CiiSTdli HALL RE>k?2R FRIDAY, JULY, 11 DHL LOCAL ITEMS. LJCJkI. **.— Our friend* will oblig u* hy et iin< in any item* pflocal inter est, Including death*, marriage*. Ac , H moh arc eagarty r*d by your friand* It tha we*t, m*ny of whom get the Reporter We would esteem itn fWrtr if our kind pa Irons would occasionally mail a ropy o be Reporter t<> relative* and aoguaintan M who formerly lirod in Centre eounlt * and removed to other pa.t, which woult 1 idure many to beormie subscribers. I ItL VXKS.—Blank Summon*, Vend* ' Mutaf Execution*, and Judgment ant Lx 'in'ption Note combined. Justice* \\ ar r.Vuts, V>\, ftr sale at this Office. IMPORTAST UGLMISBX MKN.— The circulation of the RETOKTRK, OB this *D of the county, is now gnealci tliiiu that of any two paper* in tbt tvuntv, hence business men who wish to reach the Ponusvalley trade, wih ndvanoe their own interests, hv ad veil tising in the Our suhscrir lion list is open to the inspection of all who wish to advertise. MM —— Got. PEN POUSTAIS I*EV new and novel. Bo sure and read thaiad. \ erti-oment in our paper, headed Gtvat- Jt Invention of ibe Age.'' Mo believe tne Golden Fountain Pen i* un.*urp*ed. A itihvl pen i a necessity to .-very man. Woman and child. Agent*. hereU a chance to make money in introducing a good and saleable article. Jan .. > PRICES REDUCED. ' at J WilTtl'i A Carnage M MlU fa.v. tjean -d a large U>ck on batul at WM. tlr - 0 A LUATCNTNEA Tv GET INTO Bt M s K *s.— Any one wishing to go into the mercantile know one of the stands this side Philadelphia, the firm doing a business of from fTOM to ler year, and steadily increasing Capital invested (Von* to i*tW 1 his L an extraordinary chance for any one de siring to go into business. There is no op position in tbe same line of goods, in the place, and we do no* besiute to recom mend" the stand. Tertu- Cash. For tbrtb er information addn the editor of t ie Centre Uall Reporter. iwnv U It Some person left an utnbrvlia this oi fiice—the owner can call for it. GREAT KIRK AT Bit LLirosTK.—There was a great coniagrstion at Bellefonte, on last Sauirdav, destroying one square of bouses ua Allegheny street, ftoui Burnside A Thomas wuwa to the corner. Auioag the business places destroyed wa, Burn.ido A Thomas store. O Bryan . lurn.lure rooms, < rah alii'# shoe-store, the pet office. Blanc Sard* La office, and several other office* and shops, also all the stable* in the rear of these building*. The first fire was in the about 8 odook Ml the even ing, which was put out and all thought safe, when about midnight there wa 1- "her alarm Iroui tha buildings aforefaid f are Thia conflagration wa* the be punished hy U v the BLnch booses destroyed , nrUruoe nrds, upon which there is, Ms-arlv all in the Lycoming company - , the good* was removed from the ♦ a ■ w DIED. —Philip Kice, formerly a Potter' township pauper, died in the insane asylum at llarrisburg. a few days ago. Strict UK. —We are shocked to heal a ru mor. that Mr. Win. llosteruiau, formerly of Miles township, recently committed sui cide souiew here in the we*t by throwing himself upon a railroad track, o that the cars passed oVTr him. Domestic troubles :e said to have lead him to this act. Mr. Jno. llinehacb inform* Us that on last Sabbath some large hail tell in that vi cinity. We have had cool weather ainca. Bellefonte being nearly burut out yet iioffer Br*#'a are still alive and selling at the lowest rwte*. Tbey always keep up theiratock— anything you w ant, always on hand To sell low and give saUsfaction W their aim ' Bill Brown i* rueammended by some of his party a candidate for Assembly. Hurrah tor dumpling*. The Housckeejsers pride, The Seamstress' deiigbt, TL sold tar and wide. And tiie saying is right. That since the world started. No Machine has been seen. Like the unexcelled .Stayer, To stitch, fell and hem. Yea, tha finger improved Sewing Ma chine ha* no equal, it cun have none. It is ahead of oil other* in number of *ale* for JthSi umi ISTO. It i* told on ea*y term*, and ddivert*] anywhere in the county, by Zimmerman Bro St to. er Bdlcfonta, Pa. -Go and see these celebrated machine* be fore you buy. 1L B. ITEM*.—The engineers haling completed their work on this division, on Tuesday morning moved further south ward to prepare the line for the contractor t,-.rough the mountain district. The mem bers of the corps are Messrs. Snyder, llav errtick, Porter, Haber and Baal. . The bide were opened in Philadelphia on lHtb, and the sections alloted. We did not ret learn who go the contract Ilope that "live and thorough going men may secure the contract, and the Work he pushed to a speedy completion. The corps this week purchased furniture for an office, which certainly looks as if they were going l* !*}'. 'bat some thing was t he It. K MBBTINO. \\' e are re%wted to announce that • ( meeting ot the stock holder* to the L. C. a S. C. will be held at the CM Port, on Sat urday next 22nd, at 2o'clock. A foil turn out is W'c spent one day farming, during our vacation of 4th July week. We intend now to write a hook which will contain all Horace Greeley didn t knou about farming, this will necessarily make it a large volume. On last Sunday afternoc n no less than •.four heavy thunder showers over .this neighborhood. A few days before, a sow belonging to Fred. Limbert, below Aaronsburg, was killed by lightning. Uymmtp Among the general Jaws passed by the last legislature and approved by the Governor la the fol lowing, which is iiupcrtant to all owuers.uf unpatented lundsT Be it ewieted, &.. That the board ol property shall have full and discretionary power as to the time of entering suit* and the number thereof to be brought for the collection of lien* against unpatented lands, and the Attorney Gcuaral shall proceed under the seventh section of tb aid act, to which this is a lurther supplement, when authorized to do so by the said board : Provided, That no interest shall bet-barged pu patent or other fees. Announcement. *i Annual Session of the "CKN -rJw NORMAL INSTITUTE llo> bur *. tm Wednesday, JulyXh and continue from eight to ten W The object of the *s"®™^ L n.iu n is to afford our Macners a mean, if Sat training, to elevati the standard, and infuse life into the work ef teaching. All our teachers and those preparing to teach arc cordially invited ; and it is aar- Mrtly hoped that all who possibly can, will avail themselves of this means for pro ft-ssional improvement. All the Books used can be procured ft liebersburg. The tuition will range from $i.U) to 10.(10, one half to be paid in advance and the remainder during the 1 "Boarding and furnished roou* 52.75 to SI.OO per week. Student* from the west ern part of the County, shonld come via. Howard. onthewwfoingTrwin,—'Tuesdays Thursdays, or jg MAGKE, j uaUO.St County Bnj*ritendent. tailor front Kansas. MEYER HOMESTEAD, Jlt V 4T, *TI. Hon. Fred K u rt- In accordance w ill - a promise in api avion* letter to the Kepor ler, 1 now proceed to give you a mori ade.piate idea of this section of the "west,' than I have heretofore done; though I fc would rather be somcw hero else than oi r the prairie, on thia, our great national an ** niversarv; and a* I hi-ar the ismr of can in nous in the directions of Linsey, yalma T. Solomon City and Abilene City. I fee a- somewhat discontented, and inelimal t> nl fly to the acetic* ofthejunileeofthe Amen it- can freeman. y But 1 w illeonteiil m velf at home to-day d and talk to you about Kansas which n- slate |Muesera great agricultural and nth er advantages, is at present attracting niort u emigration than any < tlier section ill the d union Farmer*, mechanics and lalmrcr r- are thronging here in multitude- tVom al most every country in the world, and occupying the ru-h and beautiiul prairle - The central lalitydes of the state tie-, rt. particular mention a being the mo-t desi rable section* for haation. The land i f [ composed of a rich alluvial soil of great e : -trcugth and depth, which for agin, ha |j j hecn manuretl anmially by the decay oi . the rank gras-c- growing on thi* fertile " soil The prairie* are gently undulating. I land for -mall grain can not he surpassed .. in the West; failures always being act oun "1 A great draubnek i the -can ity of tun j ber; but there are other advantages that J fully make up for this. Hen' the farmer H I can immediately enter ujpon the work of , cultivation, without having to eon lend a . j great |*r*rt of his time with neavy forest- or ~I a strong .oil; ihe land is ready for the plow j and the seed, nor i* it neves-art- et itt to fence a farm ; tor allthecattlei • "p c ,cted , or "hordtwl.' and when damage is done, , j there is seldom any tr&uble in getting re , I muneration in full. I The climate i exceedingly heallhlul and lis one of the chief excellent. - and induce mriits fi>r settlement. The atmo-|>here is " pure and invigorating, and l- often toil ml - j lietiedciitl to invalid*; there are no prevail j ing disea-os ; and as far as my knowletlgt< * j go,v*. there is not a single case of sickness 1 in town or country adjacent - J This section is entirety free frv#m mar- J she*, and ague, that pet comusou to al - I most all new cs-untrie* i> almost unknown t here; though it is cn an . uncommonly severe one. The winters are made up of "cold snaps." " I lasting at mot two and three days at a time ■ white the heat of summer, which is seldom * extreme, is generally most agreeably tem pered by the cooling breexes which almost constantly waft acrv>-s the prairie*; and tlo . night* especially are rendered plea-ant and relVc*hiug. geuefaliy c.ail, so that on > ~• 2 Jierc completely enjoy- the sweet LUFMM M S?!eep. so essential to health and lasting strength, and rie in the ufi>ri|ing invigoru-1 i j ted. and preiiared for a day's duty. H Afircrs, r flltaud r.i in, Klnbrncc-1 within the limits of central Kana are the Snio- | ' i key Hdl, Salineanc Solomon rivers, with ' nninv small streams and creek* (some of which fail in tbcdrv seasons) beside a por tion of the Big and l,iltlSe Arkansas rivers. The rivers are very crooked and sluggi-h ' in their course-, but still affording ample ' drainage for the country. The water- of I these streams are generally tainted with ( salt and other minerals ; always rilv and in consequence hard a* j ipipure. tih abound in them, and *U*ii; to ■ considerable siie; fourcatri.h were brought i to town the other day for sale, which i weighed fift v |M>uiids and upwarvl, a piece; 1 j the largest Wx oyer four feet in length and ' his mouth uine and a half inches wide. I Springs abound in different io4.!:|i* - s. r a*d which we here call giaa], is ob tained t 3 depth of from twelve to one hundred Lot, it is all bard, hut is exceed ' I ingly healthtul after one go's u-cd to it. I I This stale often bear* the tame of q every other year there is a kind of drouth, j very severe ; last summer wa the dry otw., #i|d ihe result was a t-tal tailu'O tf summer */"!#•; winter grain i said to hi'C done weir, being l> early for | the drouth, which generally co uo. u the latts'r Jart of the -ummcr. while winter grain* ripen alout the middle of June. This biennial drouth L accounted for in this wav The great fires of the prairie make a general sweep of the miik dry gras-e - evcrv second yar. laai jng the va-t plain* antiiely ban-, and s. much iiijuri.' g the grass root* that the fir-t year thereat- j ter, there is but a luuta t growth, wherein j fires do not amount to much The crop of i the second season ia heavy rank on*,, and : combined with the previous one, now dry, 14 9wfikt way ; lli* usual injury and theseaiouftdlowinif there L not vegetation sufficient to draw the re quisit amount of moisture, and the re-ult is hut little raiu, a drouth and a light crop ; , while the "gra* year." always has an abundance of rain, aud a giaal crop. We have every reason to believe that after the dil|i|lrv is settled up enough t-> keep the fire* entirely out, this state will not In- any more dr-iuthy than any other slate of tin f anion, and every year bo apyoduetive one. I am not done, but aiu interrupted ; parties with whom I am going to the pampas where the t allow nes bbsom, have ar- Jived; and I mu-1 hence ;so here goo- for T ""- T. r. snot. PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at public sale, at the into residence of I'eter Dur-t, ile. d, at Centre Hall. On Saturday. July 2t*h, the following t personal property, vix: AV-_i)N E horse, one sett of barm—, one 45? buggy, one sleigh, one -addie and s bridle, i#ne hog. and other article*, y Sate to commence at til o'clock, p. m. when due attention will be given and term* imply known by JO—IIT.* A POTTER, JoIIX ItIsUKL, BtuvnU>r tf . NOTlCE.—Person* havingwusHtledac counts ith the estate of Pet* r Durt. dec d re hereby mdified that the undersigned Executors will attend at hi* at - residence, at Centre llall, for making settlement, on Saturday. Julv Ifth. 4871, wh -n all per- j sons intere-ted will attend. Joshua Putter, Joh i Rishel, july.ll . Kt ecu tor*. NOTICE.-Letter* te*- A j laiuenUry to the estate of Peter Durt. lateof l'ofter township, • entre eutin tv, dee d., having been granted to the un- : deraigned, all persona indebted to the said , e-tate are raqU4*s|*-*) to mak'- Itwili-diate seitlelement, and the bsr 'f-t claim* to j present them duly authentlateay-, HI lit m loefl t* A POTTEP, Joiiy It i suet., jul.ll.Cw Executor* Model Bookstore.! do. do. do. do. OPPOSITE tie. HUSH HOUSE, do. do, BELLKFONTE PA. do. do. J. I. RANKIN, Proitr. ♦ ♦ Joiiv R LISN. I*. Buootn W turns 1,1 W A WILSON, I)ItUG G I STS. Sue-censors of F. P. W 11 son, Hollcfoitlc Peiiu'a. Have f pen red the services of James 11. Staen, of Philadelphia, a druggist f thir teen years experience, who W)]} M aTe - he charge of their prescription.buatwas. A night hell i attached to their store! door, ami the employ era sleeping within the huildjpg. will attend to the wants of the public at all hr* or the night Linn A Wilson k*>p consUntly on hand a large tok of Drugs. Paints, till*. Perfumery, frit*** and Medh-al Appliance ol all ktiej-, together with a very large stock of l'atent Medicine*, such us Vinegar Bitters, and also l'ure Wines, and li quors, o! all kinds for medical puriMise*. julylUtn N A WILSON. RANKIN'S MODEL BOOKSTORE The Depot ! FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS in Centre County, r~OOK OUT7HUNTKRri I . I I J All person* are hereby cautioned i -*-J i,ui-*ing or shooting any kind of : RRM;™. X ""I* I; figned. in Potter twp , tphefwlw they wil Ips: •i | 111 thi* week's lUrottit.u we fumiah Supt. Magee * annual report. A-it n, 11, i a ftill exhibit of school mailt i > in thi- com r- [ ty, it should be read l.t all. re | • * • Mr Wm Lee, of m i Snout' ' | boasts of a potato vine w!b. h loeii-i;. I feet It inches Tlii* '- * ,!i ' 1 ' >' v ii- and shows that the it uio, ■ >cy t\ t i :< R. long pull tins year, el , • fH The Huiltillgtlo'l Dtl tjlobc, the c: I-! We wmit Andy f in tin t ' ' ■v | Ho is the otilv man bi f*"y the jc > (ilcaitil -aw thcSiat< irotu . en. over i- to the Democracy. The In ;;t* ' I the i" ■ (Mutolc nrv not with I'a tin 'oti > t utiy l J lof his dog*. f I * " * e The full t. \t of the ' :n • "I I ' ■■ I Holt. Uichard Hn-t cl. ,Ju oft!" I rtilled Stall - l> !i ict to: rt. 1 tin (irnml Jurv for the di-;i -t"! N m • I Alaliama, if now hecue t:- I < „ J say a: "It _i\ i - '"• -' ' f "faction to Ivo l#'c to anti ;t ■ at "there is hut a single him fnlol cd ' [ "offense to L- hr..U"ht l-> y un, lice, >j "a case in whiha | atly chat pal i '"with havitto rvihlw*! the mm!-. lli .- ; "stale of fucka i* ex- mlin Iv graiilyini.' "when we consider that a who!oy v, mder the • Federal court meets ottlv to find one J ease of allege,l crime in it- juri-dic i liou for a whole year. "No in Her iv ideiice of the general good order w hirh "prevail* in the eotnmumty and no i "stronger proof of the loyalty ot the 1 "|>eople to their goyt rnmcnt need or [["can W furni-hcil." -ay- Jnlg ■ !.. 11 "than is given hy t!tc i the laws." No doulit; but i • law ; now is a defence to the n tti ! | this charge addrt --t s, and is not wrest led to their destruction,, DEATHS. r ... . . AAn ISt ii. Annt<*. in ant > ;.ug i!< . a rim Bhafer, M tw, a ou month*. In Ha-nv- twji.. on IStl ■, Mr. ."obn Mi* j siir, aged about 7o year* MARRIAGES. t>n I'itb n*t, at the :■■- Jit co _ot the brjd;-- |aren!- b_v Rev. S I# 15 s'. Mr Uoorgi. W t) t.l-o-r t-> M -- \- at Gray, both of Mi!e-t'.ir„ On Uth int, M - Ki. cm 1.. it-.-T; and Mr. William I r . T . 1" Mill*. MII.UOY MAKKKTS Corrected liy John M l). >,c R*d wheat 1,55) .Bye 70. ..-.C Data 4-* Barlcv -A'.. Clovcr-ccd t.oO . .I.'!, Salt - ut>|er sack . j Bacon Ilk- Ham I Bat: .L" 1 -■ ! *A Plaster tf.fin itKLLF.Ft>XTR MAUKKT llu'Wtiil by K'-ib r A Mi; r. (V tots (VhegrSl lb i-' d 70. Corn i A). (t*t .I-S Bar'ry"S j 70 OtowMed PvtatoM I' . laird jar pound US .... IVrkj- rpt-; " Butter 2D Kgp Ph -t t sl,'. Tallow 10 Ban-:. U ...H ! T?STK \Y. S;r;. . i t! I j of the undrr-igi cl. ; lu !"• July, a red Cow. about fur v -- with a white -pot on her forcm .la i y on her bind leg, mid having a H.iad ; . in ber right car. Ar.v one fUrtiLhii .* in- i formation of her where ib >1 ' t:t ably rewarded. julilrk. B-Vtt 1.J.1V!-'. Dislrit l Attorney. We arc a itl,ori :,- I * •" * ~f Jno. F. Potn-r. "f It.! r-ii* ■ 1 didate for Ili-tri t At y, - • deUp>b uf|)" d"! • .-.fee • 41 • tioll Wc ar • a < I John 11. OfTi. of ''pr: tg. wi! I >' i■di - date for .Wscnihl v. uho to t •• di of the democratic county rnv> o.i .. COM MISSION Kit iV. u to aiiticiitica the n itncof > i- r•:• r. • c P'.ttcr town 'ii|> '.I t mi*io,irr. übji-it toti.i i .. -.1 o! g democratic (ounty coovci.l Wc arc author / 11 > -.a ■ s tio-; a t- 1 ' j' ot (Jorge I .* t— ■ t >. a candidate f-r t'ounty ( ouno'-- • r. - i *- jeet to thi dcci-.oiJ of ihe d "* 'j ty c-uivon'ioii TREASTREK. W- . a> '• ■ annotiuce the name of Daniel D rr, i ' Rcllcfontc. n- a eat di late for iity Jr.- h urer, subject to tin# deei-ion < * lie 1 m •- i-ratic county eofsyi-m i). We are WMthorized t> 6, loa . .1 'O of J. K. Tibhi-*. of Mar t-, . HS ot didatc for Treasurer, -ahjc tin thedrci i tn of the dcqpHTotic c > outy cttiv.-i tic :i. We are author', r-1 to i .... • the : i' of Col. Ja-. F. Weaver or Milesburg. a- a candidate for eountt Ir. - ir.-r, -u ( 1 the decision of the fat 1 -unly < •:!- vention. We are autho.-i. „4 t" ait awHW Wt of Win. A. Keriin, o Bel ; -. a' n didate forth • office of t r<-1 i,r.- i! jot to the decision of th • demo rntic lUutyco vention. We ar>- aut!iorj/.ed to a , t-ri: •• 'o. name of Thouia- \ oariek, *" of the dem.vcrut c county convention. We arc authorized to i-.nco.;n-e the name of \Vin. L. Mu**er, of Ponit t vi>.. a- a candidate h>r a*-- iatc jud -.fhii-ct to the dtH-Uion of the de ic> at..- < ..Iltity convention. We an- a-ilh .rized to nm itnce the mil::- of Judge ijo stertnan. in of C-d. Win. W. Love, of IV.t-rt*vp. . a candidate for - Hriatc judge, u ■t t • tin* decision of the tliiiit-ratio county - in vention. |>. '/. Kline, ol Ik-ilefortlc, v.ill li a i in did ate for A iat-. Judge. ->ibj- -t • > the deci -ion of of the di-iimcratic county con vention. We are authorize 11- ann nice the name ofttapt. VVin.t'ro ■of Hnlfruoon, a* a ean didale for a■-ociate judg-. silbj I > till d.-i isit,ii qf tin- l-.-ai reran.- county ' mv m tioii. We are authorized ! • afinouni i/tlie name o. Richard fmley. of 8.-ntmr to v-i ■ as a candidate for A-sociate Judge. *>o'- jiHit to the decision of the De no r.itie County Convention. The Original Lohly Cradle. Large stock on hand, also Cradi" li -i -r.. W. d. MM AN IG AL. V. Milror, Pa. II \UDW AUKoI Every l> . >< Kiy nu v | I have just returned t'.-.> a the La i with I a very large stock of II ir ! .rare, and < 'ut- I ery, Coach Tritnmin?*, C'lildr. n < ar i rittgci, Carneqtcrs toql*. and every thing i in tlie hardware line, Being very t!i i t'tful | to my Centre county friends for th -b kin I S patri nage heretofore, ni l would invh. I them to c ill and examine my p:-e*e:it I which i* mt't-h lurg r than I have h id he. fore. Satisfa-tion guaranteed in ev • y r W.J.MMXNJGAL MUroy, Pu '• SWININ.IS • I'VI:MI;IH. TII® IN TO© - ( new mln'ino I'll nt nulling fur'tier* i iu tin' tu}vU. ttrlirlc IMIW olFori*l i n vruitgl.l iron plow point, litjini ini> it liollow mpiaru tin* ccon iinv o ( whit-It in w*.mvrful, Tlnwe that liavt I< <>u liiitiii tin.l wi might irn point # rot niort* a pin*® than rutin >hr*i of rn>t iron A* three plow point >\\in.Hit* tilt* tiiidrrntnoil to In i* making a lotll oil *wt t-p through tlu , !'■ nntry. pttjH I> i ■ iron* ol a\ io„' tio ii pa: nm- |'.irk< i.s will ilirirtattention t< j ila< swindling scheme. It co*t the far | IIUOS ut tiio in LIT nliout two liutt-lrvil 1 j THOU-und ilollni- !.1 ~1 \I .IR, KVON j MlltlttHT F.villl to proiiiltV "OHIO II •!! det ire for awimllii frTRT> and iTiit:u t'ttt>uNT.v- TIONH. TABLE lITLLKKY, DLKCTHO I'LIT ED GOODS OF FINEST QCALITY. ERESt 11 ( LOCK'S, HROS/Es J Sit MASI'EL OI'SA MKSTS, ' IT iv. I DIItIXT FROM OA It IS. DURING the PRESENT OJOTT. ami |> ' ILL* attdifon I- rrk'llil' ii ! TO all WHO I lit)* TIT* INDUCE I L* mvojtt RT| c<*rdiul invitation t' i TL llii'ir beaut ful store, tH)2(ill.ST\l VST. ju' |> i'X IIALL ACADIMT T'ti.* D 4 - -.I . f tin- T .>1 nudj Normal liioilution il! cnum dctrntg TII !>■ come teacher*. Tuition L.r tin* *e<■•> frein live I > eight dollar*. IB*rdiug MIOL furnished MINN, CULT T> obtain*! HEAR th Academy at re.T*MU!! ' \W" \ B TBPXAL, ÜBO BUCHANAN, F l'r. t. juti-TO 4t- J Sf R LETAXTLT trio It • AI! M*r :> >'it I ' ' 111 : I lit HI ■l\\ *— " • I*l A Co . ARE Tl'-R. I'l n * I that THI I BOOK* of THE - O© are in til • ban '• of the jUU B*rigmd I"R < ■■ijcctlnn. All peron* I intere-ted ARE called U; -N TO make ltutnw-" pavui-*U*., . I '• •' '*< . I A t.K \ all \ N Nn.N 4 1 ON'L tl VI.'"UttTKI., >r-o .f T ! V -*I iT 'I -TAUT Stn M ID I" .iolt*l SITOWI'R-. I'.OJI' II IOR. i li- Ci tra! L"i '!i.>a niaki- it fartii* i arl> > Jr-lmble t" T*TI LM-UN- • f-r Tl' 10. ■ 11. \. Tavlor*- LI'VI r * Alt H . hunSUy ! We take jileaTurelii ItißirniiriiC the publh • Tl'-MLLI t" IT M>'" ■ T-faiiaw A !*ott ! NAIEJN-T r.-tiiru- L 0M PKIIIL'TLL'IBIN WILL' j ii-liii tiif U of U *) PS a<• Sll< IKS. AH 11 B Hl* • I'LL * -' will J GREAT -r fr*U the LA NIAU.ii".-•turvr- I sc Any i-eraon ■. j- • 1 11 c '> •; - t -•riber* with the EA-H. *'6, WILL RWELEI 1 .T..- Reporter I year TTWJ -.J.-I far FA* , . . is - ■ : I JO ■ " 1)1 UNSIM* A Til M \ V ,J ■) Ii ' •ii•t* .' i ! til ! aland boat •-> --• -i TUNA>"F nien-haa ] ii-.-, M Centre eoiinty. i ill, RTIUITISN TUN | ee for yonmelf. IJXIN t.IF K ; i:tm •> ■ • ; . it. • .til;' l ' TII"T hlae. I* I-. JJRAEN t"*A hiverir - I ruf. E>hii>ll --1 AFT 11) T (•- tine artieb* BE -1 inj; 111 'L.. ■■... RUE and - verytbing in th •ro- *rv LIIII* UT TIE# I • • *' ' n*h t-rie. IN ;>T ' .I-,rk-.til UNSiDK A TUTM A> ILL ;j, n'AIiN'KSS. I .OAR .cart lyiiij.. CA-*r.A uhi}N. in GREAT vurictjui. govern aient TTRI -ADDLES, bridl , INARTINGHB - e!if. . liin-ss eart genrs, tug barnea*, bugg, • harm--- LISMES. eie. Kverytbing in TBI -A ordei j 0 ! i i • ...Me I !■' ■ ■ i I It !• tin*onlyplar all utiH.iuit'-rn i i-i.i ;>>•• ■. Try tlu-in for your own *ntifac ' | liitn ' Ya ft"' '"tlv fin 1 tl-it .it Ht'R.NsIDK A THOMAS | 4 I J KATiiKK, af nil fro ii. IJLfI . • Hi*. 1 fi-r• EVorylliinj ! ! the leather f>nc warranted togive -ui*. i . 1 action. Nt H'UNSI I'K A TIIoM AS. 15a BITS BOAI*. Wio, Hugan atiJ >•■•! I . .jtji Dobbin*' soap*, .!<•• • Oakley'- -.'ivp . i hlca-Mlc, pure. I'alm ••*! E'di rfinK '• ' l P< ami " great variety > ' .tilIT ofn, Ht ItURN Gueensware, \\'Mdiiiid vfll.ow ware Iron, Salt, Fi*h ami in fact, magnificent ) !iu.Ditiiu;i|t of i'v r a'nin 4 kept. 'ti a " First Class Stow, j now ready, ami lor *aie at marvelous low e 00!)S VKRY NEAR ATTHK OLD PRICKS. Mu!ius they' will ric-f will fttDiii*n you, N*w |rttig % ' Dress Goods A most b-auliful variety, cou*Uingof all | thy uovcUtc- ot tin* iipAHHi, nt I'iW'T rattle _ I ihnn ordinarily charged t other plnoc. White Goods Sr Embroic ones I Tim stock in town, bo.h at it quantity , i quality, and price*. >joop sxumJ ' Tim best milky*. latest style* ana lowest - riU". (list* nnd Can* in great variety V Linnurt, Towelling*, check*, Dcnin g*, loth ' CaSnllll'TA, CloakinK*. lIALMOKAL SKIRTS, .i Spring and summer shawl*, in fact, wo knoty ii everything, and will soil at a very * inn 11 1 advance on first c>*t. : All we ayk thnt yon will c.\LL AND RX A MINK OUR STOCK '■ before purchasing elsewhere, n* w c do no consider it any trouble to how good*. ALL KI NDS OF IIA UN KSS. silver plated and Yankee Harness double it. au d ituglo, Vtidlei uud baiters. uprl? -t D Atlontion Farmom f CENTRE COUNTY "f I iHIN M IMIWKLL •p fl having leannl the Ware- Hi h Hue of ('ii|i|iitiiiitly on hand, inaytM.Om; H* ._ I'Ktll'Os \ IN. ii O Ii V Lfll l*ri>|> i-aU will be rt-eoivod at j , ii thi- OtMi ol the l"ii -i knit until ! Sutiinlay, th.* Ist ilay id .In. v. IM7l . j ' . >r the lirad iatioii, Ma oiiry and HHilgiiia i 'if that |Mirl ol llu- |.euibtirg, Ceiitra A: i -u.iui" I'roek lUilr.iad fr.nn WiwU-rnj' A Iti'iin lary ot Union County to a |iuiiit in. \ Unnity •'!' Oak tlall, Conlio e.niiily, being ' J hull N • tl to No at, llolh tlli iU.liH' 0 I'rotilo- i all be itiptl at tho ofltoe in l.ew j' ,i uirg l'r iii-al form o| pro|Hi.ala ran to ' tiHit at the ollii'e :no oilier* all! he reeoiv ' 1 .! ti F. M I l.i.Kit. I'll l of I, I' A S li IS. Co. I I la-ii-hurg, June I, '"I _____ • Vl' IHToK S NOTIt'K In lh inatloi ,| of llli'i iatu of |)r. Samuel Sir ihrek-l •r, t. a-- I. I'he iiieli'ri(.-iii*d audilor a|i I (Miiiiitil In die Or|itiaii - Court ( entr. i 'ilUnt.Y, t-i i|.*lrhule till) Uloltoy* 111 lh in I-of l .1 lliliibUh ami Jane 11. Stro ll •, ailiuini*traur and aduiini*'raiiiv | of at*, of Samuel Siroheeker, ro|e-i til ely : , |,o ami among itiox- entitled to die > I' | Hill U' i I l i ill- Julie- of lilt n'i|.ii'il- \ lilt lit at III* i'llli-e ill the leTough of Itelle- [ font ', on Til. - lay, July Ihih, at 10 o'clock , i tu ,at vv It■ i luile ait |iarlle* Hilreleil 1 ' ire required la ali|xiint< I b.v tin- t'r t .l an a Citurt of Centre t f ■ ■ inly, t i bear and an.l |m— Ujem the • " i |itioii- tlleJ to ill-* above uientioned a.*- * ' int. w ill meet the |iartie interested " for tlie l.'irii'i-e of anji uiitiuenl on Tue ' ' lilav, Juiv Hth. 11*71, at 10 clock a. ui... 14 • it li;- office in the bor ugh of lleilefiiute '• IRA C. MITCHELL, " Auditor, a . Il • N ! (i I ii 1 (" KNT It K II V I. I. i : CoacliMannfan Lory. " 1 r LoviMu r r i v, C In. i-tah' -luiK lit at Centre Hall, I'a . jkee|)*on hand, and f>r sale, at the iiinut re i-Hiahle rate', a large -da k uf ' i Curri.i gos. Buggies, |!' & Spring W.igons, I'Ltl.V an I K I \.-f. ' Hid v chic.i -"f ei rry d.*.*ri|tion made ii 11 ■i.lar, *sd Wrraiite.l, to In* made of th h< : *MiaVil malarial, an-l by the nioat I -kit'■-1 and >:njretcut w irkiWae. I'muw . | (ranting anything in hi- linear* r.-nie-i*r durability ami a ar ajwffikly j ni'MoN'AL riiKODoltK DESCIINLU. ars sMi hi. . re'uoved l" the -tore kn -w n a- N.. • 1 dilt-.i > ,lrt .i-L* ntt diM.r to /.immermai. . Itr •• ,V Co . at It a efoiitc, where be l* ju-t i • "-lung >u! a coiufdeta t * of itEV L\ Kit*- ii U N* s A M MuxrriiiN FISH I Nr; TACKLE I It.i.e Rail* It it-. Key*, and general Soon I i.g \ tide. iron, ui ii • and'eUire.l an ! ore**o,..| |l|it Ui 171I 71 ARM Fl)It NaLK Tl rib. I ; ..rfer- at private ak*tbi* fa'u. -m which ; j tie now r*-iilc\. -i".ule.| ill Fergu- *u low l !i* j,}., Countr of Centre, -me miieand a lull rr I'tnr tirov e. The farm !WlUin ute hundred and twenty acri.t every description. Vtteli'.ioll t called to hi* Mock of U.mntig Plate, n ov which he hiiju>t reecivi jcil, i'.i Mu'JU,, It make* bettor job tliaht lie •Id !/.<■, and can he furnished cheaper that ,my other etabliluuent in town i *,; v ,Spouting and jobbing promptly at-; tended to, t'iiiirge- reasonable MII.I satis | i n tiolf aliamnleed. octg tifj : ! \TK\V 11AKDW AUK STORE' J. A .1. HARRIS. No. O. niIOCKKItIIDKK How A new and complete Hard ware Store h.c been opened by the undersigned in llrock .•rliotl's new building where they are pre t..,red to sell all kinds of HuiUlingand Hous* • Kuriiishipg Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*. Buggy wheels iq sott'i Rhnnipinii Clolhtn Wringer, Mill Saw*, A ircular anil Hani S, , fentioii.Saw*, WehhSaws IceCreim Kree/.ers, lluth Tubs, Clothes Hack*, fnl ,t -ortmcnt of tila** and Mirror Plate of al i daes, I'icturw Frame*, Wheelbarrow* i Lamps, Coal Oil Lamp*, Belting, Spoke* j Kc!ioe>.and Huh*, Plow*,Cultivator*,Cori Plow*. Plow Point*, Shear Mold lionrdi ,mi Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery. Shov el*, Spade* and Fork*, laick, Hinge*, Screw*, Su-h Spring*, Horse-Shoe*, Nail* Norway Hod*. Oil*. Kurd, Lubricating, Coal, Linseed, Tanner*. Anvil*, \ ieo.*, Del biuc, Screw I'latf*, Blacksmith* Tools, Factory Boll*, llmi*" Bull*, Dinner Boll*, tieiig Bell*. Tea Bells, Grindstone*, Carpen ter Tool*, Fruit Jar*and Cans. Paint*, Oil*, i, Varnishes received and for sale at 'j Juntf'QMy. J. JtJ.HAHJiUS, AIIAUM, aavMot.U am UAHUI I , raiimr, niaooi* at., Bellnfonle. \V I N E S A N D L IQ U O ID Tho *ub-criber laapaetfully call* the at tentioii of the public to III* e*tabli*hlu 111, w here hu i pn lInLKSALM WINE *v'iHt S T < J It K Bishop street, liellefußte, in the Stone buil-j ding t.irinerly occupied by* the Key stone Bakery Take* pleasure in itifijrtningthe public that, lie keep- colitUiilllv Oil ham! a supply o< choice Foreign and IkMuc-uc Liquor*. AH /f-ir ceu, Kr j* ii 11 I ioti I 'lrraettit, lu r*ut mi tf*< yie* ifify rryrorsfaf. 'Tite attention of practicing, pliy-ician* i* • ailed lo hi* stock of PURE LIQUORS, •uitable for uiedical parja**. Bottles,; jug*, and demUohn* conataßtljr <*n hand '< d. ha- ill- ONLY PC BE NECTAR W IIISK Y in town. All Intuors are warranted to give satis faction. Liquor- will lr wild hv the quart, harfd, or tieri •* He |li a large lot of BOTTLED UQl'OUs i if tie- finest grade- on hxii. Wall Paprr. chrap friiltt IS to V 0 cents per l-ol ta I rlliilit Hl'r'r V I.t) SCALER, of th<- best make from I lb- up to Fjupxttfi 10, j aplO'f-H Irwiw A*. nit Y 'b >\UI " I'! ... k m.d l, frsa)by Inwtv a Wttso* i npl'f OR. rtlio-s.fl T AND MILL S AAA'S, be , vV'oake at I awtn a WUMX. apld'S PUMPS! ' lYtiotlfa Uitiii|)s, •J AND PIPING. Tio* umlcrdgm-d would r-#|*ecifully call I tlioßitoiiUooofdiecitiaeiis oftintrecounty, and I't-iinsvallev in particular, lo the lac! dial h- is manufacturing • I -r>j£ 3£j*r pump, il made at home or elsewhere. He uu-> none, hut the i> t 1.. ,t. fial, Jit W tURKM* TBJOI] to Natiffacti./n, a being the in>.t la*t- i illg nud . 111 rV, 1_ NffKßloa TO TO It ot.t" awodr-n pump, being arranginl p> In the water oa and pi-oent ir-. ii,g in w inu-r ' Pine, tmpUror cucumber puiup* aiway* ] n hand. Hi- manual lor pump* t* alb -awed from birg,- limber, and are thu- Strurcil nguiital f 'liccking or Crack itig j All order* by mail ••fomidly filled ! ' VIPINO, made of the bc*t nutrrid, fl live inch scantling. Joined together w thl ! coiiplilig block*, llutruwghly handed, and! Wai ranted to stand any pre-ure r..piiri..l I tor ordinary u-e. Price., of pi iiig range from I'Jt" ih cent* per f.Mit, Send ..slew to! J. 'I KLI.KK, Mile.l urg, Pa. j Hur i a / Va 8 es\ AND CASKKTS. AIK-TKJUT AND INDKSTIII'CTIBLK rim . Prolccling and l'rcacrving the iR-std.j The utid.irsigned take* plea*ure in an- j iioUncing that l.e lu<-ecur. .l the wlu agen- j cy in thl* county i/A; ta I. I. IV AM) a LA sit i Ituriitl CntCS tintl Ctiakrla, which are *o widely know n a* to require no • lHH'ial eoi.iiei'iidaticu. The METALLIC lIICHIAL CAsK, with it* present In-! proved style ami fini-h, it* entire harmony | with the feeling* of tiia bereaved, u* per- I fected adju-lment* and ap|NiilitiueiiU in whatever relates to the pre-orvatioli and ! proteetion of the lowly a!u-r death, eontiriu it* utility and entire adaptne-s to the jnir- Lhmiv for which it I* .leign.-d. t *• t f INS of all tie*, ftirniidicd it the abnrtcM noti. >•; ami all order* tilled .ismiptly night or day. The Dead laid out •i itli eare, and tuuerai* ami e*eorts super* iit. iidvU in (wirson. iir.MJY IIAKKIS Uui !t Beilefcuite, Pa. MILLKK S lI.iTKL. U lward, IV Stage* arrive and depart daily. i I to* favorite hotel i* now in every respect no of the mint plea-ant country hotels In •.•ntral l'e|in*ylvania. The traveling com liunitjr will always ft ml the beat aoeotnroo lation. Drover* c*u at all time* be aecom iiiidated with Ktahle* and pa*ture tor any iit in !•< rofiaitUe o" horse*. julyH'Utkf UKO. MILLER. SIM N DLL S!\ 1.1 N S f..r wagni;.., all - _ ze, at the *ign of the Anvil. I uplO'fW. idWIKS \V 1 1.HOX. I AMPSOFRVKHY VA HIKTY anc l kind at a|ilO'.tiH x lit\yi N A \V ILSON S. CLOTIIINU Overcoat*, Pant*, Vest* and Dress Coat*, cheap, at Wolf s. DOCKET CUTLKKY—aII makes * I iinee- at llt\Vl N St \\ I LBO % I - OOKING-GLASS PLATKSofallsix J for sale by law IN A \V II HON. a i Id'til*. T A P A N N KD TOI LKT SKITS, A N 1 | other .1 a panned ware, at the Anvil Store. 1p10'<58. , IUWIK * WILSON. , lIOALTS lor It and Carrlngber. - Duxes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at , piu'tot IKWIN * WILSOR' tioFPIN TRIM Si INUS, a large assort- S wuntnt A WILSONS ' IMiiladclpliia Slonv In Itroekerhoir* block, Bishop Mnrt, Hellefoiite, where J KELLER ,£ MI 'SSL R, "L " haveju.t opened the beat, cheapest, largest a* well a* tlie he*t assorted *ti'k ofUcodi ' |* Hellefoiite. rj HERE LAMM, 1* the place to buy your Silks, Mohair* • Mora m l.i. i lie*, Rei,*, Alpaen, Delain*. ' l.niis, Brilliant*, Mu-iuis, Calicoe*. Tick 'jiligs, Flai.ei., Opera Flum-ls, i.aiju * C„t, illg, (sent* ( loijis. Ladle* Sat qui , Wbiti Pekay, Linen 'I able Cloth*, (Nsunterpaio Crib I'oiinterpalies, \Miile and C.dero ' Tarlton, Napkin*. Inserting* and KdpL . White LaeaCurtin*. EejdiyriV Eetihvr I'm' ■ tnm*. Tidy Cotton, shawl*. Work BM*| > , KUNDOWNK. Notions of rvery kind, White (Laid* every dracription. Perfumery, HiblH.n,- A'elvet 'J'arti ta nlid Iboiliet, Cord* ait Braid. A oil*. Huttoi.*, Trimming. Lad in ami Mi'se* Skirts, IIOOP BKIUTB, LA HI E.S AN D M I SEES KlloE* and in fact every thing that cat. be thought of, dttired or used in the FANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINK 1 OR lIESTLEMIS. they have Idaek and bluet-loth-,, !.i P ek a.o falM-y vassitucres, -attinetla, (weed*, ... ! iirrta, silk, -alio and common vesting*, in : abort, every thing imaginable in (be line gi-titlemens wear. Kncilytumie Clothing of p!vct v Die ecriptton, for Men and Jluy*. lluol* uiiil Shoo*, in entile** ninety Hat* and lap*. ('ARRETS, Oilcloth, A'uy*. liruu'tt Musi inn, Jlleuclmt Mar lins, Orit/inijs, Sheeting*, Taileciotkr. Ac., cheaper than • !*<•here. Ilictr-lock oltjl KENS W AREA (JltO C EltiKs cannot be excelled in quality or price Call in at thv Philadelphia Store and eon tinceyourseUe* that KELLER A MDE SK K have any thing you want, and do bu -liie.. on the priitt-iple of "Quick Sale* an J Small Profit*. apUyu OILAI.K Ago rtllllll t Att TalsKM GOOD NEWS FtJlt Tl 11: I'EOPLIi tiro*t Auruetion nod Great Bargains! f |DIK undersigned, detertniud to meet th A popular demand for Prie- re •peetiully i alls the attention of the public )lo hi* stock of .saddlkuy, j iiow sfcrnl at the old stand. Di*-.giie.| e*- ptxlaii forth* people and tlm till! *, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort*- i melit of Sadillca, ILrnnw, Collant, Hrtdlon, jofevery iieo-ri|rtion and quality; \\ liij, ami in fact everyUiing complete to a liri --j class lotabhshment, he now oiler- at prices which Will suit the tinie*. A tielter v arii-ty, a belter quality or finei -tylr .if Saddlery ba* never lcfor- been of jsered Ui tile public Call atld rxainine mil iIK-k aud he satisfied before purchasings i elfew lieri- Detenu:ood t<> please mv patron* anil thankful for tlie liberal skari- <•* i-ats-nag heretofore elijoyixl. I resjw-ct! jl!y solicit a eonlinuanee .f the *aii|e. J AtbtlJ DINGER. Centre Halt. VKb FIRM. NEW GtHIDS v N'D Panic Prices. KOSTKIt DKYLING A \YII>O\, Having pun hi owl the rxtetudrc store ol owe!!, Gillilat. I St Co., and adds-dto thatn % at panic price.-, ' sge XMalirrfit .f NEW GOODS, i They arc riiahlcd to sell at , OLD KA-SIIiONED I'UICI^! A large v uriciy of loMilicii' Dltw %• od: ,Gr< at llaigair;* in Mu>!iits ami Calitoer Made Clothing Warranted tu Enit Our Cloth* and iner*, ('• 11 rssDec i 1 HEIR GROCERY DKI'ABTK KN'T. J Astotiishevever) H ifi a sotttpeut andlo* price*. Svinp, Sugar, Tea, C-offee, ( anu lit* Jetlies, Domestic atid FiWelg l l, Cheese and pa-trow. <•! ... kirnt-, and airty otln-r sitidt be longing to the (tT*cry Departiuepl They U o ,i*.**i,le ui Rkihtii*l t oiui Late* •1 nt-ltine >Vtn*ks. CKNTUK 11 ALL CKNTUK CO., PA lluviug eularged our New lof N est nan M Airman Snora and Anttvi LTOUt \VoHk*. StiH-kinl with all .lew and late -t improved Machinery at Centre llall, an nounce to the publicthal the.v are now read v to receive order* for anything in 11..,r1ii0 of hu*inn*. Slut flings, ' Pullies, Ha libera. IRON & BRASS Wu also manufacture .* wlrbrsteil I KEYSTONE IIARVESTKII, which now Msnd* unrivalled. This Reaper ha* advantages over all othe Reapers imw inauufaeturawi. One ad van tnge we claim for it, i the lever power, by which we gain one hundred per c.-nt ovei other machines. Another advantage isth hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereb. the driver lia* under hi* complete contrn of the machine; in eoininsrto a spot of lodg ed grain, the driver pan change the cut o he machine in an instant, without Mopplni the leant, varying the Muble from t to 14 inchc* at the miUidc of the machine, a* well a* on the iitiidc. It i* constructed of flrsl eta** material; ami built by l!rl r!a ma chanir* We warrant it second to none. All kind* of Horsepower* and Thre*hin . Machine*, Hay and Grain Rake*, latestim proved. All kind* of Repairing done. Di.'- forant kind* of P LO W S AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heckendorn Ke.momir t plow which lia* given entire sMtbfnctioi We employ the best Patternmakers, rnn pattern* arr- all new and nf the most Improv ed plan*. Plan*, Specification- arid 1) av> ing* furn*hed for all work done by us. ggr We hope by strict attention to bu nc*s to receive a sliare of public patron*). CASTINGS if every description made ami Hit* J up L MILLS. K< >Rt IKS, hTTHNACKS KACTORIKS. TANNER I IS, AA\,& C Ali order* by mail promptly attended U ; TP*|V. i.\. AF O COM'l* \ HELMUT T. 11l I.MItOMW COMPOUND FLUID liiiact Catawba - G h A P E PILLS. ' ; • ( DtuJ.fUi 111 J ', ii. • i -i juiiit. n t'i*i,iJ.l urwtj.afilln Will radically i ticnt. n.ftc (rulk#jt|i (ii drrufula. Wytthilis, Kcv.t Kuri-t, I t< rr, Sure Kj tti, Sum Li-jtt, St.r# Mutiik, fwn Ili ad, 11,-i.!,* bit!*, fskltt 1 n •-*.., Colt ftheuui t tinker*, liuntiii .g in mi the fc*r, while .Welling*. tUNun, r!HTfi|t ath c ut.n*. amir-. JtickeU, glat.du'sr .welling, uight ■wi-au,, tetter, lfttiii"r> alt kind*. chrome rliiuumtJsio. d>.|- |ia, am ill iliM-tH't illai iiatt been rtUbildud tit the jtlriii It* years. I' lie itg |-it-|.ured t tj>r fur lite atoovt|.htu nt., iu ll." the t .Utofdexiofl * titai heal!itjr t kif ind r.>tnf**thc juttnm. b* a slau* fl l.eaith and |iurity. Ho j.un fving the Itl'td, li'Wtit tug ait chronic n># stitutteiial diaua**-. si.stog In in the an iiti jHire .tale > I tha M>d. and the ■ nly raiia bi" and rda taal Itaga r> u.edv |t.r th> CUrt • 1 J'littts and sWrlbllg the boa. r diet 'tl' l.ttt| tltc throat n,tl legs, t b*l< lies. |tili<|tie. *|t li.e fie#, ti}t||s,*) and ai •fitly t Tui-tint i! 1! •• skin. at.J luaulily illg cCu J 4t Xl*u* M Ufc.NUY r. UKLUIJOI.IfS m-M gjii tmi kit Fui ii Lvi met li<.H m, TI.SI.I.KAT )i I KKIK; hat ui-t|t. atnl ex ! |ee,aa. and linjtradernna In i.f,-. im;*urit t- | id the hi*.--!, e • . iwdotg co|.wtl*a il ! •dmlions for which it ;# uo*d, ml -\|thtli j tk- ifuii •*— in th>- > t!,.-ew#e u>ed ittttd ' neclittn wi:b lit-iiolutld ► rote wit.b. I.A !*IKS, In many nffn-tiimi jte. nlier Ut ladies, tli. •Xliart but bu is t or U|.|ire*e.tiii x .•■Usetut*r> t ttu-Mliulit, uSct iaiodor sehir , ru- .JaJeofihe utcruv It-ucorrlioe to a hile* •terility, atid t>o all etwnphiint incident b the *t\, whetWr arietfig fr tni imiit moi tr hahit* t.i" 4i -i|aU I'l KAfKd AfclKlNU KltoM IMl'lil•lfKNCfc.s. 11 Ail* ITM*I Ul-MP VI liiX KTf. n all their !**, at littleex|onie, little o j hi change • diet, no tncrfun i-flfrsot. an.'' mniiaiirt 11 < n<™ | desire, Jt itul rifci -mpjr'h to I'rtiate. thirdly re | vi!>. <1 >:iui-: ■ n, Present t>fr wl I'm ' ring sti iefure* ot tli urethta, allying pain j' m,|'a>n, m. fn|M tl in this class of t liMHui*. iHilrtiifltliy nil jmiiout mal- < let. . }' ThnuiN''i who have the victim* n .u'(wti-iit jnr-.ini *nd whW lTI iaid In vv in- t-. be umi in bshorttilts*. nti , iiHiiij liny have l ii diHfirnd, mid liuo .hi* "IV i *".. b*. by the ur* of "jmmerfti mtriimmt*.' Ura drh,l up in the* system, in break i'Ul In m hh it ajfjfray sled JJrm, am: i>erhsi. *li. r uiurrtafh* C>LHELMBOLDS EXTRACT Bl Oil 1' f"r nH tflii liDhl'iml iliii'xn of ik, urinaty organ*, whether cvi-ling in iuai or iMutf, from n balfVi-r nuir ori|lMtiß( and no matter oflifflr long standing Price etc dollar- an I fiftv i cut* |*r boillo. Ii iIKX I'.V7 HKLSIIM'I.IKIMPittV KI I KOBE WASH ntttant W Mirpaiwtl a-a la*e *a-K andj will bo found the only *p*ciic remedy it I every i|nie< of cutiaeuvr affection. I' ' iiNiitily eradicate* pimple*. ii>U, w-.rbn ' tu-dry in ~ induration* of the rubMiiU' membrane, etc., do pel* rmlnew end incipi- i i nt inlamatl'H. hives, rab. moth patches j dry new of era In or shin. frost bite*, and al | purpose* lot aliich salve* or olaimU an j ii.,nt; natimi the ski a to a state of port's | and o'fli.i'Vs and iiaum .-oiithuoil heal thv action In the lie M f it* vrefela. oi | whkll depend* the i|Tf Mlcli'arnoi— am. i v ivacitv of complexion Comtek sought am j 'admired Itnt h. mi vr valuable as a rem- (v for existing defect* of the shitl. 11. 1 lldinbold** Wah ha* long u-taim* it- j rineip.e claim to tinibountled patrea rtuu!:i thuMi nroruimn; requisite*. safety and eflh i^y — the invaria ble accdb print men t* of il* nee—a* a pie . native and refreslivt vi" the complexion {lt ta an cttrnUrid Mh>n M disease* ' • -vphititit nature, and na an in't-ctimi (in 'di-easr* ol the urinary orjran* arising ir. n habile of d;--ij tii it. u-cd in eonnertbu. i, it lit lie Extvst't* Hiicbii, bat-aparilla, aiiti Catawba Grape Pilla. in attch diseases a, ' coin tin tided cannot liet urpaceed. II Full end pi it it diit'Cticite tHTnai|u ny the medicine*. Kviii, nee id lb iii et rosptMiaiWe and re liable character ftirnlahed "on applltirthm. with htitultvds of tl.oti uml- of iiviug wit itereU*. and upward of ;a.t*ft* unjjol-eiu tl i certifltwtc- and ncooinicndatory letter*, inanv of w hub are faotu the hi*bct wur i-ea. ladaiiitg eminent l'hyaii ianr,Clergy nun. .Siatinmeu. etc. The proprietor liar never resorted to their publieation in tin new-pmaT*; he does not do thin from tin fact tnat his article* rank a* Standard Pre pnraltonii, and do not need to be pmppe, tip by cert.Heater. II EN It Y T. 11 ELM HOLD'S GENUINE PltKI'A UATIONS. Delivered to any addresa. Secure fmn. observation. Established upward* of twenty year by l)rii(riU every where, Addn b tiers fur information, in eonlldeiiee t> II k Nl Y T. UKLMHOI D, Diapyi-t a*u i Clienii'f. Only Depot-: If T. HKLMHOLD > Drusr and t hemimi Warehouse. ! o. i Broailway . New York, or to H. T. kIKI.V i HOlil'M Medical Di md, lift South Ten 1 IMiiladelphiit, Pa. ' i Beware of counterfeits. A.*k In |HuvT 1 leliuhnlil'*! Take UO (dJier ■ - lllwt m fw aStra" wadßbaf A iwai loa at pate Root Jf t *'* - *ttend Stik tte ifM;' M. f IMHIK'I OnbPOUMI SY JR. XXIP AriSJa? of POKE ROOT! tfufcing iha pranarstiaa ' •if' .>& • iA f k '**♦ Atarwue* and 71 ~ M Tome feaoea far 2®f£f fefal. Scrcfuku Tttnert, Screfolfftu ?d* i * % ss£sE M&SA Z • | iflad Dr. CBDCXS Coat (jP/sSPgO, i praad 3YSVF of PCO 205? t U etruia ■ m rtllthlt laiti •• V®u-SJI / '-s Mt'Jt- Paita la Bobm, A ft ' m th* Sxia. ML {\ M 2n? ?tti*,al9, UIA |1 K iSlotchM, PimßlM, <9ik\ l\ m /Boldh TetUr, E:af* ' 'l\ mi * 9rm * S*lt-2fetixa* / tf®/ \\ J ft toUrnoi TkMW :M lW # "A.Sor**- tn U 1 yifflp £o:u.rtii]raiSMtfii "y, M Tr Aaydtata — dipwnflag Ld^TfJM' "* *t ; I *P££< | dW'iibuai "V - 7 Zg. : ' *" I ~tt Piopa"d olf vf Oliver Crook A Ca Dayloa, O. , ]JUI Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! I* • freyatwltttw *l>k l* Wb It tad '•) tte |UiUu< too lea )*-ari, and T3t til Luaft. ea'JTer''Si t wpawli rtiritig mil dtaaaaM al tte ttaatiaf Ua|. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! la Uta rente# Ml tte far Chruaiu Oauate. m Cengte ate c.daa. Jt Ccigkt t Sauuipibm rA|.f'iiQ!!r *if I'lty'itik mr> Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! ( inhma ate' Hrnanhf u*. ih.t it ha* I.b new. idtktnt. tte** •■•.|uitrtt"iif u fi"*ic.t, fill jrwii W jouja. Ute, jetoal ftm from ietac < *t*d abn I Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TAB! Bait., ram* and let gar* ale# tte rj'ir ..Uta, risarrr. StsTSiSrjE tat r. . .# Us tte traab ate .VtoWet d. Dr. Crock's WIF r OF TAB! fleeter** tte *| ten, ... . . Mrswgrten* tte Miam. Aft Strticn a. h "bit* tte Ltar, lirtr. te |miu item to wothl ttatrt itelate aadtaaah sal at.tea yam tfiad. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! Ita aetom na ite tlrtaWV tjeotta* era teat. |na| -.■1,, ate iwioted. itfttaaaaS la teftteu. i: tte arte ry aet-rninaa a tea ate or fast. rWI 41 at*tl a to* a letted. Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TAB! t* new twite awdndmi ! _ . , tjtte l*a of Tar. N >r£edi sin bteteatth ts f s<,it* te t red oafs of wlad|| Cci£tita*2SM. •hudiltetelltlte *to,,-*aed tea tte ante to'* at. aaaoseralad. Dr. Creek's WIFE OF TAB! to"**. (tea at teante PISP2ISIJL er Ite-k. later af tte U*#t. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TARI Has mate mtui# fteaOß oenagaat Ittda# am lt4 teas unaUateaadlt . . ... ** wattl far yaare. JTf'lJti Ail Stt.l2. :t**uutMte terr a aaate l.aase, ate to* tedam totate [ rujartwa triad V - . *"• \g " Grover & 8 tit' IIIOBKtr l RKXirM .v E WIV G JIA CJIIS iA. Ihe foil*.w ing are wiertcd ftetto* thak nnd*<*f testiitetninlaof a'ntilnr chermtcr a. r-*irtg the reawut* far'he juvle*-* .-*■ or Die Qiutvxi & Baa nt Uarhin* yll .dberti, *.**) t-ke the flrttver Jt B tr H*. •htne, in thef!f>t |lwce, hecsUsc, if 1 had ir j fthcr. 1 should still arwnt * ** k Bttir; and. having a .l nil the ttak It doe? • greater verity oi *>ol wtid Hto ; usier t> Iralto then tt.V utbrr."—Sll*. J. piwirr H irum p, V —<• • tt Croty (Jenny June.) • •*"1 have "had wvoil years' evpcrh rnce with a Grower A ltak*r Mt,, bit,*, which has civ en Die yc-m ati-factum. I ihlrik the trov or A Ukrr Mae bit ei nutl ea-ily nianawyd. and le liable to |i t owl ,forder. 1 prefer the Qfwirer A Hjiktr^ de,*idl I v." —{II r*. Dr. WaU*. Newt Yrk.) •** "1 have had ore In my anoly for -ome two year*; am) from what 1 hi >w m* its work V* *)*, and from the b4:au uy toßttv of IMJ" frii lot* wfco use the -Mine, I can hardly see bow any thin uld lea*, eoinj Hot satisfaction." Mrs lOeneral Gwd.l • *"| lieiiet'C it to be tLe best, all tblww considend, of any that I bate km sr. 7 is very simple ana ew*ily learned ; ike swtd ins frimi tin* ordinsry si .H.ta i a *rt ad rsuiapi; the -tilth t- tatirsly reliable; t doe* vrmsweatsl work UwiiiaMly i itLs liable W>|tt of ordi r,' ~ Mrs. A. M !Hmnaw,ti) Bound St in. Biioklyii. lln* Drover and Bk rF wins M., hint tympany manufacture both the F'a .li ! ! AHCK—N MTBATEOI file YKK. tipci ; .v entirely free frot il*a 1 Vi.-oi,ji.r mil H*airh-drtify Drttj'a used in i.tln r llwir Frepams tiot.f. Traii-pawnt and dmro cryttal, it wffl : not -oil in- inrd Inbiic-j-erlcctly SAXI rCLKAX mid EFFK LENT- I c**.di r tutus l.tiNG SOUGHT FOIi AX© FOl'M) AT LAST! 1; icrimes, and prevent* the ll* > fnm hssM-inifiK (J 1 ay. imunrta a soft, gh —> or ,i.! nV( h Piiiidruff, is 1 ridVeslutrg to Ihi l ead, check* tl • Hair !kcti failtug oil'. anl reaiT> it to ; aal vo n; when pn i.'ntun !y bt, p • wtw lit*i nt hi *, nnes ail Humors, ci >w •rt pi tcii-. wml tun id it nil Heat. Lit. t. SMITH. Patewpe. t.ri< •, i y*j tint:, V's: ■ prej 'i.d by I'l l l - I"® pLoTH LBS, Gtoi; ■ Mi. k . |UI Upn a}am 1 lottl i -;• ! e*|si, - .IV ot it, Wdii tfes -• n.,