CiSNTRE HALL REPORTER FRIDAY, 3ft ll*"1 • LOCAL ITEMS. O jldiv Fountain I'b.—SomothIng new Htid novel. Be euro and £**{] m - vcrtieonwmt in our paper, headed est Invention of the Ago, believe the Golden Fountain Fen it unsurpassed. A good pen it a ncceaaity to every man, wo.San ami child. Agents. hero it a chance to tak money in introdt|injr * and saleable article. J* * Y PRICES REDUCED. ~j \Vai r*R'a A Son'a Carriage Manu factory, Milroy. IV tuay*Y6m. STONE WAKE ,—Stone Crocks, differ ent si*®* and best odallllF, Ou P, •! large stock on hand at 55 M 55 U S. A RaXK Cltxn TO OtT tNTO Hi M NKSa,—Any one wishing to go inh> the mcrcautilo butincwi—wo know one of the beat stands this aide Philadelphia,-the firm doing a buaino* of from SWO to SMOQO per voar, and steadily increasing Capital invested from $SWft to fW This it an extraordinary chance for any one de siring to go into business. There it no op p,virion In the tame line of good*, in the place, and t do not hesitate to recoiu • mend the stand. Term- Cash. For farth er information address the editor o the Centre Hall Reporter. i UM No Parxn. —Thero will be no PP*'r >- *ued frxxm thi* *Aw next week, iu aexord ance with an oliTcuttom of newspaper etfi ees—that being 4th o( Jtdy weak. TALL CLOVXR.— Our esteemed friend. Wm. From, of the Lop. send* u* several stocks of clover measuring 3 fret 10 incite* in length each This i pretty Hard to beat this searon, and the Lxoplho* far is ahead . ♦ -a*- ♦ J. B. SolL we understand, has purha-cd the old Farnlo prxperty,-tHe first house in this place—for gr, Kochenderfer, of BoaLburg, owned a x-aluable stallion, which diad a f*w nights ago. Mr. Fahr write* us ftvm Oraagvilia Ilk, that the crops do not bxok well and potato bug *are as plenty a* stone* The wheat is ripening fart and is nearly fit to cut The crop is a very promising one. Gar farmers are making hay, -the crop i* light -The engineer corps arrived here on last Tuesday. m *kc this their head quarter* for some time. —At Millheim, on Ifcst Monday, a meet ing of stockholder* in the railroed was held. ml * u Hen whether to accept the nar row guaji?. ur inf'roiant says that tho majority was for acceptance. Sternberg keep* * excellent hav fork for sale, and sells every thing in the line of clothing, dry-goods and groceries cheaper than any other re. Go to Mentberg al ways- One whole, entire, half second have we spent in thinking how Meek s narrow guage straw tickles seme of the anti-nar row-guage commissioners, in his narrow guage bill. The thing, we cemo to think, is ratkfr narrow all around, and a little worse than mixed. Why Joes the WnfrAwa* scold against the narrow guige. and then never publish a single line of Meek * bill FORCING the narrow guage or none upon Ptn>xal.e> That's queer. We tbiak neighbor Meek wtll keep on in railroad matters and become the mort remarkable lailroad man of the times. From a narrow guager to a broad he will next be a one-railer—there Wng U one rail railrxxad in France. Get on it neighbor, and if nobody will be tickled with the idea, why jnrt lave a bill i asd for spite, for a one-railer, and it adds _a •xther pebble to your monument and gives * • chance to urge the people to fight t. '• nothing like clap-trap, neighboro nothing li.. * ' . whether tho Me ask the . keal and humbug; narrow guages are a * and to show it by reason in „ not by scolding, and if *o, then . whether the same proof will not a. down Meek'* narrow guago railroad b. a*" cheats and frauds upon the people? There is a little dilemma bore, which born will you take? FAtaxßxrotT.—A report was circula ted in this community, sud no doubt ha* by thi* time reached iporc distant part*, that Mr. Kmmert of Ilarri* township had died very suddenly last Sunday morning. This report turned out to be fal* and it appears was raised a* a joke. 55 o see no fun and least or all sense in such jefts, *nd peopln who can raise and enjoy them must carry brain of the iinallert character. We think it a gro* mockery to make light of a matter of so serious a nature. Under Meek s railro d bill oflast winter i yon people of Brushvalley and of Haines j „ ad Fenn have no right to build any but a nl Yrov guago railroad. 5Ve print thi* S bill in another column. How are you. wi j t vguage? Meek boried you, and now dam* jrou for not poping up like Banquo * gbost Notr -whaf. the use in the sVaTcumaN scolding- it don't argue-against the narrow gaige, when tho law which it* own editor chan-'pioned allow* you tohavc notn ing else. That'* so queer, but we don t pretend bo w.T there is any humbug any whefe—oh no. Uteres no-body tried to tickle Ho-Wy else with a narrow guage straw n* commissioner in a narrow guage railroad "or nothing." What do toc thisk people of r*r valley, of Meek * bill to force you to build NONE but a narrow guago and mortgag ing the road, the bonds to bear EIGHT per cent, thi. bill we print in another column Then what do you think yy He come* out ia the Watchman on the other .ide and give* you the worst kind of advice to get you to fight the narrow guage, gnd thus defeat your road. He got on both these hor*es, tliii king oa would only prove popular to ensure by thu. gulling you, his forth nomination for Assembly. , , _ What do J on think ofit. people of Fonns vallev, we ask you as honest men, will you be gulled, by such a trickery ? Is iU position one that is fair and honora ble, and i* it not presuming on hi* part that he can make you swallow suck two-side defeat the railroad, which some JWKfon ters arc working for. Announcemeuf. The Sixth Annual Session of the"CEN TKECOUNTY NORM ALINSTITUTE will open at Rebersburg. on Wednesday, July 26tb, and continue from eight to ten *TKeobj wet of the school, as generally iaowsi Ao afford our teachers a means *L apeeW Dwinieg, Ao uUvate tfm st#n<{ard, mud iefuse We ißto the worlt teaching. ail our teachers and those pcepgring to teach are eordially iqyited; and U Is ,cr mestly hoped that all who possibly can, wtH avail themselves of this means for pro fessional toproremeut All the Books u**4 be procured nt ttchershurg. The tuition will range from S6XO to 10.00, one lialf to bp paid in , advance and the remainder during the ler ßoarding and furnished rooms $2.76 to $3 00 per week. Students from the west ern part of the County, shonld come via liowsxd oatfeemorningTrain,—Tuesdays, , "tarsdaVs. O.r Saturdays. R. M. MAGEE, juuau.Bt v '., Cou#tir ' For the Reporter. ENTERTAINMENT. A literary entertainment \v :* riven by thp students of the I'enn Hall academy un der the control Ot Prof. \ K. Trnxal on hid Friday evening the '..MM in ft. The evening proved plea- int and the house was . crowded to it* utmost before iho rv. r. •< * commenced. The exercise* consisted •>! , declamation*, oration, diaiogm , o*:u , and both vocal and instrumental mil*. j The salutatory wa* delivered by Jacob S j Mover. Kssays were then rend ly *>> me of I the ladles, after which Mr, ,1. Forrest F< . ter was Called upon tlie -tage to deliver a declamation which he did in a xery able and creditable mnnner. Next the e\e:- rise* were enlivened bv v oeal mutde Mi Inn i Garbrick of lb ll foute in \t deliver, d a declamation and did amide justice to liim*elf before tin public, lie *> fol!. ed by several dialogue*. 1 music was given by Ml*, lto* J. Ui* Woody. The little lady friend Mm Kiln 8. Fisher was next called upon the *tge t> road an e--ay. Her -object ui- "I.ife - short" which she nldy xte*crlhod and t , >wed ly several other e**ax* wbieli \v> te j also very well oomno-e.t Uiid v,. 11 r. ad Tkativtitiatt ralxr Mr F Sn >'lowed with his Gorman oration for the benefit of the German |>orti mot the audio ,-e lie left the stage amixlst great applause. Mi-- Rachel K 1 latum. Mi** Kate \ \\ :a er ami Mr VV it C. MeCool nevt perfutlited a dialogue which added much to their credit Tliey wbre followed bv slr. D \t McCool with a declamation wl ,-h 1 d livered in a very able manner. No doubt if he continue* his educational t ur-e he will be one of our great, *t orator* in the j future He left the *tagu atnlJ-i great :i| plausc. Mr. Wui, Bum r x> a* i \t catted upon the stage to take the j* .onof a veterinary surgeon. He had a\. rv appro priate and humorous lecture of Ids .wn I production which he delivered in a very I able manner. Ho was then followed b\ a j humorous song, sur g i>y VI i>. J. lV- I Woody after which I'rof. Truv.l mat a few very appropriate remark* to hi- -tu dept.-and thank ml the audience for their kind attention and g >d order th v main tained S*. V.V TO 11, • ♦ • M. Jtowu't astrottootical investi gations in India linvo resultexl in the discovery by him ofa hydrogen nttoos phure around the sun. and al* > in the existence of a connection between the s dar spota and the so'ar protuberance?; and he considers the hydrogen at nips, j phore to ie one of the two elements of the future s*a. Tho interesting dis covery is also announced of a means by which the red prominences which form so remarkable a feature of solar | eclipses may be seen at any time. The method consisisof intereeptiu by mean of colored glasses ail the component* of solar light, excepting those of which the prominences arc composed. The chromosphere, as the surrounding j stratum of hydrogen is called, being ot 1 the same composition, will also be; risible. This discovery, if it prove to ; be as represented, will enable ustrono mers easily to observe the disturbance* which areVnoun to occur iu the promi nenccs, and also their connection with the spots and other solar phenomena. , ■ ■ The art ofship-buildiug has been at tributed to the Egyptians us the tirst inventors ; the first ship having been 1 brought from Egypt to Greece in 1-KSo j B. C. With the exception of agriculture, lh>- leather interest adds more to the wealth of, this country than any other indu-trial pur suit. A proof of these men is contained in a suuimarv of values, l-eafher maaufhcl lures, s!takUtl(t,tWU; cotton manufacture s7t,.iD.tX: arid woolen manufactures.! st,iUi,(W>. i pENN HALL ACADKMY. Ag socowd scsil'inc Cths Cl .s-'.cal and wliic .acm . onM. a day the Sftb, ot Julv, TbTl, to c.'titlr.uc ten i weak-. ! Special attention given toth..-i- desiring j ( to become teachers. i Tuition lor the session tVora live to eight i dollar* Boarding and ftirt.isb<himting any kind of [gjtmo upon the woodland* of the under-! signed, in l'oti. r twp.. otherwise they will. v„. % dealt with in accordance with n recent act s.pinst tresspassing in th;- M ,n„or qjwtn this land of others. sEjp"t 1 JACOB SPAXCLEH. iSoITbK IVfP., AUDITOIts" 11E- Y PORT. " , n BupecvPMx. 1 George G mannaa . • ltfTO March 25th To ro-!i^ from J. H. Keller A).C*t I " June fith To order on J. )I. Keller 113 sft 1871 March 25th Toamt' or Jhtplirste tvax-o 'W March 25th To aint' Reed' for unseated lands 10,0' f : CR. *' March 45th By cash paid for labor $-500,■*) .< .. •• • services for self - "o.o° " •• '• *' cash paid at audit 100,0(1 m " '• " exonera tion* - AOS I •* •* '• per cent. U.7'*> I " " " " order to J Spangier *•' , r<> - t | John Ktneriek l,r --1870 March 25th To cab from J H Keller„ $ 20.00 j " '• *' To cah from J il Kcllw HOT. 1 *' Uth To vrtler on J II Keller - !ljb* 1871 March 25th nmt' of lJu plicote £42,00 1 CSfi. I • CR. " March 2**Bh By cash pai-1 for labor SIU,"I I o •• K , r vises j for self Kf.OO I " •' " ca*h paid I at audit 74.4i f •' •' " exonera tion* 4,00 to o o o roa j or . der 2,25 " " " order lo J Goodliart 5*i,47 GB*.4t: Overseer* oi Poor. Rid*rt Lee 1870 March 25th To cash fmin J Farner „52i*7,22 1871 March '2sth To aint' of Duplicate...... 807,K • 1014,07 CR. 1870 Jlnrch 25th By balance due March 27tfi 18*18 $ I.Bd " * exonern -1 tions. 3,25 ii o • •• nmt' <,f expenses 603,17 ,j " e •• • Per cent- •' " " " services for self. 53.00 •' •' " " order t<> J Mieas 370.80 lionrv Dasher Dr. 1870 March 26th To cah nt audit ••• <100,07 J an lit 99,05 | " " •' reed' from 0 | If offer W5 ! 1871 JuneOth Toamf of Du plicate - 553.10 1 CK 1870 March 25th l?y making out report oflhC9 -$ 2.00 1871 Juno sth lly voucher* 3*l.sii " " " services & Pgr c*ntago "5,00 • " u ' Ru lif nee ou Duplicate......... 2i ( i,W Auditors Dr. 1871 March 25th To cash from G Orowtnan $ 38,00 CK. 1871 March 26th By Cash 1 |in id K Kurt/, for Print ing report ....SIO.OO , ' " " " 0,00 " 0 " 17 S ' Ossman for notifying cloctcd officer. — ... 11,00 i .■ and Juno 6th i days service each 0,00 t • " " " clerk. 3,00 s > it " '• cash ' Vl# Spfitb 0neday....,., J,ID ? " " V room rent 1,00 j —. fia,a We, the undersigned, certify that w< hnvc examined the lihpye accounts and np '1 a prove the same. I Attest. ) f Auditors, ' \V. A. Kerr > \ W. W. Love h Clerk j (A. Kerr Th.- Watchman's course, after all iu double tit uitoft upon tho mill olid qucitlvlll > a - diown up l>> Ihc Reporter, is grossly ' wicked All milroml men are now ton . \ i .edti nt the broad guages are a hawing * thing and that tho narrow gunge lends to " profit, indeed we can quote Scripture for ' it, n- there i- a passage which my*. Broad is the way that leads to destruction, and narrow i the gunge that lend* to safety . ! Rut Me k know-so little about the Bible ' that it not -urpri-ing be lie* turned fro n < tho narrow way Utilo the broail, KM- vriV. t.:' I.anp* Among tke g. i.oral lav, -pa dby the la*t legislature and approved \ General shall proceed Ulnl 'the* . i ill - . tioil of tho said act, lo x I. U tl. a lurther .uppleuienl, when iiitho; . .*! t 1 >K* so by the *aiJ hoard V ; if, That no interest shniibnehargod on patent or other fees. ♦ ♦ ♦ livtij&ituu J. Lutttmla, nwiJcnt of South t'lu'ster, was killed by ligbtniiig 'on Wnlne-ihtv ttftvrnooti oi' last wrok. The holt Cutn'iwl the hack part of his head nud jvtSM xl down hi* btiek, lenr ay h - clothi * an-1 boots ill pieeea. DEATHS. j On the •- *l.l i !, at Centro Hall, Peter l*urt, ag,-d Vtycars.4month,nnd 12ilays. Mr. l>urt xi.,- ciiii of the old rvsidenlnrs of PoUr towu*hip, lie was an e-teeined eiti :i a id Uidi ix known, and bad a large eouiiooUoa. (Hi the Sunday following, lus re..!.,.t1x Were taken to tho Loop church for int. ri! ent thi* xva* done in accordance x. .th hi* rc.ue.t made some weeks liefore lie became U-diast. yet sostued to have a premonition that hi* dwy* were not t.i be many mor> upon this earth. His ftuicral xi :i- . ne of the largest ever held Lit this neighborhood An impressivefuitsrwlr aion w a * pn n lied in the English language Iby K. v. Miller, followed in tnvGertnan by ( Rev Groh. ( u.i the -th instant, William Mowry, of Nittany Hall, Centre county. Pa., aged 18 | > ears, and 7 month. For the Reporter. Obituary. John Suavely diidonthe Ulhinst , near i'Hntonvtllc.CuutWßcounty. FwtherSnaxr 1\ xa- bei nin Lebiiioii Peim a on ofUctobor. 17t*'. From \hence he came in Ist* to Centre county, Pa lie xxa* then a re-ide'iit of Centre couuty, for '5 years. In I*l2, he entered the ar my :i"a .il>-titude for Christian Keller, at the expiration of his titno as a substitute he rx.—etllisleil for olio your. lie was under ouiluaiid of Gen. llarri - . during the time of his military service. 11 xx a- joined in the bond* o! holy matri mony xvith Mi*- Hanah Smith,and became the father of ii children, viz: 2 sons and I daughters, 1 son and 2 daughters have preceded him tt> the spirit land. lie XXa- a member of the Kvaugelical vhurch for over 25 years, and in that time was always ready to speak for Jesus and his cause. He was strict in his religious i duties and his sent was seldom vacant in the sanctuary. lie did r..*l like most of us, -earvh after [ tho ricue* of thi* world. But he laid for : iiimelf treasures in heaven where moth doth not corrupt, und xvhero thieves do not ! break through and steal lie not only lived bis three score and ten, but even four score and ten. Ho died rejoicing in the Lord, on the Uth of June, IK7I, nttlie advanced age of 'JO years, 7 | month-, and l'J days. On tie* 13th, h: remains were buried in the Hamburg burying ground, in the pr - -nee of a largo :i*iinbly of mourning - wad friends, w here a very able • Tin . xv:. delivered by the Rev. J. M. King. 11l .-- I llMll——— MAR HI AGES. | On the 25th of June, by Rev. C. H. Htk at !.i* r- idem e a'. Aaronsburg. Mr. : Kli.u Weaver, aud Mi.-* DoblinaGronoble, both of Gregg township. ~ MU.RGY MARKETS. Corrected by Reed A Thompson. lit i wheat 1,40. .Rye K) Corn 55 <>{. ig> ....Barley 0ft.... ... Clover 'i d 3,60 Timothyseed 4.00......... ! S.iii 2 90per sack Bacon 12i .._..H:iui 10 Butter 15... Eggs 1 Plaster 8.30 BELLKFtXTE M ARK ETS. Corrected by Keller A Musscr. White iVhrsts!,!■>, Red t 40 .'Rye 1 Corn 0ft......!0ats .45 Barley 75. TV) CloviT-' ed 4,5 ft Potatoes I.ard i r |Ku!',d 12} I'ork'per pound ot^ I Butter 15 Egg*;lO. Plasterper ton I sls Tallow Ift Bacon 12 11am 16 Wo n- • authorized to announce that John 1! Orri of Spring, will be a candi date f>r A-xombly, -uhjeet to the decision of tjie d.-niocratio county convention. COMMI.SSidNEIE. Wearcauthorixed i to am unce the nameof 6. F. Foster, of Petti r townhlp, a* a candidate for oom, subject to the ilecision of the ' democratic county convention. i TREASURER.—We are authorised to | anuoinie the naino f Daniel Derr, of 1 MS' foute, a* acundi late for county treas jr r, subject to the deci*i'B of the detno eratie county convention. Wo are authorized to announre the name uf Tl*"tua- Yenrich, of Aaronsburg, a* a candidal' for county tru:xtirer, sub ject to the decision >f tlie.leinocratle coun ty convention. We are atitbori/.od to announce the name ofjonn H. Barnbart of Spring township as ft candidate ! r mnwisto judge, subject to the decisi i of the democratic county convention. We nr.- authorized tonnnounce the namp 1! .iia, of Potter two., as a | candidate f<.i ->ciate judge, subject t i t1,.. decision of the detinwratTc county con -1 v< ation. Wo arc authorized to announce the name of Pol. Win. W. Love, of Potter twp, as ' a candidate for a* - • into judge, subjex-t to the d- ision oTtbo deiniK-ratic county con vention. I) Z. Kline, ot BelLfoi.te, "syjll be a ean didate for Associate, Judge, subject to tho degi-ion of of the democratic couhty con vention. • W<- are authorized to announce the name of (.'apt. Win. Cro** of Halfinoon, a* a can didate f.,r associate judge, subject to tho deci-ion of the dentoeratio county conven ti'in. We are authorized to announce the name . o. Richard (.'onley, of llenni r township, ' as a candidate for Associate Judge. Sub ject to tho decision of the Democratic County Convention. (' "XAUTIOJf. All persons arc hereby j cautioned against tho purchase of a note, given by me, for SltJll mid dated June Bth, I*7l. and payable to Robert De uioret or hi- agent John Dcpish, a* the ntlCE~ Xx Offieeoftho Lewisbatg. Centre nnd Spruce Creek K R. Co. Philadelphia June 13th, '7l. Notice I* hereby given that the first in talnient of five dollars per share, to the capital stock of the Lowinburg, Centre and Sipruce Creek Rail Road Co., subscribed in the, townships of Harris, Potter, Gregg, Pcnn am! lfaine*. Centre county, will be payable on the first day of July 1871, and the sub-eiiuent Instalment of fiVo dollars per -hare, will be duo and payable on the first day of each succeeding month until the whole i.* paid. Payments of the above in stalment- aro hereby required to bo made tithe treasurer of the Company, at the ©Ren of the Centre County Bunking Com puny Bellcfonte l } o. LESLEY, Treasurer. N'. 1!. Any person cesiring can pay tlje i wltoln off at once. If payments are not i punctually j.;:|d- the laxv hIIOWS qne per ; j cent put month' to bu charge iu t4dß|eu. For the Reporter. Work mill Wait. Hew soothingly quiet t wllightgnlherslt* dusky shadow* around u*, when we are weary and seek rest. A* we sit In tbe calm silence, a pure Influence steal* over u and a sweet peace comas to u* like a kind friend gently parting the hair fr*e we are sure of a Axil recompense, o merer later The sweetest, holiest Joy a human being call experience mu*t be alien life Is fading into immortality, atid having worked dill Scully throughllfetodothemasler'soalling ie soul wait* to be guided across the dark river into that beautilul laud where there are uo more anxious watching* and wait ing* "Let us then be up and doing. Wit 11 a heart tor any fate ; Still achieving, still pursuing Learn to labor and to wait hTxat.tuuT. •tgfirCATECIIISM. Where do you buy your Book* ? At ltankln Model Stare. Why do you deal there * lie it tlira|i "John" II hero i the Store ** Bush House Bellrfonte Pa. Uoi'i he attend to order* ' With promptness. !)<> he keep well KtoekeJ ? lit* Stock l* complete. (*e to thi* Model Store and save money. apr® ly. | Attention Farmers of CENTRE COUNTY TOHN M HOWELL having leased the Ware houte of Coplin it Strunk in Milruy. is now prepared to pay the highest cah price* for all kind* ot Grain. Coal, Plaster and Salt, constantly on hand. mav3B.Bm JMPORTASWt JTICK All pcron* indebted to the firm of Wo ion ,1 Co., are hereby notified that the book* of the uuc are in the hand* of the undersigned for collection. All person* interested are called upon to make imme diate payment, and therebv save cart*. uiav'Jfi-fii A LEX. SUA S NUN. C~ TnTK AL~ll of TWJ and Chestnut Street, Mifflinburg, Pa. .fohn Showers, Proprietor. It* Central Location make* it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. 11. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. Weukc pleasure 111 informing the public generally, that Messrs Graham St Son, have just returned from l'hildelpatua with a splendid asscrtmenl of BOOTS and SHOES, which have bed selected with great care from the best manufacturers. efit-Any ueron sending us eight sub scriber# with the cash, Sflfi, will receive the Reporter 1 year flee; and for four nammandsi^^lhdLjKirteiM^jiolU|H^jrjM^ BURNSIDE & THOM AS. Offer to th;> Public one of tbe largest and best selected storks of merchan dise. in Centre county. Call, examine and see for yourself. • - GROCFRIKS, col Tim-, oIV gov. iava, best quality Rio coffee, best oolong black tea*, green leas, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Drip# fine article bak ing iiiolassc*, rire and everything in the gr.H-ery line at tbe lowest cash prices in ibt market Hl' It NSIDE A THOMAS', is th< place. HARNESS, collars, cart Whip# carriage whips, in great varieties, govern ment gear,, saddles, bridles, martingales check lines, cart gears, tug harness, buggy harness liaiiies, etc. Everything in the "ad dtcry line at BURNSIDE & THOM AS' SI'ICKS .if all varieties, ground to order and warranted to be strictly pure. It is the nnlv placeyou can find unadultera ted Spues Try them for your own satisfac tion. You can only find them at BURNSIDE A THOMAS . ■ RATHER, of all description*, Ircnch |j.i,fkin, ipanlsh sole leather, moroc co*, sheep akin*. lining*. Everything n thfeiealher line warraoled to give *ati action. at lURNSIDK A TfloM AS. r A BITS~SOA P, Wm Hagan and rie. on* soap, Dobbin*' u*p, Jew Oakley's soans, oldoastile, pure, Palm soap Klilertliig 1 * soap, and a great variety of other soap*, ut BURNSIDK * THOMAS' Whitman's celebrated confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Kuker's cta< folate, Smith'* chocolate, China Ginger, Knglish Picket*, American Pickle*, at HURNHiDfUTUUMAH- The New Firm. Herlacher & Cronmiller, CENTRE IIALL, PA New Spring Goods ('oiiie one and all! Just arrived and will alwaye.'be kepi ou hand a full liue of Dry Good*, Notions, Groceries, Hard warn, Qoecnsware, Wood and willow ware Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent assortment of everything kept in a First Class Store, now ready, and (or *nlo Ut marvelous low " GOODS VERY NEAR ATTHE OLD PRICES. Muslins they will ell you the very best brand* at price* that will a*tonih you New tpring Dress Gauds A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties of the season, at lower rate* tlimi ordinarily chargod at other place*. Whit© Goods to , Embroideries The finest stockTii town, boJi a o quantity quality, and price*. somiiy? The best mnkoi, latest style* and lowet rate*. (Hat* and Cap- l great variety Linens, Towellings, chocks, Dontn g, loth Cassimers, Cloaking*. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and *umtuer shawls, in fact, wo keep everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost. All we nk that you will CALL ANp KXAMINB QUIt STOCK before purchasing JlioWhere, as we do no consider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KIJTDB OF HARNESS. silver plated and Yauke? Harness doqbD. and tikglft. hridUi and hgßari. Pr JT PROPOBAIX SEALED Proposals will be received at the office of the President until Saturday, (he Ist dajr of Julv, 1871, for the Graduation, Masonry ami Bridging of that part of the l,*wlsburg, Centre A Hpruce Creek Railroad from Western Boundary of Union County to a point In vicinity of Oak Hall, Centre county, being section* No. 31 to No. 6(1, both inclusiue. Profiles can be seen at the office In Lew isburg. Printed form of proposal* can be had at the office no other# will be rocelv ed G. F. MILLER, I'rea't of L. 0 A F. It B Co. Lewisburg, June I, '7l A UDITOR H NOTICE In the matter J\ of the estate of Dr. Samuel Stroheek er, deceased. The undersigned auditor ap pointed by the Orphan's Court of Centre county, to dtslrbule the moneys In the hand* of 1). J. ililtibish and Jane II film hecker, administrator slid administratrix of ac, of Samuel Htmhccker, reflectively to and among those entitled to the same will attend to the duties of hi* appoint ment, al his office in the thorough ol Belle fonte, on Tuesday, July 18th. at 111 o'clock a. ui., at which time all |iarlic interested are required to attend and make their claims known, or be debarred from partic ipating in said fund*. - IRA C. MITCHELL. Auditor fi UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter A. of the exci-ptions to the account ef 1 David Gilliland, executor ol nr., ofWtl- 1 liaut S. Oillilaml, deccasod. The auditor ' ap|Hilntd by tb Orphan's Court of Centre ' county, to bear and ami pa** upon tbe ex captions filed to tbe above mentioned ec- 1 count, will meet tbe parties interested ' for tho purpose of appointment on Tues day, Jujv 11 tli. IH7I, at 10 o'clock e. ui at hi* office in the borough of Bcllefente. IRA C. MITCHELL, Auditor, SUNDAY SCHOOL MEN AWAKEI AWAKE! RANKINGS SAB. SCHOOL EMPORIUM [ is Just where you want lo go and buy your i Outfits Mr. Uankin sells hi# goiid* far be- s low any one else and give* entire salisfac- a lion. See his collection of Envelopes, t Store Opposite Bush House, Beilefonle Pa. a spdltt spdltt | a • 1 1 Centre HALL < i Coach Manufactory* I Levi M u r r i jr, . >1 hi, establishment at Centre Hall, Pa.,' | keeps on hand, and for sale, at the most reasonable rates, a large stock of Carriages, I Buggies, i & Spring Wagons, Pl*ix and Faxcr, i nd vehicle* of every description made to j.'rder, and Warranted, lobe made of the host seasoned material, and by the most • killed and competent workmen. Persona wanting anything in bis lino are requested j to call and examine bis work, they will find lit not to be excelled for durability and wear. aprSßly pXMOV A I. THEODORE DESCHNER, GUN SMITH, ha* removed lo tho store known a* No. o Hush # Arcade next dour to Zimmerman, BrvwA Co., at Beilefonle, where he I* Just opening out a complete stock of REVOLVERS GUNS. AMMUNITION. FISHING , TACKLE, i Base Balls, BaU, Keys, and general Mport i vug Articles Gun* made and repaired any warranled iunSd -rIARSI PUK BALE Tkr .uU-r.Ur p offer* at private sale the farm on which ' he now reside*, situated in Ferguson town . ship. County of Centre, one mileand a bnlf wet ol Pine Grove. The farm contain* one hundred and twenty acre* of the beat quality of limestone, one hundred acre* of which*is cleared ; under good fence, and In r a high state "t cultivation. The balance ofi " twenty acre# iscovervdjwith s fine growth of J limber, the buildings are good and convo inient, with a stream ol running water at 1 Uied.air. An orchard in Rill bearing of the very bc< varieties of fruit, and a grape j vany ant ol the tuosl popular and standard . varieties. This splendid farm will be sold cheap. , and term* made easy. For particulars call . upon or address ' 0. M KEPLER, Pine Orore Mills *i BTKRKOSOOPEB, Vlttws, At at ua, cuaoxioa, tasuxs. ' E A H. T. ANTHONY A CO, 681 Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of the Trade to their r extensive assortment of the above good, of their own |Miblieation, manufacture and .1 importation. AT. so rmvro LANTKAX at.n> K* AXD IUAARKAAOOPEA, xx VIEWS or roaauiT> E. A H. T. ANTHONY A CO., 51 Broadway, New York. Oopoait Met , ropolitan Hotel, lUroaTKas ANI> U AXlir AITt aXR* or ( PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS ~inarlo.6m _______________ tVAOR A It M> . (Successor to N. Uilihish) >1 Whole axld and retail dealera in Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Beilefonle, Pa. Read only a partial list of Cook Stove Wellington, W a verly, Ornamental, Oriental, Royal Cook, Prince Royal, Sea Shell, Artisan, And Amorican * u Parlor and Office Stoves: Morning Glory, Tronic, Brilliant, and New Egg. And Parlor Cook* for Wood or Coal, and Wood Stove* of every description. Attention i* called to hi* tocl( of Roonng Plate, a new size, which ho ha* Just receive ••(I size 40*20 U make* better fob thant he I old *ia, andean be furnished cheaper thar I any other establishment in town. ;F*~Spouling and jobbing promptly at tended to. Charge* reasonable and sati*- taction guaranteed. octant* HARDWARE STORK J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 6. BROCK KKHOFF ROW \ A new and complete Hardware Store hat been opened by the undersigned in Brock erhotT* new building—where they are pre pared losellallkindsof Buildingand Hou* Furnishing Hardware. Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy wheel* in sett*. Champion Clothoi Wringer, Mill Saw*. ( ircular and Hant Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, loeCroan Freezers, Uath TMV, CLFLTJW Rauk*, a ful. assortment of Gla** and Mirror Plate of alI size*, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrow* Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spoke* Folloes.and Hub*, Plow*, Cultivators, Corr Plow*. Plow Point*, Shear Mold Board* and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery Shov el*, Spade* and Fork*, Look*, Hinge*, Screw*, Ba*h Spring*, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Hod*. Qll*. Lubricating, Coal, faUMRW AqvtL, Vice* Bel lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tool*, Faetonr Bell*, Home Beilt. Dinner Bells, Gong BelL, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen ter Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Can* Paint*, Oils, VarnDhe* received and fur ttlea| jiWtfflU*. J-4J. BARBIA Alt At 1 M , HKVXiiLb'a Nkw maiili . r*u*r, manor at., Bellcftnte. WINER AND L I4JUO R8 , Tho subscriber respectfully calls timet i tonliun of the puMta to hU putablUlim til, where he is prepared to furnish all kindsol Kurtlfti anil Domestic Liquors' whulessdi, al the lowest cash price*, wiilch art' warran-' tod to ba Ibo best qualities according tu. iholr respective price*. Hl* stock poMWt of Ryo, Mutiongaliola, Irish and other' Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies, Holland Gin, fort. Madcria. Cherry, Jllackborry and othor WIRM -the boat article* al a* reasonable rale* as can bo bad in lb* oily,, Champagne, Cherrjq lllack berry, Ginger and Carraway llraudles, fore Jamaica and Now England Hum. Cordial of all kind* lie would particularly invito farmer*, lie tel keeper* and other* lo call ami etamln* bis large supply, to Judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom be done when pure be*- ng in lb* city. pO~ Physicians are respectfully requested o give his liquor* a trial. aplO (IKNTKK 11AM* HOTEL J JOHN HE sut.ica, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all point*, uortb, south, east and west. Thi* favorite Hotel ba* been refitted and furnished by it* new proprietor, and I* now in every ro*peet on* of the mo*t pleasant country Hotel* in central Pennsylvania. Th* travailing community and drover* will always find the be*t accommodation* Tar son* Ireiu tbe city wishing to spend a fee' week* during the summer in tlie country, will find Centre Hall one ol the mo*l beau tiful location* and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con vunience., COACH MANUFACTORY. IIAIUIMAN 1-1111.1,11*. AT lll# manufacturing establishment at 1 Yeagertown, on the Lewistowt and Beilefonle Turnpike, ba* now on ham' a fine stork of Carriage*, Buggies, Sulkies and Hpring Wagons, which he now ufcn fur tale as superior in quality and style* U suv manufactured in the country. The) are made of the very best seasoned stock by first class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenge* companion will any work out of or in the Katcrn cities and can be sold al lower price* than thosi manufactured in large town* and cities, aiutdsNugh rents and ruinous price* of liv ing Being mastor of hi* own situation, an xiuu* to excel in his arttstii-al profession and free front any annoyances in his busi ness, he ba* time and anility to devote hii entire attention to hi* profession and hi* customers, rendering satisfaction alike W all patrons, operatives, bis country, anc > himself. Call and examine hi* stock and learn hit prices, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. REPAIRING ofall kinds done neatly, promptly, mo reasonably. Yeagertown, June 12. lift* -ly. OUBLK AND MINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at a pill fin IRWIN A WILHON. WJ. B KTTKLKM HOLES ALE WINE A LltjUOK STORE Bishop street, lleilefuole, in lite Sume buil ding iortuerly occupied by the Key stone Bakeryj Takes pleasure in informing the public that he keeps constantly on band a supply o. choice Foreign and Domestic Liquor*. AH BorrsU, Kegs and tasks rarrantsd to eantst* t Ac (ssstily represented. The attention of practicing physician* i* called to bis stock of PUKE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes Bottles. Jugs, and demijohn* constantly on band. He ha* the iINLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquor* are warranted to give satis- j faction. Liquors will be the qqart,' barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot ot' BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finMt grade* on hnnd. Confident that he ran please customer* he respectfully solicit* a share of public pa trunage mylfitS JRWIN A WILSON are constantly re ceiving new good* in their line. | - HARD WA R E prices— now being opened every dey aplO'Or. | Wall Paper, cheap from 12 to 30 cent* per bol ta Ilt-rla< h* r' BUFFALO BCALES, of the bt make from 4 lbs up to Lli,tMOi b*. I aplO'CH. lnwig St WILSO* DRY BOARDS, Plank and Scanllißg for sale by livtx s\V turns. | aplOfitt CROJW-iTT AND MILL SAWS, hr makeal ;lxvtx s Wiuox. f splOOtt PUMPS! Wooden i'nmps, AND PIPING. The undersigned would respectfully call tbe attention uhciluen* oft 'entrecounty, and Pentuvalley in particular, to the fact that he is manufacturing YW£ tm PUifif, made at home or elsewhere. He uses none but the best material, HKWAKRKXT* TIIKU to give satisfaction, as being the tnoet lut ing and durable, ai'muoit TO THK ot.n wooden pump, being arranged to let the water off and prevent Ireexing in winter Pine, nopler or cucumber pump* aiway • on hand. Hi* malirial for pumps is all sawed from large timber, and are thus Secured against Checkingor Cracking. All order* bv mail promptly filled. PIPING, madeof the best material, of fi*o inch vi antlinc. joined together with coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and wai ranted to ttand any prc*uro required for ordinary u*c. Price* of piping range from 12 to IS cent* per foot. Send order* to J. TELLER, Miles burg. Pa Burial Cases AND CASKKTS. AIR-TIGHT AND INDESTRUCTIBLE Protecting and Preserving the Dead. The undersigned take* pleasure in an nouncing that no ha* tecured the tola agen cy in thi* county for ME TA L LIC A N1) GLASS Burial ( aan and Cankrli. which are o widely known as to require no •iMscial commendation. The M KTALLIC 111' RIAL CASK, with it* present im proved style and flni*h, it* entire harmony with the feeling* of the bereaved, it* per fected adjustment* and ap|K>iiumcnt* in whatever relate* to the preservation and protection of the body after death, confirm it* utility and entire adaptne** to the pur- | loses for which it U designed COFFINS of all description* furnished at the *horte*t notice; and all order* filled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out ! with care, and funeral* and escort* super intended m perron. HENRY HARRIS nov4t Bellefonte, Pa. MILLER'S HOTEL, Woodward, Pa Stage* arrive and de|iart daily. I favorite hotel i* now in every respect onu of the most pleasant country hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the best accommo dation. Drover* twin at all lime* be accom modated with stable* and pasture for any number of cattle or hor*es. julyS'fititf OKO. MILLER SPINDLE SKEINS for wagon*, all *i *e, at the sign of the Anvil. aplQtiß. IRWIN A WILSON. LAM PS OF EVERY VARIETY and kind at aplff Ob IRWIN & WILSON 8. CLOTHlNG—Overcoat*. Paul*, Vest : and Dross CouU. (.heap, at Wolf*. P _ tioKKT CUTLERY—aII make* * uriceiat IRWIN & WILSO* LOOKING-GLASS PLATES ofallsiz for sale bv IRWIN A WILSON. a 10 (18. TAPANNKD TOIUST SETTS, AND tP other Japanned ware, atthe AnvllStore. apices. IRWIN A WILSON. BOALTS for Buggies and Oarrlagber. sire* in use; Fire Bolt*, ditto, at PLOW IRWIN * Wuaoir' Philadelphia Store. In BrockerhotT* block, Bishop Htrret, Beilefoals, where KELLER A MVRHER, have just opened the best, cheapest, large* a* well as the best assorted stock of Good, jii Rcllcfonte. HERE LADIES, Is the place to buy your Silks, Mba(r Moaambtiiuea, Rep* Alpacas, Detain**, Brilliants, Muslins, Calicoes, Tick iiigs, flanals. Opera Klamds, Ladies OuM ing, Gents' Cloths, Ladies Hacques, Wbit I'eka) Linen Table Cloths, Couulerpaner Crib Counterpanes, White and Col-re Tar I ton. Napkins, Inserting* and Edging- White I*are Curtins, Zephyr A Zepbv r par terns, Tidy Cotton, Shawls, Work Basket* BUNDOWNB, Notion* of every kind, White Good* o ••very description, Perfumery, Ribbon*- Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet, Cord* am It raid. Veils, Buttons, Trimmings, Lad i snrns, silk, satin and common vesting*, ii short, every thing imaginable in tbe fins o gentlemen* wear Kve b rough the .ftuacb without dissolving maequently do I <4 produce the deaited el •L The Catawba (Jrape Pilla, heu .feasant in tart* and odor, do not neoeaii ale their being tugarcusfod. Price fill enta JT box. E HEN BY T 11 ELM BOLD UIOMLV io%> AARKATKIR ODMROCNN Fluid Extract Saraapariila Will radically exterminate fromtbeayaten Scroftila. Si phil> Peeer flwi, Ulcers, mre Eyes, tiara Lcga, More Mouth, Hof lend Branchiii., Skin Diseases, Bnl dheum Caakcn, Runnings from the Mar hue swelling*, tumors, cancerous sffsc ions. nodes, Rickets, glandular swelling* ughi *wenU, raah, tetter, humor* of at .unit, chronic rhaumamm. dyspepsia, am til disease* that hare been established it .be *y*teat for year*. L Being prepared expraeaiy for the above rotupliuienu, ita blood-purifying proper una are greater than any other preparation •jf aaraeparilia. It gives the comptexkm a clear hrwlthv color and restores the pellet)' u> a state ol health and purity, For part tying the blood, removing nil chronic oon •titutlonsl diseases arising from the an im pure state of the blood, and the only relia trie anr tfwpr' ton J. Wr- " Totto kit#wd tef kan-dcrrfi Ceaitlta- J EWC to U wrtotex vMk m j:w t>y it. T'ty #•# $ **>". MdtortlbrnM- W 09tm rfptatrt oolf % mS/ Olirer Orook k Co. DajlM, O. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR! I* a Preparation alwfe Ms bran UMI If tht paUte lor ran jeara, *a4 Threat nd Lufs. rurtM allTararartl th* TWraluS Lufi Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TAR! Is ura raaradr so uso f ( it O.uFtm, &t Cottftifi MMI f'nfiji H Cewhi kZmmantim et##iMiesi wegae vmnapw Masearrat raoea wTCoo- pkyaiilaaa. Dr. Crook's WXZ OF TARI Has eared *•■*■■; eaar* m of Swturn sad lliu—'W us. iMt uhra Mta pra- AcOuna. BreoAltll T bSagSlSZiSeiiT 1 Dr. Crook's WISE OF TAR I • Haasvsil** sad tailgs* nine the caUra a? itsaa BBMT. JSSSSSSLo. Dr. Crook's WW OF TARf ▲ypetlU. Staiack. SSThSSS. , fonte. J NATURE'S ; Hair Restorative i, Contains no LAC SULPHUR —N , SUGAR OF LEAD-NO LITH- J ARGE-No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from tho Poisonous and Health-destroying ' Drugs used iu other Hair Prepara t tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will i not soil the finest fabric—perfectly SAr E CLEAN and EFFICIENT—dmidmM turns LONG SOUGHT FOB AND FOUND AT LAST! . [ It restores and prevents the II air from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy op pea ranee, removes Dandruff, is cool and reftreshing to the head, checks the Hair i from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, preventa K Headaches, cures all Humors, ;| i eruptions, and unnatural Heat • _ > DK. G. SMITH, Patentee. Grotpn June- l£ 1 tion, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass. The 1 Genuine in put up in a pano; bottle, made I expressly for it with the aame of the article blown iii the glam. Ask your [Druggist for 1 Nature's Hair Restorative, and take l For'sale by Wm. Wolf and J. B. So)t ( Centre Hall 2fijany