Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, August 04, 1871, Image 2

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Ceutrc Hall, Pa., Aug., 4, 71
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Democratic County Convtntion
The Democratic Voter* of IVntre County
will meet at the regular places of holding
Borough and township election*, on >aiur
dav the oth day of August, nett,
the hours of three and seven o,c!cfc. r.
M , to elect delegates to attend a conven
tion to be held at the Court House, at Belle
fonteon Fndaylhe SSth day f August. A.
D. IS7I. Which convention will put in
nowiiiialieii, one candidate lor Assembly,
one candidate tor County Treasurer, two
candidate* for Associate Judges, one can
didate or IHstrict Attorney, one candidate
f,.rComarissionor, one candidate for touu
l\ Surveyor, and one- candidate for county
Auditor. . ~ . v
The number of delegates to which each
district is entitled is as follows, to wit:
lletlefonte, borough St, Howard. borough
1, Mil.--burg 1, t'hilipsburg 2, limmville
1. Rentier £ Hogg* £ Hurs.de I Purtjn 1.
F.-rguson 4. Gregg ti, Haines 4, Hal! Moon
I ifarri* •% Howarvl tap., £ Huston 1,
Liberty £ Marion £ Miles Fatten I,
I'.-nn i lVtter 7, Rush £ BnowJhoe
Spring 3, Taylor I, I nion 1, M alter
Worth I.
Hv order of the County Committee.
The democratic state central con
ruilteo, at a meeting held last week,
declared In favor of Hon. Tito?. A.
lleudricks, of that state, for President.
Hendricks would make a good **>-
The democrats of Berks and (,'aut
hria counties, iu this state have de
clared for Gen. Hancock for president.
There is no better evidence of the
unfitness of Gen. (.rant for the presi
dential chair than the continued neg
lect with which he attends to his du
ties. Every summer, since his inaugu
ration, he has spent at Long Brauch,
attendiug horse races and ball?, leaving
all the business of the presidential of.
fico in the hands of his clerks at \\ a9li
ington.who run the machine, while he
is among the prize fighters and sport
|)- men of the country. The other
.lay the Ku Kiux committee found it
necessary to see him —where did they
go to, to Washington, the seat of gov
ernment, where he ought at alltiniesto
be? No, they struck for Long Branch
which scouts to have been fixed upon
as the summer capita: of the l. uited
When President Johnson, after
veais of close confinement in the cx
- .itive dumber, attending faithfully
to his duties, made a single trip from
Washington to St. Louis, lasting hut
a -bort time, how was he belabored for
it by the radical party? Act Gen.
Grant has been away the whole of ev.
crv summer sinee he has become presi
d nt and not a word of complaint is
heard from those who scolded at An
drew Johnson for "swinging around
tb<: circle."
Hut, we think it is all right—Gen.
Grant at Washington or Gen. Grant
awav from W ashingtou, is all the
same, as his utter want of capacity for
the office make? the administration of
the government absolutely dependent
upon his secretaries who know more
than he dcs about state affaire, ualess
the qualities of horse-flesh and dog
piij>s come under that head.
Who ever heard of any of the old
er presidents, —Washington,
Adams, Polk, Buchanan,—leaving
the seat of government and spending
In- summer at n fashionable watering
place among the prize fighters, horse
racers, and dancing girls ? Vei ily the
•'God and morality" party has made
as big strides in elevating the character
of ..ur country as it has in elevating the
A Man of Hie People.
The Harris burg Patriot gives the
following history of the Democratic
candidate lor Auditor General, as a
workingman: "William M'Candleea,
the Democratic candiilate for Auditor
Gniera) of Pennsylvania, is a practi
cal machinist and railroad engineer.
Ho is a son of David M'Candless, a
Protestant Irish drayman, who for
many years panned his calling ti|on
the'wharves in Philadelphia. At
about fifteen years of age he was ap
prenticed to the celebrated firm of
Norris Brothers, engine builders, to
h arn their calling. Tie remained with
them for five years and became a skill
ed workman "in every branch of the
trade. He so conducted himself that
nt the i xpi ration of his time I hey gave
tiim n certificate of first-class capacity
His intelligence, industry and skill
had so elevated him with his employ
irs that the Messrs. Norris selected
l.im to Like charga of and deliver to
iho New York and Erie railroad a
~umber of engines they had built for
iho company, and recommended him
to General "M'Calluin (then Superin
tendent and during the war Brigadier
General in charge ol millitary rail
ways for employment. He was em
ployed to put these engines into prac
tical working, and during 1854 ran
an engine upon the New \ ork and
Erio railroad, between Susquehanna,
Pa., and Hornellsvillc, New York,
in 1855 he was employed by the Penn
sylvania railroad company, uud rau
' an engine between Philadelphia aud
Harrisourg. The necessity for skilled
labor in the shops at Parkesburg caus
ed them to transfer him thither ami
he worked at hie bench ia keeping en
gines in older for several months
i Owing t*tba refusal of the company
to promote him, he being then but
twenty-two years of age, he left their
employ and commenced the study ol
the law with Moses A. Dropsic, Esq.,
of Philadelphia. Of his subsequent
career a? a gallant soldier we have al
leady written.
•'General William MVandlc** i* a
man of the people. He can to-day
take down a locomotive and relit and
equip it, and when thus refilled lie can
seize its lever and with it *afely draw
a train of ears over the heavesl grade
, in the State."
KNLAMOKU The /Vasorratre Herald, Col
Jacob Zicglcr's (wpvr, published at Holler,
l'a., reached us last xvw<k, eulargod from
a seven to nine column paper, and ihe
name ha* been vitalised lo Ztrfier s iVwso
-1 erwhe Herat,i, and il i* now proilnl upon a
j new power press. The Htrmld is now
about the aits of lh RsimitTita, wbieh L
among the laryest county pajwr* publish.*.!
in the United States. We welcome Uncle
Jake's llrraUt up among us "hi* fellow*,"
' and are rejoiced to see this evidence of bt>
pros|terity. Col. Ztcylor i* an able and
dear h. a.led writer, and one of the old
: democratic war horses of the *taic, wilh
i plenty of viyor left to do yeouian * >< r\ ice
| pr the next decade, in the K*HHI old demo
cratic cause.
Shall Corruption Triumph!
We think that by tbi* time the people of
Pennsylvania, pretty xenerally, are well
* all* tied that corruption of the wrorst kind
has been deep-rooted in every department
of our state government, for the im*t ciybl
years, aud that a chance is neve.*aiy if the
stuandarinK* of the public monies is to be
The most wasteful extravagance has
been practiced by bt>lh the senate and
house, under a radical m a canty couree of
unnecessary offi.-crs have received large
sala'ies with nothing at all to do.
Thousands upon thousands have been
filched from tho treasury by Berber,
with the countenance of the two hou>e*
The auditor c*'i>eral has paid account*
which he knowed were not valid aud which
it was his sworn duty lo reject. But to
satisfy party pets, the people's money was
j stolen away.
The radical state treasurers have beeu
uiakinc use of the public funds for jrisate
speculation from which they annually reap
their hundred thousand, which is an uu
law ful camblinc with the public fund*. ~
Thousands upvn thousands are squan- i
■lered upon public buildinc* and public
Cround* at Harrisburc, each year, in order
that radical politicians may get jobs to ,
fatten upon <
Shall these thine*, these bold-faced plun- ,
de.rincs continue ? Are the people willing
that the public funds shall be put to these
base uses, and tbat thieves and cormorants
shall use them at their will? If not, then
let us have a change, next October. Let
us elect Gen. M Candless, the honest man
statesman, gallant soldier and patriot.
Let us have a democratic legislature and
see whether a change will not be for the
better—worse it cannot be than it has been
during the last eight or ten years.
What say the people, this question is for
thm to decide. Will you stop corruption
and thriving ? then vote for A 'Candless
and Cooper, and elect a democratic legis
lature in October next.
A great excitement is pervading the
fashionable circles of Jacksonville. Fla.
A murder case in progress there attracted
a large assemblage each day, and colored
and white ladies having been brought in
to close contact in the court room, the war
of races and the extremely hot weather in
duced an appeal to the Court as to whether
the colored ladies or those who labored un
der the disadvantage of being born of while
parents should hare the precedence in re
gard to eligible seats. The Judge deci
ded that the gallery of tte court room
should be devoted to the exclusive use of
thecoloied ladies, and that the white wo
men should occupy the floor of the court
bouse. This worked satisfactorily for a
while; but an American citizeness of Afri
can descent insisted upon taking her seal
among the white ladies, and the Judge or
dered ber removal. In censequenco of
this an indignation meeting was called at
the African church, and the Judge was ar
rested and brought before United States
Commissioner C. J. Robinson, charged
with a violation of the Fifteenth Amend
ment to the Constitution.
How wholesome it would be for swiue of
our Centre county rads, mascul ne and
feminine, could they only for once be plac
ed in such a fix—mixed up upon a hot Ju- 1
ly day, with a profuse sprinkling of dar
kies. We think one dose would cure them
of niggeristn and negro equality.
Do not forget the delegate elections-on
Saturday Let democrats elect delegates
who will be concerned for the best inter
esU of the party, and who will place the
best and fittest men in nomination. Then
let all democrats make a united pull for
gentlemen are announced as candidates for
the county offices, on the radical side:
fbmmiitioscr-J RTate,ofSpring; And.
J. Swartz, of Spring.
Trearurrr — J. E. Mitchell, of Benner,
Robert Kendall, of Harris.
Aiioeiatc Judge —Benj Liggct, of Lib
erty; George Odenkirk, of Potter.
IHst. Attorney—S. D. Gray and Jno. G.
Lve, of Bellefunt".
The county Law Library fund*, for the
14 years proceeding the library act,
averaged about $76 per year, part of which
went to the state, part to informers, and
the balance for township purposes, whilst
the amount that was appropriated to the
state library for law books, at one pop,
last winter without a "meekly" objection,
was over nine thousand dollars of the tax
payer's fiind*.
In the bouse, last session of the legisla
ture on the motion to squander fifty thous
and dollars for ventilating the asylum.
Meek voted "yea." Also voted yea at
same time to present the hoinocpathic doc
tor* of Philadelphia five thousand dollars,
and with n wink allowed over nine thous
and dollars to bo thrown away for law
books, ete., for the state library—in all
fio.OOO of the peoples taxes, on these jobs,
and took SoGU extra pay. How is that for
economy. See the official Record. I*ot there
be "ventilation."
When a candidate cm so "meekly"
promise the sheriff" s office for next year to
a quarter dozen of aspirants, tbe assembly
tor the same year to half dozen anxious
ones, and the county comiiiUaionerhip to a
few, such an one must be tlia most "promi
sing" young man in the county.
Democrats look out roarbacks, they aro
gotten up so "meekly."
One of the greatest feats of modern rail
road building was performed on Buriday
last on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad,
which runs from Cincinnati to St. Louis.
The road was originally constructed on a
gauge of six feet between the rails, and it
became necessary to reduce the gaugt to
four feet eight aud one-half inches, soas to
accommodate the cars of connecting roads.
The lenghi of the lino is tbreo hundred and
forty miles; and the problem was to take
up both rails for this entire distance and
relay thein nearer each other. To facilitate
tho task the spikes tor tho inside of the
two rails, as they would liu in their new
posi.ion, were driven, and the holes for
the outer spikes bored in advauee. An ar
my of men, two thousand fix e hundred in all
(or seven to each mile), was then distribu
ted along tho track, and at sumbe they set
to work. After seven hours of incessutit
labor the job was accomplished, and at 4
• o'clock the next morning trains w vre run
ning over the toad.. The entire cost of the
operation, ineludiag h reduction of the
gauge ot thg rolling stock, wa fI.fiOO.OUO.
Mr. GiwlryM Testimony Apilitst
♦•HtrTlicwlsh t jtr|wMli#ir< i-* "
The Southern people, ►*>* the World,
will sooner or later receive tardy <
and a Aill verdictlcqulttlfhuvihecbnr
ges against their loyalty made since their'
submission to the Federal authority at lbe
close oflhewar. Already oiuo.>Mhe Rej.uh
licans are beginning to make a dislibcticii
between loyalty to the catpct-oagyer- mid
loyalty l the Federal government II re
lofore, the two have been iunfounded
When th*' people of the South h,*\ , \-
pressed their disgust and inipatieie e at the
scoundrelly * arpel-hag jer* ntld adventur
er# by whom they have been pluehod,
plundered, and oppie- od. there hu forth
with been raised, in all the Radical news,
pa pars, a chorus of how L agaiii-l tli* ir do
loyally to the yoffc .
We must in candor admit thui the R oli
cab have tome ground for this charge For,
in gvnnt truth, the Federal authorili. at
Washington have created, encouraged,
ahetteel, ami sustained the interloping ras
cal* whose villau.v and rapacity the South
ern people have ,'ouud 100 nhqsuinable lor
|avtieiit endurance. In the first elections
which took place ander the reconstruction
acts, the carpet-baggers were the trlum-.
pliant party. They succeeded by the nol
of Federal bayonet* and terrorism, IIKV.
ing thus gnitved po.-c-cdon ol the t W
Slate goveriimet*, they proceeded to or
ganise a carnival of legalized extortion and
robbery by the mo-t flagrant and outrage
ous abuse of the taxing power. And be
cause the Southern people did not submit
lo be skinned without squirming, they are,
accused of chronic disloyalty t* the b , do
ral government.
When Mr. Greeley made his journiy to
Texas in the early part of the season, he
took some pain* to inform himself of the.
tricks and manners of these previous cur
pet-hagg* rs w ho are patr* nized by Getter- j
al Grant's administration a* the pillar* ot
loyalty in theSoutliern Staler.. He iuquired |
of Deimwrats, and he inquired *>t eaiidid, j
decent Republican*; and from both be re-j
ceived the same story oftheinfaiuou* char- 1
a* ter of these carpet-baggers who control
the legislation and administer the Stat.- 1
governments of the South. When he re
turned home lie stated the truth as be had . 1
learned it, but with tho caution natural t •>,
a RepuM ican editor who was unwilling to >
injure hi* party. Many Republican jur- I
usb have arraigned him for his fraiikne*.
!in ex|wsing the earjwl-bag knave*, ami I
yesterday he thought fit to hun*elt i
in the Tribune. He reiterates his ehargea i
againts"thethievishearjwt-bagger-,' mak- j
ing only this plea in mitigation; thai he ,
never included, nor intended to include, (
all Northern residents in the South in hi ,]
sentence of condemnation. Tin* plea in ! j
abatement is of no practical account- For
as the few honost carpet-bagger* voted t- (
put the dishonest one* in oftiee, they mu-: |
share the responsibility of their malfea-'|
tance and mi*d< ing*. The charge >f dis
loyalty against tho Southern people n*t- |
upon their opposition to their plundering
State governments, ami the oppre-*i >n i* (
none tbe less intolerable because some (
honest, misguided men helped to put llif I
rogues and swindler* in office. A success- ,
Ail political party must be held rivspottsi-i
ble for the actual reault* >fit* administra- j
lion. Mr. Greeley is constrained to ac
knowledge that the carpet-hag State gov- r
eminent* are scandalous den* of thieve* 1
and it i* no alleviation of the rascality thai
a few honest meu may have been) deluded 1
into supporting them Mr. Greeley >tnti -:'
ment* fully justify the indignant loathing''
and disgust with which the Southern peo
ple regard their carpet-bag State govern- '
mcnts, and acquit them of intentional tIU- 1
loyalty to just authority. We trust they |:
will never become soahjectand degenerate i
a* to liek the feet of such scoundrels as
Federal bayonet# have put in tranient an- i
thority over them. j I
It i* but fair to the Southern |>eople that ■
they should have the benefit of M r. Greeley'|
indorsement of their opposition to the gra*- i
ping, villanou* earpet-baggers. \\ e there
fore make large quotations. Its spite hi-,.
Republican c doring, the truth *hin-- forth \,
through hi# statement* with convincing!,
clearness. These extracts have the added ,
weight which belongs to the testimony of
an unwilling witness;
In the hasty survey given inour Lincoln
Hall speech of the Southern situation, the
persiftcnt Democratic outcry ag-iin.*t "the I
carpet-bagger* '—their livnocrisy, their i
venality, rapacity, Ac,—claimed attention. ,
No statement of the Ss.uthern uroblcuil'
would he complete or candid whicli ignor- j 1
i*d this complaint. "Carpet-bag villanv
was often urged a* the provocation and [.
excuse of Ku-Klux atrocity. Hid such
villany existT If so, what wa* its nature j
and extent? h
We answered I hoc questions frankly
and truthfully. All thtwe atignializsd :
"carps't-baggerv ' are not rascal*; many of|
them are worthy, upright men, who are
obnoxious to the uht planting aristocracy
and its satellites only because they nre.ear
neat, efficient Republican*. If tbey would
support and vote the Democratic ticket i
they would nat be accounted "carpet-bag- ,
ger ' at all, though frc-h from New Kng
latid ur Ohio. But there are "carjK-t-bag
gers" who are knave* and hypocrite*
who, making loud profession* of zeal lor
Republican aacendaney ami negro en- 1
franchiseiuent and elevation, are m inly
intent on filling their own k-t frointhoi
spoil ol an impoverishes!, unthrifty people.
And this kind of "earpet-bugg. r* have
been prooiinent and powerful in the legis
lation and administration of several South
ern States, a* their bloated public expe:i- .
diture, taxation, anil indebtedness abund
antly, deplorably attest. Jiurh is the na
ked truth, exaggeraUnl, very naturally,
by partisan hostility and bitterness, hut ,
had enough when reduced t" it# real di
mension*. This rapacity hu* embittered
the ex-rebels, who w ere bitter enough al
ready, and t*o willingto believe that every .
Republican was of course n canting knave. ,
It has alienated mid repelled many who:'
would have been Republicans ere tin# had :
the new State government* been thorough- I
Iv upright anil frugal, a* it wo* imperative, ,
o"n many nrpoiipts, that they should hare
keen. It has Impeded riigoiillnistint), a|id|'
is this day the chief impiiliment to the! I
triumph of Republican principles at the ,
South. So we said in substance in 01m,
Lincoln Hall speech, and every inteligent
person in the reconstructed States know* :
it t" be substantial'}' true.
Mr. Greeley has been accused by jour
nals of his own party of consorting with.
Democrats during his Southern trip, and
taking his character of the carpet-bagger#) |
from them. But tho force of his statement* .
cannot he broken by such n subterfuge.
He asserts in the following passage that '
(hey rest mainly U|MIII Republican nuthori- ;
: . 1
Those journals have unanimously asstim -
ed that we derived our impression* of the '
thieving carpet-hugger* from Democratic j
sources, and explain them by the alleged (
fact we mainly associated with Democrats
while in the South. Now it is the simple |
truth that our worst impressions of that 1
sort of "rarpet-haggers" w ere made by the |
statement* not of J)ci||Of.fnt* at all, hut of j,
zealous Republican". Die of them was
himself a recent emigrant froin Illinois,
who never voted any other than the Uepub- ,
Bean ticket, but who went South to plant
cotton, and declare# himself nearly ruined 1
by tbe heavy taxes imposed on his plunta- i
tion by the' carpet-taggers," who. by man- |
aging the negriM's. ruled and robbed bi
county, continually putting up swindling!
job* of bridge-building, Ac,, to nil their
own pockets. Am ther was our friend of ,
many years who la*t fall headed the Re
publican State ticket In Louisiana, and '
wa* ehn'ted by an overwhelming major!- 1
ty. We lake the liberty of indicating hint ,
without asking leave, because the fact thai
he 1* making a determined fight as Audi
t*>r against tab robber# who woqld gland. 1
ly ruin the credit tficy have ahs'irhod
the funds of the fttate, i* so widely known
that he cannot if he would conceal the
truth that he I* a natural 01 emy ofthieve*.
80 in Texas we heard more to the prejil- 1
dice f ra-eally carpet-baggers from Re
publicans than from Democrats. Had wo
heard nothing t all, Ihe public records,
and financial exhibits of several Southern
Stutps bear Lwtitftonv tfiat cnui)<H ho mis
undcrttood nor explailicil away.
Mr Greeley turns upon his wincing cnr-1
pet-bag assailants xv.ht this apt anecdote: I
The gro#*|*rversioii* and angry criticism'
of certain Southern Republican journals!
reminds ug of fin WlfpJofp 1 The wpoptnc
Lorenzo Dow was opce nppfoqghing a
place where he hud 1111 uppoii|(meiit iq
preach, when a stranger complained to him
that his watch had been stolen from un
der his pillow the night before. Dow in
sured the victim thnt his watch would la
returned, and, picking uu u bonldi r that
weighed a pound or so, hid it under lu
clouk undai|tMr(jdthcpti)pit. Aftor pren. h
ingxcalogsl) for hrfu ap h/iMf->r i-i, hpsud :
jeuly stopped, and pxcndgjgft, "A
watch was slofep, i thjf ueighborf|ooiJ
U-t night, Hint the llitcf re ti>nv in IbU
' hnnt*. I tinll Itit fititt with I* i I".i
Ho llldo * fold! of ill!"V Itj ll HI I HMO
>1 llltl HUllll'ltl l' lltli 1.V.1 111 ■ 111- 1.1 III* 'v t
tU.tllUlv St'lo#*!, ht'Hft hi-11, mill I III' >!" II
■ wsteh found J'i i-nc nl liU |i. ■ 1.1 *
l \til(hi-rn id l lii.- in Hi ! i i-i-i ill'- i
'HI dotation uurJiuiuii jfi.ui "if- m-
I carpet. hngg< r*
\\\ uli it tin ■ t!i • v
1 lorlt d ftviu M: Ureal i I i i. ,-ti nl
f.iii ii. ... are# ftill iindicationofthel
Urn people, Their ! <ya!t,x about
which ueh ii ii <.y i tilery hit h - u U*jt
lup in tliii It jiull. mi |.| i i. U Hill i iii -
. loyalty s • the ''l' - •: ■•' thh\-"
: and *-inJh ;ti nt *x< imale flj;iru in
: American politic . Mi i.i ■. ■!
!Jen J tlit thoao tli ii vi - Hint scoundrels
, hav •' been countenanced and ato-tlrd 1 1 1
tielioral Grunt'. ml nit -tut.- .-tie ..ri
•till defended by the y< iijiliiint lt I ul i
--i *ii ttesrepttper* that *uppur( tiran: and
vlcnntim I" til- H',l Iriitl.Ail rex t Imbue.
Tlu Sunt Canal
Till* v:t-l it mi ill! nor' :i ill if! ri nv,
• cuiiiHCtini! lint waters of the Mediter
ranean II itll li e K <1 >•!>, XX ;l* Jitl-lieU
Ito completion IIV tin' -kill, eillorpr'se
•niil endurance of ;t l-'ri in n eii,'-in-r,
hacked by the Emperor N;| ole-mi. I'
1 short, u* the route to India several
j thousand miles, Ml il enable# lift' i -uit
, itiorw nf the world t> < j>o life long
and - around the
C|H* of t llo|H\ llij'-i II Itt fit
lor tin M diD ruin-tut Sea V th <1-
nillir jwrosgge, jet-* up that thorough
ifar. lake the puial I" tin ht'ttil of I!st
tinl Sea, ami front llitiiiv run itinitg I
t!ie ce-t of A-iti, nmt make niiv f its j
! port#. TliU in a vast naving of time,
jam) the sea ii.-k in iii-ti reduced. I
{When tin- canal xxns completed il xva
|under a virtual French ] ml. >I- rate.
VII the lunuitging nun wire Freir.'i
J lituet.#, aiol the lund ol .In- uvrjureo
a man who win- a h vote . tii< t l <•! the
[Emperor. file Kho;!iv<- humd
upon Kruno- fur nipjmrt in hi* difli
cullies with the Sultan, ami wu not '
denied all the assUtntn c iso-ihle tin
• ler the i iretiiu.--tr.ln• <. French < Hi
rer. were in the 1 gyptiaii army, unci
French citgilucrs managed the inili
tnrv ilefences of the country. Hut ;
I'russinn nieces-os crushed Najo!-un
ami lii-< Umpire. I loth arc now only ;
matters of history, ami Kgypt ami the
canal have p;i>-. il uinler Hi iti!i •! in*
ination. Englantl .o a!wa\ in a
position to juiliee tin- water cut-oli in
care Mich a course was in >aty. She
ItolcU Gihraltar, the caitenrnee'to the
Mediterranean, when vcs-i !-. first lieatl
in the directiun of the canal from the j
open oia-an, In the narrowest js.rtioii i
of the McJit* rranean i> locattal the is
land of Malta, which guard* and ei
tinels lliat portion ot the voyage.
And at du head al the U.d Bat, the
lla<* of St. liturp- II over A'fei:,
ami English cannon protect .hat en
trance and exit to the canal. In tin
manner England is connected xiith t i
water road in the direction of India.
When the!.-;. PC, th? FWMB PfUMli>tl
war threw the pear into the laji of
England, that nati-m was preptcred, in
some measure at le.i-t, to receive and j
make the In -t use c-t it. Nor is tSte
enterprise of minor im|Hirtauee in a
natural imint ot view, when the statu,
tier of (lie trade j-a>-ing through the •
canal are taken into consideration.
The English hou-e oft ory aud Ilrot'i
ors have prepared and issued an intet
esting and instructive statement ot the
actual traffic through the eauai since
it* optning in November, l s >:'.
W'lhhi Utecuual was lirst usel, to v.- 1
drawing more than sixleiu tec! ot wu- j
ter could ja.-s from sc-a tos.a. I iii.* ;
was a serious drawback ujhhi the en- j
te/prise. liut the wink ot ilccpcuiug
the caual wa- iiu*hel lorwanl witli
great energy, and in April. 11*70, vt-*-
e!s of twenty and tweiilv-one feet
draught wc-re aide t i go through frotn
sea to sea with cargoes. The nuttihcr
of vessels using the canal has steadily
increased. In December, no
| more tlian tc'elve v< >-'!■> |ia-ed
through, with a t.'al tonnage of 0.017
tons During the year lf<7o no fi r
than -li'l vessel* passed through, with
a total tonnage of l3ti,(lM tons. A>
exis-eteil, England h is i.ikt n the Na 1
in the numucr of v ••. > passed
through the canal. Front that conn
try, three hur.drctl and nineteen ship*
are regiateml upon the Imoh* of the
jinlraiiee otliee. Franee come* next ,
j mi the list with reventy five ship*, and
the Ottoman empire, including r'gypl,
jthiid, with fifty ship-. Austria stand*
next, with twenty six ships. Iln-ia,
jlireece. Den work, the Fnited Slate*,
and Xanxilmr play cijoa! parts in Ihe
I movement, each etuitributing one s >!i
[tary ship to the wa!ir caravan. Since
May, JM7O, registers of the time of en
try and i xit have Incn hi pi, and tin y
•how the average timo consumed in
passing through the canal to lie a lit
tle less than forty-<ld>t hour*. In
tnanv ca*es thi* time ha* been consider
ably redticetl. The French steamer
Iloogly, for example, a vriut l of <>np >
| thousand and seven hundred and st v
cnty-sevcii tons burden.tlrawing tweii
tv foet of water, pas.-ed through in .In
ly, on her way, from China to Mar
sailles, in IwCnty-six hours, reaching
I Sut z at 7 a. m. on the 20th of July,
land leaving Port Said at H:.10 a. m. oil
the 21st. In August, the same ves-t 1
t astward, left Fori Said at ft:} r > a. in.
!on the lijlh nrttl Stnz at 7a. in. on
the 14th of August. Sailing *hi|>s are
towed through without difficulty in
from two to three day*. The cotton
and tea trade* have not yet made a
heavy figure in the use oi the canal, i
Hut {milt interests are on the increase. |
In I*7o, thirty-nine thousand three
[hundred torn of cotton, and eighteen
thousand tw<> hundred and ninety-two i
ton* of tea were carried through from
Suez to Port Said. The largest vessel*
|which passed thiough in I'hO. were
the Jumna, transport, of three thous
and tons burden and eighteen tcot
draught, and the Delaware, Bombay
packet and cotton steamer, of two
[thousand and ninety seven ton*
burden and twenty one feel draught.
The local trade of the canal between'
Alexandria and Istunilia seems to la?
devcio) ing rapidly. Steamers go
through in from six to nine hours eas
ily, The passenger trillic, especially ,
by the French rn*il boat* and by the
[English ioj|t* fftgrplpg from India,
surpasses the estimates fiarmetl at the
(ipeuiiig of the canal. These are sonic
of the facts in "connection with the
trade of the Suez canal, by which a
short road is open to India, and lh<'
trade of that portion of Asia. They
should stimulate the nation in relation
to a similar channel from the Gulf of
Mexico to the Pacific Dec an, through
which commerce can reach Japan,
China, and other portion* of the Ilu-t,
without rounding Cape Horn, and de
layed months in the nus.-age. Even
'if Piirien i* clo-cil, there are routes
nej"ai-$ Tei.imntc|ef! and Nicaragua
!h n- open to objecti( n than that through
| which the Suez canal has hccti Con
structed. Now. that our commercial
rival, England, control* the Sn"Z ca
'mil, the l T ni|ed Statu* ohinl hayc a ii
jval route. That fijet should be admit
ted and aetcil upon without delay.
A report having been circulated
that Mr. D. D<*ir of JloJlcfonte, had
uitlolruwo ti* a ci ii'lidaic lir county
treasurer, he jiuhlk-lu-s a curd in the
\Vtt,tehfMa|ij, jfindradit'ling t{. lie i
'still u enuilttjirty.
J.idt'c lhielicr'* Mtmlftrcttl (llftxt'l
l.cltiglt I ilitt'fslly.
\ I. t'.i Itoi.i It. thb belli, Pen It. 1"
the Newark Adverlner, give- tho fill*
low ing detail -of Judge Asa Pnek' i's
iioiuiloHiit oh r to tli-; Iru-l'-e- o| Ee
hi h l"uiver*ity :
" fhe h- high I lliv ei iiy wa* I un led
to ! Httii hx Hon. A-a Packer, ot'
Man !i I'i.uuk, a* a polylvliiiie in-ti
tu'ton, ha M iu .jKii.il ii'fcieiiec to tin
milling uitei *t ot the eo.ll region*.j
I lie sUIU ImsloW dwa* H olJU.ttt'-l, till'
m *t oi wlio Ii ti > oi-eii o-ohl to erect
tint , i tie.nl College loiihlillgs Hlld ImU
s lor rlo- Faculty. Mr. I'aeker now
lax - tin* following peop.-sition* Iwforx
t tie H 'tir I of I • ust< - * '■
The mstitution i* to he herentlei
ti ii. )< r tint allspice* of tin; Protectant
Ilj jeep'il Ghureh. 1 l;a liiitioli i* U
he nlwopitelv free in all the regulai
I'he o i.in <1 endow meat i* t• he in
ii, i. I i.v 2".ftH).t :i- soon a* tin
U iarl ot Ihu- ee* rai-. * tJ|2.",U<HI
A *-c-'ii 1 tt of" MKft xvill la
U stowed whin a *.***. •11 Bl2">.tKM) it
raied hi tli • li urd.
Until the fir*: 812 VI H r.ii-*',d the)
gt lel'<<ll- foUildel XVIII give 82<t,tH)i) aj
year t ni.u I* tin- incident*! ex|a-nsca. i
Fioin tin * lad* it xit I lie .-evil that;
,J !ge Pad I ill tell, i- tie- tllSt Uti'ltl tO
Kiicceed; and by throwinj* ojm-:i ihe
doors under prop* r regulation to alii
e.one! •, he lias -li.xxii tiiiu--ll xxoithy
to In- railed one of the greatest |ati
ion- of learning i:i tin- country. I
j doubt xxln liter there is another single
j individual win* lot- lavished his wealth
! up,oi an educational institution a* ha*
' this vi in rul-le and honored gentleman
If lii* condition* are fulfilled he w!ll i
have given very inneh ovx-r 81,000,000 i
t > thi* Institution' 1.-oig may lie live;
to enjoy the blessing* which mit' re-'
•nil from In* genersisilv."
Compressed Airas.a Unlive Power.
!'ii • Portland ■ Me. -c*irrc*|oiidentn!
j the Ho-!on Adverti-er says: 1
"The * xpcritneiits which Mr Hols.
! til Sp. ar ha* recently made in this ci
.tv tijs.n eotnpr. --** I air a H motive '
n ix r have made a very c*ti*idi ruble j
-eli-ati ui a ooiig nit n of all elas-es —jl
fios-haii.e*, mnanfm tureis, eapttuli.-ls '
i d iiiventiirs. It I* evident that in !
■ ilain hratiehe* if manufacture a 1
.Minplele revolution mu-t follow ojs.u '
! the gein-ral iiitrotlnctioii of this simple '
j and <e.uioniitia! substitute (or steam or:'
j xxatcr jsixver. Whether engine* of '
| x<rv high pr*--tire can la' *u*x - e-sfu!ly (
{ xcnrkc-1 I'V thi- new ag< uev is still u *
.1 -hatwble *piestioii among our iotelli- f
gee.t tueihanieiati*. Mr. Spear has
invent *! a governor which a* asi!y '
control- the pressure a* the governor '
of a steam engine. ll.* claims thai air,-
can !• com | r. --<->1 in tlio r.-s. rvior to, 1
m t xtcut double the power of the cii 1
giee that eoinpre.-.-i -. thereby saving aj
x rv large jH; i nt, in foil; that the
pi|M can Ik- extended to an nliuost in- '
definite extent, and t!ie obstacle if
friction, xxiii ii pn-vi. is e\jeiitneiitei>
, have found almost im;> •—ihle to d*ai,'
with, i*", by a simple itix -ulinit of Mr.
•s;enr's entirely ovcrcume. The ne
:ce .-ity of long liucw of sliafting in |
- large shop- i* th*rxhy obviate.!, and
each woikman '* - oiniog. .t were,
hi- own * ngin -t r, tl:*' work of keep
in • a l.ir en iue constantly tuiitiitig,
when jo il.ap- only a small part of the
f.tetoi', "* mweliimrv . in motion, is
j done awtiv with M-. S;xer r.llirni
that the tidal fi rev at Turkey's bridge
, al.itie i* sufficient to furuish compres-
*."i air alone for all the machinery in
thi* neighborhood, ami that the x,*ler
t.ia. r at il.e loxn-r fall* of the Pre
iutn j-$ *it, if applied to the name pur
jn,*•-, would given sufficient jwiwt-r for
a Biannfacturiiig city of hundreds of
thousand- of inhabitant-."
• •
Stntiiffc Hog HI scale l/.cti*fs Hy-1
lug oflf In Tltonvtttds
t 'ltieago, July 7.— A new di-*a*e
h.v rtsvntly Im-cii attacking hog* in
l iC.ilrn -in Euitoii county. {II It i
■ jiiite dsifi r.-iit in its svmtoia* tMtii the
j liog rhtdcra, atid soems more like a
<hill a- manifested in the lutuiati las
ing. The fir-t xiarning i* by tlie hogs
litiueliiiig up together—eoiretiuu* fif
let tit i twenty in number, -ijn.-aliujj
:ind .-hilling, Thi.* i- fidhiix.-.T by a
fi-ver, and the hog .--,-n *!-.-. The jier
, rentage of death* i* large.
A -lull ntciit coiiie* from v.irioo* lu
calitie* in tlio noitlix*(*t thai the In
clist* are dying in large nunili.-r*. In
. uianv places tlie ground i* thickly lit-j
triad witli the .lead, over which sea .too
Iv a live one i* l*i he seen. They have,
however, done much damage, particu
larly to tli" young forest tree*.
• ♦ ♦
Prnnike of Marriage a Poiwldcra
In the ea.-e <•! Wright* vs. \t*right
in New York city, *v* find the follow
In this ea -*i, aecooling to the t Vi
i donee sworn liefore the llrfrec, the
defendant, desired the plaintiff to wife.
She iiisi.-tcd that first he should give
her a mortgage on hi* property, which '
He declined. They compromised by
; his giving her u note for lo.OOfl,!
whereupon she promised to
liirn, and lie did marry her. I'ufore
innately they soon rjuarelled and ul*J,
timately separated. She brought suit ,
on the note. The ease was referred. ,
the Kefi ree found for the lady, and j
the hn-hnn I apjvcaled, the ground he- (
ing a failure of consideration lor the (
! note, and that a wife might not sue her (
husband, | (
The Court, though divided, found
j for the lady. Judge Carduxo, giving j
the opinion of the majority. I|>U* l|tat
the *ide rat ion—a promise of mar- '
riage, followed by it* fulfillnitnt —is |
sufficient, and that whatever may have (
been the old iaxv, under the recent |
.fatlitis g'viug a wife iu.lepi ndiiit (
[light* in her property, her tight of f
action xxa* not extinguished by her (
coverture. Whether her action should (
have been at laxv or on the e*juitv Hide (
! of the Court, lie hold- iiiimnt* tial in |
thi* case, since the sameJu.tgc would (
sit in both.
♦ -* •
PicfJiiiliotiH Airninsf l.iglilnittg [
Tli in jlic i>t" ftornu, hiil (
fnin all |MrtoHli* count rv com? re- ,
port, of huildiogs destroyed by light- (
ning, not unfrcrjiiently attended l>y |
loss of life. People xvli have light-
ning eotidiictor* should see to their
eoiiiicetiou with the earth. A light- j
ning ci.ndueti.r having it aarlh
tuinity partially insulated, soon be
nunc* charged if a storm paases over (
il, and then a lateral discharge takes ,
place; hence the aceidenta xhieh have (
frnjtietitly taken jdace in building* ,
siipjioM'd to he adequate!.* protected. .
Sanij nndguivql, Ijrjekxgork A"d stone, (
are had conductor* of electricity, and
if the red has such a liase, and the
stirrouudiiig earth le likewise dry, it,<
i* practienllv insulated. The diffic.il-ji
tv ofgettuig on what telegrapliic ojve-,,i
l uti'iscallgpfid em |h i* one t hat should j <
weigh witli t'liose putting up lightning i
eotidticlnrs. Tin y should not rest :
sat i-tird that all is secure miles* they :
can reach :i running -trgani of water, i
<>r els • t ink a eons.denihie surface of
ienj.jur |.Ji||. fill pern aniMifly damp
• aii h i i<- islisil. • * '
A wisu man uiuu at iiothing out of
hia reach.
f> tivei' .iml Bin (ifiitid Nat ion
gunge Rallwuy.
hfrtwutil Hehnyler, K*erelury of tlio
Deliver Mini itio Grutl tNarjow
t itlge) Hallway Company, |*a* pub.;
lib<'d the following co-deining thi*,'
tlie longest line of narrow gwugo yet
Tin pressed xxiih tin* importance of
the ii* xv prineiplf, the economy of it*
construct ioii utiil operation, and it
idaptahility to road* in tnouiitMimiU*
i* -gtoii*. ii eiiinpnny was formed last
year to build a line with n gauge of
three feet, from Denver, Colorado,
.outhward along the base of the 11- -
kv Mout tains, and throuub the vnllev
•if the ! tio Grande, to El Paso in Mexi
co, n '>tanee of neatly nine huiulred
mil. Capita! wit* wry quieMysulv
Vrl'iel, *tt<l tit* road eoibmrlieod ill
D etulier last. Work ha* been pro
viniMiog MI rapidly that by August th
• t xvili.be e* mjile
d and in ojxcratiou, the first road of
tlint gauge in the country. Hi ing so
tr distant, luit little ntfentiuii ha*
been atlraetc I to it in the East, though
the enterprise of its management eer
[tiinlv de-etve* notiie. New f-nttern*
of engine* and of roiling stock, jml
tern* of iron bridge*, havs had to be
;devised which should secnie the grea
test strength and carrying capacity
consistent with a miuimum weight of
material, while tlie form slimi d not'
vary so greully a* to conflict with the'
prejudice- in favor ofexUting pattern*.
I'liu re-ults, we think, have lieett roost j
favorable. We are enabled t make;
pa*c!tger* fully a* comfortable and
give them n* much ro'iiito-a Pullman,
draw Ing room on the -4.8J gauge, while
the sjK'cd to he attained w ill fall hut
little, if nt till, Im-low that on tlie broa
fer gauge*. We confidently expect
I even mi tlie shot i Mvtioii to he eom
!p'eted thi* summer to make ttieh a
diowing a* to e-taldi-li the 3 feet gauge
a* pre eminently the 'gauge of the fu
tuio* for the railways of thi* country.'
oral least of the itrw West."
• • --
London, July 2(l.—The Etigltshj
iVin-ul at Tabr ; z announces that he'
jhn* reeeited mid wi'l forward to hi
igovernment most heart-rending detail
of the famine in Persia, die
patches front Coti-t inlinnpw -ay tin 1
lumine in Persia i* eiitisiug dreudful
havoc. The death* in ilia province of
Khuncwutu average three hundred dai-t
Iv, and so great i* the distress that the '
dead l*nlie* of the victims are devour
ed by the tutvivorv, and men, women [j
and children are in some case* killed.l
to render the supp'y offomi ahutidaut. '
The plague ha- also ap|M-nred among (
the Perisians, and th*TurkihGovern |
mi nt has lieen compelled, by the exi- 1
geiicv of the situation, to draw a aani- j
tarv cordon along the holder of its do j
m n om.
, . .
The valuation of the real and jxerso- j'
nnl estate of Pennsylvania is $1,634,-h
2l0,!;iC (about ?•"'t per inhabitant >,M
the larg-l aswes-ed valuation of the-'
Ame riean Suites. There are richer-,
individual* and licber dirpuratioß* in
other S.at-s, hut we have the largest 1
number of com for table well-off jieojile. -
l'ittstiurgh is a lair • xnuijde of IVun- t
syirania distribution. \\ hile we have '
no man worth four million* of dollars.;
we have hun:lrx-*l worth one hundred
thousand, thousaud* worth tens of!'
thi u-auiU, ami t-n* of iholisauds ow
tting thrir own homes,-and we tawj
the most generous facilities of all the
Ameiican cities whereby workers may
become proprietors of the soil.
When Colorado wa* first atllled, a
wiM jsitat-i xxa* found growiug in
lahuiiiliutea njem the eastern mountain'
shijK*, whien was m-ailv always infiwt
e| by lliu larvae of a sjwrio of le*'lle.
Iknown in natural history a* the (fory
jJwra <le<vm!inin1 1, ami soon after
ward- recMgnited hy the early settlers
and fanner* a* their sworn enemy, the
)Colorado hug. The eleslroyer i- not
formidable by its size, being lily
nh.mt half an inch long, nor hy it* ap j
1 **3 ranee, tor its color is said to Im* a
Venetian dtl, iito'uding to a efamj
(tuu, '-ii i it has a hiack l.ead, utid is
iiuirhetl ..tr with a double row of
Iduek *j w il* or dot* along the aid.*.
Hut it- nuinlser*. and the jiertiuacity
with which it travels onwards, are the
source* of danger, no Irs* thau it* mar-,
vrtious fecuiMitty and extreme feroci
ty, for il will gotdde up a whole pota
to field in let-* than Do time, as many!
Western growers of the king of vege
table* are in a |<o*itton to certify. In!
J*62 it first made it* appearance iu
Wi-con-in, ami five years later, in!
. IKH7. it renuhed {ndiaqa, and tperei
ruiaiucuctd il* de|KC<laUou* in the.
uorlhern jart of that Stale. A year-
Fiitiweqiieiiiiy, in Ik6M, it wo* ft,und ai
so in Southern' Illinois, and t* now
"moving on" toward* the Atlantic,
seaboard, with its front forming an ir
:tcjpil*r linp.ejjtending frotn tb# north,
xxretcrn bonier* of Ohio to plsees south
of Indianapolis. Unless something
hnppeu* to turn off it# march iu aiioth
,er direction, or el*c destroy it, will
reach tlie coast in the course of some
.-even or eiglil years at the must, iu
xvhicli uw it will annihilate, or seri
ously limit, the c'lfu.-c of the potato!
throughout the Northern and Eastern
Stati s. The fearful ravage* ofj
this insect ate committed while ills
yet in the form of the larvae, which is'
iiutched out of the egg while the jwita-',
to plant is young and tender. The j
egg# are de|xt*ited in grouji* of twenty .
or thirty on the lower side of the leaf.i
and the last Itrood of cqch
season, as shiji 4* they reach the prop
or stat • atpl deyelppttteut, hide in the
ground until tlio following spriug, ,
when they :iga 111 crawl out, ready to
liegiti their depredations tijxon the new
crop xxith a will. Many remedies >
have lieeii suggested and tried to con-
•pier tin* fii-iid, but so far, it would ,
seem, without succeoa. Some fatntgm.i
axserf pi ijikipig oummon sawdust j j
u|mil iTie I'kitato vine# i an effect
ual remedy, hut experiments ■
have failed to prove it* efficacy. Oth
ers use Purir green, and others, again,
hunt tlts-111 up uuioiig the [>otato field#
and light them sinjflf lmuded. ("Look
o,jl shai ji toi the egg#, say# one West-1
era veteran farmer, "and hook 'em
wlien you see 'em. Eusnure a lot ut '
the criller#, afore they gel a chance to
pair, into n few small neaps or jxota
toe., distributed in the field for that
purpose, and scuencjt Vw wbeit you
i,.,yu M <a 'uni, xxU'hout pity.*' ThU i#
good enough advice, but we doubt if it
will stop the onward march of the po
tato hug; and, with all other lover# of
the delicious nnd wholesome farina
ceous tuber, we can only hone jhnt
something will turn iip thai shall have
tl|o i-tlei t of cheeking the propagation i
of thi# vorueious animal.
♦ ♦♦
New Orleans, June 22. —The trial
o! Charles Etrle and John Garvy for
murderiiig Mrs. Snllepjjcr, aged' sev
enty years, and robbing her house of
one thousand dollars on tho night of
the 23rd of April, was concluded thi*
afternoon with a verdict of murder in
the fir-t degree. The. jury was vu'u
posed entirely of colored men.
Chicago. July li—Thomas fjiwulu, uui
;<|lx klinwa u- Tint 1.11 eo 11, tln<
■ii <1 I In-"t 11 to ri e-r.TciirLineol'., iticil -n
tlii- Clil'l -ii 11 • .i in tli s "ity, ut'M'Vcn -
,-lnek Hi* Ui-c ii'-Wii- iti-hJi-I
#y ol'ltieheart. • lli c I>iit4r<lii ,-r
occurred in -May. . I
.*io IVrMiitK Itlllcd tttid 120
Ne* Y<irk, July -10 T:"-" p ri. 'fli<-
!)lsleti lalaiid (Wrzjk' Ist WfUdt while
*t lit* *lip Wliitahidl aii<l i fou'lc I with
i p i-.i-hjitO, exjitrtdcl !|. biitlcf at 1 'JO,
' Tho i>iiicu**ioa Wat terrific, httciiiig the
i forward |tnrl ot the boat nn<l killin* mid
i -eiildiua H gfi Ml lumber nf JM Ipfl*. Th#
i huirWian* dork - esrriod nvrrbtanl and
full over a large rat other ' |>or*i# in tb*
I water, who were (Iruartiml. The M-i'im 1
tieyoml dceeriptioa. Men w*re -truck
dumb at their ! of wive* and little arte*,
r alid women dbiruetcd at Iti .'in r but tln-ir
, liu-hstid* ami cbildreti, while little chit
I drtii were crying for their parcnU wli'iare
, Ut.
Tli i fmiil f the boiler #u Ueiily blew
nut bulging in the how thirty feet dintant
The Dfwprd paituf the huat, upar cah.u
•nd all wa* inMwiitly liix>-r J and *'ilit in.
f Ui a I Itnuand piece*,
A* an eye witness (\j.ri - id Hi "The
' fuiwnrd j art of the tuat wa* lifted fifty
' feet into ths air, the smoke • tick fell nnd
1 iht-ii ivi rything wb* buried lu th* luld.
"i PasaS'tger*, chairs, otuuU, Imr-e*, bi-m-ke*
' j Slid life p(e-erx t-r itr<<|<|"-<l Into tile b' id.
"|at the boiler which jw.urot out a d.-adfy
' vol ii e, many jmrson* wa* blown over
board and futher and mother bed children
blown from their arm. into the w at r. In
r t an instant it wa* alive with men, women
[ and children straggling for bt<- Ihe after [
pari of ike boat w bb-li bad uu-jiwl the,
; to ce of the explosion would have beru saft
j for the uninjured, hut they panic *tri kn.
-leaped ovcrh-.ard, wiltoiut regond of the;
<-ouf(|Ueb( e.
| 1:31) a. m —ln It-Hex u. II >.pilat at
twelve o'clock there wrretw ily-foarbod-.'
lie* in coffins and ten n slab*, ait present-"
I ing the sppeanaiiru of having Wen fright-:
fully M-etded, lrgu patche* of k'.n Wing'
torn off in many place..
Lxtko. —The nuosber of kill-d i*j
j found to be <ti lbu far,
• ♦ •
Jtt sit'.'('.
A wrhs-rin Wt week's I*ewi*turg Chr -<*-
ieU, (iguiug biIUH-if "ltailroad," ha* nome'
i very teiuible re-mark* upon the railroad,
j The writer, among other thing-, .ay* lite
following with reference to th • (UrsotOfl '
which many are *o u-ady to denounce'
| without having the U-a.i gremnd f.ir any
necu.*lion, and hear testimony ihat*o|
1 lar a our know ledge g-a-*, the-e gentlemen j
liaveweted fwirty and honorably, a- well a.
t with the Utmost imparliabty, in the dWi
i charge of ibctr d-jlic. a* direr-tor*.
"Tlie ltowrd of its rector*, after the uio*l J
mature d<■liWrution and Hive.tigalii>r<,'
have de< id>d to make the track of lbi*|
lfoad a t!me-foot gauge. Tin* aelion ha*;
given rtie to a great ieal of colrevry, 1
ud in sums locwiftio* to biit-r tceiiug. in
t'c majority ot iastancus, however, tuu op- j
po*iiiou ean he trweed to jrcr-on* who Have;
not giveu lb- tubjeet an b.Mtr'* thought, or"
have adopted the opinion* of other, who;
have *etti.b motive* ui view, and therebv ' I
jumping at a certain -t ofc<ma)u*ioa* with-;
•ul ev.-n a pictcnce of having riaiuiiiwt<
the uicrtt* of tlie narrow gauge *y*tciu, ar
r -ady ami willing to advance opinion*
w tiicb they can <>t *u*tiii hy good, logi-
cat ruaauning, and even worse, to charge
tho*e with uiifaithfulne.* who iiareoi long
niid eari.ewlly di voted tb<*ut*'ve* to build
ing a ltailroad il.r-nigh Union and t'emre
l uunth-*. The mind of (he ma-.es i* a"-j
ways tiilficuti to work u)M.n, at loa.t *o t
i.i .-tfvet a rwdi<-l ehange. We all W-l L
(in*, and are re * ty to wdtnit it- truth, avenj,
when fact* and figure* deuio.atlrato a ijii<#-|
t 01l niiMt plainly, we are *1 iW lo loHow tt*!,
;leaching*. I"ht> •* ciuphaticaily (ho c
i with the railroad <|Ucrtin now before a<. |
"A* before remarked, in *inw k-nltliw,
| < ontlderabla fe ting an 1 unjustili*ble tip- (
I po.ilioa ha* nwiiileftUHi iUelf again-t the
Director* for adopting (be narrow guage.
raull-fiud.ng i* (MM of the iu<oi<w*y thing* 1
in the world, a* well a* the uu*i < onuuoti
thing fouu I by p-r*un* who Iran-act buo-Ji
iim for ihe public. Kelfi.h wi-itive* are
often Mcntx-I tu public *ervarit*, who, i
;H-rebance, never eiiterta-.ni d a th-mghi of 1
-.he kiud, but who. on Ihe otilcr harot were
' *triviiig with all lb<-r |Mwcr to *ecure <ae
: grout public benefit —spending I heir till*
I and motley, kai rificing their lteroMia! coin
ifort. and '.Hen popularity with th* commit
\ nitv they are working dar and night to
-orvs. l hi. to a great extent, i* true f
j the present It-wrel of llirea-Ptr. of (he b-v
--ohjrg, Centre a Spruce Creek ltilr<i*J
x'oiupany Of the eeiiileuien w ho. in pvrt
ooOfipose (lie B-wtrd, and all* raside in Co
ion and Centre rountie*. ntl tlist i* g**4
• houbl be oiid and nothing tH*l i* unfaifor
I di.hon-irstile can with ju*tionHe -Htrlloit-d
t tl|M). The pmiple along the tine of thi*
;re aid owe them a la-ting debt of gratitude.
!x (pelt the future xif the pre*oat quo* r*.<, j
| w ill h't fail to rcc-igniae. They have been
1 iinu-iially *e!f-*crifi< ing. Ttre-y b*ve given
their time, their money, and their hc-l en
■jergie* and infiiienee t< advance tsHrtimt:
" intere*t of thi* rea-l Thrv t are eare-fulltr |
guarded every locality and every iu livid
tin I interet, . Ir a- wa. cue.-taut with
their duties and th* general good In.
j adopting the narrow gauge. t}.y u d *(•.
i .imply uernu <" they had n<i power l<i !..j
<jtl,-rwie. an I b*mi|(*tlwt heltcve 1 it their!
' duty Ui give lo Uuiun and 'V*itre countie* l
, the advaniage* of a railroad that u .rtild in
I all ri-poct give our citixen every ad rati-1
tag.' lor trs&.ponation and travel thorj
! could use or de.ire. T- their miu<r*j
it < a simple and plain preinoai-!
I lion : either U acecjit th: JmC.u'il etiuthilt!
'r furore nbamiori the'hope of a railroad 1
itiiroilgli these valley*. It is but Justice to
'the director* residing in Uni-m and Centre
jcoaatis* to say, that liter haxs no know
' ledge w haU'Ver of the content* of thi* arti-,
cle, and c-xnwsjucntly are in no wise re
*li>M>*ihle for any puree orcensur# he-l"*
ed ou them " ItAtt aajtn. i
' . ~ —.. *.-*■; ,
Ihe FliiiaAclj<hi:t l*ejgr says the
lata ornil strike tu'this State, It t* esti
■uated.iust Ui the laboring c!o#*s $lO,-
000,000. and no one can how "
many milliou* to capitalists. The
Eric Railroad directors put down the
IUM U their road alone at 81 ,-"ty\,QoO,.j
ami the Erie W34 t,u boutH* the l.ir-j,
reft,t carrier. Every road, big and Jit-; 1
lie, carrying coal has hwt from a mi!-j'
iion and more down to tens of thou*- ,
and#. It is altogether proper that the. 1
consequences of the fqniUU nut to sav'
Wicked auapo#ion should lie kept ,
jKtcudily in view, as a menu# of prevent
, tug a recurrence. ,
1 " -jWMiai. 1 ■"
News! Sec Here! :
The undersigned hereby infonn* the
citiawns of Feanvatley that he ha- pxir
i-lied ih<- Tinshop herctof.rc rarri<-l on,
ly tho C. 11. Mfg Co. wiii eotitiuui- [
the -aiii" r.t tl,. <.i iUnd, Hi all it* hraneh-il
I(>*, ill th(' manufacture of '
rrove iirE a kioi tinc;.
All kiud* uf repairing done, tie hash
always on hand |i
Fruit Can*, of iiiax-*, . j
fttu.h, k, pa. ,
0U f'S.
All w.irk warrant ad nn-t i-Uargi* reason - f
able. A share ofthe public pair.inuge #O-1
licited. AND UKKSMAN.
J.pToy On I tall '
dealers in
also all tlio
A very large nre
siirtniciit >f Tut* 1
1 g'f Aa-rtchlS!.,
riser Qupd#
Stnp, fte., <!cc.,
TilO licc-t (plill
ity of 11 a/. 0 n
-Itrkl, POCK fit
Kix'ljfift. McismOK*
and It Axon#.
(T KCAT Y ahikty.
Pitl'.St'lt 1 PTIoN-^ c# VUttowudud h,v Qom r
|iWeqt 'fruggi-ti tnllli'uiT-, a iy or night,.
right customer' po I night hell.
Ui-liopSt.. iteiicfuiitc pa.
i u 1.1 > 1
. I
iinil l'OWDRll!
I, , ,
- '
, (">. VI, - \VUk' brr- 0|, Chestnut.
Stove, Egg, furnace and foundry,
Coat ofowt quality, at the low
•••t Customer* will pi
note that our coal it botund un
der commodious ahed*.
. 1 1,1 ME Wood or coal-burnt Liine, fur sale
at u( kiln*, on the pike leading to
*j Mi!eburg I
• f ]
I'OWDKU - Hating received the agency
'• for Do IW. Powder AT
i WHOLESALE. we .hail be,
I OraMad to reeeire order* from '
tin* trade
1 I
Udiee aiul yard near xiuili end of Bald
ijK.tgle Valley It. JL Dvje.t, B.llefoOW, Pa.,
STK It X It K It (
Ha been to theitrome end of the
market For BOOTH A SHORS
U' Mo*ton.
j For DRY GOODS ti. N#a fork. j
Pr CLOTH I MG to Philadelphia
iwKmh article bought directly
from the Manufacturer, with a de
al re u> *uU ilaia uurkuMtf
. FIX K A LPACAA from 4Uc to ?&e the
Lu.-*t —o.|Ul to t,20 alpaca*.
SUITS froiu SiOto tin. bwt all j
' wool Caoouoiv.
t'jrjK*u at old rate*, lrom A) cent* tu ><>
cent* |*r yard, for the beat.
And celling from 121 to i*> cttiU, the bra j
cahcoe*, and tnultn* in (iMpurtlun, at
Women * Shoe*, waawa gao J. to wea ,
all summer, at Ft perpnlr
Fine Mod* from fd,SO to s7,io for
at ihelowct rU, and id at li7 prion
from to fie for the bei.
an 1 if it alhl fhir, Sternberg will treat.
They only ak people tu com* and ■** ;
(even If they d not eriah to buy.
, AHViLHTOKIh now receiving j
X a large and well • •*rled Stock ol j
Hard ware, stores Nail*. Uorw Shoe*, Sad-1
Jlerr, G!**, Paint*, ShueL Bar and Hoop,
Iron alao Buggy and Wagon Stock oil
wy d ascription—Call and *uj<ply your
aire, alt In* iowe*t uibtt* rate* at
On Allegheny Street.
. nuiiL d gault.
ill >via p i ruhaaad tire entire Mock of Good* j
fr >iii Levi A Millar, arid
nrv now prepared to accommodate all the j
otl jrien.i- of the c-übli-hroetit, and h,*b
of new oner, we keep • oi.ianlly on hand j
Colfec, 'I ea, Sugar,
Syrup. Drivl Ft;;-|,
(.'.uined Fruit, llama.
1 D.iel ll*f, S.ilt,
l'icklo, Butter, Flouri
(tod Meal,
Buckwheat Flour.
m l everything u*ua!y kept in a wadl regu- j
1 Kited Cr*t eta** G racer Hi-.r*>
1 )AROMKTKKS and Th.*mi'ajeter*. at
th* very bo*t quality jui recoiveda
Wolf old *tand |
I.Ullitn IruaM'a. "7"
Thtinvgluahts.article f>>r female*, i now
to be Lad at Iferlacher'n store, and no cither'
| place in Center county. Ladie* remember 1
that thoae trutwt can be had at Centre
Hall If. !
Chas. H. Held,
('leek. WalchMakpr A |tdei
Millheim oo.. tVnna.
inform* kit fHend* and Ui<
PsWiic in general, tliat ka ha* jut opened p
lathi* octabUchment, above Aiesan
' der" * Store, and keep* uoiotantly on hand
all kind* of Clock*, AVatche* and Jftulp j
of the latest *tvles, as al*o the MaranvMlt
Patent Calender Clttfsh*, provided with i
complete iv.dtia of the month, and day oi ]
il,* month and week on it* face, which i>
' warranted a* a perfect tinio-kccpef,
tsftA'look*. AVaUhe* an<| jewelry a*
paired on h>-rt notiey wnd warranted
ep.irOf;ly ;
Tan I ard.
Tho uudemigncd would re|H*ctfjilj in-]
form the citinen* of Centre county, that
the above Tan Yard will again be put inh
i full operation, in all it* branche*, by them. ]
Tlichighcit uiarkiM price will be paid
] for Itidyt iiii ktuu*. The highest uiar
,kot price will alo be jutid for Tanner"*
Mark. The public patronage i* tolicited ].
Sali*lkcti<n guaranteed.
dco.'.Ht MILLKH & MADGKR. !;
CIATION.—Vtur the Kelief and Cure ol
the Ktllt a i.i.o Pufortonatc, on Principle* ,
lofOhmtiln Philanthropy. '
F.-*ays on the Error* of Youth, and the ]
Foilie* of Age, in relation to M iaai aok i
and Social. Kvlijt, with *anitary W forthe i
. afflicted. Sent free. In waled GitwdaMLii
Box P. Philadelphia, P jullh.lv |<
bet wocn Market and Arch, formerly 104. (
jOaepet*. Oil Cloth*. Oil Shade*, Wiok !
Yarn, Cotton Yarn*, Carpet Chain*, Grain .
ling*. Window PajHtr, Ratting, Ortx Ahfi. i
llru-he*. Looking Gin*****, 4be. •
j anu Conveyancer. Deed*, Bond*, Mort* .
gage*, and all iii*truiucnL* of writing faith-,
fully attended to. Special attention given ;
to the collection of Bounty and rt'U*ioui,
claim*. Offloe nearly \ppoite the Court;
House, two door* above XNir*. Mu*h A
Y'oeum'* L.iW Olli.f Mellefolite, Pa.
I 'ttjunljr _] r
in (kohl hvixt WllttF*-)
j apIOUR
I7INKTABLK OLiLLU*. including |
plated fork* *ja>n, Ac, at
HO)TS. largefitnek. alfatyte;*, .lv- and .
prie-,."h.r utrpAmd boy*. lwt arrived t
■'L nt -Wfutf waH'kyo*a i.tjVi>d.■. j:
I The llailroad
lias just arrived at
S The Old Stand
at (Vnlre Hall,
j '
with (he lineal and
le.st slock of
: j in Pennsvalley.
Hab, Cape, Boot*, Shoe*.
CAfiH t KM,
at*w a Urge t* k ot,
* FISH, the beet, all kiode,
the beet and riteaprM in the market
•pr?l WM. WOLF.
Furniture Rooms!
eeapertluily inform* the citizMM of Cratv*
county, that he h>. onMantly on band, an*
I make* to order, nil kind* of
Hour MamCbaii* Aiwat* •* u**i.
iliht'Mck of ready-made Furniture i lary
and warranted of good workmembipaaU ;•
, all made under hi* owatmaiediate.uperv
. *i- n. and i* tdfered at rate* a* cheap *>!>
where. Thankful for pat favor*, be .•!•
i it* a continuance of tbe time.
Call and *ee hi*t*wk before purehn*?r
,4ewbere. * *1 v.
j- i
Pavanran Pacmo*aa r**. M a 4
Z WESTERN PcßLtsaixc Ca J
| Tti—tiiaioi' <ao*. Siuhap, h. V
aSAWMn ■htdi.kittiy W ptl'liiltiigf A. Rrfflß tMHIIMMI wSSSk
aw. n nuii, ■ T KTima
A*t*rney . at Law. Bellefonte,
Of, •, on the Diamond, nextaowr U> Gat
man' hotel. CVmultatioM in German
Engl *h. frbp*ni
j A COIL RHONE, At tar say at la*
•I H-liewnie. Peun'a., will attend pt<*a> jp
ily to all legal bunine** ut;u*t4 H> hut
j care. Offii v with J. F. Ptter, tho
Court llouae. ComutlntM'b* in httata
,>r Kngli.h. liieepliiv
1 < >H N~frpOTf). K. Attmay at Uw7
•I (hdlm ton* pr>u ntly made and apaala
Jattcntkm guvn to ttwoe having land* *
'property lor *nle. Will draw up and have
acknowledged Deed*. Mcrtgagr*. Ac. U*>
ilea in tbe diamond, north aide of thw
< ivrl hoU*e, |WHeA>te. uvlSf tt
I II Ka ET unci a KKiiot r, * > anwkay.
Frc*idfni Carhter.
(Late MiHikca. Hwwr A €V)
j And Allow julemt.
Dmrwuat Note*.
Ray at d Sf
Govern meat Secviritie*, Gold and
apWOqf CowpvM.
TAS. MXANI'S, Attorney at
Bellefmttw, promptly Ur*d to all bw
inaa* entrurted to bim, JalS.CStf
Dr. FOKTNEY, Attorney at Law
a Bellefonte, Fa. Office over Key
i rara-——™J2J££l£jSLra
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Peun'a. a|Avi
IRA €. M ITCH ELL, Attorney at lav
llcllefonle, Pa. office iu Uarm*a,a
new building up|>oaite tbe Court Moare,
Science on the AUcom**.
C. H. Gutelius,
Surgtun aiiU Mechanical DnlUt
who i* p< riuanently hn-ated in Aaroa>hor)t
in the lßiv formerly occu)>ied by Dr. NrR,
and who has l>e n practicing with entire
success- having the experience id a awaah
of yenr* in the profusion, he woahi ae ,'j
ally invite all who have a *t _i™ ,'
X • gron. Centra Ha .I, p#.. otTer* hi
prufb**u.kal -ervkw* to the citiaeu* of Pi
ter and tow n .hip*. Dr. N. g ha
the expvwave of \p; )e r* l„ tbe aetiv
prwetue uf medio*e and surgery. apHTC
cian aud Surgiw.n, Puter Mill*, Fa.,
offen* hu uprvim io tbe citi
of 1 ottei riirt,ti9 4 tf
J L javi!4 f. T ALKX Annaa
Attorneys-at-law. Office iuConrad llouse,
Bellefonte, PH.
i ~ _ J- P- GKPHART,
witu Orvi* A Alexander, attend* to collec
tion* and practice in the Orphan'* Court.
7jan" 70tf
SYRUP, the finept ever Midf, W| r
jcolvou, eheiip at Woir old ik.
1 I ri<r Steves, and four sixes of Ga
L *""• C4l **tly on band and for sale
a>10 68. Inaix a ffiijflVs.
"KLLP.. at low price*, at
w . a Wu.aojr"
O A in rT S and. Door Bella, aH
IXX Itiui kinds at
•*>** ' lkwi* aWiLxoKa,