
and Cultivator Teeth. TI*I. Cutlery. Shov
..J-, S'*:vdc ami hrk-, lea liing**-.
1 Screw-, Sah Spring-, llor-i-SU.a -, N
Norway Bod* OiU Lard, Lubricating
C.vjvl, IJn-ia'd. Tanner- tn I'-. V i.-e- I',
low- Screw Plate*. Bo kwmith* To -'-,
" Fact*.rv Bell*. Il.vu- H-lh. Dinner IS -" ,
(km; I! ll*. Tea Bell-.Grind*! 'tl* -, 4"art r*
ter Tools Fruit Jar mniCati-. Ikiiuf*, it*]
Varni-hc- re. ,*ive*l and I T de at
ion. . -s.lv 1 Ai HtMWIv
• News! See lit' re !
Tlie u.i<ler'gned hereby inforin* th.
. it*/..-1- **f P* iiit-v alley that he ha- to r
rhn-fd th" Tut-hop h.-retofore "arrie.i on
hy the C II Mf; Co. amlwil* eotiti""
f the -ame, at tlie ol*l -t.-tid, in all it-bran- h
" e, in ill*' ni-tiiufaet.ire <*f
All kind- of repairing done. lie ha
lt I way- on ha ml
Fruit (juu-, of ;t!l Si tee,
\H work warraiit.'d an I eharg* - r.-v 01
ahle. A -har.* •>( Ite jitihlie naurunue no
li, it, l VND KSKSMAN.
'• 2-i'uTt'V Centre Hall
dealer* in *
H |
al-o nil the
A very large -.a.
(- j -tortm*'lit **f T**t
', 1.1 r A unci. *■ ■*.
F.x x<• ' 0 "id*
S'u.-.A. ,
Th" fi< ' t *J'I *l
- **f U V 7*l K
I.- ?*" kkt
h M v e.. s U ■ "Ut-
I ami It x/.on .
He ... ~
\\ Xt 1 I xr l 11 tx
Hat: XT V inn. 1 v
„ PUESCIII PTItINS,c" up nunlcd hv e.ui
puti tit.lmtggifd- at nllh'tMTi d iy ornight.
Sight customer* pu I night bell.
Hi-hop St., B'lln'out- Pt,
id! Inis!
t >
I qrd
!c riie iinderHigiicd would retpcctf.i'.l. it
lort.i lb*' eitia*'ii* of C. litre county, llu
the d*>vc Tar. Y'ar.l xvill ngnin be put i
~'l full o|*ernti*>n, in all il-hrmiche*, hy (lieu
\ HIDES VND |i\|;K NT^}'.
, Th" highoat t.iart.et nrlee will be pa!
. |.r llid-<>f all kind , rite liigln I tun
1 ket i*rice will :*!-** b** paid for Tanner
Bark The public pnlror.ngc i- •.illicit*'.
Snti-factitin guuratitccd.
VBAITII. uttrxot.i*'* xt* xtAnttt.r.
• rit"NT, Riuior at.. Beilefoutc.
f! \V I N KM A K D Ll<} V O HH
j Tho iibcriber e*pectfully * all* th> at
tention of the public to I'L etabli-hm nt,
' whore bo i* iire|*aid to ftirni*b all kind*oft
J{ Foreign ami Doiumtie Liquor#' wbob wluj
I at Um low ot oa-h price*, which are wrrn-j
I Heal tu bo the bt't qualtt*"- according t<>;
their ifjijKH tive price*. Hi* t>ck (mhmMl!
of Rye, .Vlonoiiguh* lw. Iri-h and other 1
, Whiakxet, all kind- *>f llr.tndi' -. Holland ,
din, Port, Vladerin. Cluory, Blackberry j
and other wine*—the b< t urtii'lr* at a j
rea-onahrr- 1 ,*t* ut can he had in : ■ *ty, -
• <Jhainp4gio . Cherry, Blackberry, 4*ingi j
• uud C.trr.tvs ty Hrandi*'*, Pure J..to tm#d
• New Knglanf Ilttut, Co/dial ••* a -ind
• Hew mid particularly Invltr Farm. r, ll*'- i
• lei k xep.rf. and other • to cell ami examine J
I hi* huge *u|ip!y, to Judge for th* o he- 1
1 and be certain f pr'*curing what they hoy,
which can aoldotti be done When purrha*-
ug in t! . !
! Phy-icliilptruru*jM i;tfuljy .re jo l< J
. give bi Is.jiff 1 a trial. aj*Ul
V,' Jolt SI'AMUI.I it, I'f jo ! ' *
, Stag* arrive and depart daily, tof all!
|K>tnt., north, *"*1111, <*t uud u. >t.
j Thi-fax >rii<-Hotel ha* h 1 t d i.tod r
jfuruuit***! by it* new proprietor, t*l BOW
!tu every ro*p' ot *ne of tit# moat t -ant
I country Hotel* in < *'ntral Penn*y -cnia.
i'h# traveiiing ■• •rnmuni!/ utoi ilr." - will
ih. .**•► tid ! il*# beataceo . 1 Vr
'*on irwm the city wmhing t>- •; < t a lo* i
Week-duril.,' C. li-im* rin t! o'.ry
4rlllfin.it i*t I'<o. lilt-. *. *•!...
tiful I*., ation- atid :i • tVnfr.- ii '
all they could dttairc for et>nif,*n and * -n "
rnniencc. apiO u
Vi lli- . ut ,
V i
mi ih . :• 1
I fine .I" k"f t " ,11. Ij. , JJt:
*tt.l spring VV r> • ii- *i .i* ti" tv r *
for a!" a* -aperi >r a 'piality •* ; ' w "
anr manufacture! it, - * n
re mu lb of'.he Ve, . 0 la. ,
lirt ela-a prat lit a* t. o.u.n a . .
in a ityia thai t nail* go* - ■. | .
any x. . rk <>uf of tu the !.
n*t *•!* le ■ I*l at lower prit ■ f ;' - *
tnanuiactur<"l In large in* n . <l*-- .
atoid4 u rent* in i ruinoti' ;>•■• .: liv
*l.g. ih • . i*. U *<l **. 1 £*', •!' i
tnxiot,- t "iCeJ lit h: - art Lli i"l I
ind fr. •fr .* any ann n mu- h.i-t- j
ut*.., It. ba *in and anility to *.'." —!
euttt at:.-ut -a t . it'.- Pr :} . | bit ,
■ti ! . • re 1 li't iftg a* !l '1 : - t<
*H patrol -. *|#ralitf#*, lilt country, an#
tItUM If. ,
Callti'. l- aUofo, h ■ lock a; : 'a 1. -
price ! .* aum.vfj.il f ■ Oit-amal. ,
It E i' A I It I .N 0
if all k!n j- lor*- .<at!y, promptly, irtts
4 > • i ' \
Yeagerv w t , June !2. Isfki ly.
ap! ) Ilf.Vl NA\\ . ' <
s\ ii f . VLH
s to i: j.
BLbup-t.- :, ii* .
atom U-: .■ : y
i'ti. -pie . ..*• in in/tfrtaing '• ;
4P nee,-. ■ w-'tftiitr * 4 hand c u , • •*
it. . HftlDm-e ti '-
AH it i r. ■mm < ♦ -•. .* •• t.
Tit -t.: etttion f practicing |*bj b
(lie I t I:.- ■ .... k of
in. i.- I • .. ...p ..j
.!* - • i'.V I.Y Pt it::' '•. : VI
xVIf i-K Y in t *wn.
All r ar.* warrant#-! • . .
uei'.-it. L*.|u r* w ili be - *ld bv t . o:
•arret, it* re, 11* h;* a Urn -• i ...
ff :!*.• to* --I gra.lc- on Itan**.
C.mfiJ ut ttiot he can pl***c c t .*r
le re*pe -.fully *olix'it a (bare ; ,
j I i'fW IN AVV li.s.iS' , r .
foi', iti * tie# g.*,-v)> In lli-M kx
II V U I) W A i- I.
>fe very d.'n*riptlmnttwdu.r • j ■ a
elng opened every day .-i d
Wall I'stpi'i*. i h
i ,vat 13 t.* '.it c< lit-per l 1- i
!>r ! V L4i S'VLF.S *'
1> 1, I It.
I lb M l V .
nit Y 't-AEDS Pi, ' , i
■ ' fo - tie hv Inw r v .
/ 4.: H-i tTT VND MILL ' '*'
; V *4 .L 4 t IKV . Y v
*i ?1* •r "n
UIMMIi'I! l'iims
' j Tii an 1 -r-igm d
1 .the.- t ■ ■' iNi'vi'i. 11- .1 i
: 'nd l'<' .4-vaiicy in parficuia*. * i i
>' thnt it# i- oiun.tfacSuri.ag
t£ bEyr MIl.J*-',
Imad#at koocur cdbcwhcrc. !l ...'
hut :i h t materia!, Tl k xv \CI.< i - vu. nj
ha give-all faction, a* being tji tn I Is.' j
ling and durable, u rTUinn io Tu: c.tlij
Jen pqtnp. Wing arrang. I t. Jet th* j
tv a' roll and pro vent Irecain In win •• i
i Pine. (• 'plar *r cucumber ;: . ■ a'a
•n li e. ? Hi- matirial i-r !- ' j
-awed front large tiutltcr, ami m • s vu *
Ij .Scfurrd ngatnalChrclting'u ("i .. k
AH order* Jv tea l pr*"* -t\
:, P I i'l N<, tt'ad# of Ih ' e-t i
five inch -cuntling, joined tog, ,'.'r v *1
i coupling hk*v'k, lliorougkly l. tud.-i. nwx.
wut rant*' Ito vtantl any pr* -.-ur* ...J *i .1
.ir xr*l fare tti*<*. Pr.ce- of pi .
' i frtiut I'J to IS e* nt-ja-r f*ai|. Send ct ,I*. •• '
' i-ept ut lv J. TKLI-LB
MH#*burg, i'a
It if ri a I ( as e s
\IH-TtOHT VND INDEsfitft 1 t.i.
Uiot.* . ( uo ami I'le-etxiu C*. If . t
''j The uuder-igned take- j*l : an
iiotmcing tho; It*'ltinnHH'ured th* o
cy in thi- couiitj for
1.1/ h I -I L /.If A Xli f. L .1 • F
Burial i iim'X -tiivi i'axkftx,
) which are *• wid* ly ktt**wn at" -jtor*'n**
i-j-c'i .t* "iiwttn>lation. the M f.'i xLl.lt'
! Ill' Hi.\ I. 4'ASK, xx it It je iI" -
|prm<•* : v !v :u**l tinDh, it- ettL.re he *t- *t
s 1 .villi the finding* #f the h,r -ive.i, i ;> ■
fecfcd ailju-tnicnf* nn.i app un; .*. 'n:* :*i
vhati ver relate- to tile pre v.* i *-*
j*r*t'ett,*n of the b.*d,* after dea. It. * o. ir*.
*t ■ 111 sI -1 y nnd entire adipSm • hithrpu;
• , i r which il s den gued.
j i ti- Fl NS,r nil tin* - pit i
j pro op night r day. The i'.-. I
Mid IttUetpli a 'id
•. i< lin ;.*•#"' HKN j; ts v I:it
Bell* fo;.:i
l * i. s id IT KL, Woe J ward !' *
I inrrivi* and d'i* i:.'lo I.e.
i fin- fa "rite li<*l-! i- iiovx' ill everv t* ;• et
] me ci !'"• mo.*: plca-.ati* country ti>*tci- in)
, ciitral Pcnu-ylviuiia Th*- traveling com- j
iiiuiiity will nlw.a.x - ..nd the :.. eo>niu-.
•hition. DroVcru tu at ail time* be iieeoui
niodiileil with -lahl. • and p.. -iu;v I *r :;tty;
lUiinborofcattle **•■ hor-e .
, juivd'f.stf 4ifC(>. V JLLKII.
SPi N DLE SK El NS for wng**:.-, a 1 >
r.e, af llu- -i.;ii of the An * d.
a]>l(':'*d. lnxvj.x.v WitofeSt.
" IJ kind at
! apHf.ts IK WIN A WILSON*'-
i Ci.v) I'llLNfl Dv#rcot I -. V#-t*
laud Dre** Cont. eiieap, aj vx
j nil " ,i. •
| I es.it 1 |:WIN .V Wll.St**
n- 1 04)K I NO-CLASS PLATK- ,11-in
ial Aj lor-al*'hy lKWtt . VV n.-i-x.
in a ' lifts.
1 \ PANNED TO Ui, 1 ii" ANi
♦ I iitli'-r Jajuir. i;"d v* a i.e. .It' he A i vi! S|.*re
, jnpliftls, ll;v\ IN ,x Wit.-ix.
I 'A LTS tor Ih)*'Vi, ~,,1 0 rl p'. i.
r * Ibo.ee in 11-. File l!"!: . li. at
, ( j I Ji.'l.t.S IKVVIX • Wll.iox'
1/ t-JFFIN I ItlM MINCS, „la i ;:* art
. mnutnt IHVVIN A VV 11-SD.Nr
IMiilndclphia Store,
in Br •',,.1! bli< k, Hi-hop Street,
ReHcfontc, where
hiv Jts t <|.. iit-.l i he beet, < lueport, larg el
m will i.i tin- bot assorted stock of deed*
|i> Illle|..ui<-
I the pint • t' buy your Milks, Mi.hsir-
Mo *n * . |ii K' j. Alpacas, Detains.
i I Hr.ltl Muslin*, Calfcom, Tick
, ni>, I 'litsel Oj-rn Vlnote, ledlnt Goat
'■/, til ! < liiiilil Hio-quos, Whit-
IVkny I,- i> Table Cloth*, • '--utiterfNliM*
' !> ' unii t /i - While end Colore*
[1 . r!t .Na|■ Uu In --rUtig* and Edging*
IVI i I,nee ' in',; /■ j-fiyr A Zephyr Pit'
.ii*, Tid.'- I '•*' oil, Mhav. I, Wore Basics a
V of i very kind, \\ hit* (load* o
cv.ry ii crip u I'crfumrry, Kibbon--
Voire! fa)-' ivud il uihet. Cord* w
Rraiii Veil*. Uult'xie, TrimMilßn, lanlii
..•id Mi<- Skirts
1 Ji y, fai , Brads, dewing
I. A 111 J A N'D MJHE* IJOK#
and in fait e iri thin# that i anU though
uf, dieirt-ii or u.-t-d in the
>• y hut I- <' -nd i 'Mwk n.
fito } io- mi , >mt* *oeii*, *,, i*|* iiM-j
'Hi, *>k, m.-l • m>su ii tin**, it
.hurt,. -• ry thininn L..J In tin- fine..
■ it*,, ii Every Dt
' J r M i; .ik!
■. . <i4 dlesa rand
[' < ( -Uiri TS, (tiUUk,
Ha j*. Hf, , J/m In,*, JUaurhed J/*
<*, JJlii ,)<■-, lUblrciutk'.
Ac,, cUvjijeer tliaii < )M-whem,
■ •> lilt --SWA UK Ali II! i
< LIU K.i m : excelled in -|Uali<> at
Call In a! t }*hi .<d*f.hia Store and * ••,
■ < > that KKLLKR * Mo*-
iy l.;iiii,' y. u Haol, and d ho-
Hcijilr of ''Qrsit a Halw alii.
r ajaavr
•"' ' I* !<t I*i tKC Tsars
l Oi. i iIK I'KOPI.I
' at Bargain*!
I - i. u-rii-iadtwineel lb
I #-r Lewer Ptie*. rr
: tM i-it.
. • O ► -nil, Designed o
"' I- d the tiro's, the la
V'.r.cd si. ! c m pl.t*- iti—.rt
11.- .( dlan, ltriiNw, '
t: ; - d quality; Whip.. •
! ' ,| Me t a Crt
now offer* at iirk-r
.1, . . : tin tf. r
;• t Iter ouality or (*•
(ia i,i • before been of I
t t Call ;-nd vxamiae -an
"a'.htded before |-ureUa*ine,
l • i'ette n.y |. n and
!> i-ral a-hare o! |<atr><naa
j- !. I ri-'ju-rtfcllj .elicit* i
• thf- n-me,
!i KlXliW. Centre Hell -
v :M. nkw uouos akd
" *i sic Prices,
■J d the r\|i-nlve .tore t'
' in i A Co . and addedto tkeni i
it |■; c pri •> t,rjfi. n.ituient f
ill . i .l.'-llloNKll l-ull KS
i U W ! It ,V VMIW>.<
J* !iii* l'aiict #
* Hdlv "\s 5a *
Warruiiiwl to Suit
! lurfioK- iiidfa-ioeers
( *i.t 1* i x<*lU-t
v . .:: t;: - <n v . LIA:TMKXT.
V ,>• i . i y , in I'Mitun-ul and hm
Cam-- I miU,
J i- ! • o.tir'and Fruits
("Ii -.d pa-trie, <>t a,, kind*,
ai, lot otlii-r tucle be*
t-. theOrurnry
;t JJm'fJkia Rat. a
Mild Ulwrth
'■o- dollar Mved i*
r.o a call and • r at
! a hat *!• oiiurljr low price*
V 1.1 Xti A WILSON,
r Dry ( o-. i* and Groceries
.M. U> h- w toida."%*
I . . . n■' r.-jire.vi)lcd. we will
> ' rt tiklr, IK-nt foryrtthe
I'ltVl-.iS 111' I Liu NOW*
\ . n. 11.-fo|,tr Pa.
Mauulacturiug Co J
A N I>
Mitrliine Works.
Xfit-. re,! 4 ur l#c*Mted
\l -i\ S .at', "and AnnicviTVltAL
W- . i with all now and late*:
1 M hiiu-ry ai Centre UU, an
; li. | ibheihatthey arvnow ready
. - f r auythinn in ihcirlin
i. bu.in-
I'll I lies,
x \'<- * mi fa-lure ;ae celobrated
I *
•i. * and- unrivnlled.
r hn- ad v nu tare* or er ell oibei
e ! tine adtan
i'-'T it. i* the lerer power, by
' . ;:t it- hundred |>er cent orei
ktuthr edrentexelaUic
a i-aratu*, wbereb;
I • a i. t - n.lcr hi* complete Metro
hiu- : in < lUtting to it pot of lod|i
-irivt-.-can <-hi|iiite thtt out o
■it at. r. t.-tnt, without otoppin,
I .-yin_ ti c tuble from l to It
-tt idf of (he luncbine, a* wel!
It - .-on-tmeted of |r*t
i-.ui! h silt by Hr*t cle*, ma
• - i :. -t it second to none.
\ tl--r---)H>weri> and Thre*hinf
Kit i I tlraiu Itake*. leteatim
S - i-l of Repairing done, pif
I ertil t k lilt', of
Tli Celebrated flrekendorn Kconomici
pi--., wli. h !in given entire *ati*factioi
We mploy the be-t I'ntternmakera, oui
pattern; u ;<t! ru -w and of the nioattmprov
ed plan*, i'laii*. Specifloatiapi and I) an
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A 1 >.;>< . -tr'u tattention to bu*
re. v 1. ihcre of puhlir patronai
i -v I • . r. t >:ion made and fitted up f<
i.Li H,
' ' illtiEf 1 ,
r. AO., AI
Vll -rder.- hy mail promptly attended t
l h JK ..t. F'GCOM'P
9 '
' Dr. Crook's WIHE OF TAR!
I* • PrefwrsUoa whlab
"** \*m tried by the
_ . „ * patdie lee Me rar*,ad
flcufhi AtenaytlM
Maen"a er.aane,d fu
*7 pwywtXßMl.
e. m . JkMHI BBi A am a
Dr. Crook s WINE OF TAB!
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~ f A, i-' 1;::. v uii- ! ft | K :
Irtlwt If rtttli ft... eompu-'ita 4 *trek
Dr. Crook's WOTjOF JfiJL I
ate, tSiT*Miore
DCXtLITT ed rapoflv rmaiotaa Ka>
m- mwmma it IHNMMMM VVf'MMMQId •filMI
t,*r IJm mmk
Dr. Crook't WnP OF TAR I
It* tin ft-i illx# a
. ... Um dteei'
AyydLM. WW, e-h."!*■ the Uw,
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Dr. Crook's Wl^eTp'taEl
• "*m am UM OriMfy
ary MwrMtee, *ha Mb
Dr. Crook's WIHE OF TAE!
I* neb la the medtetaal *
Srik Uw*
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■!.". tMimdi.Mae-
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wlrtlkjtk iXtJL XmIIIL * t w*tu!sii4 Ibhi eewi-i3i #wmv
kwßHk ni^n6flßssj6i^^E
S atMlUte, at Paha ltd
tfth dWHUtlfmtid WltJbi iSb#
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Jw&j . SYRUP
. Halite* UM pteMMiee
'h* bMt Aier- *• ad
Ten* keeira far
Icroto, Screfukroi
AH itfinat
pW u fA e i..,
Vvlß9fiff vfiTcieC i/UMset. cro
tedm Coutits.
Lots, or
jaS&jfßßmffil rmtir tc y.rjj aai
Mrxk tEdS.ud.vil!
fiUFiJSa^S'W jSrnA m
I'oHOx. |.-rA*Sb iff* *A'teJbdl 'te^tißr*
WE*a^E£k2mj£J& 7 w **
r.H*i "aty^
\ itasjf 01iTr Crook A Ca
lljt, Everf ppfflypi
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The New Firm.
HeraMv 4 CrMmilter.
New Spring Goods
Come tne mid all!
Just arrive*! end will alwaJTd I kept
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Dry (ieeda, Ndm. Uroeeri'*, Hard
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. New * print
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White Goods & #
Embron eries
The flnect atorkTn l*wit,M.l *• ijuanuty
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Ca**lmer. Cbmkinit-.
Sprinjr and -uinmer shawl*, in fact, we keep
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All we ask thai rou will
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i consider it anv trouble to hw c--<l*.
! 1 silver plated and Yankee Harne-a double
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Mji it hood: How Loot, How Rpstorvd
Jutt pub.iabed, a new edition of Dr.
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teal cure (without mitlicine) of SpernaUr
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ly ring*, etc; aho, Consumption, Kpile|*y,
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; f The celebrated author, in ihu admirable
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ing consequence* of self abuse may be radl
'! cally cured without the dangerou- use of
interwnl medicine or the application of the
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■* ly, privately, and radically.
i It- iSm* Lecture should be in the hand*
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j Sent, under Mtl, in n plain enve ope. to
any address, poatpaid on receipt of *ia
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, Alao, Dr. Culver well's "Marrtafe
Guide," prie* S£ cent*.
** Ad dress the Publisher*.
ir 137 Bowery, Nev York, Post-office Bon
r- t sfw lepllr
K E A H. T. ANTHONY A (0 n
591 Broadway, New York,
'° Invite the attention of the Trade to their
extensive assortment of the above good*,
of their own publication, numulacttire and
onAruo-soorna, *rw vggws w wmra
E. A H. T. ANTHONY A DC)., 591
r Broadway, Nnv Yttrk. Opposit M4
ropolitau Hotel,