CEN rRE HALL REPORTER. 0 UKtulrr Hall, Pa.. Atip., 11. 71 TERMS. -The Ckxtrk Hsu llitroß- Tfin is published weekly at f'J ter year in advan. or $2,50 when not pnid ia ad vance. Halfv early and -pianer v sub scription# at the same rate. Stngte ooples tlvccnt*. ,o AdvcrlisemenU l ,pr * lin.-il for'iirce insertions. AdvortiseinrnU for a longer period, nt a reduced rate Ruainea* oant- of five line#, 3 Communication# recoiiim ending f.r* office. cent# per Ime. tions of a private nature ami obituary no lieci eveeeding five line* five • Pr line Business notices m lo#-l column 10 cent* per line, for ne insertion. Notices of death# and marriage* in#erted free of charge. Uur triend#. in ail part# o the countv will oblige hy sending us local it".,,,, of interest fsmithoivrespectlvelooal- The figures *et to the addr*M upon eaeli sul.-criber # paper indicate that the subscription i# t 4 *>d P t rt such dale, and an wcr the samnaa a Peescm# re mitting hy mail, or otherwise, will under stand m>m a change in these date#that the money h# been r.veive.l DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Con. WM. MTAMILKSS, OF PItILADELPBt A. for SURVEYOR GENERAL. (apl. H. rm>PKK. or j.xwßßseK eorsTT The following are the name# of the ean didate# plawl in nomination by the I#im>- crs tio County Convention, which a*#em bled at Beliefoate, the Slh. For .V-emblv, P. Gray Meek, of Belle folitc. For Associate Judges, Hnry 1 For Trea-urer, Ja>. F. Weaver, ©1 Miles burjr. , _ _ . For Commissioner, Samuel r roter, of Potter. , For District Atjomey, John t. 1 otter, of B k'lbtite. For Auditor. Robert F. of Holme# Ma rion tow n ship. Our I'o. llekel- From the proceeding* of the democratic ct>unty cor.vcntiqjß. a# ftaimi in to-day'# liRPOETKE, will be seen the full ticket placed In nomination for eounty officer#. The democratic ticket fortheUetober elec tion for state an J county officers—is now completed, and the campaign fairly open- J There was considerable feeling before Ibe nominations, the friend* ol some of the eandidatea were very decided in their preferences and the canvassjast closed wa# I one of the liveliest we hare had in this county for a long pnie. But it b isupo#- j riblc that we ea% always have the men ( nominated whom we prefer-very often a number of good men are brought forward for the #ame office, and a# a matter ut course some must be disappointed, but when the parly ha# spoken in the matter, through its representative* in convention, tlmt-should t>e final, and every good demo crat will rally to the support of be nomi nee# and for the trusuvpb of our cause. Sovno of the un-ucee##ful ones on fue*- day and there are many worthy ones— t; ay be the fortunate ones one ortwoyears hence. Let not the feelings previous to the convention W carried on one moment beyond The hour wluas the jasrty decides w'io -hall be the aominees. Lwt H bicker ing# bo laid aside, and the defeat of our wly political enemy be our aim. Let us ( all * >in in to iaeroiseUie majority in old Centra on the Awi Tuesday of next October, and let us at once vhow a ipirit that will dispel the radical wish and idea that di--, sc 1-i I in our ranks ©pens to ihea the. d sr to victory. Ttie H.aise of Represen- j tativ.>st Harri-burg beingnow so svearly j balanced —a small majority against us -we j cannot afford to loose a member, and all j p vivos differenoe* and ftofrrtW* must b • b'rtroUen in the eadeavoi to U#n out , Gut Augean stables at Harrisburg, and bring about a reform a the state govern i nt and substituting economy tor ex tr .vfganee. The Hob. James B. Beck is slumping Kentucky. He dstclares that whao the '. >t:s of the Navy, die Post Office, the In ti-rbvr, ami cxhw fllytrtiiesls pas* into the i:-jnds of the Deaniracy, such an exhibit < * rttonness wilrbi'. made a# will astound j i t • World. He #ijr* the heads of these De- j y -talents would soiiner ma Grant empemr Luy, with thci-ight of sucae#ijo t® his than #ee the" evidence of their guilt . j -j into the hands ©f the Democratic par t.. Mr. Beck add# that he expects to hear 1 < a big lire or some other casualty in the \ Department building*, if concealment can Lo itmintaincd in iu> olluir way, j "Hie Cliatou Hqmtdica* *ak# : "Who L Ccs. li'Camile? Has he ! :n.y vpccial merttef Well, yes, ac corduag to ancient railieai ingjs?. Can- i ii*t-andjes basal) the apecial merit! lb it the JRqmb'Ktin rould wbh for, for be wa# a galjaut soldier iu th Uu- j i< it arrr.v, fotighkbravely and wg# pro-, ino ted for gallaist seft'lce. We Jtnow xvl. a this kind v:''/special uiosk" was. t: catirc radi^Jtl' stock iu trade, but 1 as JtTCatidleea happen.# to be a derao rr.it, "love soldier" docs not *■ ue in for him."*' Hut ha lots another ,-bl merit, %nd jf th & Hepvblitan *\.!l take up hi#7-|£C9r4 j n the Slcnate, it will fiml that Ju}As a clear headed utaiestnati, and. possctwed of abillies which made himore than a /natch for any radicaliSneipbtg' of the xeuate. At - .• - ihc cliancci |if llxe several candi- for the thwSfr of France are dis co -i d by a correspondent of the Man rifstcr, Knglaml. Guardian. The BonapartUU, he ajr, cannot get over th ■ difficulties oifered by the personal d #qiialification# yf laitii their candi d: tes, a man of sixty-four, with broken down health and fortunes, and a bov o; fifteen, with nothing on hi# In-half but the name of Napoleon. A# for theCountUiambord. despite hi# recent singular manifesto, lie in set down a having no cbanee. The lgitijwistee are numerous in fhenational amembly, because there are throughout the coun try many proprietors of this political persuasion, because many aiuongst. them behave*! well and bravely during the war, and because in the state into jfhtob tjie country was thrown at thetiirle of the la#t elections it was natural that the rural popula tion.-'should give their votea to old families and great landlord#. But it would be "a mistake to conclude from this accidental bucccm of the party that it has any root in tbte country, or at ieast that the popu'arity of a few noblemen has anything to do with a desire for a return of the Bourbons. On the contrary, the mere mention of the ancient regime"i# to thi# a bugbear with ihc peasantry ;■ they cannot hear' her legitimacy nientioned without cal ling to mind everything that they fear and luile—-priesfly imwcr, aristocrat!- eal distinctions,wr'change in the tenure of latut and tho diviaiou of (gnperty. This correspoiident judgai that Thicr# will be named president of the repub lic for t© yeurfi Dt moeritie (loait)' CoavrfiUwh Tho democratic county convention a*- > mlled at UeUefoalc, on Tuesday after | noon, Nh, for the purpose ol placing is I nomination candidates for the various ; county office*. The ootiveiition organised hy electing the following officer#: /• .'iroi Hon, J G Meyer, of Haines, i ,s. vfers'r* Jno Hoffer. Belleftmte, and j T N Wolf, Miles. ! Tito delegates presented their credential* | irtid w*erj admitted a- ftdlow* : Gregg S. It. Gettig. J B Fisher. Sam. Herring. Isaac Strunk, Ssm 'l Hsrter, H. i Krunireine. Haiuas—Hon J. 0. Meyer. Ww Miugle, x Jno. Blair, Sam'l Burrell. Mile# Or Hillbish. T N" Wolt, Dan. lieu -h, Sam I Foii.l, .Lweiih Weaver. IVnn—Chat. Held. W'm. Alexander, Kilb Kramer, Jn. Smith, Jac. Kartelter Poller—John Kuierlck Lat Sff, too. Stover, George tliHHlhart, J K Kunkle, A I.uKenbaeh, P. Hoffer. Beliefoate C. i> Keller, John Hoffer, S il Uuiston, l|,i ward B>ro' J.W.Gardner. Mileshurg A Mora. t'hilipahurg — Kd. Perks. L. Muuson. UnionvlU*-D. M. Kumbargvr tt,Miner—Sam'l Ishler, Ad. Wagner, W'm. (Irova. H- .-g# A W'ilherite, K Poorman. it. u-ide It Vrdeffer. Oirtiir- H. Tiel , f\iguson-(. M.-ek, K. Uraig, Ire,!. It ui ori', -—-Colder* nod. llaifimHm Jno A Hunter, llsirn# Dr Van Vansah, Win F,r*ter, Goo Svvah. ' Howard—G W Stevenson, Gee. D. Jhu- I son. H ..-ton —Jno Campbell. Liberty~D llilner Marion—P Orr, G S Hoy. Patton Jonas Sline. Ku-h UrH> M (laffy, J II Post, J C Ns- son. . Snowthoe— A Campbell. A IKiylv Sps.ng- K I> Nell, S Lyon, H Basnpsell. | l\\ lor S A Vomer. Un.'tj—Jiisvpb Alex sutler. AV:tker—B shafer, Jno Divens, G BiJ dlc. Worth— K 1* Jones. The convention then proeeeded to ballot | tor Assembly with the following result. Meek - i Grvis - E'ishor fi : lliKitw 3 i>u account of some inaccuracies, thi*! ballot, on motion was reconsidered, and another had, which resulted. Meek....... -.*J j Orvis Fisher...... ... 3 Mr. Meek was then declared the nomi nee fir Assembly. Whereupon ihe con vention proceeded to ballot tor Teasurer with the following result: Ist -Aid 3rd 4th &th Barn hart 10 10 7 b • Weaver 1 18 lb $1 Y crick 36 2 * # Dobbins IS 15 to 1 lb Kerlin 1 Derr 1 I 1 Tibbcns 2 oth 7th Mh oth 10th Uth Weaver •£! 'X M 23 27 3 Yerick 2b 20 *1 )2 27 *1 Dobbins -ii to 19 30 15 36 Col. Weaver having received a majority ol" votes cast on Uth ballot, was declared duly nominated tor Treasurer. Associate Judge being next in order, th* balloting* re#ultd as follow* : Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Conly 17 IT 'JO 7 Love 35 35 Dopp 27 23 26 37 I AllLon 2 2 Rishel 22 22 9 14 Cra## 10 11 10 11 Kramer 9 2 Jordan 3 6 Kline 8 fi 1 | Hosn-ruian 16 0 Cot. Love having on 2nd ballot, arid Cupt Dopp on tbe 4th ballot, received a majority of vote* cast, they were declared duly u."initialed tor Associate Judges. The convention then proceeded to nom inate a candidate tor Co. Committer, with the toll lying result: i I*# Aid 3rd Bing 14 12 ? Durtkle 3 4 Foster 3# 28 40 Riddle 6 6 I Mover 14 25 19 Mr. Foster having received a majority of , all the rotes polled on Ist ballot, he was declared d*ily nonijUßted for .Co- jCommb sioner. i For District Attorney lfe e t'slionngs I were: I 1 t "2nd I M'Manus J Fotter 34 ?7 ' Keaish 5 Wiliianit 1 1 Fortney 21 'Jj Mr. Potter having received an sjority of the votes polled on 2nd ballot was de clared the nominee for District Attorney. Fur ("ounty Surveyor, Wm. P. Mitchell wa* nomuustoj J by ayclatuftiun. For County Auditor, jjoltntf# ffo* nominaiad by acclamation. 11. F. Fortney, esq., was unanimously chosen as chairman of the democratic coun ty lommittee. Adjourned. Party Rjiies We I >py from la-*', week's Clinton Dem ocrat a list of r/jle* which |re likgly to be ' adopted by the democracy of pii/iton, and which would be very suitable tor Centra. ' Wwomit 1, 2, and 3, a# they are in practice here, and call e#pecial attention to those we cop? t The folioying rules yill 1/# st/kpiilted to tho Democratic Convention jjlipton county, as its session to be held at the Court House on the Bth day of August. 1871, and, if adopted, will govern all future conventions and nomination* in said coun y: 4 DcN'gate* I nun vlpjy the written in struction given theni by ib'eir fMJjaptive district#, and ifviolated, it shall he the duty of the president of the convention to cast tbe vote <•! uch delegate in accordance with - the in,truction*; and the delegate or dele gin "> offending shall be forthwith x --ir- the convention, and shall not be eligible to any offifl or place of trust in •aid county for a penoj bftpo fJtfT! 5. Ali delegates inuit reside in the dis trict they represent. In ease of absence or inability to attend, substitution* may be made from citizen* of the district. C. The voting in convention shall be pub lic, and any two member# may require the y<-itr and p Xy on any question pending. 7. The proceeding* qf the convention ihull lic annually recorded by toe secrets lie*, in a book to be kept for that purpose. 8 AII County nominations, appointments of conferees and of delegates to State Con vention shall be made in .County .Conven tion. 'J. TLe Standi ox jQommiftep shall con sist of thirteen persoLjs, yho shall jig chos en by the convention to serve lor ope yea-, and at tbe same time and place one person shall be selected ss chairman of tho said committee. 10. In convention a majority of all the votes shail be necessary to a nomination, and no person named shall be excluded frin the Ijft of eai;dp|*fel until after tbe sixth ballot or yot*. tbp wersoa re ceiving the least number of vote* dm!! be omitted and struck from the roll, and #o on at each successive vote until a nomination ir made. 11. No person shall be eligible to a nom ioatlon by a convention who has opposed the pciuocralip ticket at the next preced ing elect lop, bqf thi# rulp *)}aU apply only to case, of opposiliop to Ucjjhu jierpffter formed. 112. It shall be a good causa of challenge ngainl any person offering a vote at any delegate elections that he ba* voted against Democratic candidates at Fadaral or Bute election* within two years, or ha* opposed the Democratic ticket at the last preced ing election, or refuses to *Mj>p"ft tpe can didntcs regularly nominated, pr jia* taken or agreed tu take money or otper yaiiia blu thing, or any pecuniary advantage, as a consideration for his veto at speb dcie gnto election, or bn oorruptea c sUcislpt ed to c orrupt any voter of the district with inference to the same; but this rule shall apply only to cause# of challenge arising subsequent to it* adoption. 213. If it shall be made to appear to the. tjon of u majority of a convention that any capdidato befwrejt tor nomination to any office shall hayp offered Of paid #f other peraqn rvith the view of inducing of reppring the vote* of delegates; or if tM Mote sp*i| b# dpim by any other person with tt knoivleiige or approbation of *ucb candidate, t|ie name of s*wb candidate shall be immediately ■ struck front t l/e list of candidates; or if such fact be anceftaimed gftpf hi* nomination to to any offiee and before the gffk) adjourn ment, tbe nomination shU bp struct from tbe tu kcl and the vacancy supplied by a new lioruinajj.oh '• U "J >" either case such person shall h" iuciigih'e t" any nomina tion by a convention or to a# a del , egato. tor a nerkyl of two yegrs. 14. ff IMP delegate shall receive gfly mon ■ y or otoer yaiuahlc thing, or accept the li pr..iui-e of money ygluableTbi/if. - W any pecuniary advantage Jto h* pajd. de j live d or secured i# future, eithto fo him -1 selt or to any other yersop for him tforn my candidate r other person for -urli can didate, a* *n inducement for hi* vote, or ■ under any other pretext, Upon proof of lit* 1 I feet to thi* satisfaction ola meJortty of the convention, suchdelegate shall he'forthwith expelled and not he reeelvtd a. W'ph to any future convention for a pern HI "J' 4 ' veer#, end during thel time shall also be Ineligible for any party nomination. ( . arising under thi. end the next preced ing rule shall heve precedence ov or all oth erou sines# in convention until determined. 15. None of those rule* *hell le altered or rescinded ale regular annuel convention, , unle.. by a vol.- oftwo-third.-UhU thedel rgato* present. W. h, H \ N KIN, t'hairuian Democratic Standing t out. RADICAL VOMANCK The K\kk tuUouh of John Scott, the II u ill i nation I until tin-.r it KkfOtutl .1 Villainous Ttiei fo Injiumrr l*ub lie Opinion by />r/*6erafr bolMkood OoiHf.lrtriy SfmiJcti. The sub-committee, consisting of Measr*. Scott, Stcven.ou and Van Truin|>, appioN ; tod to invoaligaU' the alleged outrage* in i South Carolina, returned to thU city on Saturday afternoon, and immediately aflit i a .lalvment i> published, on the authori tyof tho radical member#, though without j their signature#, which van rub*n|Uilly telegraphed over the country hy the ao --! ciated pre*#. Tint nauiCAi. *t a ravtks t i sunk We are authorised hy Judge Van 1 Trump to pronounce that publication un ! true in many e*ential partis ulr-, and a perversion of facta in other#, evidently ! colored, with the purpoe of producing a ! partisan and tal#e intproa*ion. The t*tiun j ny .how* that there are foureounlie#, vis: I Laurent, Che.ter. York and Spartanburg, j where act* ot violence have been commit- I ted on both side.. The white* and black* I are nearly equally divided in puliation, i and the carpet-bag : ule by which the ue | gro U forcibly put over the white man ha* ! produced a bad and even a dangerous ! .tale of feeling. i xrraxirr to usursps TMK whitx lxbor The poor white* are niot aggrieved aj I an oppression which i* intended !* make I them the inferior of recent slave*, .teeped in ignorance and vice. Every thing has j been done to aggravate the laboring white* : and to outrage the social condition uf their families. On the very eve of the last alec tieu, Governor Scott organised fourteen negro regiment*, and armed theut with 7,- 401) Winchester ride- and 100,00# rounds of died ammunition. There regiments were distributed in dif ferent parts of the state, and specially where their presenile would he tuo*t likely to excite bad blood. This proceeding ws rendered more offensive by tho "act that the whites, who had became alarmed, were refused the anu privilege to protect them selves. A company, which had been in existence long befote thi* time, was dis armed and disbanded by the governor. It is in proof before thi# committee that ne groe* disguised a# ku kluy committed many j outrage*. The te*timony given hy the, negroes was ol the lowest kind, and utter-) ly unworthy of belief. jcxoaoxa rata sxu beillco TO TESTIS*. | They were attracted by the fee of $2 per diem, and, in many cases, f erg evidently drilled for the ©cession. At Spartanburg numbers of them were congregated in the postoffice while waiting to be called a* witnessas, and doubtless learned the lesson which was afterward* rehearsed substanti ally i*f the tSfije word* Uf the various ne- : grocs who pretended to have been putjish cd but on* was stripped and one w bite man at Columbia, who, while claiming to he a refuge from terror, was holding an office there at the expense of the state Hi* fictitious wound had been healed with igaj plaster. In the radical stoleman l it is broadly alleged that ten wgfo taken from the jail in Chaster and murder ed by an armed band, but the fact# con nected with thi- transaction are ail inten tionally suppressed for effect. They were a* follows: A company of some twenty-1 five t.-tnfd '-TPf I"**"* 1 "**"* appeared in that neigh borhood and openly 'vtpojtpcafi in tention to shoot the Irst white man ifir'y should meet. * VltT# XS.V BRUTAt.LV WtßEß3t> BV N KOROjea. boop ASUy f yoi,f p ,0 vens, with one arm. who was universally! regarded a* a worthy and amia'de wan, j was driving along the road with a barrel of' whisky in hi* cart. He was stopped by this band of ruffian* and the whisky de manded jj* Jul j Ijjft ii |>a* to# ifi-I property, but ga\ o them a flask of his owtrt and started. j After going a short distance the negroe* fired at hi* cart and struck it in several places. A man who had joined Stevenson the road led for hi* life, and he himself seeing tho nrtjjed r.c|rue* in frfiS/l doned the cart anij fbok rifugu in i. neigh boring cabin. He was followed by the wretches, and against the effort* of the colored woman, whose bumble shelter he had sought, and his own he was taken out .\t\pf drawing lots five of the gang took; him into the wood# apd kls body with ball# The perpetrator* of the out rage were arrested and put in the Chester, jail, but before being secured they killed, the deputy sheriff. Smith, who sorted the' process. Suddenly a negro came from with what purported to he a, writ of kokrat corpus froifj tp# Thomas, at Columbia, loit attested {riiiv. proper form. , The sheriff called into council the lead ing lawyers, in order to determine what course be should pursue in regard to (hi* informal and IHfKn) hf jremjlsition, which bore no evidence of gcnuliicne**, mid cam*: in an envelope ofthc Adam* e*fres#com pany, Meantime the news spread and a vigilance committee roused into indigna- 1 tion, knowing how Governor Scott had pnrjofiefl thp yopt criminal* by hundreds, 1 determined to administer sfego Justice themselves by mnkingan example, to check this outlawry. They took the prisoner* out of jail by forca and executed them • UPimarily One of them was released by the daoiaraM°p of a white man, mat bo was believed to boinnocantoftiicatrocious crime of which the others were guilty. While this act of vengeance is deprecated, the extraordinary provocation, and the ' alarm created by the armed blacks, as well as tljfif violence must he considered in connection wit|i h A TIIIEF AN A WIfXgNS. The other statements might he e#t M " c d with e<|ual effect, but this illustration is sufficient for the present purpose. One of the principal witnesses, named Owen, on oTo*i-flamination, admitted hjm-elf to be a thief TIiKSCALAWAU H ALLOT- BOX ITI'SISS AND P EOT AUK Or I'IiORPBBXIXa CKANXA. Congressman Wallace, who was elected first by the bouse of representative* and then by stuffed ballot*, in a district with 5,1Q fjfifpopfstlp fpgjurlty, thp compijUee eprj v/lieru, afjfi faf ope csgtfie active piauagers in gettipg pp l -tiin"ny. The affair in hf at Spartan burg, and whlph C# telegraphpd l| eypf the country a* a gross outrage, exhibits the pur|K>se to magnify and exaggerate for political effect, fie was seated next to Mr. Stevenson, of the committee, at the hotel table, when a man named Berry, who for mgply ha ' o'Mrefi ip a state of intoxication. Discovering his old enemy, he seized a pitcher of milk and threw it at him, where upon Wa'lace drew a revolver and would hayp grpff bpt for ihp Iptprpejjtiop of tf|o*p prespnt. Tjiis wa the extept of that out rage, and Berry, when sobered, sought to make every atonement, as the citizens did we were Injured by hi* recklese conduct. *o} gf(f.fifflt, ftf-'X COKWCPTI-'K ANI ROB- BgRY JUK CACRg of' jgOL-BLE. There is no political feeling of any kind in the unfortunate disturbances which J)gyp occurred iu these few counliaa of ' 'lfhey "result fpom corruption, jobbery, curbef-pag/julg and [ especially apiong the poor laboring whits i mep, from a wicked purpose ou the part • of the luthorilki tin* legUlntur* t •* r sort black supremacy and dagrsdc tkrw with m-gro rule. That i with them per il hap* the real and lIMtl serious illfli ulljf. " l( t a question of mi'*, and which, as the " government of South Carolina is now ad *' ministered, ami as su.talned by federal h! paver, threaten* th#grave*t oone>jurnee. - The while nnadianic and laborer, when be ' t find* tin- criminal |reracv, but to-day, in the State of New V ork, there in tt clean Democratic majority t of ninety thorn-and We never did " have the Irish, and now we are lusing all the German*. —[New York Timrs, . Radical. Graul with his Ku-Klox bill think* he can kill the I ►emoeraey. It will I take tuore mow by u million than he , had at Appomutox.-—[New York Son, Radical. A great deal has been said about i the dead Democracy. Thuc who . think it is dead rarely never read the story of the resurrection 'ihere will be signs in the heavens and in the , earth in 1872 when this Democratic nartv gets its soldiers in the field.— I [Springfield (Mass.) ItqiuLlimm, limit -1 cat. He is a fool ora traitor who exjiecle to win an easy victory over the Deitioj erotic party ill 1*72. Grant can never do it with the bayonet—[New York; Kvening /W, Radical. They may say what they please, but those who ure the most coufidrtit do not know those Democrat*. They are the most daugerous when they seem the most whipped. IX) not put *uy faith iu them and do uot trust them. Iu retreat they are treacherous ami of ten fatal.—[lx>uUviile L'vmmurtiai, Radical. The Next (Jreat M ar. Art* war clouds again gathering in- J the East? The unie of is! Isouuded iu the Kdiuburgh Review, j I- A struggle is impending between Russia and Austria J it is inevitable sooner or later; it can-not divert at trillion from |*' Slice and Germany to the ntoyeiuenta of those two Eastern powers. Both have hcyu actively en gaged in the reorganisation of tbeir armies; and though Russia has had the advantage of time, the declaration made by the Austrian War Minister [his week ft* U> cojosaal armyt which, under Um * juiliwry system, he could place iu the field, was uot without significance and purpose. Austria, clearly meditates no ajrgrea sion, not even urxm her late assailants, Germany and Italy, still less on Ifus sin- U'tieuce then'[he tjaugerf "'Ru* sia makes no secret bT her desjr* to en croach on her neighbor and expand her inflrnce abroad by force of arms, to make use of s propaganda fof this purpose founded on -a theory of race, to array the Kclave against the Mag yar and the Au.-uiau. ,! Russia, ac cording to l|te kams uußiomy, <" *•* solved upon a campaign wholly differ ent from that which culminated in the Crimean disaster. The opening of tlie Black Sea to her fleet it a feint, or at •must"* strategic Apcrofion, |h diveri attcntiou froni ta grand fortlfled J Quadrilateral in P; !:?'- 1 , the completion of the Russian scheme of military reoganizatioo, Russian gmerais ate "to advance t.p Centrai Europo without rjsk I" the' internal {>eaco of th'o country," thus bringing into practical realization the assertion that "the Eastern <|uestion can alone Ibe solved at Vicuna iu a Russian isense." Are flpsssian ifilent'iMnj litre uelletjl Too many fucts oomfitnii iu up|M)rt of those coiiclusions to remove all distrust. The I'orte, for the mo ment, is in favor at St Petersburg, be cause Turkey is not first to !>• assailed, and a Turco-Austrian alliance —alii- lying grci|t f Ihe —might interpose an Impaasah'la bar rier to' the Russian advance. Ger many is soothed bv the presence of the Orar at Ems. England is ignored. Yet Russian generals arc unostenta tiously manoeuvring their 6iio,ooo' 3ien on the western border, whilst |tus-! ah slaßwmcu are everting Mmif ut moat to avert a combination of powers against their designs, aud to extin guish in the western states the embers of an Eastern policy which was doom ed bv [he crowning humiliation of the Black Bca C'cnfi-rnit v, Senator Tipton, of Nebraska, a re publican in whom there is no guile, ' thus defined his position in a speech at Dmnha (he other day : A I am Unalterably opposed to the ruinous and corrupting course of the present administration, and I here nletlce myself to make that opposition both open am) unoaiiiproiitikihi." When the ab'est aud most distin guished men in the so called republi can party, men like Trumbull, Schurz, GraU Brown, and Tipton, openly denounce the present adminis tratlp'n ft? RnrrHj't, iIN '• has forfirfted ■ H' cdaliii to the tupjiort of honest people, the attempts of its parasites, the Mortons, the Cameron* I and the Conklings, aud of its jwid tools, the Forneys, the John Bussell Youngs nod the George Joneses to w)iiipy**l> Ms blackeitofl ri-pord, will be iaken at tlieir true value. ♦ ! Cincinnati, July —A meeting of I Geimau Proteatant clergymen repre i ing fltleeu ayc a G'er man pieetiug negt Thursday.' The 1 feeling here concerning the movement j is waxing warm. The unlionui debts of the different j counties of the world amount to twen ] ty-two thousand millions of dollars. Of Iliia sum forty-four hundred tuil - lions are due by France ; four tlious aud piiilipfis by [.ireat Rrijuip , tjiree 1 thousand inillions bv' the I'uited States, including imllviduaj Blates, 'f counties and t4>wusj sixteen hunilrtsl fpilljou* by Austria; fifteen hundred f] millions bv Russoi; one [hotwaiid mil # lions by 1 Prussia ttlid the' 'tiemVui. rt States; fbur'btindred" millions by lIJI- - j lauil; twenty itne hundred millions by • the other Euraiwan States, ami four - thousand millions by Ada, Africa, South Avuerien, nnd lite other eoutt " tries of the world. I Women an- to vuts the same a* men iu Dull next fall. This is according ' to an act of the Territorial l.egisla -1 lure, giving theiu the right of •iitfrag*. - In Nebraska the amendment of the " Mate Constitution |k-I mining womeu " to vote is to he sublilltu d to the people. • and women as well a* men are to have *ia voice in its udoptiott. l'he ballots of the men are to lie de|Misiu>d in uue " ballot-laix, aud those of the women in another. Here are two fields in which the advocate* of women's suff ' i age may pot their theories iu prac tice, • ♦ • j On Thursday, the 20lJ> ult., a son of Kliel McVey, Oliver township, | Mifliiu eouuty, age jU#ed, and now grand corporations literally rule the land, control legislation, regulate the -pricee of pmvia'wms and fuel, fix the rates uf clothing, ami, in point of fact, exercise unlimited swav in almost ev-] ery Apartment of hpiiMrW;! Htrra, to tbv cily u/ tfia Board of rNwideuts rule matter# with a higfi band, and' have become so po tent that any attempt to resist their oppressions U|mn popular rights or vio- j latiou* of ratute jjju; jjpd ftftUwbffi : is laugbcd |o scam and cm lain to end ; in dUntaf fallor*. Ti.- • -.,<*•• t i • M |M-O|MUU, ie whole country arc i today paying a heavy tribute to rail road companies (iipl raiuipg leagued with them In the shape of ex , orbitaut prices for fuel. Tbe maast* : of the po|Hilati>n are crushed beneath thai heal of those despotisms. The ■ grinding process grows uiore and more severe with each passing year, and it tyQuhi as thoqgh the spirit of the iitaoses was utterly crusheJ out or sterner and stou'or resistance than has been would bo made. Such thraldom an this is unworthy a free people. It , would he resisted by the serfs of Eu rope. How much mojt bjßerly should >|if be opposed by the people of a Re public like oura! The tyranuy of these monopolies is absolutely insa tiate. It is controlled by no principle but a greed of gain. Its appetite knows no limits, and is restrained by II ub opposition. Link after link is ad ! [cd to the chain witft which the poop!# •to Uitig tcttcrod, *m fthudt, to their i shame be it spoken—the people ar* servilely assisting to forre. i Where' Wilt this eud. aud how? This is a cjueslion lor the solemn con- Isideration of every it.an ami woman in ;tho Umj.—[jultl "oorncrs! that threat en the very stability of the govern ment arc formed bv thorn, wheat "cor ners" that impose a heavy tribute up • on every household spring up as hv mtigio, beef t'ooroers" tb&t jiut tlh Jprloe of meat almost beyond the reach of the poor man, and coai "cor 'jners" that cause universal distress, ar* established hv these monopolists at 1 will, and yet Ibc [ample, with fbld&l arm* and silent tongues, passively be hold these innovation*, ami wonder how they cau I*-. ' We tell the people of these Foiled 1 States that the day ha* come when they must cbwau between liberty and : ilavtty—-the lifctyty of our filth* rs, r a slavery worse than that which pluug ed this couutrv into the late fearful | war of the rebellion.—They must as sert their right*, or they will he wrest ed from them. The pt'HplP MbH iucak liijuwil those ghinf moito|Nilie, or those giuut munu|N)lie will crush the peoplo. Huch language may to some seem very redirulous, but no man who sits down f and carefully and calmly pondore thi* suhjeft putt Itfrive {[t any other oouolu ; j sion than tliat lustcail of bs ing gov 'jerne*l by the representatives of the ' j (irople the (XHiulry ruled by desjwitie luoooplies whose power is continually ; j increasing ami whose sordid grasp - knows no limit. We have said these • aggression# are growing more and I more repugnant to the people, hut thepr ■ have not yet learned enough of their H real design* to U}ke in tj|ll scope of ' i their danger, Jx-[ us hope [liat they ; will awake U> their danger before it ti Moo late.— -/ Ma. Kedgcr.'' Jtygrowi Bribod by HadicwU U> Fab ricate Ku Klux On tragic. - Judge Van Trump, of the Ku Kiux sub ('oiiimittce, authorize* that the re - cently publbhed report# of the corn - iii it tee of investigation in Houth ('ar • oiipa ure ijutrue in many essential par- I tieufar*, and a [ierFerAou of faehl Tu , other*', ev'Wjentty colored for the luii 1 - I |Mtse of ptmlucitig a purtisan ami lalse I iinpressioii, The testimony shows -1 there are lour counties, Ixoireus, [,' he* • tar, 1 ' York' abt| Sjparlatiaborg, where' - there have acta 'df violence, aud the Ku Kolx committed many out rage*. The testimony given by tie ifroe# was of the lowest kind ami tiller y unworthy of nelief. Tin \ wsre at (rueted by the two dollai* a day. and ill many case# were evidently drilled for the oOCbtsioti. At Spartnnhiirg on tuber# ~f ihutu were congregated in tbe j .#t"tH while waiting to lie called a* witne**c. ami (louhtW* learned there the |e,- - u.i* uni versally regarded as a w-rthy aud am iable man, was driving along the road with a liurrtl of whisky iu his cart. He was stopped by the mob and the whisky demanded. He told them it was not hi# pmjierty. but gave them a Husk of his own and started again. After going a short distance the ne gr*es fired at his carl ami struck it in several place*, A mail who had join ed Steven# oil the road, 11-d for his life, and he hitu-eif, seeing armed m grM*s in nuri-uit, abaud-uied fin* carl and sought refuge iu a ncighburitig cabin. He was fidlowcil by the wrvfebe*. ami against the effort* of the n. gro woman, wtio*e huiublc shelter In had sought, and hi* own. in- was taken out. After drawing lot*, five of the gang look him into the wood* and rid die-1 hi* body with balls. The jw-rpctrwlors of this outrage were arrested and put iu Chester jail,i but before being secured tbey kiilerl tbe deputy sheriff. Smith, who served the process. Suddenly a negro came from Columbia with what purjairted to IK* a writ of halw-as corpus the lUd-, icul Judge Thomas at Columbia, but was ullnslcd in no projier form. The Sherd ealied iu counsel the leading lawyer* in order to determine! whaleoursc to pursue in regard to the informal am) irregular rrquUiti u, which bore no evidence ofgenuinem.-* ami came in an envelope of the Ad am# Express Company. Meantime the new* spread, and a Vigilance, i*>iui|tilteo routed into indignation and kuowing bow Governor -Scott had pardoned the worst criminals, by hun dreds, wrd believing it in be a trick l-i j carry off the iquplcup*. doicrtuinoi to, administer stcrq justk-w theiusclvus, bv tuukit>|C an < xam|)le, to cheek outlaw ry. 'I hey therefore took tbe prisoner oul ufjatf by force, and executed them One of tbe number was released by the declaration of a white man that he yr.-v, le ijicK#*tii u| tfic utre clous criius of winch others wera guil-J |y. While this wet of veugautx* is dep recate!, the extraordinary provoca'iot, and alarm hv iheurmetl blacks a* well a* their violence, must be eDniettv *crim mage I# tortured into a horrible Ku | Klux outrage. Singularly enough, in violation of the rule# of the Committee, ihev had prepared on their arrival ; one sided stalciueul nf th* condition of! albiirs ui aonte of the couutic# in South Carolina, which has gone broadcast over the land through the genera! news agency. This will by -tßiple i umnits-i, ll p intimated, by u reoom metidaUon hi the Executive by the Radical members of the Committee for' a dcclcratlon of ntartial law, iu accor dance with (hat section of the Ku Kiux act for ttuch cases rr.adonnd pk>-{ vidctl. The gretiler hulk of the cvi j deuce is from half frightened ncgroi> and ignoraut colored officials, whond mitted in many instances that tjtcjfj could ceithyt rcw*i nor write, tin be-; half of the liuiarrrativrs it wa shown that they had no knowledge of any *- ( cret Ku Klux organization, but that a sonn what disordered condition of; ' l-'td Rikiuatcd tram the op j prvzsiv* taxes which confiscated prop-; erty; fimiu the utfer ignorance and cir*; ruplioti of local Ktate otlicials; and in the main from the wholesale pardons) of convicted felons by the Governor, thus rendering the civß law quitaToidj mul of iui cfiiich Ji the Committee' suecetxhd in inilueueing the Provident, us they hojie, the police of martial law will la* inaugurated in portions of the two Carolina*." Front published In the! &ut, it appears that they first visited l Columbia S. C., where they examined! a number of persons claiming to be refuge*. Tliey then went to Spartam?- hurg. They remained thery a r,umbel of dav* negroes and white who claimed to have been ill-treatefl hv the Ku Klux. Iu Limestone Springs township, one hundred atidj eighty eaaw were At UniojtcjUp,fh*killing often negroes, taken tVom the jail by several huudrcd Ku Klux, acting uad*r military or ganization, was investigated. A promi nent lawyer of the place, Mr. Khand. n lit'Utenf[|it. pu ccoss-exaniinatinn #titi tied the Committee by stating that In* believed almost every rospcctahlc unmarried young man in the commu nity belong# to the Ku Klux. Among the qis** investigated w.n thai nf-a negro preacher, murdered ut Goshen 1111 l Church, iu Union county; by a |Mrty of disguised men. Two more days were spent in examining witnesses in Columbia. On returning from Kpartanbiirg, one day was oc cupied 111 hearing the Statements and general views of General Wade Hamp ton Und General 1 Bit tier, the Demo cratic candidate for Governor last fall. The Committee then visited York county, where they remained nearly a week, 'fliey 'discovered at YorkVilW'a bitter spirit among tin white edited*. At supper at the hotel, - on th* evening of their arrival, Msj -r - .Juuus lkiry Ru'vw n psUks-r uf MUs* over the Hon, S A. NV.i' ic<- u i'{>i< • -cntativu of the dhltb I, and lloti- J. I E. Stevenson of the (" oumitbH-. Mr, I SVallaca jerked nut a rev-over and raised tf lOfliAft B'tty. If sit) * h''- ii "tat fiioft'i * g .ifi* •• •' re i sl JLrry *n l; s lis W' Ul out J'or tho c 'litre ui atf! , houi, #cv. i .il p -miomit l idz cob; n led to Spoilire in the auijio i w i't i- ner on Iwhatfof Berry, gj l'lu* colored band serenaded th*i e;Coinmitlcu Üb-r • the evening. In it: ii disturbance which follow I, negro' who resisted an* f w.u w i'.t'i I *1 by n ajiiullceinun, C.d. Merrill eons uan hog •• a small fn , io A " 11 to' i juried Ii a ntimber ufc.-is-.-s of alleg •*! outr.t *■• Tha usual c.iur-! par-.0-d mi nr- I- riving ut H plac* * > t> divide t'., iidigw tJiev oxg.-.-:e| i renu t b twoetij y'lhtfmajority am! mitt iriiv •* th • I m-; i niftss, Judge V. a Trump iisttx'lr . i-iiU.'.l ui.. iiir thru# rf im"**t' srs'w-' : lo'tii lawyer# w!| > g i>- their opiai •i --on the relafi ii#offb • f* • ro • tin . inefficiency and c irruption of diuKtste I, goverumciij, igial the fv ?Sig •'. i'k* i! white jwople jiivar-l* th • general g* innnstif • will take pia c uouS S. jlsila't* 2 I. [ *yg^;ggre!wyy.tg*r^!r*f. "s ' l> EUI-M'KtUi S (TH IV Tli '[•'VMlillliSd lOiii |-a- ti WW* a<'<) Sn)i4iS • of rt-v->rh*a-* (''otr: " fHire' •■ • uioitg bo aaltstk imvA fi*r *ii ■•*■• .i|St'Mf Aw-'o: \ it. isrf. i, 'n.e account f M *'#• 1U .- ■ !• ; jaiinistrator of A- uf Sf:irgrt,{ fb ■> v lat<*ul: ii|l|i< lawiiilll|i Sf Yi '< • t*M--* -Guardian of Kickwsd, Taiauz!'.*. twltf >*!' -V if try. iwiawr >• ohtroa *f .'#•• V 'Tboiuß-, II • . i •. )'* ' ,1 S, Th. tlu.vr.fiaa : :# io ou:t pi \V. I#., jGrt|ra GuaYilbt. o skirt! an J Jlnuitah J •.i*r)"* , ih*''h nifaOr children of J# -b , Uie ttf U#r-H fwn., <' ■ -! I. hou We#ver tiiiifticui of ,|(hn and 1 ' S'i- f cu Gw,t • * *im ifg, minor. i hiltlruit of Mnrlln jr., fits of ittlm* toil., uv-i-'d. I -t Tin- sc ..out of J .mi- and J - ; .h I Jl#uck *nd Km- iiy Itr.itugsK ndci. rs l*r "f Ac,, of Jsaiss khwste-4****'*: J'rstm - |jn*iulli|l llai'll u-Ord bv " . . sctiiir admiui-'.rsttd 7, Partial s-M.*if * P- - ; o- N ot-y SJI J -lav., I), tiaiudl aitmlti'>trs>' , r f A.- --f Ei. A 'shoth N'w-i Intc >f tirc.-j t . . .! ! K. The so hint -.r It 'r MiifJkm IreuM tiliosds and John Irt'-.a jr . iri-i-- -- under I the will of Wiik A. To 'i(i;,, dcc-d !ts mm*m| T -iirss (hit thj fittn j William* I'l'iskJinfihr ts-i wdl sad !#*j • hsetj uf \v iltialn Wili. -i i- d. d late offt Ifsrri* I wj>,. Centre •... IV ; 11, The scommt -f (i.M, Jack of. }the !s*t wfH m'!-1 tcrtamct.f - f William! Wagner Ist*--f H"*M jr .- in the urp., of llarric, dr *i Use the istouds and •}.:i'e.. ugh:- and euv!i|i. Use . ..rWilUatu W FJp-r. .1 I. 15, Tbe**taW-l *•*•**.W of t.. Inr.e .f the rs- rtt->re <fth. .41 *i[itwi, iuic-t *T Jitojh |l iii'iri' fate uf Frrtawnn m.4 i < If. The li-e..,:-. •••' M-.r:':*, " < mlni-trator ut Ac., sf Psml-I Gl igr.clt * i*V : of Wsiker twp.. dee d. la, Thr s. co.uii of J. I*. (I 'l.'wM t#ti*t**e aptMiiid'.il by Llei <)r;,U ,u. n.ri t- -a .ksi ;!* f tli* 1 ,i of G.-* |*rbrit:t 1 4., tub- of lie nntsr top, C *.,* I lit. The a**e<*iin! of ll*-nrv ft-""* e-itlM" : misutintur i-f Patrick lire* •*- -t ' . ,• •of M i-'-hurg Centre c-. , P., j 30. The Mwnnt -4 bli*-ta-.d Gwre li-i .!*• uisnaf Ahivt *) • K *■. W*. a ndaor Child tf JsouH E ■#•-, into .liter twp . > -* 4.. I Est • *f lb-oner t wji. ! Si, Dm wdWlwtsMWttiWi ntv-nii". • : I Smnmervitlr .ulnoni Irst -r ->f A*., of Put- 1 i n*-k Wiote ist o! Mi. #, rii-. !uji .d i. ! .1 Jolt* It, 3t-kihis. , Ui-iiefeiite, July g'ili 1 M **, | '! ! ! News! Bce Here! TIN AND SHEETIUON WAHE I The wnder-igwod h-r, | , eufs, - 1 lIIPPEHS, ni-'un-.Aa All work warrant".l *< 1 elijiyg- - rp\ - -H- • able. A shm-e nf t - ti'ddo* f-:g r . -0-1 licitcd. Mils HKK*\t \v | *d.t-pV*v I'- H •'! ,y&u.v.ll A .1 AP.EKTT i ' - jIiECG.-t, MiClrciN*Kt, CHRIhIOALF.j I ' S Uy all the MTANI) Utli PAtr.N - MKGICJXE-S. 1 \ Wf.V birgc ,1 •' lorttn nt nTTdi -111 A uttfi r KAS 1* V O.H'-i * Fospi, &.. dse,, * Tift H' e-t 'JM#!- 1 fry of 1 \ u a • j 1 p.. nr Kmo:< < fit-ofts Slid lltXtlß* Wre.t I'Trr-*. LsUkj.! V vmsrir. j PRESCItI PTIONS, e s; .1 ! b.v • -on ' j jH'tahtdruggSst# t Hfthn-ir- dry df - ,] Ni.hl euilioiier. im 1 nieht f.K1.l H: vk 4.\ HItKTT. Ui'h >,i Si iVelh-hn ;• ?*-, lunix t , J oil J* i,i- • j* :v • : w I.INN A ATSfJiOA, I) It rii GISTS. Suctcsuoid of F. r. Wilsolt, Bolh-fbut# IV una. Have re-cured lie- •. rvbv*d Ji-m*- U. Su-.'II, iiij wttttlttth< ! building, wilt sUand t<- J lit- wniti of tin puhlic at all hours ui' lU4 c.igjit j l*imi iV: Wit-on' l.ecji cor. Untl.v hniul a Inrke tuck of Rris I ■aints l •Al-Iurt,Lli#. fit mlt til •••} 'I, Biikfsmi l', ,mvl JGIoitTLIDCK* CO. i -.5 i.,,,,, - *--• - .... fii h i ] STK 15 N B E It 0; lis* t> to th* extreme end f tlo> | 1 P-.r BOOTH & SHOES j u Uofloa. !'*r iJll V (jiHli'.S |t< Sew fur k. • Fr CLOTHING to Philadelphia. .fe.K for h|#st. CLOTHING at t locust r,.i •, una ■ ••! t lltiT*irtco > IM T S, fro ,i $lO Hit-• - 1 fur tlii? Wt. CALL AN It BEE, Hi. 1 if it nifst ',**, Sternberg oil! treat. TL.-V okly ask #.•)>!<> t t< wliil r ev-. if th-y #<• m.K to buy. r IVIK AX \IL hYORK i* now receiving I. * br," **ti jfll n..ortu win. It :nfc I Wwff.ui Stork ul avory tJ* : 'srijiiio**.*-tWI an 4 supply your *•• Vc atti.v toWUBt p*'*sllle f*ti-i at Htf IRWIX&WILSOS | j OBOCIBUUQ :• IVWIfKTiIE 1 HOST FRONT. ,i VI -hi-ftv s, nvt ItrtlL A G U'LT II ,1 ii) r n tf> S*- I ih'-.tuirertiick of Goods f, i l/i-vt V M :!lr. and \ L \ IfiJCL V TIIKKRTti, nr !(•■ |ww|Mi.*i*J to auounusiodsto sll the •! 1 , riviuli... t a v ,:s!>iiwl> -iii-tit, iind hit of tti-i inn*, v t-j, .• .uiumUy mi band Ciiiltv, i is#, Sug#r, iii isl Fuiiu t uitHnl K ruit, i I Attn* H i-1 IW. G!t. C'ckitJs liotter, Flour J G.r 1 BiK-koiirat Flour. jsi<4 i-i . rylliiiij; ti*u*ljp k-|* in s w#ll f. Ist#d fir*', tiu GrocrryXtorc ' ! S ''n A ItOll E TEUX s:i.t TLi-wiiwiiuidwiM. st > IRU IN de WILMOXti I'l.l Ni. - 1 . iiiilKiiCl-RKANTSo 'the very l.v>; iiuslity j*t rcceiveds ( Wolf w (lid .ll.Hu ■ j Udlrs Truioirs. Thi* is 1 alu w i-lc s rtiH* for W bow ito b* had iii'tlscbur'.niriyu.dii.rt other Ipi set- iJt C. . •.ißly. louucr reauaajkwj iUat vi.i-i- con W had *1 Cei.tri !UU If. j Chas. H. Held, Clock. H'ulcliiuukrr A Jrnrlri Milihciji, lV.itrc co., IVmui. j i', ;• ,r ■ '•iii.i l.i# friend* sad Ui ; that hi hm jut i.lHSOed j at hi* new i-!..l.li!inient. above Awua .1 :■- .1 Store, a'l I k ejn on band ill kind* el" Cliw-ks, VVstrbc- and Jeweln •f the la 1 ..-* tyl*, m aW the Marsnvilli . Peut C*!wr Clock*, protruded |hh 1 i (nij!et> Index of the loouth, and dayoii • th# #i nth and #bek fta its mc#, *hidi U : warranted r a e. ,iect ttave-keciiyr. k", \V wt.'hei and Jewelry re j.ain .1 < n *UoA u dice and wrarrwiited #tl]'kly 1 C'KNTltl! HA Li* Tan lard. 'i'i. us . ;,.HI * .'uld reneitfell,* b-| ! form t i. ii,irii v( I'ntn tbuM.v, that! , the shove T.'u V*il w ill again be put in , full uw faiK it, in all it* bmiK lim, by liuao. UIDE.i AND 1A11K WANTED, j The higk*t market iirU*- will he ii#id >r Ill.lv ■of ell kinds. The kigkvrt HkHr-i ket |ri.'- will ..*. he jjid t>w Tsnber'sj iUrk Tf!" patronage I* *olicited | [ SsiUlacsi.iii gnaraptvod. ■ i t.Oif MILLER A BADGER. j TITTsV \1: i> SANITARY AID ASSO- C 1 VTIo.N I- r the Relief nud Dure ot the Krri- (;*•-! f Gliri-tlsn TiiiMnthr..fv. K *on the Error* oi* Youth, and the Fonts* ..f Ag*. In rvlat'um to MiHUiii.t utiul 5... tAt K.ll s, with sanitary rtkl for Die ' afflicted. S nt (We. is sealed ICtwopes. Vddm . HmWARD ASaKiCIATION Rax I*. 1'!. c , t-ia, V. iiillklv > R DDITXKIRK, i". VrtTtt VRTMAN. I>ll LI NGKltifc COMPANY No. 4?. NORTH THIRD ST., PHIL'A taitweeii AL.rket and Arch, formerly 101. MANUFACTriIKRS & JOUBEILS IN <'ar|ct<. Oil Chilli*. Oil Shadie, Wick Yarn, Cotton Yum-. Carpvt Chniu*, Grain Bar*. Window Paper. Butting. Ac. A|o. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Brushes, I,wking G lanes, deefl-ly 11. 'I.H AN!MiLPTAIIY AGENT, j and Coiiveyaiu er. Deeds, Bonds, Mort- and all instruments of writing faitlp I'uli.v attended ta Special attention given! to the collection of Bounty and Pension. clkiui*. Ofile. nearly onpoaite the ('ouri j House, two doors nhov# Me**r*, Bush Rt Yoc.jmV Law OSi. •• JJtdkioute. Pu. ! lOjunl" U'STOx PATENT Ciiritx, 'thTbwl in UM-at luwis a VflUMj'kcj aplo'l>B, j I? 1 NK i'-'.BliK CUTLKItY, iucludiugj . fdat.- I forks p.rAfm. Ae, at uplO.kS IRWIN A . IUON, BOoTS, largi stoek sizes and | prions, for iii"U emit hoys, lust arrived! at Wni* w-II known old Stand. at wholesale and ret nil, i-heaiM o l y in WIN dt WILSON, i e ' . , imi .agiißnjj.wiWi'ai j The Hailronti lias jiisl arrivetl Hi The Old Stand ! l WM. WOLF al Centre Hall. ; willi the lineal ami heal alock of GOODS •j in IVnnavallev. I,AI)IES A.ND CENTS DRESS GOODS. I DRY GOODS. AND GROCERIES HARDWARE, QCEENBWAJJK I lata. Caps, Root#, Shoe#, ALSO, A CHEAP LINK OF FLANNELS. MUK. *NS, CALICOES, AND SHAWLS, | , V • • <- | ALSO. A GOOD ASSORTMRVI ip NOTIONS, SYKUPK.CoFFKIW. •Lan • Urge ainrk .tMtl ? - on kat.d, st< | make* to <>r*lr kit ksad* t ttRWTUML ttUSSAVA hlXKti "WASHfiTANIm. CORN KM CD PRO A IP IK TABLR.H, A,.. Ac Ho*' Maims tHiaia* Alvat* ma*. ' Hi* - wck af ready-made Famitar* U Urr. i and warranted f g*. Call and *ee hi* etoek before MIrM.U elsewhere • tM '> tf 1 /lx : o* % OF THE V AG El I Paraarca Daiaaa r*. ♦• OtTt CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. ; ' JietttittJKSseAtSF : 5 £ I ' eigi" *#r. > . * a m) WESTERN Ppmjsrlnc Ca ffSiffUMi'i.' flaMA f* * wm h. ai.sia, u 1 niTiuk ,! ILAIR&.tTITZEK Auorney* at |*aw. XrHeAiric, • , cm the DianioeA tnt daar to Gai ' man's hotel. Ce*tvr%a*t ia Gerwaa . DRnirl a|i. MPftf : TXCtfr IMOKK." Ittonqr at la w, tf Rallefvat*. Pcfcn'a.. will attciol art a I-, Ijr to all legal h*ier. 1 i.ttmtsd ft. hp. Ow.-Ww akk J. F. Poller, m 1.1 tl. Court 11*#* CotisultaiUaia id Una 't * lUa)i*h. Ifeepiti I trtl NT T'uTT LR. Aturaai iTI-^ H Collei Itoii* pron utlj **i. sad peei* •tletitmn riven to tW* kaviag laad* at j prMMrty for sale. f| draw up aad kits ; aeknow)e<\pad kK-.o*. Mortpape*. Ae. <'- Ree ia th diamond, north !dc of the , 1-ourl house. ttellefowH. ocCfff Wt jUKRair Haciftieir, * aaucaajr. Prv*!!*at. 4*a*hiet. (vKNTRE COUNTY BANKING to J 1 Late Millikea. Hwx.r A a*l>ut * 1' U , K.r^- U ' r, y ®cM|ad by Ir. N*. #, u rex.* \ *• 1? I"*|lhriaut with eatife •ueerae-havuig the. xpvmaee of a auat W J M x \* IMvdesMiioa, he Would eordi* .ally invite all who have as yet a.t aiger him a call, todo so, and test the trmhrulMe*. of lA| MOrtiaa. Teeth extracted ' ■ mayr/ Ijaa'TStf' ViUt * tk * Orphan' - C#e H * STRVp, the laest ceived, cAcap at \V olfs old #• •,*"< J>"t • i ~. -and—try it. P STO V K, - * iawt\ a WiiNoa's AVU SMioH | w iff wis aWitaoxa a1 * '