i *./ ~TiiC iA JL It CKIttAY, Al'U i* iy f '' ——— - - • • tf" f'*~ local IT km 3. tOCib HSW3. O.ir !'n li t- will . Mil u. be ,cn ffo*Li •!*• r eat, inolu.lNag a<*"'V. ■A- ■ uch urn oagaflF road t>v } - out tr. •* 1 lh west, many of wh>m * i !ll '• ' We would inAliy mail a ; "|\v •• ho Keportof t" i.*l ..uv •} aeqttw>no<" I cos who forntf'rty lA> >" tVntis.**ltiv .and romovol to ot'ior pa.t . w " *oM induco msnvW hi-.'-u.x -n •• > • •_.. o BLANKS -tilat-k st snmu*. VcmC; • Not.' Kxv\*# , 's !"i I Jwlgm. : : Fx Mnption Xofevmmbiwu. •.t" "" 1 routs, &•„ fur sale at *<>'* " " • —0 fl MFOKTAV'P Ml '' v The circulation ofihe Repot; : L• n this si.! > of the t uii: jv, i" now j:. uj.-r than thai *' any too jut . tin oountv, hwr husim " itiett vi:.> vvudi to reach the lVntiAV illcv tnt.lc.nH advance their a'> i'*:* 1 Iy . .v. tiaiit ;in the lit r t: ; . lion list is oiK it to the ins;., vttcn -J a ■ who wish toanlvcrtwr. _ t> — Golossi Kocnt.vin T.A v -. 1 new and novel. !!•• ottv and read the w - ! vcrtisement in >nr papyr. ■> 1 1 i **t lu\ 'ntio iet the Vi! v.' nei.se ' the Golden Fountain <• <* i*'ur|Hi~*e.t. A Koodi i> a no. e— ty t" v.-rv MM. woman a t '* "" iu '"- * ,M * 1 ainlonettfrrthit-h . Mr Hales! mat know toweihu.* ;• • 0 "• 1 r ' : 1 i could nut t'. *5 I : on I. : i •* 1" I. e ah >ve laanonr. Ss vKts Mr. uT I 1! any 'our I mar lVtlers ., ■ -{..v..- - two rattU snakea, *>•.• ot ak • h i>-< ..••>• t-f lleifcfonte. died M thtaMMmtHft- Tl CruttKU that Wu J. ii.stcionJi. for unerly of tie* Tt'dey. v. as kilhA by tlimw , *i- c l' ' - '• * I dieted, and Wily - -u to aitve wtu. doing well. Uojs- . John U. Bu:ke t, livtugncar Buhmon.l. j f Indian*. .- t ofti • dr.) k.-r, . t ILL - ||urg. a short ti.ne u)p wh" ; : frvtn the Ce'.d with a l%d of oats, a ltt*t chain broke whi'cdesCen'tiagA H by precipUating wag. n. lors swd drtwr , over an aimo-t |nnfpend:.n.sr j.r. t ijn " au fts-t. In the fail *•' KM iodg. >1 under j Lag. -n and horses, and alth.mgh still cm- j scicms could u.'t be extricntfi until life j was extinct. Strange to .ay. neither ..f th, hors.-s were injured in the fall. STRAT Hims. - Four la Ir. i:. s -1 o il. lu.ve Wet; on tie- jueni.se- J of the undersigned, near ventre Uhll.f r s. vera! weeks. The owner is called at*o. I .to on..' lorwa-d. i'-ov pr. te. i'..v t-t- sr.d reii. 've the smoe. .?lierwisa iWv j ■wtji W disjaacd - : Cu**diti to '• '*• ' " Joj.N N liorr k . i i . bay an wtisg uwchi'4 ' Bt'-h yon j 'wwW ; singer. It is the M.oet j ! " w . n de, and Its work L- i Ct.rni'lete u a , • i r *v. - ncr **. *o.d *• faultless. IB' U.'l. . - j year than of any dW ' | the U tvi'J. te . ! '.! - ' ' ■ . ft received more <• "mine.-;. '•'!* ■ r[ j ft other n : ebiiu .au i -in ' . BE r and try it Wfo c ♦•viC ou*• j I Ziiu; icnraii Uru".-, st l rffe agen's f' T l' n'r to.o.tx .v. ute tl*i- < rivaii. d machine can at ui! t iu -be >ceu. , N.-i lii m i I- ; I• . ..<•■ i shoe w. arii.g e rrmuiHly f I'ei.e-va.lv under- ■ 4|Uiud. that Grahi.ni .*; " ti t* gr at l'nd -Aid •bee ddtwrA of ft.*llc""J tc, wet** Bid j thee>elve burned by the re* eit ft*, but are alive and have located next do>r tu , Wagner * store, where they are%pr*|iared( j a- heretofore, to *lne- cheaj'' r than the j ln-.| <--t. Tin V uav. th.i:..- i thair numerous palp f favor . "'"1 _ wiii ail *n h, and many ie ones, t.. euM i and k-c th< m ia iWir new •purrti-rs. I SLi: H K112! ft *ss. M' -'S ilir-eh's < ! .til -y Su re, tn I Milrov. is jurt BOW ih iri'UgMy -t ••<•<.. B with Mcb"- A Bo**' .. I I - .t every ■ cptality and priee-. l • )<• - >a- i ! m eircutnrtaficc*, and • f w li;w. r t-t 1 bey will furnish y u a -nit el last w titer. ; *X' IC l ftW makea it inipeiative on the Sherifl of each county thut lmrdcr on, or through wh'ciiflowtlieStiwjiielianna | or Delate a e rivvig, nntl (ribu anes. f when he tlijitovew : f r D informe j that fish hasketa, ce* we're, kiddles, fAeincs, t' m. ts or any other perrna ci.t'v -et JPt wtrivAnce ii-r cati-hiii,.* irh cx:s •, to '*ive ten tluvs ntiiice thiMUgli u 7 ' t -*Mpm !' tl e tesjiclivi' ccunli. s, lit t tLat itrc eoiitnvHiie-s ;.m Jcc'ari. siuj ■ ii.-1■ i:111' !• 1 l.y Liisa lifts, .. And it i.ot jw.' 0* iters or * iJ.. said sin .untied within *• luffX and .1 - shall proceed v. n... "* IWjiftj'dai!, troy all suckninlriVanev. *. ut pi ' aud'ifthe eshcrrti* shall irtele • fuse to jierfonn sticli duties after . **'j I fnotifiid, he will be liable t a li" 7 ■ | not less than 8100, nor inure than j ft SIOOO. We see lhat the iheriif of ft county has uhvady L given notice through the new?ji|e.B he intends to enforce the law. Tuout. —We see ly the new law W passed by the lust Legislature, tliat persona are allowed to catch trout dn- L ring the months of April, May, June, | Julv. and ihefiyst fifteen datj.< vf Au- I g,uti, the words in ita/iai having l.een f "aided to the law of "09 and '7O. 1 y\-,. dire, t the attention of our readers to V the advertisenien*. "f I-inn |* •' *- 1 >l"oio (>• a—•< nia'lybigoiirnn(V |*n I e-iimng ili.oe now . p|..i!ia and ity , ilkK W' lb oat the r-idlroS'i tjieoligb tVatu county, I .vould I woo ... (hi . .rn . t.o- jo .n d i.o-.->.vl it en . | IUW i-loit v it. • ;.k I'eliti-vlle,v t<> Iy j ret.. .• fk(nni. i'rh aiion and gauge, , an.l try it ;; . .!•trt.i the u.aktng of said j Coa.i Ila 0.0-lion i.iitur.oiv Mi ...-., why bit so. ntid wit" ore those (lieu wllo ha\ >0 lately > hunj e.l their mil .1. ' t eat) find j i.one Io; ; t.e .!i-ppi"lHci vv tiivh I- unoe tlolig We know l.olhllli* about, . \evptlllg what ao learn ftein rni r.a.i men, You lu\o, Mt. Kd tor, t tictik. answered a!t 1 questions in i.laUoii to the above, rail*fas tociiytl v. ugh y tmr e. lun.s luu.nt all , I j0..,, n1.0.0l meti. is. * wbieh you drv* j .he prw. >' and appis.kalloll of .l g"ai eilt 1' r. a*. Ha.i whi.ii. 1 am sorry to say, can not jbe *aid ot' all . uttvu ty p. ner>. Keep on III) the good vi ok, y>'. wui te (o.vaided Iby scetltg tils' bkolHolAe pnfillg aWuy ' | uPi'Ujjh our b.-;.utt. (loaUburg, Ua t i r .io.g utwug the line, 1 lotiu.l tiir ' Mill* "fn* not. ■ to a p...0n si y.-ur jtOwtishlp. Aftet arguing wah s'tie ol the jordmprv raug.*U'u.l. r-. loUr U .• Mtiitg j ilup,s*a toe. a- V setlid tut tusYe it Willi ! out nu.ro money, and now es in ler what I as s .'i . i rtamty i.vuwi>li.ti, a ihise r >t j gangs', 1 khosv that, -disi lie, but vent s.t jtcU'tpo ! with its, P> gs t it vr Ist way, , fs<: sttoi !" swiyiil ts . make us hauls' in Iwntieii I rooe sUf, n> I 1>., It w.i* loistakeH iu tin" ps'rss'N. So you -vc 1 is-ttilt'sl a sixsret but t was lisit i tte-s ;* its, j 1 iisn .sue UstTsl ts -;sy *t the -toil 1 slis s,. ii , along Var t'ohr C.. k line. IJ.K. M is ait I Ittissw, ami 1 uut atVa .i lis' ■showed ion.ss'll to dl-isdvatitag* lately iin lis. Wat. tin an an.l as K" is a go m>l like i to he jis'is.'iiiit, toil • a*- value livtur to lis I til tils' at* htttait, attd case his tiatue tu i Atlls I leaf t would t."l be treating loui jmrftuly ifl dtd am give i;> mm For ' 1 s!i not tiiink he i* iwtteb a-ltalue.l of eal i itltg In, Si- 'i; blast - es'Ssarsi- a* I do lug be • lievo tl., \ -sr.. sentiment", and a i, s cry j well for htm hi* ne'-gltbor* tiiink shcy *rs> ! boirowetl I pity bint that be s.si,| , ( i much fin his tmudeu piece tor publication. But i the et!|:.-r -ays Uc did i. t publish nsar all j he *'rote l>t t-*t'k the lesl of tt out, ,o we ! in ay gtie - wiiat the rust naist lots, l-e.-n, w it. it th.- editor **> alYaid to ttubli-h it in I tntl. 1 vv.ll give you my opinion of John, tor i conversed a gr at ib-.ti with him upon ! ihe railroad j>.: before his piece appoatesl. j lie was working i.t be tlade in tioai,buij j at.d kmrw-jkatige, but ss , fi rani H Wuliid never do. He i* .sff.tiifts! at Mr l.eurts r, tile engineer, for Ds* locating or givmg him ututru -ati-fac- Uon for is-., rim nil J( T-aek ot h's Ip'tiye in niece of in front oi it, .**.• you u- i,c i* j ..r.e of the disappoints tl ene, Hcve they ' - vnvptthiEo together. !|K yhi u.'l think, iViciuls of l'otisr and Karri*, we h.td better all work together, (and iessi. l||C Ji'tati.os ami gauge of Ith - n.'W lu portHHl r> ti the .-tlieer* of j the P. I!. Is. Com j.,, for I kmis, jss. will I lift luj'Jt'h tissste than by ssppssrilig tlieiu, J Fa KM i. b. < • *ijn ia'gs I '! )e fsiH 'Wiiijj i b s'sspy of t!ic law 1 pus* .1 nt the -ate *s -*..• (' li e i > a't:re f>r ll.e j r >(> cli "it uf (.'lt rg)'- i itu'i. ittci .ludict* sit the Penw, j*r ! rs.riitii'g ti.e narns.v cs r* im>tiv. j ,\;i at i ic!jt':no 'oi Claittlcaliuc Mar ) i * . Ssii"a-it ) })' -I t uur't d stv , Thai i" j sfue of the p. am', ulargrnian, •uc; t r, i r uht r j t j>" Bhn Uutll j'nk. . o a hiics !! M| r:.ir:;i rju* iiinr : ••i.i,;.' j I,l,tier tls- Itj*c 111 twenty-sine y<-Strt a* ! jT Visit tl in the MiuUtl ."ta lttsti of till ! nt, S liiislri! "At! act to jireve'tl clati dteti'ic n.arilajjtK*," :*' trVetl [ sluua- Ity fourtvciilh, Auuo lfoit (< tui • tic ihmUMUtl s- Veti l iltnltsal .tml twiji y ttstic, in us- lUich justice I ! the p. as-e, j -lei yv'i'a: , Ulinieter, or *'l h. i i er-niti > Ha* tn ;rri sjje Cs'reniot.v, ha . Jl ti.e litiJP ol i in" k* lliellt 111 lU.tring ,hi -wtl.g VoS* r: Fkt 11 V |M T f Mi- ii ivf'Mtoi.j' iutliirc 'yj'lci ii'f jr*\isiutt#ot l. tttst trt* ! .r iW f IM'i ilhsf' -iii'l. \ nfiiv.'l Jsfpp 'J, Joil. DEATHS. 1< i Of id '.ear I's-'oi Hall, Cathnrine, w- Jow" ■>' 7.; i. bartab pilitfgnrt, aged * "• year* : t loUith ai vl 11 d'o>- t A Mi' ii K K I i I "'store will of a fitHM!li'4iii| held tn dv,. iiii' isi oiet- oflhs- Ks \-.a-iatioi.; t.ti j the hnt<'; of Mr. Wot. HtalWl. it. ' fl'u is -mwi-'in;' "it ths* oT-t lu-t. Tfia teli ifi- hs p ib. e ire < ..rdiiniy invited to nlteini i S.ei U.ke ..aniis lii.- s>. reie'-s ot thy t* ea jaitdl T' s r.. w-iU be a<*tildrin* Meeting" j ueul cf some siiu.bli* tifcif during the ets fvailtf n.-.'tlt, -f SS his it i.tft I(S*ICC V. ill be given tfom th# Bie uiigr uio,"jd) t" wltkßi j-i-fsUt* -a: .!, ilslsath ss ho.il a4 it'ia are kindly tnviu d t> bring the "little oiie„." Aii* hit. k-teriug positively forbidden Wi jtirt chit limits pio-erib-d by law J toies except by; p.-riiiis-ion of the siiperin-'endcnt ot the toet ting •"*. Ik UttvMxiirov, I' r in ehiirge. Qfßei VI. NOTKT. —""i n ui.dcrsigmsl I O W"til lti -l.ly i It |r- -a -uglj Mil ticks ,!ers, tt'arthi'sr house keeper -, et"' , ttint [ Uo > w iil ust os* -illoweil to t rcct all s Istlild ! tug aud carry m a v bu-.u. -- ssitii n one utile oftlic <-, ii,. ;roii:iil. eVicptilig suell , j a haVs! p' mu--i'Hi from the isituintitt •>. ' Kila* .">tuiilmiig-;<, S let-liHi Mm-ir. 111. If Fiedler, lie v. *sh t, K Kreauter. | Z- rhe, fummiit... Vksignzk s ;*#: li k: 1 >jtpM* 5 • hereby given that the account *et ll H fM iwelf k sV M l>. tea-key. >• * CsHlnly, I f< A'l. nst't. "i, IK7I. ami titib s. .dk { 1 , *V Id"'*' •*•■",' before the thinl day oV.'-siilT. -.. ' ' v w,,< ** heard •*•'•'4 i( •" ,i so. artiiuß. j jyJyOglt NOVII K.- JefUrrt tr l"i tainsuitary t- the <■-• !• of Fcid hurst. Isteof Poller t* stamp,' entre coun ir ib-e'sl., 1 aving been ir:.0.u..l pi 111* un deriieiit'il all perron* indebted b>t>ie *nid e-'.air ar- re.Jlleste.l t. make i nmed ntr ■e'tleb uierit. " !, 'i lb- ' lmvitig vialtit' to pr -ej.t tin m du'.y authe itieats-.l for py --: p. ' ~l.o'n s PfTTM, Jtms • s lis- K j 1V V . "... ,J Model Bookstore. | ; j j l'liKiketnff. I MulJi-i UtHtkrUaC, vj.rrr; °n Dppo WOFBE, IIELLKFONTK PA. ill I c fonts'- * J. I. HANK I*s; Proii* RANKIN'S model bookstore The ftepot iOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS iu Centre County. PUBLIC f-AI.K Th* uttsietsigntH wulssffwr ftfr **!e on tne <• h slav o , Oct dter. 18. I, A Y.M.I" ABLE FA KM. t- . .... -ituatesl iu l'.sttertow nhip, t • tint* Pa abou; 4 mile* K*l of llo*! ' . ami 4 tilth's West of Cant re Kill . ouing. TWW KI'N'DKKIt At K . n ! iits'tv oi la--, about sktie huudn X #n, e :s . ic oi -ii| farm i the be*l ,iue -tans' x laud. In a high atnMtofcuKivnti smltha . balance i* the hot of timber, e- eg of j Oak, Chestnut ske it'*., and U • o.itsd i| |wi h water by n lies er falli'i. nnlttg v -treaic, also* nev ei fallm i well • > < il*; I water. ,1 ; *1 lie bulbling* on the farm a; s i. am- I P'i . cs i -.-ting ot it Inrge 2 • 1 rattle , i .Iwellinp, a lennnt h'stisc largs k . barn, , J wph all net s "ry uutbulhllii, ■ -h a* .. j wa-'li holts.' with running walet i, s-.gon - I hoti.e, .moke house, carriage * ling u hoiue, sV. , nil ill gsassl order V ). oKCIIAUDoFCIIoIi : I ' frtc.i, -ecsmd to tiisne in lbs* atat- ■ i* *t i eg ot apples, oear*, |>s-Behes, tdi ii", char rn , Jsc. TU above farm all'.':. < op p.utunity for a valuable invest; ..tisi a i ' very slcirable home. It i* km ti* the I Ide rs-*isls'He stf Sainurl Spat jt - * "si, , |'KUM> hm-lllird Is. trii - ill th# arm as a slower during the life wi "• • -w Interest to be paitl alit.u.il itls • thiol to be paisl tut esuifirmati -ale, - (lie balance ill ssue year thereat -r with ill • teret To be -ttcurcsl by bssltsl iimrl i ; age sill the premive- M IROAKET BP v X KB r 1 SKA L SI'W .K. . wtigl'.u ; sssutsr. , Oir>:UIFK SALK< bT lly virtue of sundry writ* of I ..-at K< }' Has ntlsl /.'fill pui'ists, in i . ;t of ' the Court of Con.molt I'.ea- 1 t > ntrs, swiunty, ami to me directed, wii es| to puldi. *isle. at th* Court tl i-a in ' Bel is, route on Monday tt.e L*Vtb :ty of Vugu-t A l, 1871, the follow it , p .perty AU the right, tale and interest .l. fea slant, in and to all thorn two -• d !raet or piiH's's sit land situatsd in 1" < tow n ship, Centre s's>uuty l'a. one b .un ds-sl Ssiu hby land s>f Drinker- .; by laud of C -v," Wet by land of \ C urea, j South bv -, containing 75 acre 1 iwltsy. South bv land of A dam Wglke ■ ! West by laud of Wlft. Uutler, pot ittg Wi acres and allowance; tUervsUi c..- ->d a big host-valid Mahle, with a young - >rd sSte. Seiaswl taken ill exs cutioM ami to - sob) a* the i.r.'jierty s)f A. \. Walker. ALSO -.UI th# right lilloami tuiereaiuf defendant iu and l" th* blls,wtug real tats- Allthssse certain juecs— .els or tract.-of land situate iu Ku-h ; . n hip. Centre county. Fa. One there r in the warrants-e name of Fetei Bru: -u ;• con taining 4iV> aeres and lot perch, s No. HA, An other ths-ressf, in the warrau o* of riio.„a. K lwarsls. containing 4 r. and lii |krviu's, No. * ter iii. rtif, in warrants*!' liamsj of Lobert Trss. 'itain ing 4SS aere* and ISS iwrv he. N • "7. the rendu* of the tract in the war-., rename ~f Thomas (Irani, s'ssutaining as-rs- and j lit pen-lie- No. 4o Anothe' tl.- i.inth* warrantc- name of Thomas K* .Main ing i► vs o4 J d IrtTche* N* 1 • tad al# parts ut tracts >■' a-sy.oi .rvey ,*! in warrants names of Wui. . lu.l Martin M ver, begining at a pso! i -!.r sf I I Istid sf l(rs. Sarah d. Hale a-i 1 I'.. tt. Ilalc thence ailing land s,t saisi 1.. \V. Hale, N'cr'h *•*-* K. 47 perches to a ( >-!. tiieiiee Sssttii, 14" Ea*t "il w rrhM, tb. • *.*uth •JD K. J-> tclp'.'. Perthes, thrlje hi'plll Df" 11 ; ;cl.ea, ihcm. South 4 s W 4( 4-llpnr. |ea.t, Usct.ee North Uf W. 471 prij'hs--. .. irnst. thense along land of said Mr-, s.- ah J. Unle North 4o K. *J perrbs post, thence along >w North sH" 5 V' l*r cbcs U> place of begining. c>: ' . ng 21 acre* ami 112 lurches nsA no ■ And a'su low ''• W ' 19 1 ' 1,1 th " borough of FhiltLohurg. a,,,t " juare Lot iMM'd by North htl strort t" tie -treet Atbcit'iPslam., ami •'-■ •' the borough of Pbillpsburg. Pe* ■ tk u in FYicutiiH) mid U Ik* M'ld * ll*- •; rty of ' K W. lisle. .VL*U>—A certain lot t.r met •: - round • situate in the borough of Fhilij ; - Cen tre eountv. Fa. bounded on fit-- North by '' land S.f James tianoe. on lb- K.ist hy ! Ltvivl *rue|, on the South by ... i street fi tTii) PM ftfrMtifihh', *' ton " ' tdaininj? 1 mi iu rc fHJ# or *, r^r 1 erevtesl two dwelling Uott**#, P re MOM, .-table Olid other out buildings. F a.d ta ''kits i5 Wtet Utmn and to _ e ->-i n* the j.iopertv of t:i. \ elaosi Jt Fill" V Lst l \ I that certain tow n situate • in tiff vilbige ol Slablsswn, Ut i ■ , town ►hip. kLoUmfM'ity J*. IU J'■ ' ion the i*lat ofsiti i \ p i |"i, . ' hona -1.1. d a- follow-: Oil (h .1 -t by JurkseU street, on the North I •! i street, on th# bOUth Fast by h t No lit. s>o ! the South West by Calhoun Us ing "J" feet I 'Mtr and slOfeet wi.le;n on crev fed * f!qr;'liing house. sUsbls- S l*rd taken v#" v"t'"fl* Jttiil to be ta* the prii*rty ofr! 11. If iH.mt All tue riglft lifie I hitjvrest of defendant, in and to, all thai . rbiTn lot ot ground situate in the Ipirwiigh of Belie fs. ntc. and lying "• Spring tis. t, i.mi #t ■ teiidsnr hick of Locust alley, adjoining ' lot* of Philip Dwnrr on the North and South, and known a b>t No. 147, in th* g. iit-ral plan of laid town, thereon erect* t ' i..,54x and "Ut building*. S -d Uk n " in eaectiiion U*d l'{ be WW a* th< pr 'per ty of slant * MT.nl, iALSrt—sAll that plank frnmc >1 veiling hop,*, tvro storie* high, wiihn ir • 1 of ih> isict, ffif feet in sleplh. situa'e in ft '""Milage ..r tract of land In Frgu*on Pwu- ,'i; ad ; jiiipiflg lands of Shorb Stewart & to. on 1 ' tin' A Fast by land* of Js> • p'i Firb, , i on the West, mpl on the South by land* ol : t M Will fains. Ttm gt'snndJ hy sail ah liMduf. and -o u.ut'll utile" K r 'o'4 it l1 * • i rued lately adjacent as may tu i ccssary | i for the ordinary and useful pu<-p' there - of. Ss ir-esl take's In execution "■"! to b# t' *1,1.1 a- the property of John 11. •. owner or . rs p4kt'd oU Jier. and Joseph B. Kb con • | tractor. Ii! ,\ L*>(l A sertatn nt J,' ' ' itnalc i 1 liilsh town-hip I'i • foplty. I l'a b siitislod and slcscribosl gs t fit! 1 Beginning .it * p**t * ( ost thence 1 bv laud of M'Ch'llan Ss.uth 22 I'.ot -VBtmr clit-s to n p..-t on line of lanl ("*'. them's* hy said line .South ; . i*'.t K.. ti f per,cite, to f corner of the said ' ii i M C'l*(li>, Jtnt'hc* H<>ukb (Mi e< ■t i per- j cites Ur the pluife ot bhgtlfliing. . ftUining 1 d tare*, nil cleared. Sei/.esl t... . i.t uxc k - ciilioii iiml to be ssdsl a* the pr -perty ol Levi Keymdd* Jc wife. ,\ I-S A eertain bt of gr.. r; 1 situat# )rn t(pj Iprfuttgh of FhlMpabittg. Centr# j count/ iU LO'itoLJ tut th'" " ">th by ■ l'rsqui-i-!e -Irewf op |4> h '•' Ijlifl ; rtrs.s.t, F,:i"t by lot "f John 1' glr."l. ami ' on tb# tt "st l.y Nortli fifth stro t ami known a* lot No. In lha „ .■ J plan |of said borssugh, containing m '• in ..fan " i it'-rc, a"fe or less, thereon erect. . two story frttMCbou-e aud outbuildiu. S*i**d i liiken iu exesaition find to ba ii at th* property t'f AVililaiu Smith. ALSO--All tj/jtiertain U ' "oryflwiu* j dwelling louisi; s|(yalp ip th i 'rotlgll ot Bolls fonu-Centre county p. jii tip,South side pf Logan sir et ' 1 a by : twenty ftmr tcot and the l"t or pier* of e round iiml curtUlag* appurtcn iiii the rots* [in ti tided on the Fast ov l" : Kdward j Lfihe Oil tins South West h;. l"t* of I Mcperinot sk McCafferty, and on the North by Logan street Set*' . tuacn in , EXCCUJIII'T uf)3 fn BF ** I : , J"' R TY °I | George Cru e, u Sale to commence at ope oil •; r. • of said day. . JL W. ttOODKINO, -1 crtff Sheriffs office Bel slonle l*n Aug, 8.'71. MILHY IIAItKF'IS. Oorrccteil hy John M l)t>v,s 11. Whits. w Jp'ml 1,22.... R d whetit 1,17.. .. By* 70 -Cold to Ihh , M ClovcTsved 4,fio.7;...Tip#oj|jF* d JJIJ ... Salt 2 "sOper sack •• Bacon 10c Ham Id Butter Fgg '' 20 PlarturU.fiO BELLKFONTK MAHKK.TS. IJuTected by Keller k Mu scr. i> hue MlveaißLß. , < KellO> Rv0...... Corn r(>.„„.L'Jovcrs#"Cd f.>o ......Potatoes U. Lard per poWfld J21,...... P0rkiur I'OundW Butter 16- *'"jV P i t\r, Tallow J2 Ham TASTKAY'.—Strayed from thu praipL* of the undersigned, about the Ist ol i .fe hr"d Cow, about four year* old, U'iiti 'a While P Q t on ,IPr n l! l . or l 4 ' .! i or birlfi Add having it small hole ll pr*' 4- ' J ENGLISH ROOfING FELT. | I- ton LTD to SIAML well in nil S LLMIIT. , being j E\t*nively u-.-.L for Hoofing LLMI-, r f, j PLAELNG HI it* OR TIB JI |s also a chcnp ; AND eltsa'tive Ceiling on the uinjoriteaili ( SIDE of rafll'ls of a MILLED OR Tiled Hoof, J. I ami as a IVHLMF to C o. Hiatfs, counter ~ , "ding Ileal, frost, and t 'tob aitt'oii of M"i*lur# ,F Tlie KI Glis 11 R. tt. T put tin IN roll of,' J yard* iu length, by I 2 IM he* in WNTC , AND T-ssntaiuing A *UM.,CC ol VH . ,R ' . Three-Ply Felt. '• FOB KMFIX<{, J lit UOLLS, YHJ ifteccs w. : IN '• fee' I! A LNGTH a. O H r>>.t .ID . ~ r , :U> > ( - feet S4|iiarv, or B> .|I A N .-I It is to be laid Ms rot* this rA>f, -HITIG'e FASHION, with a tap of |W ■ iiiclit* .,il N cured by nailing the edge* Willi fid nails ami tin yap, When laiil, the F. 1 * | Hl* |W|H|J'T| VK |il Maallt I \AI! I|l{, A? *! . S RTJIT!fiI 1") v MhlU' KaI 4 *rtl T" T I {'.> mil i t with % Tarred Roofing Folt CS,*! EXTENSIVELY I rSlt IU .G ilou-E- and for far ami tiravel UOOFITIY, . o for plac ing under slate, INA ml "-itiitg... tt- •UI G It is IIcd in puckiltg SV olcns ML Fur* to pro s et them from moth-. Fut up in ROLL, V.- ghin/ !*• ,I tin I-each Id imumL Felt will trover a -io ta -c of lU> , ssjuarr te, t. TI TWO-PLY FELT, , For Sliaating lit UI) K■>• ;in; T> IF "rary f Building*, making WATER RIGHT F,oor, 1 I ANIL T*r tdaeing un IT r mi *■ nglcs. In roll. 2*> inch** wide by <"*> feet in I length. Kaeh roll will cover a -urt'aee lit 1 T feel ssjuarr or ltl' ssjuare fi'et F'or Slieating It call be LIAT FIT tipoll tile studding, making a perfectly IT r light • basting, and sure pfutsetissu from damp 1 I iiss*. Huts, TU'ee or verm.N will not go near il. S I MICA CANVAS ROOFING. In rolls containing 250 sspiare fs l. I- t be laid across Hie t.HIF ami iat.pesl sh ngb | fashion with a lap of two im-LI AID <•- ; ! cured by nailing the edge- WLIUB 21 OR ' tack-. This is the only Comtm-itmu H >fing , that d.wss not rSJ lire ,S fini. IT illA*' Hit IJ I pain! cefnciit. —— ( U;RL£jrrod SHBLLJ/JY F ALL, R F'or' arprt Idmi G DS-afeitiiig Flo-.r-. I.d ' ' for puling under State, L'in and Shtligl " K.HSFILLG Fut tlji in rolls si'iiliittf IU) |M>utols, LO pounds Fc I wid cover A stirf.c,. J(, R FEET ssjuars-, sir IK) square f.-et MANUFACTCHKU BY illt: FK.NN HOOK! Mi < <>., KKT Honih till, st Philadelphia. ltaUg.NM Young and Devling. CITY STORK. ; I \VM)LI-X\LK AN 1> RETAIL The larj;E*t ami U--I ise- .rlmciit OL Urv (mmmls. (■rocerirs. Itools* k xShoe-s*; Notions kv. in th* pottnty, GIVE U* a ttini an! .v fr-.tn 15 tu 2') per cent on y .tir J ur- CHAAEE jtily'JH rjouir pbuclam aion. I W er, the lis.n T \ M.- R■ I Frtsaident OF lh court of -I F. - , IN the "JJTLL LUDI- TAL llislriet, eniit;>.G ol I the counties sif CENTRE, Clinton anil Clear field, and ILONORABU' John iiostertuati at i the H . norable Willtniii AUi' j Cwniner, Justice of th. F>-. tee, Aftlcrin * | and CoUslabb-- o) the -Mid • niiits nt T' -is ; I tre, that thi'V lrt< th.-N MID lbs*. Ml tln-ir 11 prtrper L>PF<|l aj BIN. B.'E lit 'NJ. f.ql ' | IISSSTT OF SARD day. n*"h titer RCI .RTI-, lit 1 I qiil-HlsM-, HXniidnatl""- and I rown r>- ' ! sitentbrwnee", i|„ rti.ee thing- whndt t . their office apprt.lN - to be Ll. lie am. i I bos* who are b'uml in RSS"K I.aaitve T" " .qiroeeu|, aglMisi the pr.s <|ier tli.ti life ot ■ "hall be in the Jail of CENTRE county. b< ' then 1|! .J }'* pr at* MGAIU-t TB. I S shall 1 BE JU*L. uiv. H under my LIANFI, t (P DI N NIC, jn " 2Hth DAY "f Mar. MI th'. year of our !<>rd ( INT I KUIL IU tit# IDIISTY l.Mirtli ymr S.R th. Illdepcndi'liee oftlic I itlts-SI FTLALS • ? 1. tt*. tt'RTODBI NIL, ft/O „ I The Origina) (gidf Ortiile, ( Large .1 ~.JT hit ml !••• • Vidic LL ig-r --li r tt* .V L| M V N LII 11, VAT . M Jr-JJ, FA I i I HAH 'WAIIK'.I Kverv HFSCUHTINV I have ju-t RETURNED FROM the FIT .W R a very LARGE sin. H NT II .">I ' , #ry, (WH Trlmtiiln/S. CHILDREN" T'-IR | * riage-. Carirenter. to>il*. HII>I ecerv thins rj in the hardware line. Be. NG very (liankfril - t<> my t'entr.' eoontv friend. (">r th ■>- kimt pattonage beret.. fore, mnl wsnibi Invite; J rlielli to call arid cxanillie .ov pr. ent -!• K . , which is mtlwii liirger tb ML I lifts bid ; fore. Satt-KT.T.tiI,. V I M MJ NIC AI. * iunlKif mMaMaMwaaaasawaMMmwewaßSMMMaMaHSaaw CARD, JJiOiihhvHlMJo. N una cui:-TNl'r sr. I'IIILADKM'IIIA, l)cire to mi v it* the especial audition >l purcim*'-!"* Hint other. \ outing tun < iiy. t their tittuMially liifK' - u"'l mrintl ■•••,j. incut *f NEW JEWELRY. FINK WATCIIKS OF iM.lVillt; MIKK* I . GOLD (-11AI N>. ARTISTIC SILVER WAKE FOR Dttt OA I. AX O OTiIKR IMtI>KSTA TIO.XH. TAI'LK I'TLhHLV, NLtiCTKO I'LATKt) GwUu* OF FIX !>'!' ' t|" iMO'ii • 0 •' #• ' 'i>l II cordial iliviutinfl |l V'ai' tl'i-ir t •■•u• iL. tu! ilore, ooa C'lir.sT.vtT sr. julU.tiiu Wftikr pleeioireiti iitlnriniiix tin*pulxit' £ei)cp)||y, lliul Miitir*. .v Sun, llMM'jll.t o'(|<'ll ffIMII l'llllilol|.llll ttl ;t splendid •;{' IppH'S am SHuKS, which liuvc heed u-lwied will ureal cam t'miii tin* I"'-! iieiiiiil'iK'turci■. t'tr Any person Kendiiir us eight nil' tcribcrt with the cub, >l6, will receiv the Reporter 1 year free; and for fu flunks f?) the Reporter U mouths tirut I t r-*ei* yon i! I Mitogen", I In * v* til l In* ||!|"J -Urvcy given iuottr l.ll.i'n.'ii' I It iii ■ i --I iin >..m(ii i n --Uiau"i. (In |. r>i'U'llt tJi til rulir > illi't v U t "thr p carpel-bit in* Ui.ih liiju. i>, IMi t vi'iiiilii >■, r *)m* !t>, *•, JtMu-.nl n um-toi- j ( Nil i -t-'titcnt ti| iijit Son'. i,.in 1.1 iii in i iii|l mnC 1 mat b.'in - lit i V„i'pe( bag i{( i " 111 nil, though fWwh fi"- 11l New Kli|,- intuit in Ulii.i lint there urai "i urjii-t lni -' -pf- a as- iliaVna mil In i-kii n. •tlpi, making tannl utniiMii-jiii mi ti-al (,irj It. jiiiiilui,ii u>t*ttti4iitii*y and State.*St#eui-w ait-i elevation, a - ti| (iiL inti Hunb; utgthe.- eiiiijiii i friiiHih- - iHnlt vl Mi til|*ilrei i Itc l, unSHrilly ik "fV iini tbu html *1 • t arjimt-'i i •> t ' lotTi- I- - U piti.lltu.-ol alld p.tW lt t ur#c a c utting mn--. * it iia- aitctmli-il mil ifii-l:i-l natty win ' would ii.i-oto-ii UepuMie-u* ere tii; || ~j" •* tlu-in-H' Stale guvt-rfiiitenU b—m I borough j I 1 ly uptight ami frugal-a* it w* ittipamtiyn --ii in.itiy account*, Iml ihny -it >u--l have -*,** n it In- impeded I** .mmi-ut-ti-m. U.Hi i tin* day t !i > i liu'f |ui|ii-il:iiitiiii t tin M ; rii(in|iU -a li -jiuliilcaii j.i in-,jil. at flu " IN-i ltii. ><• vi v anl in >i|li-i.tiii'it in nurr l.in. .-iii H ill •jirii U, a --l i-n-ry iiuriiui n! ' j-t-i .on In tin- ii-i'.iiiairui-ii il >latra kn-iwi it tn In- -ulwUnitiai y tru>-. Mr iirnali-y ba-( liat'tt lice -1 ---J lay j-air I < iiala of Ilia uw ii (tarty -if i-i.-rtn-jt -lb tb-iii •• rt> tluriiiK iii fv,-titlit r;i tri}., ami' liking -ii- - i.l railcr vl tin- - .if- i i-jy r ' : irnllt ttn lli Hut U( iorvii el" lit* i-lall'lie llt ijj . IUII--1 In- broken by aunit a u)iU-iluj |„ li<- a.o-rt* ill lite foltoiv.ntf tiiil !t ->* t<*t mainly uji u ty : l hurt* joumaUllaVi- ilnan.iii.ni ly H .uin i-I tiial atl ilrrn -tl our ililiirti—Mt-i liUi-i'illtt - i!(((-t-bii|tit , " r '- tl'-itu Ii- liei. rati. ' - >itf(N, .i-i-j - v(i a.n ibe.ii lit tin- ai'eyvii j tact w- ni.iitily >ui( ilritKM.-ral-1 a lute til tie- s -vlili i- *bc <.iMiiili j until tli it our nroirt itu;ir-----eii, of iliat! •ort di ",j who iH-vrr i n-'Jvny othi-i t-unlkv lUi-uli \ [ l-r-ati tickf but wle- wi-i.t >--uUi to |iUnij • i-i-ttM, anil ili-olaria bifii-nli in-ariy ruiiiint! by the h*vy tayti hitj*-(l ti hn (lUnia.; li.ni by thv' (*ar|n-t ba*sii-rv, aim, by man ] i ufiujf the iit-griM", n icii and biiiM lif-1 - .iiinty. (--nuiiuaby |>nttiii{ uji aaiit-liintrlu 'j-ti of bri-l(ivb(itil-iiit. V- . i-i lit! tbetrj own |>oi'ki-l An- Un-r a- our frk-ml mj* in any vmi- u itu tail (nil lna-tc-1 tiiq it., l-u'-.i-. an State l i k--t lit lajnlUtnlik, ultili" •a I'ii'- lr-i by an -ivora It-litniijf tiiajori ty. i- lake lite liberty el HMiicalili); him _ • tthcut .*(-k itiit nave, because (be iaet that to- 1* IlUtking a ij. lcruuie .i i-*r ajpiitnt Uit i-liber- who woui-J Ily ftlHI the eretlil n- tliev have .ib-orbed, ttio luml* e| the Stale, i- -*i widely known that he entitiof If be woubl i*ea-'(*al the truth that lie I- a natural el etuy oj*tlih-Ve-. >uin Tms( *" liitfl lie-re -i the |-re|u I . i-ef rnrtlly (arin-i-bays.-r- front Re < pttblb-itft- (i-au froui ii- ut-v i .u- Had we lt- ir-l m4hirtj{ at ill, lie- j>t(bj c did liiiauetal rfhibtlt f •• v- i*l S--ibrrti •< State- near tetiMnuiy tb.it eatta-i. b-- iui uUii-r-ba-l t"t -Vjiaiis.-l an it, . i Mr Cirrebv itirm- ujmii !.-• u .in-i-ij r.ir ;e-..!iaj a-*v hub vt h. UK* *j t bet-dale ; * Tlwjjri- j terror* kut*mni tijfry vritb inn * •f i - rt.i | > -iitiieilt Hi (ill! -ml j-nirnal- i ri in tnU us --f an aiiecd-m ihe -., -nine• I-rm*. • li.-u a - n -• M|i;>roai ii.io( a i! |i!(i-i a here be bu-l ati a(u--iiiitiji< nt t-- * lirwaeh, wbetl a -tr-lliter l-ilnjllallle-i to hill! Ui.il il'" tldl-'ii 11.l l hei It t -ten fr-i I) Wi de" It-* julii w i,'n- eiitb: i-- - i". !i wa -or- il t>- 11< tMi 'it t-i at-li vv-.ilhi b * return I and iiteaiti|t uii a Miljt r that I a . -4 .|*un i -ii, In-I J; tin ii r hi- J i-i-av aiuli-nt -re lib--,ml; Afh r|ireaeh iiirf r ib-u-ly lor h.i If an b ttr-r —'.he-ud . deoty - • |ij--I, ami - - ime l, "A i inn , W.tUtl *a- "tolefi, -li till" le-ijchb-ohb ai' '' lat i- aht, and the tlnej i- now in TWia ( li--: e, J-l aij jt{l inin v ith tiit* ' ' t 'lie nulli -I fvttt? of throwing it, i.-i n • ' ol i-. audiesti•• dtu-ke-l l(U in-sd. lie an lli-iaiifly H-itid, mNH iild| Vliii the -leh-n II at I'll fi-lllltl I't (lilt- of hi" jMH'ki ta. An tbi r*> tn-t b-e mani' bead* diii-Uftji in defence to ourdi"iiuticiati-iii of "theiv -u—' , >ar|a-t.b,.. 5 . r. f" , ,' t think ibat by iht* itui" be te*.jileif ] i'l tllov vania. pret|v gel - - -'lv i. j •-•ftll - -a,l*t(i it vital coritiyi'-et. (4 the a -r*t brtt i -raiy i iftei r* bv reei-iy-d irg ■ • a'M It • a Ith i--iibii-(i at H do- ,i ' ilo U-anil" U|* n ti uum. -l- bave h< ell . liuio-l IV - -ut tin- trcß"ury by iVrjtner, , a4b the i- unti iihscc of Stic lao h'tlc. j fltr an liter general hi- jvnld account* 1 a ill i'(i in' kie-ail tvt.fi --*-1 tMulaoU a i-it,i| lit aa* hi- *aolll -ilitv t-i reject. Hut 111 I -atfty |rty I" I-. Sic je- i' • • inotioy a< , -i-dv n a Way The radical ilitr ifra-tir r- luva b-cit unikitij: it e ef the (iubi.o iwnd* for | rtv-ite -peculation frotu ahiv h tbey wtititinlly reaji , their btiiidred lbuu*attd, whhh i an uw- - ligffle 5 .Ul'd'ni \fl li lh rnbi.e f ,nd ' Ui"ioM>d- ttpnn llt#wii(i( art* "(juan- ( I- n-d i*|> n j-uHlic buil-ibig- an i |*u greimd- al Harri-burg, cm h \ ear, Hi order ih-il rd cal | dltician* may g<4 Job* fn fatten ti)-on 1 Slnill til -elli-iig., lb.-i !.--!.l- '.ced|.luii--, |di rto v i-ontiiiiic * AwtN" i-a-tn a anloia that tin I'tiblic ft nd- ahull be f a ft no" I u">-lci*i la-ill- "'*4 -ce * luflii - ttidialtft' a4l (n-t in- lor lie beti< r w->r -It i-aithtd be (halt II b# hwni during the'-( i ihl er (en Vint*. i What -ay -be |rco|l-, tlii (jtiiwllon i for i'.i --tn to •! cidc. Will you vteji -erroption Mill thciviHg ' Slo n * is- f--t VaiidleM Ml I t Ht'-I 'H ' * 1 '(''til'H-! -Itj 'rjfi" i it ire HI October n- vS, I}VUN St IK JS THOM \ • I y I to tii-i I'u die otic -it tin i ---I iin Ib- i "Cb-eVi-l -s "-H-of ne-ribau- It- ,iu i Vol re county. I-all, vanillic and - -i- tiij- yip'i --'H ill NK O ilt *ol* HI l' s . - • fbc? 'ill if v. j iv-i, to- I quality* I' i i -.m-i-. „-,t ,„ii ,|| o film I- tv-a", I're-n leu-, loveriny -y ritp, 40ld.fi Nvritp. Ifiipv dttcnrilcln hak , n g ui-il i-"e", rice ti el evciy(bing in tin jr-c-ery line -il tile i-itve- - - 11 -It pro - - in ilu u- II! K N SIU KAt THOMAS'. 1. tb. I place. U A *.{ N K vS, e-dlafa, curf -vlil|v* <• -rm whip-, in tjVert virli-tik* g-i-.i-ro ii.i-tlt g-a<*. *a-l-llc*, bri-lloa, iiiai'Ungul— •e ek iiui-v, ca (.(I"*'", tug hiirin--". Seis* y , ti'.in- Itailtc-i, etc. Kvi-iythlHJJ -I, In- -a f i'.l-l l ! till ilk 111' II N's| tI- A I'M i\l AS' ill i'K'KS of ill viiric ie-. gi'onrul l < iff-!c and (V.irrattlcd So lr - -trictlv wVi 1 e It i 1 lie • ii'v* }*l(••• y 1 caw 1 I uinniuiii ra k i-i-t -1 . ji y -11- in t"f, ■ Itr .Hii aM*fe. tioll \"I I'M! Olt'v i'lld il lle .it Hl'liN'SlOf: A. TilOM AS'.- iKATHKU of all 4e ripliotu, trench 4 u fkiii, I einill -de leather, lin-roc | ,o". *b< i-p -kin-, liningv. Kverytliinp iu ! In- leather ' -in- n -trruiiled lo give -ati* „ i,en. .a kt'HNM l*K A THOMAS, n: I) \ "JITS Sf|ll* H'm lln gun 11 tt-,ihlc t<> person- vi-nting town on k , ( . hu'iuiwv in- pleavtire 111 11. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. KbijuniUUy \IM I VIS'THATOftS' fffmCK , NotienU ller. liy given tlnit letter# of Admilii"! atieii, oVuf the eta!e "f 'lcorgo Fell, latof Mile* t'-Wti*Ulp dee d, have bi-iii granp-.l the till dee-'illicd. All, per-. nit kit it*.iti|r tliennietvc* indebted to; -aid tate will plea-e tnnke piynieiit wllh-J '■ nt didnv. att-l Ui i ■> having claim* wlllj jpuiMUil 110-iu prftparly autli-otUeal-' I I-" ' ettleniiuii kvv A 1 KM., dltttKMt vil il MXKM . *Hjti 1> tit Adndlt'-'-rMtot* ] I h .411 (sio'iSTkU >TThi i rrio V.' J/y IS. net. i N ii '.-1- i hereby *■ t ell t-1 all ill" t'-dl#-- 1- J ra of Stait- and ('otin'y Ta*# •** the ti'"S j -I ty -.1 eae 11 -U' - ei ding lu-uiflt until tb , i nolo i* p,tij Faynieiit* -if Ut# '* <*' in- , (talinc:i:# arc hcrchy reqairtHt i- he made to the t.-ea-urer of the t'i.-ii-sny, at the itdt-e t.fth-i • H-ilr-i IhiiHity H.inking <"ott j-iniy Hellefoiilu I'd -loSKFIi J.K>I.KY. 11 uH-urnr. N 11 Vnj P--I—U- • •—iriijg 1 in po the,; whole off at ohee. If pt- iii-'tit* are not 1 iiunctuallv nude the la alio#** one per' f • ell! pel Iti Mill to hi- charged in a 1 lilt tl Attrition Karmars of " CENTRE COUNTY roiix M iHiWKi.i. 'I hiving lea-eil tlta \\ arc- Si-uive of C-iplin A Stricik in M Iruy. la now j - pre'iart-d to pav tbu Mjlii-i ct li price* #"-*rJi all kind* of drain Coal, Pla•(( an 1 Salt, -*-ui(tantl( iui ban I tnsy'J'idfn]. ii . t ( I.N 1 UK U a Lb 1 I CoacLMami fa o lory. Levi M u r r a v, at hi* i—tnl-1 ohum-lit nt tViiir,- Hail, Fa. keep, on hand, and for ".tie. a* the ino*l | . , (Vtt*.iua'."e rat#*, a large tl-v-li ,t C;i rri.*ih*t*N, HuKgles, L A Spi '.IK Wrtg-JOS, Ft. *J\ an I Kit- 1 j ( ,I:I-| Veitiu e of e - cry -riptio 1 Ml el* le -rd -r, ar.d \V*rraate l. to he ma le of tSi* ' heat new*oited mafi rhtl, an t s>\* the tit ■! , ■kiiie-t an )•- Hitp.-tenl woidi 0 >. F.-r -ut".. aaiiltng nttv thing ia h>. line *re re jUeS*a| i I 1 call and rsuituinf bt- *rk,flicy will Bud it n-d I 1 he cv-* -itel f*r -lurahttUy aud i a--*r BpriJa.l v I ) KM'tV VI. nn:;)iHuL i>i*x n.NLU, <;rA SMITH, ia- rein •( -4 I • (!-'■ *1 kuoWlt a N. -.j llu-li \ aic "VS -lor t* t. • lop-riiioi. Ill* •- A 1' ' , ul II 'I *l VOU , win-re it 1* Jtt*l op air g c'ul a i?ini|lcle t-a-k of HE\ tI.V KUS Of." SS, AM MCN'ITIoN FHll 1 NO TVCKI.K Ili-C llvil , 11*1-. Ki-J*. Mint gen era I Sm-rt tug Vrtielc- l.uu- niv-le and i*-l iv * *rr*"i"-t iM- **S p \it M Fou""s*vLi."" TV rTTTT"' | *.>*** "hi N|l |tit M l'- Hi VllU'if ip> n-iw rv-i-b-*, #Uu'(tr*l in rrjru***tt let#- , ■hip, Ciuiaty iifCenfre. "rte no.•• and ah ill" *,i of For flroys n < f(( u • i.itatn* one htidye-l and twenty* acre* -u the beS -pi.ility of lian—ton . vMM'haadtv-d mm of; iii4i i* i'lurr-i , iid l-T (t-w-l !crioe and in- A hvyu -fated lit it* vat ion. Ibe balance ef twenty a- r-*- bo-m-red with Jim-einai'io! tiuib- r. tin- building* are yv-l and > -'|( e tth-l't Willi It vl rt,'iiii((M Ul--T Hi llp-ifietr, Au-n< the Uto>t p.; ml or *td asai darvi ' Tlii# *jdcidid farrti will be ->M cheap, and let-ii* made ev-y. Fr pi nun lar call tip-ia -r iid-Irr— O M KKPI.KU, marSl.tf I'iaa tir*-"Mtll S I Llil A M'L>. vira*. o.ttrvi* 1 iinovfie-, fHtur.*, —< K A IL T. AN rilON Y ! < - -VJI Uroit I a ny, etv York, Incite the aUcnllon of the Trade tn th,ir e#t(*n"iv'e a-vorluieii! **f thi a!■(**•• g**-* I*. of their own I'uhlh ati->ll. tn i-iulaeiiiic stn-1 imp. it.,Hon fjtl' fH-r-l S.VM'.St* el tig# M .0 s vcitosi'ofSg , "11 a view* o' * nSMIft KA'Lr. AN til-IN Y A CO, -V.II IJr.it-luay. New ork. (Ijijcwtl Mvl rip-iil.lil tlolciy mr-mtift- vnit vt VM rv rt #** or pit-n.uii: vr.iu u v fKlii v !.** li.niaiito , A IK -v TtliO tStn-et-TTof JlilibWt- V hole •tl * 1 1 I 1 i I' tier# liT*- Stoves A" Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bellcfonle PH, l;. -til t-lilv H Jturii tl lirl ill ("(O'k *-(ovt \i yiltpiid-.p, Wail it)', Uriiutucttfnl. t li'ieptgi, Ijuvul ( ook, I'rtHi-c 11-tyai. Ij Sen She'll, A riiitvip And \ fpgrlcitit l'nrlor itn-1 t iißcc Shiv : Morning Ulory, Tk-h'h*, s|- N - 1 g)l- And Fiirlor vo-ik i->r \V-hlort oal,am Wood Stove* -t ev cty d— riptnui. Vlienllotl I- , ilieii i-i n-- -l-it'kol K'n## I I'lalc, II in-a "ire. Wen .1 he IHtj#lri-IV -ml, liw.t- fUx'AJ. It Itiatii - helfi-ryobfhaitili ■ 1 old -lie, and en 1 he lurnoiied cln-aper tlm -.any (dhvr tadnbft*liUH'n\ -n l<-v*n, " ■a* .apuuluig iinil jotihiiig proinpily at tended to. Charge* reanouabta and Mil* iMi-tniti gfUaranteed. oelk'" V EW HAIUCA Alii. sHHtKI '!j A J. vV .I. HAIIUIB. i. NO. O. HltoCK KUIIoFF H -t!' j.tl tin* b*w< *t eah price*, a it icli ar** WllTlh' | U*ii So he Ki beii -pi -ilto ' a-i"or*illrg l- I tn* 11 KiJj,--. iiv a 1 rice*. Id 1* *•-., coi.i " _ •- u t-tiigaucia, lnii -*lOl Wli--i VV'bi-*i. u!l ~iii-l. ~1 Brando ilojiaml ,-itli. port, ilm-Ii rill. Cherry, it ;o k 1-- 1 ; 4lot oth'-r WilKa (h lt#4 aHlelc- ,it >1 J ra*iiii4btc r-tfe* a# can la- h#nt 11, tbit Vny. ,Clot.i" 'ii, -li t, Hi i- an- -1 1, m k - Jati-I C#i ia way ISraii4ii,. I'un •liikwlici#. •* LNi-w Kll-land it-iui, Cor-lial --1 .*t km, - >Ho a-uihi pi.rio-u irly Invlt*- Kuril or- : • ltd ke .t|i,ir* and ofbura to call and #*tttifi( bt iafg - * i,ipl>, to jtl-lye ii l|teiti*<*ll • and In*curtain ol jir-u-uriiig a toil they bn> j trltlv h - 411 miduiM be dotte wiiett ptyrcha* tig in the city. . ffl* FUy n tan* as- fepi—{fully r#i|ttKl -• give hi* liquor# a trial. apiH . tKN I Hi. H A 1.1. HOTEL. \j lo 1 v S,-# S.'UI, Propria! if, Sta.-c* arrive and depart dviiy, „r nil : point*, north, moult, t i*l and v—*l ll.i. 1.1 Vonte H-dcl hi- ti-*- reOUcil mid f r 1 vln-l by if* new proprietor, and inflow in every repect one of the 111 14 ph ,ant eonmry llofcl* iu central IVjo.. > . in a I'll- .r.,velba f o-imtnunity and tr...-• will *t a4 y Uii ) (lie Sir t ac, o inn - an-i L i] rilstontur*. rendering *aU#faction alike tr j all patron#, operative*, hi* Country, #us himnoif. ("all an 1 a 1 amino hi* tiu-k an-! learn hit prtue*. alt i V-111 cannot fail to he atj#.-e-l. 11 i-: V A 1 R i x (i of#ll kin I* d-itie neatly, pr-imptlv. |U, re# -Uiil,ty-. Ycngert-iwn, June 12. |M#'*M - ly n'H HLK A Sit SIN" OLE It \UK I. i ' f-iwlitlg piece# at aplO tka. IKWIJI *' WIL*RK \\* J. B ETTELK s 11-tLKSALh WINK ,V Llvjl .( fir U H K Bi-h-ip tre*a, Utdlrfonb-, in the Stoi, n , 1- diUg I ifiuerly occupiv 1 by Ute Key - •tour Bakery l ake* pleasure in luldrutoig the pubin that j be kt-< pi eoo talidy on baud a upply #,] cto-.vc Fotcigii an.! Dotuolk Liquor* •I ' /ti< - • -. ieyi na-t f a*k* < icr .•' til "a-(/iiia (A,- f*.i*t,ty lvrre*M 1 The attention ut practicing pliy.-n i-,#- ■. ( altwl t-i In- -*.iR-k of PI KE LLjUOUH, •uiuvbte f„r medical parpoo . It.-tii,- . I't f*. and deui.j.ibu" tautly on hand tl.- in in-- iNLY PC It li NKCTAi; VVi(l>lv \ in town. Ail luju are warranted to gi*- 1 faction IdqUar* will he wild by tile quart barrel, or 11 ree. He ha - a largo lot 01 j H >riT.Kt LlffCOlla Of tii S.lO I grade* on hand. Co!i.iJi 111 at be call tile a-r CW W A K K -lereryil—eripdonafrwdti.r* p.-di-e* -w S*iii4 ojiened every day apt" W. Paprr, titwp front J,' t-- "pcyai* ju-r bv-l ta |i 1 ii cr' HI'FFA Lo SOA LKS, of the bei m,k frmu I lh* up to I'jo.aawti l,. *pl-T

tt To ttl# OLt -4 .-I.H pump, Intng arrat.fed to lot th# vt a-er ttfl an-t prevent lroina< in ui#t*r Pine, m-plar or vucuutiier pu-ipo atwdtyt on hat.-', U- I, qtiuai fut puuip* i ali .>• -1 (V-Ui. large liiiil-r. ami arc shut St cur, -| .lyuitiH ChckittjtorCr.ifk ng All orJer- hr ma:l promptly Blled. m ade ut" lite be-1 uialci in{, a>J five Ol* it - gqtling, ,ii*lli**d t-qietlpl W-th ,i 'i.(|-iiit.' 10,-I—, j-k •(■' jpd.v banned, and W'aiiaw-cd to itand ati.v pSai—ure c--,j lired lr "fiti.ury iw. Price- ,-t fwsjn* rnwga fr-i 10 Id to in cent# p.-r fua*t, fi-i-ud 'Trlati tv -cpt.-k-ly J. TKLLKIC"" Miieduirg, Pa burial Vnr t AHD CASKETS. .VIK I lUil f VNDINOKSTKnCTIBU tM* Pi il.i uik! I'inner vmg Uic I>ca! 'Hi.' utiat r q lliiriul ( iwy ut|tl i which are •> wi lor'oiiiren • i ivt.l tMiuAii'iitlvtiiiii. Tin* MK I'.vLLK ] lit' Kl \I. t'AMC. wU i im jiMtinl iv-mel Wnhh, u< nMtif li<'iiion\ > vliii liio iiuliltKi wf lilt'ht'i>l4vi'ii, 114 per < iii'i->1 lj>ltn.til Hii i n;i|MMii.!> a t iiu it.< wonu-v.-r mitltn l" Uii* i..U"n anil , I *r- .h'l'l (till "I till* ll'l'lv liitilf yMilifirtti i '1 if ,.t'r 'vint li it i Ii*ii 'I I'llKl' I \ >iil till iim:n;.u.ni. la ■ hwi l =.t tin' *iifti* I notice, Kim nil 0114.1. Si Ilea i.l |irniu|i'.l) night or •!*>-. Iu ■ UnM l.l out with .'mV, i.M| lUlit'lnl. ami - sper , ,ill. Iltlili ill | l"'ll. U. l. 'llS i no. ii llrMeltn.tO, l"% •• \ | li.i.nu's iini Ki. \v..av,'i. " ' j .'.iiiiv.'f srii.r 44iV i|i'j.iri .i.iiiv. j Ftt\lav-ml" hotel 14 n-n# hi I'vvri iv peot !t in- o ikitf tlHti. MII.I.ER. „ OIM N l\> >,l. UlN.i violin., .ill i V ,n't ill." sigh of t.i.' Anvil, ... ' m lJ'llh. IKWIN A \V II.SUS. ! | v MPS OF KYKHY \ A I'll'l V mic I J IbitUl Ml ... aplO\<* IRWIN.* W U.siiN S. I',, CLtH'UlNO—OvereoHts. Tunis, Yost* 1 j Hint Ilns font*, ell en |>, at V\ ull'ii, *' ntICKKT fl-n.KKV nil HukiM r I nr.. ~. hi lIiWIN'V II.mA IJH lie | UOhINU-tH. ,\{*S l'l, VI KSoinlUiz 'v J J tor 'Rlf t'V Irwin *V. t, son. n!, 1 -i' i* "*'♦ I*. ' • * 1 |AT V'NNI:D I'M 1.l- 1' SKfl AN! ?F other Jii|>iuirie.J ware, altbf Am ilStor.- f-i|lltfi8. (it win * V\ it-.ON_ I QOA LTB tur Haggles awl C'm riugtir 1 *l iUI3B ' n h so ' Vit" Bolt*, nt j! T jttH; IX \\ H.-ON' ii TRIMMINGS, a lirye ins fori jL' omlßl IRWI^4WIUOS2 'hilnddpliui SI ore. . Itt 11 >1 . i l.'i'l*, Uri ft, Hellefnltte, n hrre I ] hr.tj.ru * utmiu, -Mi j| v tuim 4 tfca liM. ebtatjuwa*, liintit !j m >i.tin* !•< ik MtrUid t.iek m Head i' n . UI ME LA 1)11C8 % J* Ui* nlnre l.i l.iij* ymir NHb. Mohair i] 5 t.riiii.btuin *, I!Alfoimtt, IMtIW. I mi. Krii!(Mf!< Minim*, Calif.***, TVk i, ... I l,.ni it. OlflM Kluuillt, IjtHlll Cntt • • 1 • , I .n')ii Shojiio, WhiH : I<• i nhfp C>'unlcrpn.!< 1 ipuii. / . j.l.j r A Zenbirr Fat" . " I) I'num, Hh •*!', W..P* iUchf' -t'NItuWNH, • • '•••• "f twwy kind. White Hou4* ul ■ /i-rji d.-'crlpthm, I*, ifiimriy, Ribbon* , V civet, Talma ni.il Ih.nnai, ('rdt n< It nid V. il-, Huttn, Triwrnlnn. Laditti " ML** il*>op HKIIiTH, 1 • • " o.Tan- | I.A 111 Ks AM> MIHOKS HUOIm ' j| *l..| in tan every thins; b* van he iboufffat (• i. ittired ortuitd la lb i j'• * V fIOODN OJ| NoTM.V USk |! / ')}( (t LX T/, EM EX, I •v 'tai. Mack anil hliteihsL',, Mark MP i <*) itn*r.., MUiuttn. urtdi, nnl- ' "'• :, *i•' a<*< wowtiMt veatittjr*, in ft ti*rt "i j.rt.-c | * ttll In at lb# Kti.re anil iim !, 1,. , that H KLLKrt A Ml> tt >i.tt nvr any thin* a ant, and d. i.ii • ...I the ~f .Hij,,,- i. .NaUt *i 1 Sfiwil J Mtil< kl.t/.j iiuvi* im. <•*<.i'. k tm> r*iirv .'Kin \i.\V•* i •"i. rin i't ( rr„): lircal \ttnCii.it, .... i I r.-t ' 1 . J'ilh un.lrr*itfi)t'd, d.-tcrkiiiid |>< iuwt j i jcjMiiar ,ioii.| ~r Lntrci fr.tm. j jijc Uhily i-aIU (he n the BHMii !!. in. M.Hrk -if - | i * ■>£ red at |kc >ild •<■!. i>i - " cmUiHiiii-t, he now .itti r* t nrh c * link Will *UM titftilnH. j A tuner inriny.m better iulft} nr fines ; l> ' f >ollerv h never before hern i{ : Ar. .1 tn ihr (.nhiic. <" li anil examine nor! *m h ii ! be atl*fed h.-f.in- j t.rrhiKtnv* .If abrrr lietertnin- i tbaae my |. B trt>n ano ■ hmtfal '•* t. ilwerflf <•! i>a!r< t *> lre? >fi.r> wi! h.il. 1 i.,. t vt* :,|v -..flrii. ■ 'if)" 'h.- -anir. !11 01. |>J%l. J • I . „fr. || a ' J V :W r: ;• •!. NKW aM | Panic Price?. 1 ?• ri:. Dr.vLixci a wiltox tlavlii . iiuri In d the evt,'*'re tun j '<> * 11. (• I'; h, I A C'> . and ftddedCntbeta} t j.-i-m j.ri. b rjje .-*• tmei.t *tf j MitV (iOOihS, | - I'n-y are nnabied tu m)I at . iilJi KA>iiiOXl.l> I'oK'LSi j A iatve Varies 1 nf Iwni < ' 111 ••** ox;; \ro wlHtig D' ' I ■• •ill, ;iu ! (ificiuU i. rS'tln*i'.l t w ti.i.Hi*, "*<■ |f th -y nth t*r v-inr trnuh >•- IM'I fnrn* the -TV UN Kit Hl'l hDINti -i* i*hf (I'mVur S , Bi !(i<'H?e |'^ CKXIKiI HALL MaiuifacUiring Co 1 \xi i Mariiiiic U'orks. ( EXTKi uAI I. ( ! XTbK H . l'A / It viW ett'.HJ-prd ur X*V luVMiel ' tj V M ittsK >ii,>r* nad AntucfbTUhAi J X\ stH'ked wRb all W* and later? 1 in. .md Mw'tiianr at Centre Hall, r t n .uiH- 'tn the jiuvft. timtlhey aretivi* read* W jfii re.i.iilcr- fur au/lhitig " tMM On- S&li'tinzx, i'lil'irs. t HON & IHIANh KKVSTUNK IIAISA KsTKIt, which lints Malidr lium hJI-i, > This Kcnpcrha* advantage*uvcr I<'■, Reaper* it"* uianniaetim-a, 'ln# advait '.nice we eU'm lor It, U llife Leer |W, b> I v.lloll *(<> ,l 'li <>U* tlMioilVll JSOT Wilt tlVl'l other iicyrbinv*. k!(.>tUcr advantage l th< hoisting and lowering apparatus, •'#, the driver has under in* complete eontro of the Wn.-biiM*; in * po* oflod# ed grain. the Urivr can elwiige the wit ot he machine in in instant* without tioppina j the team. v wry] tig !im ttwte 'V*W I l ** ; mcbw at the * mini', ; ; All kind* <>f Uwi*jmwvi> and Thredmi! i! Machine*. Hay and firaiti Rake*. tots*if* ■ j prou d. All kind •(( 1L pairing nn. !>'- ■ iVrmit kinds of P LO W S PLOW CASTING. 1 The Celebrated Heckundurtt Reunowiw ,; plow which ha* tfit't" entire satisfaction I Weetnjdnythcr.cn Patternmakers, out patterns arc all new and of the moat improv ed plans. Plant, Specifications and D avi ingt Kmiished for nil work done by us. gdr We uope by strict attention to bum lies* 1| receive a -iiure of public patron ag CASTINGS jofcTury description made and fitted up i" MILLS, POIUjl& FITHNACIX' P VCPOIiIKS, TASTER IRS. Alt order* by mail promptly attended u s| JK a-v TQCQMF CA NVAHs i; R H W. I .V TMfr For "Our Own Flr *Mf." Am IllNitratrS Popae. t proaa, *4e I.X-T llanOtl). Oohaeript mm price, IIAO. tier* a.iliHerlher re. etaaaa Wad* rnatite < A I'roM Piece, ohleil Mlh lr i. wettO 9 rent siaaao ft* Wantl>l< ami Prewtlowt Mat. AHnm W. E. iiumm Pabiyber* Bay too, 0 Th.- ,\i'\\ t-inn. Herlachor 6. Ci u. miHjr. < KS i IM: 11 ALU l'A NV\> .Sjuill}'; IUmhIH Comt* one ami all! Jual (oriVot Hint a ill lut* le k. j i . i htt'ft a mil itiu • Dry ii

  • JO aid ware, Ouifh aure. W .*•<> fi wl • * * o* Iron, Kult, fi*b and in fai * >♦> <■ hwurtnn ul nfi tir.vth.ns ke|H n a Kirs! Class Sio'v now ready, and l*r |e at >. ret.Mi ~i* ; " rHt *ih xs) rtr.Y Xkai cru.t, OKI* PRIC K.M. Sllluili- tli. 1- '■ I: Mtll ym. t I" M brand* i.i |i, . ► that *ui not * a New |.ru t [in ss ( i (Is A wt U-wilif' I vavb'tv. ,-i i|ik •* U Ibe navrtin .If tbe •***' Si rater than t.rdibri:,v el- ars*>l a* *4ht*e ph;- •, While Goods A einbroi' erica TV fill- 'I ¥' ;b itfim '• i • . unat IHf fmiiby. *••* ■ r.i .*, >lO o; j *J 5 The V-t i. ahe . Uti * d b-ac* rate., ilia - n|>d Cat in g 'cat trit Lin. T..a • ! ' • <' e. i f 1 ie rs i.ab CWaililap*. IK Eprltif-.n! t. • .f.i**' -fart., •ekwMj aaerytbiny. ■••4 a ill all >• reiy ad wane * • fitn e~t. * : -k that on will CALL AM- K\AMINI < R SToCR # r her. a* %e d. aw •wini.iti t Is fi itrakk in b-u *i*di. ! f. X JXJtf OF HARJIKNb rllw. f •' f ' Yet lie I err-ex 4. #hl# •,d *ic#le bwi* dad b3li*t l. IT JJ i'li aaTftrna. ipl pea at !*•* Oaf m . ..*,aM ait a the lea 1-W f..)at4ha ui li *at lilt. CROOHI W 1* MfllUAl. SYRUP or POKE ROOTI afjj* WA tt ttw icapaninto M-C l". ><> I iMtaaAw r ft SoraMMi ajCi , Tttsacm, li i inflib—l S-7&Ps e? Zizs&zz* cf Uu. !/. a:: txm mm *T'tb i-SiS if tomun* UuS WL ; f Aaf Aineaaa .n-j uOhto ft aF . a n .toptaaaf taaMlaS \'fit *J ui tie Mwi eaa bt \%fc' y iW eared hgr it. Tn ao * 1 'atti . **Mtwait nam K >- ft *'•- ftaparw* % ' £s&/ Glmr Crook A Or J)r. Crook's WIKE OF TAEf " l> ■-< f rwparattuu adtoh lm i*a tried fcf th* (aOe inr tea tewnaoafi nmt azi LaafT. mat • 4imiih the Dr. Crook's WU^OF~TAJU for • hntote s • 1 Mel t'aifW J* toi|ksk:xrasyt!ea „,: n t-'imni Li ii b—iiiiiiir4iiiiii MiwUTb) MMk Dr. Crook's WINE OF TA* It*, enewt a a>*l' WK* l A-.ham ttol fhaawk (to, itiat M ha* twta Ma. Aatirni. Sreaditis. "m vt^pkSem 1 **f*i • -t, atitjaa ha pMfcfo .te* ft't"*"— V®* •*** t*- H,ff |,HM f # Dr. Crook's WINE OF Tidtl tt* Wtioa ma the Vrthi) f-m mm tmk pmmA MMtnaiheA. .'mmmrn .■! <. jpiataßto* A* Wh an ee.rttt.WM lw M%r re f wria -1 t-a* of T*r twntli" -VZ '-■■'** reyetflM*..% an-iMMh of aadMpHl :3r.C-laV.ets. ? .t Nt euumeialaf. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAEI tea f*i* la WaattA ::: :s?SU. totpr *f mm iiaar. ■ Dr. Crock's WINE OF TAEI - 'B3SM . ttrci|'oiaalßMlUb 'I _ ibH. M i,l t> I. ist. How Hestot 4 lli ! l i b i bid, a rcw edition of . / t . rfi teWctcd K-sSajr .ntl.eer rf • 'im L , liojcuciM V Mental **4 I* i;,.\i>mi v. lini-diinent*!"?•' '• ri-if ■ ft* ■ ' "• ' option. Kpil, v" H- c i ( . 'induced by *e.f-mdalgeue( r v, ltOf'l \T \ Hi'MlllW iVtv. Its aefiwM .nvnlape. . w * '"l I b br, • d ate. ic r, in tkk ad I .t. !• any r . idif fMttpaid on reeelpt of bt . Jut*. If" pt AJe>, pr. t uivcrwell Marring® (lawlC prke'|i iHMtW. ViuT'V-S the Publisher". | (HAS J t'. KLINE A .',...*Jm.. y | J• ? . i i.i t.fun najg* jolt..,t* d peat- tIM-'drtk^vitiir.iiivitv-ctbiMn \ "'il ;rr A. ¥.. TKI AAjfc, 'CiN. t-CO. BL C UAN A N. JHmSA Trs't. ■ ;vimV^