Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, August 04, 1871, Image 3

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    c <; hall K.-.t-v ..?kr
' aWj ,
LMIL JIBWS. ihir ftfands will oUig<
u* by sanding t.< • •>/ iMMP "i local Wl r
eat, ftraMtug d.stlha, marriage-. A, . *
tuch av eagariv read by yor fHwiidsL
tha west, luauv of whom get lb* Kouorter
Wo would o'U'irtW H*lkvof U'onr Mini p
iron* wtttiKi oeoariunally man * <vpy
h RopftlVr to relath o and ac, t .uutaii
oe who formerly lived iu
and removed tooth V pa. Is, mWHi * mM
induce mafly t become suWribtrr*.
BL VN'KS.--Blank Summon*. Vend*
Note* fxecutiow. and Judgment and
g L i | Jilt Notecotultinrd, Jwti. •- War-
Dint*, Ac . for sale at Mn*lNNt>.
0 —
Tue cirvulntion of the Uuroiftßß, ,u
tttia iU of tin* cmuulv, i* now grentu
than that ot *•>' two pit|*i> • *h
cjuuty. hence bu*ttn n who wi*l
Drench the Futtuavalluy Irtuiu, wilt
alvniwe their own itvUfwt-, By .-uK-ell
li-intf in the UttroRTRR- Ooi *uh-M rir
t'OU hat is o|wn to the iusjKTliiin >! an
who wish to ndwrtiw.
GoI.DK* FoCSTAIV I'iv Something
new and novel Be Mire and rend the *d
vertheuient In our pa|wr. hwuwjl Grc-u
oil tnvenli.Hi ot the Age. VS.- believe
the Golden Fountain t en i- utwarp'Cstal
A good tH-u i- a mve-slty to every man.
women and child. A com-, here i- a
chance to make money tw introducing a
good and saleable article. jan -• >
at J Wxtfia's A;*>'* Carriage Mtiu
factory. Milrov. Fa nmyoA#*
We direct the ettrntien uf <>ur reader- to
the advertisement of Linn & d\ ilson, drug
gl.s. IMlefonte. They ere tin." susvewr*
toS. F Wilson, deed, and hwvc*iwed e
mesttiticeni drug store in Irvin A WlLon'*
new build in*, hi* iu every ro|nvt a firt
clees otfablishmeat, and tor nun beauty,
end quality of goods offered, up to any
eitv dm* more.
The ih> 4rm of \ount; 0. iKclias, ot
B •Hehinte, t> now one of the leading store
al BoHefontc Mr Young, the new part
ner of Mr Dec ling, =■ * experienced mer
chant of Philadelphia, a hoe dealing with
country Metehenta lia- > perfectly wlnwl
cd him in tho waul* of inland stores, that
his connec tion w ith our gentlemanly friend
Devling, bring- t thu -lore advaulagv*
jMMeMWd by none other*, which at all times
will enable theni to sell good- or ihe latest
Styles, and be--: qualitiy*. and cheaper iban
eUc where. Kemotnber A oung A I Sel -
ling's store.
B*TTI!*IKKS.-Mr. Ueltj. Arm'} ell
ttft Monday fdreeeoe, killed a rattic-nake,
on the IlitHlllUiu, MMtttl cIUt*UC WK**
h. re which measured four feet in length.
Tlc rj,,|.'>cbad II ratles. of which F.'nrc t
he k4 \m >•" Kgrouraa office. There
one. hut ,t c-cajwd Mr. Army we.
killing it- companion
Sslkct SviiooL * The tVntre II U select
school, under the direction* f Tm'- • L
S|wngicr. w ill coiumence the fc'U tr m ""
Monday next, Tth. Student front * ' ji "
taiice ran b accommodated with nwrn
and board at reasonable rates.
S.Ll'.—tue of the old Hotß r '.arm-, near |
•the jdae>-. lately owned by Dr. IfeshicT, of I
AaroUeburg, was -..1 d the other day to Dr.
Fetcr Smith, of this town, for 513.Ut0-T.fi
Mr. George Russ sold hi- farm near 1 ine
Grave, to Mr. Kmjw of Gregg twp.
auaisst Geoauts YAL
lkt Fnend Kurta:—D i* r"t very often
tha: you hear from Penns Creek, how nou
itrotidy our things grow since the right of ,
way hm hucn granted I a ids you U |>ub
lish in the Ecportcr that 1 have > corn j
stock, the -ecd of which wa- plnnied on the i
2nd of Mi.y and the -toi k mea-u-. don 'A-t j
of Juiy 12* feet This stm-k i rai-ed w ith
inl2r.ai- of narruw gauge line. I also have
a potato vine mea-uriiig ti f-t S inches
Who can beat that. A AR"V P. <4 K *" T -
Tlie letter from Harris Wwn.hip w ill *p
jxar ha our next isauW.
SoT. Win. Barter, a Sua "f e*--li' ritf
Mh-ss-r of Mtllheim. a- dangerously
wouroW from an accidental discharge ot
a ride, on w~t Tuesday <v. ning. lie and
ii nephew. Pter*r Mus-er, had gone to the
tuo ioUia-. about two miles from Millheini
towslJi a, Jo r lick, and l'k'ii e having
v'limbed * tree endeavor* d to draw up hi
gua with a rope, the gun getting la-t among
tK-hmmke*. William raised hi- arm t"
100-en it Wild the rope having bm slacked
slightly to facilitate this, th<- gun slipped
striking it- haiwmi r u|m a limh and dis
charged. The WUswifted William .arm
near the elbow, fotiovad tW P>uMtf the
arm, entering b left hrei. T l *® h. II
had not jet been foni; l m* pe/*ur lat/*t
advices, und young Mw--r P -•id to he ttt
a i-mirsl rondition.
Molt- Mr. riamuel M't'linlh-.. of E*r
lystowll. maH' * tomato viiie I feet *2 th
iongf 4ieh ha- .mitST tomaUw-. Tfcir i
proiidc and an indu-ation that l'ottar twp.
will go heavy for M'Caudle*? and the eu
*tire ticket
Mr. Ed. Lciiffor, chief of the e:.giuer
(. orpa on our railroad, arrived here on la t
Wednaaduy. an l prta-oelcl to tin moun
tains in iiatijc* township, to coiumence,
-with a new corps, the location <f th# rtl
friitth* Canlre conntjr line to Miffliiiburg.
The work from the Fork- to ttak Hull,
are arc infortnud, ha In-en awarded.
Tu*Ji;kat Hail Stokvi.—The Watson-
Viwai giver the folljwing acisnini
sf the great hail Stonn in that vicinity ti
the loth in-tant:
The muat teniCc and destructive hail
-torrn that ever visited tbh sccttion of tin,
country passed over the upper and f this
and the lower end >f Lyconiii g counties on
la-t tf tin day afterniKU!. Tho storm camr
tlroai the act and yak a toUtb-easlcrK
icouike Tlie d-strti(-tiH of pr.ipcrty in th<
Ibrcndth of it* cour.-c, which wnf fVom -bout
ejus mile above the village of I)i 'a art, it
j his eou'lty, and the town of Munoy, i- il
ni wt total. The storm la-tl about thirty
mil nte* and so heavy and low were th<
clou. '• it b-y*m quite dark. Tin
largest " "f the hii thnt Ml. if i* ipocrted by
undoul- 4 *d authority, wi - tb- * ff s
turkey e t T- "*■* > r K u 't 1 "" 1 k *'- ' r h'
standing t: >• U* w i' ]
mountains ,W **'< Mr strip
ped of their I-** 3 * * J
and so strong w*N the wind that hundred,
of trees wer,* 1 losi 'i down and lay in every
direction, mak. ug that jmrtin ot the coun
try visited by ih.ratorjn pr**ul a scene u-u
ally witiiorsc.l in niid-wii U>r. The oat and
com crop* are "Uitirely destroyed, and
neArly all the farmers In Lewis and DI a
jt are townships, over whom land the storm
"oeht U furv ' nr " U! ' 1,,L * ir < " ri
" \ -K Ids for the purpose of sowiiiji
and rtHt *-• . .
buck weak Ths' l ""' k
will amount to M All. We hear o
many who lo t tlieir hogb ca.vc
poultrv, and in many induce- cattle am
horse- suffered by being egpo-cd to th.
falling hail, Imu es and hams war* unroof
ed. fences J"*" 1 d *•**&
A number of farmers will loose ttj'ur graji
and hay bv having the roof, broken in b}
the hail and getting wet by the rain ac
eompanyifig. Hail was on exhibition a
sJiU place on VVcdmjbiy afternoon— three
. days after the storm— l e largest ot whiel
weß#i>e eiKo of Lulled walnut, and wen
taken frt lii a bed three feet in de|dh. Di
icctly af\er the storm had ceased, bail cv
. ere.l the lev.*! ground in some places t th
, -Jeplti of six ipeshei 4 U tlio bridge* mi th
small streams Htt s\vet>t Mime,
thills art washed in a fftHftfi,-
; tml mguy have n6t.fj}ffii the!
The r.se in Warriors Uuu cite
was to rapid that hundreds uf wet
iivofß out into ho I torn. - atidjcld* gild lujtli,
:<>r them on ln-iug |dck.sl up were toun
| f.Msen -till".
We have l.nt giv. it a taint de-eriptiotl
| tin- I*Ml\il tornado, and < annot elme witl
it H ,ing the cil .eii* of this roiuUMHtk,
and viaewheiv to lake Into < oiuidetatio
-e the propriety >f aiding the suffariT* to W
placv at lia*t a portion of tlmir !># Man,
* jof them have not amor-el (or either ma
f, .r bc>t. and it i the du'y of all good peo
i ! pie to-liow their benevolence put aid Oil
'' ; worthy but uiiloriunulc neighbor-.
li *i-itcd paits of tYntre, ltwntmgdw
and Mittlin counties, -ays the lUdiefont
ii Republican. It route, >o far as we liavi
be. n ablet"ascertain, e\t*ud da> r*s- t'cii
% tr*< a few miles above Fine Grove Mills
thence over Tu—t,v Meiuitain into Ston.
- Yalky and pussine thence into Midlni
I lit track was n.u more than a mile wide
I but very destructive, opta-tally alaui
t . Ibllcville, VI i lit in i unity, u here the ccri
, fields w.uv cut ami slashed fenrtVilly, th.
, oal- b,-teii down a- if r.-!t,-.| and w< II nigl
j altogether thra-lie.l out, the garden- ruin
e.l, and windows,. vis—ial t>> th-' dorm, lefl
r pmebs- It i- estimated that in the llttb
village of BeHevillc, alone, aland twelvt
hundrsal junies of gla-s were brken, aottu
; i house- It-ring as many - a L.tndrv.l emK
j Th. tiaiidouiw wcic on an xv.-rago an iu*li
, ill diaoo-tci ead hail wl inch thick, be ng
Itl i |hh! , The oldest inhal itnnt thsNt
, | net recollect -ueh a storm
,j• ♦ •
j lithe | it* cnnrmngint. Nt n- hi
, rital otlt, the Atlantic ami t irtmt c*l
'cm Ivailnuid will |>— n.'o the bain's
:of a new company with Uenerttl Mi--
t'lellan I*r>i'lyni. The aalc or the
l*rv|>criv in New \ rk ;inl IVutisyl
' - vania iaet ivivk wa* in accordant-*
with the scheme, am! w ithout o|i(wwi
* j lion, hut it is cxioctxl that the sale in
' j Akron, tmiuurrow. there will be a *-*-
i test. It is rumured that should the
uevr eompativ .-uitrol in their
! I plans, (he r.uni will he cliwtigvd to the
j iiart.'w -gu.ioe, and that the mluclioit
jofthe Fric ls.> to the s.tme is
I I -intcupl.itt*l.
j r-v,'; --- -- - ---
OFF* IVL NgTICK. T'e uud.-t- gm.l
1 w.'itld notify all per-on,, such a- Huek
' i -t. rs, ltoarsling liouse keepers, etc , that
' j they will not W)lt'*l to cre**l any build
1 J in- and carry on any bu-iues* within one
I | mile of the camp ground exee|>Utg such
' as have peruii--ioii from the .s.niniittee,
' I Klias Staumbaltgh, .--,'hastian Mllswer,
In l Foaller, lb v. Sioal, K. Krvamer,
: I Adam Zerbc, Clunttuttn.
1 No lice is hereby given that the lO'iount
el 11. M rw'hweuch A M. |I loK-keV, s
-->. signers of Ju. 1. Wirt, ha been bird in
Court of Cotniie"! Fleas of Centre County,
Fa., to A>tgu>t Term, IB7t, and unless ob
jection* "• ti'vd on or before the third day
of - dd Term, thev w ill not In- hear.l
Young and Devling,
The iarovat iiud best mHurtnint ol
l)rv Goods.
& Shoes,
Notions &e.
' iu the county, give us a trial and save
front 13 to 20 jcr ceuL ou your pur
chaser. july'JS.
vV crrii the Hon. Charle- A. M..yr,
FresideUt >f the court of Coiuiuou Ficaa,
iu the -olh ludicial Di-triet, cou-i-tiag ot
the t ouufL-s ol Centre. Clliit-'ii and Clear
fleld, Mini Uuuorahlu John Jto-teriuan and
' -he lloiiorablu William Allimmi, Associate
Judges ill t'ouirw tounty, iued
their precept, bearing data the 2S'li Jay ol
March A. D., t'-l. to iu* direiitcd for
holding a court of Oyer ami Terminer and
■ General Jaii Delivery and tartar
♦loo- of the Peace m Bellelonte, fertile
county of Centre, and to commence on the
f till Monduv ol Aiigu-t i ext. heilig the
■ day ..f Aug. b>.f. and tocoutiuua one
[ * NotLs jr ijll'refore hereby given to the
i Coroner, Jti-tisS at 'hi* Peace, Aldermen
S ami Constabtiu ot lb# #■' .."'"'l V "f Cen-
I <re. that the* be lb< ai.4 Hi-ft- ttf fheir
. j proiM-r )M*reoii- at Wu'vWk lit tpe lore
| no>n of said day. with tbvr record-. W
' I oiii-itionexamination*, and t eir own re
-1 i litenibram-c.. to d.> tWr iliing- which to
) Mlieir odit e appertains to he done, and
. I (ii.oe who arc bound in m'ogni*!,nce to
jmr-4('Ute agaiast the |srie"Oer. that are .r
'{shiill'b# m Jjjc Jail off Centre county, la
jfthen and to ffosesa b- them a* .liaii
j be jusL
J f, i ven under my Jmnd. at Jteoefowte, tlie j
u.f "f Mar. in ibcyear of our l/'ni, I
la.l *nd hi L-' ninew-feurth year ofthi ,
- 1 odi-nendeWe of the l';;ited Slate-
W'JGOMi.Vti. Shrriff. j
NGTICK. letter- t- |
taiuentary p, tile e-tate of I cter
Uur-t. late.f J'.fter p-w i.-blp. 1 cat" , "Uii
r ty, dee d., having •# f" twv un
t d<-rsign,l, all ja-rson. inael'ted Ui the -ant
estate arc riapiosted to uiaio miiMfdiate
* -elill lenient, ami lb l.av in : claim- to
'• present tlielu duly authenticated for pay
,l ui'tiC ,Jotit * Porraa. j
J John ifi-iiKL,
[' ! Jul.l l.fiw Executor*, j
1 j
: Model Bookstore.)
,* Iftnkl lbaikatire.
It Op|jGiit£
> Burii I li'ti.c
Ifellefitnte Fn.
'■ r
>' Jou a ii, Liv* P. lU.XNKK Wilson
f-jl) B U G GISTS.
" ' SumwaoM '>♦ V F. Wilriiu, BcllefoiiW
x j Fcpti'a.
k t
l/ave ae-ured tin- service* of Jam," 11.
'• St.-cn, uf Philadclphw. a druggist of thir
*' tec ii \ ear. cxiiericiice. who will lltive the
e charge of their prescription bu-iiie**.
r V night l'B >* aftatolU'M to their rpsre
door and tin*employe,-asleeping iV'itliiii the
"• buil'iing. will alft'hd to the want. <d the
ii [,ul> ein all hour# o| the night
V Lmn h Wilson keep constantly on
Drug-! 'gV> I'nrflimery, Trusses
!l rtfjd JinJi' Mt Apphafum "I ml kill'!-,
„ together with very lafgnHfepk of
Patent Med,elm*. -Oft) *
" Yinegar Bitter., hiul bIo
re Pure Wines, iind 11-
7, onor*. of nil kinds
' for JllCtliv"!
bodil bookstore
ui.- ; , in .Centre Colli*).
lid I. oiidmi. July 2i,■ A "b-paleh iVom the
Fast *avs the ae*<ount from Frr-ia are in
tm way' exaggerated. 11l Ulili'lun t.x a
faminn. eholetw; typhus fever ami the pla
h-1 gim ar mai.uu t< rrihie ravage*. The tw j
ty ' port* of enjiniualUui iulu.ed the (lover
,„ nor of Phirate to plaen a guarl at each of
the eeitiaterii's to prevent the unn>rtunate
* and Starving people ftmrn diinlerrinr tha
ly l.li*s of the da<l for n-e a* bd. TlmaP
ill ho hi'* of' he British hmbas-y and the lelm
' graplier* ban- all tbal fra.ui the country.
The fellow u.g at counts have been
rvauiimal and passed bv me and reinaiu
tiled of record in this office for the in-pe*-.
bells, legal as. cr,alitor* and all.-th
u' j en. in anv way interested and will bo pre
e | vented to the Orphan. Court of Centre
' .sninty to be held at RvlhMllr, for albo*.
! nh. o Hli.l MiUrlllation oil >'rdnesday ill#
'■ hHli day of August A D IHJI,
IU |, The account of .luedame Keee# ad
,, niiiistrator of ,V, ,of Margr. tHt e# late of
' tin- ton tisblp of Gregg,
2, The aeesiunt Ol Jaeoh l \ alentlne
,l Guard alt ot Richard, Tamoaille, Clllforst
u A Mary, minor children of Ja*a>b V.
lr , Thoni is, liellef.uile Centr> vo. Fa
, , it. The Guardianship account of \t . D.
V Geid'li tiual-ltan ol Sarah and llanuali
i- Daaghenlno h. inlnor children of Jacob
It Daughcnba-h. late ot Harris twp., deed
, ' -t. A.(am \t < aver Gtiarslian of John and
Nt idoiuu* l.s-e, two ol the ehildreii anj
• | heir* ol Catharine law late of Harris two.,
e .f a*s>..i)ni with the estate ot the sal,l John ,
, and N iCHlemtia lean.
, 1 The weeouilt of FW r Holt Guardian of ,
": Conrad. Jacob atid Kllcn Long, minor
X ) eblldr.il of Martin |„ong jr., late of Hum
e j si,!,' twp., tiw il. i
j i* tin- account of Jauie- and Jo*eph ,
Mam k and Kmoiiv IfniotgaH ndimnis'ra- |
i tors ol A-'., of Jtssse Mauek late ut Fvlili ,
*! tiw ii hip dec .1 a tilnl bv \Y ill uuu Maui's ,
-; act in ; admin. stfßtof. I
a i 7. Partial aeount of Filer Nese and Jas. ,
If Gemaoll a,linini*trator *4 ftr,. or Klia- ;
( abe'.h N eee late of Gregg tw p , de*'.
•* j S. The towuiß of Jl T Mlllikeii Daniel ,
I-1 Kinnid* and John llairis jr , trustee, under
. ihe will of Wui. A. Thomas, dee d lata of
! lb llefeutc Fa
"j ti. The account of Samuel Manser, ami
li j John Musssr. jr.. adntiniatratow of #c,. of ,
William Milsser lata of Ferguwwilownahlp j
>le*- d.
'* Itf The a,-count ol Thotuas Dale and Evan
r NVillianis ixivuvor* of the last will and tes
j. tame lit of William Willi-uis dec d late of j
1 llairi* twp . Centre eh., Fa
1 II The accwilit iif Geo. Jack rlis utor of .
* the last will and testament f William
Wagner late of tioal.burg in tha twp., #f
Harris, dec d.
12, The elate of Tluwt. Morrow late of th* ,
b tr-High of Fhili)oburg. Centre eo,. Pa.
I d v'tl., in account with Uwell lianetak ad
- iu mist rater of said estate. "
t F>, The account of Samuel Frank fluar. |
dian of Lurimli Seholl minor child of
• Philip Schutl late ol" Green twp.. Clinton
' Fw , . ,
11. fe'upb'uu-litarv and tiiiaU'lminisfralioti *
. account •f 11 S McAllister who survived -
. James Potter administrator of the the
g.anls ami ehattlc, rights and credit*, late *
of William W Potter, dec d.
15, The second account of Jacob Sankey
. one of tlm exeeutora of John Sankey late 1
of Peitn twp., in the county uf Centre and
state of Pi'iin'a. dec',l. !
tii. The final account of Jacob and Philip
B >ttorf executor- of the last will and tela
' went of Jacob Bottorf late of Ferguson I
twp., dee d.
IT. The a,vouiit of Martin B-ajiugart ad- I
iniiii-tr*tor of Ac., of Daniel Giugrn h late
of Walker fwp., dew'd.
IX, The account of J. F. Gephart trustee I
apiM>iiile,l by the Orphans Court to make
l ; -ale of llic real estate of Geo. Garbrick 1
deed., late of Bvum-r twp.. Centre cs.,
18, The account of Hetirr fliawkenfedTad- .
minis!ratia- ot Patrick Brew dec d,, late
of MiL-aburg Centre Fa.
■Jtl, Tho account of Michael Grove Guar- I
dim of Anna Maria Rockey tuow deeas
ed 1 a minor chilli of Jacob Riclt')' late of
' Walker tarp.. de •d.
21. The a, connr of Michael Grove Guar
dain of Anna Garhrick tnow Anna Nll),
minor child f tioorge Garbrick lat# of
Bvnm-r twis dia 'd. I
22. The acc-ailit of Michael Grove Guar
dian of Gm>. W Garbrick tnow d,-sraM*d) s
a minor child of George Uarhriek dee d,
iat.' of Henner twp. '
■£l. Tit* adtuiuielration arcwint of Jam*# i
Sornnierxille administrator of Ac., of Fat- l
rick White lat ofSuow Shoe twp., dec d. |
Joux H. MokHitsua, t
Bcllefenle, July'.Tab ltTl. K. e, j
' ~ imiOT MARKETS.
o*rreeled by John M IViwcll. .
White Wheat 1,22... B,d wheat t.lT—.Uye ■
70 Corn 55 ~.,.Gats p Barley M
. Clover*red t.fltt Tiroothyscwl t.t'l -
Salt 2 50 |mt -ack
• Bacon Ita Hon I'i Butter'Jt... Kgg*
Ji Plaster 9 50
Co'riftcl by Keller A Mu-wr,
*Vhi;a lYheat sl.*x Re*l 125 . . Rye. ....
75. Corn ,fa)s T} Bar ley 75.
70 Clover-eed I,so—....Potato#*
Igird per pound 121 l'ork iu-r pound OU
Butter At Kgg 'J. Pla.terper tn
I "•STRAY.—Strayed from the premise
of the undersigned, abut the Ist of
' Juiv. a red Cow, about four veal, old,
r with a vLife |)ot on her forehead and one
1 on her loud leg; q{ ( *i IjaviiJg a small hole
in her right car. Any mis h,ri)isliii.g in- i
r formailoii of her whereabouts, will be .uit- |
! " slilv rewarded. I i
' iu 121 i-il. S.vutiKL JaUksu.v. 11
* . Spring Mills. 1
District Aiturui'j.
We lire authorised t" announce the
lien)** f 1 F. Kortney. i*f liellefonte. as
cMiiili*U<i fur district attorney. subject lo
the i'l }?'" deitiot-ialic county con
We are authorised to anaouiuM ib* name
<*f .lit**. F. Putter, <*f Bvllrfollta, m m can
didate fur Itistriet Attorney, subject tu the <
it,ri*i<>ii *f the democratic *uiinty conven
We ere authorised tu announce that
John If. Orvis, ofSpring, will tie a catuli
<f*te for Avsenibtr, subject t> the decision
of the lieVuotratiJ eotjntjr Convention.
•- JL • - • - ■
t'OM MISSION Kit.- We arc authorized
tu eiite uiKw the aaiunofH. K. Ke-U*r. ot
P*"tier township, a* a <" lulidate f'r com
missioner. U")*vt fp t)ie decision of the
democratic county contention.
We are authorised t*> announce the name
<*f 11. li S|Jtjtli, ot Potter, as candidate
fur County I'u/i| up..inner, •uhjcct to the
'!<*."f two uei.jinti. tiuippy o-'iivcu*
W** are authorised t* announce the name
of George Meyer, of Ferll-**il twp., * a
candidate fur fcountv Comuiiesmncr, sub
isft to thi* decision of the democratic cuun
ty c noniii
TIJKASf KKH.— We arc authorised t*>
alitiuuueo the titime of D.miel 11. rr, of
It< llefuiitu. 4t g y.i ( _dj I "lie for county trens
urvr, subject to lTiil"d'*"Vi*tHO o'lj|i'demo
cratic county convention.
We are authorised to announce the name
of 4. K. Tibbl..s, of Marion tw|i., a* a can
; liidatc for Trcil-lirer, nulijwl to the decision
• of the deuiocrutic county convention.
We are au'horised to announce the name
of INd. *l . F. AN eaver of Milosburg, a> a
candidate for county Treasurer, subject to
the decision "f the democratic county con
We are autfyori+vdp> aniUMtbnu tb name
of Win. A. Kcrlin, of tfutlcloijfc. # a can
didate for tin* treasurer, subject to
I the deelaioti of the democratic countycon-
I vention.
We w authorised to announce the
name of Tboina* Yea rick, of Aarori-burg,
a- a candidate fur county treasurer, sub
ject to the decision of the democratic coun
ty convention.
We are suthori/ed to announce the name
of.loiiri 11. Ilarrhart of Spring township a
a candidate for county treasurer subject to
the decision of lbs t}i/.',"T rtic county con
v cut ion.
A is,rti;ll <> JlltltfC.
We are authorized to announce the name
of Col. John Hieliol of Gregg, a- acandiale
for associate Judge, -object to the decision
of thu iL,ui<"Tstlc county convention.
We are" aut. ( orj,cd to announce tbv
name of Wm. Allison',' J r.. di'tiinr*'
a- a candidate for Associate Judge, subject
t.. tins decision of the deiiea.ratio county
We are authorised to announce the
name of tfnj, I- Mn-.er. of Perm ta p.,
a* a candidate lor n-.m-igß* judge, snbj. i t
lo the decision of tlie dwn'Wstn uiSMlty
We are authorised toannoiince the name
of Judge llostcnimn, of Potter two., as ti
candidate for associate judge, subject to
the defi-ion f the democratic county con
We are authorised to if pa out* <-c the nainc
of Col. Win. W. Love, "f Potter twp, a.
a candidate lor associate judge, su -ject to
thi* decision of tlie democratic county con
I). Z. Kliiiu, of IJellefonte, will be a can
didate for Associate, -fudge, subject t* tlie
decision of of the duiiiiM'rtiu comity con
We are authorized to announce the name
of Ca|lt. Wm. Cross of Hnlfmoon, as a can
didate for ns-o. iate judge, subject to the
decision of the democratic county conven
We are authorized to announce the name |
o. Kichurd Conley. of Beimcr towishin,
las a cunlidato for Assia-iate Judge hub-.
' ject fk tjr? decision of tlie Democratic
i County ifcuyebtiblt- " !
\ i'-i, •
Builrouil lo If sold
|| On of this wok, I! '.l'll
[ intni, (In* Sheriff of Suiiin.it county
OMUi will offer fur *li> Hi l it• i|iU l I lilt
' Court ILium Iti Al>run, tin* liifjjt *1 |it*t*
I uf properly that wa, e\er lir*>ttirht undei
the hammer at any place in the Cnitdl
The properly which it l to all
include, all (IIHI jmrt of the Alliiillc anil
Ureal Western iiiilu.ix I hut lie* Willi ill
Hi# timit uf ttic Stati'<•('* l|iin, xiitliallili
equipments, ouniUtln T "f ll road bail atnl
right ofwav, 'nek*. milt, t*,
• b.'|u, alul incidental mat estate within the
Statr , all of it, hraiu-li anil tributary line,
including the (Mataland ami Unhonliig
U.uiru*.]. aitb all it> pruperi\ ami Iran,
ctii,#*; a* >a<ll a* Ittn hundred ami forty
*r**-n three humlre.l ami elgh'y-eighth, if
all the engine,. ear,, tools, machinery,
pcr*.tl,ll, A" , ttf lh> ('..l|l|lHllt used Oil
II LIMN, in NI'TT York, I***IIII*T vaoia anil
Ob in.
All tbia |f*m*rtv wit It tb |.it *l-rf
thi.rtHtnln alia, Ling an. (at lit* ai'tl •tihjt'i-i
in ilir mortage* made ami executed in In ■
half uf Aaariab C. Flgg ami ('barb'* .1
Stiilnian ami in still further deed an.l
mortgage i*\ia*nit.l in behalf of A * iriah ('
FUgg and Fredrick Kchuhart, amount-
INX IN alt IN ffl.ltM ••'* .AT f.r i.v..r due
.HMi|M.ii nil tin* I*t uf MM it li, It, t beside
tJi'tiU) 11, iuinnat lln>rr>iii t .lit., and
(uf 3i|Ht, l .r.'Kii'i I'IIIIIIIM ilin- April I, IH7I.
in J al*n fur s>. 7 4*'' •' 1 in bond* uf the
C*> iMiiv, *e*-iuvd by -aid mortgages, anil
.tin. October, I. Iw itb i t rii | i cent
iHltnal |iHtalilt a ■nii-aiiliu*ttx aiu'iuntui*
ill the aggregate 111 til* >IM of
"I'll.. prouerty in aililiti.'ii, i* *.ibjxH't t>• 1
certain other li.-n. mainiy art-ing ir.nu
miitrirti with tli* Olrvrlmnl ami Mahon I
ins Kaitroad Company. It i* l* bo *.ld
at an rlitirlv at nut n> than t a .t*ibir*Uit:
it* appraised value winch tin. lu-en fixed
by die appraiser, ap|>-<iide*l by the Court
at ii G*t M Ttvu tlnr.l-uf till* w 'ubi b*
$1 IJY.Wi is'. The purchaser wl'l In* re
quired to |iay down SHk),(IU utt the day ul!
Un lilt ial ult ..at ttnj r.'-uluiH • ni iU
bride's iiurent*. by Rev l. M W.ilMi
llymu Trudi* of L*H*k Haven, an*l Mi..
Annie Uickel vl XliHt, Centre i .'Utily, IV
OH the 2StU f July at tin* Centre Ha'lj
Lutheran parsonage, by lliv, J. Kellei
Miller, Mr. imiuf IhiUi* f i* tu r
hi|i t*i Mi* Maltie Henley o| v | ring Mill,
On Monday, l?lh ult. *t her re-id.-i <.- it.
Walker township, Centre run lit V, sudden
ly, of appoplexy, Mr. Juhu I. K.ijt n
lf-d 41 year*, 10 month* and JO da v-
Fur the Reporter.
Mr ThuUia* S. Sli*er died al lli rv-i
--.leiteo In P-digr township ■>■• tin* ;itli *• r.
July, tgrd iiSyear* n month- and I* day*
Now vt|{iL tlM..| be kt-t'tdli
Weary aateln-a Ibruujfb the night
Silently the form i> aleeping
WUenee bi**piril luui it* llight.
Lung lund nature >trvve in aiigns*b
Uain.t di*ea*i in ii.*rUl .trlfy,
Uut at la*l *he let litin laiigui*b
Into everla'ting life.
Here are pain* and grief and %.irrot,
Kre i rv s l* narruw IIUIHI;
Couifnrt we a* he may b*>rr*iw
Through the Savior' pr*vt>nia kl.ad.
I.el u* then a le**un learning
Fruui our Father thi.t ha* died.
Ha* e our lamp* all trimmed ami burn ng
When dfacome* to mat the "bride."
Tin-Original le nly Craille.
luirge *(,>ek mi iian.l atui t 'radio finger* i
W J. M MAMO \l. \rt
Miir.y, l*a
II V Kl W A KK ul F.eerv OKSt It I PT|n N' |
I hale ju*t returned from llle Kat with!
a very large •took uf Hard*, are, and Cut*.
!ery, Cun**b Trimming*, Cbiidrotl* Car
riage.. Cariieiiter* Uad*. and every tiling
in the hardware line, li, .tig very tbaukfu
to my Centre <s>unty friend* f >r then kind
patronage li**r*S.if>re, and Wuilid invite
them !*• rail ami eiamine InV pre.enl |. t
whieli i* mm b larger than I have bad be
fore, SalOlaetiuii guaranteed ill every re*
jun'Jitf Milr..* i'..
jj.E. Caldwell A'Co.
No. yo2 CIIESTM r sr..
l>*~ire to envite the i*l** :al attention t
purvbaaer* and other* yli|lll# the eitv. !•*
their anuaumlly large ami varied ***nrt*
went uf
or ttiar r.KLiAUi.K vi*k:n*.
I Mill Hit li>V I. ANU OTH Kit I'UEHKXTV
during the jMPtswsiit season.
Court*yu* ami jMiliu* atlenlhm i extend
ed l* all who may ho itidiieed In a. I*e|.t a
cordial invitation In trieit their beautiful
ju 114.0*<i
tfRMTBAI* MOTRL, t'urii**r of Third
) and Chestnut Street, MilHinhurf, I'a
.Libit Sltoivcrs. Pmprietor.
It- Central Location make* it particularly
daalrable Pi perwHt* visiting To* n on
|,u j!;•*** orjdea*ure
11. A. TuylofV LrVftFy AHat hitl.
jnn'Jt. ly
We take pleasure lit liimrmltig the publii
generally, that Me#ra. Urahaiu <k Son.
have j.i-t ffCariHfl from PhiMelpuhi.-i with
„ splendid rtment of lUHITS and
SIIOKS, which have Imh-J selected with
greit care from the Wl imiiutacluryr#
gitrAn; intmih wndinx u# #b
•cribcr# willi llto h, will rri-wv,
tli- Hi'|Nrtrr I year trie; and for lout
name# null |l, fji'' H; 0 month# fiee
t filer t<> ll Public tin
largest and 10-t #dected stock# of mnrebaio
dim, in Centre county, full, examine Mtid
oc for yottrmlf. _______
It* i >Tk Tj it* u'F it I ks, .. .•0ir...-, ./I.
. "V. Ihvh, In-lit quality ltio coffer,
loot oolong black tea-, grmtn tea#, Covering
yrup, votdlMl llnlf fliieHrtieli- Unk
ing iiiola—im, rim l him everything in the
grocery line at tin- luwiwl eali ill till
markeißC KNSIIfF. & THOMAS', i* tin
H.\ U N KKS, collar#, curt wliijt* carriage
whip#, ill great varieties. gov era
mflt gears, saddle., bridle#, martingale
check I ill en i art gear., tug linrue#*, hug art
harm--- liaiin-, oto. ;!,i'.g ill the#iul
Jlcry line at
STICKS of lilt varieties, ground to nrdm
anil warranted tiibe strictly imrc
It is the niilv placeyoocan And unudtilcera
(.id .pioai. Yry flji-m for your own #ati#fac
lion. You can oniv lin<l thuin at
IK ATI! KK. of nil description#, Irencl
>• fskin, * miniidi #<d leather, moroc
co#, sheep ikiii#, lining#. Kvi-rytliiii)
ji the leather '.tie warranted to give #ati#
action, at tURNSIDK ATHOM AS
B.V BITS SOAP, Win II a Jin II alid* ol"
>t|R Il.d line* roup#, Jes<
Oaklet*'# ..M|i#, oldeaktilti, pure, Pidm """I
K1.1.-rilng'# snap. and n preul variety o
other #oai>#, at ....
Whitman'# oel.dsrwted .-oafei-tbHi#,
VVhitman # celebrated chocolate,
Buker'- cln folate, Smith'* chocolate,
China Gin/hr. fiitgli-h Pi.-I.c-,
?' American Pickle#, at
Nuti.'e i* hereby given thai letter* nl
" V diuiui*! at ii 'U, oval the estate "1
' 'lJeurge t'ell, bile uf VI lie* tuwnhlp *|ee*i|
1 have bean grunted the undersigned Ail
' pi<r...n* kiiui.imt tbemselvei imlidiled |e
*aid e.tate alii pl.e make pnymnit w ith
'' "ul delay, and the*** having claim* will
prment them prupeily aulheiiUe.iled fur
1 !ettb*nieiit. Ivtuii.L
Jrariii to II itxc*
11 . 'JSjnly.tU Admlni*tr|ur
l iV:M iss 111N KU S OTFICX.
VY July ID. IT*7l.
a' Nolle*. I* hereby given t> all the t'.d|e**t
, or* of Stair and County Tan* of Centre
g County, who bay a nut *>tlliid up ibeirdu
- plicate for the year* pi'iiVu'M* lo IS7U, Pi
• e.iiae in and ••Hie >aol duplicate and make
f payment f the balance, due before the
.; Ifrt day o r .*i*ptembcr next, on the aid
i batanee, will be plaeed in tile hand* of an
I Attorney, with instrutrltun, to collect the
satue witbimt delay.
lly tinier of Com uttioncr*.
July'JK ftve*.
t \7 OTICR
XT Oillea of the Lew !*hut g Cvhtre
and {*|ro* I ml. li li Co
t'UiladelpliiaduMe Mlb, 'II..
Nutlet* is hereby gimn iltat the tirt in
, >t**liiienl of f.ve dollar, per •liattt, PI tile
eapitul *t h W ..f the l.ew i.burg, Centre and
| Spruee Crneh liatl K<HMI Co,. üb***rib. d
I inlbe l.iwu.lup* ol Harm, I'utter, tr.*g,
I'etiii und Jl-tllie*. Centre eouilly, will W
payable *m the lir*l dy il July Ih'l, and
■ub:e.|ue,ii iH-liiliiienU ol li • dollar,ner
•hare, wilt be due and pay able on the 3r*t
, day ol each •uececdiug month until the
whole I, paid I'ay llieul, ol the nliove III*
-lalmetiU are berolty le.joiredpi IK- made
to Hie trca*ur*r *>f tin* Company, at the
! i.ffic* of the Ceulre County ttaiikuig Com
pany Belief,lllte I'a.
N it \ny jer„tn * e.iring can pty th|
| w hulu olf at oue. If payment* are not
i puuctiiailv made the law allow* one |iur
, 'cut pel month p. he charged in a.btili . <
Attention Farmers or
sI having |.,ii t!m Ware
| It Oil*** ol Copliii A *.truiik in Miiroy, i* now
prepartMl lo [o*y the Ipgh.ot uali |iriin for'
all kind* ol (ir tin ('■*!, I'lualer and Slt, ;
i .-on.faulty on hand may lii-tbu I
Coach Manufao toe y .
Levi Murray,
; U hi* .-tahii.hmeut at Centre Hall, I'a..
r*e;,* on hand, and for ale, at the most
rva.Ol ible rate*, a large *l.K*k ul
& Spring Wagons,
I*t.xiy ami Fancy,|
i at| v.-hie.aa of every dewrri|gi.u nude to
>rd'*r, a: d Warranted, to he made of the
• i>***t awwiiirl material, and by the mot
•killed and e.un;Jt*oit workmet . l'ero,
' wanting anything in hi, Hm-are re.|uc*p*d
. o **a!l ami evwmine hi* work, they w .11 tin.l
it nut t • lie eteellml fir durability ami
wear gprttilyj
i/fjy SMITH,
!ia* reimoed to the-tore kimwu n No. '•
I |to*h • Art ade next *lMtr to ZiitimerinaP,
lir - *V Co., at Itel EFWIKC. wlier** he I*IU*T
opetlilig "lit n i .iiopb-le *tuek "t
t.f.V uLV EKS.
til XS
lit*. ILH>. lilt*. Key*, and general njwirv
■ng Alii. i** tiuu* made and repaired aWV
,Or"le| IH*AI ________
11 A UM Ft Ht S ll.k Tim ,'.*eriW
. ulfer, al priv ate ,ab* tile fa'ti: *n w hub
lo* no* re*ide*. *itu.iled ill tefguwoi town*
■ hip, Cmnt yof Centre, one miicaiid ah tlf
we-l .d I'tnr tirove. The farm .intain.
no* niliulriwl and twenty <Tl* "f the bet
,|Uality of linn—Poo*, one huwlml acre* ol
bicb b> clonrod. under g—ei teiu*e. and in
I a high laleol cultivation. The balance ol
~ twenty aero* i*e*iy ured w till a line growth ol
timber, the building* are good and conve
nient, with a *tr<*nui *if tuti;ittg water at
the d*a>r. An orchard in full bearing of
Hie very bed varietie* of fruit, and a grape
vinvard ui tin* (*•<**(. popular ami standard
y ariotie*.
.' Till, splendid farm will bo -old cheap,
and term- made ea-y*. For particular,call
upon or address
v (i M KKPLKK,
;mar.!!.if I'ine (irwu Mill*.
SrKUKOSkt )l*T-S,
view*. xLBt *|w, ctt*o*. rnaur.*,
I o
. r 9l Hroailwny. m*w York,
Invite the attention .if tb Trade to their
• extensive a-oortiuent of the above g.Hwl*.
of their own |aiUlu aliou, tuaiiufaetura and
' impui talion.
• Ai.o ruiro i,y.vTKs ai.tPK** asp
oKiriiiHivrt.*, m;W vt:w ot VO-KMITW.
Kft Hr. ANniONY & CO. 1
is Itrostilwsiy. Nt' York. (),j>o>il Met*
r i|iolit 'i Hotel,
I lucoarea* IMI wAsi'ri- risr.m or
| || i'(K J K.V RIM V M A I Elt I A L>.
v' AiK A IIHL,
(ibiiKMr to N. l|tllbi*h|
V hole * tf ill fv'tnil dealer* in
• Stoves &Tinware,
Allegheny Struct, Bellffonte- I'a.
Head u|ly U lurtit*l list tlf t'ouk Sum
Utiyill t'in.k.
Prince Koyai.
Sea Shell,
AIPI Amttiotttt
Parlor and Office Sloven:
Morning Glory, rrnpie, Urillinnl, and
N' W I'-gg*
And Pafl'if UliU s4 #'"r NS ood of Coal, anc
Wood Stove# ofuveiy uuM.tiptiuit,
Attention I# called to in# afckul Utwuiii
Plata, a new #ixe, which he tiaaju.t raceiv.
e.l, #i/.e Kfx'JO. It utake# belter job thalil h.
wld #l*e, andean be fariiislu-d cheaper thai
any other establishment In town.
yMTSpouting and jobbing promptly at.
tended to. Charge# reaaoiiaule and #ati*
'action guaranteed. uctSl'O.-
Jf, AJ. 11A UK IS.
A new and comiilctc Hardware Store ha
a.*en opened by the Ulldutslgh.-d ill Brock
• rliotr# new building—where they arc pre
pared t<> -ell all kiiul# of Uuildingnitd Hou*.
Furnishing Hardware, Iron, St.-.-l, Nail#.
Buggy wheels in sell#. Champion Clothe
Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and linn.
Saws, IVhiiou Saw#, NVebbSaws, IccCrcau
Freer.er#, Bath Tub#, Clothes I tacks, a fill
Hssortnieiit of tilaaa and Mirror Plate <>fal
dr.es, Picture Frames, WJu-elharrow#
Lamps, Coal Oil Latifps, Belling, Spoke.
Felloes.hn.l Hubs. Plow#, Cultivator#, Cori
Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Board
.iml Cultivator T.-etlt, TableCutK-ry, Sim*
! els. Spade# Mild Kofks. Lock#. lUllge#
Screws, Sasli Springs. llor-e-SU-.e#, Nail-
Noi waC Bods. Oil*. Lard, l.ohiif-atiiig
Coal, Linseed. Tanner* \nriU. Vice#, Mei
lows. Screw Plates, liluck-iiuih# T-a.i-
Factorv Bells, lioiuc Bel!#. Dinuer Hell
(iong B dU. Tea 11.-lls, lli'ind-toiu--. Cat pen
ter Tools, Fruit .lars undUan*. Paint#, fil-
Varnishes receive.l and lr *ale at
junos'ftb,iy. J. A J. UA HRLS
'A 0 V I'M ii imillir *l* xnnuii
,(• , I'liONt, HI*HOC *1 .II lirtolite
• vV I N i: S A N D L IQ v o li.v
1., Tun *ub,eribor i <*pei tlull.v call, the at*
Iniiliuti of thy ptiblti lu hi, i'*l*hltliiu til,
" where in# i prepaicd to lurnish all kind,of
,Jj Foreign ami llomwstle Lbfuors' whuLwaUt
1 al tlm luwct eabprioo, wruieb are warrun-
Hod to IM Hie bmt .|iliUe, aecurdttig t
jilieir rmpeciivv |n* i. Hi# l a vonsblU
' oi Rye, Vl.oiuiignhvlu, lri*ti and other
1 ; WllPkit-,, all kind, of llrandl*.*, Ilollaml
(Jin, I'ort, Maderm, Cherry, Ilia* klwrry .
and oilier Wiue, the bet article* al a,
- 1 roaaobable rap * • can be bad in the city,,
•■iCha upagne, Cherry, illacklmrry, (ilnger
-land C trraway Brand,< *, Fun* Janoii.aatiii'
u.Nuw England Bum. Corduil *1 all Will i*. |
•* He would particularly invite l*'ai.u**r,. Il*
e.'lel keeper, and other# pi rail alld elalutlie
I: hi# large supply, t* Judge for tilemely*e
i and be certain of pr.M-uring w hat they boy,
"'which own seldom be done alien pneeliHS
n* in the city.
£gr* I'liy,te.au* an* rvp *elfully re.ju. -P-d
jo give hi, li|uor* a trial. apltl
/ (EN rHF. HA 1.1. HOTEL
\_y Joiis Sc v.voi.ga, I'ropro-tor.
Stage* arrive and depart daily, 'or all
point,, north, south, >■<•{ atid wet
This favorite Hotel hie heel! rotttted and
[ui no lie.l b.v it, new prtpri*pr, and ,.*
' in every ro.-p.**'l one ot tin* inol p|ea,aut
' country llolct, in *eulrai l'wiiiiylvauia.
The iravelilug comtuuillty' an I drover* will
alwav, dud the h *t ace nuupHlatioii#, I'm*
1 ion* trout the city wi,hing t spend a few
Week, iluriltg the uilllner 111 tile country,
will bud Cunirc Hail ",* t tuc m-ot beu
ulul location* and the Centre liail lii*d
' all they could dciro for comfort an*l con i
venieneC. ttpllfCHdf,
\T 1! 1S luanuCa* luring e,U*l*li,hm*iit at |
\ migertowu, on ttie Lwiitowi 1
'ami Bellefonie Turnpike, ba, nowori bam "
a flue U*W of Carnage, ttilggie* Sulkio* '
ami Spnug Wagon*, w llteb lie now uger*
j for ai** a> .jp .rior in .pialn y ami ,ly la, U
anv iiinuul ti'lure.l in Hie country. They
are made ol the very be,tea,.tne] ,t-u*k by
rir,tla, practical workmen, and BnLhed
ill a tlyie that challenge, eon.par,-on w ill
any work out of or in the Ka-tern citi**>
ami call be ,uld t lower prico* than thos* j
niauutnctured in large low u and citiea,
amid*l high rent* and rmmnt* price* of liv
ing Being uinstor of In, own situation j
am loll* p* excel in lit, nrti,ltcal professioi
and free from nlty auiioyanco. In lit, bu*l
lie,*, be hi-time and abiiit;. to deVoUi Ub , (
.tlttire alteiilion to hi# proP-,ion ami Hi, >
u,loin.*rs. rendering ,aa*fa. tiou alikeU !'
ill patron#, operative,, hi, country, anr ,
Himself, J,
Call ami examine lit* stork end learn hi* ]
iirice*. ami v>>u i snu.it fail P* be >atillHj.
R E r AIIM N (;
•fall kind* done neatly, promptly, n*.
; reason ably. , I
YjagerPiwn, June If, liMis ly*.
fowling piectw at ,
a|IO .JV IUWI NY WI LsttN. ~
Vlr J. tt F.TI KLK S
(> Holes Alk WINK *X hitjUiiK
sru K E
dollop *lrcet, Itfilefoap-, in the MolO- bud ,
ding i -ruieriy occupied by the K.y •
•pane Bakery
fake* pleasure in informing the public that '
lie k.w-p, cos*U)utly OH baud supply u* | !
.'huiei* Foreign ami I torn <*(*: LejUor,.
.1" /t-1 .- •<. /** y * aa.l t a,A, .< ~,'1.1,(1,/
. ,*Ihi thf yw-ia/ify #*iy,rr*r
I The atP-ntiou of practicing physician* i* "
* ailed PI his sloe*, of
•uitable for im*dicwi pur|iei** lJ .ule. '
I fugs, and demijoliu, coiistatiliv ••)< hand
' lie ha* the ONLY I'l Ith #N KCT.Ui '
W ll l > K V in tow tt.
All liquor* are warranted to give satis- *
faction. Liquor* w.ll be sold by the quart.
Parrel, or tier* .-. He ha* n large lot U|
Uori'LK.ii i.igt oits
tlf thi- finest grade* on hand
t'lHllideal Htal he wall pb*A*e ei|.l,oiier*
tie r*-s(Kalflllly solicit, a -bare..l public pa
xroiiage my I Ul
JBWI NsV I 1.n1.N i .lly re j
reiving new good* in ;he!r line.
HARD w A i: j;
■•I every description atredu.rr prices- new
being .pened every day apltffF.
Wall Papri'w cheap
| ir.uulj to Jll rents pit I.el In I • tie* I it'
BCFFALO SC \ LKS. of the best make
from 1 lb* up to Idif'sXtl bs.
apIO tin. INWIV.V Wll.snv
nit V 'IDA Kit- - *. I'lsi.k and S*-aiitlilig
for sale by li\ i W'lUaoX.
r V/niaki-al ItIWIN 4 XVI Lao X. |
• apllllW
i VYouilt'it I'||ll)|)S,
The Uildersigne.l would reaperifully- *all
" the alli'lltlofl of(bi-ci;i*i"t< oft en;r**<*oltllly. '
ami I'ctiuaxalb-y iii particular, lo the fact
that he is luanufaetiiring
'f 112 a£ST PtliilK,
" tiin.le 111 home or elsew here, lie uo-s nolle
- Put tin* 1 si material, UK w .XKKK.XTa Til KM
1 to give satisfaction, as being Hie imt la*(-
. lUg Hid durtiblu, I*rXKIIK To Tt*K illb
UO.mI. II pump, bdng arranged to let the
water olf and prevent IrwoSUig ill winter, t
Plae, iHiplaror cut umber pump* a)way*
on band i 5 J1
i*awed 'Wotn large tiiijhi r. ami arts thu,'
Secure*luguinet ('lice king oi ('rucking.
All order* bv mail promptly filled
I'II'INU, madcofthe bt malarial, of'
) fit E inch -CM iiilmg. joined together * tl<
coupling Mock,, lltoro.ighly baudwi, and;
V wa. iaiit-il Pi stand any pressure rcijuirc*!
tor ordinary use, I*rice, of pi ing rmigci
from 111 to IS vatiU jM'r foot. Send order* |u:
-epl.tft).ly . TELLER.
M ib-sburg, l t!
11 aria I Om §e s
I'r.dia ling and I'rc.M-rvillg the Dead.
The under#igti.#l take* plea-ifr#- in an
' iioiiucing that lie ha*.-curci the sole agen-1
cy in tlii# county for
M K T A /, I. / V 4 ,Y ft U I, -i
Itm.Mt iuml |
winch nre mi widely known a* t<> require no
i|vwl CoiiiiumklMhW. The MKill.l.ll !i
iiUKIAL CASK, with iu pr<>M!Hi im-j
proved tvlt- Mini fllii-h, its entire harmony i
with tli• linliliK< of llii" bereaved, it* |mt- .
Awtlll adjustment* Htll appointment* in
wh.-ttever relate* l (In* preservation Mini
■ < protection of the Ii klj' after death, confirm
I it* utility Mini entire adaptiivs* !<• the pur
||mio' for wlut'ii it in designed.
O >KKI NS of hI I description* furnished
iat tin' shortest Riilkv; Mint mi 1 • tr,j <■ i filioti
I*, promptly Hf tui. l'U<' ttead laid out
with cure, uiol Itinera!* and wHirU uper
i.! iiio iiiliiil HI perwon. II KX ItY IIAKKIS
, not It lleilcfonte, I'a.
Ml Lnnfs *ITofKL7 Woodward, K. 1
Stage, arrive anil depart daily.
[This favorite liutnl i now In every respect
" one f t'to iuo<4 plea*unt country twtt<U in
'central Pennsylvania. The traveling oom-j
'•* inunity will a I way* lin.l the bc*t aocomutu
d alien. l)rovor can at all times beaccom*;
modaled with stable* and |>iitur|! fof any,
t numberofcattle *• lmr. '
julyfi'wtf H KO. MILLKR. I
S~ PINDLK HKBIJIH for wagon*, all *i
xe*. at the *lgii of tlia Anvil.
V I Mjllll'trfi. lumixw Wilimi*.
iI j kind at
n ULOTHIKIi —Overcoat*, Pants, Viwh
I I .mil lire** Coat*, cheap, at Wolfs.
! ' f>OOKKT CITTIiKKY—aII make* *
p j I HfM'ftkni IHY\ IN V W1
r. I j for sale by lavt i s * \\ t wti.v.
.; . H' lib.
oilier .1 upturned ware, atlhe Anviltftore.
I- ipllfiM. Ikwi.v a WilsoK.
BO ALTS lor II i ,'tuo ml Carriagber
*ixe* in u*e; File Bolts, ditto, at
l" ptO'tW Irwix i Wiuww'
CtOFPIN a. U>K assort
/ meat at INWIN $ WjMuNS
riiiliitlclphiti Ntilia*.
In llr.H 'lefhoir* bbok, Hi-lio|i fluet,
llellefoliti*. W bcr*'
' IniM jll-t ojii-ned |hi* be*t, cheapct. large*!
■ as w ell a, ibe be| a,*ortii| *|.M k nf (h*id<
" .II 11.-lli n.nie.
1 1, the place to buy your Silks, Mohair*
Mown 111 hbitjca, WfJ"., Aljmi as. I'. lam*.
Lsu,, lirilllauU, Mn-lin*, t'alicoes, 'I irk
iny- Flaiiel*. Gimra Flancts, Lndi. . ( 't
ing (lent# Clot ha, Lmlle* Kiieque,, Wbili
I'. l.ny I.on II Table ('loth*, Counh-rpntie*
'jCrib Cutlntaffumsai, White and Colore*
Tailt*'ii. Napkin#. Ituwrtiug*ami Edgn,,-.
Wluie !.• Curt in*, Zcfihy r A Zephyr i'.-t'
term , Tidy Cotlmi, Shawl*. Work Ba*ki t
Notion- of every kind. White (*(*•!# o
"•cry d.-oripiiua, IViAuuvty, Ifihhtm* .
V.d I*l, Talleta and floHNel, Cord* nl*
Braid. Vi lli liutlon*. Trimming I ado
♦..( M i.Mi Skin#,
Tlircad Huslory, Kan*, Bead-, *. wing
and in fa,( t-X(.ry ibiug that runb. Thou hi
of, di i ired or used in tit*
Eon o EST/. /;.I/LA*,
they bne iila**k and Uttadatk*,, blurt and
fancy an*,in,ere, *tttutu. |gr*wrt, m.-|.
oriis, ailli, satin and runiuiuN Ingutg* in '
.bori, .very thing iiuagiuahlc in thi-1 in*, m ,
geliUemeti# Wear.
l(a.o|ymailt* ( I.,thing f Every |l|y
rcriplioii, for Mai itu.l lUtyn.
Loot* aml SAoit*, in rutilrmr r<., it /y
//sfr unit C.ifM, I'AL'I'KTS, (Jitdulk,
IlrowH SlustiuM, Lh.uhnl i/u*
OHM, /rittiwjM, SlicdiHij*, 'lttbUrlutkn,
df' , chinper than •!>. w lure.
, 1 "ffCKHNS W ABE A GltO
< r-ItIKS eauttot beexcnilvd ill iiuaiil* OF
! prove
Cail iB at th i'iii!ad*4pliia Ktnrr and con- '
'•''J';' >*mi-*.lt.-, that SELLER A HCS
SF.K hall- any thing you want, ami do bu*
j "" the principle of "gun k Sale, and
"latil 1 rofil,." ap-Jti,lk
ttxtnuxn PBOtoUCK *S|.UXM
(ircat Attraction and Great Bargain*!
'PHE undersigned, detormindlou*eo lha
1 [e malar tieuiand for L>w*>r I'rices, ie
l*ciTfii|ly calls the aUeiiliuu of the pubttt
I u hi* *t.u'k of
now offered at the old stand. Deigned of j
p*- mj| flu the people and Ihe line ~ lb.-lar
gest and mo.l varied and rwtitph te as* op;
III* 111 TF
Swuhllev, Hunit-*,, Caiilnrx, )tri*lK*#,
of every dn#cripli*.a and quality; Whip-,
and ill fact everything ClHllpliWe to a Ci-I
--cla-* eslabltsluneiil, ho now offer* at prb-es
which will ,iut the tilt***,.
A belter variety, a h*-tler uualily ,-r fiuor
style of Saddlery I|*S never before horn of-
W r.-d 1-1 Ibe public Call and examine out 1
tssck and be satisfied before purchasing•
rl few here.
Determined to plea##* my patron* and
thankful for the lilu-ral share ul patr-mag.
bi-ri|.-f..rc cnji.ved. I res|M*etful|y *id nil at
continuance of the same.
I \C!t HINGES. ('cut re H!. j
Panic Prices.
Havin • piiuhi .ol the rxleUsiV# stoic oI
..well, GilHtai. | A IV, and a-1.1e.1i-, them
at panie |.rMe<* l t ejpe a*-<oUncut of
I bey *r*> enabled to sell nt
A large variety of
l,a<iit*.' Dr*fc- • Hi*
Great Bargains in
Musl'U* ai*l ('.iliivitt,
* I
! BeadV Made Clothing
Warranted In S lit.
iOur t*l->th- and I'as-imer*.
( nit In* rtn Iled.
k *ioiil*h*-s every oiielti as*>rtllii*t and low
i |rs*-
Svlup. Sug-ar, Tmi (Niff* CpbUoa u.U,
Jellie*, Domestic and Foreig i I rut.4,
Cheese and |Wi*tries 'I : kind*,
ami every other wtlhrla !•*•-
longing t<> the (icwery
Tin i IflWiMilr ul Ih HuJulfidu /.'otea.
t-w Farmer,, M.-ehani**s and Libesn
look to your interest. I Ins dollar *av.-*l it
a dollar in |nM-k<t, Than en'.l and * aal
w hnt aloi|i*iliUal,V low (irtus
F'HlSTktj DKx t-ING A WIL-NtlN,
, \ *< lling their Dry C i,b and Gr>-erie.
A-y.. trnuhte to sli—W HmMb.exq
If they are not a* n-pre**-nt*Ml. we will
pay you for your trouble. Don t the
ap'J-tf Allegh.-ny St. IWlrfiwtr I'a.
Manufacturing Co
Machine Works.
Having enlarged ottr New kt**H*Vlßi)
M veili\c Sllora and AoMt'l'tTllAl
i WORKS. St*H*ked with all .lew and Lies!
iimproved Machinery at Centre llall, an
nounce u the public that they are now ready
jto receive order* for anything i" their lio*
j of business.
Sit ft/tilths,
We also manufacture *uc celebrated "
which now stands unrivalled. I "
This ltea|cr ha* adv*nlage*o\cr all othei 1
Iteaper* now inanufai'lur<*i|. (tne advan 1
lagi' we claim for it, I* the lever power, by j '
which we Rain one hundred jier eontovor '
other machines. Another advantage is the
hoisting and lowering apparatus, w lurch;
the driver ha* under hi* complete cootro j
of the machine; In coming to a pnl •! 'odg-'
ed train, |hf.4o"' r v; hH change Hie cut oi;
he uihclmM t hit ihaUnl, without i. j piny .
the leant, varying the stubln from I to Is >
incite* at the outside of the machine, a* well j
as on the in*ide. lti* constructed of fir*!'
cia** material; and built by first ela** ma
eiianies. We warrant it second to none.
All kind* of Horse)towers and Ybre*hint
Machine*, Hay and Orain Hakes, late-Aim 1
proved. All kind* of ltejmirillg done. Di r
fern tit kinds of
The Oelebrated If ockoadiirn Keonomioi
plow which ha* given entire *ati*lactioi
We employ the iet Palternniakera, out
patterns are all new and of the most improv
ed plans. Plan*, Specification* and 1' aw
ings furnished for all work done by us.
,:*r- We hope by strict attention to bu
ne** to receive a share of public pntronaf
•ifevory description made and lilted up I
\ll LIiS,
K( >U< • KH,
AC., At
j Alt orders by mail promptly attended ti
I jje w" , :_AA..FecoKp
ii i:\ u v T. ii i:i.m itoin*
*; Extract Catawba
■ a
-">< >1 Fjctmet tlhu
b> ib mtil i uiii t j trnrt i'u'uuLu
(Snip* Juice.
l" 'vi • • ji, undue, bit tout
nit.. to uf, u khi i i \ in* huiiJmW,
oiiMd,<ft& I'uielv vegetable,
n at. imh loeii ury/iiUueinl* or
<|i .t'U'idiot tiitigr,
j'l Ii 1 .ill the Ite-rt iM(kirul|f
j.dt* r>|ur ml,
i nil , w rt. Tbar* j* nothing
I'M " .•j |. IN utiHOM-li. lliey
If" • ••..*, 0.-e i.eMfcer tiMUarM aorgripltig
am- t <*• * ..i. .mipmad "f the feWM
lK i.in ill. After lift 4jJ IIHI ufdlrti
han H" Hiw.ii .i tl. entire ejatM*
| uk, pf*. e. t*. *p|iir ttiirat .limit ui tlie
• • .g Mini iiHiim. d, din lln r an-ing fr.fl,
•"I" "!•m ' r tiimium 11. T, tli'litttxikT*
|C>lii|M<ti..<| I 1..N Killi el t alaaba Crape
1 l*iil ►!.' •■• 'iirfHit ud-.i, the IwilM
1 "in .r, Mtti I'iti* J.- du| (iiemdne, but |*
jthrough the rti itinfk uulh.ul <liu..l*ir.r,
iiiii' |. • ii.l) J" 4 >4 i'ik liwiiml d
,o-vi I .if t.'i<iat.ii Cilia, being],
jiit-auii. if. ... Bin) d li>4 IterrMl-]
nvfttu ir tmiiff M£af*uat<d. I'rtrt fifty I
i*Mi per 1u.4
K j
noiiYT iiri.nnoi.p s
f114.H1 r !( <Lk I LATHI. n.Bfui*Kl .
Fiudl Extract *>
WW radtnalty nNii.iiil ti>.mthe-vtmi j<
<,-r.t.t:m. pyphitun iev.*r tun, ,
dura K.. Jrtg, *-<.j„ M.iutli, dori* ,
; llrt.il, li.i<lu ll!li>, M. U (luriMf, >ait
i libelim Canker-, Cunning- (Mt the Kar,
• h.u*-a <*liit.|i-. tumor-, . amerott* afler- 1
*iila. nudum ii ekt*4*. (itkaiulnl -Helling*,
..sgiit -a. ui-. ".-ii, u-Ui-r, liuiiiurt air *ll '
kind*, iluua < !u*i.ii.at..iii. li -i-p-ia, and
all d -ea-e-thai have la-i tl < iabiwlo t{ in '
i the ) -tern t'*r year*
tU-.ug prepared i't).rnly f.r the lUrt
. ..111j.11.... K. , it* bhl-pur,fvilljr proper
.•• ai- an=u* Uwa any .4l.fr praftaratiiMM
.if *arap<'.4.a. It fit > the complex, h-a •
jctaar tie-1 by mint ami r-t*r, the |Um
U a .lale l H. ltb ami purity. F..r puri
ft li.jt tiff 1.1 ant rehnorjitg ail throttle run*
-i.ti ti..nl it -*-<• iriiny from the an int
ern -tale "I ii.r l.i.aal, ami the - hi* reha
ulr ali.l ntlai tu.l I>Uumu 11 luid V U>t ltd
.*i iai> m.il iWi-fßag 1 the brnsw.
udr. .H. I.fi *>l tk* llaliMl Mill le#-. hlatther,
|iiui|il' the fur , i-tj ►ifd-ia and li
Mniy < ri.j41..i. .f li e kiti. add h.-atttify
idn .I*..*.*' VM.4.
HANKY T. iiKl.HlUtLit'S
I'itsitl I.tlli1 iii.ri.ti,
TUK t.l-KAT iil l Khl IC.
Ilia- iiiml ear)' i BP nflliiiM* in a lie I.
• <tha la'*a*irsvii, Irritatma f the ne k <(!
j the bladder and I<.(lmm.i .atiua >t the li.l
ufvut.-. r. lohmC the kidmya hi-.I Wad-]
.-.. iii.. !f unii... J >i4"' i.t tla i
.Mr a ami, i- •*•< in th>. (•ijiiJ.-r, mhulyi,
ln. I ilnt !<-*!.>-it, am) IHIH.m. hi
milky iliwliMV'. add !.<t infmhled ati<:
'.t It.'.t,. . i.i.ttn it- i Imuli aexea. atletid
.at i;li ih. dild.aißf y u.|4. iaa: iddi|e >l
, .huit'i. k'-lti ai, 1..-- ..i|aMer, I wuHmPII
• iry, lilliiliUy f hf. alliiliU, bi*L KMta
itr>4ul>hiiS. h.frtMf Wdim am. * nkrlullira.
iltiiit.. if r i.ifi, jain in ih. i aek. hat']
■ StMwi., 1.i,-i.i*<* .! Uw 1.-aty dry nr.i if tin
ki . erti|iii.Hi "ii the fan*. |im id naiil.'
lumee. uitiv i . iiaitiidv >4 il.< uiu uU.i
I y~ i.a.. • ■
" | aU ty Jf-r- >! (r in th< <if esgh
:<*. ii I.t .-iity live, and Iron, thirty-8v I
ju> tidy lit !<•>•' i. the dti litt. or ehaMge Oil
1 lite; altei .*.' l till. 111.411 ■* )aM.r bed
] *i tti'if ii. • 1ii1.5e.-n.
llvlniUlil e4.rtrt tl.lH l. ia It.Mfi liram. i
'i|iHd-|aifilyiiir. ami film ail lilni'e'i * j
r*ktn)t (Yrtiu hahit'f d -i|'Mi"'''. and _e* ■
a-..- i,ml iwfiru.lriiiT. Iff fife. Ilijiriti—
<d the h).ai ate . -u|M-rM-dttt|t id
ißWliou> h-r h hh'i* U . tad, add ayphili-1
jiv atfV*.ti li. - -HI the-.* .1 ih'Bhv al *ti mat :
inn t."H wilh lletliii-'*i<l • l.i oa-b.
i.v niKs
In intuy aflV.-lii.il* jia lil.ar tn hdliea. the
e\tr!ii-l I.ui ho ia ll.ei|Ui.lled h>* ally 4b*
!retii<ely—aa in i hl.r>ei" r n-tentmn, in
regrutarity. |ail*tu:iie— ..r Mij.j.naoiiio f
eoaOHuiry * *cu*t*ti'. u'i eia,Kl >r K*hir-
IU- -ta.i*tie litem-, b ea i.r abite-.
-u rilily , am) t*r all <**Mtt|iia4lt uu*td nt l
the-et, aIH-ther ari'iiig lr<>m indieret,i.ii
'or hahtU of *liv-i(4Ui>iti. is i t rna-eibeii
■■tM.lTrl* by the i0..-femi.. iil|diy*ie.*
villi mitl*'vr* for Hifiekinl 4 ilelwaU
.-.Hi-111 11 lief.-, "1 Indll M tea utdl all ae
alii m)<* 1 a ii 4! any ef the nhiiTeifiae*ea or
■ t mid. .in* .
rill 11 IJKhill-KASEH AMSINfI
-IV> itr l'i>Sl PATHtN ETC.,
n all their atunr*. at lilUee|d*iae, little in ,
m.elniige hi diet, tM inroltVi-uietw*, a nl,
wietpiatm It eua-e- a fnajtw ot d**ire. |
in.l give. |Tei.irh t i'r date, thereby re
•tdrtinjf lthitroet>na. I'n reutoig no CM
' ritiyr ►irietiirea ef the umtliia, allyiof pain >
and inflaniatien. a' frequent in vbi- ei*a •
li-.-Mrt*-. and exjw*!lirtg all jmiM.mm* mat
thnuwn la h have twrnn the vletitm id]
nn iileii it r.m* nd •ho have jmid !
heavv lihh t Ih* i ured i atlmrumte- have
fotim") tluy Um- l*t i* U'lfiv.-d, and thai ,
ithe "Pol-ell . ba. by tW I4s of "|*o*erft4. j
a-tHilei>t-. " la-n .1 rii.l Up ill the .yiirill.
N tire a a .Hit In a more ayrrai ated form, and !
iti rhHpf n'ld*r
rili" for all atfn ti.difaml di-i-WH-4 of the.
urinary organs, aheiber exiatwif ia male
i or female. fV>n a hateM reaii- orißinatinr.
and no matter r bea bma tnding. Priee.
l . .nedollar, and fifty . eat- per b4ile.
; I'
Rtl.-K \V A>H
ea 11110:', -urpn—<nl a* a la*e *k, ami
'will l> touiid the only apei ific naneily in
' ~V e r- of eiitam-ouv alt'eetioti. It
-!• ,4il,V i-eadieaWa }>imple. •tail*, -mrbn
tU* drM*r*>. induralMii* Wlhe eutaiieom
! membraiie, etc.. di-| i* red lie*- . nd ineipi
.-Btinfiamation. hive*, ra-li. nmth jaitehea.
• dry in -* of real l< <r fkin. lnl Wlw, and all
•mrtKO.-- tot arnleh mlvo or ointment* are
a a■ d . iwleiw the HB * *ia!.- or punt\
- nmt wttam, and in. 11 res t-ontiiiued h al
by action to the ti tie l its w*ela, u|
vhlch depend* the *jrrv*ablrtdcariie and j
rivacity orcoinpbvhapeomceh sought ami j
i.lmiM .1 Hit however valuableas*r>me
ly for r>itin|r ibfrrtf uf the skin, It. T.I
|fslnboM'a IN** W a*h ha* lony 'Uakainedj
I* prtxcip.e claim to umbounded patron* ! J
see iy rf)w (jtttlillM wlikk renderj
it a (imlml *)i|H'n<ln||i' of tile most SUlO'Ha j t
tive nd conrewiaT , h*T*oUpr, *. mbininjil <
,ii no e, Rni.t r>rttiuht those imwihWrt i
n-oiudt* *s Mfrl.r and efficacy-the invaria- r
Vie nn'itn.jrtiniimoil* of it* una—W* a pre*
.. rvHtiM atul Mrc-luu of the WWpl**"* i
it i- an i lotion lor 4Im of (
\ pblilo nature, ami a- ail inieetioui fu .
of tin- unitary orgnfta. arising Iron
i*bii< o! dissipation, u-ed in connection ,
A It h the Kxtiaei- Bh hu, fnraapnrilU. and
I'atawU Grape Pilis, in surU disease* if
neoitiin. IK oil eallftol lie surpassed.
Full nixl explicit directions accompany
the medicine*. .
K\ titeiiee of lb- hi *t responsible ami re
liable eharneti r furnished on applieatb n.
with hundreds of thou-miti* of living wit
lie#***, and upward of , unJoßWun
certificates and rt commendatory letter*,
iiianv of whieh are from the highesto'ttr-
Including eminent Physicians,!-leiyy
itieit. Slat Min n. ete. The proprietor has
never reported to their publication In tin
iieWMutpers; he does not do tlii* from t lit
fact that hi* article# rank a* Standard Pre
puia son*, hnd do not need to be propped
up by t erf.flfHlin.
Delivered to any address. Secure from
[ K*tabli*hed upwards of twenty year*.
Sold by IXruggiU* everywhere, AJiU
btieiVfor •,nS*nttlon l . in oinißdemo t
jilK NI.Y T. HKLMBOLD, l>ruj?B^
' oX'Depots: 11. T. JIKLMJt >E
Dinu and Chemical Warehouse. No tret
Hto dwa.v. New York, ortol k. f. UhLM
HOLD'S Medical Depot, 101 South leu I
Strett: Fj. **
llnuire of eounterfeiU. Ak l.u
Utotrv T. HakikibV*! Take no o' In r
CAxvasst:ms wawtm*
For "Ottr Oan l'i**Ma. H
%n lllwatrated Pfee. p -"e.. pwh.
Ilahed Mn*ht Hfher i. an m.i.e.
! a I.an. r.eeey WwiMM>etlH*e eee I* e. h 1 *-
Mahte iiromo. A tran Pi eee. wliielt
aella lr •. Weod • *jt "Wyig Pme
Mample and PiaawlO— !.*•. Addreaa
W. E. (Juiujt, PuWlidcr* Pajto, 'I
| Tim Row Firm" I '
j T U lev 'ls'.
Neriacher & Cronmii cr.
hvw Spring Cmmxls
Come, one mid nil!
Jual atriveii ami wilt Id* Lj
fin baud a full line id
Pry (imvl*. Muthm*. yperflr*. ft 1
Ware < H.eei* are. W...wtmt *•!.# •"
Iron, .Halt, Fih and Wi fWa. a w>.< I■■ %
a, .riim*til ofavenrthint ke
First Class Sio v..
BOW ready, and for tale a* mar*l
<MtflIH VKKY XK kli At ....
OLD I'ltu■■*.
Mualina they wilt *elt ymi h , r- fc. -t
brand, m pri4-e that mu *i mi !• ••
Maw -prt*it
Drew (>df its
A (mot beautiful vari.tr, .—,iai|..e • aft
the uovadUn* of the •**••. at b * '*i rate
that, ordinarily ehamnd • il"" pta.-e
--fif* **" m • , Ml #|
White floods 6'
. Embroi
j Tlr fiitfd el *mm u-.i* m •
jaualits . nmi f#rie*
The best make*. Ite*t -tel. *iihet
'rale* (list* and Cmt to er.ai earwat
i Liiiet.*, TatrilHaoi, i-baek -. b aii. f*. bdh
Caisimera, CSeahio#*,
Hpriny and aitnMwr -baa I, .nfam we beep
every tbiog, ated will •well ef i.rwj ••• aft
advance on firal coal,
AH wtr a*k that vim will
belor,- purchaciag el**wbere. a* n,* do in.
•xdaider It anv trouble to h w aaavit*.
atlver plated and Voohee ffiHMM hM*
■end -it.ate bridle# and l*ta-e* * II
M >■ *> It *4
y4 PftTTP tSAfVPf
J/ J. Ui> lit oiyu * I
.. Mfiirfait iIN* p'ff'|Mjifiiiifiik
m Ira M*n* ol
a Tiftwrti 61" 'i nfuVm
Dimts at tht Jtjm,
- All rs-Ctrtar fit*
'mjL. Ckzossic3Ksiss#seßis*
1 jjllJe"' M „ a I hie,
™ .wa-sswi nink
■ih xHaffg jfi tea,
rticidy te purify aid
Ijfi Wl \r ."U {ha I":®i wiJl
"AVw* Jtad Or. CI3QO Cm
oftri£, ipoK&d sf ur of no
biVW ♦* k. pA'Pfifiln
M toUtkia ii ia aw
m teb Mm IB Bath
\ m utsMiai fif Ha Mh
fikV wk mm ■— --*> -- - ■>_. a
' \W' V V m i SctM-SaaL Vkaifi
x 4li i 48)1 Ser<^
yf®'i ■ JT Aaf 4a,e*e de|4alta§ *
UAJlffjf* Jr m • *e|wwwd^awiMl
ft m taUkt atllnra
■ *•*"■ l*awvd ,adf If
\fegjjj 01iTr Crook AOh
xgr Daftaa, O.
! Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
I- * en,*. ss •■%
Aa* Urea net Hjr >aa
l*htintar Iffff la-fit | '<. win#
TkmtarfiMii. irn.n^-2^
rmrm* *'■ in* W HHP
Tt Pts.* KBI
Dr. Crook's WINE OF Thßl
tor draw Omtibw •
< .'.*■ m 4 4.4.1- ja
-uajmn pnaeaiawad m*
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
tta-eueo4 - --aaan
•I tike- aw hninahi'
tt*. itoe >t taw era,
.. * _ . tortiaeei a *4 4to WO
Artßtth. Bnuvlik na*tt|bh tl**
t a-d. a'ii eeaM fr-tie
,ar- fa* **,4 <. an
!•-.** . llt*4 •*>• >
i Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
R-4* 4*4e> *4* l
ale* the aoawto *■•**,
***? ITton" *
Dr. Crook's WIN' OF TAR!
tßnfififfWW it# %f*fatli% %
_ tfif* iMpi.li#>io idww fißdMn*
Atwfkito. Btfai<a>t. t. .*!**• the u4*
Uvae atot raw 'beta Hetor%:
* " . taetowi wOeA
-. i awfte- i>ut* >4e*4,
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
14* arIMM. M> Ih- t ! Oa-t
.Mrin* *ee hath r—fi
i T ri ami ii.art.—4, , .rataaaafW
'i EI7KTK. i teMafifdec the arm
•ry ernlMi ahea wth*
to )* a-fCul d ■ u r* ti ••
h-- i*jl.-l. •
] Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
t- rush Hi the nitottowd
_ . iw* f Tar, •*-
, Zltktß 4m toned aUK Mfrtdb l
•reiieat* at aMlanlaad
, cauUHtou. -^attrsriur
ftoiatu enumerated.
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
K-wi.n* |mmb la haa',
LYsrsrsu. °* •'ri-,
4.4W4 W4H44*. t* mart eWacttia pi
lt*f t'fif' tot tiki L 4 Vff,
J Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
y It i mad# many ■■ruaiiii
•I rona and health j aba
h town ttuahia to aw*
hJ tmMMi tiuißif • Ue mm*
Slreajtit and HtaHb. tt .houwUt lepmi ii—nr
t ♦!!•, and it* tilb yi wpn
tonic propartla* triad 1
M'tiilioml: How Udtljlow llinlni i4v
J,l-1 toib.ithed, a new edition f Itr,
Dul verm ell's l'elebr*t d ban* on the andi •
ral cure t without tnedicliiej of Sperinwar*
i hte i, or Seminal Weaknea*. Involunt .rv
s, in o*l Lo**<*. Impotence Mm, tul and
PovMtiii Incapacity, latpediuo nt*to
liare ete; a In, Conmimntion, Kpilet*>,
and P'ts induced ty telr4ndtilfer.ee -r
*cxital extravara lice.
vc*. i'ro-e, in a *ealed envelope, t I.V
" '/he eeiebraled author, in thUndn i
e* it . -clearly donuwtMrataa Cmi a t*„ jt
veal* s.ieeetytful practiee. that the tu*
hi :coio*tuence* of aelf nbutemay 1 ..li
•iiih cured without the dnnyertm- • of
no-riMl iio-dicine or the application of h
*.nife; poiiitiiit? out a mode of cttn hi *♦•*
dm pie. . eMatn. and oWi ctuai bj - "<• • f
whteli every attfhror no matter w> o •••
eondnion woty be, may cure Winsell !• *p
lv. privately, and ratlically. *
V-SpThi* Lecture should be in tbi !. td
--•f every youth and every man in tie land.
Sent, under e*l. in a* plain enve ope, to
any addre**. repaid on receipt of i*
cent*, or two post stamps.
Also, Dr. OulverweH'a "Marriafe
Guide," prioe 2u cents.
Address the Publisher*,
OH AH. J- C KLINE k t„
127 Bowery. New York, Pot-o(Bi Its.*
l.fdhl __" 1 >-.
Tlo second session of this Classic 4 and
Noimal Institution will eoinmenne ■. M->n-
Imc the k'ftb, of July, 1871. to cool.' ten
w.-eks. The services of I'rof. Sio.i i M.
li t<, have i een secured ns As i*toi
S| i rial attention firon to those <o- r n*
m< 11 come teaobers.
*1 nitian lor the MMiau l'n-n five t> ifbt
J .1 arL
11 ardinx and fui.i*i.ed rooms, mu l e
d'tidued near the A cadi-toy at rea "able
rnfe*-, . . . " 1 1 """" ...
r.fcrtHce A. E. TKt'XAL,
S • Pra't, janVMC