Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, June 16, 1871, Image 3

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LOCAL *XWS.~Our friend* will oblige
ut H* sending in any item* of Wll ' B ' M
est, intruding deaths, marriages, Ao.. a
such IN eagarly read by J four friea* m
th waul, many of whom get the Reporter.
Wc would esteem ll a favor if our Wind pa
tron* would occasionally mail a copy >|
he Reporter to relative* and acquaintan
ce* who formerly lived in Ceatro county
end removed to other patts, which would
induce many to become subscriber*.
.I.* •> 0 1 ■ t
BLANKS.—BIank Summon*, Yeidu
Notes Execution*, and Judgment and
Kx • minion Soteeombined, Justices War
rauU, die., for tale at thit Otice,
The circulation of the UEPOKTKK. on
this sill* of the couutv, is now greater
than that of any two |mj*rs in the
county, hence business men who wish
to reach the Ponns valley trade, wih
advance their own interests, by ad veil
tiling in the RETORTER. Our aubecrir
tion list is open to the inspection ot *l/
who wiah to advertise.
FOWWTAI* Pa*.—boaiuUim*
now and novel. Bo ure and read thoad
vortisemcnt in our paper. beaded 3m at
o.l Invention of the Age 0 J*^ v , c
the Golden Fountain 1 on • unauipaaeed.
A rootl pen la a necessity la f "'* rv maM
woman and child Agent*. here is a
chance to make money la introducing a
good and saleable article. Jan J. y.
the books of the "American Sunday
Union," and "American t.act So-
S^ w "Vse\T?iT( v ..-iS: k
aprlkssi Brokcrhoff How. Bellefonte
at J WALT** * A Son'a Carriage Manu
factory. Milroy. mayAom.
STONK WAR*.—lStone Crocks, didor
ent sise* a.d be.l oU.Utv n.0... ..d a
large stock on hand at M- ** GLr ..
CLOVER.— Mr. J no. Lcc, of this
place, left two stolks of clover at our
-office, raised on his !ot iu Zion, the
longer of which measures threo feet.
This is pretty well for the dry spell we
have had.
—Mr. J. C. Mot*, of Woodward,
sends us a six ineh corn plant having
a root two feet long, an evidence of the
drv spell, and that the fellow bad
been sending his feelers deep dowu in
to the earth for water.
Mr. Rank, one of our readers in Illi
nois, sends us some of the bones of the
large fith. mentioned bv our correspon
dent ia last week's Reporter, rho
bones prove that it was a whopper-but,
gentlemen, after this don t send us the
bones, but send the whole critter, done
up in'ice, and all expressage paid, and,
well have a big dinner in here, on
Illinois pickerel, or any other "big
fish" our friends may send us.
Mr. R. aleo tbiuks they eau beat us
all hollow in stall-led beaves, and
gives us an instance: a cow of Mr.
Cronoble, is so fat and broad across
the back, that 40 bushels of oats can
be poured upon her without rolling off.
That will do for this hot spell, but
don't forget to send the next big fish.
Mich. Swart*, one of our subscribers
at Orangville, writes us, dato June
The weather is favorable for all
growing erops; wheat is doing well,
corn is two weeks ahead of former sea
sous ; ire is baiter than I have ever
reen itliefbre it will be the best that
ever was raised in fckephenson county,
it will be ready to harvest by the first
of July, potato bugs are plenty I have
noticed in the Reporter about the
Aunks which Mr. orick and sou kill
ed last winter 1 I have seen the skins
and I say it is a true story.
tressing accident occurred on last Fri
day, near Centre Hill. Mr. Wm.
Lee having his horse and wagon bitch
ed at the residence of Mr. Ambrose
■ Haines, three little children at play
there, innocently climbed upon the wag
on, when the horse from some cause
took fright and ran away. Two of the
little ones were thrown ufi'but received
no injuries, but unfortunately the
* wagon apsetting, fell upou the leg ol
the third, a little six year old daughter
of Mr. Haines, and dragged her some
distance over the stones, until the horse
broke from the shafu, leaving the lit
tle girl with its limb fast under the
wagon, until rescued by its mother and
some others, who with almost superhu
man efforts raised the burden from off
the little unfortunate one. The child's
leg, from the knee upwards was found
terriblv mangled, the flesh banging
from the limb in shreds leaving the
leaden and bones exposed. Medical
•id was called as early as possible to
drew the mangled limb, and though
tle child may recover, yet we fear it
will be maimed for life. The wagon
wal also considerbly wrecked.
Mr. Thomas Wolf, of Miles town
ship, this county, caught a snapping
turtle, on Friday last, which weighed,
when dressed, twenty six pounds.—
That's a big "mapper" big enough
for a soup fbr all ut fellows. Send us
* dish of turtle soup, Tom.
If any of our readers wish to have
lightning rods upon their buildings,
let them wait until Jacob Solt comes
around, who puts up the beat rod now
CANDIDATES. —The gentlemen thus
far announced, on the democratic side,
for the various county offices are
For Assembly—J. H. Orvis and P
G. Meek, of Be'llefoiite; Dr. Fisher,
of Zion ; Dr. Van Valxah, of Boals
burg; C. Munsou of Pbilipsburg, Capt.
Smith of Penn.
For Associate Judge —Judge Hos
lermau and Col. Love of Potter; Col.
Risbel, of Gregg; Jonathan Kramer
and W. L. Musser, of Millheiin; D. Z.
Kline, of Bellefonte, Judge Allison
and Capt Dopp, of Howard. Rich.
Conley, of Beuuer; Wm. Holt of
Snowshoe; Capt. Cross, of Hallmooo.
For Treasurer —Tbos. Yearick. of
Haines; D Derr, Bellefonte; Col. Wea
ver Mileeburg; J. P. Barnhart, Spring.
For District Attorney —Jno. h. Pot
ter, D. F. Fortney, and deputy sheriff
For Commissioner —Geo. Moyer, of
Ferguson, and S. F. Foster, Potter.
HIGHLY IMPORTANT to the friend*
of the railroad is the fact that Keller A
/ Musser, at Bellefonte, have received a
oew stock of summer Roods, comprising
everything needed by men, women and
children. This store has the deserved re
putation of being one of the best in the
county, offering the best goods and the
best bargains, and withal the best looking
iy, I most accommodating proprietors and
clerks hot*®* o the north and south poles.
A a jno*ial meeting of the directors of
the BeSlefonifl and Snowshoe RB. Co., held
June 9th 1871, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That we are ready to curry
out in good faith the arragements made by
the respective committees of Lewisburg
C AS C. RB. Co., and the Bellefonte
AS 8. RB- Co.. iu relation to building thfc
line from Bellefonte, to the north-west end
of Nsttanv mountain, in time to connect
with the L. C. A 8. C. RB.. whenever we
are fully satisfied that the road from Lewis
burg to that point shall be completed.
D. Roads,
Sec'y pry teui.
-Wo had rome flneh<wer* of rain
on Saturday night and Sunday la*t
Calvin Meyer. a son < f Reuben \(<Wor,
of Miles low nshlp. had his collar tame bro
ken, a few day* ago. by being thrown from
a colt.
The member- of the democratic editorial
convention, which met at Hellofonte on
Tuesday last, had an excursion to the top
of Nittany mountain, above llus place, on
the afternoon of same day, from whence
they had one of the granite-I and most love
ly sights fbr mountain and vslli'.v -ornery
in the world.
It will W go,Hltsew- for the people nfour
valley to know that they need no longer
go to Bellefontelo buy cheap good.-, and
that Jacob Miller, at Pleasant Gap, •* -oi
ling at Bellefonte prices. Hint some article*
even less. He ha* a ftill and complete
stock, comprising everything in the line,,!'
dry J;O,KI*, groceries, notion- - and
gent s dre>* gvaal-. Now, stop \v ith Jacob
Miller, at Piea-nnt Gap, H ml try him, anil
save money and time, 1, thy going further. .
Remember ho offer- gtusl* at the lowest
Belle tout e prices,
N i-vv Any one wishing to go into the
mercantile W-inc we know one of the ■
best stands thi- side Philadelphia, the |
firm doing a husine-s of from j?U*> lo
s9t*ri per year, and steadily increasing
Capital Invested from S.'VAI to s.b*1 l . Thi*
is an extraordinary chance for any one de
siring lo go into business. There i* no op
position in the Mine lino of good-, in the
place, ami we d* not hoilaic to recom
mend the stall.l. Term* Cash. For furth
er information adore-- the editor of the
Centre Hall Reporter. juiu-9. A
At the residence of Mr. J. J. Ocker, toir
Nittany Hall, June 1-? IS7I, by Rc\. J
M King Mr T. W. Walker, and M ■
Annie K. lsoe, all of Urush \a) er.
Gn Sl-t. in Madisonburg, a -n cf An
drew iKker. aged over 1 year.
Corrected by Reed -V Thompson.
U>d wheat 1,40 Rye K* Corn ,■
Gats fit)-. Barley U
Clover-,led 3,5*1 Timolnysccd I,ll*
Salt 2 50 JHT sack,
Bacon lie Ham Id Butter 15... Kgg
-1 Plaster y 50
<,'orrecled by Keller A Mu>-, r.
vVhite Wheat $1,45, Red 140 Rye
75. Corn 00. Oats .♦"■ Barley 7,V
TO 01overeeil 4,50 Potatoes I.'O
Lar-I pr pound 121. Porkpvrpound 00
! Butter 15. Eggs 111 Plasterper ln
sls Tail,>w ll. . . R.i., n 12. .Ham 1 ■
Supcrv Uors.
Gettrge Grossman Dr.
187t March 25th To cash
from J. 11. Keller $ 20,00
" June thh To order ou J.
H Keller 118.50
1871 March 25th To ami' of
Duplicate 856,-5
" March 25th To amt'
ReesT fbr ua-eated lands 10,11)
" March 25th By cash paid
for labor $590,40
" services
for self 110,00
cash paid
at audit 100,00
" " " " exonera
tions...... 4,05
! " •• " " per cent. 9,76
j " " " " order to
J Spangler 155.54
John Emcriek Dr.
1870 March 25:h To cash
from J 11 Keller. $ 20,00
" " " To cash
from J II Keller 10,93
" 6th To order on J H
Keller- 113,50
1871 March 251h Mint' of Du
p1icate..,—.................... £42,00
* CSC,43
1 " March 25th By .-ash
jsaid for labor $449,71
" " " " servioci
for self. -
" " " " cash paid
at audit,.., 7L4U
•* ** " " exonera
tions 4,60
*' " " " road or
der 2,25
" order lo
J Goodhart - 55,47
Overseers of Poor.
Robert Lae Dr.
1870 March 28th To cash
I from J Farner $21*1.22
1871 March 25th To amt' of
Duplicate 807,85
1870 March 25,h Bv balnce
due March 27tfi 18*">8 $ 1,86
" rt " " exonera
tion* 3,35
" ami' of
expense* - 663.17
" " " "Percent
age 40,39
for self. 36,00
•* order to
J Mies* 370.30
Hoitrv Dasher Dr.
1870 March 25th To cash at
audit $106,07
audit 99.55
reed' from G
Iloffer 76,(5
1871 Juneslh To amt' of Du
plicate - - 5Ct!,10
1870 March 25th By making
out report of 1869 2<l>
1871 June sth Bv vouchers 884.56
" " " " services Jc
Per centage 75,00
" " " " Balunce on
Duplicate 216,89
Auditors Dr.
1871 March 25th To cash
from G Grossman $ 38,60
1871 March 25th By Cash
paid F Kurt* for Print
ing report SIO,OO
J '• " " " 6,00
L' 8
Oomsn for notifying
elected officers....—. - 11,00
'* " "and June sth .
J days service each 6,00
" " " " clerk. 3,00
" " " " cash
P I) Smith one day I,OJ
" " " room
rent ...■■■■■ 1,00
We, the uuiletvigncd, certify that we
have examined the above necobtiU and ai>-
aprove the mine.
Attest, ) (Auditor-,
W. A. Kerr / *, W W. Isove,
Clerk J I A. Kerr.
Attention Farmers of
11 having leased the \N '.ire
house of Poplin A Strunk in Milroy, is now
prepared to pay the highest ca*h price- for
all kinds ol Grain. Coal, Plaster and Salt,
constantly on hand. uiay'JG.Gm
All persons indebted Iu tlie firm of Wns
son & Co., arc hereby notified tliat tin
books of the anno are in the bunds of the
undersigned for collectiop. All par-on
interested are called upon to make Imme
diate payment, and thereby save cost-.
myA/t AI.K A. SIIA N N ON.
Notice is hereby given that the'Commi
sinners of Centre county will hold atyieal
from assessments of 1871 for the difli-rent
township* and boroughs in said county on
ihe lollowing days, (at the places for hold
ing elections in townships and boroughs) to
Patten township Tuesday May 2!rd
Halfmoon " Wednesday " 24th
Ferguson " Thursday " 25th
Harris " Friday " 26th
Potter " Saturday 27th
Gregg ; *°ndy 2.-th
p enn " Tuesday .*Kli
Hulnes " Wednesday " 81st
Mill " Thursday Juno Ist
Walker " Friday " 2nd
Marion " Saturday ' 3rd
Bellefonte boro* Monday 6th
Milesburg " & Boogs twr. Tuesday ' Gth
Howard "Ac twp., Wednesday " 7th
Curtin " Thursday " Bth
Liberty Friday 9th
Unionville boro' & twp Saturday" l<nh
Huston " Monday " 12th
Worth ' Tuesday 8 h
Taylor Wednesday 14th
Snowshoe " Thursday " 15th
Burnside " Fndav " lj.th
Philipsburg boro a twp.. Tuesday 21th
Bennera Spring " Thursday " 22nd
Bv order of Commissioners,
way.St. WM. FURY, Clerk.
MI7WW mn
1 Tho Most Valuable Honk Ever
i The Bible Its Own Interpreter:
IlitclnvrkV Kcw mill (\miplHe Aual
ysli of Tho Holy Bible.
We . an ipci cordially recommend this I
Book, to all tho reader-of our paper, as
atmngniUccbt help lo rapid, accurate study
of the wor-1 of God, and hope, that ore the
vain :i iif Cant re county i* cx>mplet>, it may
ihid a place iu almo*i every family there
in Mr. Lane, the agent for Putter town
ship, ha< alroadx cxiuinienccil taking order#
■ in thi* place, altd, all xrtll be well paid for
the time they may pcinl ill seeing and
hearing the hook explained, and but few
shouM f-'el themn lv e- to poor leu purchase
such aire ..nre Remember, that it i sold
exiiunxelx bv -üb-cription, vl-i not hum
■ thi* only chance.
In thi- great Work all the v ersea of the
I Old r.nd N.v, Testaments, are arranged
according to .-r' .*<, under more than *a
Lv-a-tuad heading-. If you i*h to llud
I out till rally . the Bible -ays upon Ke
\ poulaitee, Faith, Baptism, Justification,
Adoption, V uranee of Divine Power,
Providence, Purp-.es of tlml, Prayer, j
Back sliding. Dutle- to Parents. Fallen |
Man, Man Re.i. in 1, The Millenium, The
IB trrcc'e i. The Judgment, Hell, Heav
en, or an y other of the thousands of sub
ject* -pokm of in God's Word, you have
only lo tura to a complete alphabetical in
dex, where, in a moment, you can find the
p.igc, where it t- treated of; and lliyrc, ill
one Book, Chapter or Sou ton. you have in
logical order, every verso of Scripture,
which treats directly upon it. The arrange
ment i ni simple that h child can find al*
iuo*t anything.
Bv this plan any one can barn more of
what the BibleMys upon any subject or
subjects, in a few moment-, than he could
by arching the common arrangement,
for day* or even months. Beside* all this,
it contain* Cruden Complete Concor
dance, with 153,000 references, and just as
quickly as you can find one vorso, in our
common Bible, you, through this, find all
others up-n the same subject, and, then,
there are-ev -ml hundred pages of many
other matters of grvat valuu and interest
to all Bible students, and all this covering
ncrr 1200 p.igcs, can IK* hail in excellent
binding, for the lucre cost ol" a Bible alone.
Below we sive a few of the many thousands
of tc-timonial- to the value of this work,
some of tin e are from the most eminent
scholars and divines of the day :
(Frotu Rev. J K. Miller, Centre Uail.)
"Having briefly i vamiued Hitchcock'*
Aoalysi- f the "Bible. 1 can confidently,
say, that it is a work of iaea/ee/aWe value J
to the Bible reader, having every subject i
admirably armngeil thai much time is!
saved in research.'
(From Rev. J W Hough■%want, Millhcim.) i
"Having examined Hitchcock s Analy- j
sis of the Bibie. I believe it to be a very
useful W 'rk in the study ot the Holy Jierio
turcs, and heartily recommend it to all.
Whoever can, should posses* it.
(From Rev. S D Bennington, Centre Hall.)
"1 have very briefly exauiiued Hitch
cock'* Analysis of the Bible, and consider
it unexer'trut work, ami well calculated to
-are time in acquiring a knowledge of the :
Word of God.
(From Rev. J. 11. A. Bombcrger, D. D.J j
"It would m*; l>u easy to exagcrate the
value of Prof. Hitchcock s new ami com
plete Analysis of the Bible. . . It is o
Am/ ', !e, that it i- difficult, if not impossi
ble, to see or to say wherein it could he
improved. 1 can ne>*t warmly commend i
it a- worthy the wide-t circulation "
(From Rev T. S. Stork, D. D.)
"The Book, altogether, is a rare produc- j
lion, inch a* might have been expected
from the -cholwrly Hitchcock. It ought |
to find a place in every family."
From Prof. C. Shaeffcr, Phil a.
' The interest* of our holy religion will j
be greatly prom >ted by an extensive circu- ,
lalion of "thi- nrecious Book." j
Rev. J. W. Mear*. D. D.. Editor of the j
"American Presbyterian," be-ido* many .
other good thing* say#;
"As a comprehensive work for the study '
of the whole Bible, especially by the com- 1
•parin,; scripture with -criptiire, thi* Anal
ysis is without a rival." j
(From Bishop Simpson, 1) D.)
"It i* :iliuo*t indispeiisible to the minis
ter and Bible student."
i From Rev. 11. Ward Beecher. 1
"If 1 could have had a work, du
ring the first fifteen year* of my ministry.
I duiuld have been -aved much labor, and
reapt n kundretl i-'d the harvest of Goil's
From Rev. John Scott, D. D.) t ,
"There i- t" inv knowledge, nothing in ' ;
the world of literature, which can take its ,
(From Rev. J. O. Pock, D. D.)
"If every Sabbath school teacher and - '
scholar baa and studied this work, a Per,-
les-ost of instruction would soon come. It
is an unrivaled and mats-hie** wo k." I -
From Rev. S. G. Bailey, 1). I) I
"This Book -hould be in the hands of ev- j
i-rv one who desires to study the Bibie (
hfin-elf, or imparl its truths to othets." i
(From Rev. J. I* Withron. Phil'a.J
"Eminent scholars and judicious critics
li*ve already cxhau-tcd eulogy upon Dr. |
Hitchcock's Analysis. Any student of the
lffer</ who fails to procure it. when he is j
it lr, will commit the sin of wasting time, (
agd, depriving hi* study, of one of the ,
ioD*t delightful lids extant.'' I
♦ ♦ ♦
Macon is building one of the largest .
cotton factories in the world.
♦ —- , i
Rev. Walker, of Miiiheim, will preach ,
in the Loop school house. Sabbath eve.,
June 18th. (
TREASURER. ~Wo are authorised to t
announce the name of Daniel Derr, of t
Ik-Uefonte, ns a candi late for county treas
urer, subject to the decision of the demo
cratic county convention.
We arc "authorized to announce the
name of Thomas Yeariuk. uf Aaron*burg,
as a candidate for county treasurer, sub- i
je-t to the decision of the democratic coun- (
iy convention.
Associate Judge. ,
We are authorised to announce the name '
.if Col. Win. W. Love, of Potter twp, as <
acandidnte for associato judge, subject to
the decision of tho democratic eounly con
I). Z. Kline, of Bellefonte, will be a can- ]
didate for Associate, Judge, subject to the (
decision of of the democratic county con- ,
vent ion.
We are authorized to announce the name
oft'apt. Wm. Cross of Halfmoon, a, a can
didal- for associate judge, subject to the
decision of the democratic county conven
We are authorized to announce the name
of Bichard Conley, of Benner township,
as a candidate for Associate Judge. Sub
ject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
Farmers In want of new Cult vntor# or
wi.hirig "'.d ones repaired, can he arroni
modiiK d by sending to Isaac Hnupt, at the
Bellefonte Foundry, near Phoenix Mills,
where he has the reversible steel tooth the
he-t arrangement that can be made for cul
tivators. Also Bryon'.* improvement# on i
the Wart's plow*. New Wagon* made to
order and old one* repaired at short notice.
Al.-) threshing macliinos made and old
one* repaired. Castings of all kind* made
and iKvil up iu machine shops. All work ,
done in hi, shop, i' by experienced me
The best display of cook stoves and fnn
cy and Japaned tin-ware in the country,
alway* on hand. All kinds of tin ami
sheet iron ware inadi lo order at his store
and shop, opposite tho Bush house, where
he keep* drtod apples, cherries, bacon,
-boulders and ham# the best that can he
had in tho Pennsvalley market. Mer
chants will do weli by buying their tin
ware wholesale 'from Mr. llaupt. Old metal
and iron taken in exchange at U cent per
pound for work done, also for tin-ware anil
Where do you buy your Books?
At Rankin's Model Store.
I Thy do you deel there?
lie is cheap "John"
H'hcre i* the Store?
Opposite Ru-h House
Bellefonte Pa.
Doe* he attend to orders?
IFith promptness;
]).>es he keep well Stocked?
Hi* SttK-k is complete.
Go lo this Model Storo
I aud save money. apr2B.ly.
Pint Tor m or Clip PcuiisjUtuiin He
HMOI I Tl<>\M 1
I. i'. Castidy, Kq , from tit* committee
u> Resolution*, thou read the folio* Inn s
/'. ri.nl tin- De|ii".talir l> '
in fhvor of revising and amending thai'
Constitution of the HFetc, re. ognlsiiig **;;
right uf (In* jvoopli* to ho full* honrtt on *
subject to vital to their interest*; and do!'
hereby endorse tbo eourse of the Demo-;
cmiio'itioiitWr* of the Legislature In favor,
o! .iiliuilUiiiK. at lb.' next general election, |
the quo.lion whether or n>l a State Con-"
\ otitlon should bo railed thr lliat purpose. j
li> o/rr>/, Thai the persistent refh.al of :
thr Republican party In the legislature to
oonsanilon proper modification of those
provision* of the regi.lry act relating toj t "
th. Cm of Philadelphia. In which at leal
■no half of the election* of that I'll) are ut-L
terly ilturlvril afreproentatlon in the alee-U
Hon lianli, fraudulenl return*, forgery U
Mini murder encouraged, lliuat b# rondoin- (
nod by every Jul man, and ought to bo||
relmkod by the ballot of every upright),
oitiAon , _ 11
/,*.. It\j, That the art ion of thr Homo ,
rrntir majority of |hr Senate of Penntvl- (
vaiiia upon tin- Apportionment bill and t.,e ,
Philadelphia Kogi'try Law, meets our un-L
qualified cndoreoinent, and ought to receive h
the approbation ofrvary eiUMn who value, j
fair representation and fair nlwtkilll
llvulr.il. That Uio fort-e and bayonet,
hill, rrrmtly enacted by Oongre**, an*'
ores* attack* upon the reserved right* of
State* dottrurtlve of the elemontary prill- I
, ,j.|e- of civil liberty, intolerable to a free I
people. centralising ■ntendenry ,aud*bould|i
be tortlie Ith repealed.
That tlia language i f Senator
Carl Schur*, In hi* St LouU .preeb, .
wherein he -as - "I eon.ider it one of the I
mo-1 i.retting ue.-d of our day* that we .
should return to the *ound practice of oon-
•titutional government, the .afe-guard. of
our cHMtunou liWrOi' t dUlaiueu |
in the Constitution are too tar rod and valua- ■,
ble a boon to ho permanently Jeopardised I
in providing for a pasting emergency It
I-lime that the American people open their
eye. to the daiigerou* character oftliuten-j
denev, and that neither a great name orani
object appealing to our *,\ eu pat Inc. Thou Id I
bo twiuiiUt liu ilUicuise it, -V ur uml I j
ha\c ecu tb* working of rrvsjKii#iblv i
power and personal government in other I
, tunings, and I may a--ure my HMUhh I
W (l that while lam a oMaaa of thi* Me- I
public, t .hall tiniggle to iho la-l grasp] I
against it. introduction here wa but the
utterance ot well knuwu and frequently
annouined Deiiuk ratic diKtrine. j
lUtoUfd, That the nubile debt i binding
upon the nation, and must be paid, and !
that we are unalterably oppoad to any and
all movement* looking toward* repudia
tion, direct or indirect, but in juatice lotbe;
laboring aud producing cla**e, lbs ralo otj
inlcrel thereon hould be reduced at the J
earliest possible date. b
AV.-.Jrf. That the Democratic party u
opposed to tbo existing ytem of Federal
taxation and finance, ruinou. a* it I* iu iu
effect* upon the laboring, producing, iniu
ing and manufacturing interest* of the : peo
ple and the fruitful source of hard tune.,
personal indebtednessand Individual bank
ruptcy. . , .. , .
K< > Ur.l, Tliut latr aid capital liave nt. i
just cause of antagonism ;bal we deprecate
•tnct betwi-en tboae two great force* and
earnestly *eek to place llie laborer and the ,
capitalist on such a platform a* will citable
both to ami. ablv juljust their .liffcrence*
and we are unaiurably opjvo.ivl to the im |
portalioii of a servile race for the purpose!
of degradingthe standard and lowering the|
position of the laboring men of the nation ;
Hr*Jv€<l. That we recognize the bind-j
mg obltgalmus of all the provisions of the
Constitution ui the United Slate* a* they;
now exist, and we deprecate the dlscassion j
of issues which have been settled in the.
manner anil by the authority constitutional -1
ly appointed.
K**olr nt. That we are for a government
rigorously frugal, and .imp y apply mg alll"
the iKissible saving of the public revenue!
to tbo tlitcharx** of"'Ui rtationitl doW, ana :
oppo.eito mu'tipllcation of officer* and.l
salaries merely to make place* for partisans,
and for increasing, by every device, the]'
public debt. t> I'
i, Tliat the. ontinuaio • by a Re
publican t' Uigre-s of the inc.line tax when I
the same is, at least, of uoubltul Coostitl)- j
tionality, and the necessity therefore has ,
long|*incw ceased to exist. l an exercise of
a p.-wer oppressive to the pes>ple ( and a'
grow violation of their righu aud interest. |
hVau/rnt, That the present tariff u in
many of its feature* oppressive and should .
be revised, and that wo herewith request)
our Koprcentativo* in C'oaeies* when the
tariff shall be the subject of readjustment (
to see that the immense products of the 1
State and its Industrie* are properly carsnl 11
for. '
lUtolctJ, That the soldier* and .ailorsof, i
Pennsylvania are entitled to, and should,,
recieve at the handofthc national govern-j
ment, a prompt recognition of their claims
to a proper and Just equalisation of the
bounties, in land as well a* in money, gran
ted for their patriotic *civico* in the late]
wr for the supremacy of tbo I'niou and
the Constitution. )i
Wctake pleasure in iuforming tha public
f generally, that Messrs. (iraham \ Ss>n,i
imvejust returned from Phildelpahla with
a splendid assortment of BiinTS and
SlliES, which have bcel selected with
great care from the best manufacturer*.
t<f Any person sending u* eight sub- (
scriber* with the cash, §lO, will receive
the Koporter 1 year free; nd for four,
name* and jts. the Ue|H<rter ti month^freiv
Offer to tho Public one of the
largest and best ftdootad stock* of marchan
disc, in I'entre county. Call, examine and
*oe for yourself.
S K tiRiH FIU Ksf niocha "coffee, oli
I lf" v - java, best quality Rio coffee,
tiesl oolong black tea. grain tea*, lovering
syrup, golden syrup, lnp* tine article bak-i
ing liini***rl. rice and everything in the!
grocery lino at the lowest s'asb orice# in ths j
inarkciUr KN.SIDK A THOMAS'. U th*
placo. |
HA UN KSS, collars, eart whips carriage j
whips, in great varieties, govern- j
ment gears, saddles, bridle*, martingales
check line*, cart gears, tug harOM*, buggy
harness hamcs, etc. Everything in the aa
dlery line at
SPICES of all varieties, ground to oriler
and warranted to he strictly nure.
It is the only placeyou can find unaduitera
l.vd spites. Try them for your own satisfae
tion. You can only find them at
IKATIIKK, "f all descriptions, irench
gulf skin, t.mnish sole leather, moroc
cos. sheep t.kins, linings. Everything
• n the leather line warranted to give satis
faction, at HJBNBIDK dc THOM AS_
A HITS SO AP, Win. liagan and ive
on* soap. Dobbin*' soap*. Jesse
Oakley's soaps, oldcastfle,pure, Palm soap
Klderfir g's soap, and a great variety of
other soaps, at
li'hitnian'i celebrated coafections,
ll'liitman's celcbraied chocolate,
Bilker's ehfcolate, Smith's rhocolato,
China Ginger, English Piekes,
Amertcanriokles, at
The Now Firm.
Herlacher & Cronmiller,
New Spring (Jooilh
Come line and all!
Just arrived and will always bo kcpl
on hand a full line of
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard
ware, Quecnswnre, Vfoodand wil!,,w wari*
Iron,' Salt, Ki-h and in faet, a inagnittcent
assortment of everything kept in a
First Class Store,
now ready, nnd for sale at marvelous low
Muslins limy will sell you the very host
brands nt prices that will astonish you
New spring
Ih •ess Goods
A most beautiful variety, consisting of all
the novelties of the season, at lower rates
than ordinarily charged at other places.
White Goods dr
Euibroin ones
Thu finest stockin town,bUi to o quantity
quality, and prices.
m®p SKdiim
The best makes, latest style* and lowest
rate*. (Hat* and Caiis in greHt variety
Linens, Towellings, Checks, Denin g, loth
Cassitners, Cloakings.
Spring and suminer shawls, in faet, wo keep
everything, and will sell at a very small
advance on first oost.
All we auk that you will
before purchasing elsewhere, a* we do no
consider it anv trouble to show goods.
silver plated and Yankee Harness double
aud single, bridles and halters. apr7l
SKALKI) Proposals will b> received at
tho Office of tho President until
Saturday, tlt* l( Hay of July, 1871,
r.ir tho Graduation, Masonry and llritlninv
of that part of the Lewlsburg, Centre A
Spruce OrMk Kallroad fVom Western
Boundary of I'nion County to a point in
vicinity of Oak Hall, Centre county, being
•action* No, til to No. fid, huth imlusiue.
IProfiles can be aeon at tho office tn l.r -
iburg. Pr 1 tiled form of proposal* can be
had at the office : no other* will be receiv
ed U r Ml I,l,Kit
Pres't of I. O Jt I*. It It Go.
Lew inborn, June I, '7l
4 UDITOR'B NoTlt'K In the matter
J\ of the e*late of llr Maiiiuel Hlrjheek
i , deeeaied The undersigned auditor ap
|Miililed by the Orphan'* Court of Centre
'ounty, to duirbulo the money* in the
liand* of I). J. HilHbiah and Jane 11. Ktro
liecker, administrator and aduiinUtraltit
if ac, of Hainuel Htroheoker, reapectlvely :
[o and among tho*e entitled to the name
will attend to the duties of hi* alilioint
lllclit, at III* office ill tllO borough of liello*
fonle, on Tuesday, July lath, at 1(1 o'clock I
i in , at which time all partie* interested I
ire reoulrvd to attend and make their
•laim* known, or be debarred from partie
pating in aid fund*
VI'IMTOK S N'oTICK In the matter
of the exceptions to tha account al
David Ollllland, executor ol AC , of Wil- 1
lam S. Ollllland, deceased. Tha auditor
ipfHiitited by the Orphan'* Court of tVulre
■ounty, to hear and and pass U|MUI the o4- 1
Option* tiled to the above mentioned ac- 1
*nunt, will meet tlie partie* interested '
"or the purpose of apjeittifiueut on Tues
lav. July 11th, IH7I. at 10 o'clock a
.tlii, olti.-o ill the borough of ItellefiMlti'. !
jut where you want to go and buy your i
)utiiU— Mr. Rankin sell* hi* good* far be- i
ow any one else- -and gives entire satisfac- a
ion. See hi* collection of Knvelopc*. ■
ttore Opposite lluh House, Bellcfunlc Pa. a
ajifjp if. i
it hit establishment at Centre llali, Pa.. -
seeps on hand, and for sale, at the most
■easoiiable rale*, a large stock of • |
Carriages, l
<& Spring Wagons,
, |
ind vehicle* of every description made to,'
rder, and Warranted, to be made of the
■cat seasoned material, and by tho Beat I
killed and competent workmen. Persona ,
wanting anything in hi* lino are requested
0 call and examine hi* work, they wilt find ,
1 not to be excelled for durability and
nr. aprWly
ia removed to the store known a* No. b
Hush'* Arcade next door to Zimmerman,'
llroa & Co., at Bellefonlc, where he UJut
spelling out a complete stock of
Have Ball*. BaU, Key*, and general Snort
ing Article* Gun* made and repaired any
warranted. junSd _______ _
POlt S VLK The subscriber
' offer* at private sale the farir. on which I
he now reside*. situated in Ferguson town
ship, County of Centre, one mile and a half
west of Pine Grove. The farm contain*
one hundred and twenty acre* of the bel,
quality of limestone, one hundred acre* of
which i* cleared ; under good fence, and in
a high stale ol cultivation The balance of|
tweaty acre* Iseovcredjwilh a fine growth of
timber, the buildings are good and couve
nieiil, with a stream ol running water at
the door. An orchard in full bearing of
the very bet varieties of fruit, and a grape
vinvard ol the most popular and standard
varieties. . ... i
Thi* splendid farm will be sold cheap,
and terms made easy. For particulars call
upon or address
marSl.tf Pino Grove Mills
vtswa, ALBUMS, '■Ugouoa, RUAUK*. I,
591 Broadway, New York,
Invite the attention of the Trade to their
extensive assortment of the above goods,
of their own jwiblication, manuflicture and
importation. j.
iAruo*corKi, MCW VIKWS or TOSKMIT*
E. A H. T. AN rnONY A CO., 591
Broadway, New York, Onpotit Met
ropoliuo Hotel,
IMI'oKTKR* AM> VI A * t'r A<T V K IX* OX
marlO.dm j
(Successor to N. Ililibish)
Whole sale and rcuil dealers in
Stoves <fc Tinware,
Allegheny Street, Bellefoute. Pa.
Read only a partial lint of Cook Stove
Royal Cook,
Prince Royal,
Sea Shell,
And American
Parlor and Office Stove* :
Morning (ilorv, Tronic, Brilliant, and
New hgg.
And Parlor Cook* lor "Wood or Coal, and
Wood Stove* of every description.
Attention i called to hi* tock of Rooting
Plate, a new nine, which ho tin* just receive
cd *ir.e 4Ox'Jo. It make* better fob thant he
old lice, andean be furnished cheaper that
any other establishment in town.
jg-arSpouting and jobbing promptly al
leuded to. Charge* reasonable and satis
faction guaranteed. oct2'oß
A now mid complete Hardware Store hat
been opened by tho undersigned in Brock
erholT* new building— where they are pre
pared to sell all kind* of Building and Housi
Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*.
Buggy wheels in sett*. Champion Clothe!
Wringer, Mill Saw*, Circular and Ilanc
Saws,Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, lee Creair
Freezer*, Bath Tub*, Clothes Racks, a ftil.
assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all
sizes. Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows
Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes
Felloes,and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators Corr
Plows, Plow Points, Shear Mold Boards
and Cultivator Teoth, Table Cutlery, Shov
els, Spades nnd Forks, I.ock*, Hinge*,
Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoe*, Nails,
Norway Itod*. Oil*. Lard, Lubricating,
Coal, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel
lows, Serew Plates, Blacksmiths Tools,
Saetory Bells, House Bells. Dinner Bells,
ong Bells. Tea Bolls, Grindstones Carpen
ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans Paints, Oils,
1 Varnishes received and for sale at
Jitno6'ob,ly. J. A J. HARRIS
Alt Al' M, mcr*Ai.t'# nrw marbik
. rnoffT, BIVIIOI* at,, Mcllefonlc.
W I N K s A N I) L IQUO 116
Tho üb*erlber laapeotftilly calls thejit
tsntion of the public to his MUbllihm m,
where hv la urp*iil to furnlih all kinds of
Foreign anil Dm*tic Liquors' wholesale
at tin. lownat ca*h prkw#, which are warran
:d to bo tbo boat qualities according to
tbalr respective | rlcu*. Ills stock constat*
of Kye, Momuigahols, IrlaK an 4 other
Whiskies, all Itinda of Itrandie*, Holland
Uln, Port, Mad-ri*, Cherry, Blackberry
and other VVine* the bel arlli'le* *al M
reasonable rale* a* fan be had in the fity, j
Champague, Cherry, lllaekberry, Ginger:
and Currawav Brandies, Pure Jamaica and.
Now England Hum, Cordial of all klmf*.
II- m"ii I*l particularly invite Farmers, II"
ml kiH<|H.r and other* to rail and tiinilM
hi* largo u|i|>ly, to judge for themselve*
and bo erialii of procuring what they buy,
which <an seldom bo dolio when purchas
lla 111 lll i ll)
Physicians art' respectfully requested
•> aire his liquor* a trial. a|>lU
\ / Jon v HPAXULBB, Proprietor
Stages arrive and depart dally, for all
points, north, aoulh, east and west.
This favorite Hotel has been refilled and
furnished by its new proprietor, and isnow
in every reaped one of the most pleasant
country Hotels in enntral Pennsylvania. I
The travelling eomuiunity and drover* will I
always find the be*ta< eomiumlalion*. Per-1
*uns Irwin the city wishing to *tend a fw v
weeks during the summer in the country, >
will find Centre Hall one of the muel beau.;
lihil locations and the Centre Hall Hotel
*ll they coutd deaire for comfort and con '
lenience. apltftifi.tf. i
4 T II IS manufacturing establishment at
Xx. Yeagertown, on the LewLtown;
snd llellefonte Turnpike, has now on hand
i fine *toek of Carriages, Ituggies, Nulkle*
old Spring Wagon*, which he now offer,
for sale a* superior in quality and style* U |
siiv manufactured in the country. They j
,ru made of the very best seasoned atnek by ■
lr*t class practical workmen, and finished i
n a style that challenge* comparison with !
inv work out of or in the Eastern cities'
ind can be sold at lower price* than those |
nanutactured in large towns and cities, i
unldst high rents and ruinous price* of Uv-j
ng. ltoiiig ins.lor of his owu situation,,
insious to eicel in his artislical profassion 1
ind free from any annoyances in his busi->
i.>s*. he has time and ability to devoir his
•ntlre attention to bis profession and hif
ustoiuers, rendering satisfaction alike tc
ill patrons, operatives, bis country, and
Call and evamiue bis stock and learn bit I
.rices, and you cannot fait to be satisfied, j 1
.fall kinds done neatly, promptly, ma.
reasonably. i
Yeagertown, June 12, 18C8 ly.
fowling piece* at
aplO't*. lit WIN A WILSON, jj
Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone bull- ! 1
ding iormerly occupied by the Key- 1
stone Hakeryj
Takes pleasure in informing the public that <
lie keeps constantly on baud a supply u.|i
,'huii t Foreign ana Domestic Liquor*. 1<
All HrrtU, AVg* and tost* s*rr**bt '
!o rssMl* /Ac quantity rrpre*utd.
Tlie attention of practicing physicians is i
alicd to hit stock of i
luilable for medical |>urpu*e. ltottlc, i
iugs, and demijohn* constantly on band.
WHISKY la towa I
All liquor* are warranted to give satis- <
faction. Liquor* will be sold by the quart,'
barrel, or tierce He ha* a large lot oi
lif lb- finest grade* on baud.
Confident that he can nletasc customers
he respectfully solicit* a share of public pat
trod age mylttf
JRWIN 4 WILStiSf arc constantly re
ceiving new good* in their line.
"(every description at redu.ee price#--now
being opened every day aplfffH.
Wall Paper, cheap
froui 12 to 2>>cent* per hoi ta llerlacbep
BU FPA LO SO A LKS, of the best make
from 4 lbs up to PD.OQOI be.
aplO'fld. lawia & WILSON.
DHY BOARDS, Plank and Scantling
for sale bv lawixa WILSOX. '
make at lawix 4 WiLaox.
Wuodrn Pumps, ,
The undersigned would respectfully call''
the attention of theciliacn* oftontrecounty, j
and Pcnntvallcy in particular, to the (act! l
that he is manufacturing
TNS 4128 f f UiUP,
mad- at homo or elsewhere. He use* none
but the beat material, ill WARRKXT* THKM
b> give satisfaction, a* being the most last- 1
ing and durable, avccaioa TO TIIR OLD]
warden pump, being arranged to let the
water ofir and prevent treeaing in winter. ■ ,
Pine, ooplar or cucumber puiup* always,
on band. Ili* matirial for pumps it aIL
sawed from large timber, and arc thu*, •
Soon red agai net (licck ing or Crack ing.
All order* br mail promptly lllei.
PI PI NG, made of the best material, of
five inch scantling, jeinrd together w.lb
coupling blocks, thoroughly handed, and ]
wni ranted to stand any pressure required 1
for ordinary use. Price* of piping range j
from 12 to 18 cents per foot. Send orders to ,
septaaiy J TELLER, T
Milcsburg, Pa ,
Burial Cases
Protecting ami Preserving the Death
The undersigned lake* pleasure in an
nouncing that lie has secured the sole agen
cy in this county for
■lnrial ( aae* and ( askels,
which are so widely know n as to require not
Miecial commendation. The VET -;>e '
BI'KIAI. CASK, wi(* mi 1
proved style and finoh, k entire
with the feelings of th t-rsitfd, its |m>i
feclod adjustments aud ap|Hiintmruts in
whatever relates to the pr<-*ervatiu aud ,
protection of the ledy after death, confirm.'
it* utility ami entire adaptaess to the pur-'
poses for which it i, designed.
COFFINS of all description, fliraished |
nt the shortest nidioe; and all orders lllrd!
promptly night or day. The Dead laid mil
with care, and funerals and escorts super
intended in person. IIKNRY HARRIS
novll Bellefonte, Pa.
MILLER'S HOTEL, Woodward, I'a.
Stage# arrive and depart dally.
This favorite hotel it now in every respect
one of the most pleasant country hotels in
central Pennsylvania. The traveliag com
munity will always find the best accommo
dation. Drovers can at all times b accom
modated with stable* and pasturo lor any
number of cattle or horse*.
Julyß'otttf GEO. MILLKK.
SPINDLE SKEINS for wagons, all ii
aes, at the sign of the Anvil.
j kind at
CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pants, Ve*U,
and Dres* Coat*, cheap, at Wolfs.
wricosat IRWIN & WILSO*
J forsalo by IRWIN* WILSON.
ai> 10'08. ,
other JapHnned ware, at the Anvil Store.
BOALTS for Duggie* and Carriagbor.
size* in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at
CAOFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large avwrt-,
J uitnt at
Philadelphia Store,
In Brock or ho IT s block, lli*h<>p Ninet,
Hellcfonte, where
' have ju*t opened lit*-* best, cheapest, large*!
1 • Mull a* the I.l'll n'>rlril k of Goods
jn IMIi-fofttc.
I* the iilaee to buy your Hiik, Mohair*
Momm Ken*, Alpaca*, Delalm.
Lan*. Brilliant*, Muslin*, Calicoes, Tick
jlitg*, Finn til*. Opera Flanel*, Ladic* foal
iilll, tiMll' (-lullu, Ladle* bacquc*. Willi*
. Pfiiy. l.liH'ii Table Cloth*, CbumrrtuMi
Crib Counterpane White anil t\i|*rw
Tarlto*, Napkin*, Inserting* and Edging*
Whiui Lace Ourtln*. Zephyr A Zephyr Pa|.
lirm, Tidy Cotton, hhawl*, Work tin -1 .. *
Notion* of every kind, White (Jiml* ul
pfry description, Perftoinery, Itihhont
'Velvet. Taffeta and Bonnet. Cord* ant
Braid. Veil*, Button*, Trimmings, l..lu
and M i*<- Skirt*,
| Thread ll.ltl. r3r, Fan*, Bead*, Hewing
, ami in fai l every thing that < an be 11..night
,of, doirril or u*d in the
they bare black and bluet-loth*,, hlat-k ana
fancy biiarrat, >attindt*, tw*i>, no 1
urn*, ailk, satin and common rrtinri, in
short, every thing imaginable in the line M
gentlemen* wear.
Iltnilymath- Clothing of Every I)i
acriptibn, for Men and Boy*.
Root* and Shoo*, in endle MM variety
Hat* aud ('apt, ("A RPETS, thlrloth,
Rug*, Rrotm Mutlin*, R/rarhrd Rut
lint, Ihdiling*, Sheeting*, Tablecloth*,
Ac., cheaper than elsewhere.
Their Mock ttftdCKKNSW A RK A 080
CKItIKS eaauot be excelled in quality or
Call in at the Philadelphia hu.rr and t on-1
vim e youraeive* that KELLER A MI'S
SKK have any thing you a ant, and do bu
>ine** on the principle of "Ouick Sate* and
Small Profits." a|dW,tK
untiw Aan raoi.i-t-g AKK TAKKK
Oreal Auraetion and Great Bargain* !
IMIK undersigned, del* rni in J U> meet lite
, popular demand for Lower Price*. re
spectfully eall* the attention of the publit
to hi* ♦lock of
now ottered at the old stand, llcign.-d -.*-
pcciallv for the people and thetim- ►, the lar
ge*! and mo*t varied and complete assort
ment of
Saddle*, lLnuw, Collar*, liridloi, |
of every description and quality; Whips, ■
and in fact everything <ompleic t a Crt
la** establishment. he now offer* at priee*
which will uit the lime*.
| |A better variety, a better quality or finer
*tyie of Saddlery ha* never before lx-< n of
*ered to the public Call and examine our
lock and be *ati*ff*d before purchasing*
Determined to plea-, my patron* and
thankful far the iil ral -Intro <>( i.ntrouagi
heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit a
continuance of the *ame
JACOB DING KB, Centre Hall.
Panic Prices.
Having pur.hroil the extensive store ot
owell, ctillilan i A Co.. and addedto ihem
*t panic priee** large aaeotUneni of
They are enabled to sell at
A large variety of
ladies' Drews Gmxir
Great Bargain* in
Musiius nod Calicoes.
Ready-Made Clothing
Warranted to Suit.
Uur Cloth* and Ca*-imer*,
Cant be excelled.
AslonUhe* every one in assortment and low
Hymn, Sugar. Tea, Coffee, Cann-1 i-uil*, ,
Jel lie*, Domestic and Foreigu Fruits,
Cheese and pastries of ad kind*,
and every other at tide be
longing t* the Grocery
Thry Wholemle at Philadelphia Rate*
Mh Farmer*, Mechanic* and 1-aborer*
ok to your interest tne dollar saved U j
* dollar in pwkrt. Then call and •- at 1
abat astonishingly low price*
Are selling their Dry Gooda and Groceries. !
ttrXo trouble to show Good*."WX
If they are not a* represented. we will I
ay you for your trouble. Don't forget the
ip'-'.Hf All'-gbcny St 11.-11.-f.• Pn
Manufacturing Co.
Machine Works.
Having enlarged our New Focauwr and
ili.iii MC Siiora and AUKICVLTCRAI.
IV-'KK- Stoi'ked with all ucw and late*:
mproved Machinery at Centre Hall, an
lounceto the public that they are now ready
0 receive order* for anything in their line
if bu*ine*.
' Puliies,
We al* manufacture t,ie celebrated
ahich now stand* unrivalled.
Tin* K.-aper ha* a.iv antaj;. overall olhei
K.-a|H'r n.w luanufactun-d. One advan
:*(•' wo claim for it, ia the lever power, by
abich we gain one hundred |er cent over
•ther machine*. Another advantage i th
itoiMing and lowering apttferatu*, wbareb;
;he driver ha* under hi* Wimplete contro
>flhe marhina; In coming to a spot of Imlc
rd grain, the driver can change the cut ol
lie machine in an instant, without stopping
llie team, varying the sluble from Ito 14
inches at the outside of the machine. well
a* on the inside. It i* constructed of first
rlas material; and built by first clan* ma
rhanic*. We warrant it second to none.
All kind* of Horsepower* and Threshing
Machine*, Hay and Grain Rake*, latest im
proved. All kinds of Repairing done. Dif
ferent kind* of
The Celebrated Heckendorn Economics
plow which has given entire satisfaction
We employ the oest Patternmaker*, 0111
pattern* are all new and of the uostimprov
ed plans. Flans, Specification* and Daw
ings fumi*bod fhr all work done by us.
js*~ We hope by strict alter tion to bus
next to receive a share of public patronag
of evory description hiade and fitted up fi
AU orders by mail promptly attended ti
Extract Catawba
Cvntprairni J'arts —Huul fcrtract llhu
buibund I ivitl I'jrtruct Cnintrba
drape Juicr.
Fmi Ji\ ■ i i ■ ui| Isitiil*, jaundice, liilioli#;
tttfcitkl'U*, ick Ml Hi I VMU lu udlu'l.c,
roalivcmw*, fir. Puieljr vegetable,
(YiNtaitiing no mcretirr, minerals or
deleterious <lrug.
> H
'J c H isii. < - th i. i dcii*htfuiu
purgativ -, *U|M riding rw*lor oil, J
nib, msgtmsta, i|i ilmfn it j
■<Ti-|>t*. M 1 II . iiiiiii It. i boy |
give t<>n nil. • iieiiiior i.. u.■ nurgripitii.!
(B il. - 'II of liiC ..< -
ngicdi<it Aftimfia ilajri'uw ufthi u '
•uch un tu vibration f the mUrn sy*tu!
tak< ■ |i!< ■ a. to Iti.ritiuloM* to till 1
**stk aini tlmrvulnj, whether ariviiig from I
itn|<ruditi( cur diii'aMi. II T. il4jMo<'ici r
(i>iu|wUJjil Fluid FtUai t Catawba iii(
I'lll. uii* nt ug*reowlod, from the IWet thai
lUfari'iaind I'ilU du not diaauive, liut ja>
through tim U •tnwii without ilMulont j
ixiiim <|Uetttly do i it |>ruilur tha deeilad sa
fari. The Catawba (irjjw Fill*, being
pleasant in mvl* and odor, do not tmnn
late their bring ni(an\w|oi. I*rim lift)
(lit. |i!-r b"V
UKiui-V oitcMTKtreiiiuMravta j
Fluid Extract |
Will radically exterminate fr<jtb
sr..fula Hy|iiiill*, F*-vor Sores, L leer*.}
Korv (m'm I* g, S>re Mouth, Bout!
Hmd, llmn hiti- Skin Disease*, Salt
itki-um ('tniim, ltuftßMf. Ann the Kar.
iiiic ttdlinp, tumor*, anrruw atlor
tioti*, node, Hi. tel., glandular r*<ilu>g*,
night itrtb, noii, tetter, humor* of ali
kind' chronii-rlifuniat.'tu,dy|u-tia, and
all dIM-a*e* that have been cdalilitkfd in
the system for y ar*.
B'itij*j.r*jarcd exjtrMaiy for the tUff
cowipttaMmta, It* blood-purifyring pruuer
t- are greater than any ..titer preparation
<>f snr.|urillm. It gi<*> the o>inpiriii a
clear healthy color ami rctoreratlic patiaut
to a atale ol h> uith and purity, For puri
fying th' blond, P IUIM iug all chronic fon
.Mtuitona) di>ae* setting front the an ita-j
pure *tat< of the bl<id, and the only rvlia- i
Lie and i Cactual known remedy for the'
cure of (tain* and .welling of the hart,|
ulceration* of the 1 breal and it**, WuU kn,]
pimple* <<n the face, erydpela* and all!
-caly eruption* of the akin, and beautify-'
teg completion
. ..m t simr.li i
Fluid Extract Burbu,
ha* cured every < a*<* of diabelc* in which j
it ha* been pit n. irritation of the neck oi
;},<• bladder and i'.flanitnation of the kid-'
ney*. uleeratimi of the kidney* and blad-j
der. reirtiiiot . of the proa-1
tale gland, iu the bladder, calculus,
gravel, brick-dual dcdo.it, and mucou* or
milky discharge*, and for in fee bled and)
d. lii r.in.lifuli.ui* of both wtrt, attend ;
nl with the following symptoms: indt*|oM-]
tioa to exertion, low ofpower, I wnfiwi I
ury. .Tv >f breathing, weak nerve* (
(gambling. horror of diacaae. wakefulae**. i
diuneaa of ridot, pain in the l ack, hot]
hand*, flushing of the bdy drynea* of the'
akin, eruption on the face, pallid counie-j
nance, universal laitude of the musculo?•
►yalein, etc.
Used by person* from the age* of eigh-,
teer. l twenty-five, and from thirty-fire,
to fifty-five or in the decline or change oli
life; alter confinement or labor paint; bed- j
wetting in children.
HelnihoM actlrwct but hu it Diuretic and!
blood-purifying. and eurea all dtMMnj
truing frotii habit' of dissipation, and ex-'
react and imprudence* in life, impurities
f the blood, etc.. superseding copaiba inj
* fleet ion* fat w hicb it i* used. and ayphilh
lu a fleet ion*— in these d iseaae* used in con
nection with lielntboid * rose wash.
In many affection* peculiar to lauict, the
xlraet buchu i unii|ualled by any oilier
reme.ly * n. eblero-i r retention, in; :
regularity, painftilnoe* or eupprcaaioa of,
•uatomary t victwHwg ulreratod or *cbir
ru* tiatcuflheutcru*, letn orrbusaor white.
Ucrility, and for all rotnplainl* incident to
ihaaca, whether ariving fru* Injliwretiont
ir habit* of di*<ipatu>n It it prri nbrdj
*!■ n!velv by the motieminentphy*ician.
ind midwlve* r. nf eblad and N|IM
xmilitulimu. ot both ccxaa and all ago* 1 .
attended with any of the aborediccatct or ,
in all their *<age*, at littleexpcnc, little < r
no charge in .! <t. no in> "tiveniene,-. nad'j
no • v po'ure. It initM* a frecjuent deire,
ind give. *trength to I'rmate, thereby mj (
moving Gb-tru, turn*. Preventing md Cu
rinc trieiureof tbo urethra, allying pain,,
ami .'ui :ii :i f fr. I'ient in lhi .lai 01,
duen-e-. and expelling all pol*onou mat*.
l< * r ' - J.
Tln>u*and who have been the victims <•!
incompetent per**n and who have paid
heavy fee* to be cured in atborttmie, have t
found they have b.-eu Ueei-ired, and thatj
the "PotM>n„ bat, by the ue 'f "powerftil;
H-tfingent*," been dried up in the 'Vrtetn.
to break out in a more aggravated 6rm. and 1
perhap* after mar " ; *r. j
CHU for all a flection f and diteate* of the,
urinarv organ*, whether exirting in male
or female, from whatever caufeoriginating, j
and no matter ofhow long standing. Price.!
one dollar* and fifty cent* per bottle.
cannot l<e aununoai a* a face wash, and
w ill l. found the only specific rvniedy in j
c%t*r\ Ipßcif of CtiUAHHKt iffFCtlon. It
-p. . dil\ eradicate* pimplra, tw*t*. *corbn- |
Jc drvnc*. induration* of the cutanwwt*
tiH'iftbrwne. etc., di*pel miniM and incipi-•
cat infianuttion, biv< rwh, nwth patchc*,l
dry no** of M-alt* or *ktn, fru*t bite*, and all
imri**** lot which al ve* or ointment* are |
uTed . revgnre* tho kin to a *tatc of purity
n . ,| . *nd in ir- - >itinued heal
thv ac**w *•* ,l *.c *i.--, o "*i"
ib. ■>"-' nir'T-' 1 ** XHj
Ml) SIT.I, ... aim h eoughtand;
adniirv ! Hot nowes cr valuable a* *roiue
d* for evi-ling dif.ct of the 'kin, 11. T.l
tfolmbold*. H > Ak -oh ha* long .utained
it* principle claim t timboundcd palnn
*gc. bv po**eing sjualilie* which reader
ii a tolled appendage of the tuort u|>erla
tiv. i,nd i ' nisi baracter, -iiibining
'in an elegant formula tbswe prominent
r, quMtc*. Mfety and eflketiey— thelnrarta
ble accompaninieat* tf it* uc—a* a prc-
Uervalive and refre-het of the complexion I
It u an excellent lotion for diacaae# of
.vphilitic nature, and aa iw injection tor
ifi.eafsn# ofthc urinary organ*, arbing front
bnbit* ot diwipution. u#ed in connection
with the Extract# Buehu, Sareaparilla. and
lOatawba Grape Pill*, in qprh dincaaes h>
rt commended, cannot beiurpaaaw.
Full and explicit direction a accompany
the medicine*.
Evidence of the nn *t responsible and re
liable character furnished on application,
with hundred* of thousands of living wrt-
I nesses, and upward of 30,009 unjlaeittl
o. riiticate* and recommendatory letters,
many of which are from the highest *our
cos. Including eminent Physicians, Clerg
ymen Statesmen, etc. The proprietor Ita#
never resorted to their publication in the
new.papert; he does not do this from the
fact tnat his articles rank as Standard Pre
paratsons, and do not need to be propped
up by certificates,
Delivered to any address. Secure froru
Established upward# of twenty years.
Sold i>y Druggist* everywhere. Addre-.
letters for information, in confidence t<>
HEN BY T. HELM IHILD, Druggist and
Chan list.
Only Depot*: H. T. HEOCBOLDS
Drug und Cliemicnl Warehouse, No. 5'U
Broadway. New York, or to.H. T. HELM
BOLD S Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth
Street. Philadelphia, Pa. ;
Beware of couuterfeits. Ask ftu
i Henry T. Helmbold'a 1 Take no other.
"~"~ T3 .,
$ qtml.lMM of Toko il *
M, MM tHHHWIM* with thn
jff--. '*• Tnjrti prepared oft
MM . t Kooii'h
£*•*&* yy
' Jr% U J?
ih fmriHr jtßl jflL ''? tn*#'| ,4 &#rtt| f 111 ftfwl ; [
■rPctSl Tonto ksowm
I%'MSSSU Serafal* Senf&lsai
*A ?*% fetfslwi
Jmff/W IHteim of th* Etm.
All ufic:.Ef frca
®"™a r?!TaisClxsaste,Sro
*7^W^'2^'^k **dowa ' Ccsut :c
--tSfe&S 1 * "31^*5
m. A ****7 l tad
■ ,wrick tie llcod, will
■®?irlfiiw. 42 rir - 1 C*/r;?efl ci; £
to k mttla
dte iz.i WpKhlaui m-
m art Mai la 8w
A Mmmtf tl fld*
Olirer Crook IT Ca
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
I* • f*rpv!.iW W|*Mf>
!.!• h** t-oori •> lb*
puttie tor lq JMmv. *t*t
Threat sad Lttitfs. %??£*,'..***",*
caring wdi Amwm • iit the
Ttnctuttttp. >
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
„ l ui* 4* ore ■
(or Chronic or
Caayhs awl t••.(!. B
Ceathi & Cemnuoeues pre* i' ml
* * Mm ewjws an of Coo
mssaiMie pfMuwrtn-od tre
rfiflnld M' H^ftlCllW.
Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TAB!
of AMiat, J aw* fere who m
tu. that it Mm Wf pre
. „ _ .... .Kav-l • afN-ißc tor
Asttmu. SwaddtM. ifaf.
B < led. • ill >o it I
4m vnftmt ftm tram
hXgaiwtoMNM * -
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAB I
BfS#fid&is ®sms Iftinutiif
**# tf** ySn tiiiiSpi
manr. gafflrtST &
tot tm*dy tot Am *
Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TAB!
s fiiif" jfcpf "*"* 4
. . . MtftefJtm ill*
Apatite. BWPadi. rb, nm t tiWr,
Urt- an# ■*>. itwo. t* trarkt
<• tu Wi to <;>■• t
an 4 bAm |k>M Uood.
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
lUMtot <n (la Onaary
' ttMHM are fceJ> ( mm
ta W>s -f ,I *a H- tf
? MrrauM a tare atß
• t
Dr. Ci-ook's WINE OF TAR!
3nka tows
o_!. tritk-b n-.kc it wo-
WCg ■ • *to WaWMailiSiaiiKa J|s|Jfp||y||jß|JH(j 4BMR*
Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAR!
fZaaaoTaa paia Is Brewal.
]. a pre** ritorßre E|*-
ltlxt of tha Utw.
Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TAB!
Una wad* tmmr t n
had wi txaaftlo w trertt
Streagth ssfl Stslth. N*}*AM U A raary
loaac prapetflaairM kf
Grover & Baker
uiaiUST rRKMii'M
The following are relertoA turn llmuk
ind of ifumoaialaf tlmilnr t hararter u
raprraaicg the reaaoti# for lire |(x'tea
l°.*r the Qiovu A Bjjm* McSln4 mm
• ••""I like the Ororer St IdW M*-
rhine, in the lm plaee, heeattre. If I hail
toy other. I *houi4 atill want a tSrnrer V
snd. havingaOr. v-r A He be.
tnwer the aaine ©urpte* of all the rweto
n doet a greater ram ly of work aJi<l it i*
eit.icr to !<-am than Any other."— Mrs. J.
C. Crotjr (Jenny 4rne. 1
•• "I hare hatl aerernl rears' exi '-ri
ence with a Orover & Baker Maokine,
wtiieh hat given ane great aatSafitrtion. 1
think the torotof St Baker Madbii-eii- u< re
ear fir managed, and leaa Jiahie to got out
f onler 1 invfer the C"rover A linker,
deeidedtv.' -{Mr f>r. Watt*, Sew
*• "1 have had one in my faintly for
rente two year*; and from what I know el
it* working*, and from the testimony 4
mauv of n>y friend* who UM the ar •. 1
can hardly * how anythingrattla he more
H.in|lete orgivebetter .tsraetiot." -N re
ftieiieral tlrant]
• •• "1 believe it to he the heft, all iking
considered, of any that i hare known. I
ts very simple and ail.v learned: the Hilt
ing front the ordinary *|>ooU ta a great ad
\antage; the <4iteh i* otilirt ly reiial ie; it
di ornamental work T> atitiA*Tsv ;i; is npl
liable to get out of <rder,"~ Mre. A. M
ftpoonea, Jhi Bound Street. Brv>klvn.
The tirover and Baker S \,ing MaeUnt
Company manufacture both the Klai<
Slilvn and Lock Sliteli kinchitie*, u> d offe*
th'- public a chcicv of the heat machine* oi
both kind*, at their enablichwent* In al;
the large eitiea, and through agrnete* in
nearly all town* throughout the country
Price Lift* and temple* of rowing in both
ftitche* frtrnifhed on application to Orovei
A* BakerS. M Co., Philadelphia, ar te
F. P. Greene,
next door to Centre Co. Ikink, lk>ih -
Hair Restorative
Contains no LAC SULPIIUK No
VER, and is entirely free from tl
Poisonous nud HeaUh-dc-trming
Drugs used in other Hair Prepara
d tinns. , .
Tran#parent and clear as crystal, it win
i: not soil the finest fabric—perfectly SAFE
CLEAN and EFFlClENT—desidera
It restore* and prevents the Hair from
becoming Gtay, imparts a soft. gk> -v op
i pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool aim
trefrething to the head, checks the Ilalr
i from falling ott, and restore* it to a great
' extent when prematurely lost, prevent*
Headaches, c ures all HudkMS. t utaneou*
I ortiptkw, atfd unnatural Heat
I Oil. G. SM ITH, Patentee. Gniton Junc
tion, Ma**. Prepared only by I RO< tEB
• ! BHOTHKRS, Gloucester, Maes. rha
el Genuine i* put upfu a panti bottle, inaaa
ioxprerelv for it. with the ;ime<>fth' artieta
, i blown til the glass. Ask your ■Draggut tor
Hair Restorative, uttd take
1 Foragla by B'tn IPelf and J. B. Solt
-1 ® ntre Halt 24juny