Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, June 09, 1871, Image 2

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Centra Hall, Pa., June W, 71
TKRMB. -The Ckxthk Hu Uierou
tkr is published weekly at *2 per year In
advance, or $2,80 when not patd }•
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scriptions at the *me rate. Mnglf copies
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line. Business notice# in local column 10
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The figure* set to the addrea* upon
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or LAwntscK eorstv
The Bellefoate Republican errs in inti
mating that we are a candidate for assem
bly. We are not in the wild hunt for of
fice. Clap-trap and the dog days are loom
ing up.
Bo wen. the radical congressman has been
found guilty of playing mormon, or hat-j
ing too many wives, and Grant ha* appoint
tot one of Brigham Young s sea* to a \\ est
point eadeUhip. Verily the** rad* arej
down on the "twin relic,"
Gsn. Grant KM go to Long Branch;
for the tumrnir an<l the Dent s now run the j
government by prosy. The government!
is already so badly dtni<t d that it make
little difference who rucu it
When the democrat* went out of power ,
in Philadelphia, the city debt WM 1# mil-;
lions. Now under radical rule it has rur>|
up to 30 millions.
The democrats ofXew York hate effect-,
ed a sating of several millions by 1 educing :
the salaries. This is what we need in
Pennsylvania. Kleet M'Candless and;
Cooper and give us the lower house to aid j
the democratic senate, and Pennsylvania
will be the better off by several millions,
per year.
RaiLtoaL Lrrriso.— From an adver
tisement in this iseue of the Rtfonti, the
people ef our valley will learn that pro
posals for the grading of our railroad will,
be preceived until the first of July, suiC
that means that our road is to be built, and
that a new era of prosperity is to dawn up
on the people of Penn. Brush and Buffalo
vallies. We rejoice that this long talked
of and so greatly needed improvement Is
seon to be one of the fixed institutions of
the state. It required much time, much•
labor, much solicitation, to gel our peop[e,
to aid in the enterprise and to secure the
road —and now we all have the satisfac
tion of knowing that our labor* have nolj
been in vain, and that our lovely, richj
and fertile valley is no longer to occupy
an iswlated position for want of an outlet.,
The cars will rua to MiAinhurg this sum-;
mtr, and if the work from that point west
ward is pushed on vigorously, we way have
the locomotive dashing through our valley |
by January Wit
There is still chance for those who have
stood aloof to come forward and partially
relieve such as found it necessary to deeply.
involve themselves in order to secure the.
road. It is a duty of every one along the
line to bear a share, as all are benefited, j
and it is a wrong principle to shirk dutyj
and depend upon our neighbors.
The elections in Virginia have gooei
democratic. The rads were defeated in j
Richmond and other cities.
Col. Jake Ziegler, of the Butler.
Herald intends getting a power press.
Butler will thea he square with Centre)
Hall, in that respect, ami the Herald's!
dore will fly high.
The state of Michigan has a lawj
making it compulsory for parents to
end their children to school not less
than twelve weeks each year.
The Ku Klux stories of Omnta'sj
lick-spittles and Senator Scott's Ku'
Klux committee sitting at Washing
ton, receive little coro bora lion from,
Horace Greely's observations in his
recent visit to Texas. The philoso
pher of the Tribune seems to be pWanl
with the southern people, and prom
ises to render a good account of them
when he gets home, aad in a speech in
a'soittheru city, from which ha depart
ed a few days ago, he pays quite a
compliment to the qaiet and good or
der maintained in Texas.
Now why have a tyranieal order'
issued from the white house, which,
carries a gross insult to those people;
and the entire counrty, based up
on falsehood, and why pam the infa
moos and unconstitutional Ku Klux
hill ? What Grant and his ofl|oe hold
ers want is to create disturbance* so he
may have an excuse for setting aside
the habeas corpus and sending his
solders into the south to control the
elections for his own re election.
That's what he is about. He U will
ing to have the couutry ia as uproar,
nod like Zack Chandler, have a little
"blood letting," to perpetuate his rule
at Washington. All the Ku Klux
stories, thus far have proven false, and
manufactured for political effect by
scoundrels who wish to keep in offices.
The case before the Supreme Court
of this State, sittiog at Harrisburg,
between the Pennsylvania and Cata
wisaa Railroad Companies, was deci
ded last week in favor of the Catawis
sa Company. The effort of the Peon
sylvauia Railroad Company was to
prevent the Catawissa Company from
crossing the tract of the Philadelphia
and Erie road, at grade, is construct
ing their extension from Milton to
The Chicago Republican finds this
list of offenses announced in its north
western exchanges in a single day, not
one of which is charged to the Ku
Klux, but all of which would be, had
they been committed in the South :i
"Deliberate murders, six; suicideatfive;
supposed poisoning, three; highway
robberies, in which the victims were
nearly killed seveo; shootings, grow
iog oat of domestic difficulties, five;
and six forgeries iu amounts of over
five-thousand dollars."
Manifesto oft ho Trains®** Homo
era tif Kxrcutlrr ForanilUw'.
Nashville, Juno t. The Democratic
State Executive Csnupltrt of Tennessee
I met in this city to-dsf upo* the call of It*
chairman, Hon. D*ri-jr B, 1 lioiiihs, sn>t
adopted s resolution dsetsrian tlwuirst oep
tsnce in f*Hnt faith of the issue* of the wftr,
! with all of the late amendment* to the Con
stitution and their acquiescence in them
a* the supreme taw of the land. They at* *
declared their approval of the late Demo
cratic Congressional address.
At a largo meeting of the editor* of the
J Dauoeratie press of the Ftate now in this
jolty, this afternoon, thi* action of the Stale
j I>mocratic EaecativaCommittee was con
'sidered and unanimously approved and
j endorse*!. The meeting wa cowoosetl of
the Democratic editor* lYoni all parts of the
a a 1
An Impentfivp Dctnantl oil Spain.
The Washington corretpomleiit of the
N. Y. Sun alleges that on Monday last
.General Sickles wa Instructed by tele
graph to notify the Spanish Government
that the estates I elonging to the American
cilixen* in Cuba wluch had tn-eu conllcat-
I >d. must be iaimediately returtu-l to their
|oa tiers, and damage* of their *|ue trn-
I lion must be |aid, or that warlike memuriw
i will be at once *el **n foot by tbe American
government. The order te Gem. Sick'.i*
' wa> to give the Spanish Government one
week in which to make it* answer.
Koweit the Digamist Found Guil
j The trial of C. C. Bo wen for bigamy,
t was resumed to-day and eonclmb-d late itt
{the afternoon. The Jury after being out
I twenty minutes returned a verdict of guil
ty. Bowen and Mr*. Pattigrew King
! Bowen were during the argument of Bowr
j on'* counsel sffeclcd to tears, and when the
'court adjourned the lady followed Bowen
'to the Judge * ro*ns, r*>*ling, her head n
jht* shoulder evidently in ditrv Hi*
'counsel moved for a new trial which wi !
be heard on Thursday, in the meanwhile
{he is held en SS,OtW bait.
. . ffi ♦ "
Thm* White Mtn Defeating Forty
ludiaus. Killing Eleven
j Sioux City, lowa, May 34.—A war par
jty of forty Yinktou* came to the river a
j few miles above Muscle Shed Mount, a few
days ago, and attacked three men betong-
I ing to a party of woodehoppcr*. The men
ran to the bend in the river and concealed
I themselves in thick bushes ; hut their hid
ing place was discovered, when a desperate
! fight took place, resulting in the death of
one white man and eleven Indian*, The
I Indians left six of their dead on the field,
not having horses enough to carry them
off The fight began at 2P. M. and con
Forty-Six Persons Murdered.
Accounts from Algiers to the fith of May
i state that the insurrection continue* to
1 rage as fiercely as sver, i-nd some dreadful
i massacres had been perpetrated by the
j ArabsatDeltay, Bougie and llalestro At
'the last mentioned village the whole male
{population, consisting ot forty-six indis id
-1 uats, were murdered with the greatest bru
tality and the women and children carried
off into the interior. It is satisfaction to
i learn, however, that in almost every en
gagement with the French fbrvas the Ku
byles have been driven back with loss.
From Kansas.
j Correspondence of tbe Reporter.
I Soxoxtox Citt, Dickinson co. Kan.
May 22nd IK7I
As it is raining, and I am thereby kept
ifrom my employ. I thought of devoting an
'hour to rov friend* through the worthy
column* of'the Reporter, and speak more
particular! v about our excursion, in search
of "homesteads" up the valley of the Sot
l omoa, and tributaries.
Imagine a lit** of emigrant teams, with
i wagon*, full of miscetUi.ni*. such a* hou*e-
I hold goods, proviaion*. old lufiw, women
land children, and you have a good idea of
our appearance, as we strung out along the i
Solomon Valley trail, in a north-*wt
course, presenting a spectacle "very mili
tary " from the fact that the moat ..f the
men', besides rifle*, carried revolver* and
I Bowie knives, in Wuo desperado, or west
ern style.
Our prog re* was necessarily slow, lucre;
being many sloughs, ravines and creek,
to cross ; at time* we were *wamp*d ; then,
again, we plunged to the bottern of a ra
vine or creek, down a slop* of about 9> de-
I graas from which we were able only t>
! proceed by "double hitching," and shoul-,
ders to tbe wWU, but driving early ami |
late we came about>s V/ <t) mile* a day. j
The scenery was varied and beauti
ful and on our second day* travel we be
|gu) to have considermble *port; now and
then e Uw antelope*, or a pack of LVyob-s |
or pratrie wolf would start up and bound |
away aeroes Urn W l°*t to view in j
the aisunee; these fellows •> shy. snd
kept at so great a distance that we not.
have a fair shot at them. And the only j
game we brought down were duck*, snipe,
sod prairie fowls ; while now and then a
large soak# attracted our attention, which
was rraAor*4 duly, in the shape of a grand j
rally of <U*r pari*. p/ ur*o. tbe snake;
died, from theeffocl o/frescos fifty revol-,
ver shots. , . ,
We now enter a town of those pry itUU-1
fellows, the prairie dog*, this town covered
an area of several miles, and our advent
in their city created great excitenn-nt: n* |
far a* we eould sec, the loan was in a stat.
are about the sixe of a half;
trrowa cat flfa brown color, and the *u
cit aidVi VuWiJept follow* we ever
saw • they have a queer, siiriil b' /e. wmuo
what resembling the bark of a pine qutr- \
ret: and, tiuing on top of their moulds, j
straight on end, while other* Deeped from
tbe entrance of their subterraneou.
abode, all in "union" barked at u*.
The little fellow# ere exceedingly hard
U> patch or shoot; for on our near approach,
those out A the grass immediately run for
thTfcota?: af * Urinkje of tfroir little
tales, and they are gvfre When one is
I shot, it tumble* back into its bole, so there
is no telling whether you hit or mis*; we
bed tfee luck, however, of securing one,
which was closely examined.
I At the report off rifle, alt disappear;
and quiet, reign* supreme. ball
have we sent wbjxing into their towns with
i out effect. I
I kk'e continued our research up the Solo-
I won Vsilty for a hundred miles or more.
t eems to be tome
powers of productieh, it is Believed the
I soil contains too much alkali, (produced by
| the great fire* of the prairie*,) which must
<b removed by cultivation and manure;
lime would do it, but this would not pay
a* it pofts eighty ccnU a bushel.
Gorn. thy grg#f tfople of the west, is ad
rotueato he s ei7 pneerfotn psoii here;
last season there jn nonn— s ye rfooj foil
pre; while wheat they tel! Ps uveruged ten
bushel* U> tbe acre.
But the country and soil is new, and
there is no telling what a little
cere and farming will do; while it would
not tj ft fair to judge the section from the
partial failures, from the fact ihnt
these were on "brghiiN#i." "f P™ l J* 1 "*'
ftet 1 hare neither ti#e yor t oqm to en
ter into a minute detail of our obscrvaUon*.
by the way. the land, proanect# for eml
crmntsec., ac.. which I will do hereafter,
would only add that one hundred miles in
the " Wilderne**" that is from the nearest
R. R. we* UP much, and so we turned back,
located within fiiqa wilp from here, with
our head quarters in the city, were we W'"
spend tbe season. More anon.
T. C. Motkr.
For tins Reporter.
Mr. Editor t—l# the last Watchman we
see the Bellefonte politiaians are putting
forth their annua) feeler*, and have trotted
out their fire candidates for associate judg
es, and in true ftistian style, fine is re
commended a* n "old stand-by" demo
crat; another "for hi* democracy—hu de
votion to its principles," another, because
"he has not asked an office-has always
been a constant democrat; another, be
cause "he ha* made an excellent judge,
and does honor the to position," nnd then
come* the Bellefonte candidate, "a thor
ougb business roan, an upright, and in
telligent, conscientious citizen, who would
tun a very large vote, and the parte may
well feel proud that such men can be m
dueed to accept Ute .nomination." broin
this it appears it is very hard to get a
Bellefonter to seek or accept office!l facts
to tbe contrary notwithstanding. After
this first move on the chessboard, should
not the voters look at tbe matter a* well
as the professional politician—and be pre
pared to be heard at the primary_ elections
this year, determined that their choice
shall not be politely bowed off or bar
goned off by the drill sergeant* of Belle
fonte. Let tne democratic yeomanry of
every townahip get to work determined to
be no longer "hewer* of wood aud drawer*
of water" to any political shemeri who
■nek the honey and give the comb* t>> the
culled. Let the hone t democratic voter.,
alio love their principles ami mi iV.ni
principle, unite, determined t have ' hi
piny, iind that the next eouiitv t l.et nuist
he uOt.iiuatod en th< democratic itrin. i|llc
of rotation in otthe, hv taking the car. dp
dates fresh from th. r*ks ol'lfce people,
Hnd got dupe* ami dependant* Ot potitlqgi
wire-puller*, or thegni Way sit up uml hurt
somebody. • I)XMWK\r.
For the lleportcr.
The attention of school directors i called
to the fact that the *rhool department !>•<
made a s|Htcial request, Ihi* year, to have
all the district report* sent in "< '>t tSa■>
fArI.NM O/.lhhc.
The U< port and eerlil'u ate* mu t ■ no
together one without the other i> u-l.
The <>/./ President mtni ear the e-> r<.
ne* of tho report, etc , and lot- can '>'
lie done after the old Treii.tiu i - set* lin\>-
been settled, and the u i Tr n>urer bond
has been executed, and a statement t tie
finance* of the distriet published. eltheV !n
our of the county |wp<r*, or ly " ril!< * r
printed hand-bill* Hot le than t n .ti
number. The report itiU>t eomsin li e
name* of the <•■ officers of the l,.rd.
Director* sill cvnfiir a favor by Comply -
ilig with till# request, and re, ei\ e their 11,0
proprialion the nener for it.
This can juat a Well be attended to of
otter, at to delay it a month, ► hurry up,
gentlemen. 11. M M *Gttt
(ataliatliut: Uhristians.
From the N. \. World.
Our Washington eorreapoiulenu in- j
form us that a great sensation lias
(men created in that city during the pa-t
week hv the appearance in its street*
and avenues of an indefinite number
of young Christians. These young
Christians have untertaiued the en pi*
tal with orocomiojw, songu, and bynins.
ami one U left a little in doubt wheth
er the extreme excitement caused by
their presence and their performance
is to l>e attributed to their musical
gifts, to their good leoks, to their c .•
eclleut drill in marching, or merely to
the fact of their being Christian*. I
When wo consider the average tone of
Washington morals and religion it
will seeiu to be reasonable enough ilia!
the spectacle of a procession of young
Christians should appear to that city
a more novel and amaxing show evui
than Mr. Burliuguuie with his heath
en Chinee, or the unbelieving "Jap>
or the idolatrous ludiaus from our far
Western frontier.
Why young Christians, however, I
should feel themselves called upon, not
in their capacity as citizens but in their,
quality of young Christians, to mai\-!i
in military procession through tao
streets of the Federal cap.tal singing
the ".Star Spangled Itanner, is really,
when one comes to reflect upou it,
much more of a puzzle than why the
people of Washington should leave
their homes and hearths aud run into
tbo streets to look at theiu. The only
reference which we can at this moment
recall from the Christian Scripture- to
auy connection between Christian be
lievers and the streets of a city i> au
injunction laid upon his disciple* hv
the founder of Christianity that w hen- j
ever they desired to pray they should
take particular care to avoid following
the example of the Pharisees, who had
away of saying their prayers standing
"at the "corners of the streets, that
they might "bo seen of men." This
injunction, if it was not disobeyed to
the letter by the youug Christians a
Washington, certainly was not kept
by them in the spirit. They can hard
ly have imagined, when they marshal!
Ed their ararv in Pennsylvania avenue '
and set fourth with shouts and light
for the While House like a political,
delegation, or a target company, or us
"grand army of the republic, that
they w*re likely to p*s* unnoted ofj
men; and it is just possible that when j
they lifted up their voices in "psalms
and hvmns and spiritual songs" under |
the Presidential roof they were not,
wholly exalted out of all conscious
ueas (bat mortal cars, aud those ot
high degree, were listening to their'
well modulated strains. All this)
would he harm lea enough in its absurd
ity if these "Christian young men
professed to regard their Christianity
as Freemason* regard their Freema
sonary. or "Knights Templars their
knighiuood, a# a spccqU mystery and
bond, that is, of their own by virtue!
of which thev become a brotherhood !
apart from other uninitiated men. au! j
arc called upon by virtue of that j
brotherJjcwJ fr°' n l 'inc to time to dim
and "proceaaiutuzo" ami brake escur-.
sions together. In case, however much i
they might bore the population by
singing in the streets at untimely
hours, or turning the tide of travel out
of the highways into shoals and cd
dies, no permautunf pcamlel would fol
low the temjiorary ajtnoyance. Hut j
we understand Christianity to be the)
general religion of the land, and the?*
young men to haws associated them- j
wives together for the purpose of si t
ting fourth the peculiar spirit and in
fluenccs of Chrfstiaiiity in an exem
plary and superior manner. This
they certainly are not in away to
achieve by imitating the suspiciously
vanglorinus nndself-conscious fashions!
of merely worldly brotherhoods, by
seeking notoriety in the highway and
by subjectlag ihe Presklflnt of the
United States to an hour or two of
hand-shaking to the tune of very slow
music, with General Howard stand
ing by as chief executioner,
The Scripture, it is true, enjoins
Christians to "render unto ('-aesnr the j
things that arc Caesar's." But the
Constitution nowhere- provides that
the president shall hayo hi* hand sha
ken in bis own houso by a thousand;
excursionists, nor vet that be shall be
entitled to demand hymns ami psalm*
as tribute from all Christian young
men who chance to pn* through
Washington, [f these religious exer
cises were devotional they vnotiU have
been rendered not Ullt') CVutar but
unto God. If they were not devotion
al it would not be civil to say precise
ly what they were.
JellVrsoii Davis.
Jtrmnrk* in Rrtjtonte to a ft' rcwulc —
lie C\iuneU Patience anil Modern
lion to the Suffering South.
Augusta, Gu., May 2o. —Jefferson
Davis arrived la-t night and was
serenaded at the Planters' Hotel, and
tc -day held a reception. Mayor Eh
lis tendered him the hospitalities of
the eitv. In response to calls and
cheers Mr. Davis made his appearance
on the balcony of the hotel ami said
that lie repngnUed the peculiar claims '
Georgia had upon him and'of himself
upon Georgia, for in the ancient eit\
of Augusta his father had identified
himself with the Revolutionary strug
g'a for Jibertv. If the latest struggle
for the principles olCopslitHtioblll lib
erty had been a crime, it was his mis
fortune, for which he iiad fuljy suffered.
Aware of the eagerness with which
every word he might utter was watch-1
ed for and misrepresented, he would
be silent, not from apprehensions as
the result to himself individually, but
as his utterances were made to affect
the interest* of the Southern people.
He did not conceive that the princi
ples of the lost cause were dead, or
that tbo truth should reipajn crushed.
He counselled fortitude atul imtieiice,
believing Ihnt tlwFoiilli could a fiord _
tobeputhnt under her wrongs until
the returning sense of justice achieved !
the right© of every (N.mtn, a period
to which he ' "'jf -'iy looted forward,
j lie mil iVujft.l t 'f ti -! ft hiou-elf to
•pen!,*, U i'ii e lie ctfdl.l not think one
tmiuj tnl sjicWk wf>tit r. He l>>hn!
forward to i!k) lino when he might
j-pcak to I is ft-Tow dlti/.cil* it- hi- lit Itrt
moved him; fc'•! Mil" them fan noil,
expressing the li<'pc thnt God would
he with thorn.
• *■ •
Hot del' HrttUiliDi
l'nj>ri>! > ./ Murder oj Friendly 11
din its H'ojtl ; Hetailation,
Washington, M. \ '-'8 A letter hie
; been rorcivul at the liitlitui Bureau
j detailing nnouirag© committed uiwi
; the 1)nv;-- Italian*, nnd showing thai
J some * hit -de*.l \ n more than tin
! Italian- the appellation of ravage*
t Ihe KUv t is da lid Ai:tl Osnge Agvu
ev, Mav lit, Mid -igncd hy l-aae I
(ii! , i, Indian Agent. ft i* -!atco
i ilia ton the 15th iiinimit 11 o j -*t Walla
chief of the l.ittle t Lap•, and mini
of hi* imn, ten in ntiinher, started it
the inert;-eg IVom their village, whirl
, i-ttht ift tight mill - fYo-it the line id
Kat -,t>, to Und© i and fur a at out
jol the !• >;d< r lutt n- oj that Mate, ilo t
I were toot wlien nhout two mile* on
i their wty hv weevil teen Imrtier whittl
men, untied with gun* ami revolver*,
who demanded the return of 11 hor-t
which they allege I had been .-to!tu by
omo of the ()-;>gii. The chief assur
jad them that his brow* at the canif
j won Id iiud the hor-<- for them if it
j were in their h rd*. The white men,
after con-tit tattoo, presented their arm#!
I and ordered t.'-.r Indian* to dismount !
which fv'ne oi them did, a id other* at ,
tempted tot.cajH*. The white* cota-i
meiHd at thot Lages and pur !
suing them, they makiug uo rud.-tatict-i
whatever, as they were unarmed. Tliej
i chief we* wounded slightly in the'
shoulder, and iifo of his fiend men, iii-l
! oCt'nsive and peaceable like himself,j
1 were hadly wounded, perhaps fatally,
and another w:e pur.-ued to the livat
j and killed. Auother saved his life by j
, diving into a lake, tidier details could
! be given proving it to have been oiu 1
jof ike moot cowardly nu't niurderoti*'
a- stilts that has lately lcen perjKtra
ted en tire h, rdec. Som? of the jar-.
ty escojxd t tin- village. Amid much
excitement about seventy-five warrior
■ i-urted iu pursuit of tiro uhitca, who
were overtaken before reaching the
State line, bat r**fu ng t > stop and tie
I liver up the p rti - and robes they had
taken wc.o find upon by the O-agt *.
One white man wa> killed, two were
taken prisoners, tutd five horses cap ,
i tujed. The remainder of the marau
ders made their escape spreading tin
news of a general slaughter of all the
1 women ami children on th© border
Ilcnce the people rushed to arm-, but
were pruvetft'-d from testing their
! courage by the advice of two or three
cool men, uhoiu-i-led on an investi
gation, which -.wn allayed their ire,
j as the attack hy the Orages was deem
ed justifiable under the circumstances,
and they had quietly and peac. uhir,
returned to their villages through the
1 settlement of the trvs|uu*en% in vi.-w
of whom the light had occurred. They
| released the two pri-oners. Tie chief,
wisely foreseeing another ntttcb, aban
doned his town in the afternoon and
; fell hack towards the agency, tw uty
miles distant, to te nearer the other
bauds for support.
About sundown the agent met the
baud of 5 Hi on the plain tiering from
T their Knrara and the excited border*.
• It was indeed a -ad sight to him
Tirts baud ha I given evidence of
their dt'erminaihm to abandon their
wild life and accept civilization, but
! now they were on th* war-path, griev '
1 cd, and, (Hi— bly, liitir hearts tilled
with th© spirit of revenge, which would
'causethem to forever hat© the educa
! lion and course of life which pro
duced such unjust and hateful fruit
A delegation from the settle ri on
I the hurder brought down to the ajfen-i
cy the pony taken by the ttiievea and
i munlercrs, ami wi-hed to do all thev
could to restore friendly relations with
the Indian-. At a council which was
held the rts.:g > voluntarily gave up
thehor. cs taki a liy litem is the fight,
, and appeared > <eed to live at peace
j if let alone.
The agent again urgently rspicts
' a email |sdicc I >rce of nrmtsl nicn to
! remove r* an<l protect the
Usages from the incurnoas of
j Christian ije cU f > unite-*
| those savage* are protected by the
j government it will be utterly impossi
ble for anv man to control them or
civilize them. If the government
would discharge its doty in that re
j gard their civilisation would In- rcn
| dcrcd easy, cerain.aud pleasurable tu
J the ngcat ami hi • >-laburcrs.
lurrfaso of Divorce Cases in Mas
To show thegrcat increase of divor- 1 ©
; cases, the t'amuridgo i'rc*s, bc/bre the
Supreme Court, in Middlesex county
since 1831, wo have obtained from un
official source, the following statement:
■ At th© April term of th© Supreme du
jdiciul Cnutt for the county of Middle
sex, A. if-, tiicio were pending
iu said Court five libels for divorce, ol
whicli numiier two were granted. At
the April term. A. I>., 1844, thorn
wcr© iicnding in saidt'onrt fourteen
be|s thr divorce, of which number sev
en were granted. At the April term,
A. IX, lbul, there were pending in
said Court forty-one lilxds for divorce,
of which number fifteen weregranp-d.
At the April term, A. I)., 18(J1, there
were scventv-five libels for divorce pend
ing in said Court, of which number
twenty-six were granted. 'I here were
also three petitions by persons previous
j ly divorced for leave to marry again,
j of which uon© were granted at said term.
! At the prtv. j:t April 1.-nn, A. 1)., 1871,
| there were pending hi said Court '2Ol
libels fi>r divorce, of which number
thirty-five were granted ; five in which
neither patty appeared, and eleven
were dismissed all* r a hearing. There
were aia*> ponding six jh titionslhr nul
lifying tli© marring© Iwuid (previously
entered into), of which nuruber three
were grunted, end eight petitions (ol
persons previously divorced) for leave
to marry again, of which number on©
was granted and one dismissed
' ♦ *
How Monkeys ure Cp(tired
Monkey* are pretty common, yet
1 all tli© families are remarkably cun
• ning. Has it ev>-r o-cured to the rea-
I der how they e.ro taken '( Pitfalls will
take u lit, it, and the famished monarch
f ill, after n few days' starvation, dart
into a cage containing food, and thus!
be secured. But how- are monkeys
enug'vt? The upo f.iuilv resembles!
man. Their vice.- arc human. Theyj
love liquor and fall.
In Danf'iur and Bemnaar, the na
tives make a fermented beer, of whieh
the nionk'ys are passionately fetind
Aware of 11-is, tli© natives go to iln- !
parts ol the frequented hy the
monkeys and set on the ground <aln
bitshcs full of lit©enticing litjuor. As
soon ns the monkey sees and tastes it,
lie utter© It ltd cries of joy that soon at
tracts his eoioradis. 1 hen an orgie
begins, and t|i©tj inn short time tiny
show all th'grcts of intoxiculiou. Tltcn
tin- negroes a||car. The few who
cum© l.>o late to get fuddled cs.-t|>e.
j The tlriiikei - arc too far gone to dia
' tiu*t them, but apparently take lliein
I Co 1 larger mhclo f their own genu*,
Ihe in t'l'oes take some up, and thyn
, begin tit weep and cover them with
maudlin ki-c*. When a jiegr* tak<-
! OIIC by tile liilltil t" lead In 111 "If, tl >
1 - on
: aim thus fin U And (-itdcano
to go oft it !•© Another will Ritwp ni
I hint, ami so on, uulil the ti.-gro h ads ti
lino of tin or n dozen tipsy monkeys.
When finally brought to the village
II toy are secured caged a l gradtinllv
sohi-Kii down; hut lr two or threi
dnv - a gradually diiitiuishing upjU
ol donor is given them, so a- to recon
cile tin-in It© degrees t- their state ol
, captivity.
Moee the above wa set lip, we leain
1 dint Mr. l>.t\ is made no ueh rentarki
ib ait his iiltiiualu hopus for the 10., i
cause tit above u jmried,
A Mvs Wirn Niriiis,i to lo.
von© of th© frinids of T. A. t art
a little solicitous h- i-t In- should be 0111
>f a situation this summer, and un
•nguged hunting up railroads, two 01
lire© hundred mites long, to ©uubli
! hint to tiik-- the l'icsideiicy, jut t<
kc pI i* bund in. fhi is well enough
.u he i- only President of five rad
nsd-, including lit© Union Pacific
Vn ©-President of twelve, including the
Pe tmsylvanit ('-ntral, Director it
tliirtv three, and General Consolida
tin 1 Agent for the balance. He keep
four Secretaries busy looking after hh
iron, oil, silver, gold, quicksilver, lead
slate, steel, coal ami wild hind inter
--ty, devotes a few leisure moments tc
j steel rad and locomotive manufaeto
j ries, steamship lim-s, bridge building
Und engineering. Finds relaxation 111
'running the IVunsylvauiuacid Virgin
ia Legislatures, uu I entire rcp>.* in
1 directing CVtiare--, the President and
the Supreme Ih-neli, in all that relates
jto his chain of roads throughout the
land Independent of all tins lie i.-
iuinr.icd. Hi- locks ure slightlv
qriukled with grav, hut this comes ol
year-, not cars. Hi* fuee wears a sun
ay smile, and i- as cheerful as a iol©
bin in May. It i well that his friends
i 00k after him and see that time is not
I permitted !- hsng heavy on hi* hands.
I'Hubtirg /'id.
* ■mw ♦ -X#sr
Two Curious Discoveries.
To ruing from tho ileiilorihl©
•! of the fierce fratrit iiial strife which
1* devastating the world's fairest capi
tai. rays the New York Times, it is
' pleasant to find elsewhere in France
traces of t liv scientific zeal and inge
nuity which have made her mure ii
(lusttious than her victories. All
Fri nclimcti, it seems, arc not absorbed
ni the tq reeable elfort to cut each oth
er's tlir t.ft*. Her© and then) through
nit that unhappy countrv arc #;il| n
K w trau piil spirits, who in the midst
of war und tuislortuuo continue lo woo
•cietiC© earnestly us in time of |ieace.
)(.)f this oJum is a certain worthy pro
frc- >r of th© College of Saints in
Cliarc-tite Infeiu-ure. His 1 . ;*,r Jia*
have led hiui t t; discovery which
| may lie of great utility, and is certain
ily nev-t curious This i* no less tlmn
what lie liim<©l( calls bottling the sun,
that is to sue, fixing its heat iu a
'clo-ih! ve-sel to such away as to be
u fti at will. Th - proee-s is as simple
a- it* iisidts arc r< tuarkahle. A va
coaatruetc 1 for the purpose, of time
uiaLeral not ai-.-iitioned, uexpocd dur
iing a quarter of an hour to the action
of the suit's rays. Then it is henueti-i
cally settled with a eork, through:
which a small hols has been drilled
Before this hole a powerful low fi
nch!, an 1 the impr.-vUicd rays made t>
to Cotivcrgo >o lite wick of n candle
pi uvd at a di-tance of about a yard
from the vase. Alm.stt instantly the
can ll I* lightod. Th© experiment,
w© ar-- teld, wa* many time* repeated,
and always with like sucet-M. A* the
French journal wherein we find this
this account enthusiastically remarks,
it i* pndigiou', and may |iave the way
ifor Very imjairtant rdtulta. JVewiilly
- tn© on© wilj bo inspired t. find a
in t t:s of bottling th© sun's lij;ht o
-veil, o that we may dc|Kn*o with g*
and nil other artificial illuminators,
and r-j,,ice in |>cr]ietuP sunshine night
nn I day.
A discxivory of probable more- iut
tm dial© practical value is that claim
id to l ave been made by M. Ztliwski
and rcjvirted n the French aeadcti.v
of sciences ut a recent sitting. Nf.
Zaiiwski. we take for Pole, and if
so, lie an hoj.orwble coftru.t to
many disurgauixing countrymen who
arc occupied in ruining Pari*. He as
serts that a hollow cylinder, of tin, for
example, upon at the top nnd sharp
edged at the bottom properly ballast
ed andppu r iji a YCttSl (if Yftlcr, will
presently mov© from west to cast.
l*hi. direction, lie states further, Otter
varies und what is still more curious,
the movement becomes readier and
more preeeiftibte the oftetier the cylin
der is used for tht; purtHise
M. fcaliwtki'i assertions be bonie out
by trial, the ( X|K-r'mcut will afibid an
easy and a curwte method of correct
ing th© aberrations of th© compass on
iron vetscls. This difficulty, it is well
known, has long been a ccrbftis oita
cli) tu modern' tiavagfttfiiii, and the
niriui i adopted to rectify it have not
always proved entirely safe. A regu
lator so simple, sure, inexpensive and
oqoyetliept t*i ifitii Ogge*lel by M
Zliw*ki, would ix) of almost incalcu
lable service toscafari.rs and indeed to
humanity at large.
♦ •
phows v. Ht vusNAKi-s. — Mr.
Win. D. Pcppcruiiin informs us thnt
on Friday la>t, whilst nt work iu his
field, in Anthony township, in this
county, hisatlention was attracted by
the cawing of crows n short distance
front liim, ami 1,11 wearing the place he
discovered two large crows in conflitt
with a large blacksuake. UU snake
-hip was elevated near two feet in front,
ind was resisting the onsets of the
crow* as they toad© their system a tic
and alternate attacks upon hi* head,
with which hp was trying to defend
j himself. Three more crows wv re pn-s
--tift, holding a sort of "reserve guard."
Mr. Pep|>crnian killed the Minkc,
which measured over five feet, and al
-o its mate, which was lying in wait—
. Willinmsport Sun.
—X ww > 1 ii a mlO i
The f>ew:ahnrg Journal gives*glow
ing account of the cfTcet the running
of a rail road through Union county
has on the rise of the valuation of
property. It says:
Ik-fore the ruilrtinti was located iu
1 White Deer township property could
have I een bought 40 jn-r cent, less
tlinn now. Vacant houses were plenty at
High town. It is now difficult to find
jont- at any jdace. T!ic prospect of the
locomotive scents to have infused new
life into the whole township. New
buildings are being erected, feuces rc
paiud, and fanners generally are in
j better spirits*
Volcanic Eruption and Earth
SfiiK)Nr*.>, Muj 2o.—A \okmiic crup
l|ou und vurthqusku liuv ilukw (ho is
! Iniul of Hue. Tl.o eountry is terribly do
vMStiitcd. ii 11 I fur hundred soul* havoper
i is lied.
Mutt Shuttle, of PaUnon, y©terdny l*l
1 !iis (rji.OOD llainbletonifln utidlion. th© mii
nial d.ving of iiil'umnintion of the bow-el*.
Tin- lior*>- hud just, been entered for a
1 mutch at Fleetwood.
*. On© of the iH-nt up nu nin tli© bur
jiiing mine at I'ittston, I'll., say: "Al
h ter sliutiug ourwlvea in w© sat down
m tog*filer, nil anxious, i-onr de-paoinc.
• Mim hoping we would tme daylight
*■ a gain. About *!x o'eloek rOlu© of
ir jliiin went to sleep, and f tried t"
ft wok© tlietn up, but they Woulo sl©©(.
it Again we shook bauds with each other,
*. kissed each other, and nil prayed.
i, Some of the men were crying. Wa
y who were aw.ike were anxhois to hear
-e><>mo signs of salvation coming to nr.
y I opened the door and went through
i- 10 the bottom of the shaft, hut almost
d tailed to come tuck. Hine© then I re
iiiemlu-r nothing—lt seems as if 1 hn<J
i, I 'ecu dreaming.'
>• •
'• The iiidetnidty that France agrees
to pay Germany amount* to sl2 > for
every faotiiy in th laud. Jt is pro*
|HNM-d lo taise th© first installment hy a
v loan among the French (ample. If the
't indemnity $ 1.000,000,000, be divided
on th© ©am© principla that wa. appli
**! to other similar exaction*, North
'© German v. not uieiuding lit.we, will
" raceiv© $763,000,000; Davaria, #130.-
'• 000,(MM); Wortembcrg, $ IH.O'MJ.OOO;
Baden, $33,000,000, and lies*, 82!,-
, Three Children Burned to Death.
Auburn. May 9, —Three children
i> were burned to death in this city yes
j .terday iftenwou, Thev were at (day
r ai an out houm where there was a l.ar
„ rel of lire-works, which exphided, uud
, ft is presumed thev were playing with
p| matches ami set fire to the content* of
t, the barrel. Two children wereprobn
i-jbly in-tautly killed by the explosion
11 Uud a third victim lingered some time,
,1 A lady wa* so shocked by the horrible
sight ilia! she died the same evening.
• S iSS
Uu be rt Barnes, of Evancfville, Ind.,
> -reeenlly dtH-c-a-el, left by his will five j
' hundred thousand dollars for the
1 founding aud Iml jw mcui of a colleg?.
> with th© proviso that uo miuister or
- clergyman, or agent of any religious
t sect, should ever be employed in such
• college, or even admitted within its
<ucluure. Stephen Girnrd made a
like provision in his will in regard to
the college at Philadelphia.
1 A decision of more tliau ordinary !
•interest has ju-t been rendered in 1
- one of the courts of lowo, and '
i' 1 which wid interest railroad companies j
aud th© traveling public alike. The j
case was that of a suit for damages
i against the Chicago and Northwestern
I Uaiirad Company, for injuries re
ceived by an aeeitfeut which was oe- j
ra-i med hy the intoxication of the
•. engineer of the pnarogtr train. The
: court held that a railway company k j
liable for damages caused by th© eare
ica-tie-s or inattention uf it* employes, !
and the tieciaion was amonpauied by
i some timely ami appropriate remarks
I 'eoucernitig th© impropriety of entrust- j
> ing intetnpcraU men with the '
ible <1 uty of running traiua. Th© de- .
1 ci-.ou fi to b commended and it is to
. b it ii ti-1 ifiit railr.tsd couqianuw will
1 Appreciate the necessity of employing
:;ott!y reliable o|era(ors.
(ruclly to Animals.
*j Nit tb© lat iiitcr.-ktinjj ioim tine
.daring siniver.sr.v wrk wss the an
' tiiverssty of the Aim-ri nn Society for the
• Pre* can jti of Cruelty to Aniuiats, wblrh
ii wa* held at the Society's r-nmu
Mr. H.-nry 11-rgh. the Pmideat, who
hs* hrrojeally deeote-l nl* whole titue to
1 promote the object of tb< Society, wi.hcut
- tisiy >r reasr.t of any kind, reviewed iu ■
Ij w rk during ihe past year, l(o refwrred to j
- the IV-ro-r-t <-*ute ana the n-w bill pa* J |
|t by the Leg-data re ls*t March, giving the j
S.h it-ty full ji>wer to rot irr the propecty '
, of the deceased philanthropist. He Mid it I
, wa s great souree of satisfaction to him to j
be sble to report that the human labor* of i
. the Society on behalf of the dumb portion 1
. of (iod's creation wore ©vary dy be<..:n
--( ing mure spprn ia|ed and approved of by
the c*oumunity. Oilo-r Stile* were c oa
i -taiitiy s-ko.g (or advka and aMistsuce
in etsbU>hittg sooilsr iitstilutionn, nod
there w re si prv enl tweaty-six brunch
and Stnte Socirtiea in full working ordr,
all bt ring t!<© shield of this the purent
S.velety. Kvrn Canada hd followed our
! example nd had twosoeieties modeled sf
' tcrourcimn. The rejs>rt of the Soer clary.
r Tr< asurer and Executive Committee were
then read, setting forth the work of the!
f Society a* follow* •
J "Miice the forniatlou of the Society, in
■' IMOM. It had obtained I.IO* eonvictions
- against i-erson* for varion* act* of enndty
r to animals. During the past twelvemonth*
- the Society had pr.eeouted Sl'2 cas.w Du
ring the nie period ' *;jr bundrtd* <f
I tamo <r othewlse dbabled animals bad
. been turned out of harness in the streets,
r many of then poor, worn-out, half starved
i, creatures. The several stage companies
J and street railroad compauies. had boon
.! thoroughly overhaul* 1, and over at*i had
| peon turned out frwtu lbr*e public convey
t snow a U-ing unfit for work. This work
n bad 1-e. n mostly performed during the
hours after dark, ahen the pnr-ituonions
I] owner* hoped to evade the f (ho
j officer* of lint aitlve rx-r
--_l ftotis uf I'm Sot ii ty bad also entirely put
e a stop to the cruil practice of using the bit
( burr or nc*dlc-|-ad n tho bridlu of the
! carriage hone, to cause the jwor U
j prance about jv+r hi* head and show
1 toie action.' Over SX) of the*© inierfUl
'j 1 machines aro in the posse-lion of the So
ci ty. Numerous raids have been made
' during the year open the rfljlm(ian>. swill
atilk dvidvte and fh© cow-shed* of this e*j
, 'and Urooklyn. Thnflnciety s*determined
j; to enforce the law in this respect, and the
I villainous distlbutors ofthe poisonous mix-
ItttraegHdi 'Pure Country Milk,' drawn
8 1 from the rotten carcases of the poor. hnlf.
1 'rvo(l an,l bloatwd 00wa, may look for
p| ward for lively time* during the coining
c , summer,"
Receipts fo-tee year ending April 30,
"18TI, slf,oßo 08; expenditure for the year
• 'ending April SO, 1871, $0,7.10 C.I. Of the
e bslaneo, $9,6u0 is in aid of the building
fund, and S!.%G 37 T*r gcneial expenses.
• dir. Ilergh was ro-olociod President with
i a list of officers coinpriaiug many of our
- most eminent and respected citizens.
An Important trial in Civil Kight took
' place ul (iretiada, Mississippi, last week.
Hum Carter, colored, sued the Mi—isaippi
and Tennessee Hailroad Company for $lO -
OQO damages for ejecting him nnd his w ifc
.jfroin a train as-igncd to white peojde
, alone. It was nsld, in the defense, that
"Mr*. Carter, on being put into a car •
I 'signtd to negro©*, objected because "them
country itiggcr* *tunk too much for her.''
The jury, on which were five black*, d©cs
- did for the defendant,
" Tho following is one day'* record in ( hi
' cago; Martin lleitada shot and killed bis
' Hflianceil, Catborina Nikeolan, and then
l ' killed himsolf; Charles ftttdelph Febick
v j shot nt but missed t;its divorced wife, nnd
v | then killed himself; Ilujow A. JusfCtts re
!: ccutly divorced, drowned himself.
I,| . •
It is estimated that the moutlily oil
production of Pourwylvjuuw. is 500,-
r 000 barrel*, tiiat at three dollars a bnr
rel would make 81,500,00 c.
A tlmuyl't ofu n makes us I otter
-'than a fir©.
'*l The Methodist camp meetings begin at
Salt Lake June 8. They will open under
1 a canvas tabernacle sufficiently large to
t ! ftceo mandate 10,111*1 people. The diflen-nt
railroad lines have arrtttged to issue c\-
ritrion ticket* from New York to SnK
Lake City an I return for sl.jl>. Tim
;, j lar faro both ways would cost $213, M>, 111:1k
'ing a saving of $03,40. |
1 1 1
A remedy fur tli© of wa>|>**,
best, Ac., I fiat often jrsvr efteelunl,
! i* simply t bold n elitet kejr or nnf
; Ihillow kfjr aver the gi'-e stiieg,
it hard ito tb© Ibsli f<r n ittiinib' or
*O, and glen laken oft, the p#i*<ni will
lie on tb© (un file© of tli© flteb and do
tfo harm. A thimble fc'itft n top
will do, hut iod quite am well.
Th© unpleasant odor produced by
peiepiration is frequently the source
of vexation to (H-raons who ar© subject
to it. Nothing is simpler tlino to re
move litis odor moro effectually than
hy the application of such costly per
fumes ami ungrul* as are in use. It
i* only necessary to procure some of
tli© compound spirits of umiiiouift. end
place nhout two taldespooiisful! ill n
i'u*< n of trator a Waehfaw th© fa*
hands ami arms with this, leaves the
skin sweet and rlrnn a* one could
wish. Th© wash i perfectly harmless,
and very cheap. It is recommended
on the authority of nit exjierienred
| physician.
Tint Patljtt Biout Hvixdu-
HoI- Farmers are lieeeieed by Signing
False Nates of Hsnd. —A m<ma thu
many swindliiij; op**rations of the da*,
the patent right dodge is largely prac
ticed on farmer*, and we ligv© heard
I of several casus in lit# country within
. a year. The following not© is a copy
■ of on© now iu use by these sharper*.
It will ap(>ear at first sight to be per
fectly simple, and 110.person wishing
to take any agency for any of th© pat
<lit* would h'-i-ime to sigu it:
SMITHVILLK. Fa, May 10th. 1871.
One year ajtrr date, Ipromise topay A. Sharp, or bearer, ten dollars trAen IscUby
order, Tuv Jfuwired and Seventy Fire O Jhtrg worth of Seating Machines,
for mine reccnW, al lea per test! per oNiii.m, ami ten dollars, rhen due, is
pagablc at I SmithvUU, Pa,
J OHS SMI TH, A gent for A. lirorrn.
Witness • John Doe,
Now, having iva-l the above note 1
carefully. ami supp-wing it to be nil
right for $lO, just cut in two between
the wonl* or, and bearer, in the first
line, and you will find that the left
hand piece i* a perfect note for $275. ,
Having induced a termer to accept any i
agency, as specified in the original
note, and having obtained his signs- '
ture, the sharper depart*. He then,i
cut* otr the right hand portion, j>ro ,
coed* to the nearest broker or banker,;
to whutn he offer* to sell the note at a;
discount on the pica of uced'ug the!
money. The signer generally a rc-j
•pitlUubU person, well krowii to thei
hii-im * n ii of the village, and the,
note is pun-baaed. When then.te falls;
due it i present for collection, and the
the* ignatures are indisputable, the br- 1
rifled farmer is compelled to pay $3751
when be only euppo.-cd that he owed!
This is oue of the most iuflitucu* up
all tricks f deception, and largely
practiced throughout the country.!
Farrm r- should cut litis out and pre-i
serve this carefully in order to guard
against being imposed on by uoscru
pulus scoundrels.
"■ 1,1 si '
J. H. Relfsnyder
Justice of the Peace, Surveyor, ami;
Attends to collectioni, surveying and!
dividing of land*. Particular attention
given to th'#e having land, or jr Hy fori
al#, ord.*)nngt<> ht:jr. U.oU Mortgage*
Ac . d,* , t,r,.v* and acknowledged upon
short notice, and reasonable term*.
<s• e over Snook S.or M dlucim, Pa.
News! See Here! -
The undersigned hereby informs tbe l
citisens of IVnnsvalley that he ha* |Kir
<lmn*d the Titihop heretofore carried on'
by llw C. 11. Mf g Co.. and wih
tuc same, at the old tar,i, in alt it* branch-j
, in t! • iMauuiaotnruof
siovi; PIPE d hporrnu.
AllklnJ* of repairing done, lie has
always on hand 1
Frui*, of ail Silts,
All a.'rk warraiitcj *i,d charges reason-!
able. A of the public patronage so-i
li.ii.Hl, ANTI) REKSM AV. j
StepTOy Centre Hall !
dealers iu
alto all the
A very large as
sortment or Toi
l.rr Aancir*.
Fa set C' od
Soaps, Ac., Ac.,
The litel qual
ity of 11 a t o a
K*!Vt-<. Si |i**Oß
and R\/OR.
Wall Paraa in
UKK.VT V arista.
PRESCRIPTIONS, ompoundod by com
petent druggists at all hours, day or night.
Night cwtonsrt pu 1 night bell,
liisliop St., lb! Monte Pa.
junlS \
Manliootl: How Lost, How Restored.
Just pub.ishad. a new edition of Dr. I
Culverweil's I'ulohrated F*ay untheradi-j
cal cure (without medicine) of Spuriaator-j
rh.ua, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary
Sctuinal Losses, luipots'uuy Meut.il and
Physical Incapacity. lmpbdimentito Mar
riage, etc; iil-<i, Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Kits, induced ny •elf-indulgence or
sexual extravagance,
Price, fn a scaled envelope, only 0
The celebrated author, iu this admirable
oat ay. clearly demonstrate- from a thirty
years successful practice, that the i.lanu
iugconsequeiiees of sell" abuse may be radi
cally cured without the dangerous use of
internal medicine ur the uppfi 'ation of the
knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once
simple, certain, and effectual, by means ol
which every sufferer no matter what his
condition may he, may cure himself cheap
ly, privately, and radically. -
' Thi Lecture should hp in the hands
of lyerr youth and every milu in the land.
Sent, under seal, iu a plain enve ope, to
any address, postpaid on receipt of six
cent*, or two post stamps.
Also, Dr. Culverweil's "Marriage
Guide," price2scent*.
V(hires* the Publishers,
I'JT Bowery, NFIV York, 1 "st-office Box
•t.GWS. sep2. ty
i'C'OAL, !
'I F
'! and I'OWDER!
n I
!|CO A L— Wilkesbarr* Coal, Chestnut I
Stove, Egg, furnace and foundry,
Coal -ofM# quality, at lb* low- 1
. et price*. Customer* will please j
1 if>Uf that our coal i housed un
der oiii modioli* *hed*.
•I I.IX X- Wood or coal-burnt Liiue, for sale
. at our kiln*, on the pike leading to
( l Mile* burg,
Po W DKlt.—Uaving raceived tbe affiMMty
for Du Pont'a Powder AT
I WHOLES A I.E. wa .ball be
,! pleased to receive order* from
the trade.
■ Office and yard near south end of Bald!
Regie Valley H. B. Depot, Bellcfonte. Pa !
j Ha* bean to tbe extreme end eftbe
market. For BOOTS A SHOES
to Button.
Por DBT GOODS to Sew Fork.
Kw CLOTHING to Philadelphia
vfe.Ka< h article bought directly
from the Manufacturer, with a de
aire to auit thi* market gM
KINK A LP AO AS from 40c to Tfic tba
hi,ot—equal to #l,2Balpaca*.
SUITS-fruit. #lO to #lB, beat all ;
wool Caaaimrior.
%Sulle intend* to close out kit
Carpet* at old rate*, trum 80 cent* to 7#
rent* per yard, for the beet.
And telliag from 121 to 16 cent*, the has |]
calicoes, and muslin* in proportion, at t
Women * Shoes, common good, to wea h
*ll summer, at #1 per pair
Pine Boots from #8,8(1 to #*, Bo for
at lhe!o*pkt rtp. and *al4 at 186T |rica 1
fi 0 I T 8,
from #IO,OO to #lB fur the host.
and If itaint true, Sternberg will treat.
Thev only a*k people to come and eea .
:*rcn if they do not wiah to boy.
r PIIK AN V iXSfOIKIa now neat *mg ]
L a large and well assorted Stock of
Hardware. Store*, Nail*, lioreSbov <**!-
j dlery, Glass. Paint*. Sheet. and Hoop'
; Iron also Baggy aad Wagon Stock of
erery dearrtitiuru—Call and *upply your- 1
' it;,u -uhe Yowcsl p<nble rate* at
• anin *. IRWIN A WILSON
On Allegheny Street.
, U.vliig purchased thr entire atock ofGotidsl
from Lerf A Miller and
are now piwpareJ to accommodate all the
.old jrimili of the —tabliabtoeM, and hoots!
jof new one*. * hei hand I
Sjrup, l irteil Fruit,
Canned Fruit, Haiue
Dried lkef, Salt,
Pick lee, Butter, Flour J
Com Meal,
Buckwheat Flour.
aqd *-ry thing usualy kept ia a well regu-J
laied fir* I cla* Grocery Store
in a r3. Hoi BUHLn GAULT,
BAROMETERS and Thorcuunrtrr*, at i
the very h-*t quality ju*l received*
Wolf* old stand j|
I .actio* Trmuartt,
Thi* invaluable article fusfomale*. I* now . 1
to be had at H<-rUW' store, aad B other 1
place in ('eats© county. Ladie* remember i 1
that Ueae truesue can be had at Centre!
• Hall it i
Chas. M. Held,
( lock, Walt-hiuakcr A Jewelet i
MiJihcim, Centre co,, iVuua.
Respectfully inform* hi* friends aad th< 4
public in general, that he hat part opened ,
at hi* new c*UMi*htuehK above Alt-tan
der'r Store, and keep* cuaMantly on hand
all kind* X CHock*. Watches ana Jewel r* I
,nf the latest atvk*. a* ah*o the Maiwnvill.
'Patent Calender Cluwk*, provided with .
• umpletc iuile\ of the moath, and day ••
the month and week ttfjt It* face, wkiehit
warranted a* a perfect tune-krem*.
I*. Clocks Watches aad Jewelry re .
puirad on short nolicmaad warranted
_ _ cpll48;ly 1
Tan lard.
The undersigned would respcctfeHj hi-;
form the citiaene of Centre eouwty, thai '
the above Tan Yard will again he put m i
o*ll operation, in nil U* branche*, by them. 1
| The highest market price will ba paid
; for Hide* of all kind*. The highest tnar-J|
ket price will aiau he paid for ThnneP*.
Hark. The public patronage i* solicilad I.
Satisfaction guantoteed. !
!Cl ATION.—For the Relief and Cure of •
the Krrit g and Unfortunate, on Principle
>f Christian Plulanthropy. '
K*ay* on the Error* of \uuth, and the
Polliea of Age, ii\ relation U> XAnaiaan ,
land Social a viL*, vrilh vauitarv aid fur the j
afflicted." ' Sent free, in *eale<d Etfvelope*. ,
Bo* P. Philadelphia, Pa. hillhlr (
■ a
WtTU ®
Instwoen Market and Arch, formerly 104. J
j Carpet*, Oil Chdh*. GH Shade*, Wick f
Yam, Cotton Yams, Carpet Chain*, Grain ,
! Bag-. Window Pa|KT, Batting, Ac. Abo.
I Brusho*, Looking Glase*, Ac. decU-ly
|and Conveyancer, 1 feeds, Bond*, MfJ*
jfage*, and all Instrument* of writing fiuth- i
fully attended to. Special attention gyen
|to the collection of Bounty and Pennion
I claims. Office ucarly opnoeite the Court y
I House, two door* above Meter*. Bueh A
Yocutn't Law Office Bellcfunte, Pa
! lOjunly .
inuiieat Ina xx a WIUOK e. c
j uptO'oß. "j
plated fork*. KixKUW, Ac, at
j nplO.ia itlW'lN AV" ILBON. _
B(h>fs, larg ? *tock.#l.tylWli*.nJ 1
prion*, for men and bay*. I*t arrived J
i at Wolrwtdl known old Stand. .
SCALES, at wholemU and retniL vbenpi 1
The Railroad
hiiK just arrived at
The Old Stand
at Centre Hail,
with the finest and
best stock ol"
, in Pennsvallej .
IIti, Cap#, Boots, Shea*.
•la* a lam ttmk
FISH, th# bant, all kind*,
the bit aad cheap— t la tba market.
aprTl WM. WOLF.
Furniture Rooms!
eaepacOuily inform* th# ciliacn* of CaU>
county, that be hMcowetantly on hand, aae
make* to urdar, aU kind* of
t n a! ER CU P BO AEI S
HOME Malta Caaiaa Aiwara g a>
Hi* flock of ready-made I ur altar* i* largo
and warranted of good worka—Mhip aad ia
at! made under hi* on immediate tuperv i
•ion. aad i* ugerod at rat— a* cheap aaoleo
whore. Thankful for pant flavor*, ha *oW
j it* a continuance of th* mm.
Gall and •#• hi* *tock hoforo aareha*tr
.•Le where. ap#4BTg.
# W . \
hmvi* I>caa ft*. IMf
Womx rvm.Ht*o Cat
MuMnmoi* Ran. PUakaqA. P*. >
, WW. a. BUI a, * * titzkk
Avtoraeyaat Law, Bollefonto,
Offic i, oa tba Diamaad. aert door to Gar
man'* hotel. Caaaabati—n ia Garman •
Engl *h. feblU Onf
JACOB KUtfNK Atsaraay at Law
. lrll*kißtc. Paaa'a., will attend pramp
liy to all legal bntine— rntnutrd to hi*
cara. Ofl— with J. F. Potter, aear the
Court Howte Conraltatiofi* ia Get man
or Knglbh. MkfpTUy
JOHN F. IHfTTKR, Attaraay at Law
Collect*©** promptly made and speeia
attention given to thu— having laad* or
property tor —la. Will draw ap and hava
acknowledged Daad*. Mortgage*. Ac. O'.
Bca ia tha diamond, north *ida of t l>
rwwtkoata, Betlcfonta. octEPPjKf
Mixar nnoA-Kiaaorr. i i
Prvaideat, Oukicr
(Lata Millikca, Hoover A Cm)
And Allaw Intercvt,
Di count Net—,
Bv v gad S#
Gaaernmcnt Saeuritiev, Go Ml aad
aplO titttf Cti oae.
J AN. M M ANUS. Ata—aay- at Law
BaMntonte. promptly attend* to all hu
ma— entmakaA ba him. JulS,6St(
DF. FORTNET, Attorney ah Lour
. Rvllefunta, Vi Offaa W Ray
■now* hank. tawkAWMf
n. g. m alliatkh, vnpif a iiavu
& ®IAV2f)
BeUeLmte, Caatre Oa., Pen a'a. apCStf
k*u" ' "> yarn ma, n
new budding the CWrt Hon©..
"Sim an tH' Adutmre
C. H. Guteliu#,
Surucon uml iwhanirai Dentist
Who I. pur—anantty located in Aaronsburg
tn the uffice formerly uceujued by Dr. Nen,
and who ha* been practicing with entin
*ueoe— hav ing the experience of a aumbei
•rjrcfW >n the profeuoa, he would curdi
ally invite all who have a* yet Juut giver
him a call, to do so, and teat the truthfuine>, r
of this assertion. #arTeth extracted
without pain. maySTCTtf
PU. *rf. Mli. I 1 !<y*!c!au nn J 31Tr
A gaoa, Centre Hall, Pa., oFer* h
profbasloaal service* to the citlxen* of Pe'*
tor aad adjoining township*. Dr. Neff ha
the experience of years ia the activ*
practice of medicine and mrgery. aplfrCf
X/ciau aad Surgeon, Potter Mill*, Pa.,
offer* hi* prvfe*iunal service* to tbe ciftt
,e n * t>f Fuitei township. iura6,ffl>,tf
jrxo. u. nnvia. c. T. alcxxxdkh
Attumeys-at-law. office inOonrad House.
Bellefoate, Pa.
with Orvi* A Alexander, attend* to e©Uee
Hon* and_grctice in the Orphan'* Qq*ft
SYRUP, the finest ever made, just re
ceived, cheap at Wolf told stand—try it
PA K L O rC-OOR 8 T O V Ks
I arior Stoves, and four size* of Gas
oOnSt * Dlly °? h,nd nd f, > r * a lvat
anicrw. Invmr a Wttjton'a.
BELLS, at low prices, at
aplfrCS. Ikwix a Wilbo m'
TT ANDgKLLS and Door Belf*, all *i-
XX rt and kind* at
•pJO* Ixwi* aWttaoxt