CENTRE HALL REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNK, 211871. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL *EWI —Our friends will oblige us by Mudilf in fttiv itcuis of intor est, including deaths, mornagw, Ac., as such arc cagarly road by your ncmi- in th west, many of whom got the Reporter. We would esteem it a favor if our kind pa tron* would occasionally mail a copy of he Reporter to relative* and acquaintan ces who formerly lived in Oontro county and removed to other which wovil.l induce many to become subscribers. -,-0-- BLANKS —Blank Summon*, \ andu Note-, RxecWtlooa, and Judgment and Exemption Note combined, \\ ar rant*, Ac., for sale at tbi# Office. IMPORTANT to'buMNSW MKN.— The circulation of the REPORTER, ou this side of the county, is now greater then that of anv two palters in the oornty, hence business utcn who wish to reach the lVnnsvalloy trade, wilt advance their own interests, by udvell tiaing iu the REPORTER. Our subscrip tion list ia open to the inspection of al/ who wish to advertise. Golds* KOVST-VIN PSN. -S*>m. thing new aud novel. Be sure and read the d --vettisemcnt in our paper, headed ''Oreat om Invention of the Age." Wo believe the Golden FounUin Pen i- unurp-- d. A K-sl lu-n i* a nceesity to every man. woman and child. Agents, here ts a chance to make money in introducing a good and saleable article. jan 1 y. TIUCES REDUCED. at J. \V At.van's A Son's Carriage Mai u factorv, Milrey. Pa mayo.tun. 0 - STONK WARE.—-Stone Ci\>ck-. differ ent sixes and best ouality. l'heap, and a large stock on hand at \\ M. w OLr >. A RARK CHAXC* TO (kt INTO Bt -t- X gss.—Any one wishing to go into the mercantile bu-iue-s- uc know one of the best stands this side Philadelphia.—the firm doing a bu-iness of front s7tk(> to per year, and steadily increasing. Capital invested from s2's.W to 1 lus is an extraordinary chance for any one de siring to go into business. There is no o|>- po-ition in the sante line of go-nis, in the place, and we do not hesitate to recom mend the stand. Teruis ( ash. lor frtrth er information addr-'-s the editor of the Centre Hall Reporter. June VUt - •* • TUK RAILROAD.— AI the annual election bv the stockholders of the L. C. A 8. C" R. R., held at Philadelphia, un 13th insL, the following directors were elected: Ed. F. Gay, 11. J. Lotnbaertl, Ed. Smith, Mtn. J. How ard, J. P. Coburn, U. H. Duncan. Wm. Philips. Geo. F. Miller was re elected as president of the board. Ihe new directors are Wm. Philipa in place of Mr. Avers, and Mr. Lom- Itaerd in place of Mr. Morris. The following resolution was pass ed: "Whereas, upon a full investigation "of the merits of the gauge for rail breads, as to eeonmv of construction "and operation, it is believed that it -would be advisable to adopt such ' for the line of the L. C. it 8. K R., from Tyrone to Lewisburg, "therefore, ikaoW, that fhe stack "holders recommend to the board of "directors to establish the guage of the "L. C.AS. C. R. R- from Tyrone to "Lewisburg, at three feet" The guage from Lewisburg to Mitf linbawg will be 4 feet 61 iuches, so that Abe people of that section who paid for the grading have the benifits of the road at once, aud which they are en titled to, until the road is built from Centre county to connect, when the track at the eastern end will be chang ed to a three foot guage. If the three foot guage ware adopted now along that part it could not be worked for a year for want of rolling stock suitable for the narrow guage. As soou as the road is finished to Oak Hal), the £uowshoe company will also change its track from Bellefonte to Snowshoe to titMe feet —making the narrow guage from Snowshoe through to Lew isburg, nod to be exteuded on to Dan ville. FIRE. —It is said that the loss to A. Pardee it Co., by the fire in White Deer Mountains, last week, will not fall short of $20,000. Thousands of valuable logs and shingle bolts which were lying along the south branch of IVfait# Deer creek were so much dam aged by the fire, as to be utterly worth less. Tb* 4jaru at M'Calls Mills, which was empty at the time, together with several snantica were burned. — liiltonian. 2M.RROW GUAGE —A meeting of stockholders to the L. C. A S RK. was held at Penn Hall, on last Wed nesday evening, relative to the adop tion of the 3 foot guage for our rail road. Gen. Buchanan was called to the chair, and A. J. Young, Sec'y. Oa motion, J. P. Coburn addressed the meeting and was followed by R. H. Duncan and Fred. Kurtx, all spea king in favor of the narrow guage. Further remarks were then made by Messrs. John Grove, S. Herring, G. Jameson, when a vote was taken to ascertain the sentiment of the stock holders present, which resulted in 12 votes for the narrow gunge and 2 votes against Adjourned. For the Reporter. Mr. Editor :—The subject of the change ~f gwage# for railroad# is now attracting the liruly attention ot engineer# and capi talists ><4 oil part# of the civilized world. A .complete revolution in what had hitherto been accorded to be the proper standard £u age for railroad#, via: 4 feet 8i inches,— i*ems now to be taking place in the minds bf those who have wade this subject the study of their live*. Evidence sufficient to satisfy the most skeptical, has been ad duced to show that the advantage- to be derived from a 2 foot 9 inch or 8 foot guage are equal in every respect to those obuincd from the present acknowledged standard, .or 4 foot 8i i nch guage, and at a greatly reduced cost. This then become# a serious matter for the consideration of those who contemplate investing their money in pew railroad enterprises. A saving in the construction of the roadbed of nearly filty per cent, is a vary considerable item in it aelf—but the great saving in the operative expense, is where tbc merits of the narrow guage prove its advantages over the broad A railroad once constructed, no matter at what cost —much or little —is a fixture; the money once expended, whether judiciously or net, remain# u permanent investment; the loss once incurred, ends with it# com pletion; but the running expenses of u rail road are a continuous daily and hourly drain upon its gross earnings, so that if the expense! can be reduced three-fifth* of the present cost of transportation, a# is claimed by eminent engineers and prominent rail road men, it requires no wonderful arith metical calculation for a subscriber to stock to find in which direction hi# interest lie#. Would it not then be well for those who contemplate new railroad connections, to parefully examine this question of guage upon it# square merit 7 Throw aside pre judice or pre-conceived notions, or I might almost say, obsolete ideas—for iu twelve months hence this expression will carry with it it# fllll force and meaning. Rail roads, like all other sublunary things, are capable of improvement improvement# have been made, are being made, and will continue to be made. Hence it becomes a question well worthy tho consideration of the subscribers to the capital stock of the L. C. & 8. C. KR., whether or not, to urge upon their directors to adopt such guagc for their road, as well as make the stock n sure paying investment. In adopting the narrow guage none of the advantages arc lost that can be claimed for the 4 f. 8j inch guage—transportation, convenience and dispatch are as readily obtained upon one as upon the other. A SCBSCEIBKU. Any of our Centre county folks, going to Miffiiuburg and wanting a good square meal, nice clean bed, and a tip-top landlord to stop with, let them go to the Central Rote), kept by John Showers. The Watchman recently, we were sorry to observe, very hastily and in judiciously published several articles creating prejudice among some of the people of Pcnnvalley against narrow guagc railroads. This seems strange in view of the fact that Mr. Meek in the last session of the legislatura was the champion of quite a number of narrow guagc railroad hills, fo; dilifer ent sections of our county, and among these a bill in which the names of most the prominent citizens of Gregg, l'otter, Penn, Haines and Moils ap pear as corporators for a narrow gunge railroad. \Vo have not this hill he fore us now, hut as Mr. Meek knows which otto we refer to. and ha ■ it in his possession, will he publish it, so that such as are opposing a narrow guagc are placed in the r.dieulous po sition of incorporators for a narrow guagc. What is not good enough tor one class of our people > not for the oilier. Tim grain crop will to good Our farmer# have cnunemeil making huy ~ the crop wilt not be large Hollofowtc has only nine candidate* '.or office- remember Lot'* wife. HortV r Br>>' a Ilollefuntv t ell the cheap est good* iu Centre county. Try cut. Coming around organ grind*:- .. I candidate*, and glad to get a little aid. The candidate thai ha- the inide track wa in our office the other day. Who i hc? Subscribe for the Reporter and I tell you. Railroad men will üb-trve from and ad vertisement, that $5 must to paid upon each share in the I. t\ a S t\ Kit on 1-t d uly. We had a fine shower of rain en last Sunday, and ftv-t t.l some Kan t:c- I: -t week The cars will run to Miffiit burg alk.ut the Ist of August, ami to I'enn-valfey about I year thereatter. iHtc of the present styles of ladie- drv-s --os is in imitation of a large d.-h mg. thrown upon a eraggy bush to dry, and giving it all the tucking up, a/ m fr. C~TAl T TIDN All persons nr.- hereby j cautioned again-t the purchase of a note, given by uC, for SIUU and dated June Stli, ISJI, and payable to Robert De murest or his agent John Depish. as the not.- was obtained in a fraudulent maimer, nttd not having received value, will not pay said note, unless compelled bv law. WILstiS N tI.K The Original Leidy Cradle. Large stock on hand, also Cradle lingers. W.J. MM AN RIAL Agt Milrvty, IV BAIbWA&KoI Hverv DRSCRIPI ION I have ju-t returned front the Ka-t w.th a very large stock of Hardware, and Cut lery, Ooaeh Trimmings, Children. Car riages, Carpenters too!-, and every thing in the hardware liue. Being vary thankful to tuy Centre county friend* for their kind patronage heretofore, and would invito them to call and examine nty prc.-> -.t -ck which is much larger than i have had be fore. Satisfaction guaranteed in every re spect W.J M MANIC AL. jun2stf Milrvry, IV CENTRAL HoTK 1,7(5 reeTlffThird and Chestnut Street. Mtffiinburg, IV John Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Tow n on ' business er pleasure. 11. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. junta, ly y J-i 1 and Snruce Creek H It. Co. Philadelphia June ISth, 71. Notice is hereby given that Ik - first in stalment of five dollars per share, to the capital stock of the Lew :*burg, Centre and Spruce Creek llail K Co . subscribed in the, tow nships of Harris, l'otter, Gregg, Penn and Haines. Centre county, will be j payable on the first day of July 1871, ami j the subsequent instalment of five dollar, per share, wilt be due and payable on-the hr-t day of each succeeding month until the whole is paid Payments of the above in- > staltueuts are hereby require.l to bo made to the treasurer of the Company, at th< i office of the Centre County Ranking Com punv Bellyfonte Pa. 1 ' JOSEPH LKBLEY, Treasurer. N. U. Auy jo rtou Te.iring can pay the | whole off at once. If payments are not, punctually made the law allow- one per cent, pet month to be charge in additi.'e. OOK OUT, HUNTERS• All person* are hereby cautioned against hunting or shooting any kind of game upon the woodiatuls of the under signed. in Potter twp., otherwise they v. ill be dealt with in accordance w itb a recent act of assembly, against tre--passing in this manner uiwn this land of others jua2.3t JACOB SPA N<. LEB OTTER TWP . At' UIToRS RE PORT. Supervisors. George Urusainan Dr. 1870 March 25th To cash from J. 11. Keller § 'JUM | " June 6th To order on J. H. Keller 11* 50 1871 March 25th ToainT of Duplicate 85*1,25 " March i'jth To ami' Reed' for unseated lands 10,00 CR. " March 25th By cosh paid for labor $590,40 " " " "• services for -self 110,00 * cash paid at audit 1(1),<0 " •' *' " ex.menu tions 4,05 " per cent. 0,70 " '* " '• order to J Spangler 185,54 John Emerick Dr. 1870 March 25th To cash from J II Keller $ 20,00 " " " To cash from J U Keller 10,05 " 6th To order on J H Keller 113,50 1871 March 25th amt' of lAi plieaic £42,00 CR. " March 25th By auh paid for 1ab0r,..,., 149,71 u >. . •< advices for self. 100,00 " " *' " cash paid at audit 74,40 •• " " " exonera tions 4,00 " " " " road 0r der......... .. 2,25 " " " " order to J Goodbart 55,47 Overseers of Poor. Robert Lee Dr. 1870 March 25th To cash front J Earner $200,22 1871 March 25th To ami' of Duplicate.., 807,85 CP.. 1870 March 25th By balance due .March 27th 1808 $ 1,86 " " " " exonera tions 3,35 " •' " '• amt' of expenses 303,17 age 40,3') " " " " service# for #elf. .'55,00 •' •' " " order to J Mies* 370,30 Umrv Dasher Dr. 187" March 25th T> cm-hat audit $106,67 audit 99,55 •' •' " reed' from (j Hoffer 76,(5 1871 June sth To unit' of Du plicate 593,10 CR 1870 March 25th By making out report of 1809 $ 2AH 1871 June stb By vouchers 881.50 " " " " services k l'er ccntage 7-5,00 " " " '* Balance on Duplicate 210,89 Auditors Dr. 1871 March 23th To cash from.G Grossman. $ 88,00 CR 1871 March 25th By Cash paid F Kurtz for Print ing report SIO,OO " 0,(J0 " U 8 Ossnian for notifying elected officers 11,00 *• " "and June sth \ days service each 0,00 • " " " clerk. 3,00 44 44 " '• C „ S I, 1 I) .Smith one day 1,00 44 • " room rent 1.00 We, the undersigned, certify that we huve.cxamined the above accounts and ap aprove the same. Attest, ) f Auditors, W A. Kerr / - W. W. Love, Clerk J C A. Kerr. A rented) for tin' stinga of wasp, | Iws, *Vc„ that often proves effectual, t simply to hold a elicit key or any hollow key over the place stung, pre* it hard into the llc.*li for a minute or >o, ami wlton taken off, the poison will bo on the surface ol tho llcii anil tlo no harm. A thimble with a tight top will do, but not quite as well. The unpleasant odor produced by |h-i-piration is frequently the source of vexation to persons who are subject to it. Nothing is simpler than to re move this odor ntoro effectually than by Uto application of such costly |vr futues ami ungeiits as are in use. It is ontv nmwary to procure some of the compound spirits of ammonia, and place about two tablespoonafull in a lia.-- n of water. Washing the face hands and arms with this, leaves the .-kin a- Mveet and clean as ouo could vti.-h, Tho wash is perfectly harmless, and vcrv cheap It Is recommended on tlie authority of an experienced physician. Cltarlleld County. Sheriff 1 Pic lit thi- county had a terrible cite, uater with ait e#> aped prisouer named J at:: - Johnston on the 23d iM., tho |>ar to alar* of which we clip from the Knit matt - Journal of last week, a followu v>n Monday M.i\ 22--I, Chcnff Pie wont to tilco Hope fur tho purpose of arresting J attic- Johiutou, who escaped from jail a •hurt tiute since. On the way thither, however, bo came aero*- Stigert, who also had departed tV - a durance without per- Uit*- .on. The Sheriff arrested Stigert and hru ;ht h i to tow u that evening. On Tue-day morning ho again wended his way toward- the domicile of Johnston. On ap proaching tho house the sheriff left his horse -onto distance away in the woods ami pro ceeded on foot. On Hearing the bouse he discovered Johnston in tho yard cutting -e.-d i ctatoc-, when ho at once pounced up m hi- pri> '■ rto handcuff him. A se ver- scuffic ensued during which Johustoii -truck the Sheriff -is or seven time/with his fist, but tho latter finally succeeded in securing the pri-onsr. The Sheriff during the melee, also succeeded in discharging one barrel of his revolver, which brought ->me raftnten, working near by, to his a.-i-inee, when he succeeded in putting hobble- on Johnston. At the instance of John-ton, the Sheriff sent to a neighbor# house for his wife, who soon made her ap-1 pea ranee, when the party started into the I hou-o to get some clothes for the prisoner. On Hearing the d -or, the prisoner suddenly I leaped iuddc and at the same instant an axe was hurled at the Sheriff's head, but missed him. The prisoner standing at bay inside of the door with an axe, the Sheriff drew his revolver in the hopo that it# ap pcarance wouhi intimidate him, but with no effect. During this brief interval the hobbles on the prisoner were cut, when lie turned and -w iftly ran out at the back |art of the house and made g-s.nl bis escape and ha- not since b en heard front. The Sher iff considerably stunned from the blows received, so muck so that it was with difficulty he came bonioon tho fol k-wing day ; but ho is about again and ready for "active service." Ou Monday last, just at dark, four prisoner* escaped from jail in litis place. Their names are Stigert, Dailev, Lovejoy and JiUison. The prisoners are still at large. ♦ ♦ ♦ MOKK OCEAN TKI.KUKAPHS. —It IA rcj> -rtcvl that a new Telegraph Compa ny is formiag of New York aud Ku ruitcan capltaluU. who intend to lay n submarine cable from some point on the coast of Georgia to Santo Domin- Jamaica, and other West India Island#, and thence down the East t'ou-t of .South America to Rio Janei ro and other point*. It is also the intention of the Company to lay auoth er cable between the United States and Asninirall, to build a land line across the L-tbmu* to l'auatua, and to pro ceed thence by submarine cable* down the West Coast of South America, touching al Lima, Valparaiso, and other points. The Company will also extend its line from tho United Sta'ce to Cuba the right to land a cable on the Cuban coast can be obtained from the Spanish Government. MII.ROY MARKETS. Correct* .1 by Heed & Thompson. Red wheat 1,40 Rye K) Corn 55 Oats 50.... Barley tt Clovewecd 3,60 Timotlijrsecd 4,0u SailfiOper ?> k,. Bacon I*A* llani 16 Butter 15... Eggs 1U Flatter i> '*) B EI.LKKO XT E M A it KETS. Corrected by Keller * lluiwr. \ hue Wheat $1,45, lted 1 -R) . Bye 75 Corn tO. i>at .45 Barfey 75. 70 Clover-erd -1,50 Potatoes 1.50 Lard per pound 12} Pork'|w>r pound 00. Butter 15 Kgg*;lU. Plasterper ton §ls Tallow 10 Bacon 12 Ham 16 MARRIAGES. On the 6th iny the Bev C. II Rio ter. Mr. AVs!- n Ilains, and Miss Mary Magdalena Klein, both i>f Haines twp. On tho lhtc iu-t., by the Rev. S. I) Ben n Mr J. B. Ilubb of Bellefonte, to Mi- - E. E. Shape of Boggs twp. DEATHS. On 11th inft., at Hamburg, Clir.toncoun tv. John Suavely, aged about 91 year 1 . The deceased was n solder in the war of I*l2. and formerly resided in Penn twp. On 16th inst., in Miles twr>.. of consump. tion. .Mrs. Vonitdo, wifo of Philip Vooada, aged about 611 years. On the 13th inst., in Potter twp., Mrs. Nancy Runklc, ago! 61 years, 8 months and 21 days. <3n the 18th inst., in Penn twp., Jacob Kradcr, aged 53 years, 11 months and 17 days. TREASURER.—We aro authorized to announce the name of Daniel Derr, of Bellefonte, as acandi late for county treas urer, subject to the decision of the demo cratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Thomas Veurick, of Aaronsburg, as a candidate for county treasurer, sub ject to the decision of the democratic coun ty convention. We ar<- authorized to announce the namo of Jon n If. Ban: hart of .Spring township as a candidate for county treasurer subject to the decision of the democratic county con vention. Associate Judge. We are authorized to announce the name of Judge llosterman, of Potter twp., a* a candidate for u--ociate judge, subject to the decision of the democratic county con vention. We are authorized to announce the mime of Col. Win. W. Loyo, of Potter twp, a* a candidate for associate judge, subject to the decision of the democratic county con vention. 1). Z. Kline, ol Bellefonte, will be a can didate for A ociate, Judge, suhjucttothe decision of of the democratic county con vention. We are authorized to announce the nume of Capt. Win. Cross of llalfmoon, as a can didate for associate judge, subject to the decision of the democratic county conven tion. We are authorized to announce the name o. Richard C'onley, of Bonner township, as a candidate for Associate Judge. Sub ject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Attention Farmers of CENTRE COUNTY TOHN M DO WELL ft having leased the Ware house of Coplin & Strunk in Milroy, is now prepared to pay the highest cash prices for nil kinds of Grain. Coal, Plaster and Salt, constantly on hand. may2U.6m JM PORTA"NT NOTICE All persons indebted io the firm of Was son & Co., are hereby notified that the books of the same are in the hands of the undersigned for collection. All persons interested are culled upon to make imme diate payment, mid thereby save costs. nutv2o,iit ALEX. SHANNON. Tho good work of punishing tuifailh lul Governor* pica on. It i# but a abort time ainoo Gov. llolilen of North Carol inn •# removed from hi* office for tlagrnut official loiaconduot; and now in the Northweat the Senate of Ncbraaka. acting a* a court of im |H*nchincnt, have returnetl a vcnliot of guiltv in tkc ca.ic of David Butler, the, Governor of that State, and ho like wiao i Governor no longer. Gov. Butler was accused ofuiiaap pMj riating the public ftintls, of cot rupt dealings in relation to school money, the public lauds, expenditures for public buildittga, ami, m fact, of! eiignging with some of his crouic* in a general and comprehensive svslcju ol plunder. The full detuils of the trial have not reached us yet; but the Ne braska pa pen have not hesitated to charge the late (iovornor with com iilicity in frauds of tho most scauda lons nature. It has eveu been Ultima ted that tlie Lunatic Asylum, which was burned down last winter, causing the loss of a number of lives, was pur posely set on lire in order to conceal the frauds that had been perjietrated in it# construction. Tho legislature of Nebraska, though strongly Republican in both hrattche#, impeached Butler during it* Inst session, but his trial was posptotietl. Tho present session began on May 30, nuil on the Slat the trial opened. On the following day the Senate came to a vote on the first article. Nino mem ber# voted for his conviction and only three for acquittal. This makes But ler's deposition from offiee certain. Mr. liillespie, the Auditor of Ne braska, has nfso been impeached, and hi# trial watt to begin on Thrusday last, the Ist instant. A oue rail railway has bccu iu sue ccasful opcratiou between Raney ami Montfcrmcil, ncur Paris, for two years The locomotive for a one rail road ha* four wheels, two bciug placed, one at the front aud one at the rear of the en gine, hearing on the rail. These give the direction aud are doublc-flanged, j The other pair of wheels are placed in a I runs verse plane |uusiug un a line in front of the fire-box. They ran on oak plank or macadamized road, u* the case may he, and are the driving wheels. This sort of railway cau he built iu Frauee for about 11,000 per mi.'e. The locomotives weigh six ami ten tous; the former runs fourteen utiles an hour, draw iug, besides its own weight, thirty-five tons up a grade of two feet in a hundred ; the latter wilij draw fifty tous ut a rale of eight miles i an hour up the same grade ; on a level it would draw one hundred aud eighty l tons. This system is the iuveuliou ot ( M. Laruiaujat, a French civil eugi neer, and may be successfully iutro-, duced on turnpike roads with the grades and curves which the common highway usually has. EXPLOSION OF A SHELL.— For some time past, a shell, picked up on the battle-field of Gettvaburg, had been lying in or about tlie bouse of Mr. Adam Cook residing on East King street in this Borough. Last l Friday, Mr*. Cook, put the -hell upon a plate of a hot stove, for the purpose of melting a jwrtion of the lead for some purpose, and left the room for a short time. Soon after her departure a loud report was heard, and on enter ing the room, it was discovered that the shell had exploded, bursting the stove iu pieces and makiug indenta tion iu the ceiling and the room. It was a fortunate circumstance that the lady had left the apartment. — Chambersburg V. Spirit. Wctake pleasure In Informing the public generally, that Messrs. Graham A Son, have just returned from Phildelpahia with a splendid ascrtment of BOOTH anvl SHOES, which have beed ac-beted with great care from the best manufacturers. gWAny person sending us eight üb scribers with the cash, Sl. will receive the Reporter 1 year free; and for four namos and yt, the Ruportcr >i in mtU* free. BCRNSIDE A THOMAS Offer to tlu Public one of the largest and best selected stocks of merchan dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and see for yourself. _ I 7HNE GROCERIES, n>" ha i--il,-e. -1. . gov. lava, best quality Rio coffee, best oolong "lack teas, grecti tea-, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Urtp* fine article bak ing inola-ses, nee ana everything in tin* grocery line at the lowest cash price in tht marketBCRNSIDK V THOMAS , is tht place. HA UN KSS, collar*, cart whip* carnage whip*, in great varieties govern ment gear*, addlc*, bridle*, martingale* check line*, carl gear*, tug harness, buggy harne** haine*, etc. Everything in thead dlcry line at BURNBIDE A THOM AS* S PICKS of all varictie*, ground to order and warranted to be strictly mire. It i* the on lv place you can find unadult. ra tod (pice*. Try them for your own *ali* fac tion. You can only find them at BURXSIDE& THOMAS'. LEATHER, of all decripti'>n, trench [■alfikln, i|itnlih tola leather, moroc co*. sheep tikin*, lining* Everything "n the leather line warrant'd to give satu faction, at ,'IDRNSIDK & THOM AS. BA BITS SOAP, Wm. llagan and ite on* *oap. Dobbin*' tout, Jesse Oaklev * toap*, oldca*tile, pure. Palui oap Klderliiig's soap, and a great variety ol other soaps, at BITRNSIDK a THOMAS' li'hitman'* celebrated confection*, li'h it man* celebrated chocolate, Buker'* chccolate, Smith's ehocdate, China Ginger. Kngiinh Picke*, American Pickle*, at BI'RNSIDEg THOM AS' The New Firm. Herlacher & Cronmiller, CENTRE HALL, PA New Spring Ootids Come one and all! Juat arrived and will always. be kepi ou hand a full line of Dry Goods, lliird; wnra, Queen*ware, Wood and willow ware Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent assortment of everything kept in a First Class Store, now ready, and for (ale at marvelous low r * l '(ioons VERY NEAR AT THE OLD PRICES. Mu*lin they will *ell you the very beslj brand* at price* that will astonish you: New spring Dress Goods A ino*t beautiful variety, eoni*ling of all the noveltte* of the season, at lower rate* than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods A; , Embroifl enes The flnet stockin town, ho.li ai o quantity quality, and prices. HOOP SRIBTS The best make*, latest style* and lowest rate*. (Hats and Cap* in great variety Linens, Towellings, checks, Don in g*, loth Cassiniers, Cloaking*. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawl*, in fact, we keep everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost. All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OCR STOCK before purchasing elsewhere, as we do no consider it any trouble to show good*. ALL KIN DS OF H ARNKSS, silver plated and Yankee Harness double and single, bridles and halters. upr7l PROPOSALS. SEALED Proposals will be received at _ the Office of tho I'resideiit until Saturday, the Ist day of July, I*7l, for the (Iraduallon, Masonry and Bridging of dial part of the LF Union County to a point In vicinity of Oak LLALL, Centre county, being <•< tion* No. ill to No, M, both Inefusiue. * Profile* can Le *een at the office ill Low uburg. Printed form of pr|>o*al* can be had at the office : no other* will he receiv ed 0 P M 11.1, Kit, IWL of L. 0 A H. H It. Co. Lewieburg, Jtuiel, 71 4 UDITOR'M NOTICE. lu the matter of the estate of 1 Sr. Naliltlul Strobe, k* orTanovated. Tho undersigned auditor ap pointed by the Orphan's Court ofCentri county, to dlstrhule the moneys in the hands of L> J. Ilillibish and Jane 11. Slro hooker, administrator AND ad minis! rati IT of AE, of Samuel Mtrohecker, respectively TO and among those entitled to the same will attend to the duties of hi* appoint ment, at hi* office in the borough of llelle foiilc, on Tuesday, July IKLLI, at 10 o'clock a. m , at which lime all parties interested are required to attend and make their elaini* known, or he debarred from |>artic ipating in said funds. IRA C. MITCHKLi- Auditor V UDITOR'M NUTICK. In the matter of the exceptions to the account ol David (lilliland, executor ot sc., of Wil liam S. tiilliland, deceased The auditor appointed by the Orphan'* Court of Centre county, to hear and and |>aa* upon the ex ception* tiled to the above mentioned ac count, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of appointment on Tues day, Jillv 11th, IH7I, nt 10 o'clock a. in.., at lu* otllec in the borough of llellefonte. IRA C MITCHKLL. Auditor. SUNOAY SCHOOL MEN AWAKE! AWAKE! RANKIN'S SMS. SCHOOL EM DOR J I'M i just where you want to go and buy your Outfit* Mr. tUnkin sell*Tii* goto]. i#r be low any one else—and gives entire satisfac tion. Sec his col!e<-tion of Envelope*. Store Opposite Bush House, llellefonte Pa. i aprtAllf. I CF.sT it K HALL Coach Manufac fcory. I* e v i Murray, .at hi* establishment at Centre llall, Pa . j i keeps on hand, and for sale, at the most | reasonable rates, a large stock of Carnages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Put* and FXRCT, : and vehicles of every description made to] j order, ar.d Warranted, to be made of the best <-a*>ned material, and by the most -killed and competent workmen. Person* wanting anything in his line are requested I to call and examine hi# work, they will And 'it not to be excelled for durability and wear. apriMly J| i MOV.U. TH EODORE DESCHNKK. GUN SMITH, ha* removed to the store known as No. b Bush's Arcade next door t*> Zimmerman. Br<>* A Co., at BcllofunU?, where he U just opening out a complete stock of REVOLVERS. GUNS. AMMUNITION. fLSHfNO T TACKLE. Base Halls, Bats, Keys, and general Snori ing Articles Guns made and repaired any warranted. juii-Hd _______ _ IJ*\RM FOR SALE —The subscriber . offers at private *alc the fanr. on which he now resides, situated in Ferguson town ship, County of Centre, one mile and a half west of Pine Grove. The farm contains , one hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of limestone, one hundred of, which 1* cleared ; under good frnce. and in a high stale ot cultivation. The balance otj tweaty acres tscoveradjwltb a fine growth or timber, the buildings are good and conve nient, w ith a stream ot running water at the door. An orchard in full bearing of the vcrv bl varieties of fruit, and a grape vinyara ot the most popular and standard varieties. This splendid farm will be sold cheap, ni)>l terms made easy. For particuUrtcall upon or address 1 Q M KEPLER, marSl.tf I'ino Grove Mill*. STE R EOSCX )!' ES, YI KW *, ALBFLL*, CHROVIO*. FRAMES. ' E A H. T. ANTHONY A CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Invite tho attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods. ->f their own |wblication, manufacture and importation. AI AO FlioTQ MXTkll* at.IPK* AXp iir.vrttoscorxa, vt* vir.w* or TOSKMITK. E. A II T. ANTHONY A CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Oppoait Mct ropoliUu Hotel, IMI-oaTKR* AJt MiXCrACTI'RRR* OK PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. mar 10.0 m j HAV AUK * RRO., (Successor to N. Ililibisk) Wholesale and retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bollofonle, I'a. Read only a partial list of Cook Stove Wellington, Waverly, Ornamental, Oriental, lloyal Cook, Prince Royal, Sea Shell, Artisan, And American Parlor and Office Stoves : Morning Glorv, Tropic, Brilliant, and New Egg. And Parlor Cooks tor Wood orCoal, and Wood Stoves of every description. Attention i* culled to hit slock of Koonng Plato, new siac, which hu has just receive <-d, sir.o 40x20. It makes hotter fob thant he old sixe, andean bo furnished cncapcrthai any other establishment in town. ptl-Spouting and jobbing promptly nt tended to. Charge* rea*oiiablo and satis taction guaranteed. oct2'Gß jjr KW HARDWARE HTOREI J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 6. BROCKBRHOFF ROWi A new and complete Hardware Store ha been opened by the undersigned in Brock- 1 nrholT* now building—where they are pre pared to sell all kind* of Buildingand Iloutt | Furnishing Hardware. Iron, Steel, Nail*. Boggy wheel* in sett*. Champion Clothe* Wringer, Mill Saws, Ciroular and Hani Saw*, Tnnon Saws, Webb Saws, 100 Groan Freezer*, Bath Tub*, Clothe* Racks, a ful. assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all sizes, Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrow* Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloes, and Hub*, Plows, Cultivator*. Con Plows. Plow Points, Shear Meld Beards and Cultivator Teotn, Table Cutlery, Shov els, Spade* and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screw*, Sash Spring*, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods. Oil*. Lard, Lubricating, Coal, Linseed, Tanner*. Anvils, Vices. Bel lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory BelU, House Bells. Dinner Bells, (long ftells, Tea Bell*, Grindstones. Carpen ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Oils, Varnishes received and for sale at juno'(lß,ly. J. & J. UABRIB. ALLAUM, HKYKOI.H'M MKW MARHI.N , FRONT, LLISLLOL* at , Rcllrfolile W i N E H AN I) L 1 II U 0 116 The subscriber t aspect fully calls THO at tention of the public L<> his cstablishm ill, where liu I# nropated lu furnish all kinds of Foreign ami Domestic Lliiuun' *IIDIPMI at the lowest cash price*, which HRE rrn -'EI t<> ho the hem qualities according to their respective price#. Hi# stock consist# of Rye, .Motiongaheis, lrih and other Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies Holland TIIU. Port, MI!I. Cherry, Blackberry IIINL other Wines III" heT MtifllM -at a* reasonable rale* a* call bo had ill the city, < Champagne, Cherry, lllackberry, Ginger and Curraway Brandies, I'ure Jamaicauud New England itum, Cordial of all kind*. 1 He would particularly invite Farmer*, LLO lei keeper* mid other# to call and examine hi* large supply, to judge for Ihemaelve# and be certain of procuring w hat they buy, which call aeldoiu be done when porch#*, ng in the city. J&TT- I'LI valeiana are reapeelfully requested o give hi* liquors a trial. ap!o / IKNTKE HAL.L HOTEL Vy JOHN N rx.VUI.IT A, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart dally, for all point*, north, south, ea*T and we*t. Tin* favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by it* new proprietor, ami is now in every respect ONE of the most pleasant country HOTEL* in central Pennsylvania The travelling community and drover* will si way* And the beat accommodation*. Per soiii truni the city wishing to spend a few week* during Ihe summer in the couulry, will 11 lad Centre Halt one ot the mo*L beau tiful locations aud the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con venjcncc, apllMJA.tf COACH MANUFACTORY. HA RDM AN PHILLIJH, 4 VT II IS manufacturing eslablisbmant at Yoagi-rtowu, on tho and Bcllcfont" Turnpike, ha* now on hand 1 a Ant* *t(H-k of Carriage*, Buggies, Sulkier I and Spring Wagons, which he now "tfon I for sale a* auporior in riuality and stylet tc anv manufactured in the country. They ' are made of the very BC*I SEASONED stock by lirat da*# practical workmen, and Anisbed in a stylo that challenges comparison with any work out of or in tho Eastern cities and can be told at lower prices than those manufactured in large town* and cities, amidst high rents and ruinous price* of liv ing Being master of his own situation, anxious to excel M his artistical profession 1 and free from any annoyances in his htui- < ness, he lias lime and anility lu devote hi* entire attention to his profession AND hit 1 customers, rendering satisfaction alike tc all patrons, operatives, his country, and hiniaelf. Call and examine his stock and learn his C prices, and vou cannot fail to he saluAed. 1 REPAI It I N G of all kinds done neatly, promptly, M rmntain the quantity re fire tent eei. Tin- attention of practicing physicians is I ailed to hi* stock of DURE LIQUORS, suitable for lU<-dical purpuse*. Bottles, jugs, and demijohns constantly on hand. . He ha. the ONLY PUR* NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquors are warranted to give satis faction. Liquors will be the quart, ' barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot oi BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hamd. Confident that he can tilcase customers he respectfully solicit* a snare of public PAL trumigo MYULF TBWIN A WILSON are ruustanUy re ceiving new goods in their line. HADW A R E of every description atrcdu.EE price#— NOW being opened every day apIOTM, Wall Paper, cheap from 12 to 20 cent* per bol ta llcr)*cb< r BUFFALO nfthcWitiniti'! from 4 lu ub to 120,0001 b. aplo OS lawiv Jt Wn.sox. DK V BOA l'Unk anT Scantling for talo by lawix a WiLaox. apiom CROSS-CUT AN# MILL SAWS, be make at , lawix * Wiutox. . apIOGS PIMPS! Wooden Pumps, AND PIPING. Tho undersigned would re*peetftjlly call' ( t lie attention oft hociiiiu-n* c>ft enlr<-county, and Pcnnsvallov in particular, to the fact that he i. manufacturing VMS 3£iSV f Uiilf made at horo or elsewhere. lie UM none j but the B< *L material, IIKWAKKKNT* TIIKM to give satisfaction, a* being the moat last ing and durable. at'i'Kßion TO TUB OLD; wooden pump. being arranged to let the water off and prevent treeaTng in winter. 1 Pine, poplar or cucumber pump, alway* on hand. Ilia inatirial for pump, ia all .awed from large timber, and are thux. Secured against CheckiugorCracking. All order* bv mail promptly filler!. PI PI NO, made of tho boat material, of five inch .cantling, joined together with coupling blocka, thoroughly handed, and warranted to stand any pressure required for ordinary use. Price, of piping range from 12 to 18 cents per foot. Send order* to .ept.3o.ly J. TELLER. Milosburg, Pa. Bur ia I Case s AND CASKETS. AIR-TIGIIT ANI) 1N DESTRUCTIBLK t-OR Protecting and Preserving the I>cad. The undersigned take* pleasure in an nouncing that lio has secured the aulo agon-' cv in this county for ME TA LUC ANI) OL ASS Iliirial Caaen HIMI CMMIM-IM. which are so widely known as to require no special commendation. The METALLIC 111' RIAL CASE, with its present im proved style and finish, it* entire harmony with the teelinga of the bereaved, it* per fected adjustment* and appointments in ; whatever relate* to the preservation and protection of the hody after death, confirm it* utility and cntiro adaptnes* to the pur i pose* for which it i* designed. COFFINSof all description* furnished at the shortest notice; and all order* filled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with care, and funeral, and escort* super ; intended in person. HENRY HARRIS nov4t Belicfoute, Pa. CILLER'S HOTEL, Woodward, PH.; IVL Stages arrive and .1< jcrt daily. This favorite hotel i* now in every respect one of the must pleasant country hotels in central Pennsylvania. Tho traveling com munity will ulway* find the best accommo dation. Drovers can at all times be accom modated with stable* and pasture for any number of cattle or horse*. julyfi'GKtf GEO. MILLER. SI'INDLK SKEINS for wagons, all si r.c*, at tho sign of the Anvil. aplO'W. IN WIN A WILSON. I AM PS OF EVERY VARIETY and' j kind at nplO'.W IRWIN &. WILSON'S. CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, l'ants, Vents, and Drew font*, cheap, at Wolf*. POCKET mnke* * uricos at IRWIN it WILSO* 1 OOKING-OLASS PLATES ofallsia J forsaloby lit WIN* A WILSON. au 10*68. _ JAPANNED TOILET SETTS, AND other Jnpnnned ware, at the Anvil Store. uplo'oß. IRWIN A WILSON. BOALTS for Buggie* and Carriugber. me* in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at ■ pUfflS IRWIN A WILSON' CIOFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large j ment at IBWltf 4 WILSONS Philadelphia Store. In Brockerbnfl*a block, Bishop Strrrt, liellefonta, wbara KELLER <• MUBBJBM, have Just OPENED the best, cheapest, largest | as well a* tlie best assorted stock of (ioods | ( N Beltefunlo. HERE LADIES, Is the place to buy your Milks, Mohair* M oaaiubi'iuea, Reps. Alpaca*, Detains, I .an*, Brilliants, Muslins, Calicoes, Tick ings, Flanels, Oners Ktanels, L.adie* Coat ing, GcnU Cloths, Ladles Marques, Whiti I'rkuy. Linen Table Cloths, Counterpane* Crib Counterpane#, White and CATERER Tarltoti, Napkins, Inserting* and Edgings White I .nee Curtin*. Zephyr A ZEJIHYR Tat* terns, Tidy Cotton, Mhawls, Wora Baskets SUNDOWNS, Notions of every kind. White Good* ol . very description. Perfumery, Ribbons Velvet, Tartets and BoiuiH Cords and Braid. Veils. Buttons, Trimmings, Ladle* aid Muse#Skirts, HOOP KKIItTH, Thread Hosiery, Fans, Beads. Mewing LADIES AND MISMKS BIJOKtf and in fact every thing that can be thought of, dtiirod or used in the FANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINE , FOR GENTLEMEN, tliey have black and blue cloth*,, black and fancy yassimeres, saltineU*. tweeds, met orn, silk, satin and common vesting*, in short, every thing imaginable in the line ot gentlemen* wear. • Itvcdyiuade Clothing of Every Dia wriptiou, for Meu aud Roy#. lloota and Shoos, in endless variety Hats and Cops, CARRETS, Oilcloth, Itnejs, Rrown Muslins, Bleached Mus lins, lhillinejs, Sheetings, Tablecloths, Ac.. < heaper than elsewhere. Their stock of QUEENS WAR* A GKO CKHIES cannot be excelled in quality or price. CNall in at the Philadelphia Store and con vince >our*elv that KELLER A MI'S SEK have any thing you want, and do bu siness on the principle of "Quick Hale# and Small Profits." ap9U,tW uaxiK A*T> raouues AII TAKKM titm )1) NEWS FOB THE PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Great Bargains! r PII E undersigned, determind to meet the J. P. .pular demand for Lower Prices, re spectfully call* the attention of the public I to hi# stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed es pecial it for the people and the tim- s. the lar gest and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddlr*, Harness, Collar#, Bridle#, of every description and quality; Whips, and in fact everything complete to a fir#t claas establishment, he now offer* at price* which w ill suit the time*. | |A better variety, a better quality or llaer style of Saddlery ha* never before been of fered to th<- public. Call and examine our lock and be rati,fled before purchasings elfewhere. Determined to please ray patron, and thankful far the liberal share of patronage her. ! f re eiij.-yi d. 1 rcrpcct'uliy solicits continuance of the same. JACOB HINGES, Centre Hall. FIRM, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. FOSTER, DEVLING A WILSON, Having purchased the extensive store of owell, riilliland A Co., and addedlothem at panic price** large assent meat of NEW GOODS, They are enabled to sell at | OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A iarge variety of Ladies' Dress Gooria Great Bargains in Mualius and Calicoes. j Ready - Made Clothing Warranted to Suit. - Our Cloths and Oaasimcr*, Cant be excelled. TIIKIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. At"nihes every one in assortment and low j prices. . Sriup, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Canned IruiU, Jetlu*, Domestic and Foreign FruiU, Cheese and pastries of all kinds, and evary other at tide be longing to tne'Grocery Deparlment- They Wholesale at Philadelphia Rate*. Farmer*, Mechanic* and Laborer* look to your interriL One dollar paved i a dollar in pocket. Then call and *e at what a*toni*hingly low price* FORSTER DKYLIXU & WILSON, Are selling their Dry Good* and Groceries. jf#-No trouble to how Good*. If they are nut as represented, we will j 1 pay you fur your trouble. Don't forget the j 1 place. g*-TURNER BUILDING-Bflt. 1 ap'JlHf Allegheny St, Bellefonte Pa. jj CENTRE HALL Manufacturing CoJ AND Machine Works, CENTRE UALL CENTRE CO., PA. Having enlarged our New FOUSDRT SJ MATIUSK SHOPS and AonicvLTURAL Wontta. Stocked with all new and latest; improved Machinery at Centre Hall, an nounce to the public that they are now ready to receive orders for anything in their line of business. Shaftings, Putties, Hangers, lIRON & BRASS: We also manufacture tne celebrated KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now stands unrivalled. Thi* Reaper has advantage* over all olhci Reaper* now manufactured. One advan tage we claim for it. is the lever power, by which we gain one hundred per cent over j other machine*. Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereb; | the driver has under bit complete contm .if the machine; in coming to a spot of lodg | ed grain, the driver can change the cut of J lie machine in an instant, without stopping the team, varying the *tuble from 1 to 14 | inches at the outside of the machine, a* well la* on the inside. It is constructed of first class material; and built by first class ina chanic*. We warrant it second to none. All kind* of Horsepower* and Threshing Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes, latestim proved. All kind* of Repairing done. Dif fcrant kind* of PLO W S AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heckcndorn Economies plow which ha* given entire satisfaction We employ the neat Patternmakers, oua patterns arc all new and of the most Improv ed plans. Plans, Specifications and Daw ings furnished for all work done by us. r-W-We hope by strict attention to bum ncss to receive a hare of public patronag CASTINGS "f every description made and fitted up fo MILLS, FORGES, > FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, AC., AC. All orders by mail promptly attended to j OK ZmLL X'F'G COM'J* lli:\ltV T. IIFXMBOLD'ft COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba . GRAPE PILLS. lament VurU— Fluid Extract Jihu barb and I luid Extract Catawba (Jrape Juice. For liver comjilaiut*, jaundice, bilious n flection*, sick (ii nervous head ache, cosmetic*, etc. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, mineral* or (leleteriou* drugs. 11 TTi"e PUI/are the most delifbtAtllr ! plana*** purgative, tupsrueding twtur oil, |rail*, K.ag >- La, tu. There is nothing . in. re acceptable to tit* rlomach. Tbsy (give tune, cause neither nausea nor grilling • |atine. They are **supaa*d of lit* finest ngi edieiit* After a few days' u*s of them •uih an in vif oration of tin entire *yst*ni | take* place a* to appear miraculous to tits > weak and enervated, whether arising from | imprudence or disease. U T. HeimboM'a |( 'otupound Fluid Extract CaUwha Grape Pills are not ugarcoated, frutn the fact that •ugarcoated Pill* do not dissolve, hut pas* through the u n-h without dissolving. I consequently do not produce the limited ef fect. The Catawba Grape Fills, being pleasant in teste and odor, do net necessi tate their being * ugarcoated. Print fifty cents per box. £ HENRY T UELMBOLD'B UIUHLV < <>*< XSrasTEti OOMfOCKD Fluid Kxtract Har** pari Jla Will radically eiterminata frowlhey#tew Scrofula. Syphilu, Kerar Bore*, u| t #r, Bore Bore Leg*. Bore Mouth, Bora Head, UroAcbitM, Bkin liuttMt, Bait Kin-urn t'ankor*, Running* from the Kar, white swclliturt, tumor*, aumrow affec tion*. node*, Sickeu, glandular *wltinga, night >F*U, ra*h, tetter, humor* of alt kind*, chronic rheumatism, dytpeoaia, and all dua*4M that have bean catabfiabed in the ►yrtetn for year*. L Being prepared expressly for th* shove compliments, its blood-purifying proper ties are greater than any other preparation of sarsaparilla. Jt fives the complexion n dear healthy color and restores the patient to a stale f health and purity. For puri fy ieg the blood, removing alt chronic eon kUlultoita) disease* arising from the nn im pur state of th* blood, and th* only reha ! lie and effectual know* remedy for the I cure of pains and swelling of the bones, j i ulcerations of the throat and tegs, blotches, j pimples on the face, erysipelas and ail' scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautify-[ ing complexiuii M lIENBY T. UKLMBOLD'B (OXCSXTEATKtt Fluid Extract Buchu, TIIK GREAT DIURETIC, ! has cured every case of diabetes in which lit ha* been given, irntatian of the neck ol I the bladder and inflammation of the kid neys. ulcerstionof the kidneys and blad der, retention of urine, diseases of the pros tate gland, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel, brick-dust dedorit, and mucous or milky discbarges, and for infeebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend * d with the following symptoms: indisposi tion to exertion, tot* of bower, Kusof metn |ory. difficulty of brmtning. weak nerves lrt-mbling, horror of disease, wakefulness, dimness of virion, twin ia the back, hot hands, flushing of tuc body, dryness of the .kin, eruption on the face, naflid counte nance, universal lassitude of the muaculor system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eigh teen to twunty-flve, and from ihirty-Ivt ti> fifty-five or in the dtclino or chang* ol . life; alt-r confinement or labor pains; bed- f wetting in children. B Hclmbold'sextract buchu i* Diuretic and blo>d- purity ing, and cures all diseases arising from habit* of dissipation, and ex cesses and imprudences in lifts, impurities of the blood, etc., superseding copaiba in affections for which it is used, and syphilt ' tic affections—in thee* diseases used in con nection with Heltnbold's rose wnsb. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladies, th* extract buchu it unequalled by any other remedy— a* in chlorosis or retention, inj regularity, painfolness or suppression of customary evacuations, ulcerated or schir rus state ofth* uterus, leucorrhma or whites, sterility, snd for all complaint* incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion ,or habits of dissipation. It is proscribed j extensively byjhc roost eminent physician* and mid wives for enfeebled and delicate < oustitution*. ol both sexes snd nil ages (attended with any of the above diseases or f ►yniptonu), o H. T. UKLMBOLD'B KXTBACT BU- F Clll* CURES DISEASES ARISING ■ FROM IMPRUDENCES, HAB- ' ITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC.. in *ll their stages, at little expense, little or 1 no change in diet, no inconvenience, and J jno exposure. It cusses a frequent desire. ' and give* strength to Urinate, thereby re ! moving Obstructions, Preventing -d Cu- ' ring strictures of the urethra, allying pain ' and infiamalion, so frequent in this CISM of 1 ; disease*, and expelling nil poisonous mat- * t . Thousands who have been the victims of [ incompetent persons, snd who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, nave ' found they have been deceived, and that ' "ithe '-Poison., has, by the use of "powerful 1 | astringents, been dried up in the system, 1 to break out in a more aggravated form, and ' EXTRACT BU- I CHU for all affectioafand diseases of the i urinary organs, whether existing in male ' or female, from whatever cause originating. \ 1 snd n<> matter ofhow long standing. Price, one dollars and fift v cents per bottle. 1 L . HENRYT.IIKLMBOLDSIMPEOVEDI ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a face wash, and will be found the only specific remedy in everv species of cutaneous affection. It speedily eradicates pimples, spots, seorbn tfc dryness, indurations of the cutaneous membrane, etc., dispels redness and incipi i ent infiamalion, hives, rash, moth patches, I dryness of scalp or skin, frost bites, and all purposes fot which salves or ointments arc ' utcd; restores the skin to n state of purity ' and softness, and insures continued heal : thv action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depend* the agreeable clearness end vivacity of complexion so much sought snd admired. But however valuable at a reme dy for existing defects of the skin, H. T. llslmhold's Rose Wash bat long sustained iu principle claim to umbounded pairon *(?''• by possessing qualities which render it iv tolled appendage of the most superls -1 live and eongenial character, remaining '* in an elegant formula those prominent • v requisite*, safety and efficacy—the in varia r bio accompaniments of its use—as a pre -5 servative and refreshei of the eomplexKHi •" !It ts an excellent lotion for diseases of a 1 syphilitic nature, and as an injection for I* I diseases of the urinary organs, arising from! "j habits of dissipation, used ia connection; * with the Extracts Buchu, Sarsaparilla, and 4 Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as "rt commendet, cannot be surpassed. " 1) g Full ami explicit directions accompany i the medicines. c- Evidence of the nn-st responsible and re liable character htrnisbed on application, with hundreds of thousands of living wit nesses, and upward of 80,009 unsolicited certificates and recommendatory letters, many of which are from the highest sour ces, including eminent Physicians,Clorgy * men, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor nas never resorted to their publication in the newspapers; he does not do this from the " fact tnat his articles rank as Standard Pre '* pa rattens, and do not need to be propped | up by cert.flcatc*. > HENRY T. HKLMBOLDS GENUINE g PREPARATIONS. Delivered to any address. Secure from "o observation. Established upwards of twenty yean. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Address K-tters'for information, in confidence to HENRY T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist. Only Depots; H. T. HKLMBOLDS Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 694 3 Broadway, New York, or to H. T. HELM BOLD is Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth , Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Beware of counterfeits. Ask ftxt H*arv T. HeltnboW's I Take no other. — m The antra A qualities at Poke Root JmE DH. CROOK** mSiSmSS UV TBI ****** C3 IT JE% U jtr fig POKE ROOT! Making th* prejiarstlna lllffw fflt ft V'" and RJBT/JTOB fasi* kaewa fur ZcWKW Scrofula, fenf&lsu TMftgw, JmA&W/*Sm riasaus of Uu Iras. All tttffensg frost Shrsaie SDmms, Bro ltd&xm'ZJP* Ua-im Ccnttlta- MfcMm, er requiring WA ram*4y tt psrliy asd W/S enrich the Rlsst, will Jfitd DfjCaOSOCem- £ potsnd mVTefrcZX *H■ilfi lUlf iTT to b* certain "KR I 'WWItfNF M< rollaWa fcitaac iw\fi I X/ J tiir, Petal la Issiii , \ *i wa. Mi y- - * y it* fiwir la ■ Jm oITOiUSSa W wM >••* ikT , /IBavK M # tmna, Silt-Shew, F m S fetid-Bead, Utora I / gat Sort t, in til I /^ouaAbytbauaofit \ Any d-*sas .tspendiag Vlfcfitf' * M *f the' fU-xnt ea be M* Je Jf cars* by H. Try m M< Sf hottis. riotdbrsa l> f I gala, prepared oajjr by \fgttf Olivtr Crook AOa Daytea, O. Sr. Crook's WIFE OF TAR! Is a Preparation afaten hii bean tried toy the pabtie far ten )*•*. and Throat and Lrogi SSTIrS mpaStoSi * Sr. Crook's WIFE OF TAR! I* um rawly to n*e for Chrome Coujbt, or CNC>* ami Coltia. it Couhi k CffiniTiniff P**n> put com* them ali. h Ha. rural came of On cersESTny pfcysfcleaa. Or. Crook's WIFE OF TAR! ita* l ured so tnsey mass of Asthma and llroorfu tie. thai ft ha* been pen feOftfi&txMt • fMfi&d fof litkmiL Bronchitis. tkm if ii< Wlll TWs •M® * Dr. Crook's WgEOFTAR! a!tin ifcfjriiMH, szBCLiTT. "jy.y I iJßif'wlt lor tSM KAMI aM debUi tste^. Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TAR! julinTn'i ft it. - -*■ m , 7 - m i AiyattU. atonies, art, retasm the Uenr, VAme end pete I ham to werk| tiMMtksMU^M Dr. Crook's WINE Of' tAE! It* action on (ho Ortamy Organ* are bath pteaMl UM lINOBOMI smtne. r nuBSl 4 ' ur>(^ Dr. Crook's WIFEOF TARI is raft in (be tMdMiai oaatitim of Tar, cms BPBHB diva taasd tritb vegmaUs km ' " * ' AsSSi i Censtltntimti *alen.*!tira make Htm* anrpeaaed for tha mm- Dr. Crook's WOE OF TAR! Et ****** pain in Wr—V risFXPOA. -j lainr of tba Urar. Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TARI Ha* mad* amsy panmna etraegamd brmtny wba p ' Sad fame aaaUaio we* Streafti and SaaltL u itmdtUn HSSi aewmr tmut IS* fl ifll illiiM UMue |vropcrftl** tFiMt *(* Grover & Baker HIGHEST PREMIUM SE WIN 0 MA CHINES. The following are selected from thous and* of tcwUtnontal* of similar character as expressing the reason* for the preicreuce for the Gnovxn St BAKKK Ifachims ovor all other*. •••"I like the Grover St B.icr Ma chine, in the Am place, because, if 1 had any other, 1 should still w ant a Grover A Baker; and, having a Grover St Baker, it answer* the same ourposc of all the rest. It does a greater variety of work and It l* easier to learn than any other."- Mrs. J. C- Croty (Jenny Jane.) •• • "I have had several year*' experi ence with a Grover A Baker Machine, which has given me great satisfaction. 1 think the Grover A Baker Machine is more easily managed, and leas liable to get out of older. I prefer the Grover A Baker, decidedly."—{Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York.) •• • "I have had one in my family for some two years; and from what 1 know oi its workings, and from the testimony of many of my friends who use the same, I can hardly see how anything could be more complete or give better satisfaction.-Mr* [General Grant) • • • "1 believe it to be the be#l, all thing I' considered, of any that I have known. I is very simple and easily learned ; the sew ing from the ordinary spools is a great ad vantage; the stitch is entirely reliable; it does ornamental work beautifully; it is not .liable to get out of orders—Mrs. A. M i Spoon e*. Bound Street, Brooklyn, i, The Grover And Baker Sewing Machim Company manufacture both the Elastic [ Stitch and Lock Stitch Machines, andofisi , the public a chcict of the beet machines oi I both kinds, at their establishment* in al* . the large cities, and through agencies in i nearly all towns throughout the country . Price Lists and samples of sewing in btb stitches furnished on application to Grovsw | ABakcrS. M. Co., Philadelphia, or t F. P. Greene, next door to Centre Co. Bank, Belli i fonte. I | NATURE'S Hair Restorative I Contains no LAC SULPHUIi-N r SUGAR OF LEAD-No LITH d ARGE—No NITRATE OF KIL i VER, and is entirely free from ih Poisonous and Health-dentroyilj * Drugs used in other Hair Prepart* I tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will i not soil the finest fabric—perfectly SAFM CLEAN and EFFlClENT—deaidsraS turns LONG SOUGHT FOB AND , FOUND AT LAST 1 £ It restores and prevents the Hair froa* becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy op pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool aid refreshing to the head, checks the Hair II from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, preventa '■ Headaches, cures all Humors, cutaneowt * eruptions, and unnatural Heat. ? DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Groton Junc tion, dass. Pre}*red only by PKOCTKB - BB6THERS, Gloucester, Mass. The Genuine is put up in a panel bottle, mad* 4 expressly for it, with the name of the artsy* J blown in the glass. Ask yourJDruggistfa* Nature's Hair Restorative, and taks other. _ ~ J or sale by ftp. JFolfand J. B. Soil r, <* ntre Hall 241 uny .. .. : .. n Jlgys • v